
Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme => Savage Worlds => Thema gestartet von: ManuFS am 27.08.2019 | 10:09

Titel: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 27.08.2019 | 10:09
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/285443.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/285443/StarStreamers-Bootleg-Battle-One-Sheet)[BPB Games] StarStreamers: Bootleg Battle One Sheet
Author: Steven Wallace Kyle Carty, BPB Games
Pages: 2
Prices: PWYW (Suggested Price €0,90) (Watermarked PDF)

The Cover is Intentionally Really Bright and Terrible.

In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.

StarStreamers: Bootleg Battle is a One Sheet adventure by BPB Games, the creators of Savage Tokusatsu. This Pay-What-You-Want adventure places the streamers in a position to help a young fan who was gravely injured as the result of negligence by a bootleg GenePal manufacturer. The streamers have been asked to help the fan put the screws to Jean Paul, the owner of the JeanPal company and to get the money she is owed.

StarStreamers: Bootleg Battle is designed from the ground up for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/261539/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition). With a bevy of new ideas and a fresh take on science fantasy, StarStreamers is perfect for groups looking for something out of the ordinary.

StarStreamers is also a livestreamed campaign that you, the viewer, can interact with on Twitch! Check out the BestPalBrigade one twitch.tv/bestpalbrigade as they explore this setting and release new material for it each and every game!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 27.08.2019 | 10:12
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/285968.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/285968/Rebirth)[GRAmel] Rebirth
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: ?
Prices: €2,33 €2,69 (Watermarked PDF)

Welcome back to the Dread Sea Dominions, the swords and sorcery setting for Savage Worlds, for another Beasts & Barbarians adventure!

Nature, and its cycle of life-and-death, is eternal. But in some places it is more eternal than in others.

A mysterious island, a raven-haired girl and a menace from a forgotten past await the heroes in this adventure.

Will you dare unravel the secrets of the Rebirth?

 If so, grab your sword and prepare to venture into the Dominions again!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 27.08.2019 | 10:14
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/285883.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/285883/Eldritch-Weapons-SWADE-version)[SWAG][Richard Woolcock] Eldritch Weapons (SWADE version)
Author: Richard Woolcock
Pages: 6
Prices: €0,90 (PDF)

You can download the earlier SWD version of this document here  (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/242375/Eldritch-Weapons-Savage-Worlds)for free. This version has been updated to the latest SWADE rules and includes an additional page of material (rules for temptation and influence, and three new example weapons).

Excalibur. Varunastra. Mjölnir. Fragarach. Tyrfing. Stormbringer. Dragnipur. Mythology and fiction are rife with epic tales of legendary weapons imbued with amazing powers.

This small supplement provides a quick and easy system for generating potent magical weapons, using a regular deck of playing cards. It provides a list of thirteen different trappings for each of the five characteristics (Boon, Geas, Nature, Legend, and Destiny), and the abilities of the relic are determined by drawing five cards and cross-referencing them on a table. Drawing multiple cards of the same rank also increases the overall power of the weapon.

Be aware that these weapons are designed to be powerful, comparable with the true relics in the Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion. Eldritch weapons are not mere trinkets to hand out at random during an adventure, they should be a major part of the story, perhaps even the focus of an entire campaign.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 27.08.2019 | 10:16
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/14044/285861.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/285861/Bug-Hunt-on-Tango-Proxima)[Atomic Ninja Studios] Bug Hunt on Tango Proxima
Author: Jerrod 'Savage Daddy' Gunning
Pages: 6
Prices: €1,79 (Watermarked PDF)

In the distant future, Earth is at war with a race of giant alien insects hell-bent on humanity's annihilation. It is all in a day’s work for the Galactic Infantry! Every last member is trained to face the most dangerous creatures the universe has to offer, but they may have met their match in the hive on Tango Proxima!

Written By Jerrod 'Savage Daddy' Gunning

One Shot Wonders

Welcome to the fourth installment in a series of monthly One Shots from Atomic Ninja Studios, all of which are SWADE compatible and contain everything you need for a quick and easy adventure, including pre-generated characters.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 27.08.2019 | 10:20
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10343/285522.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/285522/Read-All-About-Death--A-Crystal-Heart-Oneshot)[Up to Four Players] Read All About Death! - A Crystal Heart One-shot
Author: Eran Aviram, Aviv Or
Pages: 9
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

Stop Spreading the News

In Bogovia’s capital of Puftzburg, the “News Paper” is the talk of the town. Not only because it informs the common people about the dealings of the elite, but also because the mailmen who deliver it keep dying in mysterious circumstances! Some Agents should investigate this, if you're asking me.

This adventure requires a big, medieval city and the basic Savage Worlds rules. If you’re not running it in the Crystal Heart world, you can replace Crystals with relevant magical items.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 27.08.2019 | 10:22
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10343/285520.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/285520/Mixed-Heritage--A-Crystal-Heart-Oneshot)[Up to Four Players] Mixed Heritage - A Crystal Heart One-shot
Author: Eran Aviram, Aviv Or
Pages: 11
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

A strange village. Weird fruits. Syn Agents.

In this free one-shot adventure for Crystal Heart, the Agents are sent to investigate a small, strange village, where the locals cultivate "memory fruits", and the greatest honor is being kidnapped in the middle of the night.

This adventure requires an isolated village and the basic Savage Worlds rules. If you’re not running it in the Crystal Heart world, you can replace Crystals with relevant magical items.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 27.08.2019 | 10:34
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/284636.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/284636/GoldGlory-Old-School-Gaming)[SpaceOrange42] Gold&Glory: Old School Gaming
Author: Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 22
Prices: PWYW (Suggested Price €0,00) (Watermarked PDF)

Gold & Glory - Old School Gaming in Savage Worlds is guide aimed at explaining the core concepts of “Classic Dungeon Games” and how they interact with the Savage Worlds rules through the Gold & Glory book!

So what’s inside this guide?

• Gold & Glory as a Classic Dungeon Game
• Player Skill: The Random Character Creation
• Player Skill: Notice Vs. Actual Inspection
• Player Skill: Risk and Reward
• Dungeon Difficulty
• Resources and Information
• Attrition Combat
• Linear Vs. Location-Based Adventures
• Gold & Glory as a Toolbox in Your Games
• Gold & Glory at Its best
• The Flashback Introduction
• Quick Downtime

Gold & Glory - Seven Deadly Dungeons is a method, and a toolbox, to enjoy the Fast, Furious and Fun rules of Savage Worlds in a game of classic dungeon exploration.
The spirit of the rules and subsystems presented in the book owes much to the innovative ideas and analyses produced by the RPG Old School Renaissance community, and as such it may feel strange or, on the contrary, appear very familiar, depending on your familiarity with that community.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 27.08.2019 | 10:40
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/286314.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/286314/The-VTech-2095-Catalogue)[SWAG][V-Tech] The V-Tech 2095 Catalogue
Author: V-Tech
Pages: 39
Prices: PWYW (Suggested Price €4,50) (PDF)

The V-Tech 2095 Catalogue is a resource for equipment, races, cybernetics, and a host of other things that GMs and players may wish to include in their Cyberpunk/Sci-Fi games running on the Savage Worlds system. This book offers many modular options so that players can create equipment and companions that suit their needs and tries to create a framework for customization for options that aren't specifically listed as customizable.

This book was created with the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition rulebook in mind, but conversion to previous Savage Worlds versions should not be an issue.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 27.08.2019 | 10:42
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/286693.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/286693/A-Ghostly-Affair-SWADE-One-Sheet)[SWAG][Philipp Christophel] A Ghostly Affair (SWADE One Sheet)
Author: Philipp Christophel
Pages: 3
Prices: PWYW (Suggested Price €0,90) (PDF)

An unexpected inheritance, an old manor house and a dead man with a mysterious past. What could possibly go wrong? Right, you could end up being the focus of an ancient ritual that eventually devours your soul. Oh well…

This is a pulp horror adventure set in the 1920s or the victorian era. It was written for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE) and features a Social Conflict and a Dramatic Task. It includes 5 pregenerated characters.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 27.08.2019 | 10:49
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/286061.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/286061/StarStreamers-Anarchy-on-Cibus)[BPB Games] StarStreamers: Anarchy on Cibus
Author: Kyle Carty, BPB Games
Pages: 7
Prices: PWYW (Suggested Price €2,25) (Watermarked PDF)

Dismantle the Machine

In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.

StarStreamers: Anarchy on Cibus is a document detailing the situation on the planet Cibus. The people of the small overdeveloped moon have long struggled against the oppressive exploitation of the Yamrow Corporation. With four fully detailed NPC Wild Cards and their four iconic vehicles, this document is an excellent addition to any ongoing sci-fi game that's looking to add a vehicular edge with an Outrun aesthetic.

StarStreamers: Anarchy on Cibus is designed from the ground up for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/261539/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition). With a bevy of new ideas and a fresh take on science fantasy, StarStreamers is perfect for groups looking for something out of the ordinary.

StarStreamers is also a livestreamed campaign that you, the viewer, can interact with on Twitch! Check out the BestPalBrigade as they explore this setting and release new material for it each and every game!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 27.08.2019 | 11:09
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/13943/285371.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/285371/SOUL-Test-Drive)[OldCowboyGames] SOUL Test Drive
Author: OldCowboyGames
Pages: 19
Prices: PWYW (Suggested Price €0,00) (Watermarked PDF)

Humans now lay claim to hundreds of thousands of worlds in the Milky Way and even a few in neighboring galaxies; but mankind is not united. Three major factions wrestle for power and territory while hundreds of minor factions fight for the scraps.

 Travel the stars fighting wars, engaging in politics, or starting your own empire.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 29.08.2019 | 14:55
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/287157.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/287157/Savage-Worlds-Character-Conditions--Status-Token-Labels)[SWAG][James Corley] Savage Worlds Character Conditions & Status Token Labels
Author: James Corley
Pages: ?
Prices: PWYW (Suggested Price $5.00) (PDF)

Within this document, you will find 294 Character Condition & Status Token Labels consisting of 18 unique designs that are spread over 7 full color pages. In short, by printing out all of the pages, you will have enough labels to create 147 double-sided tokens to help keep your Savage Worlds fast, furious and fun!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 1.09.2019 | 09:26
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/283666.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/283666/Wild-West-Countdown-Deck)[SWAG][Richard Woolcock] Wild West Countdown Deck
Author: Richard Woolcock
Pages: ?
Prices: PWYW (Suggested Price $5.00) (PDF)

This deck of playing cards is primarily designed for Wild West-themed Savage Worlds settings. It offers the following special features:

1. Four jokers instead of the usual two, each with a suit. This will make your Savage Worlds games even crazier!

2. Prominent “countdown numbers” at the top of each card. These can be used for determining initiative order, without having to worry about suit precedence: just count down from highest to lowest.

3. A location illustration in the center of each card (except jokers). Use these locations to build a random frontier town map by drawing cards and laying them face up in a grid. Ace cards represent locations slightly outside of town, and should be placed at the edge of the map. Jokers can represent special events. This map can also be used for urban shootouts using the “Dogfights & Duels” Chase rules described in Savage Worlds.

4. A unique “wild symbol” at the bottom of each card. This symbol can be used as an improvisational prompt—for example, a “pawprint” might indicate a wild animal, tracks, hunters, or even a supernatural predator. These symbols can also provide inspiration for Dramatic Tasks, Chases, Interludes, random complications, generating adventures, and so on.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 3.09.2019 | 10:39
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/287603.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/287603/Untamed-Empires-Character-Pack)[Savage Mojo] Untamed Empires Character Pack
Author: ?
Pages: 7
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

Six daring swashbucklers from the Untamed Empires, musketeers and adventurers in the name of their king. These Seasoned heroes are ready to face any danger, armed with a cunning mind, a brave heart, and a rapier in their hand.
Product contains: Six one page PDF character sheets, each pre-filled with the stats for one Untamed Empires hero.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 5.09.2019 | 17:42
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/287795.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/287795/Untamed-Empires-JumpStart)[Savage Mojo] Untamed Empires JumpStart
Author: MMK
Pages: 15
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

You couldn't be more excited, the first explorers to set foot in these ruins since the city was destroyed and reclaimed by nature! You climb to a high vantage point, take a deep breath, and soak in the view of the jungle below.

You plant your empire's flag in a convenient indentation at the top of the highest ruin. That's when you hear the hum, and the ground starts to shake.

It's time for true heroes to Awaken.

Product contains: A 15 page PDF including a full adventure. There's also setting background information and new character options available to any Untamed Empires hero.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 8.09.2019 | 23:55
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/288216.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/288216/The-Wolverines-Take-the-Highway-to-the-Danger-Zone)[SWAG][Chris Hussey] The Wolverines Take the Highway to the Danger Zone
Author: Chris Hussey
Pages: 16
Prices: $5.00 (PDF)

It’s the end of one chapter in your life, and time to start another. High School Graduation. It’s the 80’s and the world is at your fingertips. Trouble overseas? Not your problem. Rumors of a Commie invasion? Sounds like a grown-up issue.
Now is time for more important things. A summer job. Parties. College. Maybe telling your crush how you really feel about them before it’s too late. Optimism is high, and there’s nothing you can’t do.
And as you stood on stage, waiting for your diploma, everything changed. You don’t remember what you heard first; the gunshots or the explosions. It didn’t matter though. Within minutes your world transformed. The enemy was here! You scrambled for safety, clamoring for loved ones, but gunfire and chaos kept you apart. You didn’t think. You just ran. Soldiers in red-starred uniforms were in your town. The Commies were here. You don’t know if they were
Russians, Cubans, or Chinese, but it didn’t matter. They invaded your town of Springfield. They put tanks in the streets. They ruined graduation.
Now it’s time for payback!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 9.09.2019 | 10:39
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/101/288307.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/288307/Monster-Brief-Oozes)[Misfit Studios] Monster Brief: Oozes
Author: Steven Trustrum
Pages: 6
Prices: $1.99 (PDF)

Introduce some slippery, slimy monsters in your Savage Worlds game by including Monster Brief: Oozes. In this product you will find:

    The freezing ooze, the touch of which can turn flesh to ice. If you notice the chill it gives off, you may just have time to save your life.
    The plague ooze brings various diseases with its touch and can spread disease even as it dies.
    The stalker ooze is more cunning than most oozes, using its pseudopods like legs to get around, its acidic touch is deadly.
    The vampire ooze is out for blood and will drain it from you if given the chance. And then use your corpse to incubate its offspring.

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

Both a color and print-friendly version of the product are included.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 13.09.2019 | 08:22
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/6067/287622.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/287622/Savage-Thunderscape-Aden-Gazette-Compendium-Volume-2)[Kyoudai Games] Savage Thunderscape: Aden Gazette Compendium, Volume 2
Author: Shawn Carman, Mike Brodu, Rich Wulf
Pages: 61
Prices: €7.22 (Watermarked PDF), €16.26 (Softcover, Premium Color Book), €18.07 (Watermarked PDF + Softcover, Premium Color Book)

WARNING: This is the Savage Worlds version of this product.

The Aden Gazette is a weekly PDF-only product that reveals new and exciting aspects of the World of Aden, from locations and individuals to new races and organizations. Each issue stands on its own, although there are some linked in a series that presents information in a sequence. Now, for the first time, the issues twelve through twenty-two of the Aden Gazette are avilable in print-on-demand format!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 13.09.2019 | 08:24
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/288655.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/288655/Raid-on-Area-51)[SWAG][Mike Morrison, Venatus Vinco] Raid on Area 51
Author: Mike Morrison, Venatus Vinco
Pages: 4
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

It all started as a joke...

Then things went terribly wrong.

No one remembers who said it first but it seemed like a good idea at the time. For whatever reason, the characters show up at the time and place of the internet meme for a raid on Area 51 - just to see what would happen (or maybe it was FOMO).

Turns out they aren’t alone. While not millions, the local news reports indicate nearly one hundred and fifty thousand people have arrived in Nevada for the so-called raid and now the mob has taken over the entire town of Amargosa Valley. Food, lodging, and “Raid on 51” t-shirts are sold out. Meanwhile, property owners in the area are vigorously defending their turf.  Word is another fifty thousand people showed up, couldn’t get rooms, and went to party in Vegas instead.

The adventure starts as a giant party. A bunch of adventurous free spirits all in on the same joke...Althrough there are more than a few conspiracy nuts and role playing gamers who take the raid thing a little too seriously.

What could go wrong?

Raid on Area 51 is an over-the-top Savage Worlds one sheet adventure that takes place in modern day Nevada. The players take on the role of ordinary people that joined with millions of other people who for whatever reason clicked “going” on a humorous social media event to raid Area 51 - the super secret Air Force base in Groom Lake, NV - then showed up just to see what would happen.

Includes One Sheet Adventure and five pre-generated characters for a Fast, Furious, and Fun evening in the safety of your own home.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 15.09.2019 | 18:58
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/14044/288608.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/288608/Chop-Shop-Redirect)[Atomic Ninja Studios] Chop Shop Redirect
Author: Dustin Smith
Pages: 5
Prices: $1.99 (Watermarked PDF)

What do you get when you cross a daring heist, a stolen auto-surgeon, an abandoned subway tunnel, and a lack of technical knowledge? Well, that's what our heroes need to find out in Chop Shop Redirect!

One Shot Wonders

Welcome to the fifth installment in a series of monthly One Shots from Atomic Ninja Studios, all of which are SWADE compatible and contain everything you need for a quick and easy adventure, including pre-generated characters.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.09.2019 | 09:47
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/288863.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/288863/The-Scheme-Pyramid)[SWAG][Sean Tait Bircher] The Scheme Pyramid
Author: Sean Tait Bircher
Pages: 8
Prices: $2.00 (PDF)

Wine and Savages Presents... The Scheme Pyramid!

Can your group only meet irregularly? Looking for a fast-paced approach to one-offs and convention games?

The Scheme Pyramid elaborates on Quick Encounters, combining them with elements of Chases, Dramatic Tasks, and Interludes to create a structure for extended montage sequences. These montage sequences can emulate the planning or spying scenes typical of a heist or espionage thriller, or condense several sessions’ worth of plot twists into a single sequence of events.

The Scheme Pyramid allows for every game to end in the completion of a full mission, encapsulating an entire action film into a single session!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 18.09.2019 | 11:06
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/285769.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/285769/Savage-Worlds-Wargaming)[BPB Games] Savage Worlds Wargaming
Author: Kyle Carty
Pages: 10
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price $3.00 (Watermarked PDF)

Quick Wargaming Rules for Your Favorite System

Wargaming has long been a hobby that requires a high level of buy in, expensive unique miniatures, and a massive rulebook. One of our favorite combat simulators is Savage Worlds. It has an interesting way of handling combat where sometimes attacking isn’t always the best option, a flexible magic system, a difference between grunts and notable figures, and an “as you like it” approach to character creation and empowerment.

Rather than buying a new $50 rulebook and investing the time to learn a new system, we decided that it might be more worthwhile to do a quick and easy adaptation of Savage Worlds that lets us practice a system we already love and play it in a radically different way than how we normally do.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 18.09.2019 | 11:08
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/289045.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/289045/Gatherall-Character-Pack)[Savage Mojo] Gatherall Character Pack
Author: ?
Pages: 7
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

Six members of a street mercenary crew take contracts for the highest bidder in the cyberpunk city of Gatherall. These seasoned heroes are ready for any job, from a deep hack on a data center to a breach mision into a top secret facility.

Product contains: Six one page PDF character sheets, each pre-filled with the stats for one Gatherall hero.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 22.09.2019 | 10:26
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/289399.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/289399/Into-The-Depths)[SWAG][Thomas Clegg] Into The Depths
Author: Thomas Clegg
Pages: 4
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price $1.00 (PDF)

As the heroes are visiting a mercantile outpost on the fringes of a wooded, mountainous area they are faced with a deadly storm coming from out of nowhere and must take shelter in the nearby caves. After several of the sheltering villagers are found as withered husks, the heroes are accused of bringing a plague into the midst of the community.

The heroes must venture deeper into the cavern complex to discover the truth, all along taunted with shadowy figures at the corner of their vision and determine the architect behind it all.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 24.09.2019 | 11:00
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/289625.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/289625/Gatherall-JumpStart)[Savage Mojo] Gatherall JumpStart
Author: Howard Brandon, MMK
Pages: 15
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

Abbot Calvern is willing to pay well for your mercenary skills. He and his monks aren't an official part of the Church of Trinitas, but they need something from Cathedral 13. It's a snatch-and-grab raid against one of the most powerful organizations in the cyberpunk city of Gatherall.

Plan your heist, change the world, and get rich in the process.

It's time for true heroes to awaken.

Product contains: A 15 page PDF including a full adventure. There's also setting background information and new character options available to any Gatherall hero.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.09.2019 | 16:23
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10506/289745.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/289745/Parker-Pack-2)[Dog House Rules] 'Parker Pack #2
Author: Christopher S. Warner, Karl Keesler
Pages: 8
Prices: $1.99 (Watermarked PDF)

Designed for use with Trailer Park Shark Attack!, 'Parker Pack #2 delivers 8 more pre-generated character cards ready for the TPSA! character deck. Add them to the original 24 characters or substitute for 8 others -- either way, fish food for the sharks and more fun for the players.

The trailer park is flooded with sharks! Can you survive? Pick a character at random. If you get chewed in half by a shark, pick another ‘Parker and keep playing.

TPSA! is a disaster shark adventure designed for use with Savage Worlds. Once you sink your teeth into it, you can play Trailer Park Shark Attack! again and again.

https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/253954/Trailer-Park-Shark-Attack (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/253954/Trailer-Park-Shark-Attack)

You can’t swim? You might wanna start sayin’ your prayers.

'Parker Pack #2 is designed for use with the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition version of TPSA!.

    Stick Up Kid
    Private Dick
    Deputy Dawg
    Racing Fan

DHR is an Ace licensee publisher for Savage Worlds.

Why did your trailer park flood? Why is it full of sharks? Make it to the end and find out!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 27.09.2019 | 12:19
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/289897.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/289897/Old-Blood)[GRAmel] Old Blood
Author: Marek Golonka
Pages: 19
Prices: $5.99 $6.99 (Watermarked PDF)

A Pulp horror for any setting!

A city is troubled by two waves – one of crime, the other one of vampirism!

Decent citizens begin to commit crimes and an occasionally found blood-dried corpse suggests that there is also a vampire in the city! Only our daring heroes will be able to stop both the bloodsucker and the mortal criminals.

This is a standalone adventure for any setting, with Savage Worlds rules.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 30.09.2019 | 19:35
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3915/290251.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/290251/Savage-Worlds-Improbable-Tales-Against-the-Sky-Pirates)[Fainting Goat Games] [Savage Worlds] Improbable Tales: Against the Sky Pirates!
Author:  Cameron Lyle, Michael Lafferty, Jason Tondro, AP Klosky, Bryanna Hitchcock
Pages: 32
Prices: $1.99 $3.99 (PDF)

So - let’s establish three things:

    Jetpacks are wicked cool,
    Savage Worlds feels like a game where you should be punching crooks in jetpacks,
    and, jetpacks are far too underutilized given how wicked cool they are.

We're setting out to remedy that with this adventure - which features a gang of jetpack equipped Dieselpunk ruffians doing crimes and in dire need of smiting by the savage fist of justice.

Against the Sky Pirates! is a short scenario, designed to be played in an evening or two. It's also designed to be quick-starting and fast-playing. Towards that end, there are seven pre-gen heroes to get the game rolling quickly.

This adventure is complete in itself - but does contain some references to the setting in the Super Villains Handbook. (Link hier (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/181639/ICONSThe-Super-Villain-Handbook-Deluxe-Edition), ist aber für ICONS (Anm. d. Posters))

This adventure has been written to use Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. So, SWADE is required to use this adventure. However, no companion books are required.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 30.09.2019 | 19:38
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11183/289396.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/289396/Titan-Effect-RPG-Character-Folio)[Knight Errant Media] Titan Effect RPG: Character Folio
Author: Christian Nommay
Pages: 4
Prices: PWYW, suggested price: $0.00 (Watermarked PDF)

This is a form-fillable character folio for Titan Effect RPG and compatible for both Savage Worlds Deluxe and Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. This folio contains 4 pages (both in color and black and white) to optimize your character's stats and information.

*** About Titan Effect ***

Titan Effect RPG is an espionage and science fiction setting for Savage Worlds.

Take on the role of a trained operative gifted with psychic abilities and fight against genetically enhanced soldiers, and shadowy organizations in a secret war in which the future of human evolution is at stake.

Do you think you can make a difference? Find out now!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 1.10.2019 | 13:32
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/9777/290328.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/290328/Savage-Monsters-Undead)[Tricky Troll Games] Savage Monsters: Undead
Author: Nathan Carmen
Pages: 14
Prices: €2,75 (Watermarked PDF)

Need some new monsters for your next Savage Worlds session? This product includes 30 formidable undead to throw at your players with several from varied mythologies like the Draugr and Jiangshi, as well as many new ones! Your players will quake with fear when they encounter the great Skeletal Dragon and flee with terror when the Revenant comes looking for revenge!

This product is designed for SWADE
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 2.10.2019 | 22:16
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/285646.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/285646/Book-of-Spiders-for-Savage-Worlds)[BPB Games] Book of Spiders for Savage Worlds
Author: Kyle Carty
Pages: 7
Prices: €2,29 (Watermarked PDF)

Creepy, Crawly, Enemies

The Book of Spiders is designed for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. Within its gossamer pages you will find EIGHT new species of spiders that can fit into any setting you can imagine. Sci-fi, fantasy, pulp action, and horror are all excellent fits for these critters!

From the shocking Bristlejolt Spider to the aberrant Color Eater Spider, the Book of Spiders offers a variety of clever creatures with lore and tactics to easily integrate them into any game!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 6.10.2019 | 13:28
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11183/290695.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/290695/Titan-Effect-RPG-Janus-Aspect)[Knight Errant Media] Titan Effect RPG: Janus Aspect
Author: Christian Nommay, Jeff Ruiz
Pages: 29
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

Janus Aspect is a free mini-plot point campaign for Titan Effect RPG.

The Operatives are tasked to track down an elusive arms dealer that sells a new biological weapon to criminal and terrorist organizations. This mission will make them travel from Eastern Europe to Istanbul, Brazil, and finally to the Central African Republic. During their journey, the Operatives will have the opportunity to learn more about the secret war, gain new allies, and make dangerous enemies.

Janus Aspect contains 4 exciting adventures, new NPCs and plenty of adventure hooks. It's a mix of high-octane action, mystery, and with a moral twist at the end.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 11.10.2019 | 21:04
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/290900.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/290900/Year-of-the-Tempest-Update-1)[Savage Mojo] Year of the Tempest Update 1
Author: Howard Brandon, MMK
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

You're an Awakened hero, hunted by Tempest assassins as they make their power play for control of the universe. This is an enemy unlike anything you've ever faced. To push back against them you'll need to be stealthy and covert when necessary, but also mighty in battle.

Heroes have been joining the Awakened, changing the fate of many lands for the better, standing against Tempest. Along the way they've gathered a lot of valuable intel. In this briefing the senior officers of the Awakened explain what has changed across the two key battlegrounds where tempest is fighting hardest, MR23 (the 23rd century of the mortal realms) and Starfall (the realm of high fantasy).

As the Suzerain universe changes, know this: everything that happened in this report happened at the gaming table of a roleplay group just like yours. All across the world there are groups logging their sessions as part of the Legends Awaken initiative, and those heroic actions alter the very future of the Suzerain setting.

For those participating in our shared universe, we salute you as true heroes. And if you're not, why not join us? The Awakened could surely use your help right now.

Product contains: An 8 page PDF briefing on all that's changed in the shared universe of Suzerain in recent months, listing flashpoints where your heroes could engage with the enemy.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 11.10.2019 | 21:06
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/285768.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/285768/Arcane-Backlash-Options-for-Savage-Worlds)[BPB Games] Arcane Backlash Options for Savage Worlds
Author: Kyle Carty
Pages: 9
Prices: PWYW (Suggested Price €2,72) (Watermarked PDF)

Magic is a Fickle Thing

Are you tired of your spellcasters suffering little to no consequences for a Critical Failure? Does your setting have magic that is dangerous and difficult to control? Are you just looking to spice up your game with some new flavor? Arcane Backlash Options is the product you never knew you wanted!

Within the pages of this dusty digital tome you will find two new and unique options for every single Power present in Savage Worlds Adventure Addition. A miscast Blast might pull the caster through a dangerous vacuum, an attempt to Burrow might find the caster burried alive, and an attempt to Summon Ally might have the caster swap places with their ally or have the ally get caught in a long eldritch commute.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 11.10.2019 | 21:08
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/12829/291253.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/291253/Gods-and-Masters-Red-Sigils)[Twitchy Butcher Studios LLC] Gods and Masters: Red Sigils
Author: JC Thompson
Pages: 15
Prices: €2,71 (Watermarked PDF)

“Strange handbills circulate on the streets of North Bow, covered with indecipherable sigils. The handbills have a powerful effect on the district’s most vulnerable residents—those given over to drink or visions.

At first, they pluck it out a few times a day, taking quick, nervous looks at the sigils. The more they look, the more they want to look. The handbill rapidly becomes an obsession. They trace its sigils with trembling fingers, whisper arcane interpretations.

Eventually, the bearers of the handbills slip into a near catatonic state. They become lost in the sigils, defenseless prey ready to be plucked. And something has been getting to them before the legion patrols.”

In this adventure for Gods and Masters, heroes must find the cause of these mysteriously handbills, and put a stop to the disappearances. Players can use character of their own making, or use the ones in the free JumpStart, available here. It will also flow seamlessly into any urban fantasy game.

In addition to a playable adventure, this scenario includes stats for six foes, and two Edges: one for the Arcane Background (Occult), and one for vampires.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 11.10.2019 | 21:09
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/12829/246036.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/246036/Gods-and-Masters-Jumpstart)[Twitchy Butcher Studios LLC] Gods and Masters: Jumpstart
Author: JC Thompson
Pages: 15
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

What starts as a routine criminal investigation quickly escalates into a deathtrap.

Welcome to the world of Ritonak, a land where the gods once walked, humans live side-by-side with the reptillian anir, and immortal rulers keep the land embroiled in eternal war!

In the first installment of the upcoming Gods and Masters setting, players get a preview of the Imperial Faction. These enforcers bring law to the city of Dokaro, and keep it from spiralling into a battleground of nefarious rebels and scheming cultists.

This primer includes seven pregenerated characters at Seasoned rank, the formidable Task Force Team Basilisk. In their first adventure, they are asked to arrest a black-market arms merchant, and the situation rapidly gets out of hand.

This game references the Savage Worlds game system. This is the revised version of the Imperial Faction Primer, compatible with the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, and now in color.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.10.2019 | 08:47
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/14044/291361.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/291361/Beelzabubba)[Atomic Ninja Studios] Beelzabubba
Author: Jerrod 'Savage Daddy' Gunning
Pages: 6
Prices: €1,80 (Watermarked PDF)

An invitation to a frat party? Time to get out the party clothes, drink to excess, and shamelessly flirt with the beautiful people! What could possibly go wrong with this scenario? ...

Well, pick up a copy of Beelzabubba and find out what happens when you cross college party life and the supernatural, shake well, and find out that this Halloween can be full of both tricks and treats...
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.10.2019 | 08:49
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/291730.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/291730/ETU-Pinebox-Perils)[Pinnacle Entertainment] ETU: Pinebox Perils
Author: Preston DuBose
Pages: 32
Prices: €9,05 €13,58 (PDF)

Looking to expand your collection of ETU villains? You’ve come to the right place!

Pinebox Perils presents several horrific entities and Savage Tales to go with them, all lurking in the Pinebox environs and eager to terrorize your study group! Your students will soon find themselves running from a rampaging long-horn minotaur, chasing screaming spirits, and investigating an old family curse. Get your candles and chalk ready, it’s time for a ritual!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.10.2019 | 08:50
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/291731.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/291731/ETU-Popo-Bawa)[Pinnacle Entertainment] ETU: Popo Bawa
Author: Preston DuBose
Pages: 3
Prices: free (PDF)

The evil that lies within doesn’t sleep for long.

These free Savage Tales can be used with the last critter in Pinebox Perils, the Popo Bawa! Enjoy, students! But make sure you study for finals…we hear they’re going to be KILLER!!!

ETU Popo Bawa Extras requires the Savage Worlds core rules and East Texas University to play, and is designed to supplement ETU: Pinebox Perils.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.10.2019 | 08:52
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/291727.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/291727/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-Moon-at-the-Edge-of-Oblivion)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Moon at the Edge of Oblivion
Author: Owen Lean
Pages: 15
Prices: €3,62 (PDF)

A Mystery in the Depths of Space

In the distant future, humanity has expanded out of its own solar system to the very edges of the galaxy. The cosmically rich take “hypercruises,” allowing them to see the most spectacular parts of the universe from the comfort of luxurious cabins. One such cruiser of the DestinyCorp fleet, the Dougherty, recently vanished without a trace while on a piloting voyage.

The Dougherty had just come into orbit of a truly unique phenomenon, a moon orbiting a black hole, Scylla and Charybdis, respectively. Charybdis, the name DestinyCorp gave the black hole, is the first humanity has seen of its kind. Scylla, a moon made of ice, impossibly orbits the black hole. It was anticipated that this would be the veritable jewel in the crown of the Dougherty’s newest cruise voyage, but as soon as it arrived to its destination all traces of the ship vanished.

Wanting to discover what happened to its prized cruise liner, DestinyCorp dispatched a small shuttle to embark on a recovery mission—your mission!

Moon at the Edge of Oblivion is a Savage Tale for the Savage Worlds roleplaying game system. A copy of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition is optimal.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.10.2019 | 08:54
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/291728.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/291728/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-The-Greatest-Treasure)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: The Greatest Treasure
Author: Teller
Pages: 16
Prices: €3,62 (PDF)

War has come to the realm!

In these dark and troubled times, the king and his council must make hard decisions on how best to preserve the kingdom. Unfortunately, this turmoil also provides opportunities for those who wish to advance their own selfish interests.

This tale is set in a typical “swords & sorcery” medieval fantasy setting and is designed for 3-5 Seasoned characters.

The Greatest Treasure is a Savage Tale for the Savage Worlds roleplaying game system. A copy of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition is optimal.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 17.10.2019 | 08:51
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/12257/291824.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/291824/Bootleggers-of-1792-A-Legion-of-Liberty-Wiseguys-Crossover-Adventure)[Happy Monster Press] Bootleggers of 1792: A Legion of Liberty/Wiseguys Crossover Adventure
Author: Scott Marchand Davis
Pages: 11
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price $1.99 (Watermarked PDF)

Adventure in the Legion of Liberty universe, Wiseguys-style! Veteran superheroes of the Revolutionary War have banded together to smuggle whiskey and avoid Washington and Hamilton's punitive taxes - but there's someone on the inside working against them. Superhuman organized crime action set after the events of Legion of Liberty!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 17.10.2019 | 11:05
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10343/289002.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/289002/Delivery-in-a-Wooosh--A-Crystal-Heart-Oneshot)[Up to Four Players] Delivery in a Wooosh - A Crystal Heart One-shot
Author: Michael Stone, Eran Aviram
Pages: 5
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

Chase on the High Seas

A wind-powering Crystal, discovered in Maseia, must be delivered to the Islands. Easy job... except that someone knows about Whooosh, and they want it for themselves.

(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10343/289003.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/289003/Ghosts-of-Iron--A-Crystal-Heart-Oneshot)[Up to Four Players] Ghosts of Iron - A Crystal Heart One-shot
Author: Craig Duffy, Eran Aviram
Pages: 5
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

Pirates Aplenty

Piracy is nothing new to the Islands, but of late a new phenomenon has reared its strange metal head: An iron-clad ghost ship!

(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10343/289000.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/289000/Surfs-Way-Up--A-Crystal-Heart-Oneshot)[Up to Four Players] Surf's Way Up - A Crystal Heart One-shot
Author: Abby Hipolito, Eran Aviram
Pages: 5
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

Down the Drain!

The Agents are tasked to retrieve a Crystal that has newly surfaced, one that causes such powerful whirlpools, they threaten to drown the island of Kekuhi!

(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10343/288998.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/288998/Quick-Take--A-Crystal-Heart-Oneshot)[Up to Four Players] Quick Take - A Crystal Heart One-shot
Author: Tineke Bolleman, Eran Aviram
Pages: 5
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

Missing, Presumed Stolen

The Agents are called to a small town to investigate a series of burglaries. This sort of thing will normally fly under Syn's radar… except that all of the thefts were impossible.

(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10343/288996.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/288996/The-Great-Hunger--A-Crystal-Heart-Oneshot)[Up to Four Players] The Great Hunger - A Crystal Heart One-shot
Author: Rachael Cruz, Eran Aviram
Pages: 6
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

Rise of the Great Hunger

An investigation of a long-deserted island reveals a dangerous new shard. Can the Agents collect it and its siblings, before losing themselves to their powers?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 23.10.2019 | 08:28
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/292479.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/292479/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-The-Eye-of-Kilquato)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: The Eye of Kilquato
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 49
Prices: $9.99 (PDF)

Venture to South America in search of the Fabled “Eye of Kilquato!”

Play as Buck Savage, Virginia Dare, Danny Dare, their friend Kator “the Ape Boy,” or Doc Gold, to unravel the mysteries around this famous gem in the heart of the Amazon!

This classic adventure first released in 2003 and now updated for the new Savage Worlds Adventure Edition by Shane Hensley. It contains pre-generated characters, figure flats, map tiles, and more fun than you can toss a piranha at—over 45 pages of content!

The Eye of Kilquato is a Savage Tale for the Savage Worlds roleplaying game system. A copy of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition is optimal.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 23.10.2019 | 08:33
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3915/292492.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/292492/Savage-Worlds-The-Gill-Creature)[Fainting Goat Games] [Savage Worlds] The Gill Creature
Author: Jacob Blackmon
Pages: 6
Prices: $1.99 $2.99 (PDF)

From the depths of the deepest underwater trench comes a horror unlike any ever seen. This monster might be the lost evolutionary link from when ancient humanity left the ocean to become land-dwelling creatures. Or this might be some sort of mutant human that decided land was not good enough and returned to the sea.

The gill creature is a humanoid monster that has strong piscean traits: webbed digits, clawed fingers, gills, large eyes, and a wide, fish-like mouth filled with sharp teeth.

The monsters to be found in these "YOUniversal Monster" products are new builds, designed to be fearsome threats in their own right. They have a variety of powers and abilities, ambitions, goals, and three different adventure ideas.

(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3915/292493.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/292493/Savage-Worlds-The-Mummy)[Fainting Goat Games] [Savage Worlds] The Mummy
Author: Jacob Blackmon, Cameron Lyle
Pages: 5
Prices: $1.99 $2.99 (PDF)

Mummies are a classic horror monster; attacking any mortal foolish enough to attempt to desecrate their tombs and then shuffling into the daylight and visiting their wrath upon the unsuspecting, living world.

The monsters to be found in these "YOUniversal Monster" products are new builds, designed to be formidable threats in their own right. They have a variety of powers and abilities, ambitions, goals, and three different adventure ideas.

(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3915/292497.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/292497/Savage-WorldsPanic-at-the-Museum)[Fainting Goat Games] [Savage Worlds] Panic! at the Museum
Author: Chuck Rice, Mike Lafferty, Cameron Lyle
Pages: 7
Prices: $1.99 $2.99 (PDF)

Welcome to the 2019 Halloween Extravaganza! A necromancer is resurrecting zombie dinosaurs at the city museum. Do the heroes have what it takes to stop this Triassic Terror?

This adventure is a light-hearted and fun affair meant to take a single game session to run, preferably in between handing out treats on Halloween! If you’ve ever seen an episode of the classic Batman animated series, you’ve got the tone for this adventure down cold. Have fun, hand out (and eat!) candy, and enjoy the holiday as the gaming gods intended!

(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3915/293868.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/293868/Savage-Worlds-Frankensteins-Monsters)[Fainting Goat Games] [Savage Worlds] Frankenstein's Monsters
Author: Jacob Blackmon
Pages: 5
Prices: $1.99 $2.99 (PDF)

From Jacob Blackmon, comes a new creepy foe ready to menace your Savage Worlds game!

Victor Frankenstein wanted to defy death and create a means of reanimating dead flesh. In his pursuit of immortality, he created two “monsters” made of human flesh and bone, powered by electricity, but stronger and smarter than any other human on the planet. Immortal in their own right, these two monsters continue to thrive and exist in a world of powerful superhumans. Both keep to the shadows, but secretly scheme with their vast intellects to attain the acceptance from humanity they seek... one way or the other.

The monsters to be found in these "YOUniversal Monster" products are new builds, designed to be credible threats in their own right. They have a variety of powers and abilities, ambitions, goals, and three different adventure ideas.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 5.11.2019 | 08:46
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/101/293928.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/293928/Fantasy-Archetypes-Bowman)[Misfit Studios] Fantasy Archetypes: Bowman
Author: Steven Trustrum
Pages: 3
Prices: $0.99 (PDF)

This Savage Worlds RPG release brings you the Bowman Fantasy Archetype. This ready-to-go character build provides a foundation for you to develop a character who takes archery to the next level. Building on an elf's innately high Agility, this archetype strikes from a distance with deadly precision.

Each Fantasy Archetype delivers the basic build, plus ideas for some typical roles the character may fill, variations you may want to explore, how it may suit races other than the default presented, and more.

This product is compatible with material found in the Fantasy Companion
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 11.11.2019 | 13:25
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10343/293857.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/293857/Living-in-Syn--A-Crystal-Heart-Expansion)[Up to Four Players] Living in Syn - A Crystal Heart Expansion
Author: Eran Aviram, Aviv Or
Pages: 41
Prices: $5.00 (PDF)

Living in Syn is a companion to Crystal Heart, presenting several new systems and suggestions for both players and GMs:

    Further Training presents new possibilities for character creation, including powerful roles, and a set of training montage tables to help create crazy-awesome backstories.
    Exploring Crystals suggests new Setting Rules for handling Crystals, including a variant rule that requires an Agent to sync-up with their Crystal before they can use it fully.
    Synfull is a big chapter, with lots of alternative systems for Requisition, such as switching to more abstract Supplies levels which can become anything you need. It also suggests new things to buy, such as special services and consumable power-ups.
    Game Mastering Syn provides a thorough list of suggestions and concepts for groups who want to put more emphasis on playing a part of a bigger organization in general, and Syn in particular.
    More Tales has some more Savage Tales we didn’t have room for in the core book.
    The Appendices present eight ready-to-use Novice Agents, created by some of the backers of the Crystal Heart Kickstarter, as well as five new trainers to be used as supervisors or mentors.

Crystal Heart is designed for the popular roleplaying game Savage Worlds (Adventure Edition).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 11.11.2019 | 16:02
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/294660.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/294660/Wiseguys-The-Ratpack)[Just Insert Imagination] Wiseguys: The Ratpack
Author: Eric Lamoureux
Pages: 15
Prices: $3.00 (PDF)

Impress your friends with this set of 7 convention suite pregenerated Wiseguys character sheets and table tents.  The set comes with blank character sheets and table tents so you can add your own characters.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 13.11.2019 | 21:11
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/12257/294830.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/294830/Happy-Monster-Press-Power-Cards)[Happy Monster Press] Happy Monster Press Power Cards
Author: Scott Marchand Davis
Pages: 5
Prices: €1,35 (Watermarked PDF)

The Happy Monster Press Power Cards match the new Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Power Card format, and allow you to print out reference power cards for all the new powers created for Legion of Liberty: Superheroes of 1776! Better yet, this product will be updated with new powers created for all future Happy Monster Press settings.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 17.11.2019 | 15:41
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/294903.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/294903/Ultima-Forsan--Conversion-to-SWADE-EN)[SpaceOrange42] Ultima Forsan - Conversion to SWADE (EN)
Author: Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 3
Prices: €0,45 (Watermarked PDF)

This can be found for free on our site. Buying it here you support both OBS and us!

Ultima Forsan was written for Savage Worlds Deluxe, but it’s easy to update for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. Most of the rules can be used as-is. Those that require a little work are detailed below. Where core rules differ, the Game Master can use whichever version she prefers. Both versions will work just fine in your game, though those presented in SWADE are a bit more structured and streamlined.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 17.11.2019 | 15:43
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/14044/294862.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/294862/Pharmapocalypse)[Atomic Ninja Studios] Pharmapocalypse
Author: Dustin Smith
Pages: 8
Prices: €1,80 (Watermarked PDF)

Trapped in the dark, mutants clawing at the walls, hunger and thirst setting in. What's a person to do? Well, we suggest picking up a copy of Pharmapocalypse and running your players through that very same scenario!

The latest from Atomic Ninja Studios monthly one shot series, take a walk on the really wild side as your party fights to survive!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 17.11.2019 | 15:46
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/14044/294250.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/294250/Fowl-Play)[Atomic Ninja Studios] Fowl Play
Author: Jerrod 'Savage Daddy' Gunning
Pages: 4
Prices: PWYW (Watermarked PDF)

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, what better than a promotion for new genetically altered turkeys, the size of dogs, for the low price of just $1!!!  Well, just about anything when you're the one being sold.

Take a spin on the feathered side and step into the...talons of a team of turkeys determined not to step up to the plate! Grab Foul Play, Atomic Ninja's latest one shot!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 17.11.2019 | 15:47
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/295085.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/295085/Lost-Colony-Archetype-Preview)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Lost Colony Archetype Preview
Author: John Goff
Pages: 1
Prices: free (PDF)

Want to see what our new archetype cards look like? And get a little preview of Deadlands: Lost Colony while you're at it? Then this absolutely free file is for you. And please check out our Kickstarter for the boxed set, core book, and more!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 18.11.2019 | 15:21
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/101/295152.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/295152/Fantasy-Archetypes-Plague-Doctor)[Misfit Studios] Fantasy Archetypes: Plague Doctor
Author: Steven Trustrum
Pages: 5
Prices: $0.99 (PDF)

This Savage Worlds RPG release brings you the Plague Doctor Fantasy Archetype. This ready-to-go character build provides a foundation for you to develop a character who travels about to treat victims of plague and other diseases. Their responsibilities are fraught with danger from more than just the ailments they seek to heal.

Includes two new Edges and examples of Plague Doctor gear

Each Fantasy Archetype delivers the basic build, plus ideas for some typical roles the character may fill, variations you may want to explore, how it may suit races other than the default presented, and more.

This product is compatible with material found in the Fantasy Companion
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 18.11.2019 | 15:23
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3683/295161.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/295161/Mythos-Jumpstart-SWADE)[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Mythos: Jumpstart (SWADE)
Author: Gilbert Gallo
Pages: 18
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price €4,52 (Watermarked PDF)

The Olympians have spoken and you are to join the ranks of heroes and heroines involved in the Heavenly Contest! The Olympian deities are in a race to find the successor to Zeus’s throne, with the successor acquiring the greatest number of followers. But the gods and goddesses are quite busy, and to shine their light upon the mortals of Hellas requires intervention of a divine scale. Heroic deeds are a must if one is to prove themselves worthy for the gratification of Olympus and the pursuit of seeing their patron deity rise to rulership! Are you strong, brave, and smart enough for the challenge? We will see how you fair against the great beasts of Hellas and the heroes and heroines who support your rival deity. This is the Heavenly Contest. This is Mythos!

Mythos: Jumpstart presents a Novice-level adventure, Chaos in Thessaly, for use with the epic action and adventure setting, Mythos, for Savage Worlds (SWADE-compatible). It also contains five pre-generated characters and all the mechanics necessary to use those characters with Savage Worlds without the need of the core setting guide or Hero's Handbook. This is a great way to introduce players and GMs to the Mythos setting, along with providing current fans with a full adventure module.

Inside Mythos: Jumpstart you will find:

    An introduction to the mechanics of the Mythos setting.
    The Chaos in Thessaly adventure module.
    Five pre-generated characters for quick play.
    New NPCs not found in the core setting guide.

Mythos: Jumpstart is not a standalone book and requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition core rulebook.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 19.11.2019 | 21:11
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/295350.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/295350/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-Escape-From-Carnage-Island)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Escape From Carnage Island
Author: Matthew Cutter
Pages: 14
Prices: $3.99 (PDF)

Carthage Island lies five miles off the northern California coast. Only a handful of top-secret maps acknowledge its existence.  For those who visit its dark, primeval forests and shudder in the face of pure terror, it has another name—Carnage Island!

Carnage Island is a horror adventure for four to six heroes of Novice Rank. It’s an homage to the exploitation and grindhouse horror films of the mid-to-late ’70s. Players can create Savage Worlds characters from virtually any walk of life, and the GM can set the adventure anytime from the 1950s to the present day.

Escape from Carnage Island is a Savage Tale for the Savage Worlds roleplaying game system. A copy of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition is optimal.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.11.2019 | 15:05
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/295437.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/295437/GoldGlory-Solo-GMLESS-and-OneonOne-Adventures)[SpaceOrange42] Gold&Glory: Solo, GMLESS and One-on-One Adventures
Author: Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 18
Prices: $2.90 (PDF)

Gold & Glory was thought, designed and developed with the idea of a “regular” gaming group: a bunch of players and a Game Master running the game.
The random dungeon generation system, however, lends itself to other, different approaches:

    Solo Adventures: One player (YOU!) against a dungeon of your choice!
    GMless Games: Any number of players, but no one is the GM!
    One on One Games: One plays a character, the other is the GM.

Gold & Glory - Solo, GMless and One-on-One Adventures is a guide with all the necessary adjustments to enjoy such variant games while keeping the game Fast, Furious and Fun with the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition rules!

This guide also features an Abstract Clues system and options for hired Allies, which can be used in any type of Gold & Glory games!

This guide requires the Gold & Glory - Seven Deadly Dungeons book
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.11.2019 | 15:08
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3915/295564.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/295564/Savage-Worlds-Krampus)[Fainting Goat Games] [Savage Worlds] Krampus
Author: Jacob Blackmon, Cameron Lyle
Pages: 4
Prices: €1,81 (PDF)

From Jacob Blackmon (author of the fan-favorite Super Powered Legends Line) comes a new creepy (but also festive) foe ready to menance your Savage Worlds game!

You better watch out...
You better not cry...
You better not pout...
I'm telling you why...

Over the years, these lyrics to a popular Christmas song have been altered to refer to the ever-watchful eye of the cheerful holiday gift-giver: Saint Nickolas, aka Santa Claus. However, the original character to whom the lyrics referred is a more sinister individual.

Krampus is a monster in every way. He is determined and merciless in hunting his prey (traditionally, wicked children..but in your game, it can be whoever he deems worthy of holiday-themed vengeance.)

The monsters to be found in these "YOUniversal Monster" products are new builds, designed to be credible threats in their own right. This build has a variety of powers and abilities, ambitions, goals, and three different adventure ideas.
This book requires Savage Worlds Adventure Edition for use.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.11.2019 | 15:10
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3118/295075.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/295075/A-Specter-of-Nectar)[Fabled Environments] A Specter of Nectar
Author: Scott Woodard
Pages: 4
Prices: €1,81 (Watermarked PDF)

There are rumors on the street of tainted Neo-Nectar  that is killing drones. This has drawn the attention of someone who has contracted with your shadow to look into it.

What is going on and will you be able to stop whomever is behind it before more drones die?

A Spectre of Nectar is an adventure suitable for Seasoned heroes. It has been designed for a single session, making it ideal for a one shot home game or convention event. This adventure requires both the Olympus Inc Setting and the Savage Worlds core rulebook.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.11.2019 | 15:11
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10343/294661.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/294661/Full-of-Heart--A-Crystal-Heart-Expansion)[Up to Four Players] Full of Heart - A Crystal Heart Expansion
Author: Eran Aviram, Aviv Or
Pages: 10
Prices: €2,27 (PDF)

Full of Heart is a companion to Crystal Heart, presenting ten (and a bit) new Crystals for use in your Crystal Heart adventures. While you can decide for any of the new Crystals that they're already available in Syn's repository, we recommend not to do so unless you have a cool plot in mind, since finding Crystals in the wild is usually more fun.

The Crystals included here are called: Dominion, Flair, Head Hair, Heart of Gold, Kitchen Sink, Leap, Oasis Spring, Poison Pill, Tangent, and the incorrectly-named Twisted Fate.

Crystal Heart is designed for the popular roleplaying game Savage Worlds (Adventure Edition).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.11.2019 | 15:13
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/295850.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/295850/Deadlands-Lost-Colony-A-Billion-Miles-from-Home)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands Lost Colony: A Billion Miles from Home
Author: John Goff
Pages: 23
Prices: €4,53 (PDF)

Space isn't just "the final frontier" in Deadlands: Lost Colony, it's downright frightening! Especially when it's written by John "Night Train" Goff! The first sneak peek at Lost Colony, A Billion Miles from Home, sends your spacers to the outer fringes of the Faraway system to discover the fate of the long-lost Bosphorous. What terrors lurk aboard her frozen halls? And why do they call this region of space "Johnson's Folly?" 

The Greatest Treasure is a Savage Tale for the Savage Worlds roleplaying game system and a preview of Deadlands Lost Colony, complete with pregenerated characters. Only a copy of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition is required.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.11.2019 | 15:15
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/295848.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/295848/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-Disaster-at-Gran-Atomica)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Disaster at Gran Atomica
Author: Tracy Sizemore
Pages: 17
Prices: €4,53 (PDF)

Disaster at Gran Atomica is a low-level "supers" adventure (using the Gifted from SWADE) by rising star Tracy Sizemore! The "Star Shards" are tipped off that the local nuclear power plant is about to undergo a strange and terrible accident—one that might just lead to the destruction of all they hold dear. The clock is ticking...can you solve the riddle of the Light Bringer and infiltrate the Gran Atomica power plant before all hell breaks loose? 

The Greatest Treasure is a Savage Tale for the Savage Worlds roleplaying game system. A copy of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition is optimal.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.11.2019 | 15:17
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11183/295238.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/295238/Titan-Effect-RPG-Operatives-Companion)[Knight Errant Media] Titan Effect RPG: Operative's Companion
Author: Christian Nommay, Ghislain Bonnotte, Daniel Eymard, Jason Theriault
Pages: 60
Prices: €4,53 (PDF)

The Operative's Companion contains the first 5 chapters of Titan Effect RPG to help players with character creation and as a companion.

The Operative's Companion features:

    A full interactive PDF with interactive buttons and tabs for easy and intuitive navigation (see video below).

    A short comic book that provides an introduction to Titan Effect's universe;

    7 new Hindrances;

    13 new Edges;

    New skills, and Powers;

    New Setting Rules, including background and rules to play psychics with the Super Powers Companion;

    New gear, gadgets, and weapons, compatible with other modern settings, with a new Equipment Point System to easily and dynamically handle the "gear-up phase" before each mission.

    And more!

This title includes a Site Printing License granting you permission to print copies to each player of your group.
This title will be automatically updated for FREE to SWADE once it will be available.

The world is not what it seems. Ordinary people haven’t realized how strange and dangerous it has become, but things are about to change…

Psychics and bio-augmented humans work as spies and soldiers on behalf of criminal organizations, private military companies, and secret societies, in a covert war that has been raging for decades. Some are fighting for control and power, while others seek to shape the future of human evolution.

In the middle of this conflict, stands the worldwide clandestine organization known as the Special Executive Assault and Recon or SPEAR. Its mission: to track and neutralize biological and psychic threats, and to prevent the world from falling into chaos.

To fulfill its mission, the SPEAR hires people with unique sets of skills, possessing powerful psychic abilities. Its agents come from different nationalities and backgrounds. Some are there to make a difference, others to taste adventure, while some have no other place to go.

Titan Effect RPG is a licensed setting for Savage Worlds.

Titan Effect RPG is an explosive mix of biopunk, spy thriller, and superhero genres. Players are plunged into a world filled with conspiracies, secret organizations, dangerous bioengineered creatures, and psychic phenomena. A world where the boundary between "good" and "evil" is blurred…

Important note: Titan Effect RPG requires the Savage Worlds core rules and is now compatible with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (see FREE EXTRA DIGITAL CONTENT below). The Super Powers Companion is highly recommended, but not required (see FREE EXTRA DIGITAL CONTENT below).


    Alternate Rules: optional rules to play psychics with only Savage Worlds core rules (compatible with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition).

    SWADE Conversion Guide: A PDF to convert Titan Effect RPG to the new Savage Worlds Adventure Edition.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.11.2019 | 15:19
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/295763.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/295763/Companions--Familiars)[SWAG][Cyril RONSEAUX] Companions & Familiars
Author: Cyril RONSEAUX
Pages: 30
Prices: €3,62 (PDF)

A Savage Worlds add-on to make various types of pets, companions, and familiars.

    Undead, demons, elementals, spirits, guardian angels, golems, automatons, trees, psionic entities.
    About twelve edges to use companion senses, improve your magic, gain forbidden knowledge, gain courage, have multiple companions, breath underwater, and much more.
    Many companions abilities: breathe fire, have tentacles, change to alternate forms, jump out of stone figurines or jewelry, switch between physical and spirit world, and more.

Options designed to be added to any fantasy setting. Most of this add-on can also be used in other settings, but it might be missing options, like firearms, surviving in vaccuum, artificial intelligences.

Comes with 10 sample characters with their companion.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 28.11.2019 | 15:17
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/296096.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/296096/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-Gear-Cards-Armor)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Gear Cards (Armor)
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 9
Prices: €3,63 (PDF)

These print and play gear cards contain all the armor and shields from the core book in a handy format you can give directly to your players!

(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/296097.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/296097/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-Gear-Cards-Weapons)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Gear Cards (Weapons)
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 16
Prices: €4,54 (PDF)

These print and play gear cards contain all the weapons from the core book in a handy format you can give directly to your players!

(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/296098.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/296098/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-Gear-Cards-Vehicles)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Gear Cards (Vehicles)
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 10
Prices: €3,63 (PDF)

These print and play gear cards contain all the vehicles from the core book in a handy format you can give directly to your players!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 12.12.2019 | 10:24
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/296300.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/296300/Name-Not-Found)[SWAG][Sean Tait Bircher] Grotesques
Author: Sean Tait Bircher
Pages: 1
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price €0,45 (PDF)

Some character concepts simply can’t be expressed as normal Savage Worlds races. Inspired by similar mechanics in Freedom Squadron and Rifts® for Savage Worlds, Species Frameworks frontload characters with additional abilities and special features in order to bring syndicated cartoon settings to life!


Statues by day and flesh by night, grotesques protect their chosen cities against the things that go bump in the night!

This PDF includes the Grotesque Species Framework.

From one of the authors of Rifts® for Savage Worlds: American Armageddon and Rippers Resurrected Expedition: Amazon!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 12.12.2019 | 10:26
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/296811.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/296811/)[GRAmel] Tyrnador cards and maps
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: ?
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

This is set of maps and character sheets for Tyrnador.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 12.12.2019 | 16:39
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/297564.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/297564/)[SpaceOrange42] Aces High! (SWADE option)
Author: Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 28
Prices: $5.99 (Watermarked PDF)

Jump in the cockpit and start up the engines!

Early biplanes, modern fighters, spaceships, and even transforming aircrafts are waiting for brave pilots to soar the skies and dive into battle!
Aces High! is an alternative fighting system that expands on the SWADE Quick Encounters rules, and is designed to represent dogfights that maintain the meaningful details of vehicles, weapons, battle orders and types of enemy units while still playing fast and cinematic.

What’s inside:

    A system designed to represent dogfights where a handful of heroes fly their vehicles in a small squad and face dozens of enemies
    Special rules for Orders given from the squad leader and their impact on immediate action and outside of combat
    Detailed modifiers and combat outcomes for a variety of attacks and maneuvers
    Rules for multiple crew on the same aircraft
    Rules to model specific types of missions (escort, defense, bombing, etc)
    Super Energy rules for your not-so-realistic Sci-Fi, fantasy and steampunk settings
    Examples of tweakings to play variant games such as Dragon Riders!
    A handy glossary of aviation slang so that you know your playmates from your bandits and don't forget your bag even if you are on a milk run!
    A handy, printable one page reference sheet with a summary of the rules
    Pages of colorful printable tokens for a variety of units!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.12.2019 | 11:01
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/295494.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/295494/)[Just Insert Imagination] Wiseguys Faces of Wiseguys deck
Author: Eric Lamoureux
Pages: 14 cards
Prices: $4.99 (Watermarked PDF), $9.99 (Cards), $9.99 $14.98 (Watermarked PDF + Cards)

Need more SWADE characters for your modern campaign? The Faces of Wiseguys deck includes 33 NPC stat blocks with over 90 variants (personal security detail, enforcer, security, Street Gang leader, etc.), as well as 14 Notable Personalities to make the lives of your characters more interesting.

These characters and NPC's are all from the Wiseguys: The Savage Guide to Organized Crime book.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.12.2019 | 11:02
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/295497.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/295497/)[Just Insert Imagination] Wiseguys Persons of Interest deck
Author: Eric Lamoureux
Pages: 53 cards
Prices: $4.99 (Watermarked PDF), $9.99 (Cards), $9.99 $14.98 (Watermarked PDF + Cards)

Need more SWADE characters for your modern campaign? The Persons of Interest deck includes 52 shady personalities that can be used as contacts or antagonists in your modern campaign 
These characters are all from the Wiseguys: The Savage Guide to Organized Crime book.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.12.2019 | 11:07
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/14044/297774.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/297774/)[Atomic Ninja Studios] Wreck The Halls
Author: Jerrod 'Savage Daddy' Gunning
Pages: 7
Prices: €1,79 (Watermarked PDF)

Santa's workshop under attack? Suicide sleigh ruining your day? Krampus trying to deck your halls? Well, join SLEIGH Team Six and help save Christmas with this original holiday adventure from Savage Santa Gunning and his elves at Atomic Ninja Studios!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.12.2019 | 11:08
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/297790.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/297790/)[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Savage World of Flash Gordon: T'Was the Night Before Crystal Fest
Author: Scott Woodard
Pages: 2
Prices: free (PDF)

Alliances are forged and a secret is revealed on the eve of an ancient celebration!

The heroes intercept a desperate cry for help originating from the extreme western corner of the Ice Kingdom of Naquk—a vast ice-sheet known as the Ku’ar. There they discover a group of ill-equipped giants who have been cut off from their village by an avalanche, leaving their children and the infirm on their own. The heroes are tasked with finding a way into the isolated valley and defending the village against voracious sea creatures and mysterious visitors who arrive in the night!

This product requires the Flash Gordon™ RPG and Savage Worlds core rules to play. A copy of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition is optimal.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.12.2019 | 17:04
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/297968.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/297968/)[SpaceOrange42] Gold&Glory: Ebenizer's Gold
Author: Richard Woolcock
Pages: 20
Prices: $4.99 (Watermarked PDF)

The cruel, wealthy money-lender Ebenezer has passed away. Somewhere inside his mansion, or below it, there must be treasure beyond imagination! Who cares if people speak of ghostly apparitions and other strange events...

Capture the feeling of the festive ghost stories of old with Ebenezer’s Gold, a special dungeon adventure for Gold & Glory - Seven Deadly Dungeons, written by acclaimed author Richard Woolcock!

A fabulously wealthy money-lender used to live on the outskirts of town, and he was well known for his greed and cruelty. Last year, the miserly old man passed away in his sleep, much to the delight of the locals—but after the funeral, the townsfolk found no sign of his fabulous wealth. It had seemingly vanished into thin air!

Ebenezer had spent his life hoarding gold, as well as repossessed property taken from those who couldn’t pay their debts. He even took toys from children whose parents couldn’t pay! But as he reached his twilight years, he became increasingly paranoid about thieves, and decided to hide his riches.

Unbeknownst to most people, the mansion had been built upon a long-abandoned gold mine, and a secret door in the cellar led down into the mine shafts. Ebenezer had spent months dragging all his valuables down into the old tunnels, so that when he finally died, there was nothing left for the looters.

“It’s my gold, I tell you! All mine! I will never give it up! Never! Bah, humbug!”

—Ebenezer’s last words.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.12.2019 | 17:06
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/12257/297972.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/297972/)[Happy Monster Press] Legion of Liberty: Optional Superpowers Companion Rules
Author: Manuel Sambs
Pages: 20
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price $1.00 (Watermarked PDF)

Like Legion of Liberty but want the flexibility of the Savage Worlds Superpowers Companion? This document provides all the rules you need, including what power level your Superpowers Companion heroes should have, which powers don't fit the setting, and all the superhumans from the setting book re-created with Superpowers Companion rules.

Requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition and Legion of Liberty: Superheroes of 1776 to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Odium am 23.12.2019 | 20:20
Der außerordentlich produktive News-Schreiberling hat bis Jahresende zwei sehr gute Produkte für unser Lieblingssystem im Angebot:

Meine Savage Worlds Adventurers Guild Produkte Fast Lane Hacking und Distant Journeys sind über die folgenden Discount Codes bis Jahresende um 50% reduziert. :)
Fast Lane Hacking: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.php?discount=98bf0b6a2b
Distant Journeys: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.php?discount=98bdc988c6
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 24.12.2019 | 17:02
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3915/298701.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/298701/)[Fainting Goat Games] [Savage Worlds] Jack Frost
Author: Jacob Blackmon, Cameron Lyle
Pages: 6
Prices: $0.99 $2.99 (PDF)

From Jacob Blackmon (author of the fan-favorite Super Powered Legends Line) comes a new wintry foe ready to menance your SWADE game!

Jack Frost is the living spirit of winter; the manifestation of freezing cold and snow. He is said to leave the beautiful frosty patterns of ferns on windows in cold mornings. This entity is often thought of as a sinister prankster as well as a hero and protector of children. This pdf offers adventure hooks with Jack Frost serving in both roles and ready to add some wintery fun to your Savage Worlds session.

The characters to be found in these "YOUniversal Monster" products are new builds, designed to be supervillains in their own right. This build has variety of powers and abilities, ambitions, goals, and three different adventure ideas.
This book requires Savage Worlds Adventure Edition for use.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 30.12.2019 | 20:48
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/12829/298959.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/298959/)[Twitchy Butcher Studios LLC] Gods and Masters: Night Terrors
Author: Dustin Smith
Pages: 16
Prices: €3,57 (Watermarked PDF)

Twitchy Butcher Studios has partnered with Atomic Ninja studios to bring you Gods and Masters: Night Terrors. Guest author Dustin Smith has penned this compilation of three one-shot adventures.

In Pest Control, PCs of any faction are hired to rid the streets of swarms of caustic pests.

In Love and Song, heroes in the Nacarajin are hired to rescue a fiesty bard who has been arrested for her anti-government songs.

In Of One Living Being, heroes of any faction aid an eccentric alchemist, whose lab has been taken over by criminals with hidden motives.

This series of adventures uses the Savage Worlds rule system, and requires the Gods and Masters setting, which can be found here (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/298441/Gods-and-Masters).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 30.12.2019 | 20:50
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/298661.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/298661/)[SWAG][Venatus Vinco] Operation Orphelin
Author: Venatus Vinco
Pages: 16
Prices: €1,78 (PDF)

A Modern Military Adventure for Savage Worlds

"Another massive hurricane has just struck the impoverished nation of Haiti. In the confusion following the devastation a violent criminal organization calling themselves the Barons stormed an orphanage run by a nongovernmental organization (NGO) in rural Haiti. The Barons have taken the the children captive, fleeing into the wilderness. The Haitian government in Port-au-Prince is overwhelmed dealing with the storm's aftermath and says they don’t have the resources to act on the threat. Meanwhile, world governments bicker over aid packages and intervention.

The characters are private military contractors sent to rural Haiti to find and rescue these orphans before it's too late!"

This PDF contains a complete adventure, fully fleshed out enemy Wild Cards, six pre-generated characters, suggestions for incorporating weird/horror elements into the adventure, and optional rules to add depth to the scenario.

Also includes rules for playing as super powered heroes using Savage Worlds core rules - including pre-generated super characters.

"I had the opportunity to run this adventure at ORIGINs this year. I had five players each with different levels of experience with Savage Worlds. This adventure does a great job of displaying the rich variety of Savage Worlds, it has dramatic tasks, interludes, action, some detective work, a bit of everything. Another great thing about this adventure is that as the GM you can easily adjust the time of the adventure." - Mike
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 31.12.2019 | 00:12
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3915/299088.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/299088/)[Fainting Goat Games] [Savage Worlds] Abominable Snow Man
Author: Jacob Blackmon, Cameron Lyle
Pages: 4
Prices: $0.99 $2.99 (PDF)

From Jacob Blackmon (author of the fan-favorite Super Powered Legends Line) comes a new wintry foe ready to menance your SWADE game!

The Abominable Snowman – also known as the Yeti – is a white-furred ape-like beast that is native to the Himalayan Mountains in Asia. Their white fur allows the snowman to blend in to the snow- and ice-covered mountains without being seen by tourists or mountain climbers. Despite its savage and bestial appearance, the yeti is an intelligent and cunning creature.

The monsters to be found in these "YOUniversal Monster" products are new builds, designed to be supervillains in their own right with a variety of powers and abilities, ambitions, goals, and three different adventure ideas.
This book requires Savage Worlds Adventure Edition by Pinnacle Entertainment Group for use.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 2.01.2020 | 00:26
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2212/299294.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/299294/)[Gun Metal Games] Auction Action!
Author: John Dunn
Pages: 32
Prices: $7.99 (Watermarked PDF)

Your team needs to recover a stolen package-FAST!

The metroplex is abuzz at a heist that was pulled off from a downtown megacorp last night. That corp needs it back before something has a chance to go terribly wrong.

They cannot afford a public relations disaster, leaving them willing to pay top dollar. Looks like a chance to cash in on some easy money to find a lost package. Things get a little more complicated when the team finds out just who else might be interested in retrieving it.

This introductory adventure for Interface Zero 3.0 gives players a chance to experience the risks and rewards of a cyberpunk setting. The adventure is designed to allow GMs to easily fit it into the metroplex of their choice, and to use it with the Cyberpunks, Cleaning Crew, or
Protect and Serve Themes.

Auction Action includes a bonus content with ready-to-play archetypes, a New origin: The Unlicensed Psion, new cybertech and armor and vehicles for you to use in your games!

This PDF is layered for easy printing and comes fully bookmarked.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 6.01.2020 | 21:10
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/14389/266761.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/266761/Guardians-of-Umbra-Jumpstart)[Bumblebear Games] Guardians of Umbra Jumpstart
Author: Michael Barbeau, Cavan Helps
Pages: 21
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

The Guardians of Umbra Jumpstart for Savage Worlds is finally here. Inside this jumpstart you will be able to check out an exciting new race, new edges, new hindrances, new enemies, and much more.

Guardians of Umbra takes place on an alternate Earth during World War II where a race called the aos si’ have returned to Earth. Unlike many other RPGs, instead of repelling these monsters, players take on the roles of legendary creatures such as valkyrie, revenants, golems, and avatars of nature to combat the wicked Tesla Corps and the monstrosities their twisted science has created.

This 21 page jumpstart contains everything players will need to take on the adventure Deepwell Rescue, including the rules for the all new Arcane Background: Viscomancy.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 7.01.2020 | 08:56
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/299708.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/299708/First-Contact)[SWAG][John Steve] First Contact
Author: John Steve
Pages: 19
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

The Space Marines of the UWS Expeditionary Force are about to find out that humans are not alone in the galaxy. Their actions over the next few hours could very well decide the worlds fate...

First Contact is a one-shot adventure complete with ship maps for all involved including their stats. It also includes 5 pre-generated Space Marines (table tents) ready to complete the mission!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 15.01.2020 | 14:06
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/14044/300168.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/300168/Train-Job)[Atomic Ninja Studios] Train Job
Author: David Scott
Pages: 8
Prices: €1,79 (Watermarked PDF)

Jump on to a train travelling 900 mph through werewolf infested turf to steal cargo. What could possibly go wrong? Find out in Train Job, the latest adventure from Atomic Ninja Studios! It's a dog-eat-dog world after all...
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.01.2020 | 08:26
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11630/300517.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/300517/Land-of-Sonu-Vol-2-Worldbreaker)[Apokalyptic Publishing] Land of Sonu Vol 2: Worldbreaker
Author: Peter Adams
Pages: 51
Prices: $3.49 (Watermarked PDF)

The second volume in the Sonu adventure series further expands the lore of the Land of Sonu, both as a unique setting in which to set your own adventures and with a series of four related, but separate, adventures to run. Inside, you'll find:

    4 short adventures.
    4 new races (including two originally published in Volume One).
    An expanded history of the Land of Sonū, including more on the Wardens of Sonū.
    A regional overview of four factions relevant to the adventures.
    19 new creatures, adversaries, and/or allies.

This title requires the Savage Worlds core rules.

The Adventures in Sonu series presents new setting information and an interconnected series of adventures that can be run back-to-back or integrated with an existing campaign. The adventures are presented as part of the Land of Sonu, a new, low-magic fantasy setting for the Savage Worlds tabletop role playing game, but the locations and adventures can be easily adapted to any fantasy campaign.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.01.2020 | 16:37
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/300611.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/300611/GoldGlory-The-Halls-of-the-Damned)[SpaceOrange42] Gold & Glory: The Halls of the Damned
Author: Andrea Tupac Mollica, Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 22
Prices: $4.99 (Watermarked PDF)

A fallen Strider, a shameful secret left buried for centuries, and a party of heroes who dare enter a long-forlorn castle on a solitary mountain peak in search of the fabled Ring Of Yore and, maybe, the truth.

What will YOU find within the Halls Of The Damned?

The Halls of the Damned is a Gold & Glory  (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/283156/GoldGlory-Seven-Deadly-Dungeons-Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition)dungeon adventure that pits the heroes against the horrors and mysteries of the Ravenwoods’ cursed castle, and can also be easily played within any Gothic Horror setting!

The landlord nervously stares at you.

«You talkin' seriously m'lords? Nobody goes to the Halls Of The Damned!»

A young wench passing behind the landlord drops her tray, spilling beer all over the floor.

«You little walking disaster! — snarls the landlord — Clean this mess! At once! Any more beer at your table, m'lords?»

«Yes, please. What about the man who entered the ruins a week ago?» you ask.

«Well, he looked well-manned and stalwart. But he nevertheless did not come back. I've outlived many winters now, and the few people I saw coming back from that accursed place, all had their lives changed. Forever.

«For better or worse, I guess.» you gingerly observe.

«Noe, m'lord. For worse only. Ah, here's your beer. Enjoy!»

«One last question — you press a couple shillings on the landlord's hand — this morning we heard a nanny sing a strange lullaby to her baby. It seemed to mention the Halls Of The Damned. Do you know it?»

«Who doesn't?»

«So, please. Would you mind?»

The landlord reluctantly yields with a sigh:

Don’t you dare to walk alone
in that ghastly, cursed dome.
Family blood drops down the tree,
tears are there where hope should be.
Be life spurned, be light banned
from within the Halls Of The Damned!

Then, uttering some more words you can't quite make out, the man leaves.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 24.01.2020 | 22:59
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3730/300804.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/300804/Curses-SWADE)[Legendary Games] Curses! (SWADE)
Author: Jason Nelson, Julian Neale, Jen Page, Alex Riggs, Anthony Adam, Loren Sieg, Charles White
Pages: 22
Prices: $4.99 (Watermarked PDF)

Beware the Evil Eye!

Curses! brings you a wealth of woe to unleash upon your Savage Worlds Adventure Edition campaign, allowing you to bring home the kind of supernatural suffering that will make your heroes weep and the mightiest pharaoh and the wickedest witch laugh with malevolence. This book includes tons of unique curses for treasures and mystical items, whether accidents of creation or built to entrap the unwary, like honeyed allure and unspeakable forbiddance. It also offers an abundance of cursed places, like the pool of thirst and puppetmaster’s curse, that may turn friends to foes and bring doom to them all. You’ll find cursed abilities, backgrounds, edges, and powers for heroes and villains alike, and over a dozen diabolical curses to afflict your heroes, from the bloodletting skinscription to kinslayer, deliquescent flesh, and cannibal compulsion! This terrific toolbox will terrify your players and bring a thrill as they risk the dooms of the ancients and a touch of true malevolence when they learn that victory can bring as much danger as defeat! Bring home the horror that only curses can deliver, grab this 20-page book today and Make Your Game Legendary!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.01.2020 | 13:20
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/101/301539.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/301539/Fantasy-Archetypes-Battle-Mage)[Misfit Studios] Fantasy Archetypes: Battle Mage
Author: Steven Trustrum
Pages: 4
Prices: €0,90 (PDF)

This Savage Worlds RPG release brings you the Battle Mage Fantasy Archetype. This ready-to-go character build provides a foundation for you to develop a character who combines the utility and long range capabilities of sorcery with the up-close-and-personal benefits of skill with melee weapons and armor.

Includes an optional armor arcane interference rule and three new Edges to overcome it.

Each Fantasy Archetype delivers the basic build, plus ideas for some typical roles the character may fill, variations you may want to explore, how it may suit races other than the default presented, and more.

This product is compatible with material found in the Fantasy Companion

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

Both a color and print-friendly version of the product are included.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 3.02.2020 | 09:56
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10343/302049.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/302049/Exotic-Ingredients--A-Crystal-Heart-Oneshot)[Up to Four Players] Exotic Ingredients - A Crystal Heart One-shot
Author: Eran Aviram
Pages: 11
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

The Agents of Syn scour our world in search of Crystals, powerful relics of a bygone age which grant you super-powers should you dare to replace your own heart with them.

But not today.
Today... they cook.

The island of Manahawa is known for the yearly gumbo cooking competition, the winner of which gains exclusive access to an ancient city. This time, Syn has sent you as its representatives. The orders are simple: get the ingredients, cook the gumbo, win the competition.

That first part, though, might prove problematic, seeing as most ingredients will try to eat YOU.

This one-shot is great as a convention game, even for people who don't know Crystal Heart or Savage Worlds (The GM will need to know a bit of both, though). It's robust, easy to pace, wacky, has a plethora of memorable moments, and doesn't take itself seriously any more than minimally required.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 4.02.2020 | 08:57
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/294314.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/294314/Off-the-Rails-A-Pulp-Fantasy-One-Sheet)[BPB Games] Off the Rails: A Pulp Fantasy One Sheet
Author: Kyle Carty
Pages: 2
Prices: $1.00 (Watermarked PDF)

A Shadow Soars Above

Off the Rails thrusts adventurers into a sudden and unexpected conflict when the board a lightning rail train system. Part of the way through their journey a magical airship flies overhead and pirates burst into the luxury train. They are after a powerful magical artifact being transported to a distant museum and will stop at nothing to obtain it. Can the adventurers stop the dastardly Captain Aminda Brigandine?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 4.02.2020 | 12:24
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/302052.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/302052/Wand-Magic)[SWAG][Jan Jetmar] Wand Magic
Author: Jan Jetmar
Pages: 4
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

This short supplement introduces a new Arcane Background based on using focus items - namely wands - to fully employ casters' magical abilities.

It should also serve as an example of how to flash out a generic core Arcane Background in an interesting way.

It is a Setting Nugget intended to be easily inserted into an existing fantasy setting. It can be used in any historical or modern period, as long as magic exists in your world.

Inside you will find:

    Arcane Background (Wand Magic)
    2 Hindrances
    9 Power Edges

Note: In this product, wands are not treated as magical items in the classic sense. They do not make their users any more powerful than other characters.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 10.02.2020 | 22:38
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/14389/302290.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/302290/Paper-Miniatures-for-Guardians-of-Umbra)[Bumblebear Games] Paper Miniatures for Guardians of Umbra
Author: Michael Barbeau
Pages: 11
Prices: €3,61 (Watermarked PDF)

This is a paper miniature pack for Guardians of Umbra.

(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/14389/302288.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/302288/Under-Wraps-OneSheet)[Bumblebear Games] Under Wraps One-Sheet
Author: Charles White
Pages: 3
Prices: €0,90 (Watermarked PDF)

Under Wraps is an adventure for Guardians of Umbra, using the Savage Worlds system.

This is an adventure meant for Novice ranked heroes.

A desperate knock at the door sets the heroes on a quest to stop the Tesla Corps from mass producing their newest death machine, the Tesla Juggernaut. Heroes must find the facility holding these new prototypes and destroy them.

(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/14389/302284.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/302284/Moonshine-Blues-OneSheet)[Bumblebear Games] Moonshine Blues One-Sheet
Author: Eric Lamoureux
Pages: 3
Prices: €0,90 (Watermarked PDF)

Moonshine Blues is an adventure for Guardians of Umbra, which uses the Savage Worlds system.

This one shee is designed for heroes of Novice rank.

Rescue the kidnapped family of a poor alp while stopping a gang of ruthless smugglers turned killers. Discover Professor Shapiro's dangerous secret that will change the smuggling and street racing world forever.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 11.02.2020 | 20:24
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/303082.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/303082/Deadlands-Lost-Colony-Widowmaker)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands: Lost Colony: Widowmaker
Author: John Goff
Pages: 32
Prices: €5,48 (Watermarked PDF)

Widowmaker is a space station deep in the asteroid belt far above Banshee. This supplement provides further details for the Game Master to set her own adventures there, as well as two creepy Savage Tales featuring several very deadly and very creepy threats.

As one enthusiastic playtester put it, it's Outland meets Event Horizon in the Way Out West!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 14.02.2020 | 21:57
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2212/303446.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/303446/Figure-Flats-Volume-3-Heroes-and-Adversaries)[Gun Metal Games] Figure Flats Volume 3: Heroes and Adversaries
Author: Jordan Peacock
Pages: 7
Prices: $3.99 (Watermarked PDF)

Need some cyberpunk-themed figure flats for your next game?

Look no further!

Enclosed is an assortment of paper models or “figure flats” intended to represent characters on the tabletop in skirmishes and other situations where it’s important to tell who is where.

 Just print out on regular copy paper (or on cardstock if you’d prefer a bit more weight), then cut out and assemble. The names on the tabs are just for inspiration purposes.

This pack contains over 40 new heroes, robots, mechs, and drones for your cyberpunk game!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 14.02.2020 | 21:59
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/303440.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/303440/Junkworld)[GRAmel] Junkworld
Author: Jakub Erpegis Osiejewski
Pages: 45
Prices: €5,52 €6,44 (Watermarked PDF)

There is a magical place in the universe where all your dreams come true… and there’s Junkworld. A small planetoid storing and recycling the sector’s trash… inhabited by various groups of robots, waiting for intrepid adventurers… or at least collectors.

Inspired by the classic cartoons and videogames, Junkworld is a mini-setting set on a space landfill… full of conflicted factions. It’s meant for short campaigns to inspire the players and GMs for their own adventures and filling the blanks with their own ideas.
Evade the organic-hating Queen Demolique or ally with small Pintle to defend the locals.
Battle the speed-crazed little green-skinned Neerg and their too-cool-for-school leader Woolnek Tanan
Discover the schemes of Mr. Roarke or the nefarious Jacksonites.
Discover junk-built weapons, robots or devices.
Protect the fragile ecosystems on this strange planetoid.
Find a handful of rules to make your Savage Worlds games more cartoonish.
Visit strange locations on Junkworld, starting with a short introductory adventure.

All on 45 notebook-sized pages.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 15.02.2020 | 15:02
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/14044/303427.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/303427/Pharmapocalypse-Shelter)[Atomic Ninja Studios] Pharmapocalypse: Shelter
Author: Dustin Smith
Pages: 5
Prices: $1.99 (Watermarked PDF)

On the run from bio-mutants. Tired and hungry. Low on anti-mutation drugs. What else can go wrong? Well, find out in Pharmapocalypse: Shelter. This adventure can be run as a standalone or sequel to Pharmapocalypse: Escape. Play them separate or together, it's all good!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 18.02.2020 | 20:33
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/303850.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/303850/50-Fathoms-Fire--Earth)[Pinnacle Entertainment] 50 Fathoms: Fire & Earth
Author: Darrell Hayhurst
Pages: 32
Prices: €7,38 €13,84 (PDF)

The doreen were the victims of the cruel kehana during "The Long Swim." Now the Kehana Flumes is beset by catastrophe and the violent fishmen are on a swim of their own. They flood the streets of Marsales and threaten war across the city. Who is behind the fiery disaster and their desperate exodus? The fate of the doreen, kehana, and perhaps all
Caribdus depend on the answer!

Fire & Earth is a three part Plot Point Campaign that may be run within the normal 50 Fathoms saga, or afterwards to extend your crew's sea-faring adventures! It requires the Savage Worlds core rules, 50 Fathoms Setting Book, and free 50 Fathoms Update to play (available at the Pinnacle website).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 18.02.2020 | 20:35
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/303852.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/303852/The-Last-Parsec-JumpCorp-Guide-to-Interstellar-Salvage)[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Last Parsec: JumpCorp Guide to Interstellar Salvage
Author: Michael Surbrook
Pages: 28
Prices: €7,38 €13,84 (PDF)

Finders Keepers!

Massive starships drift eternally in the void. They are the carcasses of long-lost dreams, ancient cargos, or modern catastrophes. And someone has to clean them up.

This book contains information for JumpCorp’s elite “First Response Salvage Teams,” or FIRST. These are the heroes who enter derelict vessels, check for survivors, and deal with all the strange things found within these titanic space hulks.

The handbook is a primer for every JumpCorp salvage team member, and includes new equipment, advice, and practical information on the accepted salvage laws of the spaceways. Game Masters will find an exciting new system and Adventure Generator geared toward salvage missions, including the type of ship found, the wondrous things within, and what threats and other mishaps await the player characters. A ship might be filled with killer robots disassembling a vessel for scrap while Rilgellian slavers hunt for survivors. Another might be a burning wreck filled with priceless goods descending rapidly into the orbit of a dying sun. The possibilities are truly infinite.

This book requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition core rules, The Last Parsec core rules, and the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 19.02.2020 | 17:35
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/303886.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/303886/Herbal-Alchemy)[SWAG][Jenn Sutcliffe, Kristian Serrano] Herbal Alchemy
Author: Jenn Sutcliffe, Kristian Serrano
Pages: 1
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price $0.50 (PDF)

Laeressa had gathered the necessary materials for her sacred bag of protection and was at last able to create it. Settling into her alchemy lab, she placed the plants, flowers, and ground-up bones into her mortar and entered a meditative state as she mixed them together. With the protection of this herbal amulet, she would stand a much better chance of surpassing the thorny branches and dangerous creatures of the Dark Forest. The wisdom of the ancients and the forces of nature guided her.

Herbal Alchemy is a new Arcane Background that empowers characters to create magical concoctions such as potions, poultices, medicinal foods, and adhesives using natural components. Herbal alchemists are uniquely able to harness the inherent arcane properties in the flora and fauna of their environment. With an additional new Power Edge, Herbal Mastery, these alchemists can infuse even greater strength into their brews.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 24.02.2020 | 11:06
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/304347.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/304347/Parchment-Cover-Template)[SWAG][Aaron Acevedo] Parchment Cover Template
Author: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 6
Prices: $4.99 (PDF)

This color SWAG Cover Template is for use with your own publications. Provided in both letter and graphic novel sizes (300 DPI) in three formats: layered PSD, layered TIF, and JPG. Styles included in layered formats. Illustration and font not included.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 24.02.2020 | 20:35
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/62/288754.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/288754/Pulp-Fantastic-RAW-Swade-Beta)[Battlefield Press] Pulp Fantastic RAW Swade Beta
Author: Chris Halliday, Christopher Helton, Jonathan Nichols, Jonathan M. Thompson
Pages: ?
Prices: €13,83 (Watermarked PDF)

New for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition.

(No art - Prototype Edition) This version is not laid out and contains no art. Sales of this product will help with those elements, and of course anyone that purchases this product will get the final product updated free of charge.

In the years after the Great War dawns a new age of heroic adventure!

From the gleaming spires of the big city, to the steaming jungles of Skull Island, brave men and women fight the forces of evil, carving their legends into the history of the 20th Century. It is an age of exploration and daring. An age of discovery, peril and mad science. It is the age of Pulp Fantastic!

Pulp Fantastic is a fast-paced game of action and adventure, where stalwart heroes face down dastardly villains, weird menaces and bizarre monstrosities in the name of all that is right and true!

Pulp Fantastic contains everything you need to create your own high-octane pulp adventures featuring masked avengers, mad scientists, gritty gumshoes or any other kind of pulp hero you can imagine. Included are a gazetteer and timeline of the Pulp Era, rules for creating vile villains and strange inventions, and a bestiary of monstrous creatures!

Adventure calls! Will you answer?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 24.02.2020 | 20:36
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/304421.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/304421/Petramancy)[SWAG][Venatus Vinco] Petramancy
Author: Venatus Vinco
Pages: 9
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

This supplement offers a fully fleshed out Arcane Background that explores the use of precious stones and crystals as sources of magical power.  Petramancy allows a hero to combine her natural arcane talent with the mystical properties of various crystals and gemstones to create unique magical effects and can be added into any setting - particularly fantasy worlds. Inside you’ll find:

    Arcane Background (Petramancy)

    2 New Hindrances

    4 New Edges

    Magic Item Creation

    4 Sample Magic Items

    2 Archetypes with Advances tracked from Novice to Legendary

    1 One Sheet Adventure
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 25.02.2020 | 10:24
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/304500.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/304500/Horror-Cover-Template)[SWAG][Aaron Acevedo] Horror Cover Template
Author: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 8
Prices: $4.99 (PDF)

This color SWAG Cover Template is for use with your own publications, as desired. Provided in both letter and graphic novel sizes (300 DPI) in four formats: layered PSD, layered TIF, PNG, and JPG. Styles included in layered formats. Illustration and font not included.

Not for resale as stock art.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 25.02.2020 | 18:39
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/16440/304043.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/304043/Bartington-Halls)[Wild Eye Books] Bartington Halls
Author: Owen Lean
Pages: 26
Prices: $4.99 (Watermarked PDF)

They're privileged, they're pretentious, they're praying nobody finds out about the time they fought a zombie pig; that would be SO CRINGE!

Bartington Halls is Britain's most exclusive boarding school. The wealthy and privileged pay over £20,000 a year for the honour of sending their offspring to this six hundred year old establishment.

But sometimes, amongst the 'banter', GSCE preparation, and complaining that the school meals aren't up to the standard of 'Mumsy': pupils might catch a glimpse of something odd. Whispers in the corridors of secret societies with occult practices, ghosts who stalk the dormitories at night, or the secret services hiding among the staff.

Not that any of that rummy business is worth risking a few house-points over though. Right?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.02.2020 | 09:31
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/304602.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/304602/The-Warrior-Adept)[SWAG][Ron Blessing] The Warrior Adept
Author: Ron Blessing
Pages: 9
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price $2.00 (PDF)

Magical practitioners wielding weapons of pure magic, formed by their will. Their Spirit Weapon is whatever suits them—a sword and shield, a polearm, dual axes, even a pool cue.

The Warrior Adept includes a fully-realized Arcane Background, a supporting Power Edge, and the means to create a Spirit Weapon.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 4.03.2020 | 17:42
Nur heute: Anlässlich des GM's Day sind Titan Effect und alle Produkte dafür um bis zu 40% reduziert: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/249701/Titan-Effect-RPG
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 10.03.2020 | 20:53
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/305975.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/305975/Weird-War-I-Juggernauts)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Weird War I: Juggernauts
Author: Teller
Pages: 32
Prices: €6,97 (PDF)

They were designed to break the stalemate of trench warfare, but the new armed and armored landships proved as capable of breaking the men of the “War to End all Wars” as their defenses.

Now you and your crew can lumber into battle in these metal monstrosities, spewing smoke and hurling explosives at those who stand in your way—or the strange and malevolent monsters that rise in the horror and darkness of war.

Juggernauts adds more of the world’s first tanks and armored cars to your Weird War One games. It features updated game statistics, rules for crewing these behemoths, additions to the Adventure Generator, a Plot Point Campaign, and three new stand-alone Savage Tales.

This book requires the Weird War One Player’s Guide and War Master’s Handbook and the Savage Worlds core rules to play. It’s designed for the Adventure Edition, and you’ll find a free update at our website.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 10.03.2020 | 21:09
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/306050.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/306050/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-Vehicle-Guide)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Vehicle Guide
Author: Sean Roberson
Pages: 21
Prices: €6,10 (PDF)

Travel in style, any world, any time!

The Vehicle Guide for Savage Worlds is your ticket to use any vehicle in your adventures. From Roman galleons to moon-sized space stations, we’ve got you covered with a massive collection of sample vehicle statistics of every size just waiting to be customized—or used on the fly as-is! Just add guns and daring crew.

Vehicle types are divided by era so you can easily figure out those burning questions like how an advanced alien spacecraft stacks up against a World War 2 battleship. Each vehicle type has a custom table including Size, Mass, Length, Handling, Top Speed, Toughness, Crew, and example craft typical for the category.

The Savage Worlds Vehicle Guide includes comprehensive guidelines on converting vehicles—whether real-world or fictional—into your game, and includes tips for using “real world” vehicle statistics as a springboard to bring more varied monsters and encounters to your table.

This book requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play. This has been revised for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition and the revised edition of Rifts®: Game Master’s Handbook.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 11.03.2020 | 22:04
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/305709.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/305709/Bards--Minstrels)[SWAG][Cyril RONSEAUX] Bards & Minstrels
Author: Cyril RONSEAUX
Pages: 9
Prices: $1.99 (PDF)

A Savage Worlds (Adventure Edition) add-on to play different kind of Bards, or any Artist creating magic while performing their favorite art.

    Play as a Bard, Acrobat, Dancer, Fire breather, Juggler, Minstrel, Puppeteet, Skald...
    Weaving powers with Tests and Support
    Use Leadership Edges as part of your Performance
    and learn 5 new Powers to manipulate enemies and galvanize allies.

While this add-on is designed to be included in any fantasy setting, it can very well also suit Pulp, Modern, Cyberpunk, or Sci-fi Stars.

Comes with 4 sample characters of very different nature.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 12.03.2020 | 17:08
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/306216.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/306216/Scifi-Cover-Template)[SWAG][Aaron Acevedo] Sci-fi Cover Template
Author: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 8
Prices: $4.99 (PDF)

This color SWAG Cover Template is for use with your own publications, as desired. Provided in both letter and graphic novel sizes (300 DPI) in four formats: layered PSD, layered TIF, PNG, and JPG. Styles included in layered formats. Illustration and font not included.

Not for resale as stock art.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 12.03.2020 | 19:58
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/12257/306230.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/306230/The-Battle-of-Harlem-Heights-A-Legion-of-Liberty-Adventure)[Happy Monster Press] The Battle of Harlem Heights: A Legion of Liberty Adventure
Author: Scott Marchand Davis
Pages: 2
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price $1.00 (Watermarked PDF)

General Washington calls on the Legion to retrieve vital information from the Culper Ring, his spy network in New York City... but the British forces on Manhattan Island may have other ideas!

Requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition and Legion of Liberty: Superheroes of 1776 to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 14.03.2020 | 00:27
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/101/306287.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/306287/Monster-Brief-Monster-Mods)[Misfit Studios] Monster Brief: Monster Mods
Author: Steven Trustrum
Pages: 6
Prices: $1.99 (PDF)

Get more mileage out of your Savage Worlds monsters with Monster Brief: Monster Mods.

Monster mods allow Gamemasters to quickly modify an existing bestiary entry to present a specific type of variation with new and altered abilities. Each mod includes the sort of creatures it is and is not appropriate for, suggested game genres, and mandatory and optional abilities to provide even more customization. A sample modified creature is provided for each mod.

In this product you will find:

    The hunter cyborg mod uses material in the Science Fiction Companion to turn the subject into a half-organic, half-machine predator. Sample creature: cyborg hunter dog.
    The dire mod allows one to quickly produce primeval, ferocious versions of a creature. Sample creature: dire great white shark.
    The enlightened mod is for making any creature with animal intelligence sentient in a manner that makes sense. Sample creature: enlightened thief cat.
    The tank mod is for those occasions when you need a heavily-protected version of a creature the heroes can't take apart so easily. Sample creature: orc tank.

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

Both a color and print-friendly version of the product are included.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 15.03.2020 | 16:46
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/14044/306492.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/306492/Fire-and-Brimstone)[Atomic Ninja Studios] Fire and Brimstone
Author: Jerrod 'Savage Daddy' Gunning
Pages: 6
Prices: $1.99 (Watermarked PDF)

Dealing with the Devil is never a good idea. But when a group of damned souls are offered the deal of an unlifetime, it's time to suit up and give the Devil his due. Fire and Brimstone, it's a devil of a time...

When a demon rebellion leads to a mass jailbreak, the Devil release the posse to hunt down and return seven of Hell's wicked escaped souls for a shot at redemption.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 15.03.2020 | 16:47
Die erste Ausgabe von The Savage Sign ist für die nächsten zwei Wochen PWYW (statt $15!) auf DTRPG!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.03.2020 | 12:33
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/305436.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/305436/Wiseguys-GM-SCreen-Inserts)[Just Insert Imagination] Wiseguys: GM SCreen Inserts
Author: Eric Lamoureux
Pages: 16
Prices: $2.99 (Watermarked PDF)

We present GM screen inserts for Wiseguys. In the file you will find eight beautiful art pieces from the book, as well as 7 pages full of tables filled with everying a GM might need, from NPC reaction tables and weapons to vehicles and nickname generators.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.03.2020 | 19:21
Die erste Ausgabe von The Savage Sign ist für die nächsten zwei Wochen PWYW (statt $15!) auf DTRPG!


Darauf Bezug nehmend ist Titan Effect für die nächsten zwei Wochen ebenfalls als PWYW (statt $13) auf DTRPG erhältlich!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 18.03.2020 | 11:31
Darauf Bezug nehmend ist Titan Effect für die nächsten zwei Wochen ebenfalls als PWYW (statt $13) auf DTRPG erhältlich!


Und die nächsten! :d Crystal Heart ist ebenfalls aktuell PWYW (statt $20): https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/281539/Crystal-Heart
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 19.03.2020 | 09:08
Citizens Divided ist aktuell PWYW: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/233724/Citizens-Divided
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 19.03.2020 | 09:10
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/306892.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/306892/Collective-Punishment)[Just Insert Imagination] Collective Punishment
Author: John Goff
Pages: 3
Prices: $0.99 (Watermarked PDF)

A Wiseguys One Sheet for Seasoned characters by John Goff

The Crew finds itself targeted by members of a rival organization, only to discover they’re being played for patsies by a third party, who may be trying to touch off a turf war in the Vegas Underworld.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 19.03.2020 | 09:12
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10343/306904.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/306904/Crystal-Heart-Tokens-for-Virtual-Tabletops)[Up to Four Players] Crystal Heart Tokens for Virtual Tabletops
Author: Eran Aviram, Aviv Or
Pages: 1
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price €2,30 (Zip File)

Take our printable miniatures (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/295634/Printable-Miniatures--A-Crystal-Heart-Expansion), reshape, reforge, and you get ready-made tokens for any virtual tabletop (VTT)!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 19.03.2020 | 20:07
Der komplette Katalog von Daring Entertainment ist aktuell kostenlos! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/2604/Daring-Entertainment
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 20.03.2020 | 09:15
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/307102.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/307102/Savage-Tokusatsu-Tokens-for-Virtual-Tabletops-Roll20-Fantasy-Grounds)[BPB Games] Savage Tokusatsu Tokens for Virtual Tabletops (Roll20, Fantasy Grounds)
Author: BPB Games
Pages: ?
Prices: $7.50 (Watermarked PDF)

Transform and Play, Heroes!

Playing Savage Tokusatsu on a VTT has never been easier thanks to these high quality tokens! This
What's In the Files?

Within this file you'll get a nicely .zipped folder containing 48 extremely high quality and well organized tokens for use in your virtual Savage Tokusatsu games!

Not only that, but we've also given you the border and background assets so you can easily make any tokens of your own with your preferred image manipulation program!
What Are You Waiting For? It's Time to Play!

These tokens can be used with anything but were originally created for use with SAVAGE TOKUSATSU. We have a Test Drive that provides a limited selection of new rules for running and playing in transforming hero games and the full game is ALSO out!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.03.2020 | 13:29
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/307229.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/307229/Bards--Minstrels-Fantasy-AddOn)[SWAG][Cyril RONSEAUX] Bards & Minstrels (Fantasy Add-On)
Author: Cyril RONSEAUX
Pages: 9
Prices: €1,86 (PDF)

A Savage Worlds (Adventure Edition) add-on to play different kinds of Bard, or any Artist creating magic while performing their favorite art.

    Play as a Bard, Acrobat, Dancer, Fire breather, Juggler, Minstrel, Troubadours, Puppeteet, Skald...
    Weaving powers with Tests and Support
    Use Leadership Edges as part of your Performance
    and learn 5 new Powers to manipulate enemies and galvanize allies.

While this add-on is designed to be included in any fantasy setting, it can very well also suit Pulp, Modern, Cyberpunk, or Sci-fi Stars. It does NOT uses the Fantasy Companion (but will be updated to use the new Fantasy Companion when it comes out)

Comes with 4 sample characters of very different nature.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 23.03.2020 | 08:00
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/307230.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/307230/Sample-Arcane-Characters-for-Savage-Worlds)[SWAG][Cyril RONSEAUX] Sample Arcane Characters (for Savage Worlds)
Author: Cyril RONSEAUX
Pages: 1
Prices: free (PDF)

The SWAG Author Community on Discord (Unofficial Savage Worlds Discord) presents you Characters you can build with Arcane Backgrounds released as part of the SWAG (Savage Worlds Adventurer's Guild) Arcane Background Bundle.

You'll find:

    Herbal Alchemists
    Warrior Adepts
    Wand Magic users
    Bards & Minstrels

Including some with a Familiar built with Companions & Familiars, and some who can summon allies built with Summoner's Circle.

We hope they spark your creativity to build rich and interesting characters for your fantasy, horror, modern, sci-fi settings. You can also use them as NPCs in your adventures!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 24.03.2020 | 17:14
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/307497.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/307497/Sweet-lips-sink-ships)[Just Insert Imagination] Sweet lips sink ships
Author: Robin English-Bircher
Pages: 2
Prices: $0.99 (Watermarked PDF)

A Wiseguys One Sheet for Seasoned characters by Robin English-Bircher

These days, bad luck follows Capo Donny “Sweet Lips” Di Maggio. Once his good lucks and smooth style helped him move up quickly; now, his operations are compromised. Is he sabotaging himself or does someone have it out for him?

The treachery cannot stand. The crew must flush out the rat and remove the problem before anyone gets wind of the situation.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 24.03.2020 | 17:16
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3118/307450.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/307450/Out-For-A-Stroll)[Fabled Environments] Out For A Stroll
Author: Charles White
Pages: 6
Prices: $2.00 (Watermarked PDF)

The daughter of a Senior VP at Ergalio is missing. Her parents presume she ran away because it wouldn't be the first time she tried. She loves parties and doesn't care what embarrassment her behavior might cause her family. Your Freelance Team has been asked to find her and bring her back home before she can embarrass herself or her family.

This adventure is designed for use with the Olympus Inc core books and the Savage Worlds ruleset. Included with this short adventure are 8 1/2" x 11" floor plans of two locations featured in the adventure.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.03.2020 | 08:54
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/307558.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/307558/Savage-Rifts-Archetypes-Set-1-SWADE-Edition)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Rifts: Archetypes Set 1 (SWADE Edition)
Author: Sean Tait Bircher, Robin English-Bircher, Sean Roberson
Pages: 15
Prices: €2,76 (PDF)

Get to the action faster using our “print and play” pregenerated Archetype characters, now including an Advancement track!

These ready-to-play archetypes for Savage Rifts® are formatted in character sheet format, feature expanded rules references, background information, and include the following:

    Glitter Boy
    Ley Line Walker
    Mind Melter
    City Rat

This product requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition core rules, Rifts®: The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide (Second Edition), and Rifts®: Game Master’s Handbook (Second Edition) to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.03.2020 | 08:56
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/307561.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/307561/Deadlands-Lost-Colony-Harrowed-Cards)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands: Lost Colony: Harrowed Cards
Author: John Goff, Shane Hensley, Simon Lucas
Pages: 3
Prices: free (PDF)

Deadlands: Lost Colony introduces a new way to manage Dominion for the Harrowed. These cards can be used with the rules inside when a player “Lets the Devil take the reins!” The six different cards with unique art can be used for those stubborn Deaders in your Lost Colony game!

Deadlands: Lost Colony is a roleplaying game set in the award-winning, best-selling Deadlands series. It requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition game system.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.03.2020 | 08:58
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/307562.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/307562/Deadlands-Lost-Colony-Power-Cards)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands: Lost Colony: Power Cards
Author: John Goff, Shane Hensley, Simon Lucas
Pages: 4
Prices: free (PDF)

Deadlands: Lost Colony introduces a few new powers like Banshee’s howl and ghost in the machine. This free PDF gives you the cards for print-and-play use! It also includes updated replacements for a couple of powers updated since SWADE's release (as noted in the SWADE Update found here and on our site).

Deadlands: Lost Colony is a roleplaying game set in the award-winning, best-selling Deadlands series. It requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition game system.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.03.2020 | 08:59
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/307564.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/307564/Deadlands-Lost-Colony-GM-Screen-Inserts)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands: Lost Colony: GM Screen Inserts
Author: John Goff, John Hopler, Shane Hensley
Pages: 16
Prices: €3,68 (PDF)

The Deadlands: Lost Colony GM Screen Inserts contain full-color landscape format pages for the Customizable GM Screen and features art from the setting! This has all the tables and handy reference items a GM needs to play!

DEADLANDS: LOST COLONY is a roleplaying game set in the award-winning, best-selling Deadlands series. It requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition game system.

Deadlands: Lost Colony is a roleplaying game set in the award-winning, best-selling Deadlands series. It requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition game system.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.03.2020 | 09:01
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/307565.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/307565/Deadlands-Lost-Colony-Power-Templates)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands: Lost Colony: Power Templates
Author: John Goff, Shane Hensley, Simon Lucas
Pages: 4
Prices: free (PDF)

Download these print and play PDF Power Templates with purple energy trappings to best represent anouk magic and complement your Lost Colony game. You can find other Power Templates here and on our website!

DEADLANDS: LOST COLONY is a roleplaying game set in the award-winning, best-selling Deadlands series. It requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition game system.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.03.2020 | 09:15

(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/307572.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/307572/Wendigo-Tales-Volume-One--Heroes)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Wendigo Tales: Volume One - Heroes
Author: Matthew Cutter
Pages: 7
Prices: free (PDF)


What makes Weird Wars Rome‘s Magnus Bos so tough? Which Hindrance keeps East Texas University student Lily Tate in the hot seat?

This PDF includes the Savage Worlds game statistics for the main protagonists found in Wendigo Tales: Volume One.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.03.2020 | 09:16
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/307573.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/307573/Wendigo-Tales-Volume-One--Bookmarks)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Wendigo Tales: Volume One - Bookmarks
Author: Shane Hensley
Pages: 1
Prices: free (PDF)


This PDF includes a set of four printable bookmarks you can use to mark your place in the print version of your Wendigo Tales: Volume One or your favorite Savage setting!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 27.03.2020 | 23:08
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/307876.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/307876/The-Wagon-Mound-Incident)[SWAG][Ron Blessing] The Wagon Mound Incident
Author: Ron Blessing
Pages: 6
Prices: $3.99 (PDF)

In a sleepy New Mexican village, a sweet 16 birthday party goes awry when an innocent game tears a hole in the fabric of reality. The heroes are called in to find out what happened and save the village—and perhaps, the world.

Six ready-to-customize archetypes are included—just add name, description, and Hindrances.

This adventure was designed to showcase the upcoming Fuse: The Spirit War setting, but the story is completely self-contained. It can be run in a typical four-hour convention time slot, but it contains enough material to run a longer story. Two of the included archetypes utilize material from The Warrior Adept, but all rules (other than the Savage Worlds core rules) needed to play the characters are included in this document.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 29.03.2020 | 15:31
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/300339.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/300339/The-Helix-Nebula-Situation-Adventure)[SWAG][Carl Davis] The Helix Nebula Situation Adventure
Author: Carl Davis
Pages: 22
Prices:PWYW, Suggested Price €1,78 (PDF)

As you activate, the blaring of sirens and flashing lights assault your senses. You can see the starship is drifting in a nebula and the control panel is conveying the enormity of the situation. In microseconds, you assess that the computer has decided you are the ships last hope and has activated you. The computer's voice is not reassuring even with the unemotional calmness in the electronic voice: "Warning: Life Support Anomalies", "Warning: Propulsion Sensor Errors and Failures", "Warning: Collision Detected". This is the moment you were designed for. The reason your AI deep learning networking wet-ware was created. You will not fail at the reason you exist. Your programming executes the command to review memory file 001. You are ready to report to the crew-member in charge if you can only find them.

In this 22 page Savage Worlds adventure, you play a robotic support unit that finds itself in the middle of a storm of failing systems and the Oregon Trail drifting in space. You are challenged to understand why and bring failed systems back online before it is too late for the crew and the success of the mission.

This adventure includes pregens and ship maps.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 29.03.2020 | 15:32
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7646/307983.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/307983/Secret-Agents-of-CROSS-Mission-Road-Less-Traveled)[Blessed Machine] Secret Agents of CROSS Mission: Road Less Traveled
Author: Pete Ruttman, Michael Chumbler
Pages: 4
Prices: €2,69 (PDF)

Secret Agents of CROSS Mission: Road Less Traveled

For most people, a car is just a means to get from one place to another, for others, it is an expression of who they are. When that owner is also a sociopath your team is in grave danger.

This product is a 4-page mission for Secret Agents of CROSS. Use as-is or expand to your liking.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 30.03.2020 | 09:46
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/308068.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/308068/Wild-Cards-and-Companions)[SWAG][Tayna Laubacher] Wild Cards and Companions
Author: Tayna Laubacher
Pages: 14
Prices:PWYW, Suggested Price $3.99 (PDF)

Sometimes you have a limited number of players at your game, but you could really use some help with combat and support. With Wild Cards and Companions you will find 15 character archtypes ready for use with an Edge that allows for one of 12 available human extras or one of 12 animal companions.

Each is written to be quickly adaptable to swap out some Hindrances and some Edges, as well as adding your own Powers where applicable.

Wild Cards available include cowboy, doctor, idol singer, knight and scrapper.

New animals listed include a winged cat, deer, ferret, pony and small dog.

Available Extras include sailor, scribe, nurse and Nerd Squad™.

It's a nice little assortment to help out when the number of people at your table or in your online feed is slim.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 31.03.2020 | 19:23
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/308258.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/308258/Savage-Rifts-Savaging-Your-Favorite-RiftsR-Ideas)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Rifts: Savaging Your Favorite Rifts® Ideas
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon, Clint Black, Sean Roberson
Pages: 15
Prices: free (PDF)

There’s a whole Megaverse® out there to explore!

This free, 15 page, PDF written by Sean Patrick Fannon with Clint Black and Sean Owen Roberson, aids the Game Master in translating her favorite ideas from the vast amount of material in Palladium’s Rifts® library into Rifts® for Savage Worlds.

Rifts® and Megaverse® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books, Inc. All character names and likenesses are copyright and trademarks owned by Palladium Books, Inc. and used under license.

This product requires these products from Pinnacle Entertainment Group: Rifts®: The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide (Revised Edition), Rifts®: Game Master’s Handbook (Revised Edition, and Rifts®: Savage Foes of North America (Revised Edition), and the Savage Worlds core rules. Game Masters may also want to have the Rifts® North America Books: Arcana & Mysticism, Blood & Banes, and Empires of Humanity.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 1.04.2020 | 18:55
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/308360.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/308360/The-Cat-Came-Back)[Just Insert Imagination] The Cat Came Back
Author: Brian Reeves
Pages: 2
Prices: $0.99 (Watermarked PDF)

When a recently-whacked rival seemingly returns from the grave, the wise guys find themselves dancing to his tune… or else!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 1.04.2020 | 18:56
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/308429.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/308429/Legends-of-the-Frost-Wars-Spielerhandbuch-German)[SWAG][Radulf St. Germain] Legends of the Frost Wars Spielerhandbuch [German]
Author: Radulf St. Germain
Pages: 14
Prices:PWYW, Suggested Price $1.10 (PDF)

Legends of the Frost Wars ist eine Fantasywelt voller großmäuliger Helden, bizarrer Magie und epischer Ereignisse. Das Spiel handelt vom Kampf der Nordmänner aus dem ewigen Eis gegen die dekadenten Südländer. Oder, wenn man so will, vom Kampf der zivilisierten Männer und Frauen des Südens gegen die reaktionären Fanatiker des Nordens. Inmitten des Konflikts bewegen sich die enigmatischen Druiden, die ganz andere Ziele verfolgen und die bösartigen Nachtelfen, die eine Welt ohne Menschen wollen.

Das Spielerhandbuch beschreibt die Welt in einer einfach zugänglichen Weise mit vielen Bildern. Der Schwerpunkt des Dokuments liegt auf den magischen Traditionen der Welt und den Charakterarchetypen.

Das hier ist ein echtes Fanprodukt. Ich habe diese Welt für (und inspiriert durch) meine Spielerrunde erstellt und möchte es mit Euch teilen. Ich freue mich aber über ein paar Groschen, die Ihr mir über PWYW zukommen lassen könnt. Vielleicht kriege ich ja genügend Geld zusammen um das geniale Cover von Jack Holliday zu bezahlen.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 3.04.2020 | 22:06
Das PDF des Grundregelwerks der Savage Worlds Abenteuer Edition ist aktuell um 25% reduziert und für 7,49€ zu bekommen!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 4.04.2020 | 11:53
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/101/308727.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/308727/Monster-Brief-More-Monster-Mods)[Misfit Studios] Monster Brief: More Monster Mods
Author: Steven Trustrum
Pages: 7
Prices: $1.99 (Watermarked PDF)

Get more mileage out of your Savage Worlds monsters with Monster Brief: More Monster Mods.

Monster mods allow Gamemasters to quickly modify an existing bestiary entry to present a specific type of variation with new and altered abilities. Each mod includes the sort of creatures it is and is not appropriate for, suggested game genres, and mandatory and optional abilities to provide even more customization. A sample modified creature is provided for each mod.

In this product you will find:

    The aquatic/amphibious mod turns the subject into a creature who lives in the water, either part- or full-time. Sample creature: aquatic ogre.
    The assassin cyborg mod uses material in the Science Fiction Companion to turn the subject into a half-organic, half-machine killer. Sample creature: cyborg assassin avion.
    The blind mod uses material in the Horror Companion to turn the subject into a creature that has evolved to life without sight. Sample creature: blind seducer demon.
    The cold elemental mod turns the subject into a creature of frost, ice, or snow. Sample creature: ice dog.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 5.04.2020 | 14:01
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/308804.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/308804/Clock-and-Dagger-The-Whale)[GRAmel] Clock and Dagger: The Whale
Author: Jakub Erpegis Osiejewski, Andy Slack
Pages: 8
Prices: $1.99 (Watermarked PDF)

In this first official adventure for Clock and Dagger, the players will meet and hate some of the most well-known people of Urx!

In this one-shot adventure the rogues will be running a small illegal gambling house... and coping with a big spender nicknamed "The Whale". Who is she, why is she so rich and why does everyone want to kill her?

This adventure can be played by any guild of thieves, and should take you around 4-5 hours.

You can check main setting here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/299439/Clock-and-Dagger
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 5.04.2020 | 14:03
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10506/308790.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/308790/TPSA-VTT-Shark-Tokens)[Dog House Rules] TPSA VTT Shark Tokens
Author:  Karl Keesler, Christopher S. Warner
Pages: 3
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

FREE Quarantine Special!

Designed for use with Trailer Park Shark Attack!, this set of 10 shark tokens enhances your online virtual tabletop gaming experience. All 10 tokens are transparent .png files ready for use on the TPSA maps.
The trailer park is flooded with sharks! Can you survive? Pick a character at random. If you get chewed in half by a shark, pick another ‘Parker and keep playing.

TPSA! is a disaster shark adventure designed for use with Savage Worlds. Once you sink your teeth into it, you can play Trailer Park Shark Attack! again and again.

You can’t swim? You might wanna start sayin’ your prayers.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 8.04.2020 | 16:26
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/309094.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/309094/Night-of-a-thousand-Elvises)[Just Insert Imagination] Night of a thousand Elvises
Author: Karl Keesler
Pages: 2
Prices: $0.99 (Watermarked PDF)

A Wiseguys One Sheet for Seasoned characters by Karl Keesler

A missing Capo’s daughter...a hitman on the loose…all the while the city is trying to set the world’s record for the biggest Elvis Impersonator gathering in history. It’s now or never to get this hard-headed woman back to her father’s loving arms.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 9.04.2020 | 09:18
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/309256.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/309256/Savage-Rifts-The-Mega-Power-List-SWADE-Edition)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Rifts: The Mega Power List (SWADE Edition)
Author: Matheus Calza, Will Nunes, Aaron Acevedo, Jason Engle, Thomas Shook
Pages: 25
Prices: €4,60 (PDF)

This PDF is a complete list compiling all of the core Savage Worlds powers and their modifiers, along with their Mega Power modifiers from the Adventure Edition of Rifts®: The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide.

Now you don’t have to flip back and forth between your core rule book and the Player’s Guide! This handy compilation is perfect for player and Game Master alike.

This product requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition core rules, Rifts®: The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide (Revised Edition), and Rifts®: Game Master’s Handbook (Revised Edition) to play. Rifts® and Megaverse® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books, Inc. All character names and likenesses are copyright and trademarks owned by Palladium Books, Inc. and used under license.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 9.04.2020 | 09:20
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/309255.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/309255/Savage-Rifts-Form-Fillable-Character-Sheet-SWADE-Edition)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Rifts: Form Fillable Character Sheet (SWADE Edition)
Author: Sean Tait Bircher, Robin English-Bircher, Sean Roberson
Pages: 1
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

Its dangerous to go alone, take this!

Brave the wastelands with this form-fillable character sheet to guide you on your journey through Rifts® for Savage Worlds, now updated for the newest edition!

This product requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition core rules, Rifts®: The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide (Second Edition), and Rifts®: Game Master’s Handbook (Second Edition) to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 9.04.2020 | 09:21
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/309260.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/309260/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-Character-Folio)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Character Folio
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley, Karl Keesler
Pages: 1
Prices: $2.99 (PDF)

This download gives you a Character Folio chock full of good stuff to print and use with our Savage Worlds Adventure Edition RPG!

The Character Folio includes a form-fillable portrait style character sheet, space for background, vehicles, friends and allies, casting modifiers for powers, and a list of Setting Rules so you can check off which apply to your current game.

It also includes print friendly layers and options to print Traits as blanks or dice you can color in to show your hero’s ability.

This product requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 11.04.2020 | 13:12
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/309422.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/309422/Deadlands-Reloaded-A-Tale-of-Two-Killers)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands Reloaded: A Tale of Two Killers
Author: Matthew Cutter
Pages: 29
Prices: $4.99 (PDF)

North of Virginia City, Nevada, the land turns dry and mean until a traveler reaches the flyspeck burg of Dante’s Ferry and the banks of Pyramid Lake. But these days sodbusters who walk that path don’t come back. They just get swallowed up by the shadows.
Send your Heroic posse into a town on the verge of oblivion, where they encounter vibrant personalities, stiff challenges, and weird terrors galore. Trouble is, they also find the world’s oldest “living” Harrowed…as well as the Deathly Drifter himself! Can they defeat the evils of Dante’s Ferry…and tell enough rousing tales to save its beleaguered folks?
A Tale of Two Killers requires the Savage Worlds core rules, the Deadlands Player’s Guide, and the Deadlands Marshal’s Handbook to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 11.04.2020 | 13:14
Ein großer Schwung SWADE Conversions ist auf DTRPG gelandet:

Rippers: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/309404/Rippers-SWADE-Conversion
Weird War I: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/309411/Weird-War-I-SWADE-Conversion
The Sixth Gun: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/309408/The-Sixth-Gun-SWADE-Conversion
Solomon Kane: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/309405/Solomon-Kane-SWADE-Conversion
ETU: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/309400/ETU-SWADE-Conversion
50 Fathoms: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/309397/50-Fathoms-SWADE-Conversion

Alle umsonst, natürlich.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 14.04.2020 | 09:12
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3915/309823.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/309823/Savage-WorldsImprobable-Tales-Pirates-Beyond-Time)[Fainting Goat Games] [Savage Worlds]Improbable Tales: Pirates Beyond Time!
Author: Chuck Rice, Michael Lafferty, Cameron Lyle
Pages: 12
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price €1,37 (PDF)

Pirates Beyond Time! will wrap the heroes up in everyone’s favorite shenanigans: TIME TRAVEL WEIRDNESS.

The heroes will contend with a time-line raiding steam-powered pirate known as Captain Aetherblade and his scurvy (and in some cases, mutated) crew.

This adventure will also introduce the players to a potentially global threat, as well as an interesting
new NPC, Tempus Bellator.

As of April 2020, this product (which will usually be priced at $1.50) is currently on sale for zero dollars (well, PWYW) and will be through the extent of the current coronavirus crisis.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 14.04.2020 | 09:15
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4761/309295.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/309295/The-Remote-is-Screaming)[Evil Beagle Games] The Remote is Screaming
Author: Bill Keyes
Pages: 52
Prices: €7,28 (Watermarked PDF)

It is the early 21st Century and ghosts are real, vampires haunt the night, and werewolves prowl the wilderness. And someone has to report on them. That's where you come in.

The Remote is Screaming is complete roleplaying setting for Savage Worlds. Based on a concept by Lee Garvin, it allows you to build your own late-night cable TV reality show and then go hunting monsters. Will you survive long enough to earn big ratings and big money? Or will you become the star of yet another "found footage" movie?

The Remote is Screaming includes the following:

    A brief look at the world of reality TV

    Two optional PC races (werewolf and vampire), nine possible PC archetypes, new Skills, new Edges, and new Hindrances

    A series of tables allowing you to quickly generate scenarios.

    Advice on running your game as comedy, as pure action, as horror, any any combination thereof.

    A full-length adventure.

The Remote is Screaming was inspired by an idea from the late Lee Garvin. This product is dedicated to his memory.

Edited by Jennifer "Maven" Shinefeld and Lee Garvin. Layout by Biill "teh ebil bunneh" Keyes.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.04.2020 | 09:14
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/14044/309972.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/309972/Super-Agers)[Atomic Ninja Studios] Super Agers
Author: Jerrod 'Savage Daddy' Gunning
Pages: 7
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price $1.99 (Watermarked PDF)

In the Golden Age of Supers, the Just Us League were...well, not very good honestly. But now, these silver haired heroes take up the fight once more! Join them in SUPER AGERS, the latest adventure from the whippersnappers at Atomic Ninja Studios.

Rated Mature: Product not suitable for audiences under 65. Grandparental guidance is suggested.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 17.04.2020 | 09:38
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/310147.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/310147/Can-a-Guy-Get-a-Light)[Just Insert Imagination] Can a Guy Get a Light?
Author: Peter C. Spahn
Pages: 2
Prices: $0.99 (Watermarked PDF)

In this Wiseguys One Sheet adventure, the wiseguys are tasked with burning down an old diner.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Vasant am 24.04.2020 | 10:07
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/310749.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/310749/Dungeon-Delvers-Toolkit)Dungeon Delver's Toolkit
Author: David Anderson
Pages: 3
Price: $1.00 (PDF)

The Dungeon Delver’s Toolkit is a collection of simple Setting Rules that will help to lend an old school fantasy feel to your SWADE games.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Vasant am 24.04.2020 | 10:10
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/310795.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/310795/The-Messenger)[Just Insert Imagination] The Messenger
Author: Dustin Smith
Pages: 2
Prices: $0.99 (Watermarked PDF)

ANYBODY SEEN VINNIE? Three days ago the underboss’ son, Vincent, went missing. The Crew has been told to keep an eye out for him.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Vasant am 29.04.2020 | 14:22
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/311092.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/311092/The-Gobfather)The Gobfather
Author: Richard Woolcock
Pages: 23
Prices: $2.72 (PDF)
The Gobfather is a six-page crossover mini-setting for Saga of the Goblin Horde and Wiseguys. It is designed to be used with both setting books, although you can also run it with just the Savage Worlds core rules. As a bonus extra, there is a separate 3-page conversion guide for playing The Gobfather using Tricube Tales.

In this humorous modern-day urban fantasy scenario, players take on the role of goblin capos from the Redfang family, leading their gangs into vicious confrontations with both the human authorities and rival criminals.

The second half of the book contains an 11-page adventure called “Baking Bad,” about a baker who turns to a life of crime because he needs the dough. Six pregenerated characters are included at the end of the book—and also in a separate “Goblin Crew” PDF, which can be printed and/or shared with your players.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Vasant am 4.05.2020 | 23:26
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/311848.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/311848/How-To-Skill-Specialization)How To: Skill Specialization
Author: Donavon Bailey
Pages: 8
Prices: 0,89 € (PDF)
The Specializations Setting Rule in Savage Worlds tends to get a bad rap, but if it's applied properly and carefully, I think you can get a lot of mileage out of the rule. How To: Skill Specialization aims to place a spotlight on when to use the rule, the best ways to implement it, and how it interacts with Edges such as Jack-of-All-Trades or rules such as Familiarization.

(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/311229.jpg) (http://The Kerberos Anomaly)The Kerberos Anomaly
Author: Radulf St. Germain
Pages: 11
Prices: 1,35 € (PDF)
Mayday, Mayday USS Bakunin is suffering heavy damage! Exiting hyperscape!

In this thrilling one shot the heroes are the crew of the USS Bakunin, an exploratory vessel from Earth, sent to investigate the Kerberos Anomaly. This strange comet, currently between systems and orbited by fragments of unknown materia,l might be a milestone in understanding the very nature of the universe.

As the Bakunin arrives near the anomaly the heroes are roughly awakened from their cryosleep when the ship’s hyperdrive explodes. With critical components lost, they are forced to scavenge materials from the many other ships wrecked by the anomaly. However, they are not the only sentinents stranded here and will have to compete with a group of reckless aliens who also want to fix their ship and escape.

This is what you will get:

A sandbox adventure with random wrecks and fun random salvage
Several starship maps to use for the wrecks. Also a map of the Bakunin (shown above) and of the alien ship that bothers her.
A generic wreck battlemap
Pregenerated characters for instant play.
Generic Battlemap
Your planet needs you! Volunteer now for the greatest adventure in the history of mankind!

(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/312422.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/312422/Instant-Encounters)Instant Encounters
Author: Jakub Osiejewski
Pages: 5
Prices: PWYW / $1,50 (PDF)
A very simple method of using cards to generate encounters in dungeon crawls, wilderness treks and the like. Just draw a card for each of the four kinds of dungeons described. It's easy to adjust to any genre and any party.

Thanks to Play it Forward initiative, this title will be PWYW until May 17th!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 7.11.2020 | 00:43
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/334278.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/334278/Sprawlrunners)Sprawlrunners
Author: Manuel Sambs, Veiled Fury Entertainment
Pages: 71
Prices: $6.99 (PDF)

Sprawlrunners is a 71-pages setting-agnostic Savage Worlds toolkit to help you run cyberpunk (with optional magic) in your games! It pays hommage to the classic cyberpunk games of old, bringing their (partially mythically enhanced) flavor to the Fast! Furious! Fun! of the Savage Worlds system.

Sprawlrunners includes:
-Rules and ideas for playable species and how to integrate them in a – potentially magical – cyberpunk world (4 in addition to humans included)
-Edges and Hindrances to enhance a cyberpunk feeling (connecting many systems in Sprawlrunners to tie them into character Advances)
-Two different sets of rules for Hacking in cyberspace (the lightning-quick Fast Lane or the more detailed Slow Burn)
-Jockeys – characters who control vehicles and drones remotely or directly via implants (plus their toys, drones and vehicles!)
-A full system for integrating gear and implants into character Advances instead of keeping track of currency
-Rules to integrate cyberware into character Advances instead of adding another subsystem to the game
-Generic gear typical for cyberpunk settings (including customizable weapons!)
-Optional rules for magic in a cyberpunk world (special gear and three Arcane Backgrounds, one of which is brand new!)

Sprawlrunners expands on existing Savage Worlds systems and is a toolkit containing rules and mechanics. It does not provide setting material!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 15.12.2020 | 18:46
(https://dtrpg-public-files.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/images/12355/336465.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/336465/Sprawlrunners-Countdown-Deck)Sprawlrunners Countdown Deck
Author: Richard Woolcock
Publisher: Veiled Fury Entertainment
Cards: 57
Prices: $9.95 (Print-and-Play PDF + Card(s)), $2.95 (Print-and-Play PDF)

This deck of playing cards is designed to be used with the Sprawlrunners  (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/334278/Sprawlrunners)toolkit, and offers the following features:

1. Four jokers instead of the usual two, each with a suit.
2. Prominent “countdown numbers” at the top of each card. These are used for initiative: After dealing the cards, count down from highest to lowest to determine turn order.
3. A special “sprawl symbol” at the bottom of each card. The symbols are improvisational prompts; the “cyber eye” could represent cybernetics, a clue or observation, a retinal scan, or perhaps something more symbolic such as intelligence, light, vigilance, judgement, or authority. Likewise a “fistful of cash” might represent a payment, bribery, theft, etc.

The unique sprawl symbols can be used as inspiration for interludes and downtime activities, for adding flavor to the missions, to flesh out complications during a chase or other encounter, and so on.

Physical Deck + Digital: $9.95
Digital only: $2.95

Digital Content

    The deck in Print-and-play PDF format in both A4 and US Letter format
    Individual image files for the cards to be used with a VTT of your choice

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Radulf St. Germain am 8.03.2021 | 19:05
https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/348418/SWADE-Fantasy-Monsters-I--Low-Level-Threats (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/348418/SWADE-Fantasy-Monsters-I--Low-Level-Threats)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 25.03.2021 | 13:35
(https://dtrpg-public-files.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/images/27/351063.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/351063/Sprawlrunners--FoundryVTT-Module)Sprawlrunners - FoundryVTT Module
Author:  Manuel Sambs, Veiled Fury Entertainment
Publisher: Veiled Fury Entertainment
Price: $4.99 until 26.03.2021, $6.99 after

PLEASE NOTE: Due to technical limitations of the DriveThruRPG Community Content platform you will not receive a license key for this Foundry module. Instructions on how to install are included as a PDF file, as this module needs to be installed manually. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Release Sale! $4.99 from launch through Friday! $6.99 after sale ends!

Bringing Sprawlrunners to a FoundryVTT table near you!

This download contains the full Sprawlrunners book as a premium module download. This includes the official Sprawlrunners Countdown Deck for use in the module!

If you're looking for the regular PDF and official card deck of Sprawlrunners, you can find them here!

Rules Compendium
The Sprawlrunners rules are organized into the same chapters as the printed book. If you know the title of the article you are looking for, use the search at the top of the Compendiums sidebar so you don't have to dig through multiple folders. The rules have deep entity linking, which means that by clicking on the neon blue, underlined text in each article you will be shown more detailed information about the topic you chose. Some of these are subheadings inside a longer entry, so you may need to scroll down and read through the article to find what you're looking for.

Item Compendiums
The Item compendiums contain all of the Skills, Hindrances, Edges, gear, and powers in the Sprawlrunners rules, complete with fully entity-linked descriptions, ready to be dropped onto your actors. Note: Because of how Foundry is set up “under the hood”, some things are found in the Item Compendiums that are not traditionally thought of as items in Savage Worlds such as Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Skills. Basically, under Foundryʼs logic, if it can be dropped onto or manually added to your character sheet, itʼs categorized as an item.

Powers, Edges, Hindrances, Skills & Equipment
Contains all of the powers, Edges, Hindrances, Skills, and gear in the Sprawlrunners core rules, complete with fully entity linked descriptions, ready to be dropped onto your actors. # Item Compendiums The Item compendiums contain all of the Skills, Hindrances, Edges, gear, and powers in the Sprawlrunners rules, complete with fully entity-linked descriptions, ready to be dropped onto your actors. Note: Because of how Foundry is set up “under the hood”, some things are found in the Item Compendiums that are not traditionally thought of as items in Savage Worlds such as Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Skills.
Basically, under Foundryʼs logic, if it can be dropped onto or manually added to your character sheet, itʼs categorized as an item.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Radulf St. Germain am 18.04.2021 | 08:05

When a horde of cannibalistic madmen attacks during your friend's elevation to nobility, it quickly becomes apparent that Wogal's one-way prison prison portal is flawed and the inmates have found a way back to the city state! Together with an egomaniac buffon, the heros travel to the cursed Valley of the Crimson Forest to find the route of escape and close it forever.

Face cannibalistic madmen! Battle ancient horrors! Hexcrawl through a set of beautiful maps and discover the abandoned ruins of an ancient prehuman culture!

"Triumph of the Crimson Cannibals" is a weird fantasy adventure for four novice characters. It is suitable for an evening of play and does not require a lot of preparation. It does, however, offer plenty of maps that alone would normally cost you around 5$. It will give you old-school fun but also an interesting story and some lose ends that the GM can use to make the place her own.


https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/353983/Triumph-of-the-Crimson-Cannibals?src=tanelorn (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/353983/Triumph-of-the-Crimson-Cannibals?src=tanelorn)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 2.05.2021 | 01:52
(https://dtrpg-public-files.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/images/27/355941.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/355941/Modern-Traps-and-Obstacles)Modern Traps and Obstacles
Author: Manuel Sambs, Veiled Fury Entertainment
Pages: 2
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

A common problem in modern games is a group of players deciding to break into a facility when there was absolutely no reason for the GM to prepare a facility in the first place. Luckily, Savage Worlds provides a great mechanic to improvise such a break-in at short notice, the Dramatic Task.
Modern Traps and Obstacles provides an easy-to-use addition to the Dramatic Task system, supporting the GM with a simple way to generate traps, obstacles, and opposition, and thus making the narrative more sophisticated and fun! It also includes fast optional rules for a Legwork Phase, allowing the heroes to prepare for the break-in if time permits.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 5.05.2021 | 13:25
(https://www.fantasygrounds.com/images/store/IPFGVFESPRAWLRUNNERS.jpg) (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=IPFGVFESPRAWLRUNNERS)Sprawlrunners - Fantasy Grounds Module
Author: Manuel Sambs, Adapted for Fantasy Grounds by:  Kevin Doswell
Publisher: SmiteWorks LLC
Price: $6.99

Sprawlrunners is now available for Fantasy Grounds!
Thanks to the tireless work of the awesome people over at SmiteWorks, you can now run the sprawl on Fantasy Grounds (Unity and Classic)! The module is available on the FG Store and on Steam!
Please note, inquiries about problems and bugs need to be directed at the email address listed on the FG Store product page!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 18.08.2021 | 09:50
(https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/27/367694.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/367694/Technomancers-A-Sprawlrunners-Supplement)Technomancers, A Sprawlrunners Supplement
Author: Adam Loyd
Pages: 10
Prices: $1.99 (PDF)

Lurking in the darkest recesses of cyberspace, an elite cadre of hackers exist. evolved to be children of the Web. Dubbed Technomancers, these Elites can hack cyberspace with just their mind, eschewing clunky cyberdecks and changing the face of the Web forever.

Included in this document are:

    Complete rules for technomancy, both Fast Lane and Slow Burn.
    A fully fleshed out Arcane Background, Technosorcery, as an optional rule, for those wanting a more mystical hacker.
    Sprites, unique digital beings that technosorcerers summon from the Deep Web and use to hack cyberspace.
    New Edges for technomancy

For use with Sprawlrunners for Savage Worlds.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Radulf St. Germain am 5.10.2021 | 18:35
(https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/27/372917-thumb140.png)Are you a busy person unable to run a full plot point campaign because it would take your group literally years to finish it?

But are you still fed up with one sheets because you like the continuity of a campaign?

"Valley of the Crimson Forest" is a short plot point campaign runable in 6-8 4h hour sessions with optional material for several more. It sticks to the rules of the basic book so your players need not browse through 20+ edges or multiple new arcane backgrounds to get the most out of the setting.

In the defiant city State of Wogal, ruled by a senate of its most distinguished families, there is one punishment for those who defy the social order – banishment!

Exiles will be sent through a magical gate to the inescapable Valley of the Crimson Forest where they live and suffer under the most primitive circumstances. Donnchad, the builder of the exile gate, has done Wogal a great service and is to be rewarded with a seat on the senate. Yet, when exiles manage to return to the city state and kill nobles, it is up to the player characters to travel to the fabled valley and find the means by which the criminals escaped. In the valley, they will find dark secrets they did not want to know and will have to make moral decisions that influence the future of their home.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 15.12.2021 | 12:59
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/379323.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/379323/Cyberpunk-Hideouts)Cyberpunk Hideouts
Author: Manuel Sambs, Veiled Fury Entertainment
Pages: 4
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

Cyberpunk Hideouts

This product is intended to be used with Sprawlrunners (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/334278/Sprawlrunners), but using it with other products requires only minimal changes.

Sometimes sprawlrunners find a group of like-minded people whose skill-sets and (hopefully) personalities complement each other. When that happens and enough trust has been built, they may look for a place to accommodate team-wide storage of gear and vehicles, training facilities, workspaces, and social gatherings. No sprawlrunner worth their salt would ever give up their own private residence – however small it may be – but concentrating team assets in one place does have benefits.

A hideout is a place where the whole group invests time and resources to build it up and adapt it to the team’s needs. It provides focused facilities and other boons making the life and tasks of the runners easier. This product provides fast, furious, fun rules to build your group's very own hideout. Choose from 12 basic facilities and 17 upgrades to build a base of operations tailored to your needs!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 6.02.2022 | 11:53
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/384941.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/384941/MagusRogues-Guide-to-the-Sprawls--A-Sprawlrunner-Supplement)MagusRogue's Guide to the Sprawls - A Sprawlrunner Supplement
Author: Adam Loyd, Mason Loyd
Pages: 17
Prices: $3.99 (PDF)


Greetings, runner. You have just downloaded quite a valuable paydata file! See, I've run the sprawls for quite some time. No, I'm not going to name how long, just know its been quite a while. Most people thing they already know all that exists in this world. I am living testament to just how wrong that is.

Found inside this datafile, you will find some of the Sprawl's greatest secrets.

Unique metasapients rarely found in the sprawls.

Bewildering magical traditions, and their different outlooks on mana and the world.

Specialized gear, for those needing a greater edge against the competition.

The world is a vast place, full of mysteries yet to be discovered. It is up to you what you do with the following data.

Remember, shoot straight, geek the mage, and never trust a dragon.

While this book may be used as its own product, it is designed for use for Sprawlrunners for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, by Veiled Fury Entertainment.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 22.02.2022 | 14:10
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/386954.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/386954/Quick-Grids)Quick Grids
Author: Manuel Sambs, Veiled Fury Entertainment
Pages: 4
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

As game masters, our players often go off-track and leave us in the awkward situation of having to improvise some hostile terrain: a dungeon, facility, or cyberspace system. While Savage Worlds provides easy tools for these situations – Quick Encounters and Dramatic Tasks – a game master or group may wish for a bit more mechanical involvement and detail. Quick Grids fills this gap with a fast system to emulate a full run through a multi-stage area.


The Quick Grids supplement can be used to easily emulate a dungeon delve, breaking into a secure research facility, burning through a corporation’s cyberspace system, or infiltrating a hostile space station. It provides a fast rule framework while leaving ample room for individual hero decisions and roleplay.

Heroes or groups work their way through a grid of cards, discovering obstacles as they delve deeper into the chosen location. Depending on their goals they may have to succeed a specific number of rolls, cross the grid, or find a specific card.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 18.03.2022 | 13:31
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/390475.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/390475/Furious-Magic)Furious Magic
Author: Manuel Sambs, Veiled Fury Entertainment
Pages: 5
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

Magic in Savage Worlds depends on Power Points. The core book provides the alternative No Power Points Setting Rule, yet that still relies on the underlying structure of Power Point cost and makes upper Rank powers highly unreliable in use.
Furious Magic is built from the ground up to provide magic use with no reliance on or reference to Power Point cost. Basic spellcasting stays fast and reliable, while Power Modifiers bring difficulty and the potential of consequences for using more powerful magic. In Furious Magic, spellcasters can choose between easy casting of basic spells or risking higher chances of failure and Backlash for additional effects. In the same spirit, duration of powers works differently and becomes a conscious choice between short use of duration powers or the benefit of long-running powers at a price. This leads to an overall increase in power (pun intended) of arcane heroes and we highly recommend setting-specific limitations like restricted power and Power Modifier lists for each Arcane Background.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Radulf St. Germain am 25.05.2022 | 17:59

Are you a busy GM who wants to play a few adventures in an Old Mars setting? You already own those for some other game or edition of Savage Worlds and you need a simple and streamlined ruleset for it?

The Old Mars Toolkit gives you the rules you need to create a red or green Martian or a weird Earthling. There are some edges and hindrances that fit the setting as well as equipment and skyships.

Fire radium guns at Green Martians boarding from Sky Raiders! Battle the evil Mollusk attacking your decadent citys state.

All equipment and rules elements in this easy-to-digest booklet are designed for maximum compatibility with the SWADE core rulebook. Start playing within minutes.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 18.07.2022 | 18:42
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/394371.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/394371/Furious-Hacking)Furious Hacking
Author: Manuel Sambs, Veiled Fury Entertainment
Pages: 4
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

Furious Hacking aims to provide a fast-resolving mechanics framework to simulate the manipulation of cyberspace systems. To ensure a quick resolution, Furious Hacking assumes that any operator with a cyberspace deck and the Hacking skill is competent enough to break into secured systems. The operator’s actual capabilities will then dictate how effectively they can operate within those systems towards their goal, or goals.

Furious Hacking is fully setting-agnostic! It is compatible with Sprawlrunners (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/334278/Sprawlrunners) and may be used instead of the Fast Lane Hacking option, but does not depend on anything specific to Sprawlrunners!

If you already own Sprawlrunners or Fast Lane Hacking: Furious Hacking does not work with penalties to increase difficulty. Instead it uses its own unique system to ramp up the difficulty over time. It also does not utilize the Dramatic Task as a basis.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Radulf St. Germain am 13.10.2022 | 16:35
Helden von Bifrost (Handbuch für Spielerinnen und Spieler)
Pay what you want

Abenteuer für Spieler von 8 bis 88. „All Age“ im besten Sinne, d.h. interessante und kreative Geschichten im Stil von actiongeladenen Kinderserien wie „Masters of the Universe“ oder „Clone Wars“.

Die Helden von Burg Bifrost dienen dem weisen Rat der sieben Magierinnen und Magier. Sie werden über die Regenbogenbrücke geschickt um die bösen Kreaturen des Erxhexers zu besiegen.
Der Erzhexer hat den Rat der Sieben verraten und lebt jetzt in Burg Weltenschlund, irgendwo auf den eisigen Ebenen jenseits der Realität. Er entsendet seine Diener um die Welten der freien Völker zu unterjochen.

Dies sind die Abenteuer der Heldinnen und Helden von Burg Bifrost! Befreie die erste der 9 Welten in diesem Abenteuerband!

Achtung: Dies ist ein Handbuch für Spielerinnen und Spieler. Die Welt von „Helden von Bifrost“ wird beschrieben und 5 Beispielcharaktere vorgestellt. Die eigentlichen Abenteuer in Form einer Plot Point Kampagne werde ich nach und nach hier publizieren, ebenfalls als „Pay What You Want“.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Hereagain am 25.02.2023 | 11:04

https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/424868/Mutants-and-Monster-Trucks?src=newest&filters=1600_0_0_0_0 (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/424868/Mutants-and-Monster-Trucks?src=newest&filters=1600_0_0_0_0)

Hey Muties, it’s time to get down and roll. Mutants N’ Monster Trucks
is a fan-made expansion to the godly game, Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland.

Mutants N’ Monster Trucks adds an entirely new class, the “Mutant Freak”, Gwark the Demi-God
of all Mutants, and of course Monster Trucks and Monster Truck lore and locations. But that’s
not all! You’ve got some activities, muties! Trade some cards! Do a sick wordsearch! It’s the
works up in here! Now pull up your sleeves, put on your pants, slam some god damn
nitro-slime and get ready to powerslide into this ooze-filled, radiation-blasted
swamp of destruction.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Hereagain am 25.02.2023 | 11:09
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/9373/428138.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/428138/Post-Apocalyptic-Giant-GM-STARTER-PACK?src=newest&filters=1600_0_0_0_0)Post Apocalyptic Giant ''GM STARTER PACK''
Author: Steve Gaudreau
Pages: Map Pack und Tokens
Prices: $24.95 (PDF)

This Gm starter kit got you all covered.

-Basecamps maps, with day and night versions and 3d views.

-Action maps and safepoints.

-2 Empty maps ready to be filled by you with our amazing art pack!

-7 Maps, 2 of them have Day and nigh versions, all of them have a 3d views and  sometimes more than 1.

-72 Vehicles tokens.

-53 Zombie tokens.

-26 Casual people and hero tokens.

- A gorgeous looking art pack with 60 items to fill your maps.

Everything is here to help you start any post apocalyptic game. Dystopian or modern settings also work perfectly!

You can't get more than this kit for this price, top quality arts guarenteed
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Hereagain am 25.02.2023 | 11:11
Ultimate Reverie Jumpstart


https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/428065/Ultimate-Reverie-Jumpstart?src=newest_community&filters=1600_0_0_0_0 (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/428065/Ultimate-Reverie-Jumpstart?src=newest_community&filters=1600_0_0_0_0)

Preis: 0,00$

This product was created during Fast! Furious! Fun! February!, the annual Savage Worlds creator jam. #FFFFebruary

Ever wondered how save points, HP/MP, Random Encounters and the temporary summoning of gol-like entities could be replicated with the Savage Worlds ruleset? This is exactly what Ultimate Reverie is about.

This is a product for those who love old-school japanese roleplaying videogames. Inside this document, you'll find:

A brief summary of the setting
6 Setting Rules to capture that video game feeling
A complete adventure to try it out
8 pregens to choose from
17 new monsters all with their own quirks and special abilities
This is not a complete product and requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Hereagain am 26.02.2023 | 14:47
28 More Items to Find in a Dungeon (Dungeon 23 - February)


https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/428177/28-More-Items-to-Find-in-a-Dungeon-Dungeon-23--February?src=newest_community&filters=1600_0_0_0_0 (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/428177/28-More-Items-to-Find-in-a-Dungeon-Dungeon-23--February?src=newest_community&filters=1600_0_0_0_0)

Preis: 1$

28 unusual items for any game of Savage Worlds. They will fit well into a setting where magic is common, uncommon, or fantastic. They range in power from simple to life-changing. These items were created for Dungeon 23 in February 2023, in lieu of creating an actual dungeon.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Radulf St. Germain am 16.09.2023 | 19:28

Hunt for the Manabeast

Broken Steampunk heroes in a struggle to save their failing world!

In a steampunk world in the grip of a cataclysmic climate change, civilization has been ravaged and is reduced to a few key cities surviving by using alternative forms of quasi-magical energy. This is not our earth but a place of wondrous beasts and larger than life heroes, with different places and cultures. In this exciting tale, an expedition headed by the infamous Captain Hilfwachs has travelled to the cursed ruins of Magadolm to find and slay the legendary Manabeast, a creature of great power that could help fuel the hungry steam engines of the faltering city of Londoom for another 4 years. Magadolm lies across the great Sea of Despair and is a cold and flooded coastal ruin that still contains many wonders of the Primal Race, long dead and almost forgotten.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Radulf St. Germain am 4.10.2023 | 21:36
Durch das SWAGtember-Bundle bin ich jetzt total bundle-gehyped und habe fast alle, was ich je für SWAG gemacht habe in ein Bundle gepackt.  8)

https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/455087/St-Germain-AllIn-Bundle-BUNDLE (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/455087/St-Germain-AllIn-Bundle-BUNDLE)

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Radulf St. Germain am 30.10.2023 | 09:47

Grim-O-Ire presents four Arcane Backgrounds complete with Special Abilities and supplemented by Edges.

The suplement includes four new Hindrances aimed at casters. You can also find suggestions how to build heroes using these Arcane Backgrounds and eight sample characters (two for each AB) in the Appendix.

The ABs in Grim-O-Ire are each very different but they all have one thing in common. Ordinary people find these arcane users unnerving or distasteful; some might fear or despise them. Even if such an attitude is contained to a few individuals in a community, they are the perfect scapegoats to blame when something terrible happens. Keeping a distance and respectful behavior may turn into a torches and pitchforks attitude as an angry mob sets on a crusade to eliminate the perceived source of darkness.
This does not mean these arcanists are evil. On the contrary, they usually perform services for the community, tasks which would be dangerous or even impossible for the common folk. But even as they defend their fellow people from supernatural threats, they use too foreign and misunderstood abilities, creating fear among the protected. And it takes just a spark for the fear to turn into anger, and the anger into hatred…

This is a Setting Nugget intended to be easily inserted into an existing fantasy setting. It can be used in any historical or modern setting as well, as long as magic exists in your world.

https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/456884/GrimOIre?src=hottest_filtered&filters=1600_0_0_0_0 (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/456884/GrimOIre?src=hottest_filtered&filters=1600_0_0_0_0)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Radulf St. Germain am 28.12.2023 | 14:31


In the grim future of 25,103 AD, mankind has expanded across the galaxy. The human empire is a feudal society run with an iron fist from the Peacock Throne. Much of technology has been lost and the Neon Church, a secretive priesthood worshipping ancient AI systems, painstakingly maintains what little remains. Mankind’s enemies are many for alien races lust after the relative wealth of man. Enter a world where knights and deranged monks lord over the masses of serfs with electric cattle prods and lostech laser guns…

You are the loyal troubleshooters of Erasmus van Blienberg, a powerful merchant prince. Van Blienberg is involved in many deals both legal and less so. Now, the party is given the task to go to a remote moon and infiltrate the tower of the quasi-monastic guild of waste handlers. The guild will hold trial against one their own, an ally of Erasmus called Barnabas Rust. They are to replace evidence with less incriminating forgeries and escape unseen. Rust must be able to serve their master for much longer and he cannot do so in jail or dead. Failure is not an option and Erasmus is not a man who forgives easily.

Link: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/465149/The-Trial-of-Barnabas-Rust (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/465149/The-Trial-of-Barnabas-Rust)
Discount Link (ca. 50% billiger): https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.php?discount=956d761595 (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.php?discount=956d761595)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Radulf St. Germain am 30.10.2024 | 09:38

Are you in need of robot opponents for your games? Looking for opponents of multiple tiers of power that do not rely on the Sci Fi Companion but are compatible with it? Look no further than this bestiary!

This book provides you 16 robot opponents that are mainly intended as combat challenges. Each comes on its own page, so you can print them as data cards. These robots are mainly military models that your players can blast to pieces. There is even some lovingly written fluff that you will ignore since you have your own worlds!

Mindless robot armies, the cheeky taunt bot that you will love to hate! Units with rocket launchers and gatling blasters to support from the back. Mechanical soldiers that are absolutely not other IP with filed-off serial numbers.


https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/500477/robot-bestiary (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/500477/robot-bestiary)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds News - kleine Veröffentlichungen (kein Smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Schalter am 30.10.2024 | 10:36

Megacool! Insbesondere Layout und Illustrationen sind echt gelungen. Gekauft!  ;D