Autor Thema: Weitere epische Kampagnen?  (Gelesen 1262 mal)

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Offline Skarabäus

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Weitere epische Kampagnen?
« am: 12.12.2019 | 17:50 »
Das Crowdfunding von "Deepnight Revelation" war ein schöner Erfolg für Mongoose. Alle Stretchgoals wurden erreicht und die Käufer können sich auf eine gut gefüllte Box freuen, was bei einem Preis von 70 Pfund auch in Ordnung ist.

Bei der Abfrage der Kontaktdaten der Unterstützer nach dem Ende der Aktion, wollte Mongoose wissen, ob man Ideen bzw. Wünsche für weitere epische Kampagnen im Traveller-Universum hätte. Spontan fiel mir eine Reise in die entgegengesetzte Richtung ein, also hin zum Zentrum der Galaxie anstelle zu ihrem Rand. Die Zhodani haben zwar schon etliche Expeditionen dorthin unternommen, aber was sie dort gefunden haben blieb bislang ihr Geheimnis. Oder gibt es Quellenbücher dazu, die im Detail darauf eingehen? Wie auch immer, das Dritte Imperium sollte ein starkes Interesse daran haben selbst Expeditionen auf den Weg zu bringen und den Zhodani nicht allein diese Ressourcen zu überlassen.

Was ich eigentlich von euch wissen will: Habt ihr eigene Ideen, was eine solche epische Kampagne behandeln könnte? Die Möglichkeiten sind fast so groß wie das Universum ;)

Offline Waldviech

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Re: Weitere epische Kampagnen?
« Antwort #1 am: 14.12.2019 | 16:38 »
Die Zhodani-Core-Expeditions wären tatsächlich mal was Kampagnenwürdiges - wobei ich mir das Ganze auch ziemlich hervorragend mal aus Zhodani-Sicht vorstellen könnte anstatt aus imperialer. Das wäre tatsächlich mal interessant.

Und an sonstigen, epischen Kampagnen gibt es ja noch so einige Sci-Fi-Tropes, die sich mit Traveller ganz hervorragend abbilden ließen:

- die SC führen eine bunt zusammengewürfelte Flotte von Siedlern und Flüchtlingen quer durch unbekannten Raum zu einem "paradiesischen" Sternencluster, wo sie sich in Frieden ansiedeln wollen. Part 1 der Kampagne ist an Battlestar Galactica angelehnt, Part 2 dreht sich um den Kolonieaufbau.

- Eine Kampagne, die sich, in so einer Art Star-Wars meets Resistance um die Rebellion gegen ein galaktisches Großreich geht. Ließe sich garantiert ziemlich hervorragend in der Solomani-Sphere oder einem der größeren "Taschenimperien" dort draußen ansiedeln.

- Interessant fürs 3I wäre sicherlich auch "Star-Trek meets Game of Thrones". Man nehme einen beliebiges, kleines Sternenreich am Rande des 3I, das sich hochoffiziell dem 3I anschließen will. Die SC sind imperiale Offiziere an Bord eines Kreuzers in diplomatischer Mission und während der Beitrittsfeierlichkeiten bricht in besagtem, kleinen Sternenreich der Bürgerkrieg aus. Die Mission der SC wandelt sich mit einem Schlag von "Shake-Hands und Coctail-Häppchen knabbern" zu "Brandlöschen, damit die neuen imperialen Subsektoren nicht gleich ab Beitritt schon in Schutt und Asche liegen".
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Offline Skarabäus

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Re: Weitere epische Kampagnen?
« Antwort #2 am: 10.01.2020 | 12:32 »
Lobenswert! Matthew Sprange von Mongoose hat die Ergebnisse ihrer Umfrage ausgewertet und das Ergebnis kommentiert. Für alle, die es interessiert, hier seine (recht ausführliche) Rückmeldung:

"This is a non-essential update, but I thought you might be interested in hearing the results of the survey we conducted at the end of this Kickstarter, where we asked you where you would like future campaigns to be set. So, I made a little Top Ten Future Traveller Campaigns list...

Honourable Mentions

There were a handful of suggestions that did not quite crack into the top ten but which were nonetheless very well represented.

These included an Aslan-based campaign and another outing to the Trojan Reach, which are not exactly mutually exclusive. You can be sure that we will be revisiting the Reach on a regular basis (we already have another Reach Adventure in the works), but we will put some thought into a new campaign.

There were also a fair few suggestions for what amounted to a Beltstrike-style campaign - we have just played through 1e Beltstrike in our office campaign, so this idea might find some fertile ground. The Sword Worlds were also very popular - and we already have you covered with this, for both a sourcebook and a campaign, appearing later this year!

10. Gateway

Rest assured, Martin has been championing this behind the scenes, and I would be fairly amazed if this was not in the offing after his next major (and it is MAJOR) project. You have been heard...

9. K'kree

Not sure a K'kree-centric campaign would work amazingly well, but one that featured them heavily would certainly be interesting. You have a great proponent of the K'kree here at Mongoose HQ (that would be me!), so you can be sure they will be surfacing. They will first appear in Aliens of Charted Space Volume One later this year, and we will see how they are received from there.

8. Zhodani

Yeah, this is on the cards - not only are they appearing in Aliens of Charted Space this year, but they will be featuring heavily in a project that will be discussing a few steps further up this chart. However, we have been talking about demystifying/making Zhodani not the Bad Guys for quite some time now. We think it would be fascinating to make the players Zhodani, and show them how perfect (!) their society really is. It will be an immensely interesting investigation into this side of humanity (and form a nice juxtaposition with those Sword Worlders that will be appearing beforehand!).

7. Core/Capital

This has been on my own personal wish list for quite some time, and I would consider its arrival an inevitability. I am thinking a box set for this one...

6. Hivers

A Hiver-centric campaign would be... quite peculiar, really! We need to get out Aliens of Charted Space Volume Two before we do a Hivers-based campaign or cover their area of space - and that is coming, but it is likely to be at the very bottom end of this year at best. I know there are a lot of Hiver fans out there, and we will tend to your needs... we just need a bit more time.

5. Vargr

Oh, this could be a very interesting campaign! Vargr seem to be the alien race people can get into the easiest, and they have always been popular at Mongoose HQ. Like the Zhodani, they will be featured in a wider project quite soon, so you will be able to embrace your inner woof.

4. Spinward Marches

A lot of you were rocking the old school on this one, and I think there will come a time when we return to the Marches for a 'classic' Traveller campaign. Got a few other things to attend to first, and we will certainly be featuring the Marches heavily in several forthcoming projects, but we will look at a full-blown 'classic' campaign in the future (although the Sword Worlds one we having coming does sort of qualify...).

3. The Core Expeditions

Now, this one surprised us! Especially considering how many of you were behind this idea (number three on the chart!). We really thought that after the Great Rift and Deepnight Revelation you might be a bit deep spaced-out for a while... but it seems a great many of you still have the exploring spirit! Consider this one on the cards, but it will be a fair while before we can take a proper look at it.

2. Fifth Frontier War

There was a big gap in the numbers of votes between the top two and the rest of the pack, and I am very happy the Fifth Frontier War was one of the top scorers - because your hopes and prayers are being answered this year! After a fair bit of time moving pieces into position (such as Behind the Claw to detail the Marches, and the forthcoming Sword Worlds), we are finally ready to launch the FFW. War starts later this year in a brand new sub-line for Traveller - we will go into more detail in the State of the Mongoose.

1. Solomani

Just edging ahead of the FFW, there were an awful lot of you wanting to see more of the Solomani. The first steps will be to release Aliens of Charted Space Volume Two (which will contain all the rules for playing Solomani) and then a sector book in the style of Behind the Claw, but covering the Solomani Rim and Alpha Crucis.

After that... well, with this many of you voting for it, we had better start looking at a full campaign featuring the Solomani!

Thank you one and all for voting in the survey, it really was very useful feedback for us. Ideas are being churned already... "

Offline Waldviech

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Re: Weitere epische Kampagnen?
« Antwort #3 am: 10.01.2020 | 12:57 »
Ha! Knuffig, dass es die Core-Expeditions sogar auf Platz 3 geschafft haben :).
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