Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > 13th Age

[13th Age] Serpent's Skull AP-Konvertierung

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Auf der Insel ist ein Zuraheiligtum. Da meine Spieler total darauf abgegangen sind, habe ich dem Thema eine größere Wichtigkeit beigemessen, inklusive riesen Showdown mit ihrem Herold kurz vor dem Endkampf.
Es gibt dermaßen viele und genial passende Elemente zu dem Thema Vampirismus, Dämonen und Co, dass ich das Thema einfach nur ausbauen musste.

Details dazu gern später  :d

Gerne mehr.  :d

Das ist schon ein cooles Thema, aber ich sehe da jetzt erstmal keinen Zusammenhang zu 13th Age? Gibt es nicht schon Threads, wo das Aufbohren des Pfads Thema war?

So, ich habe mal skizziert, wie ich mir schwieriges Terrain im Dschungel von Smuggler's Shiv mit 13th Age gedacht habe. Ich wollte auf keinen Fall zu viele Würfe im Kampf an sich. Also kein skill check jede Runde, um nicht hinzufallen. Daher dachte ich an etwas, auf das am Anfang gecheckt wird und dann irgendwann eintritt. Das ist als Idee dabei herausgekommen:


The fight takes place in an area that is dominated by a specific kind of terrain set by the GM. Players have to make an appropriate skill check (terrain check) at the start of the battle to see how the PC can deal with the difficult terrain. On a success, the PCs can act normally, on a failure they must deal with a consequence, chosen randomly with a d6. Maybe the GM  wants to make the roll in secret, so that the players aren't about to know what's coming.

Sparse jungle/undergrowth (DC 15)
1. When you roll an attack roll and the roll is a natural odd roll, the attack gets a -2 penalty.
2. Roll a d6. When the escalation die becomes equal to this result, you are hampered this round.
3. When you roll a natural 1-2 on an attack roll this battle, you take 1d6 damage from tricky plants.
4. When you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll this battle, you are stunned until the end of your next turn.
5. Damn roots! Roll a d6. When the escalation die is equal to your result, you lose your next move action, whenever this may be.
6. Once per battle, when you miss an enemy, you take miss damage equal to your level, even if you would normally not deal miss damage.

Dense jungle (DC 20)
1. Once per battle, when you roll an attack roll and the roll is a natural even roll, you automatically miss.
2. Roll a d6. When the escalation die becomes equal to this result, you are stuck this round.
3. When you roll a natural 1-5 on an attack roll this battle, you take 1d6 damage from tricky plants.
4. When the escalation die is odd, you cannot add it to your attacks.
5. Damn roots! Roll a d6. When the escalation die is equal to your result, you lose your next action, whenever this may be.
6. This battle, when you miss an enemy, you take miss damage equal to double your level, even if you would normally not deal miss damage.

1. This battle, as soon as the escalation die is higher than your Dexterity score, you are hampered until you succeed on a save.
2. When the escalation die is even, you are stuck, unless you succeed on an easy save.
3. This battle, everytime you roll a natural odd miss, you take 2d6 damage.
4. Roll a d6. As soon as the escalation die equals the result, you almost bog down. You are stunned until you succeed on a save.
5. When you roll an natural 1 on an attack roll this battle, you are hampered until you succeed on an easy save.
6. When the escalation die is odd, you must succeed on a save or lose a recovery.

1. Once per battle, when you roll an attack roll and the roll is a natural odd roll, you are hampered until you succeed on an save.
2. Roll a d6. When the escalation die becomes equal to this result, you are stuck this round.
3. You can't rally this battle.
4. When you roll a natural 1-5 on an attack roll this battle, you are stunned until the end of your next turn.
5. You have -2 on all defenses this battle.
6. This battle, when you miss an enemy, you take miss damage equal to double your level, even if you would normally not deal miss damage.

Finde ich einen interessante Mechanik. Ich habe bei meinen Battlemats immer mit schwierigem Gelände und Elementen zum klettern hüpfen und schwingen gearbeitet.


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