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[13th Age] Serpent's Skull AP-Konvertierung

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Finde ich eine gute Mechanik. Machst Du die Proben dann einmal zu Beginn des Kampfes?


--- Zitat von: BobMorane am 19.02.2015 | 11:56 ---Finde ich eine gute Mechanik. Machst Du die Proben dann einmal zu Beginn des Kampfes?

--- Ende Zitat ---

So ist es gedacht. Wer dann nicht gut würfelt, weiß, das etwas kommen könnte, aber nicht was und nicht wann.

Meine Version des Cave Fishers:

3rd level spoiler [BEAST]
Initiative: +5

Pincers +8 vs. PD – 10 damage
   Natural hit above target's PD: The target is grabbed.

R: Filament +8 vs. AC– 5 damage and the filament attaches to the target.
   Natural even hit: The cave fisher makes a pull attack as a free action.

Pull + 8 vs. PD (one target that is attached to a filament) – 5 damage and the target is pulled closer to the cave fisher.

Time to eat! + 8 vs. PD (one grabbed target) – 15 damage

Pull: A target that has a filament attached to it can be pulled. A far away target is pulled nearby and a nearby target becomes enganged with the cave fisher. A cave fisher can only have one filament active at a time and can pull only once per round. A target can escape the attached filament with a Strength or Deterity check vs. the cave fishers PD (17), but beware: you may be considerable high above the ground!

Climber: The cave fisher climbs not fast but safe.

AC 19
PD 17      HP 40
MD 13

Fredi der Elch:
Schick! Zeigt, wie schön man mit 13th Age stimmungsvolle Monster umsetzen kann. :D

Meine Konvertierung der Shocker Lizards, die im Dschungel ihr Unwesen treiben. Meine Gruppe ist ihnen schon begegnet und sie waren nicht ungefährlich.

Shocker Lizard

This dreadful lizard has green scales with a blueish sparkle. Its crested back is a shimmering threat of crackling electricity.

2nd level wrecker [BEAST]
Initiative: +5

Bite +7 vs. AC – 8 damage
Natural 12+: The target also takes 4 lightning damage.
Natural 16+: The shocker lizard makes one forked lightning attack as a free action.

[Special trigger] C: Forked lightning +7 vs. PD (1d4 nearby enemies) – 5 lightning damage +1 for every other nearby shocker lizard
Limited use: only when at least one other shocker lizard is nearby.

Fast swimmer: A shocker lizard lizard can swim pretty quick.

Skilled Climber: The shocker lizard climbs fast and safe.

Electricity Sense: Shocker lizards automatically sense any electrical discharges in the
area they are. The tend to be curious about them.

AC 17
PD 14     HP 34
MD 11


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