Das KAP (King Arthur Pendragon) derzeit für 10$ / ~ €7,36€ im
New Game Sale von DriveThru ist, mag dem einen oder anderen schon aufgefallen sein.
Interessant eher die Meldung beim Checkout:
King Arthur Pendragon: Edition 5.1 Note:
Thank you for purchasing Edition 5.1 of King Arthur Pendragon. Nocturnal is committed to giving new life to this timeless classic roleplaying game. A large number of new and revised supplements are forthcoming.
Want to gift a copy of the rules to friends so they can play KAP with you? We invite you to do so with this special coupon to purchase additional copies of the game for only $10! (Anmerkung: Also wieder ~ 7.36€)
(Link natürlich NICHT vollständig.
