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13th Age monthly

Your PC has gold to burn? Spend it on something that could make everyone’s lives more interesting—especially the GM! Here are six new useful, bizarre, and effective one-use magic items, festooned with multiple adventure hooks and campaign variants. Is that dwarf wearing a featherlight skirt beneath his kilt? If you fire an exorcist missile at a dybbuk at twilight, which one of you screams first? What happens to your spell list if you drink too much gnomish tinto wine (secret ingredient: grave dust)? Answers to these and 75 other magic-item related questions, yours for one low monthly price!
Candles, Clay & Dancing Shoes is the third installment of the 13th Age Monthly subscription. It will be available to buy in the webstore in April. When you subscribe to 13th Age Monthly, you will get all issues of the subscription to date.

Organized Play
Anfang des Monats ist ein neues Organized Play Adventure erschienen:

--- Zitat ---A classic dungeon crawl, 13th Age style! Any journey to Drakkenhall, the city of monsters, would be eventful enough. But when disaster strikes, you have an opportunity to infiltrate the personal vault of the Blue and steal her secrets. You’ll have to face cunning traps, horrific monsters and dragonic mother of all sorcery herself. Can you survive the Dungeons of Drakkenhall? Dungeons of Drakkenhall is an 8-hour organized play adventure for 3-7 8th level characters, designed to be played in four weekly 2-hour sessions. It is the 12th icon-themed adventure in the Tales of the 13th Age series and comes with a free, full-size downloadable 22″ x 25.5″ poster-sized dungeon map.
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Dragon Kings
Weil es an vielen irgendwie vorbeigegangen ist:

Die Macher des Dragon Kings Settings haben unter
die Regeladaption für 13th Age zum kostenlosen Download bereit gestellt.


--- Zitat ---A city in chaos to infiltrate, an ambassador to rescue, and a frozen hell to escape.
Savage battlecries and screams of pain echo through the streets and off the she raw sheer walls that make up the carved stronghold of Forstor Nagar. The cannibalistic troops of The Hungering Legion have breached the gates, and the defenders have been routed.
Trapped in the heart of Forstor Nagar, a devout holy man and ambassador from Ithulandis, the City of Adventure, must be rescued. But the redoubt is cut from the living ice of the Forstorheim glacier, and enemies rip the very life from the inhabitants, only scant hours remain before the alleys are slick with a crimson slush.
Adventurers must cross the invaders’ lines to infiltrate the fortress, locate the diplomatic compound and escape with the ambassador before filed teeth sink into their flesh and the fate of the city is sealed forever. Will they succeed, or just become more corpses for the conquerors’’ larder?
This raucous and harrowing adventure is fully compatible with 13th Age, and is designed for 4th level characters.
Welcome to The Breaking of Forstor Nagar.

Author: ENnie award winner Ben Mcfarland (Streets of Zobeck)
Cartography: ENnie award winner Jonthan Roberts (George R.R. Martin's Lands of Ice and Fire)
Pages: 68 (Full-color)
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Gibt es nun auch als PoD.


--- Zitat ---Break out of your class!
You are hereby cordially invited to a party inspired by adventurous storytelling, daring actions and dark villains. Pick one of these new options and redefine your character concept.
For Feats, a Gentleman Thief always gets treasure, can bluff his way out of almost any tight spot and will never be held for long. A skilled combatant shall Seize an Attack climb up a monster at strike at its weakest point. A spellcaster can use Freezing Spell to slow opponents or freeze liquids, in addition to normally inflicted damage. There are also options for your companions, pets, and animated icky things.
And if you want changes to be more profound, with Talents your character may exploit Infernal-Born Heritage so you can bind your bargains in blood, learn backgrounds like a genius savant with Eccentric Specialist, or just become unto some eldritch abomination with Tentacles.
For Game Masters, your monsters and NPCs can become special, too. Remember Nastier Specials? Here is over a hundred ways to make life interesting for people who think this is just another zombie, an orc, or a whale. You can make that mean mastiff possess its owner via Companion of Possession, or you can have that gambler use Invisible Spell to carefully part some PCs from their loot.
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Das Abenteuer zum Free RPG Day 2014 ist nun für 13th Age Monthly Abonnenten zum kostenlosen Download verfügbar. Abonnenten finden das pdf in ihren downloads.


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