Autor Thema: [Modern/The Red Star] Corporate Samurai Class  (Gelesen 668 mal)

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[Modern/The Red Star] Corporate Samurai Class
« am: 21.09.2014 | 02:18 »
So lange d6ideas im Wartungs- und Umbaumodus ist, muss ich die Klasse kurz andernorts auskotzen, nachdem ich sie endlich einmal vollends zusammengesteckt habe, wenn auch noch sehr vorläufig.

Eigentlich hätte ich gerne noch eine breitere Auswahl bei den Heirloom Weapons, aber die vierfache Abstufung des Fighting Styles (die ich eigentlich eigens dafür von den restlichen Heirloom Features abgetrennt habe) steht mir da noch im Weg.

Die Allegiances machen im Moment leider ziemlich wenig, für mehr habe ich auf Anhieb aber keinen Platz gefunden (ohne Stoicism noch furchtbar aufzublähen und dort Allegiance-abhängige Bedingungen für den Einsatz einzubauen).

Wie für The Red Star üblich sind ein paar in Modern nicht vorhandene Feats als Class Features fest verbaut (Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Specialization) zusammen mit Critical Strike sind das ziemlich feste Eckpunkte in allen kampforientierten Red Star-Klassen.

Nach kurzer Überlegung habe ich mich gegen den Pathfinder-Samurai als Vorlage entschieden, hauptsächlich, da ich Challenge für eine Isle of Lions-Klasse reservieren möchte (wenn ich mich jemals so weit durch den Atlas von The Red Star durchfräsen sollte).

(Ansonsten ist Balance bei The Red Star ohnehin so eine Sache, und steht für mich in meinen eigenen Runden auch nicht so weit oben.)

Corporate Samurai

Hit Die: 1d12
Action Points: 6 + one-half character level, rounded down, every time the character attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills
The Corporate Samurai's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are as follows.
Climb (Str), Computer Use (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (any) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Drive (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Investigate (Int), Jump (Str), Knowledge (any) (Int), Listen (Wis), Navigate (Int), Perform (any) (Cha), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Repair (Int), Research (Int), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (none), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str) and Treat Injury (Wis).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (9 + Int Modifier) x 4.
Skill Points at Each Level: 9 + Int Modifier.
Required Allegiance: Any one corporation or corporate manager

Starting Feats
In addition to the two feats all characters get at 1st level, a Corporate Samurai begins play with the Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (light), Personal Firearms Proficiency, and Simple Weapons Proficiency feats.

Starting Equipment
Pair of heirloom weapons, knife, undercover vest and business suit. Starting Wealth Bonus +4.

Class Base Attack   Fort  Ref   Will  Defense  Reputation   Class 
Level    Bonus      Save  Save  Save   Bonus      Bonus    Features
 1st  +1             +2   +0    +1     +0          +0   Heirloom weapons, fighting style, quick draw (heirloom weapons), weapon focus (heirloom weapons)
 2nd  +2             +3   +0    +2     +1          +0   Stoicism (single condition)
 3rd  +3             +3   +1    +2     +1          +0   Bonus feat
 4th  +4             +4   +1    +2     +1          +1   Weapon specialization (heirloom weapons)
 5th  +5             +4   +1    +3     +2          +1   Master's voice
 6th  +6/+1          +5   +2    +3     +2          +1   Improved fighting style
 7th  +7/+2          +5   +2    +4     +2          +2   Bonus feat
 8th  +8/+3          +6   +2    +4     +3          +2   Improved critical (heirloom weapons)
 9th  +9/+4          +6   +3    +4     +3          +2   Heirloom spirit
10th  +10/+5         +7   +3    +5     +3          +3   Stoicism (temporary hit points)
11th  +11/+6/+1      +7   +3    +5     +4          +3   Advanced fighting style, bonus feat
12th  +12/+7/+2      +8   +4    +6     +4          +3   Greater weapon focus (heirloom weapons)
13th  +13/+8/+3      +8   +4    +6     +4          +4   Heirloom spirit
14th  +14/+9/+4      +9   +4    +6     +5          +4   Death before dishonor
15th  +15/+10/+5     +9   +5    +7     +5          +4   Bonus feat
16th  +16/+11/+6/+1  +10  +5    +7     +5          +5   Fighting style mastery, greater weapon specialization (heirloom weapons)
17th  +17/+12/+7/+2  +10  +5    +8     +6          +5   Heirloom spirit
18th  +18/+13/+8/+3  +11  +6    +8     +6          +5   Stoicism (multiple conditions)
19th  +19/+14/+9/+4  +11  +6    +8     +6          +6   Bonus feat
20th  +20/+15/+10/+5 +12  +6    +9     +7          +6   Critical strike (heirloom weapons)

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Corporate Samurai class.

Heirloom Weapons
A 1st level Corporate Samurai is presented with a pair of heirloom weapons. He has the choice of either a katana and a wakizashi, or a Type 100 sub-machine gun and a Type 10 pistol. All heirloom weapons are of masterwork quality. He gains either Exotic Weapon Proficiency (katana) or Advanced Firearms Proficiency as a bonus feat, as befitting his choice of heirloom weapons.
If a Corporate Samurai ever loses one or both of his heirloom weapons, he may no longer benefit from any of his class features which require the use of his heirloom weapons until he has either recovered the lost weapon(s) or has been presented with a replacement (of the same type) by a corporate manager to whom he has an Allegiance.

Fighting Style
A 1st level Corporate Samurai gains the benefits of the Two Weapon Fighting feat while fighting with one of his heirloom weapon in the main hand and his second heirloom weapon in the off-hand. He does not heed to meet the prerequistes of the feat.

Quick Draw
At 1st level, a Corporate Samurai gains the Quick Draw feat. He may use this feat only in conjunction with his heirloom weapons.

Weapon Focus
At 1st level, a Corporate Samurai gains the Weapon Focus feat for both his heirloom weapons.

A Corporate Samurai of at least 2nd level may spend an Action Point to ignore the effects of any one of the following conditions dazed, disabled, fatigued, or shaken for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution modifier (minimum 1). The Corporate Samurai may choose to use this ability immediately when he first becomes affected by one of these conditions or he may use it at a later time as a standard action.
After losing hit points due to any reason, a Corporate Samurai of 10th level or higher may spend an Action Point and make a Concentration check against a DC equal to the number of lost hit points. If he succeedsheto immediately gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the result of the Concentration check. The temporary hit points disappear after 1 hour.
Beginning at 18th level, he may spend an Action Point to ignore the effects of all of the following conditions cowering, dazed, disabled, exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, panicked, shaken, and stunned for a number of hours equal to his Constitution modifier (minimum 1). The Corporate Samurai may choose to use this ability immediately when he first becomes affected by one of these conditions or he may use it at a later time as a standard action.

Bonus Feats
At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, the Corporate Samurai gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Corporate Samurai must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it.

Advanced Combat Martial Arts, Agile Riposte, Alertness, Animal Affinity, Armor Proficiency (medium), Armor Proficiency (heavy), Athletic, Attentive, Blind Fight, Burst Fire, Combat Expertise, Combat Martial Arts, Combat Reflexes, Combat Throw, Confident, Creative, Cyborg, Dead Aim, Defensive Martial Arts, Dodge, Double Tap, Educated, Elusive Target, Endurance, Far Shot, Focused, Frightful Presence, Gearhead, Great Fortitude, Gunnery, Heroic Surge, Improved Combat Martial Arts, Improved Combat Throw, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Logistician, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Precise Strike, Quick Reload, Renown, Spring Attack, Studious, Surface Vehicle Operation, Trustworthy, Whirlwind Attack, Windfall.

Weapon Specialization
At 4th level, a Corporate Samurai gains weapon specialization with his heirloom weapons. He gets a +2 bonus on damage rolls when using a heirloom weapon.

Master's voice
A Corporate Samurai of 5th level or above may add a circumstance bonus to any reputation checks and requisition checks he makes. This circumstance bonus is equal to the reputation bonus of a corporate manager to whom he has an Allegiance.

Improved Fighting Style
A 6th level Corporate Samurai gains the benefits of the Improved Two Weapon Fighting feat while fighting with one of his heirloom weapon in the main hand and his second heirloom weapon in the off-hand. He does not heed to meet the prerequistes of the feat.

Improved Critical
At 8th level, a Corporate Samurai doubles the threat range of his heirloom weapons.

Heirloom Spirit
At 9th level, the Corporate Samurai may treat his heirloom weapons as if the had a Damage Enhancement I weapon enhancement.
At 13th level, the Corporate Samurai may treat his heirloom weapons as if they additionally had the Damage Enhancement II or the Armor Piercing I weapon enhancements. The choice of which enhancement to use must be made upon reaching the level and may not be altered later.
At 17th level, the Corporate Samurai may treat his heirloom weapons as if they additionally had the Damage Enhancement III or the Armor Piercing II or the Protocol Piercing I weapon enhancements (even though Protocol Piercing I normally is only available as an ammunition enhancement). The choice of which enhancement to use must be made upon reaching the level and may not be altered later.

Advanced Fighting Style
An 11th level Corporate Samurai gains the benefits of the Advanced Two Weapon Fighting feat while fighting with one of his heirloom weapon in the main hand and his second heirloom weapon in the off-hand. He does not heed to meet the prerequistes of the feat.

Greater Weapon Focus
At 12th level, a Corporate Samurai gains greater weapon focus with his heirloom weapons. This increases the bonus to attack rolls to +2 when using a heirloom weapon.

Death Before Dishonor
Before taking a Will save, a Corporate Samurai of at least 14th level may decide to immediately drop to 0 hit points or lose 1 further hit point if already at 0 hit points or below. If he does, he automatically passes the Will save and any further Will saves he would be required to take during the same encounter.

Fighting Style Mastery
While fighting  with one of his heirloom weapon in the main hand and his second heirloom weapon in the off-hand, a 16th level Corporate Samurai may treat the heirloom weapon in his off-hand as one size category smaller than its actual size for the purpose of determinig two weapon fighting penalties.

Greater Weapon Specialization
At 16th level, a Corporate Samurai gains greater weapon specialization with his heirloom weapons. This increases the bonus on damage rolls to +4 when using a heirloom weapon.

Critical Strike
At 20th level, a Corporate Samurai automatically confirms a critical threat as a critical hit when using his heirloom weapons.

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