Hmmm... ist "down for maintenance". Mal sehen, was sich da so tut....
As you all have surmised, we're quite behind schedule on a number of products. There are a host of reasons for that, but I'm not going to get into them all. Suffice it to say that I spent a lot of time over the last year revising White Wolf's World of Darkness and Storytelling system, and I'm currently heavily embroiled in redesigning Mage (no, I can't talk about it yet). Andrew has had other pressing computer projects, as have other HDIers.
So, that said, let me talk about a few products:
• Arcane Technology: A collection of weird tech from a host of contributors, similar to Lord Erbian's Bestiary but for technology. Andrew is now putting the final touches on developing the book. All I have left to do is finish the Alustro's Journal entry, but I'm waiting to read through some of the entries I haven't seen yet, so I can add some pertinent details. I'll try to get John to post a cover on the site soon.
• Sathra Net: A whole new game set in the First Republic era. It's our take on cyberpunk, or what we think cyberpunk should be from where we stand in the early 21st century. It's still undergoing a redesign of some basic rules. I hope to post those Victory Point System rule here soon, to get some feedback. Otherwise, I still need to shore up the setting, which keeps morphing on me as new ideas occur.
• War in the Heavens -- Pantheon: Yeah, yeah, it's late -- real late. The problem is that what once began as a sourcebook/drama morphed into something more revolutionary to the setting. Also, Sathra Net has changed some of my thinking on certain core concepts. So... I'm waiting till Sathra Net is done before I get back to this, and I think it will be scaled down again from my lofty plans. Some of the sweeping changes might instead occur in another sourcebook -- who knows, maybe a 3rd ed rulebook? The system might need updating after Sathra Net.
So, that's my report for now. There are other irons in the fire, but I don't want to mention them yet or I'll never hear the end of it if they don't manifest soon.
Thanks for the patience!
Arcane Tech is almost ready to go to layout. I just have to find time to put the finishing touches on it, including the Alustro's Journal. Then, I'll start work on FS 3rd edition.
Neuigkeiten von der Spielemesse in Essen: Das Fading Suns 2nd Edition Regelwerk ist out of print und beim Verlag bereits vergriffen! Es wird auch kein Nachdruck mehr erfolgen. Statt dessen wird bei HDi jetzt an der dritten Edition gearbeitet. Diese soll mit den alten Quellenbüchern kompatibel bleiben. Andrew Greenberg löst Bill Bridges als Entwickler des Spiels ab, Bill wird aber weiterhin als Autor für Fading Suns tätig sein. Wann WitH #3 - Pantheon erscheinen wird, ist unklar. Die Arbeit an Dystopia Inc. aka Sathranet wird, wenn überhaupt, erst nach dem Erscheinen der dritten Edition des Regelbuches fortgesetzt. Mit Arcane Tech ist Mitte des nächsten Jahres zu rechnen, die offizielle Ankündigung soll innerhalb der nächsten sechs Wochen erfolgen. Das derzeit vergriffene Ships of the Line wird sobald wie möglich nachproduziert.
We're still here, but we are busy with outside projects. The latest news:
Andrew has finished developing Arcane Tech this week (and I finished the
Alustro's Journal!), so now it's a matter of getting it into the lay-out
program and then off to the printer.
Ed's right (except about Andrew, who isn't working with WW but does have
other projects). I'm doing Mage at WW (and a new game called Promethean),
Ken is doing cell phone games and Chris is colonizing Belize in his spare
time. But Andrew and I are still working on FS, as is my bro, John. It's
just slow going due to other projects. Next up: FS 3rd edition, then WiH
I'm afraid SathraNet is on hold until after FS3. We'll re-examine the project then. Frankly, working on a near-future cyberpunk dystopic setting was just getting too depressing in Bush's America.
FS3 will be VPS, with a revised ruleset. Arcane Tech (in layout now) is probably our last d20 book.
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