Autor Thema: [ANB:Charakter] Semibos, Glaive  (Gelesen 1127 mal)

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[ANB:Charakter] Semibos, Glaive
« am: 21.10.2013 | 10:08 »
Semibos, Tier 1
I am a strong glaive who fuses flesh and steel
           Might: 21
           Speed: 14
           Intellect: 9
Armor +3
Background: Biomechanical Modification -> Special Healing
Connection: A man you fought alongside in the military is now the mayor of a nearby town.
Connection: other PC knows secret of the true nature
Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: Against your better judgment, you joined the other PCs because you saw that they were in danger
(Wobei ich den Link von tough schöner fände: You’re acting as a bodyguard for one of the other PCs.)

Effort: 1
Edges: Might 1, Speed 1, Intellect 0
Cypher Use: 2 at the same time
Practiced in Armor, Practiced With All Weapons
Physical Skills: Trained in Climbing, trained in all actions involving breaking inanimate objects, trained in all jumping actions
Fighting Moves: Pierce (1 Speed point), Thrust (1 Might Point)

Starting Equipment:

    Crank Crossbow with 12 bolts
    Great Hammer
    Chainmail hauberk
    5 Shins
    Cypher 1 [GMs choice]
    Cypher 2 [GMs choice]
    Oddity 1 [GMs choice]
« Letzte Änderung: 7.10.2019 | 14:36 von Blechpirat »
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