Autor Thema: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter  (Gelesen 75727 mal)

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #50 am: 2.07.2016 | 11:39 »
Update Nr. 48

1. Jul 2016
The Midnight Sun

Dear Kultists,

This is Petter speaking. I hope that the summer is treating you well. I am myself isolated in the north of Sweden and my days and nights are devoted to Kult. It seems all but fair to give you a short update.

The translation of the rulebook is going nicely and we are very impressed with the work from both our translators.

Some excellent news is that we have in our hands both a translated version of The Black Madonna as well as Taroticum. We are now editing these classic adventures to fit the rules and visions of KULT: Divinity Lost. We are making sure to keep the mood as well as structure of these classic adventures but are adding material that will better connect the player characters to the story and getting them more involved.

We are also working with the the Quick Play scenarios that will be free to download online as well as be included in the Scenario book. Some of them are penned by Petter and Robin, but we have also sought the talent from established RPG-writers from around the globe, as well as some of the writers from previous versions of Kult. From what I have so far read you are all in for something horrendous, beautiful, erotic, and twisted. Each scenario glimpses behind the veil and reveals a piece of the grand puzzle of the Kult mythos.

As to the Pledge Manager. We had originally planned for setting it up with a base in the UK, to handle world wide shipping. However, the “Brexit” outcome has created questions for us whether it is sound for us to pursue our original plan, or if we are to relocate base to another country. This evaluation and talking to experts in the field will take some time, and right now we cannot really say when it comes online - our new target is late summer. We understand that this causes frustration, for which we apologize. As a small token of appreciation for your patience, we have decided to add a new Quick Play Scenario to the mix, bringing up the total to 7 QPS.

So, we are up to speed on the production side of things. Stay tuned for we have some more announcements to make in the near future.

Ps. I was planning to make another Nightly Rant video but I don't know if the midnight sun and rural landscape will be too disturbing and un-kultish. We will see.



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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #51 am: 8.08.2016 | 08:55 »
Fellow Kultists!

New month, new update! The core team has been away on a short vacation, but the project soldiers on.

The translation of KULT: Divinity Lost is progressing. Several chapters are ready for final editing. The bulk of the core rules has been transformed into English and are currently being reviewed. New images are coming at a steady pace. We are in discussion with candidates for the role of Editor for the entire project - a very important position as that person will make sure all materials sounds, tastes, and breathes the same throughout.

Robin, the projects head writer, is busy with playtests and producing the Quick Play Rules. As it looks right now, they will be quite meaty and contain the basic rules, four archetypes, the system for creating KDL scenarios, and some other things. The ideas is to allow for actual KDL sessions using these Quick Play Rules.

A full draft translation of The Black Madonna is done! It is a balancing act getting tone and pacing right for this massive campaign, in conjunction with the framework KDL offers. Some areas within the campaign will be edited, or redone, but the overall plot will remain largely intact.

We have decided to continue with our plans of having a central distribution hub for the game located in the UK, despite the Brexit outcome. This has also allowed us to continue with the Pledge Manager work, which will come online as soon as possible. Some of you have asked for how long the PM will be online, once launched. We will have to come back on that - our intention is to have it online for as long as possible, to allow for order changes or shipping address updates.

Still a lot of work ahead of us, and we really want to show you more stuff. I expect as we progress, more and more near-final previews will be presented.

Until next time, and may you never step through the Illusion!

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #52 am: 8.08.2016 | 12:10 »
Danke für das Update. Bin gerade im Urlaub und hatte keine Muse dazu.  😉

Gesendet mit nem Smartphone. Tippfehler dürfen behalten werden.

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #53 am: 6.09.2016 | 08:01 »
Moments of Ecstasy and Regret

Fellow Kultists, welcome to the symphony of flesh! 

This monthly update will contain a lot of info, so strap in and don’t be lured by the echos of Metropolis beckoning you to enter the dark places!   

Covers for The Black Madonna and the Quick Play Scenarios books 

We are very pleased to announce the new covers for the first two major books for KULT: Divinity Lost. Both made by the magnificent Bastien Lecouffe Deharme, who made the cover for the Core rule book (Illusion and Enlightened editions). It is great to get a coherent look and feel to the products, that is distinct and beautiful. Please enjoy the images presented.   


We regretfully need to announce that our expected shipping date will slip into spring 2017. When doing calculations and going through the project we realize we will not realistically ship in the original timeframe, while maintaining the quality and supreme standard we aim for. We want all texts to have ample time with our editors, to make sure they are top notch, for example, and are not willing to compromise with this stage, just to shave off some time. We fully understand that some of you will be disappointed with the news, but hope you understand our reasoning behind this tough decision.   

Pledge Manager 

The Pledge Manager will launch this week! The final touches have been made, the delicate machinery tuned, and the gateways are prepared for the onslaught of willing souls. It is great to see it all coming together, finally. An email will be sent out to all backers once the Pledge Manager opens, and updates will be made on Kickstarter and on Facebook.   

Some notes: 

-- The shipping fee that was automatically allocated in the Kickstarter when you selected a physical reward (80/95/150 SEK, based on destination) will be available to you as a non-allocated credit, which is to be confirmed the final stage of the Pledge Manager process. This means you can technically use your shipping fee for acquiring add-ons (thus having to pay shipping for your base reward again).   

-- Shipping for your selected physical reward was set at a fixed rate during the Kickstarter campaign, and was drawn from your credit card at that time, back in March/April, together with your chosen Pledge reward. However, as stated during the Kickstarter, any shipping fees for add-ons is to be paid in the Pledge Manager, and this is based on total weight of the add-ons (not including the base reward, as it has the fixed shipping fee of 80/95/150 SEK). We still intend to ship all the stuff in a single shipment though, so base reward and add-ons will come in a single package.. 

-- You can now allocate the additional funds you added during the Kickstarter campaign, for add-ons, to the actual products you wish to get. If you have changed your mind since the Kickstarter campaign, you can select other add-ons instead, as you will have the credits available to choose whatever items you wish. If you wish to get more add-ons than you paid for during the campaign, you can do this using the Pledge Manager as well. 

-- For backers of the ARCHON or DEATH ANGEL COLLECTOR’S EDITION rewards - you will get the choice of ranking your preferred specific book, from 1-10, where 1 is your first choice, and 10 is your last choice. Your original backer number will determine which actual book you will get, based on previous backer choices. (Please note that the cover art is just a place holder showing the names.) It will work like this:

Each backer needs to list all 10 Archons (or Death Angels) in preferred order. That would mean that even backer #5 has the chance of getting his/her preferred first choice (if not backer 1-4 had that as their choice). So the first entry that hadn't been selected by anyone would become "my" selection.

For example: 


1 - Kether 
2 - Chokmah 
3 - Binah 
4 - Chesed 
5 - Geburah 
6 - Tiphareth 
7 - Netzach 
8 - Hod 
9 - Yesod 
10 - Malkuth           
Say I am backer #3 to choose, and the above is my list of preferred order (my most wanted book is Kether, least wanted is Malkuth). If Backer #1 choose Binah as First Choice and Backer #2 choose Hod, then I would get my first choice - Kether. If backer #1, #2 and #3 (me) had the exact same preferred list (the above), the backer #1 would get Kether, backer #2 Chokmah and I would get Binah. 

(Btw - The corresponding list of the DEATH ANGELS are: 

-- Unclaimed copies of ARCHON or DEATH ANGEL COLLECTOR’S EDITION will be available as add-ons a few weeks after the Pledge Manager launches, for an opportunity to grab one (or more) of these select collectibles (5x Archon and 2x Death Angel). We will give ample warning when the last few books will be available. 

Digital Editions 

We expect to start releasing digital materials about one month prior to shipping the physical books.   

Quick Play Rules 

The Quick Play Rules are being translated and finalized. It will be a meaty document of about 20,000 words, giving you the ability to start experimenting, exploring, and playing KULT: Divinity Lost scenarios. There are a couple of weeks away before publication, but Robin has made great job in condensing the core essence needed to dig into the horrendous and fascinating world of KULT: Divinity Lost.   

Until next time! 


12. To beat your enemy, you must know him. 13. Your enemy is the highest authority on the topic of himself. 14. So listen when your enemy speaks, but do not credit his words. 15. Listening is a real bargain. 16. Credit is way overpriced.
- Book of Del, Chapter 6, The Book of Retcon

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #54 am: 8.09.2016 | 23:09 »
Update #51

Sep 8 2016

Pledge Manager to go live Friday!

Hello Kultists!

A quick update - the Pledge Manager will go live around 14.00 (2 PM) local Swedish Time tomorrow Friday 9th of September. We will post a new update when the invitation emails starts rolling out.

Thank you,


Offline LushWoods

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #55 am: 9.09.2016 | 07:10 »
Gibt es eigentlich ein konkretes Datum ab dem man das regulär kaufen kann?

Offline achlys

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #56 am: 9.09.2016 | 15:45 »
Nein, die Crowdfunder sollen wohl ab Frühling 2017 ihre Pledges bekommen. Ich nehme an, dass es dann kurze Zeit später im Handel sein wird. Bei Modiphus kann man aber vorbestellen. Suche später den Link raus.

Gesendet mit nem Smartphone. Tippfehler dürfen behalten werden.

Offline achlys

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #57 am: 9.09.2016 | 19:04 »
@ Lushwoods. Den Link zu Modiphius findest Du im Diskussionsthread.
Und weiter mit den News:
Update #52

Sep 9 2016
Pledge Manager is live!


The KULT: Divinity Lost Pledge Manager is now live. Emails with invitation links are being sent out to all backers. The emails are sent in batches during the next 2-3 hours, so please don't panic if you haven't received one right away.


What if I don't see the invitation email yet?

Make sure you give the system time to send out the email to you - it will take a couple of hours to send them all. But if you don't have an email in your inbox in a couple of hours time, you can do the following.

Check your spam folder.
If you use Gmail, sometimes your invite will go to your "Promotions" tab. If you still can't find it, search your inbox for "PledgeManager"

If that doesn't work:

And if that doesn't work, check the FAQ page @ and submit a support request.


There's something wrong with my pledge!

That's not impossible. If you notice something is awry, you can submit a support request at or send us a message directly to and we'll look at it for you. Please note that the Support is located in Sweden, so responses may take a while if a request is sent during the off hours.


What if I need to change my address?

 As long as your items have not been shipped, you can always change your address. Just simply log back in to PledgeManager at and make the appropriate change. You can change this as many times you want, as long as the items haven't been shipped.

However, if you change your country, additional shipping costs may apply.
« Letzte Änderung: 9.09.2016 | 19:07 von achlys »

Offline achlys

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #58 am: 3.11.2016 | 22:31 »

Update Nr. 53

3. Nov 2016
The Roaring Silence in the Abyss

Dear Humans,

As the gilded prison of Elysium grows colder, with longer nights, more shadows, and people scurrying about, facing down into the pavement, we continue our mission to develop KULT: Divinity Lost - both short- and long-term! 

First, let me start by apologizing for the long downtime with radio silence. We have been focusing on development and had our minds stuck in pushing the project forward as quickly as possible. And while that is good for the project as such, it isn't fair to you guys, as you want to know what is going on, and silence often feeds uncertainty. We will step it up to the monthly update routine we had before, and be quicker on emails and messages online.


The KULT: Divinity Lost - Quick Start Rules ("QSR") are moving towards translation completion. Our target deadline for having the full QSR text in English is November 14th! It will then be put into layout and prepared for you guys to dig into. We aim to have the QSR launch late November or early December.

Please note that we have chosen not to have the texts put through final proofing or editing, as we expect the QSR to be updated several times as we expect to get a lot of feedback from you guys! The first launch is our “Beta 1”, so to speak.

The QSR is a condensed version of KULT: Divinity Lost, but will be fully playable. It will contain four Archetype player characters, the core mechanics, some brief lore (the QSR is aimed to people who have prior insight into the overall Kult Mythos as such), tools for the GM how to play, and example creatures from Elysium, Metropolis, and from Inferno.



Around the same time as the QSR is released, we will open up the KULT: Divinity Lost backer forums, to allow for a place and environment that caters to discussions, Q&A’s, feedback, and social interactions between backers, and backers and Helmgast.



All backers of the ARCHON COLLECTOR'S EDITION and the DEATH ANGEL COLLECTOR'S EDITION pledge levels have claimed their unique copies of these very limited edition core books. We will now offer those books remaining to the backers - as add-ons in the Pledge Manager.

If you already have finalized your order, you can always get back in the Pledge Manager and re-open it.

The unique books remaining are:


  • Netzach
  • Chesed
  • Chokmah
  • Hod
  • Yesod


  • Chagidiel
  • Golab
They will be available on Friday, November 4th, from noon (12.00 PM) EDT (“New York time”) in the Pledge Manager. (For reference - the time corresponds to 17.00 Swedish time.)



The full campaign The Black Madonna has been translated and is currently being adjusted to ft with the KULT: Divinity Lost rules framework, and stats. We are also adding some introductions to the world the campaign takes place in - Germany and the Soviet Union anno 1991.

We were debating updating the whole thing to fit into a 2017 setting, but realized we would not longer have the true version of The Black Madonna anymore, so the adventure will be more or less as it was when it came almost 25 years ago (with the updates mentioned earlier). So welcome to a world without the Internet or cell phones, and PC computers with powerful 386 CPU’s.


We in the KULT: Divinity Lost development team all know how important it is to keep momentum up post-launch of the promises made in the Kickstarter campaign. Many campaigns suffer post-launch due to “creator fatigue” or people just getting burnt out due to sheer amount of work to finalize and launch. (And we have lost so many to the furnaces in Inferno already!)

We have already set up a roadmap for development of products for the next five years. And not only a roadmap- we have also allocated talented writers to these projects already, to make sure we don’t end up in a one-year-plus slump post launch. We intend to fully explore the world of KULT: Divinity Lost for a long time - with settings, campaigns, quick-play scenarios, and rule expansions. We want this to be a very alive and vibrant product line, for years to come.



-Marco, Petter & Robin   

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #59 am: 18.11.2016 | 20:01 »
Update Nr. 54

18. Nov 2016
The sacred scriptures have been delivered

Fellow Kultists - 

A quick update to confirm we have received the translated texts for the KULT: Divinity Lost - Quick Start Rules

The texts will enter layout and be ready for release in about two weeks, give or take. 

It is both scary and exciting to finally be able to invite you more hands on into the world of KULT: Divinity Lost! 



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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #60 am: 8.12.2016 | 23:45 »
Update #55

Dec 7 2016
The arrival is near
Hello Kultists!

The KULT: Divinity Lost team has this evening received the first draft of the KDL: Quick Start Rules from our graphics designer. Current form is about 50 pages long. Still need a little time to polish stuff before release - but it is close now!



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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #61 am: 20.12.2016 | 07:45 »
Update Nr. 56

20. Dez 2016

The Artist sees with a Thousand Eyes


Update - The KULT: Divinity Lost - Quick Start Rules (which will launch under another name) will be released on Wednesday. We just received it, and want a day to check it out, before launch. 

A preview page here:



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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #62 am: 21.12.2016 | 20:27 »
Update Nr. 57

21. Dez 2016


Dear Kultist!

*** Please read this! ***

We are happy to announce that the KULT: Divinity Lost - Quick Start Rules will be available for download in an hour or two. Before that, we would like the chance to set some expectation management as to what they actually are.

The QSR is a condensed summary of the rules from the KULT: Divinity Lost Core Rule book, due in 2017. The PDF is 56 pages long.

With this PDF we wanted you - the curious, the longtime fans, the twisted minds, and the lost souls, to be able to pre-play, try the rules, create scenarios, and experience horrifying stories with your friends.

Due to the condensed nature of this summary, almost no world information is present - so it will be easier for old-timers to pick up and play quicker. For the rest of you who are new to the world of Kult, please check out the web for a general overview.

Also, most rules are shown matter-of-factly, with fewer examples or motivations into why they are as they are, compared to the full Core Rules.

And in order to reduce file size, the number of images are kept to a minimum.

Please note that we list this version of the Quick Start Rules (“QSR”) as “Alpha version 0.1” - so a Work-in-Progress document.

That means the following:
  • The texts has gone through the first pass of translation from Swedish to English, but no further proofing has been done as of right now. 
  • Our highly experienced native-English speaker Editor hasn’t edited the texts yet. 
  • We prioritized releasing the QSR early, and before Christmas, meaning we had to put a hold on proofing and editing. 
  • The QSR does not show actual final pages from the Core Rules book - this is a unique summary, specially made for being the QSR booklet. So the final Core Rule books may look completely different.

With that said, there will be typos, “swenglish” phrasing, strange formatting, some rules may need clearer descriptions, etc. So please expect that! This is a Work-in-Progress document, and you are invited right into this process - for better or for worse!

Coming to feedback - We very much would appreciate feedback from you on matters focusing on rules and mechanics - if the Moves make sense or not, or if they are written in a confusing way.

Pure typos or strange phrasing will be picked up at a later stage when our proofing and editing passes are done early next year.

If you are new to the KULT: Divinity Lost game line, and want to get a copy for yourself, you can Pre-Order KULT: Divinity Lost in the Modiphius web store:

Let the torment commence!

Humble Regards,

-The KDL Design Team

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #63 am: 21.12.2016 | 21:44 »
Update Nr. 58

21. Dez 2016

Quick Start Rules Arrival


Please read previous update ( for more info about the Quick Start Rules, and what to expect.

Link to PDF:

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #64 am: 9.01.2017 | 21:06 »
Update #59

Jan 9 2017

Most Anticipated RPG of 2017!

Dear Kultists!

KULT: Divinity Lost
is on the Most Anticipated RPG of 2017 list, over at En World, which we are very excited about!

If you feel you want to support us, please cast a vote.!

Thank you! 


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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #65 am: 11.01.2017 | 13:07 »
Sag... kann man die ganzen Add-ons später auch regulär kaufen? Hab gestern das erste mal so richtig durchgeschaut was es so alles gibt und bereue es ein wenig nicht gebackt zu haben.
Ohne Gott ging es nicht weiter, und so hab ich mich entschieden, / meiner ist jetzt der Alkohol. / Ich trank ein paar Schlücke und ich fand meinen Frieden / und ich fühlte mich kurzfristig wohl. - Joint Venture, Der trinkende Philosoph

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #66 am: 12.01.2017 | 10:31 »
Sag... kann man die ganzen Add-ons später auch regulär kaufen? Hab gestern das erste mal so richtig durchgeschaut was es so alles gibt und bereue es ein wenig nicht gebackt zu haben.

Die Frage würde ich gerne wiederholen.
Ich weiß auch nicht warum das so an mir vorbei gegangen ist.

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #67 am: 12.01.2017 | 10:40 »

Offline LushWoods

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #68 am: 12.01.2017 | 13:08 »
Kannte ich, aber irgendwie fehlt mir der Überblick über die Add-Ons und Versionen.
Und ob alles aus dem Kickstarter später regulär erhältlich sein wird.
Kann's kaum erwarten das jetzt endlich mal in meine Hände zu bekommen.

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #69 am: 12.01.2017 | 18:26 »
Ne kannte ich noch nicht. Dankeschön!
Ohne Gott ging es nicht weiter, und so hab ich mich entschieden, / meiner ist jetzt der Alkohol. / Ich trank ein paar Schlücke und ich fand meinen Frieden / und ich fühlte mich kurzfristig wohl. - Joint Venture, Der trinkende Philosoph

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #70 am: 14.01.2017 | 17:12 »

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #71 am: 6.02.2017 | 16:23 »
Update Nr. 60

6. Feb 2017

The Screams Within

Darkest Kultists!

Thanks everyone who have played and discussed the KULT: Divinity Lost Quick Start Rules! It has been great to hear about your experiences and listen to your discussions.

While we took a break during the Holidays, we are back in full force with finalizing the core rules, the Black Madonna campaign, the Quick Play Scenarios, and the rest of the stuff that was unlocked during the Kickstarter. Our translators are busy churning out new chapters, and our editor is creating word magic with the texts. If we can continue at this pace, we aim for a printing date in late spring.

We have had delays with the launch of the web page and forums, and have decided to outsource the work to an external party, in order to “get shit done”. We apologize for this. Our goal is to present you guys - the fans - with materials and texts, up until we start printing the game, using the site.

Development of materials that will come after the massive haul from the Kickstarter is also ongoing. We don’t want to create a vacuum after release when nothing happens or is being created, so we have enlisted several prominent freelancers (in order to have minimum impact on the KDL core team’s time). We are looking into expanding the core rules further with such expansions, and also supply you with campaign materials, including ready-to-play scenarios.

What kind of materials would you most like to see after the initial launch of the Kickstarter items? Please let us know!



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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #72 am: 21.03.2017 | 22:05 »
Update Nr. 61

21. Mär 2017

The Cursed Ones


Let’s jump right into the fire, with a status update. 

This is the first document, the current complete list of Advantages in the game, we release publicly to you guys. It is some 35 pages in PDF format. The document will be open for comments, so anyone with access can comment on anything. The material is in the first pass of translation, but hasn’t been through editing by our editor, so expect some strangeness. Any kind of feedback is appreciated - from wording, or poorly explained rules, to names, and mechanics. Also, please feel free to use the list together with the Quick Start Rules, to spice up the player character choices for picking Advantages.

Link is here:

Originally, our intent to have the forums up and running before opening the gates to material for you guys to proof, analyze, and comment upon. With that not being the case, we have to improvise, and will add the first document for review online now and see how this goes. Feedback on this process is much appreciated. 

As for the rest, the Core Rules are mostly translated. Several Kickstarter add-ons are also being finished - like The Black Madonna, and Taroticum, and the Quick-Play Scenarios. What is lagging is the website and the KDL Forums. I dare not give an ETA on that at this time, but it is being worked on (sickness has been rampant during the winter, which push the timeline, to everyone's frustration).

For our Swedish backers, we also want to let you know that Helmgast will be present at Sweden’s largest RPG convention Gothcon (during the Easter, in Gothenburg), where we will run a KULT: Divinity Lost scenario, called Oakwood Heights.

It takes place in Detroit, Michigan, during the cold, snowy winter of 2015, where a group of Law Enforcement Officers and member from the DA’s office revisits a horrific murder crime scene together with the murderer, in order to reconstruct the chain of events. 

Link to the scenario:

After the convention is over, we aim to release an English version of Oakwood Heights as a Quick Play Scenario free online, for you to use together with the KULT: Divinity Lost Quick Start Rules


-Marco, Petter, and Robin

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #73 am: 26.03.2017 | 21:51 »
Von der KS Diskussionsseite:
Helmgast AB -- Projektgründer -- vor 2 Tagen
Thank you for this feedback. We will discuss internally and see what we can do - it helps us knowing there is support for having feedback rounds on actual game texts out there with you guys, even if the logistics probably means the products will be finished somewhat later.
Then again, after the books are released, all that matters is the quality they are in, so...

shawn hanson -- vor 2 Tagen
"then again, after the books are released, all that matters is the quality they are in, so..."
Very very wrong. The tone used to communicate with your fan base, the open communication vs the radio silence, the honoring what you say or being shifty and obscuring what went on for delays, all these things will follow even after the books are in our hands. Especially on a platform like Kickstarter, where we've "paid in advance" to help fund the release of the product, the vibe you give as creators will very much affect future successes.
The previously mentioned Onyx Path has lost (and looses more with each silent delay...Years overdue sometimes) huge amounts of purchasing gamers due to "we only tell you stuff when we deem it needed" mentality and openly hostile moderating of their forums and unfiltered comments to backers...They need a better PR presence for sure, but many gamers won't touch their products again after one or several Kickstarter projects. Amazing quality books, but they're loosing their backers.
Another project just wrapping up here on Kickstarter, a lunch box and containers, lied to it's backers, missed every deadline for product and for news releases, refuses to answer emails from backers and deleted any negatives from their Facebook page.....But they've shipped the pledged items finally...I doubt since they've shipped they've kept much client base, not due to product quality but due to them as creators.
No, I don't think that ALL that matters is the quality of the books.

Helmgast AB -- Projektgründer -- vor 1 Tag
@shawn - I agree completely and I apologize for the poorly phrased sentence. My reference was supposed to be about the actual books _only_, that once they are released, the actual quality of the books matters, and not the date they were released on. I wasn't referring to the whole campaign or the future of KULT: Divinity Lost beyond the campaign, but I see my phrasing could be read that way.
I am the first one to own the fact that we have been poor lately with having regular updates, and understand the suspicion it creates. I have talked to the team about it and we have some ideas to elevate the level of communications, and also adding people to the KDL support team, to free up precious time for the core KDL team (me, Petter, and Robin). /Marco

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #74 am: 12.04.2017 | 18:33 »
Update Nr. 62

8. Apr 2017

From Hell and Back - Mr. Fryer

Fellow Kultists!
I wish to introduce an important cog in the development of KULT: Divinity Lost. Our editor. 

Since we who have written KDL are swedes it was important for us to get an editor that could get the texts to the highest possible standard. But to find a professional editor that understands role playing games and especially the complex horror and mythology of the Kult setting was no simple task. 

Many tried… and well… at least one died (but let’s not talk about that sad incident). 

And then, after a conversation with one of our scenario writers everything fell to place. Not only did we find a professional editor, we also found a person who has written for the 2nd of Kult.

Enter Jason Fryer


A freelance writer for over twenty years, he has been an avid RPG player since 1979. Since that time, he’s written/designed for several table-top RPGs, including Kult 2nd edition, The Dying Earth, and – most recently – AMP: Year Three. He’s playtested for Atlas Games’ Ars Magica system, as well as served as line-reviewer for White Wolf’s Inphobia magazine. In addition, he's published short stories in semi-pro magazines, and received a Pushcart nomination in 2003. Currently, Jason is working on projects for Cyphercaster Magazine and Pelgrane Press. 

However, his true dark love has always been the Kult RPG. After an open-call, he wrote and designed for Kult 2nd edition, including Purgatory and an unreleased supplement.

And now he is our editor and it’s a true pleasure to have him on the team. 

PS. The scenario he has written for KDL: The Atrocity Exhibition, draws the players into an artist’s depraved world where nothing is certain, not even death. It is something truly unique, weird, artsy and horrifying. 

PPS If you want to say hello to him he can be found at: 
