
Aber ein bisschen stimmt es wohl - zumindest in dieser Runde ...

You Scored as Character Player
The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesn’t. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others he’s played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.
Charakter Player 85
Storyteller 75
Specialist 70
Casual Gamer 55 (Pfui!)
Weekend Warrior 55 (Hehe - I swear, I'm not! You have to believe me!!

Power Gamer 50 Dafaq??!!! (Wirklich nur in neuen Runden, wenn ich nicht weiss ob es kampflastig wird!! I swear!!!)
Tactitian 35 (Kann sein, weiss nicht - passt auf jeden Fall zum Chara ... oder ist es nur genau andersherum? *dundundunnn*)
(Ne, aber Quatsch, ist ja okay - hatte mich nur wohl so nicht wahrgenommen ...)
Edit 2: Muahaha

Dachte immer ich sei zum grossen Teil Simulationist,
aber das Quiz gab das nicht her und laut des Def Threads hier im Forum hab ich das sowieso immer falsch verstanden.

Edit: Aber die Grafik kann man nicht so einfach verlinken, oder?