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Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #25 am: 14.06.2014 | 10:23 »
Fight for a Cause Greater Than Yourself

A Preview of the STAR WARS (R): Age of Rebellion (TM) Roleplaying Game

With the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Roleplaying Game, you and your friends gain the opportunity to fight for a cause greater than any one person. As members of the Rebel Alliance, you’ll undertake desperate and daring missions to help undermine the evil Galactic Empire and restore freedom to the galaxy!


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Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #26 am: 20.06.2014 | 16:11 »
The Rebel Alliance's View of the Galaxy

A Preview of the STAR WARS (R): Age of Rebellion (TM) Roleplaying Game

“The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.”
      –Leia Organa

The Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Roleplaying Game thrusts players into the middle of the civil war that rages between the evil Galactic Empire and the heroic, rag-tag bands of freedom fighters that comprise the Rebel Alliance.

In our last Age of Rebellion preview, we looked at how their allegiance to the Rebel Alliance gives player characters a cause to fight for that’s greater than themselves, and we explored how that idea carries out through the system’s epic scope: The missions your character undertakes will impact the fates of hundreds of Rebel soldiers, the outcomes of massed space battles, and the lives of millions throughout the galaxy.


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Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #27 am: 28.06.2014 | 08:34 »
Confronting the Imperial Menace

A Preview of the STAR WARS (R): Age of Rebellion (TM) Roleplaying Game

“Yes! I said closer! Move as close as you can and engage those Star Destroyers at point-blank range.”
      –Lando Calrissian

You and your wingmates barely manage to evade the laser blasts fired by the trio of TIE interceptors on your backs long enough to weave through an asteroid field, only to find an Imperial Star Destroyer dropping out of hyperspace ahead of you on the opposite side…

Welcome to life in the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Roleplaying Game!

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Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #28 am: 28.06.2014 | 22:39 »
Das wichtigste Zitat fehlt aber noch:
The Age Rebellion Core Rulebook is due to arrive at retailers late next week.


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Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #29 am: 30.06.2014 | 18:09 »
Adventures in an Age of Rebellion

A Preview of the STAR WARS (R): Age of Rebellion (TM) Roleplaying Game

“You know of the Rebellion against the Empire?”
      –Luke Skywalker

In the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Roleplaying Game, you and your friends assume the roles of members of the Rebel Alliance, which is vastly outnumbered and outgunned in its war with the evil Galactic Empire.

Accordingly, you’ll play your part in reconnaissance missions, intel operations, and guerrilla operations. You may support insurgent governments or rally new recruits. You might fly to battle alongside or within capital ships, and – on rare occasions – you might even take part in a key military strike that involves the entire Rebel fleet. No matter what mission you undertake, your ultimate goals will always be to undermine the Galactic Empire and free the galaxy from its tyranny.


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Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #30 am: 3.07.2014 | 19:30 »
Enter the Age of Rebellion

The Core Rulebook, Game Master's Kit, and Roleplaying Dice Are Now Available

Join the Rebel Alliance!

The Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Core Rulebook, Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Game Master’s Kit, and Star Wars® Roleplaying Dice are now available at your local retailer and online through our webstore.

Pick up your copies today, and play your part in the war for galactic freedom!

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Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #31 am: 15.07.2014 | 16:16 »

Das erste Abenteuer für AoR ist angekündigt.

Onslaught at Arda I is the first book-length adventure supplement for the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Roleplaying Game, set shortly after the Battle of Yavin, during a time in which the Empire has responded to the destruction of the Death Star by tightening its grip on the surrounding systems.

Throughout the adventure, players assume the roles of new Rebel recruits stationed at the secret base on Arda I, and when Imperial Star Destroyers appear in orbit, they must work together to both defend their base from a massed Imperial onslaught and root out the traitor that exposed them.


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Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #32 am: 17.07.2014 | 07:14 »
Civilization Doesn't Happen by Accident

A Preview of the Character Options Available in Far Horizons

Civilization doesn’t happen by accident. It’s hard work.

Accordingly, many people find it difficult to understand the colonist’s desire to brave remote areas and dangerous conditions in order to establish settlements on new worlds. When they could live on any of tens of thousands of civilized worlds, what exactly draws them to forge ahead with yet another settlement on a world that is most likely to be unremarkable or inhospitable?

This is a question that runs throughout Far Horizons, the Colonist sourcebook for the Star Wars®: Edge of the Empire™ Roleplaying Game.


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Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #33 am: 18.07.2014 | 19:47 »
Rebellion Day

Announcing a Global Event for STAR WARS (R): Age of Rebellion (TM)

“Count me in.”
      –Leia Organa

The Rebel Alliance needs all the heroes it can get. Will you be one of them?

This September 13th is Rebellion Day, and it’s your opportunity to celebrate Star Wars roleplaying by participating in the dramatic, introductory Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ adventure, Rescue at Glare Peak.

Designed for two to five players (one of whom assumes the role of Game Master), Rescue at Glare Peak challenges you and your friends to complete a daring rescue mission while the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance.

Rebellion Day Tanelorn Thread:,90240.0.html

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Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #34 am: 25.07.2014 | 21:57 »
Neues Preview für das Far Horizons Quellenbuch:


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Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #35 am: 30.07.2014 | 16:21 »
Thrust into Galactic Civil War

A Preview of the Age of Rebellion Adventure, Onslaught at Arda I

“Look, I ain’t in this for your revolution, and I’m not in it for you, Princess. I expect to be well paid. I'm in it for the money.”
      –Han Solo

As the first book-length adventure for the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Roleplaying Game, Onslaught at Arda I thrusts players’ characters into a rich and action-packed series of struggles against overwhelming Imperial forces. Your characters are likely to find themselves in more than one desperate situation, but if you maintain your courage, work together, and use your skills and blasters to good effect, you just might survive… and strike a massive blow against the Empire in the process.


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Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #36 am: 14.08.2014 | 17:46 »
The Rebellion Has Been Betrayed

Onslaught at Arda I Is Now Available for STAR WARS (R): Age of Rebellion (TM)

The sounds of alarms cut through the air. Imperial Star Destroyers loom above the horizon. TIE bombers race through the canyon, and the thunder of their bombs reverberates through the corridors of your base. Arda I is no longer safe.

The first book-length adventure for the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Roleplaying Game, Onslaught at Arda I is now available at your local retailer and online through our webstore!

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« Letzte Änderung: 14.08.2014 | 21:48 von tevanol »
It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs
Ve vant ze money, Lebowski.
Hey! It's Enrico Pallazzo!


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Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #38 am: 21.08.2014 | 07:05 »
Follow the Jedi Path

Join the STAR WARS (R): Force and Destiny (TM) Beta

“My ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we... not this crude matter.”

Fulfill your destiny as one of the galaxy’s few remaining Force users! You’ll soon have your chance to join the beta test for the Star Wars®: Force and Destiny™ Roleplaying Game.

The third of three epic, cross-compatible Star Wars roleplaying systems, Force and Destiny will soon be made available for beta testing through our webstore and participating retailers.


  • Gast
Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #39 am: 22.08.2014 | 17:04 »
Stay on Target

Announcing an Ace Career Supplement for Age of Rebellion

"Watch your back! Fighters above you, coming in!”
      –Wedge Antilles

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the upcoming release of Stay on Target, the first career supplement for the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Roleplaying Game!

Stay on Target focuses on the Ace career, expanding it with new specializations, talents, and signature abilities. Simultaneously, it introduces new character options for all players, including new species, starfighters, modifications, and equipment, as well as options for alien mounts. These large beasts feature prominently in one of the book’s new Ace specializations but lend advantages to any combatant who rides them into battle. Additionally, GMs gain new tools to help them incorporate Aces, starfighters, mounts, and rivals into a wide range of exciting and memorable adventures.


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Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #40 am: 8.09.2014 | 08:28 »
Offizielle Ankündigung fehlt:

Adversary Decks

These are the 3 Adversary Decks I picked up at GenCon in the FFG booth and it doesn't look like folks have mentioned them elsewhere yet.

Scum and Villany
Citizens of the Galaxy
Imperials and Rebels

• With the Scum and Villainy Adversary Deck, you can easily populate any palace, cantina, or seedy locale with gritty gangsters, criminals, and outlaws – both notorious and amateur.
• The Imperials and Rebels Adversary Deck gives you immediate access to thuggish enforcers, scheming politicians, and valiant freedom fighters of all levels, thrusting you more fully into the heat of the Galactic Civil War.
• The Citizens of the Galaxy Adversary Deck introduces a wide range of security guards, mechanics, politicians, and droids to add details and dramatic potential to your everyday interactions and encounters.

(Star - Link siehe unten)


Neue Specialization Decks:

The first seven Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks cover the Ace and Commander careers, as well as the Recruit specialization:

• Ace Driver
• Ace Gunner
• Ace Pilot
• Commander Commodore
• Commander Squadron Leader
• Commander Tactician
• Recruit
« Letzte Änderung: 8.09.2014 | 08:35 von Bangrim »


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Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #41 am: 11.09.2014 | 07:23 »
Feel the Conflict

The Force and Destiny Beta Rulebook Is Now Available

“Anger… fear… aggression. The dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.”

Use the Force, but use it wisely.

In the Star Wars®: Force and Destiny™ Roleplaying Game, you become one of the galaxy’s few remaining Force users – one of the few individuals capable of reaching out and touching the power that shares the fate of the galaxy. You will be hunted by the Empire and mistrusted by wary individuals who think of Jedi as the forgotten followers of a hokey religion. You will be forced to draw upon the Force to defend yourself and the lives of innocents. And you will be tempted by the dark side.


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Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #42 am: 12.09.2014 | 20:51 »
Hold Together

Four STAR WARS (TM) Dice Bags Are Now Available

“The Force is what gives the Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together."
     –Obi-Wan Kenobi

Four new Star Wars™ Dice Bags from Fantasy Flight Supply are now available at your local retailer and online through our webstore!

Galactic Empire
Boba Fett
Rebel Alliance

Ensure that your dice and game components remain bound together.

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Lords of Nal Hutta
« Antwort #43 am: 15.09.2014 | 18:16 »
Announcing a Hutt Space Sourcebook for Edge of the Empire

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the upcoming release of Lords of Nal Hutta, a Hutt Space sourcebook for the Star Wars®: Edge of the Empire™ Roleplaying Game that allows you and your friends to escape the oppressive rule of the Empire and engage in devious schemes with the galaxy’s slimiest and most notorious gangsters: the Hutts.

Name your vice: gambling, luxury, spice, or beauty, perhaps? Whatever your pleasure, you can find it in abundance in Hutt Space, provided you’re willing to pay. Smugglers, freelancers and mercenaries flock to the galaxy’s many Hutt-controlled hives of scum and villainy to fulfill their depraved desires or make a quick profit. Opportunity is abundant, but it comes at a perilously steep price. Anyone who flies Hutt Space lanes and hauls their questionable cargo must continuously ask themselves how far they’re willing to go in the name of cold, hard credits.

In the 144 pages of Lords of Nal Hutta, Game Masters can find all the information they need to bring the most corrupt and lawless stretch of the galaxy to life. The book places everything you need to base a campaign in this infamous region at your fingertips, including information on over a dozen planets and their history, people and culture, points of interest and plot hooks, as well as local creatures and challenges.


  • Gast
Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #44 am: 24.09.2014 | 07:36 »
Always Be Ready for Action

Announcing Seven Specialization Decks for STAR WARS (R): Age of Rebellion (TM)

Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce that seven new Specialization Decks for Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ are now available at your local retailer and online through our webstore!

These decks represent each of the Ace and Commander specializations from the Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook, as well as the universal Recruit specialization: Ace Driver, Ace Gunner, Ace Pilot, Commander Commodore, Commander Squadron Leader, Commander Tactician, and Recruit.

Whether you start as a recruit or join the Rebellion as an Ace pilot defecting from the Imperial Navy, the cards from these specialization decks will help you climb effortlessly through the ranks of the Rebel Alliance and make your mark in the Galactic Civil War!


Manage Your NPCs With Three New Adversary Decks
Add Color and Conflicts to Your STAR WARS (R) Roleplaying Games

Three new Adversary Decks are now available to add color and conflicts to your Star Wars roleplaying campaign!

The galaxy is an incomprehensibly vast place, with more variety than any one being can hope to experience and appreciate during a lifetime. There are thousands upon thousands of inhabitable worlds, filled with hundreds of thousands of intelligent species of every imaginable shape and size. Each of the twenty cards in an Adversary Deck represents an NPC drawn from the Core Rulebooks or other supplements for Star Wars®: Edge of the Empire™, Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™, or Star Wars®: Force and Destiny™, giving you quick access to a wide range of friends and foes.


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Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #45 am: 14.10.2014 | 09:05 »
Use Your Talents. Make a Difference.

Six New Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks Are Now Available

“The Empire doesn’t consider a small one-man fighter to be any threat, or they’d have a tighter defense. An analysis of the plans provided by Princess Leia has demonstrated a weakness in the battle station.”
   –General Jan Dodonna

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce that six new Specialization Decks are now available for the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Roleplaying Game!

Diplomat Ambassador Specialization Deck
Diplomat Agitator Specialization Deck
Diplomat Quartermaster Specialization Deck
Engineer Mechanic Specialization Deck
Engineer Saboteur Specialization Deck
Engineer Scientist Specialization Deck

Available via FFG’s in-house manufacturing, these Specialization Decks provide you quick and easy access to all the talents and abilities from the Diplomat and Engineer careers. This means you will spend less time consulting your blueprints and more time updating Rebel tech, blowing up Imperial shield generators, and convincing the galaxy’s citizens to join the fight for freedom.


  • Gast
Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #46 am: 12.11.2014 | 18:58 »
Fly Casual

Announcing a Smuggler Sourcebook for Edge of the Empire

“Don’t get jittery, Luke. There are a lot of command ships. Keep your distance though, Chewie, but don’t look like you’re trying to keep your distance.”
    –Han Solo

Risk and opportunity are two sides of the same coin, and in a galaxy riven by war, opportunities abound for those willing to take the risks. Across the stars, smugglers flaunt the Empire’s laws to turn a profit. These daring outlaws, scoundrels, and con artists gamble it all for a shot at getting rich…

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the upcoming release of Fly Casual, a smuggler sourcebook for Star Wars®: Edge of the Empire™!

Smuggling in the Star Wars galaxy is a high stakes job filled with danger and excitement. However, flying from one planet to another, sneaking past Imperial patrols, and dealing with the scum of the galaxy is not just a job; it is a way of life. For those men and women drawn to this lifestyle, its opportunities, its freedoms, and its thrills, Fly Casual offers a terrific haul of new character options, equipment, ships, modifications, and potential jobs.

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Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #47 am: 12.12.2014 | 12:09 »
Gearing Up for a Fight

Preview the Vehicles and Beasts of Stay on Target

Man your ships! And may the Force be with you!
   –General Dodonna

Rebel Aces live for the excitement of battle. The thrill of successfully steering through an asteroid field while fleeing a squadron of TIE fighters. The rush of speeding into the fray as you shoot at every enemy within sight. The suspense of not knowing whether that last-minute weapons adjustment will save your life or get you killed. At these moments, your vehicle or beast is not just your transportation, but your chosen weapon, your shield, and maybe even your best friend.

Stay on Target, an Ace career supplement for Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™, features over twenty new vehicles and starships that Ace characters might take into battle – or find themselves fighting against. Stay on Target gives those interested in the Beast Rider specialization a range of species to ride into battle. Today’s preview looks at a few of these vehicles: a top-of-the-line landspeeder, a heavily-armed long-range starfighter, and a droid-equipped starcraft from the Clone Wars. We’ll also look at two beast mounts: the noble, flying Ruping and the ferocious, catlike Narglatch, and take a peek at the rules that allow any character to use an animal, tamed or not, as their mount.
Sorry, you must have been boring.

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Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #48 am: 23.12.2014 | 22:06 »
   Cleared for Launch

The Stay on Target Ace Sourcebook is Now Available

Take part in daring raids, thrilling dogfights, and incredible escapes. Stay on Target, an Ace career supplement for Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ is now available at your local retailer and in our online store.

Stay on Target provides fresh options for Ace characters, along with new vehicles, gear, and ships for your Age of Rebellion campaign. For GMs and non-Ace characters, it contains the material you need to stage a thrilling dogfight in an asteroid belt, send guerrilla troops riding Banthas across the desert, create the bravest Xexto pilot in the Rebel Alliance, or work with an astromech droid to survive an interplanetary battle.
Sorry, you must have been boring.

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Re: Star Wars - News (keine Diskussionen!)
« Antwort #49 am: 7.01.2015 | 22:47 »
Worlds of Iniquity
Preview the Locations and Modular Events of Lords of Nal Hutta

“Let the Empire think they control the galaxy – we know where the true power lies.”
   –Jabba Desilijic Tiure, Lords of Nal Hutta

Home to lethal political posturing, high-stakes smuggling, and decadent luxuries, Hutt Space is one of the most dangerous and profitable regions in the galaxy. In Lords of Nal Hutta, a supplement for Star Wars®: Edge of the Empire™, players venture into this lawless sector where the Empire has little power, immense wealth lives side by side with terrible poverty, and any deal might result in terrible pain or tremendous profit. You’ll find ample descriptions of several Hutt planets and countless details about Hutt culture in Lords of Nal Hutta, enabling you not only to create complex Hutt PCs and NPCs, but stage an entire campaign in Hutt Space.
Sorry, you must have been boring.