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Regelfrage RKA

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Habe gerade eine Antwort von Steve Long höchstpersönlich erhalten. Es scheint sich tatsächlich um eine Inkonsistenz der Regeln zu halten.

--- Zitat ---Let me see if I can clear this up. Here's a question and answer from our Rules FAQ:

quote:Q: Weapons like bows, guns, and energy blasters are built using RKA. They take the STR Minimum Limitation to represent the STR needed to use them effectively. However, why do they also take the STR Min Cannot Add/Subtract Damage additional Limitation? Characters don’t normally get to add STR to RKAs.

A: That’s a good question. The weapon-building rules, which date from at least the 4th Edition, seem to assume that weapons that do Killing Damage are built using a general “Killing Attack” power to which characters add STR damage. For example, the 5E sections on various weapon types don’t specifically say the HTH weapons are built with HKA and the Ranged ones with RKA (though that’s the obvious conclusion, especially given example powers elsewhere in the book). Since this is apparently some sort of generalized KA damage to which STR adds, the STR Min Cannot Add/Subtract Damage Limitation is not only appropriate, but required for weapons like guns and bows.

For now, best to stick with tradition and keep applying the Limitation. In the future, when we have the chance to revisit the issue of weapons as a whole (in, say, The Ultimate Weapon), we can take another look at this issue and decide how to proceed going forward.

To put it another way: in an ideal world I'd have caught this and changed it in the 5th Edition rules. But I didn't, and at this stage changing the way things are done and retroactively rewriting hundreds or thousands of weapons isn't a good idea. When I have the chance to rework all the weapons from the get-go, I'll probably change it, unless I can see a good reason not to -- but at this point it's nothing to get worried about.

Steve Long

--- Ende Zitat ---

Selganor [n/a]:
Ausserdem ist es eher unwahrscheinlich dass dieses "Problem" wirklich ein Problen ist, da die Limitation "Requires a STR Min" fuer gewoehnlich nur in Heroic Campaigns auftaucht (Superheroics, wenn sie mal Wafen benutzen "bauen" diese selbst und das normalerweise ohne STR Min).
Diese zahlen im Normalfall auch Waffen nicht mit Punkten, sondern mit Geld.

Das ist natürlich wahr, aber es ist trotzdem eine Inkonsistenz.


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