Autor Thema: [Mage: Ascension] Und noch mal eine Regelvariante  (Gelesen 4532 mal)

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Re: [Mage: Ascension] Und noch mal eine Regelvariante
« Antwort #25 am: 15.03.2016 | 16:44 »
Habe ein paar Ergänzungen vorgenommen.

Hedge Mages / Sorcerers lassen sich mit dem System sehr viel einfacher darstellen.

Sorcerers or Hedge Mages, those Unawakened spellcasters, required a special set of systems in the original rules. Here it is much simpler.
Sorcerers do not have Arete. They lack enlightenment.
Sorcerers do have dots in Spheres.
For the first dot in a Sphere, they may choose a Knack.
They can never have Masteries, so further dots in Spheres only provide dice.

Therefore, except for their Knacks, Sorcerers have to fulfill all four requirements and they only roll their Sphere.

Sorcerers do suffer Paradox, but at least rolling dox dice offers a little bit more oomph under these rules.

Aus Spaß an der Freude Hinweise zum Order of Reason ergänzt. Die meisten Sachen hatten wir schon mal durchgespielt.


While the Nine Mystic Traditions didn’t change much since the Grand Convocation, there were major shifts in power and paradigm among the Order of Reason until it finally became the Technocracy.

The Cabal of Pure Thought are pure before God. Use Sanctify
The High Guild haven’t changed much to become the Syndicate. Use the Bottom Line.
The Hippocratic Circle already knew about New Life.
The High Artisans created Wonders in their time, before they found the x-th iteration of Autochtonia.
As the Order’s holy Assassins, the Ksirafai recruited those who were able to mingle with other groups and generally used any means necessary. They were Seekers. Their Trouble was their conscience which they calmed with rituals of cleansing. See the Trouble for Sanctify.

Cosmology (Celestial Masters)
Backdoors in reality and boons from other worlds, for the daring the Heavens offer many prices that defy the mundane. You may reduce your dice pool by up to two dox dice, when you employ your knowledge or souvenirs. You roll less dice but reduce the chance of paradox.
Troubles: Not everything out there is safe. Stories of dark beings abound and sometimes your workarounds have unexpected side effects.
Other Names: ...

Craftsmanship (Craftmasons)
Good things come through hard work. With their dedication the Craftmasons not only create great architecture but built the Order of Reason. Each season, you can reroll a number of dice on downtime activities equal to your Arete. You can use this effect on your own rolls or those of team, Cabal or Chantry members. You decide which rolls to keep. You can use this to help or undermine your colleagues without them knowing.
Other Names: Management, Communion

Exploration (Void Seekers)
A new world? Map it. The unicorn? Hunt it. Prester John's domain? Find it. You may spend Willpower to escape, resist or ignore the attack or influence of wondrous places and creatures. You also take -1 difficulty on ability checks regarding such findings.
Troubles: The unknown is irresistible to you.
Other Names: Spirit Ambassador, Faerie Friend

Ebenso die Valdaermen aus Dark Ages: Mage.

Blôt (Valdaermen)
This Dark Ages fellowship followed the example of Odin who hung from the ash for seven days. You can use Health as Willpower. You do not take penalties from injury.
Trouble: Your practice leaves you scarred. The soft of heart shy away from you. And sometimes the pain is just too much.
Other Names: Castigation, Sacrifice

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Re: [Mage: Ascension] Und noch mal eine Regelvariante
« Antwort #26 am: 19.03.2016 | 19:26 »
Wenn ihr mögt, hätte ich gerne etwas spezifisches Feedback.

Welchen Arete Benefit findet ihr...
a) am stärksten
b) am schwächsten
c) am passensten für die Fraktion
d) am unpassensten für die Fraktion?

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Re: [Mage: Ascension] Und noch mal eine Regelvariante
« Antwort #27 am: 23.03.2016 | 14:54 »
Hab nach Feedback die Regeln für Kabalas flexibler gemacht. Deutlich besser jetzt.

Einige Benefits wurden erneut verfeinert.

Celestial Chorus hat ein Neues.
Voices für Dreamspeakers hat jetzt harte Vorteile.
Die richtig bösen Leute, können jetzt Sacrifice haben.
Craftmasons machen Resonanz mittels Architecture.
Hem-Ka Sobk eingefügt.

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Re: [Mage: Ascension] Und noch mal eine Regelvariante
« Antwort #28 am: 31.03.2016 | 14:52 »
Grundregeln nach Feedback überarbeitet.

Knoten / Resonanz
Epische Zauber

Bei den Benefits

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Re: [Mage: Ascension] Und noch mal eine Regelvariante
« Antwort #29 am: 15.04.2016 | 09:26 »
Gestern gabs den ersten Spieltest. Die Regeln bedurften hier und da einiger Klarstellung, was aber sehr fruchtbar war.

Method Casting hat sich aus meiner Sicht als zu stark herausgestellt. Ich überlege daher aktuell an folgenden Änderungen.

Which Sphere do you use to cure a headache? Life, probably. Or maybe Matter to make some Aspirin. Or use Spirit, to make them feel good and start their body’s self-healing.

Life in this instant is called the target sphere. It’s the obvious choice. Matter and Spirit take more circuitous routes for the same end. It work like this: If you can explain how another sphere helps in a spell, you may roll Arete + Method Sphere instead of Arete + Target Sphere, if that yields a larger dice pool.

You cannot use the Sphere masteries in your method sphere, though. So you either have to use masteries in the target sphere or ignore requirements by other means. The Four Humours benefit helps with that.

Four Humours (Hippocratic Circle)
The four humours govern the bodily functions and the human character. Relying on this ancient approach the Cosians have holistic theory relying on Life. When you use Life as a method sphere for a Spirit spell (or vice versa), you may use one of your Sphere masteries in the method sphere. (Note: Normally you cannot use masteries of a method sphere.)
Troubles: ?
Other names: Holistic theories for other spheres may include The Theory of Everything (Forces & Matter), Maya (Mind & Correspondence), Animism (Matter & Spirit), Biochemistry (Life & Matter), Dimensional Sciences (Fate & Correspondence) etc.

Hardened (Void Engineers)
You are humanity’s first and last line of defence. Stuff must work. When you spend Willpower, in addition to the usual benefits of Willpower, you may ignore one die of reductions to your casting dice pool. (Because of injury, active spells etc.) You may also delay a paradox backlash once per scene.

Sagt gern, was ihr davon haltet.

Ein anderes Problem ist dieses: Für gewöhnlich setzt WoD die maximale Zahl der möglichen Würfe auf bei einer erweiterten Handlung gleich der Größe des Würfelpools. So eine Obergrenze ist nicht doof, da es ja auch irgendwann langweilig wird sich nen Wolf (weiß oder andersfarbig) zu würfeln.

Das Problem, dass damit die geminmaxten Charaktere noch mal deutlich besser werden. Also sollte es irgendein andere Kriterium geben. Ideen?