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HARP Fantasy softcover and hardcover available

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HARP Fantasy is now available in both softcover and hardcover formats

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Nachricht via Facebook bekommen... und YAY!

Boba Fett:
Na endlich!
Danke für dieInfo

And more to come :)

--- Zitat ---There is lots of exciting news to report on HARP Fantasy this month. For starters the new HARP Fantasy book is now available in softcover and hardcover via print-on-demand from RPGNow and other OneBookShelf outlets.

In other news, the long awaited HARP Martial Law and HARP College of Magics are due for release very soon and soon respectively. A complete pdf of the enhanced Martial Law is currently with proofreaders for a final typo catch. College of Magics has been updated to its new layout and updates are being made to its interior text. When they are released, both books will be available on special offer for a limited time to give all HARP fans the opportunity to upgrade to the new enhanced version.

It is expected that Martial Law will hit the pdf "shelves" before the next newsletter so keep and eye on our website / social media outlets / forums and we'll let you know the second it is available.
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--- Zitat von: Boba Fett (away) am 10.05.2013 | 22:17 ---Na endlich!
Danke für dieInfo

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Wie ist es denn? Und wo hast Du es bestellt?

--- Zitat von: TeichDragon am 23.05.2013 | 22:54 ---And more to come :)

--- Ende Zitat ---

Ich freu mich, wie ein Schneekönig ;)

HARP hat sich übriges als unser System der Wahl herausgestellt  :d :d :d
A Dieu Rolemaster, farewell Pathfinder. Und endlich darf ich mal wieder spielen...

Boba Fett:
Ich hab es bei Drivethru bestellt. Hat 2 Wochen gedauert, dann war es da.
Inhaltlich genau wie das PDF, aber die Qualität ist gut.
Bindung ist solide.


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