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[13th Age] Nachrichten
Mr. Ohnesorge:
--- Zitat ---Loot Harder: A Book of Treasures
You’ve defeated the monsters, now it’s time to loot the lair!
By ENnie award-winning author ASH LAW, Loot Harder: A Book of Treasures brings you hundreds of new magic items for your 13th Age game, including true magic items, consumables, and items for new classes.
Brave adventurers (and GMs) will also find game-changing, campaign-defining iconic relics; “minor” magical treasures that require no attunement; and of course (or should we say, “of curse”), those rare riches that exact a price. Plus: adventure hooks, new item types (scepters, chalices, orbs), lair items, linked thematic item sets, and iconic artifacts!
Think you’ve looted as hard as you can? Get ready to LOOT HARDER!
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ASH LAW ist jetzt auf Patreon und erstellt für Unterstützer Abenteuer, Talents, Klassen u.a.
--- Zitat von: Ginster am 7.09.2018 | 09:53 ---ASH LAW ist jetzt auf Patreon und erstellt für Unterstützer Abenteuer, Talents, Klassen u.a.
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Und er plant seine Abenteuer Module mittelfristig auch auf RPGNow reinzustellen, wie er mir geschrieben hat. 🙂
Das erste Special des Escalation!-Fanzine kann man sich nun kostenlos herunterladen.
Skyfall, a 13th Age Glorantha adventure
Mr. Ohnesorge:
--- Zitat ---In the latest episode of the Iconic Podcast, Cat Tobin gives us some insight into the products in the 13th Age pipeline. In case you didn't listen to the episode, here are some notes that I took:
• Shards of the Broken Sky – It’s a giant sandbox adventure area where one of the Archmage’s flying realms has crashed to earth, and depending on what your icon relationships are, you’ll have different goals. They hope to have it on pre-order toward the end of the year.
• Icon Followers – One of Rob’s personal pet projects. Similar to the Bestiary but with NPCs and organizations related to the icons. They hope to have it towards the middle of 2019.
• Gangs of Drakkenhall – Street level gangs in the Blue's bloody city of monsters.
• Dragons of the Pyre – Gareth wants to write a Stone Thief-sized epic campaign about dragons. You’d start at level 1 playing an adventure that would escalate you to each level. Your one unique thing would be that you’d have the soul of a dragon, and then you’d invent your unique dragon.
• A book of living dungeons – Advice for creating lots of different types of living dungeons, how to use them in campaigns, integrating them with icons, how to generate them on the fly, and the consequences of having living dungeons in the Dragon Empire. It may include undead living dungeons.
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