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Eigenhack - Your Majesty - Moves und Feedback
« am: 21.08.2014 | 23:28 »
Hallo Leute,

ich arbeite fürs Große grade an einem eigenen Hack für "Apokalypse World" (oder besser "Monsterhearts" und "Sagas of the Icelanders", die meine Regellieferanten sind, plus der "World of Ice and Fire Hack"). Fernziel soll sein, das Flair von Serien wie The Tudors, The Borgias, The White Queen, Kings aber auch Downtown Abbey einzufangen... also alles, wo es Bedienstete und Herrschende gibt und Sex, Willkür, Intrigen und Sex eine Rolle spielen.

Ich habe nach langem Überlegen schonmal sowas wie Stats gefunden, obwohl ich noch nicht so zufrieden bin:

Blasé = Gelangweilt, gleichgültig, überheblich, kalt, willensstark, unbeeindruckt
Notable = Von Rang und Namen, auffällig, bemerkenswert, einprägsam, kontaktreich, beachtet
Valiant = Mutig, heldenhaft, tugendhaft, unbetroffen von Schmerz oder Gefahr
Prudent = Umsichtig, besonnen, wachsam, aufmerksam, vernünftig, wissend

Und hier noch die Grundmoves (dazu kommen noch die Rolebook-Moves und die geschlechtsspezifischen Moves, die ich aus Sagas of the Icelanders entlehnen werde). Bitte kommentiert, was ich schon gemacht habe. Kenne mich mit "Powered by the Apokalypse" noch nicht so aus:

Read the hearts
When you read a persons heart roll +prudent
On a 10+ hold 3. On a 7-9 hold 1. While your interacting with them, spend hold to ask the MC questions, 1 for 1:
- Is this character telling the truth?
- What is this character really feeling?
- What does this character intend to do?
- What does this character wish I would do?
- What does this character hide from me?

On a miss, you learn nothing but reveal something. They gain a string on you.
For PCs: Spend 1 string you have on them and hold 1. You can spend additional strings to hold more.

Have one ear at the court
When you try to learn what's going on at court/in the household, roll +notable
On a 10+ hold 3. On a 7-9 hold 2. Spend hold during the scene to learn:
- What is the current situation at court?
- Who is the most powerful or favored person in court?
- What is the safest position I can take in the current situation?
- Who has the upper hand in the situation at the moment?
- Who is my most dangerous enemy at court?
- Who is the most vulnerable person at court?

When you act on one of the MC's answers take 1 forward.

Make a show of yourself
When you want to swagger and be generous with your virtues or resources in front of someone else, roll +notable
On a 10+ you become the kingpin subject of conversation in court and you impress the ones you wanted to impress. Take a String on them.
On a 7-9 you choose one:
- You impress the ones you wanted to impress, but you are in some third party's debt. They gain a string on you.
- They are not as impressed as you had hoped, but they honor your efforts. Take +1 forward against them.
- You impress someone you didn't want to impress. Take a string against them instead. The MC chooses who it is.

On a miss, you make a fool of yourself.

Keep your countenance
When you have to keep your countenance, roll +blasé
On a 10+ you just shove it off.
On a 7-9 you pull yourself together, but not without flinching. The MC can offer you a worse result, a hard bargain or an ugly choice.
On a miss you lose it completely.

Beg a favour
When you beg a favour tell them what you want of them and roll +valiant
On a +10, they will do so, if you promise them something in return
On a 7-9, the MC tells what it would take to have them do you this favour. Do it and they will.
On a miss, they know you need help. They gain a string on you.
For PCs: Spend 1 string you have on them and offer them to mark experience.

Fall on hard times
When you fall on hard times, roll +valiant
On a 10+ you choose 2. On a 7-9 you choose 1.
- It will get by on it's own (otherwise you need assistance and may have to demand a favour)
- It doesn't have a lasting effect (otherwise choose an effect)
- It gives you purpose (gain 2 Strings on whom you consider responsible)
On a miss, the times break you. The MC offers you a worse outcome, a hard bargain or an ugly choice.

Shed a nasty rumour
Say something uncomplimentary about a person, then roll +blasé
On a 10+ it will spread and everyone believes it. The victim of this rumor chooses one:
- They don't counter the rumour, confirming its truth in everyone's eyes
- They act to prove otherwise
On 7-9 it will spread and everyone believes it. The victim of the rumor chooses one
- They loose their countenance, once they encounter you
- They demand satisfaction later in a duel against you or a loved accquaintance of yours, once they encounter you
- They demand a formal apology, once they encounter you
On a miss, no one will believe it and you come across as a fool

Go unnoticed
When you want to go unnoticed or do something in private, roll +prudent.
On a 10+ you are the only one who knows you were there and what you did.
On a 7-9 things got complicated. Choose one:
- Someone unimportant witnessed you, and that just made them important.
- You do it hurriedly and unprecise, so the result is somewhat inferior to what you intended.
On a miss, whoever should not learn of what you wanted to do learns of it immediately.

Soweit dazu. Kommentare?
Engel – ein neues Kapitel enthüllt sich.

“Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass es viele verschiedene Arten von Rollenspielern gibt, die unterschiedliche Vorlieben und Perspektiven haben. Es ist wichtig, dass alle Spieler respektvoll miteinander umgehen und dass keine Gruppe von Spielern das Recht hat, andere auszuschließen oder ihnen vorzuschreiben, wie sie spielen sollen.“ – Hofrat Settembrini