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ICONS Superpowered Roleplaying

Hier gelangt ihr zu der Auswertung und Übersicht bereits bewerteter Regel- und Quellen-Bände:,96807.0.html


Icons Assemble!
It’s time to be a hero!

Icons is a tabletop game of superhero adventure, creating exciting stories of the imagination with your friends, based around the heroes you create. The Assembled Edition of the game features:

Quick Hero Creation! A few die rolls are all it takes to create your hero, giving you the spark for your imagination to bring it all together. Describe character abilities on a numerical scale, or use adjectives like “Great” and “Amazing,” as best suits your style and situation.

Flexible System! Just a few basic game mechanics resolve in-game actions, but they expand to cover a wide range of options, making Icons easy to learn, but broad enough to keep things interesting.

Heroic Determination! Bring the qualities of your heroes into play to gain advantages or perform amazing stunts, or to create trouble, from personal drama to weaknesses, in order to make your hero even more determined to save the day!

Universe Creation! Collaborate to create your own comic book universe and play out the stories of the different heroes in it.

Icons is your all-in-one package for superhero roleplaying adventure: quick, easy, descriptive, and fun!

Steve Kenson, designer of the best-selling Mutants & Masterminds delivers a superpowered role-playing game inspired by the fast-playing old-school games and the new generation of narrative role-play! Within its pages are complete rules for character creation, abilities and powers, random adventure generation, a rogue's gallery of villains, and all the superheroic action you can handle!

Offline General Kong

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Re: ICONS Superpowered Roleplaying / Bewertung & Rezensionen
« Antwort #1 am: 23.09.2019 | 21:29 »
Mir gefällt's! In einigen Bereichen ist es sogar besser als meine anderen Favoriten wie Mutants& Masterminds oder Champions, was z.B. das kreative Improvisieren von neuen Fähigkeiten angeht (Stunts).

Allerdings: Was fehlt ist eine vernüftige Kaufotion. In einem Erweiterungsband gibt es zwar eine, aber das ist bloß "Hier sind die Punkte - verteil die 1 zu 1 auf Kräfte, Attribute, Fertigkeiten!" - da sist zu wenig durchdacht, kommt aber natürlich daher, dass man eigentlich sich seinen Helden auswürfelt und dann spielt was man hat. Geht schnell, kam bei meiner Gruppe aber nicht so richtig gut an.

Mal sehen, vielelicht geb ich dem Gnazen noch einen Versuch.
A bad day gaming is better than a good day working.