Autor Thema: [13th Age] Nachrichten  (Gelesen 60483 mal)

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #25 am: 30.11.2014 | 20:20 »
Kann man schon sagen, wann das fertige Buch versendet wird?
Nein, es ist aber schon durch's Layout - hängt also beim Drucker, allerdings in UK. Meiner Erfahrung nach wird das dieses Jahr eher nichts mehr.
« Letzte Änderung: 30.11.2014 | 20:50 von Lasercleric »

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #26 am: 30.11.2014 | 20:24 »
Wer hat's schon? Wie ist es?
Großartig, massiv und von der Herangehensweise eine dicke 13th-Age-mäßige Toolbox. Man erhält jede Menge Werkzeug und Ideen, einen Megadungeon auf die Gegebenheiten seines 13th Age Empires und der konkreten Helden der Spieler anzupassen. Gut gefällt mir bisher, dass keine überflüssigen Wall-of-Texts und read-aloud-Texte da sind, sondern kurz und knapp das relevante in erfrischend umgangssprachlicher und witziger Weise dargestellt wird.

Edit: das klingt etwas missverständlich. Der Dungeon selbst ist natürlich komplett ausgearbeitet.
« Letzte Änderung: 30.11.2014 | 20:50 von Lasercleric »

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #27 am: 2.12.2014 | 01:14 »
Der 13th-Age-View from the Pelgrane's Nest für diesen Monat:

But the 13th Age has not been forgotten – on the contrary – welcome to Eyes of the Stone Thief! Welcome to the vastest colour book we have ever done. Delve deep into the Living Dungeon, come back to the surface barely alive and delve again, until you or your indomitable foe sucks in their last breath.

Three issues of the 13th Age Subscription have been approved by Rob Heinsoo for layout.

Cal Moore has delivered a polished first draft of Battle Scenes – a huge collection of loosely linked adventures and encounters to plug into your 13th Age game. We’ll set the scene, you add the story. It’s available for playtesting here. I’ve played it myself.

James Semple’s amazing music for 13th Age has been mastered, and there will be a world premiere video in the Pelgrane seminar at Dragonmeet.

Gareth has began work on Demonology, which includes a new class of his devising.

Offline Lasercleric

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #28 am: 2.12.2014 | 01:16 »
Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan sagt uns, wie man Eyes of the Stone Thief in seine Einzelteile zerlegt, um es für eigene Zwecke portioniert zu recyceln:
« Letzte Änderung: 2.12.2014 | 01:22 von Lasercleric »

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #29 am: 2.12.2014 | 01:21 »
Wade Rockett beglückt und mit seinem ersten eigenen Adventure, erschienen für das Midgard Setting bei Kobold Press:

The Wreck of Volund's Glory (13th Age RPG Adventure)

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #30 am: 3.12.2014 | 12:01 »
Review zu Deep Magic 13th Age compatible edition

(edit: das Cover by DriveThru auf der website stimmt natürlich nicht: auf dem Original steht zutreffen: by ASH LAW, edited by Wade Rockett and Cal Moore)

If you're interested in expanding the spells available to your 13th Age character or campaign, look no further! With 555 new spells, this book is packed with an amazing variety of spells. 13th Age is my system of choice, but being fairly new to the RPG family, there hasn't been a lot of support for spell options until now. I often found myself working closely with my players to create signature spells that they'd envisioned -- a fun, but time-consuming process. With Deep Magic, I've recently been able to hand the book over to a player who had a clear vision for his PC, and he was able to create a character that was even cooler than he'd first imagined.

The book provides 30 specialty schools of magic, as well as advice for GMs on how to make schools of their own. The schools are related to Kobold Press' Midgard Campaign Setting, but I had no problem re-fluffing the school's description to fit 13th Age's default setting, the Dragon Empire.

The section on the use of mana points, a resource that exists separately from PCs' prepared spell slots, and the talents that are available to provide characters with access to Deep Magic spells and mana points raised a few questions. ASH LAW was incredibly helpful in answering my questions on the 13th Age Google+ community immediately. It would be helpful if these clarifications were included in the book, however. For this reason, I'm giving this 4 stars, but would happily change my rating if an updated PDF is provided.

Even if you don't want to add any new mechanics around mana points, this book is quite valuable for its incredible list of new spells. Mix and match these spells with other spells from the 13th Age core book to produce a wizard that is far from ordinary. Many of these spells would be quite reasonable to give other classes access to, as well. Additionally, if you're the GM, these flavorful spells are a lot of fun to give your monsters. It's worth it when your party faces a foe whose spell shatters their very bones. This isn't just a book for wizard characters.

Rating:  [4 of 5 Stars!]
« Letzte Änderung: 3.12.2014 | 12:04 von Lasercleric »

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #31 am: 4.12.2014 | 21:01 »

Nun kann jeder einen Blick auf das gigantische Inhaltsverzeichnis von Eyes of the Stone Thief werfen: enjoy!

Offline Lasercleric

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #32 am: 8.12.2014 | 16:04 »
Neues Produkt in der Pipeline, allerdings - wie immer - ohne klares Erscheinungsdatum:

The Strangling Sea: ein Abenteuer aus der Feder von Robin D. Laws, bereits in der Playtest-Phase.

Außerdem gibt es nun einen "Behind the Music"-Trailer für den 13th Age Soundtrack:

Weitere Samples des Soundtracks:
« Letzte Änderung: 8.12.2014 | 17:10 von Lasercleric »

Offline Lasercleric

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #33 am: 17.12.2014 | 09:18 »
Und ein neues Organized Play Adventure wurde gestern veröffentlicht: "The Feast of Gold", in zwei Akten für die Stufen 5-6.

Wer sich anmelden möchte um eine zweistellige Anzahl netter 13th_Age Abenteuer zu bekommen möge sich hier durchklicken:

Keine Angst, man muss weder im öffentlichen Raum leiten noch überhaupt etwas damit anstellen. Es ist vollkommen ok sie einfach nur auf der Festplatte zu sammeln oder sie anderweitig privat zu verwerten.

P.S.: es sieht so aus, als ob ASH LAW endlich lernt, die Abenteuer zu formatieren und überdies seinen Arial-Fetisch abgelegt hat.
« Letzte Änderung: 17.12.2014 | 10:25 von Lasercleric »

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #34 am: 24.12.2014 | 10:27 »
Ein neuer View from the Pelgrane's Nest:
13th Age
I’d like to start with an apology for the delay in getting the 13 True Ways PDF out to you – a rather convoluted set of circumstances combined to make it a December release – but it is at least in your hands a month after it was in stores. 13 True Ways Kickstarter backers can expect to see their dice rewards going out in January.
We’ve made up for the delay be releasing The Book of Loot PDF and the Shadows of Eldolan PDF at the same time – and The Eyes of the Stone Thief video, a taste of what’s to come if you pre-order now.

Next Year
You can look forward to the 13th Age Album by James Semple and team (you can get a taste of the music the Making of video and on SoundCloud) next month
The 13th Age Monthly subscription kicks off early next year with Dragon Riding.

Iconic Battles Scenes (working title) consists of 39 sets of four themed encounters, one Adventure, one Champion and one Epic level for each icon is in playtesting, as is Shards of the Broken Sky and Strangling Sea – both adventures for 13th Age.
Demonology for 13th Age by Gareth Ryder-Harrahan and Iconic Organisations by Rob Heinsoo and ASH LAW.
« Letzte Änderung: 24.12.2014 | 16:17 von Lasercleric »

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #35 am: 30.12.2014 | 22:35 »

Offline Lasercleric

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #36 am: 10.01.2015 | 19:24 »

Das Setting gab es ja schon für D&D4E. Ansonsten kann ich dazu nicht mehr sagen, als auf dem Klappentext steht.
Einblicke in die 4e-Ausgabe und links zu damaligen Rezensionen:

Edit: Das pdf ist nun auf rpgnow/dtrpg erhältlich.
« Letzte Änderung: 11.01.2015 | 09:18 von Lasercleric »

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #37 am: 10.01.2015 | 20:43 »
Klingt interessant. Wenn 13th Age auf deutsch raus ist, könnte ich in Versuchung geraten...
On Probation.

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #38 am: 10.01.2015 | 20:45 »
Hm ... Ich habe ja noch die 4E Version hier rumstehen und ich war damals schon und bin immer noch underwhelmed. Von dieser Conversion verspreche ich mir daher nicht viel.
Wenn wir einander in der Dunkelheit festhalten .. dann geht die Dunkelheit dadurch nicht vorbei
I can hardly wait | It's been so long | I've lost my taste | Say angel come | Say lick my face | Let fall your dress | I'll play the part | I'll open this mouth wide | Eat your heart

Offline Lasercleric

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #39 am: 15.01.2015 | 09:25 »
Hm ... Ich habe ja noch die 4E Version hier rumstehen und ich war damals schon und bin immer noch underwhelmed. Von dieser Conversion verspreche ich mir daher nicht viel.
Offenbar handelt es sich um eine Kickstarter-Neuauflage. Auf den ersten Blick sieht das ganz gut aus: 411 Seiten, knackiges Artwork und man kann seine 13th Age Charaktere jetzt endlich auch mit Panzer und Flammenwerfer ausrüsten  :headbang:

Offline Lasercleric

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #40 am: 17.01.2015 | 09:03 »

Rob Heinsoo feiert den bevorstehenden Start des monatlichen 13thAge Online-Magazins.

Offline Lasercleric

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #41 am: 28.01.2015 | 12:47 »

Subscribe to The 13th Age Monthly and you’ll receive all-new 13th Age RPG goodness for GMs and players every month for a full year. These 4000+ word PDFs offer new rules systems, Bestiary-style monsters, player character options, and more.

The 13th Age Monthly is overseen and developed by Rob Heinsoo, with a stellar list of contributors that includes Jonathan Tweet, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan (Book of Loot, Eyes of the Stone Thief), ASH LAW (Tales of the 13th Age) and Cal Moore (Shadows of Eldolan).


January 2015: Dragon Riding, by Rob Heinsoo & ASH LAW. The lethal combination of dragon and rider helped create the Dragon Empire. Now unleash the fury on your foes! Full rules for player character dragon riders appear alongside story advice for campaigns looking to add dragon-riding options. Plus, we’ve made it easy to hack the system so you can devise other styles of riding. (Anyone up for tarrasque racing?)

February 2015: Temples of the Frogfolk, by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan. The perfect gift for the player in your group who has been waiting to portray a jumpy murderous amphibian. Evil frogspawn lurk just below the threat threshold. Then the chants echo through the mist, the temples surface, and suddenly you’re dead. This installment includes five froggish monsters with four racial abilities to choose from, thirteen reasons to be paranoid, toadstone treasures, five icon-related frogfolk temples, and race stats and special abilities for playing a frogfolk adventurer.

March 2015: Candles, Clay & Dancing Shoes, by ASH LAW. Your PC has gold to burn? Spend it on something that could make everyone’s lives more interesting—especially the GM! Here are six new useful, bizarre, and effective one-use magic items, festooned with multiple adventure hooks and campaign variants. Is that dwarf wearing a featherlight skirt beneath his kilt? If you fire an exorcist missile at a dybbuk at twilight, which one of you screams first? What happens to your spell list if you drink too much gnomish tinto wine (secret ingredient: grave dust)? Answers to these and 75 other magic-item related questions, yours for one low monthly price!
« Letzte Änderung: 28.01.2015 | 12:49 von Lasercleric »

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #42 am: 28.01.2015 | 18:40 »
Wohl auf Grund reger Nachfrage (?!) steht der erste 13th Age-Roman in den Startlöchern. Das Buch ist bereits von Greg Stolze geschrieben und handelt von "The Forgotten Monk".



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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #43 am: 28.01.2015 | 18:44 »
Greg Stolze? Geiler Scheiß!

Offline Lasercleric

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #44 am: 31.01.2015 | 12:13 »

Subscribe to The 13th Age Monthly at the Pelgrane Press Online Store and you’ll receive all-new 13th Age RPG goodness for GMs and players every month for a full year. These 4000+ word PDFs offer new rules systems, Bestiary-style monsters, player character options, and more.
The 13th Age Monthly is overseen and developed by Rob Heinsoo, with a stellar list of contributors that includes Jonathan Tweet, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan (Book of Loot, Eyes of the Stone Thief), ASH LAW (Tales of the 13th Age) and Cal Moore (Shadows of Eldolan).
January 2015: Dragon Riding, by Rob Heinsoo & ASH LAW. The lethal combination of dragon and rider helped create the Dragon Empire. Now unleash the fury on your foes! Full rules for player character dragon riders appear alongside story advice for campaigns looking to add dragon-riding options. Plus, we’ve made it easy to hack the system so you can devise other styles of riding. (Anyone up for tarrasque racing?)
February 2015: Temples of the Frogfolk, by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan. The perfect gift for the player in your group who has been waiting to portray a jumpy murderous amphibian. Evil frogspawn lurk just below the threat threshold. Then the chants echo through the mist, the temples surface, and suddenly you’re dead. This installment includes five froggish monsters with four racial abilities to choose from, thirteen reasons to be paranoid, toadstone treasures, five icon-related frogfolk temples, and race stats and special abilities for playing a frogfolk adventurer.
March 2015: Candles, Clay & Dancing Shoes, by ASH LAW. Your PC has gold to burn? Spend it on something that could make everyone’s lives more interesting—especially the GM! Here are six new useful, bizarre, and effective one-use magic items, festooned with multiple adventure hooks and campaign variants. Is that dwarf wearing a featherlight skirt beneath his kilt? If you fire an exorcist missile at a dybbuk at twilight, which one of you screams first? What happens to your spell list if you drink too much gnomish tinto wine (secret ingredient: grave dust)? Answers to these and 75 other magic-item related questions, yours for one low monthly price!

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #45 am: 31.01.2015 | 12:14 »

Give your 13th Age game the soundtrack it deserves
The 13th Age Age Soundtrack brings you 30 pieces of music to evoke excitement, suspense, wonder and mystery at your gaming table. Keep it running in the background, play individual tracks to herald the arrival of battle, the icons or a change in location, or use it as inspiration while building worlds, characters and monsters. (Or, you know, just enjoy it as a really great album.)
The 13th Age Age Soundtrack by James Semple and an array of talented musicians and composers includes:
Themes for the icons (wait – one’s missing…?)
Themes for key locations in the Dragon Empire, or ones of your own creation that have a similar atmosphere
Music for frantic chases, fierce combat, exploration, resting and remembrance
Special utility tracks – play “Chase Music” and “Escalation 0-6″ on a loop to sustain the mood for as long as you need

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #46 am: 31.01.2015 | 12:15 »
Greg Stolze? Geiler Scheiß!
Kannst Du zu Greg Stolze ein bisschen was sagen? Was könnte uns da erwarten?


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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #47 am: 31.01.2015 | 12:40 »
Kannst Du zu Greg Stolze ein bisschen was sagen? Was könnte uns da erwarten?

Ist der Hauptautor von Unknown Armies und schafft es eigentlich, allem einen ziemlich strangen Twist zu geben. Schwer zu beschreiben ... seine Kurzgeschichten in "Scary Face" ( sind nicht unbedingt alle großartig, aber alle originell und gehen ziemlich locker mit Genrekategorien um.

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #48 am: 31.01.2015 | 12:48 »
Kannst Du zu Greg Stolze ein bisschen was sagen? Was könnte uns da erwarten?

Er hat auch schon für die World of Darkness geschrieben und seine beiden Requiem Romane "A Hunger like Fire" und "A Marriage of Virtue and Viciousness" fangen Requiem 1.0 sehr gut ein. Der erste ist besser als der zweite, aber beide sind gut. Als RPG Autor kenne ich von Reign. Er war einer der ersten, die Kickstarter zur Finanzierung benutzten und das an sich sogar vorbildlich: erst hat er die Erweiterung geschrieben, dann gekickstartet, direkt am Ende des Kickstarters allen Backern zu gesendet und danach kostenlos online gestellt. Okay, später hat er Year of Our Reign 1, 2, 3 veröffentlicht mit den gesammelten Werken. Die einzelnen Supplements gab es trotzdem noch kostenlos online. Da habe ich sehr oft mit gebackt.
Spiele regelmäßig: Dungeons & Dragons 5e (Call of the Netherdeep und eine Homebrew-Kampagne)
Leite regelmäßig: Dungeons & Dragons 5e, Liminal
Leite manchmal: Cypher System, Dragonbane, Old Gods of Appalachia, Star Trek Adventures 2e
Bereite vor: Shadowdark Open Table. Ich warte Daggerheart und Legend in the Mist.

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #49 am: 4.02.2015 | 00:00 »
Der Ausblick für Januar aus dem Pelgrane's Nest bringt folgende Neuigkeiten:
Other 13th Age News
The Eyes of the Stone Thief is on the presses. The proofs are epic.
Battle Scenes and Shards of the Borken Sky are in playtest.
Strangling Sea is ready for layout
We are planning player-facing class-based books which draw from the Bestiary, from actual play and the setting to give more options, tactics and mash-ups for classes.
Rob and Jonathan are in Rob’s garage creating 13th Age Glorantha – and that work is inspiring a lot of thoughts which will spread into the rest of the 13th Age.

Im übrigen gibt es noch ein paar Worte zu dem hier bereits erwähnten Soundtrack und 13th Age monthly: