Das Septemberupdate dauert an und geht wohl weit in den Abend hinein. Ich habe gerade Aufräge für 80 Mio laufen und wäre ziemlich angefressen, wenn die Zeit dafür dann abgelaufen sein sollte.
Natürlich haben sie die Echtzeit der Aufträge
NICHT gestoppt, so daß mir jetzt 60 Mio durch die Lappen gingen und ich wieder neu Ruf erarbeiten darf, weil ich die Aufträge verpatzte.
Außerdem verlor ich dabei viele Mio, weil ich für die verpatzten Aufträge bereits Waren teilgeliefert hatte. Für einen Auftrag hatte ich schon 2000 Einheiten eingekauft und nach (!) dem Update noch 3 Stunden Zeit, dann plötzlich hieß es, er sei abgelaufen und gescheitert. Ware weg.
Man, man, wie kann erfahrenen Entwicklern sowas Offensichtliches eigentlich passieren?

Die schwarz unterlegten Chatfenster sind auch ganz schön häßlich. Wieso haben sie das geändert? Vorher sah es superschick aus und paßte gut ins UI. Ich hoffe, daß das nur ein Graphikfehler im Rahmen des Updates ist und bald behoben wird.
There are rumors that season 4 will feature the first editions of atmospheric landings and space legs. Maybe giant executive controlled capital ships. The Fleet Carrier is probably a DLC in 2019.
Features Edit
Fleet Carriers
Pilots gain the ability to purchase and control a mobile Fleet Carrier ship with multiple Landing Pads that can be used by Squadrons.[1] The owner can set docking permissions to determine who may dock.[2]
Fleet Carriers cost an enormous sum of credits, and a pilot is restricted to owning one.[2]
Fleet Carriers have multiple loadouts of available services, modules, and shipyard stock suited for specific roles. They can be further specialized with an Exploration, Mining, or Mercenary Support Vessel.[2]
The owner of a Fleet Carrier can schedule jumps to different systems, provided the Fleet Carrier has a sufficient amount of a unique fuel resource. Fleet Carriers have a maximum jump range of 500 ly.
The expansions will include significant new features such as seamless freeform (manual pitch/yaw/roll) atmospheric flight and landings (atmospheric landings) and on-foot and out-of-ship activities (space legs) such as FPS combat, walking around and boarding ships, walking in stations and walking and driving vehicles on entire 1:1 scale populated living planets (procedural cities) with multi-player crew and player executive controlled capital ships.[13]
Frontier said "we plan to follow that same incremental development philosophy that we’ve done throughout our Alpha and Beta phases, and continue to significantly enhance the game via further expansions post-launch."[13]
Frontier intends to release small, free updates after launch. Expansions that include significant new features and content will have to be purchased.[13]
For example, the roadmap is to add these features with major updates (in no particular order): [13][14]
Landing / driving / prospecting on airless rocky planets, moons & asteroids- this was added with Elite Dangerous: Horizons, see Planetary Landings.
Walking around interiors and combative boarding of other ships. - see Space Legs.
Combat and other interactions with other players and AIs in the internal areas of star ports
Accessing richly detailed planetary surfaces - see Atmospheric Landings and Procedural Cities.
Availability of giant ‘executive control’ ships to players. - see Capital Ships.
The scope of Elite is huge, so a sensible strategy is used to add to the game in stages.[15] "The core release of the game focuses on the ships and space. We'll then be working to expand the game. This includes exploring your ship and space stations. The potential content for Elite is huge, so we're keeping a sensible strategy to add to the game in stages."[16]
Keep in mind that the game has been well planned and designed from the start with all these features in mind (it is not an afterthought) and Frontier Developments already has the technology for this.[15]