Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > World of Darkness

Vampire the Requiem

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Selganor [n/a]:

--- Zitat ---Von:Justin Achilli (
Betrifft:Re: It's the End of the World as We Know It... - some thoughts
Datum:2004-01-19 10:32:54 PST

in article 1qUOb.19426$, Shane
Graves at wrote on 1/19/04 12:25 PM:

> "Justin Achilli"
>> There are suggestions in Chapter One for including the other supernaturals
>> as you wish in the chronicle conclusion. As I said to James, though, my
>> desire was to make the book a conclusion for Vampire, and not a conclusion
>> for the World of Darkness.
> A long time ago you said you knew how the WoD was going to end (at least,
> the Vampire end of it).  Was Wormwood really the way you pictured it ending?
> Or did your point of view change since then?

I had a general view of the Vampire side's conclusion, and, while "Wormwood"
isn't exactly it, the wee scenario is included in the book, in the intro or
Chapter One. (It also served as a guideline to Wormwood's writer.) In my
mind, Vampire does not go out with a bang, it goes out with a whimper, as
God turns his back on the "vampire experiment" and leaves it to die off.

--- Ende Zitat ---
Wozu Google nicht alles gut sein kann... ;)

und noch ein Zitat von Justin:

--- Zitat ---There _are_ no canon answers. Canon means absolutely nothing to any given individual game. All anyone who wants "all the answers" can hope for is _my_ answer, and I'm not usually rushing to give it. I'd rather have a few thousand people discussing at length what a given plot element could mean than a few thousand people who pick up a book, read a fact and think, "Oh, so that's what happened." My job is to keep people interested in the game, and I try to accomplish that through game materials that take a maieutic approach. Players and Storytellers have a far more significant impact on their own chronicles than I ever could or should, and that's the way I like it.

Do I drop hints and teasers every now and then? Sure. But they're never, "The Lasombra Antediluvian was really so-and-so." They're more along the lines of, "Why have the Lasombra Antediluvian and so-and-so never been seen in the same place together?"

--- Ende Zitat ---

Vandal Savage:
Nun gut, dass ist halt einfach der Stil der weißen Wölfe, nichts konkret zu bestimmen. Das kann man mögen oder auch nicht, aber gewöhnen muss man sich als WoD-Spieler wohl dran :)

Selganor [n/a]:
Die Methode finde ich besser als konkrete Aussage in Abenteuern oder Sourcebooks drinzuhaben (ich denke da nur an Systeme in denen das Geschlecht des maechtigsten Herrschers einfach mal so "geaendert" wird...)

was kommt eigentlich nach der "Welt der Dunkelheit"?
die hamse ja grad gekillt, hat WW jetz eigentlich n neuen namen für seine welte(n)?

Selganor [n/a]:
Wieso ungluecklich? ;D


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