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Earthdawn 3: "Characters use the Seduction skill to convince members of their preferred sex to become romantically involved with them. In addition to making a successful Seduction Test, seduction requires convincing roleplaying."
Savage Worlds (1st edition): "When Dorothy's card comes up, bark at her like a rabid dog if she's sitting there babbling instead of doing something. And if she takes too long, skip her! Start counting down from five. That'll make her wet her bloomers or get her character moving in high gear."
Seite 79:
--- Zitat ---Conditional Failure Guidelines:
* Hungry and thirsty may be applied as the result of any failed test. Warrior needs food badly.
* For tests involving physical danger, apply the dead condition if the character already has the injured condition. Elf is about to die...
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Und ein Mal wird sogar ganz genau gesagt, wer die SC denn sind:
Seite 108:
--- Zitat ---Since they are a pair of quintessential murder hobos, their players [...] inquire innocently, "as we are getting pushed out of the room, can we rob the chieftain?"
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The Heart may ask for its character's death, but the Mistaken need not grant it. - Polaris
--- Zitat ---Slink away. You blew your wad and failed. The enemy is
now entrenched and unassailable. Roll up new characters
because these ones are too attached to their lives to
adequately perform their duties. They survive by harassing
citizens for smokes and spare change. They are losers.
- Hollowpoint, S. 55.
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--- Zitat ---Genocide is Painless
If the Occupation really wants to, it can end the game and
take over the island permanently in the very first scene. All
they have to do is force everybody into the scene and then kill
them all. [...]
If this actually happens to you, before you write me an irritated
email, consider this: whoever played the Occupation chose to
do it, knowing exactly how much fun it would be for the rest
of you. I didn’t make them! They made a calculated decision
that all that mattered in the game was taking firm control of
the island, and that cold-blooded massacre was an appropriate
price to pay for that.
See, there’s one more step to this process: activating Endgame
doesn’t let the Occupation skip Enforcement. If they want to
keep control of the island, they have to kill all the Natives and
then say that doing so followed the First Rule—that it was
an appropriate act for a “superior” people to do. Historically,
people who are willing to do that often win.
- Dog Eat Dog, S. 28f.
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--- Zitat ---Those books, and this game, are not about "teams" of "runners" loading up on tech from "MetalBookIV" or Min/Maxing every damage die and +2s out of guns/gear while marking in 40 boxes of damage. Fuck no.
These stories are about people, and sometimes machines that become people. They are about personal journeys, where characters seek goals, and the big questions when your stories and goals crash into each other.
- Remember Tomorrow, S. 41.
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--- Zitat ---Delta Green is not about guns.
Delta Green is not about a bug hunt.
Delta Green is not about understanding.
Delta Green is about the end.
The end of everything. Your family, everyone you
know, your country, all life on Earth. It’s about the
end of everything and your place in it. Because you’ll
end, too. That’s what the fear is about. That’s what
the game is about.
- Delta Green: Agent's Handbook, S. 6.
--- Ende Zitat ---
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