[Pinnacle] Savage Rifts® Glitter Boy PreviewThis is
a preview of the Glitter Boy for Savage Rifts®. It isn’t final and some details may change before the book is finally sent to print, but it will give you an idea how we’re working things and what you can expect with the other Iconic Frameworks.
New Stretch GoalsYour incredible support has already unlocked a bunch of the additional Stretch Goals we had planned! You'll see those unlocked in the list below already. Thanks SO MUCH for spreading the word, backing us, and even helping playtest Savage Rifts® at conventions around the country.

Now on to the new material we're already working on and hope to create if the project continues to grow!
UNLOCKED! $50,000 D-Bee: Altara Warrior Woman We'll give you the race information for playing a Blind Warrior Woman gone rogue from the Atlantean Splugorth Slavers. (PDF)
UNLOCKED! $60,000 NG-V7 Block IV Hunter Mobile Gun Full stats and description for this powerful upgrade to one of Northern Gun's more famous Robot Armor vehicles. (PDF)
UNLOCKED! $70,000 D-Bee: Simvan The Monster Riders are a powerful threat to many who live in North America, but they can also be powerful allies. We’ll give you the race information for you to add to the Iconic Framework of your choice. (PDF)
UNLOCKED! $80,000 X535 Hunter Robot Armor The venerable "Jager" is a popular and powerful option for your Robot Armor Pilot. (PDF)
UNLOCKED! $90,000 D-Bee: Grackle Tooth Race information for playing one of the more beloved Rifts® D-Bees, the Mighty Grackle Tooth! (PDF)
UNLOCKED! $100,000 Playing a Dog Boy by Sean Patrick Fannon Fierce warriors and loyal friends, Dog Boys represent science-gone-wrong, yet somehow turned right. We’ll cover creating and playing a Dog Boy in Savage Rifts®. (PDF)
UNLOCKED! $110,000 D-Bee: D'Norr The D'Norr "Devil People" are a much misunderstood, often maligned D-Bee race, but there's a lot of fun potential in playing one. (PDF)
UNLOCKED! $120,000 T-10 Cyclops Body Armor Possibly Triax's ultimate contribution to personal defense technology, the Cyclops has all kinds of modular options for various mission profiles. (PDF)
UNLOCKED! $130,000 Northern Gun Weapons Cache A nice collection of the arms manufacturer's best, including the NG-IP7 Ion Pulse Rifle and the NG-B50 Thunderer BigBore Combat Hammer. (PDF)
UNLOCKED! $140,000 D-Bee: Fennodi The "Quiet Walkers" are a peaceful, inherently psionic race who generally do all they can to make their new home a better place. (PDF)
UNLOCKED! $150,000 Bookmarks! Each physical backer reward level (Print Player, Ultimate Player, "Just the Books" GM, Print GM, Merchant, and Everything GM) receives a set of four handy bookmarks featuring art from Savage Rifts®! (Print)
One of the Bookmarks print backers will receive, in both print and PDF!
One of the Bookmarks print backers will receive, in both print and PDF!
UNLOCKED! $160,000 Northern Gun Body Armor Set A set of three specially designed sets of Body Armor from Northern Gun: the Cannonball Ride Armor, the NG Maverick Riding Armor, and the NG Peacekeeper Armor. (PDF)
$170,000 D-Bee: Trimadore These odd-looking, generally peaceful humanoids are a race with a strong fascination with and affinity for technology. (PDF)
$180,000 Triax Weapons Cache Some of the best New German Republic engineering is found in this set of weapons, including the TX-22 Precision Laser Pistol and the TX-50 Rail Gun. (PDF)
$190,000 V61 Gunwolf Robot Armor One of Northern Gun's more evocative designs, complete with the wolf head, designed for monster hunting. (PDF)
$200,000 Tomorrow Legion Archetypes II We'll make a whole new set of fully fleshed out archetypes incorporating the new races and equipment you've unlocked (PDF)
Future Stretch Goal
One of the upcoming Stretch Goals somewhere above the $200K mark is a character folio (in PDF for everyone and print for those with print reward levels), so you can record all the details and adventures of your Juicer, Crazy, or other Iconic Framework!