Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > Ubiquity
[Ubiquity] News
Triple Ace Games hat den Großteil seiner Ubiquity Publikationen derzeit im Summer Sale:
PDFs -50%
Print -25%
Die Aktion dauert noch bis zum 21. September:
--- Zitat ---TAG Summer Sale!
We don't know if its the unseasonable warmth or the heavy rain that tells us summer is here. What we do know is that we've got our summer sale on! Technically we have two sales on, depending on whether the you want PDF or print! So if you're a fan of Savage Worlds or Ubiquity, or just a gaming in general, there's time to grab a bargain!
From now until 21st September 2019, there is 50% off PDF products (including our popular TAG@Ten bundles) at DriveThruRPG and 25% off print products at the TAG webstore.
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Gut zu wissen, danke.
Triple Ace Games kündigt vierteljährliche Publikationsreihe mit Abonnement an:
--- Zitat ---Letters from the Leagues Subscription
Four volumes quarterly
32 pages each volume
Great content
Gamers of old will likely recall the Journal of the Travellers’ Aid Society (JTAS), a regular publication noted for its articles on every aspect of the popular Traveller universe. Letters from the Leagues is our version of that esteemed journal. Each quarter for the next year you'll get a new volume with articles (many with game mechanics) for Leagues of Adventure, Leagues of Gothic Horror, and/or Leagues of Cthulhu.
Subscribe and you get both print and PDF delivered to your door for £55 (four issues, shipped at no additional cost).
Issue 1 contains an article on Ancient Monuments, scratch building Occult Detective Agencies, a discourse of Yog-Sothoth, and a feature about Alienists & Asylums.
The subscription is not yet opened. We'll let you know when you can subscribe!
--- Ende Zitat ---
Chris Baker bloggt über ein fantasybasiertes Ubiquity Regelwerk:
Teil 1: probleme in D&D und wie Ubiquity sie beheben kann
Heimlich, still und leise haben Quantum Black Games zwei Abenteuer für ihr „Quantum Black“ Setting auf veröffentlicht:
Case File 17: Trouble in Paradise
Quantum Black agents go undercover at a marriage counseling camp when a mysterious body washes ashore. Couples therapy by day, eldritch horror by night. What they find may change the destiny of Humanity forever!
31 S., PDF, 6,32€
Case File 28: Attack of the Drones
In this standalone adventure, the advanced research base Girra has been destroyed. Since Girra is a critical base for Quantum Black drone development, your team will be dispatched as soon as possible. Once on site the team will determine what happened and resolve the issues they find. What you uncover will have you and your teammates in the fight of your lives. This is a fast-paced horror-mystery with lots of blazing action that will have you on the edge of your seat throughout.
12 S., PDF, 5,42€
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