Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > Earthdawn
Vagrant Workshop: Earthdawn - The Age of Legend
Mr. Ohnesorge:
Published on 21.12.2015
Ever since 2012, we have used the 21st of December to make special anouncements or release new games. This year is no different, and it even comes with a shiny new website: after almost two years of development and playtesting, we're happy to announce that our next release—Earthdawn: The Age of Legend—has passed our licensor's first stage of approval and is now being layouted.
Earthdawn: The Age of Legend is a very special release for us, for several reasons. First off, it is a break from the traditional rules—a lightweight alternative to Earthdawn’s own Step System, which has been around in various editions since 1992. The game propagates a widely different style of play, serving a different audience. Given that Earthdawn’s setting and mechanics were always closely intertwined, you will find that the new rules were designed to provide a similar experience. There is a certain feel we wanted to maintain, despite using a much lighter game engine.
Artwork by Kathy SchadSecond, our history with the game. A few of the writers and game developers at Vagrant Workshop worked on Earthdawn Classic and Earthdawn Third Edition a few years back. While we moved on to design a variety of small and independent game systems, we still play Earthdawn and we still get asked about it a lot. At some point, we realized we don’t want to lose our heritage with the game world. So we requested a separate license to be able to share our ideas and concepts independently from the traditional version of the game.
And last, but not least: we wanted to create something new for both Earthdawn veterans as well as for new people interested in the setting: a game that is easy to learn and easy to teach! Earthdawn: The Age of Legend was designed for one shots, convention games, casual or irregular campaigns, and for those wanting to play and seeking an easy system adapted to the rich setting of Earthdawn.
While the rules in Earthdawn: The Age of Legend are relatively simple and straightforward, they allow for a great deal of flexibility when it comes to character design and power. You can start play quickly with a bunch of novice adepts, but you can also run a game with master adepts at the height of their abilities. The rules for character advancement are a part of the background (adding a lot to game's flavor) and will appear familiar to veterans of the original game.
The book is expected to become available in early 2016 via DriveThruRPG. Stay tuned for updates!
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Mr. Ohnesorge:
Der Nârr:
Ihr seid die besten. :d
Besteht die Aussicht, dass es auch eine deutsche Fassung geben wird oder ist das wegen der Lizenzen ausgeschlossen?
Wird es auch ein eigenes Setting geben? Ich habe mich schon lange gefragt, wieso es keine alternativen Zeitlinien gibt, die man spielen kann (z.B. 100 Jahre vor der offiziellen Zeit oder während des Baus der Kaers).
Ich bin jetzt schon voller Vorfreude.
--- Zitat von: Der Narr am 21.12.2015 | 08:47 ---Besteht die Aussicht, dass es auch eine deutsche Fassung geben wird oder ist das wegen der Lizenzen ausgeschlossen?
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Die Hoffnung besteht, die Rechte daran sind jedenfalls gesichert.
--- Zitat von: Der Narr am 21.12.2015 | 08:47 ---Wird es auch ein eigenes Setting geben? Ich habe mich schon lange gefragt, wieso es keine alternativen Zeitlinien gibt, die man spielen kann (z.B. 100 Jahre vor der offiziellen Zeit oder während des Baus der Kaers).
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In der Richtung ist momentan nichts geplant, das Buch ist in der Hinsicht aber universell (es beinhaltet nur eine Einführung und Übersicht der Earthdawn-Welt, ist aber nicht auf eine bestimmte Zeitperiode festgenagelt).
Ui :d
Ein regelleichtes System in Earthdawn? Es geschehen ja noch Zeichen und Wunder.
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