Soderle, ich habe meinen dritten Meilenstein erreicht und alle Schiffe im Hangar mit Ausnahme der hohen Rufschiffe (Cutter, Corvette). Tschakka

Das recht mißratene Septemberupdate schlägt höhere Wellen. Die Mobius-Gruppe hat dazu eine Petition erstellt:
[Petition] Community Requests to FDev for Elite: Dangerous (2019-09-30)
As you know, the September update was far from perfect..
It’s normal to get ‘a few bugs’ with a new release, but (and sadly again..) this release had even bugs in it that shouldn’t be in there when properly testing..
There are also many questions about Elite’s future, but some of us think it’s easier to find Raxxla, than get answers from FDEV..
This, and lots and lots more resulted in the following:
Community Requests to FDev for Elite: Dangerous“All of us love Elite:Dangerous, and we feel that Elite: Dangerous is not what it could be. We don’t ask Frontier Developments for miracles. We don’t ask for new content and we don’t ask for a major shift in development. We simply want everything already delivered to be maintained properly.”
And a very lively discussion on Reddit about this:
Community Requests to Frontier Developments only thing missing is some feedback from MOBIUS, some feedback from YOU
This is a chance as a community to show not only FDEV how much we love this game, but also point out the areas where it hurts, the areas that need improvement
Of course, we do this with our hardpoints NOT being deployed!
To Frontier Developments for Elite: Dangerous
But we still had a lot of fun -
please don't think this comes from hate.
We bitch because we like you
and we want you to be great!
from "Goodbye Black Ops" by Miracle of Sound
Fly safely!