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Review zu Deep Magic 13th Age compatible edition

(edit: das Cover by DriveThru auf der website stimmt natürlich nicht: auf dem Original steht zutreffen: by ASH LAW, edited by Wade Rockett and Cal Moore)

--- Zitat ---If you're interested in expanding the spells available to your 13th Age character or campaign, look no further! With 555 new spells, this book is packed with an amazing variety of spells. 13th Age is my system of choice, but being fairly new to the RPG family, there hasn't been a lot of support for spell options until now. I often found myself working closely with my players to create signature spells that they'd envisioned -- a fun, but time-consuming process. With Deep Magic, I've recently been able to hand the book over to a player who had a clear vision for his PC, and he was able to create a character that was even cooler than he'd first imagined.

The book provides 30 specialty schools of magic, as well as advice for GMs on how to make schools of their own. The schools are related to Kobold Press' Midgard Campaign Setting, but I had no problem re-fluffing the school's description to fit 13th Age's default setting, the Dragon Empire.

The section on the use of mana points, a resource that exists separately from PCs' prepared spell slots, and the talents that are available to provide characters with access to Deep Magic spells and mana points raised a few questions. ASH LAW was incredibly helpful in answering my questions on the 13th Age Google+ community immediately. It would be helpful if these clarifications were included in the book, however. For this reason, I'm giving this 4 stars, but would happily change my rating if an updated PDF is provided.

Even if you don't want to add any new mechanics around mana points, this book is quite valuable for its incredible list of new spells. Mix and match these spells with other spells from the 13th Age core book to produce a wizard that is far from ordinary. Many of these spells would be quite reasonable to give other classes access to, as well. Additionally, if you're the GM, these flavorful spells are a lot of fun to give your monsters. It's worth it when your party faces a foe whose spell shatters their very bones. This isn't just a book for wizard characters.

Rating:  [4 of 5 Stars!]
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Nun kann jeder einen Blick auf das gigantische Inhaltsverzeichnis von Eyes of the Stone Thief werfen: enjoy!

Neues Produkt in der Pipeline, allerdings - wie immer - ohne klares Erscheinungsdatum:

The Strangling Sea: ein Abenteuer aus der Feder von Robin D. Laws, bereits in der Playtest-Phase.

Außerdem gibt es nun einen "Behind the Music"-Trailer für den 13th Age Soundtrack:

Weitere Samples des Soundtracks:

Und ein neues Organized Play Adventure wurde gestern veröffentlicht: "The Feast of Gold", in zwei Akten für die Stufen 5-6.

Wer sich anmelden möchte um eine zweistellige Anzahl netter 13th_Age Abenteuer zu bekommen möge sich hier durchklicken:

Keine Angst, man muss weder im öffentlichen Raum leiten noch überhaupt etwas damit anstellen. Es ist vollkommen ok sie einfach nur auf der Festplatte zu sammeln oder sie anderweitig privat zu verwerten.

P.S.: es sieht so aus, als ob ASH LAW endlich lernt, die Abenteuer zu formatieren und überdies seinen Arial-Fetisch abgelegt hat.

Ein neuer View from the Pelgrane's Nest:

--- Zitat ---13th Age
I’d like to start with an apology for the delay in getting the 13 True Ways PDF out to you – a rather convoluted set of circumstances combined to make it a December release – but it is at least in your hands a month after it was in stores. 13 True Ways Kickstarter backers can expect to see their dice rewards going out in January.
We’ve made up for the delay be releasing The Book of Loot PDF and the Shadows of Eldolan PDF at the same time – and The Eyes of the Stone Thief video, a taste of what’s to come if you pre-order now.

Next Year
You can look forward to the 13th Age Album by James Semple and team (you can get a taste of the music the Making of video and on SoundCloud) next month
The 13th Age Monthly subscription kicks off early next year with Dragon Riding.

Iconic Battles Scenes (working title) consists of 39 sets of four themed encounters, one Adventure, one Champion and one Epic level for each icon is in playtesting, as is Shards of the Broken Sky and Strangling Sea – both adventures for 13th Age.
Demonology for 13th Age by Gareth Ryder-Harrahan and Iconic Organisations by Rob Heinsoo and ASH LAW.

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