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Atomic Robo -- The Roleplaying Game (S. 2)

--- Zitat ---Y'know how you can watch a documentary about archaeology, and it's a bunch of university professors and grad students carefully brushing dust from rocks? And then they learn something very important about pottery? Meanwhile Indiana Jones is also an archaeologist, but mostly he runs around shooting bad guys and having car chases?
   Now apply the Indiana Jones model to every other field of study.
   That's Atomic Robo.
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--- Zitat von: Chiarina am 25.03.2017 | 12:08 ---Ars Magica: Dies Irae, S. 124

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Klingt ultra-macho für ein Rollenspiel über Magier :)

Und das "Acrion Science"-Zitat von Atomic Robo fand ich auch gut.

Little Indian #5:
Ich lese ja nicht oft Copyright-Vermerke, aber den hier fand ich sehr schön (aus "Ben Dunn's Ninja High School the Anima and Manga RPG"):

--- Zitat ---No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior express permission
of the publisher. That said, if you’re doing it for personal use, knock yourself out. That’s not only allowed,
we encourage you to do it. For those working at a copy shop and not at all sure if this means the person
standing at your counter can make copies of this thing, they can. This is “express permission.” Carry on.
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--- Zitat von: Little Indian #5 am  6.04.2017 | 10:06 ---Ich lese ja nicht oft Copyright-Vermerke, aber den hier fand ich sehr schön (aus "Ben Dunn's Ninja High School the Anima and Manga RPG"):

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Genau derselbe steht Wort für Wort auch im (englischen) Fate Core-Regelwerk (und die deutsche Fassung hat es entsprechend übersetzt und behalten). Da kennen sich gewisse Leute entweder, oder sie haben zumindest einen sehr ähnlichen Sinn für Humor. ;)

Paranoia - Red Clearance Edition (Player's Handbook) (S. 15)

--- Zitat ---Sexuality is a different concern; heterosexual sex is treasonous, as it makes a mockery of the Computer’s extensive cloning facilities. The Computer has no official stance on homosexual activity due to a lack of programming on the matter, and treats it as a form of enthusiastic wrestling that is inadvisable when traitors may be nearby.
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