Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > OD&D/AD&D/Klone & OSR
Arneson OSR-RPGs
D. M_Athair:
Hat jemand sich mal die Sachen angeschaut, die auf Arneson beruhen sollen?
Dragons at Dawn (review)
Champions of ZED (kickstarter)
Zur Genesis:
--- Zitat ---"Dragons at Dawn focuses on Dave Arneson and the Minnesota group of gamers. It deliberately tries to build on the quirks and unique things happening there between 1971-1975, - so there is a Merchant class and a Sage class, in D@D for example - while excluding more familiar game elements. The magic is alchemical, combat involves saving throws to avoid damage and so forth.
Champions of ZED on the other hand, has none of that "experimental" stuff. It hews as close as possible to the best and most complete of the original game rules as written in 3lbb's, BTPBD, CM, the appropriate sections of the FFC, Supplement II and Gygax and Arneson house rules, etc. Are there points of agreement between the two? Of course, but those using Champions of ZED will generally find themselves in much more familiar territory than those playing Dragons at Dawn."
--- Ende Zitat ---
... worin unterscheiden sich die Spiele zu anderen OSR-Sachen? Steckt da mehr Freiform drin?
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