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[13th Age] Nachrichten

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Der Vollständigkeit halber, hier noch das Coverbild:

Och, das ist doch ganz schnicke.

Zumindest in der FB-Gruppe wurde noch nicht verraten, ob das nun die menschliche Form der Blauen ist, oder nicht.  8]

Ja, da haben sie eigentlich gar nichts verraten  ;D

So 100%ig meins ist das Coverbild nicht, aber das tut der Freude ja keinen Abbruch

Damit der Kanal nicht einschläft, hier noch einmal ein Ausblick auf die kommenden Bücher.
Leider keine wirklich neuen Aussichten, eher ein Micro-Update.

Crown of Axis
The arena officially opens in a month! In the next Page XX, you’ll have the opportunity to purchase Wade Rockett’s PDF-only intro adventure. It’s in the middle of layout now and has been slotted into the schedule as Pelgrane’s March 1st release.
Until then we leave you with Simone Bannach’s illo of spirit-aided oratory from a noble of House Emberhill, dedicated to restoring Axis’ glory one decaying arena at a time.

Drakkenhall: City of Monsters
Art is complete. I’d say design is complete except that J-M DeFoggi and Liz Argall came up with some new monsters to add while J-M is finishing development work on other chapters. J-M is working on his last development pass, the next step will be teaming up with me to handle final math and storytelling questions. We aim to turn the Drakkenhall sourcebook over to the editor the first week of March. I’m not sure when it will be out of editing and into layout.
Simone Bannach gets the art preview again, this time from a couple of the citizen-monsters who give the city its epithet.
Gareth’s New Book
Cat has turned Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan loose to work on his new 13th Age adventure. We’ve learned that when Gareth is unleashed, he soon returns home with a thick manuscript held between his jaws. So we’re not entirely certain that this wicked new adventure will be slipping into the schedule in this position, but we wouldn’t be surprised. Nor would we be upset, because it would be nice to publish an adventure in between two sourcebooks.
Behemoths: Paths of the Koru
Authors are working on their second drafts. Art hasn’t been commissioned and development hasn’t begun, so this sourcebook is still a ways off. We’ll find out soon whether it moves up the schedule or down.

Icon Followers
I’ve done less work on Icon Followers than expected, which sees it moving to later in the year. Playtesting of the pieces that are finished has gone well, and regular contributors including Cal Moore, J-M DeFoggi, and Liz Argall have been adding exciting bits, so I expect to announce this Bestiary of NPCs’ next steps later this year.
Speaking of announcements/heralds, that’s the flute and quill symbol of the Axis Bardic College, a touch added by ASH LAW and illustrated by Aaron McConnell.
[[Crown of Axis cover by Aaron McConnell and Lee Moyer, Drakkenhall cover by Roena I. Rosenberger]]



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