Autor Thema: Bienen  (Gelesen 1873 mal)

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Offline Chiarina

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« am: 22.01.2016 | 23:50 »
Interessiert das eventuell irgendjemanden? Ich habe gerade für Ars Magica 5th edition Werte für einen Bienenkönig und den dazugehörigen Schwarm erstellt. Vorlage war das book of mundane beasts aus den Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults. Insekten sind tricky... daher musste ich die Regeln hin und wieder etwas stärker interpretieren. Ich habe außerdem Bienenkönig und dazugehörigen Schwarm möglichst gleich gehalten, weil ich demnächst ein beast of virtue draus machen möchte, das einer meiner Spielermagi als familiar bindet (und dann gibt´s da ja sogar so etwas wie Schwarmintelligenz...). Da ist es von Vorteil, wenn wir bei Bienenkönig allein und ganzem Schwarm möglichst wenig umrechnen müssen. Wenn Interesse vorhanden ist, stelle ich auch noch den verbesserten Bienenkönig als beast of virtue ein. Vielleicht hat ja sogar jemand eine Idee, wo ich in den Regeln einen Vermerk dazu finde, dass es ein Problem gibt, wenn man Schwärme bekämpfen will. Ich habe keine Ahnung...

Hier die Werte:

Bird, Size -15
Stamina-20, Strength-50, Dexterity+20, Quickness+21, Cunning0, Perception+2, Presence-1, Communication-2
Virtues and Flaws: Ferocity (Confidence 1/3 to use when defending its bee colony), Lightning reflexes (quickness stress roll when surprised; if no botch, +9 at initiative for an instinctive reaction), Puissant Athletics, Higher Purpose (pollinate flowers)
Abilities: Brawl 2 (dodging), Survival 3 (home terrain), Awareness 4 (food), Athletics 5+2 (flying)
Combat: Initiative+21, Attack+22, Defense+23, Damage-50 (if the bee´s attack advantage is higher than the victims armor protection, the victim has a Stamina check with a stress die against 3, otherwise he gets a light wound)
Qualities: Accomplished Flyer, Crafty, Tireless, Venomous
Fatigue: Winded (0/0), Weary (-1/-1), Tired (-3), Dazed (-5), Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1), -3 (2), -5 (3), Incapacitating (4), Dead (5+)

Bird, Swarm, Size +1 (15.000 bees, total weight: 2 kg, group)
Stamina-4, Strength-2, Dexterity+4, Quickness+3, Cunning0, Perception+2, Presence-1, Communication-2
Virtues and Flaws: Ferocity (Confidence 1/3 to use when defending its bee colony), Lightning reflexes (quickness stress roll when surprised; if no botch, +9 at initiative for an instinctive reaction), Puissant Athletics, Higher Purpose (pollinate flowers)
Abilities: Brawl 2 (dodging), Survival 3 (home terrain), Awareness 4 (food), Athletics 5+2 (flying)
Combat: Initiative+3, Attack+6, Defense+5, Damage-2 (if the bee´s attack advantage is higher than the victims armor protection, the victim has a Stamina check with a stress die against 6, otherwise he gets a medium wound. The stamina roll increases by 1 for each consecutive round of combat to represent the cumulative effect of many bites)
Qualities: Accomplished Flyer, Crafty, Tireless, Venomous
Fatigue: Winded (0/0), Weary (-1/-1), Tired (-3), Dazed (-5), Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-6), -3 (7-12), -5 (13-18), Incapacitating (19-24), Dead (25+)
The swarm ignores defenders and can always reach its intended target.
The swarm has an immunity to regular weapons, but is vulnerable to fire, water, etc. Attacks like this do stress die + 5 damage (no soak).
Unless the swarm is destroyed outright, it can disengage and return in full strength after a number of rounds equal to its single highest wound penalty.
« Letzte Änderung: 23.01.2016 | 14:52 von Chiarina »
[...] the real world has an ongoing metaplot (Night´s Black Agents, The Edom Files, S. 178)

Offline Chiarina

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Re: Bienen
« Antwort #1 am: 23.01.2016 | 14:29 »
Ich habe wahrhaftig Schwarm-Regeln gefunden! Sie stehen in "Thrice told tales", S. 120 (dort ist´s ein Spinnenschwarm). Oben nun die aktualisierten Daten für den Bienenschwarm. Jetzt müsste es halbwegs hinkommen.
[...] the real world has an ongoing metaplot (Night´s Black Agents, The Edom Files, S. 178)

Offline Chiarina

  • Herr Kaleun
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Re: Bienen
« Antwort #2 am: 23.01.2016 | 23:18 »
So, war anstrengend, aber nun bin ich soweit... hier kommt Wilrich, ein magischer Bienenkönig aus einem Feenwald, bereit, von unserem Tremere Magus, der seine Fähigkeit zum Staatenbilden sehr bewundert, als Familiar gebunden zu werden.

Wilrich, Bee King of Virtue
Bird, Size-15, Magic Might 20, Season: Summer
Stamina-20, Strength-50, Dexterity+20, Quickness+21, Cunning0, Perception+2, Presence-1, Communication-2
Personality Trait: regal+3 (cannot be influenced by magic)
Virtues: Magic Animal, Essential Virtue: Leadership (minor: regal+3), Arcane Lore, Ferocity (Confidence 1/3 to use when defending its bee colony), Lightning reflexes (quickness stress roll when surprised; if no botch, +9 at initiative for an instinctive reaction), Puissant Athletics, Unaffected by the Gift
Flaws: Higher Purpose (pollinate flowers), Lesser Malediction (always followed by his colony), Magical Monster, Proud (minor)
Abilities: Athletics 5+2 (flying), Awareness 5 (food), Brawl 2 (dodging), Etiquette 1 (bees), Faerie Lore 1 (faerie forests), Leadership 2 (inspiration), Survival 3 (home terrain)
Animal Qualities: Accomplished Flyer, Crafty, Tireless, Venomous
Magical Qualities and Inferiorities: Focus Power, Improved Might (x25), Temporary Might, Reduced Abilities (x4), Reduced Initiative (x5), Reduced Attack (x7), Reduced Defense (x8), Susceptible to Deprivation
Combat: Initiative0, Attack+8, Defense+7, Damage-50 (if the bee´s attack advantage is higher than the victims armor protection, the victim has a Stamina check with a stress die against 6, otherwise it gets a light wound)
Fatigue: Winded (0/0), Weary (-1/-1), Tired (-3), Dazed (-5), Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1), -3 (2), -5 (3), Incapacitating (4), Dead (5+)
Power: Crafter of Animal (Variable points, Init+16, Animal, R:varies, D:varies, T:varies: Duplicates any of a range of non-Ritual Creo Animal or Rego Animal spells at a cost of 1 Might point per magnitude of the effect. The level of the effect cannot be greater than 20.)
« Letzte Änderung: 23.01.2016 | 23:44 von Chiarina »
[...] the real world has an ongoing metaplot (Night´s Black Agents, The Edom Files, S. 178)