Ich suche dann noch nach sowas, allerdings ausführlicher:
Vielleicht allgemein interessant:
Gruezi, Hobbit! Ähnlich:
Hiking Middle-Earth - A Naturalist's Guide to the Realms of Tolkien---
Ich habe mal bibliographiert:
Bridgwater, Sue:
Staying Home and Travelling: Stasis Versus Movement in Tolkien's Mythos.Ellison, John: The Road Goes Ever On: Tolkien's use of the journey motive in constructing The Lord of the Rings. In: Travel and Communication in Tolkien's Worlds, 1996.
Ellison, John: The road goes ever on: Tolkien's use of the 'Journey' motive in reconstructing The Lord of the Rings. In: Mallorn 43, 2005.
Holtz-Wodzak, Vickie L.: Travel, Redemption and Peacemaking: Hobbits, Dwarves and Elves and the Transformative Power of Pilgrimage. In: The Hobbit and Tolkien's mythology: essays on revisions and influences, 2014.
Morgan, Adam: Hiking from the Shire to Mordor. In: Amon Hen 250, 2014.
Nelson, Dale: There and Back Again and other travel books of the 1930s. In: Mallorn 51, 2011.
Obertino, James: Moria and Hades: Underworld Journeys in Tolkien and Virgil. In: Comparative Literature Studies 30 (2) 1993.
Viel Spaß.