Race: Human Barbarian 1 / Hexblade 5 / Exotic Weapon Master 1 / War Hulk 10 / Other +X
(Option to go deeper into EWM for Flurry of Strikes, Uncanny blows)
(attention: has been edited after discussion

28-pt-buy (sucker buy update)
STR: 16 (18) (+1 @4,8,12,16,20, +5 tome, +6 item, +20 class, +6-10 buffs) [58-64 STR endgame]
DEX: 14 (12) (+6buff)
CON: 14 (+6 item)
INT: 10
WIS: 8
CHA: 12 (+6 item)
1: Exotic Weapon Prof (Spiked Chain)
(human): [option if dm agrees to customize the feat] Apprentice (DMG2) (Spellcaster + Woodsman for UMD and Survival)
(human): [alternative] Apprentice (Woodsman (Survival) (and Use Magic Device as Cross-Class skill)
(human): [alternative #2] Apprentice (Woodsman (Survival) (and Outyuk Hole (CC) retrained into Skill Knowledge (UMD))
3: Power Attack
6(hexblade): Improved Bullrush
6: Shock Trooper
(ring) Heroics for Weapon Focus (Spiked chain)
(Cleave) Sylvan Scimitar (DMG) [carrying would be enough]
7(EWM): Trip
9: Leap Attack
12: Leadership (Cohort)
15: Combat Reflexes
18: Robilar's Gambit (PHB)
Optimize further:
(Options to reduce Fighter levels though lower feat demand [feats to be covered by items])
- Improved Bullrush: Battleaxe of the Bull (A&EG) [carrying would be enough]
Class Abilities:
1 (Barbarian): Rage 1/day, ACF Pounce (CC), illiteracy (buyoff)
2 (Hexblade): Hexblade's curse 1/day
3 (Hexblade): Arcane resistance
4 (Hexblade): Mettle
5 (Hexblade): Summon Familiar (Raven)
6 (Hexblade): Bonus Feat, Curse 2/day
7 (EWM): Trip attack with Chain
8ff(Warhulk): +20str, Massive Swing, 3xToughness, No time to think
Skills to max (in this order):
Use magic device, Intimidate, Survival
Ranks in:
Jump 8
Tumble, Listen, Balance (optional)
Retraining to gain Track:
- Retrain your Familiar Weapon Finesse --> Track
- Or gain Wardogs x2
Get Permanency Enlarge Person on yourself (3k cost, 500xp)
(Ring) Custom Heroics Ring for (Weapon Focus Spiked Chain) (18.000gp)
Weapon: Spiked chain +1,
- Living (MIC, +2 trip checks, 2.000gp flat),
- Sudden Strike (DMG II, 2000gp, cha times additional reflex save vs. stun [1d4+1] rounds)
- (+1) Whirling (MIC, attacks all targets in range, 3/day),
- (+1) Summoning Element (MIC) (to summon elements as an alternative in case you cannot do something)
- (+2) Metalline (weapon receives any property adamantine, silver, cold iron, etc.)
Shield: Steel Shield +1, Animated +2, Death Ward +1 (Armor Crystal for ranged attacks +5AC) (MIC)
Amulet: Amulett of Tears 3.200gp (for additional hit points as tank) or Amber amulett of vermin 700gp (for summoning)
Ring: Continuous custom item of Protection from Evil (4.000gp) [immunity vs. mind effects]
Face: Third Eye Clarity (MIC). 3000GP (immunity Stun, Dazed, Dazzled, Para 1/day)
Shoulder: Banner of the Storm's Eye (MIC). 12.000gp (Immunty Fear, Stun permanent)
Feet: Anklet of Translocation (MIC). 1400gp (2/day) (effictively immunity to grapple + repositioning)
Armor, Shield, Boot, Shoulder spikes +1, defending, parrying (increases the AC by 40+)
Belt: Belt of Battle (Extra round when needed, initiative bonus)
Wands for the Familiar:
- Wand Chamber x2
- Eternal Wand of Divine Power 10.900gp (2/day, 5 rounds, spell is sanctuaried')
- Wand of Psychometabolism (5'reach). 3500gp [extra reach increased to 30'ft]
- Wand of Nerveskitter (+5 ini). 750gp [much required initiative boost]
- Wand of Swift Fly (SpC). 4500GP [gives you the option to fly, when you need it]
- Wand of Benign Transposition (SpC). 750GP [most efficient repositioning as the tank]
- Wand of Wings of Cover (SpC). 3500GP [immunity to enemy chargers]
- Wand of Blockade/Grease (SpC). 750gp [blocks paths for enemies, chargers and applies Battlefield control]
- Wand of Delay Death (SpC). (5 charges) 1200gp[immunity to hp damage when needed]
- Wand of Beastial Feriocity (SpC) (5 charges) 37gp [keep on fighting when reduced below 0hp]
- Wand of Rope Trick (SpC). (10 charges) 350gp [rest here when danger is near]
- Wand of Haste (PHB). 750gp [Trapsmith ftw]