Es geht (indirekt) um das DSA Abenteuer "Sklaven für eine Nacht. Meine Spieler haben Wünsche geäußert, mal aus Sicht von Sklaven zu spielen. Das erwähnte AB bietet ja genau das. Ich habe es mir gekauft. Das AB ist aber maximal eine grobe Idee. Es ist nicht gut. Wenn ich das AB so spielen würde, würde meine Runde kündigen. :D
Meine Frage ist jetzt: Kennt jemand ähnliche AB´s für DSA, oder andere Systeme?
Der Tag der Freiheit Dark Sun AD&D 2nd eng. Freedom
Enter the ancient and corrupt city of Tyr, whose tyrannical sorcerer king has ruled for a millennium. As you wander the city, from the wreck of the Elven warrens to the sanguine splendor of the arena, you realize that the citizens of Tyr thirst less for water than they do for freedom.
Now, after a century of slave labor, sorcerer king Kalak's great ziggurat nears completion. He has promised the city a grand celebration when the monument is done, complete with the most brutal arena spectacle in Tyr's long history. Rumors abound as to the nature of the spectacle: some believe it will bring with it the longed for manumission of countless slaves: others fear the annihilation of Tyr and her people as a sacrifice to Kalak's hunger for power; and a secret few believe it will be a day of revolution - a day of freedom.
Designed for four to seven players of starting levels, the DM's book and player's book in this ESD provide the Dark Sun game DM's with a campaign base in Tyr, and give PC's a brutal introduction to Athas.
The spiral-bound books of "Freedom" are called flip-books because of the formatting of the actual adventure in the Dungeon Master's Book. It's divided into carefully formatted encounters, each of which includes standardized sections providing notes on "Role-playing", "Reactions", "Statistics", "Outcome", and more. Each encounter also ends with a "Next" section: a choose-your-own-adventure-like mechanic that takes players to the next encounter based on what they did. Shorter scenes sometimes interweave with these major encounters. The result is an excellent use of plotted adventures that simultaneously avoids many of the problems with railroading.
The actual plot of the adventure is similarly innovative. Harkening back to the "A" Slavers series (1980-1981), players are enslaved at the start of the adventure and then must survive their new, harsh environment. Afterward, they get to take part in a growing rebellion against the sorcerer-king of Tyr.