Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > 13th Age
[13th Age] Nachrichten
13G kommt wohl tatsächlich noch in diesem Leben!
--- Zitat ---Rob Heinsoo has just informed 13th Age Glorantha Kickstarter backers that we plan to start distributing the 13th Age Glorantha and the Glorantha Sourcebook PDFs next week!
Right now, we're in the we're in the approvals phase now rather than the production phase, and we're all thrilled! More details about next steps in the most recent backer update, but as a preview of what's coming next week, here's a near-final version of the 13G front cover, as designed by Lee Moyer & Chris Huth.
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General Kong:
Sieht ja nicht schlecht aus. Bin gespannt! :d
Simon Rogers in der Märzausgabe von See page XX
--- Zitat ---The Book of Ages is the next book in the production schedule, and we’ve unknotted the Cartography Conundrum which has plagued Shards of the Broken Sky. I can’t make any promises for a release date as yet. You know what the most popular book at my table is? The Book of Loot! And players can never get enough treasure, so we are following up with Loot Harder – hundreds of new magic items including campaign-changing artifacts.
We are having a 13th Age production meeting next week to hammer out the next two years’ releases but I have learned my lesson and won’t promise concrete news until I am sure what’s up.
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Loot Harder: A Book of Treasures
--- Zitat ---You’ve defeated the monsters, now it’s time to loot the lair! By ENnie award-winning author ASH LAW, Loot Harder: A Book of Treasures brings you hundreds of new magic items for your 13th Age game, including true magic items, consumables, and items for new classes.
Brave adventurers (and GMs) will also find game-changing, campaign-defining iconic relics; “minor” magical treasures that require no attunement; and of course (or should we say, “of curse”), those rare riches that exact a price. Plus: adventure hooks, new item types (scepters, chalices, orbs), lair items, linked thematic item sets, and iconic artifacts!
Think you’ve looted as hard as you can? Get ready to LOOT HARDER!
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Die 13th Age-Regeln gibt es jetzt als Fantasy Grounds-Set.
Interessant finde ich den 4E-Look der Stat Blocks im Bestiary.
Völlig legitim, da 13A sich dort ja beim Besten von 4E bedient.
by the way: Was bringt mir fantasyground?
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