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[13th Age] Serpent's Skull AP-Konvertierung

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--- Zitat von: Fredi der Elch am 21.03.2015 | 08:58 ---Schick! Zeigt, wie schön man mit 13th Age stimmungsvolle Monster umsetzen kann. :D

--- Ende Zitat ---

Und noch dazu ist es das System, wo es (mir) einfach am meisten Spaß macht  :d

Meine Spieler sind in der vorletzten Sitzung auf einen verrückten Elfen-Einsiedler getroffen, der in einem alten elfischen Schiffswrack umgeben von Stirges lebt und sich seine eigene Black Milk anbaut.

Die Stats habe ich allerdings nicht gebraucht, weil es nicht zum Kampf kam.

Wreck of the White Queen

Z'Kharas, a mad elven druid is lurking in the remains of this once precious ship. Now it is just a greenish wreck in a small swampy bay. Z'Kharas eagerly defends his private gardens in the marshes around his lair, where he harvests his very own herbs to make Black Milk out of it. Though he is hostile towards intruders, he is no fool and doesn't start a fight unless someone steals of his fields, breaks into his home or attacks him first. He seldomly leaves the area but sometimes he roams The Shiv at night. Z'Kharas is not a follower of Nyarlathotep, that's why he fled Imystrahl after all. But his need for the Black Milk is unbroken. It's all he has now.


(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)4th level archer [HUMANOID]
Initiative: +8

Wooden dagger +8 vs. AC – 8 damage
R: Masterwork longbow +9 vs. AC – 12 damage
   Natural even hit: The target is dazed.

R: Spiderweb bullets +9 vs. AC (1d4 nearby or far away enemies) – 5 damage and the target is stuck (save ends)
   Natural 18+: Save is now a hard save.

C: Visions of the Black Milk +9 vs. MD (1d3 nearby or far away enemies) – 5 psychic damage and the target is dazed (save ends)
   Natural 16+: The target is also stuck until the end of its next turn.

Black Prophet: Z'Kharas spends his days sleeping and dreaming and walks The Shiv at night. He can see perfectly in darkness.

Spiderpots: Z'Kharas carries two or three Spiderpots with him (see Thule Campaign Setting page 255). Consider at least one of them as loot.

AC 20/21/22* (bright light/normal light/shadow)
PD 13      HP 48
MD 19

A bunch of Stirges (13th Age Bestiary 197) is always nearby the dark druid.

*He wears an Armor of Darkness (Book of Loot 52).

In der letzten Sitzung haben die Charaktere das Kannibalendorf mehr oder weniger ausradiert. Schlechtes Würfeln meinerseits und dass der Häuptling überrascht wurde führten dazu, dass die Kämpfe eher etwas zu leicht waren.

(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)1st level mook [HUMANOID]
Initiative: +3

Rusty scimitar +6 vs. AC – 4 damage
   Natural 16+: 2 ongoing poison damage.

R: Javelin +6 vs. AC – 4 damage
   Limited use: 1/battle (normally the first round in combat).

Slayer: The cannibal deals additional 2 damge to staggered creatures.

AC 15
PD 12      HP 7 (mook)
MD 14

KLORAK THE RED (Chieftain)
(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)3rd level leader [HUMANOID]
Initiative: +8

Bloodthirsty Scimitar* +9 vs. AC – 10 damage, 14 damage against humans
   Natural 18+: 1d3 nearby allies can make an opportunity attack against an enemy    they are engaged with.
   Natural 20*: Crit damage and also crit damage in next turn (if next attack hits).

R: Sharp Javelin +8 vs. AC – 10 damage, 14 damage against humans
   Natural 12+: the target is hampered until the beginning of Kloraks next turn.
   Natural 16+: the target is vulnerable until the end of the battle.
   Limited use: 1/battle.

Blood rage: When Klorak hits an enemy and the target becomes staggered, or if he becomes staggered himself, he gets a penalty to AC and a bonus on PD and MD equal to the escalation die.

Obsessed with blood: If Klorak drops an enemy to 0 hit points (or otherwise unconscious) he touches the bloody body and paints his face with blood. He takes opportunity attacks while he does so. He revels in blood (and takes no other actions) until he succeeds on a save or is hit by an attack with at least 5 damage.

AC 19
PD 16      HP 52
MD 12

* Magic Item (see 13th Age Core 292)

MALIKADNA (tribe shaman)
(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)3rd level spoiler [HUMANOID]
Initiative: +2

Cursed quarterstaff +4 vs. AC – 6 damage
   Natural odd hit: Malikadna pops free.
   Miss: Malikadna gains +4 AC until the beginning of her next turn.
R: Hideous laughter +7 vs. MD (1d3 nearby or far away enemies) – 10 psychic damage
   Natural 12+: Targets are dazed (save ends).
   Natural 16+: Targets are hampered (save ends).
   Natural 20: Targets are stunned (save ends).

C: Evil Eye +7 vs. MD (one nearby enemy) – 10 psychic damage
   Natural even roll: Malikadna can use cackle as a free action this turn.
   Natural odd roll: If engaged Malikadna pops free.

Cackle:  All saves for conditions brought to targets by the hideous laughter that are still in effect are now hard saves (16+) for one round.

Ape Mother: The first time each battle an enemy hits Malikadna with a melee attack, that attacker takes 5 ongoing poison damage from her creepy ape familiar.

Old: Malikadna doesn't make opportunity attacks and gets a -2 penalty on disengage checks.

AC 17
PD 10      HP 35
MD 16

Die PCs haben gestern überraschend schnell das vermutlich stärkste Untier der Insel umgehauen.

(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)4th level Double-Strength Wrecker [MAGICAL BEAST]
Initiative: +8

Slobbering bite +9 vs. AC – 20 damage
   Natural even hit above target's PD: The target is grabbed.
   Natural odd hit: The winged chupacabra makes one claw attack as a free action.
   Miss: 4 damage.

[Special trigger] Claw +9 vs. AC –  10 damage

Sucking blood +9 vs. PD (one grabbed target) – 30 damage and the target is weakened until it escapes the grab and succeeds on a save.
   Natural even hit: The winged chupacabra adds the escalation die to its attacks until the end of the battle.

C: ROOOAAAARRRR +9 vs. MD (1d4 nearby enemies) – 10 psychic damage
   Natural even hit: The target can't attack the winged chupacabra until the end of it's next turn.

C: Sweeping blow +9 vs. PD (all enemies engaged with the winged chupacabra) – 10 damage and the target is weakened until the end of it's next turn.
   Natural 15+: The target is also stunned (save ends).
   Miss: 5 damage

Flight: The winged chupacabra can fly pretty well. When it gains momentum it can be very fast.
Flyby Attack: The winged chupacabra can pop free as a free action after attacking while flying.

AC 21
PD 19      HP 120
MD 13

Danach hat die Gruppe die Höhlen unter dem Kannibalencamp erkundet und sind den Festrogs und ihrer "Mutter" begegnet.


(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)4th level spoiler [HUMANOID]
Initiative: +6
Vulnerability: holy

Claws and bite +9 vs. AC – 12 damage
   Natural even hit: Nythilati gains a +2 bonus to AC until the end of her next turn.
   Natural 18+: The bonus to AC now lasts until the end of the battle.

C: Wave of sorrow +8 vs. MD (1d3 nearby enemies) – 10 psychic damage
   Natural even hit: (Once per battle) Nythilati casts obscuring mist as a free action    and gains a +2 bonus on AC against ranged attacks until the end of the battle (not cumulative).

R: Reign of Darkness +8 vs. MD (all nearby enemies) – 10 pychic damage
   Natural 12+: The target is hampered (save ends).
   Natural 16+: The target is dazed (save ends).
   Natural 18+: The target is weakened (save ends).
   Limited use: 1/battle.

[Special trigger] C: Unearthly shriek +9 vs. MD (1d3 nearby enemies) – 5 psychic damage
   Natural 16+: the target is weakened (save ends).
   Natural 18+: the target is confused (save ends).

Fear: Nythilati is a wretched thing of a corpse. Her fear threshold is 18.

Mother Thrunefang: Nythilati gains a +1 bonus to all attack rolls for every one of her „children“ in battle (up to a maximum of +3). When one of her undead minions is killed, she can immediately make one free unearthly shriek attack (but only once per round).

AC 20
PD 16      HP 55
MD 16

In den schlammigen Höhlen haben wir zum ertsen Mal die terrain checks getestet.

Muddy cave floor
1. This battle, as soon as the escalation die is higher than your Constitution modifier, you are stunned until you succeed on a save.
2. When the escalation die is odd, you are stuck, unless you succeed on an easy save.
3. This battle, everytime you roll a natural odd miss, you lose a recovery.
4. This battle, roll Initiative twice and take the lower result. If you already roll twice (as a human) you lose the Bonus die and just roll once.
5. When you roll an natural 1 on an attack roll this battle, you take miss damage equal to the level of the enemy you missed.
6. You take a -2 penalty to disengange checks this battle.

Statt auszuwürfeln habe ich alle sechs Optionen auf Karten gedruckt. Am Anfang des Kampfes wurde ein DC 15 check fällig, wer den nicht schaffte, musste eine Karte ziehen, die für den gesamten Kampf galt. "Leider" (zwecks testen) hat nur ein Spieler den check nicht geschafft und Option 4 gezogen, was ihn stark in der Initiative nach unten gezogen hat aber im Kampf dann keine wirkliche Rolle spielte. Erzählerisch hat das gut funktioniert.

So, alles was ich bisher konvertiert habe wurde jetzt gespielt. Ein paar Änderungen habe ich aufgrund der "playtests" noch gemacht, jetzt kann ich es nicht mehr sehen. Herausgekommen ist ein fast 30-seitiges PDF, das man im Vault herunterladen kann. Vielleicht kann ja jemand was damit anfangen.  *KLICK*


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