
Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme => Savage Worlds => Savage Worlds Archiv => Thema gestartet von: Falcon am 11.01.2008 | 17:15

Titel: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Falcon am 11.01.2008 | 17:15
Hier AUSSCHLIESSLICH (!!!) Savage Worlds NEWS posten!!!
Keine Diskussion!

[Anmerkung Boba: Diskussionen zu Neuigkeiten bitte HIER! (http://tanelorn.net/index.php/topic,47187.0.html) ]

Pinnacle hat die neue gratis Test Drive Version 5.0 für die Explorers Edition zur Verfügung gestellt

Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Village Idiot am 18.01.2008 | 13:33
Für umsonst gibt es Wizards & Warriors (http://www.peginc.com/Games/SavageWorlds/Downloads/W&W.pdf)
Imho so ne Art Fantasy Tollkit light, unter anderem mit den Rassen die ja leider nicht in SW:EX drin sind.
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Falcon am 6.02.2008 | 12:55
Pinnacle hat sundered skies beim Drucker und es erscheint im April. Jucheee !
176 Seiten, und ein Preview erscheint demnächst.
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: knörzbot am 6.02.2008 | 16:14
Das Freeport-Setting von Green Ronin wird übrigens auch gerade offiziell "gesavaged".
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Falcon am 4.03.2008 | 14:26
Game geeks review #47 begutachtet Savage Worlds und Deadlangs Reloaded !!
Ist die Welle also auch bei Kurt Wiegel angekommen.


Pinnacle weist auf ein neues augenzwinkerndes Steinzeit Savage Worlds Setting hin. Sieht sehr spritzig aus.

Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Falcon am 9.04.2008 | 15:06
pinnacle verlinkt ein PodCast Interview von Dave Blewer, Autor von Sundered Skies, über sein Setting.

Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Falcon am 16.04.2008 | 19:45
Pinnacle präsentiert ein Preview zu Sunderes Skies!

auffälliger Hinweis: Man solle für weiteres PreviewMaterial in den kommenden WOCHEN ausschau halten. Obs diese Jahr überhaupt noch rauskommt?
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Boba Fett am 23.06.2008 | 09:51
Prometheus Games kündigt deutsches Savage-Worlds an! (http://www.prometheusgames.de/index.php?section=news)

Hat Zornhau ja schon an anderer Stelle veröffentlicht.
Aber es gehört nun mal in die "news". ;)
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 24.06.2008 | 20:46
GenCon wird dieses Jahr fett:

GenCon Releases!

We're happy to announce three new products will be available at GenCon!

S2P 1008 Slipstream: Beyond the black holes lies the Slipstream, a pocket universe of shattered worlds, desperate aliens, and savage monsters. Ruling over the shattered isles is the diabolical Queen Anathraxa, who some say is close to finding a way to escape this interstellar prison. Strap on your rocket pack, charge your ray gun, and prepare to blast off into the the most wild and exotic Savage Setting yet—the Slipstream!
Slipstream is a pulp science fiction Plot Point™ setting for the award-winning Savage Worlds Roleplaying Game™. 160 pages, full-color, $34.99.

S2P 10401 Traveler's Tales, for the Savage World of Solomon Kane: Three full-length adventures for our critically-acclaimed setting based on the works of Robert E. Howard! Includes the tales "The Uffington Dragon" and "The Last Immortal Man" by Wiggy, and "The Gottleib Horror" by Shane Hensley! 32 pages, full-color, $14.99.

SP2 10201 Deadlands: Coffin Rock: Something sinister is happening in the town of Coffin Rock. Can your posse uncover its mysterious secrets? Or will they wind up just another marker in Boot Hill? Written by Sean Fish, of City of Heroes / Villains fame, for Deadlands: Reloaded!


Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 29.07.2008 | 09:16
Auf der Pinnacle-Webseite kann man nun wieder die Regelerweiterung Warrior&Wizards runterladen.
Das Paket wurde um einen Onesheet, Figure Flats zum Onesheet, Dungeontiles zum Onesheet und noch anderen Krams erweitert. Echt nettes Paket und Figure Flats kann man ja nie genug haben. ;D
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Falcon am 8.08.2008 | 22:42
es ist ohne Moderation wohl unmöglich im Thread zu verhindern, daß diskutiert wird und mittlerweile ists mir auch egal, ist ja nicht mein Foreum; aber ich poste einfach mal weiter Nachrichten.


Habe das gerade im neuen SharkBytes aufgeschnappt:

reality blurs hat sich ravaegd earth angebnommen und wirds (obwohl es gratis online steht) als PDF und Softcover (B/W und Farbe) vorr. im November rausbringen

hier die Nachricht, inklusive Preview siehe bei 8.8.08

Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Daheon am 14.08.2008 | 08:46
Daring Tales of Adventure 4: The Talons of Lo-Peng ist erschienen!

Guckt ihr hier: http://www.tripleacegames.com/Home.php (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Home.php)
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Daheon am 20.08.2008 | 14:22
Wahrscheinlich als Vorbereitung und/oder Testballon für das (zumindest von mir) heiß erwartete Middle-Ages-Handbook von Triple Aces Games:

"A Knight's Tale", ein Stand-Alone-Abenteuer aus der Reihe Daring Tales ist jetzt bei http://www.tripleacegames.com/Home.php (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Home.php) erhältlich.

Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 22.08.2008 | 17:21
Das Settingbuch Savage Worlds: Shaintar: Immortal Legends ist im Handel angekommen.
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Falcon am 24.08.2008 | 18:42
DORP bringt ein Pulp Adventure Band für Savage Worlds zum Download im September heraus, wenn ich es richtig verstehe!!  :d

Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Daheon am 10.09.2008 | 11:50
Pinnacle hat das Erscheinen der Companion-Reihe angekündigt. Als erstes erscheint das/der(?) Fantasy-Companion, Super-Powers soll folgen. Die Bände werden im SWEX-Format erscheinen und sollen jeweils 19.99 $ kosten. Man darf gespannt sein, ob sie den Besitzern der Toolkits Neues bieten können.

Ankündigung: http://www.peginc.com/Articles/Companions/Companions.html (http://www.peginc.com/Articles/Companions/Companions.html)
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Daheon am 10.09.2008 | 13:43
... und bei Triple Ace Games gibt es Teil 5 der Daring Tales of Adventure: "Sky Pirates of the Carribian". Der Titel klingt ja schon mal lustig.

Link: http://www.tripleacegames.com/Home.php (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Home.php)
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Daheon am 18.09.2008 | 14:28
Uihuihui, Kenneth Hite hat im Podcast "2d6 feet in a random direction" angekündigt, einen Savage Worlds Band zu schreiben:

http://www.jadelantern.com/2d6feet/ (http://www.jadelantern.com/2d6feet/)

Ab Minute 35:07 gehts los...

Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Daheon am 18.09.2008 | 14:35
Dass es bei http://www.tripleacegames.com/Home.php (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Home.php) jeden Mittwoch was Neues zum Herunterladen gibt, sollte ja mittlerweile bekannt sein.

Diesmal sind es Teil 2 der "Daring Tales of Chivalry": "Death at the Joust", ein pdf für 7.99$, das neben dem Abenteuer auch Settingregeln für mittelalterliche Abenteuer enthält (ähnlich den Pulp-Settingregeln für Daring Tales of Adventure)

Für ümme gibt es dann noch sechs vorgefertigte Charaktere für die "Daring Tales of Chivalry", wie ihre Entsprechungen für die Pulpabenteuer ebenfalls mit "eingebauten" Steigerungen versehen.
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Boba Fett am 27.10.2008 | 12:28
"Necropolis 2350" ist bei Dragonlance erhältlich.
Wird dementsprechend die nächsten Tage dann wohl auch bei Roland erhältlich sein.
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Daheon am 30.10.2008 | 22:50
12 to Midnight bietet zu Halloween seine Horror-pdfs zum halben Preis an:
http://12tomidnight.com/ (http://12tomidnight.com/)

Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Falcon am 5.11.2008 | 13:13
Bei DORP ist nun der SW Famous Pulp Adventures PDF zum Download erschienen :d

Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Falcon am 6.11.2008 | 09:56

Das Ravaged Earth Quellenbuch ist, als PDF, ja schon erhältlich :o

weiss jemand ob es eine Druckversion geben wird?
wieso schreiben sie dort nicht wie viele Seiten die Datei hat?
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Roland am 6.11.2008 | 10:35
Eine Druckversion ist für November/Dezember angekündigt.
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: MarCazm am 10.12.2008 | 12:12
Ihr habt jetzt die Möglichkeiten die Bilder von euren SW Schlachten in das neue überarbeitete Showdown Regelwerk reinzubekommen.
Hier die Bedingungen:
http://peginc.com/Articles/Showdown_Pics.html (http://peginc.com/Articles/Showdown_Pics.html)

EDIT: Einsendeschluss ist der 15. 01. 2009
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Daheon am 18.12.2008 | 09:19
Von mir:
Uihuihui, Kenneth Hite hat im Podcast "2d6 feet in a random direction" angekündigt, einen Savage Worlds Band zu schreiben

Jetzt wird's konkreter: http://atomicovermind.com/blog/?page_id=339 (http://atomicovermind.com/blog/?page_id=339)

Erste kenntnisreiche Kommentare gibt es hier: http://www.blutschwerter.de/f320-savage-worlds/t41510-day-after-ragnarock-ein-neues-savage-setting-von-ken-hite.html (http://www.blutschwerter.de/f320-savage-worlds/t41510-day-after-ragnarock-ein-neues-savage-setting-von-ken-hite.html)
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Daheon am 4.01.2009 | 08:35
Und noch ein Lizenznehmer:

Battlefield Press hat, für alle Freunde von Männern in Strumpfhosen, einen Robin Hood Quellenband mit dem Titel Sherwood angekündigt: http://www.battlefieldpress.com/?q=node/3 (http://www.battlefieldpress.com/?q=node/3)

Als pdf ist der Band bereits erhältlich bei RPG Now: http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=59392&motds_id=3381&from_home=1 (http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=59392&motds_id=3381&from_home=1)

Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: tartex am 10.01.2009 | 11:48
Habe ich erst jetzt bemerkt: Triple Ace hat rechtzeitig zur Weihnachtszeit eine gratis Abenteuer im Stil der Fünf (sorry Vier...) Freunde rausgebracht: Daring Tales of Adventure: The Tale of the Fabulous Four (http://tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_6&products_id=33).
Inzwischen ja schon ein Savage-Worlds-Standard.  :)
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Daheon am 30.01.2009 | 12:56
Reality Blurs gewährt uns einen ersten Blick auf Realms of Cthulhu:

http://realityblurs.com/images/roc.jpg (http://realityblurs.com/images/roc.jpg)

Wie sagen die Lateiner: chocolate and peanut butter  :d
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: alexandro am 30.01.2009 | 14:09
Und noch ein Lizenznehmer: Adamant Entertainment (http://www.rollenspiel-almanach.de/adamant-entertainment-2009/29-01-2009/) mit gleich zwei neuen Settings.

MARS, ein Pulp-Abenteuer-Setting, auf dem (ihr habt es eraten) Mars (zwar schon durch Slipstream abgedeckt, aber wenn man den "real deal" Buck Rogers vs. The Tiger Men möchte und nicht nur ein Setting welches vom Stil her ähnlich ist, dann ist das sicherlich eine gute Wahl. Bin sehr gespannt.)
AEGIS Project, ein Superagenten- Setting (alá SHIELD, UNIT, G.I. Joe, SHADO, Thunderbirds...)... noch so ein Thema, was mich wirklich reizt und wo ich gespannt auf die Umsetzung warte (auch wenn die "Savage UNIT" Conversion eigentlich kaum Wünsche offen lässt).
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Daheon am 26.02.2009 | 16:39
Super Neuheit!

Nachdem Pinnacle die Neuauflage von Necessary Evil seit ca. einer Woche ausliefert, haben nun auch Daring Entertainment, the company formerly known as Arbor Productions, nachgezogen und ihr Superheldenrollenspiel Dawn of Legends herausgebracht. Bisher nur als PDF über rpgnow zu beziehen, aber die Druckfassung ist in Arbeit, und die Leute bei DE scheinen sich auch nicht lumpen zu lassen, was die Unterstützung des Settings angeht. 16 Adventure Cards und ein SL-Sichtschirm-Inlay sind bereits als freie Downloads zu haben, weitere sind angekündigt.

Link: http://www.daringentertain.com/ (http://www.daringentertain.com/)
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Daheon am 26.02.2009 | 16:55
Und noch etwas verspätet:

Adamant Entertainment bietet das bisher nur für d20 erhältliche "Mars" (Planetary Romance im Stile von E.R. Burroughs) jetzt auch für Savage Worlds im Vorverkauf an. Der Vorverkaufspreis ist dabei so niedrig gehalten, dass die Versandkosten sich amortisieren, außerdem gibts die Regeln sowie ein exclusives Abenteuer als PDF obendrauf.

Link: http://www.adamantentertainment.com/ (http://www.adamantentertainment.com/)
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: alexandro am 9.03.2009 | 15:39
Pinnacle hat ihren "The Making of Savage Worlds" Webartikel aufpoliert und als .pdf veröffentlicht (Link (http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/SWEX/MakingofSW.pdf)). Unterhaltsam geschrieben und gerade für neue Savages interessant, da dort viel auf die Evolution der SW-Regeln eingegangen wird. Außerdem hat Shane coole Gedanken im Bezug auf Rollenspiele allgemein (ich wusste gleich, warum mir Savage Worlds gefällt).
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Falcon am 9.03.2009 | 15:57
ah endlich, den wollte ich meiner Runde schon lange mal zu lesen geben.
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: wild dice am 25.03.2009 | 01:11
Ich könnte jubeln:

 Savage Space 1889 ! (http://www.peginc.com/Art/Articles/Space1889/Space1889.html)

Eines meiner absoluten Lieblingssettings. Sicher könnte man da auch was mit einer Kombi aus Rippers und Slipstream basteln, aber so ist es viel besser.
Da ist es fast Schade, daß der Uhrwerk-Verlag an einer deutschen Ausgabe mit dem Ubiquity Roleplaying System als Regeln arbeitet (findet ansonsten Verwendung beim Hollow Earth Expedition RPG), weil ich mir sicher nicht beide Versionen zulegen werde.
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: wild dice am 26.03.2009 | 01:04
Die  Savage Worlds: Gentleman´s Edition (deutsch) (http://www.rollenspielkram.de/epages/61760606.sf/de_DE/?ObjectPath=/Shops/61760606/Products/SAV001) kann jetzt bestellt werden.

Leider hat es dann doch kein Setting ins Buch geschafft (es ging da mal das Gerücht ein dtsch. Eigenbau wäre drin), sondern nur Archetypen und ein Abenteuer.
In meinen Augen: Dinge, die die Welt nicht braucht.
Hardcover ist dagegen schön, erklärt aber wohl auch den Preis von 24,95 EUR.

Leute die jetzt vorbestellen bekommen drei Bennies (passende Ausführung zur Edition/Design Pokerchip) als Dreingabe gratis.
Was kann man eigentlich mit 3 (in Worten Drei) Bennies anfangen ?  ::)

Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zornhau am 27.03.2009 | 01:05
Nach den sehr erfolgreichen und tatsächlich auch mal dem Pulp-Genre zugehörigen "Daring Tales of Adventure"-Abenteuern und den eher etwas zurückhaltenderen, nicht so "over the top" angesetzten "Daring Tales of Chivalry" gibt es von Triple Ace Games nun eine dritte Serie an separaten Abenteuern in einem neuen Genre.

"Daring Tales of the Space Lanes" ist eine Pulp-Sci-Fi-Abenteuer-Serie, die sich meinem Eindruck nach anders als Slipstream, welches mehr Flash Gordon als Vorbild hat, eher an solchen Figuren wie Northwest Smith (der Vorlage aus der Han Solo als Charakter entwickelt wurde!) orientiert. Helden des Weltraums, die mit Recht und Gesetz nicht immer ganz so gut Freund sind, wie mit ihrem eigenen Ehrgefühl und ihrer eigenen Vorstellung von Gerechtigkeit. Keine Saubermänner wie Captain Future. Mehr hemdsärmelige "Free Trader".

Mehr dazu HIER (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Home.php).
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Enpeze am 31.03.2009 | 12:55
Hellfrost (nordische Fantasy) ist endlich erschienen!


Gestern wurden die ersten Exemplare von Triple Ace Games ausgeliefert.
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Boba Fett am 31.03.2009 | 14:19
In deutsch werden 2009 noch 2 Settings erscheinen: Necropolis 2350 und Sundered Skies

(Quelle: Würfelheld Interview mit Daniel mayer (http://wuerfelheld.wordpress.com/2009/03/31/wurfelview-09-daniel-mayer-chefredax-zu-savage-worlds/))
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Falcon am 2.04.2009 | 23:54
Prometheus stellt SW Previews online.

und ich finde das Layout sieht geil aus.
Das allerdings das Wort "Handicap" kein deutsche Wort und Hindrance damit nur ersetzt und nicht übersetzt wurde, darüber müsste man nochmal reden ;)
die anderen Begriffe finde ich sogar in Ordnung. Mit den meisten war ja zu rechnen.

Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Enpeze am 3.04.2009 | 10:04
Bitte nicht schon wieder eine Endlosdiskussion, wie man Begriffe anders hätte übersetzten können. Das führt doch zu nichts und ist sowieso zu spät. Und außerdem sieht es IMMER jemand anders.

Genau. Übersetzungsproblematiken in den hiesigen Übersetzungfred.

Und zurück zu Neuigkeiten:

Hellfrost: das erste Abenteuer ist hier. Lair of the Vermin Lord! Habs mir bereits durchgelesen und es sieht mir FFF aus.

Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Falcon am 18.04.2009 | 11:03
ich weiss nicht ob es irgendwo schon gepostet wurde:

das DORPTV Interview mit Prometheus Games.

besonders begeistert haben mich die Aussagen zu Promythos als reinrassiges Pulpsetting und eigenes neues Setting (wie kommt man auf so einen Titel für SO ein Setting?).
Genau sowas hat gefehlt. Gut gemacht!
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zornhau am 20.04.2009 | 19:57
Die deutschen Probefahrt-Kurzregeln (Test Drive Übersetzung) gibt es jetzt HIER (http://www.prometheusgames.de/index.php/downloads/46-downloads-sw/151-download-pg-sw-probefahrt).
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zornhau am 4.06.2009 | 17:28
Das neue Savage-Setting von Ken Hite "The Day after Ragnarok" ist als PDF erschienen und z.B. HIER (http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=62543&src=FrontPage) zu haben.

Der Werbetext dazu:
Submachine Guns and Sorcery!

Mighty-thewed barbarians and grim mercenaries roam the desolate plains of Ohio. Giant snakes, and those who worship them, prowl the ruins of St. Louis. Pirates battle the Japanese invaders in the South China Sea. Bold British agents, equipped with experimental bio-technology, thwart the insidious infiltration of Stalin's humanzees. Sky-raiders strike from hidden bases in the Sahara, deros skulk in South American caverns, and the Texas Rangers fight electrical death worms to save Los Alamos.

Kenneth Hite (Adventures into Darkness, Trail of Cthulhu) presents a world of savage swords and rocket men, of were-serpents and war-apes, from Australia's battered Empire to the proud city-state of Chicago.

The Day After Ragnarok includes:

    * Complete rules and guidelines for creating a hero suited for these dark times, including new Hindrances and Edges.
    * Dangerous ophi-tech devices built with knowledge torn from the Thing that nearly killed the world: fiber bombs, Marconi pistols, jet-packs, and more!
    * A grand tour through the post-apocalyptic world of 1948, from the drowned East Coast to the Soviet empire behind the Serpent Curtain -- including the Top Five Places to Be Attacked By Pirates, the Top Five Places to Find A Remote Castle Ruled By A Madman, and much more!
    * Stats for more than thirty foes to shoot, stab, or sneak past: Serpent cultists, Spetsnaz troopers, swamp devils, and ... snakes! Giant, 80-foot long snakes, that is!
    * Over 20 pages of pure adventure: Four campaign types, each with a sample campaign laid out in nine scenario seeds. A massive Adventure Generator, helping you build every tale from the Hook to the Henchmen to the Twist ending! Four worked examples, taking the Adventure Generator's raw numbers and running.
    * Plus old-school random encounters for the desolate wastelands of America -- will you face slave-raiding Klansmen, the terrifying fly-by-night, or a desperate band of escaped Wehrmacht P.O.W.s?

And across it all lies the trillion-ton corpse of the Midgard Serpent, killed by Truman's atomic fire but still poisoning the Earth with every night that passes. Welcome to the world at the end of the world.

Welcome to...

Hier einen Blick in die Preview (http://watermark.rpgnow.com/pdf_previews/62543-sample.pdf).
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Daheon am 10.06.2009 | 14:47
Von Reality Blurs (Runepunk, Ravaged Earth) gibt es jetzt die Betaversion des Agents of Oblivion Player's Guide als kostenlosen Download.

Link: http://realityblurs.com/ (http://realityblurs.com/)
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Boba Fett am 17.06.2009 | 19:55
Savage Fallout ist fertig und kann bei SavageHeroes.de und in der Datenbank des Fundus Ludi herunter geladen werden. (http://endzeitlabor.blogspot.com/2009/06/savage-fallout-ist-fertig.html)
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Daheon am 19.06.2009 | 08:31
Keine reine SW-Neuheit, aber vielleicht für Necessary Evil Spieler interessant: Alephtar Games bietet mit Spandex Legion einen Baukasten für Superheldenpapierminiaturen an.

Link: http://www.stupormundi-rpg.com/spandex.html (http://www.stupormundi-rpg.com/spandex.html)
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zornhau am 29.07.2009 | 18:09
Es gibt ein neues "State of the Savage" (http://www.prometheusgames.de/index.php/neuigkeiten/169-news-pgp-sw-state-of-the-savage-juli) von Prometheus Games mit ganz HEISSEN Ankündigungen für einen SAVAGE-Herbst.

Und zur Abkühlung: In dem obigen State of the Savage fehlt aktuell ein Absatz, den ich hier einfach mal aus dem Prometheus Games Forum reinkopiere:

Eine besondere Ironie des Schicksals ist es, bei diesen Temperaturen an der Übersetzung von Hellfrost, dem eisig kalten Fantasy-Setting von Triple Ace Games, zu arbeiten. Eine Welt, die in ewigem Schnee zu versinken droht ... so unwirtlich das scheint, so wünsche ich mich aktuell doch gelegentlich dort hin. Aber angesichts der dort lauernden Gefahren in Form von Frostriesen und anderen eisigen Bestien wäre das wohl eher eine schlechte Idee. Das Spielerhandbuch gibt es bereits zur SPIEL, der Weltenatlas und das Bestiarium, die das Setting komplettieren, folgen dann in den kommenden Monaten. Um euch die Wartezeit auf letztere beiden zu verkürzen, gibt es bereits zur SPIEL einen Abenteuersammelband mit drei Abenteuern.
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zornhau am 30.07.2009 | 01:11
Es gibt nunmehr das etwas eigenwillige Suzerain-Setting von Talisman Studios auch in der Savage Worlds Version.


Und zwar KOSTENLOS , was den Players Guide betrifft. Unter anderem gibt es diesen HIER (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=63663).

Aus der Ankündigungs-E-Mail:
Savage Fans Have a Whole New Universe to Explore... FOR FREE!

Introducing a whole new rank to Savage Worlds - Demigod - and lots of toys to go with it. Over 50 new edges, and an innovative approach to races is just the beginning.

Take your characters from one world to another or even to another time. History and fantasy, past present and future - they are all your playground now. Your gaming group just became...

...a pantheon in the making.

Welcome to our latest exciting development in the Origins Award-nominated Suzerain universe. As we develop our Savage Worlds ruleset for the setting, we're releasing this beta of the Player's Section... and it's yours for free. Please take a copy, have a play, and tell us what you think. Any feedback would be much appreciated. Meanwhile, enjoy!

Und da ich mich nicht beherrschen kann, meinen Senf dazu zugeben:
(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zornhau am 30.07.2009 | 14:15
Der SW-Fantasy-Companion ist als gedruckte Ausgabe jetzt in den gängigen Onlineshops zu erhalten.
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: MarCazm am 26.08.2009 | 13:00
Ein Steampunk webcomic basierend auf einer Savage Worlds Spielrunde und auch noch lesenswert. ;D

http://shawntionary.com/clockworks/ (http://shawntionary.com/clockworks/)
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: knörzbot am 17.09.2009 | 20:12
Eine neue Tales-Serie von Tripleacegames (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Home.php).
Freu ich mich drauf...
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Boba Fett am 1.10.2009 | 09:39
Full Frontal Nerdity Webcomic über Savage Worlds / Deadlands realoaded (http://nodwick.humor.gamespy.com/ffn/index.php?date=2009-09-02)
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: knörzbot am 6.10.2009 | 18:55
Ab morgen gibts übrigens die neuen Showdown-Regeln zum Download auf der Homepage von Pinnacle.
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Toa am 6.10.2009 | 20:31
Ich wurde gebeten, auf unsere aktuelle Vorbesteller-Aktion mit Savage Goodies (http://www.prometheusgames.de/index.php/neuigkeiten/189-news-pg-sk-aktion-fuer-vorbesteller) hinzuweisen. ;)
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Boba Fett am 7.10.2009 | 12:35
Noch ein paar News:

Sundered Skies in deutsch zur Messe
Hellfrost Playersguide in deutsch im November
Rippers wohl im Dezember

Quelle: Prometheus Werkstattseite :d
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zornhau am 7.10.2009 | 16:53
Neue Hellfrost-"Freebies" von Triple Ace Games:

Fate (http://www.tripleacegames.com/ccount/click.php?id=7) - Kartenziehen vor der eigentlichen Charaktererschaffung gibt - sehr zufällig - Vorteile, Nachteile, mehr oder weniger Charakterbastelpunkte usw.

Hellfrost Pronunciation Guide (http://www.tripleacegames.com/ccount/click.php?id=8) - Wenn man schon immer wissen wollte, wie man als "english native speaker" mit den eigentümlichen Begriffen in Hellfrost verfahren soll, dann erfährt man das hier. (Ich bin mal gespannt, was PG aus diesen Begriffen für die DEUTSCHEN Rollenspieler macht, denn viele sind im deutschen Sprachraum mit bereits für die "deutsche Zunge" gut sprechbaren, wenn auch für uns "ältlich" wirkenden Begriffen verfügbar - man muß sich nur die Übersetzermühe machen, und das recherchieren.)

Tournaments (http://www.tripleacegames.com/ccount/click.php?id=9) - Bogenschießen, Speerwerfen, Ski-Fahren, Schwimmen, Ringen, Ballspiel - alles beliebte Wettkämpfe bei den Hellfrost-Kulturen, hier umgesetzt mit SW-Regeln (u.a. auch mit den Massenkampfregeln).
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zornhau am 22.10.2009 | 15:22
Die neuesten ERRATA für die SW:EX-Ausgabe (http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/Errata/PEG10010SWEX2PErrata.pdf) der SW-Regeln sind verfügbar.

Die Aufnahme der Inhalte in dieser Errata-PDF war alles andere als "unkontrovers", da sich die Incapacitation-Regeln (abermals) deutlich geändert haben. Siehe auch diesen Thread im Pinnacle-Forum (http://www.peginc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=25190&highlight=) hierzu.
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zornhau am 30.10.2009 | 12:05
Planungs-Neuigkeiten von der Pinnacle-Seite:
  • Deadlands Reloaded: The Deadlands GM Screen with the 32-page adventure Murder on the Hellstromme Express should be available in stores in November. The next of the four big Plot Point books is cooking up nicely, too. And there's even more material Matt Cutter is cruelly keeping quiet from you.
  • Space 1889: The red sands of Mars shift ever closer. If* you don't see it in 2010, I'll be shocked, stunned, possibly* Shaken. Get your liftwood polish ready for interplanetary adventure, intrigue, and tea.
  • Hell on Earth Reloaded: The dark future of a terrifyingly weird past should* also come to pass in 2010. Let's all hope it remains in book form only!
  • Solomon Kane: Good news! Savage Foes of Solomon Kane should* be available in 2010, likely* the first half. There's also additional support material in the pipes for Kane, which I'll address as it gets closer.
  • The Companion Series: The Supers Companion is almost* out of prepress, and the Horror Companion seems* to be avoiding the worst of the delays of the other Companions. I'm hopeful* that we'll be able to start getting these out faster in the future.
  • Savage Worlds Showdown: Shane's hard at work updating the Alpha version of our Savage miniatures rules for all genres to a final version. You'll probably* see this before year's end, and you might* hear something about ongoing Showdown support.
  • Explorer's Editions: We've seen a few more Savage titles become unavailable in 2009. I'd like* to see at least a few of those titles return as Explorer's editions in 2010.
  • More Surprises: There are other things in the queue as well, and not all of it is what you might expect. But like so many things barely glimpsed near Halloween, it's best we leave them unnamed and not look too closely...

Und ebendort ein neues RIPPERS-OneSheet-Kurzabenteuer:
http://peginc.com/Downloads/Rippers/HarvestHome.pdf (http://peginc.com/Downloads/Rippers/HarvestHome.pdf)

Dieses Abenteuer hat eine Seite FALTFIGUREN passend zu Rippers (oder zu Gaslight oder auch für Deadlands:Reloaded "Back East"-Runden), sowie eine Seite spezifischer "Interludes" für die "Interludes"-Regeln, die es schon länger zum Download gibt.
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Enpeze am 30.10.2009 | 12:40
TAG hat einen freien Download für Regeln zu Cyberpunk ("Daring Tales of the Sprawl") ins Netz gestellt. Vor allem die Implantatsregeln finde ich sehr savage.


Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zornhau am 14.01.2010 | 00:17
Für alle, denen manche Textpassagen bei Necropolis etwas seltsam vorkamen, die Necropolis 2350 Errata (http://tripleacegames.com/Downloads/Necropolis/Necropolis_Errata.pdf).
Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zornhau am 10.03.2010 | 13:57
Dieses Jahr wird es endlich wahr: Space 1889 kommt in der Setting-Buch-Fassung für Savage Worlds unter dem Titel "Red Sands" als für die SW-Grundregeln aufbereitetes Setting samt Plot-Point-Kampagne, Savage Tales und all der anderen "Savage Goodness", die Savages von ihren Settingbänden her so kennen.

Space 1889: Red Sands


Space 1889 Lifting Off!

Be a good chap and engage the Ether Propeller, would you? The button beside the flashing yellow indicator. There's a good lad. Wouldn't want to get pulverized by a meteor when we're so near to our destination, wot?

Your assumptions are correct—the long-awaited Space 1889: Red Sands is ready for its journey to the printer. As soon as the summer of 2010 you'll be arriving upon a newly savaged Mars. Best get acquainted with the geography* before we touch down, for there are a multitude of sites to visit as we explore the Red Planet. Cheerio!
 *Three Faces of Mars map (http://www.peginc.com/Art/Products/Space1889_ThreeFacesOfMars.jpg) by Richard Clark and Jordan Peacock.

Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Enpeze am 11.03.2010 | 00:38
Terran Trade Authority (TTA) wird von Battlefield Press gesavaged! Seit den großartigen Cowley Artbooks eines meiner Lieblings SF Space Opera Settings. Na, ist das eine Nachricht? Ich bin nun ein happy camper. :)


Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Enpeze am 16.03.2010 | 22:07
Sundered Skies Companion angekündigt...

Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zornhau am 16.03.2010 | 23:10
Netterweise hatte Enno (Kardohan im B!-Forum) diese gute bzw. interessante Nachricht schon aufbereitet. Daher hier sein Beitrag:

Wer den aktuellen Podcast von Smilin' Jacks Bar & Grill verfolgt hat, weiss es schon seit einigen Tagen.

Die erste Auflage des DL:RL Settingbuches ist ausverkauft, und bis zum GenCon im August 2010 werden noch die letzten Sondereditionen in Leder abverkauft.

Voraussichtlich nach dem GenCon kommt dann die 2. Auflage des Settingbuches, allerdings um einiges erweitert und in einen Player's Guide und einen Marshal's Guide aufgeteilt.

Der Alte Weg der Indianer wird nun in einen Höheren und Niederen Weg aufgeteilt. Schamane zu sein, ist nun keine zwingende Voraussetzung mehr, um ihnen zu folgen.

Nebst Errata und Klarstellungen werden beide Bücher komplett auf SWEX umgestellt.

Weird Science wird um einiges erweitert. Geht jetzt mehr in Richtung der guten alten DL Classic Regeln.

Der Player's Guide wird eine neugestaltete, große Faltkarte des Weird West im Maßstab 17"x22" enthalten.

Und vieles mehr!

Grund der Aufteilung ist hauptsächlich ein preislicher! Hätten sie das Format der 1. Auflage mit den neuen Erweiterungen rausgebracht, würde es weit über 50$ kosten. Daher hat man sich für die preiswertere Aufteilung entschieden. Jedes der Bücher wird dann 24,99$ kosten.

(http://www.peginc.com/Art/Products/DLRPlayerDraft.png) (http://"http://www.peginc.com/Art/Products/DLRPlayerDraft_Larger.png") (http://www.peginc.com/Art/Products/DLRMarshalDraft.png) (http://"http://www.peginc.com/Art/Products/DLRMarshalDraft_Larger.png")

Deadlands: Too Much For One Book to Handle

This is the Weird West, pardner. Nothing stays down forever, not even books. Deadlands: Reloaded will be comin' back this summer, better than ever. The two-gun, two-fisted action will also be two-volumed. That's right, you'll be seein' a Marshal's Handbook and a Player's Guide, each for $24.99. Check out the cover drafts before they get all gussied up with titles and such—larger versions are only a click away.

Y'see, with the skyrocketin' price o' ghost rock, we didn't want to make everybody pay for a piece of the book only one cowpoke's gonna be usin', so we split 'em up to help keep the prices down. And it ain't just the same book chopped in two, all King Solomon-style, neither. There's updates and expansions, shamans without the Old Ways Oath, and all sort of other things ain't never been seen before. But it ain't no whole new edition, neither. Ol' Man Cutter, what fellas call "The Deadlands Big Bug," explains it all in the most recent Smiling Jack's podcast


Wer die Infos und noch mehr im O-Ton hören möchte, kann dies ab Zeitstempel 1:29:37 im aktuellen Podcast tun.

(http://www.peginc.com/Art/Logos/SJBG_Trans.gif) (http://"http://www.smilingjacksbarandgrill.com/")

Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zornhau am 16.03.2010 | 23:13
Und noch einer von Enno:

Auf dem TAG-Forum ist die Nachricht über einen neuen Ergänzungsband durchgesickert: Encounters Book 1


Erscheinungstermin: Voraussichtlich Sommer 2010. Hardcover. PDF später.


Designed with the busy GM in mind, this book contains 50 detailed encounters covering a variety of situations and locales.

Whether you’re after a random encounter that’s more than just a standup fight on featureless terrain, an exciting mini-adventure on the spur of the moment, something to break up the party’s travels, or a starting scene for an adventure of your own devising, this book has something for you.
To help speed up play, every encounter is designed to fit one or two pages containing all of its pertinent information, so there's no need to flip between pages. Lavishly illustrated with maps, everything you need to play these encounters is within the covers of this fantastic book!

Although designed for the Hellfrost setting, each encounter contains the stats required for play, so it can be used in any Savage Worlds fantasy setting!

Hellfrost is an heroic fantasy setting by Triple Ace Games and is designed for use with the award-winning Savage Worlds™ RPG
TAG Creative Director
wiggy@tripleacegames.com ("wiggy@tripleacegames.com")

Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Metamind am 19.03.2010 | 20:00
Hellfrost Gazetteer und Hellfrost Bestiary gibt es jetzt als .pdfs.

Titel: RE: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zornhau am 12.05.2010 | 23:05
Dank Kardohan, der immer den eisigen Puls zu Hellfrost-Publikationen fühlt, gibt es hier Neues zu vermelden (Neuigkeitenmeldung von Kardohan in Dem Anderen Forum):

Die Jungs von TAG sind anscheinend immer für eine Überraschung gut.

Nachdem sie vor einigen Wochen für den Sommer das erste Encounter Book für Hellfrost™ angekündigt haben, bringen sie nun das Erste aus einer Reihe von (text-only) Region Guides heraus.

Mit einem Preis von 2,60 € ist es pro Seite zwar etwas teurer als ein mehr als doppelt so dickes Abenteuer, aber dafür gibt es hier als "text only PDF" wohl vergleichsweise mehr Informationen.

Schaun mer mal, ob die Reihe der Region Guides und ab Sommer dann die gedruckten Encounter Books ihr Geld dann auch wirklich wert sind.

Für alle Interessierte da draussen hat Wiggy außerdem eine Making of Hellfrost-PDF (http://"http://tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Making%20of%20Hellfrost.pdf") in den letzten Tagen zusammengestellt. Sehr interessanter Lesestoff!

(http://tripleacegames.com/store/images/TAG31200_thumb.gif) (http://"http://tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=104")

Hellfrost Region Guide #1: Sacred Places

Across the northern continent are many places of wonder. Some are geological, carved by wind and etched by rain over the eons. Others are architectural splendors, worked by living hands. A small few are elemental loci, concentrated places of magical energy for one of the four elements. This supplement is concerned with a fourth category—sites inhabited by spirits or elemental beings.

Contained within are guidelines for creating sacred places, fully detailed examples, a new minor deity (Gullveig, god of brewers), and a new monster, the much feared dread wraith.

This product is a text-only, print friendly ebook.

Author: Paul Wiggy Wade-Williams

Page count: 12

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Halarion am 2.06.2010 | 20:09
Ich hoffe es wird nciht als Doppelpost gewertet :) .

Der State of the Savage ist wieder da. Aufgrund der Pause ein wenig ausführlicher :) .

State of the Savage Mai 2010 (http://www.prometheusgames.de/index.php/neuigkeiten/236-news-pg-state-of-the-savage-mai-2010)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Boba Fett am 12.07.2010 | 19:52
Es gibt eine Preview zum langersehnten Sundered Skies Companion: http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/SunderedSkies/Sundered_Skies_Companion_Preview.pdf
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zornhau am 26.08.2010 | 03:52
Red Sands. Sonst nichts. (http://www.blutschwerter.de/f320-savage-worlds/t61627-ladies-gentlemen-space-1889-red-sands-town.html)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Sanguaire am 6.09.2010 | 21:58
Etwas neues aus Polen

evernight (http://wydawnictwogramel.pl/produkty/evernight-noc-bohaterow/)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Sanguaire am 6.09.2010 | 22:02
Und das tolle Bundle.

Kauf das Computerspiel von Shane und "Pirates of the spanish main"-Pdf ist deins   ;)

Bundle bei drivethru (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=83498)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Scorpio am 2.10.2010 | 14:52
Prometheus Games vertreiben ihre Spiele nicht mehr selber, sondern geben das an Ulisses ab, um sich stärker auf die Produktion konzentrieren zu können:

Ab dem 01.10.2010 liefert die Assert Publishing GmbH ihr komplettes Programm exklusiv über die
Ulisses Spiele Medien & Spiel Distribution GmbH
Industriestr. 11
65529 Waldems-Steinfischbach

aus. Darunter fallen die Serien Savage Worlds, Ratten!, Scion sowie eine Reihe weiterer Titel.

„Wir sind sehr glücklich über die enge Zusammenarbeit mit Ulisses. Neben der langjährigen Erfahrung, die Ulisses künftig in unsere Partnerschaft einbringt, sorgt die Auslagerung des Vertriebs für eine deutliche Professionalisierung in diesem Bereich und entlastet unser Team erheblich. Künftig dürfen wir uns wieder ganz auf unser Kerngeschäft konzentrieren, die Produktion cooler Rollenspiele.“ , so Assert Publishing-Geschäftsführerin Henrike Buhr.

„Nachdem Assert Publishing in den letzten Jahren hervorragende Titel produziert hat, allen voran die deutschen Savage Worlds Version und Ratten!, freuen wir uns sehr darauf, in Zukunft noch enger mit ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten. Ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass wir gemeinsam mehr erreichen können, als es jedem für sich genommen möglich wäre“ , so Ulisses Spiele Geschäftsführer Markus Plötz.

Quelle: http://www.prometheusgames.de
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Boba Fett am 26.10.2010 | 18:07
In unserem Partnerforum Blutschwerter! wurde am 22.10.2010 der SW Abenteuer Wettbewerb One-Sheet-Wonder gestartet...

(http://lh4.ggpht.com/_eTYS1DooOb0/TIUZgLLmupI/AAAAAAAAAmY/TPIN4UI6NuQ/SW_Banner_OneSheet.jpg) (http://www.blutschwerter.de/f320-savage-worlds/t64371-sw-wettbewerb-one-sheet-wonder.html)

Flyer (https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B5CMQZD_pYOXODk4NDRjM2UtMDkwMS00ZDgwLTliYTYtMjU4MWVkM2M4Njdh&hl=en)

Diskussion dazu in unserem Bord (http://tanelorn.net/index.php/topic,62970.msg1216606.html#msg1216606)

(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Harlan am 27.10.2010 | 22:17
20% Rabatt bei TAG bis zum 31.10.2010, 24:00 Uhr GMT (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Home.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Tsu am 28.10.2010 | 14:43
DORP TV - Spiel 2010 -  Prometheus Games Interview (http://dorptv.wordpress.com/2010/10/28/spiel-2010-prometheus-games/)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Tsu am 31.10.2010 | 17:32
Die Info bezüglich Halloween und Savage Worlds (http://www.prometheusgames.de/) ist auf der Prometheus Seite zu finden... Wer sich überrasche lassen will, schau nicht in den Spoiler.

(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)


 ~;DTsu ~;D
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zornhau am 24.11.2010 | 12:24
Für alle, denen eine PDF-Ausgabe allein nicht genug ist, eine langerwartete Depesche direkt vom Mars (genauer: von der Pinnacle-Homepage):

Space 1889: Red Sands is now shipping. Books will be at distributors on Monday, November 29, and select retailers will have them available the following day. Preorders are shipping now, with most North American orders expected to be delivered early next week.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 29.11.2010 | 23:00
Bis zu 50% und mehr Rabatt für Reality Blurs Produkte bei rpgnow.com (http://www.rpgnow.com/index.php?filters=0_0_0_0&manufacturers_id=671)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Harlan am 2.12.2010 | 10:41
Alles von Adamant (Savage Mars, Thrilling Tales) gibt bis zum 05.12.2010 für je 1$. (http://www.rpgnow.com/index.php?src=topbox&manufacturers_id=92)

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.12.2010 | 15:21
(http://tripleacegames.com/store/images/TAG31232_thumb.gif) (http://tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=160)

Hellfrost Region Guide #32: COGLELUND
Model: TAG31232
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 6
Price: €1.30 (TAG), €1.48 (DriveThruRPG)

Having grown rich on the backs of others’ labors, Coglelund continues to thrive by serving as a mercantile center. Coglelund promises status to anyone who can afford it, but for most it is a dream. While the rich play and the citizens toil, the cult of Vali feeds the corruption gnawing at the land’s already rotten core. This supplement expands on material in the Hellfrost Gazetteer.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.12.2010 | 22:04
(http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/images/S2P10013_Large.png) (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=3356)
Savage Action & Adventure Decks Bundle *Preorder*
Model: S2P10013Preorder
Price: €18.90/$24.99 (Studio 2)

This is a preorder of the Action & Adventure Decks. Action & Adventure Decks are expected to ship in March 2011. As a special bonus, preorders will include all ten additional promotional cards with delivery!

Feeling adventurous? Got a little action in you? These are exactly the cards you’re looking for!

The Action Deck is a custom 54-card poker deck especially for Savage Worlds initiative. Its larger index numbers and clear faces make cross-table reading a breeze, red and black jokers are clearly distinct, and the full-art face cards really put the mood on the table!

The Adventure Deck puts some story control in the hands of the players and lots of spice into the action. Add story twists like romantic interests, enemies, and larger-than-life opponents at the drop of a hat. See characters pull off amazing feats. Bring more excitement to your gaming table than ever before!

This is a bundle of two poker-sized (2.5" x 3.5") 54-card, full-color decks for use with Savage Worlds.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.12.2010 | 23:44
(http://tripleacegames.com/store/images/TAG30015_thumb_large.gif) (http://tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=161)
Hellfrost: Rassilon Expansion *PREORDER BOOK + PDF BUNDLE*
Model: TAG30015
Author: Paul 'Wiggy' Wade-Williams
Price: €16.27 (TAG)


In the frozen lands of the northern continent powerful boasts boast of future deeds; clerics scan the natural world for signs from their gods; family and friends, tied by oaths of allegiance, rally together to combat deadly threats; wise sages and scholars plunder the few remaining libraries; and those who fall are buried with valuable grave goods. And now your heroes can join them!

The Rassilon Expansion builds on the Hellfrost setting, bringing new life and new depth to the inhabitants of the northern continent.

Within these pages you will find:
- New options for player characters.
- Setting rules for boasting, burials, dedication to the gods, divination, favors, justice, kinship, and libraries.
- An expanded bestiary containing dozens of new monsters.
- Detailed rules for running a resource. With these rules heroes can take direct responsibility for governing land, temples, or mercenary companies, allowing them to make decisions that will lead to prosperity or ruin.

This book is designed for use in conjunction with the Hellfrost Player’s Guide and Hellfrost Bestiary.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.12.2010 | 08:57
(http://tripleacegames.com/store/images/Hellfrost-Calendar_thumb.gif) (http://tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=163)
Model: TAG31200A
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 15
Price: €0.64 (TAG), €0.75 (DriveThruRPG)

Need help remembering all those holy days your character should be honoring? Maybe you're a GM trying to plan out a campaign. The Hellfrost calendar presents a sheet for each of the 13 months, detailing the season, typical activities, and the holy days and high holy days of the minor and major gods. A notes page allows you to keep track of important events month by month.

Note: This is a calendar for the Hellfrost game world, not a real world calendar.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.12.2010 | 10:12
(http://tripleacegames.com/store/images/TAG31233_thumb.gif) (http://tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=162)
Hellfrost Region Guide #33: FREETOWN
Model: TAG31233
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 6
Price: €1.30 (TAG), €1.51 (DriveThruRPG)

Only those looking for trouble or illegal goods bother to visit the wretched den of thieves, murderers, smugglers, and beggars that is Freetown. Ruled by the mysterious Lord Blackhand, the city-port is a cesspit of civilization, yet it continues to grow and prosper. This supplement scratches away the veneer of civility to look at the infamous city of crime.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Harlan am 15.12.2010 | 09:42
Deadlands Neuigkeiten (http://peginc.com/)

Zitat von: Matt Cutter, The Deadlands Big Bug chirps
Deadlands Relics - Deine Relikte sind gefragt:Relic Sumission Guidelines (http://peginc.com/RelicSubmissionGuidelines.html)

Trail Guides Assemble!
If you enjoyed South o' the Border, we've got more of what you're lookin' for, Marshal. The PDF release of Trail Guide: The Great Northwest is nigh upon us, and Trail Guide: Great Weird North (revealing the mysteries of Alaska and British Columbia) won’t be laggin’ far behind. Especially exciting is that all three Trail Guides will be collected in a single Explorer’s Edition-sized compilation. Some of this material was written for The Flood and cut for space, so I’m pretty pleased to be getting it out there at last.

If you enjoy our first volume of Trail Guides, be on the lookout for the next wave in late 2011, where we'll take a terrifying tour Back East!

Sons, At Last!
I'm proud to tell you the next Deadlands Plot Point, The Last Sons, is about to enter layout. Which is to say, everything is done. We've got a stunning cover image (http://peginc.com/Art/Products/LastSonsCover464x600.png), a whole mess of new maps and art, and a final draft that's 30,000 words longer than The Flood. Here’s a preview:

"Arrogant gunfighters draw shootin’ irons at the slightest provocation. Jayhawkers, Bluebellies, and Rebs murder each other over tiny plots of Kansas soil. Soldiers massacre Indians. Indians butcher miners. Sisters kill brothers, and vice versa. Everyone knows a stranger is never to be trusted. And it isn’t rage that’s the cause of all this fighting—it’s sheer terror.

"The Last Sons has everything you need for hair-raising adventures in the Weird West: a complete Plot Point campaign, details of the strange locales and twisted trails of the Disputed Territories, new Edges and powers for shamans, a full catalog of top secret Agency and Texas Ranger gadgets, and 30 Savage Tales to boot. Welcome to the Heart o’ the West, amigo. This is the house that War built."

Look for The Last Sons in Spring-Summer 2011.

A New Gizmo or Two
Another gem that's been humming along through development—and is now deep in the layout process—is the 1880 edition of the Smith & Robards Catalog. That's right, folks, it's an Explorer's Edition-sized book chock full of Infernal Devices, some of which you'll recognize as updated favorites and others brand-new. We've also included a revised and updated history of Smith & Robards, revised Malfunction rules, all the details on Augmentations, and an optional system for Tinkerin' that lets mad scientists really dive into the lightless, heretofore unknown, depths of the New Science. On their own dime, of course.

The Round-Up
When I get on a revealin' roll, I just tend to keep rollin'. But rather than reveal every little thing about these products—which might be farther off—let's just say a few words.

    * Return to the Bluff: In The Flood, we promised you an adventure taking heroes back to a strange locale that mysteriously disappeared during the Battle of Lost Angels—Manitou Bluff. We're going back in grand style, hombre, because a lot has been happening since the town of Manitou Bluff went missing. And the heroes who delve into this mystery, and dare to Return to Manitou Bluff, find out there's a whole lot more at stake besides ghost rock.
    * Stone and a Hard Place: The next Deadlands Plot Point deals with Stone, and it’s set in the Southwest—Death's land. This is the spaghetti western campaign you've been waiting for, Deadlands-style, pitting the posse head-to-head against one of the Servitors' favorite sons. Heroes interact with history then diverge from it, in a Plot Point that allows for more player options than any we’ve done so far.
    * Even More! I sure do wish I could go on and reveal everything else, but some cards just need to stay up the Big Bug’s sleeve…for now.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Harlan am 16.12.2010 | 11:38
TAG - Office *Räumungsverkauf*


uA die deutschen Ausgaben Sundered Skies und Necropolis 2350 für je 7,5 GBP plus Versand.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Harlan am 22.12.2010 | 14:56
(http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/images/S2P90012_Large.png) (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=26_77_147&products_id=3357)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.12.2010 | 17:05
(http://tripleacegames.com/store/images/phpaflyoH) (http://tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=165)
Model: TAG31067
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Page Count: 8
Price: FOR FREE! (TAG)

Murderous Marauders at Large!

Welcome to the Triple Ace Games free Christmas adventure for 2010!

Along the banks of the Frostwater Lake lies a horde of cannibal marauders. These Vendahls have raided hamlets, farms and small settlements in the local vicinity of their hideout. The local farmers are desperate for help and are looking for volunteers to rid their lands of the terrible raiders.

In The Mouth of the Frothing Bear, the adventurers must go in search of these violent creatures and dispatch them quickly. Spend your Christmas exploring the caves in this brilliant mini-adventure for Hellfrost!

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://"http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellFrost.php")
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.12.2010 | 17:33
(http://tripleacegames.com/store/images/TAG31234_thumb.gif) (http://tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=166)
Hellfrost Region Guide #34: THE FROZEN FOREST
Model: TAG31234
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 6
Price: €1.04 (20% off, TAG), €1.21 (20% off, DriveThruRPG)

Nestled beneath the Icewall and wrapped around the Scythe Mountains, the vast expanse of the Frozen Forest is a lifeless realm locked in endless winter. Once a major realm for the taiga elves, it is now a frozen hell, wracked by deadly blizzards and the maddening Hellfrost Wind. Few venture deep into its depths, and even fewer return to speak of the terrors and secrets they have witnessed.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://"http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php")
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Tsu am 27.12.2010 | 13:44
Savage Heroes (dt.) auf Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Savage-Heroes/124080590955534?v=wall)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.12.2010 | 16:39

(http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/WeirdWars/TheNutcrackers.png) (http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/WeirdWars/TheNutcrackers.pdf)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.01.2011 | 15:00
(http://shop.cubicle7store.com/WebRoot/Store3/Shops/es113347_shop/4CE7/D854/A1EE/E31E/6054/0A0F/1119/7F0D/Wonderland_No_More.jpg) (http://shop.cubicle7store.com/epages/es113347.sf/en_GB/?ViewObjectID=12482626&Currency=USD)
Wonderland No More *PRE ORDER - March 2011*
Model: CB730017
Author: Kevin L. Anderson, Lansing D. Tryon & Jordan Peacock
Page Count: 192 page softcover
Interior Art: Black and White
Price: $29.99 (Cubicle 7)

Wonderland No More?

In 1865, Lewis Carroll introduced the world to the delightful nonsense of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and followed up with Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There in 1871. These tales present us with a world of whimsy and absurdity, and maybe just the tiniest hint of danger and adventure.

But what if there really was an Alice who visited Wonderland and what if it didn’t vanish as soon as she left? What if Wonderland’s childlike charm tarnished just a bit with the years, and it warped under the weight of its own nonsense? Maybe it’s all just a dream—or a nightmare—but it’s all very real for anyone trapped within.

Wonderland No More provides a setting for adventures within a realm of fantasy and the unexpected, a madcap ride that bounces between humor and horror Here, when the Queen of Hearts cries, “Off with their heads!” it usually happens!

Take on the roles of wooden Chessmen, two-dimensional Cards, talking Animals, mobile Plants, Tweedle, or even the occasional Human Knights quest for blessed artifacts of Alice, Little Girls master the deadly Queen’s Croquet, Haberdashers have a few tricks under their caps, and Gourmancers create magical foods and drinks (helpfully labeled “Eat Me” or “Drink Me” for those who can’t figure it out on their own)

Lighthearted or sinister, it’s all what you make of it in Wonderland—because we’re all mad here.

Wonderland No More is a complete setting book by Triple Ace Games for the Savage Worlds RPG.


Ergänzung von Kevin aus dem TAG Forum:
"There is a campaign as well as Savage Tales.

I'm not sure it is a Plot Point by the strictest definition - more a hybrid between a Plot Point and a scripted campaign.

I would expect it to be offered as a PDF at some point."
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.01.2011 | 00:40

Geplant sind in den nächsten Wochen die folgenden Veröffentlichungen...

12.01.2011: HF Adventure #17 - H3 - The Blood Tide
15.01.2011: HF Region Guide #35 - The Giant's Throne
27.01.2011: HF Region Guide #36 - Glittersands

01.02.2011: HF Region Guide #37 - Heldalund
08.02.2011: HF Region Guide #38 - Icedale Freeholds
22.02.2011: HF Region Guide #39 - Lakeland

Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.01.2011 | 02:06

(http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/Deadlands/DeepDarkWoodsOne-Sheet.png) (http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/Deadlands/DeepDarkWoodsOne-Sheet.pdf)

Some Days You Chop the Tree, Some Days the Tree Chops You...

Your posse comes across two men hiding in a cabin, weak with hunger, one gone raving mad. What evil fate has befallen these strangers? Can you help without suffering the same ill fortune that's been visited upon them?

But you best beware, pardner. The still and silent woods are not always silent, nor are they always still...
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.01.2011 | 19:59

(http://www.tripleacegames.com/Images/AceTales/TAG_AT007_thumb.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/AceTales/TAG_AT007.pdf)

A mission for Sundered Skies, this tale involves a heroic rescue attempt. It is late one night when the characters are approached by a man introducing himself as Garius Toovale. Dressed in simple trappings, he asks if the characters would be willing to assist him in a mission of mercy. He can’t pay much – 500 cogs only – but explains he is desperate to find out what has happened to his family. Will you help this poor man find his family? Take to the skies in this mini adventure for Sundered Skies by Marcus D. Bone.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.01.2011 | 23:38
(http://tripleacegames.com/store/images/TAG31068_thumb_large.gif) (http://tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=167)
Hellfrost Adventure #16: H3 - THE BLOOD TIDE
Model: TAG31068
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 41
Price: €6.51 (TAG), €7.74 (DriveThruRPG)

The time of the prophecy nears!

Literally hundreds of prophecies were made during the Blizzard War.

One such prophecy was in regards to "The Blood Tide."

Written down in fragments by a priest of Neorthe, it told of the sea turning red with blood, a monstrous force which would drive the races from the oceans, and an unstoppable tide surging from the sea to devour those who dwelt on the coast. It told of other events which would signal the beginning of the prophecy, events which at the time made no sense. Now, over five centuries later, the pieces of the puzzle are finally falling into place.

All that stands between destruction and victory is a small band of heroes.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.01.2011 | 12:13
(http://tripleacegames.com/store/images/TAG31235_thumb.gif) (http://tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=168)
Hellfrost Region Guide #35: THE GIANT'S THRONE
Model: TAG31235
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 6
Price: €1.30 (TAG), €1.49 (DriveThruRPG)

For 40 years the inhabitants of the Giant’s Throne have been gathering their strength in preparation for a major invasion. Though an ill-fated attempt to invade the western Low Winterlands was recently thwarted at Watchgap Fort, the frost giant ruler, King Kaldr, has not given up his dreams of stamping his authority over the surrounding lands. From his windswept fortress, the icy king watches over a frigid domain of rival orc tribes and barren jagged peaks.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.01.2011 | 09:54

(http://peginc.com/Downloads/Space1889/Space%201889%20Pregenerated%20Characters.png) (http://peginc.com/Downloads/Space1889/Space%201889%20Pregenerated%20Characters.pdf)

Want to try a night of Space 1889 without making characters? Need some allies or NPCs? Need a character but don't know where to start? Worry no more, because we've got you covered. Pregenerated characters for Space 1889 are now available from the Pinnacle Downloads page. We've got eight different characters covering a variety of professions, nationalities, and races fully fleshed out and ready for use, including illustrations. Launch yourself into a world of travel, intrigue, and danger with virtually no effort—take to the stars today!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Tsu am 20.01.2011 | 07:32

Ging grade zum Drucker

Daring Tales of Adventure - Pulp Abenteuer

Als euch ein Freund mitteilt, dass er wichtige Informationen hat, die er mit euch besprechen muss, ist euch klar, dass es nur der Anfang von etwas Größerem sein kann. Nazi-Schergen, tödliche, fleischfressende Insekten vom Amazonas, eine entführte Reporterin und ein waghalsiger Überfall auf Washington D.C. sind allesamt Tagesgeschäft für Helden, die Das Ende aller Kriege anstreben.

Ein vermisster Wissenschaftler, ein Schurke mit der Absicht, König zu werden, uralte Rätsel, ein tödliches Labyrinth, eine mythische Kreatur, die nicht das ist, was die Legenden behaupten, und ein Buch, dessen Inhalt das Ende der Menschheit bedeuten könnte – all das führt zu nichts als Chaos auf Kreta.

Wenn du eine Leiche in deinem Haus findest, besonders wenn es die eines renommierten Forschungsreisenden ist, dürfte klar sein, dass es kein normaler Tag wird. Das Netz des Spinnenkults führt die Helden von den Korridoren und Galerien des Boston Museums, über die Sümpfe Louisianas, direkt in die dunkelsten Dschungel Mexikos. Dort werden die Helden inmitten der Ruinen eines Jahrhunderte alten Tempels ihrem bisher mächtigsten Widersacher gegenübertreten.

Von den Straßen Washingtons in die brütend heißen Sandwüsten Ägyptens und schließlich in eine überwältigende Eisfestung im frostigen Norden. Der Schatz der Templer veranlasst die Charaktere zu einer rasanten Reise auf der Suche nach einem Schatz, für den Menschen bereit waren zu töten, um ihn zu besitzen oder zu beschützen.

Im Jahr 1935 haben die Helden einen Teil eines uralten chinesischen Artefakts in den Bergen Tibets entdeckt – ein Artefakt, an dem ein chinesischer Mystiker namens Lo-Peng interessiert ist. Ein Jahr später wird das Relikt aus dem Boston Museum gestohlen. Ein seltsames chinesisches Piktogramm, das am Tatort zurückgelassen wurde, führt die Helden auf eine Achterbahnfahrt von Boston über Afghanistan nach Venedig und schlussendlich nach China und dem Grab des ersten Kaisers. Kampfkünstler, uralte chinesische Krieger mit übernatürlichen Kräften, tödliche Fallen und ein erbitterter Afghanenstamm stehen zwischen den Helden und dem Sieg. Können die Helden den Krallen Lo-Pengs entkommen?

Voraussichtl. Erscheinungstermin: Februar 2011
136 Seiten
Verkaufspreis: 17,95 EUR
ISBN 978-3-941077-31-7
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.01.2011 | 19:50
(http://www.apathygames.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/TPA-Post-Image-300x205.png) (http://www.peginc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=30574&highlight=)
[Apathy Games] Temporal Probability Agency: Available Soon!

Are you ready for a break from you epic fantasy campaign? How would you like to get into a fight with mall security? What if the fate of the world depended on it?

Temporal Probability Agency takes place in an alternate present day. Since the year 2000, the TPA has been protecting humanity. They've prevented 9/11, wars around the world, and the global financial crisis. Now it's your turn.

Agents are selected from the population at large for specific tasks. Daisy has done the calculations and knows exactly who has the best chance of success.

Print. Pour. Play

Our adventures have been engineered from the ground up to make them easy to run with little to no prep time.  That is what "Print. Pour. Play." means. Print out the adventure. Pour some drinks. Play the game.

* Encounter Based Design: All scenes are broken down into encounters, even those without combat.
* New Stat Blocks: Never forget a critical ability during a fight.
* Plenty of Handouts: Embracing the PDF format has allowed us to provide numerous handouts to draw your players into a scene.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.01.2011 | 06:45
(http://tripleacegames.com/store/images/TAG31236_thumb.gif) (http://tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=171)
Hellfrost Region Guide #36: THE GLITTERSANDS
Model: TAG31236
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 6
Price: €1.30 (TAG), €1.45 (DriveThruRPG)

Surrounded by mountains and sea, the Glittersands is an isolated realm, a cold desert broken only by melted stone ruins and the great dunes that rise in the west. An inhospitable wilderness of unnatural origin infested with orcs, trolls, and giants, the frost-covered sands are nonetheless home to sturdy souls. 

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Harlan am 27.01.2011 | 11:04
(http://tripleacegames.com/store/images/Sprawl-Compendium-Cover.gif) (http://tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=172)
Daring Tales of the Sprawl - Compendium
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.02.2011 | 06:49
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/images/TAG31237_thumb.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=174)
Hellfrost Region Guide #37: HELDALUND
Model: TAG31237
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 6
Price: €1.30 (TAG), €1.46 (DriveThruRPG)

Heldalund is a demoralized nation. Orcs control the northern reaches and the second largest town, Hellfrost dragons circle in the west, the army has withered to a shadow of its former self, and trade has been crippled by a loss of exports and high taxation in Cul. Heldalund stands on the brink of disaster, but all is not yet lost.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.02.2011 | 10:59

[Stand: 01.02.2011 11:00] Bitte momentan nichts bestellen. Das Problem wurde gemeldet und man ist dran es zu beseitigen!

Email von Robster:

We are experiencing some issues with the hosts server - we are working on it.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

[Stand: 01.02.2011 17:00] Die gröbsten Probleme im TAG Store scheinen behoben zu sein. Es kommt aber immer noch zu Problemen beim Einloggen in den Store und beim Versenden von e-Mails an TAG, da der Spamfilter "überreagiert". Dies liegt allerdings auf Seiten des ISP!

Wer heute morgen Heldalund und evtl. andere Produkte bestellt haben sollte und per PayPal bestellt hat, hat sein Geld evtl schon zurückerstattet bekommen.

Bestellungen sollten funktionieren, sofern man sich einloggen kann.

Es wird weiter dran gearbeitet und die Jungs bedauern den Ärger sehr!

[Stand: 02.02.2011 00:30] Problem behoben. Store ist wieder voll erreichbar. Betroffene Kunden wurden angeschrieben. Beträge wurden zurückerstattet und einige bekamen so gar Gratisdownloads.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 2.02.2011 | 07:09
Island of Dreams für Weird War 2 bei Pinnacle erschienen:


Szenario mit figureFlats.

Ebenfalls erschienen ist der Players Guide für Darwins World:


Post-Apocalypse für Savage Worlds.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.02.2011 | 09:46
This week we are proud to announce the pre-order release of Wonderland No More. Adventure in the world of Alice! This fantastic setting has been written by three great authors who have laboured long and hard to produce a great looking book! We have a short preview to download (http://tripleacegames.com/Downloads/WonderlandNoMore/Wonderland_No_More_Preview.pdf) also - check it out today!

(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/6/660db580aa7663d0f43c24bacc854407.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=176)
Wonderland No More - Setting Guide (PRE-ORDER BOOK + PDF BUNDLE)
Model: TAG30017E
Author: Kevin L. Anderson, Lansing D. Tryon & Jordan Peacock
Page Count: 196 page softcover
Art: B&W Text & Color Cover
Price: 19,53 € (TAG)


In 1865, Lewis Carroll introduced the world to the delightful nonsense of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and followed up with Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There in 1871. These tales present us with a world of whimsy and absurdity, and maybe just the tiniest hint of danger and adventure.

But what if there really was an Alice who visited Wonderland and what if it didn't vanish as soon as she left? What if Wonderland’s childlike charm tarnished just a bit with the years, and it warped under the weight of its own nonsense? Maybe it's all just a dream—or a nightmare—but it's all very real for anyone trapped within.

Wonderland No More provides a setting for adventures within a realm of fantasy and the unexpected, a madcap ride that bounces between humor and horror. Here, when the Queen of Hearts cries, "Off with their heads!" it usually happens!

Take on the roles of wooden Chessmen, two-dimensional Cards, talking Animals, mobile Plants, Tweedle, or even the occasional Human. Knights quest for blessed artifacts of Alice, Little Girls master the deadly Queen's Croquet, Haberdashers have a few tricks under their caps, and Gourmancers create magical foods and drinks (helpfully labeled "Eat Me" or "Drink Me" for those who can't figure it out on their own).

Lighthearted or sinister, it's all what you make of it in Wonderland—because we're all mad here.

Contained in this book:

Triple Ace Games presents Wonderland No More for the award winning Savage Worlds RPG - adventure in Alice's world!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Boba Fett am 4.02.2011 | 13:41

Beim Sphärenmeister und Dragonworld als sofort verfügbar gelistet.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.02.2011 | 21:13
[GRAmel Publishing] Beasts and Barbarians

Beasts and Barbarians, a Sword and Sorcery Savage Worlds setting by Umberto Pignatelli. Welcome to the dangerous Dominions of the Blood Sea, a place where mighty barbarians fight against hideous monsters, dark warlocks whisper terrible sorceries in forgotten temples, and noble amazons duel in the sun scorched arenas of Faberterra, capital of a decadent empire!


Thirty new Edges will allow you to play a classic Sword and Sorcery legend. Become a bare-chested barbarian and fight to save magnificent courtesans from a fate worse than death. Or a cunning rogue and plunder treasures hidden in crumbling cities.

Three arcane backgrounds, Lotusmastery, Sorcery and the Path of the Enlightment, will make you able to dispatch the ancient evil that lurks in jungles of the south.

Dozens of new weapons, armors and mounts will grant your hero the best gear that can be imagined!

A simple but elegant system to develop you character even outside the adventure and to manage the enormous richness you'll find!
And much, much more!

Are you brave enough to face the threats of Beasts and Barbarians?

Coming this spring!
Piotr "Ramel" Korys
Savage Worlds Line Editor
Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.02.2011 | 07:09
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/e/e49dbd44b19a433a34171de98b027827.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=177)
Hellfrost Region Guide #38: ICEDALE FREEHOLDS
Model: TAG31238
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 6
Price: €1.30 (TAG), €1.47 (DriveThruRPG)

Bound by the deadly Frozen Forest, the impassable Sunken Realm, and the treacherous Frozen Sea, the Freeholds are the most isolated and remote realm on the continent. Beset by undead and Hellfrost horrors, the rugged settlers and hardy nomads who call this realm home are slaves to no man, for here all are considered equal.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.02.2011 | 00:38
[Wonderland] Wonderland No More Map Pack zum Download!

"What’s the good of Mercator’s North Poles and Equators, Tropics, Zones, and Meridian Lines?" So the Bellman would cry, and the crew would reply, "They are merely conventional signs!"

That all said, a map can be a useful thing for traversing Wonderland, if only to give a general idea of the places one might want to visit (or to avoid). So we present you with maps from Wonderland No More, for your viewing and printing pleasure, intended for use in Wonderland-based adventures. Now you can see the length and breadth of the Monarchy of Hearts and the Looking-glass Lands, plus floorplans for a couple of Victorian-era buildings to provide a backdrop for the action.

Brought to you by the incredibly talented Mr. Jordan Peacock and best of all, it’s free!

Download it here (http://www.tripleacegames.com/ccount/click.php?id=24).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Harlan am 15.02.2011 | 18:10
Savagepedia.de kommt! (http://www.blutschwerter.de/f320-savage-worlds/t67848-savagepedia-de.html#post1544165)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.02.2011 | 15:56
For the past few months you've been able to pre-order the Hellfrost Expansion print book direct from TAG and get your hands on the PDF immediately for FREE (and lots of folk already have). Pre-orders to the Eurozone are now shipping, and that means the bundle offer will end on Wednesday (23 Feb). After this date if you want both versions you'll have to buy them separately.

For those who have already pre-ordered from Europe, check your mailboxes in a few days.

Order both as a bundle from the TAG store (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=161)
TAG Creative Director
wiggy@tripleacegames.com ("wiggy@tripleacegames.com")
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.02.2011 | 12:19
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/7/7ebf6dc6231230c0a68df4611048f779.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=179)
Hellfrost Region Guide #39: LAKELAND
Model: TAG31239
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 6
Price: €1.30 (TAG), €1.46 (DriveThruRPG)

Despite being held in the grip of winter all year round, Lakeland has a small but thriving population. Dour and taciturn, the hardy Lakelanders survive by hunting and fishing. Every day is a struggle for survival, yet the independently minded denizens would have it no other way. Here a man lives by his skills and dies by his ignorance.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.02.2011 | 18:32
[GRAmel Publishing] B&B Heroic Tale #1: The Cliffs Queen’s Court *FREEBIE*

GRAmel hat einen Freebie zum kommenden Beasts & Barbarians herausgebracht...

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/88676.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=88676&filters=0_0_0_1600)

The heroes were crossing the Cairnlands as part of a caravan, either working as hired guards, or as passengers traveling from the Marquees to Valkheim. This morning the caravan was ambushed by a band of Cairnlander marauders, and only the heroes escaped. And then, the real adventure begins!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Odium am 22.02.2011 | 22:34
Na dann lasst uns mal die Daumen drücken das man diesen Dunkelgrauen Hintergrund in der "richtigen" Fassung abschalten kann....
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.02.2011 | 07:14
[Hellfrost] Rassilon Expansion nun auch als PDF!

TAG hat nach dem Ende des Preorder-Angebots die Rassilon Expansion nun auch als einzelne PDF im Angebot!

Kostenpunkt: rund 10 Euro

Das Softcover (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=161) ist dagegen für ca. 16 Euro erhältlich.

(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/1/1b58fdcf808de8cf72bdd6f60acbaca2.image.250x323.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=180)

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.02.2011 | 11:55
[Wonderland] Ace Tales 08 - The Black Kitten Freebie

"One thing was certain, that... it was the black kitten's fault entirely."

For your Wonderland entertainment we present - The Black Kitten. Will your player be able to avert catastrophe or will the catalogue of deaths leave them caterwauling? Find out by downloading this Ace Tale on a Wonderland Gone Wrong. The best part is its FREE.

Download The Black Kitten Ace Tale FREE Here! (http://www.tripleacegames.com/ccount/click.php?id=25)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Master Li am 24.02.2011 | 15:51
Savagepedia (http://savagepedia.de/wiki/index.php/Hauptseite) in deutsch.

Nachdem die Savagepedia.de nun schon einige Tage online ist, möchte ich nochmals darauf hinweisen. Außerdem wäre es schön, wenn Du, und Du, aber auch Du dort mitarbeitest. Jeder Beitrag ist willkommen.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.03.2011 | 07:06
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/b/b92226501f2af307c2dd2e9e55c6684e.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=181)
Model: TAG31069
Author: Dave Blewer
Page Count: 12
Price: €2.60 (TAG), €2.89 (DriveThruRPG)

The Shattered City  is a dizzying maelstrom of islets and fragments of ruins rich in both salvage and danger.

The Shattered City has chewed up, and spat out countless scavengers and adventurers, but enough have returned battered, and wounded but with valuable, and vital salvage that it still remains the Sundered Skies primary source of salvage.

The Shattered City Island Guide is the second in a series of Sundered Skies modules which builds upon information contained in both Sundered Skies and the Sundered Skies Companion. It contains a new Background Edge for those born within the ruined city. Details on both the Bright Cabal and the Sons of Spire and their schemes and ambitions.

The archetypal and terrifying Pirate Lords and many of the major wonders which can be found out in the ruins complete with enough scenario seeds to kickstart a mini campaign. This Guide also details several important NPC's who have the potential to become the heroes grudging allies or bitter enemies and finally details several creatures and hazards new to the Sundered Skies including the tragic Ancient Ghost, which has haunted the skies since the Sundering, the horrifying Soulstorm with the power to destroy an island, and the ominous carrion crowe which both feeds upon and augments necromantic energy.

Sundered Skies Island Guides are designed for the Sundered Skies setting for the award winning Savage Worlds RPG.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/Banner/Banner06.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/SunderedSkies.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 3.03.2011 | 12:10
Pinnacle hat für Deadlands den The 1880 Smith & Robards Catalog rausgebracht.


Aktuell für ~10€ als pdf und ab Sommer auch als Buch.
Inhalt ist alles an Weird Since, die Geschichte von Smith & Robards, sowie Steamcyberware.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.03.2011 | 23:47

(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/c/c16b51024f4f8553f8fc365bacd60e63.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=182)
Hellfrost Suplementary: Resource Management
Model: TAG31247
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Artist: Chris Kuhlmann
Page Count: 25
Price: €3.25 (TAG), €3.59 (DriveThruRPG)

There is more to being a leader of men than adventuring.

Although Hellfrost is primarily a game about adventuring and heroic deeds, it also rewards characters who have invested in the Noble, Rich, or Filthy Rich Edges, or achieved positions of power through roleplaying. This supplement takes a look at managing an income-producing resource, whether that is a noble’s domain, a guild, a mercantile enterprise, a temple, a mercenary company, or even a school.

Although written for the Hellfrost setting, these rules can be easily adapted to any Savage Worlds setting or genre.

This supplement contains rules previously published in the Hellfrost Expansion. They are presented here in a standalone format.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.03.2011 | 07:08
[Deadlands] Deadlands Comics für Juni-September angekündigt

Wer die Zeichner und Autoren von Jonah Hex etc mochte, wird auch diese Serie mögen...

(http://visionarycomics.com/images/PromoFlyerLoRes.jpg)(http://visionarycomics.com/images/Cover%201%20Promo.jpg) (http://www.peginc.com/)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 9.03.2011 | 08:51
Nemezis befindet sich laut Pinnacle in der Übersetzung vom polnischen ins englische.
So findet das Setting seinen Weg wohl doch noch zu uns.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Laivindil am 9.03.2011 | 10:06
Der Soundtrack zu Nemezis (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=89131) bei DrivethruRPG
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.03.2011 | 23:00
Wonderland Ace Tales 09 - Pumpkin

Originally a short tale for Halloween, but let's face it horror themed adventures can be run anytime!

The Wonderland No More team have reworked and rebranded the Pumpkin tale into an Ace Tale of a Wonderland Gone Wrong.

As usual this Ace Tale is FREE - so all those of you who have just bought the book + pdf pre-order offer can get started with this short scenario.

Download the Pumpkin Ace Tale FREE Here! (http://www.tripleacegames.com/ccount/click.php?id=26)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.03.2011 | 11:59
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/1/10b2e40be2d0458cd733610b84ca9664.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=183)
Hellfrost Creature Guide: BUFOMI
Model: TAG31301
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 12
Price: €1.95 (TAG), €2.14 (DriveThruRPG)

Most citizens of Rassilon know of bufomi only through travelers’ tales. Jokingly referred to as "toadies," they are often portrayed as harmless, backward simpletons practicing a bizarre toad-worshipping faith. But those who dwell near the dank marshes the bufomi call home, tell no such stories and do not laugh with those that do, for they know how savage and cunning the toad-men can be when aroused. Their culture is a violent one, where the strong devour the weak and life is a constant struggle. This supplement delves beneath the stereotypical exterior of bufomi society to reveal the true nature of the toad-men race.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)

Hier noch die Antwort auf meine Rückfrage hierzu:

Zitat von: TAG Wiggy
Zitat von: Enno
A new series in the Hellfrost line, or just a test, if such products would sell? ;)

Just something I felt I had to write. Not a line, and no regular releases planned. I have one more written on the kreana and a few notes on ice goblins, but that's it for now.

About three pages is correlated religion and stat material, hence the lower price point than normal for 12 pages. It's basically everything you need for the bufomi in a handy package.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Scorpio am 16.03.2011 | 02:18

Exciting news for all you Savage World fans out there! For the first time in 15 years, Pinnacle entertainment is releasing figures for Deadlands, and we're going to be making them!

Shane Hensley, president of Pinnacle shares, "Deadlands is having a big year with lots of big surprises on the way, and one of the best is a great new partnership with Reaper! We're particularly excited that we're starting the line with incredible new sculpts of Deadlands' four servitors--Dr. Darius Hellstromme, Reverend Grimme, Raven, and the Weird West's deadliest undead gunslinger--Stone!"

Here at Reaper, our crew simply love playing Savage Worlds, moreso now that we have cool miniatures to be playing with. We're all looking forward to good things coming from this partnership with Pinnacle.

So, releasing in May just in time for ReaperCon:

Officially Licensed Savage Worlds Miniatures

59001: Reverend Grimme $5.99
59002: Raven $5.99
59003: Dr. Darius Hellstromme $5.99
59004: Stone $5.99

All sculpted by the incomparable Bob Ridolfi.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.03.2011 | 06:30
[Hellfrost] Regions Guides erweitert!

Never Say Never!

Wiggy reicht nun doch noch die fehlenden Reiche bei den Region Guides nach ... ergänzt um Godsheim, der Heimat der Götter!

Einige Nachzügler werden wohl wieder 12 Seiten lang sein.

Es fehlt jetzt eigentlich nur noch ein Region Guide über den Hellfrost selbst...


More Than One View
Major Gods' Halls
Notable Places
The Celestial Sphere

Star chart included!


Social Hierarchy
Trade & Tribute
Major Locales
Persons of Note
Why Come Here?

Rules of the Realm


Social Hierarchy
Trade & Tribute
Major Locales

Rules of the Realm
Beard Etiquette


Atmosphere & Terrain
Major Locales
New Hazards
Why Come Here?

Rules of the Realm
The Ghost Riders


Major Locales
Why Come Here?

Rules of the Realm
Alternate Gear Rules
New Orc Tribes


Social Hierarchy
Trade & Tribute
Major Locales
wiggy@tripleacegames.com ("wiggy@tripleacegames.com")

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://"http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellFrost.php")[/list]
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.03.2011 | 13:53
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/92/89427.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=89427&filters=0_0_40050_1600)
[MARS] Face of Mars
Model: ADM9008
Author: H.M. 'Dain' Lybarger
Artist: Jesus Garcia Lopez
Page Count: 25
Price: €1.42 (RPGNow/DriveThruRPG)

Adamant Entertainment is pleased to present Face of Mars, an adventure for our Savage Worlds setting of swords and science beneath the moons of Mars!

The garrulous old bargeman waited until his listeners were gathered on the deck, then he began to recount the ancient legend: “Once, before the canals were built, this was a great nation, a coastal nation, whose sea-ships fared far and wide across the world. It was ruled by mighty and wise leaders. The greatest of these Coast Lords was Noldes Bartarigan, called the ‘Emperor Who Turned His Face Skyward’, and the ‘Lord Whose Voice Becomes the Sun’. He was entombed up there, on the plateau, in an ageless tomb, provisioned for all Eternity.”

He glanced around, and beckoned for his listeners to draw closer. “But the legends say that, just as Emperor Noldes was great in his power and wealth, like many great men, his appetites were equally vast. He sought far and wide across all of Mars, and partook of every pleasure imaginable. The finest foods, wines, and women were his to sample at his leisure – but also the finest arts and poetry, and the conversation of the wisest and wittiest courtiers.”

“As he grew old on the throne, Emperor Noldes tired of pleasure. His appetites were unsated, yet he found no novelty anywhere, for he had experienced all. It was plain to him that final perfection had been attained. Thus he gathered his most valued and rarest goods together, and commanded his most noble and valued courtiers to attend him. He declared, by decree of his own Imperial will, that the magnificence of his court would live on beyond mortal death. His court itself would become eternal! He had a grand tomb built, fashioned in his own image, and when he breathed his last, he was interred there with all his goods -- and all his courtiers, sealed in with him, alive!” The bargeman cackled at his listener’s shocked expressions.

Like most legends, there is a core of truth to the tale – but more has been lost than has been retained, and the truth of Emperor Noldes Bartarigan’s tomb is far stranger than the legend that is told! Can your heroes brave the perils and uncover the ancient secrets of the Face of Mars?

This is a Savage Worlds adventure for three to five characters. As with all of Adamant Entertainment's PDF products, the adventure is available for only $1.99. Not a sale price, not a temporary deal: Just killer apps for your game, at an app price.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.03.2011 | 23:58
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/1/1fa6a3c9e5f5cb2dd71286ed07ebe4e1.image.355x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_6&products_id=185)
NECROPOLIS 2350 Adventure Compendium *PRE-ORDER*
Model: TAG30016
Author: Paul 'Wiggy' Wade-Williams
Format: Softback, B&W Text & Color Cover
Price: €13.02 (TAG)

Battle all the horrors of Hell in this fantastic series of seven adventures for Necropolis 2350!

The Necropolis 2350 Adventure Compendium contains a set of adventures for the sci-fi horror Roleplaying Game, Necropolis 2350 and is based in a fictional 24th century.

In these dark days, mankind, divided into two main camps and stands on the brink of extinction.

The Third Reformation Church are locked in desperate battle against “undead” invaders known as the Rephaim. While the heroes of humanity use advanced weapons and can call upon the power of faith, the twisted Rephaim are masters of necromancy and wield vile technology created from living tissue.

Adventures contained in this book:
The Last Word • The Long Sleep • The Broken Seal
The Opener of the Ways • Echoes
Tales from the Frontline One • Tales from the Frontline Two

Each adventure contains all the information the GM needs including maps, handouts and full monster stats.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.03.2011 | 06:10
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/6/660db580aa7663d0f43c24bacc854407.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_7&products_id=184)
Wonderland No More - Setting Guide Ebook Edition
Model: TAG30017E
Author: Kevin L. Anderson, Lansing D. Tryon & Jordan Peacock
Page Count: 196 page PDF
Art: B&W Text & Color Cover
Price: 13,02 € (TAG); 14,35 € (DriveThruRPG)


In 1865, Lewis Carroll introduced the world to the delightful nonsense of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and followed up with Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There in 1871. These tales present us with a world of whimsy and absurdity, and maybe just the tiniest hint of danger and adventure.

But what if there really was an Alice who visited Wonderland and what if it didn't vanish as soon as she left? What if Wonderland’s childlike charm tarnished just a bit with the years, and it warped under the weight of its own nonsense? Maybe it's all just a dream—or a nightmare—but it's all very real for anyone trapped within.

Wonderland No More provides a setting for adventures within a realm of fantasy and the unexpected, a madcap ride that bounces between humor and horror. Here, when the Queen of Hearts cries, "Off with their heads!" it usually happens!

Take on the roles of wooden Chessmen, two-dimensional Cards, talking Animals, mobile Plants, Tweedle, or even the occasional Human. Knights quest for blessed artifacts of Alice, Little Girls master the deadly Queen's Croquet, Haberdashers have a few tricks under their caps, and Gourmancers create magical foods and drinks (helpfully labeled "Eat Me" or "Drink Me" for those who can't figure it out on their own).

Lighthearted or sinister, it's all what you make of it in Wonderland—because we're all mad here.

Contained in this book:

Triple Ace Games presents Wonderland No More for the award winning Savage Worlds RPG - adventure in Alice's world!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.03.2011 | 17:44
[Hellfrost] Freebie mit diversem Fluff

Es ist mal wieder Freebie-Zeit in Rassilon...

Diesmal gibt es folgende Optionalregeln und Fluffinformationen:

Da die Artikel redaktionell nicht bearbeitet wurden, darf man alle Fehler behalten!

Zum Download hier! (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Hellfrost_Freebies.pdf)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Tsu am 25.03.2011 | 17:49
Quelle: Prometheus Facebook Seite (http://www.facebook.com/notes/prometheus-games/fantasy-kompendium-erscheint-zur-rpc/209777495699997)


Es ist soweit: Zur RPC erreicht uns endlich das deutsche Fantasy-Kompendium in seiner ganzen ungezähmten und brachialen Pracht. Dutzende neue Talente, Zauber, Artefakte und Monster aus dem Reich der Fantasy werden eure Kampagnen bereichern und euer Spielerlebnis auf eine neue Stufe heben. Neben der reinen Übersetzung erwartet euch jedoch noch eine Menge mehr: Wir haben die Kritiken an dem englischen Original aufgegriffen und dessen Fehler (bspw. an den Tabellenwahrscheinlichkeiten) behoben. Darüber hinaus haben wir zusätzliches Material aus den Toolkits zusammengesucht und wieder in das Buch einfließen lassen. Ergänzt wird das Buch schließlich um exklusives deutsches Material und Texte aus anderen beliebten Settings, wie bspw. Ritualmagie oder Kampfschulen. Das Buch wird als Hardcover im beliebten Format der Gentleman's Edition erscheinen und preislich um die 30 Euro angesiedelt sein.
Damit ihr euch schon mal einen kleinen Eindruck verschaffen könnt, hab ich unten mal den aktuellen Coverentwurf angehängt.
Christian Loewental
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.03.2011 | 01:47
(http://realityblurs.com/shop/images/large/Cover_ID_GB1_LRG.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=89861&filters=0_0_0_1600)
Iron Dynasty: Corners of Konoyo - Guidebook #1
Model: REB400002
Author: Sean Preston
Page Count: 36 page PDF
Price: 2,13 € (DriveThruRPG)

Corners of Konoyo, the Iron Dynasty Guidebook Series, provides even more information about your favorite Heavy Metal Oriental setting!   

Guidebook #1 focuses on Ikusa Kokoro and takes you right into the heart of the empire. Exciting details and adventure hooks are on every page. You'll find expanded information on Ikusan history, military structure and  settlements, as well as new places of interest and more. Random encounter tables keyed specifically for the province, with all new people and creatures, fully immerse you into the setting more than ever before!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.03.2011 | 01:13
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/6/6953007d0726838cac89e26075738988.image.424x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=187)
Hellfrost Adventure: #17 - The Fey Tower & The Deadly Glade
Model: TAG31070
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Artists: Justin Russell & James Denton
Page Count: 28
Price: €5.20 (TAG), €5.67 (DriveThruRPG)

The Fey Tower — is an adventure set on the coastline of Rassilon. For the past five months the inhabitants of the coastal village of Gairloch have been plagued by giant crabs. These ravenous crustaceans raid on the land and steal cattle, sheep, and the occasional passing human. The crabs have driven most of the fish away and the villagers now barely catch enough to survive. They have come to terms with their "curse," but still try to seek the help of those that travel through the region. Enter the heroes — can they discover the reason for the crabs to venture on land?

The Deadly Glade — is hidden away in the dark and leafy boughs of the Stone Forest. No brightly colored flowers grow here, as they do elsewhere; only plants of midnight-blue. For a decade, one priest of Vali has been feeding the plants on the decaying corpses of disease victims, letting their pus and tainted, putrefying flesh feed his deadly blooms. These flowers attract bees which in turn are poisoned by the sticky nectar. The fast-acting poison warps the bees, turning them into voracious hunters. The plan is as simple as it is bold—to create an army of killer bees which will be unleashed on the unsuspecting citizens of Rassilon. Can this hideous plot be thwarted?

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.04.2011 | 06:18
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/7/7d25ac4afb7a0d439dda33ea58505470.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=188)
Hellfrost Region Guide #40 - THE VALE
Model: TAG31240
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 6
Price: €1.30 (TAG), €1.40 (DriveThruRPG)

A land of green hills and gentle valleys, of small settlements and cheery inhabitants, the Vale is widely regarded as an idyllic land. Yet all is not well in this paradise. Refugees from Vestmark cross the border in growing numbers, bringing with them disease and banditry, and within the peaceful valleys lie many dark secrets.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.04.2011 | 23:00

[Apathy Games] TPA Preview Adventure: Flight 101

Apathy Games is proud to present Flight 101, the first adventure in our upcoming product, To Predict and Serve Act 1: A Function of Probability. And it’s absolutely free!

It started innocently enough. You won a trip to Honolulu from a sweepstakes you don’t remember entering. Everything was great—until the trip back. Now you have a gun pointed at your head and a football-shaped hijacker waving an Uzi in first class and screaming about freeing Abkhazia.

Armed with a KnightStick™ and whatever else you can find, you need to save the day.

This is our first adventure using the “Print. Pour. Play.” method of adventure design. Print the adventure. Pour some drinks. Play the game.

Included in this Download
So what are you waiting for? Pack your bags for a vacation and come back as an agent for the Temporal Probability Agency!

Download Flight 101 [PDF] (http://www.apathygames.com/wp-content/uploads/TPA-Preview-Adventure.zip)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Darkling ["beurlaubt"] am 8.04.2011 | 18:45
Ich will auch mal in diesem Thread posten!  ;)

Quelle: PG Homepage (http://www.prometheusgames.de/index.php/pg-news)

Die Community hat gewählt
Neues Cover für das deutsche Fantasy Kompendium

Die Gemeinden der beiden großen deutschen Rollenspielforen haben sich entschieden und in zwei recht eindeutigen Umfragen ihre Favoriten aus den verfügbaren Bildern und Fonts gewählt. Marina hat damit dann ein bisschen gezaubert und es ist, wie ich finde, richtig cool geworden. Das Ergebnis möchte ich euch natürlich nicht vorenthalten. Seht selbst...


Da sich der Verlag direkt nach den Wünschen der User dieses Boards und des :B:-nachbartem richtet ist das definitiv einen Post wert.  :D
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.04.2011 | 20:47
(http://realityblurs.com/shop/images/large/REB20002-MT1_LRG.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=90379&filters=0_0_0_1600)

[Realms of Cthulhu] Mythos Tales #1: Belly of the Beast
Model: REB20002-MT1
Author: Sean Preston
Artist: Chris Malidore
Page Count: 44
Price: €5.87 (RB Store), €5.55 (DriveThruRPG)

Professor Locke sends out a call for adventurers to join her expedition abroad. She claims to seek the Lost Tablet of Creation, but does she keep secrets of her own?

The quest takes a dark turn as the heroes leave the sanctity of civilization behind and brave the horrors awaiting them in the deepest depths of Africa, the belly of the beast. What happens when men journey into savage lands? Will ancient things awaken? Are some things better left unknown? Shall our intrepid heroes survive the dangers awaiting them and escape with body and soul intact?

There is only one way to truly find out...

Keepers take note! This rollicking adventure is set in the 1890's and is slanted towards the Heroic Horror play style, offering plenty of action steeped in Lovecraftian Horror. Fear not, you can easily adjust it to suit the sensibilities of you and your group.

This is the first official Realms of Cthulhu adventure and requires Realms of Cthulhu and Savage Worlds for play.

(http://realityblurs.com/shop/images/roc_logo_for-web-300x297.png) (http://realityblurs.com/wordpress/?page_id=911)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.04.2011 | 20:23
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3606/90387.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?manufacturers_id=3606)

Temporal Probability Agency Core & Complete
Authors: Jeff Carlsen, Hillary Crenshaw, Tyson J. Hayes, Paul von Meerscheidt
Artists: Hillary Crenshaw, Marie Carlsen
Page Count: 90
Price: €3.45 (Core) or €6.92 (Complete) [DriveThruRPG]


Get in a fight with mall security. The fate of the world depends on it.

Temporal Probability Agency takes place in an alternate present day. Since the year 2000, the TPA has been protecting humanity. They've prevented 9/11, wars around the world, and the global financial crisis. Now it's your turn.

Agents are selected from the world's population for specific tasks. The computer, Daisy, has done the calculations and knows exactly who has the best chance of success.

Sometimes you need to do something small: a spilled beer at the right moment. Sometimes it's something huge: a gunfight with the Italian Mafia inside a burning factory.

More information can be found at our website and in our new agent primer!

Print. Pour. Play

Our adventures have been engineered from the ground up to make them easy to run with little to no prep time. That is what "Print. Pour. Play." means. Print out the adventure. Pour some drinks. Play the game.

Agent's Handbook

Everything you need to know to play TPA is contained in this 25 page PDF.

Hindrances, Edges, and Gear for your agent, plus history and background on the agency. It's a quick read so you can get to playing.

To Predict and Serve Act 1: A Function of Probability

The players are minding their own business, enjoying a trip home from a tropical vacation, when probability knocks.
This product includes the Agent's Handbook and the first part of our campaign, To Predict and Serve Act 1: A Function of Probability. You can download a free preview adventure from our website.

Temporal Probability Agency Complete Pack

This is a limited offer. This package not only includes everything in the Temporal Probability Agency Core package, but will also be updated with To Predict and Serve Act 2 and Act 3 when they become available.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.04.2011 | 21:33

30-50% OFF!

Our Print- and PDF-Product in the TAG-Store and at RPGNow/DriveThruRPG have been reduced so please take advantage of this amazing sale and pick up some real bargains!

Please note the sale lasts until the midnight 1st May 2011.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Tsu am 14.04.2011 | 20:58

We are proud to announce upcoming Savage Worlds Deluxe! Newest edition of acclaimed and awarded SW rules would be back this August! This beautiful book features all-new design notes from the authors, beautiful new art from the industry's best talent, updates, adventures, and new Setting and situational rules such as Interludes and Dramatic Tasks.

Wow, eine neue SW Edition steht an :)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.04.2011 | 21:20
(http://realityblurs.com/shop/images/large/Cover_ID_KT1-40003_LRG.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=90464&filters=0_0_0_1600)
Iron Dynasty: Kesshi Tales #1: The Wise Men and the Woods
Model: REB40003
Author: Sean Preston
Page Count: 27 page PDF
Price: 2,07 € (DriveThruRPG)

Kesshi Tales is our new line of adventures for Iron Dynasty!

Kesshi Tales #1: The Wise Men and the Woods takes place in Ikusa Kokoro, the heart of the Iron Dynasty, and our heroes soon find themselves in a race to prevent an evil book from falling into the wrong hands. Things quickly take an unexpected turn when the kesshi are drawn into a quest to eliminate a powerful yokai even the Red Wolves cannot defeat.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.04.2011 | 04:06
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/Images/WonderlandNoMore/HeroesOfWonderland.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/ccount/click.php?id=27)
Wonderland No More - Heroes of Wonderland *Freebie*

For those of you wondering who exactly would adventure in Wonderland we present a collection of pregenerated characters. Some, like Gunflower Stan and the Cheshire Kit, are reproduced from the setting book but they are joined by other such as the Rose confidence artist and The Tailor. Each character portrait is drawn in an attempt to suggest the style of Sir John Tenniel, the original illustrator of the Alice stories.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Harlan am 18.04.2011 | 17:11
Prometheus Games: Ausblick auf das Verlagsprogramm. (http://www.prometheusgames.de/index.php/neuigkeiten/258-news-pg-sw-ausblick-auf-das-verlagsprogramm)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.04.2011 | 06:13
(http://shop.cubicle7store.com/WebRoot/Store3/Shops/es113347_shop/4D82/3932/7233/8A5A/3DDC/0A0F/110C/D946/Boston.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=90823&src=sub)

[Interface Zero] Boston: The Broken Cradle of Liberty
Authors: Curtis and Sarah Lyon
Artists: Nick Greenwood, Paul Bourne, Tomek Wtorek
Page Count: 60
Price: €6.98 (DriveThruRPG)

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/90823-sample.pdf)

One of the hottest Hot Spots of North America, Boston was saved from the encroaching seas by a massive civic undertaking, and declared the capital of Atlantica. Now, in the face of riots and acts of terrorism, the American 'Cradle of Liberty' reels under martial law as dissidents protest unpopular decisions in an effort to stoke the flames of rebellion. With soldiers patrolling the streets and violence a way of life, Boston stands poised to either blossom into something greater or be wiped off the map and into oblivion.

Boston: The Broken Cradle of Liberty has everything you need to take your campaign into the highways and byways of Boston. Whether you're a GM who wants to know what's going on in Beantown, or a player who just wants to hail from the area, you'll have everything you need to know to add Boston to your game. So grab your handy Watchdog and a Molotov Cocktail, tomo, and help decide the direction of the new revolution!

This is an expansion for Savage Worlds Interface Zero, and not a stand-alone setting.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.04.2011 | 06:46
Nun auch die offizielle Ankündigung von Pinnacle:

Savage Worlds—Bigger, Better!

We're thrilled to announce the upcoming Savage Worlds Deluxe, a new full-sized, hardback edition of the award-winning Savage Worlds system, featuring:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Boba Fett am 20.04.2011 | 21:39

Savage Worlds - Gentleman's Edition als PDF (http://www.spielekram.de/savage-worlds-gentlemans-edition-p-2261.html)

Zugegeben, es hat eine Weile gedauert... Ok, es hat lange gedauert... Aber nun ist es endlich soweit und mit der PDF-Version der Gentleman's Edition ist das erste Kauf-PDF aus unserem Hause erhältlich. Im Onlineshop Spielekram.de findet ihr für 7,95 EUR in der Savage Worlds Rubrik das erratierte PDF zur Gentleman's Edition. In den folgenden Wochen werden wir diese Produktpalette nach und nach erweitern, bspw. um die ersten Hellfrostabenteuer, Sundered Skies Produkte etc.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.04.2011 | 16:28
(http://realityblurs.com/shop/images/large/Cover_OSF4-SW-SlavePensOfMossStone_LRG.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=90851&language=de)
Old School Fantasy #4: Slave Pens of Moss Stone (Savage Worlds Edition)
Author: Dave Olson
Page Count: 46 page PDF
Price: 2,08 € (DriveThruRPG), 2,20 € (RB Store)

On the gentle, rolling slopes of the Emerald Hills, in a picturesque landscape of natural beauty, one of the vilest forms of tyranny has taken root. Gnoll slavers, operating out of the nearby Moss Stone Keep, work their "cattle" to their deaths tilling away at the unyielding soil. These poor souls, men and women, humans and elves, all live and die under the yoke of their treacherous masters — all to cultivate a difficult weed for the gnolls to sell on the black market. Who dares stand against these terrible creatures? Who dares to free the captives from their bleak fate? Hopefully your heroes!

"Slave Pens of Moss Stone" is the next installment in Reality Blurs' Old School Fantasy line of adventure modules. Hearken back to the days of legend and lore, when your spells, swords, and smarts alone kept the forces of evil at bay.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.04.2011 | 07:29
(http://realityblurs.com/shop/images/large/Cover_ID-GB2-40004_LRG.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=90852&filters=0_0_40050_1600)
Iron Dynasty: Corners of Konoyo - Guidebook #2
Author: Sean Preston
Page Count: 36 page PDF
Price: 2,06 € (DriveThruRPG)

Corners of Konoyo, the Iron Dynasty Guidebook Series, provides even more information about your favorite Heavy Metal Oriental Fantasy!   

Guidebook #2 focuses on Sorimizu and takes you into this sprawling land of lazy waters. Exciting details and adventure hooks are on every page. You'll find expanded information on Sorimizan history, military structure and  settlements, as well as new places of interest and more. Random encounter tables keyed specifically for the province, with all new people and creatures, fully immerse you into the setting more than ever before!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.04.2011 | 22:05
[Pinnacle] Savage Tuesday

Fill the Fields of War!

(http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/WeirdWars/ReinforcementsVehicles.png) (http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/WeirdWars/ReinforcementsVehicles.pdf)

Reinforcements: Vehicles is now available from our Downloads page for all you Weird War Two fans. It's chock-full of additional vehicles to flesh out your Weird War Two engagements and bring a little more danger to your land, seas, and skies.

Reinforcements: Vehicles features vehicles for the Americans, British, Germans, Japanese, and Soviets, including more cars and trucks, planes and gliders, self-propelled guns and artillery, and even amphibious vehicles! There are also two additional vehicle qualities to apply to your new equipment as well as to the machinery already available in Weird War Two!

And, like everything else on our Downloads page, Reinforcements: Vehicles is absolutely free. What are you waiting for?

Why Do Math Yourself?

If you—or some of your players—could use a little help making sure your character creation is correct, try the Savage Worlds Character Assistant (http://www.peginc.com/Resources/AsmorCharacterAssistant/CharAssist.html). Change your Attributes and Skills with a few button clicks—or enter numbers if you like that sort of thing—and it tracks the points you've spent on each, including adjustments for Skills higher than their linked Attributes. You can thank Asmor, one of your fellow Savage Worlds fans, for this handy tool.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Harlan am 27.04.2011 | 14:04
Fantasy Kompendium vorbestellbar und erste Preview online (http://www.prometheusgames.de/index.php/neuigkeiten/266-news-pg-sw-erste-preview-fantasy-kompendium)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.04.2011 | 18:43
(http://realityblurs.com/shop/images/large/Cover_REB10004JT2_LRG.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=90985&src=FrontPage)
[RunePunk] Jobbers Tales #2: BlackWake Spiral
Model: REB10004JT2
Author: Dave Olson
Page Count: 49 page PDF
Price: 2,04 € (DriveThruRPG), 2,20 € (RB Store)

Madness and corruption stalk the shadowed alleys of ScatterPoint's prison district, BlackShackle, and a group of jobbers are called in to get to the bottom of it. What they find leads them on a whirlwind tour of a district filled with powerful Sequitors, dangerous cultists, scheming politicians, and into the wild Barrens beyond. Will your jobbers survive the ordeal, or will they fall victim to the Spiral and its warm embrace?

Jobbers Tales #2: BlackWake Spiral is ideal for four to six Seasoned jobbers, but can be easily scaled up or down for any party.

It features our signature, streamlined digest format for easy reading and printing!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.05.2011 | 06:59
[Hellfrost] Neues Errata für englische Version erschienen! (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/hf_errata.pdf)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.05.2011 | 01:25
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/5/56098f2c1e49ff21260e2264bb553c5e.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=190)
Hellfrost Region Guide #41 - SEITHRBY
Model: TAG31241
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 6
Price: €1.39 (TAG), €1.34 (DriveThruRPG)

A realm of scattered Saxa tribes and their Anari slaves, Seithrby sits at the crossroads between the High and Low Winterlands. Conquered a generation ago, Seithrby appears tranquil and stable, yet beneath the surface is a land of competing nobles, raiding undead, and outmoded attitudes. And lurking deep beneath its rolling hills and fertile plains are dark secrets, terrible secrets of yesteryear that refuse to die.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.05.2011 | 01:41
[Pinnacle] Savage Tuesday

(http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/LowLife/AHelloToArms.png) (http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/LowLife/AHelloToArms.pdf)

Low Life Meets One Sheets!

Well, sort of. A Hello to Arms, the first One Sheet adventure for Low Life, is actually three full pages (one and a half sheets) of gooey gamin' goodness written by Andy Hopp himself. Can your heap o' characters bust into the Museum of Random Stuff and swipe a pair of arms for Dregzie the Schnoz? Oh, and maybe make it out alive while they're at it?

The extra pages include pregenerated characters, including a werm, a croach, an oofo, and a horc! If you're not familiar with the races of Mutha Oith, you should fix that glaring personality defect by pickin' up a copy of Low Life today!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.05.2011 | 17:44
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/2/2cb1ffea4997b24f7e8316dcc2e30630.image.348x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=191)
Hellfrost Adventure Compendium One *PRE-ORDER*
Model: TAG10100
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Format: 80+ pages Softcover
Price: €12.59 (TAG) (inkl. 10% Rabatt)

PRE-ORDER - we will send you the book as soon as it is available.

This book contains a collection of four Novice fantasy adventures designed for the popular Hellfrost setting. Each adventure gives detailed information for the GM and includes all the story background, maps and full creature stats for easy play.

Adventures contained in this book are:
Hellfrost™ is an epic fantasy setting for the award winning Savage Worlds™ roleplaying game.

Ergänzung: Die in den offiziellen Abenteuern enthaltenen Figure Flats werden als PDF-Bundles angeboten werden, sobald die restlichen 4 Abenteuer erschienen sind.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Darkling ["beurlaubt"] am 5.05.2011 | 17:48
Die in den offiziellen Abenteuern enthaltenen Figure Flats werden als PDF-Bundles angeboten werden, sobald die restlichen 4 Abenteuer erschienen sind.
Ich, der ich mir die ersten Abenteuer nur wegen der Figure Flats gekauft habe, finde, das ist einen eigenen Post wert, damit es nicht als kleiner Nachsatz im vorangegangenen Post untergeht. :)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.05.2011 | 19:48
Hätte nicht sein müssen, denn zu gegebener Zeit hätte es dann eh eine Ankündigung meinerseits gegeben.

Ich kläre noch mit Wiggy ab, ob es mehrere (thematische) Figurensätze mit oder ohne Figure Factory geben wird.

Nebenbei wird ein gedrucktes Region Guide Compendium auch so langsam spruchreif. Finale Entscheidung, wie, wann und in welcher Form dieses knapp 490 Seiten dicke Buch (ohne Kreaturen, Götter uä) erscheinen wird, folgt nachdem die Serie mit RG #51 - Taiga Elfhomes beendet ist. Das wird wohl so in 6-12 Monaten sein...

Auch ein Religion Guide, der die (dann erweiterten) Infos aus den ersten 26 RGs, plus Men & Gods, Sacred Places, The Abyss und Godshome, sowie einigen Freebies, enthält, ist angedacht. Aber auch hier: Frühestens in einem Jahr!

Und bevor jemand meckert, es gäbe nur Aufgewärmtes: Es sind auch ein paar komplett neue Projekte in der Mache. o:)

So, genug Orakel gespielt...
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.05.2011 | 12:50
(http://realityblurs.com/shop/images/large/Cover_ID-GB3-40006_LRG.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=91308&filters=0_0_0_1600)
Iron Dynasty: Corners of Konoyo - Guidebook #3
Author: Sean Preston
Page Count: 37 page PDF
Price: 2,10 € (DriveThruRPG)

Corners of Konoyo, the Iron Dynasty Guidebook Series, provides even more information about your favorite Heavy Metal Oriental setting!   

Guidebook #3 takes you into Uma-Ko Ryoudo. Explore the grassy fields and crumbling cities. You'll find expanded information on Ryoudan history, military structure and  settlements, as well as new places of interest and more. Random encounter tables keyed specifically for the province, with all new people and creatures, fully immerse you into the setting more than ever before!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 7.05.2011 | 16:19
Das Kampangenbuch für Darwins World ist raus:


Für ungefähr ~11€ bei RPGnow zu erhalten.

Ebenso die Suscription für War of the Dead Chapter 3.


Ebenfalls für ~11€. Leute die Vorbestellen bekommen 3D-Fahrzeug-"Flats" als Bouns hinzu.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.05.2011 | 17:38
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/e/ef3f4827b78dd2af8c92c5bd766cd2b8.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=192)
Hellfrost Creature Guide: KREANA
Model: TAG31302
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 12
Price: €2.09 (TAG), €2.09 (DriveThruRPG)

Many are the terrors of the deep ocean. While fishermen and sailors fear sudden squalls and colossal whales, nothing strikes dread into their hearts as much as talk of the dreaded "shark-men." Remorseless killers, they stalk the waters of Rassilon, attacking ships and raiding coastal communities for treasure and food. This supplement takes a look inside the culture of the kreana.

Although designed for the Hellfrost setting, this produce can be used in most any Savage Worlds setting.

Origin of the Species
- Life Cycle
Social Structure
Shark Callers
Law & Order
- Names
- Numbers
- Written Language
Trade & Tribute
Weapons & Armor
Stratergy & Tactics
- Raids, Boat
- Raids, Coastal
Carchars, Scourge of the Oceans
Avatar of Carcharas
- Blood Rager
- Paladin
- Priest
- Shark Caller
- Warrior

Time & Tide
Other Legends

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellFrost.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.05.2011 | 06:01
[Pinnacle] The Path of Kane *Preorder*

(http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/images/S2P10403_Large.png) (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=the+path+of+kane)

Walk the Path of Kane—Now, Soon, Forever

You have seen the path to redemption, a road paved in the blood and bones of the evil you must defeat to save the world from its unholy taint. Face that which prey on men's dreams, their fears, and their very souls. Walk The Path of Kane.

Your enemies span the globe, reaching out from every shadowy corner of all four continents. Men, magick, and monsters of the darkest hearts and basest desires threaten the very world you tread. Humanity is lost without the will and steel of good folk like you.

The Path of Kane—the third tome in The Savage World of Solomon Kane series bringing Robert E. Howard's dark tales of the avenging puritan to the award-winning Savage Worlds roleplaying system—details the decadent and decaying Old World, the unknown and untamed New World, mysterious and exotic Cathay to the East, and the savagery of the Dark Continent. Wanderers can scale new heights of peril spanning the globe with over fifty new Savage Tales to play alone, weave into an existing Wanderers' journey, or (often) link to one another, all as you see fit.

Preorder The Path of Kane for delivery expected in September, buy the PDF immediately, or—for a limited time—do both with our fabulous Path of Kane Preorder Bundle. Take your pick, and start walking the Path of Kane today—for all our sakes!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 12.05.2011 | 07:34
Das erste Guidebook (als pdf) ist für Runepunk erschienen:


The RunePunk Guidebook series details out the various districts and barrens comprising ScatterPoint.

In Guidebook #1, we turn our attention to GreyMesa. Learn the secret history of the City. Explore the ten boroughs. Learn what makes the citizens proud and what brings countless jobbers to the District of Dark Hope looking to improve their lot in life.

Full of adventure hooks, new factions, and more for the Dark Steampunk Fantasy like no other!

Für 3$ bei RPGnow zu haben.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 18.05.2011 | 08:55

Kesshi Tales #3: Fresh Blood
Even as our heroes enter the rugged lands of Uma-Ko Ryoudo they discover unrest among the people What seems to be a simple role to promote peace soon draws them into the  politics of Shibata, one of the Shadow Cities. Will the kesshi be pawns in a larger plot or shall they shape destiny and save the city from itself?

For use with Iron Dynasty: Way of the Ronin from Reality Blurs.

Iron Dynasty: Way of the Ronin is a setting for the award-winning Savage Worlds system.

Für 3$ bei Rpgnow/Drivetroughrpg zu haben.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.05.2011 | 00:22
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/0/09446b559c1d5967c91ebfbe0a30275e.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=193)
Hellfrost Adventure #18: V4 - Death In The Mire
Model: TAG31071
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 30
Price: €5.95 (TAG), €5.96 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Death is only the beginning...

The village of Drayton is beset by plague. Seemingly abandoned by their healer, the villagers now turn to strangers for help. But there is more to the illness than appears, for the hand of the Norns is at work.

Three centuries ago their laid down a prophecy to the lord of Drayton, a prophecy that spelled disaster for his descendants. That time has come, and death now stalks the mire around Drayton.

The adventure is designed for Veteran characters. It contains all the monster stats, maps, and Figure Flats required for play.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Boba Fett am 24.05.2011 | 10:58
Nekropolis 2350 in deutsch als PDF erhältlich! (http://www.spielekram.de/nekropolis-2350-bete-kaempfe-p-2266.html)


Das Jahr 2350.

Der Planet Salus – besser bekannt als Nekropolis – ist die einzige bewohnbare Welt, die der Menschheit noch geblieben ist. Die Ritter der militanten Heiligen Orden der Kirche der Dritten
Reformation befinden sich in einem erbitterten Kreuzzug gegen die Rephaim („die Toten“), eine Rasse bösartiger Wesen, die nekromantische Kräfte besitzen und einzig von dem brennenden Wunsch beseelt sind, sämtliches Leben auszurotten.
Doch obwohl die Menschheit von der Ausrottung bedroht ist, gelingt es ihr nicht, zusammenzuarbeiten. Während die Rephaim an den Türen der Menschen rütteln, setzen die Kirche und die Konzern-Union ihren kalten Krieg um die Herrschaft über das Leben von Millionen fort.

Necropolis 2350™ ist ein dunkles Zukunftssetting für das preisgekrönte Rollenspiel Savage Worlds™.

Die Hintergrundebene des PDFs ist druckerschonend ausblendbar. Zum Öffnen und Lesen der Datei wird ein PDF-Reader bspw. der kostenlose Acrobat Reader benötigt.

Seiten: 282
Format: PDF

Quelle: www.spielekram.de

Preis: € 14,95 (unverbindlich!)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 25.05.2011 | 10:37
   Old School Fantasy #5: Call of the Crow


Autor(en): Dave Olson
Seiten: 45
Größe der Datei: 2.58 MB
Preis: 3$ (bei rpgnow und drivethroughrpg)

In the harbor city of Steelport, many secrets lurk down darkened alleys and behind shadowy storefronts. It is a city known for its seedy inhabitants and shady dealings, but rarely do the affairs of the underworld spill out onto the streets. Recently, however, an upstart gang of thieves calling themselves the Blades of the Crow have begun making a name for themselves, killing off their competition, and peddling dangerous drugs to the poorest of the poor. A bedraggled innkeeper, his wife recently kidnapped, needs a group of stalwart heroes to stem this deadly new tide of corruption.

Call of the Crow is the next installment in Reality Blurs' Old School Fantasy line of adventure modules. Hearken back to the days of legend and lore, when your spells, swords, and smarts alone kept the forces of evil at bay.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.05.2011 | 11:03
(Dank an Thunderforge aus dem Pinnacle Forum)

Savage Worlds Core
50 Fathoms
Deadlands Reloaded
Hell on Earth Reloaded
Lost Colony Reloaded
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 29.05.2011 | 14:49

Kith'takharos prospers by monopolizing the harvesting and sale of valuable swamp plants. Recently, a harvesting team explored an island containing the greatest concentration of swamp plants discovered in a generation. Two Harvesters entered a cave and disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The survivors returned home, shaken by events they could not explain. The small Kith'takharos community was stunned.

Were the Harvesters killed by lethal denizens of the swamp? Does the cave hold dangerous new Harlass Orn ruins? The Order of the Jade Leaf needs discreet adventurers to learn the fate of the Harvesters and ensure the safety of future expeditions.

The swamp guards its secrets well, and punishes those who covet hidden treasures. Still, the lure of riches draws explorers into the unknown. Join the search for forgotten knowledge and unravel the first thread in the mystery of the lost reptilian race of Harlass Orn. The Missing Harvesters is a Savage Worlds adventure for 4-6 Novice and Seasoned characters.

This product contains a 50 page PDF for an estimated 15 hours of playing time.

The basic Kith'takharos Setting is available for free in a rules agnostic format at www.whitehairedman.com.

Für 2,99$ bei rpgnow und drivethroughrpg


Almus Rundarig has gone missing and the Transit Guild wants to learn his fate. Why did Meryl Dunestal send Almus into the swamp and what did the explorer find? Was the mission as innocent as Meryl claims? And would the Order of the Jade Leaf oppose the Transit Guild if they knew the truth?

Discover exotic adventure and political machinations in the swamp village of Kith'takharos, a hub of bustling enterprise in the midst of an inhospitable environment. Well Met in Kith'takharos is a Savage Worlds adventure for 4-6 Novice Characters.

This product contains a 46 page PDF and provides an estimated 10-15 hours of playing time.

The basic Kith'takharos Setting is available for free in a rules agnostic format at www.whitehairedman.com.

Für 2,99$ bei rpgnow und drivethroughrpg
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 3.06.2011 | 09:52

Iron Dynasty: Guidebook #4

Corners of Konoyo, the Iron Dynasty Guidebook Series, provides even more information about your favorite Heavy Metal Oriental setting!

Guidebook #4 takes you into the treacherous lands of Tahata Gaki, considered the most dangerous province in the Iron Dynasty. Explore the ancient, half-sunken ruins of cobwebbed swamps. Beware dangerous baku and dream eaters as you wend your way in search of lost treasures and, perhaps, a way to save this subjugated people. You'll find expanded information on Tahatan history, military structure and settlements, as well as new places of interest and more. Random encounter tables keyed specifically for the province, with all new people and creatures, fully immerse you into the setting more than ever before!

Autor(en): Sean Preston
Seiten: 38
Größe der Datei: 1.35 MB
File Last Updated: 2011-06-02

3$ bei onebookshelf (rpgnow/drivethroughrpg)


The Nine Towers

Nine ancient Teleportation Towers link the swamps surrounding Kith'takharos. Abandoned by the lost reptilian race of Harlass Orn, the towers remained undiscovered by outsiders...until now.

The Harlass Orn vanished over a thousand years ago. The survival of Kith'takharos depends on the fading magic and strange plants scavenged from Harlass Orn ruins. One man now threatens the tenuous prosperity wrested from the swamp by three generations of settlers.

 The ruthless archaeologist-mage Lenar Hoyt has stolen the most holy artifact of the Bright Water Swamp Men. The tribe holds Kith'takharos responsible, and will destroy the village unless the Order of the Jade Leaf retrieves Tarshal'din's Shining Spear. As the Swamp Man warriors gather for the assault, Hoyt activates the first Teleportation Tower.

 The Nine Towers is a Savage Worlds adventure for 4-6 Seasoned characters, with an estimated 25 hours of playing time. Immerse the characters in an environment of sticky heat, dense fog, and sudden danger as they pursue Lenar Hoyt across the swamp in great leaps of teleportation. Hoyt desperately searches for the origins of Tarshal'din's Shining Spear, driven by impulses he does not fully understand. Will the characters reach him and recover the Swamp Man artifact before the Bright Water carry out their threat?

 The Nine Towers also brings the characters one step closer to learning the true fate of the Harlass Orn, which will be revealed in the next Kith'takharos adventure: The Dreamers Awaken.

The 88 page PDF contains all the information necessary to run the adventure, as well as 6 Quick-Play PCs.

The basic Kith'takharos Setting is available for free in a rules agnostic format at www.whitehairedman.com.

2.99$ bei onebookshelf (rpgnow/drivethroughrpg)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 6.06.2011 | 07:23

The Dreamers Awaken

In your dreams, endless rows of reptilian humanoids lay upon couches. Each body writhes in pain, but you know with the unerring assurance of the dream that all are sleeping. A wavering voice swirls throughout the room, rising and falling in intensity, finally resolving into words: "When will the dreamers awaken?"

More than a thousand years ago, the reptilian race of Harlass Orn inhabited the swamps surrounding Kith'takharos. Their greatest architectural triumph was the construction of nine Teleportation Towers. These towers also precipitated the Harlass Orn downfall, for the magic employed in large-scale teleportation allowed malicious extra-dimensional creatures called Veilwalkers to enter normal space.

The Harlass Orn sought shelter in a magically protected refuge called Tarass Shar Orn. Here they planned to hibernate until the Veilwalkers left normal space. But the Veilwalker named Dreamseeker infiltrated Tarass Shar Orn and transformed the dreams of the sleeping Harlass Orn into perpetual nightmares. Now the Dreamseeker slowly consumes their minds.

The Dreamers Awaken is a Savage Worlds adventure for 4-6 Veteran characters, with an estimated 25 hours of playing time. The characters must enter Tarass Shar Orn to free the sleeping Harlass Orn, battling the Dreamseeker's constructs before confronting the Veilwalker in its place of power: the Dream Realm, where the laws of physics do not apply and thought becomes reality.

The 64 page PDF contains all the information necessary to run the adventure.

The Dreamers Awaken naturally follows The Nine Towers Kith'takharos adventure. The basic Kith'takharos Setting is available for free in a rules agnostic format at www.whitehairedman.com.

2.99$ bei onebookshelf (rpgnow/drivethroughrpg)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Master Li am 8.06.2011 | 06:36

Fantasy Kompendium (http://www.spielekram.de/savage-worlds-fantasy-kompendium-p-2267.html)

Jetzt auch als PDF.

Zitat von: Spielekram
Das Fantasy-Kompendium ist randvoll mit klassischen und neu gestalteten Elementen, die du wahlweise in deine laufende Fantasy-Runde einbauen oder als Sprungbrett für eine neue Kampagne jenseits deiner kühnsten Vorstellungen nutzen kannst.

In diesem praktischen Werk findest du neue Fantasy-Rassen, einen Leitfaden für die Entwicklung eigener Rassen, Regeln für Kampfschulen und Duelle, detaillierte Regeln für Belagerungen und Befestigungen, neue Talente und arkane Hintergründe (unter anderem Ritualmagie), Regeln für Zauberausprägungen, eine komplette Liste aller Mächte (inklusive mehr als zwei Dutzend neuer), eine riesige Sammlung von magischen Gegenständen, zusätzliche Ausrüstung, mehr Rüstungen, Waffen und Materialien für selbige, sowie ein umfangreiches Bestiarium an Kreaturen und Schurken. Das Material der englischen Originalausgabe wurde dabei noch einmal überarbeitet und mit zusätzlichen Inhalten versehen.

Rüste deinen Zwergenkrieger mit brandneuen Talenten und einer legendären Axt aus, auf dass er schrecklichen Drachen, abscheulichen Dämonen und selbst den gefürchteten Riesenbienen gewachsen ist! Die Kompendien-Reihe beinhaltet neues genre-spezifisches Material, das bereits spielfertig aufbereitet ist – es kann sofort losgehen. Erweitere deine Möglichkeiten und steigere deinen Spaß: Hol dir noch heute ein Kompendium!

Bei dem PDF handelt es sich um die erratierte Fassung 1.1 des Fantasy Kompendiums. Zum Öffnen und Lesen der Datei wird der kostenlose Acrobat Reader benötigt.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.06.2011 | 21:21
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/7/73c8f1baa005ae28c213c5be71f31301.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=196)
Hellfrost - Heroes & Villains
Model: TAG31299
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 32
Price: €4.19 (TAG), €4.18 (DriveThruRPG)

The population of the winter-wracked northern lands is not particularly high, but it is varied. Commoners and nobles, mages and clerics, healers and warriors, merchants and thieves, wise men and fools, heroes and cowards, all walk the frozen realm.

Most have mundane dreams. They want to feed their families, earn enough money to pay their taxes, avoid being killed by some horrible beast, serve their lord loyally, survive another winter, and, when their time comes, die a peaceful and painless death.

But those the Norns have touched have greater goals, often affecting many lives. Some crave base things such as wealth and power, others desire revenge for actual or perceived wrongs, seek to unlock the mysteries of the world, complete a grand quest, slay monstrous beasts, defeat fell cults, be praised and renowned for their glorious actions, or simply make the world a better place. These are the men and women who, while they may not be the subject of skalds’ tales, will feature in them, for their destinies are intertwined with those the Norns have fated to be true heroes.

This supplement contains 31 fully detailed NPCs, both villainous and benevolent, ready to be dropped into any Hellfrost campaign or used as player characters.

This product is fully compatible with the forthcoming Savage Worlds Deluxe.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)

Zitat von: Neue Hindrances
Die Hindrances Clumsy (Major) und Inept (Minor/Major) sind NICHT Bestandteil von Savage Worlds Deluxe, sondern wurden im Rahmen dieses Projektes für Hellfrost entwickelt. Sie sind offizielle Optionalregeln.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.06.2011 | 09:56
(http://peginc.com/Art/Logos/FreeRPGDay2011.png) (http://www.freerpgday.com/index.htm)

Celebrate Free RPG Day with Pinnacle!

This Saturday will be Pinnacle's first participation in Free RPG Day, and we couldn't be more excited about it! In every Free RPG Day bundle, there's three copies of a brand-new, modern horror adventure from the dark mind of John Goff. The Wild Hunt may do for cross-country bus travel what Jaws did for ocean swimming!

Each copy of The Wild Hunt includes the adventure, a complete set of the Test Drive Rules for Savage Worlds, character hand-outs, and figure flats. Everything you need is right there, ready to go. [You do have your own dice, right? You'll need some of those, and they're mighty hard for us to print…]

If you're not familiar with Free RPG Day, it's pretty much what it sounds like. You can check out their Frequently Asked Questions or use their Store Locator to find your closest participating game retailer. It's all about having a good time and introducing more folks to roleplaying, so be sure to drop in and bring a friend.

Special Wild Hunt Guest GM Appearance!
If you happen to be around Merlyn's in Spokane, John Goff himself will be running the game this Saturday! Contact the store for final details.

Ergänzung: Wie mir Clint heute bestätigt hat, ist dies Abenteuer noch nach SWEX geschrieben. Allerdings wären eh keine Testdrive-Regeln vom Regelwechsel auf Deluxe betroffen, schrieb er weiterhin.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.06.2011 | 14:28
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/Images/WonderlandNoMore/WNMAdvDeck.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/ccount/click.php?id=30)
Wonderland No More Adventure Deck Freebie

Just in case your Wonderland No More games need a little more wonder we present the Wonderland No More Adventure Cards. A set of 56 cards specific to Wonderland (though you could use them in any Savage Worlds game if you want to!)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.06.2011 | 19:01
(http://realityblurs.com/shop/images/large/Cover_ID-KT4-40009_LRG.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=92429&filters=0_0_0_1600)
Iron Dynasty: Kesshi Tales #4: The Ruins of Rin
Author: Sean Preston
Page Count: 39 page PDF
Price: 2,08 € (DriveThruRPG)

The Ruins of Rin is the fourth installment in our popular Kesshi Tales series!

Our heroes escort a merchant who has business to do in the treacherous lands of Tahata Gaki, but stumble into an adventure far bigger than they anticipated. What rumbling machines and dark secrets shall they uncover in the ancient ruins? Will they live to tell the tale or shall the ravenous spirits of the dead send them to their doom?

For use with Iron Dynasty: Way of the Ronin from Reality Blurs.

Iron Dynasty: Way of the Ronin is a setting for the award-winning Savage Worlds system.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: SWorD84 am 20.06.2011 | 12:12
Der Savage-Gen hat ein Versionsupdate bekommen: 1.3.0

Die neue Version beinhaltet fast alle Listen aus dem Fantasy Kompendium. Da das Einbinden der magischen Gegenstände und der Rüstungsmaterialien einen sehr hohen Aufwand darstellt, haben wir uns dazu entschieden Euch zunächst eine Version ohne diese beiden Listen zur Verfügung zu stellen.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.06.2011 | 05:56
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/f/f4d042fcb1b41f09b9b636822a81e940.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=197)
Hellfrost - Region Guide #42: Sutmark
Model: TAG31242
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 6
Price: €1.39 (TAG), €1.40 (DriveThruRPG)

Once a prosperous realm, Sutmark has seen a rapid decline in fortunes. Political machinations in Ostmark strip it of its trade routes, while the massive lizardman army batters at the walls of Ostvik. If either trade or army fails, Sutmark will swiftly fall, overrun by hordes of scaly invaders and their thunderlizards. The fate of the nation hangs in the balance.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.06.2011 | 22:59
Savage Worlds Deluxe Saturday!

This Saturday is all about the new Savage Worlds Deluxe, the new edition of the core rulebook. This 160-page, full-color, full-size hardback provides the complete Savage Worlds rules, updates and new material, new art, more examples, an expanded Setting Rules section, and Designer Notes to give you an insight into the development. Making its world debut this Saturday, you can get your hands on it in a number of different ways:

Buy Savage Worlds Deluxe PDF on CD Saturday at Origins:
You can grab the PDF of Savage Worlds Deluxe on special limited-edition CD at the Studio 2 Publishing booth at Origins. Be the envy of your gaming neighborhood and lord it over your friends.
Preorder Savage Worlds Deluxe Saturday:
Starting Saturday, you'll be able to preorder a physical copy of the book on our web store for delivery as soon as full stocks are available (currently expected by September, with possible prerelease copies at GenCon). You can also preorder the print book at the Studio 2 Publishing booth—preorders at the booth include free domestic shipping, as well!
Get the Savage Worlds Deluxe Preorder Bundle Saturday on the Web:
If you can't be at Origins and just can't wait for the books to arrive, this bundle is for you. You'll get the physical book shipped directly to you as soon as stocks are in and—more importantly—you'll receive the PDF immediately! Oh, and you'll get a discount, too! How can you beat a deal like that?
Get the Savage Worlds Deluxe Mega Bundle Saturday on the Web:
You want more? You got it. The Savage Worlds Deluxe Mega Bundle includes everything in the Preorder Bundle, plus the Savage Worlds Action & Adventure Decks, including all the promotional cards! Like all our preorder bundles, these special deals are only available until the books are in, so act fast!
Download the Savage Worlds Deluxe PDF Saturday on the Web:
If you can't get your limited edition CD at Origins, the Savage Worlds Deluxe PDF will be available on our web store starting this Saturday with all the other web store options. ["Saturday" for the web store will look an awful lot like approximately Friday at midnight Eastern US Time, by the way.]

Don't let time pass you by—get your copies as soon as you can. If nothing else, you can cut down on how long your gaming buddies can be all smug about their copies, and isn't that what really matters?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.06.2011 | 23:09
(http://peginc.com/Art/TheWildHunt.png) (http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/TheWildHuntDownload.pdf)

The Wild Hunt nun auch als PDF!

Auf vielfachen Wunsch stellt Pinnacle ihr Demo-Abenteuer zum Free RPG Day 2011 als kostenlosen Download zur Verfügung.

Vergesst nicht euch auch den Bus zum Abenteuer (http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/SW_WildHunt_Papercraft_CharterBus.pdf) herunterzuladen.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 22.06.2011 | 08:20
RunePunk: Jobbers Tales #2: No Man's Land


Jobbers Tales #2: No Man's Land takes the jobbers into the barren of Bentshadow and down beneath the earth as they encounter ancient dangers hidden beneath the Penfold Mines. Wits and weapons are the watchword in this rollicking, action packed adventure for RunePunk!

In our signature, streamlined digest form, each Jobber's Tale is self-contained and integrates seamlessly with our RunePunk Guidebook Series.

3$ bei Onebookshelf
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.06.2011 | 05:37
(http://mysticalthrone-ent.com/savageinsider/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/MTE-Savage-Insider-Issue-1.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=92629&filters=0_0_0_1600)

Savage Insider Issue 1

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Savage Insider - a new [freely available] electronic magazine dedicated to Savage Worlds. This first issue is filled with new Savage Worlds content, fiction, licensee information, and an introduction to several Savage Worlds licensees.

Inside you will find:
Savage Insider is a quarterly eZine dedicated to Savage Worlds, its licensees, and the community. It is a collaborative effort between Savage Worlds licensees and fans and is published through Mystical Throne Entertainment. It is supported by the many licensees and fans using an exchange method. Those who contribute content or artwork are offered a full-page advertisement. If you are interested in becoming a contributor to Savage Insider, please contact the Editor-in-Chief.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.06.2011 | 22:29

Gentleman's Edition ausverkauft!
Neue Edition in Sicht!

Nachdem im den letzten Wochen immer wieder geschrieben wurde, dass die Gentleman's Edition so gut wie ausverkauft sei, darf ich dies nun endlich bestätigen: Die Gentleman's Edition IST ausverkauft. Sowohl Ulisses als auch wir haben kein einziges Exemplar mehr auf Lager. Wer noch eines der Bücher sein Eigen nennen möchte, sollte also fix den Lieblingsshop seiner Wahl aufsuchen, denn als nächstes darf ich verkünden: Wenn das Buch weg ist, ist es weg. Die Gentleman's Edition, so toll sie auch ist, wird in ihrer aktuellen Form nämlich nicht neu aufgelegt. Die doch recht zahlreichen Änderungen des in Kürze erscheinenden Savage Worlds: Deluxe gehen auch an der deutschen Ausgabe nicht spurlos vorbei, so dass man wirklich von einer neuen Edition sprechen muss. Ich kann euch aber versprechen, dass das Buch nur besser und besser wird. Neben den neuen Inhalten ist das Buch auch besser strukturiert, eingängiger, lesbarer und deutlich leichter am Spieltisch zu benutzen. Anbei schon mal das neue Cover. Im Laufe der Woche gibt es weitere Infos mit einem detaillierten Ausblick auf die Edition, den Erscheinungstermin etc. Hier jedoch erstmal das neue Cover...

Bleibt Savage!

Christian Loewenthal
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.07.2011 | 10:10
Scairy Tales

Scairy Tales (https://sites.google.com/site/engineofthwaak/home/scairytales) is a setting originally written for the 1st edition of Savage Worlds. Therefore it has never been updated for the various rule changes and reprints.

It was originally intended to be published by PEGinc, but in the time between when I was given the green light to write it, and when I completed it in 2007, management changed, requirements changed...just a whole lot changed. Suffice to say, Scairy Tales remains a bittersweet memory of good times with Shane and Co. and a whole lot of what-could-have-been. I've no desire to update it. I'm sure someone enterprising will make do and convert what is necessary.

I give it away now for free having finally given up on the idea that my baby will one day be published. Maps will be posted shortly.

-Brent Wolke
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.07.2011 | 06:47
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/4/4080f545c8f54cec2a41e39d367ab89c.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=198)
Hellfrost - Region Guide #43: Angarion
Model: TAG31243
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 6
Price: €1.39 (TAG), €1.37 (DriveThruRPG)

Angarion, the last remnants of an ancient forest, is home to the largest population of hearth elves in Rassilon. Here they dwell in harmony with the world, shunning contact with other races and defending their homes with lethal efficiency as they have done for time immemorial. Their numbers are dwindling, but they remain resolute in holding to the old ways of their ancestors.Much of the material in this work applies to all hearth elf domains.

This product also provides cultural details on the hearth elves, as well as exploring their origins.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Deep_Flow am 10.07.2011 | 11:48
Ennie Nominierungen (http://www.ennie-awards.com/blog/?page_id=2156) für SW Produkte:

- Space 1889: Red Sands

Best Setting

Best Supplement

- Temporal Probability Agency: To Predict and to Serve

Best Electronic Book
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Deep_Flow am 10.07.2011 | 20:24
Vorschaukapitel (http://12tomidnight.com/2009/sneak-peek-etu-degrees-of-horror/) zu ETU: Degrees of Horror

Quasi Pinebox als Setting...

Steht dort schon länger drin, aber für mich war es neu...
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Harlan am 13.07.2011 | 09:38
Die neueste Edition des Savage-Worlds-Regelsystems ist seit heute gestern im Druck und wird voraussichtlich am 18. August 2011 erscheinen. Das Buch könnt ihr für 34,95 EUR in unserem Shop oder bei jedem gut sortierten Fachhändler vorbestellen (http://www.spielekram.de/rollenspiele-savage-worlds-deutsch-gentlemans-edition-revised-p-2332.html). Um die Ungeduldigen unter euch nicht zu lange auf die Folter zu spannen, haben wir die PDF-Fassung der SW:GER (http://www.spielekram.de/gentlemans-edition-revised-p-2333.html) auch direkt online gestellt, die ihr hier für 14,95 EUR kaufen könnt. Da in den letzten Monaten immer wieder danach gefragt wurde, bieten wir euch die beiden Bücher (Hardcover und digital) zum ersten Mal in einem exklusiven Vorbesteller-Bundle (http://www.spielekram.de/rollenspiele-savage-worlds-deutsch-gentlemans-edition-revised-printpdf-vorbesteller-bundle-p-2334.html) für günstige 42 Euro an.

Savage Worlds Deluxe Changes: New Chase Rules

Remember when we said that we'd make the changes from Savage Worlds: Explorer's Edition to Savage Worlds Deluxe available as PDFs? I thought you did. Well, that starts today.

The new Chase Rules from Savage Worlds Deluxe (http://peginc.com/Downloads/SWD/SWDUpdates_ChaseRules.pdf) are now available from our Downloads page. Watch this space as we roll out the rest of the changes in the coming weeks!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.07.2011 | 17:36
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/7/7158b6d5ca35ca9a9d513c559091ac37.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=202)
Hellfrost - Region Guide #44: The Borderlands
Model: TAG31244
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 6
Price: €1.39 (TAG), €1.39 (DriveThruRPG)

The loose confederation of villages and towns that make up this frontier land have weathered the terrors of the Liche-Priest and the ravages of the Blizzard War. Orcs, giants,and beastmen are constant threats, yet the Borderlands remains a bustling center of trade. Here there are plentiful opportunities to earn money and glory. There is also much danger.

Within this realm lie the haunted sites of Blair Claigionn and the Blood Wall; the great temple to Eostre Plantmother at Doiregart; the dwarven city of Karad Narog, beset by internal divisions; the swine loving settlement of Pig Fort; the doom-laden village of Piper's Hill; and the mobile vagabond village known as Thiefton. 

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.07.2011 | 06:01
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/750/93337.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=93337)
Wellstone City: Schroedinger's Box
Model: SGG12010
Author: Kevin Rohan
Page Count: 26
Price: €1.83 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/93337-sample.pdf)
Jerry "The Rat" Pauluzi has crossed sold out, and almost every major crime syndicate in town either wants him dead or has pulled their protection from him.  With a few well-placed calls and a letter from the Black Dragons, even the PCs catch wind of his location; a hardened hotel used for witness protection in extreme cases.  The Black Dragons want him out alive, while everyone else has a price on his head so big that it's scaring the small fish away, but the big time hitters are all drooling at the chance to hit Jerry and cash in big-time.  On top of that, even the FBI guarding Jerry are salivating at the price-tag around his neck, and some of them have agreed to work together to take the little rat out themselves...

This adventure is the fifth adventure in the Wellstone City Chronicles for the Wellstone City setting.  This adventure for the Wellstone City Savage Worlds setting  is 26 pages that drops the PCs into a meat grinder, but if they make it out alive, they will become extremely wealthy.

The adventure is geared for 3 to 6 PCs and extra NPCs are listed in the book to help ramp up the difficulty for either advanced characters or more players.  It can be used in conjuction with the other Wellstone City Chronicles, and it can be used in any order with them.  Grab this fourth installment of the Wellstone City modern urban adventure arc today!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.07.2011 | 06:40
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/93345.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=93345&filters=0_0_0_1600)
Beasts & Barbarians: Dread Sea Dominions Map
Author/Artist: Justin David Russell
Page Count: 1
Price: Free (DriveThruRPG)

Welcome to the dangerous Dread Sea Dominions, a place where mighty barbarians do combat with hideous monsters, dark warlocks whisper terrible sorceries in forgotten
temples and noble amazons duel in the sun scorched arenas of Faberterra, capital of a decadent empire!

This free map, taken from the Player`s Guide, can be a great handout on your B&B games!

Gird your lions, get your broadsword ready and prepare to face the threats of Beasts and Barbarians, the new sword and sorcery open setting from GRAmel!

The main book will be published August 1st, with free pregenerated characters! Another free adventure will be published shortly after that - and another materials will be published later.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.07.2011 | 23:27
(http://realityblurs.com/shop/images/large/Cover_REB10011_LRG.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?currency=EUR&products_id=93401&src=sub)
RunePunk Jobbers Tales #3: The Secret of Trees
Author: Sean Preston
Page Count: 28
Price: €2.09 (DriveThruRPG)

Jobbers Tales #3: The Secret of Trees is an adventure for Seasoned jobbers set in WormWood, a district of dark shadows and decaying buildings. Everywhere, there are trees of stone, petrified reminders of the Old World. People long to unlock their secrets, but what dark magic has brought them to life, filled with an unbridled rage and a wanton thirst for destruction? Can the jobbers find out before it's too late?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.07.2011 | 23:15
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/93464.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=93464&filters=0_0_0_1600)
Beasts & Barbarians: Player's Guide
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Page Count: 75
Price: €4.88 (DriveThruRPG)

Welcome to the dangerous Dread Sea Dominions, a place where mighty barbarians combat with hideous monsters, dark warlocks whisper terrible sorceries in forgotten temples and noble amazons duel in the sun scorched arenas of Faberterra, capital of a decadent empire!
Gird your lions and loins, get your broadsword ready and prepare to face the threats of Beasts and Barbarians, the new sword and sorcery open setting from GRAmel!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.08.2011 | 11:00
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/93578.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=93578&filters=0_0_0_0&free=1)
Beasts & Barbarians Pregenerated Characters
Author/Artist: Alessandro Yoshi Polliotti
Page Count: 6
Price: Free (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/93578-sample.pdf)
We are proud to present our first fan product - a pregenerated characters prepared by Alessandro Yoshi Polliotti - a playterster of B&B. Those characters and pics used here were prepared for the first group of Beasts and Barbarians players! I hope that you will like that small freebie!

Bear in mind that it is an amateur product!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.08.2011 | 10:36
(http://realityblurs.com/shop/images/large/Cover_ID-GB6-40012_LRG.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=93631)
Iron Dynasty: Guidebook #6 - Hinote Shima
Author: Sean Preston
Page Count: 41 page PDF
Price: 2,10 € (DriveThruRPG)

Corners of Konoyo, the Iron Dynasty Guidebook Series, provides even more information about your favorite Heavy Metal Oriental setting!

Guidebook #6 takes you beyond the mainland to the island province of Hinote Shima, known for its open disdain of Ikusa Kokoro as much as its decadence. On the surface, much looks tranquil, but what marks has the Transformation left upon the people of this island kingdom?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.08.2011 | 11:25
[Mythical Entertainment] MERCENARY BREED *PLAYTEST SOON*

Mercenary Breed (http://mysticalthrone-ent.com/?p=87) is the first Premium Content product being published through the Savage Insider (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=92629) magazine. Mercenary Breed is designed as a Savage Worlds mini-setting that will grow through standard issue releases of Savage Insider. The core setting guide is released as the Premium Content and creates the space opera sandbox framework including charts for race, home world, and corporation creation, a loosely defined setting history, new mechanics for renown (which removes the need to purchase standard equipment), along with example creations for getting your setting started or to be used as a design reference.

Playtesting will open very soon and here is the first draft of the official description.

Mercenary Breed is a space opera sandbox setting where inter-planetary corporations employ mercenaries to enforce laws and enact justice against those who perform oppositional activities.

Mercenary Breed is designed to be an interactive creation between the players and the GM where freedom is given to create new races, home worlds, backgrounds, and history that can directly affect the designed game setting. Tools are included to make this process a bit easier.

By taking full advantage of the fast, fun, and flexible mechanics of Savage Worlds, one’s setting is allowed to become a mixture of virtually any genre. Considering the underlining space opera appeal, PCs can come into contact with a medieval world filled with powerful shaman or high-tech worlds secured by high-powered sentinels.

The sandbox-style setting allows the players to become fully absorbed into the setting by adding their own bits and pieces to the overall setting. This helps the GM to create a framework filled with flavor and a bit of everyone’s imagination. Player characters are only limited to a player’s imagination and a GMs way of creating a balanced racial background. Four races are included to give direction or to simply use for virtually any adventure or campaign. Additional races, backgrounds, home worlds, bestiary, and many other items will be introduced through standard Savage Insider issue distribution. These will be readily available to help anyone’s sandbox develop and grow in different or new directions.

Characters follow the standard Savage Worlds creation method except there are no defined races. Players are encouraged to design their own races and allow the GM to assign a racial background. The sandbox setting can thus grow and change across multiple players as they add their own unique flavor. A little bit of balancing creates a setting that everyone can enjoy and contributes to. But don’t worry, there is still a human-equivalent race for those who do not want a racial background.

The purpose of Mercenary Breed is two-fold: perform the missions for your employer and gain enough renown to live a lavish lifestyle. Mercenaries enforce the laws laid forth by their employers and enact any swift justice necessary. This could range from a simple investigation into criminal activities or protecting a new civilization to a full rescue and recovery of a valuable transport ship that was breached by a hostile alien race.

However, working for inter-planetary corporations has its benefits. One does not need to purchase standard weapons, armor, and housing but rather requisition them depending upon their reputation, known as renown. The more status the mercenary gains, the better the equipment they receive and better the lifestyle they can live.

The more missions a mercenary completes, and the more difficult, the more renown they earn from the corporation. Gain enough renown and you can own a condominium on the 300th floor of the highest building or be given your own island within the warmest parts of the largest sea. Just remember, gaining renown is not always easy and you may find yourself face-to-face with an entire army of giant steam-powered sentries waiting to crush you under-boot.

Regardless of the sci-fi action and adventure experience you’re looking for, it’s all possible with Mercenary Breed. The core setting guide gives you the base tools and framework necessary to create a extraordinary setting of your own filled with creatures sourcing from the imagination of the players. Mercenary Breed is meant to be interactive and social along with being fun, fast, and flexible.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.08.2011 | 20:24
(http://realityblurs.com/shop/images/large/Cover_REB10012_LRG.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=93861&filters=0_0_0_1600)
RunePunk: Guidebook #4 - The GearLost Vale
Author: Sean Preston
Page Count: 19 page PDF
Price: 2,11 € (DriveThruRPG)

The GearLost Vale is a rolling expanse of myth and mystery, little explored until late. Many have disappeared within its depths, whether by going to prove their bravery or by seeking redemption for past deeds. The promise of blood now causes travelers to again venture into this sparse land and the din of crowds echo from the coliseums and across the lands. Will your jobbers see for themselves what treasures await them, hidden, in the GearLost Vale?

We present this in our signature, streamlined digest size for easy reading on your computer or on the go!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 16.08.2011 | 08:25
Schon etwas länger raus, aber irgendwie nicht erwähnt.

Gun Metal Games bastelt am dem Setting Totem of the Dead. (Indianer und Wikinger + Übernatürliches)

Hier kann man die ersten 40 Seiten des Setting herunterladen. (http://www.gunmetalgames.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/totems-of-the-dead-preview.pdf)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.08.2011 | 01:08
(http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/images/TheCarnivalOfNalSagath.png) (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=100&products_id=3508)
Beasts & Barbarians: The Carnival of Nal Sagath *FREEBIE*
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Page Count: 4

The heroes arrive in Nal Sagath during the Carnival. On this day, to celebrate their freedom from Tricarnian rule, the local people put on strange costumes and masks, play tricks of all kinds, and there is a general merry atmosphere. The party has some time to enjoy the feast and eat and drink at leisure.

What the people of Nal Sagath no longer know is that a colony of old, twisted creatures lives in the dark tunnels under the town. The Palemen constantly spy on the townspeople through sewer grates and hidden passages. In particular, they are obsessed with Dalla, the beautiful blonde daughter of the innkeeper, and wonder how great it would be to have such a precious gem in their dark kingdom...

This is a free adventure for GRamel's Beasts & Barbarians sword-and-sorcery fantasy setting for Savage Worlds.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Harlan am 17.08.2011 | 10:08
Terminverschiebung für die Gentleman's Edition Revised

Dieses Produkt wird voraussichtlich am 01.09.2011 erscheinen. (http://www.spielekram.de/gentlemans-edition-revised-p-2332.html)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 18.08.2011 | 06:48
Iron Dynasty: Kesshi Tales #6


Through the use of great, forgotten magics, the kesshi are drawn to the snow swept heights of the towering peaks of northern Hinote Shima. There, strange, isolated visitors pull them into a fight for their lives and the very future of all Konoyo! It is time for the kesshi to prove they are worthy of their reputations as they struggle against celestial might and tougai in this exciting tale, Fire & Ice.

In our streamlined, signature format, Kesshi Tales #6 pushes the kesshi to their limits and beyond.

For use with Iron Dynasty: Way of the Ronin from Reality Blurs.

Iron Dynasty: Way of the Ronin is a setting for the award-winning Savage Worlds system.

41 Seite für 3$ bei Onebookshelf

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 19.08.2011 | 06:51
Seal the Rift!


He waited, standing like a statue just inside the entrance of the Administration Wing. He had not moved in a thousand years, having no need of food or rest, and never suffering from fatigue. He existed to serve his master, which gave him pleasure. And every moment of those thousand years was pleasing, for his Master had bid him to wait.

Then a whisper of thought brushed his mind. His eyes regained focus and he turned his head, recognizing the pyramid of mummified Harlass Orn corpses he had carefully assembled so long ago. He sensed his Master's voice, faint yet unmistakable. The rift had opened again, and Agurth-Plaga called to him.

Months have passed since the Harlass Orn were freed from the Veilwalker Dreamseeker in The Dreamers Awaken adventure. One of the survivors, the scholar-mage Zzhastor Brune, learns that the people of Kith'takharos have begun using the ancient Harlass Orn Teleportation Towers. These towers precipitated the Harlass Orn downfall, for the magic employed in tower teleportation opened a rift that allowed the extra-dimensional Veilwalkers to enter normal space and destroy the Harlass Orn.

Seal the Rift! is a Savage Worlds adventure for 4-6 Heroic characters, with an estimated 15 hours of playing time. Zzhastor Brune teleports the characters into Nhamah, where they will navigate the automated defenses before confronting a powerful Veilwalker construct determined to prevent the Aether Bind from being activated.

This 42 page PDF contains all the information necessary to run the adventure.

The basic Kith'takharos Setting is available for free in a rules agnostic format at www.whitehairedman.com.

Für 3$ bei onebookshelf
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.08.2011 | 05:19
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/b/beecc60b7ccb2e2bb2f5de3b78363e84.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=205)
Hellfrost - Region Guide #45: The Abyss
Model: TAG31245
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 12
Price: €2.79 (TAG), €2.78 (DriveThruRPG)

The Abyss is the realm of the damned, where those who commit terrible sins in life or die without a patron deity are sent to suffer for eternity. This supplement takes a look at the denizens of the Abyss and the depraved, black-hearted mortals who traffic with them. It is not an adventurers’ guide to exploring the hellish realm or laying waste to its near godlike rulers. Nor is it a supplement of hard facts and absolutes. Instead, it presents a variety of commonly held opinions, any of which might be true.

Included inside are popular theories on the origin and nature of demons, the various realms where sinners are sent, demonic magic, sample demon lords, and a host of new demons with which to terrorize the characters.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 23.08.2011 | 13:41
Roland (https://shop.strato.de/epages/15455106.sf/sec49629b320f/?ObjectPath=/Shops/15455106/Categories) hat jetzt die Deluxe Ausgabe vorrätig.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.08.2011 | 07:41
(http://realityblurs.com/shop/images/large/Cover_REB10013_LRG.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=94272&filters=0_0_0_1600)
RunePunk Jobbers Tales #4: Acts of Contrition
Author: Sean Preston
Page Count: 31
Price: €2.08 (DriveThruRPG), €2.20 (RB Store)

Jobbers Tales #4: Acts of Contrition pulls the jobbers into inner-district intrigues and into the mystery and machinations of Blood City below the devastation found in the GearLost Vale. What happens when the characters take an offer they can't refuse and find themselves caught up in the seamiest elements they've encountered yet.

In our signature, streamlined digest form, each Jobber's Tale is self-contained and integrates seamlessly with our RunePunk Guidebook Series.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.08.2011 | 07:32
[Fan Setting] Savage Space by Chaosmeister fertig!

(http://chaosmeister.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/cover2.jpg?w=115&h=150) (http://wp.me/p1yULn-iS)

Hello all, it is complete. After weeks of work and a lot of feedback the complete PDF is now available on my blog. I will send it over to Savage Heroes after a bit. I want to wait for feedback and fix any last errors that are found.

An overview of the contents:

I am happy this is finished and I could not have done it without the help of steelbrok, Lord Karick, jasales and many others! This here is really the greatest and most helpfull RPG community I was ever part of. I really can not thank you all enough!

If you are interested head over to my Blog (http://wp.me/p1yULn-iS) to download it. I would love to hear what you think, no matter if good or bad.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.08.2011 | 15:28
(http://realityblurs.com/shop/images/large/Cover_OSF8-SW-Light&Dark_LRG.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=94477&filters=0_0_0_1600)
Old School Fantasy #8: Light & Dark
Author: Dave Olson
Page Count: 44
Price: €2.07 (DriveThruRPG), €2.20 (RB Store)

In Old School Fantasy #8, all is not as it seems. Corruption is a powerful force, one that few understand and even less learn to control. A terrible plague is sweeping throughout the land, infecting hundreds of people, and its source seems to come from the walled city of Hopewell. Brave heroes become entangled in dire affairs as terrible events unfold around them. Only by following the corruption to its hideous source and confronting the terrible powers that lurk behind it can the heroes hope to triumph. But is it too late for them already?

Light & Dark is the next installment in Reality Blurs' Old School Fantasy line of adventure modules. Hearken back to the days of legend and lore, when your spells, swords, and smarts alone kept the forces of evil at bay.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Korig am 31.08.2011 | 16:54
Erneute Verschiebung der SW-GER

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 5.09.2011 | 21:26

Know, noble reader, that before you lies a savage new world of sword and sorcery like no other.

A terrible new age has dawned upon the Untamed Lands. The shining age of the ancestors is crumbling beneath a rising tide of blood and slaughter. Here lie the civilizations of the Untamed Lands, warring with their neighbors just to survive as their crops and game dwindle. The Skadians with their dragon-prowed ships, the Shenese with their wealth of silk and steel, the Maztlani with their obsidian edged blades and the Tribal Confederacies with the unbreakable strength of many arrows. Ruskar invaders stain the snow crimson while Atlantean war parties ravage the eastern shores. Meanwhile the serpent folk lie coiled to strike the warring human nations.

Hither lies a land in need of heroes.

Gird yourself for adventure and harden your heart against nameless things lurking in shadow. Explore the cliff-side ruins of the ancient Stone Shapers and seek treasures in the abandoned monuments of the Mound Raisers. Face off against vile sorcerers, simian sasquatch, the impervious Uktena serpent and ravenous wendigo or beat back elder horrors reawakened from ages long past. Live, love, slay and celebrate each victory as though it may be your last.

In this the Players Guide to the Untamed Lands, you will find a wealth of information including:
• A plethora of human cultures for you to play
• New weapons and equipment!
• New edges including Legendary edges!
• A magic system fitting for the sword and sorcery genre
• New arcane backgrounds such as the blood mage and rune caster
• New setting rules

This 160 page pdf is fully bookmarked, indexed and is layered for easy viewing and printing. It is best viewed in the latest version of Adobe acrobat.

Für ~10€ bei onebookshelf
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.09.2011 | 05:53
Hellfrost Freebie: The Rassilon Star Chart (http://tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Rassilon_Star_Chart.pdf)

As a teaser for the forthcoming Godsheim supplement, I've stuck the star chart up as a freebie. It doesn't list the names of the constellations, as that's in the text, so I've included them below. I'm no web whizz, so a proper link via the relevant pages will be done later. For now click here (http://tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Rassilon_Star_Chart.pdf).

Please note that north is at the bottom of the page. It's designed to be held above your head, the image facing toward you, at which point the bottom becomes the top and north is in the right place.

0 The Secret Sign (not on the chart)
1 The Compass
2 The Stag-Headed Hunter
3 The Flaming Cloak
4 The Opening Door
5 The Harp of Rhiannon
6 The Shieldmaiden
7 The White Eye
8 The Storm Dragon
9 Herald of the Sun
10 The Secret Font
11 The Leaving Tree
12 The Blade
13 The Warrior
14 The Balanced Scale
15 The Screamer in the Dark
16 The Loom
17 The Forgemistress
18 The Anvil
19 The Vermin King
20 The Hellfrost Dragon
21 The Scield
22 The Merchant's Scale
23 The Necromancer
24 The Swan (aka The Lovers)
25 The Vacant Throne
26 The White Mother
27 The Everfull Jug
28 The Watcher

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.09.2011 | 23:23
(http://mysticalthrone-ent.com/savageinsider/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/MTE21011-Mercenary-Breed-Thumbnail.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=94800)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Mercenary Breed
Model: MTE21011
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Page Count: 39
Price: €3.52 (DriveThruRPG)

Mercenary Breed is a space opera sandbox setting where inter-planetary corporations employ mercenaries to enforce laws and enact justice against those who perform oppositional activities.

No matter what kind of sci-fi action and adventure experience you're looking for, it's all possible with Mercenary Breed. The core setting guide gives you the base tools and framework necessary to create a extraordinary setting of your own filled with creatures sourcing from the imagination of the players. Mercenary Breed is meant to be interactive and social along with being fun, fast, and flexible.

Inside the Mercenary Breed core setting guide you will find:
Watch for additional content to be released within the standard quarterly issues of Savage Insider (http://savageinsider.mysticalthrone-ent.com/)!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.09.2011 | 10:11
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/9/992826e66152e50a9675dc74e879aa78.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=209)
Hellfrost - Region Guide #46: Godsheim
Model: TAG31246
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 13
Price: €2.79 (TAG), €2.89 (DriveThruRPG)

The nature of the Afterlife and the homes of the gods have kept imaginations fired and fueled debate for millennia. Every race, culture, and nation has its own opinions. Yet even these are not set in stone, for different generations apply their own interpretations to holy texts and the myths of old, shaping them to fit current events and mores so they remain pertinent to worshippers. This supplement provides an overview of Godsheim, a realm shaped by the beliefs of mortals.

This Region Guide explores the gods' halls and the major geographic features of their celestial realm, the nature of celestial events, and the major constellations. A star chart of the night sky completes the supplement.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.09.2011 | 14:50
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/671/94945.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=94945&filters=0_0_0_1600)
RunePunk Guidebook #5: ChalkChain
Author: Sean Preston
Page Count: 19
Price: €2.20 (DriveThruRPG), €2.20 (RB Store)

Ready for ChalkChain? Bring out your dead! With the rare exception of an andari, people die across ScatterPoint each and every day. Most citizens wind up in ChalkChain which is known as the Dead District and the Last Stop. People come frequently to mourn their losses or to do genealogical research at the Hall of Records. What secrets will the jobbers find beyond the false facades and formaldehyde?

We present this in our signature, streamlined digest size for easy reading on your computer or on the go!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.09.2011 | 11:12
Neuer B&B Freebie verfügbar: Body Paint (http://wydawnictwogramel.pl/download/war_paint.pdf)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.09.2011 | 04:21
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/7/7db59d782c9df04cfea9564abf94f8dc.image.355x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=210)
Hellfrost: Saga of the Frost Giants *PRE-ORDER*
Model: TAG10101
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 176, Softcover
Price: €16.09

Anmerkung: Die Figure Flats und Factories sind natürlich nicht enthalten, was bei diesen 4 Abenteuern besonders schmerzt. Sie wird es in naher Zukunft mit den Figuren anderer Abenteuer gesammelt als eigenständiges Produkt geben.


Take up arms & fight the evil frost giant Jarl Hrimwulf the Grim in this epic mini-campaign.

Welcome to Saga of the Frost Giants!

Shadow of Darkness: Joining a caravan as guards is a way to earn good money, though it is not without its risks. Having signed up as guards, the heroes are about to take part in a journey from the lands around Hellfrost Keep, to the distant Saxa steads of the Icebarrier Mountains. The caravan must weather many goblin attacks but it soon becomes clear the goblins are not acting alone. Something more powerful is behind their attacks, something with grander plans than a few raids.

Siege of Watchgap Fort: With night falling, the strong walls of the Fort offer sanctuary. Or so you thought, for no sooner have the heroes settled down when an alarm is raised -- a goblin army is besieging Watchgap Fort! Will you answer the call to arms, or will your courage fail you when it is most needed?

The Heart of Winter: Summer draws near, and the village of Torton is preparing for its annual festival in honor of Thunor. It is a time of celebration and happiness, and the heroes are welcome guests. But hidden away from the warmth, a creature of terrible cold plots and plans the destruction of the world. Through the awesome power of the winter god, Thrym, the servant of evil plans to bring about the Fimbulvintr. Should it succeed, the Hearthlands will be punged into perpetual winter. The cry goes out for heroes! Are the characters ready to face their greatest threat? Is their destiny to destroy the Heart of Winter or die trying?

The Frost Giant’s Hold: Three times the heroes have interfered in the plans of Jarl Hrimwulf the Grim, and three times the heroes have vanquished the jarl’s minions. But now the Norns have decreed the final act must play out between the mighty frost giant and the mortal adventurers. At stake is nothing less that the fate of the Hearthlands. After facing death on the shores of White Lake battle must be taken to The Frost Giant’s Hold!

Hellfrost Saga of the Frost Giants is designed to be used with the Hellfrost Player’s Guide, Bestiary & Gazetteer using the award winning Savage Worlds RPG.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.09.2011 | 13:27
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/95199.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=95199&filters=0_0_40050_1600)
Beasts & Barbarians: Death of the Tyrant
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Model: B&B100071
Page Count: 44
Price: €3.70 (DriveThruRPG)

Beasts & Barbarians Adventure 1

Deep in the Red Desert, the cruel Tyrant of Quollaba rules the City of Gems with an iron fist. The population is terrified by the foreign soldiers and the dark magic of their evil master.

The situation hasn't changed for more than ten years. But now someone is conspiring in the shadows to purge this injustice from the world - someone who doesn't fear soldiers or magic, someone who, with the might of his sword and the courage of his soul, will free Quollaba from the darkness it has been under for too long.

Dare you be one of these souls?

Night missions, breathtaking chases, fights among the desert sands, and many other dangers await you in the first adventure of the Beasts and Barbarians series!

Book of Lore Bonus: The Red Desert!

In this appendix you'll find extensive background on this sandy land, with its strange and dangerous plants, animals and other weird creatures. You'll learn a lot on the customs of the Nomads Tribes, the only people who manages to live in such a hard place. Sitting around their campfires eating mutton and smoking Red Lotus, you'll hear legends of Djnni, demons and Crystal Beasts, and will learn all the dangers of dealing with Red Nomads.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.10.2011 | 15:29
Ein vorläufiges SW Deluxe-Update  für Hellfrost (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/SWD_Conversion.pdf) ist verfügbar!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 6.10.2011 | 22:20
So es gab etliche neue pdfs für SW:

Savage Insider Issue 2


Savage Insider Issue 2: How the Dice Roll is all about what the community does with their gaming. The pillar article, Savage Worlds as an Educational Tool, takes a look how to turn role-playing games into a tool for homeschooling.

How the Dice Roll is a cross-genre issue with content covering fantasy, sci-fi, and horror along with supporting general interest articles.

Issue 2 includes the following:

    3 fleshed out adversaries
    9 new weapons
    A Savage Insider exclusive add-on for Beasts & Barbarians
    Part 2 of the Crypt of the Crystal Lich fiction series
    The first in the Echoes of Rome fiction series
    Part 2 of the Deadlands comics series The Kid
    A sci-fi adventure
    And much more!

Kostenlos bei onebookshelf zu bekommen.

Iron Dynasty: Guidebook #8


Corners of Konoyo, the Iron Dynasty Guidebook Series, provides even more information about your favorite Heavy Metal Oriental setting!

Doragon Mizu is a largely lawless string of islands in the southern waters filled with pirates and adventure! What are the secrets of the Dragon Princes? What keeps them together? What keeps them apart from the rest of the world? Let your kesshi explore these distant lands and learn about the people who pride themselves on individuality and freedom above all else.
Random encounter tables keyed specifically for the province, with all new people and creatures, fully immerse you into the setting more than ever before!

In our streamlined, signature format you know and love, Guidebook #8 awaits you!

Für 2,25€ bei onebookshelf

Totems of the Dead: Game Master's Guide to the Untamed lands


Know, brave wanderers, that we live in the dawn of a terrible new age. Our great-grandfathers
speak of an age undreamed of, a shining time of plenty, when the wilderness was
not so wild to us and the earth was our mother who provided all things. That was before
drought and famine set each tribe at the throats of its rivals. Before the sorcerer-slavers came
across the salt-foamed sea from Atlantis and stole a generation of our people, or the Sea
Wolves turned the coast into a red tide of blood and slaughter. Before the Shenites and Skadians
came with their new gods and strange ways, and before we knew the fear of Ruskar
war parties. More ominous still are the dark storm clouds gathering on spiritual horizons.
The spirits were once our guides and allies, but now, with the coming of the mists, terrible
beasts that have no place in a sane world stalk through the otherworldly vapors. Our future
is pregnant with dangers unimagined. Stay awhile and sit by the warmth of the fire, for it
is a wise youth who will listen to what an aging warrior has lived to know.
- Unknown Elder

Hail wise one. Are you ready to master a vibrant new world of swords and sorcery drawn from a tapestry of ancient legend and feverish nightmare?

That power is now yours.

The Untamed Lands are your canvas for painting unlimited tales of high adventure, glory and woe. Spin wicked webs to ensnare unsuspecting characters in battle lust, poison and plot. Craft challenges to exalt great heroes or crush them before you to the lamentation of the players. You have all the tools you will need right here at your fingertips. With this tome you will discover what epic tales you may temper in the fires of imagination.

The Totems of the Dead GM's Guide Includes:

    A GM's Introduction to the setting.
    Numerous campaign models detailing many possible roads to adventure in the Untamed Lands.
    A sword and sorcery themed adventure generator.
    Regional encounter tables.
    Savage Tales of adventure set in each of the major regions of the Untamed Lands.
    Countless hordes of beasts, native spirits and nameless horrors.
    NPCs from loyal sidekicks to vile sorcerers.
    Traps, poisons and other dangers.
    Meant for use with the Savage Worlds roleplaying game and the Totems of the Dead Player's Guide.

Für 9,76€ bei onebookshelf
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.10.2011 | 09:01
(http://realityblurs.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/AoO_sneak-peek1.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=95686)
Agents of Oblivion
Model: REB70001
Author: Sean Preston, Ed Wetterman
Artist: Cheyenne Wright
Page Count: 214
Price: €7.48 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/95686-sample.pdf)

Agents of Oblivion is the highly anticipated Savage Worlds setting book we like to call The Perfect Cocktail of Horror and Espionage. Within these pages grace everything you need to play the style of spy game you want to play from "The Company Line" where every nightmare and conspiracy you can imagine is real and you can wield the powers you need to drive back the darkness to "Spy versus Spy" where you can take things on in a gritty brutal fashion.

John Rogers, creator and executive producer of Leverage, says it nicely in the Intro (click here to read more) (http://realityblurs.com/wordpress/?p=3376).
"You have in your hands a rules set that lets you play anything from "Spellslinging Spy vs. Alien Brain Eater" to "Harry Palmer vs. That Unpleasant Fellow from Bulgaria." They haven't glossed over any of the little nuts and bolts you need to play a realistic spy game, if that's your desire - they've just streamlined it to be Fast, Furious, and Fun. That I can use one setting to play both those extremes is impressive as hell."

Let's break things down a bit more:
Agent generation is designed with flexibility in mind and expands the Savage Worlds base rules while remaining true to them. Within are options to even modify your agent's abilities between missions. Add to that resources and you have a setting which truly shines-spytech, special training, SUDs (single use devices), and a multitude of ways to trick out your loadouts and options to grab!

If you're the Director, there's plenty for you within these pages as well. Advice on how to integrate spy and horror themes into your games along with details on modeling your campaign into one of the seven campaign frameworks and a robust spy sampler where we show you how by example of how to create a campaign in each of the styles. Combine this with mission generators, creature generators, and more and you can leap into the modern world of high stakes espionage and horror with complete confidence.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.10.2011 | 13:32
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/2/25bd7edc47a4b42c36edf693ba66437f.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=213)
Hellfrost - Region Guide #47: Isles of the Seareavers
Model: TAG31248
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 6
Price: €1.39 (TAG), €1.49 (DriveThruRPG)

Pirates have gone by many names over the centuries, but their goals and motives remain the same. The greatest threat to maritime trade in the modern age is the Seareavers, a motley brotherhood of sea-raiders bound by a loose code and common faith. They are greatly feared, and rightfully so, for they are true wolves of the sea.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Hróđvitnir (Carcharoths Ausbilder) am 14.10.2011 | 00:37
Savage Worlds Abenteuerwettbewerb von Prometheus. (http://www.savageworlds.de/2011/10/13/savage-worlds-autorenwettbewerb-2011-neue-welten-wilde-welten/) (Bin nicht so gut drin, News zu posten, also falls gedoppelt oder falsch bitte einfach weg damit).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.10.2011 | 12:15
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/750/95787.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=95787&filters=0_0_1600_0)
Camp Wicakini: Part II
Model: SGG 12013
Author: Kevin Rohan
Artists: Tony Guaraldi-Brown, Ben Overmyer
Page Count: 13
Price: €1.44 Base File, € 2.72 Product Bundle (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/95787-sample.pdf)

NO MAPS ARE INCLUDED WITH THE BASE FILE.  You may either use the maps from the original Camp Wicakini (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=80994) or purchase the Product Bundle (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=95799&filters=0_0_1600_0) which includes maps of the camper cabins, the counselor cabins, the groundskeeper's house, and the shelter house, as well as the complete camp layout!

Something's gone wrong at a summer camp deep in the woods.  Very, very wrong.  If it had been just punk kids screwing around, that would be one thing, but the report came in from the State Patrol's office, and it was a confused, scared report...almost nervous to be turning in a report on...zombies?

They dispatched an officer, but he turned back and wants immediate backup from the FBI.  It just so happens that a special team is in Denver and you're a member of that team.  It's a quick 6 hour trip to the camp from Denver, and you're briefed on what to expect.  Zombies, man...what is the world coming to?

This sandbox style adventure follows the first Camp Wicakini adventure by a few hours.  Something bad has gone down at the once-peaceful summer camp and it's your job to clean it up.  The Special Agent Cosgrove, your boss, isn't looking for answers or something to study.  He wants the problem stepped on and resolved with extreme prejudice.

This adventure is a direct sequel, following the events that happened in the first camp, but using different characters.  It is set up with guidelines on how to run it whether the original adventure was run or not, and it has a few new surprises for players who are familiar with the first treatment of Camp Wicakini.

This adventure is available for the Æther and Savage Worlds systems.  Also included with this adventure are new maps from Fabled Environments, cleaning up the original maps from the first adventure.  While the adventure itself it only 11 pages long, its sandbox nature makes it ideal for a convention game, or even a full-day one-shot adventure.  When combined with the first Camp Wicakini, it is twice the fun and twice the horror!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.10.2011 | 00:53
Something Wicked This Way Comes
As summer falls to age and death creeps across the leaves of the trees down your streets, ever closer to the home you so desperately want to believe is safe, know that something even darker lingers in the crisp breeze. A tome long-rumored and thought by many to be a twisted myth has been unearthed and soon shall make itself available to those willing to pay the price.

Thankfully, that price is likely to be pretty reasonable. After all, the Horror Companion, which will be made available for PDF sales and preorders next Tuesday (October 25), will follow in the softback Explorer's-Edition-sized footsteps of its older siblings, the Fantasy Companion (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=fantasy+companion) and the Super Powers Companion (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=super+power+companion).

Come back next week for full details and the chance to preorder. We'll be here. I'd say "don't worry," but with the advent of the Horror Companion, you should probably start doing exactly that!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.10.2011 | 00:33
(http://realityblurs.com/shop/images/large/Cover_OSF9-SW-HandOfTheHarbingerKing_LRG.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?currency=EUR&products_id=95868&filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Old School Fantasy #9: Hand of the Harbinger King (Savage Worlds Edition)
Model: SGG 12013
Author: Dave Olson
Page Count: 41
Price: €2.17 (DriveThruRPG)

Old School Fantasy #9: Hand of the Harbinger King takes our intrepid heroes into a conflict with cultists who seek their very souls to complete a dark ritual. It continues the story arc begun in Old School Fantasy #7: Rot & Ruin or can be run as a complete, self-contained adventure. Will our heroes drive back the Harbinger King and his evil minions or will decay rule the day?

Hand of the Harbinger King is the next installment in Reality Blurs' Old School Fantasy line of adventure modules. Hearken back to the days of legend and lore, when your spells, swords, and smarts alone kept the forces of evil at bay.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.10.2011 | 06:28
Beasts and Barbarians Golden Edition

(http://wydawnictwogramel.pl/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/BB-deluxe-cover-209x300.jpg) (http://wydawnictwogramel.pl/download/10-15.pdf)

Welcome to the dangerous Dread Sea Dominions, a place where mighty barbarians do combat with hideous monsters, dark warlocks whisper terrible sorceries in forgotten temples and noble amazons duel in the sun scorched arenas of Faberterra, capital of a decadent empire!

Thirty new Edges.
Three arcane backgrounds, Lotusmastery, Sorcery, and the Path of Enlightenment
Dozens of new weapons, armors, and mounts
A simple but elegant system to develop your character between adventures and to manage the enormous riches you’ll find!
Rules for Heroic Incapacitation
Henchmen and Right Hands to support your villains
Twenty dreadful monsters
Fifty-one Non Player Characters
An adventure generator explicitly tailored for Sword and Sorcery to create a great plot in no time
And fully fledged adventures in the Dominions!

And much, much more on 200 pages full of action and intrigue!

Gird your loins, get your broadsword ready and prepare to face the threats of Beasts and Barbarians, the new sword and sorcery open setting from Gramel. Right now, grab the preview (http://wydawnictwogramel.pl/download/10-15.pdf) – first few pages from the Golden Edition! Enjoy!

Wolves in the Borderland

“Nobody goes into Black Forest willingly. Only those that’s taken, and they don’t be returning.”
- Old Borderlands Saying

(http://wydawnictwogramel.pl/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Wolvesin-209x300.jpg) (http://wydawnictwogramel.pl/download/Wolvesin.pdf)

The story is simple: Fort Vanguard, a small but sturdy fortification, stands on the very border of Black Forest. The lord of the Fort, Commander Voorhess, has a beautiful daughter named Kara, who was captured by Caled raiders three nights ago while on her way to visit her father. Her retinue of three soldiers and a slave girl were also captured. The raiders took their captives back into Black Forest, beyond the Godaxe.

Being short of men, Commander Voorhess has ordered you, the Border Wolves, to pursue the raiders and rescue his daughter. You know the truth: you have been chosen because any other man in the small garrison would have refused such a dangerous mission.

Black Forest is dark and silent and, although you constantly feel you are being watched, nothing hinders your advance. After pursuing them for two days, you have now located the raiders in a small Caled village…

If you want to know how it ends, download and run the Halloween GRAmel`s one sheet for Beasts and Barbarians – Wolves in the Borderland (http://wydawnictwogramel.pl/download/Wolvesin.pdf)!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.10.2011 | 18:59
(http://realityblurs.com/shop/images/medium/Cover_Mini-Mission-generic_MED.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=95983&filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Agents of Oblivion: Mini-Mission #1: The Bad Seed
Model: AoO: MM1
Author: Sean Preston
Page Count: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG)

A Halloween Mini-Mission for Agents of Oblivion, the agents are sent to the wilds of Boise, Idaho to find out why children are disappearing in the midst of The Pumpkin Festival. Can they stop the horrors which await them?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.10.2011 | 12:32


The unstoppable Jordan Peacock has put together a fantastic pack of starship figure flats and terrain tiles (http://tripleacegames.com/Downloads/DaringTalesSpaceLanes/MapTiles.pdf) for the first few DTSL adventures. And it's your for free!


In these pages (http://tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/The_Damned.pdf) you will find a number of major undead with which to terrorize your characters. One has full statistics, while the others are given only descriptions and legends, their true powers left for the GM to shape to suit his particular campaign. Descriptions of other major undead around which adventures and even entire campaigns can be shaped can be found in Region Guide #2: The Liche Lands of Old and Region Guide #6: The Withered Lands.

Another small one (http://tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Liche_Briefing.pdf) for you Scaetha clerics and Deathdealers.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 26.10.2011 | 07:11

Tricks, Not Treats...

The Autumnal Costume Fete fills sleepy Five Lanterns, RI with outlandish garb sewn by the country's best costumers. This year, some of the outfits seem a little too real... and their designer will go to any length to keep his identity secret. A rash of missing children, the discovery of unholy texts, and gibbering lunatics wandering the streets, hide the true menace as it reaches for its blasphemous goal. Can the investigators solve these disparate clues in time to stop the Midnight Harvest?

Midnight Harvest contains everything a group needs for an evening's worth of Savaged Mythos-inspired fun, including pregenerated characters and Sanity rules for towns! It is the first in an innovative new series of Cthulhoid Savage Worlds scenarios and supplements from Super Genius Games.

For use with Realms of Cthulhu from Reality Blurs!

Für 7,24€ bei Onebookshelf (rpgnow etc)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.10.2011 | 10:01

Aufgrund von technischen und anderen Schwierigkeiten verzögert sich die Veröffentlichung des Horror Companion.

Der Horror Companion ist ab sofort bei Studio 2 (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=horror+companion) bestellbar. Preise wie gehabt, PDF gibts sofort, das Buch kommt dann Februar 2012.


Pinnacle veröffentlicht zu Halloween das 12 seitige Deadlands-Abenteuer "Devil's Night", das Papiermodell einer schwarzen Kutsche und Templates für Fledermausschwärme.

Nachzulesen und herunterzuladen auf der Pinnacle-Seite (http://www.peginc.com/).

(http://peginc.com/Downloads/Deadlands/DevilsNight.png) (http://peginc.com/Downloads/Deadlands/DevilsNight.pdf) (http://peginc.com/Downloads/paper-model-black-stage-coach.png) (http://peginc.com/Downloads/paper-model-black-stage-coach.pdf) (http://peginc.com/Downloads/SW_Template_Swarm_Bats.png) (http://peginc.com/Downloads/SW_Template_Swarm_Bats.pdf)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.10.2011 | 08:06

November: Region Guide - Dwarven Cities und Heroes & Villains 2 (spellcasters, including clerics of minor deities).

Dezember: (geplant) Resource Spells (Aufmachung wie die Ressource Management Regeln)

Klappentext: "Clerics are well-known for invoking miracles, channeling the power of the gods into the mortal realm. For the most part, these are short-lived effects and of little consequence in the grand scheme of things. While a bolt may strike down a king, he is but one man. But there are more powerful miracles known to clerics, miracles whose workings can affect entire communities for as long as a year. These are known as resource spells (and sometimes as community spells), and form the focus of this supplement."

Inhalt der 10 seitigen PDF wird sein...

* Introducing Resource Spells
* Learning a Resource Spell
Casting a Resource Spell
* Cost
* Casting Roll
* Maintenance and Casting Limits
* Backlash
* Dispelling
Resource Spells
* Army of the Damned
* Bless (Specific)
* Curse
* Defend the Realm
* Delay Ruin
* Demagogue
* Eyes of Fate
* Fimbulvintr
* Foresight
* Fury
* Gmabler's Fortune
* Hand of Fate
* Healing Aura
* Line of Credit
* Reconsecrate
* Strengthen/Weaken Fortification
* Summon the Fyrd
* Trickster's Hand
* Veil
* Ward Against Undead
* Warmth of the Hearth
* Weaken Magic
Local Customs
* Blowing of the Horn Night
* The Fyrd Walk
* Garland Day
* Ophan's Day
* Oyster Day
* Stone Lift Feat
* Sun Wheel Day
* Swinging of the Fire
* Troll Scaring Day

Order of Spells
Hiring Clerics
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 1.11.2011 | 23:44

Trail Guide: Weird White North is your guide to terror in the tundra! With additional setting rules for the bitterest cold, a mini-Plot Point Campaign stretching back to the 1600s, a frozen boatload of Savage Tales, and the coldest, creepiest critters Canada can conjure, Weird White North has everything you need to take your Deadlands game farther north than ever before, well beyond where saner men would stop.

Discover what lies buried beneath the ice of ages in Alaska and British Columbia. Witness Canada's fantastic Winterline hold the most frigid force of Mother Nature at bay. Become embroiled in a struggle as old as the cold itself.

So, how about it, hombre? You got what it takes to survive in a place where distances start at "vast" and temperatures top out at "deadly"? There's only one way to find out—get your copy of Trail Guide: Weird White North today!

Trail Guide: Weird White North, by Matt Cutter, is a supplement for the award-winning Deadlands: Reloaded RPG. It offers you a closer look at the people, places, and very cold things in Alaska and British Columbia. It contains a Tombstone Epitaph special edition, details on the premiere towns of the frozen north, a mini-Plot Point Campaign, and more Savage Tales than you could shake a frostbitten stick at. For your own safety, get your copy today. (Deadlands Adventure, full color, 119 pages, 6.5" 9")

Aktuell leider nur im Studio2-Onlineshop
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 3.11.2011 | 07:11

RunePunk: Guidebook #6

HawkHaven is the most barren region of the Bleakness, so what drives people there? Discover the mysteries of what lies below the surface as you learn of the struggles between rival factions for control of this section of the ZU. Learn the secret origin of the malakars and why Zerinar is called the Undying and much, much more!

We present this in our signature, streamlined digest size for easy reading on your computer or on the go!

3$ bei rpgnow/dtrpg
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.11.2011 | 19:23
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/b/be1c1999de15a46803b4381102afe97f.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=216)
Hellfrost - Heroes & Villains 2: Spellcasters
Model: TAG31298
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Artist: Justin Russell
Page Count: 32
Price: €4.19 (TAG), €4.34 (DriveThruRPG)

The population of the winter-wracked northern lands is not particularly high, but it is varied. Commoners and nobles, mages and clerics, healers and warriors, merchants and thieves, wise men and fools, heroes and cowards, all walk the frozen realm.

But those the Norns have touched have greater goals. Some crave base things such as wealth and power, others desire revenge for actual or perceived wrongs, seek to unlock the mysteries of the world, complete a grand quest, slay monstrous beasts, defeat fell cults, be praised and renowned for their glorious actions, or simply make the world a better place.

This supplement contains 30 pre-generated characters (http://tripleacegames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=16636&highlight=hela#16636), each designed as a 0 XP character. Each entry comes with stats, entries covering background, mannerisms, and description, as well as an image. Each character is presented on a single page for easy printing, making them great for convention characters or for use in short-term campaigns.

This product is fully compatible with Savage Worlds Deluxe.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 8.11.2011 | 21:46

The Path of Kane gibt es jetzt auch als gedrucktes Buch.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 10.11.2011 | 07:41

Corners of Konoyo, the Iron Dynasty Guidebook Series, provides even more information about your favorite Heavy Metal Oriental setting!

Iron Dynasty Guidebook #9 introduces Karasu Rokku to your game table. Find out the secrets of the Witch-King and let your game take wing as your kesshi brave the dangers awaiting them in this treacherous land of death and lost honor!

3$ bei dtrpg/rpgnow
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.11.2011 | 22:43
50 Fathoms kommt zu Thanksgiving 2011 (http://www.peginc.com/)!

Anmerkung: Sorry, vertüppt!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Deep_Flow am 17.11.2011 | 09:18
Smiling Jack's Bar and Grill Podcast wurde wiederbelebt:

In der aktuellen Episode (http://podcast.smilingjacksbarandgrill.com/)

- Diskussion der Deluxe Regeln

- Regelerläuterungen

- Insider-Infos (z.B. Rippers, Shaintar, Agents of Oblivion, 50 Fanthoms) meist betreffend Erscheinungsdatum...

- Smalltalk rund um SW
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.11.2011 | 14:38
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/96746.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=96746&src=FrontPage)
Beasts & Barbarians: Skinner of Syranthia
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Artists: Magdalena Partyka, Joanna Krótka, Rick Hershey and Jehremy Moler (Empty Room Studio), Bradley K McDevitt, Peter Szabo Gabor
Page Count: 21
Price: €2.89 (DriveThruRPG)

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/96746-sample.pdf)

No Hero Lives By His Sword Alone!

In the best tradition of sword and sorcery, Gramel is proud to present a new investigative scenario set in the world of Beasts and Barbarians!

What evil lurks in the alleys of Syranthia, preying upon young pretty girls? This new module for Beasts and Barbarians leads you through a dangerous labyrinth of investigation and deceit, breakneck chases, strange foreign deities, and a villain older than the Great Library itself.

But fear not, you won't be alone for this dangerous mission. Your hero has the chance to ally themselves with one of most famous personalities of the Dominions. Only by working together can this pall over the great city be stopped!

Pick up your sword and sharpen you wits. You'll need both to unravel the mystery surrounding the diabolical Skinner of Syranthia!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.11.2011 | 16:02
(http://www.theagencystar.com/trigger/thescarletrosethumb1.jpg) (http://www.theagencystar.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=160)


Angesichts der bevorstehenden Wiederauflage von 50 Fathoms möchte ich Euch dieses zehnseitige, liebevoll layoutete PtoSM-Fan Abenteuer von Trigger aus dem Pinnacle Forum nicht vorenthalten.

Wer Lob und Kritik los werden möchte kann dies im Pinnacle Forum (http://www.peginc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=33693&highlight=) oder direkt auf Triggers Homepage (http://www.theagencystar.com/) tun.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 22.11.2011 | 07:50
Folge 6 ist bei http://podcast.smilingjacksbarandgrill.com/ (http://podcast.smilingjacksbarandgrill.com/) erschienen.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.11.2011 | 06:14
50 Fathoms Returns—Sail the Savage Seas of Caribdus!

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/97051.jpg) (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=s2p10015)

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/97051-sample.pdf)

Return to one of Savage World's earliest settings—50 Fathoms! The new 50 Fathoms: Explorer's Edition (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=s2p10015) includes the fully updated text of the original 50 Fathoms and the 50 Fathoms Companion, all compatible with Savage Worlds Deluxe and beautifully colored by three-time Hugo Award-winning artist Cheyenne Wright! It's everything you've ever loved brought to the high standards we all now demand!

You can buy the 50 Fathoms PDF (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=s2p10015pdf) immediately, preorder the printed 50 Fathoms book (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=25_75_134&products_id=3559), or get the Print-PDF Preorder Bundle (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=s2p10015bundle). The custom-printed 50 Fathoms Bennies (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=s2p91016) are available now, too. These Cheyenne Wright-illustrated poker chips are truly a lost treasure ready to shine as you enter the drowned world of Caribdus. There's also a 50 Fathoms MegaBundle (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=s2p10015megabundle) available that includes the PDF, the printed book preorder, and a set of the custom bennies. Stock your treasure chest and set sail for adventure now!

The world is drowning. The natives say three witches in Ograpog were sentenced to death by King Amemnus and drowned by the rising tide. With their dying breath, they cursed Caribdus to drown as they were, to drown in fifty fathoms of cold dark sea.

Crab-like scurillians, massive grael, lonely doreen, mysterious kraken, cruel kehana, and the nigh-human masaquani now sail the seas beside the new visitors—humans from the age of piracy, dashing corsairs, bloodthirsty bucaneers, and savage sea dogs drawn from earth. Many believe these visitors to be destined to defeat the Sea Hags and save Caribdus from a watery grave, but most seem interested only in the plunder of forgotten treasures in a drowning world.

Be the hero you were meant to be. Sail the seas. Buckle your swashes. Fight the good fight. Save the world. Come to Caribdus.

Addendum: 50 Fathoms kann nun auch über DriveThruRPG (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=97051&filters=0_0_1600_0_0) bestellt werden.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.11.2011 | 19:01
(http://www.theagencystar.com/trigger/Soldier_Ants_Burst_Template.jpg) (http://www.theagencystar.com/download_files/Soldier_Ants_Burst_Template.pdf)


Trigger hat sein Abenteuer um Templates für Soldier Ants ergänzt.

Einfach das Abenteur über den obigen Link erneut laden (http://www.theagencystar.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=160) und man erhält die neueste Version. Die Templates findet man am Ende der PDF.

Wer nur die Templates für Soldier Ants haben möchte, nutzt einfach den Link über diesem Posting.

Lob und Kritik können weiterhin im Pinnacle Forum (http://www.peginc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=33693&highlight=) oder direkt auf Triggers Homepage (http://www.theagencystar.com/) abgegeben werden.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.11.2011 | 12:27
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/2/2302922efc02145465990d5f43faa782.image.424x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_2&products_id=220&zenid=vjg0l4c6m3klmkmai0o3jib6r3)
Sundered Skies: Festival of Madness
Model: TAG31074
Author: Dave Blewer
Page Count: 49
Price: €5.95 (TAG), €6.16 (DriveThruRPG)

An Unearthed Prophecy, Corruption In The Trade Council, and The Return of an Old Foe…

The heroes become aware of an age old prophecy which seems to be describing them. Not everyone wishes this prophecy to be fulfilled however, and soon they are dodging attempts upon their lives as they race to discover what it all means.

Divine Visitations, religious politics, cultist lairs, betrayal and worse await the heroes as they pursue their destiny until the bitter end.

Festival of Madness is a scenario for heroic rank characters and is the third and final installment of the Songs of Regret Plot Point Campaign.

…This Could Change Everything In The Sundered Skies.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 1.12.2011 | 07:32
Iron Dynasty: Kesshi Tales #9


Our kesshi journey to Karasu Rokku in search of a soul gem, but soon discover that mere gold cannot buy such a rare item, and are swept up in a quest to find something suitable to kill an immortal...

For use with Iron Dynasty: Way of the Ronin from Reality Blurs.

Für 3$ bei rpgnow etc.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.12.2011 | 09:10
Wæs þu hæl!

Wiggy hat als kleine Entschädigung für den verschobenen Region Guide die Abhandlung über Lebensmittel (http://tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Food.pdf), ihre Zubereitung und Konservierung um Forumsbeiträge erweitert und als Freebie ins Netz gestellt.

Der Text ist nur grob editiert. Wer Schreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten! :D

Auf Euer Wohl!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.12.2011 | 18:40
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/4/44b94d0da68b440a4162759585132189.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=221)
Hellfrost - Resource Miracles
Model: TAG31297
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 10
Price: €2.79 (TAG), €2.89 (DriveThruRPG)

Clerics are well-known for invoking miracles, channeling the power of the gods into the mortal realm. For the most part, these are short-lived effects and of little consequence in the grand scheme of things. While a bolt may strike down a king, he is but one man. But there are more powerful miracles known to clerics, miracles whose workings can affect entire communities for as long as a year. These are known as resource miracles (and sometimes as community miracles), and form the focus of this supplement.

This supplement contains the full rules for casting resource miracles, and details over 20 miracles. In addition, a selection of local customs explores religious festivals carried out by single communities, allowing the GM to add more flavor to steads, villages, and towns.

Although written for the Hellfrost setting, the rules can be used with any Savage Worlds fantasy setting with a minimum of modification.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.12.2011 | 19:18
(http://www.theagencystar.com/trigger/bloodsweatsugarmini.jpg) (http://www.theagencystar.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=161)


Im Pinnacle-Forum hat Trigger erneut eines seiner PtoSM-Fan Abenteuer veröffentlicht.

Wer Lob und Kritik los werden möchte kann dies wieder im Pinnacle Forum (http://peginc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=34499&highlight=) oder direkt auf Triggers Homepage (http://www.theagencystar.com/) tun.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.12.2011 | 11:11
(http://madbrewlabs.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/SW_Fan.png) (http://savagepedia.wikispaces.com/file/view/swdeluxe-gm-screen.pdf)

Deluxe GM Screen

Der User decalod85 hat auf Savagepedia.com (http://savagepedia.wikispaces.com/Gaming+Aids) eine neue Version des GM Screens für die Deluxe Edition veröffentlicht.

Lob und Kritik könnt ihr hier (http://www.peginc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=33005&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0) im Pinnacle Forum äußern.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.12.2011 | 00:52
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/97606.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=97606&src=sub)
Savage Insider: Judgment Day
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Kiss Márton Gyula, Mark Huffman
Page Count: 58
Price: €2.86 (DriveThruRPG)

Judgment Day is a universal setting where characters join the ranks of the Inquisition and their fight against the supernatural beings that threaten mankind.

The Inquisition has been protecting the world for centuries. While many feel solitude within their homes, inquisitors of all types are hunting the denizens that terrorize and kill. In Judgment Day, players take on the role of inquisitors hunting down and purging the likes of werebeasts, demons, aliens, ghosts, vampires, and more. Whether used as a stand-alone setting or secret society within existing settings, the Inquisition is ready to protect.

Judgment Day is a mini-setting, designed to be placed within existing settings to create specialized inquisitors while still being usable as a stand-alone setting focused on hunting horrific beings. To coincide with the stand-alone aspect, Judgment Day contains aspects of a modern fantasy, action horror setting.

Inside the Judgment Day core setting guide you will find:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.12.2011 | 14:49
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/b/b0656ccb0fc3ba40da06d21a3dd490fb.image.358x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=223)
Hellfrost Adventure Compendium Two *PRE-ORDER*
Model: TAG10102
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Format: 80+ pages Softcover
Price: €12.59 (TAG) (inkl. 10% Rabatt)


Lost but not completely forgotten, the City of Paraxus lies in the Barony of Cul and is rumoured to hold the hidden knowledge of the Heligi people, a long extinct people. Can the heroes find the lost manuscripts and tomes of knowledge? Or perhaps the heroes will be searching for gold, gems and other items of value in the exploration of The Lost City of Paraxus.

Unable to cure the insanity of the locals with herbs or magic, the cult of Eira hires a band of hardened adventurers to investigate the source of the insanity that is spreading amongst the inhabitants. From a village of fools to a more serious menace driven into the abyss of madness, the heroes must follow the path of lunacy and risk their own sanity in Descent into Madness.

The Ice Fiend & Other Tales is a set of four fantastic mini-adventures. In The Ice Fiend our heroes are asked to hunt a savage wolf that is terrorising a local farmers sheep stock. Or that is what they think! If your heroes want to see battle then A Brief Encounter is for them! When you are hired to escort some livestock to the local overlord for tribute it seems like an easy way to earn some money. However this is quickly forgotten as at every step along the way the heroes are attacked by a variety of opponents - in Taxation Troubles. The Haunted Woods harbour trouble for our heroes. After pitching camp near a dark mysterious forest one of the characters spy a strang pale white light approaching their camp. It is a Fey Knight who commands the characters to track and kill a strange creature.

The Fey Tower is an adventure set on the coastline of Rassilon. For the past five months the inhabitants of the coastal village of Gairloch have been plagued by giant crabs. Can the heroes discover the reason for the crabs to venture on land?

The Deadly Glade is hidden away in the dark and leafy boughs of the Stone Forest. No brightly colored flowers grow here, as they do elsewhere; only plants of midnight-blue. For a decade, one priest of Vali has been feeding the plants on the decaying corpses of disease victims, letting their pus and tainted, putrefying flesh feed his deadly blooms. These flowers attract bees which in turn are poisoned by the sticky nectar. The fast-acting poison warps the bees, turning them into voracious hunters. The plan is as simple as it is bold to create an army of killer bees which will be unleashed on the unsuspecting citizens of Rassilon. Can this hideous plot be thwarted?

Hellfrost Adventure Compendium 2 is designed to be used with the Hellfrost Players Guide, Bestiary & Gazetteer using the award winning Savage Worlds RPG.

Ergänzung: Die in den offiziellen Abenteuern enthaltenen Figure Flats werden als PDF-Bundles angeboten werden, sobald die restlichen 2 PDF-Abenteuer erschienen sind.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.12.2011 | 15:14
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/b/b60f73093a8bfac6ade368d245d25861.image.354x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_2&products_id=224)
Sundered Skies Adventure Compendium 2 *PRE-ORDER*
Model: TAG10200
Author: Dave Blewer & Luis Enriques Torres
Format: 80+ pages Softcover
Price: €12.59 (TAG) (inkl. 10% Rabatt)


Sundered Skies: Compendium 2 contains the Songs of Remorse mini-campaign plus a bonus adventure! A shattered world. A thousand floating islands. A constant glow of madness. Sundered Skies begins where every other world ends.

Songs of Remorse - Mindthief
A Little Knowledge... Can Be A Dangerous Thing! What starts off as a routine courier job delivering a message to a hermit in the Shattered City turns into a desperate race against a powerful member of the Bright Cabal with the ability to tear memories from its victims minds.

Songs of Remorse - Mists of Savannah
Danger, Dinosaurs, & Dragons. The recently discovered isle of Savannah is a jungle isle inhabited by dinosaurs and strangely devolved savage drakin. The heroes find themselves in a deadly race to reach a hidden temple deep in the jungle.

Songs of Remorse - Festival of Madness
An Unearthed Prophecy, Corruption In The Trade Council, and The Return of an Old Foe. The heroes become aware of an age old prophecy which seems to be describing them. Not everyone wishes this prophecy to be fulfilled however, and soon they are dodging attempts upon their lives as they race to discover what it all means.

Within the Skies
Four Perilous Ruins... Dozens Of Ways To Die! In the Sundered Skies salvage is literally more valuable than gold, a wooden chest is much more prized than the bullion which fills it. Scavengers are adventurers who risk life, limb, and sanity to find the best salvage, and the best salvage is found in the deadliest of ruins.

Sundered Skies from Triple Ace Games, is a dark fantasy setting for the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/Banner/Banner06.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/SunderedSkies.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.12.2011 | 08:30
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/97/97740.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=97740&filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Realms of Cthulhu: A Peculiar Pentad - Savaged!
Model: OWC5134e
Author: Jeff Grubb, Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel, Jeff Quick, John D. Rateliff & Thomas M. Reid
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Lin Bo, Shaman Stockart
Pages: 59
Price: €5.06 (DriveThruRPG)
Help Is Here ... For A Price

It's a lonely life investigating grisly affairs and confronting unnamable horrors, and it requires all sorts of materials that can't be bought at the corner store as well as information that isn't found in mass-market publications. Sometimes it seems like an investigator is all on his or her own, with no one to turn to for advice, assistance, or just fairly-priced goods of a specific nature. But if you wander down the right back alley, you may be surprised what you find.

A Peculiar Pentad presents five shops that every investigator may want, or need, to visit-a rare book store where the proprietor quotes from texts that were supposedly lost to the ages; a repair shop whose owner can get any mechanical device, no matter where or when it was made, functioning as good as new-probably better; a private social club that caters to those who have seen things no human ever should, and more.

Written by a quintet of fan-favorite and award-winning game designers including Jeff Grubb, Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel, Jeff Quick, John D. Rateliff, and Thomas M. Reid, A Peculiar Pentad - Savaged! is the latest in a continuing series of sourcebooks designed to provide resources and inspiration to Realms of Cthulhu players and Game Masters alike.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.12.2011 | 01:05
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/97754.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=97754&src=sub)
Beasts & Barbarians: Citadel of the Winged Gods
Model: B&B100072
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 66
Price: €4.00 (DriveThruRPG)
Kyros, the fabled gateway to the East, a country of mighty elephants, ancient traditions. But also a troubled land, cursed by a mad king, and constantly at war with the savage Ivory Savannah Tribes.
As if this weren't enough, the southern provinces have rebelled, dragging the whole country into civil war!
What better place for a mercenary looking for gold?
Clashes of armies, pillaging, fights, and ancient secrets ready to be unraveled await you in the second adventure of the Beasts and Barbarians series!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.12.2011 | 20:02
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/Images/sale_image.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php)

Merry Christmas from TAG!

As 2011 draws to a close all of us here at Triple Ace Games would like to thank all of our fans for supporting our business and playing our games this year! So to celebrate another year we will be holding a 25% discount holiday sale accross all our products (excepting special and pre-order discounts). The sale is on at the TAG store and our friends at rpgnow.com for the Christmas period (sale ends midnight GMT 4th Jan). Pick up a bargain TAG product during this Christmas holiday!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.12.2011 | 00:26
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2378/98009.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=98009&filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
The Hideout (Savage Worlds Adventure ePub)
Model: WHM-KS12-SW-E
Author: Dave Przybyla, Michael Galligan
Price: Free ePub (DriveThruRPG)

A fragment of an ancient bridge offers a commanding view of the surrounding swamp-and a defensible refuge for poachers.

Outlaws called poachers roam the swamps and nearby river lands. Poachers continuously spar with the Order of the Jade Leaf, waylaying shipments of swamp plant products, dodging and fleeing patrols. They turn remote islands or forgotten ruins into bases.

The Hideout is a Simple Scenario designed for 3-5 Novice to Seasoned characters, with an estimated 4-8 hours of playing time. A Simple Scenario is a set piece encounter or very short adventure the gamemaster can insert when needed to fill a gap or spice up an ongoing adventure. In this Simple Scenario, the characters stumble upon a poacher hideout at the ruins of a Harlass Orn bridge.

The basic Kith'takharos Setting is available for free in a system neutral format at the White Haired Man (http://www.whitehairedman.com/) web site.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.01.2012 | 09:07
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/98114.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=98114&filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Savage Insider Issue 3: What Lurks in the Shadows
Model: MTESI003
Price: Free (DriveThruRPG)

Savage Insider Issue 3: What Lurks in the Shadows is a dark, gritty-themed issue with a look at the more horrific side of games. The pillar article Happily Scared is a lengthy discussion about what makes horror so appealing while Dangerous Magic introduces a grittier theme to your game’s magic mechanics.

What Lurks in the Shadows is a cross-genre horror issue with content covering modern, action, fantasy, and sci-fi horror. There are four, fully-developed Savage Worlds adventures to support all these horrific themes.

What Lurks in the Shadows includes:

Look for new issues of Savage Insider every 3 months in January, April, July, and October with Premium Content releases in-between.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.01.2012 | 09:26
Wonderland No More Errata und Freebie

(http://www.tripleacegames.com/Images/WonderlandNoMore/Icons/wnm-download-eo7p-charactersheet-victorian.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/ccount/click.php?id=31) Es gibt nun das offizielle Errata zu WNM (http://www.tripleacegames.com/ccount/click.php?id=31).

(http://www.tripleacegames.com/Images/WonderlandNoMore/Icons/wnm-download-map-pack.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/ccount/click.php?id=32) Jordan Peacocks Down The Rabbit Hole Map Tiles (http://www.tripleacegames.com/ccount/click.php?id=32) wurden aufgefrischt.

(http://www.tripleacegames.com/Images/Banner/Banner-WNM-06.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/WonderlandNoMore.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.01.2012 | 23:39
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4104/98125.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=98125&filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Olympian Breed: Setting & Character Creation Guide
Model: OB001
Author: Palewolf Publishing, Vikki & Shawn Felde
Pages: 8
Price: €3.61 Free (DriveThruRPG)
Save the world it’s your birthright

This is an age of myth, before the beginning of recorded Greek history.

YOU will play one of the great demigod heroes, born half human and half God. Do you know the truth about your blood? Will your demigod seek immortality through brave deeds or through guile? Will you choose to embrace your destiny or let the Gods push you to your fate? Will your name be remembered and as everlasting as the Olympians themselves?

Experience the age of heroes before Homer’s Iliad and the Odyssey when demigods roamed the world, slaying horrifying titans and fulfilling ominous prophecies, and explore the classic themes of Greek mythology—heroism, faith, love, tragedy, generosity, and sacrifice in this adventure for the Savage Worlds game system. Your demigods will fight to overcome their own human trappings and prove to be more than just mere mortals while discovering that their Godly parents are far more human than they were led to believe.

Are you up to the task?

The setting document includes everything you need to create characters in this world including a custom character sheet, a map and some detailed setup about the game.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4104/98134.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=98134&filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Olympian Breed: Act One
Author: Palewolf Publishing
Pages: 6
Price: €3.61 (DriveThruRPG)

This download contains the first story/session of Olympian Breed, the epic tale of high adventure in ancient Greece and beyond.

We recommend that you also download our FREE setting guide and custom character sheet before you begin play.


As all of Argos celebrates the end of the Crown Princess’s courtship and the announcement of her betrothal, a shadow from the past rises to destroy all their hopes.

These stories continue in Act Two: The Island of Love.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.01.2012 | 22:45
(http://www.theagencystar.com/trigger/hangmansnoosemini.jpg) (http://www.theagencystar.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=162)


Im Pinnacle-Forum hat Trigger sein drittes PtoSM-Fan Abenteuer veröffentlicht.

Wer Lob und Kritik los werden möchte kann dies im Pinnacle Forum (http://peginc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=34499&highlight=) oder direkt auf Triggers Homepage (http://www.theagencystar.com/) tun.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.01.2012 | 23:34
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/62/98280.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=98280&filters=0_0_1600_0_0)

Battlefield Press
Gaslight Map Pack

A map pack for use with Gaslight Victorian Fantasy.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.01.2012 | 14:07
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/c/c49f852050f2ec74c619257cd49f73cf.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=225)
Hellfrost - Region Guide #48: Dwarven Cities
Model: TAG31249
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 6
Price: €1.39 €1.04 (TAG, 25% off), €1.49 (DriveThruRPG)

Beneath the mountains of the frozen north, in magnificent, sprawling cities carved out of the living rock, dwell the insular frost dwarves. Their realms and culture are a mystery to other races, for dwarves do not welcome guests into their homes. But that is about to change.

This supplement looks at the dwarf race in more detail, giving players new background material on which to draw, and GMs more information to help make a visit to a dwarven city something to remember.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.01.2012 | 00:23
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/98547.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=98547&filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Interface Zero] San Francisco: The Ruins by the Bay
Author: Curtis and Sarah Lyon
Pages: 65
Price: €6.51 (DriveThruRPG)

Once one of the largest sprawls on the West coast, San Francisco was ravaged by war and natural disaster. Now, some twenty years after a major earthquake leveled the city, San Francisco is home to a wide range of hybrids and humans who eke out a meager existence in this harsh, post-apocalyptic ruin.

Take care though, traveler, because as much as the people of San Francisco  can’t stand each other, they hate outsiders even more. These cats’ll gladly gut you and leave ya naked and bleeding out on the broken concrete if you so much as look at them the wrong way, tomo. So, if you stumble into the wrong zone or forget to pack extra ammo when scavenging in the ruins, well...

Don’t say you weren’t warned omae.

San Francisco: There’s no place like it.

This is an expansion for Savage Worlds Interface Zero, and not a stand-alone setting.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.01.2012 | 00:40
(http://smilingjacksbarandgrill.podbean.com/mf/web/64egkr/SJBG_round_white.jpg) (http://podcast.smilingjacksbarandgrill.com/2012/01/16/episode-08-leggo-my-ego/)

Episode 08: Leggo My Ego now available!

Veronica, Justin, and Ron were joined by Roger "RFrenchJr" French and Ed "EdwardP" Pallis of the Rocky Mountain Savages. They discussed:

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.01.2012 | 20:40
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/images/TAG31015_thumb.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_7&products_id=32)
Wonderland No More: Egg of Seven Parts - Revisited
Model: TAG31015
Author: Kevin L. Anderson, Lansing D. Tryon and Jordan Peacock
Page Count: 80
Price: €9.09 (TAG)

It’s time for an egg hunt, Wonderland style!

Welcome to Wonderland. You, the heroes, have to stand in for all the King’s Horses and Men, on a quest to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.  You’ll get to explore the width and breadth of Wonderland, from the Chessboard Fields to the Monarchy of Hearts, as you seek out the missing pieces of Humpty.

Prepare to face off against the likes of slithy toves and homicidal packs of Cards, to dodge the fearsome Jabberwock’s offspring and their jaws that bite and claws that catch and to explore a fantasy world where Wonderland has gone wrong.

Triple Ace Games proudly presents a fantastic journey into the world of Alice. Egg of Seven Parts is an entire campaign which takes your heroes into Wonderland No More.

January 2012 - Revisited
We’ve taken the original Egg of Seven Parts and reworked and reformatted it to match the Wonderland No More setting guide. Improvements include: updated races, expanded equipment charts, pre-generated heroes, notes on how to integrate the adventures into the main Wonderland No More campaign, maps of the major encounter areas, and all-new illustrations.

The Egg of Seven Parts is still a standalone product and can be run with or without the Wonderland No More setting guide.

This was something of a labor of love for the Wonderland No More team, so if you’ve already purchased the Egg of Seven Parts, let us know (email kevin@tripleacegames.com) and we’ll refresh your download link.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/Banner/Banner-WNM-05.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.01.2012 | 10:30
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/98635.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=98635&filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Faith & Demons: The Rising Playtest Packet
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Page Count: 59
Price: Free

Round 4 playtesting is now ready for Faith & Demons: The Rising, a plot-point setting for Savage Worlds.

Round 4 focuses on the bulk of the new mechanics including character creation (with new Edges), bestiary, and some adventure hooks to use. The session will run from today through March 30,2012 and is the final round of playtest before release.

Faith & Demons is a Dark Ages, gothic fantasy setting where united lords have brought the world's warriors together to prevent undead armies and demons from enslaving their people.

Faith & Demons lays out a setting characterized by religious conflict as traditional beliefs become targets for Christianity, a time often referred to as the Dark Ages. Rome has fallen and new nations are rising from the ashes. But unlike genuine history, those struggling for their faith and place in the world face armies of dark creatures that don't care what anyone's beliefs are. Mix in magic and you're sure you're in an alternate history.

As if the power vacuum created by Rome's fall isn't enough, the survivors are fighting against multiple forces. Religious persecution has reared its head with claims of heresy against those who are just worshiping as they always have. Tribal conflicts threaten to tear asunder tenuous allegiances. The land is suffering from the fall-out of it all making nomadic life more difficult than typical. The undead armies, horrific demons, and a host of once mythological creatures stalking the landscape create tension from shore to shore. Someone needs to do something. And the lords have decided your party counts as ‘someone.'

Your characters have it in them to be more than a survivor. Lead your nomadic tribe's defense against all sides to become a legendary warrior. Best a demon lord. Quell the lich's vampire army. Call down the angels of heaven to fight at your side. Or maybe call upon the denizens of hell to tear apart your foes.

If playing historically-oriented warriors appeals to you, you might find the added variables of a time of theological and societal transition and unholy conquest to be irresistible lures.

We've added Edges, Arcane Backgrounds, weapons, armor, a list of deities and their religions, and a gothic fantasy bestiary to support the pre-1000 AD setting. Your table might see the likes of Vikings, samurai, thegn, feudal lords, monastery monks, statesmen, and spellcasting shamans, druids, and necromancers - all in the same setting.

In keeping with Savage Worlds supplements, character creation is augmented by options to simulate some of the historical aspects. This encourages choosing identities for your character that exemplify differences between the peoples of various nations.

We've added a mechanic to deal with literacy and the complexity of commonly available knowledge to address the cultural differences present. Along with using the Fantasy Companion, we've fully utilized the given mechanics for Ethereal, Undead, and Demons.

In the big picture though, rather than changing how Savage Worlds works for Faith & Demons, we've taken advantage of its flexibility and modularity.

This product requires the Savage Worlds core rulebook to use.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.01.2012 | 10:13
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/0/0b14742689da7ad719c4c4de1aff1638.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=227)
Hellfrost - Region Guide #49: The Sunken Realm
Model: TAG31250
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 6
Price: €1.39 (TAG), €1.44 (DriveThruRPG)

The Sunken Realm was once a populous land, though one whose inhabitants remain shrouded in mystery. Today, it is a god-cursed realm of sundered earth and shattered cities, a devastated wasteland populated only by ferocious orcs and giants, and insane frostreavers and Vendahl. Few have cause to walk the vast basin, and most who enter never return.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.01.2012 | 00:22
(http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/50Fathoms/50FathomsMap.png) (http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/50Fathoms/50FathomsMap.pdf)

High-Resolution, High-Style 50 Fathoms Map

The next time you're drawn through a multi-dimensional portal to a magical fantasy land of pirates and ceaselessly rising waters, you'll probably notice your fancy GPS doesn't work quite as well. That's when you'll be happy to have a map!

And what a map (http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/50Fathoms/50FathomsMap.pdf) you'll have! You can download the high-resolution map of Caribdus (http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/50Fathoms/50FathomsMap.pdf) from 50 Fathoms: Explorer's Edition (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=s2p10015)—complete with controllable layers, fancy design, and print permission statement, all formatted for a standard letter-sized page. This map joins the other, less-formatted maps of the drowning world of Caribdus on the 50 Fathoms (http://www.peginc.com/downloads.html#DL_50F) section of our Downloads page (http://www.peginc.com/downloads.html). Don't forget—all the downloads are free!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.01.2012 | 21:28

[Hellfrost] Rassilon Expansion 2 *Vorankündigung*

Etwa im April 2012 wird TAG die zweite Rassilon Expansion veröffentlichen.

Was wird darin u.a. zu finden sein:

Die Rassilon Expansion 2 wird wie der erste Band als Softcover mit PDF im Bundle oder einzeln erscheinen. Der Preis wird auf dem gleichen Niveau liegen.

Wer auf das Hellfrost Encounters Book 2 wartet, wird sich noch bis 2013 gedulden müssen. Es hatt dann die Hellfrost Setting Expansion Lands of Fire zum Thema.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.01.2012 | 23:48
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4104/99024.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=99024)
Olympian Breed: Act Two
Model: OB002
Author: Palewolf Publishing, Vikki & Shawn Felde
Pages: 7
Price: €2.17 (DriveThruRPG)

This download contains the second story/session of Olympian Breed, the epic tale of high adventure in ancient Greece and beyond.

We recommend that you also download our FREE setting primer and custom character sheet and the begining of the story Act One before you begin play.

ACT TWO: The Island of Love

The trail of Sihon leads the Questors of Argos across the sea, towards the Island of Kythira.  But even as they relentlessly advance, dark forces muster intent on seeing them destroyed as vengeance for the sins of others.

These stories continue in Act Three: Night of the Gorgon
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.01.2012 | 23:30
(http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/Deadlands/DLEXCharacterSheet.png) (http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/Deadlands/DLEXCharacterSheet.pdf)

Deadlands Explorer's Edition Character Sheet Now Available

The awfully purty full-color character sheet (http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/Deadlands/DLEXCharacterSheet.pdf) from Deadlands: Explorer's Edition (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=deadlands+explorer&search_in_description=1&x=36&y=9&categories_id=&inc_subcat=1&manufacturers_id=20&pfrom=&pto=&dfrom=&dto=) is ready for you. But wait…did I just hear you ask for more? More it is, then!

The character sheet comes in both stunning full color and easy-printing black and white, all in one handy layered file! Both versions were lovingly crafted by also-very-purty three-time Hugo Award-winning artist Cheyenne Wright!

I hear some "still not enough" mumbles in the back over there. How about the Explorer's Edition sizing? The 6.5" x 9" size is ready to be trimmed to fit with your Explorer's Edition products, printed at letter-size, or even put two-to-a-page! The options are all yours in the print dialog window.

I can't believe some of you are still asking for more. How about a form-fillable PDF? That's right, use your reader to fill in the character sheet and even save it with the data in it. Go to town, amigos, go to town.

Even though I finally seem to have won you all over, there's one more coin in the wishin' well. Like everything on downloads page (http://www.peginc.com/downloads.html), it's completely free and just waiting for you to pluck it out of the ether. Enjoy!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.02.2012 | 23:02
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/3/3800f0c69e00e2f982f17920f1e8f9c3.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=228)
Hellfrost Adventure #19 - H4 - Tales of Darkness
Model: TAG31072
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 28
Price: €6.99 (TAG), €7.24 (DriveThruRPG)

The Dark Night - Buried in secret, Helfrith Helasdohtor a powerful priestess has been slowly breaking the sigils of her ancient tomb. When the sigils fail, the great evil will once again be unleashed onto the unsuspecting world. In preparation for this second coming of darkness, Hela has stirred Helfrith from her dreamless sleep. Can our heroes stop this evil?

The Demon of Duncallaich - The demon Kithreth lies trapped and bound to the soil of an ancient lost town Balyeux, which was destroyed during the Demongate Wars. Its taken many years for Kithreth to loosen his bonds but now he is slowly returning to the world and a cult is aiding his release. Can he succeed in his escape or will he be defeated - only you can find that answer!

Tales of Darkness contains two fantastic adventures for Triple Ace Games’ epic fantasy setting, Hellfrost.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_02.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellFrost.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.02.2012 | 23:24
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4104/99260.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=99260&filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Olympian Breed: Pregens
Author: Palewolf Publishing, Vikki & Shawn Felde
Pages: 5
Price: Free (DriveThruRPG)

This download contains 4 demigod hero pregens for use with Olympian Breed, Act One: A Gathering of Heroes - an Adventure for Savage Worlds™. Use them as-is, change their names and backgrounds, or alter their traits and gear however you desire. You can even copy them onto an Olympian Breed character sheet if you like.

Download the Setting Primer and Character Sheet for FREE and get Act One: A Gathering of Heroes NOW on DriveThruRPG.com.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.02.2012 | 18:42
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/TAG_LOGO.GIF) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/AceTales/TAG_AT012.pdf)
Ace Tales #12 - The Voice Stone
Model: TAG-AT012
Author: Rustin F. Homes
Page Count: 3
Price: Free (TAG)

We suddenly realise that we’ve not put up a new Ace Tale for some time! So in this weeks update we bring you a new Ace Tale from the backlog of winning entries we had in our writing competition back in 2009. Blimey how time flies! Well it’s the turn of Rustin F. Homes to have his winning entry published. So we present the Voice Stone. An Ace Tale for Hellfrost.

Ace Tale 012 - The Voice Stone

Hidden deep in a temple is one of the lost magical Voice Stones. The Lorekeepers as keen to liberate the stone for their own uses and its up to the heroes to get inside the temple and recover the stone. Can your players defeat the cult who now possess the stone or will it be lost to the evil cult? Its all to play for in the Voice Stone.

Download Ace Tale 012 - the Voice Stone for FREE today! (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/AceTales/TAG_AT012.pdf)

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_02.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellFrost.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 12.02.2012 | 09:25
War of the Dead Kapitel 4-Abo ist gestartet:


(Requires all previous chapters of War of the Dead)

The survivors of the Pinnacle cruise ship have traveled half-way across the country and survived impossible odds. From confronting the Living Dead, to facing cannibals, to escaping Edward Russo and his army of thousands of Living Dead, the characters have become legends to those aware of their exploits.

Currently trapped inside the Federal Correctional Facility hidden away near the Citizen Relocation Zone in Colorado, the characters must once again perform the impossible if they are to survive. Forced to flee and seek refuge, they are poorly equipped and ill prepared for the array of threats that confront them.

The saga continues in War of the Dead: Chapter Four (To Reign in Hell). War of the Dead brings the zombie apocalypse to the award winning Savage Worlds role-playing game, broken down into 4 chapters of 13 adventures each.

Chapter Four concludes the saga as the characters uncover the secrets of the government shadow war, the history of the Living Dead, and of an insane experiment that could once again change the entire world. Forced into a final confrontation with a secretive government agency, as well as the outlaws that control Helltown, the characters find themselves in a position to affect the future of the human race— or die trying.

This subscription brings you all 13 adventures of Chapter Four, a $26.00 value for only $19.99

Chapter Four will be released weekly on the following dates:

Week 1: March 5, 2012

Week 2: March 12, 2012

Week 3: March 19, 2012

Week 4: March 26, 2012

Week 5: April 2, 2012

Week 6: April 9, 2012

Week 7: April 16, 2012

Week 8: April 23, 2012

Week 9: April 30, 2012

Week 10: May 7, 2012

Week 11: May 14, 2012

Week 12: May 21, 2012

Week 13: May 28, 2012

Kostet 15$ und endet am 04.03.2012 bei Onebookshelf.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.02.2012 | 19:28
Bhoritz aus dem Pinnacle Forum bietet auf seinem Blog (http://toybox-sw.blogspot.com/search/label/Savage%20Worlds) Interessantes für alle Savages an, die MapTool u.ä. nutzen:

Don't drink the water-Part 1

(http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5371637/DDTW1.png) (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5371637/DDTW1.zip)

Having some free hours this weekend, I begun photoshoping the stuff I need to play the scenario "Don't drink the water" for Savage Worlds.
To avoid spoilers, let's just say that, at the beginning of the scenario, the characters can encounter the french foreign legion.
So, you'll find here two maps, one with a trail in the desert and another with a small house used by the legionnaries as a post or bivouac.
I have also included the image I am using for desert background.
There are two tokens one of a legionnary private and one of a NCO.
And, of course, there is the wagon (with and without canvas) used by the PCs.

All the maps, tokens, etc... are made for being used in a VTT (Maptool for me) at 128 pixels/square. So if you use other sizes, you should probably rescale them.
I use 128 px/square but I generally display the map at around 60-70%; this way, I can zoom in without losing too much quality.
If you use the drawings here at under 50% (either by rescaling or zooming out) most details shall become too small and quality will suffer.

I have tried to keep a consistent comics-like look for the maps, tokens and portraits. I hope you'll like it. Anyway, here is the zipped file (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5371637/DDTW1.zip).

Don't drink the water-Part 2

(http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XzLjG774nKY/Tzfo4NtDxnI/AAAAAAAAAbY/fQ65DGc2sa8/s1600/DontDrink2.png) (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5371637/DDTW2.zip)

Here is the second part of the maps and tokens destined to be used with the scenario "Don't drink the water" for Savage Worlds.
It contains a few tokens and a map of ruins in the desert (that can be used in almost any setting).
You can download it here. (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5371637/DDTW2.zip)
Last part shall be, obviously, about the village of Bacoachi, its fort and its garrison.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.02.2012 | 06:26
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/TAG_LOGO.GIF) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/Necropolis/Asgard.pdf)
Necropolis 2350 - Asgard
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 4
Price: Freebie (TAG)

I found some assorted notes, so I've spruced them up and thrown them together into a short freebie PDF.

Grab it here (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/Necropolis/Asgard.pdf)
TAG Creative Director
Check us out on Facebook for all the latest news!

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/Banner/Banner05.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Necropolis.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.02.2012 | 18:03
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/TAG_LOGO.GIF) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/Necropolis/Handy_Latin.pdf)
Necropolis 2350 - Handy Latin
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 2
Price: Freebie (TAG)

While we don't expect players or GMs to be fluent in Latin, here are a few handy phrases (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/Necropolis/Handy_Latin.pdf) to slip into play.
TAG Creative Director
Check us out on Facebook for all the latest news!

Anyone who finds an error may keep it.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/Banner/Banner05.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Necropolis.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.02.2012 | 20:59
(http://mysticalthrone-ent.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/MTE-SIP-I1-Winter-2012.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=99508&filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Savage Insider Premium Issue #1
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Page Count: 60
Price: €6.48 €3.59 (DriveThruRPG)

Welcome to the first premium issue of the Savage Insider magazine, dedicated to supporting the Savage Worlds role-playing game.

Premium Issue #1 contains four full-length articles providing new content for Savage Worlds and the Mercenary Breed setting, available from Mystical Throne Entertainment.

Savage Insider Premium Issue #1 includes:
Look for new issues of Savage Insider Premium every quarter between releases of the free Savage Insider standard issues.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.02.2012 | 15:37
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/6/6366a26df86a633279354599d9c2411b.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=230)
Hellfrost - Region Guide #50: Hrimthyr Isle
Model: TAG31251
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 6
Price: €1.39 (TAG), €1.44 (DriveThruRPG)

Since the time of the Blizzard War Hrimthyr Isle has been a bastion of evil, home to thousands of Thrym’s barbarous servants. Although the frost giants suffered a bitter defeat a century ago, their strength is building once more. Huge longships packed with giants and orcs once again plague the eastern coast, while within the walls of the mighty fortress of Jarlshof, High Ice King Nagal plans an invasion.

This supplement looks at the powers of High Ice King Nagal and the perils that await explorers to the forbidding isle of eternal winter, present four new locales, inroduces seven new prc tribes, and details four new wintry hazards.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.02.2012 | 12:54
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/TAG_LOGO.GIF) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Death_&_Taxes.pdf)
Hellfrost - Death & Taxes
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 2
Price: Free (TAG)

Following on from the discussion on the cost of Followers, I've coalesced my comments into a freebie. No rules -- just a behind-the-scenes look at the cost of life for peasants, and definitely not a universal guide to peasant wages.

Hellfrost - Death & Taxes (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Death_&_Taxes.pdf)
TAG Creative Director
Check us out on Facebook for all the latest news!

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_02.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellFrost.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 21.02.2012 | 20:08
grubman aus dem Pinnacle-Forum hat seine Misland-Sage (Wikinger) zum Download bereitgestellt:

http://greyarea.webs.com/Mistland.pdf (http://greyarea.webs.com/Mistland.pdf)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.02.2012 | 23:28
(http://smilingjacksbarandgrill.podbean.com/mf/web/64egkr/SJBG_round_white.jpg) (http://smilingjacksbarandgrill.podbean.com/mf/web/vc8u25/SJBG09.mp3)

Episode 09: It’s Not a Competition (God I Love You) now available!

From the gaming floor of Genghis Con XXXIII, the staff of the Grill were joined by con guests Clint Black and Sean Preston, DGA folks Leif Olson, Bill Stilson, Linda Tschappat, and Linda Weygant, Rocky Mountain Savages Chris "Savage Mommy" Fuchs and Lee Langston, Ed Doolittle, and others. Wow that's a heck of a list!

The discussion was about Savage Saturday Night and all the other Savage goodness at the con. Suffice it to say if you didn't make it to Genghis Con this year, you ought to try next year! And if that's too long to wait, check out Tacticon 2012 over Labor Day weekend!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.02.2012 | 00:43
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/TAG_LOGO.GIF) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/The_Unguided_King.pdf)
Hellfrost - The Unguided King
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 2
Price: Free (TAG)

This one's inspired by a Swedish melodic death metal band.  :)

TAG Creative Director
Check us out on Facebook for all the latest news!

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellFrost.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.02.2012 | 13:47
Showdown - G-Men & Gangsters *Inoffizielle Vorankündigung*

An America Gone Wrong!

TAG ist kurz vor der Fertigstellung von G-Men and Gangsters, einem Showdown-Setting mit gepanzerten Oldtimern, FBI, Polizisten, Mafia, Kleinganoven, Tongs, Verrückten Wissenschaftlern, Rocket Rangers, Nazis, Abenteurern, Magiern und Superkräften.

Es spielt in einem in Kleinstaaten zersplitterten Nordamerika des Jahres 1936, wo die Gangster in den Metropolen die Macht an sich gerissen haben. Al Capone ist der inoffizielle, aber unbestrittene Herrscher über Chicago und Elliot Ness ist tot.

Eine Veröffentlichung wird Mitte März 2012 angepeilt!

Bemerkung: Nach Fertigstellung dieses Settings wird das schon 2009 angekündigte Necropolis 2350 Showdown-Supplement wieder in greifbare Nähe rücken!

Edit: Nach PM mit Wiggy voraussichtlicher Termin und Necropolis-Bemerkung angepasst.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.02.2012 | 21:37
(http://www.theagencystar.com/trigger/CWWU.jpg) (http://www.theagencystar.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=167)


Im Pinnacle-Forum hat Trigger eines seiner Agents of Oblivion-Fan Abenteuer veröffentlicht.

Wer Lob und Kritik los werden möchte kann dies im Pinnacle Forum (http://www.peginc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=35387&highlight=) oder direkt auf Triggers Homepage (http://www.theagencystar.com/) tun.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.02.2012 | 00:28
(http://www.peginc.com/Art/Logos/RoseBurnerLogo130px.png) (http://itunes.apple.com/de/app/savage-worlds-combat-tracker/id502774700?mt=8)
Savage Worlds Combat Tracker for iPhones!
Preis: 1.59 € (iTunes Store Deutschland)
Version: 1.0
Voraussetzungen: Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPod touch und iPad. Erfordert iOS 5.0 oder neuer.

Roseburner Limited (http://roseburner.com/) has released the Savage Worlds Combat Tracker iPhone app (http://itunes.apple.com/de/app/savage-worlds-combat-tracker/id502774700?mt=8) (SWCT for short). This handy little app helps both players and GMs track modifiers, dice rolls, combat tactics, wounds, fatigue, and a whole lot more.

Put your Savage Worlds fights in the palm of your hand today with the SWCT.

(http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/065/Purple/f8/6c/f9/mzl.anvbcenm.320x480-75.jpg) (http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/087/Purple/95/80/a5/mzl.vkpgutgz.320x480-75.jpg)
(http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/112/Purple/9c/aa/eb/mzl.sryhltmj.320x480-75.jpg) (http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/063/Purple/4e/88/0d/mzl.vigmfpff.320x480-75.jpg)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.02.2012 | 08:14

Adamant Returns to MARS!

Adamant is pleased to announce that we’re getting back to a regular release schedule — and, between now and the March 9th release of the big Mars-based movie, we’ll be releasing three new PDF adventures for MARS: our Savage Worlds setting of Sword-and-Planet adventure (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?cPath=272_4256)!.

The three adventures are: Sky-Tyrant of Mars, Blood Legacy of Mars, and Sell-Swords of Mars, and will be coming out over the next three weeks, one per week.

Check out our existing MARS PDF products by following the above link, or get the hardcover of the setting book via your local game store or from Adamant’s webstore (http://www.adamantentertainment.com/store/).

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/92/99906.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=99906&filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Savage Mars - Sky-Tyrant of Mars
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Artists: Jesus Garcia Lopez, Tim Hibbits, Christophe Swal
Page Count: 36
Price: €3.62 (DriveThruRPG)

Adamant Entertainment is pleased to present Sky-Tyrant of Mars, an adventure for our Savage Worlds setting of swords and science beneath the moons of Mars!

A deadly menace from the desert, a race against the clock to save a whole city! Will your heroes be brave enough to recover the Heart of Azhur Idhal before all is lost? Can they face the threat of the Sky-Tyrant of Mars?

This is a Savage Worlds adventure for four to six Seasoned characters (Pre-generated characters are also provided for pick-up-and-play!).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.03.2012 | 11:15


Your requests have been answered...

TAG Creative Director
Check us out on Facebook for all the latest news!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.03.2012 | 23:57
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/99975.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=99975&filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Interface Zero] Hacking 2.0
Author: Curtis and Sarah Lyon, David Jarvis, David Viars
Pages: 12
Price: €1.44 (DriveThruRPG GM's Day Sale)
In 2088, the Tendril Access Processor connects people to the hyper-real world around them like never before. Peeps don’t just scan at the MEDIA web on an archaic ‘puter—they download it into their brain and see it hover in front of them as a digital overlay of the world.But for all the convenience and connectivity the Tendril Access Processor provides, there are drawbacks, like getting your brain hacked and turned into a pulsing blob of grey jelly.

That’s right, omae. One wrong turn, one misstep in a hack and you could end up a quivering lump of brain dead flesh and bone. If you want to avoid that, you need this Mediafile. You Need Hacking 2.0.

Hacking 2.0 brings a much needed update to the Interface Zero game setting, streamlining the old system, taking it in directions never seen before in the cyberpunk milieu! Herein you’ll find quick-easy rules for hacking any system you can imagine. We also introduce a new component to the game; the hyper glove.

So what are ya waiting for? Grab your hyper glove, dive into the Deep, and go raid that corp!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.03.2012 | 00:21
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/100104.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=100104&src=sub)
[Interface Zero] Game Masters Screen
Author: Joshua Meadows
Pages: 7
Price: €2.17 (DriveThruRPG GM's Day Sale)
Looking for a solid GM resource for your Interface Zero game?

Well look no further!

Gun Metal Games are proud to release the IZ game master screen!

These inserts come with the following:

and much more!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.03.2012 | 16:34
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/c/ca3f6c36b48614126242bc9d16935517.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=231)
Hellfrost - Region Guide #51: Taiga Elfhomes
Model: TAG31252
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 6
Price: €1.39 (TAG), €1.44 (DriveThruRPG)

In the frozen wastes of the Winterlands lie the forests of Rimeholm, Nerenel, and Tethilin, the last bastions of a dwindling race. Beset by enemies and reluctant to embrace the wider world, time is running short for the taiga elves.

This supplement provides invaluable information on the taiga elf race for players and GMs alike, and explores five new major locales associated with their forest homes.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.03.2012 | 20:51
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/92/100148.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=100148)
Savage Mars - Blood Legacy of Mars
Author: H.M. 'Dain' Lybarger
Artists: Jesus Garcia Lopez
Page Count: 33
Price: €3.62 €1.81 (DriveThruRPG)

Adamant Entertainment is pleased to present Blood Legacy of Mars, an adventure for our Savage Worlds setting of swords and science beneath the moons of Mars!

The Guard Captain Rodel looked over the balcony at the red banners waving in the plaza below. They were being held aloft by rabble; a disaffected and disloyal mob tearing up paving stones and lobbing them at the palace windows. They were armed only with farm implements and tradesman’s tools – but their numbers were growing…

In the royal family’s quarters, a nursemaid held a squalling infant to her breast, trying to soothe it. Fearfully, she watched out the window as the mob tore down the gates and forced their way into the palace. “It will be all right, little one. Your father will make sure of that…” she murmured, shuddering to think what the King would do to the mob’s leaders once they were captured. Then she heard the sounds of fi ghting, coming closer. Luria swaddled the infant in her gray spiderweave cloak, and fled.

As the palace gates cracked and fell, Rodel led two of the Royal Guard down the marble-pillared hall toward the Throne Room. His Majesty must be protected! The crack of radium rifl es sounded as he turned the corner, and both his companions were cut down by sizzling bolts! Rodel dived forward, naked blade in his hand – then his mouth dropped open in shock! The Royal Guards at the Throne Room door had fired on their brethren – and now their rifles were leveled at him!

“Turn and go, Captain. Your duty to the tyrant is discharged -- his blood is already drying on the throne.” The trembling Guardsman looked over his gunsights into Rodel’s eyes, and saw the resolve there. “The Citizen’s Council has issued a warrant for your head as well as his – but you trained me. Don’t die trying to avenge a man who wasn’t fit to lace your sandals.”

Rodel cursed the faithless soldier, but turn he did – toward the royal apartments. The King may be slain, but his blood was not all spilled... and perhaps the heir could be smuggled out of the palace and into the city....

When an impoverished noble discovers a royal birthmark on a wastrel poet and playwright, he immediately knows what it means:  It means that he has a way back into Baltan high society, coat-tailing on the mysterious Prince's fame as deposed Royalty! 

Unfortunately for this patron of the arts, there are political forces who would see his protégé dead -- and other political forces who would use him as a figurehead for a Royalist Counter-revolution!

Enter the player-characters, as friends or associates of the poet or his patron, caught in a web of intrigue, assassination, and violence:  the dangers of the Blood Legacy of Mars!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.03.2012 | 22:22
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4343/100193.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=100193&filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
3 Generations After The End
Author: Brent P. Newhall, Chris Dundon, Brian Liberge, T.W. Wombat
Page Count: 20
Price: Free (DriveThruRPG)

Civilization has collapsed, leaving behind a world of savage creatures and super science. This is your guide to that world.

3 Generations After The End is a small post-apocalyptic setting for tabletop role-playing games. It was developed by the Gamer Assembly as a system-agnostic setting, and each monster includes stats for Dungeons & Dragons 4E, Gamma World 4E, Savage Worlds, FATE, and Apocalypse World.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.03.2012 | 22:29
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/100192.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=100192&filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Faith & Demons: The Rising - Quick Start Guide
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Page Count: 17
Price: Free (DriveThruRPG)

As if the power vacuum created by Rome’s fall isn’t enough, the survivors are fighting against multiple forces. Religious persecution has reared its head with claims of heresy against those who are just worshiping as they always have. Tribal conflicts threaten to tear asunder tenuous allegiances. The land is suffering from the fall-out of it all making nomadic life more difficult than typical. The undead armies, horrific demons, and a host of once mythological creatures stalking the landscape create tension from shore to shore. Someone needs to do something. And the lords have decided your party counts as ‘someone.’

Your characters have it in them to be more than a survivor. Lead your nomadic tribe’s defense against all sides to become a legendary warrior. Best a demon lord. Quell the lich’s vampire army. Call down the angels of heaven to fight at your side. Or maybe call upon the denizens of hell to tear apart your foes.

The Faith & Demons: The Rising Quick Start Guide serves as an introduction and a primer to the Faith & Demons: The Rising plot point setting for Savage Worlds. The Quick Start Guide contains everything the GM and players need to begin their campaign through the gothic fantasy version of Earth's Dark Ages including 6 pre-generated characters, new mechanics, and an adventure.

Are you up for the challenge? Join in the fight to destroy the armies of chaos!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.03.2012 | 12:44
[Battlefield Press] Kaisers Gate Kickstarter (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1292093911/kaisers-gate-for-savage-worlds)

About this project

On June 30, 1908, near Tunguska, Siberia, a mysterious explosion flattened hundreds of square miles of forest. Eyewitnesses alternately described a ball of fire falling from the sky, or the sky opening up and pouring out fire. An orange glow in the sky was visible for days, as far away as Western Europe. Although the cause is still unknown, the consequence is clear. Magic was reawakened. Traditional native cultures and occultists were the first to notice, but it soon became common knowledge.

Immediately after the Tunguska event, hundreds of energy portals appeared across the globe. Their opening was usually preceded by strange or intense weather: Egypt experienced massive sandstorms, there were snow flurries in the Arizona desert in mid-summer, and in the Bavarian Forest, it rained trout for 2 hours. There are hundreds of these gates, mostly in rural areas. Most only exist for one week of the month, during the week of the full moon. There are 6 known permanent gates; one in Siberia at ground zero of the event, one deep in the Painted Desert in Arizona, one in the Bavarian Forest in east-central Bavaria, another in India, one near the ruins of Karnak, Egypt, and one in Manchuria.

Battlefield Press presents Kaisers Gate. This alternate history, genre-blending setting for the Savage Worlds game system presents a fantastic take on World War One - combining the gritty battlefields of the Great War with elements of magical fantasy and horror.

In this book you will find new edges, hindrances, and combat maneuvers, new monsters and stats for tons of weapons and vehicles. The big feature, rules-wise, is the magic system, which not only removes power points, but provides a wide range of roleplaying themes for caster characters, with examples of dozens of magical schools and guidelines for creating your own.

Beautifully written for the Savage Worlds game engine by the masters of story telling - Mike Lafferty and Bryan Hitchcock.

Historisches: Dieses Setting wurde einst für Modern20 geschrieben. 2010 brachte Vigilance Press es als True20 Version heraus.

Aktueller Stand: 09.03.2012 - $716 von $750 Ziel - 44 Tage bis Ende

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.03.2012 | 19:18
Neues zu Deadlands: Hell on Earth

Stand 08.03.2012

Zitat von: PEGShane
Au contraire. It *is* in layout. Quite far along, in fact.

As for a release date...I would guess close to the summer conventions. Not sure it will make GenCon because of the shipping delays (big full-color books have to be done overseas typically), but we'll see.



Zitat von: jpk
Zitat von: newForumNewName
Well here's a question that Joel might (cannot stress that word enough...) answer: Is Hell on Earth: Reloaded near layout yet?
It's certainly not in layout at this time. I will try to remember to let y'all know when that does happen, though.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.03.2012 | 21:37
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/92/100230.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=100230&filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Savage Mars - Sell-Swords of Mars
Author: H.M. 'Dain' Lybarger
Artists: Jesus Garcia Lopez
Page Count: 41
Price: €3.62 €1.81 (DriveThruRPG)

Adamant Entertainment is pleased to present Sell-Swords of Mars, an adventure for our Savage Worlds setting of swords and science beneath the moons of Mars!

The  sun beat down from the pink-tinted sky, and Jarket Jarul plucked off his helmet to wipe the sweat from his brow. Here, on the verge of the canal, the air was marginally cooler, but he could see shimmers of heat rising from the surrounding hills. Another hour’s travel and he would be at the ancient bridges that spanned the Pi-Ramesh Canal. Even now, he could see them ahead, through the heat-haze. The single, threadlike blue-silver span that arched across the canal was a truly ancient bridge, made in the days when the canals were first dug, beautiful, delicate – and impractically narrow for the commercial traffic of the present era. Just beyond it was the heavy slab stonework of a slightly more recent bridge, still centuries old and packed with traffic. A single battered desert-runner jockeyed for position among the beast-drawn farm- carts crossing the canal on their way into Pi-Ramesh.

Suddenly, a piercing sound rent the morning air. Amplified to the point of pain, the note held for a breath, then changed to a falling tone that ended in a near-growl that thrummed deep in Jarket’s chest. His mount reared, terrified, and he struggled to keep hold of its bridle, but his reactions were too slow, and Jarket was dumped into the dusty road as his jalf bolted away. As he rose to one knee, the two-toned cry rang out again. Crouching in the roadway, Jarket looked away from the skittish animal, seeking some view of whatever had startled it.

There, beyond the far bridge, was the source of that terrible sound – a great triple-legged fighting machine! As he watched, paralyzed in awe, another machine came into view, and then another! Grey Men!

Terror gripped Jarket Jarul’s heart, for he had never seen the deadly artifacts of the Grey Men before – but all of Mars knew the tales of the destruction they brought. He scrambled to his feet, ready to flee, even though he knew not where to go.

But then, from each of the tripods came a new sound, a ‘whooshing’ noise unlike any he had ever heard before – and then, before his eyes, the bridges ahead were engulfed in flame! The mighty heat-rays of the Grey Men melted stone and steel alike, sending men, carts, and vehicles plunging into the canal below!

Jarket Jarul gulped breath, and felt the heat sting his lungs. He could see the wave of superheated air blasting toward him from the point of the attack. He drew another gulp of air, and sprinted for the canal! He dove from its metal-clad edge, and plunged into the water below, just as a wave of fire passed over the spot where he had been. His jalf, panicked and fleeing, was instantly incinerated.

Within seconds of the attack’s beginning, it was over. Twisted metal and melted stone dammed the canal, and the blackened bits of men and animals drifted downstream with the now-trickling water.

Beyond the wreckage, the hood of one of the great war machines lifted toward the sky, and the terrible hooting cry of the Grey Men sounded once more over the desolation.

The heroes are mercenaries, seeking work among the lesser independent cities of Mars.  When an attack dams up the only canal of the city of Pi-Ramesh, the city's young Queen hires these Sell-Swords of Mars to come to her aid as the city's lifeblood dries up.   Can the heroes stop the onslaught of a seemingly unstoppable enemy, and save the weakened city?

This adventure requires both the Savage Worlds rule book and the MARS setting book in order to play. For best results, the Game Master should have access to the Savage Worlds 'Showdown' rules (available here as a free download from the Pinnacle website (http://peginc.com/downloads.html))and the supplement Warriors of Mars (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=84444), available for sale here.  In the event that you do not wish to run the larger battles using the Showdown rules, it is also possible to stage them using the Mass Battle rules contained in the Savage Worlds core rulebook.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.03.2012 | 17:01
(http://www.goodideagames.com/_/rsrc/1323796478602/wingsandtails/WTLogo500.png) (http://www.goodideagames.com/wingsandtails)

[Fan Setting] Wings & Tails

Wings and Tails is a high adventure, steampunk roleplaying game about the clashing worlds and dangerous politics of the frontier Mouse Kingdoms.

This game is written as an expansion to Savage Worlds Explorer's Exdition, but can be adapted to any roleplaying system of your choice. It includes optional rules to integrate "Wings of War" WW1 air combat boardgames rules into your roleplaying adventure.

In addition to an illustrated world history,  six playable character archetypes, and 19 pages of printable game resources, Wings and Tails contains a complete 4 chapter adventure, fully scripted with branching story lines. Designed to be run in 4 evenings, the adventure is perfect for novice Game Masters, and has enough depth to thrill veteran adventurers as well.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 14.03.2012 | 08:46


Last Sons als PDF erhältlich!!!!!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.03.2012 | 19:33
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/100446.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/100446/Green-World?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Beasts & Barbarians: Green World
Model: B&B100073
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 58
Price: €4.34 (DriveThruRPG)
What is this strange forest you have woken up in? And who is the pretty girl lying
next to you? But, more importantly, why don’t you remember how you came here?

Ancient sorceries, alien creatures that would make anyone shiver, and an old friend
await you in the third adventure of the Beasts and Barbarians series!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.03.2012 | 23:42
G-men & Gangsters: The Gang Wars

Coming Soon!

Gmen & Gangsters: The Gang Wars - Savage Worlds Showdown setting.

More information about this amazing miniatures game will be released soon!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.03.2012 | 23:20
(http://www.peginc.com/Art/Products/S2P10209PG_Small.png) (http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/Deadlands/S2P10209PGTheLastSonsPlayersGuide.pdf)
Deadlands Reloaded: The Last Sons Player's Guide *Free*

Get a Little Taste of War Today

So, you want to know your way around the bloodiest parts of the Weird West without looking behind the curtain of War's secrets? We've got you covered.

The Last Sons Player's Guide (http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/Deadlands/S2P10209PGTheLastSonsPlayersGuide.pdf) is now available, and it covers all the new player options—like new Edges, Hindrances, powers, and gear—that you need to expand the horizons of your Deadlands games, leaving the full-scale, all-out battle of a Plot Point Campaign for your Marshal's eyes only. Round out your native heroes and get a deeper glimpse into the shadowy world of secret agents.

You wanna' know the best part, partner? The Last Sons Player's Guide (http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/Deadlands/S2P10209PGTheLastSonsPlayersGuide.pdf) is totally free to download from the Pinnacle Downloads page (http://www.peginc.com/downloads.html), just like The Flood Player's Guide (http://www.peginc.com/Downloads/Deadlands/TheFloodPG.pdf). Don't miss out on any of your Weird West options just 'cause you didn't click on 'em!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.03.2012 | 09:42
(http://redbrickllc.com/shop/images/EDSWPG600.jpg) (http://redbrickllc.com/shop/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=1_22)
Earthdawn Savage Worlds Edition Player's Guide *PREORDER*
Pages: 268
Price: $12.99 - $39.99 (RedBrick Store), TBA (DriveThruRPG)


Before science, before history, there was an Age of Legend...

For years humanity huddled in underground kaers, as the astral beings known as the Horrors ravaged the land in an orgy of terror and destruction. Now the long, dark age of the Scourge has passed, and the brave adventurers emerge to reclaim their world.

Elf, ork, t'skrang, human, and other wondrous races explore a world that teems with strange creatures and unseen dangers; a world of lost cities, or ancient, long-forgotten treasures and idescribable wonders; a world where the very earth and sky vibrate with powerful arcane energies.

The Earthdawn® Player's Guide contains what every Savage Worlds player needs to create one of these brave heroes and help rekindle the glory of days past, including new races, gear, spells, Edges, and rules for being an Adept.

Join the adventure and begin roleplaying in Earthdawn, the Age of Legend!


RedBrick LLC is proud to announce its first release for the Earthdawn Savage Worlds Edition game line—the Earthdawn® Player's Guide!

For years humanity huddled in underground kaers, as the astral beings known as the Horrors ravaged the land in an orgy of terror and destruction. Now the dark age of the Scourge has passed, and elves, orks, trolls, dwarfs, and humans, alongside wondrous races such as the lizardlike t’skrang, the earthen obsidimen, and the mischievous windlings emerge to explore a world that teems with strange creatures, lost cities, long-forgotten treasures, and indescribable wonders; a world where the very earth and sky vibrate with powerful arcane energies, manipulated by the disciplined minds of Adepts.

Suitable for both players and Game Masters, this 268-page core rulebook is the first introduction to this exciting campaign world and contains information on the game's core setting—the province of Barsaive; game mechanics for the 8 core races; rules for being an Adept; an in-depth exploration of the 15 core Disciplines; new Edges, spells, and gear; and information on the 12 Passions.

Set for a mid-April general release, the Earthdawn® Player's Guide is now available for pre-order for a limited time at special pricing—but ONLY from the RedBrick Shop! Join the brave souls of Barsaive in reclaiming their realm from the remaining Horrors while protecting it from the return of the oppressive Theran Empire. Discover the world of Earthdawn®, the Age of Legend.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.03.2012 | 13:55
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/2/215c64656676306900de34f69483da49.image.250x323.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_19&products_id=233)
G-Men & Gangsters Core Setting Book
Model: TAG10400
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 55
Price: €10.49 (TAG), €10.86 (DriveThruRPG)

Triple Ace Games is proud to announce the release of a brand new Savage Showdown setting!

A Nation Divided!

Crime Rampant!

It’s 1936, and America is a land in trouble. The Union is shattered, criminals control many cities, and violence is a way of life. Every day, federal agents from America’s rival nations battle it out against vicious criminal gangs for control of the streets using armored cars, weird science, and excessive firepower.

It’s Good Guys vs. Bad Guys. Which side are you on?

Inside this product you’ll find:

G-Men & Gangsters: The Gang Wars is a Savage Showdown setting. This product does not contain the Showdown rules (available free from the Pinnacle Entertainment website).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.03.2012 | 15:57
G-Men & Gangsters Freebies

As promised, the first G-Men & Gangsters freebies are here!

Download link (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/GMen_Free_Pack_1.zip)

Contains totally blank unit cards so you can write in troops or vehicles, vehicles flats, dropped ordanace flats, and two Ace Tales (The Man of Iron and Sewer Surprise).
TAG Creative Director
Check us out on Facebook for all the latest news!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.03.2012 | 16:26
[Low Life] New book finally ready!


Just wanted to let everyone know that the new Low Life book, The Whole Hole Volume 01: Keister Island is finally just about done and ready to go to press. It's over 200 pages with more than 100 (way more) full color illustrations.


I set up a Kickstarter campaign to help me cover the printing and advertising costs, so please, if you have it in you, follow this link and take a look (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1359565526/low-life-the-whole-hole-a-gadabouts-guide-to-mutha).

Thanks a lot!


Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.03.2012 | 06:28
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/100928.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/100928/The-Yaurcoan-Empire?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Totems of the Dead: The Yaurcoan Empire
Author: Jon Ginsberg
Pages: 23
Price: €4.34 (DriveThruRPG)
Know, brave wanderers, that we live in the dawn of a terrible new age. Our great-grandfathers speak of an age undreamed of, a shining time of plenty, when the wilderness was not so wild to us and the earth was our mother who provided all things. That was before drought and famine set each tribe at the throats of its rivals. Before the sorcerer-slavers came across the salt-foamed sea from Atlantis and stole a generation of our people, or the Sea Wolves turned the coast into a red tide of blood and slaughter. Before the Shenites and Skadians came with their new gods and strange ways, and before we knew the fear of Ruskar war parties. More ominous still are the dark storm clouds gathering on spiritual horizons.
The spirits were once our guides and allies, but now, with the coming of the mists, terrible beasts that have no place in a sane world stalk through the otherworldly vapors. Our future is pregnant with dangers unimagined. Stay awhile and sit by the warmth of the fire, for it is a wise youth who will listen to what an aging warrior has lived to know.
- Unknown Elder

The Mountain Empire!

The Yaurcoan Empire is a land of mystery to most peoples of the Untamed Lands. Lying far to the south, beyond the Anazi Badlands and the sweltering jungles of the Maztlani Empire, the Yaurcoan Empire rules over the great mountains and cloud wrapped valleys of the mighty Andred Mountains. The Yaurcoa have forged the many disparate peoples of these lands into a great empire that stretches throughout the Andreds. Using their great armies to conquer and their skilled craftsmen to build mighty cities and roads, their empire is the equal of the Maztlani Empire, and is only now coming into its own power. While peaceful at first glance, the Empire has recently weathered a brutal civil war, and numerous factions and peoples vie for power in this patchwork of tribes and culture.

This guide details the many peoples, places, and factions of the Yaurcoan Empire, both for heroes traveling these curious and mysterious lands, and GMs creating stories and epics based here.

Inside this 23 page e-book you will find:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.04.2012 | 05:55
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/100980.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/100980/Savage-Insider-Issue-4?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Savage Insider Issue 4: Shaking Things Up
Model: MTESI004
Price: Free (DriveThruRPG)

Savage Insider Issue 4: Shaking Things Up is an issue all about keeping your tabletop role-playing games interesting. Game Masters have the difficult job of keeping their games interesting for the players to prevent boredom, so Savage Insider presents content and tips to help you along the way.

Shaking Things Up is a cross-genre issue with content that covers an array of genres or can be used universally. Much of this content can be utilized in a variety of ways providing maximum value to the GM who has the difficult job of keeping their player’s excited.

Shaking Things Up includes:

Look for new issues of Savage Insider every 3 months in January, April, July, and October with Premium Content releases in-between.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.04.2012 | 17:44
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/TAG_LOGO.GIF) (http://tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Life_after_Death.pdf)
[Hellfrost] Life After Death
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 4

Okay, so there's been a TPK and the GM isn't sure what to do. Now death is only the beginning of a new journey!

THESE RULES ARE OPTIONAL (and, as a freebie, unedited).

http://tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Life_after_Death.pdf (http://tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Life_after_Death.pdf)
TAG Creative Director
Check us out on Facebook for all the latest news!

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_02.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellFrost.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.04.2012 | 23:53
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/101024.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/101024/Quantum-Sliders%3A-Arabian-Nights?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Suzerain] Quantum Sliders: Arabian Nights
Author: Stuart Gorman, Alan Bundock, G’Andy, Miles M Kantir, Angela Magee
Pages: 16
Price: €2.89 (DriveThruRPG)
The prosperity of a desert Sultanate is unraveling!

The Sultan is dead and the magical island of Karkadann crumbles under a scourge of ruinous djinn. What secrets were lost with the ruler’s passing? Our heroes delve into court intrigue, explore furtive desert hideaways and travel a plagued land, looking for the answer. What they find won’t be pleasant and in the end they must choose: defy the Great Spirit of Wishes or make a sacrifice....

In this Savage Worlds* adventure for Heroic rank characters you’ll find all you need to run a great session of Fast! Furious! Fun! It’s set among our Timeline realms, meaning it’s part of real world history, but with magic sprinkled on top!

* A copy of Savage Suzerain is also recommended to get the most out of this book.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.04.2012 | 00:08
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/101059.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/101059/Mercenary-Breed-%28Expanded-Edition%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[MTE] Mercenary Breed (Expanded Edition)
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Pages: 132
Price: €5.03 (DriveThruRPG)

This is the expanded edition of Mercenary Breed.

Mercenary Breed is a space opera sandbox setting where inter-planetary corporations employ mercenaries to enforce laws and enact justice against those who perform oppositional activities.

No matter what kind of sci-fi action and adventure experience you're looking for, it's all possible with Mercenary Breed. The core setting guide gives you the base tools and framework necessary to create a extraordinary setting of your own filled with creatures sourcing from the imagination of the players. Mercenary Breed is meant to be interactive and social along with being fun, fast, and flexible.

Inside the Mercenary Breed core setting guide you will find:

The Expanded Edition contains:

Watch for additional content to be released within the standard quarterly issues of Savage Insider!

If you purchased a copy of the original edition of Mercenary Breed and would like a copy of the Expanded Edition, send us an e-mail for a discount code.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.04.2012 | 00:17
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/TAG_LOGO.GIF) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=index)

From Wednesday 4th April to Wednesday 11th April we are having a 35% discount sale on everything in the store!
So take advantage of this great deal and pick up a bargain today!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.04.2012 | 02:11
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/750/101122.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/101122/Red-Blizzard?src=sub)
[Silver Gryphon Games] Red Blizzard
Author: Kevin Rohan, Shannon Patrick
Pages: 29
Price: €0.91 (DriveThruRPG)
It’s a dark and snowy night. The snow is falling like heavy ash from a well-stoked fire, and there’s no sign it’s letting up any time soon. If anything, it’s coming down harder as the day turns to night; the snow so thick it’s almost blinding in the headlights.

Your eyes burn with the intensity of your gaze as it tries to pierce the veil of falling snow. Ahead you catch the glimpse of an animal in your headlights a second before you strike it; its eyes wide with fear as you register that you just hit a deer, and now the vehicle is skidding out of control.

It’s been a hard haul, and you are tired, and you’re caught in this blizzard. A sudden accident leaves you stranded in the middle of nowhere on a less-than-well-travelled road. The temperature is dropping down dangerously low, the storm is kicking up, and the thought of trying to weather through this storm is nerve-wracking.

Lights on the road ahead give a moment of hope and when the SUV pulls up, it’s a kindly looking older gentleman that introduces himself as Dr. Ramsey, but you can call him Doc, and he’s inviting you to his place for the night. His whole family is there, and they’re about to have a late dinner as soon as Doc returns, and there will be plenty, even with the PCs as guests.

This adventure takes place at Doc’s house, and the PCs learn very quickly that not is all as it appears at the Ramsey household. The PCs will have to fight for their freedom as they watch the entire family transform into werewolves and begin to hunt the party down slowly and methodically through the night…

Featuring the art of Storn Cook and the colors of Ben Overmyer, this 29 page adventure was co-written by Shannon Patrick and Kevin Rohan.

Inside this 29-page adventure, you’ll find:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 11.04.2012 | 09:22
Bei Pinnacle kann man die Explorers Edition der Deluxe-Regeln vorbestellen.
Das PDF ist schon erhältlich.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.04.2012 | 09:28
(http://www.theagencystar.com/trigger/sweetdreamsmini.jpg) (http://www.theagencystar.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=168)


Im Pinnacle-Forum hat Trigger sein viertes PtoSM-Fan Abenteuer veröffentlicht.

Über Lob und Kritik würde sich Trigger gerne im Pinnacle Forum (http://peginc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=34499&highlight=) oder direkt auf seiner Homepage (http://www.theagencystar.com/) freuen.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.04.2012 | 00:04
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2933/101214.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/101214/Hael-Core-Rules?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Hael Core Rules
Model: HAE01
Author: Patrick Taylor
Pages: 157
Price: €11.55 (DriveThruRPG)

Patrick Taylor Presents...


800 years of peace broken…

Daeorcs, descendants of the orcs, rule the Dominion of the north.
Yeana, children of the gnolls, control civilisation in the south.
Outlaw Humans, Kirene druids, and Halfling outriders live in the wasteland in-between.

...From the sky come two groups of strangers, bringing their war with them!


Welcome to Hael — the fast, furious, and fun fantasy world where the Orcs and Gnolls won the war – now adapted for the Savage Worlds rules.

Hael isn’t just another world – it’s a journey into the heart of war, ambition, and drama! On the way you will visit a sorcerous Dominion ruled by Daeorcs, the descendants of Orcs; an Empire where the Yaena, the children of the Gnolls, have perfected the arts; and a wilderness where the untamed Humans, Halflings, and Kirene endure a daily life-and-death struggle to survive.

You will come to the Daeorc tower of High Sorcery, the great Storyteller Lairs of the south, and the desert plains where the Calling brings those who live in the wilderness to the power within themselves.

The Strangers are here also, trying to escape their fate at the hands of the merciless, steel Nuclarine. New technology will merge with the power of magic and of the mind, and you will see a war brewed from the mix.

Hael takes several existing fantasy ideas that you know and love – Orcs, Gnolls, Humans, Halflings, and magic – and develops them to a degree that makes then new again. Stuff like the techniques of Daeorc Sorcerers; the martial arts styles of the ever-flexible Yaena warriors; and the guerrilla fighting tactics of Human barbarians with psychic powers.

Speaking of psychic powers, Savage Worlds Edges have provided us with an even more streamlined and elegant set of rules than the old d20 SRD ‘Psihammer’ rules, and we have added a real psychic-fantasy flavour with these Edges and Powers!

Then Hael takes off with a bunch of inspired and well defined new material – like the untamed Kirene and the blood-sacrifice rituals of their Druids; the mental powers of the Strangers; the awesome technology of the Nuclarine and their malevolent Steel-Gods.

With all this going on something has got to give – and it does! You’ll be there on the brink for the second war of Hael, as psychic barbarians, sophisticated Sorcerers, deadly Outriders, murderous Druids, and the Alien newcomers make and break alliances, trying to become the rulers of Hael.

Hael is a layered and navigable PDF, best viewed in the latest version of Adobe Acrobat.

Want to know more?  Then check out our first ever Teaser Trailer for Hael (http://youtu.be/D_quL26A_xo), available to view on the StoryWeaver Games Youtube Channel!

Inside this 150+ page PDF you will find:

•  A detailed look at the lands of Hael and its inhabitants
•  46 New Edges
•  30+ New Powers
•  3 New Arcane Power Schools - Sorcery, Blood Magic & Psychic Call-en
•  New weapons, armor, and equipment
•  New and unique monsters
•  Plot hooks and story seeds, and a guide on how to get your campaign fired up!
•  Quick reference pages
•  Player handouts
•  Stunning A3 sized printable maps
•  iPad friendly format
•  Includes low-ink, printable version

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2933/101215.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/101215/Hael%3A-Burning-Bridges?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Hael: Burning Bridges
Model: HAE02
Author: Patrick Taylor
Pages: 17
Price: €2.86 FREE (DriveThruRPG)

Tensions in Crossplains are rife, as rumours of the Empire’s new alien allies filter through a city populated by Yaena, Daeorcs, Kirene, and more... Opportunities for a quick profit in the face of a looming war, conflict with the ideals of those who are working even harder to prevent war from breaking out.

To be a Yaena in Crossplains means being part of the majority, although not all Yaena support the treaty with the Nuclarine.

To be a Daeorc or a Daeman means to be walk on treacherous ground.

To be Halfling is to be a newly freed slave, living amongst your former masters.

To be Human is to be an outcast, uncaring and unaligned as always.

And to be Kirene means to always needing a extra few tricks up your sleeves!

Maybe not today, but eventually each one of these peoples will have to decide what path to follow...

Burning Bridges is a Game-in-a-Can for HAEL, the Savage Worlds rules and setting book for the world where the Orcs won the war!

‘Bridges is a free introductory adventure set in Crossplains, the Imperial Yaena city closest to the border with the Daeorc Dominion.

Please note: you will require both the Savage World Core Rules (Deluxe or Explorer edtion) and the Hael Core Rules pdf to utilise this adventure as written. 

After playing Burning Bridges you will be well on your way to a truly Hael’ish campaign, and ready for the next Game-in-a-Can ‘Night Of Long Fangs’ also out now from Storyweaver.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2933/101217.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/101217/Hael%3A-Night-of-the-Long-Fangs?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Hael: Night of the Long Fangs
Model: HAE03
Author: Patrick Taylor
Pages: 16
Price: €2.86 (DriveThruRPG)

On the surface life appears to be continuing as normal in the Dominion, perhaps because the city is separated from the Nuclarine by the raging waters that cut through Crossplains, but underneath that thin veneer there is blood-magic, treason, and plot!

The Daeorcs make the rules in Glowbane, suited to them and their Daeman cousins, and the Yaena, Kirene, and even the untamed Halflings and Humans are expected to follow them. Where official authority ends the Daeorc monks, the Kara’krus, are always around to enforce the will of Atlash.

Glowbane is a port city, and like all such cities it is possible to find anything the heart desires, or desires being done... even a cruel heart without mercy...

Night of Long Fangs is the second Game-in-a-Can for HAEL, the Savage Worlds rules and setting book for the world where the Orcs won the war!

‘Long Fangs is set in the Dominion city of Glowbane, land of the Daeorcs, and the Dominion city closest to the border with the Yaena Empire.

It can be played as a direct follow-on from the free introductory adventure Burning Bridges which can downloaded from Storyweaver, or it can be played as a stand-alone adventure.

Please note: you will require both the Savage World Core Rules (Deluxe or Explorer edtion) and the Hael Core Rules pdf to utilise this adventure as written. 

After playing Night of Long Fangs your campaign will grow to include several of the Key Players in Hael. The player characters should be well on their way be becoming seasoned veterans, and ready for the next Game-in-a-Can from Storyweaver.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.04.2012 | 01:05
Wonderland No More Errata Update

(http://www.tripleacegames.com/Images/WonderlandNoMore/Icons/wnm-download-eo7p-charactersheet-victorian.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/ccount/click.php?id=31) Es gibt eine neue Version des Errata zu WNM (http://www.tripleacegames.com/ccount/click.php?id=31).

In der neuen Version wird Fleet Footed an die Pace der verschiedenen Kreaturen angepaßt.

(http://www.tripleacegames.com/Images/Banner/Banner-WNM-06.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/WonderlandNoMore.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.04.2012 | 01:23
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/TAG_LOGO.GIF) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/hf_errata.pdf)


Das neueste Errata zu Hellfrost kann hier (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/hf_errata.pdf) heruntergeladen werden.

Aktuelle Änderungen:

Errata für Rassilon Expansion, Region Guide #14 - Veermark (Centaur Wild Lord) bzw. Region Guide #19 - Unclaimed Lands (Finnar Wind Lord). Offiziell soll diese Beschreibung in der Rassilon Expansion II nachgereicht werden:

Rank: Seasoned
Range: Smarts
Duration: Maintained
Trappings: Entangling plants, deep mud, buffeting winds, ice, grasping skeletal limbs, rip tide.

Hamper movement creates an area equal in size to a Medium Burst Template. All movement through the temple is treated as difficult ground. With a –2 penalty on the arcane skill roll, the template can be increased to a Large Burst Template. For a similar penalty, the area can be made especially difficult, preventing all creatures from running within the template. With a –4 penalty, both modifiers can be implemented simultaneously.

Add to Magic Lists: Druidism, Elementalism (Air, Earth, and Water), and Hrimwisardry.
Add to Deity Lists: Eostre, Ertha, Freo, Hela, Neorthe, Thrym, Thunor, and The Unknowable One.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_02.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellFrost.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.04.2012 | 23:25
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/101404-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/101404/Faith-%26-Demons%3A-The-Rising?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Faith & Demons: The Rising
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Page Count: 306
Price: € 10.83 (DriveThruRPG)

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/101405-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/101405/Faith-%26-Demons%3A-The-Rising-Player%27s-Guide?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Faith & Demons: The Rising Player's Guide
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Page Count: 159
Price: € 5.76 (DriveThruRPG)

As if the power vacuum created by Rome’s fall isn’t enough, the survivors are fighting against multiple forces. Religious persecution has reared its head with claims of heresy against those who are just worshiping as they always have. Tribal conflicts threaten to tear asunder tenuous allegiances. The land is suffering from the fall-out of it all making nomadic life more difficult than typical. The undead armies, horrific demons, and a host of once mythological creatures stalking the landscape create tension from shore to shore. Someone needs to do something. And the lords have decided your party counts as ‘someone.’

Your characters have it in them to be more than a survivor. Lead your nomadic tribe’s defense against all sides to become a legendary warrior. Best a demon lord. Quell the lich’s vampire army. Call down the angels of heaven to fight at your side. Or maybe call upon the denizens of hell to tear apart your foes.

FAITH & DEMONS: THE RISING is a Dark Ages, gothic fantasy plot point setting for Savage Worlds where united lords have brought the world’s warriors together to prevent the armies of chaos from enslaving their people.

The FAITH & DEMONS: THE RISING core setting guide includes:
●    9 templates to tie your character to their home nation.
●    Over 90 new Edges.
●    4 new Arcane Backgrounds.
●    Weapons and armor straight out of the Dark Ages.
●    Religion and Mythology found during the Dark Ages.
●    Over 45 new creatures from folklore, mythology, and gothic horror.
●    A complete plot point campaign from Novice to Heroic.
●    16 Savage Tales from Novice to Veteran
●    … and much more

Join the battle and defeat the armies of chaos!

FAITH & DEMONS: THE RISING is not a stand-alone game and requires the Savage Worlds core rulebook.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.04.2012 | 15:44
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/101413-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/101413/Quantum-Sliders%3A-Blessed-Child?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[Suzerain] Quantum Sliders: Blessed Child
Author: Zach Welhouse
Pages: 16
Price: €2.89 (DriveThruRPG)
Some princesses are blessed at birth with grace, beauty, and good sense. Mari of Tarag-Hih would be so lucky! Instead, she was promised the love of all the gods. When the agents of the besotted deities invade her fairytale realm, it’s up to your band of visiting heroes to make sure everyone leaves happy - from Krona-Yig (the Eyeless Tyrant) to Pele, Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes.

This Heroic rank tale for Savage Worlds is set in the god realms of the Maelstrom. It creates a diplomatic burly brawl, where honor and humanity are as scarce as seven-league boots. Will they fight for what’s right, or for the deific suitor with the deepest pockets? And whatever happened to the Forgotten Forest, anyway?

Product contains: A 16-page high resolution PDF plus a print friendly version for free. A copy of Savage Suzerain is also recommended to get the best out of this book.

* A copy of Savage Suzerain is also recommended to get the most out of this book.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.04.2012 | 17:02
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/3554/101433-thumb100.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=101433&currency=EUR)
Beasts & Barbarians: Moonless Night Over Grimdell
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 14
Price: €2.89 (DriveThruRPG)
Bar brawl gone wrong. You are facing either eath or suicide mission! You have to sneak into the castle, kill the traitor and save the beautiful daughter of Baron Grotho.
The mission is dangerous, but if you succeed, you’ll be spared and rewarded. Refuse and the executioner’s axe will show you no mercy. The choice is yours, and you can  decide in the newest adventure for Beasts and Barbarians! But beware - moonless nights are always dangerous!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 18.04.2012 | 06:57
Deadlands wurde auf den Deluxe-Stand gebracht und kann auf der Pinnacle-Seiter heruntergeladen werden:


Sieht gut aus. Zwei Seiten und das meiste beschäftigt sich mit der Anpassung der neuen Powers.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.04.2012 | 19:58


In der Pipeline befinden sich zur Zeit...

RASSILON EXPANSION II: Neue und alte Optionalregeln
REGION GUIDE #52 - Supplemental Material: Diverse NPCs, Orte und Siedlungen
REGION GUIDE #53 - ALFHEIM: Das Reich der Fey mit Abenteuermöglichkeiten. Nun wirklich letzter Region Guide!!!
CREATURE GUIDE - FUNGALS: Über die rätselhaften Pilzkreaturen aus Erthas Reich.
CREATURE GUIDE - GOLEMS: Was man zu Golems wissen sollte...
ORGANIZATION GUIDE: Weitere Details zu den Organisationen Rassilons (Einzeln und Teil der Expansion II).
MERCENARIES AND SELLSWORDS: Mehr Details zu den Söldnern und Kriegerorganisationen Rassilons. Beschreibung bekannter Söldnertrupps.
ADVENTURE X1 - CLASH OF STEEL: Abenteuer um Söldner und Krieger. Alternative Massenkampfregeln. Letztes offizielles Abenteuer!

Geplant für Herbst/Winter 2012:
Hellfrost - Land of Fire: Der Erweiterungsband zum Kontinent Al-Shirkuh im Süden Rassilons.

Noch offen/in Planung (wohl eher 2013+):
Matters of Faith: Erweiterung zu den Religionen, z.T. aus den Region Guides.
Region Guide Gazetteers: Zusammenfassung der Länderbeschreibungen aus den Region Guides.
Encounters Book II: Sammlung von kurzen Begegnungen. Thematisch in Al-Shirkuh!
LoF Region Guides/Adventures: Region Guides und offizielle Abenteuer in Al-Shirkuh (je nach Erfolg und eher Sammlungen).

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_02.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellFrost.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.04.2012 | 20:23
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/TAG_LOGO.GIF) (http://www.tripleacegames.com//Downloads/AceTales/TAG_AT013.pdf)
Ace Tales #13: Angel Down
Model: TAG-AT013
Author: Robert Bickmeier
Page Count: 2
Price: Free (TAG)

In this weeks update we bring you a nifty little Ace Tale by competition winner Robert Bickmeier. Download it free today from the TAG website.

Ace Tale 13: Angel Down

This mission takes place along the fronts shared by Kobia, the New Territories, and Dead Zone Gamma while the Knights are returning via Angel dropship from behind enemy lines to their Preceptory.

Download Ace Tale 13: Angel Down today! (http://www.tripleacegames.com//Downloads/AceTales/TAG_AT013.pdf)

(http://www.tripleacegames.com/Images/Banner/Banner05.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Necropolis.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.04.2012 | 17:33


The Secret War Has Begun!

Achtung! Cthulhu brings you a two-fisted wartime roleplaying game setting for Call of Cthulhu and Savage Worlds, packed full of fiendish Nazi scientists, terrifying ancient mysteries, legendary German war machines, desperate partisans, gun-toting paratroopers, determined investigators, and enough writhing tentacles to pack ten Reichstags.

Discover the secret history of World War Two - stories of the amazing heroism which struggled to overthrow a nightmare alliance of science and the occult, of frightening inhuman conspiracies from the depths of time, and the unbelievable war machines which were the product of Nazi scientific genius - and how close we all came to a slithering end!

Play a huge range of classic wartime heroes such as Russian political officers, German U-Boat commanders, British commandoes, RAF pilots, US rangers, Washington investigators, London journalists, Hollywood starlets, and resistance fighters from all across Europe, who must all unite in the battle against the darker side of World War Two. Play a full campaign leading from the opening shots of the War in 1939, through intrigue and adventure in Occupied Europe, the siege of Berlin in 1945, and finally the cold wastes of Antarctica in 1946!

Featuring stunning art by illustrator Dim Martin and more artists to be announced, Achtung! Cthulhu will be packed full of evocative and inspirational scenes. The product line includes several major campaigns; Achtung! Cthulhu - The Mountains of Madness sees a return to Lovecraft's infamous Antarctic world and is set during the opening shots of WW2. A hastily assembled Allied expedition must pursue the Nazi war machine deep into the Antartic to discover the secrets of a lost continent and confront a terrifying reality.

Imminent episodic Achtung! Cthulhu releases will set the stage for the campaigns and main setting arriving later this year. Written for the popular Call of Cthulhu and Savage Worlds roleplaying game systems, Achtung! Cthulhu will thrust your characters in to the midst of a dark and desperate struggle, as Cthulhu's minions take advantage of the chaos wrought by the Third Reich to topple civilization! The massive world-spanning Achtung! Cthulhu setting features occult conspiracies, terrifying Nazi war machines, and an ancient evil so powerful that it threatens to tear the world apart!

Achtung! Cthulhu will also be available for Expeditions, a brand new standalone roleplaying system designed to introduce new friends to roleplaying. Expeditions - Achtung! Cthulhu will feature complete rules for exciting roleplaying adventures in World War 2, as well as equipping company-sized expeditions to confront the horrors unleashed!

Achtung! Cthulhu & Expeditions are both being developed by new games imprint Modiphius founded by the ENNIE Award nominated Starblazer Adventures & Legends of Anglerre writer Chris Birch. Modiphius will be working with some familiar names in publishing to bring their digital releases to physical print, promoting great artists & writers and giving gamers some amazing worlds to play in!

If you want to know the moment we announce more information on Achtung! Cthulhu or Expeditions and get a discount when we launch simply send an email now to achtung@modiphius.com (achtung@modiphius.com). Like us at www.facebook.com/modiphius (http://www.facebook.com/modiphius) to see concept art and maps as well as find out about other exciting Modiphius projects.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.04.2012 | 23:14
(http://studio101.ru/image/cache/data/products/rl-cover-455x475.png) (http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=de&u=http%3A%2F%2Fstudio101.ru%2Fsavageworlds%2Fredland%2FSW1001PDF)
Red Lands
Model: SW1001PDF
Author: Shtab Dukhonin
Language: Russian
Pages: 199
Price: 490 руб (Studio101)

The World War has not ended. Apocalyptic prophecies have come true. Dozens of doctrines and ideologies promise a perfect world order with happiness for all, then coalesce into a bloody civil war that shatters the Russian Empire and, in some ways, the world itself.

Behind the open conflicts, a secret war of mystic orders is playing out. The longer you survive, the more you may learn, and the more power you might yet master. But power can be as deadly to its “masters” as it is to its “victims,” and you never truly know which you are in this broken world.

Red Land is a mystical action game in an alternate Russian Civil War in 1917–1922 where magic has become as important to politics as force and intrigue in the first Russian-language Savage Worlds setting! Red Land is brought to you by Studio 101, the fine folks producing the Russian-language Savage Worlds rules. Perhaps this is the excuse you need to add another language to your repertoire, eh?


Red Lands Character Sheet (https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/studio101/savage_worlds/red_lands/character_sheet.pdf)
Red Lands World Map (https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/studio101/savage_worlds/red_lands/redland_map.jpg)
Red Lands Preview (https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/studio101/savage_worlds/red_lands/red_land_test_pages.pdf)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.04.2012 | 14:27
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2552/101678-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/101678/DEADLANDS%3A-The-Devil%27s-Six-Gun?src=FrontPage)
DEADLANDS: The Devil's Six Gun
Writer: David Gallaher
Artist: Steve Ellis
Model: DLB1
Pages: 36
Price: €1.09 (DriveThruRPG)
Based on the game DEADLANDS from Pinnacle Entertainment! Visionary Comics and Pinnacle Entertainment present the first of four one-shots by industry superstars, bringing the weird Western world of DEADLANDS to comics! In this issue: The Havey Award-winning HIGH MOON team of DAVID GALLAHER & STEVE ELLIS tell the story of inventor Copernicus Blackburne, who risks even his immortal soul in his Faustian quest to build 'The Devil's Six-Gun!'

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2552/101679-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/101679/DEADLANDS%3A-Massacre-At-Read-Wing?src=s_pi)
DEADLANDS: Massacre At Red Wing
Writers: Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Grey
Artist: Lee Moder
Model: DLB2
Pages: 36
Price: €1.09 (DriveThruRPG)
Based on the game DEADLANDS from Pinnacle Entertainment! Visionary Comics and Pinnacle Entertainment present the second of four one-shots by industry superstars, bringing the weird Western world of DEADLANDS to comics! In this issue: Written by Jonah Hex scribes Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Grey, 'Massacre at Red Wing' tells the story of Clementime, a warrior woman who journeys south in search of her mother, swearing to kill anyone and anything that gets in the way.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2552/101680-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/101680/DEADLANDS%3A-Death-Was-Silent?src=s_pi)
DEADLANDS: Death Was Silent
Writer: Ron Marz
Artist: Bart Sears
Model: DLB3
Pages: 36
Price: €1.09 (DriveThruRPG)
Based on the game DEADLANDS from Pinnacle Entertainment! Visionary Comics and Pinnacle Entertainment present the third of four one-shots by industry superstars, bringing the weird Western world of DEADLANDS to comics! In this issue: A silent bounty hunter rides into a remote town, but the town holds dark secrets that may turn the hunter into the hunted. Superstars RON MARZ and BART SEARS team up for a weird Western tale unlike any other!

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2552/101681-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/101681/DEADLANDS%3A-Black-Water?src=s_pi)
DEADLANDS: Black Water
Writer: Jeff Mariotte
Artist: Brook Turner
Model: DLB4
Pages: 36
Price: €1.09 (DriveThruRPG)
Based on the game DEADLANDS from Pinnacle Entertainment! Visionary Comics and Pinnacle Entertainment present the forth of four one-shots by industry superstars, bringing the weird Western world of DEADLANDS to comics! In this issue: JEFF MARIOTTE & BROOK TURNER weave a tale of mysticism, eternal love, and maybe a sea monster of two in 'Black Water,' as a weathly man searches the Great Maze for the beautiful woman who has haunted his dreams for decades.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2552/101682-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/101682/Deadlands%3A-The-Kid%3A-Origins?src=s_pi)
DEADLANDS: The Kid: Origins
Writer: C. Edward Sellner
Artists: Oscar Capristo & Ale Aragon
Model: DLTBK
Pages: 36
Price: €1.09 (DriveThruRPG)
Based on the game DEADLANDS from Pinnacle Entertainment! Visionary Comics and Pinnacle Entertainment brings Billy the Kid to DEADLANDS! 12 years old, family wiped out, and all alone in the middle of the wild Weird West... hunted by werewolves. Grab a gun, there's killin' to be done!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.04.2012 | 19:33
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/92/101694-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/101694/City-States-of-Mars%3A--Korium?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Savage Mars] City-States of Mars: Korium
Author: Paul Kidd
Artists: Jesus Garcia Lopez, Rick Hershey
Page Count: 53
Price: €5.76 (DriveThruRPG)
Adamant Entertainment is pleased to present our first setting supplement for MARS!

City-States of Mars: Korium features a small independent city-state, off the main trade routes at the northern edge of the Elysium Plateau.  Placed near to ruined cities, exotic deserts, and mountains haunted by ancient evil, Korium is the gateway to adventure -- the perfect home base for a party of adventurers about to set forth into the wondrous lands of Mars. 

This supplement features a map of the city, details of its districts, its people, and its history.  Within these pages you will find dozens of notable characters for each district, important locations, encounter ideas, and a myriad assortment of adventure plot hooks both within the city and in the regions beyond its walls.

Also included are rules for the famed Air Races of Korium, and other diversions, as well as a bestiary of new wonders and horrors from beneath the twin moons of Mars.

Korium is a city fit for heroes!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.04.2012 | 19:42
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/671/101698-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/101698/Iron-Dynasty%3A-Kesshi-Tales-%2310?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Iron Dynasty] Kesshi Tales #10: Slice of the Blade
Author: Brad Bell
Page Count: 39
Price: €2.17 (DriveThruRPG)

Kesshi Tales #10: Slice of the Blade, is a dip into the Old World and the Old Ways as the kesshi get caught up in a division over dueling. Set in Sormizu, shall our heroes lend their swords to the cause? Includes all new dueling Edges for those who wish to add a bit more bite to their blades!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.04.2012 | 17:52
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/750/101744-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/101744/Diabolical-Traps---The-Maintenance-Mummy)
[Silver Gryphon Games] Diabolical Traps - The Maintenance Mummy
Author: Kevin Rohan
Page Count: 4
Price: Free (DriveThruRPG)

Deep in the shadow of Mount Terror lies the Tomb of Zuul-Tem. It has remained undisturbed for a thousand years, haunted by the cures of the ancient Necromancer who was supposedly laid to rest there. His knowledge, his treasure, and his power are said to be there with him. You and your group have planned an expedition there; an untouched crypt for a millennium. It is said to be trapped with devices of such lethal cunning that most men will die of fright. And it’s yours for the taking!

Yeah right.

It takes effort to make sure that all of the treasure stays put and the legend of the crypt stays intact. Traps need to be reset, and that is a huge undertaking. Even trying to do it by hand subjects the owner to the trap inside. Thus, the Maintenance Mummy was created.

With stats for the Savage Worlds, Ingenium, and Æther systems, this whimsical addition to a dungeon solves a long-time question in fantasy role-playing: how is everything still even working?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.04.2012 | 19:24
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/101783-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/101783/Judgment-Day-%28Expanded-Edition%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Savage Insider: Judgment Day (Expanded Edition)
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Artists: Jim Scanlin, Bradley K. McDevitt
Page Count: 90
Price: €4.31 (DriveThruRPG)

Judgment Day is a universal setting where characters join the ranks of the Inquisition and their fight against the supernatural beings that threaten mankind.

The Inquisition has been protecting the world for centuries. While many feel solitude within their homes, inquisitors of all types are hunting the denizens that terrorize and kill. In Judgment Day, players take on the role of inquisitors hunting down and purging the likes of werebeasts, demons, aliens, ghosts, vampires, and more. Whether used as a stand-alone setting or secret society within existing settings, the Inquisition is ready to protect.

Judgment Day is a mini-setting, designed to be placed within existing settings to create specialized inquisitors while still being usable as a stand-alone setting focused on hunting horrific beings. To coincide with the stand-alone aspect, Judgment Day contains aspects of a modern fantasy, action horror setting.

Inside the Judgment Day core setting guide you will find:

The Expanded Edition contains:

Watch for additional content to be released within the standard quarterly issues of Savage Insider!

If you purchased a copy of the original edition of Judgment Day and would like a copy of the Expanded Edition, send us an e-mail for a discount code.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.05.2012 | 01:34
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/92/101953-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/101953/Soul-Thieves-of-Mars?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Savage Mars] Soul-Thieves of Mars
Author: H.M. 'Dain' Lybarger
Artists: Jesus Garcia Lopez, Rick Hershey
Page Count: 17
Price: €3.62 (DriveThruRPG)

Adamant Entertainment is pleased to present Soul-Thieves of Mars, an adventure for our Savage Worlds setting of swords and science beneath the moons of Mars!

“I brought some things for consignment...” Argol the Weaver said, laying out three intricately-woven bolts of spidersilk on the counter. “Some of my best, don’t you think?” he said, running sensitive fingertips across the textured fabric. He waited for his old friend to respond in a deprecating manner, as the first stage of their long-standing haggle over prices, but Sajal Gax said nothing.

“Is everything alright? Have you spoken to the Magistrate?” Argol listened intently, but heard only his friend’s shallow breathing.

“Perfectly alright.” The merchant’s slow response was low and devoid of emotion. “There was no need to speak to the Magistrate. I will pay you nine alvash for these.” Each coin clinked with machine-like precision as the merchant counted them out onto the cool marble countertop.

Argol hurried from the shop, barely remembering to sweep the coins into his hand, and nearly toppling a bolt of cloth from its rack as he fled. Slipping through the door and into the marketplace, he was irrationally certain that he could feel Sajal Gax’ hollow-eyed gaze following him...

The heroes are hired by a trade caravan as guards, and travel to the city of Ban Ma Terril.  One of the merchants of the city, a weaver named Argol, warns them that something is going on -- people in the city have begun to act strangely:  hollow, as if their wills were not their own, as if someone or something had stolen their very souls!

The investigation will lead to mystery, intrigue and murder, as the heroes are drawn into the machinations of a secret society that threatens the entire Red Planet!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.05.2012 | 14:23
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/750/101976-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=101976⁢=1)
[Silver Gryphon Games] Wellstone City: The Ranch Raid
Author: David Baymiller, Kevin Rohan
Artists: Ari Syahrazad
Page Count: 17
Price: €1.81 Adventure only, €2.90 Adventure/Map Bundle (DriveThruRPG)
Things have gotten hot in Wellstone, maybe a little too hot.  The best thing you can do is lay low, especially after that whole hotel fiasco.  Then this job just lands in your lap.  It's perfect:  it's in Mexico, it's dealing with Wellstone City scumbags, and it's working with a high-level security company with few real ties to the City.  As a matter of fact, it's almost too perfect...

This adventure is the sixth adventure of the Wellstone City Chronicles for the Wellstone City setting.  This Savage adventure is 15 pages that takes the PCs out of their normal playground and sets them loose on some biker scumbags that the world would be better off without.  They will be working with a highly trained organization on a direct hit on a fortified ranch 50 miles of the border.  Oh.  And they have an Apache.

The adventure is geared for 3 to 4 PCs and suggestions are given in the book to help ramp up the difficulty for either advanced characters or more players.  It can be used in conjuction with the other Wellstone City Chronicles, and it can be used in any order with them.  Grab this sixth installment of the Wellstone City modern urban adventure arc today!

Inside you’ll find:

This is also available in a product bundle that includes a five feet-per-inch scale from Silver Gryphon Games and Fabled Environments!  Get both products in the bundle and save!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.05.2012 | 21:56
Wonderland No More Deluxe Update

(http://www.tripleacegames.com/Images/WonderlandNoMore/Icons/wnm-download-deluxe-changes.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/ccount/click.php?id=33)
Jordan Peacock und Kevin Anderson haben ein SWD Deluxe Update zu WNM (http://www.tripleacegames.com/ccount/click.php?id=33) veröffentlicht.

(http://www.tripleacegames.com/Images/Banner/Banner-WNM-06.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/WonderlandNoMore.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.05.2012 | 21:14
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/DeadlandsNoirRevealed1.png) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/770168648?token=2a2ce7fb)

Deadlands Noir—The Secret Setting Revealed! (http://www.peginc.com/deadlands-noir-the-secret-setting-revealed/)

The year is 1935. New Orleans is one tough lady of a town. Some say her blood-red lipstick hides a heart of gold, others say it’s black as a killin’ bruise. Colorful, but a smart man don’t say nothin’ if he can avoid it—best to let the deadly secrets of the streets roll down the gutters like dirty rainwater.

This hard-boiled new setting brings the gritty history of the Deadlands world into the 1930s, giving you the shades of gray only a world of noir can deliver. Study the dangerous art of private detection in the city of New Orleans, solve whodunnits where both suspects and victims shoot back, venture into the gator-filled sludge of Louisiana’s deadly bayous, and learn just what the killer known only as “Stone” is doing in the Big Easy.

Deadlands Noir is also our first foray into Kickstarter. Even if you’re somehow not interested in the dizzying array of fabulous perks available, be sure to check out the first installment of the illustrated audio drama Hard Boiled in the Big Easy (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/770168648?token=2a2ce7fb).

Since we first leaked a teaser about the new setting last Tuesday, we’ve been running a contest on our Facebook page (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/770168648?token=2a2ce7fb) to guess the name of the new setting. Give it a look-see (http://www.facebook.com//pages/Pinnacle-Entertainment-Group/141515572549194) for an explanation of the various clues and whether anyone guessed it correctly.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.05.2012 | 13:27
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/images/TAG31253_thumb.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_21&products_id=241)
Hellfrost - Region Guide #52: Supplemental Material
Model: TAG31253
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 19 + 14
Price: €3.49 (TAG), €3.61 (DriveThruRPG)

The road goes ever on! Actually, it doesn't. After an epic quest spanning two years, the exploration of the northern continent's mundane realms reaches its conclusion.

Hundreds of sites of interest have been described in the Hellfrost Gazetteer and Region Guide series, yet these have barely scratched the surface. The snow-bound continent is a vast place, littered with isolated communities, thriving towns, and abandoned ruins of bygone ages. This Region Guide contains an additional 35 locales and 4 colorful citizens from across the continent.

As a special bonus to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Hellfrost, this Region Guide comes with a free 14-page supplement exploring one of the major cities.

Hinweis: Wie vermutet ist es Aslov - sogar mit grober Karte.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 23.05.2012 | 15:32
Neues Deadlands-Abenteuer:

Winter is supposed to be a time of peace, and dinner is supposed to be a time of sharing. O’ course, winter ain’t due quite yet, and the Weird West is supposed to be a land of plenty, but supposin’ don’t fill nobody’s belly.

Heed the call to find a party lost in Truckee Pass. What’s a little unseasonable light snow? And who cares if the pass is better known for the last lost party, the Donners?

I hear south o’ the border they say not to drink the water. Up here in the Sierra Nevadas, we say don’t have your neighbors for dinner. It’s only good advice if you take it, amigo. Otherwise, evil may come to Pass…

Guess Who’s Coming to Donner is tummy-twistin’ Savage Tale for the award-winning Deadlands RPG with a full set of map tiles. (Deadlands Adventure, full color, 26 pages)

~ 5€ bei Onebookshelf

Achtung aktuell funkioniert der Download nicht, zumindest ist das bei mir der Fall.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.05.2012 | 06:03
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/102528-thumb100.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=102528&language=de)
Savage Worlds Deluxe: Explorer's Edition
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Page Count: 194 PDF
Price: €7.24 (DriveThruRPG)

The contents of the Savage Worlds Deluxe: Explorer's Edition and Savage Worlds Deluxe are the same. The Explorer's Edition is formatted for 6.5"x9" while Savage Worlds Deluxe is 8.5"x11".

Savage Worlds is a Fast! Furious! and Fun! rules system for any genre of roleplaying game. Create your own setting, convert an existing one, or pick up one of our amazing worlds like Deadlands, Slipstream, or Weird War II. The rules give players plenty of depth to create their characters and keep bookkeeping to a minimum for the game master. If you're looking for a game that's fast and easy to set up, run, and play, Savage Worlds is for you!

Savage Worlds Deluxe is the newest edition, providing an update to the third printing of Savage Worlds Explorer's Edition. It includes rules updates, new rules material, new art, more examples, an expanded Setting Rules section, Designer Notes to give you an insight into the development, and much more. It does not, however, invalidate prior printings of the rules, which you can continue enjoy.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.05.2012 | 10:12
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/102589-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=102589&language=de)
[Interface Zero] Hostile Takeover
Author: Charles Green
Artists: Sam Manley (midnight illustrations), Jason Walton
Pages: 40
Price: €5.79 (DriveThruRPG)

The Megacorp is a staple of cyberpunk literature. These titanic, inhuman forces of naked greed and lust for power are like the gods of the mythic age. Their aims are enacted in the realm of mortals through their employees; agents that are expected to further the ends of their corporate masters in exchange for the best gear, cash, and a lifestyle that is the envy of many.

In most cyberpunk games, the ways that player characters interact with megacorps are strictly one-sided: the Corp hires the PCs to do a job, always with a looming threat of an attempt to screw the poor suckers over. In Hostile Takeover, we turn this relationship on its ear.

With this book, the player characters are put in charge of a fledging corporation. Can they swim in the sea of dangerous hostile corporations, or will they be gobbled up whole by an unsuspected rival?

The rewards are immense power, wealth, and influence. That is, of course, assuming you can keep it. The world in which megacongloms operate in 2088 is one of threats, espionage, and hostile takeovers; where the result of a life's work can be taken away through the purchase of a few stock options. Only those skilled and fortunate enough can thrive in this environment.

The rest get used up and tossed aside.

So, ami, what do you think? Do we have a deal?


Membership has its privileges. Here you’ll find a guide to Corporate Culture, new Edges, Hindrances and Skills, and a sweet Expense Account, assuming you can keep and maintain your ever-changing relationship with the Corporation itself.


Here you’ll find tools and rules suggestions to make your job of running a corporation campaign easier. There is some discussion on what to focus on and what to let run in the background, a system of Trappings to characterize the various corporations that will be involved in the ongoing campaign, a list of the major comgloms of 2088, and Murder in the Boardroom: how to use the Situational Rules from the Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition to describe the big events in a corporation’s year.

Welcome to a world of high-stakes, winner-take all power plays, where one wrong move can shatter dreams, legacies, and stock options.

I hope you’re ready.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.05.2012 | 10:22
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4543/102561-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/102561/%28Low-Life%29-The-Whole-Hole---A-Gadabout%27s-Guide-to-Mutha-Oith---Volume-01%3A-Keister-Island?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Low Life] The Whole Hole - A Gadabout's Guide to Mutha Oith - Volume 01: Keister Island
Author: Andy Hopp
Artists: Andy Hopp
Pages: 226
Price: €10.83 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/102561-sample.pdf)

Tash Shardborn has this to say:

“In a very real sense, the Keister is the island. But in an equally, and more accurately, real sense the island is the island. Witness the cosmopolitan jumble of Floom, the aromatic mysticisms of the Garden of Smellemental Glee, the monumental juts and caverns of the Knobby Rumple...  Behold dank rites and unspeakable atrocities as you scramble your way through the lichenous strew of Stan’s Rug. Prance the loamy frolic of the Soul Patch. Wallow in the ichorous murk of the Imple Slew. Wonder what all those statues are about. Do some other stuff. Try not to get eaten.”

The Whole Hole - A Gadabout’s Guide to Mutha Oith, Volume 01: Keister Island is the first in a series of guidebooks (that’s what “Volume 01” means) designed to immerse the reader within and among the places, peeps, beasts, and happenings of the various realms of Mutha Oith. Join intrepid gadabout Toucanacondor Flaminguez as he tours Keister Island. You’ll explore dozens of locales, meet hundreds of peeps, examine new religions, gawp in awe at wondrous magics, and run in terror from a bunsload of horrifying monstrosities. Here you’ll investigate the Fundamental nature of all things, dabble in smellcasting at the Garden of Smellemental Glee, chug suds with Floom’s elite, and marvel at the bottomless Keister of Gawd. There’s new Holy Crap, new Edges and Hindrances, New PC species, new setting rules, and twenty pages of new monsters. Seriously, stop reading the back cover and just buy the goosin’ thing already.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.05.2012 | 10:33
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4513/102273-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/102273/Caravan?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[paNik] Caravan
Author: Nik Palmer, M. Andrew Payne
Artists: M. Andrew Payne, Josh Rosen, Randall Drew, Bill Volk
Pages: 50
Price: €4.31 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/102273-sample.pdf)

Set in 3000 B.C.E., a time without the myths and legends we now take for granted -- because they either haven't happend yet or are happening right now. Would-be gods and previously unheard-of monsters stalk the earth openly building armies and recruiting followers.

Explore ancient Mesopotamia and take part in the birth of empires and the dawn of civilization itself. In the process, the players will to protect a trade caravan as it travels from Ur to Nineveh. Along the way, they'll battle the desert sun, be attacked by bandits, and kicked by the camels they're supposed to be protecting.

While mostly adventure, this book is also a bronze-ages sourcebook for the Mesopotamian region, complete with a regional map, details on the cultures of the time, and minor rules and equipment modifications for bronze gear.


Thoroughly researched, Caravan is historically accurate, or at least as accurate as you can get while still having halflings running around underfoot.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.05.2012 | 10:45
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4513/102274-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/102274/The-Deadly-Seven?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[paNik] The Deadly Seven
Author: M. Andrew Payne
Artists: David Senecal, Timothy McClurg, M. Andrew Payne
Pages: 150
Price: €9.38 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/102274-sample.pdf)

The Deadly Seven is a modern-era supernatural horror adventure that pits the characters against seven unwitting servants of hell. The players will have to contend with a variety of threats both direct and indirect ranging from drive-by shootings and murderous psychopaths to rogue hackers, misguided zealots, and the demonically possessed. As each encounter draws them deeper into the grip of evil, they'll have to find the connection between their seemingly unrelated opponents to find the sinister mastermind manipulating events behind the scenes.

A multi-part adventure, The Deadly Seven can be played as an extended campaign or as 7-8 independent scenarios ranging from all-out action to tense investigations. Each segment is designed to be incorporated into an ongoing story but the story also works if you play straight through.

The Deadly Seven is suitable for any modern urban setting that includes paranormal activity. It can also be a great way to introduce the paranormal into an otherwise-mundane campaign.

The Deadly Seven is also a sourcebook on demons and the theology of demonic possession, outlining the various stages of – and rules for – possession and exorcism. These sections can be printed out as player hand-outs
Contains adult situations. May not be appropriate for individuals under 17.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.05.2012 | 11:01
(http://realityblurs.com/shop/images/large/Cover_AoO-OS-1_LRG.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/102692/Agents-of-Oblivion%3A-One-Shot-%231?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Agents of Oblivion] One Shots #1 - Cats Eye
Author: Michael Ysker
Pages: 13
Price: €2.17 (DriveThruRPG)

We have a mission for you. Snag the first scenario in our brand new line of adventures, ONE SHOTS.  Each ONE SHOT is full of varied levels of horror and espionage and should not be missed. They are designed to play out in one session, but can easily be extended at the Director's discretion.
ONE SHOTS #1 : CATS EYE finds our Agents deep in the jungles of Vietnam, where they are assigned to look into the disappearance of a United States Biological Security Operations team. Things take a turn for the worse, as the Agents are faced with the horrors left behind from an experiment gone awry.

For use with Agents of Oblivion from Reality Blurs.

Agents of Oblivion is a setting for the award-winning Savage Worlds system.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.06.2012 | 07:50
Ein erster Geschmack von Deadlands: Hell on Earth

HoE ist leider noch eine Weile weg. Um die Wartezeit zu versüssen, spendiert uns Pinnacle das Cover als Wallpaper. Der Link führt zu einer Auswahl der gewünschten Größen...

(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/HellOnEarthCoverThumbnail.png) (http://www.peginc.com/shop/hell-on-earth-reloaded/)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.06.2012 | 09:14
(http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Oc7hO_9MO_0/T7orX2FChyI/AAAAAAAAAyw/bO3e7UCbS3o/s1600/Deadlands+Noir.png) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/deadlands-noir)

Der Deadlands Noir Kickstarter geht in die letzte Woche!

Das Ziel ist mit aktuell $75.000 schon beinahe um das 10x übererfüllt. Die aktuellen Stretch Awards sind auf der Homepage ausführlich erklärt.

Einen Überblick gibt es auch in der folgenden Tabelle:
(http://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/000/017/640/280f671aeee53b7e5142f4750cbea7c5_large.png?1338919230) (http://uploads.peginc.com/DLN_Overview.png)

Hard Boiled in the Big Easy Episode 4 (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/deadlands-noir/posts/240574) schließt außerdem das kleine Hörspiel ab!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.06.2012 | 11:45
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4329/102940-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/102940/Achtung!-Cthulhu---Zero-Point-Part-1---Three-Kings---For-Realms-of-Cthulhu?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Achtung! Cthulhu]  Zero Point Part 1 - Three Kings
Author: Sarah Newton with Dave Blewer (SW Conversion)
Artists: Dim Martin
Pages: 42
Price: €7.95 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/102940-sample.pdf)

Wartime roleplaying…
…with tentacles!

Achtung! Cthulhu brings you a two-fisted wartime SAVAGE WORLDS roleplaying game setting for REALMS OF CTHULHU, packed full of fiendish Nazis, terrifying ancient mysteries, legendary war machines, and enough writhing tentacles to fill ten Reichstags!

Three Kings is the first in a series of standalone adventure supplements in the globe-spanning Zero Point campaign for Achtung! Cthulhu written by Sarah Newton. Join a band of heroic soldiers, agents, and partisans behind enemy lines on the eve of World War Two, as they discover the unspeakable horrors of Castle Karlstein in occupied Czechoslovakia!

Inside you will find everything you need:
Requires the Savage Worlds rulebook & Realms of Cthulhu supplement to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.06.2012 | 22:34
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4543/102661-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/102661/%28Low-Life%29-Figure-Flats-Version-02?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Low Life] Figure Flats Version 02
Author: Andy Hopp
Artists: Andy Hopp
Pages: 9
Price: €7.94 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/102661-sample.pdf)

A full color set of Figure Flats for use with the Low Life game or any other way you want to play with them. These figures go along with The Whole Hole - A Gadabout's Guide to Mutha Oith - Volume 01: Keister Island, but the characters and creatures can be used just about anywhere. It even includes templates (small burst, medium burst, large burst, and cone), fungi, body buddies, and pets. Buy them now!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.06.2012 | 07:51
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/images/TAG10401_thumb.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_19&products_id=242)
[G-Men & Gangsters] Faction Pack #1
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 18
Price: €3.14 (TAG Store), €3.57 (DriveThruRPG)

Suits meets science in the first G-Men & Gangsters Faction Pack!

Leading the United States war against the criminal factions terrorizing the land are the stalwart agents of the FBI. Faced against them are the operatives and weapons of the mysterious Doctor Destructo, a figure whose scientific achievements goes far beyond the realms of the mundane.

This Faction Pack contains background information, unique Wild Card characters, new units, and sample army lists for the FBI and Doctor Destructo Factions, as well as new rules, equipment, vehicles, and Ace Tales. Unit cards for every new character, unit, and vehicle are also included.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.06.2012 | 11:55
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2378/103063-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=103063&currency=EUR)
[White Haired Man] Well Met in Kith’takharos (Savage Worlds Adventure ePub)
Author:  Dave Przybyla, Michael Galligan
Price: €2.38 (DriveThruRPG)

Almus Rundarig has gone missing and the Transit Guild wants to learn his fate. Why did Meryl Dunestal send Almus into the swamp and what did the explorer find? Was the mission as innocent as Meryl claims? And would the Order of the Jade Leaf oppose the Transit Guild if they knew the truth?

Discover exotic adventure and political machinations in the swamp village of Kith'takharos, a hub of bustling enterprise in the midst of an inhospitable environment. While searching for Almus Rundarig, characters learn that Kith’takharos politics are just as dangerous as the denizens of the swamp, and that there are hidden evils even the Swamp Men fear.

Well Met in Kith'takharosis a Savage Worlds adventure for 4-6 Novice characters. This version of Well Met in Kith'takharos is an eBook in the ePub format. The adventure is also available in PDF format.
The basic Kith'takharos Setting is available for free in a system neutral format at www.whitehairedman.com (http://www.whitehairedman.com/kithtakharos).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.06.2012 | 09:36
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2850/103092-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/103092/Streets-of-Bedlam%3A-A-Savage-World-of-Crime-%2B-Corruption?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[FunSizedGames] Streets of Bedlam: A Savage World of Crime + Corruption
Author: Jason L. Blair
Artists: Shawn Gaston
Pages: 254
Price: €12.01 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/103092-sample.pdf)

Bedford and Lamrose. Two sides of the same river. Two sides of the same coin. One, an affluent metropolis teeming with industry and aspiration. The other, a cesspool of crime and vice. Both dirty, both begging for the match that will set this whole city on fire.

Bedford and Lamrose. Locals call this place Bedlam. It’s a fitting name.

Streets of Bedlam: A Savage World of Crime + Corruption is equal parts neo-noir, pulp detective fiction, and a bit of the ol’ ultraviolence thrown into a cement mixer and poured on top a heap of nameless bodies no one will ever miss.

It’s a modern urban setting full of despicable people doing awful things in the name of G*d, money, politics, or to pay off old debts. The stories shine light on the dark places of the human heart but it’s about finding diamonds in the rough, about good people in bad situations. The heroes may have questionable means but they have good intentions.

Of course, you know what they say about good intentions.

This setting requires the Savage Worlds Deluxe rulebook from Pinnacle Entertainment.

Prepare yourself with this full-page character sheet.

(http://www.streetsofbedlam.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/SoB_charsheet_link-231x300.jpg) (http://www.streetsofbedlam.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/SoB_Charsheet_FullPage.pdf)

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.06.2012 | 23:18
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/103117-thumb100.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/103117/Shadows-over-Ekul)
[Beasts & Barbarians] Shadows over Ekul
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Artists: Marta Poludnikiewicz, Urszula Michalska, Krzysztof Rogulski, Michal Smaga, Tomasz Tworek
Pages: 84
Price: €4.80 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/103117-sample.pdf)

Ulesir Shah, Lord of Shan’Ammar, a coastal city in southern Ekul, is going to marry the beautiful Karmella, daughter of the powerful Lord of Teluk’Ammar, in a dynastic marriage that will bring prosperity to both cities.

But someone, or something, scares Ulesir so much that he dare not leave his well-protected palace to travel north and take his legitimate bride. The marriage becomes more unlikely with every passing day…

Only a group of diehard scoundrels can aid the prince in this delicate situation.

Mysterious assassins, the treacheries of a courtly life, and a dark prophecy await the heroes in this epic adventure in the shadows of the Iron Mountains.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.06.2012 | 19:52
And now something remotely different...

(http://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/000/035/937/711cf6b0fd7203d2d0172c3820d3af73_large.jpg?1340126776) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1359565526/dementalism-an-ingenious-game-of-ingenious-ingenio)
[Low Life] Dementalism - The Card Game
Author: Andy Hopp
Artists: Andy Hopp
Pledges: $641/4000 (Kickstarter)

Alright, smarty buns, here's your chance to show everyone how smart your brain is. Due to the continuing idiocy of you and your fellow guards, a whole bunch of clones have escaped from the Primordial Soup Kitchen and are now wandering the various countrysides of Mutha Oith. You guys better get your wazoos in gear and recapture them before your bosses find out and you lose your jobs or get fed to something horrible.

It’ll take all of your brains, half your luck, two thirds of your charm, a bunch of guts, and a pinch of divine inspiration to survive this fast-paced and exciting original card game by award winning illustrator and game designer Andy Hopp and Mutha Oith Creations.


After extensive playtesting, assorted tweaks and modifications, and a print on demand test version, Dementalism is finished and ready to go! Based on the obscenely popular (or maybe just popularly obscene) Low Life RPG, this is the game that fans and stalkers have been dreaming of for years. All we lack are the funds to print it. That, my extremely attractive and heroically virile friends, is where you come in. Take a gander at those awesome rewards over there. Heck, take a goose and a duckling too. All those amazingly amazing amazingnesses can be yours, along with the satisfaction of knowing you brought happiness and joy to a young boy's heart, for the low, low sum of whatever you choose to back. Here's a picture to keep you interested:


"But wait!" you might be saying, "Some of that art looks familiar". You are correct, astute observer, much (but not all) of the art in Dementalism comes from The Whole Hole - A Gadabout's Guide to Mutha Oith, Volume 01: Keister Island (victim of a successful Kickstarter campaign a couple of months ago; thanks again, friends). See, my goal is to bring as much Low Lifey goodness to the peeps as possible. That means anytime a new Low Life book comes out there'll be a companion expansion to Dementalism that comes out along with it. The book will help flesh out some of the characters in the card game and the card game will plop names and quirks onto the peeps in the book. It's a wonderful union of card game technology and good old-fashioned RPG whatnot.

Another nifty side effect of all that business is this: Imagine you're the Boss playing the Low Life RPG and you want to show your heap (the players) what a character or monster looks like. Now, instead of flipping madly through the book, you can just whip out a Dementalism card with that dude's picture right on it. How snazzy is that? Very snazzy is the answer.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.06.2012 | 00:05
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/HoE_LetterCover_6002.png) (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=s2p10017)
[HoE] Hell on Earth Reloaded *PREORDER*
Pages: 208
Price: $24.99 (PDF), $39.99 (Book), $52.49 (Bundle)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/103485-sample.pdf)

The end isn’t nigh—it’s past! Welcome to Hell on Earth Reloaded, the dark future of the strange past of Deadlands.

The year is 2099, but the future is not our own. The long Cold War between the United and Confederate States of America finally came to an end—in world-wide hellfire. The rain of ghost rock bombs shattered most anything man could call civilization, cracked the space between this world and the next wide open, and birthed a true Hell on Earth.

But that was 18 years ago, and we’ve done the one thing we’re pretty good at—survive in spite of ourselves. Sure, some folks have some extra limbs, you’re likely to get killed for the scraps in your pocket, and everything east of the Mississippi is overrun with a crazed army of undead, but what other option do you have?

Join us in this dark future, where what remains cries out for new heroes while hiding from old—even ancient—villains. Has your body been wracked by the constant radiation exposure, or have you learned to channel the lingering power of the atom to your will? Remake the world as you wish. Hell, you can’t make it any worse…

Hell on Earth Reloaded is now available in PDF format (from us directly, from Studio 2 Publishing, or at DriveThruRPG). Our fulfillment partners at Studio 2 Publishing are also taking preorders for the printed book and have the Print-PDF Preorder Bundle available. The bundle is the best of both worlds—you get the PDF immediately, the printed book as soon as it’s available, and a price break!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.06.2012 | 11:27
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/72/103472.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/103472/Earthdawn-Game-Master%27s-Guide-%28Savage-Worlds-Edition%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[RedBrick] Earthdawn Game Master's Guide (Savage Worlds Edition)
Author: Hank Woon
Pages: 256
Price: €14.38 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/103472-sample.pdf)

A Land of Wondrous Beauty and Unspeakable Evil...

...When the Wizards proclaimed that the Scourge had ended, Jaro, I, and three others broke open the seals on the doors and walked outside. We hoped to find a new world brimming with life. Instead, a barren landscape stretched before us. As quick as thought, the sky grew dark with creatures, their attack nearly overwhelming us. We fought our way back to the kaer, thinking ourselves safe. We soon learned that a Horror had entered the mind of Jaro...

Explore the province of Barsaive, a land that encompasses the high mountain realms of savage troll raiders, lush green jungles that conceal long-forgotten cities, vast plains filled with strange and deadly beasts, and the life-giving waters of the mighty Serpent River. An untamed land still recovering from the depredations of the Scourge, Barsaive now teems with orks and elves, t'skrang lizard-men and human settlers, all drawn by the promise of her breathtaking wonders.

The Earthdawn® Game Master's Guide contains a detailed tour of this troubled province; stats for dozens of new monsters that stalk her lands, including several loathsome Horrors; descriptions of over 30 common and Legendary threaded magical items; rules for the vile practice of Blood Magic; and the esoteric mysteries of ancient legends and nefarious secret societies to populate your campaign!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.06.2012 | 22:51
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/72/103484.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/103484/Denizens-of-Barsaive-Volume-One-%28Savage-Worlds-Edition%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[RedBrick] Denizens of Barsaive Volume One (Savage Worlds Edition)
Author: Hank Woon
Pages: 144
Price: €11.98 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/103484-sample.pdf)

The Namegivers

The eight Namegiving races of Barsaive form the heart and soul of the land. They share many experiences and beliefs, but have their own cultures and traditions. Each race is unique and together they breathe life into the land of Barsaive. Denizens of Barsaive Volume One provides an indepth look at four of the Namegiving races of Barsaive.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.06.2012 | 05:47
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/72/103491.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/103491/Denizens-of-Barsaive-Volume-Two-%28Savage-Worlds-Edition%29)
[RedBrick] Denizens of Barsaive Volume Two (Savage Worlds Edition)
Author: Hank Woon
Pages: 144
Price: €11.98 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/103491-sample.pdf)

The Namegivers

The eight Namegiving races of Barsaive form the heart and soul of the land. They share many experiences and beliefs, but have their own cultures and traditions. Each race is unique and together they breathe life into the land of Barsaive. Denizens of Barsaive Volume Two provides an indepth look at four of the Namegiving races of Barsaive.

Dwarfs: Stout and stubborn, the industrious dwarfs are the cultural and political leaders of Barsaive.

Obsidimen: Ancient beings of living rock, these stone giants are perhaps the oldest
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.07.2012 | 21:34
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/72/103560.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/103560/Creatures-of-Barsaive-%28Savage-Worlds-Edition%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[RedBrick] Creatures of Barsaive (Savage Worlds Edition)
Author: Hank Woon
Pages: 80
Price: €10.26 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/103560-sample.pdf)

Fearsome and Fascinating!

"The contents of this book have been transcribed from the speaking of Vasdenjas, a most noble and intelligent dragon. I have written down his words almost without alteration, as I found his rambling style of speaking most entertaining."
—Tiabdjin the Knower, Scribe and Scholar of the Great Libray of Throal

The Horrors are not the only threat to those who travel across Barsaive. The wild creatures of the land, some twisted by the Scourge into living nightmares, pose many dangers to the adventurer unlucky enough to cross their path. The beautiful death moth, with its fatal sting... the fierce pangolus, whose claws can disembowel a troll with a single stroke... the hell hound, whose magical fire burns everything it touches... all these creatures and more may be the death of the unwary adventurer unless he can defeat them in the pursuit of his quest.

Creatures of Barsaive describes fifty of the most fearsome and fascinating creatures in the province of Barsaive, bringing them to life with a wealth of detail and beautiful illustrations. Told from the point of view of a great dragon, Creatures of Barsaive also offers some insight into that mysterious and powerful species.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.07.2012 | 08:58
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/103628.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/103628/Hell-on-Earth-Reloaded-Player%27s-Guide?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[HoE] Hell on Earth Reloaded Player's Guide
Pages: 98
Price: €11.88 (PDF)

The end isn’t nigh—it’s past! Welcome to Hell on Earth Reloaded, the dark future of the strange past of Deadlands.

The year is 2097, but the future is not our own. The long Cold War between the United and Confederate States of America finally came to an end—in world-wide hellfire. The rain of ghost rock bombs shattered most anything man could call civilization, cracked the space between this world and the next wide open, and birthed a true Hell on Earth.

But that was 18 years ago, and we’ve done the one thing we’re pretty good at—survive in spite of ourselves. Sure, some folks have some extra limbs, you’re likely to get killed for the scraps in your pocket, and everything east of the Mississippi is overrun with a crazed army of undead, but what other option do you have?

Join us in this dark future, where what remains cries out for new heroes while hiding from old—even ancient—villains. Has your body been wracked by the constant radiation exposure, or have you learned to channel the lingering power of the atom to your will? Remake the world as you wish. Hell, you can’t make it any worse…

Hell on Earth Reloaded Player’s Guide contains everything you need to play a character in endless adventures in the post-apocalyptic Wasted West with the Savage Worlds game system: new Edges, Hindrances, new Arcane Backgrounds, gear, and so on. Our player’s guides are made so you don’t have to buy the portion of the book that you don’t need. Additionally, they come with a site license allowing a GM to print a copy for each of his players!

Hell on Earth Reloaded Players Guide requires the Savage Worlds core rulebook to play. A copy of Hell on Earth Reloaded would be required to run the game.

This full-featured PDF includes a hyperlinked table of contents and index, bookmarks, and layer controls so you only print what you need.

UPDATE: Die Hell on Earth Reloaded PDF hat ein Update bekommen. Käufer können die neue Version an den üblichen Orten runterladen.

Bis 31. August gibt es außerdem die Hell on Earth Classic Extravaganza, wo die Classic PDFs und Bücher um die Hälfte reduziert sind.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.07.2012 | 04:55
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/103686-thumb100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/103686/Savage-Insider-Issue-5)
[MTE] Savage Insider Issue 5
Pages: 57
Price: Free (DriveThruRPG)

Savage Insider Issue 5: CONventional Gaming is dedicated to convention or one-shot styled adventures. Introducing new players to a system or setting is often done at conventions and via one-shot adventures. This issue provides four adventures of this design with six pre-generated characters each. In addition, there is a bonus fifth adventure without pre-generated characters.

CONventional Gaming is a cross-genre issue with content that covers multiple genres and settings. To coincide with the use of these adventures for conventions, a general interest piece is included with tips for game masters running games at conventions.

CONventional Gaming includes:
Look for new issues of Savage Insider every 3 months in January, April, July, and October with Premium Content releases in-between.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.07.2012 | 23:01
(http://www.savageoutfitter.com/assets/img/shot1sm.png) (http://www.savageoutfitter.com/)
[Serf Productions] Savage Outfitter
Platforms: Windows, OS X, Linux, Android, iOS
Content Packs: $2.95 each (Use of service is basically free!)

Hi Everyone,

At Serf Productions, we've been hard at work getting our latest product out the door: Savage Outfitter (http://www.savageoutfitter.com/). Savage Outfitter is a "Digital Tools Platform" that will provide a variety of solutions for Savage Worlds players everywhere, including character generation tools and asset management (for published/custom hindrances, edges, gear, etc...). Savage Outfitter runs in the Cloud giving you access to your data in your browser, mobile phone, or tablet. And since the software itself is FREE, there's no reason not to check it out.

Sign up with your e-mail address now and get 20% OFF the Savage Worlds Core Rules Module! Offer ends when the service goes live.

David Patrick
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.07.2012 | 09:52
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/S2P10210_DLRTGVol1_6001-e1341960417482.png) (http://www.peginc.com/deadlands-trail-guides-volume-1-available-for-preorder/)
[Pinnacle] Deadlands Trail Guides, Volume 1 *Preorder*
Author: Matthew Cutter
Pages: 320
Price: $19.99 (PDF), $24.99 (Softcover), $34.99 (Preorder Bundle)

Take a tour of the less-traveled Weird West with your Epitaph correspondent Phineas P. Gage for the first three Deadlands Trail Guides now compiled into one volume for ease of reference.

In Trail Guide: South o’ the Border, visit beautiful Mexico. Bask in the sun as centuries-old hatred festers in the midst of a three-sided civil war.

In Trail Guide: Great Northwest, you’ll see the snow has its own beauty. But in this land gripped by Famine, you might give your left arm for some jerky, and that might be what it’s used for! When a war between the unnatural beasts in the woods threatens to wipe humanity from the region, will your posse be up to the challenge?

Finally, the Trail Guide: Weird White North takes you to the tundra of Alaska and British Columbia, a land locked in ice north of the amazing Winterline, a fence made by Hellstromme Industries to hold back the cold itself! But something more sinister, more malevolent than mere winter is being held in check…for now!

Each Trail Guide offers you a closer look at the people, places, and—perhaps most important—things you’ll see in each region. And don’t forget the mini-Plot Point Campaigns and Savage Tales in each, as well. You’re bound to have fun or die tryin’!

Deadlands Trail Guides, Volume 1 is now available for preorder. Preorder the printed book (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=&products_id=3633) or get the PDF (from the Pinnacle PDF store (http://www.peginc.com/shop/deadlands-reloaded-trail-guides-volume-1-pdf/), Studio 2 Publishing (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=s2p10210pdf), or DriveThruRPG). For the best value, get the Print-PDF Preorder Bundle through Studio 2 (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=s2p10210bundle)—you’ll get the PDF immediately, the print book shipped to you as soon as it’s available, and a discount!

Ergänzung: Laut Joel Kinstle wurden nur einige kleinere Druckfehler bereinigt und das Buch erhielt einen ausführlichen Index.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.07.2012 | 08:54
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/images/new_tag_dice.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_11&products_id=247)
[TAG] Hellfrost Dragon Dice PACK *PRE-ORDER*
Price: €1.40 (Single Die), €4.20 €3.50 (Preorder Bundle 17% off)

This is a PRE ORDER - the product will be shipped when it arives in our warehouse.

The Hellfrost Dragon Dice Pack features three unique dice specially made for Triple Ace Games. The Pack Features:

Each die can be ordered separately too!

Ergänzung: Bei dem Preis werden natürlich noch Versandkosten von England nach Deutschland fällig!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.07.2012 | 14:03
Figure Flats Fundgrube

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.07.2012 | 23:40
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/750/103859.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/103859/Death-of-the-Prophet?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Silver Gryphon Games] Wellstone City: Death of the Prophet
Author: Kevin Rohan
Pages: 8
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG)

A conspiracy theorist printing press was torched last night.  Police are investigating, and the neighbors want answers.  It's hard to tell who did it, and the police are most assuredly going to chalk it up to arson and close the investigation.  Afterall, it was just the Wellstone Prophet, and only whack-jobs read that rag anyway...

This freebie breaks tradition with the other Wellstone City Chronicles in a variety of ways.  It is a series of adventure hooks that all deal with the razing of the Wellstone Prophet.  Instead of forcing the adventure to use the PCs as tools for one of the crime syndicates, it gives them more options for investigating the torching.  Anything from Cryptozologists to Dirty Cops can be played in this adventure, and they all have an angle on why the Prophet was razed, or at least, why they care.

The adventure is geared for 3 to 4 PCs but more or fewer could certainly be used.  It can be used in conjuction with the other Wellstone City Chronicles, and it can be used in any order with them.  The adventure inside is kept light and suggestions are given for the GM to take the adventure and run with it.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.07.2012 | 13:18
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/9/913b602d66cefa38b87f31f728b454e9.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_19&products_id=248)
[G-Men & Gangsters] Faction Pack #2: Texas Rangers
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 11
Price: €1.74 (TAG Store)

One Riot, One Ranger!

Staunch defenders of the Union of Southern States, the Texas Rangers have a reputation for getting the job done. Under President Wetterman, the Rangers have risen to new heights and been bestowed with new law enforcement powers. No longer a band of cowboys riding the plains, the Rangers have the latest equipment and vehicles, and a no-nonsense attitude to solving crime.

This Faction Packs looks at the background of the Texas Rangers, provides stats for unique captains and new troops, introduces Texan Battle Cries and a new vehicular weapon, and details two new vehicles. Three Ace Tales and complete unit cards for all figures and vehicles round out the Rangers.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.07.2012 | 09:45
Savage Worlds Gets Two ENnies Nominations!

The 2012 ENnie Awards Nomination (http://www.ennie-awards.com/blog/2012-nominees/) are out, and Savage Worlds got a few nods.

Specifically, our own Savage Worlds Deluxe core rulebook is nominated in the Best Game category and Reality Blurs‘ Agents of Oblivion is nominated in the Best Supplement category.

Now that nominees are announced, you can send in nominations for Fan Favorite Publisher (http://www.ennie-awards.com/blog/nominate-your-favorite-publisher/). No matter who it is, be sure you show your favorite game publisher how much you appreciate them.

Remember, voting will run from July 20–July 29, so check out the nominees now!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.07.2012 | 11:13
[Gramel] Beasts & Barbarians plans

Do you wonder what is going on in GRAmel? A lot of things is happening, but we are working constantly on new things. Beasts of the Dominions (our first indiegogo product) is in layout and pdf should be published/send to people who backed up us in August. Book in print may be sent a bit later – we are working on it. We don`t want you to be sad, so we have prepared something for you! Covers of two upcoming books and a monster from the third one:

Cover of Beasts of the Dominions
(http://wydawnictwogramel.pl/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/beasts-221x300.jpg) (http://wydawnictwogramel.pl/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/beasts.jpg)

Cover of Tattered Banners (a sourcebook about playing in a band of mercenaries – or even a mercenary band!)
(http://wydawnictwogramel.pl/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/beast-i-barbarian-bandy-231x300.jpg) (http://wydawnictwogramel.pl/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/beast-i-barbarian-bandy.jpg)

Monster from Jalizar, sourcebook about city of thieves,

Garbage Monster

(http://wydawnictwogramel.pl/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/garbage_monster-206x300.jpg) (http://wydawnictwogramel.pl/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/garbage_monster.jpg)

Jalizar produces a lot of garbage, but where does it all go? It piles up in the alleys till it becomes so smelly that it is thrown into the Sewers. Sometimes these piles of filth are touched by tendrils of evil emerging from the Sewers and come to life. A Garbage Monster is of a vaguely humanoid shape, filled with decomposition gases, and its eyes are made of methane blue flames. It isn’t very smart but it is constantly hungry, looking for any type of “food” to sustain its rotten body.

Garbage Monsters are considered Seasoned creatures for the purposes of the summon ally Power.

Variable Size: Garbage Monsters exist in various Sizes (from +1 to +6). The following stats refer to a small monster. For bigger ones modify the Size accordingly.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d10, Vigor d10

Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d4.

Pace: 5; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8

Special Abilities

Construct:Garbage Monsters receive +2 to Spirit rolls to recover from Shaken. They are immune to called shots, poisons, and illnesses. Wild Card Garbage Monsters aren’t affected by Wound Modifiers.
Engulf:If a Garbage Monster hits an enemy with a raise, the victim is wrapped in a filthy embrace of trash that tries to filter into his body. A character in this situation is considered grappled and suffers Str+d4 damage every round until he manages to break free, winning an opposed Strength roll against the Monster (which rolls with +2).
Pile of Garbage: When lying flat on the ground, Garbage Monsters are almost indistinguishable from normal piles of trash, but can be detected with a Notice (-4) roll.
Garbage Absorption: A Garbage Monster standing on a pile of normal trash for an entire round automatically recovers a Wound (or recovers from Shaken). Instead, an unwounded, unshaken Garbage Monster on a pile of rubbish permanently gains +1 Size, by consuming the entire pile.
Size +1: Garbage Monsters are bigger than humans.
Weakness (Fire): Garbage Monsters contain a lot of inflammable gases, so fire deals +4 damage to them. In addition, any Garbage Monster Incapacitated by a fire based attack explodes dealing 2d6 damage in a Medium Burst Template.

Last, but not least. Our products would be available during Christmas In July sale on DTRPG! So, be an early Santa – sale starts on 23rd of July!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.07.2012 | 07:13
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/TAG_LOGO.GIF) (http://tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Variant_Casting.pdf)
[TAG] Hellfrost - Variant Casting

A completely optional spellcasting system I was tinkering with back in 2010. Sticking it up on the off-chance anyone wants to play with it. Untested, not original, non-official, but still copyright TAG.

Optional - Hellfrost Variant Casting (http://tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Variant_Casting.pdf)
TAG Creative Director
Check us out on Facebook for all the latest news!

Anmerkung: Nicht zu verwechseln mit dem Alternate Spellcasting Optionalregeln (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Alternate%20Spellcasting.pdf), die auch 2010 veröffentlicht wurden. Beides sind Varianten eines Spellslot-Systems und könnten für all jene interessant sein, denen die SW Magie bzw. Hellfrosts Variante nicht gefällt.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_02.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellFrost.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.07.2012 | 12:39
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/4/4b9c3749783df8d231c50fd444fcef14.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=249)
[Hellfrost] Creature Guide: Fungals
Model: TAG31303
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 9
Price: €1.39 (TAG), €1.64 (DriveThruRPG)

Exploring Ertha's Realm just got a whole lot slimier.

Fungals are one of the strangest creatures ever seen in the Hearthlands. Widely regarded as crop stealing pests, they are usually attacked on sight. Most citizens believe they are a primitive and barbaric race. While it is certainly true they lack any form of technology and complex society, they are a fascinating race, and one not to be underestimated when aroused.

This supplement explores fungal culture. Sections on anatomy, social structure, culture, and warfare explain the essence of the fungal race, while stats are provided for every known type of fungal, as well as a plethora of mundane fungi.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.07.2012 | 07:54
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/671/104099.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=104099&filters=0_0_0_0_40050&currency=EUR)
[Agents of Oblivion] One Shot #2 - Starstruck
Author: Michael Ysker
Page Count: 18
Price: €2.48 (DriveThruRPG)

Ready for the perfect blend of horror and espionage? Try the ONE SHOTS series out for size.

ONE SHOTS #2 : STARSTRUCK will send your Agents on an exotic adventure to retrieve a mysterious meteorite. Can they survive the fallout?

Each ONE SHOT is full of a surprising mix of horror and espionage designed for an evening's diversion.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.07.2012 | 00:27
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3639/104222.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=104222&filters=0_0_0_0_40050&currency=EUR)
[Beasts & Barbarians] Hero Construction Set
Author: David Okum
Page Count: 4
Price: €4.10 (DriveThruRPG)

Okumarts Games pairs up with GRAmel Games to present hundreds of variations for Beasts and Barbarians figures.

Using an innovative PDF layers system you can toggle on and off various body parts to create unique figures for your characters or encounters.

The set also includes pregenerated figures, allowing you to build a party of loin-girding heroes in no time.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.07.2012 | 22:22
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2604/104265-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/104265/War-of-the-Dead%3A-Fan-Created-Support-%282%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[War of the Dead] Fan-Created Support 2
Author: Michael Ysker
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG)

The Savage Worlds community's own Michael Ysker has created a fantastic support product for the War of the Dead fans. Inside the zip file you'll find 88 item cards and 132 weapon cards for use as immediate loot and salvage in any War of the Dead campaign.

In a world consumed by the Living Dead, it isn't always about how many bullets you have left. Just as often, how much wood you have for a fire, how many blankets you have for those cold nights, and even possessing a simple compass can mean the difference between survival and death.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.08.2012 | 17:33
(http://realityblurs.com/shop/images/large/Cover_Shaintar_BetaPG_v1_LRG.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/104531/Shaintar%3A-Legends-Arise-%28Players-Beta-Guide%29?src=pinnacle)
[Reality Blurs] Shaintar: Legends Arise (Beta Players Guide)
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon, Sean Preston
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG)

Sean Patrick Fannon’s vision comes to life for Savage Worlds in this all new iteration brought to you by Reality Blurs.

There are two core books planned for release. This generous excerpt from the first book is nearly two hundred pages in length and covers the complete character creation rules to be found in the final release of Legends Arise. All the races have been retooled and expanded out with more options than you can shake a stick at (along the lines of what you’ve seen in RunePunk).

You’ll find the synergy of proven elements, such as Defining Interests, alongside innovative new bits, such as the extensive Power Edges, which will let you take your magical mayhem to another level entirely.

Reality Blurs has been designing materials for Savage Worlds for over eight years, and is the oldest third party licensee. We’ve taken our expertise and worked with Sean Patrick Fannon to craft the most expansive expression of Shaintar to date. Now, we're going to give you an opportunity to check out what we've done free of charge.

What do we ask in return? Check it out. Talk to us on our forums. Spread the word around. Please send folks to our website to get it. Sure, it’s free, but we want to be able to communicate with fans of the property.

May your sword stay ever sharp, your aim true, and may your magic never backfire!


Best regards,

Sean Preston

Ergänzung: Die Beta-Regeln sind nun frei über DriveThruRPG verfügbar.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.08.2012 | 23:39
(http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/405289_452371078130307_1037612105_n.jpg) (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=452371078130307&set=a.294099410624142.77220.141515572549194&type=1)

Pinnacle Entertainment Group: An adventure so epic, only Legendary heroes need apply. Get yer boots on, amigos!

Solution: The Great Maze... the very spot where Manitou Bluff used to sit...
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.08.2012 | 06:09
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/62/104514-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/104514/Kaiser%27s-Gate?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Battlefield Press] Kaiser's Gate
Authors: Mike Lafferty, Bryan Hitchcock
Artists: Jon Gibbons, Rick Hershey
Pages: 147
Price: €8.08 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/104514-sample.pdf)

Battlefield Press presents Kaisers Gate. This alternate history, genre-blending setting for the Savage Worlds game system presents a fantastic take on World War One - combining the gritty battlefields of the Great War with elements of magical fantasy and horror.

In this book you will find new edges, hindrances, and combat maneuvers, new monsters and stats for tons of weapons and vehicles. The big feature, rules-wise, is the magic system, which not only removes power points, but provides a wide range of roleplaying themes for caster characters, with examples of dozens of magical schools and guidelines for creating your own.

Beautifully written for the Savage Worlds game engine by the masters of story telling - Mike Lafferty and Bryan Hitchcock.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.08.2012 | 17:16

[Hellfrost] Free Background Music

Thanks to the generosity of Steve Priest, talented musician and TAG fan, we proudly two ORIGINAL pieces of music for your delectation.

Hellfrost - The Mounds of Heroes Gone (http://tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Hellfrost_The_Mounds_of_Heroes_Gone.wav)
Hellfrost - Dark Tidings (http://tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Hellfrost_Dark_Tidings.wav)

(c) Steve Priest, and hosted with permission.

More music from Steve to follow soon!
TAG Creative Director
Check us out on Facebook for all the latest news!

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_02.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellFrost.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.08.2012 | 11:44
(http://mouseferatu.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Adamant1.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?cPath=272_4256)

[Adamant] Mars Rabatt Aktion!

Weil Curiosity erfolgreich auf dem Mars gelandet ist, bietet Adamant auf DriveThruRPG/RPGNow seine Mars-Bücher diese Woche mit 50% Rabatt an!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.08.2012 | 00:48
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/ReturnToManitouBluff_600px-216x300.png) (http://www.peginc.com/shop/deadlands-return-to-manitou-bluff/)
[Deadlands Reloaded] Return to Manitou Bluff *Preorder*
Pages: 160
Price: $14.99 (Pinnacle PDF Store)

During the Battle of Lost Angels, a catastrophic earthquake tore Clover Mesa into four parts and revealed a motherlode of ghost rock at its center. Everyone from Kang’s triad to the Union to the Wasatch Rail Co. is after its riches, and they’ll do whatever it takes to seize them.

But Clover Mesa wasn’t always an object of desire. It used to be a dumping ground for the dregs of Maze society, and it was known by a different name back then—Manitou Bluff.

Return to Manitou Bluff is an adventure for Legendary Rank heroes, including all the people, places, and plots you need to run this epic tale. Take care, amigo! Things aren’t always what they seem, and sometimes death—or somethin’ worse—is hiding just around the bend. If your Legendary posse is looking for more excitement after completing The Flood (http://www.peginc.com/shop/deadlands-reloaded-the-flood-pdf/), there’s no better place to send ‘em than Manitou Bluff!

If you’ve got a ghoulish sort of curiosity, you might want to check out the Special Perdition Supplement of the Tombstone Epitaph (http://www.peginc.com/freebies/DL_Reloaded/Epitaph-ReturnToManitouBluff.pdf). Read what the finest paper in the Weird West has to say about Clover Mesa without spending a nickel—plug, wooden, buffalo, or otherwise.

Get your copy of Return to Manitou Bluff in PDF today (from the Pinnacle PDF store (http://www.peginc.com/shop/deadlands-return-to-manitou-bluff/), Studio 2 Publishing (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=s2p10211pdf), or DriveThruRPG), preorder a print copy (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=s2p10211+preorder&categories_id=128&inc_subcat=1), or get the best of  both worlds with the Print-PDF bundle (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=s2p10211bundle) (get the PDF immediately, the print copy as soon as it’s available, and a discount on the pair)!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.08.2012 | 21:54
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/images/TAG10500_thumb.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=1_23)
[TAG] All For One: Régime Diabolique - Savage Worlds Edition *Preorder*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Artist: Chris Kuhlmann
Pages: ca. 198
Price: €10.49 (TAG Store PDF only), €18.89 (TAG Store SB & PDF)


The year is 1636 and France is a troubled nation. A great and terrible evil gnaws at its core and darkness stalks the land.

All that stands between chaos and order are the King’s Musketeers.

Explore a France of swashbuckling action, powerful magic, daring deeds, courtly intrigue, witty repartee, and vile monsters! The characters are France’s bravest and proudest defenders, the King’s Musketeers. Pitted against them is a plethora of corrupt nobles, black magicians, fell demons, and twisted secret societies. Set at the height of power of Cardinal Richelieu and Louis XIII, All for One: Régime Diabolique mixes the action of literary works such as The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers with horror and intrigue to create a unique, vibrant setting.

Strap on your sword, salute the King, and prepare to cross swords with the creatures of darkness!

This version of All for One: Régime Diabolique is a musketeer roleplaying setting for Savage Worlds RPG.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.08.2012 | 22:24
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/104616.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/104616/Beasts-of-the-Dominions?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians: Beasts of the Dominions
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 116
Price: €12.12 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/104616-sample.pdf)

The mysterious Moloke-tanu hunting in the tall grass of the Ivory Savannah…
The Yellowfingers lurking in the darkest tombs of the Cairnlands…
The Yarakan, or Great Devourers, dreaming memories of a fallen empire…
Ten monsters of the Dread Sea Dominions, each with a dedicated Savage Tale, await you within.
In addition, a Player Appendix to let you play the dreaded Disciples of the Black Temple!
Grab your battleaxe, ready your bow, and prepare to face the Creatures of the Dread Sea Dominions!

This book presents ten monsters and NPCs typical of the Dread Sea Dominions, complete with stats, descriptions, and a complete Heroic Tale you can use as a stand-alone adventure, or customize to fit your campaign.
The scenarios are designed for a party of 4–6 Seasoned heroes, but you can alter them for more experienced groups. They can be played in any order, though some tales work better in the given sequence (check each tale’s Requirements). Each scenario also includes a Hook, which you can use as inspiration for your own stories as well.
Each group of foes is based in a different area of the Dominions and evenly distributed across the lands, giving your party opposition in each major nation of the setting. However, you can relocate them to countries work better for your campaign.
In addition you find an Appendix, dedicated to players, to play the mysterious Disciples of the Black Temple, a sect of dark sorcerers with an even darker master.

To use this compendium you need copies of the Savage Worlds and Beasts and Barbarians rulebooks.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.08.2012 | 03:50
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/TAG_LOGO.GIF) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/leaguesofadventure/TAG202113F.pdf)

[Triple Ace Games] 101 Adventure Seeds Freebie

We've just released a FREE 10-page supplement for Leagues of Adventure called 101 Adventure Seeds (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/leaguesofadventure/TAG202113F.pdf). There's no game mechanics, so the seeds should work just as well in many Space 1889 games. The bonus random artifact name generator is good for most games (especially pulp), regardless of rule system or genre. As a freebie it is unedited.
TAG Creative Director
Check us out on Facebook for all the latest news!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.08.2012 | 06:28
(http://www.theagencystar.com/trigger/SWSuperPowersCSfinal2.jpg) (http://www.theagencystar.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=169)


Tigger aus dem Pinnacle-Forum stellt diesmal einen selbstgemachten Superheldenbogen als Download (http://www.peginc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37459&highlight=) zur Verfügung.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.08.2012 | 11:15
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/4/4404a212f43272e2f177bc79b0adb64b.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_19&products_id=253)
[G-Men & Gangsters] Faction Pack #3: Rocket Rangers
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 19
Price: €3.14 (TAG Store), €3.65 (DriveThruRPG)

Patriotism takes many forms.

As the Gang Wars spiral out of control, the government in Washington unleashes its secret weapon. Men of valor equipped with experimental rocket packs, the Rocket Rangers stand ready to defend their nation from any threat.

Meanwhile, the Nazis are out to steal as much weird science as they can from the Americans. Unofficially, the Fuhrer sees the Gang Wars as an invaluable means for his beloved SS to gain vital combat experience while simultaneously furthering Germany’s scientific advancement.

This expansion contains background information, new Wild Card characters, additional troops, and sample army lists for the Rocket Rangers and Nazi Factions. Also included are two Ace Tales and two new vehicles—the heavyily armed and armored "Bombardier" and it's little brother, the "Baby Bombardier." Unit cards are provided for all new pedestrians and vehicles.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.08.2012 | 08:03
(http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Publication/v4/b4/ba/fb/b4bafb2c-9e8f-cb5d-6573-5d95a75e6401/Cover_Final_Centered_Flat.225x225-75.jpg) (http://itunes.apple.com/us/book/marchland/id548211244?ls=1)
[Hearthstone Games] Marchland *iBook Version*
Author: Mark Woodside
Pages: 145
Price: €6.99 (iTunes Bookstore), PDF in September

This book is available for download on your iPad with iBooks 2 or on your computer with iTunes. To read this book, you must be using an iPad with iBooks 2.

Hearthstone Games’ Marchland brings urban fantasy to Savage Worlds as a media-rich iBook™. Explore the city of Brighton Bay with interactive maps. Toggle between GM and player views and see NPC stats with the tap of a finger. Engage your players with radio broadcasts by Brighton Bay’s most (in)famous radio personality—Landon Biggs.

Urban witches cast protective spells from their smart phones. Modern Magi delve into lore best forgotten. The restless dead search for closure in a world unaware of their existence. Fanatics hunt Fae-Blooded mortals. Native Manitou fight to preserve what little is left of their lands.

Welcome to Marchland

Marchland (http://hearthstonegames.squarespace.com/marchland-introduction/) is a roleplaying game based on the award winning Savage Worlds rules.
Set in the fictional city of Brighton Bay, players take on the role of mortal, gifted or supernatural characters. Whether they are a cop, Magi, undead Revenant, or shape-shifting Manitou, characters must fight to protect themselves and the un-awakened masses from threats both mundane and magickal.



Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.08.2012 | 00:01
(http://wydawnictwogramel.pl/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Nemezis_cover_ENG_internet.jpg) (http://wydawnictwogramel.pl/download/Nemezis_cover_ENG.jpg)

Das polnische SW-SF-Setting Nemezis soll als PDF bis spätestens Weihnachten 2012 erscheinen!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.08.2012 | 20:50
(http://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/projects/304618/photo-full.jpg?1345554443) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1359565526/low-life-miniatures)

[Kickstarter] Low Life Miniatures

GAZILLIONS of years in the future...

Every possible calamity, cataclysm, apocalypse, and cosmic hangnail has befallen our beloved Mutha Oith during a bygone era known as The Time of The Flush. Now, After the Wipe, the ancient Hoomanrace is extinct and the wobbly orb is wrecked. Oith's current denizens evolved from the lowliest of the low: the resilient roach, the indomitable worm, the everlasting snack cake - the dregs that survived.

It is a time of grand adventure, bold exploration, mighty hocus-pokings, and the occasional hint of whimsical madness; a time of immense struggle, monstrous monstrosities, and remarkable happenstance where even the lowliest worm can become a Keistermeister by his own mop.

Now, by popular demand and the screaming insistence of literally gazillions of clamoring fans, Mutha Oith Creations is proud to announce, in partnership with the formidable Eastern Front Studios, an entire line of (wait for it)...

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.08.2012 | 00:10
(http://rpgcampaigncentral.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/preview1.jpg) (http://rpgcampaigncentral.com/wordpress/?page_id=8)

[Terra/Sol Games] Twilight Sector Campaign Savage Worlds *Open Playtest*

We will be conducting an open play-test of a Savage Worlds version of our Twilight Sector Campaign Setting (http://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/14/14696.phtml). We'd like to invite anyone who might be interested to visit us at http://www.subatomicgames.net/ (http://www.subatomicgames.net/) and help us out with the play-test.

Thanks and I hope to see some of you guys on the open play-test forum.

Mike Cross
Terra/Sol Games
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.08.2012 | 18:33
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2419/105162.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=254)
[Hellfrost] Sellswords & Soldiers
Model: TAG31296
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 16
Price: €2.09 (TAG), €2.41 (DriveThruRPG)

Sellswords, dogs of war, profiteers, battle crows—mercenaries are hired soldiers, and the northern continent has its fair share of them. Some belong to respectable units with a history of integrity and loyalty to their paymaster. Others happily switch sides if a better offer is made.

This supplement looks at a number of mercenary and regular army companies, as well as their more notable commanders. Other material includes notes on how to modify existing stat blocks to create a wide variety of troop types, one new monster and one NPC archetype, and cultural weapons and armor for the player character races. The Mercenary Adventure generator from Hellfrost Expansion 2 is included for free, as are the mercenary pay rate information and a number of Edges from other books favored by the mercenary companies.

Although written for the Hellfrost setting, the rules can be used with any Savage Worlds fantasy setting with a minimum of modification.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.09.2012 | 06:32
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/TAG_LOGO.GIF) (http://tripleacegames.com/Downloads/allforone/TAG201123F.pdf)

[Triple Ace Games] AfO 101 Adventure Seeds Freebie

The All for One fans have pulled their collective imaginations together on the TAG forums, resulting in the creation of a FREE 101 Adventure Seeds (http://tripleacegames.com/Downloads/allforone/TAG201123F.pdf) download. All the entries are systemless, so they work with the Ubiquity and Savage Worlds versions. Please remember that freebies are not edited.
TAG Creative Director
Check us out on Facebook for all the latest news!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.09.2012 | 05:39
[Evil Beagle Games] Your Savage Expert

Evil Beagle Games aka Sean Patrick Fannon (Shaintar etc) bietet ab sofort Zertifikate für folgende Dienstleistungen an:

Your Savage Adventure (€ 7.95) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?manufacturers_id=4761&action=buy_now&products_id=105394)
Your Savage Setting (€ 39.77) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?manufacturers_id=4761&action=buy_now&products_id=105396)
Your Savage Campaign (€ 15.91) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?manufacturers_id=4761&action=buy_now&products_id=105395)
Your Savage Character (€ 2.39) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?manufacturers_id=4761&action=buy_now&products_id=105349)
Your Savage Encounter (€ 3.98) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?manufacturers_id=4761&action=buy_now&products_id=105387)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.09.2012 | 16:21
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/d/de4d54e76f3de06dd496ca702e7a4cfa.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_9&products_id=255)
[TAG] DotSL: Starships of the Galaxy
Model: TAG31075
Authors: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams, Umberto Pignatelli
Page Count: 12
Price: €2.79 (TAG), €3.17 (DriveThruRPG)

From nimble fighters crewed by lone pilots to bulk freighters laden with cargo to colossal battleships bristling with weapon batteries, starships of all shapes and sizes ply the space lanes. Whether your characters want to fly, plunder, or destroy starships, you've come to the right place!

This Daring Tales of the Space Lanes supplement correlates and expands on pertinent information relating to starships, and includes stats for over 35 starships and rules for modifying laser batteries.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/Banner/Banner08.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/DaringTalesSpaceLanes.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.09.2012 | 17:10

Agents of SHARP: Blood Ritual (http://www.mediafire.com/view/?h6omc3mda3mp7dz)
Agents of SHARP: Genesis (http://www.mediafire.com/view/?rih2tc8h649gdlc)

Im Pinnacle-Forum hat Paul "Garuda" Dutton zwei Fan-Abenteuer für Pinnacles Super Powers Companion veröffentlicht.

Wer Lob und Kritik los werden möchte, kann dies im Pinnacle Forum (http://www.peginc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=36662&highlight=) tun.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Sphärenwanderer am 6.09.2012 | 14:37
Deutsche Explorers Edition - Inhaltsverzeichnis

Das Inhaltsverzeichnis der Gentleman´s Edition Revised Taschenausgabe (GERTA) wurde online gestellt. Bis auf den Spielleiterabschnitt, die Fragmente zum Weltenwanderer-Setting, die Setting-Übersicht und einige der Onesheets ist alles drin, was auch in der GER ist.

Link: http://www.prometheusgames.de/verlag/2012/09/06/gentlemans-edition-revised-taschenausgabe-inhaltsverzeichnis/

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.09.2012 | 17:42
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/TAG_LOGO.GIF) (http://tripleacegames.com/Downloads/DaringTalesSpaceLanes/TAG31075F.pdf)
[TAG] DotSL: Starships of the Galaxy
Bonus Material - Fighter Swarms

A small freebie expansion to Starships of the Galaxy
TAG Creative Director
Check us out on Facebook for all the latest news!

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/Banner/Banner08.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/DaringTalesSpaceLanes.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.09.2012 | 11:08
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/105600.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/105600/Savage-Insider-Premium-Issue-%233?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
Savage Insider Premium Issue #3
Authors: Lawrence Grabowski, Michael Hansen, Aaron T. Huss, Curtis Lyon, Sarah Lyon
Page Count: 72
Price: €4.74 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to the third premium issue of the Savage Insider magazine, dedicated to supporting the Savage Worlds role-playing game.

Premium Issue #3 contains seven full-length pieces providing new content for Savage Worlds and the Faith & Demons: The Rising, Mercenary Breed, and Judgment Day settings, available from Mystical Throne Entertainment.

Savage Insider Premium Issue #3 includes:
Look for new issues of Savage Insider Premium every quarter between releases of the free Savage Insider standard issues.

The Ossuary Battlemap

The battlemap for The Ossuary encounter can be purchased from DramaScape at http://www.rpgnow.com/product/101377/The-Ossuary (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/101377/The-Ossuary)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.09.2012 | 11:23
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/grameltaily10.png%20kwadrat%20czarne-140.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/105581/Beasts-and-Barbarians-Starter-Bundle-%5BBUNDLE%5D?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[GRAmel]Beasts & Barbarians: Starter Bundle
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Price: €26.57 €15.91 (DriveThruRPG)

Dieses spezielle Starter-Bundle beinhaltet:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.09.2012 | 13:15
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/BloodDrive1Cover600px-e1347427527350.png) (http://www.peginc.com/shop/blood-drive-1-bad-times-on-the-goodnight/)
[Deadlands] Blood Drive 1: Bad Times on the Goodnight
Authors: John Goff
Page Count: 37 pages. Explorer’s Edition sized PDF (6.5″ x 9″). Full-color.
Price: $9.99 (Pinnacle)

Blood Drive 1: Bad Times on the Goodnight is the first adventure in a series that spans one of the longest, most dangerfraught cattle drives in the Weird West! Head ’em up and move ’em out as your posse becomes hardened trail hands fighting for their cattle, their land, and even their lives!


Head ’em up and move ’em out! Your cowpokes are joining one of the longest, most dangerfraught cattle drives in the Weird West—spanning two countries, a war-torn no man’s land, and the Sioux Nations! Along the way, they’ll cross paths with virtually every major railroad, bloodthirsty border raiders, Indian war parties, and of course, nightmares of the sort found only in a land ravaged by the horrors of the Reckoning. They may make an ally or two, as well as at least one dogged enemy. Bad Times on the Goodnight is the first of three in the Blood Drive series.

The Blood Drive series is a complete campaign. Each adventure starts and ends in such a fashion that if you want to use it by itself without the others in the series, you can easily do so. In fact, they’re perfect for getting a posse from one part of the Weird West to another if that’s what you’re looking for, Marshal. Used together, the three combine to take the heroes from greenhorn cowpunchers to hardened trail hands fighting for their cattle, their land, and even their lives!

Bad Times on the Goodnight is not a complete game. It’s a supplement for the Deadlands Reloaded setting for the Savage Worlds game system.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.09.2012 | 10:51
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/grameltaily10.png%20kwadrat%20czarne-140.png) (http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=pl&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwydawnictwogramel.pl%2F2012%2F09%2Funcategorize%2Fnajczarniejsza-afryka%2F)
[GRAmel] Savage Worlds: Dunkelstes Afrika

Gramel hat die polnischen Savage Worlds Regeln nun an Deluxe angepasst.

In diesem Zusammenhang wurde auch das Beispielabenteuer "Dunkelstes Afrika", eine Schatz- und Großwildjagd in den Savannen von Afrika des Jahres 1903 ebenfalls aufgefrischt. Die ersten 10 Seiten behandeln die Gritty Damage-Regeln, Fantasyrassen und neuen Talente, die in der SWGE/R/TA schon eingearbeitet sind.

Wer etwas Arbeit mit Google Translate o.ä. nicht scheut, sei dieses Abenteuer sehr ans Herz gelegt.

Dunkelstes Afrika - Abenteuer (http://wydawnictwogramel.pl/download/Najczarniejsza%20Afryka.pdf)
Dunkelstes Afrika - Pregens (http://wydawnictwogramel.pl/download/najczarniejsza_afryka_postaci.pdf)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.09.2012 | 08:20
(https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-U9bm73TFXMI/UFUYhxDzxrI/AAAAAAAAALo/wYLOKOESCFk/s543/340099_10151900675431494_614122876_o.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/105863/Dungeonlands%3A-Heroes-And-Servitors?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Savage Mojo] Dungeonlands: Heroes And Servitors
Authors: Aaron Acevedo, Jason Allard, Richard Balsley, Sean Patrick Fannon, G'Andy, Brain Johnson, Miles M Kantir, Curtis Lyon, Sarah Lyon, Kevin A Murphy, Zach Welhouse, Darren Wolf
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Jason Engle, Chris Malidore, Gil Pearce, Alida Saxon, Mike Chaney, Darren Menown, Artem Bank, Alex Cottrell
Pages: 58
Price: €7.61 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/105863-sample.pdf)

This is the final product from the Dungeonlands Kickstarter 24-hour Design Party.

They came from all corners of the universe, servitors of vile alien gods to protect the Lich Queen and keep an angel imprisoned in the Dungeonlands.

High Fantasy -  Epic Conflict

Heroes & Servitors is a book of pre-generated characters, ready to play with backstories written. Get straight into the action. And for GMs, there’s an evil, twisted version of each character, together with a premade fiendish dungeon encounter especially for them. However you mix them up, they’re bound to enliven your killer dungeon experience.

This is a product for the Savage Worlds rules system and Savage Suzerain.

A copy of Dungeonlands: Tomb of the Lich Queen (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/723840670/dungeonlands-tomb-of-the-lich-queen) is recommended to make the most of this book.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.09.2012 | 17:53
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/105885.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/105885/Tattered-Banners---Bandit-Lords-and-Mercenary-Captains?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Beasts & Barbarians] Tattered Banners - Bandit Lords and Mercenary Captains
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Artists: Tomek Tworek, Marta Poludnikiewicz, Magdalena Rudzińska, Toby Gregory, Anthony Cournoyer, Tamas Baranya, Peter Temesi, Peter Szabo Gabor, Storn Cook,
some images copyright Erisian Entertainment and Louis Porter, Jr
Pages: 87
Price: €7.62 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/105885-sample.pdf)

Some of them are dirty, their weapons rusty, their bellies rumbling with hunger, but more deadly than snakes. Others are splendid in their shimmering bronze armor, their swords impressive, and are looking for glory and a reign for themselves.
They are mercenaries and bandits, the scum and outcasts of the civilized lands, come to pillage the rich cities of the Dominions and to trample ancient thrones under their dusty sandaled feet...
Do you dare to be one of them?

Welcome back to the Dominions! This supplement focuses on one of the staples of Sword and Sorcery, mercenary companies and bandit bands. These assorted groups of fighters, scoundrels and rebels have more than once held in their blood-stained hands the history of the Dominions, and their dust-covered banners have shaped today’s kingdoms.
The involvement of the heroes with these organizations can be on multiple levels: they can be worthy and interesting opponents, patrons and friends, or even more interestingly, the characters can be members themselves, becoming powerful captains and feared bandit lords.
Does the idea of a rugged war band at your command appeal to you? Then read on, but beware, powerful men always have powerful enemies…

To use this compendium you need copies of the Savage Worlds and Beasts and Barbarians rulebooks.
This sourcebook can be used with other fantasy settings, just with a little of work. 
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.09.2012 | 23:41
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/TempleOfTheSun600.png) (http://www.peginc.com/shop/temple-of-the-sun-deadlands-tile-map-pdf/)
[Deadlands] Tile Set: Temple of the Sun
Price: $6.99 (Pinnacle)

Temple of the Sun is the first in our line of PDF printable tile maps. Next time you find your cowpokes smack in the middle of an ancient civilization’s high holy ground, just run this handy PDF on your color printer, trim, and let the carnage commence. Even if you’re not in the Deadlands setting, why let your grand ancient temple needs go unmet?

This PDF provides a 24″ x 32″ final map of both the interior and the exterior/top of a great Mesoamerican columned hall.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.09.2012 | 08:40
(http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r116/Arbor_Productions/Hellbrood_cover_small_zpsc96a6157.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/106002/Hellbrood%3A-Countdown-to-Invasion?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Daring Entertainment] Hellbrood: Countdown to Invasion
Author: Lee F. Szczepanik, Jr., David Martin, with material by Clint Black, Jeremy Menefee
Artists: Julius Abrera, Dino Agor, Jason Engle, Butch Mapa, Bien Flores, Alida Saxon
Pages: 144
Price: €23.06 €13.85 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/download_preview.php?pid=106002)

(This product requires both Savage Worlds and the Super Powers Companion from Pinnacle Entertainment to play)

You've fought for justice and battled evil . . . but now you fight for the very survival of the Earth!

Introducing the launching point for the Hellbrood product line, continuing next in the Hellbrood plot point campaign setting book.

Since superpowered beings first revealed themselves to the public in the first half of the 20th century, the world has been mesmerized by the dazzling array of powers. No place has been more famous for its superhero community than New York. A veritable melting pot of colorfully clad heroes and villains, the Big Apple is known the world over for countless epic battles.

All that changed, however, when strange, gigantic pods fell from the sky. Already weakened from an impossible battle against the world's most powerful supervillain, the heroes were unprepared for the arrival of an alien race bent on the destruction of life throughout the universe. Within days, entire cities were destroyed, heroes and villains alike perished under the onslaught of the invaders, and billions were turned into the dreaded Hellbrood, flesh-ravenous creatures whose sole purpose was to consume all living things.

Hellbrood: Countdown to Invasion is a six adventure miniseries, and launches the massive comic book style mega-event, where you will not only face the world's deadliest supervillain, but also battle on the front lines of a war against an alien race determined to destroy the Earth.

Designed for the award winning Savage Worlds role-playing game and the Super Powers Companion, this volume includes five playable races, new Edges and Hindrances, and new setting rules— including how to perform Power Stunts and expand your hero's capabilities.

As long as there are superheroes to draw breath, there is a future. As long as you still stand, Earth will never go quietly into the night.

The Hellbrood War is just beginning!

(Update Notes: Title changed due to legal reason. The .zip file contains the full graphic PDF, a print-friendly version, and a basic iPad version with all transparent backgrounds removed.)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.09.2012 | 15:00
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/5/5bd1d78870d43a656b8d1422340e2ae3.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_19&products_id=258)
[G-Men & Gangsters] Faction Pack #4: Canadian Mounties v. Seven Dragons
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 19
Price: €3.14 (TAG Store), €3.46 (DriveThruRPG)

The Gang Wars heads north!

Previously neutral in the Gang Wars, Canada has been dragged into action by the spread of crime across its border. Backed by the British Army, the Mounties have donned their red jackets, saddled up, and taken the war to the heart of the problem.

Pitted against them are the martial artists and oriental mystics of the negarious Seven Dragon Brotherhood. Having spread to the former United States, they now have their eyes set on a new market--Canada.

This expansion contains background information, new Wild Card characters, additional troops, and sample army lists for the Canadian Mounties and Seven Dragon Brotherhood Factions. Also included are two Ace Tales and two new vehicles—-the ordnance-dropping "Litterbug" and the machine gun-totting "Broadside." Unit cards are provided for all new pedestrians and vehicles.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.09.2012 | 17:12
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/106151.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/106151/Road-Rage%3A-Life-in-the-Fast-Lane?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Interface Zero] Road Rage: Life in the Fast Lane
Authors: Curtis and Sarah Lyon, David Blewer
Artists: Tomek Tworek, shutterstock stock art 
Pages: 29
Price: €4.63 (DriveThruRPG)
Put the Pedal to the Metal…
Yeah, tomo, you've heard of Jump Bike racing, but do you really know what it is? It's one part Formula 1, one part Street Race, one part Demolition Derby, and possibly the most popular blood sport of the 2080s. Ever since Mickie O'Laragh demonstrated how weapons could determine the outcome of a race, the sport of 'Motorized Steeplechase' has never been the same, and Street Cred —or just plain Credits —often ride on the outcome of these events.

… and Rage Your Dream!
Road Rage gives you all the tools you'll need to enter the world of Jump Bike racing, Interface Zero style. It doesn't matter if you're a player looking to build the ultimate street racer, a GM looking to offer a different sort of challenge to your jaded team, or just curious about Jump Bike racing, Road Rage has what you need. So what are you waiting for? Hop aboard your bike, tomo, and JUMP into the action!

In This Book You'll Find:

This is an expansion for Interface Zero and not a stand-alone setting. That said, you can use the rules contained in this supplement to create a combat race for any setting you can imagine!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.10.2012 | 16:46
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/2/25aceb84f3826a2ac9ce1a615f57c6e2.image.250x323.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_21&products_id=259)
Hellfrost - Region Guide #53: Alfheim
Model: TAG31254
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 8
Price: €1.39 (TAG), €1.55 (DriveThruRPG)

Betwixt the realms of mortals and gods lies the land of the fey. It is a place of mystery and wonder, danger and delight, little traveled by mortals yet widely named and described in songs and poems of old. It is a land divided between light and darkness, a land of dreams made real, season long days and nights, and ever-changing environments. Few who enter emerge completely unscathed by the experience.

This supplement explores the basics of the unearthly race, and the strange nature of their realm. Setting rules for those invited to visit, or who inadvertently stray across the border, are provided for the GM, as are four new varieties of fey. For players, there is a new Edge (Fey-Touched), and a new Arcane Background (Glamour).

Hinweis: Alfheim ist die letzte Ausgabe in der Region Guide-Reihe.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.10.2012 | 23:19
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4570/106383.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/106383/Marchland?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Hearthstone Games] Marchland *PDF Version*
Author: Mark Woodside
Pages: 172
Price: €9.72 (DriveThruRPG)
Urban witches cast protective spells from their smart phones. Modern Magi delve into lore best forgotten. The restless dead search for closure in a world unaware of their existence. Religious fanatics hunt Fae-Blooded mortals. Native Manitou fight to preserve what little is left of their lands.

Welcome to Marchland

Marchland is a roleplaying game based on the Savage Worlds rules.

Set in the fictional city of Brighton Bay, players take on the role of mortal, gifted, or supernatural characters. Whether they are a cop, Magi, undead Revenant, or shape-shifting Manitou, characters must fight to protect themselves and the un-awakened masses from threats both mundane and magickal.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.10.2012 | 15:10
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/BloodDriveTwoCover600px.png) (http://www.peginc.com/shop/blood-drive-2-high-plains-drovers-pdf/)
[Deadlands] Blood Drive 2: High Plains Drovers
Authors: John M. Goff
Page Count: 37 pages. Explorer’s Edition sized PDF (6.5″ x 9″). Full-color.
Price: $9.99 (Pinnacle). Available at DriveThruRPG in a few days

Head ’em up and move ’em out! Your cowpokes are joining one of the longest, most danger-fraught cattle drives in the Weird West—spanning two countries, a war-torn no man’s land, and the Sioux Nations! Along the way, they’ll cross paths with virtually every major railroad, bloodthirsty border raiders, Indian war parties, and of course, nightmares of the sort found only in a land ravaged by the horrors of the Reckoning. They may make an ally or two, as well as at least one dogged enemy. High Plains Drovers is the second of three in the Blood Drive series.

The Blood Drive series is a complete campaign. Each adventure starts and ends in such a fashion that if you want to use it by itself without the others in the series, you can easily do so. In fact, they’re perfect for getting a posse from one part of the Weird West to another if that’s what you’re looking for, Marshal. Used together, the three combine to take the heroes from greenhorn cowpunchers to hardened trail hands fighting for their cattle, their land, and even their lives!

High Plains Drovers is not a complete game. It’s a supplement for the Deadlands Reloaded setting for the Savage Worlds game system.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.10.2012 | 08:00
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2546/106523-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/106523/Apocalypse-Prevention%2C-Inc.---Savage-Worlds-Edition?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Third Eye Games]
Apocalypse Prevention, Inc. - Savage Worlds Edition

Authors: Eloy Lasanta, Jay Peters
Artists: Kat Burress, Tazio Bettin, Casper Petersen, Mike Mumah, Amy Ashbaugh, Derek Stevens 
Pages: 184
Price: €15,48 €7,74 (DriveThruRPG)

Join the fight to protect earth - Now using the Savage Worlds ruleset! Monsters and demons have existed on Earth since its inception, terrorizing humanity throughout history. But some of them decided to fight back, creating a company of like-minded beings (even other demons) to defend the Earth from supernatural threats.

Today, the shadow company has it's hands in every facet of life all around the globe, using this grasp to police supernatural activity. Demon races that live on Earth (i.e. the aquatic Lochs, shape-shifting Changelings, or even the pyrotechnic Burners) have joined the company as well, ensuring their safety as well as humanity's.

Each agent arms themselves in a different way, but all stand as the last chance for Earth's defense against countless dimensional and magical enemies. Apocalypse Prevention, Inc. details everything you need to become agents and protect the Earth.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.10.2012 | 06:48
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/106539-thumb140.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/106539/Savage-Insider-Issue-6?term=savage+insider+issue+6&filters=0_0_0_0_40050)
[MTE] Savage Insider Issue 6
Pages: 54
Price: Free or $1 Donation for Artwork (DriveThruRPG)

Savage Insider Issue 6: Holidays and Havoc is dedicated to Autumn and winter holidays and festivals and how we incorporate them into our games. Incorporating believable holidays and festivals can be hard enough, but creating interesting NPCs, usable equipment, and interesting adventures sure can be fun! This issue provides a collection of NPCs, equipment, and adventures all surrounding a holiday or festival theme.

Holidays and Havoc is a cross-genre issue with a leaning toward the horrific. To coincide with the idea of using holidays and festivals in your game, a general interest piece has been included discussing how this can be achieved.

Holidays and Havoc includes:
Look for new issues of Savage Insider every 3 months in January, April, July, and October with Premium releases in-between.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.10.2012 | 19:48
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/3/33fe2fdb908d1387884ae0f66dd1d641.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=260)
[Hellfrost] Creature Guide: Golems
Model: TAG31304
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 10
Price: €1.39 (TAG), €1.53 (DriveThruRPG)

Until the destructive Golem War ravaged the northern continent, golems were used across lands held. They were created in great number by the Anari, who employed them as near-mindless slaves, automatons programmed to follow orders without question or concern for their own well-being. Today, golems are virtually unknown, bogeymen used to scare children and adults alike. This supplement briefly explores the origins of golems, discusses the major events of the Golem War, and provides stats for all the species of golem known to sages.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.10.2012 | 09:54
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/106833.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/106833/Savage-Suzerain-Millennium-Knights-Primer?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Savage Mojo] Savage Suzerain - Millennium Knights Primer
Author: Jennifer Brozek, Curtis and Sarah Lyon, Stuart Boon, Bryan Hitchcock, Heidi Levin,
Darren Pearce, Alan Bundock
Pages: 16
Price: €2.57 Freebie (DriveThruRPG)
It's 1999 and monsters don't exist. They're the stuff of legend and myth, right? Wrong. Our world is filled with paranormal creatures just itching to enslave humanity or wipe it off the face of the Earth.

Only the world's finest agents stand between the paranormal horror and an unsuspecting public. Outfitted with the best technology and tradecraft, it's time to get to work.

Wear the tuxedo, load the Walther PPK, and save the world!

This book gives you an overview of the Millennium Knights setting and the organization your characters will be working for... the secretive SPA.

Product contains: A 16-page high resolution PDF plus a print friendly version for free.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.10.2012 | 23:10
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/106946-thumb140.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/106946/Faith-%26-Demons-Nation-Guide%3A-Anglo-Saxon)
[MTE] Faith & Demons Nation Guide: Anglo-Saxon
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Pages: 28
Price: €1.51 (DriveThruRPG)

Note: This Nation Guide is an extract from Savage Insider Premium Issue #3 and presented here as a standalone product. The content has not been altered other than for layout purposes. Savage Insider Premium is a quarterly magazine dedicated to providing quality content for Savage Worlds and the many Savage Worlds settings published by Mystical Throne Entertainment.

Welcome to the first FAITH & DEMONS: THE RISING NATION GUIDE, a series of mini-sourcebooks detailing the different nations during the Dark Ages. Each Nation Guide depicts historical information alongside that of mythology, folklore, speculation, and fiction for the purpose of providing additional content for your adventures and campaigns. This first Nation Guide details the Anglo-Saxon nation located in modern day Britain.

Faith & Demons Nation Guide: Anglo-Saxon includes:

FAITH & DEMONS: THE RISING is a Dark Ages, gothic fantasy plot point setting for Savage Worlds where united lords have brought the world’s warriors together to prevent the armies of chaos from enslaving their people.

Faith & Demons Nation Guide: Anglo-Saxon is not a stand-alone game and requires the Savage Worlds core rulebook. Although designed to be used in conjunction with the Faith & Demons: The Rising core setting guide, the source material can be with used any Savage Worlds product.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.10.2012 | 23:28
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4329/107076.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=107076&src=sub&currency=EUR)
[Achtung! Cthulhu] Zero Point Part 2 - Heroes of the Sea
Author: Sarah Newton
Artists: Dim Martin, Michael E. Cross  
Pages: 63
Price: €11.53 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/107076-sample.pdf)

Wartime roleplaying… with tentacles!

Achtung! Cthulhu brings you a wartime SAVAGE WORLDS / REALMS OF CTHULHU roleplaying game setting packed full of fiendish Nazis, terrifying ancient mysteries, legendary war machines, and enough writhing tentacles to fill ten Reichstags!

Heroes of the Sea is the second standalone adventure supplement in the globe-spanning Zero Point campaign. Play soldiers, agents, and resistance fighters in the chaos and carnage of the Battle of Dunkirk, as a sinister conspiracy threatens the lives of the retreating Allied forces!

Inside you will find everything you need:

Requires a copy of the SAVAGE WORLDS rules & REALMS OF CTHULHU Supplement to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.10.2012 | 18:46
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/107159.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/107159/Savage-Suzerain-Millennium-Knights-Character-Options?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Savage Mojo] Savage Suzerain - Millennium Knights Character Options
Author:  Jennifer Brozek, Curtis and Sarah Lyon, Stuart Boon, Bryan Hitchcock, Heidi Levin, Darren Pearce, Alan Bundock
Pages: 16
Price: €2.56 (DriveThruRPG)
It's 1999 and monsters don't exist. They're the stuff of legend and myth, right? Wrong. Our world is filled with paranormal creatures just itching to enslave humanity or wipe it off the face of the Earth.

Only the world's finest agents stand between the paranormal horror and an unsuspecting public. Outfitted with the best technology and tradecraft, it's time to get to work.

Wear the tuxedo, load the Walther PPK, and save the world!

This book gives you a stack of character options for playing super spy characters facing paranormal enemies in a Savage Worlds setting.

Product contains: A 16-page high resolution PDF plus a print friendly version for free.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.10.2012 | 23:49
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/750/107189.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/107189/Camp-Wicakini-3%3A--Wanagi-Mato-Lives!---Savage-Worlds?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Silver Gryphon Games] Camp Wicakini 3: Wanagi Mato Lives!
Author: Kevin Rohan
Pages: 18
Price: €1.92 (DriveThruRPG)
Five years after the horrible disaster that resulted in a total loss of Camp Wicakini, it's been rebuilt.  New counselors, new buildings, new everything...except for one man.

The new caretaker, Max Mason, was one of the last campers to stay at Wicakini.  He survived the initial zombie onslaught, and then the government came and rescued him.  He has sworn that what happened on that fateful day almost exactly 5 years ago would never happen again, and this time, he's prepared.

Unfortunately, the blight of Camp Wicakini, Wanagi Mato, is also prepared, and has been plotting revenge for 5 years...

This sandbox style adventure follows the first Camp Wicakini adventures.  The camp has been completely rebuilt, but in true slasher-film style, it's been rebuilt exactly the way it was.  There's a few twists on this one, and unlike the first two which were campy (pardon the pun) this one is straight up horror survival.

There is a new addition to the grounds, a Ranger Station, put up by the government to help monitor any suspicious activity.

Maps have graciously been included by Fabled Environments once again, and this adventure is completely compatible with the map pack from Camp Wicakini II!

Get in there and survive!  This adventure is the perfect follow up for the first two adventures, and it's ideal for conventions or a quick pick-up game, with pre-generated characters, equipment lists, and everything you need to run it the second you pick it up!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.10.2012 | 01:32
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/107242-thumb140.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/107242/Mercenary-Breed%3A-Hastilion-Expanse-Compendium-I?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Mercenary Breed: Hastilion Expanse Compendium I
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Pages: 165
Price: €6.11 (DriveThruRPG)

Note: This Compendium is an extract from Savage Insider Premium Issues #1 and #2 and presented here as a standalone product. The content has not been altered other than for layout purposes. Savage Insider Premium is a quarterly magazine dedicated to providing quality content for Savage Worlds and the many Savage Worlds settings published by Mystical Throne Entertainment.

Join the mercenary forces of Drake Mining and Manufacturing as they expand across the newly opened Hastilion Expanse. But beware, trouble lurks around every corner and everyone seems to have their own agenda that doesn’t include you.

Hastilion Expanse Compendium I contains six linked Novice missions for MERCENARY BREED designed to be played as standalone or together as the first part of the Hastilion Expanse campaign.

Inside the Hastilion Expanse Compendium I you will find:

            - A Description of Drake Mining and Manufacturing.
            - A gazetteer of eight different planets.
            - Character options for creating Shipborn Gemini along with two new alien races.
            - Renown mechanics for housing and vehicles.

Mercenary Breed: Hastilion Expanse Compendium I is not a stand-alone game and requires the Savage Worlds core rulebook and recommended use of the Mercenary Breed core setting guide.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.10.2012 | 00:28
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/107387.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/107387/Nemezis?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[GRAmel] Nemezis
Author: Andrzej Stój, Jakub Osiejewski, Andy Slack, Additional materials: Paul Wade-Williams, Jakub Góra, Tomasz Z. Majkowski, Piotr Koryś, Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 160
Price: €15.45 €7.72 (DriveThruRPG)
The ancients foresaw the coming of vile beasts. Monstrosities born at the dawn of the universe that would awaken from their millennia-long slumber to destroy the Earth and humankind. These monsters were dubbed the Dark Gods by the forgotten prophets of days past; according to their grim vision, nothing could stop these beings from destroying the human race.

The prophecies were all true.

Deities have awakened and destroyed the Earth.

And humanity responded with firepower.

The prophets did not realize just how much power the human race would have in the Time of Judgement. They did not understand the destructive power of plasma weapons. They could not imagine an armada of starships able to launch hundreds of thousands of missiles at once. The monsters may have almost godly powers, but the majority of them still vaporize when hit by a megaton warhead!

You are one of the people who do not fear inhuman beasts, servants of the dark deities, or other unspeakable forces. You have discovered the secrets of the corrupt, debased nobles of Bariz. You have tracked down cultists of the Dark Gods trying to take over Ash even as it freezes. And as for the monstrous spawn... well, hunting trips on Cor have challenging game at last!

As a special gift, everyone who buys Nemezis on rpgnow.com and peginc.com, gets free Nemezis Sountrack! 

Three planets, three different moods, twelve background music pieces written for the Savage Worlds setting - Nemezis, but which can be used in any modern rpgs. Those tunes, done by Błażej "Błarz" Grygiel, are prepared to enhance tabletop and live-action roleplaying games.

The medley of those tunes can be downloaded here (http://wydawnictwogramel.pl/download/Nemezis%20music%20teaser.mp3)

1. Ash - Getting colder
2. Ash - Metropolis Fight
3. Ash - Cortex Fight
4. Ash - City jungle
5. Ash - A cyborg is born
6. Bariz - A paradise in hell
7. Bariz - Noble duel
8. Bariz - Web of deceit
9. Bariz - Death Race
10. Cor - Endless War
11. Cor - Lullaby
12. Cor - Undeath dreams

Special offer - until the end of November, Nemezis will cost only $9.99! Let the halloween party with the Horde and Nemezis begins!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.10.2012 | 18:41

[Hellfrost] Halloween Goodness

A Traditional prayer to Scaetha made before entering the Withered Lands

Typically, odd numbered lines are spoken by the senior cleric of Scaetha, with the even numbered lines spoken en masse by all those about to enter the accursed realm. As is normal for the cult, prayers are affirmative statements, rather than pleas for assistance.


I shall walk in the shadows that others may walk in the light
For my faith guides me in darkness
I shall not succumb to fear of flesh, mind, or soul
For my faith is my strength
I shall brush aside the hand of Death
For my faith is my armor
I shall cut down my enemies
For my faith is my weapon
I shall not be wearied by sleep or weakened by hunger
For my faith succors me
I shall fear not the death of my flesh
For my soul is pledged to Scaetha
<non-Scaetha worshippers insert the name of their patron deity>

I shall show no mercy to the enemies of the living
Death to the damned!

By tradition, the prayer ends by striking one’s weapon against one’s shield rim or armor twice, then shouting the name Scaetha. This is repeated four times, the volume increasing each time.

A Scaetha funeral

Followers of Scaetha will undoubtedly die in battle against the undead. Give them a proper send off!


Traditionally, deceased clerics and those bound to Scaetha by oaths or service (such as Deathdealers) are laid out in a windowless room. Ideally this is a purpose-built chamber below the temple, close to the main crypt, but any lightless enclosure will suffice. By using such a place, it is believed Hela cannot detect the corpse, and thus cannot send a spirit to infest it and reanimate it as an undead.

The corpse is washed, but no attempt is made to conceal or address wounds. How a cleric died is as important as how he lived, and the injuries sustained will be used by Scaetha in her judgment. Corpses are dressed in their armor, and with their weapons placed alongside them. If these are not available for any reason, the mourners ensure he is armed and armored before his spirit is claimed by the herald. Without these tools of war, his spirit will not be suitably equipped in the Afterlife, where he will continue the fight against Hela and her fell brood.

Though the chamber is windowless, one candle is lit for each year the deceased served the cult. At regular intervals during the prayers for the dead, these are blown out. Timing is important, for the last one should be extinguished as the final words are spoken.

After several moment's of quiet contemplation, the mourners file out in silence. One remains behind, a guardian whose task it is to watch over the corpse until Scaetha's herald claims the soul. After this, the mortal remains are interred.

The highest ranking cleric of Scaetha recites the odd numbered lines of the prayer, while others recite the even numbered lines. As is normal for the cult, prayers are affirmative statements. Change gender references as appropriate.

Our brother has fallen in battle
We stand in his place
Our brother’s arms and armor are broken
We forge them anew in his place
Our brother shall win no more earthly victories
We win them in his place
Our brother's name shall not grow
We speak of his deeds in his place
Our brother awaits judgment before Scaetha
We vouch for his faith in his place
Our brother's light has been extinguished by darkness
We burn brighter in his place
TAG Creative Director
Check us out on Facebook for all the latest news!

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_02.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellFrost.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.11.2012 | 18:32
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/107702.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/107702/Ultimate-Mass-Battle-Guide-%28Savage-Worlds%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[MTE] Ultimate Mass Battle Guide
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Artists: Joe Calkins, Collin Lenzen, Otherworld Creations, Public Domain, shutterstock/Fotokostic, shutterstock/Slava Gerj   
Page Count: 38
Price: €2.28 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Note: The Ultimate Mass Battle Guide is an extract from Savage Insider Premium Issues #2 and #3 and presented here as a standalone product. The content has not been altered other than for layout purposes and an added section for Character Options. Savage Insider Premium is a quarterly magazine dedicated to providing quality content for Savage Worlds and the many Savage Worlds settings published by Mystical Throne Entertainment.

The Ultimate Mass Battle Guide for Savage Worlds is your handbook for expanding on the Mass Battle mechanics presented in the core rulebook. New options are presented to offer greater control over the battlefield and new options to better represent your armies and their abilities. With these new mechanics, you can now take into account the skill level of your armies  and the design of the battlefield. It’s time to for war and now you can even the odds.

Ultimate Mass Battle Guide is an alternate and expanded version of the Mass Battle mechanics for Savage Worlds and includes the following:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.11.2012 | 11:31
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/107727-thumb140.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/107727/Nemezis-Adventure-Generator)
[GRAmel] Nemezis Adventure Generator
Author: Jakub Osiejewski, Andy Slack, Tomasz Z. Majkowski, Piotr Koryś, Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 13
Price: Freebie (GRAmel/RPGNow/DriveThruRPG)
Studio 2 decided to print Nemezis, and because of page requirements, the book (and also updated pdf, which will be posted very soon) will have index (which didn`t make it earlier) and adventure generator. But for those who cannot wait untill we update the pdf, you can download that generator here!

Nemezis Adventure Generator!

You are one of the people who do not fear inhuman beasts, servants of the dark deities, or other unspeakable forces. You have discovered the secrets of the corrupt, debased nobles of Bariz. You have tracked down cultists of the Dark Gods trying to take over Ash even as it freezes. And as for the monstrous spawn... well, hunting trips on Cor have challenging game at last!

The Horizon system is a setting ready for thousands of adventures. To fan the flames
of the GM’s imagination, here is a random adventure generator available from Gramel (http://wydawnictwogramel.pl/download/Adventure%20ABC.pdf), RPGNow (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/107727/Nemezis-Adventure-Generator) or DriveThruRPG (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/107727/Nemezis-Adventure-Generator).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.11.2012 | 16:34
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/TAG_LOGO.GIF) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/allforone/AFO_Paris_Map.zip)

[All for One] Map of Paris 1636

Paris maps brought to you by TAG forum members jhilhad and oudeis:

http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/allforone/AFO_Paris_Map.zip (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/allforone/AFO_Paris_Map.zip)
TAG Creative Director
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Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.11.2012 | 06:29
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4513/107805.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/107805/R.E.A.C.T.-Worldbook-%28Savage-Worlds-ed.%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[paNIK] R.E.A.C.T. Worldbook (Savage Worlds ed.)
Authors: M. Andrew Payne, Nik Palmer
Artists: Bill Bricker, David Senecal, Timothy McClurg, M. Andrew Payne
Pages: 89
Price: €2.30 SW only, €6.90 €2.69 SW/True20/3.5 OGL Bundle (DriveThruRPG)
Enter the world of R.E.A.C.T., the Research, Engineering, And Crisis Team! Psychics and cyborgs battle mutants to defend mankind from extra-dimensional destruction in this sci-fi espionage themed action-adventure game world. Forget games with nebulous morality where the characters are reprobates, monsters or anti-heroes; R.E.A.C.T. is absolutely the good guys and are out to save the world... with Science!

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4513/107802.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/107802/R.E.A.C.T.-Campaign-Sample-Adventure?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[paNIK] R.E.A.C.T. Campaign Sample Adventure
Authors: M. Andrew Payne
Pages: 19
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG)
Someone or some thing has been stalking the abandoned alleyways and leaving behind mangled bodies drained of blood. Is the killer a vampire, hungry ghost, legendary skunk-ape, or run-of-the-mill psychopath? Will the players live long enough to find out?

This is an introductory adventure for the world of R.E.A.C.T. although it also works with any modern-era campaign.

Compatible with 3 different systems: Savage Worlds, True20, 3.5 OGL
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.11.2012 | 18:53
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/107815-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=107815&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&currency=EUR)
[Savage Mojo] Savage Suzerain - Millennium Knights Spyware
Authors: Jennifer Brozek, Curtis and Sarah Lyon, Stuart Boon, Bryan Hitchcock, Heidi Levin, Darren Pearce, Alan Bundock
Pages: 16
Price: €2.60 (DriveThruRPG)

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/107816-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/107816/Savage-Suzerain-Millennium-Knights-GM-Briefing?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[Savage Mojo] Savage Suzerain - Millennium Knights GM Briefing
Authors: Jennifer Brozek, Curtis and Sarah Lyon, Stuart Boon, Bryan Hitchcock, Heidi Levin, Darren Pearce, Alan Bundock
Pages: 16
Price: €2.60 (DriveThruRPG)

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/107817-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/107817/Savage-Suzerain-Millennium-Knights-Gazetteer-I---Europe?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[Savage Mojo] Savage Suzerain - Millennium Knights Gazetteer I - Europe
Authors: Jennifer Brozek, Curtis and Sarah Lyon, Stuart Boon, Bryan Hitchcock, Heidi Levin, Darren Pearce, Alan Bundock
Pages: 16
Price: €2.60 (DriveThruRPG)
It's 1999 and monsters don't exist. They're the stuff of legend and myth, right? Wrong. Our world is filled with paranormal creatures just itching to enslave humanity or wipe it off the face of the Earth.

Only the world's finest agents stand between the paranormal horror and an unsuspecting public. Outfitted with the best technology and tradecraft, it's time to get to work.

Wear the tuxedo, load the Walther PPK, and save the world!

This book gives you an overview of the Millennium Knights setting and the organization your characters will be working for... the secretive SPA.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Darkling ["beurlaubt"] am 7.11.2012 | 13:55
TAG startet einen Kickstarter (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-land-of-fire-arabian-nights-rpg-fantasy?ref=email) für Hellfrost: Land of Fire.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.11.2012 | 19:34
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/d/d2bddd377d13a7065c9354f61aac6253.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=262&zenid=qb1kdt2upo6ida0c194p9hiek7)
[Hellfrost] Creature Guide: Ice Goblins
Model: TAG31305
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 12
Price: €2.09 (TAG), €2.33 (DriveThruRPG)

From the Hearthlands to the High Winterlands, the snow shrouded forests and ice covered mountains are home to countless ice goblins. Often dismissed as lesser foes due to their size and cowardly nature, many a hero has met his death on the spear of a snarling, blue-skinned goblin.

This supplement delve into ice goblin culture and society. It explores their origins, anatomy, social structure, habitat, calendar, and military organization and tactics, among other topics.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_01.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.11.2012 | 22:58
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/107958-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/107958/Nemezis-Pregenerated-Characters)
[GRAmel] Nemezis Pregenerated Characters
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 7
Price: Freebie (GRAmel/RPGNow/DriveThruRPG)
The Beta Agency
The Beta Agency, often simply known as “the Beta”, is a private investigation and security agency based on Ash, but operating throughout the whole Horizon system. The services offered by the agency are diverse, from advanced forensics consulting
to highly focused incursions in Horde controlled territories.
Given the number of specializations required, the Betas, as the organisation’s agents are called, have very different backgrounds. The Agency pays well and isn’t against hiring freelancers, if they need them.
The Beta Agency in Play: One of the greatest problems of an RPG campaign is finding a reasonable motivation for the heroes to stay together. Being part of the Beta, even as freelancers, can be a good way of getting the party together. For this reason
in the backgrounds of the pre-generated characters below you’ll find a subsection titled Recruitment, describing how they got involved with the Beta. If you prefer to use the characters without the Beta, simply ignore that part.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.11.2012 | 05:59
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2604/107966-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/107966/Hellbrood:-Ultimate-Agenda)
[Daring Entertainment] Hellbrood: Ultimate Agenda
Author: Lee F. Szczepanik, Jr.
Pages: 21
Price: Freebie (RPGNow/DriveThruRPG)

Super-powered individuals have been around for ages. Since the public's first real introduction to them during World War II, colorfully clad heroes and villains have done battle the world over, but most frequently throughout New York.

That changed a month ago when the Necroleans— an alien race determined to eradicate life across the universe— arrived on Earth. After dropping gigantic pods on the planet, which infected billions with a biotechnology that transformed them into a form of Living Dead creature known as the Hellbrood, the aliens then attacked those who mysteriously resisted the initial bombardment. Forcing the remaining humans and super-powered survivors into small enclaves, the Necroleans established garrisons around the planet.

Now with the threat of human annihilation under the Necroleans, a powerful enemy has returned with the ultimate agenda. Can the heroes stand against this new threat, or will the remaining survivors fall?

Hellbrood: Ultimate Agenda is a stand alone adventure that can be run as a Convention Game or inserted into any ongoing Hellbrood campaign. It requires Savage Worlds and the Super Powers Companion from Pinnacle Entertainment, and Hellbrood: Countdown to Invasion from Daring Entertainment, to play.

The .zip file contains both the normal and printer-friendly versions.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.11.2012 | 19:22
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/107995-thumb140.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/107995/Ancient-World?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[MTE] Ancient World Core Setting Guide
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Pages: 127
Price: €5.45 (DriveThruRPG)

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/107996-thumb140.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/107996/Ancient-World-Player%27s-Guide?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[MTE] Ancient World Player's Guide
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Pages: 66
Price: €3.10 (DriveThruRPG)

Dhuran; a foreboding planet abandoned by the gods. 500 years after the gods rained fire and brimstone upon the land, leaving the few survivors to fend for themselves, secrets are being uncovered. The new civilization of the now godless Dhuran find the malevolent spirits of their long-dead ancestors hunting their descendant bloodline. As if being accosted by the spirits of their ancestors isn’t enough, tears are opening between the mortal and chaos realms, pouring demons, enslavers, and the undead into the world. Though the people have managed to live and grow since that apocalyptic event, they now fight against the denizens of a planet that wants them dead.

Become a warrior and scour the land, protecting your kin and their allies. Fight back against the evil that spills across the land. Raise your sword in defiance; harness the corrupting power of the spirit realm and strike down the chaos; scribe the chaos runes and use the realm’s power against itself; use alchemical knowledge to launch grenades in the face of your foe; take on the role of a hunter seeking out the plagued beings that cross the land; or fight in the name of the gods that left you behind as a crusader determined to bring the gods back to Dhuran. In ANCIENT WORLD, you fight for the survival of those around you: drow, dwarf, half-drow, halfling, and human; you either find victory or become a victim of the chaos your ancestors created, because everything you don’t understand, can and will kill you.

Inside the ANCIENT WORLD CORE SETTING GUIDE you will find:
… and more!

Inside the ANCIENT WORLD PLAYER’S GUIDE you will find:

This PLAYER’S GUIDE is designed for those who only want to create characters for the ANCIENT WORLD setting and is suitable for virtually any dark fantasy setting.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.11.2012 | 01:26
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/BloodDriveThreeCover600px.png) (http://www.peginc.com/shop/blood-drive-3-range-war-pdf/)
[DLR] Blood Drive 3: Range War! PDF
Author: John Geoff
Page Count: 36
Price: $9.99 (Pinnacle)

Blood Drive 2: Range War! is the final adventure in a series that spans one of the longest, most danger-fraught cattle drives in the Weird West! Head ’em up and move ’em out as your posse becomes hardened trail hands fighting for their cattle, their land, and even their lives!

Blood Drive 2: Range War! can be used as part of the Blood Drive series or as a stand-alone Deadlands adventure.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.11.2012 | 20:23
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4309/108035.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/108035/Tunse%27al-Setting-Guide-Savage-Worlds-Preview?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[Obatron Productions] Tunse'al Setting Guide SW *Preview*
Authors: Vickey A. Beaver, Robert L. Beaver
Pages: 23
Price: Freebie (RPGNow/DriveThruRPG)

This is a preview of the Tunse'al Setting Guide for Savage Worlds. It is NOT complete, but gives you an idea of the world background, the Tunse'al races, and samples of what beasts exist. There will be a second version (systemless) with tables to help you translate the setting information to whatever system you choose. Systemless and Savage Worlds versions of Tunse'al Setting Guide and supplemental materials will be released simltaneously.

When the guide and supplements are ready, they will be available for sale right here!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.11.2012 | 23:10
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/750/108097-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/108097/Wellstone-City-Chronicles---Breaking-Murphy---Savage)
[Silver Gryphon Games] Wellstone City Chronicles - Breaking Murphy
Authors: Kevin Rohan
Pages: 13
Price: €1.96 (RPGNow/DriveThruRPG)

Have you ever had one of those days...one where nothing seems to be going right?  One that starts out bad and just seems to get worse and worse?  Today is one of those days.  To top it off, your crew just got a call from the Boss; you have three hours to plan a bank hit, get something out of Vault Security Box 42, and get out.  So far, you've broken a shoe lace, broken a mirror, and feel like you're being stalked by black cats.  You've got a bad, bad feeling about this...

This adventure takes a (potential) break from the normal Wellstone City Chronicles and uses a variant in the rules of the Wellstone City Encounter Deck to make an adventure that is literally different every time you play it.  By drawing three cards at the beginning of the adventure, the Narrator determines what events happen during the hit that make this time through it unique.  These three card draws can dramatically change the way the adventure runs, and even shift alliances of the PCs, so we consider it to be the "gag episode" of Wellstone City.

When drawing cards, you might get any of the following, plus other results for every single other card in the deck:

This adventure is filled with art from Ari Syahrazad, and comes with a map provided by Fabled Environments!  A larger version of the map can be purchased from Fabled Environments, either from their store front at Drive Thru RPG and their affiliates, or get a huge physical print out from their online store at www.fabledenvironments.com!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.11.2012 | 20:25
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/b/ba7bc9f2b63ab02fb86adb2d82f831e4.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=263)
[Hellfrost] Skalds & Stories
Model: TAG31295
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 8
Price: €1.39 (TAG), €1.56 (DriveThruRPG)

Whether huddled around a campfire in the frozen north, seated in a noble’s court, or enjoying the comforts of an ale-hall, citizens enjoy a good story. Told well, a story can remind folk of better times, rekindle their drive, fill their hearts with pride, sorrow, or happiness, take listeners to new lands, and temporarily dispel thoughts of hardships ahead.

Every skald knows dozens of stories, but is master of only a few. This supplement presents a system where skalds purchase their master tales based on their focus and complexity, and can perform them to make friends and influence people. A number of sample tales are included.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-land-of-fire-arabian-nights-rpg-fantasy)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.11.2012 | 00:20
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Blood_Feast.png) (http://www.peginc.com/freebies/Blood_Feast.pdf)
[Pinnacle] Blood Feast One Sheet

A Savage Worlds One Sheet™ By Shane Lacy Hensley for use with The Savage World of Solomon Kane™ or as a horrific diversion.

Your wanderers come across a feast of thanks gone horribly awry, and must investigate the matter before the bloody end of the meal comes to its youngest diners! Will you be in time for there to be a reason to celebrate after all, or will innocent lives be lost to a dark “bounty” of the sea?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.11.2012 | 16:28
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/TAG_LOGO.GIF) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/allforone/All_For_One_Character_Sheet_SW.pdf)
[TAG] All For One SW - Character Sheet

Hiya AFO SW fans!

I had an email from Luise - a fan of All For One SW to say we had not put a copy of the Character sheet as a downloadable PDF - so I've corrected that situation today!

You can fetch it from here:

Robin Elliott

Production Director
Triple Ace Games

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-land-of-fire-arabian-nights-rpg-fantasy)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.11.2012 | 00:22
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/50FathomsCharacterAllyShipSheetsFillable600px.png) (http://www.peginc.com/freebies/50Fathoms/50FathomsEXCharacterAllyShipSheetsFillable.pdf)
[Pinnacle] 50 Fathoms Freebie—Fully Form Fillable!

All alliteration aside (almost), this week we’re giving you a freebie to really help you set sail in the world of 50 Fathoms (http://www.peginc.com/games/50-fathoms/) and bring all your imaginary friends with you—the 50 Fathoms: Explorer’s Edition Character, Ship, and Ally Sheet (http://www.peginc.com/freebies/50Fathoms/50FathomsEXCharacterAllyShipSheetsFillable.pdf)!

This is the same handsome set of players’ aids illustrated by the award-winning Cheyenne Wright ripped from the 50 Fathoms: Explorer’s Edition book (http://www.peginc.com/shop/50-fathoms-explorers-edition/). We’ve added form fields so you can record your character, all the details about your ship, and everything you need to know about your allies—and even save it when you’re done!

Be sure to check out the rest of our free 50 Fathoms downloads (http://www.peginc.com/shop/50-fathoms/) while you’re at it.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.11.2012 | 21:56
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/108500-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/108500/Quantum-Sliders%3A-Brain-Powered-Beach-Party?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[Savage Mojo] Quantum Sliders: Brain Powered Beach Party
Authors: Zach Welhouse (words), G'Andy (rules)
Pages: 19
Price: €3.09 €2.31 (DriveThruRPG)
You’ve been invited to a 1970s zombie beach party, so grab your heavy artillery and get ready to knock down doors. Someone went and made a deal with the Kalfu at the crossroads, turning rock-and-roll into the devil music that parents always feared, and now California’s rockingest are in danger of becoming the first item on an all-night meat buffet.

Nothing’s ever easy with zombies. When the quick jaunt turns into an all-night monster mash, a tinfoil hat isn’t enough. Prepare to face the dangers of psychic networks, ancestral sword spirits, and screaming brains that never say, “Die!!!”


In this Savage Worlds adventure for Heroic rank characters you’ll find all you need to run a great session of Fast! Furious! Fun!

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/108502-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/108502/Savage-Suzerain-Millennium-Knights-Gazetteer-II---Africa-%26-Asia?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[Savage Mojo] Savage Suzerain Millennium Knights Gazetteer II - Africa & Asia
Authors: Jennifer Brozek, Curtis and Sarah Lyon, Stuart Boon, Bryan Hitchcock, Heidi Levin, Darren Pearce, Alan Bundock
Pages: 16
Price: €2.58 €1.93 (DriveThruRPG)

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/108505-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/108505/Savage-Suzerain-Millennium-Knights-Gazetteer-III---The-Americas?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[Savage Mojo] Savage Suzerain Millennium Knights Gazetteer III - The Americas
Authors: Jennifer Brozek, Curtis and Sarah Lyon, Stuart Boon, Bryan Hitchcock, Heidi Levin, Darren Pearce, Alan Bundock
Pages: 16
Price: €2.58 €1.93 (DriveThruRPG)
It's 1999 and monsters don't exist. They're the stuff of legend and myth, right? Wrong. Our world is filled with paranormal creatures just itching to enslave humanity or wipe it off the face of the Earth.

Only the world's finest agents stand between the paranormal horror and an unsuspecting public. Outfitted with the best technology and tradecraft, it's time to get to work.

Wear the tuxedo, load the Walther PPK, and save the world!

These books give you an overview of the Millennium Knights setting and the organization your characters will be working for... the secretive SPA.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.11.2012 | 22:46
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/108570-thumb140.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/108570/Savage-Insider-Premium-Issue-%234?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[MTE] Savage Insider Premium Issue #4
Authors: Gilbert Gallo, Lawrence Grabowski, Aaron T. Huss, Curtis Lyon, Sarah Lyon
Page Count: 76
Price: €6.15 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to the fourth premium issue of the Savage Insider magazine, dedicated to supporting the Savage Worlds role-playing game.

Premium Issue #4 contains five full-length pieces providing new content for Savage Worlds and the Faith & Demons: The Rising, Mercenary Breed, and Ancient World settings, available from Mystical Throne Entertainment.

Savage Insider Premium Issue #4 includes:

Look for new issues of Savage Insider Premium between releases of the free Savage Insider standard issues.

Modern Warehouse Battlemap

The battlemap used in Mission Delta (Mastermind) can be purchased from DramaScape at http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/105018/Modern-Warehouse

The download includes two different versions: a full-color version and a printer-friendly, black-and-white version.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.12.2012 | 22:15
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/108586-thumb140.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/108586/Faith-%26-Demons-Nation-Guide%3A-Bulgarian-Empire?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[MTE] Faith & Demons Nation Guide: Bulgarian Empire
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Page Count: 22
Price: €1.51 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Note: This Nation Guide is an extract from Savage Insider Premium Issue #4 and presented here as a standalone product. The content has not been altered other than for layout purposes. Savage Insider Premium is a quarterly magazine dedicated to providing quality content for Savage Worlds and the many Savage Worlds settings published by Mystical Throne Entertainment.

Welcome to the second FAITH & DEMONS: THE RISING NATION GUIDE, a series of mini-sourcebooks detailing the different nations during the Dark Ages. Each Nation Guide depicts historical information alongside that of mythology, folklore, speculation, and fiction for the purpose of providing additional content for your adventures and campaigns. This second Nation Guide details the Bulgarian Empire located in modern day Bulgaria and Macedonia.

Faith & Demons Nation Guide: Bulgarian Empire includes:

FAITH & DEMONS: THE RISING is a Dark Ages, historical fantasy mythology plot point setting for Savage Worlds where united lords have brought the world’s warriors together to prevent the armies of chaos from enslaving their people.

Faith & Demons Nation Guide: Bulgarian Empire is not a stand-alone game and requires the Savage Worlds core rulebook. Although designed to be used in conjunction with the Faith & Demons: The Rising core setting guide, the source material can be with used any Savage Worlds product.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.12.2012 | 00:15
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/108744-thumb140.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/108744/In-the-name-of-Progress?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[GRAmel] Nemezis: In the name of Progress
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 3
Price: Freebie (GRAmel/RPGNow/DriveThruRPG)

A old friend is missing. Only our brave heroes can save him from a terrible death! A Nemezis One Sheet™ by Umberto Pignatelli.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.12.2012 | 02:04
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/547/108954.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/0/Name-Not-Found?products_id=108954&src=sub)
[Plain Brown Wrapper Games] Strange Magic - SW Edition
Author: Roy Mikesell
Pages: 159
Price: €11.44 €7.61 (RPGNow/DriveThruRPG)

A Lurid Tale of Crime!

Unparalleled in the annals of abomination! A madman holds the city in his grip! Weird and unspeakable things walk the streets! Can your PCs defeat a super-team of freaks and monstrosities before the diabolical Mr. Mandrake’s fiendish plan is complete?

This monster-sized, 159 page, ten part Savage Worlds Superhero adventure comes with a complete supervillain team, five locations (mapped out in living color and painstaking detail) and dozens of memorable NPCs. It’s a brain-damaged festival of atrocity that the whole family can enjoy!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.12.2012 | 19:43
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2933/109017.png) (http://www.rpgnow.com/index.php?discount=50077)
[Storyweaver] High Space - Blind Threat
Author: Patrick Taylor
Page Count: 56
Price: Freebie

www.facebook.com/storyweavergames (http://www.facebook.com/storyweavergames)

Fast, Furious Fun… in the Far Future!

Blind Threat may be free (see FB offer above), but it packs some punch!  At 30+ pages of notes, and a massive 24-page printable battlemap, you get everything a gaming group could want for an evening of hyper-sonic action.  The adventure is aimed at being a demo of the new rules introduced in High-Space, a sci-fi setting for Savage Worlds. You get to trial social combat, a ground assault, hyper-sonic chases , and, of course, starship battles! But it’s all tied together neatly in a story that kicks off some great ideas.

“It sounded like a sweet job.  A chance to get into bed with the St Cloud Dynasty.  Real money.  All we had to do was break into a secure corporate satellite base, and use an ‘acquired’ bit of military kit to upload something or other… no real trouble. No real threat.   Zarking dogma… I should have seen the crapstorm coming. How could I have been so blind?”

Blind Threat is the first adventure of High-Space, the best-selling Savage Worlds sci-fi setting.  Your heroes take on the roles of a rag-tag team of mercenaries ready to do any dirty job that comes your way. And when the powerful St Cloud group offers you what looks to be a walk in the park, you jump at the chance.

Blind Threat is the perfect introductory adventure for High-Space. It demonstrates the new rules for social interactions, hyper-sonic chases and battles, and starship combat.  Plus is has a large battlemap of a corporate satellite uplink facility – 24 pages in easy to print format!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.12.2012 | 23:23
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/109048-thumb140.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/0/Name-Not-Found?products_id=109048&src=sub)
[GRAmel] Nemezis - Optional Wealth Rules
Authors: Tomasz Z Majkowski, Andy Slack, Jakub Osiejewski
Pages: 7
Price: Freebie (RPGNow/DriveThruRPG)

This additional ruleset can be helpful if you want to skip the use of money, keeping resource accounting more abstract. Each of the following systems can function independently, or you can use them all together.

This rules can be used in other Savage Worlds games as well.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.12.2012 | 23:39
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Noir_e_cover.gif) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/deadlands-noir)
[Pinnacle] Deadlands Noir Release Begins!

As you settle in to your homes tonight, know that things will never be quite the same. The darkness—somehow different and less caring—brings Deadlands Noir (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/deadlands-noir) with it!

That’s right, mon ami, the Deadlands Noir PDF will be released to backers of the Kickstarter project when the evening falls tonight. If you are not a member of those lucky few, fear not—the PDF and preorders will be available to everyone next Tuesday.

For the most recent news on the project, check out the Deadlands Noir Kickstarter Updates (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/deadlands-noir/posts). If you want some other palooka’s take, visit UK Roleplayers for what could be the first review of Deadlands Noir (http://www.ukroleplayers.com/reviews/deadlands-noir/).

And, for your own safety, frer, keep your eyes on the shadows…
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.12.2012 | 20:40
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/8/80c30301773699f2e8d6296e6f83dd45.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_12&products_id=265)
[TAG] DTotSprawl #05 - Road Trip
Model: TAG10605
Author: Kevin Anderson
Page Count: 28
Price: €6.29 (TAG)

Put on those shades, run a self-diagnostic on your implanted chrome and prepare to hit the mean streets!

A naïve man of learning hires the heroes for a “road trip” with a couple of entertaining diversions.

A road trip – a simple job.

Simple? Yeah right!

Nothing is ever simple in the Conurbation or on the open road when a major corporation is involved.

Chased by corporate pursuers and harassed from all sides, can the heroes make good on their task and is the trip quite what it seems?

Welcome to a brand new tale for the highly-acclaimed Daring Tales of the Sprawl adventure series!

Daring Tales of the Sprawl is designed to be used with the award winning Savage Worlds RPG.

(http://www.tripleacegames.com/Images/Banner/Banner02.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/DaringTalesSprawl.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.12.2012 | 21:15
[TAG] Hellfrost - Heah Wyntr Daeg Poems & Songs

Keeping in the spirit of last year, here are some Hellfrost festive poems...


'Twas the night before Cold Night, when all through the stead,
Not a creature was stirring, that’s all thanks to Veth.
The wood it was piled on the fire with care,
And less it burn out, they gave Kenaz a prayer.

The children were nestled all up in one bed,
To give them good dreams, praise to Sváfnir was said.
And mamma wrapped in furs, in her bed did wriggle,
While I prayed for summer, said a quick word to Sigel.

When out in the yard there arose such a din,
Could it be ice goblins trying to break in?
Away to the door I flew in a dash,
Stopping but briefly to snatch up my axe.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the luster of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a red-hatted fey with a terrible leer.

The stump of a pipe he held tight in sharp teeth,
And the smoke from it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a cruel face, and his voice was a cry,
Said, “I am a redcap, prepare now to die!”

He sprang right toward me, on flesh he intended to chew,
But I am no farmer, but a servant of Tiw.
His axe he did raise, but mine it rose faster,
And I cut off his head, and so stifled his laughter.

With thanks to the war god, I gathered his axe,
And chopped up his body, and placed it in sacks.
No more of my neighbors will he give a fright,
Happy Cold Night to all, and to all a good night.


We three clerics of Scaetha are,
Visiting wards, can't check from afar.
Mist and moorland, through the Liche Lands,
Hoping doors are still barred.

O we beg you Scaetha keep us in light,
Though fell Hela sends us plight.
Eastward leading, still proceeding,
Grant us now your holy might.

Lord of evil, he ruled the damned,
But was brought low by Scatha's just hand.
Alive for ever, ceasing never,
We must be vigil-ant.


Bless-ed potions to anoint wards have I,
Imbued with power from Scaetha on high.
Prayer and praising, fear his raising,
He that will never die.


Incense is mine: its bitter perfume,
Given by clerics to seal his doom.
Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying,
Sealed in the stone-cold tomb.


We stand before the doors mortals fear,
Praise be Scaetha, as we shed tears.
Wards still glowing, thus we're knowing
We're safe for another year!



To the tune of Silent Night:

Delling Day, holy day
Through the night, vigilant we stay
Lit torches form holy symbol
Song and praise from mortals they flow
Rise O Sigel we pray
Rise O Sigel we pray

Delling Day, holy day
Come the dawn's first pale ray
Fire arrows are lit by Kenaz
To the heavens they fly like stars
Renew the light of Sigel
Renew the light of Sigel

Delling Day, holy day
See the stars start to fade
Radiant beams cast from Sigel's Hearth
With a new dawn to dispel the dark
Sigel, he is reborn
Sigel, he is reborn


Ode to Dunross, to the tune of "O Little Town of Bethlehem":

O little village of Dunross
How still we see thee lie
Above thy burnt and corpse filled streets
The silent stars go by
A black tide doomed your people
The rats they brought you death
But for your souls we faily pray
To Scaetha and to Veth

The vermin were defeated
The righteous fight was won
Your village may be no more
But its memory shall live on
Freelanders mourn together
Though you we barely knew
And the with blessing of Eostre
Dunross will rise anew

TAG Creative Director
Check us out on Facebook for all the latest news!

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-land-of-fire-arabian-nights-rpg-fantasy)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.12.2012 | 17:56
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/109135.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/109135/Nemezis---Web-of-Intrigue?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[GRAmel] Nemezis - Web of Intrigue
Authors: Lukasz Maludy, Jakub Erpegis Osiejewski, Editing: Andy Slack and Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 18
Price: €1.52 (DriveThruRPG)
Andre Ching, a young Barizian noble, defied his family and escaped to Cor, where he
served in the military, showing his worth in the war with Horde. After two years of
service Andre was assigned to an elite squad of scouts, where he regularly delivered
reports on monster activity. He was reckless and daring, and enjoyed taking risks,
but a month ago the army lost contact with him and declared him Missing In Action.
However, Stuart Ching, Andre’s father, after receiving this information about his
son, has decided to learn what actually happened in Cor’s jungles. The solution to
this riddle will be far more complex than it seems and will lead the heroes to all
the planets of the Eclipse system, pitting them against a vile cultist plot.

Web of Intrigue is a short campaign for Nemezis, consisting of 4 Savage Tales.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.12.2012 | 00:04
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/S2P10018DLNoir600px-232x300.png) (http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/S2P10018DLNoir600px.png)
[Pinnacle] Deadlands Noir Now Available in PDF and Print Preorder!

New Orleans, 1935. The Depression makes each day uncertain, like a moral compass in hard times, and times have never been harder. The constant rain beats folks down like a fixed fight, and every schmuck with an ounce of authority, from your local beat cop to his honor the mayor himself, is as rotten as an old bag of apples sunk in the bayou.

Worst of all, things lurk in the shadows, and when life gets as dark as the waters of the Mississippi, some mooks get stupid enough to think conjuring them out of the shadows might just make things better.

And that’s when some sharp shamus, grizzled grifter, prizefighting palooka, or dangerous dame has to step in and let them know that no matter how bad things get, there are still a few hardboiled heroes ready to face monsters in the night.

Deadlands Noir—a pen-and-paper roleplaying game set in the world of Pinnacle Entertainment’s award-winning Deadlands (http://www.peginc.com/games/deadlands-2/) universe—is now available to everyone, not just our Kickstarter backers (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/deadlands-noir). It includes new Edges, Hindrances, and powers, as well as new rules for handling detective work, the state of the Union and the CSA in the Depression era, a complete Plot Point campaign, and of course, more monsters and ghouls than you can shake a smoking .45 automatic at.

You can get the Deadlands Noir PDF format from us directly (http://www.peginc.com/shop/deadlands-noir-pdf/), from Studio 2 Publishing (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=s2p10018pdf), or at DriveThruRPG (https://www.drivethrustuff.com/). Our fulfillment partners at Studio 2 Publishing are also taking preorders for the printed book (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=s2p10018print) and have the Print-PDF Preorder Bundle (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=s2p10018bundle) available. The bundle gets you the PDF immediately, the printed book as soon as it’s available, and a price break—and with the world today, what palooka don’t need a price break!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.12.2012 | 16:34
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/TAG_LOGO.GIF) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Minor_God.pdf)
[TAG] Hellfrost - Hrjóðr, the Minor God of Avalanches

A Christmas present from me to you all!

http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Minor_God.pdf (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Minor_God.pdf)
TAG Creative Director
Check us out on Facebook for all the latest news!

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-land-of-fire-arabian-nights-rpg-fantasy)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.12.2012 | 08:46
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4761/109403.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/109403/Shaintar%3A-Legends-Arise-%28Players-Guide%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar: Legends Arise (Beta Players Guide)
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon
Artist: Susan Knowles
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Sean Patrick Fannon’s vision of Epic High Fantasy comes to life for Savage Worlds in this all new iteration brought to you by Evil Beagle Games.

"The heart of any lasting and memorable roleplaying campaign is the setting. Is it vivid? Alluring? Full of mysteries, as well as straight-ahead challenges?

If the answer is “Yes” to all of these, you are in good hands.

SHAINTAR is deep in “good hands” territory.

Just paging through the Players Guide makes you want to play, and it’s genuinely hard to create a boring character using this book; everything works together to make your Hero interesting. And that’s even before you get to the four detailed Major Enemies lurking in Shaintar. Or the rules for alchemy, or the tantalizing glimpses we get of the Black Lantern and Grayson’s Grey Rangers . . .

A winner. Get this book." -- Ed Greenwood, creator of The Forgotten Realms®

What Is This?

This is, essentially, a simple relaunch of the Shaintar: Player's Guide Beta that was first released by Reality Blurs in August of 2012. We've put a new cover on it, done by the exceptionally talented Susan Knowles.

Really, that's about it. No new edits, no change to the content. The main reason this has been done is to reflect that Reality Blurs is no longer the publisher for Shaintar; that is the domain now of my own publishing effort. Evil Beagle Games. Sean Preston and the RB crew are incredible folks, and they went all out on my behalf for quite a while. I will always be grateful to them for their efforts. They have some serious hits on their hands right now, not the least of which is the fantastic tremulus that is taking the game world by storm ever since their amazing Kickstarter.

With the advent of that wonderful surprise, as well as my finally deciding to strike out on my own as a publisher, we very amicably decided it was time for me to bring Shaintar back under my direct control.

So here is the first step in that process. Relaunching this Player's Guide under the Evil Beagle Games banner. There is much, much more to come, however; by now, you've likely heard or read announcements about Evil Beagle's partnership with Savage Mojo (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?manufacturers_id=112&affiliate_id=41076) for production; the impending release of the full Shaintar: Legends Arise book; the planned Kickstarted for Shaintar: Legends Unleashed and a slew of other products for the entire line; and so very much more.

For now, enjoy this with our compliments – free, of course – and stay tuned for more.

Thanks to all of you for your continued support! Your Epic High Fantasy journey is about to take you places you've always dreamed of and never expected.


Sean Patrick Fannon
Creator of Shaintar
Evil Beagle Games

“Bad Dog. Good Games.”
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.12.2012 | 01:54
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2933/109425-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=109425&src=sub&filters=0_0_0_0_40050&currency=EUR)
[StoryWeaver] High Space Core Rules (v1.0)
Author: Patrick Taylor
Artists: Joe Pykett, Sandro Rybak, Tee Dee, Kascha Sweene
Pages: 250
Price: €11.32 (DriveThruRPG)
Fast, Furious Fun… in the Far Future!

“The final ruleset is here! If you are looking for a game that delivers epic, galaxy-spanning space opera, with rules that keep the action coming at light-speed, then look no further. High Space blends the very best sci-fi tropes with Savage Worlds, giving you freedom to play humans, robots, aliens… even starships!  And the transonic vehicle and space battle rules are simply brilliant.”

“Scout ship Xenobius, you have entered Restricted Space. This is the Tor warship five-thousand kilometres off to your aft quarter. Stand down and prepare to be boarded…”

The THREE core rule books for High Space, the ultimate Space Opera for Savage Worlds, are here at last!

Book 1: Character Analects, lets you create fantastical science fiction heroes and equip them with the latest gadgetry and transonic vehicles.

Book 2: Fleet Manual, shows you how to build wondrous starships using our unique, quick-and-easy, “character-based” construction system... and then pit them against each other for epic battles across the vast reaches of the cosmos, or play one as your character!

Book 3: The Lantern, thrusts your players into an epic space opera. A rich world setting and story-line that will have the players uncover remarkable secrets.

High Space, from famed author Patrick Taylor (Hael Core Rules, Blind Threat and more), provides you with everything you need to play epic science fiction, from new rules for Savage Worlds to a galaxy-spanning setting.  


Book 1: Character Analects (75 pages)
- Introduction to Savage Worlds' Space Operas
- Rules for creating sci-fi heroes, including humans, aliens and “synthetics”
- 52 edges and hindrances
- New and modified skills
- Glanding & drug implants
- Managing ranks and wealth
- Equilibrium rules for managing mental states in the face of mind-bending science and aliens
- Technology and future tech
- Rules for future computing
- New weapons and armor
- Gadgets (get your jetboots here!)
- Rule for creating and fighting with transonic vehicles

Book 2: Fleet Manual (55 pages)
- Rules for acquiring and upgrading starships
- Rules for designing starships
- Starship edges & hinderances
- Weapon systems
- Automatic systems and overrides
- Complete starship combat rules
- Exploration and descriptions of interstellar bodies & related rules

Book 3: The Lantern (93 pages)
- Setting and Cultures
- Artefact Trading
- Star Systems
- Commercial Entities
- Military Forces
- GMs Section
- Lantern Campaigns
- The Deep Dark
- The Lantern’s Light
- How The Remnant Works
- The Anti-Pattern Campaign
- Plot Hooks
- Charting the Clouds

BONUS:  FREE INTRODUCTORY ADVENTURE INCLUDED: BLIND THREAT (34 pages, plus 25 pages of battle maps!)


If you purchased the beta of High-Space, please look in your email for details on your special coupon to upgrade to this full version of High-Space for just $5.

Please Note: You will need a copy of the Savage Worlds Rules (Deluxe or Explorer) to fully utilize this product.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.12.2012 | 17:40
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/109493-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/0/Name-Not-Found?products_id=109493&src=sub)
[GMG] Road Rage Figure Flats
Artists: Jordan Peacock
Pages: 7
Price: €3.03 (DriveThruRPG)
Need some figure flats and markers for your next "Road Rage" jump race?

Then Look no further!

These figure flats and race markers are specially designed by Jordan peacock to work with the race rules in Road rage: Life in the fast lane!

This pdf contains 80 race tokens, barriers, and 27 figure flats!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.12.2012 | 20:41
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/grameltaily10.png%20kwadrat%20czarne-140.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/StoryWeaver-Logo-2-140.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/0/Name-Not-Found?products_id=109463&src=sub)
[Gramel/SpellWeaver] Nemezis/High Space Fleet Manual Bundle [BUNDLE]

Price: €12.13 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

If you didn't get the Nemezis - there is a chance for getting it with special discount on High Space Fleet manual, something that made us not to put space ships into our book, as their are much better.

Nemezis ends where High Space starts - StoryWeaver offers you great rules for Space Ships, officialy accepted by Nemezis authors.
Piotr "Ramel" Korys
Savage Worlds Line Editor
Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.12.2012 | 16:41
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/109576-thumb140.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/109576/Jalizar%2C-City-of-Thieves?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Beasts & Barbarians] Jalizar, City of Thieves
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack
Artists: Marta Poludnikiewicz, Magda Rudzińska, Bartłomiej Fedyczak, Anthony Cournoyer,
Tomek Tworek, Tamas Baranya, Peter Temesi, Peter Szabo Gabor, Storn Cook, some images copyright The Forge, Erisian Entertainment and Louis Porter, Jr. Design
Pages: 202
Price: €11.36 (RPGNow/DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/109576-sample.pdf)

Jalizar, City of Thieves, the Rotten Flower of the North, is revealed to your eyes in this book!

In its pages, you’ll learn the seedy ways of the Thieves’ Guild. You’ll smuggle goods into the city, fooling the Copper Helms, the corrupt city watch of Jalizar, vie for power with the Merchant Houses or, if you are really bold, venture into the dark Sewers of Jalizar where an age-old evil lurks undisturbed.

Twenty new Edges, new trappings and tweaks for the arcane backgrounds, an additional list of gear, and much more await you in this book! So sharpen your dagger, put on your black cloak, and step outside into the dark alleys of the City of Thieves!!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.01.2013 | 21:59
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4570/106383-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/106383/Marchland)
[Hearthstone Games] Marchland *PDF-Version*
Author: Mark Woodside
Artists: Nathan Reed, Robin Crew, Ryan Clearman
Pages: 172
Price: €9.46 (RPGNow/DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/106383-sample.pdf)

Urban witches cast protective spells from their smart phones. Modern Magi delve into lore best forgotten. The restless dead search for closure in a world unaware of their existence. Religious fanatics hunt Fae-Blooded mortals. Native Manitou fight to preserve what little is left of their lands.

Welcome to Marchland

Marchland is a roleplaying game based on the Savage Worlds rules.

Set in the fictional city of Brighton Bay, players take on the role of mortal, gifted, or supernatural characters. Whether they are a cop, Magi, undead Revenant, or shape-shifting Manitou, characters must fight to protect themselves and the un-awakened masses from threats both mundane and magickal.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.01.2013 | 23:49
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/109780-thumb140.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/0/Name-Not-Found?products_id=109780&src=sub)
[MTE] Savage Insider Issue 7: End of Days
Pages: 39
Price: Free (RPGNow/DriveThruRPG)

Savage Insider Issue 7: End of Days is all about survival after the apocalypse. The pillar article Technology Lost discusses what conveniences and technology would be lost depending on how the apocalypse affected the world while Religion in a Post-Apocalyptic Age presents information about how the faithful are able to practice their religion in a world without some of our modern conveniences.

End of Days is a post-apocalyptic issue with content placed in an age where life on the new Earth is much different than that which we know today. This issue concentrates more on options and content for post-apocalyptic game play while offering a short adventure and fictional piece that can be interpreted onto your tabletop.

End of Days includes:
The download includes two different versions: a full-color version and a printer-friendly, version without the background.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.01.2013 | 18:56
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/2/2f025e61ba7b7e0f0c3e9951ad73769f.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=266)
[Hellfrost] Local Customs
Model: TAG31297A
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 12
Price: €2.79 (TAG), €3.05 (DriveThruRPG)

Faith is inseparable from daily life in the eyes of the citizens of the frozen north. From major holy days celebrated across the land to minor holy days honored in just a single settlement, their calendar is awash with religious holidays. This product details 50 minor religious festivals in which characters can partake during their travels.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-land-of-fire-arabian-nights-rpg-fantasy)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.01.2013 | 19:27
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/109944.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/109944/Deadlands-Reloaded%3A-Trail-Guides%2C-Volume-1?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Deadlands] Trail Guides Vol.1
Authors: Matthew Cutter
Page Count: 320 pages. Explorer’s Edition sized PDF (6.5″ x 9″). Full-color.
Price: €15.30 (DriveThruRPG)

Take a tour of the less-traveled Weird West with your Epitaph correspondent Phineas P. Gage for the first three Deadlands Trail Guides, now compiled into one volume for ease of reference.

In Trail Guide: South o’ the Border, visit beautiful Mexico. Bask in the sun as centuries-old hatred festers in the midst of a three-sided civil war.

In Trail Guide: Great Northwest, you’ll see the snow has its own beauty. But in this land gripped by Famine, you might give your left arm for some jerky, and that might be what it’s used for! When a war between the unnatural beasts in the woods threatens to wipe humanity from the region, will your posse be up to the challenge?

Finally, the Trail Guide: Weird White North takes you to the tundra of Alaska and British Columbia, a land locked in ice north of the amazing Winterline, a fence made by Hellstromme Industries to hold back the cold itself! But something more sinister, more malevolent than mere winter is being held in check…for now!

EachTrail Guide offers you a closer look at the people, places, and—perhaps most important—things you’ll see in each region. And don’t forget the mini-Plot Point Campaigns and Savage Tales in each, as well. You’re bound to have fun or die tryin’!

Deadlands Trail Guides, Volume 1 is not a complete game. It’s a supplement for the Deadlands Reloaded setting for the Savage Worlds game system.

Please note that this gathers three previously released Trail Guides--South o' the Border, the Great Northwest, and the Weird White North.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.01.2013 | 19:00
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/110108.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/110108/Deadlands-Noir%3A-The-Old-Absinthe-House-Blues?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Deadlands Noir] The Old Absinthe House Blues
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Artist: Cheyenne Wright
Pages: 32
Price: €7.49 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/110108-sample.pdf)

The new favorite songbird goes missing from the stage of the Old Absinthe House, and the owner turns to you for help. Can you find the missing dame with the velvet voice, or will the mystery remain as murky as the bayous and darkness that shroud the Big Easy? And if the goin’ gets tough, is the promise of a big bar tab enough to keep you goin’?

The Old Absinthe House Blues is the first adventure for Deadlands Noir.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.01.2013 | 07:02
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/DLNCharacterSheet600-231x300.png) (http://www.peginc.com/freebies/DLN_Character_Sheet.pdf)
[Deadlands Noir] Character Sheet Now Available

It’s time to be the bird you've always wanted to be, and there's nothing stopping you now. From flim-flam fella to femme fatale, the choice is yours—be whoever you like with the Deadlands Noir Character Sheet (http://www.peginc.com/freebies/DLN_Character_Sheet.pdf)!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.01.2013 | 01:27
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/110166.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/110166/Ultimate-Roman-Legions-Guide-%28Savage-Worlds%29?filters=0_0_0_0_40050)
[MTE] Ultimate Roman Legions Guide (Savage Worlds)
Author: Christopher J. N. Banks
Artists: BVA, Butskykh Roman, LPJ Design Image Portfolio, Public Domain
Pages: 48
Price: €2.96 (DriveThruRPG)

Few words conjure up as much grandeur and splendor as the Roman Legions. For 900 years they marched across Europe, Africa, and Asia, laying low any opposition set before them and adding vast swaths of new lands to the Republic and later the Empire. They performed this miraculous chore through superior arms and armor, remarkable training and discipline, and a tradition of unparalleled organization and pedigree.

Ultimate Roman Legions Guide is a catalog of tools of the trade utilized by the Roman Army. The legions underwent drastic changes over the years moving from seasonal, offensive citizen soldiers, to professional, garrisoned warriors; from infantry based cores to cavalry-heavy mobile units. As the scope of all the drastic changes are quite abundant, this guide focuses on the armies of the Late Republic and Early Empire, roughly from 27 BCE to 284 CE, commonly known as the Principate.

Ultimate Roman Legions Guide includes:

Ultimate Roman Legions Guide is your source for building Legionaries like those of history, or building the foundations of a historical or alternate history game set during the Principate.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.01.2013 | 00:50
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/110341-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/110341/Quantum-Sliders%3A-Krishna%27s-Riddle?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Suzerain] Quantum Sliders: Krishna's Riddle
Authors: Zach Welhouse (words), G'Andy (rules), Richard Balsley (rules)
Artist: Chris Bivins, Bien Flores, Jason Engle, Avery Liell-Kok, Carly Sorge
Pages: 19
Price: €3.00 (DriveThruRPG)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/110341-sample.pdf)

The great god Krishna is at it again! He once set a riddle to a mortal, and now has to go back and see if her descendant has the answer. If so, he will grant her wonders beyond earthly power. Unfortunately, he’s forgotten the riddle.


Krishna’s riddle is a scenario for Heroic rank Savage Worlds* characters, part of our Quantum sliders range of adventures that’ll take your gaming group to new and exciting points in time and space, or to versions of reality that exist just over the horizon (or beyond).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.01.2013 | 00:57
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/110361-thumb140.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/110361/Faith-%26-Demons-Nation-Guide%3A-Byzantine-Empire?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[MTE] Faith & Demons Nation Guide: Byzantine Empire
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Artists: Andrew DeFelice, Iamnao, Ensuper, Public Domain 
Pages: 27
Price: €2.22 (DriveThruRPG)

From the ashes of the Roman Empire rises the new Eastern Roman Empire, centered on the lands formerly called Byzantium. The Byzantine Empire rose to power after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and established a solid foothold in the collection of nations during the Dark Ages. As a trade and economic powerhouse, the Byzantine Empire was a target to all who surrounded it.

Welcome to the third FAITH & DEMONS: THE RISING NATION GUIDE, a series of mini-sourcebooks detailing the different nations during the Dark Ages. Each Nation Guide depicts historical information alongside that of mythology, folklore, speculation, and fiction for the purpose of providing additional content for your adventures and campaigns. This third Nation Guide details the Byzantine Empire located in modern day Greece and Turkey.

Faith & Demons Nation Guide: Byzantine Empire includes:

FAITH & DEMONS: THE RISING is a Dark Ages, historical fantasy mythology plot point setting for Savage Worlds where united lords have brought the world’s warriors together to prevent the armies of chaos from enslaving their people.

Faith & Demons Nation Guide: Byzantine Empire is not a stand-alone game and requires the Savage Worlds core rulebook. Although designed to be used in conjunction with the Faith & Demons: The Rising core setting guide, the source material can be with used any Savage Worlds product.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.01.2013 | 01:04
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/VehicleToolkitUpdated600px.png) (http://www.peginc.com/expanded-vehicle-conversions-and-creations/)
[Fan Conversion] Expanded Vehicle Conversions and Creations

Have you ever wanted a hand converting a real vehicle into Savage Worlds stats? Savage fan Chad “Vinzent” Jones has put together the Savage Worlds Vehicle Conversion & Creation PDF (http://www.peginc.com/freebies/SWcore/VehicleToolkitUpdated.pdf) just for you!

Working under the Savage Fan License, he’s assembled an updated document compatible with the Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition vehicle rules to clarify how Pinnacle designers arrived at the values in the rule books and help GMs convert or create their own vehicles. From Model Ts to Starcruisers from a galaxy far, far away, this handy little reference has you covered.

While you’re at it, be sure to check out the rest of our free downloads for other resources like game references, character sheets, paper minis, and more!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.01.2013 | 18:38
(http://smilingjacksbarandgrill.podbean.com/mf/web/64egkr/SJBG_round_white.jpg) (http://podcast.smilingjacksbarandgrill.com/)
[Smiling Jack’s Bar & Grill] Episode 17: Hello Goodbye

After nearly seven years of podcasting, Ron & Veronica have decided to call it quits. In this episode, they pass the torch to Justin and the Savage Mommy. Also, they talk about Savage Worlds, some new products, and the upcoming GenghisCon.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.02.2013 | 02:13
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4309/110784.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/110784/Tunse%27al-Setting-Guide-Savage-Worlds?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Obatron Productions] Tunse'al Setting Guide *Savage Worlds*
Authors: Vickey A. Beaver, Robert L. Beaver 
Artists: Alessandro Alia, Svenja Liv, Lucas Pandolfelli, Joshua Pinkas, Joe Shawcross
Pages: 102
Price: €14.79 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/110784-sample.pdf)

This is Tunse'al Setting Guide for Savage Worlds. There is a second version (Systemless) with tables to help you translate the setting information to whatever system you choose. Systemless and Savage Worlds versions of Tunse'al Setting Guide and supplemental materials will be released simultaneously.

Play in a world where technology is slow to advance, tribes are divided by great geographical expanses, trade is fraught with peril, dinosuar-like beasts co-exist with people, and the very environment poses danger to your party. Tunse'al is a tribal, fantasy setting with four playable races that are outside the norm.

The swamp-dwelling Kresh are an amphibious, genderless race committed to ensuring their sacred land, The Wetlands, and as much of Tunse'al as they can protect is safe from greedy destruction. The cold-enduring Gelid use their pathfinding ways throughout the long stretches of the Baarek Mountains to explore and make peace wherever possible. The towering, red-skinned, two-horned Korrin pursue all things with passion in their free-form society of The Footlands where families don't conform to any set parameters. The thick-skinned, nomadic Gales with eyes resembling a snake's wander The Drylands in search of desert gems, tar, and other commodities no one else would have any hope obtaining.

The Skin Eaters of The Dreamlands round out the dominant races, although they are only at the GM's disposal. They are the treacherous, twisted cousins to the Kresh. In her madness, their creator, Sa'ra, decided to pay back her brothers for an earlier wrong, making the Skin Eaters dependent upon others' skins in order to live. They are not mindless, but no tribe trusts them as historical attempts to have a respectable relationship have always ended in bloodshed. Then there is the prophecy that they will one day convert the Kresh to their cause to conquer the other Tunse'als in honor of Sa'ra's predicted awakening. That hasn't helped anyone want to sign-up to be there best friends.

This PDF contains a wide array of world information, Racial Background Edges, new Hindrances specific to Tunse'al, a guide to beasts and fae, ten pre-generated characters, a map, and a blank character sheet. The character sheet may be printed as needed for your table's use. There is no plot point campaign. There are supplements scheduled if you enjoy the advantages of just grabbing pre-made adventures.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.02.2013 | 22:55
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/5153/110993.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/110993/The-Epic-of-Aeryth)
[Hacksilver Games] The Epic of Aeryth *SW Fan Product*
Author: Darrell Ridley
Artist: Darrell Ridley
Pages: 163
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/110993-sample.pdf)

The Epic of Aeryth is a free Fantasy world setting for the Savage Worlds roleplaying system, from Hacksilver Games. An expanded Nations and Factions pdf as well as a Bestiary will be available soon!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.02.2013 | 07:22
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/111138.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/111138/Deadlands-Noir%3A-The-Tenement-Men?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Pinnacle] Deadlands Noir: The Tenement Men
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Artist: Cheyenne Wright
Pages: 18
Price: €2,98 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

It always starts with a dame. Sometimes it goes on with the mafia, the mad inventions of patent science, a bag full of dark magic, and a wave of the faceless poor, an allegory turned far too real. But not always.

This tale of hardboiled horror features private detective Harvey Jenkins and takes place immediately after the events of our four-part illustrated audiodrama Hardboiled in the Big Easy, which is available on YouTube (keywords Deadlands Noir).

Tenement Men is the first Dime Novel for Deadlands Noir. Written by Shane Lacy Hensley. Comes with .pdf, .epub, and .mobi formats.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/111139.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/111139/Deadlands-Noir%3A-Blood-and-Roses?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Pinnacle] Deadlands Noir: Blood and Roses
Author: John Goff
Artist: Cheyenne Wright
Pages: 18
Price: €2,98 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A missing boyfriend, a lost bag, and sad girl in a split skirt is enough to make any piano player want to lend a talented hand. The threats of a pushy Ranger to back off just sealed the deal. Follow our many-fingered tale in which blood will out and not all sin is original.

Blood & Roses is the second Dime Novel for Deadlands Noir. Written by John Goff, this e-book comes in a zip file with .pdf, .epub, and .mobi formats to cover all your e-reading needs.

For a taste of Deadlands Noir fiction, catch our four-part illustrated audiodrama Hardboiled in the Big Easy, available on YouTube.com.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.02.2013 | 07:31
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/5153/111099.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/111099/AEL1-Grafendorf-Village?manufacturers_id=5153)
[Hacksilver Games] AEL1 - Grafendorf Village
Author: Darrell Ridley
Artist: Darrell Ridley
Pages: 3
Price: €0,45 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to the world of Aeryth!

Grafendorf Village is the first in Hacksilver Games line of Generic Encounter Locations for the Epic of Aeryth Setting. This location, its peoples, encounters and rumors can be used in with any Fantasy RPG system.

"Grafendorf is a village high in the mountainous regions of the Black Forest of Harzen. Your heroes may be just passing through or they could become stuck as the passes over the Jorim mountains are blocked by snowfall or mudslides. The Grafendorf Gasthaus offers plenty of local cuisine and decent accomadations for a short or long stay. The locals are a chatty bunch and the mercenaries of the local Graf are restless."
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.02.2013 | 07:07
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/5153/111206-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/111206/The-Nations-of-Western-Central-Aelos?manufacturers_id=5153)
[Hacksilver Games] N1 - The Nations of Western Central Aelos
Author: Darrell Ridley
Pages: 31
Price: €1,12 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/111206-sample.pdf)

Welcome to the Epic of Aeryth!

The Epic of Aeryth is a free Fantasy world setting from Hacksilver Games.

Much like Earth just before the Renaissance. A world that mixes black powder firearms with medieval knights, High magic and superstition struggle for the hearts and minds of the populace, the world suffers under the threat of humanoid races, political intrigue, ancient secrets, immortal dragons and daemon servants of the “Endless Dark”. Whole sections of the world have been plunged beneath the waves in an ancient cataclysm known as “The Drowning of Hythera”. Old gods and new compete for the souls of mankind while restless evil conspires in the shadows to overthrow the existing order for its on gains or the ending of us all, seeking to bring on “Dywen-Darfod” the last battle between good and evil.

The Nations of Western Central Aelos provides additional details on the nations of Espara, Martilaigne, The Empire of Argosia, the Holy City of Aquilon and the Landsbergen League. This booklet expands on the information provided in the free setting book with more details, and more nations.

New Nations guides for the continents of Aelos, Askara and Maligosa....will be published soon!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.02.2013 | 22:18
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4570/111207-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/111207/Marchland?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[Hearthstone Games] Marchland Player's Guide *PDF Version*
Author: Mark Woodside
Artists: Nathan Reed, Robin Crew, Ryan Clearman
Pages: 67
Price: €4.47 (RPGNow/DriveThruRPG)

The Marchland Player’s Guide provides all the setting information players need to create characters for Marchland, without spoiling the many secrets that Brighton Bay holds. The Marchland Player’s Guide includes most of the text found in the first three chapters of Marchland. Only the spoilers have been removed from:

Chapter 1: Characters
Chapter 2: The Book of Shadows
Chapter 3: Gazetteer
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.02.2013 | 01:15
[Pinnacle] February Freebies for Players and GMs Alike!

Don’t worry about forgetting anything important this February—commercials won’t let you miss Valentine’s Day, the weather won’t let you leave winter, and we’ve got your Savage Worlds games covered!

Are you always forgetting all those little things you need to know as a GM? Be sure to get a copy of our new Core Savage Worlds Rules Inserts for the Customizable GM’s Screen! These inserts have been updated to be fully compatible with the Savage Worlds Deluxe rules and include most everything you’d need on your side of the six-panel, landscape Customizable GM’s Screen.

(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/DLN_Character_Sheet600px-231x300.png) (http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/DLN_Character_Sheet600px-231x300.png)

Players, are you worried that the Great Depression-inspired malaise will have you forgetting yourself entirely? We have just the cure for that, too!

The  Deadlands Noir Character Sheet has been updated to be form-fillable and savable by anyone with a copy of Reader. Jot yourself down and save everything there is about you for the next time without worry of losing yourself in the process!

And don’t forget all the other great freebies available through our Downloads page (http://www.peginc.com/product-category/free-downloads/)!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.02.2013 | 22:36
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/5153/111235-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/111235/Random-Mundane-Treasure-Tables)
[Hacksilver Games] TB1 - Random Mundane Treasure Tables
Author: Darrell Ridley
Pages: 7
Price: €0.56 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/111235-sample.pdf)

Welcome to the Epic of Aeryth!

A Random Mundane Treasure Table, a generic table designed however with the "Epic of Aeryth" setting in mind.

This product consists of three tables for Individual, Major and Horde sized loot lists, each table is a d100 percentile table containing mundane items, coin variations and ornate common items many of which are tailored to the setting such as....


A “Copper Blessing ” coin, given by the Patriarch of the Great Church to beggars during Yuletide. (x10+).


An unopened bottle of “ Red Label “, Ruscan port wine. The most common and inexpensive “mass produced” wine in Aelos, made in vineyards in Ruscani and sold by the Great Church of Argosian. The bottles are made of cheap inconsistent glass made in Ruscani, not by professional Vilanese or Khadirish glass blowers and are quite flawed and fragile ( 10 sp).


These tables will allow you to customize your loot to the "Epic of Aeryth" setting or you can adapt them to your own campaign, regardless of the system!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.02.2013 | 23:21
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4513/111254.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/111254/Abyss-of-Insanity-%28Savage-Worlds-ed.%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[paNik Productions] Abyss of Insanity *Savage Worlds Edition*
Authors: Nik Palmer, M. Andrew Payne
Artists: David Senecal, M. Andrew Payne
Pages: 56 + Extras
Price: €5.16 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow), €15.49 €6.28 (SW/True20/OGL Bundle)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/111254-sample.pdf)

Usable as an independent adventure or as part of a R.E.A.C.T. campaign!

An ice shelf collapses in far-off Antarctica, revealing a geologic vent of staggering proportions. Satellite photos show a mysterious expedition camping on the edge of the newly-revealed ravine. The players are dispatched to expose the unknown agents and uncover their mission. Every truth discovered, each step taken, leads them deeper into the Abyss of Insanity.


The download contains:

(http://www.panikproductions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/50cents.jpg) YOU CAN GET ALL 3 SYSTEMS IN A BUNDLE!

(http://www.panikproductions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/SAVAGE_WORLDS_LICENSED.jpg) (http://www.panikproductions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/true_20.jpg) (http://www.panikproductions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/OGL-Logo.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/111295/Abyss-of-Insanity-%5BBUNDLE%5D)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.02.2013 | 06:03
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/5153/111458-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/111458/The-Epic-of-Aeryth-Bestiary)
[Hacksilver Games] EOA2 - The Epic of Aeryth Bestiary
Author: Darrell Ridley
Pages: 29
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/111458-sample.pdf)

Welcome to the Epic of Aeryth!

The Epic of Aeryth is a free Fantasy world setting from Hacksilver Games.

This product is a 29 page Bestiary of creatures and enemies for use with the "Epic of Aeryth" fantasy setting for the Savage Worlds roleplaying game system.

Much like Earth just before the Renaissance. A world that mixes black powder firearms with medieval knights, High magic and superstition struggle for the hearts and minds of the populace, the world suffers under the threat of humanoid races, political intrigue, ancient secrets, immortal dragons and daemon servants of the “Endless Dark”. Whole sections of the world have been plunged beneath the waves in an ancient cataclysm known as “The Drowning of Hythera”. Old gods and new compete for the souls of mankind while restless evil conspires in the shadows to overthrow the existing order for its on gains or the ending of us all, seeking to bring on “Dywen-Darfod” the last battle between good and evil.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.02.2013 | 19:50
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/1/160667e83697b09b86f079811be9ffc1.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_21&products_id=269)
[Hellfrost] Region Guide #53A - Realms of Alfheim
Model: TAG31254A
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 12
Price: €2.79 (TAG), €2.99 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Beyond the barrier of the mortal realm lies Alfheim, a tapestry of fey domains ruled by powerful lords. Here the changing of the seasons do more than alter the weather or transform the color of leaves. As the seasons wax and wane and the fey courts switch positions, so the very landscape changes. Beautiful and ugly, welcoming and threatening, the fey realms are walked only by madmen and heroes, for even the Seelie realms are not without dangers.

This supplement details 18 fey realms and provides notes on their opposite domain.

This product is an expansion to Region Guide #53: Alfheim.

Thanks to Daryl Smith for contributing to this product via the "Design a fey realm" offer we put out on the TAG forums a long time ago.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-land-of-fire-arabian-nights-rpg-fantasy)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.02.2013 | 01:17
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2437/111528.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/111528/The-Day-After-Ragnarok-Figure-Flats-Set-1%3A-Behind-the-Serpent-Curtain)
[Atomic Overmind Press] The Day After Ragnarok Figure Flats Set 1: Behind the Serpent Curtain
Artist: Jacob Blackmon
Pages: 11
Price: €1.46 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/111528-sample.pdf)

Mighty-thewed barbarians and grim mercenaries roam the desolate plains of Ohio. Giant snakes, and those who worship them, prowl the ruins of St. Louis. Pirates battle the Japanese invaders in the South China Sea. Bold British agents, equipped with experimental bio-technology, thwart the insidious infiltration of Stalin's humanzees. Sky-raiders strike from hidden bases in the Sahara, deros skulk in South American caverns, and the Texas Rangers fight electrical death worms to save Los Alamos. This is the world of The Day After Ragnarok.

Welcome to the first set of Figure Flats for The Day After Ragnarok. Behind the Serpent Curtain covers the threats and enemies that lurk in the Soviet Union, behind the Serpent Curtain. Jacob Blackmon's art brings you:

Forces of the Red Army! - Red Army Soldiers, Red Army Officers, Red Army Pilots
The NKVD! - NKVD Commissars, NKVD Agents, Soviet Psychics
Simian Soviets! - Manrillas, Oranghumans, Maboons, Chumanzees
And more! Chinese Soldiers, and the mighty and fearsome JOTUNS!

Presented in three different formats for your convenience, this 10 page PDF has what you need to battle the forces that dwell behind the Serpent Curtain. Simply print them out on some cardstock, cut out the ones you need, an you'll be ready to go!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.02.2013 | 06:16
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/DL_BlackCoach_Assembled_175px.png) (http://www.peginc.com/freebies/DL_Reloaded/DL_Paper_Model_Black_Stagecoach.pdf)
[Pinnacle] DLR: The Black Coach Returns!

In the dark of the night, the thundering of unearthly hooves bears down on you once again. Draw your weapon, stand your ground, and hope that someone up there is looking out for you, amigo. Hope hard.

Jordan Peacock’s fabulous Black Coach paper model (http://www.peginc.com/freebies/DL_Reloaded/DL_Paper_Model_Black_Stagecoach.pdf) triumphantly returns after a brief hiatus from our free Deadlands: Reloaded downloads (http://www.peginc.com/pdfstore/deadlands-reloaded/). While it may travel many roads through your Deadlands: Reloaded games, it’s perfect for the Devil’s Night free adventure (http://www.peginc.com/pdfstore/deadlands-reloaded-devils-night-pdf/)!

It’s not just back, though—it’s been improved! The PDF now includes both a standard 25mm scale version of the paper model as well as a “heroic” 32mm scale version. Who knew terror came in sizes?

While you’re at it, be sure to check out all our free downloads for more paper models, adventures, character sheets, sample characters, and a host of other freebies!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.02.2013 | 20:37
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/5153/111634-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/111634/AEL2-The-Ancient-Passage)
[Hacksilver Games] AEL2 - The Ancient Passage
Author: Darrell Ridley
Pages: 10
Price: €0,57 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to the world of Aeryth!

The Ancient Passage is the second in Hacksilver Games line of Generic Encounter Locations for the Epic of Aeryth Setting. This location, its peoples, encounters and rumors can be used in with any Fantasy RPG system.

" This module is a continuation of AEL1 - Grafendorf Village. The intrepid heroes having been trapped in the Jorim Mountains by a snow storm which has sealed the mountain passes, check out a rumor of a "Secret Pass" through the mountains. The only problem is that the source of this questionable information is the town drunk. "

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/5153/111644-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/111644/The-Guide-to-the-Isle-of-Magravaine)
[Hacksilver Games] N2 - The Guide to the Isle of Magravaine
Author: Darrell Ridley
Pages: 18
Price: €0,57 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/111644-sample.pdf)

Welcome to the world of Aeryth!

The Guide to the Isle of Magravaine provides additional details on the Island of Magravaine, home to Tyral Arcanis, The Order of Aeloth, The Arcane Brotherhood as well as the College of Learned Masters. On the island the most powerful magicians of Aeryth are taught and thier influence spreads throught Aelos and beyond. Visit the ruins of the Colossus on the mainlands, swim in the clear waters alongside Lizard-Folk of the Runeguard, stop by the Observatory or rent a room at the Eye and Stars Public House, tell Milo Green we sent you, but stay away from the back rooms, the Arcane Brotherhood guards its secrets well!

The guide contains a Map and map key of the fantastic island as well as a regional map and the original map of Aelos and Askara. Information about the festivals and calendar of Aelos are also included as a bonus.

New Nations guides for the continents of Aelos, Askara and Maligosa....will be published soon!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.02.2013 | 11:01
(http://steamscapes.com/sites/default/files/steamscapesign984.png) (http://steamscapes.com/)


Four-in-Hand Games is a brand new licensee, wrapping up work on our very first release, Steamscapes: North America.

Steamscapes is a new game setting for Savage Worlds. It is a realistic alternative historical approach to steampunk. As such, it contains many of the things you would expect in a steampunk setting - airships, automatons, electricity gone wild - but places them in a real-world context. The world of Steamscapes is recognizable but changed. You will find many familiar faces and places, but their roles are not always what you expect.

The first book, Steamscapes: North America, builds this alternative history in detail and presents many additions to the Savage Worlds rules to support the steampunk feel of the setting. It will be released in 2013.

Some of the rules additions that may interest Savage Worlds fans include:

* Professions - professional edges that unlock unique skills, edges, equipment, and abilities
* Edge trees - interconnected, Profession-specific edges that develop a character's abilities within that Profession
* Automaton racial template
* Steampunk-themed weapons and gear

...and more!

We would love for you to check out the teasers as they appear on our website at http://steamscapes.com (http://steamscapes.com/). And of course, be sure to like us on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/steamscapes) if you want to keep as current as possible. When we have specific release information, we will certainly post it here [on the Pinnacle forum] as well.

Thank you! We are thrilled to be part of this great community!
Eric Simon (aka Fairman Rogers)
Steamscapes Lead Developer
Four-in-Hand Games
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.02.2013 | 17:09
ZADMARS SAVAGE WORLDS COMBAT SIMULATOR (http://www.peginc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=39183&highlight=)

Im Pinnacle-Forum hat der User Zadmar seinen Simulator samt sämtlichen Tools zur Verfügung gestellt. Folgt einfach dem Link im Titel...

Dann kann jeder Perlen wie diese geniessen...


Test it!

Zu Zadmars Savage Worlds Stuff geht es hier (http://www.godwars2.org/SavageWorlds/) entlang!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.03.2013 | 10:44
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/3243/111927.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/111927/Broken-Earth-Prevew-4%3A-Mr.-Fix-It-%28Savage-Worlds%29)
[Sneak Attack Press] Broken Earth Preview 4: Mr. Fix It *SW Version*
Author: Matthew J. Hanson
Artist: Miguel Santos
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Broken Earth is a sandbox adventure set in a post-apocalyptic Earth. In it, player characters struggle to explore the terrible world around them and rebuild civilization. If it reaches its first stetch goal, a version will be published under the Savage Worlds compatability license.

This preview of Broken Earth contains spoilers! In it we meet the first "boss" that the PCs fight in the adventure, a merciless slaver named Mr. Fix It.

Broken Earth is currently running a crowd funding campaign on Kickstarter (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/matthewjhanson/broken-earth-post-apocalyptic-rpg-adventure).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.03.2013 | 07:58
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/3243/111949.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/111949/Broken-Earth-Prevew-3%3A-Freaks-%28Savage-Worlds%29)
[Sneak Attack Press] Broken Earth Preview 3: Freaks *SW Version*
Author: Matthew J. Hanson
Artist: Malcolm McClinton
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Broken Earth is a sandbox adventure set in a post-apocalyptic Earth. In it, player characters struggle to explore the terrible world around them and rebuild civilization. If it reaches its first stetch goal, a version will be published under the Savage Worlds compatability liscense.

This Broken Earth preview introduces one of the new races presented in the Player’s Guide, a mutant branch on humanity’s family tree, know as the freaks.

Broken Earth is currently running a crowd funding campaign on Kickstarter (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/matthewjhanson/broken-earth-post-apocalyptic-rpg-adventure).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.03.2013 | 14:14
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/111842.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/111842/Deadlands-Noir-Original-Soundtrack?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[Pinnacle] Deadlands Noir Original Soundtrack
Artist: Harry Mack
Price: €7.66 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Noir is about mood, and mood is made by music. Give your Deadlands Noir game a feeling you can’t get any other way—set the tone with the Deadlands Noir Original Soundtrack.

This download contains nine original tracks by Harry Mack. That’s a full hour of music made specifically for your Deadlands Noir game that you just won’t find anywhere else.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.03.2013 | 15:04
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/3554/111931.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=111931&currency=EUR)
[GRAmel] Peacekeepers
Authors: Jakub "Erpegis" Osiejewski; Additional materials: Tomasz Z. Majkowski and Andrzej Stój; Editing: Andy Slack
Artists: Layout: Michał Smaga and Szymon “neishin” Szweda; Cover: Bartek Fedyczak; Pictures: Jason Engle, Louis Porter Jr. Design and Marta Matyjewicz.
Pages: 90
Price: €7,66 €6,13 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.rpgnow.com/pdf_previews/111931-sample.pdf)

A horde of super-powered troopers attacked Earth, demolished the most important cities, killed the major superheroes... but a masked supervillainess somehow drove them back. We survived the invasion. Now, it’s YOUR turn to become the global superhero team, maintain the peace and delve into the origins of the invaders. Hopefully, you’ll get to save the world!

You could use it on your own or incorporate it in an existing campaign. In this book you’ll find new threats and opportunities, some optional rules (like a Wealth system for Savage Worlds and Icons), some new Edges and Hindrances, a superheroic adventure generator and a random civilian events generator (to roll up what happens when you’re out of costume). It contains an outline of the Plot Point campaign, and two semi-related Savage Tales, complete with a collection of unusual suspects...

Peacekeepers is a mini-setting for Savage Worlds (requiring Super Powers Companion) or ICONS describing the world after an invasion of Ultimians.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.03.2013 | 23:14
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3243/111968.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/111968/Broken-Earth-Prevew-2%3A-Night-Haunts-%28Savage-Worlds%29)
[Sneak Attack Press] Broken Earth Prevew 2: Night Haunts *SW Version*
Author: Matthew J. Hanson
Artist: Joyce Maureira
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Broken Earth is a sandbox adventure set in a post-apocalyptic Earth. In it, player characters struggle to explore the terrible world around them and rebuild civilization. It will be published under the Savage Worlds compatability liscense.

In this preview of Broken Earth, we meet one of the terrible mutant creatures that PCs are likely to encounter in the post-apocalyptic setting.

Broken Earth is currently running a crowd funding campaign on Kickstarter (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/matthewjhanson/broken-earth-post-apocalyptic-rpg-adventure).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.03.2013 | 20:01
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/112044.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/112044/Savage-Insider-Premium-Issue-%235?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Savage Insider Premium Issue #5
Authors: Michael Hansen, Aaron T. Huss, Curtis Lyon, A.J. Preece, Jeremy Stromberg, The Warden
Artists:  Andrew DeFelice, Billiam Babble, Simon Powell, Ronin Arts, Algol, Andrea Danti, AnnPainter, Birsen Cebeci, Eky Studio, Fotokostic, Mopic, Morphart Creation, Ralf Juergen Kraft, Unholy Vault Designs
Pages: 76
Price: €6,11 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to the fifth (and final as we move Savage Insider to a new format) premium issue of the Savage Insider magazine, dedicated to supporting the Savage Worlds role-playing game.

Premium Issue #5 contains seven full-length pieces providing new content for Savage Worlds and the Mercenary Breed and Ancient World settings, available from Mystical Throne Entertainment.

Savage Insider Premium Issue #5 includes:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Chrischie am 6.03.2013 | 20:13
Bei Pinnacle kann das Deadlands Noir Compeion als pdf gekauft werde.

Sieht sehr cool aus, habe aber bisher nur durchgescrollt.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.03.2013 | 23:26
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/4/4bee550817be6733bf3a77ea65ce4025.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_20&products_id=270)
Hellfrost Adventure #20 - V5 - Clash of Steel
Model: TAG31076
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 25
Price: €5.77 (TAG), €5.77 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


Through Edges and Glory rewards, Hellfrost allows the heroes to become leaders of men. The playground for such characters is not the “dungeon” environment, but the open battlefield. They lead companies to death or glory beneath fluttering banners, not skulk in dark shadows searching moldy corpses for a few coins. The call to arms has been issued, but are you ready to engage in the Clash of Steel?

Instead of standard tabletop adventures, this adventure pack contains four Mass Battles scenarios. Although designed as standalone events, the GM can easily work them into an existing campaign. Also included is an alternate set of rules for running very large-scale battles on the tabletop. Now the players can literally control the actions of their troops and watch the battle unfold before their eyes. More importantly, it allows characters to use many of their regular Edges and still play a crucial role in determining the outcome of the encounter.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/HellfrostRegions.php)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.03.2013 | 16:54
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/TAG_LOGO.GIF) (https://go.madmimi.com/redirects/1362735153-2a5afecc34ffb78cb548cd4568abb2b3-91bd0e6?pa=373664227215462641)
[TAG] Hellfrost Weekend!

To celebrate the release of Clash of Steel we have a Hellfrost only sale running this weekend (8th - 11th March 2013) over at the Triple Ace Games webstore. Every Hellfrost product (except Clash of Steel - because its new!) is on sale at 20% discount. The Hellfrost Players Guide (print edition) is even cheaper. So don't delay and stock up on your favourite Savage Worlds fantasy setting!

Head over to the TAG webstore to check out this amazing deal! (https://go.madmimi.com/redirects/1362735153-2a5afecc34ffb78cb548cd4568abb2b3-91bd0e6?pa=373664227215462641)
TAG Creative Director
Check us out on Facebook for all the latest news!

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-land-of-fire-arabian-nights-rpg-fantasy)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.03.2013 | 18:20
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/92/112397.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/112397/Thrilling-Tales-2e%3A-Pulp-Villains---The-Red-Menace?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Adamant Entertainment] Thrilling Tales 2e: Pulp Villains - The Red Menace
Authors: Tomasz Smejlis, Jakub Osiejewski, Gareth-Michael Skarka
Pages: 17
Price: €3,84 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In 2012, Polish RPG publisher Gramel released their licensed version of Adamant Entertainment's Savage Worlds core book, THRILLING TALES 2nd Edition.  Within it's pages was an additional chapter, exclusive to the Polish edition, detailing the use of the Soviets as villains for pulp adventures.   

Now, for the first time in English, this additional material is being made available as bonus content for THRILLING TALES campaigns!

Pulp Villains: The Red Menace details the history of the Soviet Union from the Revolution until the pulp era of the 1930s, and features a collection of Soviet NPC archetypes from the Red Army to Dastardly Spies. Russian weapons of the 1930s are also detailed, as well as a section of suggestions for pulp plots featuring the Red Menace! 

This supplement uses the Savage Worlds rules system, as featured in THRILLING TALES 2nd Edition.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.03.2013 | 18:30
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2437/112405.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/112405/The-Day-After-Ragnarok-Figure-Flats-Set-2%3A-Forces-of-Oppression?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[Atomic Overmind Press] The Day After Ragnarok Figure Flats Set 2: Forces of Oppression
Artist: Jacob Blackmon
Pages: 11
Price: €1.50 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/112405-sample.pdf)

Mighty-thewed barbarians and grim mercenaries roam the desolate plains of Ohio. Giant snakes, and those who worship them, prowl the ruins of St. Louis. Pirates battle the Japanese invaders in the South China Sea. Bold British agents, equipped with experimental bio-technology, thwart the insidious infiltration of Stalin's humanzees. Sky-raiders strike from hidden bases in the Sahara, deros skulk in South American caverns, and the Texas Rangers fight electrical death worms to save Los Alamos. This is the world of The Day After Ragnarok.

Welcome to the second set of Figure Flats for The Day After Ragnarok. Forces of Oppression covers three different groups of human foes. Jacob Blackmon's art brings you paper miniatures for:

The Japanese Army! - The forces of Japan, bent on expanding the Empire.
Nazis! - The cause of the Serpentfall, featuring soldiers of the Wehrmacht, SS troopers and even Ahnenerbe sorcerers!
The Klan! - Heavily armed and horse-mounted hate-mongers of the Poisoned Lands!

Presented in three different formats for your convenience, this 10 page PDF has what you need to battle the forces that dwell behind the Serpent Curtain. Simply print them out on some cardstock, cut out the ones you need, an you'll be ready to go!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.03.2013 | 19:32
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/4/495cbedd0e1fefc087bf2e2799f360c5.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_10&products_id=272)
[Hellfrost] Creature Guide: Frost Giants
Model: TAG31306
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 12
Price: €2.30 (TAG), €2.31 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The civilized races fear many monstrous breeds, but none more than the frost giants. Each winter-loving, towering fiend is a one-man company, with the strength of a blizzard and the fortitude of a glacier. Individually, they are a great menace; when they gather in numbers, they are nearly unstoppable. Those are beholden to hold back the forces of winter would be wise to heed the advice presented here, for to ignore it is to invite doom.

This supplement looks at the frost giants' origins, anatomy, social structure, culture, warfare, and religion. It brings together all the stats for various frost giants, as well as presenting new foes and options.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-land-of-fire-arabian-nights-rpg-fantasy)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.03.2013 | 00:54
[Pinnacle] The Fantasy Companion Returns!

The Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion is once again available in printed form. You can order it directly from Studio 2 Publishing (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=savage+fantasy+companion) or find it gracing the shelves of your local game store. Put a world of expanded fantasy right in your hand once again!

The second printing has been fully updated to the Savage Worlds Deluxe rules set. All the spells that were brought into Deluxe have been updated in the Fantasy Companion, as have all the Edges and racial information. The Guts skill has been replaced with wording that allows for settings either with or without Guts (for those of you wanting to bring your Horror Companion to your fantasy games), and all the item generation tables have been redone to smooth out the probabilities.

If you’ve got the PDF, don’t despair. An updated copy can be downloaded (or even bought for the first time) from the Pinnacle PDF Store and from the Studio 2 Publishing web site. Those of you who bought it from DriveThru/RPGNow should watch for an update e-mail.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.03.2013 | 18:13
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/TAG_LOGO.GIF) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=24754#24754)
[TAG] Hellfrost - Land of Fire: Updates


The adventure is now edited. Art and maps next, then final assembly.


A few more minor layout tasks (like adding the map), and Land of Fire should be ready to go to the printers.


Rob has the proofs from the printers in his hands. Assuming it passes muster, full production begins! Due to the vagaries of ocean travel we can't give an exact date it'll hit the warehouse until the ship docks, but we'll keep you posted as we know more.
TAG Creative Director
Check us out on Facebook for all the latest news!

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-land-of-fire-arabian-nights-rpg-fantasy)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.03.2013 | 22:25
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/112647.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/112647/Nemezis%3A-Ash%2C-the-dying-planet?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[GRAmel] Nemezis: Ash, the dying planet
Authors: Andrzej Stój, Jakub Osiejewski, Andy Slack, Additional materials: Paul Wade-Williams, Jakub Góra, Tomasz Z. Majkowski, Piotr Koryś, Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 17
Price: €3.87 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/112647-sample.pdf)

Ash is dying. Everyone knows it, from  a low-level Infinity office drone to the bosses of the Syndicate families. The terraformers are dead – repairs of the few which are still functioning are so expensive that sooner or later maintaining them will stop being profitable. The best workers move to other, far safer, systems, together with the capital of major companies. Ash is freezing and only a miracle can change its fate.

In this sourcebook you will find additional materials about Ash, rules for weapon modificaton, a Technobabble Generator, information about the Syndicate, a Gangster Rumor Generator, a WHAT’S GOING ON ON ASH? chapter and SERENA - a new town ready for exploring.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.03.2013 | 21:59
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/e/e2e16dbc98db4103063719ea1c209332.image.425x550.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_19&products_id=273)
[G-Men & Gangsters] Faction Pack #5: Bureau of Vehicular Crime vs. Chickago Bunnies
Model: TAG10405
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 18
Price: €3.46 (TAG), €3.46 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

It's time to hit the road!

Once considered modern-day knights of the road and the poster boys of law enforcement, the Bureau of Vehicular Crime battles both criminal elements and waning public support. Life-expectancy in the BVC is short, but it's a hell of a ride!

When it comes to criminals with cars, the Chickago Bunnies rule the roost. Whether turning their guns on law enforcement agents or the mooks of Al Capone, this all-female faction has earned a well-deserved reputation for ruthless efficiency.

This expansion contains background information, new Wild Card characters, additional troops, and sample army lists for the Bureau of Vehicular Crime and Chickago Bunnies Factions. Also included are two Ace Tales and two new vehicles—-the speedy "Dyna-Mite" and the weird science-powered "Stingray." Unit cards are provided for all new pedestrians and vehicles.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-land-of-fire-arabian-nights-rpg-fantasy)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.03.2013 | 22:49
[TAG] Hellfrost Organization Guide *Announcement*

April sees the release of the HF Organization Guide, which weighs in at 54 pages. Designed for players and GMs, it expands on the existing information for the many organizations in Hellfrost that characters can join. It's arranged so every organization starts on a new page, allowing you to print out just the relevant parts.

Every section includes History, Structure, Emblem, Playing a Member, Combat Advice, Advances, and NPC Reactions.

It repeats related for the organizations for those not using Hellfrost, but includes plenty of new Edges, as well. The included Edges are shown below.

Note that page counts do include sidebars, not just raw text.

* Arcane Hand
Pages: 2
Edges: Arcane Hand, Share Spell

* Bludgeoners
Pages: 3
Edges: Bludgeoner, Double the Load, Master Bludgeoner, Not Just a Sling

* Convocation of Elementalists
Pages: 4
Edges: Delay Spell, Potent Magic

* Deathdealers
Pages: 2
Edges: Deathdealer, Gravetouched

* Dragon Guard
Pages: 2
Edges: Dragon Guard, Veteran Dragon Guard

* Gray Legion
Pages: 3
Edges: Gray Legionary

* Hearth Knights
Pages: 4
Edges: Hearth Knight, Hellfrost Hardened, Hellfrost Hardy

* Hrosmark Huscarls
Pages: 2
Edges: Hrosmark Huscarl, Horse Lord, Speed Rider

* Huscarls of Hammerhand
Pages: 2
Edges: Huscarl of Hammerhand, Elite Huscarl of Hammerhand

* The Iron Guild
Pages: 4 + 2 generator
Edges: Iron Guild Mercenary, Brothers-in-Arms, Protect the Cargo
Note: This section also has a random caravan generator

* Knights Hrafn
Pages: 4
Edges: Knight Hrafn, Take Aim

* Lorekeepers
Pages: 2
Edges: Lorekeeper

* Order of Jotundauðr
Pages: 2
Edges: <No Edges>

* Reliquary
Pages: 4
Edges: Arcanologist, Reliqus, Guardians of the Arcane, Reflect Spell

* Roadwardens
Pages: 2
Edges: Roadwarden

* Sisterhood of Mercy
Pages: 2
Edges: Sister of Mercy, Sister Superior

* Thirteen Warriors
Pages: 2
Edges: One of Thirteen

* Watchers of the Black Gate
Pages: 3
Edges: Watcher of the Black Gate, Bastion of Strength, Censure Demons, Righteous Miracles

* Wood Wardens
Pages: 2
Edges: Wood Warden

TAG Creative Director
Check us out on Facebook for all the latest news!

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-land-of-fire-arabian-nights-rpg-fantasy)

Bemerkung: Ich musste den Link zum Starter Pack auf Wunsch von Wiggy leider löschen...
Es steht offiziell zur Verfügung, sobald die neue TAG Seite online geht.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Taysal am 1.04.2013 | 16:40

Nach Vorankündigungen via G+ und FB ist es nun soweit und Das Schwarze All veröffentlichte am 1. April 2013 Verschollen auf Alak Alpha.

Verschollen auf Alak Alpha ist ein DaSA-Abenteuer. Es ist primär mit den Regeln für Savage Worlds spielbar, Add-ons für andere Systeme folgen.

Das Schwarze All (DaSA) ist ein in liebevoller Fanarbeit erstelltes Science-Fiction-Setting, das bekannte Elemente aufgreift und neu arrangiert. Es stellt den Spaß am Spiel in den Vordergrund, möchte humorvolle Unterhaltung und viele kleine Eastereggs bieten.

DaSA bedeutet einen Immersionisten oder einen Blasteraxt schwingenden Diggar zu spielen, mit ÜLGA durch den Weltraum zu düsen und spannende Abenteuer zu erleben.


Der Sol-Kult hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, den Sklavenhandel überall im Universum zu bekämpfen. Dank seiner starken Präsenz auf den Mittelwelten ist der Sklavenhandel dort faktisch abgeschafft. Jetzt hat sich das Augenmerk des Ersten Solisten auf die Welten am Rande des Goldenen Nebels gerichtet, die ihren Reichtum alleine den Sklaven verdanken. Ungekrönter König aller Sklavenplaneten ist Alak Alpha, dessen Macht bis auf die Mittelwelten reicht. Auch für die Imperatorin ein unhaltbarer Zustand.

Da die Solisten offiziell zum Stillhalten verdammt sind, sollen die Stars in einer geheimen Operation einen der größten Sklavenhändlerringe infiltrieren, wichtige Informationen beschaffen und die Organisation dann von Innen heraus zerschlagen. Die Solisten gehen davon aus, dass niemand die Spur bis zum Imperium und ihrem Kult zurückverfolgen kann und den Sklavenhändlern eine empfindliche Niederlage bereitet wird, die vielleicht zu einer Rebellion und anschließend einem freien Handel nach Vorbild der Mittelwelten führt.

Download der BETA, Karte des Goldenen Nebels, Bodenplan der Kometenschweif und des Soundtracks (http://das-schwarze-all.de/)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.04.2013 | 17:51
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/bmz_cache/d/d645140fe6ddb426e35485d729797316.image.425x550.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/113073/Hellfrost%3A-Organization-Guide&affiliate_id=14728)
[Hellfrost] Organization Guide
Model: TAG31400
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 54
Price: €6.92 (TAG), €7.01 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Hellfrost is a deep and vibrant setting. Its many religious cults and temporal organizations allow characters to be part of something greater than themselves yet still retain their individuality, offering them a both a purpose beyond just slaying monsters and acquiring treasure, and giving them a network of allies and friends they can call upon in times of need. These are not faceless organizations that exist in name only, but active facets of the world engaged in politics, commerce, research, and war, often at a continent-wide level.

Inside you'll find information on the history and structure on 19 organizations designed for player characters to join. Designed for players as much as the GM, there tips on how to play a member, combat advice, and suggestions on how to spend advancements, new Professional Edges, and notes on how the general populace reacts to members of the organizations.

This supplement details the following organizations: Arcane Hand, Bludgeoners, Convocation of Elementalists, Deathdealers, Dragon Guard, Gray Legion, Hearth Knights, Hrosmark Huscarls, Huscarls of Hammerhand, The Iron Guild, Knights Hrafn, Lorekeepers, Order of Jotundauðr, Reliquary, Roadwardens, Sisterhood of Mercy, Thirteen Warriors, Watchers of the Black Gate, and Wood Wardens.

Although this product is written for the Hellfrost setting, all the Professional Edges relating directly to the organizations have been included, thus enabling the GM to add these groups to his own Savage Worlds fantasy campaign.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-land-of-fire-arabian-nights-rpg-fantasy)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.04.2013 | 23:24
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/113164.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/0/Name-Not-Found?products_id=113164&src=sub&affiliate_id=14728)
[MTE] Savage Insider Issue #8: Technology at the Table
Model: MTESI008
Authors: Vickey A. Beaver, Brett Boyko, Will Herrmann, Aaron T. Huss, Curtis Lyon, Hyrum Savage, Eric Simon, Phil Vecchione
Artists: Kelsey Morse-Brown, Inkrod, Kai, Rojas, Rub_a_Duckie, Kieran Yanner, Aleksandr Bryliaev, AnnPainter, LANBO
Page Count: 44
Price: Free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Savage Insider Issue #8: Technology at the Table is all about technology in-game and out-of-game. The pillar article Tabletop Tech Today discusses what tools Savages are using as Game Masters and players while Gone Digital presents all the methods used by Phil Vecchione to run games with explanations of those tools and alternate ones to choose.

Technology at the Table is a multi-genre issue that leans toward different types of technology including clockwork, steam, cybernetics, and modern action gear. Technology runs the gambit of possibilities and we touch base on many aspects with varied uses throughout your games.

Technology at the Table includes:

* Two fleshed out cyberpunk Great Adventures
* Two fleshed out Character Galleries.
* A detailed look at two different character tools for use with Savage Worlds.
* Two General Interest pieces about using technology for gaming.
... and more!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.04.2013 | 02:44
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/5293/113253.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/113253/Sticks-%26-Stones-Prehistoric-ish-Role-Playing-Setting-for-Savage-Worlds?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Jade Tower Studios] Sticks & Stones - Prehistoric-ish Role-Playing Setting for Savage Worlds
Authors:  Rob “Lug” Lusk, David “Moog” Ross, William “Gug” Littlefield, Greg “Taah!” Whalen, & The Mysterious “Tel-Ur”
Pages: 188
Price: €11.68 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/113253-sample.pdf)

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/5293/113255.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/113255/PLAYER%27S-GUIDE-for-Sticks-%26-Stones-Prehistoric-ish-Role-Playing-Setting-for-Savage-Worlds?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Jade Tower Studios] Sticks & Stones - Prehistoric-ish Role-Playing Setting for Savage Worlds *PLAYER'S GUIDE*
Authors:  Rob “Lug” Lusk, David “Moog” Ross, William “Gug” Littlefield, Greg “Taah!” Whalen, & The Mysterious “Tel-Ur”
Pages: 76
Price: €3.89 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/113255-sample.pdf)

Sticks & Stones Prehistoric-ish Role-Playing Setting for Savage Worlds

Sticks & Stones is a romp through a prehistory that time forgot. Players choose from among a variety of races struggling for survival and dominance at the dawn of humanity. To stay alive, you’ll have to use everything you’ve got: shamanic powers, mighty beasts, brutal weapons, cunning inventions, shiny rocks, diplomatic grunts, threatening stares, and more!

Just remember—no talking (except known words) while you are in character!

The core book contains the complete Sticks & Stones Role-Playing Setting. You will also need a copy of the Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition rules to play this game.

* More than 150 full-color illustrations
* Full-color player’s and Cave Master’s maps of the Land of Lur (the Cave Master’s map is fully linked to descriptions of locations)
* A fully linked Table of Contents and Index
* Comprehensive Bookmarks
* Rules for language (and the lack thereof)
* New Skills, Hindrances, Edges, and Powers
* Character creation rules for Archaic Homo sapiens (Ahs), Homo Floresiensis (Florz), Cave N.E.R.D.s, Neanderthals, and Dino sapiens
* 9 ready-to-play Archetype characters
* Shamanic Magic rules
* Weird Prehistoric Science rules
* Detailed descriptions of important plant and animal life on Lur
* Descriptions of a variety of locations of interest
* Religion in Lur (and the secrets of the Spirits)
* Detailed descriptions of the inhabitants and settlements of the Land of Lur
* Rules for travel in the Land of Lur
* Prehistoric-ish Armor, Hand Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Ammunition, Currency, Miscellaneous Gear
* Weird Prehistoric Science Vehicles, Vehicle Add-Ons, Weapons, and other Gadgets
* A host of magical Relics
* 9 linked plot-point adventures
* 17 one-shot adventures
* A Bestiary with more than 30 creatures
* A comprehensive Index
* Templates for a new weapon (the Bum Breaker)
* A Character Sheet

The Sticks & Stones Player’s Guide contains the first 69 pages of the Sticks & Stones Prehistoric-ish Role-Playing Setting for Savage Worlds, plus a summary of useful information, a fully linked index, templates, and a character sheet (for a total of 76 pages).

* More than 80 full-color illustrations
* A full-color player’s map of the Land of Lur
* Rules for language (and the lack thereof)
* New Skills, Hindrances, Edges, and Powers
* Character creation rules for Archaic Homo sapiens (Ahs), Homo Floresiensis (Florz), Cave N.E.R.D.s, Neanderthals, and Dino sapiens
* 9 ready-to-play Archetype characters
* Shamanic Magic rules
* Weird Prehistoric Science rules
* An overview of the flora and fauna, locations of interest, religion, and the inhabitants of the Land of Lur
* Rules for travel in the Land of Lur
* Prehistoric-ish Armor, Hand Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Ammunition, Currency, Miscellaneous Gear
* Weird Prehistoric Science Vehicles, Vehicle Add-Ons, Weapons, and other Gadgets
* A comprehensive Index
* Templates for a new weapon (the Bum Breaker)
* A Character Sheet

For more information, please visit http://www.JadeTowerStudio.com (http://www.JadeTowerStudio.com).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.04.2013 | 18:56
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/TAG_LOGO.GIF) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/AceTales/TAG_AT014.pdf)
[TAG] Ace Tale 14 - Prison Base Moon 52

We have a brand new Ace Tale for Daring Tales of the Space Lanes which has been penned by Competition Winner Peter Lustig. The heroes are hired to secure an ancient aliens’ weapon cache on a remote moon. However, upon arrival, they notice that a non-friendly race has just started to build a prison colony right on top of the cache. How will our heroes deal with this unexpected obstacle?

Download Ace Tale 14 - Prison Base Moon 52 (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/AceTales/TAG_AT014.pdf)

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-land-of-fire-arabian-nights-rpg-fantasy)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.04.2013 | 00:31
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/92/category4256.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/0/Name-Not-Found?products_id=113602&src=sub&affiliate_id=14728)
[Adamant Entertainment] MARS - Adventures [BUNDLE]
Price: €32,83 €15,29 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Dieses Bundle beinhaltet die folgenden Abenteuer...

Total value: €32,83
Special bundle price: €15,29
Savings of: €17,54 (53%)

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/92/category3996.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/0/Name-Not-Found?products_id=113607&src=sub&affiliate_id=14728)
[Adamant Entertainment] THRILLING TALES - Adventures [BUNDLE]
Price: €22,93 €11,47 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Dieses Bundle beinhaltet die folgenden Abenteuer...

Total value: €22,93
Special bundle price: €11,47
Savings of: €11,46 (50%)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.04.2013 | 20:21
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/113645.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/113645/The-Crying-Mother&affiliate_id=14728)
[GRAmel] The Crying Mother
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack
Pages: 50
Price: €3.81 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/113645-sample.pdf)

It should have been an easy job: a rich merchant, his fatty purse, a dagger in the night and spending the ill gained loot in one of the worst taverns of Jalizar.
But life in the City of Thieves isn’t easy.
Even a simple theft can have nightmarish consequences, if among the stolen loot there is an ancient gift from a mother sto her beloved son.
Rooftops chases, terrible nightmares and swordfights await you in this new adventure set in Jalizar, the most dangerous city of the Dread Sea Dominions!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.04.2013 | 00:10
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/97/113652.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/0/Name-Not-Found?products_id=113652&src=sub&affiliate_id=14728)
[Super Genius Games] Strike Force 7 Airdrop: 5 Pieces of Retaliatory Gear
Author: R. Hyrum Savage
Pages: 3
Price: €1,14 €0,76 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Strike Force 7 is America’s highly trained anti-terrorist force. Its purpose: To defend the world from the forces of Skorpion: a highly trained, well-equipped, and mysterious terrorist organization bent on world conquest! Take on the role of the rugged marine, former special ops member, top of his field computer expert, or even the mysterious ninja who now works for Uncle Sam. Skorpion isn't going to stop any time soon and neither will Strike Force 7.

Strike Force 7 Airdrop is a line of very short, cheap PDFs giving the bare bones of a set of related options. It does for rules what One Sheets do for adventures. It might be new Edges, Hindrances, Equipment, or any other short set of related rules we can cram into about a page. Short and simple, these PDFs are for COs and players who know how to integrate new ideas into their campaigns without any hand-holding, and just need fresh ideas and the rules to support them. No in-character fiction setting the game world. No charts and tables. No sidebars of explanations and optional rules. Just one sentence of explanation for the High Concept of the PDF, then the airdrop.

High Concept: Five new pieces of equipment to help members of Strike Force 7 retaliate against agents of Skorpion. Or vice-versa.

The 5 new pieces of equipment are:

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.04.2013 | 01:02
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/113655.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/113655/Faith-%26-Demons-Nation-Guide%3A-Croatia?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Faith & Demons Nation Guide: Croatia
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Pages: 11
Price: €1,49 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The actual kingdom of Croatia does not date back nearly as far as its neighboring nations, but its people had been around for centuries already. The Croats migrated to the area before forming the Duchy of Croatia within the Byzantine land formerly known as the Theme of Dalmatia. Although this migration period is debated, it is believed the Croats arrived sometime in the early 7th century.

Welcome to the fourth FAITH & DEMONS: THE RISING NATION GUIDE, a series of mini-sourcebooks detailing the different nations during the Dark Ages. Each Nation Guide depicts historical information alongside that of mythology, folklore, speculation, and fiction for the purpose of providing additional content for your adventures and campaigns. This fourth Nation Guide details the nation of Croatia located in modern day Croatia, Serbia and Yugoslavia.

Faith & Demons Nation Guide: Croatia includes:

... and more!

FAITH & DEMONS: THE RISING is a Dark Ages, historical fantasy mythology plot point setting for Savage Worlds where united lords have brought the world’s warriors together to prevent the armies of chaos from enslaving their people.

Faith & Demons Nation Guide: Croatia is not a stand-alone game and requires the Savage Worlds core rulebook. Although designed to be used in conjunction with the Faith & Demons: The Rising core setting guide, the source material can be with used any Savage Worlds product.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.04.2013 | 22:46
[Reality Blurs] Agents of Oblivion: Free Downloads (One with a Ticking Clock)

Greetings Agents!

Thanks to Trigger's work and patience, we’re happy to present the definitive Oblivion character sheet (Luddite (http://realityblurs.com/downloads/AoO_charsheet.pdf) and Form Fillable (http://realityblurs.com/downloads/AoO_charsheet_ff.pdf)).

You'll also find (for a limited time) the Director’s Screen (http://realityblurs.com/downloads/AoO_screen.pdf) available for free.

All this stuff is located in the Free Downloads (http://realityblurs.com/wordpress/?page_id=4382) section.

That is all.

Until next time, I bid you, dear reader, adieu!
Sean Preston
Reality Blurs
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.04.2013 | 00:56
[TAG] NEW TAG WEBSITE - Old Forum is Closing on 27th April

TAG Website Re-design!

We've been working on a brand new TAG website and we've some big changes coming soon. The old website will not be available over the weekend of the 27th/28th April as we make the new site available.

So what changes are there? The new site will have a single login making it easier to access all areas of the site. Once you log in you will be able to buy our great range of games but also join our community on the Triple Ace Games forum. There will be no seperate store as the products will be found on the seperate brand pages. The old forum will be locked but it will be accessible to view.

Unfortunately any previous store/forum logins and order history is not compatible with the new site. This means you will need to create a new account to access the new site. We will be keeping the old store history for sometime in case of queries however this will only be accessible by TAG Staff. Make sure you download any recent orders immediately as you will not be able to access the old store after the 26th April.

We know there are some big changes and understand that there is some inconvenience in creating a new site account. It will be worth the pain! The new site is a huge leap forward for TAG and helps us to bring you a better experience. We do expect a few tweaks will need to be made so please feel free to let us know of any problems you discover and we will fix them as we move forward. Thanks for your patience as we make these changes!
Robin Elliott

Production Director
Triple Ace Games

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-land-of-fire-arabian-nights-rpg-fantasy)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.04.2013 | 07:35

[GRAmel] TimeZero

This year, we are going to publish another RPG - TimeZero.

Time Emergency! Operations teams Alpha, Beta and Gamma to the briefing room! Prepare to intervene on the timeline!

Welcome to TimeZero, the new exciting time travel setting from GRAmel!

In this game you play skilled agents of Timewatch, the time police, and your task is to protect history from unwanted changes.

Mad scientists, time anomalies, paradoxes, parallel universes and a mysterious criminal organization await you in the mists of time.

So, complete your Hypnotraining to acquire the right skills for the mission, grab your ultra-tech devices, and jump into the Time Gate.

Human history needs saving!

TimeZero is the new, exciting time travel setting from Gramel. In this setting you will play as a trained Operative, a member of Timewatch, the secret organization that fights time crimes along the continuum.
Time thieves, chronoterrorists and many other incredible dangers await you across the millennia of human history!

You need this book and a copy of the Savage Worlds core rules to play this game. It is divided into two parts: the Player’s Guide, where you’ll find background details and rules for quickly creating time-cop agents, and the Game Master’s Guide, containing advice on running a time travel game, how to design your time-travelling adventures and a selection of time travelling opponents.
In the next few months Gramel will publish several TimeZero adventures, where you can prove your skills, saving the continuum.
Now synchronize your watches, because time waits for no man!

Here is the cover of that rpg, made by Bartłomiej Fedyczak.

Piotr "Ramel" Korys
Savage Worlds Line Editor
Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.04.2013 | 21:22
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/land-of-fire-logo.png) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/)

The new website is up and running again. Now it's only one central account for both the forum and the store. Please remember to register again, because the old accounts couldn't be converted. The old forum and store data is saved for security purposes.

And we have some great news! The printers has dispatched Hellfrost: Land of Fire and it is now on its way to our warehouse. We’ll be then despatching the Kickstarter goodies that we promised. Watch this space!

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-land-of-fire-arabian-nights-rpg-fantasy)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.04.2013 | 22:52

Hi folks,

After almost 5 years in business we've given the website a major revamp. The forums and store and now integrated into one login, so you can maneuver around without having to flick between store and forums.

However, it does mean that you'll need to log in as if a new user -- the old and new sites are incompatible. All your previous webstore orders have been saved, so don't panic if you lose a PDF -- we can still help you out.

Creative Director Triple Ace Games

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-land-of-fire-arabian-nights-rpg-fantasy)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.05.2013 | 01:38
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/HellOnEarthReloadedCharacterSheetThumbnail-232x300.png) (http://www.peginc.com/freebies/HellOnEarth/HOEReloadedCharacterSheetSavable.pdf)
[Pinnacle] Hell on Earth Form-Fillable Character Sheet Available

The character sheet for Hell on Earth: Reloaded (http://www.peginc.com/freebies/HellOnEarth/HOEReloadedCharacterSheetSavable.pdf) is now available as a free download!

If you’re lucky enough to still have a workin’ hand with the right number of fingers, you can just print it off and fill it in yourself. Jot down the numbers and you can really be someone in the post-apocalyptic wastes of Hell on Earth!

If you’re lucky enough to still have workin’ tech, you can fill the character sheet in electronically, save it, and print it all you like!

However you do it, you have the option of the full-color character sheet from Hell on Earth: Reloaded or a printer-friendly black-and-white version. The layers are already there—all you have to do is pick the one you want.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.05.2013 | 23:38
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/TAG10107_thumb.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-products/hellfrost-adventure-compendium-collectors-edition-the-northern-continent/)
[TAG] Hellfrost Adventure Compendium Collectors Edition – The Northern Continent *LIMITED PREORDER*
Model: TAG10107
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 580
Price: €110.00/$140.00 (TAG)

Hellfrost is epic in scale and to do justice to the number of adventures available for just the northern continent it takes and epic sized book!

Hellfrost is celebrating its fourth birthday this year and it is also Triple Ace Games fifth birthday.

So to celebrate we are issuing a very special collection of all 21 adventures ever released for the northern continent of Hellfrost!

This epic 580 page tome details every adventure from Novice level to Heroic level and also includes Saga of the Frost Giants mini campaign!

Here is a breakdown of the books contents:

Lair Of The Vermin Lord
The Dark Seed
Pirates Of The Crystalflow
The Eostre Festival

Lost City Of Paraxus
Descent Into Madness
The Ice Fiend
Fey Tower & Deadly Glade

Sins Of The Father
The Blood Of Godhammer
The Blood Tide
Tales Of Darkness

Against The Elements
Web Of Deceit
Death In The Mire
Clash Of Steel

Christmas 2010 Special
The Mouth of the Frothing Bear

Saga of the Forst Giants – Mini Campaign
Shadow Of Darkness
The Siege Of Watchgap Fort
The Heart Of Winter
The Frost Giant’s Hold

Each book will be numbered 1 of 30 and signed by Wiggy and Rob of Triple Ace Games. This is a real collectors item and will only be availble for a short while.

IMPORTANT: This is a pre-order, limited to a total of 30 copies of this book. We will post the book to you when it is available. The pre-order will remain open till 31st May or until we reach the upper limit of the quantity we are making available at this time. Books may then take up to 21 days to arrive.

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-land-of-fire-arabian-nights-rpg-fantasy)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.05.2013 | 23:44
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/114137.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/0/Name-Not-Found?products_id=114137&src=sub&affiliate_id=14728)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Ultimate Three Kingdoms Guide (Savage Worlds)
Author: Christopher J. N. Banks
Pages: 57
Price: €3,75 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Three Kingdoms period of ancient China was born from the decentralization of the Chinese government and the rise of regional warlords. With the fall of the Han Dynasty, these warlords ruled their over their provinces and battled for control of the land. After only three remained, the three kingdoms of Wei, Wu and Shu were formed, but the battles did not end. These new three kingdoms continued their quest for control of the lands until only one remained, ushering in the next dynasty.

Ultimate Three Kingdoms Guide is a detailed look at the kingdoms and warriors of the Three Kingdoms period in ancient China. This period was a chaotic time between the beginnings of the fall of the Han Dynasty to the rise of the Jin Dynasty, roughly from 184 to 280 CE, commonly known as the Three Kingdoms period. Step into the fray as the Kingdoms of Wei, Wu and Shu vie for control of the lands.

Ultimate Three Kingdoms Guide includes:

Ultimate Three Kingdoms Guide is your source for building warriors like those of history, or building the foundations of a historical or alternate history game set during the Three Kingdoms period.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.05.2013 | 20:24
(http://realityblurs.com/shop/images/large/Cover_RE2E_LRG.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/114259/Ravaged-Earth%3A-Revised-Second-Edition?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Reality Blurs] Ravaged Earth: Revised Second Edition
Authors: Eric Avedissian, Dave Olson, Sean Preston
Pages: 312
Price: €26,73 €15,28 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

About the Setting

In 1898, the Martians tried to take over, but we got lucky and they left, died off, or whatever. Now, over thirty years later, they’re back. Persistent buggers, ain’t they?

We’re not totally unprepared. Aetherium, what we commonly call the Martian metal, has altered some folks and given them the power to fight back. While most of them live on the fringes, we need each and every one of them if we’re going to keep them from taking over. Aren’t we?

And if that’s not enough, this upstart named Hitler is mobilizing his forces, and he looks to be a rough customer. His rhetoric is certainly more than mere sabre rattling. No doubt, he and his Nazis are mixed up in this mayhem somehow or other…

Grounded in (Pulp) Logic

The traditional tropes, tricks, and genre conventions of pulp are given an intrinsic logic tied to the events of the invasion. These heroes are very much a part of the world, and are a direct result of Martian interference. Furthermore, the ripple effect cascades out beyond the initial alien contact and throughout the past thirty years since the first Red War, when their scout ships nearly decimated the earth. This background provides a milieu with enough flexibility wherein you can play as light as you like, or explore the seamy back alleys in a hard-boiled fashion.

If You’re the hero

You’re guaranteed to make a fantastic guy or gal right outta the gate. This is high-powered pulp, and we aim to deliver on that promise. You can make any kind of hero you can think of, be it a masked vigilante, a mighty magician, or a scientist with his robot companion. The emphasis is on versatility, and eliminating rank requirements goes a long way to accomplish this goal. You might think it’s crazy, and it is (crazy fun)!

If You’re the GM

We’ve got you covered. In addition to lots of tips and tricks accumulated over a lifetime of gaming and nearly a decade of playing Savage Worlds, you’ll be prepared for anything the players throw at you. Unfamiliar with pulp tropes? We’ve got you covered as well by taking you through various genre conventions and explaining how to incorporate them into your game. The plot point campaign and side treks should keep your heroes busy for a long time, but if you couple them with our critically acclaimed adventure generators, you’ll be having rollicking high adventure in no time.

What’s Revised?

As the oldest Savage Worlds licensee, we've learned a lot over the years and we've listened to our crack crew of editors and the feedback you provided us. Folks wanted more Martians in this book. The promise of the threat on the horizon wasn't enough. We've honed our focus in on that in a big, big way with the enclosed plot point campaign (which we’ll get to in a moment). The edges have been expanded. We've included our tried and tested simple power system that doesn't rely on power points, our extended trait check system, and more. The focus is on versatility, with you able to build the hero you want to play. There’s more, but we don’t want to give everything away.

The Plot Point Campaign

This is a massive twelve part campaign taking the heroes around the globe and even above it. In it, you will brave hidden temples and dank castles, confront Martian tripods and more, all in proper pulp fashion. Oh yeah, you’ll likely trade bullets with gangsters and blows with Nazis. It’s all in a day's work for a hero like you to save the world from the Martian Invasion!

Our Track Record

The expansive number of edges has been tuned and refined, as we've learned from our efforts over the years. Everything has been extensively played and tested. And can be found in such fine products as Iron Dynasty, Realms of Cthulhu, RunePunk, and our ENnie-nominated Agents of Oblivion. In fact, we’ve gone Power Point-free, using the system developed for Realms of Cthulhu and expanded in Agents of Oblivion.

What's Special About the Expanded Edition (http://realityblurs.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_7&products_id=133)?

Pre-orders get 18 pages of content that won’t be in the general PDF release!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.05.2013 | 01:17

[Hellfrost] Eine Karte von Rassilon, die am Ende nicht ausgewählt wurde

Beim Durchstöbern von Lord Draconovs Bibliothek stieß ich vor einiger Zeit auf eine unbekannte Karte von Rassilon, die Euch eventuell interessieren könnte.

(http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs44/i/2009/136/2/d/Rassilon_Map___Unpublished_by_JustinRaven.jpg) (http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs44/f/2009/136/6/e/Rassilon_Map___Unpublished_by_JustinRaven.jpg)

Ich entdeckte diese Karte einst auf der nun inaktiven Seite von Justin Raven bei deviantART (http://justinraven.deviantart.com/art/Rassilon-Map-Unpublished-122755779).

Gute Arbeit, Justin! :D

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.05.2013 | 01:44
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/114361.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/114361/Set-Rising-Primer?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Set Rising Primer
Author: Darren Pearce
Pages: 16
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/114361-sample.pdf)

The scheming god Set has built a dark mirror of the Egyptian empire. His minions raid the mortal realms, enslaving humans to construct impossible pyramids for an evil purpose. Worse, they’re invading alternate realities too. Someone has to hunt them down, and the techno-Egyptian god Ra is looking for a group of demigods who are up for the task.

Across the universe, the future is about to be Set.

In this book we cover the background to playing astonishing adventures in this setting, and look at the types of character who’ll thrive with its challenges.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.05.2013 | 23:42
And now something slightly different...

(http://www.gnomestew.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/odyfront-640w.jpg) (http://www.gnomestew.com/tools-for-gms/announcing-odyssey-the-complete-game-masters-guide-to-campaign-management/)
[Engine Publishing] Odyssey: The Complete Game Master’s Guide to Campaign Management

Written by award-winning authors Phil Vecchione and Walt Ciechanowski, the fourth book from Gnome Stew and Engine Publishing is coming in July: Odyssey: The Complete Game Master’s Guide to Campaign Management.

Opening with a foreword by RPG industry legend Kenneth Hite, Odyssey is, to our knowledge, the first book of its kind. It offers up 200 pages of system-neutral advice on starting, managing, and ending campaigns for game masters of all stripes and experience levels.

Tell me more!

You may have guessed from the title that Odyssey has a lot in common with Never Unprepared apart from being a system-neutral GMing book. You don’t need one to enjoy the other, but Odyssey naturally complements Never Unprepared. If you like Never Unprepared, I suspect you’ll also enjoy Odyssey.

Our previous three books have sold over 8,000 copies, and Phil Vecchione’s Never Unprepared: The Complete Game Master’s Guide to Session Prep is currently nominated for a 2013 Origins Award for Best Game-Related Publication. Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for any Roleplaying Game, released in 2011, won the 2012 gold ENnie Award for Best Aid/Accessory. Never Unprepared and our first book, 2010′s Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots to Inspire Game Masters, are among the top 65 out of more than 28,000 products on DriveThruRPG; Masks is in the top 250. Odyssey is a continuation of our commitment to provide GMs all over the world with quality system-neutral advice.

We anticipate opening preorders for Odyssey in early June and shipping out preorders in July. (There are a couple details to nail down before we pick a launch date.) The book is currently getting a final proofread, and I still need to write the back cover copy, but apart from that it’s done. As with past preorders, if you preorder Odyssey you’ll immediately receive the book in PDF, EPUB, and MOBI form.

I’ll be posting more previews throughout May, so stay tuned!

Show me more!

Illustrated by Avery Liell-Kok, designed by Darren Hardy, and art directed by John Arcadian, Odyssey’s front cover is shown above...
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.05.2013 | 03:44
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/114404.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/114404/Clockwork-Dreams-Primer?filters=0_0_1600_0_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Suzerain - Clockwork Dreams Primer
Authors: Jeff Houser, Michelle Klein Houser
Pages: 16
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/114404-sample.pdf)

The Duke Of Crossed Gears, obsessed with the dreams of scientists and visionaries, is dead - but he left something behind. On his deathbed, the duke dreamed of a place, and such was the power of his spirit that these visions became manifest upon his dying breath.

Enter Mechadia, a Savage realm of Suzerain where idyllic sylvan glades merge with mechanical wonders. Eleven airship pirates hide away on floating islands; begoggled goblins run amok in steam-powered brass-and steel; brownie alchemists seek formulae for new ways to harness the pulse beyond the clouds. But the trolls have become restless as they toil to keep the great gears of the land turning smoothly. Fey lords and ladies vie for rulership over the fledgling realm, and lines are being drawn in the copper dust...


Insides the covers of this book you'll find background on the fascinating realm of Mechadia, where steampunk meets faery magic.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.05.2013 | 22:20
(http://www.theagencystar.com/trigger/pregenssmall.jpg) (http://www.theagencystar.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=181)
[Agents of Oblivion] Pregenerated Agents Bundle

I went through my files and redid the pregenerated agents that I created using the "NEW" AoO Character Sheet, along with their Agent Dossier file and Hindrance/Edge Cards. All six agents are included in this bundle pack for any of you Directors that may be running Agents of Oblivion at a convention or starting play and wanted to use pregenerated characters. They are very diverse in their talents and should make for a very well rounded team. You can download them for free by clicking the picture below.

Michael Ysker

TheAgencyStar Founder/Administrator
Reality Blurs Writer - Agents of Oblivion Line
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.05.2013 | 03:32
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/114426.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/114426/Interface-Zero%3A-2090-World-Map&affiliate_id=14728)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero: 2090 World Map
Artist: Alida Saxon
Pages: 1
Price: €3,81 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Want to know what the world looks like in 2090? Now's your chance to see! This full color world map presents the world as it exists in the Interface Zero 2.0 universe. It is 24"x36", making it a great size for a poster, should you wish to print it out hang it on your wall!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.05.2013 | 21:57
(http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c23/Drawdan/OZ/OZTHRONEwlogo_zps6fff5332.jpg) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/746257049/battle-for-oz)

[Pirate Press] Kickstarter - The Battle for Oz Begins!

Pirate Press has launched the Battle for Oz Kickstarter campaign (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/746257049/battle-for-oz)!  Join in the fight to control one of the most famous pieces of fantasy real estate in literary history. This modernized version of Baum’s classic Land of Oz is a classic fantasy setting with a touch of modern horror designed to be played exclusively with Pinnacle’s Savage Worlds rule set.

Battle for Oz is the first in a series exploring the famous continent of Nonestica, home of L. Frank Baum’s Land of Oz, including a full history detailing the events of Baum’s stories from the year 1900 to today with maps, and full encounter tables. New playable races, new and familiar gear, new edges and hindrances, new arcane powers, and custom Setting Rules will immers you completely in this wondrous world.

Battle for Oz also includes a full plot point campaign involving a struggle for the great throne of Oz!  Players can choose to fight for or against the new Wizard that has enslaved a third of Oz.

So check out the Battle for Oz on Kickstarter! Don’t miss your chance to get in on the ground level of this project—help craft the finishing touches of Battle for Oz and even become part of it!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.05.2013 | 05:54
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3192/114637.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/114637/Savage-Worlds-A5-Character-Sheet&affiliate_id=14728)
[Gold Piece Publications] Savage Worlds A5 Character Sheet
Artist: P. Regan
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/114637-sample.pdf)

The Savage Worlds character sheet contained in this PDF is currently (ends Sunday 9th June 2013) being crowdfunded on Kickstarter. The aim of the project is to have high-quality, lithographic printed pads of the sheets produced. The project has already met its funding goal, which has triggered the release of the PDF. The sheet is A5-sized, and is presented here as a single A5 sheet and also 2up on an A4 sheet.

To find out more about the Kickstarter simply google "Savage Worlds Character Sheet Kickstarter" and you should find it with ease. There is also a link to the campaign on the top of my blog: http: //oubliettemagazine.blogspot.co.uk/ (http://http: //oubliettemagazine.blogspot.co.uk/)

If you have downloaded this PDF after the Kickstarter campaign has ended, then pads of sheets may still be purchased by visiting: www.squarehex.co.uk (http://www.squarehex.co.uk)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.05.2013 | 02:02
(http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/images/FIH10001.jpg) (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=steamscapes&osCsid=4a56c0d124a53697959c2281583bce42&x=12&y=12)
[Four-in-Hand Games] Steamscapes: North America
Author: Eric Simon
Artist: Sarah Benkin
Pages: 89
Price: €12.07 PDF, €16.10 Print, €20.12 PDF & Print (Studio 2 Publishing)

North America in 1871 is a land of adventure, opportunity, and conflict. Inventors from the American Consolidated Union supply automatons and steam-powered machinery to the oil fields of Texas and the mines of the Rocky Mountain Republic. Wells Fargo airships and steam carts compete with the Southern Pacific's monopoly on transcontinental rail travel. Native saboteurs raid across the borders from their home in the Plains Tribal Federation to destroy the technology that threatens their land.

Steamscapes: North America is the first setting book for Steamscapes. It includes extensive alternative historical backgrounds for the four most prominent nations of North America and offers six new professions with associated skills and edge trees, as well as the automaton racial template. It provides several introductory scenarios and a variety of character templates so GMs and players can jump right in and start playing.

The print edition (full size, b&w) will be available at the end of August 2013, with advance copies hopefully available at Gen Con. The digital edition (color PDF) is available now!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.05.2013 | 19:48
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2933/114732.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/114732/InfestAsia%3A-A-Savage-Worlds-mission-set-in-the-jungles-of-Evil&affiliate_id=14728)
[StoryWeaver] InfestAsia: A Savage Worlds mission set in the jungles of Evil
Authors: Joshua Edwards, Joseph Sweeney
Pages: 33 + Extras
Price: €5.84 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Vietnam 1968: As the Tet Offensive pushes forward and casualties mount, dark secrets are at play. Amongst the bloodshed, an ancient evil struggles to be reborn deep in the jungle. They say that in war, one can lose their mind to the hatred and violence... but there are worse things. Far, far worse.

InfestAsia is a Savage Worlds adventure of grim horror set in the chaos of the Vietnam War. Played as a follow-on from the highly acclaimed Blood of the Innocent, as a ready-to-go adventure for an existing modern military campaign, or as a single-shot game, InfestAsia drags your heroes kicking and screaming through the most dangerous and horrifying of war stories. Be warned... InfestAsia is not for the weak of heart.


Features: 33 pages of mayhem and terror, including...

Plus bonus 30+ pages of printable extras gives you everything you need to start playing right away!

Compatible with Tour of Darkness
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.05.2013 | 00:20
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/114760-thumb140.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/114760/Savage-Insider-Deluxe-Issue-%231%3A-Modularity&affiliate_id=14728)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Savage Insider Deluxe Issue #1: Modularity
Authors: Vickey A. Beaver, Gilbert Gallo, Michael Hansen, Aaron T. Huss, Chris Lites, Curtis Lyon, A.J. Preece, Jeremy Stromberg, The Warden
Pages: 115
Price: €9.31 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Savage Insider Premium contained a wealth of Savage Worlds content spanning the genres with much of it useful across multiple settings. During the course of publishing the five issues, a lot of content was extracted and released as standalone products for specific settings, such as Mercenary Breed and Faith & Demons: The Rising. This resulted in a lot of duplicated content.

To remedy this, Mystical Throne Entertainment has decided to compile all non-extracted content from Savage Insider Premium Issues #1 - 5 into a single offering. Thus, we bring to you the first Savage Insider Deluxe issue, filled with the remaining compiled content from Savage Insider Premium Issues #1 - 5 in a single release. The content herein is primarily setting agnostic and can be utilized across multiple settings or within your own homebrew.

Savage Insider Deluxe Issue #1: Modularity contains a wealth of content covering fantasy, sci-fi, and horror. The modular design of Savage Worlds means you can add new mechanics, ignore existing ones, or modify ones to your liking without breaking the system. We embrace this concept in all of our Savage Insider releases and especially exploit that herein.

Savage Insider Deluxe Issue #1: Modularity includes:

Auspicious Archetypes:

Cataphract - A shock trooper archetype great for breaking shield walls
Engineer - When you need a smith or mechanic, look toward your engineer.
Hierophant - As cultic priests, hierophants are knowledged in the ways of the occult.

Expanded Mechanics:

Voidlancer - A new look at ship-to-ship space combat with an emphasis on cinematic.

Great Adventures:

Community Service - A dark fantasy delve into an abandoned underground temple for Ancient World.
Flight of the Fancy - A black powder fantasy adventure with a peek at Dragons of Avalon.
Seven Kings of Shambhala - A pulp action adventure into the depths of the Hollow Earth.
The Secret of Isla de Monos - A pirate adventure out to an island of secrets.

Racial Profiling:

Dhampir - Rule the night with this half-vampire race.
The Lokka - Deceive the masses using this shapeshifting race.


Lord Bane - Enter the domain of Lord Bane and all its chaos.
Underhome - Careful of this village and its secrets.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.05.2013 | 11:43
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/SWD_Screen.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115119/Savage-Worlds-GM-Screen-Inserts?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Deluxe Screen Inserts
Pages: 17
Price: €3.07 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/115119-sample.pdf)

Put the visual "oomph" in your Savage Worlds Customizable GM Screen with the Savage Worlds Deluxe Screen Inserts!

This downloadable PDF has a dozen pieces of art (including an updated throwback of Smiling Jack) spanning the genres and handy references for the most frequently-used rules—you'll have everything you want at your fingertips in high style!

Artwork Preview (Does not Show Tables)

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.05.2013 | 11:48
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/HOERL_Screen.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115121/Deadlands-Hell-on-Earth-Reloaded-GM-Screen-Inserts?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Hell on Earth: Reloaded Screen Inserts
Pages: 18
Price: €3,07 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/115121-sample.pdf)

Bring a little life to your table in the otherwise barren Wasted West of Hell on Earth: Reloaded! These screen inserts are designed for use with the Savage Worlds Customizable GM Screen with gorgeous, full-color artwork for Hell on Earth: Reloaded.

In addition to the art, there’s a full-color map of the Wasted West and all the charts and references you could shake a radioactive stick at (for those of you into shaking radioactive sticks, that is).

This is a downloadable PDF with four pages of rules references, a full-color map, and eleven different sheets of full-color art.

Artwork Preview--does not include charts and tables:

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.05.2013 | 17:31
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4761/109403.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/109403&affiliate_id=14728)
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar: Legends Arise (Players Guide)
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon
Artist:  Aaron Acevedo, James Denton, Jason Engle, Alida Saxon, Tomasz Tworek
Price: €3,87 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/109403-sample.pdf)

This is the new, fully-revised Players Guide, complete with art and layout!

Sean Patrick Fannon’s vision of Epic High Fantasy comes to life for Savage Worlds in this all new iteration brought to you by Evil Beagle Games.

"The heart of any lasting and memorable roleplaying campaign is the setting. Is it vivid? Alluring? Full of mysteries, as well as straight-ahead challenges?

If the answer is “Yes” to all of these, you are in good hands.

SHAINTAR is deep in “good hands” territory.

Just paging through the Players Guide makes you want to play, and it’s genuinely hard to create a boring character using this book; everything works together to make your Hero interesting. And that’s even before you get to the four detailed Major Enemies lurking in Shaintar. Or the rules for alchemy, or the tantalizing glimpses we get of the Black Lantern and Grayson’s Grey Rangers . . .

A winner. Get this book." -- Ed Greenwood, creator of The Forgotten Realms®

Savage Worlds fans will find a lot to love about the Shaintar: Legends Arise Players Guide:

Anyone seeking Epic High Fantasy adventure will enjoy this book, as will anyone wishing to add lots of great new material to their Savage games!

This book covers Novice through Veteran Rank gaming. The upcoming Shaintar: Legends Unleashed will cover Heroic and Legendary play.

Note- This is the Player's Guide for Shaintar: Legends Arise; that book is the complete setting book for Novice-to-Veteran gaming for both Players and Game Masters.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.05.2013 | 00:51
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/114831-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/114831/Noir-Knights%3A-Chasing-Rainbows?filters=0_0_1600_0_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Noir Knights: Chasing Rainbows
Authors: Curtis and Sarah Lyon
Pages: 7
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

While certain powerful entities have the ability to pierce the Veil and breach the Maelstrom to reach some other place, there are also natural portals that exist here and there.

Stull, Kansas just so happens to have one of those places...

Chasing Rainbows is a free "One-Sheet" adventure for Savage Suzerain, a short adventure to give you a feel for the 1930s realm of American Grit where we set our Noir Knights book. You’ll want characters of Heroic rank to play this adventure.

Product contains: A 7-page high resolution PDF plus a print friendly version for free. A copy of Savage Suzerain is also recommended to get the best out of this book.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/114832-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/114832/Noir-Knights%3A-The-Mission-Link?filters=0_0_1600_0_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Noir Knights: The Mission Link
Authors: Curtis and Sarah Lyon
Pages: 8
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Ordo Hermeticus Octostium is just one of many ‘mystical orders’ that sprang up in the spiritualist craze of the previous decades. In general, they’re no more or less problematical than Freemasons or Rosicrucians, but occasionally you’ll find members of those sorts of groups who believe that ‘with great power comes an obligation to further your own agenda’... and that’s when trouble starts. Frank Augustus Miller is one of those guys, and the trouble has certainly started.

The Mission Link is a free ‘One Sheet’ adventure for Savage Suzerain, a short adventure to give you a feel for the 1930s realm of American Grit where we set our Noir Knights book. You’ll want characters of Heroic rank to play this adventure.

Product contains: A 8-page high resolution PDF plus a print friendly version for free. A copy of Savage Suzerain is also recommended to get the best out of this book.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/114837-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/114837/Noir-Knights%3A-In-The-Name-Of-Science&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Noir Knights: In The Name Of Science
Authors: Curtis and Sarah Lyon
Pages: 7
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

It could be said that the ‘good’ doctor means well, but it just as easily raises the question: do the ends justify the means?

In the Name of Science is a free "One Sheet" adventure for Savage Suzerain, a short adventure to give you a feel for the 1930s Realm of American Grit where we set our Noir Knights book. You’ll want characters of Heroic rank to play this adventure.

Product contains: A 7-page high resolution PDF plus a print friendly version for free. A copy of Savage Suzerain is also recommended to get the best out of this adventure.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/114838-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/114838/Noir-Knights%3A-Knights-At-The-Opera&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Noir Knights: Knights At The Opera
Authors: Curtis and Sarah Lyon
Pages: 7
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The voodoo Loa are interesting beings in that their relationships with their human worshipers are much more symbiotic than is typical of ‘gods’ – especially modern gods. While this normally isn’t an issue, sometimes there is a case that deserves a little more attention.

Such is the case of one Jean-Pierre Gudot, a practicing Taximancer bearing a misguided obsession with a Haitian immigrant by the name of Bethany.

Knights At The Opera is a free "One Sheet" adventure for Savage Suzerain, a short adventure to give you a feel for the 1930s realm of American Grit where we set our Noir Knights book. You’ll want characters of Heroic rank to play this adventure

Product contains: A 7-page high resolution PDF plus a print friendly version for free. A copy of Savage Suzerain is also recommended to get the best out of this book.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.05.2013 | 00:59
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2437/114834.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/114834/Hollerin%27-Pines---A-One-Sheet-for-The-Day-After-Ragnarok?filters=0_0_1600_0_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Atomic Overmind Press] Hollerin' Pines - A One Sheet for The Day After Ragnarok
Author: H. M. ‘Dain’ Lybarger
Pages: 2
Price: €0,77 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

"And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." - Mark 16:17-18

Author H. M. 'Dain' Lybarger weaves a tale in which the heroes visit a quiet town - where something nasty is brewing below the surface...

This Savage Worlds One-Sheet for The Day After Ragnarok contains everything you need for a quick and easy adventure for your party in the World after Serpentfall.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.05.2013 | 09:35
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/114840-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/114840/Noir-Knights%3A-Oppressive-Heat&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Noir Knights: Oppressive Heat
Authors: Curtis and Sarah Lyon
Pages: 7
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Great Spirit of Oppression wants Tamagozushi, but there’s a Lord of Flame who has an interest too. The heat is on.

Oppressive Heat is a free "One Sheet" adventure for Savage Suzerain, a short adventure to give you a feel for the 1930s realm of American Grit where we set our Noir Knights book. You’ll want characters of Heroic rank to play this adventure.

Product contains: A 7-page high resolution PDF plus a print friendly version for free. A copy of Savage Suzerain is also recommended to get the best out of this adventure.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/114841-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/114841/Noir-Knights-Characters&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Noir Knights: Characters
Authors: Curtis and Sarah Lyon
Pages: 11
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Mrs. Amethyst, Mr. Flannigan, Mr. Shao, Mr. Dolby, and Miss Herne... These are some of the 1930s SPA agents ready to combat the trails that await them!

All of these characters are Heroic rank and all ready to play. They are designed for Noir Knights, but can be played in any Heroic rank Suzerain game.

Product contains: A 11-page high resolution PDF plus a print friendly version for free. A copy of Savage Suzerain is also recommended to get the best out of this book.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.05.2013 | 01:40
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/114883.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/114883/Interface-Zero-2.0-Hacking-Beta-test?language=de&affiliate_id=14728)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero 2.0 Hacking Beta Test
Authors: David Jarvis, David Viars
Pages: 17
Price: Free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Interface Zero 2.0 is in development, and one of the things we have been working on revisions to is the Hacking chapter. This document shows you what we've done.

It's 17 pages (including the cover) and gives you everything you need to hack in virtual reality and hyper reality.

Note: This document is best viewed on your screen with the latest version of Adobe Acrobat.

Note for iPad users: The Acrobat app will not view this file properly. You should grab iBbooks or Good Reader to view this document.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.05.2013 | 21:22
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/114948-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/114948/Brain-Powered-Beach-Party-Official-Soundtrack?filters=0_0_1600_0_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Brain Powered Beach Party Official Soundtrack
Artist: Alex Cottrell
Tracks: 12
Price: €6.18 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Rock on with the Brainpowered Beach Party Original Soundtrack by Alex Cottrell! Get this great soundtrack as a way to set the mood for your game.

This is an album designed for Quantum Sliders' most recent adventure "Brainpowered Beach Party"

Product contains: 12 tracks recorded at 320kbps, the highest standard of MP3. Over 42 minutes of music!

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/114968-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/114968/Quantum-Sliders%3A-Ruins-of-Tomorrow?filters=0_0_1600_0_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Quantum Sliders: Ruins of Tomorrow
Author: Zach Welhouse
Pages: 20
Price: €3.09 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/114968-sample.pdf)

War and capitalism make for strange bedfellows.

Not every legendary treasure turns out to be real. When a hot tip goes cold, one band of heroic fortune-seekers is dragged into a web of greed and lies. A mega-corporation fallen on hard times boosts its bottom line with realm-jacked wizards from the fantasy world of Relic, who would rather be anywhere else, thank you very much.


Part of our Quantum Sliders range of adventures, Ruins of Tomorrow offers you a Savage Worlds adventure packed with Fast! Furious! Fun!

Product contains: A 20-page high resolution PDF with layers so you can switch between full-art and print-friendly views. A copy of Savage Suzerain is also recommended to get the best out of this book.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.05.2013 | 01:23
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/SavageWorldsTemplateSpecifications-232x300.png) (http://www.peginc.com/freebies/SWcore/SavageWorldsTemplateSpecifications.pdf)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Templates for Templates for Savage Worlds
Pages: 3
Price: Freebie (Pinnacle)

The Savage Worlds Template Specification document details the dimensions of the templates and their construction (mostly handy for the cone template). You can also isolate the template outlines to print blanks or place into your own graphics programs.

Now you can completely customize the templates for your home and con games. You can even have a different template for every trapping if you like. Heck, there’s just no stopping you now!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.05.2013 | 21:56
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4761/115010-thumb140.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115010/Shaintar%3A-Legends-Arise?SRC=FeaturedProduct&motds_id=6745&from_home=1&affiliate_id=14728)
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar: Legends Arise
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon
Artist:  Aaron Acevedo, James Denton, Jason Engle, Alida Saxon, Tomasz Tworek
Pages: 183
Price: €15,49 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/115010-sample.pdf)

This is the full book, complete with all Player and Game Master information for Novice to Veteran play!

Sean Patrick Fannon’s vision of Epic High Fantasy comes to life for Savage Worlds in this all new iteration brought to you by Evil Beagle Games.

"The heart of any lasting and memorable roleplaying campaign is the setting. Is it vivid? Alluring? Full of mysteries, as well as straight-ahead challenges?

If the answer is “Yes” to all of these, you are in good hands.

SHAINTAR is deep in “good hands” territory.

Just paging through the Players Guide makes you want to play, and it’s genuinely hard to create a boring character using this book; everything works together to make your Hero interesting. And that’s even before you get to the four detailed Major Enemies lurking in Shaintar. Or the rules for alchemy, or the tantalizing glimpses we get of the Black Lantern and Grayson’s Grey Rangers . . .

A winner. Get this book."
-- Ed Greenwood, creator of The Forgotten Realms®

Savage Worlds fans will find a lot to love about Shaintar: Legends Arise:

Anyone seeking Epic High Fantasy adventure will enjoy this book, as will anyone wishing to add lots of great new material to their Savage games!

This book covers Novice through Veteran Rank gaming. The upcoming Shaintar: Legends Unleashed will cover Heroic and Legendary play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.05.2013 | 21:41
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/115045-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115045/Savage-Suzerain-Fillable-Character-Sheet?filters=0_0_1600_0_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Savage Suzerain Fillable Character Sheet
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This is our most current version of our fillable character sheet for Suzerain. It has been updated for the Savage World Deluxe rules.

Product contains: A PDF fillable character sheet for Savage Suzerain Deluxe edition.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.06.2013 | 00:26
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/115082.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115082/Tomb-of-the-Lich-Queen-%28Savage-Worlds%29?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Dungeonlands: Tomb of the Lich Queen (Savage Worlds)
Authors: Jason Allard, Kevin Andrew Murphy, John Wick
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Chris Bivins, Jessica Cox, James Denton, Jason Engle, Bien Flores, Elizabeth Lee, Chris Malidore, Jim Pavelec, Gill Pearce, Alida Saxon, Matthew Scheuerman, Carly Sorge
Pages: 129
Price: €15,39 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/115082-sample.pdf)

Enter… and die!

Dungeonlands is Savage Mojo’s realm of fantasy maiming, centered on the Lich Queen’s abode. This old school killer dungeon is split into three parts, and LQ1 Tomb of the Lich Queen is the first part of that trilogy.

For high rank characters that have been summoned across time and space - you can take any character from any setting into the tomb – the lich queen’s devious machinations, traps and monsters are an impenetrable barrier between your characters and their greatest prize – survival!

Beautifully illustrated in old school style, reminiscent of pulp Conan novels and that rolepaying game which started it all, Tomb of the Lich Queen is a treat for any Savage looking for a real challenge.

Product Contains: A stunning 129 page PDF detailing every evil twist and turn in the dungeon. The book is layered so you can switch off the ink-devouring elements to create a print-friendly version on the fly. Note, this is the Savage Worlds version of this book

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.06.2013 | 01:41
(http://uploads.peginc.com/GM_Screen.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115120/Deadlands-Noir-GM-Screen-Inserts?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands Noir GM Screen Inserts
Pages: 18
Price: €3,07 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/115120-sample.pdf)

These full-color, full-size screen inserts, include artwork and the most important charts and tables from Deadlands Noir.

The sheets can be used as inserts in the Savage Worlds Customizable GM Screen (available at game stores or peginc.com), printed and attached to an existing landscape-style screen, or printed on rigid cardstock for a quick stand-alone screen.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.06.2013 | 06:23
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/115171.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115171/Tomb-of-the-Lich-Queen-Gamemaster-Cards-%26-Tables-%28Savage-Worlds%29?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Dungeonlands: Tomb of the Lich Queen Gamemaster Cards & Tables (Savage Worlds)
Authors: Darren Pearce, Joel Sparks
Artists: James Denton, Jason Engle, Bien Flores, Elizabeth Lee, Gil Pearce, Alida Saxon
Pages: 98
Price: €7,69 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Who would have known that shrunken heads could be so dangerous? Or the blind monkey, for that matter? Or that a curious saddle could be such amazing loot? All this and much (MUCH) more are inside this set of random tables, each item fully described with rules included and a gorgeous card to accompany it.

These cards and tables are a companion to our Tomb of the Lich Queen adventure, a massive treasure trove of wonderful new monsters, encounters and treasure. You can delve into the Tomb without them, but why would you want to? Print out these cards, keep the tables handy, and ad a whole new dimension to your sessions.

Product Contains: Two PDFs, one of cards (65 pages), one of tables (33 pages). The cards are full color, high resolution images while the tables can be viewed in all their glory or have the most ink-intensive elements removed for print friendliness. Note, this is the Savage Worlds version of this product.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.06.2013 | 05:23
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/GrimPrairieTrails.png) (http://www.peginc.com/pdfstore/deadlands-reloaded-grim-prairie-trails-pdf/)
[Pinnacle] Deadlands Reloaded: Grim Prairie Trails
Author: John Goff
Artists: Chris Bivins, Mike Burns, James Denton, Carly Sorge, Bryan Syme, Headfirst Studios, and the Doomtown Artists, Alida Saxon
Pages: 145
Price: $14,99 (Pinnacle PDF Store)

If it bleeds, you can still kill it…

The Weird West is full of grim and twisted trails, where the boogeyman isn’t just a story parents tell misbehaving children. And fresh—or not so fresh—horrors are spawned from the depths of Hell with frightening regularity.

For cowpokes who’ve become jaded gunning down walkin’ dead and plugging the occasional jackalope, Grim Prairie Trails rounds up 19 of these horrors for use in tormentin’ the heroes anew. Best of all, each monster includes a full Savage Tale so it won’t take long to get on the trail. Best mind what’s lurkin’ around the next bend, amigo!

So what are you gettin’ for your wooden nickels?

Grim Prairie Trails is not a complete game. It’s a supplement for the Deadlands setting for the Savage Worlds game system.

This is an  Explorer’s Edition sized PDF (6.5″ x 9″). Full-color. 145 pages.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.06.2013 | 05:28
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/SWDMapPack-232x300.png) (http://www.peginc.com/freebies/SWcore/SWDMapPack.pdf)
[Pinnacle] Savage Worlds Deluxe Map Pack

All the maps from the One Sheet Adventures in the Savage Worlds Deluxe books have been compiled into one free download for you—the Savage Worlds Deluxe Map Pack (http://www.peginc.com/freebies/SWcore/SWDMapPack.pdf)!

Want to print the maps as handouts for your players? Not a problem! Add or remove the backgrounds and the map titles as you like—the PDF is fully layered for your customization.

Be sure to check out the rest of our free downloads (http://www.peginc.com/product-category/free-downloads/) while you’re at it. You never know what wonders you’ll find.

We’ve kept the maps at a large size with a high resolution, so the file’s a little larger than you might think a six-page freebie would be (35 MB). You may be better served to right-click and Save Link As (or comparable command in your browser) to save the file before trying to open it.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.06.2013 | 05:59
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/115290.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115290/Dungeonlands%3A-Isle-of-Paxetel?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Dungeonlands: Isle of Paxetel
Authors: Jason Engle, Alida Saxon  
Artist: Alida Saxon  
Pages: 144
Price: €23,08 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/115290-sample.pdf)

Picture an island in the ocean, with ruins, a mysterious cave, and a portal from… who knows where. Maybe there are harpies on the highlands, bugbears on the beach or arachnids in the ancient temple. What people find is up to you, but we can guarantee you plenty of inspiration where every square inch of the island is beautifully crafted by master cartographer Alida Saxon. And we’re talking about nearly 7,000 square inches of island in nine parts, each the size of most map sets!

The Isle of Paxetel story maps are the perfect companion to our Dungeonlands setting and the Tomb of the Lich Queen adventure, but they’re also perfect for any fantasy campaign where you want to add a whole lot of visual flair. In fact, they’re also perfect for many other settings from historical Greek to swashbuckling pirates.

Product Contains: A huge 144 page high resolution, full color PDF including maps tiles for all the locations on the island. Together, that’s nearly 7,000 squares of map and if you’re going to lay it all out at once you’re going to need a bigger table!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.06.2013 | 06:13
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/115291.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115291/Dungeonlands%3A-Dungeon-Tiles?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Dungeonlands: Dungeon Tiles
Authors: James Denton, Jason Engle, Alida Saxon
Artist: Alida Saxon  
Pages: 63
Price: €11,54 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/115291-sample.pdf)

Your torch crackles as you descend the spiral staircase. Chains rattle in the darkness below, water dripping off stalactites, and something big sniffs the air, catching the scent of fresh prey approaching.

For every dungeon delve it helps to add as much flavor as possible, and a lot is possible with this amazing set of map tiles by our master cartographer, Alida Saxon. Whether you’re playing through our Dungeonlands old school killer dungeon or an adventure of your own creation, these tiles help set the scene perfectly. Live the experience as your characters die trying to escape the traps and monsters… or maybe, just maybe, follow the map to glory and riches!

Product Contains: A 63 page high resolution, color PDF including maps tiles for all the locations in our Dungeonlands: Tomb of the Lich Queen adventure and many classic tiles in addition. Over 3,500 squares of top art goodness for your gaming table. Yes, that’s 3,500 squares of options and great dungeon variety!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.06.2013 | 18:59
(http://www.theagencystar.com/trigger/SlipstreamExtraInserts.jpg) (http://www.theagencystar.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=186)
Slipstream: Extra GM Screen Inserts

Michael Ysker aka Trigger (http://www.peginc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=388767#388767) hat für Slipstream ergänzende GM Screen Inserts online gestellt.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.06.2013 | 21:13
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2437/115334.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115334/Wheels-Up-Landing---A-One-Sheet-for-The-Day-After-Ragnarok&affiliate_id=14728)
[Atomic Overmind Press] Wheels-Up Landing - A One Sheet for The Day After Ragnarok
Author: H. M. 'Dain' Lybarger
Pages: 2
Price: €0,76 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The heroes wind up paying for passage aboard a beat-up old Ford Tri-Motor—its seen better days, and many repairs, but it’s the kind of near-indestructible aircraft that stays in service near the edges of civilization. Trouble is, it’s only near-indestructible.

Author H. M. "Dain" Lybarger offers a scenario that can be dropped into a campaign at any time the heroes need to travel by air over bad territory. Any landing you walk away from is a good one, right?

This Savage Worlds One-Sheet for The Day After Ragnarok contains everything you need for a quick and easy adventure for your party in the World after Serpentfall.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.06.2013 | 05:00
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/115343.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115343/Beasts-and-Barbarians%3A-Archetypes-of--the-Dominions-and--Jalizar?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[GRAmel] Beasts and Barbarians: Archetypes of the Dominions and Jalizar
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack
Pages: 24
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome back to the Dominions!

This supplement gives you thirty ready-to-play archetypes. They are premade characters, fifteen typical of the Dominions and fifteen from Jalizar, City of Thieves. You can use them to create on-the-fly NPCs or as very quick pre-generated heroes for convention or pickup games.

So what are you waiting for? Draw your bronze sword, trust your loincloth and your mighty muscles to protect you, and walk the path of adventure again!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.06.2013 | 05:18
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2933/115344.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115344/High-Space%3A-Euphoria?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[StoryWeaver] High-Space: Euphoria
Author: Patrick Taylor
Pages: 36
Price: €2,26 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The public view-screen in the Altitude Bar showed the red and purple haze of the local nebula as a gorgeous backdrop to the Dalliance, as it slipped into its docking bay. Inside the Dalliance, Captain Gerrad Pang was in a foul mood yet again. ‘Why does that pre-pubescent bastard rockhumper always beat me to the Remnant? I swear the universe has put a curse on me!’

‘Because you are both slow, and stupid,’ Bonaparte spat back at him. ‘I would not need all the time you take to prep for launch. Why all the systems checks? Are you a coward?’

‘Shut up, you stupid computer. You are not even a real intelligence. You are artificial. What would you know? If the life support fails it is not you who will freeze to death!’
Not for the first time that day, Gerrad wished that he had enough capital to replace the starship’s positronic core. Maybe he would have... if that young bastard didn’t keep beating him to the best finds.

‘Hurry up and dock already,’ Gerrad continued. ‘There’s someone in the Altitude that I really need to speak to...’


Euphoria is a Game-in-a-Can scenario presented by Storyweaver Productions, and is an excellent way to start gaming in the setting of The Lantern, using the High-Space rules. This adventure is centered around the notorious Altitude Bar on Euphoria, the space-station which orbits above The Remnant - the unstable, broken planet once home to ancient civilizations and now the stalking ground of treasure seekers and artifact hunters alike! This module details the Altitude Bar and other sections of Euphoria, and provides NPC characters and starship descriptions to help kick-start your campaign.

The adventure is not linear in the way it progresses. Rather, it is a ‘sandbox’ in which your heroes will adventure. But there is a time constraint... inevitably, the Remnant will undergo a ‘shift’ that unearths a sizeable portion of new land, drawing scavengers and relic hunters like bees to honey!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.06.2013 | 05:33
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/547/115346.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115346/The-Sting-of-Death%3A-a-Savage-Worlds-Superhero-Adventure?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Plain Brown Wrapper Games] The Sting of Death: a Savage Worlds Superhero Adventure
Author: C. Richard Davies
Artists: Andrea Sfilogi and others
Pages: 118
Price: €9,91 €6,08 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/115346-sample.pdf)

Death's Sting is coming back. One of the most terrible villains ever to walk the Earth, he died fourteen hundred years ago and the world breathed a sigh of relief. But of course nothing lasts forever. Not even oblivion. He will rise soon, and rise thirsty.

After a nerve-wracking hostage situation at a bank, the Player Characters find themselves sucked into the coils of an ancient worldwide conspiracy. Twisted Nazis, sinister cultists and a cabal of crazed military officers all want to claim the legacy of Death's Sting for their own. Our heroes have just two days to save the future or see it damned to an eternity of darkness.

A seven-part epic adventure, this book includes five battle maps, notes on the Romanian armed forces and intelligence services, as well as dozens of fully developed NPCs.

Oh grave, where is thy victory? Oh death, where is thy sting?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.06.2013 | 22:22
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/115409.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115409/Interface-Zero-2.0-Iconic-figure-flats?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero 2.0: Iconic figure flats
Artists: Jordan Peacock
Pages: 11
Price: €3,82 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/115409-sample.pdf)

Need some cyberpunk-themed figure flats for your Interface Zero 2.0 game?

Look no further!

Enclosed is an assortment of paper models or "figure flats" intended to represent characters on the tabletop in skirmishes and other situations where it’s important to tell who is where.

Just print out on regular copy paper (or on cardstock if you'd prefer a bit more weight), then cut out and assemble. The names on the tabs are just for inspiration purposes.
Ultimately, the figure is whatever or whoever you want it to be!

There's a focus in this set on more unique individuals who might be useful for the heroes or their allies, but of course some of these could be just as useful as adversaries.

This pack contains well over 80 figure flats for your Interface Zero 2.0 game!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.06.2013 | 22:28
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/92/115415.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115415/Thrilling-Tales-2e%3A-They-Kill-By-Proxy?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Adamant Entertainment] Thrilling Tales 2e: They Kill By Proxy
Author: Daniel R. Robichaud II
Pages: 42
Price: €3,82 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

An invitation to attend the reading of a will finds the heroes trapped in an isolated mansion, plagued by poisonous traps, and hunted by a sadistic villain operating at the behest of a secret cabal known only as... The Murder Club!

The heroes must follow the trail of the Murder Club as it leads through the streets of New York, the pinnacles of High Society, the very halls of justice... and finally to a showdown with an army of lunatics serving the Murder Club's true master, on a private yacht in international waters.

They Kill By Proxy is an extended three-part adventure in the Weird Menace genre, designed for four to six Seasoned characters, three to four Veteran characters, or a Legendary hero and his assistants. It uses the Savage Worlds rules system, as featured in THRILLING TALES 2nd Edition.

This adventure includes notes on the Weird Menace genre, expanded rules for Booby Traps, Courtroom Drama, and a new pulp character archetype for use in your THRILLING TALES games: The Crusading Attorney!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.06.2013 | 09:55
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/115432-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115432/Tomb-of-the-Lich-Queen-Bonus-Material-%28Savage-Worlds%29?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Tomb of the Lich Queen: Bonus Material (Savage Worlds)
Pages: 11 pages tables book, 14 pages encounters book, 23 pages tomb set
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Cards and tables full of monsters, encounters and loot! That’s what you’re getting in this Dungeonlands bonanza… and all for free.

If you want some inspiration for your fantasy game, or like to spice up your dungeoneering with some random goodies, we’ve got you covered. Dungeonlands is an old school killer dungeon housing the Tomb of the Lich Queen (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115082/Tomb-of-the-Lich-Queen-%28Savage-Worlds%29?language=de&affiliate_id=14728). Send a team of explorers down, and see if they can survive getting diced and sliced by the end of the first level. Or room.

Product Contains: A PDF download book with monsters, encounters and treasure tables, plus two PDFs with high resolution cards, one encounter set… and one tomb set. Note, this is the Savage Worlds version of this free treasure.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.06.2013 | 14:33
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/TAG10107_thumb.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-products/hellfrost-adventure-compendium-collectors-edition-the-northern-continent/)
[TAG] Hellfrost Adventure Compendium Collectors Edition – The Northern Continent *LIMITED PREORDER*
Model: TAG10107
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 580
Price: €110.00/$140.00 (TAG)

Hellfrost is epic in scale and to do justice to the number of adventures available for just the northern continent it takes and epic sized book!

Hellfrost is celebrating its fourth birthday this year and it is also Triple Ace Games fifth birthday.

So to celebrate we are issuing a very special collection of all 21 adventures ever released for the northern continent of Hellfrost!

This epic 580 page tome details every adventure from Novice level to Heroic level and also includes Saga of the Frost Giants mini campaign!

Here is a breakdown of the books contents:

Lair Of The Vermin Lord
The Dark Seed
Pirates Of The Crystalflow
The Eostre Festival

Lost City Of Paraxus
Descent Into Madness
The Ice Fiend
Fey Tower & Deadly Glade

Sins Of The Father
The Blood Of Godhammer
The Blood Tide
Tales Of Darkness

Against The Elements
Web Of Deceit
Death In The Mire
Clash Of Steel

Christmas 2010 Special
The Mouth of the Frothing Bear

Saga of the Forst Giants – Mini Campaign
Shadow Of Darkness
The Siege Of Watchgap Fort
The Heart Of Winter
The Frost Giant’s Hold

Each book will be numbered 1 of 30 and signed by Wiggy and Rob of Triple Ace Games. This is a real collectors item and will only be availble for a short while.

IMPORTANT: This is a pre-order, limited to a total of 30 copies of this book. We will post the book to you when it is available. The pre-order will remain open till 31st May or until we reach the upper limit of the quantity we are making available at this time. Books may then take up to 21 days to arrive.

UPDATE: We have extended the pre-order period by 48 hours (until 10th June) so don't miss out! Pre-order here today!

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-land-of-fire-arabian-nights-rpg-fantasy)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.06.2013 | 14:48
(http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-PeNiRjK8CO8/UbIcN0X9yEI/AAAAAAAAAvQ/DmBYb1CoJuQ/s760/logo2blogger%2B%25281%2529.png) (http://www.accursedrpg.com/2013/06/accursed-savage-worlds-rpg-setting-by.html#more)
Accursed: A Savage Worlds RPG Setting by Ross Watson, John Dunn, and Jason Marker

This tale begins with  a world of dark fantasy and perilous adventure, where the forces of evil have triumphed.

In such a world, those who remain uncorrupted by wickedness must rely upon monsters to fight against the darkness. Witches have ruled the land since the last battles of conquest, but their Grand Coven has been sundered, leaving behind remnants of a once-mighty army. The remnants of the horde include captured citizens of the conquered nations that fought as the Witches’ shock troops.

These are the Accursed—the Witchmarks burned into their flesh and souls transformed these men and women into monstrous forms. Now, unable to return to their former lives, the Accursed wander the land, giving aid to those in need in an attempt to atone for past sins. Some have joined the Order of the Penitent, an organization devoted to ridding the world of the Witches and their evil influence. Others offer their skills as warriors, alchemists, and spies to the highest bidder. Yet others have succumbed to corruption, greed, or insanity.

Light has failed, darkness is ascendant—only those bearing the forms of monsters can stand against the tide of the Witches’ evil. The Accursed are this world’s only hope—they must learn to embrace their curse or to fight against it, and find some way to free themselves forever of their Witchmark.

This is the world of Accursed.

More... (http://www.accursedrpg.com/2013/06/accursed-savage-worlds-rpg-setting-by.html#more)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.06.2013 | 00:39
(http://www.theagencystar.com/trigger/SSCrew.jpg) (http://www.theagencystar.com/download_files/Slipstream_Interactive_Crew_Sheets.pdf)
Slipstream: Interactive Ship/Crew Sheet

Michael Ysker aka Trigger (http://www.peginc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=388767#388767) hat für Slipstream einen Interactive Ship/Crew Sheet online gestellt.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.06.2013 | 19:07
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/land-of-fire-logo.png) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/)

Hier einige Informationen zu den Realms Guides, deren Planung sich etwas geändert hat...

Zitat von: Vyshan
ooh, the realms guides are done? :) will they be released shortly after the core book?

No, the first 19 are done. :) The release plan is for numbers 0 through 18 is for two releases a month, with KS backers who bought into that bundle getting their copies a week earlier than general release. The first of those will start very shortly after the book is released in the wild. You can find the contents of Realm Guides 0-18 in the archived form: http://forum.tripleacegames.com/viewtopic.php?t=3104 (http://forum.tripleacegames.com/viewtopic.php?t=3104)

Zitat von: Enno
It should be mentioned again, that about 53 realms guides are planned.


Maybe not, my friend.  :)

The lands of Rassilon are quite different to each other. Even the nations that make up the Marklands have great cultural differences that help them stand apart. The cities within each of the four major civilized realms of Al-Shirkuh have much closer ties, despite also having great independence. Right now, the nine cities of the Al-Wazir Sultanate are in a single 88-page supplement (Realm Guide #19). The first 14 pages is the shared culture notes (including expanded material regarding the Devoted creed) and locales outside the cities’ limits, and the rest the entries for each city.

Doing it this way means you get all the details for one of the kingdoms in one hit (rather than having to wait up to 5 months to collect, and thus use, them all), and increases the odds of (but does not guarantee) you seeing a printed Al-Wazir Sultanate Realm Guide.

In theory, #20 will be the Caliphate, #21 the Emirates, and #22 the Kingdoms. #23 is likely to be the Heavens (star map, constellation notes, etc.). But none of these are due out for at least a year. :)

Being the kind soul I am, here’s the TOC as it stands for the “common Sultanate notes.”

- Where do all the people live?
Social Hierarchy
* Purity & Decay
* Magic
* Fate
* Prayers
- Common Festivals
* Attaining Oneness
* Faithful & the Sultanate
- Infantry & Cavalry
- Navy
Law & Order
* The Watch
* The Courts
- Appeals
* Magic, Miracles, and the Law
- Enforcement of the Law
- Penalties
Trade & Tribute
Major Locales
* Avenue of Dragons
* The Black Temple
* Caravanserai of Vanishing Sands
* City of the Eagles
* Hashish Farms
* The Jinnistan Gate
* The Lost Army
* Magorian Tombs
* The Oasis of Many Wings
* Sanctuary of the Ark
* The Sphinx’s Head
* Valley of Dancing Rocks
Persons of Note
* Fadl ibn Iyad
* Fikri Wise-Council
* Jaleesh Desertwalker

Rules of the Realm (rules common to the Sultanate)
Universities (yes, your characters can go to school and learn stuff!)
Military Units of the Sultanate
New Edges (three)
New Arcane Backgrounds (two)

Triple Ace Games Creative Director

(http://tripleacegames.com/Images/PublicBanners/hf_pg_banner_03.gif) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-land-of-fire-arabian-nights-rpg-fantasy)

Vormerken: TAG feiert am So, 16.06.2013 seinen fünften Geburtstag!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.06.2013 | 20:46
(http://www.streetsofbedlam.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/FSZ202_FullCover_LoRez_ForWeb.jpg) (http://www.streetsofbedlam.com/?p=840)
[Streets of Bedlam] Out This Friday: FIVE-STORY DROP

One false move. One bad deal. One broken promise. That’s all that stands between you and a one-way trip off the nearest skyscraper.

You manage to navigate the ins and outs, you’ll find yourself on the top of the heap. You stumble, you’ll spend the rest of your short life sucking wind until the concrete comes up to kiss you.

At least you’ll have lived a story worth telling, yeah?
Because in the end that’s what we’re all doing here.
Telling stories.

Five-Story Drop is a collection of episodes for Streets of Bedlam: A Savage World of Crime + Corruption.
Within these pages, you’ll run across a suburban cannibal cult, drug-running streetracers, a precinct-wide conspiracy, the return of a notorious serial killer, and a man who simply refuses to stay dead.

Five-Story Drop includes:

Five-Story Drop hits in PDF this Friday, June 14th. Hardcopy is due out mid-July.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.06.2013 | 23:52
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/115569.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115569/Nemezis%3A-Bariz%2C-the-light-that-blinds?filters=0_0_1600_0_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[GRAmel] Nemezis: Bariz, the light that blinds
Authors: Andrzej Enc Stoj, Jakub Osiejewski, Andy Slack, Piotr Korys
Pages: 21
Price: €3,02 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/115569-sample.pdf)

No one can deny the beauty of Bariz. Despite the constant threat of the Horde, the life here goes on at its own pace. The politics and the glamour are matters for the flying cities, while the land is allowed to live by itself. Most of Bariz is plains and steppes, divided by mountains and forests.

In this sourcebook you will find:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.06.2013 | 18:07
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4329/115619.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115619/Achtung!-Cthulhu---Adventure-Series---The-Trellborg-Monstrosities---For-Savage-Worlds?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Modiphius] Achtung! Cthulhu - Adventure Series - The Trellborg Monstrosities
Author: John Houlihan
Pages: 56
Price: €9,07 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/115619-sample.pdf)


Achtung! Cthulhu brings you a two-fisted wartime roleplaying game setting packed full of fiendish Nazis, terrifying ancient mysteries, legendary war machines, and enough writhing tentacles to fill ten Reichstags!

The Trellborg Monstrosities is a standalone adventure for both hardened Savage Worlds veterans and newcomers alike and is set in 1943 as the tide of war is finally turning against the Nazi war machine. It is the first of our new standalone 'Adventure Series' for Achtung! Cthulhu that will be released as a compilation in Spring 2014.

Join a band of heroic investigators, including resistance partisans and British special forces, as they plunge deep behind enemy lines on the frozen Norwegian- Finnish border to confront an ancient horror and a terrifying artefact which could alter the course of the war. Based on The Trellborg Monstrosities, the horrifying novella by John Houlihan—also available from Modiphius Entertainment!

Inside you will find everything that you need for hours of gripping roleplaying adventure including:

- A standalone multi-part adventure for hours of spine-chilling play.
- Detailed maps of the frozen border of Norway and Finland, the village of Trellborg, and an abandoned Nazi camp with separate handout files.
- Four pre-generated investigator characters to get you straight into the action.
- Rules for new skills, spells and equipment.
- Includes the 65 Page Novella 'The Monstrosities at Trellborg' by John Houlihan

Requires the Savage Worlds and Realms of Cthulhu rulebooks to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.06.2013 | 07:46
(http://www.streetsofbedlam.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/FSZ202_FullCover_LoRez_ForWeb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115627/Streets-of-Bedlam%3A-Five-Story-Drop&affiliate_id=14728)
[FunSizedGames] Streets of Bedlam: Five-Story Drop
Author: Jason L Blair
Artist: Shawn Gaston
Pages: 102 (Print version coming Mid-July)
Price: €15,13 €7,57 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/115627-sample.pdf)

One false move. One bad deal. One broken promise. That’s all that stands between you and a one-way trip off the nearest skyscraper.

You manage to navigate the ins and outs, you’ll find yourself on the top of the heap. You stumble, you’ll spend the rest of your short life sucking wind until the concrete comes up to kiss you.

At least you’ll have lived a story worth telling, yeah?
Because in the end that’s what we’re all doing here.
Telling stories.

Five-Story Drop is a collection of episodes for Streets of Bedlam: A Savage World of Crime + Corruption.
Within these pages, you’ll run across a suburban cannibal cult, drug-running streetracers, a precinct-wide conspiracy, the return of a notorious serial killer, and a man who simply refuses to stay dead.

Five-Story Drop includes:

Attention Kickstarter Backers!
If you pledged $25 or more, you are due a free PDF copy of Five-Story Drop as part of your rewards. I have sent out message with details on how to claim your copies via Kickstarter so please check your email for those instruction.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.06.2013 | 15:06
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/5293/115646.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115646/Figure-Flats-for-the-Sticks-%26-Stones-Prehistoric-ish-Role-Playing-Setting-for-Savage-Worlds?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Jade Tower Games] Sticks & Stones: Figure Flats
Author: Rob "Lug" Lusk
Artist: Chuck "F’Nord" Quilty
Pages: 1
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Figure Flats for the Sticks & Stones Prehistoric-ish Role-Playing Setting for Savage Worlds.

16 tri-fold figure flats, featuring some of the most popular character types from the Sticks & Stones Prehistoric-ish Role-Playing Setting.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.06.2013 | 23:59
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/land-of-fire-logo.png) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/)
[TAG] LAND OF FIRE Kickstarter Pakete kurz vor dem Versand

Heute abend war folgende Mail in meinem Postfach...

Kickstarter Backer Order Confirmation
Dear Hans
We are nearly ready to send your rewards for the Land of Fire Kickstarter. We need to confirm your shipping address and reward package.
Your backer level is:
Follower of Duamutef
If you feel that any of the information below is not correct please email Triple Ace Games at kickstarter@tripleacegames.com and inform us immediately. If we do not hear from you we will send the following items:
Your shipping address is:

Your PDF rewards are:
Land of Fire Players Guide PDF
Land of Fire Setting Book PDF
Land of Fire Curse of the Sand Lord Adventure PDF
Land of Fire 19 Realm Guide PDF's

Your Physical Rewards
Bookmark: Land of Fire
Bookmark Pack of Five
Land of Fire Dice
USB Data Card
Land of Fire Setting Book Hardback Signed & Numbered
Land of Fire Curse of the Sand Lord Softback Signed & Numbered

Other Rewards

Huzzah! :D

Dann dauert es ja nur noch ein paar Wochen, bis ich sie habe...
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.06.2013 | 23:56
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2437/115783-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115783/One-Sheet---Any-Port-In-A-Storm?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Atomic Overmind Press] One Sheet - Any Port In A Storm
Author: H. M. ‘Dain’ Lybarger
Pages: 2
Price: €0,74 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Heroes traversing the Coral Sea either by boat or seaplane are spotted and pursued by the Hokoko Maru, a Japanese commerce raider. Tamakua, in the Duff Island chain, has a shallow harbor—too shallow for the Japanese cruiser to risk. The single native village on the island seems like a welcome refuge...

Author H. M. ‘Dain’ Lybarger brings you a sinister tale of serpents and cargo cults, perfect for a South Pacific interlude.

This Savage Worlds One-Sheet for The Day After Ragnarok contains everything you need for a quick and easy adventure for your party in the World after Serpentfall.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.06.2013 | 18:43
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/5293/115822.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115822/Figure-Flats-for-the-Sticks-%26-Stones-Prehistoric-ish-Role-Playing-Setting-%232%3A-Bigga-Stuff!&affiliate_id=14728)
[Jade Tower Games] Sticks & Stones: Figure Flats #2 - Bigga Stuff
Author: Rob "Lug" Lusk
Artist: Chuck "F’Nord" Quilty
Pages: 1
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Figure Flats for the Sticks & Stones Prehistoric-ish Role-Playing Setting for Savage Worlds.

7 tri-fold figure flats, featuring some of the larger characters and items from the Sticks & Stones Prehistoric-ish Role-Playing Setting.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.06.2013 | 00:07
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/TAG_LOGO.GIF) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/)

Hi TAG Fan,

It’s our birthday this weekend!

Triple Ace Games is celebrating its fifth anniversary this year. We'd love you to join us in these celebrations. You'll be able to get a 25% discount on any of your purchases for the rest of the month.

Just enter the following code during your checkout to get 25% off your order!


So head over to www.tripleacegames.com and browse our catalogue. (http://www.tripleacegames.com)

We hope you have had as much fun as we have had over the past five years!

Rob & Wiggy - Triple Ace Games Ltd
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.06.2013 | 20:06
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/116105-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/116105/Dungeonlands-Into-The-Black-%28Savage-Worlds%29?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Dungeonlands: Into The Black (Savage Worlds)
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 7
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In a foul and flooded section of the dungeon lies a great dank lake of black, stagnant tar and water. Bones litter the shore as well as untold riches and artifacts where their owners fell…

Written by the big cheese of Savage Worlds, Shane Hensley, Into the Black is a bonus encounter for Savage Mojo’s Dungeonlands setting or any fantasy campaign of your choice. For high-rank characters, it’s bound to challenge any party.

Product Contains: a 7 page full color high resolution PDF for the Savage Worlds rules system.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.06.2013 | 21:26
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2933/116237.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/116237/High-Space-Core-System-Maps&affiliate_id=14728)
[StoryWeaver] High-Space: Core System Maps
Authors: Joe Sweeney, Patrick Taylor
Artist: Joe Sweeney
Pages: 14 PDF + 15 JPGs
Price: €3,81 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/116237-sample.pdf)

Fast, Furious Fun… in the Far Future!

"These maps are simply stunning.  They capture the feel of High-Space, and the Lantern Nebula perfectly!"

"Entering the Typhon-1 now captain. Scans complete.  The Sturm consortium facility in orbit of Gronda is hailing... they are warning us off. Scans also detect St. Cloud frigates moving in from the third moon Typon. Your instructions Sir? "

Get ready to explore The Lantern Nebula is glorious style. The official High-Space Core System Map bundle gives you 12 stunning full color maps  for your games, including:
All maps are presented in stunning color and the unique style of master cartographer and contributor to the Cartographers Annual, Joe Sweeney.

In addition to a ready-to-print, hi-res PDF, this pack also contains high-res JPGs for all maps, allowing you to use them with online gaming environments.

Plus, Joe has included several new, as yet unexplored systems!  Will your heroes be the first to discover these new worlds… and new adventures?

Note: This pack contains maps only. Descriptions of the systems can be found in The Lantern source book, part of the High-Space Core Rules.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.07.2013 | 22:32
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/671/116287-thumb140.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/116287/Agents-of-Oblivion-One-Shot-%233?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Reality Blurs] Agents of Oblivion: One Shot #3 - Hardwire
Author: Michael Ysker
Pages: 12
Price: €2,31 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Ready for another One Shot?

In ONE SHOTS #3 : HARDWIRED, our agents are sent out to gather intel about the shadowy Cylex Systems and learn more than they bargain for! Each ONE SHOT is a surprising mix of horror and espionage designed for single session play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.07.2013 | 06:15
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/116291.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/116291/Set-Rising-Official-Soundtrack?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Set Rising Official Soundtrack
Artist: Alex Cottrell
Tracks: 6
Price: €6,14 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The shifting sands. The smell of spices on the air. The roar of feral gods charging after you, intent of ripping you atom from atom.

Yep, it's the joy of our Set Rising setting, and this is the soundtrack to the god-stomping action by our master composer, Alex Cottrell. It's also a fine set of tunes for any Arabian themed game you might choose to run, or just to listen to for its own sake.

Product Contains: Six tracks plus six bonus trailer versions, almost 40 minutes of music, delivered as MP3s at the highest bit rate (320).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.07.2013 | 19:28
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/116454.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/116454/Savage-Insider-Issue-%239-Tales-of-the-Weird?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[MTE] Savage Insider Issue #9: Tales of the Weird
Authors: Vickey A. Beaver, Brett Boyko, Steven Dean, John Dunn, Aaron T. Huss, Curtis Lyon, Mariah Malczewska, Jason Marker, A.J. Preece, Ross Watson, Charles White, Bayden Woodland
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Kevin Childress, Simon Powell, V Shane
Pages: 66
Price: Free/Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Savage Insider Issue #9: Tales of the Weird is all about fantasy horror during the Victorian Era through World War II. The flagship article, The Asylum, presents a lengthy Victorian adventure in an abandoned asylum where the dead are quite restless. This adventure can be utilized in a number of settings and even combined with The Mask Peddler equipment corral article by purchasing a mask that can help, or hinder, your PCs while the GM can take some hints from Combat Deadliness to amp up the horror of the adventure.

Tales of the Weird is mostly an alternate history issue that takes different decades and combines them with fantasy horror (or weird). There is a mixture of content formats with a leaning toward the creepy, such as what you'd find in Tales from the Crypt.

Tales of the Weird includes:

The battlemap for The Asylum, published by DramaScape, is available for purchase here (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/114471/The-Asylum?term=dramascape+asy&affiliate_id=14728).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.07.2013 | 18:29
Daring Entertainment to publish RAWR: The Monstrous Adventure Game

Daring Entertainment has signed with Dave Martin to publish RAWR: The Monstrous Adventure Game.
First published by Protagonist Games in January 2012, RAWR: The Monstrous Adventure Game is perfect for younger gamers and new gamers alike as it helps them take their first steps into the world of tabletop roleplaying gaming. Yet, older and more experienced gamers will find plenty here as well. While the rules are simple on the surface, they are meant to concentrate on what is important, playing the part of your monster.
"After some lengthily conversations, I realized that Daring Entertainment is a company that shares my original vision of family gaming," said Dave Martin, creator and owner of RAWR. "The RAWR product line will continue to be developed and published through Daring Entertainment, offering new and exciting opportunities for a new generation of gamers and their families, utilizing Daring Entertainment's PDF sales and international print format sales reach."
Now under the Daring Entertainment publishing umbrella, RAWR: The Monstrous Adventure Game is the centerpiece of the company's upcoming Families Who Game Together Program. Designed to bring families together at the table for fun and engaging roleplaying sessions, the program is designed to focus on the educational and social values of roleplaying games, while at the same time creating a network of support and rewards for children to enter into the wonderful world of roleplaying games with friends and family.
"I've been a fan of RAWR since Dave first introduced me to it last year," said Lee F. Szczepanik, Jr., co-owner of Daring Entertainment. "The first time I read the book, I realized that RAWR was the game I'd been searching for the past year to form the backbone of our Families Who Game Together Program. When I discovered that Dave had the same type of vision for the game, I knew we had to make a deal. Now, RAWR will be released and supported through Daring Entertainment via a long-term deal, and Daring Entertainment will also be working with Dave through our new system-use license to create additional settings for families to enjoy using the core RAWR rules."
In addition to the RAWR roleplaying game, Daring Entertainment and Dave Martin are also translating the core setting concepts: playing monsters struggling to save the Land of Dreams from the evil Nightmare, into the Savage Worlds license.
"Savage Worlds is another great roleplaying game for bringing families together at the table," Lee F. Szczepanik, Jr. said. "Though different from the core RAWR mechanics, Savage Worlds represents its marketing slogan of 'Fast, Furious, and Fun' very well. I've used the system for players of all ages, and it's been easy for the younger players to understand and enjoy. Dave Martin has wanted to do to a Savage RAWR since 2012, and I agreed with him that the setting deserved a Savage Worlds version. So, over the next couple of months, I'll be working with him to design the Monster Edges and Hindrances, Monster abilities, new Setting Rules, and Plot Point Campaign for Savage RAWR.
"That also means that the Families Who Game Together Program is not just a RAWR roleplaying game related program, and will be supported through the Savage Community and the Savage RAWR products in full-force. Whether you are a RAWR gamer or a Savage Player, RAWR and Savage RAWR will bring the new program to you and your children."
Watch for more information on RAWR, Savage RAWR, and the Families Who Game Together Program throughout the coming months.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.07.2013 | 00:41

[TAG] Land of Fire Backer Downloads verfügbar

Seit heute abend sollten alle Backer die Email mit dem Downloader für die Dateien bekommen haben.

Verfügbar sind das LoF Settingbuch, das Spielerbuch (mit den ersten 80 Seiten) und das Novice-Abenteuer Curse of the Sand Lord.

Auf den ersten Blick sehen alle Bücher atemberaubend aus. Alles in Farbe und selbst einige Ausrüstungsgegenstände sind bunt abgebildet. Die Karte von Al-Shirkuh sieht auch klasse aus. Anderer Stil - aber toll. Hoffentlich gibt es von der Karte noch einen Extradownload.

Weitere Details in den nächsten Tage und Wochen, wenn ich mich durch die gut 200 Seiten Setting und 50 Seiten Abenteuer gearbeitet habe...
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.07.2013 | 01:27
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/sw10-button.jpg) (http://www.peginc.com/pdfstore/)

Savage Worlds Tenth Anniversary Sale and Celebration Starts Monday!

In celebration of Savage Worlds‘ TENTH ANNIVERSARY, we’re having a web discount bonanza!

Starting Monday, the PEG Web Store (http://www.peginc.com/pdfstore/) will once again feature physical products in addition to direct PDF downloads! No friendly local game store? Let us take care of your Pinnacle and Savage Worlds needs.

With the expansion of the PEG Web Store (http://www.peginc.com/pdfstore/) next week, select items will be available at 25% off! Take the discount on select PDFs, print books, or both—the choice is yours. Be sure to enter the code SW10 when you check out to get your discount.

Pinnacle sales are like sasquatch sightings—rare, unpredictable, even possibly mythical. The Tenth Anniversary Sale runs for two weeks, and then it disappears back into the forest. Don’t let it pass you by!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.07.2013 | 23:30
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2437/116740.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/116740/One-Sheet---Raise-A-Glass?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Atomic Overmind Press] One Sheet - Raise A Glass
Author: WJ MacGuffin
Pages: 2
Price: €0,76 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In the Poisoned Lands, small towns depend upon the nearest mayoralty for protection from bandits and monsters. Yet the town of Newbridge Heights has told its mayoralty, “Thanks but no thanks! We can protect ourselves now!” Perhaps they can...but at what cost?

Author WJ MacGuffin offers a scenario perfect for any Poisoned Lands campaign. What price will a small town pay to keep itself safe after Serpentfall?

This Savage Worlds One-Sheet for The Day After Ragnarok contains everything you need for a quick and easy adventure for your party in the World after Serpentfall.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.07.2013 | 10:16
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2933/116769.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/116769/High-Space-Figure-Set-1-Starter-Kit?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[StoryWeaver] High-Space Figure Set 1: Starter Kit
Authors: Joe Sweeney, Patrick Taylor
Artist: Joe Sweeney 
Price: €3,79 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/116769-sample.pdf)

Fast, Furious Fun… in the Far Future!

"Looking for funky figures for your Savage Worlds (or other rule systems) sci-fi games?  Check out the High-Space figure starter kit: it's packed with variety and colourful human figures. No aliens at this point, but for the price and quality, it can't be beat."

The High-Space paper figure Starter Kit give you 36 human sci-fi minis for use with your High-Space games.  The figures include a mix of general public, security, military, technical folks, androids and even a couple of cyber-ninjas!

All figures are available in both a 'tri-fold' and 'A-frame' folds, giving you the opportunity to mix and match the set with other vendors' paper figures: choose the style of figure that best fits your gaming table setup.


Note: This pack contains paper figures only. For information on creating characters, check out the High-Space Core Rules.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.07.2013 | 10:28
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/547/116767.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/116767/The-Promise-of-Purgatory-A-Savage-Worlds-Superhero-Adventure?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Plain Brown Wrapper Games] The Promise of Purgatory: A Savage Worlds Superhero Adventure
Author: John Polojac
Artists: Andrea Sfilogi and others
Pages: 139
Price: €11,48 €6,08 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/116767-sample.pdf)

A series of brutal attacks against super-villains...a museum robbery...mysterious disappearances...the return of a long forgotten mastermind...how are they connected? What is the menace of Purgatory? Are your heroes ready to face the horrible truth behind it all?


Terrible villains. Weird monsters. Diabolical Devices. Offbeat concepts. Original artwork. Packed with player and gamemaster options for every conceivable turn of fate.

A giant-sized six-part Savage Worlds superhero adventure. Comes with dozens of fully developed NPCs, and thirteen different full-color maps detailing six locations in total.

Written by John Polojac (author/contributor, Power Corrupts 3, The Template Series, World Class, Unity). Published by Plain Brown Wrapper Games.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.07.2013 | 12:52
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/TAG10104-Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-web.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-land-of-fire-products/hellfrost-land-of-fire-setting-book-dervish-pack-print-pdf/)
[TAG] Hellfrost Land of Fire Setting Book
Model: TAG10104
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 198
Prices: PDF $24.99; Hardback Book $47.99; Dervish Pack: Hardback Book & PDF $64.99; Jinn Pack: LOF Hardback & PDF + Curse of the Sandlord $69.99
All physical products add shipping costs

The secrets of the sand revealed!

Welcome, oh noble stranger, to a land of flying carpets, bound jinn, glittering palaces, scheming wizirs, regal sphinxes, and trap-laden tombs bloated with fabulous treasure!

Freed from enslavement under the jinn five centuries ago by Suleiman the Great, the races of Al-Shirkuh, the Land of Fire, have prospered. Here, amid the endless sands and crumbling ruins of long-forgotten empires, stand glittering cities and verdant oases.

But Al-Shirkuh is changing. The temperature grows colder, the rains fall less often, and the desert is encroaching on the fertile lands. The jinn, once defeated, are gathering their strength; fire giants are raiding with impunity; the naga have returned to reclaim their homeland; and the withered undead of Hekata stir in their majestic pyramids.

Welcome indeed to Land of Fire, the first major geographic expansion to Hellfrost setting.

Inside this volume you will find:

• Five player character races.
• Rules for creating native characters.
• Details on the Devoted and Faithful, the twin creeds of the desert folk.
• Descriptions and rules of the 12 major gods and six magical traditions of Al-Shirkuh.
• New setting rules for surviving the burning sands.
• A detailed gazetteer exploring the major realms, cities, and sites.
• A bestiary stocked full of desert-dwelling creatures.
• A full-color map of the great desert.

To use this book, the Game Master requires the Savage Worlds core rules, Hellfrost Player’s Guide and Hellfrost Bestiary. A player needs only the Hellfrost Player’s Guide.

Product Options

The product is available as a hardback book or a PDF however we have bundled both together as the Dervish pack. Inside the Dervish Pack you will recieve a print version of Land of Fire which will be delivered to your nominated address plus a PDF of Land of Fire which you will be able to download immediately.

The Jinn Pack is an additional option you can select to add the first novice adventure Curse of the Sandlord.

This Print+PDF bundles will only be available till the end of July so don’t miss out on this deal!

(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/hellfrost-lof.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/hellfrost-land-of-fire/land-of-fire-out-now/)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.07.2013 | 13:00
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/TAG10104P-Land-of-Fire-Players-Guide-web-e1373790553113.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-land-of-fire-products/hellfrost-land-of-fire-players-guide/)
[TAG] Hellfrost Land of Fire Players Guide
Model: TAG10104P
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 80
Price: PDF $9.99

The Players Guide

Inside the Players Guide you will find information that is also available in the core setting book. What we have done is cut out everything that is for the Games Master only and presented 80 pages of material for the player including character generation, gear and overall setting rules in this PDF only option.

About Land of Fire – The secrets of the sand revealed!

Welcome, oh noble stranger, to a land of flying carpets, bound jinn, glittering palaces, scheming wizirs, regal sphinxes, and trap-laden tombs bloated with fabulous treasure!

Freed from enslavement under the jinn five centuries ago by Suleiman the Great, the races of Al-Shirkuh, the Land of Fire, have prospered. Here, amid the endless sands and crumbling ruins of long-forgotten empires, stand glittering cities and verdant oases.

But Al-Shirkuh is changing. The temperature grows colder, the rains fall less often, and the desert is encroaching on the fertile lands. The jinn, once defeated, are gathering their strength; fire giants are raiding with impunity; the naga have returned to reclaim their homeland; and the withered undead of Hekata stir in their majestic pyramids.

Welcome indeed to Land of Fire, the first major geographic expansion to Hellfrost setting.

(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/hellfrost-lof.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/hellfrost-land-of-fire/land-of-fire-out-now/)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.07.2013 | 13:13
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/TAG10108-The-Curse-of-the-Sand-Lord.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-land-of-fire-products/lof-adventure-01-curse-of-the-sand/)
[TAG] LOF Adventure #01 – Curse of the Sand Lord
Model: TAG10108
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 46
Prices: PDF $9.99; Softback Book $14.99; Adventurers Pack: Softback Book & PDF $19.99
All physical products add shipping costs   

Beneath the burning sands a memory is awakening…

For a band of young heroes eager for adventure and glory, escorting a merchant to a rendezvous with a Bedu tribe promises little excitement.

But all is not well in the endless sands. A great evil has awakened after millennia of slumber; an evil that is preparing to unleash its dark powers on the unsuspecting citizens of Al-Shirkuh.

Destiny has delivered the heroes to this place at the appointed time, but the fate of the desert realms is yet to be written. Salvation or servitude await, but which shall come to pass depends on whether the adventurers can overcome the Curse of the Sand Lord!

This introductory adventure module for Hellfrost: Land of Fire contains 8 pregenerated characters.

Product Options

This adventure is available as either a PDF or special limited edition printed version which is signed and numbered by the TAG team – or you can buy both as a special Adventurers Pack. Select your option below. The books will be shipped to your nominated address and the PDF will be available for immediate download.

(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/hellfrost-lof.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/hellfrost-land-of-fire/land-of-fire-out-now/)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.07.2013 | 23:40
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/116961.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/116961/Set-Rising-Character-Options-%28Savage-Worlds%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Set Rising Character Options (Savage Worlds)
Author: Darren Pearce
Pages: 22
Price: €3,05 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/116961-sample.pdf)

The scheming god set has built a dark mirror of the Egyptian empire. His minions raid the mortal realms, enslaving humans to construct impossible pyramids for an evil purpose. Worse, they’re invading alternate realities too. Someone has to hunt them down, and the techno-egyptian god Ra is looking for a group of demigods who are up for the task.

Across the universe, the future is about to be Set.

In this book we cover the exciting new options for Demigod-rank characters in Savage Worlds who want to explore this setting and go out to defeat a rogue god!

Product Contains: An 22 page High resolution, full color PDF adding character options to the setting described in the Set Rising Primer.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.07.2013 | 19:51
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/521/117037.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/117037/The-Kerberos-Club-Quick-Start-Guide-%28Savage-Worlds-Edition%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Arc Dream Publishing] The Kerberos Club Quick-Start Guide (Savage Worlds Edition)
Authors: Benjamin Baugh, Erica Balsley
Pages: 24
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/117037-sample.pdf)

The Kerberos Club (Savage Worlds Edition) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/82434/The-Kerberos-Club-%28Savage-Worlds-Edition%29&affiliate_id=14728) is a massive Savage Worlds sourcebook for pulpy superheroic roleplaying in Victorian London. The Quick-Start Guide gives you a taste of it, with an introduction to the Club, a summary of the timeline, and four sample characters, ready for play, that each highlight different aspects of the setting and its culture.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.07.2013 | 09:04
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4491/116672.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/116672/Savage-Worlds-SciFi-Weapons-Cards?SRC=FeaturedProduct&motds_id=6877&from_home=0&language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[DreamScape] Savage Worlds SciFi Weapons Cards
Authors: Aaron T. Huss, Steven J Black, Simon Powell
Artist: Simon Powell
Pages: 51
Price: PDF €4,59 PDF, Cards €7,65, PDF + Cards €12,23 €7,65 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/116672-sample.pdf)

Savage Worlds SciFi Weapons Cards

49 new SciFi Weapons for your Game.

If you buy the printed cards make sure you tick the Watermarked pdf and cards as you will then get the PDF free.
The cards are US Poker-Size 2.5" x 3.5" with rounded corners, double sided, UV coated, you can mark off the rounds you have expended with a dry wipe marker.

"Surviving combat is half keeping to cover and keeping your head down and half having better equipment than the guy trying to kill you. Weapons that either blow him up or knock him out faster than he can do the same to you, equipment that interferes with his ability to sense you whether biological or mechanical so that he cannot target you to kill you, or the best communication equipment you can afford to coordinate tactics with your squad by receiving and relaying orders from your CO or to call in air support. Its top of the line or six feet under, your choice. So what are you buying today?"

Savage Worlds Equipment Cards were created for use in near and far future science fiction Savage Worlds settings. The front of each card has the equipment’s image and Savage Worlds basic weapon statistics in order of range, cost, damage, weight, rate of fire, and clip size if applicable to the equipment. The back of each card has the equipment’s notes and allowed weapon options on the guns. The equipment varies with melee weapons from chainsaw gauntlets to beam glaives, ranged weapons from rocket pistols to particle rifles, special weapons like grenades, optional weapon add ons, communication equipment, a powered rig, and a stationary battle platform. The cards are available in PDF and on print on demand through DriveThruCards.

The cards can be used in several ways. The basic way to use them is for a visual reference for equipment for both Game Masters and Player Characters in front of them. The cards can be used as an equipment treasure deck. When the Player Characters loot an area, they find the listed weapon on the card. The Game Master could also use the deck as a way to randomize the equipment of extras or wild cards giving them the equipment drawn and the player characters can pick up any of equipment that survives the combat.


Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.07.2013 | 19:25
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/117250.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/117250/Interface-Zero-20-Character-Creation-Beta-test&affiliate_id=14728)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero 2.0 Character Creation Beta Test
Authors: Interface Zero 2.0 Dev Team
Pages: 17
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/117250-sample.pdf)

This PDF gives you everything you need to create a character (Minus Equipment) and start playing in 2090.

Inside this Beta test you'll find:

* 15 character archetypes you can pick to quickly get into the action!
* New occupations which give you steady cash and some neat perks!
* Rules for choosing a power level for your game.
* Cyberware rules and tons of augmentations ready for you to choose!
* Revised Hacking rules!
* New edges and Hindrances!

Note: This document is best viewed on your screen with the latest version of Adobe Acrobat.

Note for iPad users: The acrobat app will not view this file properly. You should grab Ibooks or Good Reader to view this document.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.07.2013 | 20:59
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/117348.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/117348/Deadlands-Noir-Memories-of-Yesterday?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle] Deadlands Noir Dime Novel #3: Memories of Yesterday
Author: John Goff
Artist: Cheyenne Wright
Pages: 18
Price: €3,02 €2,26 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow Xmas in July Sale)

A bald man with a bad memory wanders the Big Easy. The stranger needs a hand--but finds only the Black Hand, New Orleans' mafia. They've learned the stranger has escaped from a secret government program up north, and want to see if his weird abilities are a match for their rivals--the Red Sect!

Memories of Yesterday is the third Dime Novel for Deadlands Noir. Written by John Goff, this e-book comes in a zip file with .pdf, .epub, and .mobi formats to cover all your e-reading needs.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.07.2013 | 00:57
(https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/000/787/906/f5989081c0c8c39aee88da6da6a0d015_large.jpg?1375155734) (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/weird-wars-rome-savage-worlds)
[Pinnacle] Weird Wars: Rome Rises with a New Kickstarter!

The Legions of of Rome reached from the center of civilization to conquer the corners of the world and found shadows hiding even darker places—and things—that defied recording. As both empires and shadows spread, so, too, do the things in them.

Join the Weird Wars: Rome Kickstarter (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/weird-wars-rome-savage-worlds) and join the very Legions of Rome. Discover the terrible secrets left out of the history books. Explore—and save!—the ancient world!

Just as Weird Wars: Rome distills the essence of an empire-spanning, multi-generational campaign, the Kickstarter is designed to be easily accessible. Stretch goal rewards will be automatically added to your other rewards, pledge levels are straightforward with no complicated add-ons to track, and we’re not going to bombard you with updates. Building an empire might be complicated, but we don’t think backing the Weird Wars: Rome Kickstarter should have to be.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.08.2013 | 19:12
[TAG] Land of Fire Images Freebie

I put together a FREE document containing desert photos as a visual guide to Al-Shirkuh. Be warned, it’s a BIG file.

Here’s the old Rassilon document: http://tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Landscape.pdf

The new Al-Shirkuh images: http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrostLOF/Land%20of%20Fire%20Images.pdf
Triple Ace Games Creative Director
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.08.2013 | 23:16
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/117525.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/117525/Grains-of-Death&affiliate_id=14728)
[GRAmel] Beasts and Barbarians: Grains of Death
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack and Peter Korys
Pages: 17
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A Sword and Sorcery Savage Worlds Heroic Tale for Beasts & Barbarians, set in Jalizar, City of Thieves. For a party of 2-6 Seasoned heroes. Famine is spreading in the City of Thieves and grain is worth its weight in gold. Even adventurers like you must take whatever work they can find to full the belly.

“I’ll be back tomorrow morning, and I want to find every single grain of wheat at its place!” said Merchant Valso, before leaving you in charge of the warehouse for the night watch.

“Don’t worry, sir,” you answered. “Nobody will touch your grain.”

It’s going to be a long night.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.08.2013 | 23:31
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/62/117570.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/117570/Gaslight-Victorian-Fantasy-2nd-Edition-%28Savage-Worlds-Edition%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Battlefield Press] Gaslight Victorian Fantasy 2nd Edition
Authors:  Stephen J. Miller, Jonathan M. Thompson
Pages: 80
Price: €7,51 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/117570-sample.pdf)

Battlefield Press, Inc presents Gaslight. A Victorian Fantasy where technology meets sorcery, where fantasy meets history. A world where Humans co-exist with Vampires, where fantasy meets history. Beast Men, Werewolves and Wildlings. A land of secret organizations and hidden agendas. Welcome to a Victorian world of magic, non humans and technology all trying to take their rightful place in society. Meet Vampire Detectives, Beast Men Sheriffs, and Wildling Rogues. Non humans in society exist from their counterparts in Victorian literature. An interesting and unique setting for Savage Worlds.

In Gaslight you will find:

* A history of Gaslight Earth
* Five races specific to the setting, including one new one.
* A host of new general and race-specific edges
* A Target-Number based Wealth system
* Rules for Social Standing
* Weapons and equipment from the Victorian era
* A Reliquary containing a few artifacts from the history of the Earth of Gaslight.
* A detailed Gazetteer and Timeline
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.08.2013 | 00:28
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/land-of-fire-logo.png) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrostLOF/A%20Year%20to%20Remember.pdf)
[TAG] Land of Fire: A New Freebie

Wiggy has put together yet another freebie. This one is a tool for randomly determining yearly and monthly events you can use to help create, or supplement, campaigns.

Download it here. (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrostLOF/A%20Year%20to%20Remember.pdf)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.08.2013 | 00:52
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/750/117616.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/117616/The-Djinn-of-the-Deep-%28Savage-Worlds%29&affiliate_id=14728)
[Silver Gryphon Games] The Djinn of the Deep
Author: Kevin Rohan
Pages: 22
Price: €3,77 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/117616-sample.pdf)

The newest adventure, hot off the electronic press from Silver Gryphon Games, the Djinn of the Deep has been released! Get into this pulp adventure set in 1923, see what's in store for your pirate PCs in the Arabian Sea, and survive! Inspired by Discovery Channel's Shark Week (we're not affiliated with them, they're not affiliated with us, but we do love Shark Week!), this adventure is Savage Worlds specific, with not one, but two maps, amazing illustrations by up-and-coming artist, Alberto Tavira, as well as several other illustrators!

Be sure to read the special note from the author on the copyright page so you can see why this adventure is such an amazing feat to have accomplished for us, and why it's going to be so much fun to run at your game table! Set up as a one-shot that is perfect for convention or game day play, or even for a single-shot game with your normal gaming group, this adventure can be just the beginning for your characters as they travel though a world still haunted by superstition, ancient gods, and divine retribution...and really, REALLY big sharks.

Inside, you'll find:

* Suggestions for keeping the PC's superstitions at the table
* Half-built pre-generated characters for you to finish fleshing out
* A map graciously provided by Dreamscape
* Gorgous illustrations from Alberto Taviara
* Thoughts on continuing this would-be one-shot
* Suggestions for keeping things in pulp-style
* Suggestions and recommendations for supplying background music
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.08.2013 | 18:32
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2437/117595.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/117595/One-Sheet---Something-Fishy?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Atomic Overmind Press] Something Fishy
Author: Mitch Williams
Pages: 2
Price: €0,75 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A submarine journey across the western Pacific is interrupted by a volcanic eruption on a remote island. A secret Japanese base offers a tempting intelligence trove, but can the heroes avoid the evacuating japanese troops and suss out its secrets before it's consumed by the volcano's wrath? 

Author Mitch Williams offers a scenario that easily slots into any Pacific-based campaign. Discover the secrets the island base holds before molten lava consumes it!

This Savage Worlds One-Sheet for The Day After Ragnarok contains everything you need for a quick and easy adventure for your party in the World after Serpentfall.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.08.2013 | 18:41
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2933/117635.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/117635/High-Space-Figure-Set-2-Alpha-Mercs?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[StoryWeaver] High-Space Figure Set 2: Alpha Mercs
Authors: Joe Sweeney, Patrick Taylor
Pages: 26
Price: €3,77 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/117635-sample.pdf)

“Want more sci-fi action figures for your Savage Worlds games?  Check out the High-Space Alpha Mercs kit: it’s packed 60 colourful human and alien figures. It comes in two packs: the first 36 are the Alpha Mercs, and the second is a bonus mixed set of 24, including a few aliens!“

The High-Space Alpha Mercs set gives you 36 sci-fi minis for use with your High-Space games.  The figures are mostly military and combat specialists - namely the "Alpha Mercs" -  but we've thrown in a few extras as well.  In additon, this pack also includes a bonus set of 24 mixed figures, including a jump-pack squad, and some aliens. That's a total of 60 minis!

All figures are available in both a ‘tri-fold’ and ‘A-frame’ folds, giving you the opportunity to mix and match the set with other vendors' paper figures: choose the style of figure that best fits your gaming table setup.


Note: This pack contains paper figures only. For information on creating characters, check out the High-Space Core Rules.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.08.2013 | 19:15
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/land-of-fire-logo.png) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrostLOF/NF1%20Battlemaps%20Fan-Made.zip)
[TAG] Land of Fire: FREE battlemaps

Enno [aka Kardohan in diesem Forum] enjoyed adventure NF1: The Curse of the Sand Lord so much that he created a set of battlemaps for the adventure. He's generously allowed us to host them, so you can grab them for FREE!

Grab them here! (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrostLOF/NF1%20Battlemaps%20Fan-Made.zip)

Anmerkung: Die Karten ist durchgehend etwas kleiner als A0 bzw. A1. Wenn ihr sie auf üblichem A4 ausdrucken wollt, nutzt etwa die Poster-Druckfunktion von Acrobat Reader 11 und höher.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.08.2013 | 11:30
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/750/117843.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/117843/The-Smores-Demon-%28Savage-Worlds%29&affiliate_id=14728)
[Silver Gryphon Games] The S'mores Demon (Savage Worlds)
Author: Kevin Rohan
Pages: 5
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/117843-sample.pdf)

Deep in the bonfire pits of Camp Wicakini, decades of campers creating S’mores created a mass of confectionary disaster as thousands, maybe even millions, of marshmallows were roasted, falling into the bonfires. Joining the marshmallows were hundreds of pounds of chocolate and box upon box of graham crackers as campers discarded unwanted S’mores, or the bigger kids took the S’mores from the younger kids and threw them into the blazing hot coals. The result became a coagulated mass of sugar, kept intact over the years by equal parts of rage, sadness, and inadequacy.

Today, the final S’more hit the fire, spawning the S’mores Demon; a camp Demon whose driving need is to act out violently against those it sees, lashing out through the emotions that created and sustained it for decades before gaining sentience and form.

This freebie from us is to celebrate National S'mores Day, which apparently is a holiday!  Kick back, relax, and terrorize your players with this abomination from beyond as it tears out of the ashes of the camp fires of Camp Wicakini to destroy and crush everything and everyone around it!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.08.2013 | 15:27
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2933/117847.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/117847/High-Space-Interactive-Planetary-Log?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[StoryWeaver] High-Space Interactive Planetary Log
Author: Joe Sweeney
Pages: 2
Price: €3,71 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

“Wow. This little gem lets you create planet survey logs for your sci-fi games and comes packed with glorious artwork. Being an interactive and multi-layered PDF, you'll need a decent reader - Adobe Reader is perfect.  The output will amaze! It even includes 'computer overlay' special effects."

The High-Space Interactive Planetary Log gives you unlimited freedom to create the perfect planet.  This editable, multi-layered PDF allows you to combine from hundreds of planets and moon, backgrounds and even special sci-fi computer display effects to produce exactly what you are looking for, in just a few mouse clicks! You can print or save your output in any format supported by your PDF reader, and use the stunning results in your campaigns.

Note: This pack contains an interactive PDF for creating planetary logs only. For information on creating characters and ships check out the High-Space Core Rules.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.08.2013 | 19:56
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/5293/117997.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/117997/Pack-Attack-An-Adventure-for-the-Sticks-%26-Stones-Prehistoric-ish-Role-Playing-Setting&affiliate_id=14728)
[Jade Tower Studio] Sticks & Stones - Pack Attack!
Author: Dewayne "Sss-Clair" Agin
Pages: 6
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Jade Tower Studios is pleased to present this Stone Tablet Tale for Sticks & Stones, our Prehistoric-ish setting for the Savage Worlds game.

Shaman are looked upon by the most of the inhabitants of Lur as being different. All that communing with the Spirits can make one just a little strange. But what’s a poor Cave-Person to do when his Clan’s Shaman starts acting downright senile?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.08.2013 | 18:17
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/750/118028.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/118028/Milecastle-42-%28Savage-Worlds%29?language=de&filters=0_0_0_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Silver Gryphon Games] Milecastle 42
Author: Kevin Rohan
Pages: 27
Price: €3,77 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/118028-sample.pdf)

A decade ago, a great fireball streaked across the sky, traveling over the Pillars of Hercules, past Rome, and impacted deep into the wild lands beyond Roman control. As it went, the shooting star broke up, dropping fragments all across its path. Where these smaller pieces landed, dead men got up and rose from their graves, got up off the battle fields, and took arms against the living. To make matters worse, the newly dead—whether killed by the restless dead or more earthly causes—rose up to join the macabre host.

Life changed in Rome. Bodies were no longer buried or kept for viewing. They were cremated; their possessions given back to their families; their armor returned to the Legion. Plague followed in the poorer parts of the cities, leading to yet more uprisings of the newly dead. Rome eventually put down its local dead, but no sooner had it done so than a great rotting horde approached from beyond the lands of the Huns.

Still, life carried on, and Rome survived. After the death—some say assassination—of Emperor Tiberius, Caligula took control and began constructing massive defenses. Caligula’s Wall is the greatest of these, meant to hold back the ever-present throng of dead moving against Rome from the east.

From the wine-dark Aegean to the sea north of the Goths, this line consists of a twin-line of fortification with a river in between. The Rhine in the north and the Gaius Flumen, a new river dug to extend the fortification to the Aegean, stretches to the south. Along these twin walls are milecastles, each numbered and spaced five miles apart, each serving as an entry into the Dead Wilds and a blockade against it. They also have a second purpose of acting as a lighthouse along the frontier, helping to keep it marked and spread warnings; each milecastle has buckets of powdered metals they can use to change the color of the flames and signal neighboring towers.

Last night, Milecastle 42, the next castle in the line, turned their signal fire red for danger. Minutes later, the fire was extinguished all together. This morning, right before dawn, your Milecastle Commander gathered you together to go find out why.

This adventure has everything you need to get going fast and keep the action moving until the end!  It provides enough historical information to run the game no matter what your level of historical expertise is.

Character creation is sped up by providing a generic soldier template that the player can improve and specialize in his or her own way.  That keeps set up time down, and gets the characters in the action faster!

A fully detailed map has been provided by Alyssa Faden, and additonal art has been provided by Ari Syharazad!

Enemies are detailed within, and there is a special surprise at the end of the adventure for the characters to deal with!

Do you like the Roman Empire?

Do you like zombies?

Do you like sandbox adventures?

Do you like adventures that leave you wanting more after pounding the table and getting rowdy?

Look no further!  Get Milecastle 42 today!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.08.2013 | 21:05
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/547/118095.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/118095/13-Shades-of-Darkness-Savage-Worlds-Edition?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Plain Brown Wrapper Games] 13 Shades of Darkness
Author: James Thomson
Artists: Andrea Sfilogi, Samual Araya and others
Pages: 57
Price: €6,78 €5,23 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Like most people, you've probably asked yourself "How can I get my hands on more nightmarish supernatural evil?" Well look no further! Thirteen Shades of Darkness contains Savage Worlds stats and background information for thirteen occult supervillains, ranging in power from minor annoyances to dark and malignant gods.

Each of our thirteen villains offers a slightly different take on the genre; a shade of darkness all its own. They range in tone from lighthearted to unspeakable (and a few of them are both). Some are traditional supervillains whose powers derive from the occult--thieves, killers and murderous megalomaniacs who use the dark arts to pursue traditional supervillain goals, while some are much worse things.

Each comes with at least two adventure scenarios, for thirty adventures in total. All the blood-curdling horror you could possibly want, and perhaps just a little bit more!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.08.2013 | 23:28
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/118279.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/0/Name-Not-Found?products_id=118279&src=sub&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Clockwork Dreams Magic
Authors:  Jeff Houser, Michelle Klein Houser
Pages: 18
Price: €2,98 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/118279-sample.pdf)

The Duke of Crossed Gears, obsessed with the dreams of scientists and visionaries, is dead - but he left something behind. On his deathbed, the duke dreamed of a place, and such was the power of his spirit that these visions became manifest upon his dying breath.

Enter Mechadia, a savage realm of Suzerain where idyllic Sylvan glades merge with mechanical wonders. Elven airship pirates hide away on floating islands; begoggled goblins run amok in steam-powered brass-and-steel contraptions; Brownie alchemists seek formulae for new ways to harness the pulse beyond the clouds. But Mechadia isn’t quite the paradise the duke dreamed of. The trolls have become restless as they toil to keep the great gears of the land turning smoothly. Fey lords and ladies vie for rulership over the fledgling realm, and lines are being drawn in the copper dust....


Inside the covers of this book you’ll find all new pulse paths, schools of magic for creating savage worlds characters in the fascinating realm of Mechadia, where steampunk meets faerie magic.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.08.2013 | 19:11
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/TAG10104-Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-web.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/118319/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Core-Setting?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[TAG] Hellfrost Land of Fire Setting Book
Model: TAG10104
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 198
Prices: €18,73 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The secrets of the sand revealed!

Welcome, oh noble stranger, to a land of flying carpets, bound jinn, glittering palaces, scheming wizirs, regal sphinxes, and trap-laden tombs bloated with fabulous treasure!

Freed from enslavement under the jinn five centuries ago by Suleiman the Great, the races of Al-Shirkuh, the Land of Fire, have prospered. Here, amid the endless sands and crumbling ruins of long-forgotten empires, stand glittering cities and verdant oases.

But Al-Shirkuh is changing. The temperature grows colder, the rains fall less often, and the desert is encroaching on the fertile lands. The jinn, once defeated, are gathering their strength; fire giants are raiding with impunity; the naga have returned to reclaim their homeland; and the withered undead of Hekata stir in their majestic pyramids.

Welcome indeed to Land of Fire, the first major geographic expansion to Hellfrost setting.

Inside this volume you will find:

• Five player character races.
• Rules for creating native characters.
• Details on the Devoted and Faithful, the twin creeds of the desert folk.
• Descriptions and rules of the 12 major gods and six magical traditions of Al-Shirkuh.
• New setting rules for surviving the burning sands.
• A detailed gazetteer exploring the major realms, cities, and sites.
• A bestiary stocked full of desert-dwelling creatures.
• A full-color map of the great desert.

To use this book, the Game Master requires the Savage Worlds core rules, Hellfrost Player’s Guide and Hellfrost Bestiary. A player needs only the Hellfrost Player’s Guide.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.08.2013 | 19:15
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/TAG10108-The-Curse-of-the-Sand-Lord.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/118318/Hellfrost-LOF-Adventure-%2301---Curse-of-the-Sand-Lord?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[TAG] LOF Adventure #01 – Curse of the Sand Lord
Model: TAG10108
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 46
Prices: €7,49 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Beneath the burning sands a memory is awakening…

For a band of young heroes eager for adventure and glory, escorting a merchant to a rendezvous with a Bedu tribe promises little excitement.

But all is not well in the endless sands. A great evil has awakened after millennia of slumber; an evil that is preparing to unleash its dark powers on the unsuspecting citizens of Al-Shirkuh.

Destiny has delivered the heroes to this place at the appointed time, but the fate of the desert realms is yet to be written. Salvation or servitude await, but which shall come to pass depends on whether the adventurers can overcome the Curse of the Sand Lord!

This introductory adventure module for Hellfrost: Land of Fire contains 8 pregenerated characters.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.08.2013 | 05:19
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/land-of-fire-logo.png) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrostLOF/Pronunciation.pdf)
[TAG] Land of Fire: Pronunciation Guide

The languages of Al-Shirkuh are strange indeed to the ears of those who inhabit the frozen lands that lie far to the north of the burning sands. Fear not, bold travellers, for the sages of the desert realm have produced a pronunication guide to aid visitors, and they have made it available for all to download and study (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrostLOF/Pronunciation.pdf) at no charge.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: carthinius am 28.08.2013 | 19:20
Ganz neu aus der unermüdlich arbeitenden Werkstatt der SW-Fan-Übersetzungen gibt es diesmal etwas Besonderes:

DIE BESTIE - Ein Savage-Worlds-Kurz-Abenteuer samt aller notwendiger Faltfiguren und vorgenerierter Charaktere, welches im Setting von Hell on Earth: Reloaded (dem Sci-Fi-Endzeit-Setting der Deadlands-Reihe) angesiedelt ist. Dieses Szenario war einst, das heißt 2004, in einer SW-Kurzregelfassung "Test Drive" von Pinnacle enthalten, noch lange bevor das offizielle Settingbuch Hell on Earth: Reloaded erschienen war. Im Rahmen dieser Fan-Übersetzung wurden alle Spielwerte auf den aktuellen Stand von Hell on Earth: Reloaded und der SW-GER-Grundregeln gebracht.

Ihr findet dieses und weitere Fan-Übersetzungen in der Savagepedia unter: http://www.savagepedia.de/index.php/Fanübersetzung
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.08.2013 | 05:49
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2604/118500-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/118500/World-of-the-Dead?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Daring Entertainment] World of the Dead *PREORDER*
Authors: Dave Blewer, David Martin, Jeremy Menefee, Jordan Peacock, Lee F. Szczepanik, Jr 
Pages: 227
Price: €14,95 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

It's been four years since the Living Dead rose and consumed the Earth. Governments fell, militaries were torn apart, and everyday conveniences we took for granted crumbled. Surviving meant finding enough food, water, and shelter to make it through another day. Where once we lived in tightly packed cities along side the faceless masses, now whether or not to trust another human being could mean life or death.

But humanity will not go down so easily. In the years since the outbreak, societies have arisen, with citizenship based upon hard work and contributions, not a natural right. New Living Dead roam the wastelands, some a result of a mutation to the original virus, and some created through diabolocal experiments. Most dangerous is the Rotter, a Living Dead with full memories of its previous life, and the intelligence to wage a war to eliminate what remains of humanity.

World of the Dead is a stand-alone sequel to the popular War of the Dead campaign. Although War of the Dead is not necessary to play, a copy of Savage Worlds from Pinnacle Entertainment Group is required. Inside this book you will find:

* Five new player races
* Expanded Setting Rules
* New Edges
* Details on living in the survivor kingdoms, plus rules for creating one of your very own
* Complete rules for custom building new Living Dead
* Adventure Generator
* Full Plot Point Campaign and Savage Tales

Four years is a long time to live in the Rotter Lands. The Living Dead press in on all sides, and raiders ply the wastelands looking for slaves and resources. Do you have what it takes to survive in the post-apocalyptic world, and protect the society that has grown around you?

This is a pre-order for World of the Dead, which release on September 28, 2013. Those who pre-order the PDF will receive a free copy of the World of the Dead Players Guide (a $7.99 value), available for immediate download with this order. On September 28, 2013, the Players Guide PDF will be automatically replaced with the World of the Dead setting PDF.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2604/118498-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/118498/World-of-the-Dead-Wheels-of-the-Dead?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Daring Entertainment] World of the Dead: Wheels of the Dead
Artist: Jordan Peacock 
Pages: 32
Price: €3,73 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Wheels of the Dead is a paper miniature addition to your War of the Dead and World of the Dead campaign, from Jordan Peacock.

Inside this PDF, you will find over 30 3d miniature vehicles, 2d vehicle models for character placement, attachable armor, damage visuals, and assorted accessories.

Don't be left in the apocalypse without your wheels. The armor between you and the enemy might just save your life!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.08.2013 | 19:35
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/land-of-fire-logo.png) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrostLOF/LOF_Calendar.zip)
[TAG] Land of Fire: Calendar

The Land of Fire calendar is now available as a FREE download in color and print friendly versions. This is a work in progress, and updates will be posted as the calendar is updated.

Grab your copy here! (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrostLOF/LOF_Calendar.zip)

Please note this is an in-game calendar, not a real world one.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.09.2013 | 02:24
(http://www.theagencystar.com/trigger/FCGMscreeninsertsmini.jpg) (http://www.theagencystar.com/download_files/SW_Fantasy_Companion_GM_Inserts.pdf)
Fantasy Companion GM Screen Inserts
Artist: Michael “Trigger” Ysker
Pages: 6

(http://www.theagencystar.com/trigger/FCCSheet.jpg) (http://www.peginc.com/freebies/SWcore/Fantasy_Companion_Character_Sheet_Fillable.pdf)
Fantasy Companion Interactive Character Sheet
Artist: Michael “Trigger” Ysker
Pages: 1

Murder on Howlers Moor
Coming Soon

The Legend of Bronze Bay
Coming Soon

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.09.2013 | 11:52
(https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-L-njdoWRLu4/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAACI/kP7mcH89WjY/photo.jpg) (http://www.evilbeaglegames.com/)
[Evil Beagle Games] Day in the Life: Gaming the Downtime in Shaintar and other Savage Worlds Settings

I've constructed a system for making downtime play - the Activities that happen between moments of adventure - a gamable experience for the entire group.

Here's the beta version of Day in the Life: Gaming the Downtime in Shaintar and other Savage Worlds Settings (https://www.dropbox.com/s/u7l1v0xrt0yqf9n/Day%20in%20the%20Life.pdf).

Looking forward to your comments.
Sean Patrick Fannon
Evil Beagle Games
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.09.2013 | 22:29
(http://mysticalthrone-ent.com/store/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/MTE-Mythos.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/118720/Mythos-Core-Setting-Guide?language=de&filters=0_0_0_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Mythos Core Setting Guide
Author:  Gilbert Gallo
Pages: 250
Prices: €11,24 PDF; €22,51 Softcover; €33,75 €22,51 PDF & Softcover (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/118720-sample.pdf)

The Olympians have spoken and you are to join the ranks of heroes and heroines involved in the Heavenly Contest! The Olympian deities are in a race to find the successor to Zeus’s throne, with the successor acquiring the greatest number of followers. But the gods and goddesses are quite busy, and to shine their light upon the mortals of Hellas requires intervention of a divine scale. Heroic deeds are a must if one is to prove themselves worthy for the gratification of Olympus and the pursuit of seeing their patron deity rise to rulership! Are you strong, brave, and smart enough for the challenge? We will see how you fair against the great beasts of Hellas and the heroes and heroines who support your rival deity. This is the Heavenly Contest. This is Mythos!

In Mythos, you assume the role of a demigod or devoted human of the gods and goddesses of Olympus in a heroic mythological representation of Ancient Greece. Heroes and heroines join in the Heavenly Contest to prove their worth to the deities and spread the word of their patron deity to the mortals of Hellas, in hopes of raising their patron deity to the Olympus throne. Heroes and heroines come from all walks of life, representing their patron deity as adventurers, fighters, hoplites, Olympic athletes, courtesans, sages, and rogues. Through affiliations with deific cults and Mystery Cults, they gain access to great powers and follow the strands of Fate as they travel Hellas in search of their next, grand performance.

Inside the Mythos core setting guide you will find:

* An introduction to mythological Ancient Greece and the Heavenly Contest.
* The demigod character race and its associated Divine Edges, more powerful than those you’ve seen before.
* New Edges and Hindrances.
* A completely new Arcane system to represent membership in one of the Mystery Cults.
* A collection of patron deities from Greek Mythology.
* A guide to Hellas.
* Tools to create epic adventures.
* A collection of Savage Tales.
* An epic bestiary.
… and more!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.09.2013 | 18:21
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4761/119190-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/119190/A-Darkness-Comes-to-Stormwall?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar One-Sheet: A Darkness Comes to Stormwall
Author: Rob Davis
Pages: 4
Prices: €0,75 PDF; €3,75 €2,07 Bundle with Map; €23,28 €11,74 Shaintar Six Times Epic Adventures (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/119190-sample.pdf)

A Savage Worlds One Sheet by Rob Davis

An Epic High Fantasy Shaintar adventure, using the Castle Ruins map set by DramaScape.

The ruins of Stormwall Keep have sat silent for over two hundred years. Its crumbling walls no longer shelter anyone from danger. But on this night, darkness has come to the ruins and it is up to a group of unsuspecting Rangers to put a stop to it.

Note - This product is also part of a bundle with its map set, as well as the Six Times Epic Bundle.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4761/119192-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/119192/A-Quiet-Drink-With-Enemies?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar One-Sheet: A Quiet Drink With Enemies
Author: Eddy Webb
Pages: 4
Prices: €0,75 PDF; €3,75 €2,07 Bundle with Map; €23,28 €11,74 Shaintar Six Times Epic Adventures (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/119192-sample.pdf)

A Savage Worlds One Sheet by Eddy Webb

An Epic High Fantasy Shaintar adventure, using the Hillside Tavern map set by DramaScape.

Ah, the Flickering Flame Tavern, a pub carved into the side of a mountain. It’s a nice, quiet place to unwind after a long adventure, until a heated argument leads to a surprising revelation.

Note - This product is also part of a bundle with its map set, as well as the Six Times Epic Bundle.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4761/119193-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/119193/Fire-in-the-Darkness?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar One-Sheet: Fire in the Darkness
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon
Pages: 4
Prices: €0,75 PDF; €3,75 €2,07 Bundle with Map; €23,28 €11,74 Shaintar Six Times Epic Adventures (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/119192-sample.pdf)

A Savage Worlds One Sheet by Sean Patrick Fannon

An Epic High Fantasy Shaintar adventure, using the Crypts map set by DramaScape.

Somewhere in the bowls of the earth, an ancient complex of crypts has become disturbed. Filled with the remains of beings dedicated to Darkness, it is the forces of Flame that now occupy the place and seek to make use of its inherent power. The Heroes must make their way into the tunnels below, enter the Crypts of Jazhak Val, and wrest control of a powerful Locus from a minor demon seeking to gain greater power for himself in the Abyss.

Note - This product is also part of a bundle with its map set, as well as the Six Times Epic Bundle.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4761/119194-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/119194/Only-the-Worthy?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar One-Sheet: Only the Worthy
Author: Scott Corum
Pages: 4
Prices: €0,75 PDF; €3,75 €2,07 Bundle with Map; €23,28 €11,74 Shaintar Six Times Epic Adventures (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/119194-sample.pdf)

A Savage Worlds One Sheet by Scott Corum

An Epic High Fantasy Shaintar adventure, using the Dragon Throne map set by DramaScape.

It has lain dormant for almost a millennium, but its legend has not. Who shall find the Dragon Throne, and who shall be worthy to be its Master?

Note - This product is also part of a bundle with its map set, as well as the Six Times Epic Bundle.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4761/119195-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/119195/Pass-to-Danger?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar One-Sheet: Pass to Danger
Author: Steve Perrin
Pages: 4
Prices: €0,75 PDF; €3,75 €2,07 Bundle with Map; €23,28 €11,74 Shaintar Six Times Epic Adventures (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/119195-sample.pdf)

A Savage Worlds One Sheet by Steve Perrin

An Epic High Fantasy Shaintar adventure, using the Mountain Pass map set by DramaScape.

In the Malakar Dominion, on the trade road between the towns of Kol and Tragor that sit between the Longtree Forest and the Black Mountains, there is a fork on the road that leads toward the mountains. This road is little used between the months of Raining Leaves and Falling Ice. There are no settlements or farms along the road, and between the aforementioned months the Mountains are choked with snow. Landslides and deceptively deep snowdrifts are common.

With the thaw comes a return of traffic through the area... and there also comes a new, unprecedented danger.

Note - This product is also part of a bundle with its map set, as well as the Six Times Epic Bundle.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4761/119196-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/119196/The-Coming-Storm?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar One-Sheet: The Coming Storm
Author: Miles M. Kantir
Pages: 4
Prices: €0,75 PDF; €3,75 €2,07 Bundle with Map; €23,28 €11,74 Shaintar Six Times Epic Adventures (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/119196-sample.pdf)

A Savage Worlds One Sheet by Miles M. Kantir

An Epic High Fantasy Shaintar adventure, using the Western Keep map set by DramaScape.

After a tranquil night’s rest, it’s early morning and the Rangers are traveling a wide valley alongside a lazy river, when they stop short and double check their charts. There’s no mention if it, yet there’s an old-style keep overlooking the river, with sturdy stone walls, towers, and a full moat. This is not a structure that got built over night.

Note - This product is also part of a bundle with its map set, as well as the Six Times Epic Bundle.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4761/119209-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/119209/Shaintar-Six-Times-Epic-Adventures-%5BBUNDLE%5D?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar Six Times Epic Adventures
Authors: Eddy Webb, Miles M. Kantir, Rob Davis, Sean Patrick Fannon, Scott Corum, Simon Powell, Steve Perrin, Steven J Black, Vidar Edland
Pages: 4 each plus maps
Price: €23,28 €11,74 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.09.2013 | 07:31
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/62/119241-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/119241/Kaisers-Gate-Field-Manual-Mounts?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Battlefield Press] Kaiser's Gate Field Manual: Mounts
Author: Bill Ogden
Pages: 58
Prices: €7,49 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/119241-sample.pdf)

In war there are many secrets, and in Field Manual: Mounts for Kaiser’s Gate the secret of mounted cavalry is revealed.  This book, written by Bill Ogden, introduces you to the various cavalries being used during World War I. From the Pegasus mounts of Greece to Russia's magical huts, you will find it all. The book includes more than just information on mounts, this Field Manual builds upon some of the items alluded to in the original Kaiser's Gate.

Just some of the topics waiting to be discovered include:

* Background on the war's origins in Serbia
* The effects of the war in Greece
* Introduction of new Savage Worlds characters
* New magic rituals to add to your game
* New magical equipment
* A selection of new creature

All of this and more awaits your discovery.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.09.2013 | 22:41
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2604/119287-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/119287/World-of-the-Dead-GM-Screen-Inserts?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Daring Entertainment] World of the Dead: GM Screen Inserts
Artists:  Dave Anderson, Wilson dela Fuente
Price: €2,24 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Four years after the outbreak, and the Rotter Lands are full of secrets. Keep yours safe from the players with the World of the Dead GM Screen inserts.

This PDF comes with 3 pieces of art showing a battle between the Living Dead, survivors, and raiders to display on the outside of your GM Screen, and four pages of vital charts from the World of the Dead Plot Point Campaign Setting book for Savage Worlds.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2604/119298-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/119298/War-of-the-Dead-Alternate-Beginnings-%2813-adventure-package%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Daring Entertainment] War of the Dead: Alternate Beginnings
Author: Lee F. Szczepanik, Jr.
Prices: €11,22 New weeks 1-6 only; €14,97 13 Adventures Package; €26,20 Complete Package (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

People are dying by the millions— but they aren't staying dead!

It began just as every other day. Then the news reports started. Hospitals and emergency personnel were overwhelmed by patients complaining of severe, flu-like symptoms. It wasn't long before reports of death came across the various media outlets, followed quickly by confused reports of cannibalistic attacks across a majority of the United States.

Within hours, the city in which you live was overwhelmed. Thousands of cannibals attacked the living, turning the victims into new cannibals and quickly spreading whatever disease or virus was causing the transformation. Law enforcement was in disarray. Riots erupted. Mass looting and violence exploded.

The city had become a war zone worse than anything portrayed on television or in films.

A war zone that would launch a whole new kind of war— a War of the Dead.

War of the Dead: Alternate Beginnings provides a new introduction to the popular saga, placing the characters at ground zero of the outbreak, right in the middle of a major city. Designed to link with the original Chapter One (Week 7) of the series, War of the Dead: Alternate Beginnings provides additional conflicts, tough choices, and new twists on familiar faces.

The 13 Adventures Package contains:

* War of the Dead: Alternate Beginnings PDF (new Weeks 1-6 adventures for Chapter One)
* War of the Dead: Chapter One, original weeks 7-13 PDF adventures.

The Complete Package contains:

* War of the Dead: Alternate Beginnings PDF (new Weeks 1-6 adventures for Chapter One)
* War of the Dead: Chapter One PDFs (original 13 adventures)

This product requires the Savage Worlds RPG by Pinnacle Entertainment for play.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.09.2013 | 01:49
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/WeirdWarsRome600px.png) (http://www.peginc.com/weird-wars-rome-now-available-for-all/)
[Pinnacle] Weird Wars Rome
Authors: Paul “Wiggy” Wade-Williams, Shane Lacy Hensley, and Teller, with Piotr Koryś, Clint & Jodi Black, and Adam Loyd
Pages: 99
Prices: €11,24 PDF only (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow); $15,00 PDF only; $19,99 SC only;  $24,99 PDF & SC; $24,99 HC only; $24,99 PDF & HC (PEG Store/Studio2)

Stride forth with the legions of Rome to the corners of the world—the Celtic wilds, the forests of Germania, the deserts of Aegyptus—and into a history few will ever know. Witness a history of the dark things that rise as blood and war mingle with shadows and fear.

Fight the darkness in a war that spans centuries. Fight the darkness to your last breath—and beyond! Fight the darkness for Rome!

Note: The PDF could be downloaded immediately. Both the Softcover & Limited Edition Hardcover will be shipped after printing (estimated delivery in December 2013).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.09.2013 | 07:21
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/S2P10009_Small.png) (http://www.peginc.com/pdfstore/sundered-skies-2/?added-to-cart=8357)

Offensichtlich muss im PEG Store mal das Lager entrümpelt werden, sonst wäre der Kampfpreis von $5 FÜR DAS BUCH NICHT DIE PDF kaum zu erklären. Mit Versand nach D kommt man übrigens auf rund $14, was es sehr attraktiv macht...
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.09.2013 | 08:20
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4761/119387-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/119387/Day-in-the-Life-Gaming-the-Downtime?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Evil Beagle Games] Day in the Life: Gaming the Downtime
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon
Pages: 17
Prices: €3,69 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/119387-sample.pdf)

Day in the Life: Gaming the Downtime in Shaintar and Other Savage Worlds Settings

A Savage Worlds Rules Hack by Sean Patrick Fannon

From the first page -

“Day in the Life” sessions allow a lot of different non-combat things to happen in a gameplay style that satisfies the desire to utilize character abilities and gifts while still focusing on deep story development and roleplay. To do a Day in the Life session, just get everyone at the table as usual, and ask them to think about what they want to accomplish on the day or period of time in question...

The Day in the Life rules hack makes resolving all of those between-the-adventures activities gamable and a lot more fun, with very tangible rewards and benefits as well as excellent narrative and roleplay consequences. Every player at the table will be able to choose from the following Activities for their Day in the Life session:

* Acquire
* Assist
* Carouse
* Court
* Craft
* Explore
* Gamble
* Interrogate
* Investigate
* Manage
* Negotiate
* Patrol
* Reminisce
* Research
* Rest
* Socialize
* Train

With rewards like Adventure Cards, Bennies, Information, Contacts, and more, players will enjoy getting to play out Day in the Life sessions as much as regular adventures. GMs will greatly appreciate the added opportunities to leverage Hindrances and instigate new Plot Hooks.

Though designed initially for the Shaintar product line (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?cPath=9080_18886), GMs of any Savage Worlds setting (or, really, any game) will find this system extremely useful for their campaigns.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.09.2013 | 11:52
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/119395.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/119395/The-Amulet-of-Dogskull?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians: The Amulet of Dogskull
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack, Piotr Koryś
Pages: 107
Prices: €6,64 €5,90 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/119395-sample.pdf)

It all begins with a theft in the night, and the jewels of a rich lady.
But there is no honor among thieves, and this crime will lead the heroes on a restless hunt beyond the Godaxe River, only to discover that something ancient and evil lurks behind a door that no one should open!
The dangers of the savage North, betrayals and chases await the heroes in the fifth installment of the Beasts & Barbarians adventure series!
Do you dare take Dogskull’s amulet in your hands and face the terrible Howlers?
This scenario includes an extensive Book of Lore dedicated to Northeim and its savage people and customs, plus a small expansion on how to design a Trial of Manhood scenario.

Welcome to The Amulet of Dogskull, the fifth adventure for the Beasts & Barbarians Savage Worlds setting.
To play this scenario, you need a copy of the Savage Worlds core rules and Beasts & Barbarians Golden Edition. You’ll also find Jalizar, City of Thieves useful, but it isn’t essential.

This scenario is for a party of four Veteran heroes, with some experience (40-45 Experience Points is the optimal level), but it can easily be modified, by following the instructions in the Golden Edition, for parties of different sizes and experience.   
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.09.2013 | 12:37
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4309/119685-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/119685/Tunseal-Players-Guide-Savage-Worlds?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Obatron Productions] Tunse'al Player's Guide
Authors: Vickey A. Beaver, Robert L. Beaver
Pages: 52
Prices: €4,44 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/119685-sample.pdf)

This is the Tunse'al Player's Guide for Savage Worlds. Your game table needs both a Savage Worlds rules book (SW:EX or SWD) and Tunse'al Setting Guide for Savage Worlds. There is a second version (Systemless) that works with the systemless setting guide for use with whatever system you choose.

The player's guide is excerpted from the full setting guide. It is not required for playing Tunse'al campaigns. However, having a copy means you don't have to wait for the GM to be done with her book for you to look up whatever was on your mind.

This PDF contains a variety of information pertinent to character creation. You'll find Racial Background Edges, new Hindrances specific to Tunse'al, tribal details, an overview of the gods, select information about the lands, a map, and even a blank character sheet.

Please note: Tunse'al Player's Guide is formatted for 6"x9" layout.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.09.2013 | 12:42
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2604/119723-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/119723/World-of-the-Dead-%28Players-Guide%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Daring Entertainment] World of the Dead Player's Guide
Authors: Dave Blewer, David Martin, Jeremy Menefee, Jordan Peacock, Lee F. Szczepanik, Jr
Pages: 67
Prices: €5,92 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

It's been four years since the Living Dead rose and consumed the Earth. Governments fell, militaries were torn apart, and everyday conveniences we took for granted crumbled. Surviving meant finding enough food, water, and shelter to make it through another day. Where once we lived in tightly packed cities along side the faceless masses, now whether or not to trust another human being could mean life or death.

But humanity will not go down so easily. In the years since the outbreak, societies have arisen, with citizenship based upon hard work and contributions, not a natural right. New Living Dead roam the wastelands, some a result of a mutation to the original virus, and some created through diabolocal experiments. Most dangerous is the Rotter, a Living Dead with full memories of its previous life, and the intelligence to wage a war to eliminate what remains of humanity.

The World of the Dead Player's Guide contains the entire Players Section of the setting book, providing the setting overview, character creation summary, player-character races, new Edges and Hindrances, Gear, and Setting Rules without revealing any of the GM's secrets.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.09.2013 | 10:45
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4309/119716.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/119716/Tunseal-Setting-Quick-Starts-and-Side-Tracks-Savage-Worlds?language=de&filters=0_0_0_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Obatron Productions] Tunse'al Setting Quick Starts and Side Tracks
Authors: Vickey A. Beaver, Robert L. Beaver
Pages: 24
Prices: €2,96 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/119716-sample.pdf)

This is Tunse'al Quick Starts and Side Tracks for Savage Worlds. While it is not a "quick start rules" product, it can be used in a similar fashion if you just want an idea of what Tunse'al is without first buying the Tunse'al Setting Guide. All Tunse'al products are made in a second, systemless version, too.

Tunse'al Quick Starts and Side Tracks is best used with the Tunse'al Setting Guide and an edition of Savage Worlds rules as it's intended as a GM aid.

This PDF contains:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.10.2013 | 23:53
(http://mysticalthrone-ent.com/store/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/MTE-Ultimate-Pirates-Privateers-and-Plunder-Guide-SW.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/119918/Ultimate-Pirates-Privateers-and-Plunder-Guide-%28Savage-Worlds%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Ultimate Pirates, Privateers and Plunder Guide
Author: Christopher J. N. Banks
Pages: 60
Prices: €3,66 PDF; €5,87 Softcover; €9,53 €6,61 PDF & Softcover (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Throughout history the term privateer and pirate were as closely related as freedom fighter and rebel. That is, depending on which view one looks from, the distinction is not always apparent. This was never truer as during The Age of Sail. This period was a time of plunder and prize, heroes and villains. The rise and fall of nations could be determined by the intrepid sailors who brought back treasures from the New World or stole those same treasures as they journeyed home. Naval dominance didn’t always go to the biggest or best armed. Speed, skill, determination and grit were just as powerful a force as an extra barrage of cannon.

Welcome to the Age of Sail.

Ultimate Pirates, Privateers and Plunder Guide is the latest Ultimate Guides installment from Mystical Throne Entertainment, providing loads of new content related to the Age of Sail. This isn’t just another pirate sourcebook; military historian Christopher J.N. Banks takes you on a trek through the historical Age of Sail for characters that assume the role of naval crew, pirates, and privateers.

Ultimate Pirates, Privateers and Plunder Guide includes:

* Tools necessary to spend a career on the high seas.
* A ship construction guide.
* Options for Mass Battle on the high seas in ship-to-ship combat.
* Important people and events.
* A lexicon of high seas terminology.
* Two Savage Tales.
* … and more!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.10.2013 | 00:02
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/5965/120406.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/120406/Shadow-Island?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Goblin Beat Games] Shadow Island
Author: Danny Hatcher
Pages: 15
Prices: €5,17 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/120406-sample.pdf)

Shadow Island is an adventure for seasoned Savage Worlds characters (20 experience points) in a fantasy setting.  From the back cover:

For over thirty years, the coastal village of Glencrest has harbored a dark secret: it’s an island of darkness and shadow inhabited by the undead and ruled by a pair of dark wizards. Brothers, these two wizards built an estate upon the island in which to work their foul magics of necromancy and shadow. Now, fate brings a small band of brave adventurers to Glencrest and raises hope in some of the townsfolk that things may finally change. The fate of Glencrest is up to the heroes as they explore Shadow Island.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.10.2013 | 06:15
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2419/120503.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/120503/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-%230-The-Bedu?language=de&filters=0_0_0_0_40050)
[TAG] Hellfrost LOF Realm Guide #0: The Bedu
Model: TAG35000
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 8
Prices: €1,84 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

The divisions of the great desert into distinct regions are the invention of modern cartographers. To the nomads that live in the wilderness, borders are meaningless, for the landscape ebbs and flows with the wind, and no one rules here. Similarly, while it is not uncommon for scholars and sages to define Bedu tribes by their homeland, they are as varied as the dunes, sharing only their love of the endless sands. Rather than detailing a geographic locale, this supplement explores the Bedu cultures. Also included is a random tribe generator, giving each tribe the heroes encounter a unique feel.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.10.2013 | 20:08
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/120565.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/120565/TimeZero-Archetypes?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[GRAmel] TimeZero: Archetypes
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 7
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In this preview, you will find some ready-to-play characters, useful when you need to quickly create heroes or for convention games. With some finishing touches, and rolling 1d20 respectively for Background and Origin you can create very different characters!

Note that while your character’s Background and Archetype may have the same name, the Background is what he did before being recruited into TimeGuard, and the Archetype is what he does now – your Explorer PC may have been a Modern Era Explorer before he enlisted, but he could just as easily have been a Prehistoric Hunter.

The archetypes below are for human characters; to make them Synths, remove one Edge and apply the Synth racial abilities.

More about TimeGuard and TimeZero - coming soon from GRAmel :)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.10.2013 | 19:09
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/120693.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/120693/TimeZero-Preview?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[GRAmel] TimeZero: Preview
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 10
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to TimeZero!

TimeZero is the new, exciting time travel setting from Gramel. In this setting you will play as a trained Operative, a member of TimeGuard, the secret organization that fights time crimes along the continuum. Time thieves, chronoterrorists and many other incredible dangers await you across the millennia of human history

Enjoy the first chapter of the game - and learn what it is all about!

More about TimeGuard and TimeZero - coming soon from GRAmel :)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.10.2013 | 19:12
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/land-of-fire-logo.png) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/brands/hellfrost-land-of-fire/)

[TAG] Land of Fire: Calendar v.2

The Land of Fire calendar is now available as a FREE download in color and print friendly versions. This is a work in progress, and updates will be posted as the calendar is updated.

Grab your copy here! (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrostLOF/LOF_Calendar_V2.zip)

Version 2 contains updates for static festivals in the Caliphate of Al-Shirkuh and Free Emirate States. Once the Kingdoms of the Sphinxes Realm Guide has been written, the final version will be released.

Please note this is an in-game calendar, not a real world one.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.10.2013 | 00:34
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/120992.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/120992/TimeZero-Operative%60s-Manual&affiliate_id=14728)
[GRAmel] TimeZero: Operative's Manual
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack, Piotr Koys
Pages: 208
Prices: €14,51 €10,88 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Time Emergency! Operations teams Alpha, Beta and Gamma to the briefing room! Prepare to intervene on the timeline!

Welcome to TimeZero!

TimeZero is the new, exciting time travel setting from GRAmel. In this setting you will play as a trained Operative, a member of TimeGuard, the secret organization that fights time crimes along the continuum.
Time thieves, chronoterrorists and many other incredible dangers await you across the millennia of human history!

You need this book and a copy of the Savage Worlds core rules to play this game. It is divided into two parts: the Player’s Guide, where you’ll find background details and rules for quickly creating time-cop agents, and the Game Master’s Guide, containing advice on running a time travel game, how to design your time-travelling adventures and a selection of time travelling opponents.

In the next few months Gramel will publish several TimeZero adventures, where you can prove your skills, saving the continuum.

Now synchronize your watches, because time waits for no man!

Small note for the reviewers - please email us at pkorys (at) gmail.com, and you'll receive a freebie :) We will be sending it in December.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.10.2013 | 20:57
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/101/121026.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/121026/Forces-of-Darkness---Zunirei-of-the-Thousand-Eyes-%28SW%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Misfit Studios] Forces of Darkness - Zunirei of the Thousand Eyes
Author:  Robert H. Hudson, Jr.
Pages: 9
Price: €3,62 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Forces of Darkness – Zunirei of the Thousand Eyes presents a demon who isn’t interested in your player characters’ souls, or setting the universe on fire. Instead, her interests lie in discovering the best-hidden secrets of your campaign world and revealing them for all to see, spreading chaos and disorder through their revelation. No one – governments, priesthoods, celestial beings, or even other demons - is safe from her desire to reveal their deepest, darkest secrets. What secrets do your players have, and can they keep them safe from her Thousand Eyes?

Each volume of Forces of Darkness contains a detailed history of a NPC to help you understand how they came to be a threat worthy of your players’ characters, a discussion of their motivations to help you design plots for them to enact, notes on allies and henchmen they regularly employ, a discussion of their tactics to help you when your players start to push back against their machinations, and several story seeds to help get you started integrating them into your campaign. Each focal NPC is presented in a minimum of two fully developed stat blocks, one version at their default power level, and a second, Legendary version, to maximize their usefulness.

Misfit Studio’s Forces of Darkness line is an ongoing series of Savage Worlds compatible character supplements, each highlighting a single unique opponent to bedevil characters in your game. Written with a world-neutral point of view, each supplement is designed to give you an opponent that can be easily dropped into your game with minimal adaptation, thus making your life easier as a GM, all the while providing unique characters with unique plans and points of view to spice up sessions.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.10.2013 | 19:38
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/62/121090-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/121090/Kaisers-Gate---Adventures-%26-Archetypes&affiliate_id=14728)
[Battlefield Press] Kaiser's Gate - Adventures & Archetypes
Authors: Brian Hitchcock, Mike Lafferty
Pages: 4 each, except #4 with 7
Price: €3,59 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This series of adventures and archetypes have been designed specifically with the Kaiser's Gate campaign setting in mind. They are beautifully written by Brian Hitchcock and Mike Lafferty. This zip file contains five different entries.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.10.2013 | 23:15
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/TAG35001_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/121121/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-%231-Hekata?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #1: Hekata
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 15
Prices: €2,89 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Once a rich and mighty empire, Hekata was brought to ruin by the pride and fear of its mightiest ruler. Had it not succumbed to corruption, it might have gone on to conquer the entire continent. But that was not its fate. Cursed by the gods and shunned by the living, Hekata is now a realm of death and damnation, a place where the wise do not tread. This supplement expands on material in the Hellfrost: Land of Fire supplement.

This supplement explores the nature of the Liche-Priest, expands the cult of Tammuz, details 9 fiendish locations and 5 major undead NPCs, introduces 3 new minor deities, and adds 3 new hazards and a system for creating mummies with a wide range of special abilities, plus much more!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.10.2013 | 23:29
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/750/121114.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/121114/Camp-Wicakini-4-%28Savage-Worlds%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Silver Gryphon Games] Camp Wicakini 4
Author: Kevin Rohan
Pages: 24
Price: €3,62 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/121114-sample.pdf)

You weren't expecting the head of the Kinzey Foundation to contact you for a job. Everyone knows they are into some heavy stuff, that the Foundation building parks is just their public face. After the meeting, you're just as confused as you were before. It just doesn't make any sense. You're supposed to go up to some summer camp and kidnap some Native guy, but you've got some really nasty equipment that you're taking with you; some sort of freeze gun and some suspicious device that is supposed to keep animals at bay.

None of this makes sense, but the pay is good, and the chance to work with the Kinzey's more in the future is way worth it.

Or so you thought. You have never been so wrong in all your life.

Inside this adventure you'll find:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.10.2013 | 06:15
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/DL_The_Inheritors-1.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/121207/Deadlands-Reloaded-The-Inheritors?language=de&filters=0_0_0_0_40050)
[Pinnacle] DLR: The Inheritors
Authors: Zach Welhouse, Matt Cutter
Pages: 24
Price: €3,62 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/121207-sample.pdf)

Lissen up, hombre. There’s bad news and good news. Your dear Aunt Agatha has bought that big farm in the sky, but she’s left that big farm in Kansas to you!

All you gotta’ do is head out to bloody ol’ Kansas—a peaceable place is there ever was one—and sign a few papers. In a week, the place’ll be yours. Well, it’ll be yours if it don’t haunt you to death, if old feuds don’t unearth themselves to claim a few more victims, and if Black River don’t get a hankerin’ for the family plot. Everything should go off without a hitch.

But you might want to bring a few friends, just in case. This is the Weird West, amigo, and the only earth the meek inherit comes in six-foot-deep plots, one stone to a customer.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.10.2013 | 22:43
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2437/121215.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/121215/Serpent-Scales-%234-The-Lion-in-Fimbulwinter---Sweden-%28Savage-Worlds%29&affiliate_id=14728)
[Atomic Overmind Press] Serpent Scales #4: The Lion in Fimbulwinter - Sweden
Author: Kenneth Hite
Pages: 10
Price: €2,14 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

When the Midgard Serpent fell to the Americans’ nuclear fire in July 1945, Denmark and Norway sheltered Sweden from the worst of it: Sweden’s survivors could shelter in their damaged buildings from the torrential rain that became torrential hail and snow. A near-civil war in the wake of Serpentfall forced the Crown Prince to flee, and a fragile coalition government holds a tenuous grasp on the reins of power. The Serpent’s body lies humped and cloudy on the western horizon. The Americans have pulled back to the Rockies; the center of the British Empire removed to Australia. The Royal Navy can keep station in the North Sea, but the Red Army commands all of Europe east of the Serpent Curtain. Soviet agents and skulk and plot in Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö...and there are far fouler things lurking in the dark winter night.

The country its people call Mother Svea stands alone.

Inside this 10-page PDF for the Savage Worlds system you'll find:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.10.2013 | 02:09
DriveThruRPG Halloween Trick or Treats 2013

Habe bei DriveThruRPG ua. den SW Horror Companion und Bedlam für lau runterladen können...

Alle Kürbisse konnte ich nicht finden, aber insgesamt hab ich auf allen beteiligten Seiten wohl Produkte im Wert von 100-200 Euro abgegriffen.

Versteckt sind...

DriveThruRPG: 7 Kürbisse
DriveThruCards: 5 Kürbisse
DriveThruComics: 7 Kürbisse
DriveThruFiction: 7 Kürbisse
WargamesVault: 5 Kürbisse

Viel Spaß beim Suchen!

Die Aktion läuft bis So, 3.11.2013.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.11.2013 | 21:20
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/121417.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/121417/Mythos-Players-Guide?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Mythos Player's Guide
Author:  Gilbert Gallo
Pages: 146
Prices: €5,89 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/121417-sample.pdf)

The Olympians have spoken and you are to join the ranks of heroes and heroines involved in the Heavenly Contest! The Olympian deities are in a race to find the successor to Zeus’s throne, with the successor acquiring the greatest number of followers. But the gods and goddesses are quite busy, and to shine their light upon the mortals of Hellas requires intervention of a divine scale. Heroic deeds are a must if one is to prove themselves worthy for the gratification of Olympus and the pursuit of seeing their patron deity rise to rulership! Are you strong, brave, and smart enough for the challenge? We will see how you fair against the great beasts of Hellas and the heroes and heroines who support your rival deity. This is the Heavenly Contest. This is Mythos!

In Mythos, you assume the role of a demigod or devoted human of the gods and goddesses of Olympus in a heroic mythological representation of Ancient Greece. Heroes and heroines join in the Heavenly Contest to prove their worth to the deities and spread the word of their patron deity to the mortals of Hellas, in hopes of raising their patron deity to the Olympus throne. Heroes and heroines come from all walks of life, representing their patron deity as adventurers, fighters, hoplites, Olympic athletes, courtesans, sages, and rogues. Through affiliations with deific cults and Mystery Cults, they gain access to great powers and follow the strands of Fate as they travel Hellas in search of their next, grand performance.

Inside the Mythos player's guide you will find:

* An introduction to mythological Ancient Greece and the Heavenly Contest.
* The demigod character race and its associated Divine Edges, more powerful than those you’ve seen before.
* New Edges and Hindrances.
* A completely new Arcane system to represent membership in one of the Mystery Cults.
* A collection of patron deities from Greek Mythology.
* Everything you need to create a Mythos character!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.11.2013 | 01:01
(http://www.theagencystar.com/trigger/LN7mini.jpg) (http://www.theagencystar.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=193)
Horror Companion One-Sheet: Lucky Number 7
Author: Michael "Trigger" Ysker
Pages: 5

Lucky Number 7 is a one-sheet horror adventure for 4-6 players using the included cast of characters and is intended to be completed in one session.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.11.2013 | 00:39
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3243/121482.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/121482/Broken-Earth-Players-Guide-%28Savage-Worlds%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Sneak Attack Press] Broken Earth Player's Guide
Author: Matthew J. Hanson
Pages: 48
Prices: €5,18 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/121482-sample.pdf)

Bombs fell. Billions died. Now you must pick up the pieces and rebuild this Broken Earth.

Broken Earth is an adventure setting that takes place in a post-apocalyptic version of Earth. It deals with a small fraction of the world, what was once the northern Midwest of the United States, and a tiny bit of southern Central Canada. As an adventure setting, Broken Earth includes many compelling locations and adventures, but also gives the heroes freedom to explore the world.

The Broken Earth Players Guide describes everything that players need to create characters for Broken Earth, including new edges, powers, and setting rules.

The campaign book should be released in December 2013, and anybody who purchase the Player's Guide before the campaign book is released will receive a discount coupon for the campaign book.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.11.2013 | 00:08
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/121532.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/121532/Nemezis-Cor-war-in-paradise?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[GRAmel] Nemezis: Cor, War in paradise
Authors: Andrzej Stój, Piotr Koryś, Jakub Osiejewski, Andy Slack
Pages: 14
Prices: €3,44 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/121532-sample.pdf)

Thirty years ago Cor was a popular vacation planet, fashionable among the elite of neighboring star systems. Thousands of people came to Cor’s resorts to enjoy the warm climate, dive into the depths of ocean, and rest on its many beaches. And when the Horde arrived, this dream burst like a soap bubble

An ordinary soldier on the frontline is able to survive just a couple of months. Sooner or later a monster will eat him, he’ll get exhausted due to nightmares or go insane and shoot himself.

This sourcebook gives you more information about soldiers fighting in the former paradise. It also gives you a few hints about cults and secrets of that jungle planet.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.11.2013 | 00:29
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/770/121628.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/121628/Imaginary-Friends&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[BlackWyrm Games] Imaginary Friends
Author: Michael Satran
Pages: 202
Prices: €11,22 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/121628-sample.pdf)

Imaginary Friends is an adventure for the Hero System/ Champions 6th Edition and Savage Worlds in which invisible playmates come to life with deadly consequences. As much a long-term campaign supplement as an adventure, it features a set of strategies and events using the characters and depicting forces at work, rather than a completely linear narrative.

You'll meet an entertaining array of sinister and unique characters who will engage roleplayers in tests of combat and the mind unlike anything you've seen before! I know you've probably heard that before once or twice, but I really mean it. Every playtest of this adventure has been fantastic, be it rules light or rules heavy.

We hope you'll be pleased and surprised at what you find inside the pages of Imaginary Friends. It's a very different sort of gaming experience.

What's inside:

- A full supervillain team. (It wouldn't be nearly as cool an adventure if there wasn't a full supervillain team in it)
- Villains opposing other villains!
- A vast array of map locations that are easily reusable in any modern setting!
- The groundwork for an easy to expand evil secret organization!
- A sinister master mind!
- A lesser master mind!
- An agent-level mastermind!
- Absolutely no mimes (or Master Mimes) whatsoever!
- It is written by legendary Champions adventure designer Michael Satran, author of such works as Foxbat for President, War of Worldcraft, Unkindness, Pretty Hate Machines, and King of the Mountain.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.11.2013 | 18:48
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/TAG35002_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/121674/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-%232-The-Jinn-Lands-of-Old?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #2: The Jinn Lands of Old
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 12
Prices: €2,61 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

For 800 years the Jinn Lands were the center of a vast, aggressive, magic-rich empire. For 800 years they were the home of countless slaves, forced into servitude by their unearthly masters. But now they are a land of blasted ruins and distant memories, of lone caravanserais and remote oases. Although their cities are gone, reduced to dust by the rebellious slave, the jinn still lurk here in small numbers, patiently waiting for the day they will unleash their vengeance.

This supplement explores the origins of the jinn and the atmosphere of their homeland, expands the cult of Shamash with guidelines for clerics and important festivals, provides six new locations to explore and three major NPCs with whom heroes can interact, details two new cults, and provides stats for the fearsome greater jinn.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.11.2013 | 22:19
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2437/121779.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/121779/One-Sheet---Fire-Down-Below-%28Savage-Worlds%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Atomic Overmind Press] One Sheet - Fire Down Below
Author: Paul Stefko
Pages: 2
Price: €0,93 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Lawrence is a town of nearly 300 in the heart of coal country. Yesterday, disaster struck the nearby Darby Company mine: an underground coal fire is burning, threatening Lawrence and its inhabitants. But is there more to this fire than meets the eye?

Author Paul Stefko offers a scenario that easily slots into any Poisoned Lands-based campaign. Survive the flames and toxic gas to help evacuate the town...but beware the fire down below!

This Savage Worlds One-Sheet for The Day After Ragnarok contains everything you need for a quick and easy adventure for your party in the World after Serpentfall.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.11.2013 | 00:38
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/121791.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=121791&filters=0_0_0_0_40050&currency=EUR&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle] Weird Wars Rome: Cyclops
Author: Shane Hensley
Pages: 14
Price: €2,23 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Both the savage cyclops and the cyclopean titan dwell in the ancient hinterlands of the Empire. Inside this 14-page creature feature are statistics for both, the magical artifacts they use and how mortals might wield them, Figure Flats, and five Savage Tales featuring these one-eyed giants of the ancient world.

For use with Weird Wars Rome or any Savage Worlds game.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/121792.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/121792/Weird-Wars-Rome-Res-Romana?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle] Weird Wars Rome: Res Romana
Author: Jack Emmert
Pages: 11
Price: €1,48 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This PDF contains information on class and religion in ancient Roman society, as well as optional rules for Auguries and their effects on Mass Battles.

For use with Weird Wars Rome or any Savage Worlds game.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/121793.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/121793/Weird-Wars-Rome-Legionary-Archetypes?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle] Weird Wars Rome: Legionary Archetypes
Author: Shane Hensley
Pages: 16
Price: €2,23 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This PDF contains two sets of Legionary Archetypes for your Weird Wars Rome game. The first is a more heroic set of characters while the second is considerably less so! We’ve done this not only to increase the usefulness of this product for you, but also to show you how even very similar characters statistics-wise can be very different in actual play.

Includes Figure Flats!

For use with Weird Wars Rome or any Savage Worlds game.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/121794.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/121794/Weird-Wars-Rome-Wellspring?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle] Weird Wars Rome: Wellspring
Author: John Beattie
Pages: 13
Price: €2,98 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

166 AD, Britannia. The Picts have pushed the legions back to Hadrian’s Wall. During the day, painted barbarians engage with arrows, spears, and skirmish attacks, seeming to appear as if by magic, then fade into the undergrowth. At night, fellow legionaries vanish and strange cries are heard on the wind. Legio IX is on edge. They’ve been pushed hard, and are ready to push back.

Someone must find the source of the Picts’ strength–and destroy it.

For use with Weird Wars Rome or any Savage Worlds game.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.11.2013 | 21:23
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/122115.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/122115/Weird-Wars-Rome-Half-Set-Sun?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle] Weird Wars Rome: Half Set Sun
Author: Teller
Pages: 23
Price: €5,91 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Aegyptus, a land of mystery and antiquity to the rest of the known world. A place of ancient gods and goddesses, mysterious temples and tombs, and extreme environments. As the annual Nile floods begin to recede, the Roman governor in Alexandria receives word the Nubians have attacked the province from the south, quickly overwhelming the border posts and laying siege to the key frontier city of Swenett and its fortress at Elephantine.
The heroes are tasked with commanding an entire century to retake the fortresses and villages, and find out who–or what–has spurred the Nubians to war.

For use with Weird Wars Rome or any Savage Worlds game.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/122116.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/122116/Weird-Wars-Rome-Heroes-of-Rome-Figure-Flats?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle] Weird Wars Rome: Heroes of Rome Figure Flats
Author: Shane Hensley
Pages: 8
Price: €5,17 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This set of full-color, 28mm scale Figure Flats contains Dozens of legionaries, auxilia, and characters for Weird Wars Rome.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/122117.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/122117/Weird-Wars-Rome-Enemies-of-Rome-Figure-Flats?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle] Weird Wars Rome: Enemies of Rome Figure Flats
Author: Shane Hensley
Pages: 8
Price: €5,17 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Contains over 20 different enemies of Rome, including Britons, druids, Germans, Dacians, Greeks, and Nubians.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.11.2013 | 21:33
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/TAG10406_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/122113/G-Men-%26-Gangsters-Faction-Pack-%236?language=de&filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Triple Ace Games] G-Men & Gangsters Faction Pack #6: Bureau of Prohibition & Capone Gang
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 18
Price: €3,32 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Old rivals in a new world!

Created to crack down on illegal alcohol production, the Bureau of Prohibition has since been authorized to bring oil and petroleum smugglers to justice. Backed up by bloodhounds, incinerator teams, and Secret Service agents, the Bureau is locked in a vicious war against an old opponent.

Mastermind behind the largest criminal gang in Chicago, Al Capone has proven untouchable. Protected by his capos and goons, the crimelord is not content to control most of the city-he wants it all!

This expansion contains background information, new Wild Card characters, additional troops, and sample army lists for the Bureau of Prohibition and Capone Gang Factions. Also included are a new Interesting Locale  (the Speakeasy), three Ace Tales, and two weird science vehicles—-the defensive “Electric Haven” and the offensive “Electric Arc.” Unit cards are provided for all new pedestrians and vehicles.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.11.2013 | 07:05
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4761/122719.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/122719/Bloody-Awful?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Evil Beagle Games] Bloody Awful
Author: Sean Patric Fannon
Pages: 9
Price: €1,48 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Flame Down Below: A Savage Worlds Three-Part Challenge Arc by Sean Patrick Fannon

An Epic High Fantasy Shaintar adventure, run at MACE 17.

A number of De'Lear vampires and werewolves, seeking to prove themselves to their elders, have undertaken schemes in the Wildlands to gain power and influence while disrupting their nation's long-time enemies. They've achieved ranks of power within the Red Store, and gained more power still through their contacts with agents of the woman known simply as “The Blood Witch.”

A new floater has become exceedingly popular in the streets and back alleys of various Wildland towns and cities. Called the Scarlet Dram, it's salty and spicy flavor and energizing effects make it a popular morning cordial. The first few uses grant energy and sharpened acuity, and a small level of euphoria. Continued use increases the euphoria and actually boosts the prowess and strength of the user; aggressive and paranoid behavior also sets in. By this point, the addiction is utterly settled in – the user must have more, will do pretty much anything to get it...

Note - This is not a fully-crafted adventure; it's notes and character stats that any GM should be able to use to run scenarios worked into their own campaigns. There's no art, either - it's a minimalist product, admittedly put up to help get some revenue in at a time of real need for Evil Beagle Games. Thanks for your support.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.11.2013 | 07:10
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/122996.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/122996/Weird-Wars-Rome-Hydra?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle] Weird Wars Rome: Hydra
Author: Shane Hensley
Pages: 12
Price: €2,21 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In the swamps, rivers, and lakes of the Empire lurk monstrous beasts straight from the legend of Hercules himself--the hydra!

Inside this 12-page creature feature are statistics for several varieties of hydras, including the gargantuan Lernaen hydra itself! This pack also includes Figure Flats and five Savage Tales featuring these terrible monstrosities.

For use with Weird Wars Rome or any Savage Worlds game.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.11.2013 | 07:16
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/TAG35003_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/123021/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-%233-The-Great-Northern-Desert?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #3: The Great Northern Desert
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 13
Prices: €2,58 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Although considered a desolate wasteland by the settled races, the Great Northern Des­ert is the cradle of many civilizations. Although now considered separate lands, the spheres of influence of the gatormen, ophidae, scorpionmen, not to mention fallen Hekata, rose, clashed, and fell here. Even the jinn lorded over the northern desert once. Yet for each of these known ancient cultures a dozen more are now forgotten, the crumbling ruins of their former cities, temples, and tombs are all that remains of their former power. Much adventure, wealth, and danger await those who would disturb the haunted structures.

This supplement explores the origins of the minotaurs, expands the cult of Dumautef with guidelines for player characters and details of major festivals, looks at nomad hospitality in more detail, describes 8 new locations and 4 major NPCs, adds 4 new minor deities, and gives stats for 8 new monsters.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.11.2013 | 08:31
[TAG] Hellfrost Canvas Maps are BACK!
Size: 17"x30" (432x762 mm)
Prices: $64,99/≈ €49,30 (TAG Store only)   

Our beautifully rendered maps of both the northern and southern regions are now available for sale from the new store!

Chart your progress across both the lands of the frozen lands of the north as well as the dry arid desert lands of the south!

Each one of these special collectors maps is printed with eco-solvent permanent inks on archival quality canvas, then coated with a professional grade acrylic varnish for added protection, these maps will enhance your Hellfrost campaign for years to come whether you are in the cold north or the hot Land of Fire!

*FREE DELIVERY* – This product is produced on demand. Please allow 14 days delivery.

Hellfrost Rassilon Canvas Map – Road Wardens Edition

(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/map_of_rassilon_thumb-300x194.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-products/hellfrost-rassilon-canvas-map-road-wardens-edition/)

Hellfrost Al-Shirkuh Canvas Map

(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Al-Shirkuh-map-194x300.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-land-of-fire-products/hellfrost-al-shirkuh-canvas-map/)

Anmerkung: Die Karten sind rund einen Drittel Quadratmeter groß oder grob zwischen DIN A1 und A2. Sie kommen in einer stabilen Transportröhre, eingewickelt in Wachspapier.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.12.2013 | 06:35
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4491/123198.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/123198/Skull-Cove?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[DramaScape] DSA0001 - Skull Cove
Authors:  Aaron T. Huss, Steven J Black, Simon Powell
Artist: Simon Powell
Pages: 38
Price: €4,41 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

DramaScape makes maps and miniatures for use with any game system with a focus on fantasy, horror, modern, and science fiction settings. Skull Cove is our second Savage Worlds product following our SciFi Weapon Cards available in PDF and print on demand on DriveThruCards. The map featured herein is a no overlay map.

"This island be friend to pirates and be enemy to privateers. Which be you strangers?"—Lirek Liriano [He reaches for his flintlock’s handle and pauses for a response…]

Skull Cove is a generic pirate town for use in any Savage Worlds pirate setting. There are descriptions of important locations and Skull Cove NPCs descriptions with Savage Worlds stat blocks. Several Savage Tales are included to get the players involved with the many personalities in the town. Skull Cove includes a 12 page full exterior map of the pirate town Skull Cove and its surrounding island environs and a 360-degree panoramic view of the town. Even if not using Savage Worlds, the map, places, personalities, and adventure hooks can be used in any pirate and blackpowder fantasy setting.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.12.2013 | 06:43
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/123294.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/123294/Mythos-Quick-Start-Guide?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Mythos: Quick Start Guide
Author: Gilbert Gallo
Pages: 52
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Olympians have spoken and you are to join the ranks of heroes and heroines involved in the Heavenly Contest! The Olympian deities are in a race to find the successor to Zeus’s throne, with the successor acquiring the greatest number of followers. But the gods and goddesses are quite busy, and to shine their light upon the mortals of Hellas requires intervention of a divine scale. Heroic deeds are a must if one is to prove themselves worthy for the gratification of Olympus and the pursuit of seeing their patron deity rise to rulership! Are you strong, brave, and smart enough for the challenge? We will see how you fair against the great beasts of Hellas and the heroes and heroines who support your rival deity. This is the Heavenly Contest. This is Mythos!

The Quick Start Guide presents a Novice-level adventure, The Argonauts’ Legend, for use with the epic action and adventure setting, Mythos, for Savage Worlds. It also contains five pre-generated characters and all the mechanics necessary to use those characters with Savage Worlds without the need of the Core Setting Guide or Player’s Guide. This is a great way to introduce players and GMs to the Mythos setting, along with providing current fans with a full adventure module.

The mighty hero Jason is preparing to set sails on the ship Argo, but Poseidon is preventing him from doing so. The only solution is to seek the aid of Orpheus to appease Poseidon and the dangerous waves to allow the ship to leave port. However, Orpheus is in Hades’ Realm, and it’s up to the heroic PCs to delve into the underground and bring him back. Getting there may be the easy part; getting out may not be so easy.

Inside the Quick Start Guide you will find:

* An introduction to the mechanics of the Mythos setting.
* A sample of three patron deities from Greek Mythology.
* The complete The Argonauts’ Legend adventure module.
* Five pre-generated characters for quick play.
* New NPCs not found in the Core Setting Guide.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Schokolade +2 am 4.12.2013 | 06:50
Uhrwerk bringt 2014 Achtung! Cthulhu auf deutsch. Keeper's Guide und Investigator's Guide werden wie in der englischen Originalversion sowohl BRP als auch Savage Worlds unterstützen. Die Abenteuer werden zunächst für BRP erscheinen, Uhrwerk schließt aber nicht aus, das auch dort SW-Versionen folgen werden.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.12.2013 | 19:37
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4329/123377.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/123377/Achtung-Cthulhu-Keepers-Guide?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Modiphius] Achtung! Cthulhu: Keeper's Guide
Authors: Chris Birch, Dave Blewer, Bill Bodden, Alex Bund, Russ Charles, Adam Crossingham, Lynne Hardy, Kenneth Hite, Sarah Newton, Matthew Pook
Pages: 295
Price: €33,15 €16,94 PDF, €27,99 €22,10 Bundle (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/123377-sample.pdf)

Achtung! Cthulhu is a terrifying World War Two setting, fully compatible with the Call of Cthulhu, Sixth Edition and Savage Worlds roleplaying games. This is the Keeper's Guide with everything GM's and Keeper's need for late 30's and 40's wartime adventure!

Discover the secret history of World War Two: stories of amazing heroism, in which stalwart men and women struggle to overthrow a nightmare alliance of steel and the occult; of frightening inhuman conspiracies from the depths of time; of the unbelievable war machines which are the product of Nazi engineering genius – and how close we all are to a slithering end! The Secret War has begun!

The Keeper’s Guide to the Secret War is a full-blown tome of dark knowledge, including:
• Allied and Nazi forces & intelligence agencies
• New rules and strategies for World War Two combat & survival
• Key characters & vile creatures
• New tomes, secret weapons, artefacts & equipment
• Occult organisations and Mythos-based missions
• Full rules for use with BOTH Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition AND Savage Worlds in one book!

In fact – There’s a whole Shoggoth’s worth of Cthulhu villainy, enough for any Keeper to have his investigators dead, insane or running for their lives in no time! The Keeper’s Guide to the Secret War is the essential Achtung! Cthulhu wartime reference for any Keeper or fan of the Cthulhu Mythos.

Requires the Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition or Savage Worlds Rulebooks to play.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4329/123376.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/123376/Achtung-Cthulhu-Investigators-Guide?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Modiphius] Achtung! Cthulhu: Investigator's Guide
Authors: Chris Birch, Dave Blewer, Alex Bund, Adam Crossingham, Lynne Hardy, Sarah Newton, Matthew Pook
Pages: 154
Price: €22,10 €11,05 PDF, €27,99 €22,10 Bundle (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/123376-sample.pdf)

Achtung! Cthulhu is a terrifying World War Two setting, fully compatible with the Call of Cthulhu, Sixth Edition and Savage Worlds roleplaying games. This is the Investigator's Guide, with everything players need to create and run character's in the late 30's and 40's.

Discover the secret history of World War Two: stories of amazing heroism, in which stalwart men and women struggle to overthrow a nightmare alliance of steel and the occult; of frightening inhuman conspiracies from the depths of time; of the unbelievable war machines which are the product of Nazi engineering genius – and how close we all are to a slithering end! The Secret War has begun!

Inside you’ll find a whole kit-bag stuffed with:
• New occupations, skills, equipment, and backgrounds from across Europe, the British Commonwealth, and the United States
• How you can keep the home fires burning, become part of the Allied war effort, or risk everything by joining the partisans to bring down the Reich from within!
• What life was like serving with the various military forces and on the Home Front
• An array of historical and fictional material to help you create exciting player characters and NPCs
• A background generator, designed to help you find out what dark secrets your past contains…
• Full rules for use with BOTH Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition AND Savage Worlds in one book!

The Investigator’s Guide to the Secret War is the definitive guide to the late 1930s and ‘40s for use by players and Keepers alike.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.12.2013 | 19:17
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/TAG35004_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/123595/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-%234-The-Great-Southern-Desert?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #4: The Great Southern Desert
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 12
Prices: €2,54 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

The area encompassing the Great Southern Desert may be but a fraction of the continent, but it remains a vast, largely unexplored realm. While the ruins common in the Great Northern Desert are scarce, there are still many places where men have not trodden in centuries, and many dangers awaiting the unwary traveler.

This supplement explores the origins of the sand goblins, expands the cult of Marqod with guidelines for player characters and details of major festivals, highlights 6  notable orc tribes that haunt the wastes, describes 10 new locations and 1 major NPC, adds 3 new minor deities, and gives stats for 9 new monsters.


* Origins of the Sand Goblins


Trade & Tribute

Major Locales
* Al Rakim
* The Black Caravan
* City with No Name
* The Jinni’s Fingers
* Kebir Khayma Medina
* The Medicine Tent
* Oases of One Thousand Bites
* The Pharaoh’s Lost Mine
* Valley of Ruins
* Valley of Stings

Persons of Note
* Knobbly-Foot
* Beyah Atiya dar-Muneer
* Mahdi the Digger
* Scribe Husniyah bint-Wahhab
* The Walker

Of Gods & Men
* Samnuha, minor god of protection
* Tashmetum, minor god of mediation
* Zerbanitu, minor goddess of medicine
* Al Basti
* Ant, Giant
* Barber
* Fire Ant Swarm
* Orc (alternate priests)
* Takam
* Troll, Sand

Rules of the Realm
Clerics of Marqod
New Edge: Barber
Southern Desert Orcs
Festival: Alms Day
Festival: Death Day
Festival: Harsh Words Day
Festival: Medicine Day
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.12.2013 | 06:12
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/TAG35005_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/123866/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-%235-The-Southern-Oceans?filters=0_0_0_0_40050)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #5: The Southern Oceans
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 15
Prices: €2,90 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Due to the geographic layout of Al-Shirkuh, trade between the disparate major regions is carried across the burning interior. Yet the turbulent seas remain a vital link between cities sharing the same coastline, well-travelled routes along which men and cargoes are ferried. Despite their skill as navigators, the mariners of Al-Shirkuh avoid the deep ocean, for here dwell fearsome giants, voracious sea serpents, bloodthirsty pirates, and renegade marid jinn. For all the storytellers' tales of islands littered with gems and ancient ruins stacked with gold, only the brave or foolish set sail out of sight of land.

So weigh the anchor, hoist the sails, and follow in the footsteps of Sinbad, the greatest mariner of them all!

Inside you'll find:
* Expanded information on the cult of Upuaut (god of travel), including major festivals.
* 15 new locations on or beneath the waves.
* Rules for nautical travel and underwater combat.
* 4 new types of ship.
* 3 minor deities connected to the sea.
* 11 new monsters.
* Information on the Brotherhood of Sinbad, a new organization suitable for player characters.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.12.2013 | 13:36
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/124053.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/124053/Deadlands-Noir-The-Case-of-the-Jumbo-Shrimp?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands Noir: The Case of the Jumbo Shrimp
Authors: John Goff, Jason Mical
Pages: 46
Price: €7,27 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/124053-sample.pdf)

A missing person’s case turns into a diabolical tale of greed, murder, magic, and mayhem in the ever-mysterious Crescent City. This time the gumshoes are in it deep, crossing paths with the Black Hand, corrupt politicians (are there any other kind?), and secrets as old as the Big Easy itself.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.12.2013 | 14:00
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3561/124131.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/124131/Accursed?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Melior Via] Accursed
Authors: Ross Watson, Jason Marker, Andy Chambers, John Dunn
Pages: 151 pages Setting Guide; 112 pages Player's Guide
Price: €14,55 Setting Guide; €7,28 Player's Guide (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/download_preview.php?pid=124131)

Monstrous Heroes Fight for Redemption...

Witches have ruled the land since the last battles of conquest, but their Grand Coven has been sundered, leaving behind remnants of a once-mighty army. The survivors of the horde include captured citizens of the conquered nations that fought as the Witches’ shock troops.

These are the Accursed—the Witchmarks burned into their flesh and souls transformed these men and women into monsters. Now, unable to return to their former lives, the Accursed wander the land, giving aid to those in need in an attempt to atone for past sins.

Light has failed, darkness is ascendant. Only those bearing the forms of monsters can stand against the tide of the Witches’ evil. The Accursed are this world’s only hope—they must learn to embrace their curse or to fight against it, and find some way to free themselves forever of their Witchmark.

Accursed is a dark fantasy setting that requires the Savage Worlds Core Rules and Savage Worlds Horror Companion for use. It includes background information on the nations of Morden. Game mechanics include horrific new Witchbreeds for use as playable characters, along with Setting Rules, Hindrances, Edges, and Powers suited to telling stories set in Morden. The full setting guide also includes detailed information on eight of the Witches and their banes, as well as a range of adventure hooks and a plot point campaign.


These PDFs use layers for ease of printing.

A player's guide is also available (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/124133/Accursed-Players-Guide?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728), which excludes information about the Witches, banes, and the adventures (pp. 112–150).

Buyers also receive a fillable PDF character sheet.

NOTE: The print and PDF + print combo will be available soon.

"I love it. Great graphics, great art, great writing, and a fantastic premise."

—Shane Hensley, Creator of Savage Worlds

"...you secretly slipped Ravenloft some PCP."

—Abstruse of AICN Tabletop

"We're talking Hansel & Gretel, Witch Hunters meets Van Helsing by way of Rippers and Castlevania, and I am stoked as hell about that."

—Sean Patrick Fannon, Creator of Shaintar
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 6.01.2014 | 15:38
Interface Zero 2.0, ab jetzt als PDF zu erwerben




[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.01.2014 | 16:12
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/124685.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/124685/Interface-Zero-20-Full-Metal-Cyberpunk?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero 2.0: Full Metal Cyberpunk
Authors: Peter J Wacks, David Jarvis, Hal Maclean, Matt Conklin jr., Patrick Smith, and others
Pages: 323
Price: €14,72 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/124685-sample.pdf)


In a not-so-distant future, the world has been ravaged by global warming, subjected to the horrors of nuclear war and natural disaster, witnessed the collapse of the mightiest nation in the history of the world, and the rise of other nations to take its place. In East Asia, the Bear and the Dragon battle for control of the resource-rich continent, and an emergent A.I. known only as Charon has destabilized the whole of Europe, sparking revolution and chaos not seen since the Second World War.

On the North American continent, the prospect of conflict once again rears its ugly head as terrorist bombings in Atlantica, bring the nation to the brink of war with the North American Coalition. Is this the work of Charon, as well, or are other forces moving behind the scenes? Only time will tell.

Science has hacked the genome, unlocking the secrets of DNA to facilitate the creation of new breeds of human; genetic hybrids, human 2.0, and even simulacrum— a slave race grown in amniotic vats and sold on the open market. Cybernetic technology has reached the point where those with the money and the will to do so, can become living machines. Computer science has grown by leaps and bounds as well.

Dubbed Interface Zero by those who created it, the Tendril Access Processor—or TAP—downloads the Global DataNet and Hyper Reality directly into the minds of billions of users across the solar system, bringing the world an unparalleled level of interconnectivity, and danger. Malware plagues the Deep, and hackers manipulate the Tendril Access Processor to upload malicious virii, steal secrets, and even the identities of the unwary.

This is the world in 2090, omae; let’s hope you survive it.

Interface Zero 2.0 is a cyberpunk game powered by the Savage Worlds game system. Play bioroids, full-metal cyborgs, vat-grown simulacra, genetic hybrids, Human 2.0, and even androids! Hack the world around you with our revised hacking rules, or take control of a drone and lay down some fire-support for your team! Get cybered with new cybernetics using our Fast Furious and Fun rules!

This E-book comes in two versions, a flattened file for viewing on your iPad or Kindle, and a layered screen version so you can create a printer-friendly file.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.01.2014 | 17:16
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/hf_starter_pack.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-products/3351-2/)
[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost Core Book Starter Pack
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 128 pages HC each
Price: approx. €51,00 plus €13,00 shipping (TAG Store only)

Welcome to the world of Hellfrost!

Many people have asked us what is the best way to get into Hellfrost, and the honest answer is to jump in with both feet!

So to help you do this we are now able to offer the three core books as a quick start pack enabling you to play this amazing setting at an very affordable price!

In the pack you will receive Hardback printed versions of:

Total original price $99.99 – Special offer pack price $69.99 plus shipping.

Important Note: Hellfrost Players Guide will come in a separate package – you will receive the Bestiary and the Gazetteer in a second package.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.01.2014 | 09:53
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4513/124624.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/124624/REACT-Worldbook-v11-PolySystem-edition?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[paNik productions] R.E.A.C.T. Worldbook v1.1 PolySystem edition
Authors: M. Andrew Payne, Nik Palmer
Pages: 86
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/124624-sample.pdf)

New Edition! Now supported by 4 more systems.


Enter the world of R.E.A.C.T., the Research, Engineering, And Crisis Team! Psychics and cyborgs battle mutants to defend mankind from extra-dimensional destruction in this sci-fi espionage themed action-adventure game world. Forget games with nebulous morality where the characters are reprobates, monsters or anti-heroes; R.E.A.C.T. is absolutely the good guys and are out to save the world... with Science!

* 98 pages (12 more than before)
* 4 different divisions
* Character archetypes and advancement (6 more than before)
* 92 original illustrations (48 more than before)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.01.2014 | 19:40
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/124938.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/124685/Interface-Zero-20-Full-Metal-Cyberpunk?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero 2.0: Threats Figure Flats
Authors/Artists: Jordan Peacock, and others
Pages: 13
Price: €3,66 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Need some cyberpunk-themed figure flats for your Interface Zero 2.0 game?

Look no further!

Enclosed is an assortment of paper models or “figure flats” intended to represent Threats on the tabletop in skirmishes and other situations where it’s important to tell who is where.

Just print out on regular copy paper (or on cardstock if you’d prefer a bit more weight), then cut out and assemble. The names on the tabs are just for inspiration purposes.
Ultimately, the figure is whatever or whoever you want it to be!

This set focuses on various threats your group might encounter on missions.

This pack contains well over 80 figure flats for your Interface Zero 2.0 game!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.01.2014 | 01:08
The Future Is Fast Upon Us!

Mark your calendars and set your reminders—PDF sales and print preorders start on the Pinnacle site this week for the all-new Science Fiction Companion and the Super Powers Companion (Second Edition)! You’ll also be able to sign up for the Print-PDF combo pack—you’ll get the PDF immediately, have your print copy preordered, and enjoy a substantial discount!

Take a look at the cover preview—you know you want that. Never go into space alone…always take a Companion!



Damit heute abend niemand unnötig wartet:

Zitat von: PEGShane
Hey friends,

Wanted to give you the first heads up since you've been so great and enthusiastic about the SFC...but we're going to delay it (and SPC2) one week until the 21st. I just felt like it needed one more polish pass by our proofers and playtesters before I put it in your hands.

I know anticipation is high--I'm more than a little scared it won't live up to the hype! If that happens, blame rests solely on me. I used the old toolkits as inspiration but it's definitely not the same material. Fortunately, we have a GREAT group of proofers and playtesters who also poured their hearts into it, so my confidence is high. But the expectations are also high and there are a LOT of opinions on what scifi should be.

For the record, this is "RPG scifi." It should work for Star Frontiers, Star Wars, Traveller, and that kind of thing. It has cyberware but it isn't Shadowrun (and doesn't have detailed rules for cyberspace, as I mentioned earlier). It has walkers, but it isn't Mech Warrior (though it could easily be run with it).

So one last pass and a little time to breathe and we'll see you next Tuesday. Check out today's web update for more. Sorry for the delay...but it will be stronger for it.



Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.01.2014 | 22:18
Game Geeks #224 Savage Worlds: Science Fiction Companion

Damit das Warten bis Dienstag Nacht nicht so lange dauert...

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.01.2014 | 19:36
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/TAG35006_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/125339/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-%236-The-Heart-of-Fire?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #6: The Heart of Fire
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 12
Prices: €2,58 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

In the center of Al-Shirkuh lies a burning wasteland of choking ash, boiling mud pools, chocking sulfur, scorching winds, and rivers of bubbling lava. In the core lies a vast crater, fed by lava rivers, its heat the enemy of flesh, its glow a beacon that illuminates the desert for countless leagues. Never conquered, it is home only to fire giants, elemental beings, and a handful of hardy orc tribes. This is the Heart of Fire, the nearest thing to the elemental realm of fire mortals can explore. It is an arid, lifeless realm that offers no pity to the weak.

Inside you’ll find:
* Expanded information on the cult of Geb-Agni (god of earth and fire), including major festivals.
* Information of the creation of the fiery realm, its fire giant ruler, King Surtur, and its many perils.
* 6 new locations to explore and two major NPCs to encounter.
* 3 minor deities.
* 5 new monsters, including the fearsome lava dragon and choking soulfur cloud.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.01.2014 | 22:09
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/SFC_Cover_Web.jpg) (http://www.peginc.com/product-category/peg/savage-worlds/)
[Pinnacle] Science Fiction Companion
Author: Originally developed by Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams; New edition by Shane Lacy Hensley with Clint & Jodi Black, John Goff, Matthew Cutter, Piotr Korys, Preston Dubose, David Jarvis, Adam Loyd
Pages: 98
Prices: $14,99 PDF only; $24,99 Softback Preorder & PDF; $29,99 Limited Hardback Preorder & PDF (Pinnacle Store)   
Add Shipping Cost to Germany for any physical order: $20,45

There are places far beyond the familiar bounds of Earth. Some lie twinkling in the distant starfields, waiting to be discovered by intrepid explorers or conquered by legions of space marines. Others are just around the corner in time, a near future where hovertanks race across blasted battlefields, cyberware replaces organic limbs, and robots serve humanity—or attempt to annihilate it.

The Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion contains new races, Edges and Hindrances, Setting Rules, gear, cyberware, and numerous strange creatures from across the galaxy. It also includes detailed but simple rules for players and Game Masters to create their own robots, power armor, vehicles, starships, walkers and more to travel to the stars…and beyond!

The Science Fiction Companion requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.

(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/SPC_Cover_Web.jpg) (http://www.peginc.com/product-category/peg/savage-worlds/)
[Pinnacle] Super Powers Companion (Second Edition)
Author: Written and developed by Shane Lacy Hensley and Clint Black; Additional Material by Adam Loyd, Jodi Black, Matt Cutter, Norm “No Relation” Hensley, Joel Kinstle, and Piotr Korys
Pages: 98
Prices: $14,99 PDF only; $24,99 Softback Preorder & PDF; $29,99 Limited Hardback Preorder & PDF (Pinnacle Store)   
Add Shipping Cost to Germany for any physical order: $20,45

It takes more than a cape and a costume to be a hero. It takes guts, determination, and the willingness to sacrifice. It takes even more to be a super hero. For with these amazing powers comes the responsibility to stand up to the greatest evils, protect the oppressed, and occasionally, save the world.

…or rule it!

The Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion (Second Edition) contains new Edges and Hindrances, Setting Rules like Death & Defeat and Power Stunts, gear, rules for headquarters, a rogue’s gallery of insidious villains, and of course a host of streamlined super powers ready for action.

This is a new edition of the Super Powers Companion. It’s a comprehensive update of the original with significant new material. Soon after it debuts, we’ll have a free list of the most important changes for owners of the original edition.

The Super Powers Companion requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.

Note: Super Powers Companion (Second Edition) Free Villain Supplement

The Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion (Second Edition) has significant new powers, Setting Rules, and abilities, so some of the villains from the original edition didn’t make it into the latest version. We’ll have a free update soon with all those villains and their updated powers for those who’d like to use them in their campaigns.

The PDF is available for immediate download.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.01.2014 | 22:39
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2419/125435.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/125435/DTotSL-%2308-The-Doomsday-War?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[TAG] DTotSL #08: The Doomsday War
Author: Luis E. Torres
Pages: 26
Prices: €5,90 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Strap in and prepare for a battle you will never forget in the latest Daring Tales of the Space Lanes!

Triple Ace Games’ line of high-octane, two-fisted tales that launch the heroes into space, where fighting evil crime lords, evading bounty hunters, and dodging asteroids (while blasting away at enemy fighters) is all in a day’s work!

This issue contains a single, stand-alone adventure.

The Doomsday War: While visiting a planet involved in a bloody interstellar war, the crew of the Blazing Star stumble upon a genocidal conspiracy to eradicate an entire species! Now the heroes must use everything at their disposal to survive and discover who (or what) is manipulating this war for its own ends. What will happen when the mysterious “Doomsday” arrives? It’s a race against time, and the future of two worlds hangs in the balance!

Epic space battles, high-speed chases, combat against impossible odds, evil plots, and a secret that will change everything, await the heroes in this adventure in a war-torn star system.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.01.2014 | 22:49
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2850/103263.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/103263/Streets-of-Bedlam-SOBs-Ingenue-%2B-Sawbones?SRC=FeaturedProduct&motds_id=7619&from_home=1)
[FunSizedGames] Streets of Bedlam SOBs: Ingenue + Sawbones
Author: Jason L Blair
Pages: 12
Prices: €2,21 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

The Streets of Bedlam are home to all sorts of people. Good, bad, young, old. You never know who you're going to meet. But be sure of one thing: they're all SOBs.

Introducing two new Archetypes for use in your Streets of Bedlam campaign!

Reach for the stars as the talented-yet-naive Ingenue or sit on the razor's edge as the high-pressure combat doc Sawbones.

This PDF includes a full write-up of both Archetypes so you can give new options to your players and also includes signature sample characters for use as NPCs in your games.

Designed for use with Streets of Bedlam: A Savage World of Crime + Corruption.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.01.2014 | 02:42
(http://tools.peginc.com/assets/images/logo.jpg) (http://tools.peginc.com/)
Free Savage Worlds Toolset Released

To help you get more out of the Science Fiction Companion, Brendan at Squid&Crow (and one of our own webmasters) has released a set of tools to help you quickly generate Power Armor, Robots, Vehicles, Walkers, and Starships based entirely on the Science Fiction Companion rules. You decide on the gear, and the tools will handle the math!

That’s just the tip of the iceberg! Depending on community involvement and demand, more tools will be built and released over time. Pop by the Savage Worlds Toolset  (http://tools.peginc.com/)page and let Brendan know what you like and what you want, and we’ll make sure you spend even less time prepping and more time playing!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.01.2014 | 00:20
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/125524.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/125524/The-Mirrors-of-Carthage&affiliate_id=14728)
[GRAmel] TimeZero: The Mirrors of Catharge
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack, Piotr Koys
Pages: 60
Price: €5,14 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/125524-sample.pdf)

Time Emergency! Operations teams Alpha, Beta and Gamma to the briefing room! Prepare to intervene on the timeline!

GRAmel’s line of time travel adventures takes you through the mists of time to stop chronoterrorists, prevent time anomalies, and save the continuum from obliteration!
This issue contains a single, stand-alone adventure and an additional mat

The Mirrors of Carthage: A mysterious temporal anomaly is detected by TimeGuard in Syracuse, Italy, 212 BC, just a few days before the famous battle in which Archimedes, the mathematical genius, was killed. Is it just a natural phenomenon, or something darker happening in the far past?

Sieges, battles, forbidden cults, and the subtleties of Roman politics await the Operatives in the age of the Punic Wars!

Sunday Files Expansion - Inventors of the Timeline: In this expansion you’ll find useful information about the Patent Office, a special branch of Timezero which must watch over the greatest minds of the timeline. In this appendix are detailed several known and unknown inventors of human history, men and women who with their discoveries greatly furthered the advance of mankind. These same people, if not monitored and controlled, could wreak havoc throughout the entire continuum! In addition there are special rules tweaks to help you play an inventor-type Operative!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.01.2014 | 05:57
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/101/125623.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/125623/Super-Powered-Operation-Marshal-Law?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Misfit Studios] Super-Powered: Operation: Marshal Law
Author: Steven Trustrum
Artist: Scott Harshbarger
Pages: 3
Price: €1,13 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/125623-sample.pdf)

The first of our Super-Powered series for the Savage World rules, Operation: Marshal Law details the US Marshal Service program intended to integrate super-powered beings into the agency as law enforcement officers.

Within this brief PDF you will find:

* Information relevant to playing metahumans who join the United States Marshals Service.
* Guidelines on what a USMS office entails.
* A new Professional Edge: US Marshal.
* Three ideas for involving the US Marshal Service in your game

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com (https://www.peginc.com/). Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

This product is compatible with material found in the Super Powers Companion (Second Edition)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.01.2014 | 21:52
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4761/125437.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/125437/Shaintar-Legends-Unleashed-%28Players-Guide%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar: Legends Unleashed Players Guide
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Chris Bivins, James Denton, Jason Engle, Johan Lindroos, Stephen Najarian, Alida Saxon, Tomasz Tworek
Pages: 79
Price: €7,30 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/125437-sample.pdf)

Your Savage Worlds fantasy gaming experience grows to Heroic and Legendary levels with this highly-anticipated follow-up to Shaintar: Legends Arise.

"The best campaigns are living campaigns. Things are happening everywhere, and your character, no matter the level of power, is a vital part of any world-changing event.

"Great Game Masters have the knack to make this happen with any world, but Shaintar has that knack built in. The world hangs in a balance between Light and Dark, Devastation and Life, Heroism and Villainy. The player knows that only by embracing the heroism can the player’s character tip the balance.

"Shaintar is familiar enough to immerse yourself in, yet strange enough to make you want to know what new wonders are about to be unleashed. And now the wonders are loosed. Fasten your saddle cinch; it’s going to be quite a ride."

- Steve Perrin, legendary writer and creator of the RPGs Runequest, Stormbringer, Worlds of Wonder, Elfquest and Superworld, as well as contributor to dozens of other products and product lines.

Savage Worlds fans will find even more to love about Shaintar: Legends Unleashed:

* Over 40 new Racial Edges for each of the original 11 Races of Shaintar.
* Dozens of other new Edges, including unique and defining Heroic and Legendary Edges.
* Vastly expanded options for Magic, including Places, Items, and Times of Power; War Magic; and the genre-expanding High Magic that brings Savage Worlds fans the kind of world-shaking mystical power they've been craving.
* Further information for Alchemists and Artificers, expanding their capabilities.
* More magical and alchemical items, and a lot more about Builder Weapons, Armor, and Gear.
* The View from On High, furthering the story of Shaintar and giving players and GMs a clear sense of the role of true Legends in the workings of the world.
* More Weapons, Armor, and Gear, including Obsidian weapons for the Korindians and the highly popular "Hammerbolt Modification" for Dwarven Crossbows. Oh, there's the Orc Blade-Shield, too!

Continue your Epic High Fantasy journey with this book, and find tons of material that will enhance the Heroic and Legendary Ranks of any Savage Worlds game!

This is the Players Guide, containing Player information for Heroic and Legendary play!

This book covers Heroic and Legendary Rank gaming. The previously-published Shaintar: Legends Arise is the companion book to this, covering Novice, Seasoned, and Veteran play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.01.2014 | 00:43
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/TAG35007_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/125676/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-%237-The-Salt-Basin?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #7: The Salt Basin
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 12
Prices: €2,55 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

The Salt Basin, a vast depression devoid of water and vegetation, ranks as one of the most inhospitable places in Al-Shirkuh. And yet there is life in this blistering hot wilderness. Strange creatures immune to the need for water haunt the interior, while slaves toil under the whip to extract slabs of precious salt for sale in the great markets.

Inside you’ll find:
* Expanded information on the cult of Apsu (god of water), including major festivals.
* Theories on the creation of the fiery realm and the dangers that await explorers.
* Note on the religious views of the civilized inhabitants and opportunities for trade.
* A new Arcane Background - dessicator magic.
* 7 new locations to explore and 3 major NPCs to encounter.
* 1 minor deity.
* 6 new monsters, including the deadly salt dragon, and 2 new hazards.

[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Adventure Pack 1: Tales from the Sands *Kickstarter*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 132
Prices: €9,00 PDF only; €19,00 SC + PDF; €27,00 HC + PDF; €32,00 Signed HC + PDF (Kickstarter)
Add shipping costs to any physical pledge levels (+€6,00 SC and +€18,00 HC)

Tales from the Sands will be the first adventure pack for Hellfrost: Land of Fire and is published by Triple Ace Games.

Here are the short descriptions of the adventures that will be found in this book:
* The Golden Queen, in which a misguided soul seeks to make slaves of the entire continent by calling upon an ancient power. (Novice characters: 32 pages)
* Darkness at Darshab, in which a small village is beset by a terrible evil that gnaws at its heart and soul. (Novice characters: 34 pages)
* The Last Voyage of Sinbad, in which the heroes become bold mariners in the hope of conversing with Sinbad the Sailor. (Seasoned characters: 32 pages)
* Reign of Fire, in which the heroes must prevent the land being consumed by fire. (Seasoned characters: 31 pages)

There will be more details when this Kickstarter goes live next week!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.01.2014 | 00:55
(http://static.squarespace.com/static/513f57ebe4b0970eaf232dec/t/52e6e946e4b0ed94ecd354ea/1390864716084/Nova%20Praxis%20Logo.jpg?format=500w) (http://www.voidstarstudios.com/home/2014/1/27/the-big-announcements)

We're proud to announce that Nova Praxis is going to be released as an officially licensed Savage Worlds campaign setting. And is that the conversion is being done in conjunction with none other than veteran Savage Worlds developer and publisher, Sean Patrick Fannon, author of Shaintar.

We're really excited about this, and more details will follow soon!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.01.2014 | 01:05
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Rome_Screen.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/weird-wars-rome-game-masters-screen-inserts-pdf/)
[Pinnacle] Weird Wars Rome Game Master’s Screen Inserts PDF
Price: $3,99 (Pinnacle PDF Store)

Assemble your Legions with ease in the full glory of the Empire with the new Weird Wars Rome Game Master’s Screen Inserts. These full-color, full-size screen inserts include artwork from Weird Wars Rome to set the mood and the most important charts and tables from Weird Wars Rome—including summaries for Mass Battles, Spoils of War, Roman military organization, and more.

The sheets can be used as inserts in the Savage Worlds Customizable GM Screen, printed and attached to an existing landscape-style screen, or printed on rigid cardstock for a quick stand-alone screen. The choice is yours!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.02.2014 | 19:22
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/land-of-fire-logo.png) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/tales-from-the-sands-a-land-of-fire-adventure-pack?ref=card)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Adventure Pack 1: Tales from the Sands *Kickstarter*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 132
Prices: €9,00 PDF only; €19,00 SC + PDF; €27,00 HC + PDF; €32,00 Signed HC + PDF (Kickstarter)
Add shipping costs to any physical pledge levels (+€6,00 SC and +€18,00 HC)

Tales from the Sands will be the first adventure pack for Hellfrost: Land of Fire and is published by Triple Ace Games.

Here are the short descriptions of the adventures that will be found in this book:
* The Golden Queen, in which a misguided soul seeks to make slaves of the entire continent by calling upon an ancient power. (Novice characters: 32 pages)
* Darkness at Darshab, in which a small village is beset by a terrible evil that gnaws at its heart and soul. (Novice characters: 34 pages)
* The Last Voyage of Sinbad, in which the heroes become bold mariners in the hope of conversing with Sinbad the Sailor. (Seasoned characters: 32 pages)
* Reign of Fire, in which the heroes must prevent the land being consumed by fire. (Seasoned characters: 31 pages)



Für alljene, die zwar keine Kreditkarte aber einen PayPal-Account besitzen, bietet TAG die Möglichkeit die Pledges über den TAG-eigenen Store abzugeben:

Bondsman (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-land-of-fire-products/bondsman-pledge-tales-from-the-sands-kickstarter/) (PDF only)
Minion (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-land-of-fire-products/minion-pledge-plus-shipping-tales-from-the-sands-kickstarter/) (Softcover + PDF)
Follower (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-land-of-fire-products/follower-pledge-plus-shipping-tales-from-the-sands-kickstarter/) (Hardcover + PDF)
Sultan (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-land-of-fire-products/sultan-pledge-plus-shipping-tales-from-the-sands-kickstarter/) (Signed Hardcover + PDF)

Dieser Kickstarter endet am 19.02.2014 mittags und soll nur die Druckkosten der Bücher erwirtschaften.

Update: Nach nur 9 Stunden ist das Projekt schon zu 90% durch.
Update 2: Das Projekt ist finanziert!

Update 3: Es reichte zusätzliche Illustrationen als Stretch Goal freizuschalten. Für die Figure Flats reichte es nicht, aber die werden dann im Laufe des nächsten Jahres kommen, wenn genügend Luft da ist. Das LoF Action Deck Add On wird in ein paar Monaten auch regulär über den TAG Store verfügbar sein.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.02.2014 | 03:39
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/125970.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/125970/Tomorrow-bomb?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[GRAmel] TimeZero: Tomorrow Bomb
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack, Piotr Koys
Pages: 55
Price: €5,14 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/125970-sample.pdf)

Time Emergency! Operations teams Alpha, Beta and Gamma to the briefing room! Prepare to intervene on the timeline!

GRAmel’s line of time travel adventures takes you through the mists of time to stop chronoterrorists, prevent time anomalies and save the continuum from obliteration!

This issue contains a single, stand-alone adventure.

The Tomorrow Bomb: Kaboom! Second World War. With a single atomic explosion London is wiped out by the Luftwaffe, during the Battle of Britain. But, wait a minute, the Nazis aren’t supposed to have an atomic bomb! The Operatives are engaged in a race against time (no pun intended) to save the whole of modern history! Nazis, heartless killers, a trickster from the past, and the shadow of atomic annihilation await the players in this scenario.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.02.2014 | 23:39
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/125989.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/125989/Interface-Zero-20-Game-Masters-guide&affiliate_id=14728)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero 2.0: Game Master's Guide
Authors: Peter J Wacks, David Jarvis, Hal Maclean, Matt Conklin jr., Patrick Smith, and others
Pages: 287
Price: €7,35 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/125989-sample.pdf)


Unsure if you want to pay for the Full-size E-book, or just want to have the Game Master tools in one easily-accessable document. This is the PDF for you!

The Game Master's guide gives you all the world and solar system information, adventure, gang, and bio horror generators, city trappings rules, and NPC's!

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/126119.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/126119/Interface-Zero-20-Players-Guide&affiliate_id=14728)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero 2.0: Players's Guide
Authors: Peter J Wacks, David Jarvis, Hal Maclean, Matt Conklin jr., Patrick Smith, and others
Pages: 189
Price: €7,35 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/126119-sample.pdf)


Want everything you need to create a character, but don't want to get the entire Interface Zero PDF? Then Look no further!

The Interface Zero 2.0 Players Guide gives you everything you need to create a character. Inside this book you'll find 16 cyberpunk archetypes, new races, edges, tons of equipment, and all the setting rules, including cybernetic rules, drone rules, gollemmechs, Hacking, and much more!

Both E-books come in two versions, a flattened file for viewing on your IPAD or Kindle, and a layered screen version so you can create a printer-friendly file.

PLEASE NOTE: If you already own Interface Zero 2.0: Full Metal Cyberpunk, the Player's Guide comprises the first half, while the Game Master's Guide covers the rest of that book.


Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.02.2014 | 20:35
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/TAG35008_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/126148/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-%238-The-Empty-Zone?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #8: The Empty Zone
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 12
Prices: €2,56 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

West of the Southern Trade Road lies the Empty Zone, so named because there are no oases and no permanent settlements. A desolate, arid wasteland of sand and ruins, it was once a vibrant center of civilization. For many who dare walk the shifting sands, all that awaits is death, and yet adventurers and opportunists are drawn here, for the countless ruins are supposed to hold wondrous treasures.

Inside you’ll find:
* Expanded information on the cult of Iblis (god of chaos), including major festivals designed to appease or fool him.
* An overview of the history of the barren realm and the perils that await explorers.
* A new Edge for those who traffic with darkness.
* 10 new locations to explore and 3 major NPCs to encounter.
* 3 minor deities.
* 4 new monsters.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.02.2014 | 20:50
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3243/126143.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/126143/Broken-Earth-%28Savage-Worlds%29?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Sneak Attack Press] Broken Earth (Savage Worlds)
Author: Matthew J. Hanson
Pages: 160
Prices: €11,73 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/126143-sample.pdf)

Bombs fell. Billions died. Now you must pick up the pieces and rebuild this Broken Earth.

Broken Earth is an adventure setting that takes place in a post-apocalyptic version of Earth. It deals with a small fraction of the world, what was once the northern Midwest of the United States, and a tiny bit of southern Central Canada. As an adventure setting, Broken Earth includes many compelling locations and adventures, but also gives the heroes freedom to explore the world.

The book gives the GM everything you need to run a prolonged campaign in the Broken Earth setting, including locations, NPCs, plot points, mutant monsters, and a detailed first adventure that brings the party together.

This book also contains everything in the Broken Earth Player's Guide (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/121482/Broken-Earth-Players-Guide-%28Savage-Worlds%29&affiliate_id=14728). If you are a player in a Broken Earth campaign you might want to check out the Broken Earth Player's Guide (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/121482/Broken-Earth-Players-Guide-%28Savage-Worlds%29&affiliate_id=14728). If you are a GM you should just get this book. You do NOT need both.

This is the Savage Worlds Compatible version of the book. The Pathfinder RPG compatible version is coming soon.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.02.2014 | 20:47
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3468/126226.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/126226/Savage-Worlds-Edi%C3%A7%C3%A3o-Brasileira&affiliate_id=14728)
[RetroPunk Publicacoes] Savage Worlds: Edição Brasileira
Authors: Shane Lacy Hensley, with Clint & Jodi Black, Matthew Cutter, John Goff, Joel Kinstle, Piotr Koryś, Jordan Peacock, Teller, and Simon Lucas
Pages: 216
Prices: €7,31 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/126226-sample.pdf)

Savage Worlds é um sistema de regras Rápido! Furioso! e Divertido! para qualquer gênero de RPG. Crie seu próprio cenário, adapte um já existente, ou escolha um dos maravilhosos mundo como Deadlands, Space 1889 ou Guerras Estranhas. As regras fornecem elementos sucificentes para os jogadores criarem seus personagens enquanto facilita o controle do mestre.

A Edição Brasileira contém as regras da edição Deluxe no formato da Explorers Edition, inclusive com uma identidade visual híbrida, utilizando a arte das das edições.

Se você procura um jogo rápido e fácil de preparar, narrar e jogar, então Savage Worlds é o seu sistema!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.02.2014 | 05:30
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/SuperPowersCompanionsTransitionGuide1.png) (http://peginc.com/freebies/SWcore/SW_Super_Powers_1st_to_2nd_Update.pdf)
Super Powers Companion Transition Guide

The recently-released Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion (Second Edition) is a significant update to the original Super Powers Companion. Because of the unique and comprehensive nature of the changes between the two, we’re doing something special for our friends who’ve supported the book since the beginning.

Normally, we provide an update document for new editions so you’ll know what, in particular has changed. This time, though, we’re giving you a basic text PDF with all of the rules from Character Creation through Headquarters (http://peginc.com/freebies/SWcore/SW_Super_Powers_1st_to_2nd_Update.pdf), including the material that didn’t change. That gives you all of the most current rules in one place without flipping back and forth between the original and the update document.

If you compare the transition guide (http://peginc.com/freebies/SWcore/SW_Super_Powers_1st_to_2nd_Update.pdf) to the Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion (Second Edition), you might notice that some of the “fluff” is gone. Don’t worry—all of the rules are in there!

This isn’t something we’ve ever done before, and it’s not something we’re likely to do again. This time, though, we wanted to thank you for all your support in the past, present, and in the future!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.02.2014 | 01:28
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/6253/125231.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/125231/Cast-of-Cards-Crypt-Creeps-%28Fantasy%29?manufacturers_id=6253&affiliate_id=14728)
[Warning Label] Cast of Cards: Crypt Creeps (Fantasy)
Pages: 18
Prices: €2,88 PDF, €2,88 Cards, €5,76 €3,61 PDF + Cards (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/gs_flipbook/flip.php?xml=/demo_xml/125231.xml&w=1000&h=700)

If you play Savage Worlds, then you know their slogan: "Fast, Furious, and Fun!" And if you play any role-playing game, you know it's all to easy to get stuck generating characters, filling out record sheets and otherwise doing paperwork. Sometimes you just want to sit down and play. Sometimes you need the characters already waiting.

Sometimes you need a Cast of Cards.

Cast of Cards decks offer gamers ready-to-use Savage Worlds NPCs, monsters, and villains, complete with stats and background--you can just shuffle the deck, choose and play. Available for order on dry-erase marker-ready cards, or printable from the PDF you can download today, Cast of Cards decks save you time and effort.

Each deck offers 17 Extras (NPCs), including game stats and character backgrounds, as well as space to track Wounds in case you upgrade the Extra to a Wild Card.

About Cast of Cards: Crypt Creeps (Fantasy)

Is your gaming group heading to a dark, dank crypt for some adventuring? Need to stop that diabolical undead magus? Crypt Creeps is just what you need!

Crypt Creeps characters include:

* Undead Magus
* Crypt Crone
* Skeleton Swordsman
* Fattened Worm
* Magus Disciple
* Gibbering Corpse
* Dread Spider
* Cursed Corpse Vines
* Banshee
* Ghost
* Ghöl
* Grounds Keeper
* Grave Robber
* Ghast
* Wailing Ghost
* Walking Gargoyle
* Dread Rat

For use with Savage Worlds Deluxe.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/6253/125272.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/125272/Cast-of-Cards-Desert-Oasis-%28Fantasy%29?manufacturers_id=6253&affiliate_id=14728)
[Warning Label] Cast of Cards: Desert Oasis (Fantasy)
Pages: 18
Prices: €2,88 PDF, €2,88 Cards, €5,76 €3,61 PDF + Cards (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/gs_flipbook/flip.php?xml=/demo_xml/125272.xml&w=1000&h=700)

If you play Savage Worlds, then you know their slogan: "Fast, Furious, and Fun!" And if you play any role-playing game, you know it's all to easy to get stuck generating characters, filling out record sheets and otherwise doing paperwork. Sometimes you just want to sit down and play. Sometimes you need the characters already waiting.

Sometimes you need a Cast of Cards.

Cast of Cards decks offer gamers ready-to-use Savage Worlds NPCs, monsters, and villains, complete with stats and background--you can just shuffle the deck, choose and play. Available for order on dry-erase marker-ready cards, or printable from the PDF you can download today, Cast of Cards decks save you time and effort.

Each deck offers 17 Extras (NPCs), including game stats and character backgrounds, as well as space to track Wounds in case you upgrade the Extra to a Wild Card.

About Cast of Cards: Desert Oasis (Fantasy)

The desert is a harsh place to seek adventure, so it's a good thing your gaming group has come across a bustling oasis. But, there are dangers here as well, from carnivorous trees to a magic-wielding desert witch. If your heroes are heading into the sandy wastes, Desert Oasis is for you!

Desert Oasis characters include:

* Priest of the Sands
* Witch of the Desert
* Oasis Guard 1
* Oasis Guard 2
* Tribal Warrior 1
* Tribal Warrior 2
* Sand Devil
* Oasis Emir
* Oasis Guardmaster
* Desert Pilgrim
* Desert Explorer 1
* Desert Explorer 2
* Oasis Lurker
* Carnivorous Tree
* Tribal Shaykhah
* Desert Raider
* Tribal Sheikh

For use with Savage Worlds Deluxe.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/6253/125048.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/125048/Cast-of-Cards-Dockside-Denizens-%28Fantasy%29?manufacturers_id=6253&affiliate_id=14728)
[Warning Label] Cast of Cards: Dockside Denizens (Fantasy)
Pages: 18
Prices: €2,88 PDF, €2,88 Cards, €5,76 €3,61 PDF + Cards (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/gs_flipbook/flip.php?xml=/demo_xml/125048.xml&w=1000&h=700)

If you play Savage Worlds, then you know their slogan: "Fast, Furious, and Fun!" And if you play any role-playing game, you know it's all to easy to get stuck generating characters, filling out record sheets and otherwise doing paperwork. Sometimes you just want to sit down and play. Sometimes you need the characters already waiting.

Sometimes you need a Cast of Cards.

Cast of Cards decks offer gamers ready-to-use Savage Worlds NPCs, monsters, and villains, complete with stats and background--you can just shuffle the deck, choose and play. Available for order on dry-erase marker-ready cards, or printable from the PDF you can download today, Cast of Cards decks save you time and effort.

Each deck offers 17 Extras (NPCs), including game stats and character backgrounds, as well as space to track Wounds in case you upgrade the Extra to a Wild Card.

About Cast of Cards: Dockside Denizens (Fantasy)

Is your gaming group going near the water? Into a port city in any fantastic setting? On a journey across the dangerous sea? Then check out Dockside Denizens, and give your group a diverse mix of littoral characters, ready for the playing.

Dockside Denizens characters include:

* Piranhaman
* Harpooner
* Smuggler
* Harbor Watchman
* Feral Dog
* Fishmonger
* Fisherman
* Pickpocket
* Sailor 1
* Sailor 2
* Dock Worker 1
* Dock Worker 2
* Ferryman
* Merchant
* Strange Foreigner
* Ship Captain
* Shark of the Shallows

For use with Savage Worlds Deluxe.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.02.2014 | 02:03
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/101/126569.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/126569/SuperPowered-10-HQ-AddOns?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Misfit Studios] Super-Powered: 10 HQ Add-Ons
Author: Steven Trustrum
Pages: 4
Price: €1,13 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/gs_flipbook/flip.php?xml=/demo_xml/126569.xml&w=1000&h=648)

This installment of our Super-Powered series for the Savage Worlds rules provides 10 new add-ons for headquarters following the format presented in the Super Powers Companion (Second Edition.)

Within this brief PDF you will find:

* 3 new HQ rooms: the Arcane Sanctuary, Hazard Room, Power Amplifier, and a bonus Generator addendum.
* 3 new HQ extras: Automated Systems, the Benny Pool, and Grounds.
* We also introduce Headquarters Hindrances, providing 3 examples: Accessible Bowels, Haunted, and Occupied.

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

This product is compatible with material found in the Super Powers Companion (Second Edition).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.02.2014 | 06:56
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF: Calendar and Resource Management & Miracles Update
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams

The final version of the LOF Calendar is now available to download:

The Resource Management & Miracles Update is available to download too:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.02.2014 | 05:16
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/TAG35009_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/126674/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-9-The-Great-Dune-Sea?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #9: The Great Dune Sea
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 12
Prices: €2,54 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

A land of howling wind, monstrous sand dunes, no standing water, and an ever-chang­ing landscape, the Great Dune Sea is widely regarded as a wasteland. Yet nomads make their home on the outskirts, tending their flocks on the sparse vegetation of the desert and eking a living as traders and guides. Within the dunes, so legends say, lie several ruined cities, mostly covered in sand, but occasionally revealing their ancient buildings to the curious.

Inside you’ll find:
* Expanded information on the cult of Tamarni (goddess of pleasure and the home), including major festivals.
* Theories of the origins of the windswept realm and a guide to the hardships that await explorers.
* A new Edge for those who wish to travel the sands.
* 8 new locations to explore and 4 major NPCs to encounter.
* 3 minor deities.
* 1 new monster and 2 new hazards.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.02.2014 | 05:45
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/6253/125251.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/125251/Cast-of-Cards-Kings-Castle-Fantasy?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Warning Label] Cast of Cards: King's Castle (Fantasy)
Pages: 18
Prices: €2,88 PDF, €2,88 Cards, €5,75 €3,60 PDF + Cards (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/gs_flipbook/flip.php?xml=/demo_xml/125251.xml&w=1000&h=700)

If you play Savage Worlds, then you know their slogan: "Fast, Furious, and Fun!" And if you play any role-playing game, you know it's all to easy to get stuck generating characters, filling out record sheets and otherwise doing paperwork. Sometimes you just want to sit down and play. Sometimes you need the characters already waiting.

Sometimes you need a Cast of Cards.

Cast of Cards decks offer gamers ready-to-use Savage Worlds NPCs, monsters, and villains, complete with stats and background--you can just shuffle the deck, choose and play. Available for order on dry-erase marker-ready cards, or printable from the PDF you can download today, Cast of Cards decks save you time and effort.

Each deck offers 17 Extras (NPCs), including game stats and character backgrounds, as well as space to track Wounds in case you upgrade the Extra to a Wild Card.

About Cast of Cards: King's Castle (Fantasy)

Royalty is always in need of a few champions, and when your gaming group arrives at the king's residence you'll be ready with this deck of NPCs. King's Castle features NPCs from the king himself down to the resident chef.

King's Castle characters include:

* High King
* High Queen
* Royal Daughter
* Crown Prince
* Jester
* Royal Guard 1
* Royal Guard 2
* Court Wizard
* High Priest
* Castle Chef
* Royal Castellan
* Lord General
* Courtesan
* Royal Advisor
* Spy
* Servant
* Spectre of the Tower

For use with Savage Worlds Deluxe.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/6253/125701.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/125701/Cast-of-Cards-Vampire-Castle-Fantasy?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Warning Label] Cast of Cards: Vampire Castle (Fantasy)
Pages: 18
Prices: €2,88 PDF, €2,88 Cards, €5,75 €3,60 PDF + Cards (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/gs_flipbook/flip.php?xml=/demo_xml/125701.xml&w=1000&h=700)

If you play Savage Worlds, then you know their slogan: "Fast, Furious, and Fun!" And if you play any role-playing game, you know it's all to easy to get stuck generating characters, filling out record sheets and otherwise doing paperwork. Sometimes you just want to sit down and play. Sometimes you need the characters already waiting.

Sometimes you need a Cast of Cards.

Cast of Cards decks offer gamers ready-to-use Savage Worlds NPCs, monsters, and villains, complete with stats and background--you can just shuffle the deck, choose and play. Available for order on dry-erase marker-ready cards, or printable from the PDF you can download today, Cast of Cards decks save you time and effort.

Each deck offers 17 Extras (NPCs), including game stats and character backgrounds, as well as space to track Wounds in case you upgrade the Extra to a Wild Card.

About Cast of Cards: Vampire Castle (Fantasy)

The dark castle deep in the mountains holds secrets and terrors that your gaming group must overcome! Vampire Castle gives you monsters, NPCs and villains that your heroes must fight, befriend, or avoid (if they’re smart!) to get out alive!

Vampire Castle characters include:

* Vampire Lord
* Thrall Warrior
* Thrall 1
* Thrall 2
* Castle Guardian
* Stone Warrior
* Vampire Witch
* Vampiress 1
* Vampiress 2
* Vampiress 3
* Bloodsucker
* Vampire Hunter
* The Ancient One
* Vampiric Priest
* Slave 1
* Slave 2
* Cursed Specter

For use with Savage Worlds Deluxe.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/6253/125313.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/125313/Cast-of-Cards-Typical-Tavern-Fantasy?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Warning Label] Cast of Cards: Typical Tavern (Fantasy)
Pages: 18
Prices: €2,88 PDF, €2,88 Cards, €5,76 €3,61 PDF + Cards (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/gs_flipbook/flip.php?xml=/demo_xml/125048.xml&w=1000&h=700)

If you play Savage Worlds, then you know their slogan: "Fast, Furious, and Fun!" And if you play any role-playing game, you know it's all to easy to get stuck generating characters, filling out record sheets and otherwise doing paperwork. Sometimes you just want to sit down and play. Sometimes you need the characters already waiting.

Sometimes you need a Cast of Cards.

Cast of Cards decks offer gamers ready-to-use Savage Worlds NPCs, monsters, and villains, complete with stats and background--you can just shuffle the deck, choose and play. Available for order on dry-erase marker-ready cards, or printable from the PDF you can download today, Cast of Cards decks save you time and effort.

Each deck offers 17 Extras (NPCs), including game stats and character backgrounds, as well as space to track Wounds in case you upgrade the Extra to a Wild Card.

About Cast of Cards: Typical Tavern (Fantasy)

Taverns are a staple of any fantasy-based adventure. Whether your gaming group is just getting started or is taking a quick break from a long quest, Typical Tavern gives you NPCs to befriend or battle!

Typical Tavern characters include:

* Barkeep
* Serving Wench 1
* Serving Wench 2
* Drunken Bard
* Disguised Noble
* Lady of the Night
* Celebrating Dwarf
* Celebrating Warrior
* Celebrating Wizard
* Celebrating Elf
* Watchman on Rounds
* Bouncer (Half-Orc)
* Young Vampire on the Prowl
* Gambler 1
* Gambler 2
* Troubled Farmer
* Observing Man

For use with Savage Worlds Deluxe.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/6253/125494.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/125494/Cast-of-Cards-Freebie-Pack-1-Fantasy?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Warning Label] Cast of Cards: Freebie Pack 1 (Fantasy)
Pages: 6
Prices: Freebie PDF, €0,37 Cards, €0,37 PDF + Cards (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/gs_flipbook/flip.php?xml=/demo_xml/125494.xml&w=1000&h=700)

If you play Savage Worlds, then you know their slogan: "Fast, Furious, and Fun!" And if you play any role-playing game, you know it's all to easy to get stuck generating characters, filling out record sheets and otherwise doing paperwork. Sometimes you just want to sit down and play. Sometimes you need the characters already waiting.

Sometimes you need a Cast of Cards.

Cast of Cards decks offer gamers ready-to-use Savage Worlds NPCs, monsters, and villains, complete with stats and background--you can just shuffle the deck, choose and play. Available for order on dry-erase marker-ready cards, or printable from the PDF you can download today, Cast of Cards decks save you time and effort.

Each deck offers 17 Extras (NPCs), including game stats and character backgrounds, as well as space to track Wounds in case you upgrade the Extra to a Wild Card.

Want to know more? No problem!

Cast of Cards: Freebie Pack 1 gives you five free NPCs. These unique characters fit in with other Cast of Cards decks, but are not repeats! If you like what you see, you'll have an extra card ready to go for your next adventure.

Freebie Pack 1 characters include:

* Obsessive Captain (Dockside Denizens)
* Curious Scholar (Crypt Creeps)
* Tower Prisoner (King's Castle)
* Desert Lynx (Desert Oasis)
* Timid Halfling (Typical Tavern)

For use with Savage Worlds Deluxe.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.02.2014 | 06:02
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4491/126332.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/126332/Savage-Worlds-SciFi-NPCs?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[DramaScape] Savage Worlds SciFi NPC's
Authors: Aaron T. Huss, Steven J Black, Simon Powell, Mark Stout, Vidar Edland
Artist: Simon Powell
Pages: 68
Prices: €4,36 PDF, €7,27 Cards, €11,64 €7,27 PDF + Cards (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/126332-sample.pdf)

48 new SciFi NPC's for your Game.

If you buy the printed cards make sure you tick the Watermarked pdf and cards as you will then get the PDF free.
The cards are US Poker-Size 2.5" x 3.5" with rounded corners, double sided, UV coated, you can mark off the rounds you have expended with a dry wipe marker.

“People associate the word 'alien' with extraterrestrials, but sometimes humans appear the most alien of all… especially when, underneath the synthskin disguise, the inhuman lurks.”

The Savage Worlds SciFi NPC Cards contain 48 NPC cards for use with any near or far future Savage World setting. The front of each card has the character’s image, while the back of the card show the character’s Savage World statistics, including attributes, skills, racial abilities, hindrances, edges, and gear. The cards are available in PDF and on print on demand through DriveThruCards.

The PDF also includes in depth character information, including potential aliases, history and background, current work and situation, and resources available to the character. The character information also details a pending mission for the Player Characters to get involved in, and an optional plot twist that alters the NPC in some unforeseen way.

The NPC cards can be used in many ways. The most likely usage is as a random NPC encounter deck for the Game Master to draw upon, with the NPCs characteristics conveniently at hand. Alternatively, the Game Master could offer NPC cards to the Players as allies or henchmen of their Player Characters.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.03.2014 | 18:45
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/TAG10107_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/127021/Hellfrost-LOF-Tales-from-the-Sands?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF: Tales from the Sands
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 138
Prices: €11,61 (DriveThru/RPGNow)

The heroes of old are long dead, but they are far from forgotten.

For untold generations their names have flowed through time, their lives immortalized through the storytellers who speak of their courage, wit, and good fortune. Now the time has come for new names to be added to the list of honor and new stories to be told.

The path ahead for those chosen to carry the burden of hero status will be arduous. Many will fall by the wayside, their part in the story consigned to oblivion. Others will rise above the challenges set before them and earn the only true form of immortality.

Tales from the Sands is an adventure pack for Hellfrost: Land of Fire and contains:
* The Golden Queen, in which a misguided soul seeks to make slaves of the entire continent by calling upon an ancient power.
* Darkness at Darshab, in which a small village is beset by a terrible evil that gnaws at its heart and soul.
* The Last Voyage of Sinbad, in which the heroes become bold mariners in the hope of conversing with Sinbad the Sailor.
* Reign of Fire, in which the heroes must prevent the land being consumed by fire.

Each scenario includes encounter location maps and full monster stats and is published for the Hellfrost: Land of Fire setting by Triple Ace Games for the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.03.2014 | 02:36
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/TAG35010_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/127194/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-10-Plains-of-Ash?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #10: The Plains of Ash
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 12
Prices: €2,52 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Once the home of the cakali, once a center of enlightenment and invention, once a green and pleasant land, the Plains of Ash is now a blasted wasteland, a testament to the unearthly might and fury of the jinn. To most it is a featureless waste, a stain on the landscape to be avoided out of fear of what might lurk there. To the cakali, it is their spiritual home, and a reminder that freedom requires sacrifices.

Inside you’ll find:
* The origins of the cakali and more details on their practise of taking bondsmen.
* An overview of cakali religious leanings, including details of their funerary customs.
* Notes on the perils of walking the Plains of Ash, reasons why heroes might explore the wastes, and two adventure seeds.
* Expanded information on the cult of Qedeshet (god of knowledge), including major festivals.
* A new Arcane Background – Astrology magic.
* 7 new locations, including the Ever-Burning Oasis and the Jinni’s Grave.
* 3 notable NPCs.
* 3 minor deities.
* 2 new monsters and 3 hazards.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.03.2014 | 22:27
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/land-of-fire-logo.png) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrostLOF/Sample_Characters.pdf)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF: Sample Characters
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams

We’ve put up 8 sample characters (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrostLOF/Sample_Characters.pdf) to help get you started. All are Novice Rank with no advancements. Although the characters were included as part of N1: The Curse of the Sand Lord, they are generic heroes, and were not designed with any specific adventure in mind.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.03.2014 | 19:56
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/62/125678.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/125678/Eldritch-Skies-Savage-Worlds-Edition&affiliate_id=14728)
[Battlefield Press] Eldritch Skies (Savage Worlds Edition)
Authors: John Snead, A. J. Luxton, Ian Liddle 
Pages: 195
Price: €10,81 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/125678-sample.pdf)

Welcome to the GM's Day sale! From now through March 15th, this title has been marked down by 30%!

Battlefield Press presents its ENnie Award 2013 winning setting now for the Savage Worlds game engine.

It is 2030. The Gilman-Hawking drive has given us access to the stars. But we are not alone.

They're out there: aliens, gods and monsters. They're also down here. The Miskatonic Antarctic Expedition found the elder ones' city in 1931. The mi-go crashed in Roswell in 1947.

In 1958, as quietly as possible, not knowing what we were doing, we bent occult powers to our hands and took the step to Mars. The third time, the men who made that step could not step back. We fled back into our cave for a while.

But rocketry, and the Soviets, brought us back out soon enough. Competition took us to the moon. Uneasy teamwork saved the astronauts who would have died there among cyclopean, immemorial ruins.

In 1994, human scientists cracked alien technology and overcame the lightspeed barrier. They brought us the stars. They also brought us the madness that lies between them, the mind-twisting undarkness of hyperspace.

The future is here. Machine-made telepathy, augmentations, and unprecedented levels of automation have changed the face of Earth. But the science of sorcery, and our primitive understandings of what lies outside, have changed more than our minuscule planet. They've begun to let humanity out.

We walk amongst giants. Tread carefully.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/62/127283.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/127283/Distant-Vistas-Savage-Worlds-Edition?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Battlefield Press] Distant Vistas (Savage Worlds Edition)
Authors: John Snead, Ian Liddle
Pages: 38
Price: €10,77 €7,54 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/127283-sample.pdf)

Welcome to the GM's Day sale! From now through March 15th, this title has been marked down by 30%!

Picking up where the Eldritch Skies Rulebook left off, Distant Vistas expands the universe with new options and new additions.

Covering such topics as mining, to exploring strange new systems, between these covers are mysteries that reach to the very core of humankind’s voyages to the stars.

Based on the work of H.P. Lovecraft

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.03.2014 | 06:26
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/WWR_Fangs_of_the_Viper-1-232x300.png) (http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/WWR_Fangs_of_the_Viper.pdf)
[Pinnacle] Weird Wars: Rome - Fangs of the Viper One-Sheet
Author: Jason E. Roberts

Fangs of the Viper (http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/WWR_Fangs_of_the_Viper.pdf) is a new One Sheet adventure for Weird Wars: Rome. Can you and your valiant men save a stolen princess from some local bandit called “The Viper”? Or will you find that this remote desert contains tricks, treachery, and the truly unreal that casts a long shadow over the Empire in Weird Wars: Rome?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.03.2014 | 22:24
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/127357.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/127357/The-Dread-Shard?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians: The Dread Shard
Author: Marek "Planetourist" Golonka
Pages: 16
Price: €1,43 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/127357-sample.pdf)

Our heroes visit a great festival only to discover that it’s a trap devised to trigger a powerful demonic ritual. The feast soon becomes a slaughter as a Valk horde charges into the city.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.03.2014 | 19:39
(http://www.streetsofbedlam.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/StreetsOfBedlam_BunchofSOBs3_FSZ212_dtr_COVER-198x300.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/127537/Streets-of-Bedlam-SOBs-Paladin--Capper?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[FunSizedGames] Streets of Bedlam SOBs: Paladin + Capper
Author: Jason L Blair
Pages: 12
Price: €2,16 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Streets of Bedlam are home to all sorts of people. Good, bad, young, old. You never know who you're going to meet. But be sure of one thing: they're all SOBs.

Introducing two new Archetypes for use in your Streets of Bedlam campaign!

Take on corruption face-first as the determined Paladin or stand up for the little guy as the bad guy-turned-good Capper.

This PDF includes a full write-up of both Archetypes so you can give new options to your players and also includes signature sample characters for use as NPCs in your games.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.03.2014 | 19:09
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4491/127588.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/127588/Cabin-in-the-Wilderness?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[DramaScape] Cabin in the Wilderness
Authors:  Steven J Black, Simon Powell
Pages: 47
Price: €4,31 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

DramaScape makes maps and miniatures for use with any game system with a focus on fantasy, horror, modern, and science fiction settings. This product is the usual DramaScape map but also comes with a Savage Worlds Adventure, it can be use with or without the adventure.

This product is a 40 x 20 inch map of a Cabin in the Wilderness, it comes with Square, Hex and No Overlay and also contains the Virtual Tabletop files for online use.

“Everyone thinks this cabin in the woods is haunted. Bunk. The perfect place to cook meth I say. No one will bother us and any sounds we make will be attributed to the haunting ghosts.”

Cabin in the Wilderness has the external view of the forest surrounding the cabin and an internal view of the three rooms in the cabin in the center of the map. Cabin in the Wilderness includes a single page of twelve figure flats for use with the cabin including eight unarmed men, a female hunter, a male and female cop, and a monstrous brute. Cabin in the Wilderness also includes a 360-degree panoramic view from the center room of the cabin.

Cabin in the Wilderness is intended for use in horror or post apocalyptic modern games.

Finally there is a small Adventure for Savage Worlds included (The map and the figure flats can still be used with any system) starting with the below Adventure Hook.

Nature’s Vengeance: A couple was once murdered in this cabin. Now rumors say the place is haunted and no one goes up there anymore. But a group of drug dealers decide it would be the perfect place to make drugs where the cops are unlikely to bother them. Their presence in the cabin angers a horrific avenger of nature that awakes from a nearby tree. A monster huntress has come to take on the rumored monster that lives in the woods. And the cops might be tailing the drug dealers…

How do the Player Characters figure into all this?  They could be Ghost Hunters here to find out about the ghosts and put them to rest. They could be Monster Hunters that are rivals to the huntress and have heard the rumors of a monster that lives in these woods. They could be Detectives trying to bust the drug dealers with backup from the police. No matter what their motive for being here, they are about to encounter an entire web of complications…

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.03.2014 | 06:45
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3561/127814.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/127814/Accursed-Long-Dead-and-Twice-Slain?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Melior Via] Accursed: Long Dead and Twice Slain
Author:  Shane Lacey Hensley
Pages: 10
Price: €1,82 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A mysterious spirit haunts a band of human warriors who seek to cleanse a region of the Witches' contamination. Only a band of Witchmarked could hope to overcome the seemingly indecipherable danger at hand. The powers that they receive from their curse could be the solution to unlocking the mystery.

Long Dead and Twice Slain is a short scenario that takes focuses on the adventures of a band of Witchmarked heroes in the Accursed game setting. The adventure may be played as a standalone, or it may be used with the Plot Point Campaign included in Accursed. The adventure features four brief scenes, with necessary game mechanics and opportunity for tasks that can be resolved in a variety of ways.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.03.2014 | 06:54
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/127853.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/127853/Mythos-Battle-of-Thermopylae?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[MTE] Mythos: Battle of Thermopylae
Author: Gilbert Gallo
Pages: 19
Price: €1,42 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In a distant, possible future, it’s the year 1077 AF. After more than a thousand years, the Heavenly Contest ended without a winner. Zeus resides on the throne of Olympus, but during the extenuating struggle, the gods lost much of their power and influence over the Cosmos and humans. People now rely on philosophy and reason, deserting the temples. Demigods are no longer born and less heroic deeds are regularly performed to please the gods. While the Olympians are looking for a way to regain their former influence over the Cosmos, a new rising god from the east threatens the safety of Hellas and wishes to destroy the twelve Olympians. Ahura Mazda, god of the Persians, challenges Zeus while inciting his followers to conquer the Cosmos to become its only ruler. King Xerxes, son of Darius, leads a huge army against Hellas while Ahura Mazda fights with his Daevas against the Olympians.

The Persian army is moving on Hellas; King Leonidas marches his Spartan army to the pass of Thermopylae after building an army of Hellenes. But treason is brewing, and it's up to our heroes to turn the tide. The PCs are ripped from the past and thrown into this distant future with one goal: stop the treason and rally the Hellenes to victory!

Battle of Thermopylae is an epic adventure for Mythos for 3-5 Veteran heroes. Although Mythos takes place during the time of the Heavenly Contest, the gods throw the PCs into the future to fight for Hellas and hopefully turn the tide at Thermopylae. Can they infiltrate the Persian camp and save the day?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.03.2014 | 05:52
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/TAG35011_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/127924/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-11-The-Grazelands)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #11: The Grazelands
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 12
Prices: €2,54 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Once a verdant landscape of grass and flowering plants, the Grazelands are slowly being swallowed by the relentless sands. Trade, which brought great wealth to the inhabitants, has declined sharply, though there is still some money to be made from making the long trip to the northern lands. The shrinking grass is placing the tribes under greater strain, and tensions are high. The times are changing, but not for the best.

Inside you'll find:
* Myths regarding the origins of the Grazelands.
* An overview of the origins of the hyaenidae, their society, religious views, and funerary customs.
* Notes concerning trade in the region.
* Expanded information on the cult of Ashtart (goddess of vegetation), including major festivals.
* 9 new locations, including Buraqa's Grave and the City of Long Shadows.
* 3 notable NPCs.
* 2 minor deities.
* 4 new monsters.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.03.2014 | 23:30
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/127953.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/127953/Extraction-with-Extreme-Prejudice?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero: Extraction with Extreme Prejudice
Authors: David Jarvis, Josh Vogt, Peter J. Wacks 
Pages: 21
Price: €10,90 €5,08 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The job seems simple enough; grab a high profile geneticist from Bio Solutions, and deliver him to the contractor. In, out, done. Easy Peasy, right? Wrong. Word spreads fast in the sprawl, and once the wolves hear about the dandy diaper baby coming down from his ivory tower, he becomes a huge payday, and everyone wants to cash in. Will the characters complete the job as promised? Or will they succumb to greed and sell the mark to the highest bidder?

 Do they even have a choice?

 Extraction with Extreme Prejudice is an adventure for 3 to 5 characters. This adventure also includes Fast, Furious and Fun rules for creating your own safe house!

 There are two versions of this product; a layered screen version you can use to create a printer friendly PDF, and a version you can read on E-readers such as the Ipad and Kindle.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.04.2014 | 08:19
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/128036.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/128036/Ultimate-Mongol-Empire-Guide-Savage-Worlds?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[MTE] Ultimate Mongol Empire Guide
Author: Christopher J. N. Banks
Pages: 47
Price: €2,86 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Throughout history there have been few armies that can truly say they have conquered. Most nations embark on petty squabbling with neighbors, attempting to expand and consolidate their lands in tiny morsels. Only a few Empires, the great nations of history, the Roman Empire, the British Empire, the Russian Empire, expanded in great swaths. All of them however, pale at the size, speed, and utter brutality in which the Mongol Empire came to fame. From a weak group of warring clans in the Mongolian steppe, Genghis Khan forged the largest land empire the world had ever seen. Reaching from the shores of the Pacific Ocean to the Baltic Sea, encompassing nearly all of Eurasia, the Mongols burnt, massacred, and conquered their way into history. So entrenched was the Mongol Empire that its successor states would last into the 20th century.

Ultimate Mongol Empire Guide is a detailed look at the might of the Mongol Empire during the Middle Ages and the Khans they rallied behind. Throughout the Asian steppes and to areas well beyond their borders, the Mongols’ effecient and effective war tactics allowed the Empire to grow rapidly, consuming everyone around. However, those who submitted to the Empire found a vast merchant network connecting Eurasia, religious freedom, and laws the reflect those still in use today.

Ultimate Mongol Empire Guide includes:

* Historical equipment utilized by the Mongol Empire
* A look at Mongol’s military tactics and formations
* A listing of the Mongol Khans
* A timeline of major battles and events
* New Character Options for making Mongol warriors
* Two Savage Tales
… and more!

Ultimate Mongol Empire Guide is your source for building warriors like those of history, or building the foundations of a historical or alternate history game set in the Mongol Empire.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.04.2014 | 08:26
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3561/128059.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/128059/Accursed-The-Banshee-of-Loch-Finnere?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Melior Via] Accursed: The Banshee of Loch Finnere
Author: Richard Baker
Pages: 21
Price: €4,35 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

For hundreds of years, the proud Clan Finnoul ruled over the moors and forests of northern Caer Kainen. In the wake of the Bane War, they bent the knee to the Morrigan, and were left to a land mired in misery and death. Now, a new curse has found them. A terrible apparition haunts the shores of Loch Finnere and stalks the cold halls of Keep Finnoul. A shadow of a grieving woman has marked the surviving members of the Finnoul family for her vengeance. Already three Finnouls have died under the ghost’s dire foretellings—and it’s only a matter of time before the Banshee of Loch Finnere claims another victim.

The Banshee of Loch Finnere is a full length adventure for a band of Witchmarked heroes in the Accursed game setting. The adventure may be played as a standalone, or it may be used with the Plot Point Campaign included in Accursed. The adventure follows a three act structure, while also providing details on the Loch Finnere region and its peoples in Northern Cairn Kainen. It includes necessary game mechanics and opportunity for tasks that can be resolved in a variety of ways. New banes are also included, which have not been previously presented in Accursed.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.04.2014 | 09:29
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3561/128357.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/128357/Accursed-HalfLight?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Melior Via] Accursed: Half-Light
Author:  Colin McComb
Pages: 2
Price: €0,90 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A bloody assault on a mountainside church in the Highlands near the border of Blackroot Wode has horrified the valley! Distant clan-cousins paid a visit on the small sept who made their home in Whitetarn Village on the shores of the Cloven Loch in western Cairn Kainen, and discovered instead a scene of horror. The village has been sacked and the villagers slaughtered.

Half-Light is a 1-Sheet style scenario that focuses on the adventures of a band of Witchmarked heroes in the Accursed game setting. The adventure may be played as a standalone, or it may be used with the Plot Point Campaign included in Accursed. The adventure features brief scene descriptionss, with necessary game mechanics and opportunity for tasks that can be resolved in a variety of ways.

Accursed provides additional details about the setting used in this scenario, and is required to fully make use of the game mechanics presented. Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion are also required.

This PDF uses layers for ease of printing.

Map of the Chapel:


The Chapel Exterior:

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.04.2014 | 05:56
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/TAG35012_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/128496/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-12-The-Mirrorsands?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #12: The Mirrorsands
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 12
Prices: €2,51 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

The Mirrorsands is one of the holiest sites in Al-Shirkuh. Here Suleiman single-hand­edly defeated the jinn, bringing an end to the War of Copper Jars. Pilgrims flock here in great numbers, but the journey is not without hardships. Glare so bright it can sear one's eyes, a total lack of food and water, and blistering heat test the spirit as well as the physical strength of those who wish to worship here.

Inside you'll find:
* The origins of the Mirrorsands.
* An overview of the many dangers that confront explorers.
* Notes concerning religion and trade in the region.
* Expanded information on the cult of Karmelos (god of war), including major festivals.
* 7 locations, including The Whipping Post of the Jinn and expanded information on Suleiman’s Isle.
* Examples of why heroes might visit and extra adventure seeds
* 3 notable NPCs.
* 3 minor deities.
* 3 new monsters and 2 new hazards.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.04.2014 | 21:13
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/hellfrost-logo.png) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-rassilon-expansion-ii?ref=card)
[TAG] Hellfrost Expansion II *Kickstarter*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 124
Prices: Pledge Calculator (http://www.tripleacegames.com/hf_exp_II_pledge_calculator/hf_exp_II_pledge_calculator.html) (Kickstarter)

In the frozen lands of the northern continent proud warriors recite the deeds of their ancestors; intrepid explorers cross the storm-wracked oceans or delve into Ertha’s dark realm; clerics invoke miracles with the power to affect hundreds of lives; and powerful organizations strive to make the land a safer place. And now your heroes can join them!

Within these pages you will find:

* New options for player characters, including Edges, Hindrances, Gear, Arcane Backgrounds, and Spells.
* Setting rules for ancestry, collective faith, the effects of elevation on temperature, exploring the turbulent seas and dark underworld, a new type of relic, and traditional sports.
* Detailed rules for learning and casting resource miracles, powerful rituals designed to affect an entire settlement.
* Expanded information on the many organizations player characters can join.
* An expanded bestiary.

This book is designed for use in conjunction with the Hellfrost Player’s Guide and Hellfrost Bestiary.


Für jene, die zwar keine Kreditkarte aber einen PayPal-Account besitzen, bietet TAG in den nächsten Tagen wieder die Möglichkeit die Pledges über den TAG Store abzugeben

Die Pledge Level, Add-Ons und Kosten kann man sich übersichtlich vom Pledge Calculator (http://www.tripleacegames.com/hf_exp_II_pledge_calculator/hf_exp_II_pledge_calculator.html) auflisten lassen...

Wie die erste Expansion besteht das Buch aus rund 70% überarbeitetem als PDF oder Freebie publizierten Material (das nun gedruckt vorliegt) und 30% Neuem.

Dieser Kickstarter endet am 06.05.2014 mittags und soll nur die Druckkosten der Bücher erwirtschaften.

Nach nun 9 Stunden ist das Projekt zu 75% finanziert.

Update: Nach 18 Stunden ist das Projekt zu 114% finanziert. Jetzt gilt es in den verbleibenden 19 Tagen die Stretch Goals freizuschalten.

Update 2: Nach gut einer Woche sind die ersten beiden Stretch Goals freigeschaltet. Man muss aber mal sehen, ob die letzten beiden Wochen noch reichen die fehlenden 800 Pound zu knacken...

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.04.2014 | 15:45
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2933/128757.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/128757/HighSpace-Into-The-Remnant?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[StoryWeaver] High-Space: Into The Remnant
Author: Patrick Taylor
Pages: 33
Prices: €3,62 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Fast, Furious Fun… in the Far Future!

"A great little sci-fi dungeon crawl. A water-logged thriller in an ancient alien research station, where potential riches are outweighed only by an eons-old terror! Lot's of fun"

Those who stayed behind in the Altitude bar turn towards Remnant-0C7 when the FTL core of the Daliance ruptures as begins landing on the surface... just after an unexplained EMP blast scrambled the sensors of every starship in orbit. The core rupture bathes Euphoria in an intense white light... and then the Remnant begins to move... a new shift in the Remnant’s already unstable Verdan plate. The planetoid's tectonic slices, interlocked like the pieces of an intricate spherical puzzle, tilt and slide past each other in new, unexpected directions, some receding into the Remnant's soil, others breaking through the regolith towards the surface. This could be precisely the event that the scavenger crews, artifact hunters, jump-miners, scientists and U.R.C. officers have been waiting for.

There is a rush towards the hangars as soon as the alarm sounds. Any ships not already en-route to the Remnant are on their way now! The station intercom announces the biggest tectonic shift on record, pushing what appears to be a large, long-buried land mass to the surface. The announcement indicates a likely exposure of between four to six hours; enough for a skilled crew to make a quick sweep for artifacts and a safe getaway.


Features everything needed to play!

* Detailed adventure set in an Alient Confederacy Complex
* The secrets of the ancients!
* War Master and Player schematics
* Printable battlemaps
* "Deep Blue" Card Stock Figures - put your heroes into the depths
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.04.2014 | 23:32
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4329/128823.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/128823/Achtung-Cthulhu-Kontamination?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Modiphius] Achtung! Cthulhu: Kontamination
Authors: Matthew Pook, Sam Richards 
Pages: 54
Prices: €8,69 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   


Achtung! Cthulhu brings you a two-fisted wartime roleplaying game setting packed full of fiendish Nazis, terrifying ancient mysteries, legendary war machines, and enough writhing tentacles to fill ten Reichstags!

Kontamination is a standalone adventure for both hardened Achtung! Cthulhu veterans and newcomers alike, set in late 1944 as the Allies press their advantage and make for the German border. It is the second of our new standalone 'Adventure Series' for Achtung! Cthulhu that will be released as a compilation in late 2014. Keeper advice includes how to set the adventure at different times and different fronts in the war to provide flexibility for including it in your campaign.

Inside you will find everything that you need for hours of gripping roleplaying adventure including:

- A standalone multi-part adventure for hours of spine-chilling play
- Maps of key locations, including an overview of the frontline during the Battle of the Bulge
- Pre-generated investigator characters for both Call of Cthulhu & Savage Worlds to get you straight into the action
- Rules for new tomes and equipment
- Dual statted for Call of Cthulhu & Savage Worlds

Requires the Achtung! Cthulhu Investigator’s and Keeper’s Guides, and either the Call of Cthulhu, Sixth Edition rulebook or the Savage Worlds Deluxe rules to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.04.2014 | 06:24
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/SPC_Villains_Supplement-1.png) (https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/SPC_Villains_Supplement.pdf)
[Pinnacle]Villains Can't Hide from the Pinnacle Spotlight Forever!
Authors: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams, Shane Lacy Hensley, Clint & Jodi Black 
Pages: 21
Prices: Freebie   

Villains hide. It’s what they do. It’s certainly what the Super Villain Update (https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/SPC_Villains_Supplement.pdf) managed to do. But that time of stealth is at an end!

When we’d released the Super Powers Companion (Second Edition), we also released that free update to bring the villains and creatures from the original Super Powers Companion up-to-date. It just looks like we might never have told anyone. Oops. But now you know.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.04.2014 | 06:33
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3243/128840.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/128840/Gaias-Revenge-Savage-Worlds?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Sneak Attack Press] Gaia's Revenge
Author: Matthew J. Hanson
Pages: 10
Price: €1,44 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/128840-sample.pdf)

Swirling snow blocks your vision. Vines twist around your ankles. A fireball explodes. You thank your super-tough skin for shrugging off most of the heat.

A man made of stone emerges from the blizzard. You slam your fist into him, but he barely notices. “I thought you were a hero,” he says. “Why are you fighting us? We’re just trying to save the world.”

Welcome to Gaia’s Revenge. This short ebook presents a supervillain group ready to use in your Savage Worlds supers game. It provides not only game statistics, but also character backgrounds, adventure hooks, and a sample story arc that demonstrates how to use Gaia’s Revenge as recurring and evolving villains.

Gaia's Revenge is a group of idealistic college students turned eco-terrorists. They want to save the Earth by any means necessary. The members include:

* Seismic:A brainy jock who controls the power of earth.
* Sizzle: A thrill seeker who controls the power of fire.
* Tempest: A high-achiever who controls the power of air.
* Damp: An anarchist hacker who controls the power of water.
* Druid: A shy healer who controls the power of life.

Requires the use of the Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion (Second Edition).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.04.2014 | 21:19
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/hellfrost-logo.png) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-rassilon-expansion-ii?ref=card)
[TAG] Hellfrost Expansion II *Kickstarter*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 124
Prices: Pledge Calculator (http://www.tripleacegames.com/hf_exp_II_pledge_calculator/hf_exp_II_pledge_calculator.html) (Kickstarter)

Nine days remaining and under £500 to unlock the fourth stretch goal -- the Hellfrost action deck.

Game Geeks #230 HELLFROST Rassilon Expansion II Backer Episode

http://youtu.be/_keSrvcbIdU (http://youtu.be/_keSrvcbIdU)

Additional Payment Options Now Available


Visit www.tripleacegames.com (http://www.tripleacegames.com/) to choose from our most popular pledge levels!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.04.2014 | 20:43
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/hellfrost-logo.png) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-rassilon-expansion-ii?ref=card)
[TAG] Hellfrost Expansion II *Kickstarter*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 124
Prices: Pledge Calculator (http://www.tripleacegames.com/hf_exp_II_pledge_calculator/hf_exp_II_pledge_calculator.html) (Kickstarter)

Five days remaining and £4000 reached, which means that the action deck is now unlocked! We’ll update the Kickstarter site soon for those of you who want the deck as an add-on purchase.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.05.2014 | 11:33
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2933/129077.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/129077/HighSpace-Ship-Schematics-1?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[StoryWeaver] High-Space: Ship Schematics 1
Authors: Joe Sweeney, Patrick Taylor
Pages: 17
Prices: €3,61 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Fast, Furious Fun… in the Far Future!

“If you are in the market for a good ship, then look no further than Barnard’s Guide. Packed with details of every ship manufactured in the Pan-Dominian, Barnard’s gives you the information you need to make the Right Choice.."

High-Space Starship Scematics 1 is the first in is a series packs of detailed ship specifications and schematics that will make any space-fairing adventure more interesting. This pack contains 7 detailed, printable maps of the starships found in High-Space Starship Figure Flats (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/104957/High-Space-Starship-Figure-Flats) pack. Each starship’s abilities, edges and quirks are fully detailed. You can use the ship details as a starting point to customise your own ships, by simply swapping in and out edges, hinderances and skills, or even build upon the ships by given them extras for experience.

* 7 unique starship schematics
* Full stat-blocks for each ship
* Hi-Res Printable Versions of maps
* BONUS maps in PNG format, for Virtual Tabletop Games


While you can use these ship designs for any sci-fi game, to get the full value from the High-Space Starship Schematics, you will need the High-Space Core Rules (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/109425/High-Space-Core-Rules-v12), especially the High-Space Fleet Manual.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.05.2014 | 12:41
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/TAG35013_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/129249/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-13-Jadid-City-of-Trade)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #13: Jadid, City of Trade
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 10
Prices: €2,16 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Welcome, noble strangers, to the City of Trade!

Portrayed by storytellers as a city of endless opportunity, Jadid, City of Trade and Gateway to the Jade Empire, is nothing of the sort. A few citizens have prospered on the blood and sweat of others, and it is they who have the only voice. For most, Jadid is like any other city—a place to live, work, and die a pauper. It is not a city without troubles, either. The sphinxes resent Jadid’s growing influence with the distant Jade Empire, and its emir grows more paranoid each day.

Inside you’ll find:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.05.2014 | 23:13
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/129271.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/129271/From-Gaza-with-Love&affiliate_id=14728)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero: From Gaza with Love
Author: Uri Kurlianchik
Pages: 15
Price: €3,61 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to the Middle East!

The trophy wife of a brutish Russian-Israeli oligarch falls for a charming Arab taxi driver and the two elope to Gaza. Some time later, her kids are gone, snatched off the street by Bedouin thugs-for-hire. Dame wants her kids back and has the credits to make your time worthwhile. Classic story.

First question to pop into your head -- are you willing to brave the radioactive Negev desert and the bio-horrors it spawned, the Israeli border patrol with its drones and bots, and the Russian Mafia with its Russian Mafia? Sure you are, that's all in the freaking job description.

But then, there's a second question ringing in your brain -- on whose toes you gonna step if you take this job? Why are Israeli drones always buzzing above? What game is the Russian FSB playing? And who invited the Kurds for the party?

From Gaza with Love is an adventure for 3 to 5 players.

This E-book comes in a layered screen version, and a flattened version for E-readers such as an iPad or Kindle.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.05.2014 | 04:24
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4761/128902.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/128902/Shaintar-Adventure-Cards&affiliate_id=14728)
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar Adventure Cards
Authors: Sean Patrick Fannon, Mark Swafford, Carinn Seabolt, Alida Saxon
Artists: Jason Engle, Aaron Acevedo, Chris Bivins, James Denton, Alida Saxon, Tomek Tworek
Pages: 6
Price: €1,43 PDF; €3,60 Cards; €5,03 €3,60 PDF & Cards (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/128902-sample.pdf)

Shaintar Adventure Cards - Epic High Fantasy for Your Adventure Deck

Add these Shaintar-specific Adventure Cards to your existing Savage Worlds Adventure Deck to seriously ramp up the Epic High Fantasy aspects of your game. 6 pages with 27 new cards that bring that special Shaintar flair to your game table, cranking everything up to the action fantasy adventure cinema experience that defines this setting.

Examples include:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.05.2014 | 06:17
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/62/129476.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/129476/Warren-C-Norwoods-Double-Spiral-War-Savage-Worlds?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Battlefield Press] Warren C. Norwood's Double Spiral War
Authors: Jonathan M. Thompson, Luke Green
Artists: Daniel Lambertus, Bradley McDevitt, Gordon Napier, James Olley
Pages: 126
Price: €10,78 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/129476-sample.pdf)

The Double Spiral War

The Double Spiral War, Warren Norwood’s chronicle of interstellar combat is a powerful, graphically realistic epic on a vast cosmic scale.

When mankind left behind their old home to seek out new lands beyond the dark spaces between galaxies, they hoped to leave behind them the conflict and chaos that has been their heritage since they first spoke tales of their histories.  However, it wasn’t as easy as that. Even amongst alien species, mankind still found cause to war amongst itself. Several decades before, the Sondak Confederacy worried about the growing power of the United Central Systems, a group dominated by humans genetically modified to have a much longer life span.  As a result, they launched a war that waged for years tearing at both societies until finally they forced the U.C.S. to accept humiliating terms in exchange for peace. The Sondak Confederacy is complacent and unaware that the U.C.S. is on the verge of finally seeking vengeance for the loss of the previous war.  And in the churning wake of these two giants, all the races of the galaxy and the lives of many individuals shall be turned upside down.  But the question is whose vengeance is being sought? Is it that of a nation’s or could it be that of a single person?

This setting book for the Savage Worlds game engine is your chance to make a difference in the war, do you have what it takes to turn the tide of the war, or even hold your faith in the midst of the worst conflict of all time.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.05.2014 | 21:13
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/129639.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/129639/Mythos-Character-Sheet&affiliate_id=14728)
[MTE] Mythos: Character Sheet
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Olympians have spoken and you are to join the ranks of heroes and heroines involved in the Heavenly Contest! The Olympian deities are in a race to find the successor to Zeus’s throne, with the successor acquiring the greatest number of followers. But the gods and goddesses are quite busy, and to shine their light upon the mortals of Hellas requires intervention of a divine scale. Heroic deeds are a must if one is to prove themselves worthy for the gratification of Olympus and the pursuit of seeing their patron deity rise to rulership! Are you strong, brave, and smart enough for the challenge? We will see how you fair against the great beasts of Hellas and the heroes and heroines who support your rival deity. This is the Heavenly Contest. This is Mythos!

This is the character sheet (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/129639/Mythos-Character-Sheet&affiliate_id=14728) for the Mythos core setting guide (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/128076/Mythos-Game-Masters-Kit-BUNDLE).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.05.2014 | 22:12
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/land-of-fire-logo.png) (http://youtu.be/wUYPxJ5c_WY)
[PugKnows Productions] Game Geeks #232 - HELLFROST: Land of Fire

Game Master Kurt Wiegel reviews and educates viewers on role playing games. This episode Kurt reviews HELLFROST: Land of Fire by Triple Ace Games.

Game Geeks #232 - HELLFROST: Land of Fire (http://youtu.be/wUYPxJ5c_WY)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.05.2014 | 19:54
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Land-of-Fire-Action-Deck-promo.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/126156/Land-of-Fire-Action-Deck?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[TAG] Hellfrost Land of Fire Action Deck
Artists: Robin Elliot and Various
Pages: 54
Prices: €17,99 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow) or €10,51 (TAG Store) incl. shipping 

The Land of Fire Action deck set includes 52 playing cards and 2 jokers for your Land of Fire games and all neatly packed in a clear deck box with snap on lid.

Each of the picture cards feature artwork from Land of Fire. Be the envy of your gaming table with these cool cards!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.05.2014 | 23:37
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/126939.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/126939/Mercenary-Breed-Mercenarys-Handbook&affiliate_id=14728)
[MTE] Mercenary Breed 2.0: Mercenary's Handbook
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Pages: 143
Price: €0,73 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/126939-sample.pdf)

The mercenaries spied a small door to their right which led into the warehouse. The mist only became thicker the closer they approached the door. Assuming their regular positions, Geremiah tapped the control box. The mercenaries froze as they stared into the creatures’ nest. Sthol reached out and tapped the control box again, closing the door. The mercenaries stepped back, staring at each other with discerning looks.

Sthol looked deeply at the others. “Did you see that?”

Geremiah nodded his head. “It looks like the nest. There was some giant, bulbous creature on the far side, probably a hundred of those skittering, scorpion things, and a handful of the larger ones. This must be the mother, and those little ones must be her offspring. I’m assuming they grow into the larger creatures we’ve already fought.” Geremiah glanced toward the far wall. Using his night vision goggles, he could see vents along the way. “The small ones must be traversing the ship through the vents. They must fall into the rooms, get stuck, and grow into the larger ones. That explains why the control boxes are all intact.”

Welcome to Mercenary Breed 2.0!

Mercenary Breed is a science fiction action and adventure toolkit and sandbox setting for Savage Worlds. The core setting set is broken into three rulebooks: Mercenary’s Handbook, Galaxy Guide, and Xenopedia. The Mercenary’s Handbook is the player’s guide including everything they need to create characters across a multitude of science fiction themes including space opera, sci-fi horror, and pulp sci-fi. Characters could be bounty hunters, scouts, helmsmen, demolitions experts, biohackers, neuromancers, scientists, engineers, and a whole lot more!

Mercenary Breed is designed to embrace all styles of science fiction setting and campaign design with a number of toolkits and discussions to make that happen. Mercenary’s Handbook provides the character options players can choose from to create those different characters including those utilizing Tech Backgrounds – the sci-fi equivalent of Arcane Backgrounds, but based on technology.

Mercenary’s Handbook includes:

* 6 xeno templates representing different species for the characters to choose from.
* Reputation-based equipment requisition.
* New Hindrances.
* Over 30 new Edges.
* Sci-fi weapons, armor, and equipment to choose from.
* Information on how to apply different sci-fi themes.
* 6 Tech Backgrounds.
… and much more!

Mercenary Breed 2.0 is a significant revision and expansion of the original Mercenary Breed with all new content!

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/129366.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/129366/Mercenary-Breed-Galaxy-Guide&affiliate_id=14728)
[MTE] Mercenary Breed 2.0: Galaxy Guide
Authors: Aaron T. Huss, Curtis Lyon, Sarah Lyon
Pages: 116
Price: €7,23 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/129366-sample.pdf)

The mercenaries all nodded their agreement. Dahn’tyu spoke up. “Maybe we can lure the big ones out, into this cafeteria. If we can take them out in small groups, we should prevail. The smaller ones do not seem to be much of a threat, but I am uncertain about the bloated one.”

Dahn’tyu reached out with his psionic powers. “I do not detect any movement throughout that ventilation system, nor do I hear any scratching on the other side of the door. I do not believe they are aware of our presence. We should proceed with the plan and take out as many as we can in this room. The bloated one did not look small enough to fit through the door.”

The mercenaries nodded their agreement. “I can lure them out with my handflamer. It should startle them enough to at least investigate,” said Sthol.

Welcome to Mercenary Breed 2.0!

Mercenary Breed is a science fiction action and adventure toolkit and sandbox setting for Savage Worlds. The core setting set is broken into three rulebooks: Mercenary’s Handbook, Galaxy Guide, and Xenopedia. The Galaxy Guide is the Game Master’s guide including everything they need to build their own galaxy, expand on the Argo Galaxy sandbox setting with new planets and corporations, and create missions.

Mercenary Breed is designed to embrace all styles of science fiction setting and campaign design with a number of toolkits and discussions to make that happen. Galaxy Guide provides a number of building kits and discussions to allow the Game Master to create whatever science fiction themed setting or campaign they desire.

Galaxy Guide includes:

* Details about the Argo Galaxy and how to create your own.
* Five planets and a toolkit to create your own.
* Four megacorporations and a toolkit to create your own.
* Information on how to utilize other employers that are not megacorporations.
* A guide for traveling through outer space.
* GM advice on creating sci-fi missions.
* A toolkit to create random missions.
* Three sample adventures.
* A collection of Savage Tales.
… and much more!

Mercenary Breed 2.0 is a significant revision and expansion of the original Mercenary Breed with all new content!

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/128694.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/128694/Mercenary-Breed-Xenopedia&affiliate_id=14728)
[MTE] Mercenary Breed 2.0: Xenopedia
Authors: Aaron T. Huss, The Warden
Pages: 149
Price: €7,23 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/128694-sample.pdf)

Geremiah walked toward the door. “Let’s do it then.” He tapped on the control box to open the door, then stepped back to allow Sthol to fire through.

Sthol let out a long burst of flames to cut through the mist. The noise had its intended effect as the larger creatures turned to investigate. Sthol released his handflamer and waited for them to approach. Upon seeing the first creature in the doorway, he pulled the trigger again, dousing the creature with flames.

Malakai and Theth flanked Sthol, cutting down the enflamed creature with precision. Dahn’tyu and Geremiah held back, should any get through. Two more creatures appeared and Sthol repeated the process. Only one fell from the handflamer, but the other was quickly dispatched by axe and sword. However, the creatures did not relent.

Welcome to Mercenary Breed 2.0!

Mercenary Breed is a science fiction action and adventure toolkit and sandbox setting for Savage Worlds. The core setting set is broken into three rulebooks: Mercenary’s Handbook, Galaxy Guide, and Xenopedia. The Xenopedia is a collection of adversaries including those used in the missions and Savage Tales in the Galaxy Guide.

Although Xenopedia is designed for use with Mercenary Breed, it’s actually a completely universal science fiction adversary book, usable with any science fiction setting or campaign, published or homebrewed. The xenos listed therein don’t rely on the Mercenary’s Handbook or Galaxy Guide to be usable, although they are utilized by the Galaxy Guide. Their backgrounds and motivations can be placed within any galaxy!

Xenopedia includes:

* 35 different xenos species including…
* Intelligent species.
* Non-organic species.
* Animal-like species.
* Monstrous species.
* A simple rating system to better understand the species.
* Wild Card villains.
* Illustrations for each species.
... and much more!

Mercenary Breed 2.0 is a significant revision and expansion of the original Mercenary Breed with all new content!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.05.2014 | 22:02
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/TAG35014_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/129778/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-14-The-Scorpion-Lands-of-Old?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #14: The Scorpion Lands of Old
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 12
Prices: €2,54 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Older than the race of men, the scorpionmen have haunted the wide valley and steep hills for millennia. Countless times they have risen to power and fallen into slavery. Once again they are on the ascent, for a new power has arisen, one whose will has united the divided tribes under his banner. Once again, the shadow of the scorpion has fallen across the central desert.

Few outsiders explore the realm, for the treacherous nature of Chactinax has tainted the land. Within the blasted hills, the bond of friendship is weakened by treacherous thoughts and deeds, and those who enter has friends may emerge as bitter enemies.

Inside you’ll find:
* Legends concerning the origin of the feared scorpionmen.
* Rumored powers of the dread Scorpion King.
* An overview of the hazards facing explorers.
* Details on the cult of Chactinax, god of assassins, and 2 new festivals.
* Two new Edges.
* Rules for creating herbal poisons & a list of some of the poisonous plants and venomous beasts a herbalist might employ.
* Reasons why heroes might explore the realm and adventure seeds.
* 9 new locations, including the Black Idol and Temple of Malice.
* 4 major NPCs.
* 1 major deity and 1 minor deity.
* 7 new monsters.

Wer das tentakelbewehrte Osterei findet, fürchtet nicht einmal die Ewige Nacht! 
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.05.2014 | 07:01
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/129864.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/129864/Ultimate-Characters-Guide-Savage-Worlds&affiliate_id=14728)
[MTE] Ultimate Characters Guide
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Pages: 82
Price: €4,34 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Role-playing games have two major components: characters and the storyline those characters interact with. In the ‘world’ of Savage Worlds, the storyline is typically defined by the campaign setting or plot point campaign run by the GM. Characters, however, are typically defined by the creativity of the player in the form of a character concept and background. The player then uses the Savage Worlds core rulebook, Companion books, and setting guides to translate that character concept and background into in-game mechanics. Pretty simple… but what do you do when you can't quite translate that character concept and background into the proper in-game mechanics?

Ultimate Characters Guide was designed to address that issue, and go quite a bit further. Why stop at player characters when a GM may have the same issue? Thus, Ultimate Characters Guide addresses PCs and NPCs (beasts, creatures, villains, humanoids, aliens, etc.) through a series of new options, new ideas, and new implementations of the same Savage Worlds mechanics. There's no need to create all new mechanics, just find a different way to use the current ones to great effect.

Ultimate Characters Guide includes:

* Creating racial/background templates using a collection of physical, mental, and environmental aspects for all types of characters.
* New universal Hindrances and Edges to add to the core rulebook, usable within any setting.
* Two new types of skill uses: Supporting Skills and Complementary Skills. These new skill uses increase the possibilities for Group Rolls and the use of Knowledge bases.
* A collection of Knowledge bases to choose from and how they can be applied to games using Supporting Skills and Complementary Skills.
* A collection of Monstrous Abilities and how they translate to in-game use.
* Ways to make encounters interesting and memorable through combat balance that doesn't require increasing Toughness.

Get more out of your characters and encounters with the Ultimate Characters Guide for Savage Worlds!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.05.2014 | 20:09
[TAG] Necropolis 2350: Rumors from the Front

For reasons unknown, the Lazarites suddenly demanded I expand on their activities with a mini-supplement. More to come once I’ve written a bit more on what they’re up to.

Triple Ace Games Creative Director

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Malron am 17.05.2014 | 07:30
Konnte ich bisher hier nicht finden...


Students at East Texas University have a few more challenges than other students–balancing parties, studies, and saving the world!

They say ETU is a great place to earn a quality education without the big city distractions and dangers. This is the 21st century and no one wants to admit they’ve helplessly watched a classmate get sucked into the pages of a library book, come face-to-face with an angry ghost, or glimpsed a creature prowling the campus by the light of the full moon.

College is where you make your own choices and find out who you really are. You can keep your head down, hoping to avoid the twisted horrors you sometimes catch out of the corner of your eye, or you can face your fears, fight the darkness, and protect your campus. Everyone starts out as a wide-eyed freshman, but if you survive four years at ETU you’ll be a hero.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.05.2014 | 08:35
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/ETUKickstarter-300x225.jpg) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/1996152511?token=285ea189)
[Pinnacle] ETU/Degrees of Horror Kickstarter

Pack your bags, folks, because it’s time to head off to college in lovely Pinebox, Texas! East Texas University is definitely a place where you can find your place in the world—sharing a dorm room with someone who died from a cursed towel in the locker room.

The eagerly-awaited college horror setting and Plot-Point Campaign born of 12 to Midnight’s Pinebox, Texas comes to life as a full-fledged Pinnacle product through the new ETU/Degrees of Horror Kickstarter campaign. East Texas University is the main setting book with everything players and GMs alike need to start telling their own ETU stories. Degrees of Horror brings you a full Plot Point Campaign with booster Savage Tales to take your cohort through a full four years college, presuming you (literally) survive being a freshman.

But just as with college, the books aren’t the whole story of the Kickstarter. There’s the GM’s screen, custom miniatures, several sets of figure flats, custom dice, and a bonanza of digital stretch goals and add-ons! Be sure to check out the ETU/Degrees of Horror Kickstarter campaign for the full details and reserve a spot today.

Speaking of stretch goals, don’t forget that the college experience is also about making new friends (sometimes literally, in the basement of the biology building), and the ETU/Degrees of Horror Kickstarter is no different. All of our stretch goals are based on backers, not on cash. The bigger the crew you bring to campus, the bigger the campus is for your crew!

What are you waiting for? Take a gander at the ETU/Degrees of Horror Kickstarter and put your eyes on the ETU campus. Be careful, though, because campus may have its eye on you…

Anmerkung: War schon wenige Stunden nach Start 3x überfinanziert. Die PDFs/Bücher samt der interessanteren Extrax kommen eh ab Spätsommer raus und sind nicht wesentlich teurer. Abgesehen davon müssen sie mit ETU zeigen, daß WW: Rome nur ein Ausrutscher war.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.05.2014 | 21:10
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3243/130003.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/130003/Ug-See-Big-Thing-that-Fly&affiliate_id=14728)
[Sneak Attack Press] Kronocalypse Prelude: Ug See Big Thing that Fly!
Author: Matthew J. Hanson
Artist: Kirsten Moody
Pages: 14
Price: €2,18 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/gs_flipbook/flip.php?xml=/demo_xml/130003.xml&w=1000&h=648)

You live easy lives, hunting dinosaurs, sharpening spears, and trying to master fire. Then the Big Thing That Fly came. Like an animal bladder filled with air, but bigger than an apatosaurus. Funny men used magic spears of fire and thunder to attack the People of the Big Cave and People by the Lake. Some died. Many were taken.

Now you must save your people from the Big Thing That Fly. But first you’ll need to get there.

Ug See Big Thing That Fly is an adventure for Savage Worlds in which the heroes play cavemen and women and dinosaur people fighting an incursion from the future. It is set in the world of Kron, and works as stand-alone one-shot or a prelude to the upcoming Kronocalypse campaign setting. It includes six pregenerated characters.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.05.2014 | 21:49
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3561/130062.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/130062/Accursed-Absolution?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Melior Via] Accursed: Absolution
Author: Sean Preston
Pages: 2
Price: €0,91 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

An innocent young woman is to be executed, as a panicked village is desperate to avert a Curse. The Witchmarked must identify the true cause of the livestock deaths in a small village, and move to stop the deaths. Otherwise, a new order of zealots are certain to take whatever means they feel are necessary to punish everyone in their desperation to save the village.

Absolution is a One-Sheet style scenario that focuses on the adventures of a band of Witchmarked heroes in the Accursed game setting. The adventure may be played as a standalone, or it may be used with the Plot Point Campaign included in Accursed. The adventure features brief scene descriptionss, with necessary game mechanics and opportunity for tasks that can be resolved in a variety of ways.

Accursed provides additional details about the setting used in this scenario, and is required to fully make use of the game mechanics presented. Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion are also required.

This PDF uses layers for ease of printing.

Map of Orlov

Alisa awaiting her execution

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2437/130131.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/130131/One-Sheet--Song-of-the-Siren-Savage-Worlds?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Atomic Overmind Press] The Day After Ragnarok: Song of the Siren
Author: Moe Lane
Pages: 2
Price: €0,91 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Magnolia Petroleum is setting up offshore drilling rigs in what used to be Louisiana; things were going as expected until "mermaids" started capsizing their supply boats and chewing on the sailors. Can the heroes survive their own encounter with les Sirenes Grande?

Author Moe Lane offers a scenario set in the strange waters off the remnants of America's Third Coast. Resist the seductive call of the Gulf, and solve the mystery of the sirens' song!

This Savage Worlds One-Sheet for The Day After Ragnarok contains everything you need for a quick and easy adventure for your party in the World after Serpentfall.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.05.2014 | 23:36
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4329/130224.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/130224/Achtung-Cthulhu-Guide-to-the-Pacific-Front&affiliate_id=14728)
[Modiphius] Achtung! Cthulhu: Guide to the Pacific Front
Authors: Dave Blewer, Bill Bodden, Alex Bund, Adam Crossingham, Lynne Hardy, Kenneth Hite, Sarah Newton, Matthew Pook
Artists: Dim Martin, Michal E Cross
Pages: 129
Price: €10,94 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/130224-sample.pdf)

Achtung! Cthulhu is a terrifying World War Two setting, fully compatible with the Call of Cthulhu, Sixth Edition and Savage Worlds roleplaying games.

Discover the secret history of the war beyond Europe; tales of heroic struggles in the Far East and the Pacific Islands; the re-emergence of archaic evils deep within an ancient land; the terrors of jungle warfare, where humans are not the only things stalking you, and the term “wildlife” potentially has a whole new meaning...

The Guide to the Pacific Front adds a new dimension to the Secret War, including:

* A variety of new civilian and military character templates
* New tomes, weapons, artefacts & equipment]
* Even more vile creatures & occult threats
* Rules for surviving not only jungle warfare, but the jungle itself
* In fact, a whole dossier’s worth of useful historical and fantastical information to help you expand your campaign out into the wider world of the Secret War.
* Stats and rules for use with BOTH Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition AND Savage Worlds in one book!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.05.2014 | 00:09
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/necropolis-logo.png) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/Necropolis/Lazarites.pdf)
[TAG] Necropolis 2350: Thank you, folks!

Thanking for the birthday wishes and for reaching 666 likes on Facebook Wiggy has put together a 10 page supplement on the Lazarites, and it’s FREE to download (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/Necropolis/Lazarites.pdf)!

Grab your gun, say your prayers, and go fight the good fight!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.05.2014 | 06:16
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/TAG35015_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/130269/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-15-The-Salt-Marsh?filters=0_0_0_0_40050)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #15: The Salt Marsh
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 12
Prices: €2,56 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

The verdant landscape of the Salt Marsh has lured many a curious traveler to his death. For sure it is rich in ruins untouched by human hands, but it is also home to fierce gator­men whose ancient civilization is threatened by civil war, as well as more dangerous foes.

Inside you’ll find:
* Insight into the problems besetting the gatormen.
* An overview of the many perils facing explorers.
* A look at the gatormen’s society and military.
* Trading opportunities.
* 6 new diseases, 2 new herbal remedies, and 12 new types of flora.
* 15 new locations to explore, including the City of Frogs and Temple of Taweret.
* 1 new major NPC.
* Ideas for why heroes may visit the Salt Marsh and adventure seeds.
* 2 new minor deities – Sarkeb, god of the gatormen, and Taweret, minor deity of crocodile slaying.
* 2 new monsters, including the much-feared croco-sphinx.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.05.2014 | 12:29
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/130382.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/130382/Interface-Zero-20-GM-screen?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero 2.0 Game Master Screen
Author: Thomas Shook
Artist: Various
Pages: 10
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/130382-sample.pdf)

Looking for a handy GM screen to run your Interface Zero 2.0 game? Here it is!

This product has four panels filled with quick references for attack options, gritty damage, injury tables, a step by step process for hacking, sysop countermeasures, Hyper Object difficulty ratings, engrams, Network stats, Street Cred bonuses and penalties, job payouts, and the full list of cybernetic augments, so you can know at a glance what a piece of cyberware does.

In addition, you’ll find six panels of artwork to insert in the front of the screen!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.06.2014 | 23:51
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/130669.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/130669/12TM-Scavenger-Hunt?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle] East Texas University: Scavenger Hunt
Author: Thomas Shook
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Scavenger Hunt is a perfect introduction for new students to East Texas University. The heroes must gather components for a ritual that will seal a gateway to the other side. Finding blue chalk might be easy, but where on earth are they going to find tiger fur and a god's drinking cup in six hours?

Scavenger Hunt is a frantic race around the campus of East Texas University for a party of Freshman (Novice Rank characters). This adventure gives you a taste of the East Texas University setting book so it isn't required to play. You will need Savage Worlds or the free Savage Worlds Test Drive rules, however.

East Texas University is an upcoming setting for Savage Worlds. Check out the Kickstarter here! (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/east-texas-university-savage-worlds)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.06.2014 | 19:02
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2437/130706.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/130706/One-Sheet--Hide-and-Seek-Savage-Worlds?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Atomic Overmind Press] The Day After Ragnarok: Hide and Seek
Author: Mitch Williams
Pages: 2
Price: €0,92 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A desperate letter draws the heroes to Corvalis, OR. Sgt. Henry Stevenson's been plagued by odd blackouts, and swears he's being followed by strange people. A mysterious string of robberies is plaguing the town...is there a connection?

Author Mitch WIlliams offers a scenario set in the America's Northwest after Serpentfall. Can the heroes help their friend win this very strange game of hide and seek?!

This Savage Worlds One-Sheet for The Day After Ragnarok contains everything you need for a quick and easy adventure for your party in the World after Serpentfall.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.06.2014 | 22:42
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/130819.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/130819/Drip-by-Bloody-Drip?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero: Drip by Bloody Drip
Author: Charles Green
Artist: Sam Manley
Pages: 12
Price: €3,67 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/130819-sample.pdf)

The group is hired to grab some medical research files from an abandoned naval base on the Puget Sound. Seems simple enough, except nobody thought to deactivate the base’s security systems. Can the group survive military-grade security robots and drones long enough to retrieve the data? And why is another recovery team on the base?

Drip by Bloody Drip is an adventure for 3 to 5 characters of Seasoned rank or higher.

This PDF is layered for easy printing.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.06.2014 | 19:08
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3975/130885.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/130885/Firewater-and-Ice?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Utherwald] Frozen Skies: Firewater And Ice
Author: Stephen Hughes
Artists: Alida Saxon, Kyrith Evans
Pages: 4
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/130885-sample.pdf)

The Ferret has a problem.

A plane carrying a shipment of whiskey, destined for some rich toff, has gone down close to the dreaded Chillwynd Marches. The deadline for delivery is fast approaching and there are others who are interested in the cargo for their own ends. If something isn’t done soon it’ll be disastrous for his future business dealings.

Luckily there’s a crew looking for work.

Firewater and Ice is a short adventure for the Savage Worlds system set in the Dieselpunk/Pulp Fantasy frontier setting of Frozen Skies (http://www.peginc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=41255&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.06.2014 | 00:30
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/130951.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/130951/The-Delivery?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero: The Delivery
Author: Thomas Shook
Artist: Jason Walton
Pages: 2
Price: €1,10 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The heroes are hired for a simple delivery job, some might even say a milk run. The team has two hours to deliver a briefcase across town, but not all jobs are as easy as they look. In order to make it in time, the heroes will have to overcome a few obstacles that threaten to keep them from making their deadline.

One-Sheet adventures are designed to be run with minimal prep and contain enough content for a game session or two. These adventures are also great as filler in longer campaigns, to use as a spring board for a longer adventure, or just to mix it up.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.06.2014 | 21:31
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Redneckromancer.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/130991/12TM-Redneckromancer?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle] East Texas University: Redneckromancer
Author: Craig Largent
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Redneckromancer is a free adventure for East Texas University, the upcoming setting for Savage Worlds by 12 to Midnight and Pinnacle Entertainment Group.

Brittany Poe's "Memaw" is acting strange over at the Quiet Rest Villa trailer park and the young waitress wants to know why. She's picked up on the group's various shenanigans and asks for help. What happens next is a tale for the aged.

East Texas University is an upcoming setting for Savage Worlds. The Kickstarter ends at noon PST on June 11, so check it out quick if you're interested in some of the free rewards that come with pledging! (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/east-texas-university-savage-worlds)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.06.2014 | 19:16
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2419/129495.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/129495/Hellfrost-Rassilon-Expansion-II?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost: Rassilon Expansion II
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Artist: Carly Sorge
Pages: 122
Price: €11,05 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/gs_flipbook/flip.php?xml=/demo_xml/129495.xml&w=750&h=486)


In the frozen lands of the northern continent proud warriors recite the deeds of their ancestors; intrepid explorers cross the storm-wracked oceans or delve into Ertha’s dark realm; clerics invoke miracles with the power to affect hundreds of lives; and powerful organizations strive to make the land a safer place. And now your heroes can join them!

The Rassilon Expansion 2 builds on the Hellfrost setting, adding new information and bringing older material to print for the first time.

Within these pages you will find:
* New options for player characters, including Edges, Hindrances, gear, Arcane Background, and spells.
* Setting rules for ancestry, collective faith, the effects of elevation on temperature, exploring the turbulent seas and dark underworld, a new type of relic, and traditional sports.
* Detailed rules for learning and casting resource miracles, powerful rituals designed to affect an entire settlement.
* Expanded information on the many organizations player characters can join.
* An expanded bestiary with over 100 additonal foes.

This book is designed for use in conjunction with the Hellfrost Player’s Guide and Hellfrost Bestiary.

The Hellfrost Rassilon Expansion II is a core book in the epic Hellfrost setting for the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.06.2014 | 19:35
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/TAG35016_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/131222/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-16-Realm-of-the-Medusae?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #16: Realm of the Medusae
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 10
Prices: €2,21 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

For thousands of years the medusae have slumbered beneath the Statue Hills, waking only once every century or so to check on their minions and put their long-term plans into action. The return of the ophidae has given them new hope, for now it is possible to sire a new generation. Soon their eggs will hatch. Soon the hatchlings will grow to adulthood. Soon the medusae will emerge from the subterranean homes to conquer the surrounding desert.

Inside you'll find:
* A brief history of the realm.
* An insight into medusae hibernation.
* An exploration of the many hazards that await explorers.
* A look at the medusae's military.
* 10 new locations to explore, including the Grand Temple of Ss'essliss and the Valley or the Oracle.
* 1 new major NPC.
* Ideas for why heroes may visit the Realm of the Medusae and adventure seeds.
* 1 new minor deity – Handarsaga, the god of stasis.
* 2 new monsters and guidelines for creating variant medusae.
* Notes for the GM on how to create living statues and stone golems.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.06.2014 | 18:48
(http://gunmetalgames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/logomodif.png.pagespeed.ce.wdgBKbF9qf.png) (http://gunmetalgames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/IZ2.0_Time_Line_20140613.pdf)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero 2.0: Timeline and News
Author: David Jarvis
Pages: 4
Price: Freebie   

A bullet point timeline for Interface Zero 2.0 was added to the downloads section of our site. The timeline runs from present day to 2090. Grab it now! (http://gunmetalgames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/IZ2.0_Time_Line_20140613.pdf)   

The books are on their way from China to our warehouse in the United States! I expect to receive them and start shipping to everyone some time late next month!

I'll be receiving an advanced copy of the Standard and limited editions on Thursday, and will post another update with some pics.
David Jarvis,
Owner, Gun Metal Games
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.06.2014 | 00:00
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4513/127198.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/127198/Bughunt?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[paNik Productions] R.E.A.C.T.: Bughunt
Author: M. Andrew Payne
Artist: M. Andrew Payne
Pages: 43
Price: €3,32 €2,18 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/127198-sample.pdf)

A new form of lethal illicit drug is slowly infiltrating the city streets, causing rampant death and overdose. From the shadows, the family of a deceased young woman cry out for vengeance. To help them the players must battle lunatic cyborgs, viscous thugs, and gangs galore. This quick adventure will have your players racing all over town, pursuing the elusive source.

Is this gonna be a standup fight, sir, or another bughunt?

Bughunt contains:
Character Portrait Stand-Ups to show your players all the major NPCs
Three 1" square maps (20 pages total)
24 Car-Chase Challenge Cards
8 pages of optional Chase expansion rules
24 Clue Cards to hand out random clues to the players as they investigate

Suitable as a stand-alone adventure or can be incorporated into a sci-fi campaign.

Compatible with 7 systems: Savage Worlds, Fate, Modern Path, Modern Adventures, d20 OGL, True20, and Fudge
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.06.2014 | 06:50
(http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c23/Drawdan/altcoverdan_zpsf468377f.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/131139/Battle-for-Oz?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pirate Press LLC] Battle for Oz
Authors: David Hardee, Dan Smith
Artists: Dan Smith, Jennifer S. Lange
Pages: 200
Price: €14,77 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/131139-sample.pdf)

You're Not In Kansas Anymore....

A new Wizard is enthroned in the Emerald City but his intentions are purely wicked. Heartless Tin-Men soldiers police the lands while sinister Straw-Men assassins instill fear in those who oppose his will.

"Battle For Oz is what you get when an Oz movie is set in modern times with Dorothy’s butt-kicking daughter played by Scarlett Johansson, Ron Perlman is the No-Longer-Cowardly Lion, the Scarecrow is played by Benedict Cumberbatch, Toto is a gruff one-eyed CGI terrier voiced by Sam freaking Elliot, and the new Wizard makes the Wicked Witch look like a misunderstood girl with a complexion problem (where have I heard that before). Except it’s not a movie, it’s your story, and you have to save the Emerald City. So armor up, grab a weapon, and march down the Yellow Brick Road because Oz… just got Savage!"
-Clint Black, Brand Manager for Savage Worlds and creator of Necessary Evil

Battle for Oz uses the original cannon of its creator L. Frank Baum, but with a new modern spin and just a touch of fantasy horror. Players can take on the role of a Lion-Man, an outcast Winged Monkey, a Clockwork, a Patchwork, an  ancient Oz native, or just an outsider from the "normal" world following in the footsteps of Dorothy Gale, all banding together to fight to free the lands of Oz.

"At 200 pages – chock full of deep-cut world book information, advanced rules for character creation and game play, and the state of the Land of Oz in the Days of Ozymandias the Second – Battle for Oz is no mere Plot Point Campaign book. Sure, that’s in there – and it’s solid – but this is the book every Savage fan needs if they want to explore and experience the Land of Oz in a kickass, fight-for-your-lives (and freedom) way. Battle for Oz may be the most unique and mind-flipping Savage Setting since Low Life…”
 – Sean Patrick Fannon, Creator of Shaintar

Battle for Oz is a complete game setting built for the award-winning Savage Worlds rule-set published by Pinnacle Entertainment Group, therefore you will need the Savage Worlds core book to play the game. Battle for Oz details the entire land of Oz, which is just a small part in the center of a larger continent called Nonestica. The Battle for Oz book contains everything a GM and a player needs to adventure in and explore Oz including:

- Seventeen unique races - including their background, culture, racial edges, and distinctive appearance.
- New Arcane Backgrounds - Oz is rich in magic and all of the Arcane Backgrounds have been altered to reflect the setting, such as the Scar Mage, Fae Druid, and the totally unique Minstrel.
- A complete history of Oz from ancient times through the time of Dorothy, and up to the present day.
- Fantastic new edges, skills, and powers - like Alchemy, Crystal Lore, and Technomancy.
- Twenty two distinct Archetypes - for the player who just wants to plug and play, this system allows you to pick or random roll an Archetype, choose a race and your done with character creation in minutes!
- New and expanded setting rules - including Bonus Raise Damage, Weapon Proficiencies, Gem Setting and Potion Making.
- A complete detailed list of all of the major areas of Oz including maps, important NPC's and encounter tables  for those who just want to explore.
- A complete plot point campaign designed to take players from Novice to Legendary and strike a major blow towards the defeat of the new evil Wizard.
- A complete bestiary and NPC section with detailed stats and character descriptions making even the most unprepared GM look good.
- Cover to cover art in both black and white and color that immerses the reader in this fantastic world taken from the pages of one of the most recognizable fantasy lands in American literary history.

Funded via Kickstarter! (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/746257049/battle-for-oz)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.06.2014 | 16:55
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/131334.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/131334/Real-Estate?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero: Real Estate
Author: Richard Morley
Pages: 2
Price: €1,11 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Crazy Devils gang is making inroads into new turf, they made the mistake of picking the turf where the heroes live. Dragged into gang warfare not of their making the heroes must survive and fight back. The gang are fighting for the real estate, the heroes are fighting for their homes, justice and a big pile of credits.

Real Estate is a One-Sheet adventure ideal for introducing players and novice characters to Interface Zero 2.0. It can easily be adapted for any tier of heroes. It can be run on its own or lead into a more complex adventure for the heroes.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.06.2014 | 17:07
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3561/131348.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/131348/Accursed-Sand-and-Stone?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Melior Via] Accursed: Sand and Stone
Authors: Chris Avellone, George Ziets
Pages: 30
Price: €4,43 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/download_preview.php?pid=131348)

Since the colonization of Morden, Hebron and Hyphrates shared an enmity. In part, this was because of their nearness and competition for many resources. Their cultural differences, however, served to intensify the division as well. Hebronites are generally far more devoted to family, while Hyphratians tend to embrace personal goals. These differences often triggered misunderstandings and hostilities between the two cultures, leading to an endless series of conflicts. Much of this was swept aside in the face of the Grand Coven, when all the nations of Morden cooperated under the banner of the Armies of Light.

Sand and Stone provides additional information about the nations of Hebron and Hyphrates within Accursed's setting of Morden. It includes a broad range of different adventure hooks for GMs and players looking to explore these specific regions. It also introduces three new banes as well as Hindrances and Edges specific to these cultures.

Accursed provides additional details about the setting used in this scenario, and is required to fully make use of the game mechanics presented. Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion are also required.

This PDF uses layers for ease of printing.

Onuris Summons the Djinn:


The Chapel Exterior:

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.06.2014 | 22:52
[TAG] TAG turns Six!

Hard to believe it’s been six years since me, Robin, and Dave sat down and decided to throw our lot in together and form Triple Ace Games. Dave may have moved on, but TAG is still here and still going strong. I should clarify that TAG is technically already 6 years 1 month old—tomorrow marks the anniversary of the official launch of the company to the world, but we’d been working behind the scenes before that getting things ready.

This isn’t a state of the company speech, though I’ll touch on something of that in due course. It’s more of an annual reflection of what has transpired since TAG came kicking and shouting into the RPG industry.

But first some words of thanks. During those six years we’ve been blessed with a lot of friends and helpers. Some we knew already, both personally and as fans of our previous works, others we’ve met along the way. Whether you’re an industry insider, a reviewer, a customer (old or new), a helper, a freelance author or artist, or just someone who clicked Like on our Facebook page to get freebies, we’d like to thank you for helping us to be the successful games company we are today.

So, what have we actually achieved over the last 12 months?

Well, Robin has joined the company as a full-time employee. That’s a huge milestone. Not only does it mean TAG now pays two full-time wages, but it gives us more hours in the day to work on new material.

That extra time has already enabled us to fund two Kickstarter projects (Tales from the Sands and Hellfrost Expansion II). Between them the funding resulted in four new books being printed, plus the forthcoming Hellfrost action deck. I’ve seen some of the art for the latter and I hope you’ll believe me when I say it rocks! Coupled with these has been a steady release of PDF products.

One project that came into being this year that we’re particularly proud of is Rocket Race. Okay, very few of you have ever seen a copy and you’re probably getting a little tired of us talking about it, but it marks another important milestone for TAG—our debut into the family games market.

Just under a month ago, me, Mrs. Wiggy, Robin, and Vince Kingston, were sitting at UK Games Expo enjoying some beers. It was the night before the show officially started and we were all staring at a copy of Rocket Race. We all shared a collective thought. Had TAG just invested a lot of time and money in a massive flop or were the 100 copies of the game we’d produced going to fly off the shelves? Don’t get me wrong—everyone who’d seen the quality of the game, yet alone played it, loved it, and we were quietly confident in our hearts. Our minds, though, knew that nothing is guaranteed.

Long story short, we sold out very quickly and the reviews and feedback have been very positive—so much so that we’ll be looking to Kickstart a distribution edition later this year. TAG producing a non-collectible card game? Like I said earlier, it’s an important milestone in our growth and confidence.

So what else is on the horizon over the coming year? In addition to the PDF releases there’ll (hopefully) be at least three more Kickstarters—something for Hellfrost (more on that very soon, hopefully), something for Leagues of Adventure, and, of course, Rocket Race.

Why so many Kickstarters planned? It’s simple—they allow us produce printed material quicker and, in some cases, give birth to books you wouldn’t otherwise see. Tales from the Sands is a prime example. Without Kickstarter, the four adventures would have been produced as PDFs, the same as with the original Hellfrost adventures. A print version might have happened, but it would have taken at least a year—quality books are not cheap to produce, especially in distribution quantities. Thanks to your support, we were able to bypass the PDF phase and go straight to print.

While we’re gamers, TAG is a business, and businesses need money to produce the goods. PDFs sell, but print not only sells better, it allows us to reach a wider audience. Feedback tells us we’re doing the right thing both by TAG and by you.

And that is just about that. Six busy years have passed us by, and another is just about to dawn!
Triple Ace Games Creative Director
wiggy@tripleacegames.com (wiggy@tripleacegames.com)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.06.2014 | 19:12
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2437/131633.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/131633/One-Sheet--Race-for-the-Jade-Scroll-Savage-Worlds?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Atomic Overmind Press] The Day After Ragnarok: Race for the Jade Scroll
Authors: Kennon Bauman, Keaton Bauman
Artist: Michael Vilardi
Pages: 2
Price: €0,92 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Hong Kong is home to criminals, eccentrics, rebels, and refugees…and an occupying Japanese army. Nevertheless, one of the heroes receives a letter informing her that an old friend living in the city—former Oxford University Professor Cyrus Lockheart—has died, and that he left certain papers and personal effects to her. There is one condition: the items, broadly hinted to be of great value, must be retrieved in person.

Authors Kennon and Keaton Bauman's scenario sends the heroes hurtling through the streets of Hong Kong in pursuit of a strange inheritance. Can they win the Race for the Jade Scroll??!

This Savage Worlds One-Sheet for The Day After Ragnarok contains everything you need for a quick and easy adventure for your party in the World after Serpentfall.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3243/131674.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/131674/Meltdown-and-the-AlphEx-Corporation-Savage-Worlds?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Sneak Attack Press] Meltdown and the AlphEx Corporation
Author: Matthew J. Hanson
Artist: Carlos Lima
Pages: 8
Price: €1,46 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/131674-sample.pdf)

Your skin burns as you lunge towards the armored figure. It turns, and a single blow of its lead fist sends you staggering backwards. Its face plate reveals only two glowing eyes. "Sorry pal," it says in a distorted voice. "Nothing personal. I'm just trying to feed my kids."

Meltdown and the AlphEx Corporation is short book that presents a supervillain and several related NPCs for you to use in your super-powered Savage Worlds campaign. It contains not only game statistics, but also character backgrounds, adventure hooks, and a sample story arc that demonstrates how to use Meltdown and the AlphEx Corporation as recurring elements in your game.

Meltdown and the AlphEx Corporation includes the following NPCs:

This book requires both the Savage Worlds core rules and Super Powers Companion to play.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/6245/131680.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/131680/Steamscapes-Gunslingers-Guide?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Four-in-Hand Games] Steamscapes: Gunslinger's Guide
Authors: Richard Gilbert, Eric Simon
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Kelsey Morse-Brown, LeeAnn Pecina
Pages: 55
Price: €5,87 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/131680-sample.pdf)

You can keep your gadgets and goggles and machines. The only gear I need is a holster and what goes in it. Now hand me those pliers - I need to tweak the action on this just a touch.

The Gunslinger's Guide is a supplement specifically designed to offer more play options and story hooks to gunslinger characters in the Steamscapes world. It includes extensive setting information relevant to gunslingers and their companions, optional rules for situations a gunslinger may commonly face, and an extensive weapon customization system for detailed exploration of the Gunsmithing skill.

Steamscapes: Gunslinger's Guide requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.06.2014 | 08:57
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/131689.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/131689/The-Queen-of-the-Lost-Valley?filters=0_0_0_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians: The Queen of the Lost Valley
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack
Pages: 90
Price: €5,13 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/131689-sample.pdf)

Welcome to The Queen of the Lost Valley, the sixth adventure of the Beasts & Barbarians Savage Words setting!

The pass through the Iron Mountains has been impassable for months due to the bandits of Justaios the Rebel. But this cannot stop an enterprising merchant like Jannah the Red, who has discovered another long-forgotten pass on an ancient map.

Savage barbarians, breath-taking escapes and a strange lost paradise await you, in the deep secluded valleys of the Iron Mountains where no civilized man has set foot in centuries. Are you ready to face the Queen of the Lost Valley and put your hands on her mythic treasure?

This booklet includes a Book of Lore expansion on the Iron Mountains, their savage people and a host of strange forgotten places...
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.06.2014 | 22:27
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3561/131753.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/131753/Accursed-Moon-Valley?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Melior Via] Accursed: Moon Valley
Author: Adam Jury
Pages: 2
Price: €0,93 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

After years of The Chimera’s experiments, some have begun to migrate to wreak more havoc than usual. People in affected areas have abandoned their homes and livelihoods. In many cases, the creations stripped the land around them of edible plants and game, then moved in to attack the residents. The PCs must defend Moon Valley from their encroachment, discovering the reasons for these new attacks if they can.

Moon Valley is a One-Sheet style scenario that focuses on the adventures of a band of Witchmarked heroes in the Accursed game setting. The adventure may be played as a standalone, or it may be used with the Plot Point Campaign included in Accursed. The adventure features brief scene descriptions, with necessary game mechanics and opportunity for tasks that can be resolved in a variety of ways.

Accursed provides additional details about the setting used in this scenario, and is required to fully make use of the game mechanics presented. Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion are also required.

Map of Parede's Home:

The Cenelaph:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.06.2014 | 19:09
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/TAG35017_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/131785/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-17-The-Snakelands-of-Old?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #17: The Snakelands of Old
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 10
Prices: €2,23 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

For two millennia the snakemen of old have been spoken of only as ghosts, for it has long been known they were destroyed by the armies of mighty Hekata. If only such tales were true. Entering a state of self-imposed exile, the ophidae have waited patiently for the signal for them to emerge once and rebuild their once glorious empire. At long last the stars have aligned. Nomads in the surrounding regions sense a dark presence in the Snakelands, and fear once again sweeps across the desert. The serpent is on the ascent.

Inside you'll find:
* A new Professional Edge – Snake Charmer.
* Information on ophidae society and their views on racial purity.
* An overview of the many hazards that await explorers.
* 9 new locations to explore, including the City of the Firmament and the Whispering Oasis.
* 3 new major NPCs.
* A new festival honoring Shamash, god of the sun.
* Ideas for why heroes may visit the Snakelands and adventure seeds.
* Details on Ss'esslis, the god of the ophidae, and Ningirama, deity of protection from snakes.
* 4 new monsters.

Still celebrating our Sixth Anniversary, a free web update is available HERE (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrostLOF/TAG35017A.pdf).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.07.2014 | 18:32
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3561/131901.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/131901/Accursed-The-Guns-of-Dagerov?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050&affiliate_id=14728)
[Melior Via] Accursed: The Guns of Dagerov
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon
Artists: Alberto Bontempi, Jacob Atienza, Kamil Jadzcak, Jeff Preston, Kevin Childress
Pages: 24
Price: €4,38 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Marching through Steppengrad in the winter is the kind of thing only fools and Accursed would even dare. Nonetheless, the battle for the soul of the world continues, and to fight the endless monsters of the Grand Coven, man-made monsters capable of belching destruction and death are just what the Order of the Penitent requires if the tide is ever to turn. The town of Dagerov is in possession of a batch of cannons that could be just the resource the order needs. Unfortunately, the town also needs those cannons—the Accursed must try to recover them, without dooming Dagerov.

The Guns of Dagerov is a full length adventure for a band of Witchmarked heroes in the Accursed game setting. The adventure may be played as a standalone, or it may be used with the Plot Point Campaign included in Accursed. The adventure follows a three act structure, while also providing details on Dagerov and its peoples in Steppengrad. It includes necessary game mechanics and opportunity for tasks that can be resolved in a variety of ways.

Accursed provides additional details about the setting used in this scenario, and is required to fully make use of the game mechanics presented. Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion are also required.

Map of Dagerov:


The Rusalka:

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.07.2014 | 20:26
(http://realityblurs.com/shop/images/Cover_Karthador_.png) (http://realityblurs.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_25&products_id=145)
[Reality Blurs] Karthador - Swashbuckling Science Fiction *PREORDER*
Authors: Darrell Hardy & Sean Preston
Pages: 351
Price: €29,37 SC & PDF (Reality Blurs)   

Karthador (http://karthador.com/) is a world of beauty, danger, drama, and horror.

A world where swashbuckling heroes battle merciless villains across ancient vistas and above shining cities, in a world where science is magic and adventure is never more than a whisper away.

Noble warriors ride dinosaurs into battle, swords in their hands and blaster pistols on their hips.

Crafty sky traders dodge air pirates and thread the needle of storm clouds in the name of profit.

Scholars sift through ancient ruins, looking for bits of eldritch technology to complete their new inventions.

Kings and revolutionaries pore over maps, looking for high ground and choke points, ever wondering if their energy crystals will hold out just a little longer….

What adventures await you?

Order now and get the PDF immediately, and be among the first to get the book when it drops! This 6" x 9" softcover book is over 340 pages and retails for $35.00 alone.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.07.2014 | 12:19
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2933/132047.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/132047/HighSpace-Aeternaeanimam?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[StoryWeaver] High-Space: Aeternaeanimam
Author: Patrick Taylor
Pages: 45
Prices: €3,68 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Fast, Furious Fun… in the Far Future!

"Politics. Money. Religion.  Always an explosive mix. Throw in a floating palace in the clouds, robots and Templars, and you've got the perfect adventure for intrigue and outright conflict!"

Having successfully delved Into The Remnant and uncovered what is only the second Nazmec Tablet in existence, the intrepid heroes now want their payoff!

Their best option is to reach the Tor system and negotiate the labyrinthine and deadly practices of the trade in Nazmec artefacts, under the sanctuary of the Council of Churches.

If the heroes thought that millennia-old amphibious monsters were bad, they will be in for a shock when they face off against the galaxy’s most ruthless wheelers and dealers!

Anyone bidding for a second Nazmec Tablet will want to win, and agents who negotiate can utilise 'unusual' methods and tactics. Yes, the bidding will be steep... and it'll not always involve money.

Shady deals will be done...

Ancient secrets will be revealed...

Friends will be betrayed...

Fortunes and lives will be put on the line...

Welcome to the Aeternaeánimam.

Features everything needed to play:
* Detailed adventure
* Cast of characters
* Digital Maps
* Printable battlemaps
* Card Stock Figures

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.07.2014 | 19:11
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/hellfrost-logo.png) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-atlas-of-the-frozen-north?ref=card)
[TAG] Hellfrost Atlas of the Frozen North *Kickstarter*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 352 est.
Prices: Pledge Calculator (http://www.tripleacegames.com/kickstarter/hf_aoftfn_pledge_calc/hf_aoftfn_pledge_calc.html) (Kickstarter)

In 2010, Hellfrost fans asked us for more information on the world. In response, we created the Region Guides, a series of small supplements that explored each realm in greater detail. No sooner was the line completed than requests came in for a print compendium. Once again Triple Ace Games has listened and responded.

(https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/002/207/789/24441d9771ae8c5fbed10c6f99a1ce46_large.jpg?1404055262) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/kickstarter/hf_aotfn/HF_AotFN_ORCMARK_Sampler.pdf)

We are proud to present a Kickstarter for the Hellfrost Atlas of the Frozen North, a mighty volume that takes you on an epic journey of discovery and exploration into the rich geography and history of the lands of the frozen north in new and amazing detail.

A project of this mammoth scope produces a book of equal size! The text amounts to over 315,000 words. Combining this with maps and art, we originally conceived a book of at least 450 pages in length. A book of this size is fairly difficult to produce, not impossible. With design alterations and a little page layout magic, we can deliver all the regional information from the Region Guides plus the brand new maps, art, and locations in a 352 page book.

(https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/002/207/746/abe11cd0ef155d89535b1250a5611907_large.jpg?1404053958) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/kickstarter/hf_aotfn/HF_AotFN_ORCMARK_Sampler.pdf)

To gain a quick overview of the final publication here is what you will get in the book:
• 352 (est.) pages in glorious full color
• Hardcover book, and PDF
• 49 regions, including the mystical lands of Alfheim, the turbulent Ten Seas, and the subterranean deeps of Ertha's Realm. Contains text from the original Region Guides series, plus new additions and edits.
• Rules for creating sacred places, with detailed examples.
• 58 detailed maps including city maps and overland maps with a scale of 1 inch equals 50 miles.
• 94 pages in total of full color maps (close approx.)
• 25 illustrations interspersed throughout the book complimenting the maps and text.

For full details, and to pledge for this beautiful tome, please visit our Kickstarter project. (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-atlas-of-the-frozen-north?ref=card)

Please note that even if this project holds no interest for you, you can still grab the entirety of Orcmark as a freebie (http://www.tripleacegames.com/kickstarter/hf_aotfn/HF_AotFN_ORCMARK_Sampler.pdf) from the Kickstarter page.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.07.2014 | 19:17
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/hellfrost-logo.png) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-atlas-of-the-frozen-north?ref=card)
[TAG] Hellfrost Atlas of the Frozen North *Kickstarter*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 352 est.
Prices: Pledge Calculator (http://www.tripleacegames.com/kickstarter/hf_aoftfn_pledge_calc/hf_aoftfn_pledge_calc.html) (Kickstarter)

Nach nur 3 Tagen ist dieses Projekt mit etwas über £6,000 finanziert!

Im Namen von Wiggy, Rob und allen Fans, die sich schon seit Jahren dieses Buch gewünscht haben, vielen Dank an alle Beteiligten.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.07.2014 | 19:55
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4761/132069.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/132069/Crossbows-Crafting-and-KaZOT?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar - Crossbows, Crafting, and Ka-ZOT!
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon
Artist: Susan Knowles
Pages: 11
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/132069-sample.pdf)

Some new Edges, a Crafting system, and Arcmancy AB for Shaintar by Sean Patrick Fannon.

Though designed initially for the Shaintar product line, GMs of any Savage Worlds setting (or, really, any game) will find this system extremely useful for their campaigns.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.07.2014 | 14:06
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/hellfrost-logo.png) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-atlas-of-the-frozen-north?ref=card)
[TAG] Hellfrost Atlas of the Frozen North *Kickstarter*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 352 est.
Prices: Pledge Calculator (http://www.tripleacegames.com/kickstarter/hf_aoftfn_pledge_calc/hf_aoftfn_pledge_calc.html) (Kickstarter)


Der Atlas kann nun auch bis zum 4. August 2014 über eine Vorbestellung im TAG Store (http://www.tripleacegames.com/brands/hellfrost/hellfrost-atlas-of-the-north/) mitfinanziert werden.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.07.2014 | 15:47
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/132701.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/132701/ETU-East-Texas-University&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle] ETU: East Texas University
Authors: Preston DuBose, Ed Wetterman, Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 96
Price: €11,07 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/132701-sample.pdf)

Study. Party. Save the World.

East Texas University promises prestigious leadership, connected alumnae, the fantastic Southern climate of Pinebox, Texas… and annoying roommates, professors that try to kill you (literally), and things that go bump in the night. Enroll at your own risk.

East Texas University offers a well-rounded syllabus of character creation, new Edges & Hindrances, gear, Setting Rules, and tours of campus and nearby Pinebox, Texas. For advanced credit, read the section on rituals and talismans. Finally, the Adventure Generator and encyclopedia of miscreants is sure to light a creative spark in even the most humorless campus parking enforcement officer. There are generator mechanics for parties and adventures as well as Ritual failure and a little thing we like to call “High Strangeness.”

Can you survive four years of college?

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/132702.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/132702/ETU-Degrees-of-Horror&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle] ETU: Degrees of Horror
Authors: Preston DuBose, Ed Wetterman, Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 96
Price: €11,07 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews132702-sample.pdf)

Your boyfriend dumped you.

You’ve got exams first thing in the morning.

And the world's going to end at midnight unless you stop it.

Looks like another all-nighter with the study group.

Degrees of Horror features a full-length Plot Point Campaign that takes the students from Freshman to Senior, and uncovers a mystery as old as the faculty themselves. The syllabus includes classroom intrigue, dark conspiracy, dusty mysteries from the past, killer exams, massive parties, and new horrors to torment the student body.

Degrees of Horror also includes a full course-load of Savage Tales that work equally well with the Plot Point Campaign or your own epic saga.

Degrees of Horror is a Plot Point Campaign for East Texas University. It requires that book and the Savage Worlds core rules to play.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/132703.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/132703/ETU-East-Texas-University-Players-Guide&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle] ETU: East Texas University Player's Guide
Authors: Preston DuBose, Ed Wetterman, Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 38
Price: €3,68 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/132703-sample.pdf)

Study. Party. Save the World.

East Texas University promises prestigious leadership, connected alumnae, the fantastic Southern climate of Pinebox, Texas…and annoying roommates, professors that try to kill you (literally), and things that go bump in the night. Enroll at your own risk.

This is the information from the Player's Section of the East Texas University rulebook.

Pinnacle Entertainment Group grants the Game Master a “site license” to print this document for each player in her personal game. No electronic transfer of this document is intended or implied. The East Texas University Player’s Guide is for players only. The Dean (GM) needs the complete version of East Texas University. This book requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.07.2014 | 16:38
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/132704.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/132704/ETU-Archetypes&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle] ETU: Archetypes
Author: Michael Ysker
Pages: 16
Price: €2,21 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/132704-sample.pdf)

Class is in Session!

East Texas University Archetypes provides the busy Dean with twelve full-color, full-page, ready-to-play archetypes, which may be used with the East Texas University miniatures (available at www.peginc.com) or with the enclosed Figure Flats!

Archetypes include: Sorority Sister, Cheerleader, Rodeo Queen, Activist, Geek, Wild Child, Fraternity Brother, Jock, Local, Student, Gamer, and Journalist.

Can you survive four years of college?

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/132706.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/132706/ETU-Classroom-Map&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle] ETU: Classroom Map
Artist: Aaron Acevado
Pages: 1
Price: €2,95 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/132706-sample.pdf)

This versatile map offers several classrooms, conference rooms, computer workstations, lobby, and other interior fixtures to give the Game Master plenty of space to run an epic battle—or take the action outside to the fountain or courtyard! This map may be used with any of the other East Texas University maps to create more play area: Library, Off Campus Housing, or Pinebox Businesses.

This PDF offers options to scale and print only the sections you need, or print them all to create your own map!

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/132707.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/132707/ETU-Library-Map&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle] ETU: Library Map
Artist: Aaron Acevado
Pages: 1
Price: €2,95 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/132707-sample.pdf)

This versatile library map offers bookshelves, computer workstations, conference rooms, and other interior fixtures give the Game Master plenty of space to run an epic battle—or take the action outside to the courtyard! This map may be used with any of the other East Texas University maps to create more play area: Classrooms, Off Campus Housing, or Pinebox Businesses.

This PDF offers options to scale and print only the sections you need, or print them all to create your own map!

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/132708.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/132708/ETU-Off-Campus-Housing-Map&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle] ETU: Off Campus Housing Map
Artist: Aaron Acevado
Pages: 1
Price: €2,95 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/132708-sample.pdf)

This versatile map offers two modern houses with very different floorplans to inspire Game Masters. One house has a master bedroom, three smaller bedrooms, and plenty of dining and living space—just like a grad student might share or professor might own for their growing family. The other house has three bedrooms, a study area…and bar, pool table, and hot tub—perfect for a fraternity house or that hip professor.

This map may be used with any of the other East Texas University maps to create more play area: Classrooms, Library, or Pinebox Businesses.

This PDF offers options to scale and print only the sections you need, or print them all to create your own map!

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/132709.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/132709/ETU-Pinebox-Businesses-Map&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle] ETU: Pinebox Businesses Map
Artist: Aaron Acevado
Pages: 1
Price: €2,95 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/132709-sample.pdf)

Small town America or that trendy strip right off campus, this versatile map offers a variety of businesses and street area to inspire the Game Master! Included are a coffeehouse/internet café, restaurant, convenience store, bar, specialty retail, and pawn shop/bank.

This map may be used with any of the other East Texas University maps to create more play area: Classrooms, Library, or Off Campus Housing.

This PDF offers options to scale and print only the sections you need, or print them all to create your own map!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.07.2014 | 06:12
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/TAG35018_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/132798/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-18-Jubbah-City-of-Monkeys?filters=0_0_0_0_40050)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #18: Jubbah, City of Monkeys
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 6
Prices: €1,47 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Unknown to the outside world yet claiming to exist for millennia, and populated by talking simians mentioned in no musty records, until recently Jubbah was isolated from the outside world by its fearful citizens. Slowly, it has to come to accept its part in the greater world, and its gates are now open to traders and sightseers of other races. Come now and explore Jubbah, City of Monkeys!

Inside you’ll find:
* Origins of the city and the talking simians known as the Babu.
* Notes on the unusual city’s social hierarchy, educational system, religion, military, law and order, trade, and architecture.
* 8 locations within the city walls.
* 4 new major NPCs.

This is the FINAL Realm Guide backers received as part of their Kickstarter pledge. We hope you've enjoyed reading them and will continue supporting the Land of Fire product line.

The next Realm Guides will be RG #19 - The Al-Wazir Sultanate (88 pages), RG #20 - The Caliphate of Al-Shirkuh (80 pages), RG #21 - The Free Emirate States (60 pages), and RG #22 - The Kingdoms of the Sphinxes (75 pages), each published monthly starting coming August.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.07.2014 | 19:25
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/hellfrost-logo.png) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-atlas-of-the-frozen-north?ref=card)
[TAG] Hellfrost Atlas of the Frozen North *Kickstarter*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 352 est.
Prices: Pledge Calculator (http://www.tripleacegames.com/kickstarter/hf_aoftfn_pledge_calc/hf_aoftfn_pledge_calc.html) (Kickstarter)


With basic funding reached we are excited to present the following new stretch goals!



For each £500 stretch goal reached (up to a £10,000 limit) will add 4 new pages of content, maps, art and new information on Rassilon! This could be a total of 28pp added to the already comprehensive Atlas. This will be brand new never before published content.

On reaching £12,000 we will produce a whole new book! Hellfrost Matters of Faith will be added to all previous pledge levels*. So if you have already pledged your rewards will be upgraded for no additional cost!

*except the Merchant level as Hellfrost Matters of Faith will be made available to retail stores via distribution.


This 124pp softback book will contain everything needed to know on religious matters in Rassilon. Written by Paul 'Wiggy' Wade-Williams it marks the last major book for the frozen world of Rassilon. It will contain:

* Expanded material on the major cults, including guidelines for clerics and festivals
* Write-ups for dozens of minor deities
* Non-human deities
* Details on Godsheim and The Abyss
* 124 pages B&W softback
* RRP £14.99 GBP $24.99 USD

A note on shipping. We will send you Hellfrost Matters of Faith without asking for any additional shipping! Make you pledge for the Atlas and if this book is unlocked then we will include it in your reward package.

Hellfrost Matters of Faith will ship at the same time as the Atlas. Expected delivery April 2015.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.07.2014 | 21:22
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/132883.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/132883/Jericho-Rose&affiliate_id=14728)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero: Jericho Rose
Author: John Wick
Artists: Sam Manley, Jason Walton
Pages: 19
Price: €7,39 €3,69 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/132883-sample.pdf)

It's Christmas in July! From now through July 28th, this title has been marked down by 25%! For more values, visit our X-mas in July sale page (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/rpg_xmas_in_july.php).

Managers and producers know the secret. It isn't what's not now, it's what's next. That's the key. Not what they're listening to now, but what they're going to listen to tomorrow.
Lorna Jericho could be next.
A hot look, a new sound and lyrics that turn fans into fanatics. She's dangerous. She has no fear. She asks all the wrong questions, shouting them out loud to her loyal followers.
Shadows in tall buildings say, "She has to be stopped." They say, "She has to be silenced."
And perhaps, they've gotten her wish. Because like a ghost, she's gone. Vanished. And it's up to you to find out who stole the Girl with Kaleidoscope Eyes.

Written by critically acclaimed author John Wick, Jericho Rose is a cyber-noir adventure for 4 to 5 characters of Seasoned rank or Higher.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.07.2014 | 06:24
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/WWII_Italian_Forces-1-232x300.png) (https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/WWII_Italian_Forces.pdf)
[Pinnacle] Weird War II: Italian Forces
Author: Adam Loyd
Pages: 8
Price: Freebie (Pinnacle)

Weird War II Reinforcements—Hail the Italians!

Whether you’re putting down your cappuccino to join the fight, holding the hills of Rome against the invading Allies, or trying to force your way into Naples because, well, you’re the invading Allies, we’ve got you covered with the men, machines, and munitions of the Italian Forces for Weird War II.

Italian Forces joins the other Freebies for Weird War II—just check the drop-down boxes at the right of the page for other free support materials.

Don’t forget, these and many other Weird War II materials may be designed for a horrific take on a historic setting, but they’ll take care of any non-fantastical World War II needs you may have, too!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.07.2014 | 18:25
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Space_1889_Carnage_on_the_Canals-600px.png) (https://www.peginc.com/freebies/Space1889/Space_1889_Carnage_on_the_Canals.pdf)
[Pinnacle] Space 1889: Carnage on the Canals
Author: AP Klosky
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (Pinnacle)

The constant winds of Mars are always blowing dust—and danger—your way. Where is the risk in an innocent meeting to discuss a new invention? How badly can that go.

Well, your contact in the Explorers’ Society could be lost. Your contact could be kidnapped. Those kidnappers could be Martian insurgents. Yes, it could go that badly.

Now, what are you going to do about it?

Carnage on the Canals is a One Sheet adventure for the Space 1889 Savage Worlds setting. Get it for free today and check out our free adventures for all our other settings!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.07.2014 | 18:37
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4309/133185.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/133185/Savage-Insider-V2I1-Rebirth-and-Reinvention?filters=0_0_1600_0_40050)
[Obatron Productions] Savage Insider v2.1 - Rebirth and Reinvention
Authors: Robert L. Beaver, Vickey A. Beaver, Sean Tait Birch, Clint Black, Jodi Black, Brett Boyko, Steve Dean, Marc "Lord Inar" Gacy, Aaron T. Huss, Kevin MacGregor, Shari MacGregor, Mariah Malczewska, Logan Masterson, Rachel Rutledge, Patrick Taylor, Mark Widner
Artists: Vickey A. Beaver, BlackWyrm Publishing, Dark Smile Games, Chaz Kemp, Logan Masterson, StoryWeaver, VShane
Pages: 74
Price: €3,34 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/133185-sample.pdf)

This issue of Savage Insider marks the debut of Volume 2, now published by Obatron Productions. We're passionate about Savage Worlds and want to share that with you. Originally envisioned as a 48-page issue, our new format garnered an overwhelming response, allowing us to increase the size by more than 50%. The theme is Rebirth and Reinvention, and it is threaded throughout all the pieces, which can be used across genres.

What's in It for You

* A Special Address from Clint Black on Behalf of Pinnacle Entertainment Group
* Two Great Adventures + a Surveyed (between the three you get multiple maps and THREE pages of minis)
* Two Features on Mechanics
* Other Returning Favorites: Designer's Diary, Game Prep, Character Gallery, Equipment Corral
* Exclusive First Appearances
* Two Discounts: A $5 coupon from Pinnacle Entertainment Group and 33% discount from StoryWeaver
* Information on Recent Releases and Upcoming Releases, plus Convention Connection
* Lower Percentage of Advertisements Than Most Popular Magazines
* Live Links from Table of Contents and Text

We can't wait to hear what you think of this issue. Buy it now and put it to use at your next game.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.07.2014 | 18:53
(https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/projects/1063085/photo-main.jpg?1406536342) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-atlas-of-the-frozen-north?ref=card)
[TAG] Hellfrost Atlas of the Frozen North *Kickstarter - 3 Days Remaining*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 352 est.
Prices: Pledge Calculator (http://www.tripleacegames.com/kickstarter/hf_aoftfn_pledge_calc/hf_aoftfn_pledge_calc.html) (Kickstarter)


With basic funding reached and the stretch goals currently at £9,014, we give you a 3 days remaining notification.



For each £500 stretch goal reached (up to a £10,000 limit) will add 4 new pages of content, maps, art and new information on Rassilon! This could be a total of 28pp added to the already comprehensive Atlas. This will be brand new never before published content.

On reaching £12,000 we will produce a whole new book! Hellfrost Matters of Faith will be added to all previous pledge levels*. So if you have already pledged your rewards will be upgraded for no additional cost!

*except the Merchant level as Hellfrost Matters of Faith will be made available to retail stores via distribution.


This 124pp softback book will contain everything needed to know on religious matters in Rassilon. Written by Paul 'Wiggy' Wade-Williams it marks the last major book for the frozen world of Rassilon. It will contain:

* Expanded material on the major cults, including guidelines for clerics and festivals
* Write-ups for dozens of minor deities
* Non-human deities
* Details on Godsheim and The Abyss
* 124 pages B&W softback
* RRP £14.99 GBP $24.99 USD

A note on shipping. We will send you Hellfrost Matters of Faith without asking for any additional shipping! Make you pledge for the Atlas and if this book is unlocked then we will include it in your reward package.

Hellfrost Matters of Faith will ship at the same time as the Atlas. Expected delivery April 2015.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.08.2014 | 15:24
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3243/133366.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/133366/Broken-Earth-The-Haunted-Straits-Savage-Worlds&affiliate_id=14728)
[Sneak Attack Press] Broken Earth: The Haunted Straits
Author: Matthew J. Hanson
Artist: Joyce Maureira
Pages: 8
Price: €1,49 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Wright family wants to open up permanent trade routes to Geneva and Scrap City on Lake Michigan. From the pre-War maps they’ve salvaged, they know that the sea beyond Wright Town connects to the lake. Boat trade should be easy, at least once they’ve dealt with the Haunted Straits.

The Haunted Straits describes an isolated community that perpetuates rumors of vengeful spirits to ward away outsiders. The book includes a history of the area, important NPCs, and plot points.

The Haunted Straits is set in the ENnie nominated Broken Earth setting, but with a little work can be used with any post-apocalyptic campaign.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.08.2014 | 22:49
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/133415.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/133415/Weird-Wars-Rome-Nox-Germanica)
[Pinnacle] Weird Wars Rome: Nox Germanica
Author: Teller
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 32
Price: €4,47 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/133415-sample.pdf)

The dark, dripping forests of Germania have long been a source of mystery and fear for Rome. These trackless lands and their barbaric inhabitants present an environment unlike anything else in the Known World. From the time of Julius Caesar, Germania has resisted the best efforts of Rome to bring the light of civilization to its benighted lands.

Our legionaries now find themselves on the Limes Germanicus, a system of walls, ditches, and watch towers designed to keep watch over the angry, gathering barbarians. But are the Germans simply resisting Roman rule? Or is there something more sinister lurking the dark forests beyond?

Nox Germanica is a full-length adventure for Weird Wars Rome. Besides a tale of adventure, horror, and mystery in Germanica, it also includes designs for a Roman castrum.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.08.2014 | 20:38
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/133456.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/133456/Deadlands-Reloaded-Temple-of-the-Sun)
[Pinnacle] Deadlands Reloaded: Temple of the Sun
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 26
Price: €5,21 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/133456-sample.pdf)

Temple of the Sun is a PDF printable tile map. Run this handy PDF through your color printer, trim, and let the carnage commence. This PDF provides a 24" x 32" final map of both the interior and the exterior/top of a great Mesoamerican columned hall.

Anmerkung: Dieser Artikel war seit 2012 bisher nur im Pinnacle Store verfügbar.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.08.2014 | 20:31
(https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/projects/1063085/photo-main.jpg?1406536342) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-atlas-of-the-frozen-north?ref=card)
[TAG] Hellfrost Atlas of the Frozen North *Kickstarter - Finished*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 380 est.
Est. Delivery: April 2015


That pretty much sums up our feelings at TAG right now. When you guys asked for a compiled Region Guide book with tons of maps we were a little dubious it could be funded, such were the costs involved of producing a book of that scope. Well, not only did you ask for it but but you made it a reality!

This project is huge, not only in terms of your fantastic response but also the content. Twenty of the 28 bonus pages you unlocked have now been written (see below), but that’s just the start of what will be a taxing, enjoyable, and lengthy process. Please remember this Kickstarter wasn’t a pre-order to cover printing – funding for the art and maps has only just been achieved. We’re at the start of a long road, not the end. The Atlas isn’t the only project we’re working on, but we’re used to juggling multiple complex projects, and April 2015 is a realistic release date.

We’ll keep you updated with major developments as they occur, but right now that’ll probable be no more than once a month. More happens nearer the end of the production, once art flows in, chapters are assembled, and the editors get to work.

The basic additional locations so far:

Alantaris Isle: The Humped Horse, The Rubble Market (both part of Imperial City)
Angarion: The Gifting Glade
Battlelands: Giant’s Blood River, Giants Wood
Blackstone: Lacsen
Cairn Lands: The Burnt Mounds
Coglelund: Border Crossings
Crystalflow Confederacy: The Moor Up and Come Inn
Cul: Salvation
Drachenlands: Ironfist Fort
Ertha’s Realm: The Abandoned City, Blind Spider Cavern, Ertha’s Sauna, The Root of the Earth
Freelands: Dead Man’s Pass, Deadwood Forest, The Temple of Ertha
Frozen Forest: Graveyard of the Living, The King’s Road
Giant’s Throne: The Temple of Teeth and Claws
Heligioland: Raedburgh’s Hut
Hrimthyr Isle: The Dragon Gate
Icedale Freeholds: Black Man Hill
Magocracy: Cattlegraze Hills, Giants’ Tables Downs, Halls of the Dead, The Salmon Run River, Staeftun, Two Fort Bridge
Midmark: Beransgarth, Igilsinn
Royalmark: Bradwald, Ealdstanar, East and West Ockster
Seithrby: Barrow, Cynewynn’s Stead, Muckletarn
Shattered Moor: Bandelbury, Cave of Dancing Lights, Last Chance
Sunken Realm: Bergrisarheim, The Bitter Well, Litter Bone Cave
Taiga Elfhomes: Icefinger’s Ger (N), Maera’s Tooth (T), The Wild Temple (R)
The Ten Seas: City of the Shark Gods, Crushing Claw Island, Hearthglow Island, Two Dragon Island
The Vale: Marmaduke’s Scrolls (part of Weem), Kyrton, Six Stone Hill
Unclaimed Lands: Ghost Dance Hills, Kyöpelinvuori, Warriors’ Landing, Winter Fern Hills
Witchwood: The Glistening Cave
Withered Lands: Hall of the Pale Lady, Hela’s Garden

Additional locations due to the stretch goals:

£7k level: 4 pgs Magocracy (incl. map of Kingshall)
£7.5k level: 4 pgs Unclaimed Lands
£8k level: 4 pgs Freelands (incl. map of Spyre)
£8.5k level: 4 pgs Aspiria (incl. map of Haringaard, a better adventuring base than New Asper)
£9k level: 2 pgs Heligioland & 2 pgs Freetown (space previously allocated for Freetown city map)
£9.5k level: 2 pgs Liche Lands of Old & 2 pgs Alantaris Isle
£10k level: tbd

A freebie Spyre location:
The Hammered Head: Instantly recognizable by its sign (a hammer smashing down on a bare head), this New City tavern sells the strongest drink in the city, a potent wine known locally as Hammer. Most people can manage only two small flagons before they begin to stagger like they’ve taken a serious blow to the head. The drink is so well known that it has spawned a local expression—anyone staggeringly drunk, regardless of the drink they have consumed, is said to be Hammered.

Thank you again for funding the Hellfrost Atlas!
Triple Ace Games Creative Director
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.08.2014 | 21:53
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/133543.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/133543/The-Exchange&affiliate_id=14728)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero: The Exchange
Author: Thomas Shook
Pages: 2
Price: €1,12 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A corporate executive is being held for ransom by a local street gang. Management wants him back, but doesn't want to get involved, so the hire a group that can handle a delicate job like this. The heroes are hired to make to make the exchange, with a promise of a bonus if they return the executive alive and hold on to the ransom money.

A simple job, right ami? Just have to handover a case for the suit. But this is 2090; every job is not always as it seems.

This one page adventure is designed a 4 to 6 hour session of play, but easily can be extended for a longer session or used as part of an on-going campaign.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.08.2014 | 22:01
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/133558.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/133558/ETU-Class-Ring&affiliate_id=14728)
[Pinnacle] ETU: Class Ring
Authors: Preston DuBose, Ed Wetterman
Pages: 32
Price: €14,89 €4,46 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/133558-sample.pdf)

They say the Language Arts building at East Texas University is haunted. They're right.

In Class Ring, a late night study session takes a supernatural direction when the ghost of a beautiful young woman reaches out for help. Who was she, and why is she haunting the building? How many other spirits share her fate? It'll take strong nerves and sharp minds to unlock the mystery of the spirit's demise and free the building from its haunting.

Class Ring is a full length adventure combining elements of investigation and a scary, late night ghost hunt about correcting old mistakes...and avoiding new ones.

This adventure requires Savage Worlds and East Texas University.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.08.2014 | 22:19
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/6323/133171.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/133171/Mythic?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Chimera Press] Mythic
Author: Michael Edwards
Artists: Mike Burns, Alida Saxon
Pages: 85
Price: €11,17 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/133171-sample.pdf)

The Mythic setting, designed for the Savage Worlds rules system, takes inspiration from real world history, ancient mythology, and modern movies and tv shows to create a unique view of Earth’s ancient history, it’s cultures, and it’s mythologies.

Unlike most other settings that deal with the ancient world, Mythic doesn’t just focus on one culture and it’s mythology. Instead, several cultures and mythologies have all been brought together to exist side by side in the same setting. The core setting book includes three cultures and mythologies which form the Known World. Pridith is based on Celtic culture and mythology, Illosia is based on Greek, and Niserri is based on Egyptian.

The core setting book is broken into five sections. The first section provides additional information for character creation, including Edges, Hindrances, gear, Powers, and setting rules. The next three sections deal with each of the three cultures that make up the Known World, including background information and information on the gods and goddesses that form the pantheons of each culture. The final section is a bestiary with stats and descriptions of over 90 creatures, animals, and NPCs pulled from all three core cultures and mythologies.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.08.2014 | 20:01
(http://www.shaintar.com/sites/default/files/resize/ShaintarMap_2014_18x24-864x1152.jpg) (http://www.shaintar.com/sites/default/files/ShaintarMap_2014_18x24.jpg)
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar - The NEW Shaintar Map!
Artist: Alida Saxon
Pages: 1
Price: Freebie

In celebration of Gen Con this week and all of the amazing productivity over the last three weeks as we get Shaintar back on track, here's our special gift to you all.

Crafted by the exceptionally talented and very clever Alida Saxon, this new map features all of the user-created kingdoms, city-states, towns, and other special locations from both the Legends Unleashed Kickstarter and from major contributions via the Shaintar: Justice and Life (http://www.shaintar.com/?q=JusticeAndLife) campaign.

For those wanting a .psd version to do a major print version with - here you go (https://www.dropbox.com/s/gm670eat3xqfoxg/Shaintar%2018x24%20Monchrome%20Map%20140728.psd).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.08.2014 | 20:08
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3243/133855.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/133855/A-Cyborg-in-King-Althors-Court)
[Sneak Attack Press] Kronocalypse Prelude: A Cyborg in King Althor's Court
Author: Matthew J. Hanson
Artist: Kirsten Moody
Pages: 24
Price: €2,23 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Millennium Tournament approaches. Knights, wizards, and priests from across the land flock to the capital for what promises to be the greatest celebration ever seen in Lomia. But on the road to the tournament, something strange happens. A man from the future warns of a cyborg and a shape shifter: wanted assassins who traveled to the past for purposes unknown. The heroes must track down the fugitives from the future and stop their evil plot.

A Cyborg in King Althor’s Court is an adventure for Savage Worlds, in which classic fantasy heroes fight cyberpunk villains. It is set in the world of Kron, and works as a stand-alone one-shot or a prelude to the upcoming Kronocalypse campaign setting.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.08.2014 | 20:15
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/770/133830-thumb140.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/133830/BWG801RogersJollies&affiliate_id=14728)
[BlackWyrm Games] The Roger's Jollies
Authors: Keith Curtis, Thomas Rafalski
Artist: Keith Curtis
Pages: 20
Price: €1,49 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/133830-sample.pdf)

This large pirate ship map features multiple decks and masts, with two lifeboats, a cargo hold, plenty of cannons, and some unspecified rooms for you to fill in. The map utilizies a 1" standard square grid.

Included with the .pdf map is a sample quick adventure for both Savage Worlds and Hero System 6th Edition.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.08.2014 | 20:38
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3243/133656.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/133656/CyberSaurs-Kronocalypse-Preview?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Sneak Attack Press] Kronocalypse Preview: Cyber-Saurs
Author: Matthew J. Hanson
Artist: Miguel Santos
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

When Dr. Loca Ver discovered a portal to the age of dinosaurs, she saw a chance to test some of her most promising theories without interference. She captured dinosaurs and fitted them with cybernetic implants, and thus the cyber-saurs were born.

This book contains complete Savage Worlds game statistics for three cyber-saurs:

* Cyber-ceratops
* Cyber-dactyl
* Cyber-saurus rex.

Cyber-Saurs is a preview for the upcoming Kronocalypse campaign setting. It is a time-travel mash-up setting where cavemen, wizards, sky pirates, and cyborgs unite to stop an evil that threatens to destroy time itself.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.08.2014 | 19:37
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/750/134023.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/134023/Brain-Slugs-from-Planet-X&affiliate_id=14728)
[Silver Gryphon Games] Brain Slugs from Planet X!
Author: Dave Baymiller
Artist: Brian Brinlee
Pages: 14
Price: €7,48 €3,74 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/134023-sample.pdf)

They Came from the Stars to send you to the Grave!

After a mysterious crash, two teachers return to school and they're just not quite...right. You and your friends start to put together some clues about them and the janitor and your missing friend, and the dead girl in the work shop. Yup...the clues are becoming less subtle all the time...

At the crux of all of this is a group of three body-snatching brain slugs that just want to get home, but they understand that they can't have any witnesses, even if that means killing every single kid in the High School. The Player Characters are all high school kids, and the adventure includes several templates to use, hitting all the tropes to let you adapt this to any time period, from the 1930's clear up through the modern age!

This adventure is at home in the 60's, 70's, and 80's, and it revolves around the kids being the problem-solvers, staring at the center of their very own B-movie. It also utilizes the High School map put together by the always-awesome Fabled Environments, and while this adventure does not require it, it was built specifically to use their map! Go ahead and click here to get your hands on that! (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/123767)

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/750/133818.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/133818/Wellstone-City-Adventure-Deck&affiliate_id=14728)
[Silver Gryphon Games] Wellstone City Adventure Deck
Author: Kevin Rohan
Artist: Ari Syahrazad
Pages: 9
Price: €3,74 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/133818-sample.pdf)

The Adventure Generator for Wellstone City picks up where the Wellstone City Chronicles leave off and fill in gaps that our Encounter Deck is not capable of filling in. It gives the GM the control to craft adventures that fit within the fabric of Wellstone City, and it happens over the course of a handful of card draws. It is designed expressly for Wellstone City, though it leaves the system out of the generation, functioning equally as well with our Æther System as it does Savage Worlds!

Building a skeleton with some meat on the bones, this system still allows plenty of room for interpretation and customization to fit your particular group! Results made during playtests pulled several examples that were startlingly close to existant Wellstone City Chronicles. Some were simple smash-and-grab milk runs, others were complicated plots woven between several groups, shady deals, and double crosses on the PCs!

Pick this gem up today and extend your adventures in Wellstone!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.08.2014 | 17:42
[Pinnacle] Gen Con 2014 Sneak Peak: New & Upcoming Releases

Pinnacle verteilte gestern auf der Gen Con 2014 einen mehrseitigen Werbeflyer mit den folgenden Ankündigungen...


With the continuing growth of Savage Worlds - especially in the last few years - we've decided to ramp things up a bit. We've brought on more authors, artists, and editors to help us create everything we've been burning to do for years - and now all in a standard format that lines up and looks great on your book shelf.
We're still not big enough to give hard release dates for all the things we're going to tell you about, but we decided to throw caution to the wind and give you a sneak peek at some of the upcoming projects coming out over the next couple of years.


East Texas University: Study. Party. Save the World. East Texas University is 12 to Midnight's game of campy - and campus - college horror. Fighting monsters may be the least of your worries - passing finals is the real killer!

Degrees of Horror: This full-length Plot Point Campaign takes a group of students from Freshmen all the way through graduation - if they survive. Along the way they'll uncover secrets about Pinebox and Golan County that others who came before thought long dead and buried.


In The Big Easy card game, players take the role of a hardboiled detective out to make her name - and fortune - on the dark and haunted streets of 1935 New Orleans. You'll battle Black Hand thugs, evil cultists, and restless undead as you piece together clues, but your biggest foes are the other gumshoes in town looking to steal your shot at the big time. Two to four players, 30 minutes to an hour play time.
Designed and illustrated by the team that created Deadlands Noir, John Goff and Cheyenne Wright!


You've been asking for us to return to the world of Rippers for years. We've be working on it, it's coming, and we have a big surprise for you when it does! We aren't quite ready to reveal it just yet, but we think you'll be very happy with the news!


The First of the Six strikes with ungodly force. The Second spreads Perdition's flames. the Third kills with a flesh-rotting disease. The Fourth calls up the spirits of those it has slain. The Fifth can heal the wielder from even a fatal wound. And the Sixth is the key to rewriting the world. Are you ready to saddle up an ride into the savage world of The Sixth Gun? Based on the Eisner and Harvey Award nominated comic series from Cullen Bunn, Brian Hurt, and OniPress.
Why would Pinnacle create another Weird Western roleplaying game? Deadlands' creator Shane Lacy Hensley had this to say: "Who better to write a Weird Western than us? I'm a HUGE fan of the comics and what Brian, Cullen, and the Oni team have done, and the Sixth Gun RPG allows us to tell a very specific and focused tale that parallels the events of this amazing series. Fans of Deadlands will find plenty here to love, and vice-versa."
Look for the Sixth Gun RPG by Scott Alan Woodard, along with the Game Master's Screen and amazing miniatures of the Sixth Gun's greatest characters.


Fritz Leiber's gritty world of urban fantasy and adventure returns to the roleplaying scene as only Savage Worlds can deliver. Lankhmar is under the direction of Brand Manager Tim Brown (Dark Sun, Dragon Kings) and our own Shane Hensley, who wrote the Lankhmar boxed set for TSR way back in 1997.
Here are the books you'll see released in the first wave of the Lankhmar line!

Lankhmar - City of Thieves: Our first book details the city of Lankhmar and its most important players, including Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. A full Plot Point Campaign allows a party of street-level "diamonds in the rough" to rise to prominence in the "City of Seventy Score Thousand Smokes."

Savage Foes of Nehwon: Powerful sorcerers, terrible creatures, and ruthless villains prowl the marshes, mountains, forests, cities, and vales of Nehwon. This book features several dozen of the most insidious threats, along with adventure seeds and Savage Tales Game Masters can use to work them into his campaign.

Savage Tales of the Thieves' Guild: A series of thematically linked game adventures the Game Master can run individually or as an entire Plot Point campaign, all churning around the villainy found on Cheap Street near Death's Alley and Murder Alley, home of the infamous Thieves' Guild.

Premium Metal Miniatures: 28mm Heroic Scale miniatures of Fafhrd, the Gray Mouser and a selection of other barbarians, scoundrels, and heroes the player characters can use to represent their characters in the game. (Metal, unpainted)

Lankhmar Game Master's Screen: The Game Master's screen features a full, three-page illustration of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser in action on one side and the most important tables for Savage Worlds on the other. It includes a 32-page adventure that lets a group jump right into the action and adventure of Lankhmar.


The villains rise again - this time in the ruins of New York City. The V'sori walled off what's left of the Big Apple and trapped the survivors inside. Your cell of street-level villains must forge alliances, fight the terrors walled in with them, and find a way out! And believe us, you won't like the way they find...
Inspired by films like Escape from New York® and the Batman: No Man's Land® comics; Breakout brings Necessary Evil down to the dirty, gritty, and shattered streets of New York.


Stone and a Hard Place: The third Plot Point Campaign for Deadlands features everyone's favorite, hard-nosed hero-killer, Stone. This book takes us back to the Weird West's spaghetti Western roots with blazing six-guns and the Southwestern deserts of Tombstone, Arizona!

Relics: Certain objects imbued with the powers and personalities of their users - or the great events they're part of. This book collects a number of the most potent for use in your campaign. But this is the Weird West, and power like that always comes with a price.


The Hell on Earth Reloaded Companion: This waster's manual contains new Edges & Hindrances, more gear to scavenge, expanded vehicle rules, and information no new Arcane Backgrounds like bibliopaths, cyborgs, and witches! It also comes with an expanded Adventure Generator and more horrors of the Wasted West than you can shake an irradiated carbon rod at.

The Worm Turns Plot Point Campaign: The Reckoners were exiled to Banshee (detailed in the upcoming Deadlands: Lost Colony), but the close of one chapter in the story of Hell on Earth begins another. The last major servitor and his demi-god allies returns, the Iron Alliance must mop up the remaining Combine forces before they can rebuild, and numerous survivor settlements of the wastes must be brought under the banner of the Iron Alliance. The campaign allows all those stories to be told as part of one epic saga, interweaving personal quests with the main story of Hell on Earth.


Lost Colony: John Goff and Cheyenne Wright have teamed up for the relaunch of Lost Colony: Reloaded! This all new edition of the game is written from the ground up, and contains everything you need to continue the story of Deadlands on the fantastic planet of Banshee and space itself!

The Lost Colony Companion: Right alongside Lost Colony comes a complete Plot Point Campaign that tells the saga of the United Nations Expeditionary Forces, the forgotten colonists, the anouks, and the living planet's newest arrivals - the Reckoners! Additional Arcane Backgrounds, Savage Tales, and more creatures of Banshee round out the expedition to Banshee!


Fifteen tales of horror and suspense in three books, written by the best and brightest of the gaming industry. Drop these one shots into your horror campaign or just run an evening of terror for your best friends. Some of the tales harken back to EC Comics Tales from the Crypt®, while others easily fit into H.P. Lovecraft's mythos or Stephen King's more contemporary horrorverse.


Our next Kickstarter® takes us to the last parsec of known space... and beyond.
Planetary exploration is the focus of this far-flung trip into the depths of space. Our heroes are employees of JumpCorp, a massive intergalactic company that handles everything from the exploration of strange new systems to patrolling the space lanes from pirates and alien species.
The Last Parsec uses the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion as its core, with each setting book focusing on its own unique world or system to explore!

Scientorium: Hidden away by sheer distance and forever shrouded from the minds of the curious lies a mammoth artifact from the previous galactic age, the library of Scientorium. Its strange experience chambers offer passage to a million histories on a million worlds, secrets and technologies undreamed of. Now abandoned by all but its automated security systems and enigmatic caretakers, its workings are oddly twisted and jealous, meting out reward and punishment in equal measure.

Eris Beta-V: A JumpCorp-employed team of explorers investigates a magnificent ringed gas giant with its numerous moons. Ancient artifacts of enormous power can be found among the rings and asteroids. Every moon is a unique world to be explored. When the system's valuable commerce is threatened by unscrupulous agencies, the team must root them out and put themselves at great risk on the icy fringes of interstellar space.

Leviathan: Hunt the most dangerous game in the Known Worlds! The jungle planet Leviathan teems with mammoth lacerauns, savage beasts of enormous size and cunning, potential trophies unmatched in any other star system. Unblemished by civilization, Leviathan draws more than just adventure-seeking hunters, though, including researchers and those who would see the world left completely untouched, more than willing to turn the tables on any would-be hunters.


It was the War to End War, starting from a small conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia, it suddenly grew into the largest conflict of the century, engulfing nearly every country in a bloody battle. From the Western to the Eastern Fronts of the war, dark things started to stir drawn by the bloodshed and chaos. Now is your chance to take part and uncover and confront the mysteries of a strange and horrific World War I.
Following in the footsteps of other Weird War settings, Weird War I contains everything you need to run adventures set against the backdrop of this great conflict. Containing new Edges and Hindrances, details of the major powers, an Adventure Generator, and new bestiary of horrific creatures that stalk the battlefield.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.08.2014 | 18:16
And now something completely different...

FULL FRONTAL NERDITY (http://ffn.nodwick.com/?p=1305)

Diese Diskussion hat wohl jeder SL irgendwann mal in irgendeiner Form gehabt...   >;D


Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.08.2014 | 19:13
(http://www.daringentertain.com/sites/default/files/DE-Logo.png) (http://www.daringentertain.com/content/gun-metal-games-gains-exclusive-license-daring-entertainments-dead-line)

[Daring Entertainment] Gun Metal Games Gains Exclusive License To Daring Entertainment's "Of The Dead" Line.

Gun Metal Games, developer and publisher of the immensely popular Interface Zero product line for Savage Worlds, has inked an exclusive, multi-year licensing agreement with Daring Entertainment to continue development and publication of the "Of the Dead" line, the massive zombie apocalypse thriller setting.

“I’ve always felt that, if you’re going to play a game that feels like “Night of the Living Dead,” “Dawn of the Dead,” and most recently the “Walking Dead,” series, there’s no better game to do it with than the “War of the Dead” adventures, the “World of the Dead” campaign setting and the Savage Worlds game system. When I heard that Lee was stepping back from publishing RPG’s so he could focus on writing novels, I didn’t hesitate to contact him about acquiring as license to keep the dead walking!

"I’m going to have a ton of fun playing in Lee’s sandbox. We’re going to do a number of books dealing with not only the risen dead, but also with various aspects only hinted about in the World of the Dead book.”

-David Jarvis, Owner; Gun Metal Games.

Lee F. Szczepanik, Jr., the setting's creator, will work closely with Gun Metal Games as a consultant and head the approval process for all books, assuring that all future products remain within the overall "Of the Dead" continuity.

"David Jarvis always brings his A-Game to the table when designing RPGs, and I absolutely love his Interface Zero line. Given the "Of the Dead's" foundation in the thriller genre, as shown with the introduction of genetic manipulation in War of the Dead: Chapter Two, the existence of Division-M, and some of the expansions and revelations in World of the Dead, Gun Metal Games is the perfect place for the line to find its new home. Not only does it play into the type of material Dave already works with, but the sheer quality of what Gun Metal Games produces gives me complete confidence that they'll  have many very happy "Of The Dead" fans out there."

-Lee F. Szczepanik, Jr., Co-Owner; Daring Entertainment.

Gun Metal Games will be continuing the "Of the Dead" line for the Savage Worlds license, with possible expansions into other game systems to follow.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.08.2014 | 07:16
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/SavageWorldsComingAttractions.png) (http://peginc.com/freebies/2014-5Preview.pdf)

Several New Settings on the Horizons!

There are several new campaign settings in the works for Savage Worlds. We’re not promising you’ll see all these in a week or two—in fact, I’d probably lose a finger if I typed any dates at all! But these are a taste of what’s in the works.

East Texas University lets you enroll in 12 to Midnight’s campy campus college horror setting. Degrees of Horror gives you a full-length Plot Point Campaign to go from freshmen all the way through graduation and discover the secrets of Pinebox and Golan County—if you survive. And just because the monsters don’t kill you doesn’t mean the exams won’t—passing finals can be a real killer!

The Last Parsec is our next Kickstarter, and it will take you into the depths of known space and beyond! Exploring new planets for JumpCorp, each new mission will make wildly different demands. Powered by the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion, each Plot Point Campaign focuses on a different planet. Scientorium will take you to an immense artifact containing unimaginable knowledge, undreamed technologies, and untold danger. Eris Beta-V is a magnificent ringed gas giant with numerous moons, each a world of its own, and a dense field of asteroids and debris. When a threat to the system arises, will it be something your team can handle? Leviathan introduces you to the most dangerous game in the Known Worlds, with mammoth lacerauns more massive and cunning than most would ever imagine. But a world untouched by civilization is a draw to more than just hunters, and the other may be far more threatening!

The Sixth Gun series comes to RPGs! The First of the Six strikes with ungodly force. The Second spreads Perdition’s flames. The Third kills with a flesh-rotting disease. The Fourth calls up the spirits of those it has slain. The Fifth can heal the wielder from even a fatal wound. And the Sixth is the key to rewriting the world. Are you ready to saddle up and ride into the savage world of The Sixth Gun? Based on the Eisner and Harvey Award nominated comic series from Cullen Bunn, Brian Hurt, and OniPress. Watch for more details to come, as well as more accessories, including custom miniatures of the characters from the comics!

The Savage World of Lankhmar brings Fritz Leiber’s gritty world of urban fantasy into Savage Worlds, shepherded by Tim Brown (of Dark Sun and Dragon King fame) and our own Shane Hensley (who wrote the Lankhmar boxed set for TSR back in 1997)! Watch for Lankhmar: City of Thieves, detailing the city itself and its most important players—including Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. Savage Foes of Nehwon brings you the most insidious threats—powerful sorcerers, terrible creatures, and ruthless villains—with adventure seeds and Savage Tales to really fill out a campaign. Savage Tales of the Thieves’ Guild is a thematically linked series of adventures that can be run individually or knitted into a Plot Point Campaign of their own, all churning around Cheap Street’s activities. And watch for accessories like premium metal miniatures and the Lankhmar Game Master’s Screen, too.

If you want some more details, check the Pinnacle preview flyer (http://peginc.com/freebies/2014-5Preview.pdf) from the Gen Con booth or keep following the Pinnacle news here every Tuesday.

Smiling Jack's Bar and Grill - Live From GenCon 2014 Part 1
(http://p5productions.com/sjbg/wp-content/plugins/podpress/images/audio_mp3_button.png) (http://p5productions.com/sjbg/podpress_trac/web/114/0/Gencon2014_Part1.mp3)
The Savage Mommy was at GenCon2014 and this is the audio he captured (http://p5productions.com/sjbg/podpress_trac/web/114/0/Gencon2014_Part1.mp3) at the Savage Worlds panel. Just after that finishes up you will hear Chris’ interview with Shane Hensley and Clint Black. There will be more Savage interviews coming in part 2.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Grospolian am 20.08.2014 | 14:43
Ab sofort findet ihr das PDF der Gentleman’s Edition Revised in der aktuellsten Fassung in unserem Onlineshop. Wir danken TeichDragon für seinen Einsatz die Datei im Eiltempo mit Lesezeichen versehen zu haben und hoffen, dass ihr viel Spaß mit dem Buch habt.
Ganz besonders möchten wir uns auch bei den Autoren der neuen Abenteuer – namentlich sind das Frank, Günther, Moritz und Sebastian-, sowie bei Sascha für die Kartenrettung und unserem anderen Sascha für die fixen Änderungen am Layout bedanken. Ohne eure Hilfe wäre das Buch nur ein Nachdruck geworden.
Für die Fans des gedruckten Buches: Wir arbeiten noch an der Druckfahne und sobald wir einen fixen Liefertermin haben, geben wir den sofort bekannt.

Bleibt savage!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.08.2014 | 19:37
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4491/134221.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/134221/Western-Town&affiliate_id=14728)
[DramaScape] Western Town
Authors: Steven J Black, Simon Powell
Artist: Simon Powell
Pages: 73
Price: €4,49 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/download_preview.php?pid=134221)

DramaScape makes maps and miniatures for use with any game system with a focus on fantasy, horror, modern, and science fiction settings. This product is the usual DramaScape map but also comes with a Savage Worlds Adventure, it can be used with or without the adventure.

This product is a 48 x 30 inch map of a Western Town, it comes with Square, Hex and No Overlay and also contains the Virtual Tabletop files for online use.

“If you are gonna be trouble, you’d best turn around now strangers.”—Sheriff Gus Lawson

Saddle up partner, DramaScape’s heading out West again!

Western Town is a full exterior map of a Wild West town with all of the interiors of the buildings displayed.

Syverfall is an included generic Wild West town for use in any Savage Worlds Western setting. Syverfall includes location and NPC descriptions with Savage Worlds stat blocks. Several Savage Tales are included as well.

Western Town pairs well with our Trains: Wild West, Wagon’s Roll, Mine Processing Plant, Mine Shaft, Mine Rail Extension, and Elemental Cave maps.

Even if not using the Savage Worlds setting, the map, NPC personalities, and adventure hooks can be used in any Wild West setting.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.08.2014 | 21:06
(https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/002/217/566/76be7ea8a2f499262127a2907ed76e6f_large.jpg?1404236684) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-rassilon-expansion-ii)
[TAG] Hellfrost Expansion II *Kickstarter Update*

Dear Backers,

We had planned to send out the Action Deck this month (August) but our artist Chris Kuhlmann, who is working very hard on the card designs needs a bit more time to complete the artwork. We are very sorry that this delay has happened but sometimes production takes a little longer than expected. However we think the extra time Chris needs will be worth the wait!

Each card will carry an individual brand new never before published illustration as part of the design and to get you mouths watering here are some sample images of a few of the cards!

You may notice the style of the artwork is similar to previous Hellfrost images because Chris has been our first choice to illustrate our Hellfrost book covers and interiors over the last few years and is very knowledgeable on the Hellfrost setting.

Hellfrost Joker

Ace of Hearts

King of Clubs

Queen of Spades

King of Hearts

As you can see each suit has a distinctive flavor!

Chris should be finishing his part soon and we'll be able to combine the images with the various symbols that need to go onto the cards to form the deck. We have also decided to include the Hellfrost Runes on each card which adds a rune effect!

Once this is complete we'll be able to send out card sets to all backers who ordered them. We'll keep you posted on when we expect to deliver the cards but our best estimate will mean deliveries for early October - if we manage to get them to you earlier we will of course make every effort to do this and hopefully we'll have no further delays but if we do we'll of course let you know.

Wiggy & Rob
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.08.2014 | 07:10
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/TAG35019_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/134570/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-19-The-AlWazir-Sultanate)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #19: The Al-Wazir Sultanate
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 88
Prices: €9,85 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Welcome one and all to the Al-Wazir Sultanate, the physical manifestation of Suleiman’s dream! For just a few dinars this marvellous guide book will detail the many delights of our great cities, introduce you to many illustrious persons, and explore our wise and benevolent culture! Within these pages you will find stories of danger and glory, learn about the mysterious jinn, and find fuel enough for any imagination! This great and wondrous tome is divided into three section for your reading pleasure.

This 14 page section covers general information concerning the Sultanate and its people. Inside you’ll find details on Social Hierarchy, Education, Religion, Military, Law & Order, Trade & Tribute, Major Locales, and Persons of Note.

The Cities
Each of the nine great cities receives 8 dedicated pages. We cover the same topics above, but with a specific focus on how they apply with each city. Hundreds of new locations provide you with plenty of places to visit, explore, and shop! Dare you brave the House of Screams? Do you have the coin to shop in the Jinn Market? Will you enlist at the University of the Arcane?

The Pegasus Guard
This two page section expands the material on the Sultan’s elite Pegasus Guard, with information for GMs and players alike! As an added bonus, the Sultan has permitted us to discuss the bloodlines of his pegasi.

But there is yet more, oh noble master of the golden coin! The author has provided further information through the use of sidebars! Here are such thing as universities (and how heroes can enrol on courses), three new magical Arcane Backgrounds, rules and advice covering libraries, hiring sages, working for a living, and scribing tomes of lore, as well as information on the lesser jinn and thieves guilds.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.08.2014 | 07:28
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/hellfrost-logo.png) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/forums/topic/well/)

I’ve spoken several times about reaching the end of various Hellfrost eras (such as the adventures and the Region Guides), but now a more final end is in sight, at least for the northern continent. All things must end, for this the Norns have decreed.

Five years and 6 months ago, if my ailing memory serves, we launched the Hellfrost Player’s Guide. A lot of material has been produced in that time – more than I ever intended to write, that’s for sure. :) A lot of the supplements are down to you demanding them, so give yourself a big round of applause.

The Atlas InDesign files are now in Rob’s hands and the PDF will soon be heading to Enno, who has bravely accepted the role of lead editor. All bar the new material has been edited before, but one pair of eyes per product still leaves room for errors and we won’t to make the Atlas as flaw free as possible. Enno has done a great job on the Land of Fire bumper-sized Realm Guides in recent months, so trust me when I say it’s in good hands. Likely we’ll get more eyes on it yet to try and spot those pesky errors that snake under the radar.

To confirm my earlier post, Matters of Faith has been handed in. The core text (i.e. no credits page or table of contents) comes in at 130 perfectly balanced pages. It was slightly smaller, but six pages of new deities appeared demanding attention and who am I to deny the gods? There is NO official schedule for releasing this. Likely it will be a small Kickstarter, but don’t expect any stretch goals this time – this is very likely to be an all or nothing deal.

I think that out of all the products only two won’t see print – Sellswords & Soldiers and Skalds & Songs. The former isn’t going to appeal to everyone and, while the latter is one of my personal favorites, skalds/song mages probably rank low in the grand list of “character types favored by fans.”

It’s gone midnight here and as well as typing this I’m desperately trying to think of interesting new material for you (no, there will be no orc Creature guide!). I knew this day would come but now it’s here, well, I’ve had relationships last less time than I’ve spent writing Hellfrost. :) Onward and upward, though!

This all seems rather morose, so let’s change the mood.

The north is not dead – it is merely dormant (Monty Python quotes begin!). At some point we’ll probably produce a few small supplements, but we cannot foresee any more big books coming out. You have something like 1.6 million words to play with, so you shouldn’t run out of material any time soon.

Land of Fire is alive and well! While we have no schedule yet, the Al-Shirkuh Expansion writing stage is almost finished and we are discussing the possibility of an Encounters Book 2 (with colour maps if you pledge enough). Very early days yet, though. And there is always the possibility of an Al-Shirkuh Atlas one day, of course.

After that? Well, that will depend on the health of Hellfrost. If it is still popular, we’ll open another continent. I know folks have already put money down on that being the Jade Empire (Land of Water), but I have three choices and none are currently leading the race – too much cool, not enough Wiggy. :)

I lie.. there is also the Creature Guides! 67 pages in the current format. Might be able to rejig these into a saddle-stitched print on demand book. Let me ponder the logistics!
Triple Ace Games Creative Director
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.08.2014 | 20:03
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4329/134614.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/134614/Achtung-Cthulhu-Guide-to-North-Africa&affiliate_id=14728)
[Modiphius] Achtung! Cthulhu: Guide to North Africa
Authors: Dave Blewer, Bill Bodden, Alex Bund, Adam Crossingham, Lynne Hardy, Glyn White, Benjamin Wenham
Artists: Dim Martin, Michal E Cross
Pages: 146
Price: €11,36 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/134614-sample.pdf)

Achtung! Cthulhu is a terrifying World War Two setting, fully compatible with the Call of Cthulhu, Sixth Edition and Savage Worlds roleplaying games.

Discover the secret history of the war beyond Western Europe: a land of great antiquity, steeped in legend; a fiery cauldron of political and occult intrigue where the heat is as much your enemy as any man with a gun; and a formidable wilderness where only the strong will survive with their sanity intact.

The Guide to North Africa adds a new dimension to the Secret War, including:

* New civilian and military occupation templates: play as an archaeologist, SAS special forces, a Bedouin tribesman, Askari, the LRDG, and the French Foreign Legion
* New tomes of forbidden lore, such as the Book of Thoth and the Book of Angels, and yet more summoning spells and protective enchantments
* Desert vehicles and equipment, fantastical and mundane (including Nachtwölfe’s latest developments)
* Intriguing weapons and artefacts, such as the Atlantean sliver gun, the Yithian Stone Hunter and the Ashes of Sebek
* Ancient horrors from the depths of the desert (and space and time): crocodile hybrid mummies, djinn, and the Great Race of Yith
* Details on Black Sun’s quest for Irem and Nachtwölfe’s constant search for Atlantean technology
* Stats and rules for use with BOTH Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition AND Savage Worlds in one book!

Requires the Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition or Savage Worlds Rulebooks to play. This is a supplement for use with the Achtung! Cthulhu: Investigator's and Keeper's Guides.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.08.2014 | 00:22
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/112/134827.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/134827/Machine-of-the-Lich-Queen-Savage-Worlds&affiliate_id=14728)
[Savage Mojo] Dungeonlands: Machine of the Lich Queen (Savage Worlds)
Authors: Richard Balsley, Kevin Andrew Murphy, Darren Pearce, G'Andy
Artists: Gayle Reick, Chris Bivins, Nicholas Cloister, Jessica Cox, Dennis Darmody, Jason Engle, Bien Flores, Jim Pavelec, Alida Saxon, Carly Sorge
Pages: 112
Price: €15,18 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/134827-sample.pdf)

For this Savage realm of Suzerain enjoy an old school killer dungeon in a fantasy setting that draws heroes from every corner of time & space.

The Lich Queen has trapped your heroes in her ever-shifting labyrinth.  They've survived the Tomb of the Lich Queen, but now they enter the machine level - the inner workings of the dungeon.  Left or right, fight or hide, rescue an angel or ally with a demon...make your choices carefully.

Welcome to the meat grinder!

Inside you'll find all you need to run this unique setting, all the background information and encounters that will challenge any party of Heroic characters, plus the stats for all manner of new NPCs and critters.

Product Contains: A stunning 110 page PDF detailing every evil twist and turn in the dungeon. The book is layered so you can switch off the ink-devouring elements to create a print-friendly version on the fly. Note, this is the Savage Worlds version of this book.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.09.2014 | 21:34
(https://scontent-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/1800229_472506022849183_967822831_n.jpg?oh=c0b7c6ee790abc33f0c835cee509a9f0&oe=54811FC7) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/133012/Judge-Fool?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Plain Brown Wrapper Games] Judge Fool
Author: James Thomson
Artists: Joe Calkins, Peter Szabo Gabor, and others
Pages: 143
Price: €11,39 €6,05 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/133012-sample.pdf)

Judge Fool is a superhero adventure for the award-winning Savage Worlds roleplaying game, set on a colossal scale. It's a time-hopping cosmic Odyssey in the spirit of Jim Starlin and Grant Morrison, with maybe a little Moebius thrown in. Adam Warlock meets Doctor Who meets the Incal Light?  Something like that.

Judge Fool falls through the ceiling, pursued by bad guys, and drags the PCs off on a mind-bending adventure to the far end of time.  The Lords of Dust and Silence are eating the future, chunk by bloody chunk.  Judge Fool has come from the One-Hundred-and-First Century on a desperate mission, looking for champions who might help him defeat them before they gobble up the universe in a frenzy of cosmic crapulence.

Literally before.  The Lords move backward in time, touching our universe every two thousand years, growing more and more powerful each time they bite off another section of reality.  Judge Fool failed to stop them in the Eighty-First Century and the champions he found there all died (or worse.)  If he can fight them in the Sixty-First they might not be too powerful yet to defeat for once and for all, if he can find the right heroes.  The Forty-First Century was no good, so he has come to the Twenty-First, looking for help.  Can the PCs help him save tomorrow?

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.09.2014 | 23:28
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3243/135067.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/135067/Weve-Got-a-T-Rex)
[Sneak Attack Press] Kronocalypse Preview: We've Got a T. Rex
Author: Matthew J. Hanson
Artist: Kirsten Moody
Pages: 13
Price: €2,28 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
Kronocalypse Prelude Adventures [BUNDLE] (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/135068/Kronocalypse-Prelude-Adventures-BUNDLE) €6,83 €3,81

The Millennium Fair is meant show off the greatest marvels of technology: from electric lights to steam-powered cars to advanced automatons. But everybody is shocked to see a blast from the past: dinosaurs! While the dinosaurs cause chaos, other visitors from the past have a darker agenda.

We’ve Got a T. rex is an adventure for Savage Worlds in which steampunk heroes battle prehistoric foes. It’s set in the world of Kron, and works as a stand-alone one-shot or as a prelude to the upcoming Kronocalypse campaign setting.


(https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/projects/1253900/photo-main.jpg?1409495548) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/matthewjhanson/kronocalypse-savage-worlds-time-travel)

Der Kronocalypse Kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/matthewjhanson/kronocalypse-savage-worlds-time-travel) hat seit gestern schon $1500 von $4000 eingebracht.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.09.2014 | 01:56
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4761/135100.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/135100/Shaintar-Guidebook-Malakar-Dominion&affiliate_id=14728)
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar Guidebook: Malakar Dominion
Authors: Eddy Webb, Sean Patrick Fannon
Artists: J Aaron Acevedo, Chris Bivens, Dennis Darmody, Jason Engle, Alida Saxon, Phillip Simpson, Carly Sorge
Pages: 27
Price: €4,57 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/135100-sample.pdf)

A federation bound in rebellion. A country forged in freedom. A nation seething in intrigue...
It would be a utopia, if you didn't have to sleep with a dagger under your pillow.


Welcome to the Malakar Dominion, the first of many Guidebooks for the Epic High Fantasy setting that is Shaintar. Written by the remarkable Eddy Webb, with additional material and game design by Shaintar's creator, Sean Patrick Fannon, the Malakar Dominion Guidebook introduces you to a part of the setting that very few have experienced in quite such detail.

Sean calls it "Renaissance-era Venice merchant princes, secret cults, criminal masterminds, and a huge dollop of Assassin's Creed for good measure."

Eddy says it's "Lord of the Rings meets The Sopranos."

You will call it a fine addition to your Shaintar collection. Even non-Shaintar fans will find some awesome stuff to add to their Savage Worlds campaign, including some excellent new Edges for rogue and covert characters.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.09.2014 | 02:03
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/92/135110.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/135110/Thrilling-Tales-2e-The-Steel-Legion&affiliate_id=14728)
[Adamant Entertainment] Thrilling Tales 2e: The Steel Legion
Authors:  Walt Ciechanowski, Gareth-Michael Skarka
Pages: 28
Price: €3,81 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Classic d20-Era THRILLING TALES Adventures, Now Updated For the Savage Worlds-powered 2nd Edition!

A series of devastating attacks are carried out by giant robots wielding advanced technology! Who is behind the machinations of the Steel Legion?

The Steel Legion is a five-chapter pulp adventure in the science-fiction and crime genres, designed for four to six Seasoned characters, three to four Veteran characters, or a Legendary hero and his assistants. It uses the Savage Worlds rules system, as featured in THRILLING TALES 2nd Edition.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.09.2014 | 20:24
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/site_resources/SavageWorlds-Banner.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/rpg_savagesept.php?filters=0_0_1600_0_0_45278)


It's Savage September (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/rpg_savagesept.php?filters=0_0_1600_0_0_45278), with over 500 great deals on Savage Worlds all month. In addition to the titles on sale below, check here every weekend for our special features (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/featured.php)!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.09.2014 | 20:32
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/135332.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/135332/Seeds-of-Discontent&affiliate_id=14728)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero: Seeds of Discontent
Author: Steve Kenson
Artist: Sam Manley
Pages: 15
Price: €4,63 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/135332-sample.pdf)

A Bitter Harvest

The family farms of the King County Cooperative in late 21st Century Seattle are just trying to operate on their own to make ends meet. They're not prepared to deal with big agricorps or with marauding biker gangs raiding their property. That's where you come in. What starts off as a simple job protecting the little guy from trouble and finding out who is behind it gets complicated real fast, however. Someone has been preparing a bitter harvest indeed for the Cooperative and anyone working with them, sowing... Seeds of Discontent

Seeds of Discontent is an adventure for 4-5 characters of Seasoned Rank or above.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.09.2014 | 20:26
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4491/135357.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/135357/Big-Top?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[DramaScape] Big Top
Author: Simon Powell
Artists: Steven J Black, Simon Powell
Pages: 68
Price: €3,86 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

DramaScape makes maps and miniatures for use with any game system with a focus on fantasy, horror, modern, and science fiction settings. This product is the usual DramaScape map but also comes with a Savage Worlds Adventure, it can be used with or without the adventure.

This product is a 48 x 30 inch map of a Big Top, it comes with Square, Hex and No Overlay and also contains the Virtual Tabletop files for online use.

“Ladies and gentlemen please, this way to the show.”

DramaScape takes everyone out to the carnival with our latest map. What is under the Big Top?

Big Top shows the interior of a giant traveling circus tent with a center ring viewed from front row and bleacher seating. The exterior of the tent shows the ropes attached to tent pegs outside that hold up the big top.

Big Top is intended for use in modern, pulp, or Horror-themed games.

Cirque de Tromper is a Horror-themed Savage Worlds adventure for use with this map.

A traveling French circus named Cirque de Tromper touring the United States has gained an almost cult fame lately for putting on amazing shows. However, rumors persist of mysterious disappearances of audience members who attend the show. They go to watch the shows but do not return.

The group has gained a reputation for investigating strange phenomenon, which usually turns out to be hoaxes. Figuring out the trick to the show and why people are disappearing motivates them to act. But is it a hoax this time?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.09.2014 | 23:05
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/135441.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/135441/ETU-University-Press-Kit?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Pinnacle] ETU: University Press Kit
Authors: Preston DuBose, Ed Wetterman
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 96
Price: €3,09 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The University Press Kit contains form-fillable documents and forms for the Dean to use as supplements for her East Texas University game. Included are:

* Citation form (parking, theft, possession of prohibited weapon, etc.)
* Diploma
* Student ID template
* Acceptance letter
* Academic probation letter
* Court summons letter
* Dean’s list letter
* …and a blank letterhead template you can use to create your own stern academic warnings or to reward accomplishments!

(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/ETU_Custom_Screen.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/etu-custom-screen-inserts/)
[Pinnacle] ETU: Custom Screen Inserts
Authors: Preston DuBose, Ed Wetterman
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 10
Price: $3,99 (Pinnacle Store)

Bring the world of ETU to life, Dean!

These full-color, full-size screen inserts include 10 choice illustrations to choose from for the exterior, and the most important charts and tables from East Texas University for the Dean’s handy reference–including summaries for Exams, Extracurricular Activities, Ritual Failures, and more.

The sheets can be used as inserts in the Savage Worlds Customizable GM Screen, printed and attached to an existing landscape-style screen, or printed on rigid cardstock for a quick stand-alone screen.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.09.2014 | 23:17
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/750/135462.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/135462/A-Thule-and-his-Money--Savage-Worlds?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Silver Gryphon Games] A Thule and his Money
Author: Kevin Rohan
Artists: Ari Syahrazad, Ben Overmyer, Fabled Environments
Pages: 30
Price: €4,84 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/135462-sample.pdf)

Wellstone City, 1937

It's hot, and it's about to get hotter.
A letter was delivered by courier and it asks you to have a meeting at the Three Oaks. You know the place...it's that ritzy joint in Old Fort. Some guy named Van Hammer. Sounds familiar, but you can't quite place it. Sounds kind of dangerous, and you can picture what happens when people disappoint him. That and he gave you $100 just to show up with a promise of more.  A hundred bucks! That's a good chunk of a new car!
Maybe it won't hurt to see what he needs. Or maybe it'll hurt like hell.

Join your characters as they start in Wellstone City after a meeting out of the blue, with a promise of a huge pay check. They just have to travel to the mainland to get some antique from a retiree and then catch a zeppelin to Greece. But, a simple smash and grab isn't so simple when dealing with internal power struggles with two separate secret societies, especially when they're both telling you different sides of the truth. Let your characters sort out their own destiny as they choose what side to align themselves with.

If they survive.

Inside A Thule and his Money you will find:

* A hook that doesn't begin with the characters starting in a bar!
* 2 full scale maps from Fabled Environments for your pulp heroes to chew the scenery in!
* A massive fight in a zeppelin during a trans-Atlantic flight!
* G-men, double agents, and secret societies!
* Opportunities for your heroes to choose a side in a fight between two major secret socieites of the 1930's...or walk the straight and narrow and go it on their own!
* And that...is just the beginning!

This adventure uses the Victorian-Style Mansion and the Airship from Fabled Environments! Also used is a very small part of the Hotel!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.09.2014 | 18:57
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/TheLastParsecKickstarter.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/last-parsec-kickstarter-starts-next-tuesday/)

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.09.2014 | 06:47
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3431/137057.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/137057/Nova-Praxis-Savage-Worlds-Edition)
[Void Star Games] Nova Praxis: Savage Worlds Edition
Authors: Mike McConnell, Tommy Townsley, Sean Patrick Fannon
Artists: Andree Wallin, Savage Mojo
Pages: 309
Price: €15,44 €7,72 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/137057-sample.pdf)

Things have changed. We have changed.

Earth is lost to us, but even in the aftermath of this terrible tragedy, we grow, evolve, and even prosper. We have witnessed the death of our mother and the birth of a new era.

In what might have been the end, salvation was found in the synthesis of biology and technology. Augmentation, ranging from basic genetic manipulation to Apotheosis, set us on the path of prosperity. And more, these advances reinforced the importance of identity, individuality, and what it means to be human.

The loss of Earth and the resulting Exodus gave us an opportunity to start over with a clean slate. And we seized it.

The need for organization, stability, and a reliable government was clear, but the old ways came to be viewed by the survivors as archaic, clumsy, and too easily corrupted.

It was time for a new way…a Nova Praxis.

Today, social networks allow the will of the people to be measured instantly, accurately, and without the need for representation. The Coalition, guided by the collective voice of its people, has established new homes on worlds lit by new suns. Molecular assembly technology has made it possible for society to provide a quality of life never before imagined, at essentially no cost, to everyone. And we are virtually immortal.

But can this would-be utopia last?

Corruption in the Coalition government fosters decay from within. The Houses, our benefactors and patrons, run shadowy networks of intrigue, espionage, and assassination. Apostates, those who refuse citizenship in the Coalition, condemn those who would trade their privacy for the Coalition’s security. Remnants of Earth’s old governments wage a guerilla war on Coalition forces. Ideological extremists commit acts of terror using the latest horror to spring from a factory or test tube…

And the value of a human soul is weighed and measured in lines of code.

Nova Praxis is a post-singularity sci-fi setting that explores transhumanism and post-scarcity societies against a backdrop of action, adventure, conspiracy, and intrigue.

Nova Praxis is…

…a tabletop role-playing game featuring the Savage Worlds Role-Playing Game System, tailored specifically for Nova Praxis.

…compatible with, but does not require, the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion.

…a relatively “hard sci-fi” setting that takes place during the aftermath of a short-lived technological singularity.

…an exploration of the tropes of transhuman sci-fi: mind uploading, resleeving, artificial intelligence, and augmentation.

…an exploration of the societal impacts of a reputation-based post-scarcity economy.

…a game in which players play characters who slip between the cracks of civilization and perform jobs their patrons would rather keep off the books.

...a setting full of conflict. The Houses wage a secret Shadow War against each other, purist and transhuman ideologies clash violently, and apostates rebel against the oppression of the Coalition government.

...home to railguns, powered armor, starships, security drones, bipedal combat frames, swarms of nanomachines, kill-sats, and the horrors of accelerated evolution gone wrong.

Special: Buy the PDF now and get $5 off the print version, and Augmented PDF version, when they become available!

This is the PDF version of Nova Praxis: Savage Worlds Edition, fully bookmarked and linked.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.09.2014 | 06:34
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2212/137085.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/137085/Hot-Potato?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&affiliate_id=14728)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero: Hot Potato
Author: Richard Morley
Pages: 2
Price: €1,16 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A streak of luck brings the heroes into possession of a package worth a lot of creds to the right buyer. The people who lost it want it back and are willing to do anything to get it, add in two corporations, a gang and a mafia hit team and the heroes have a hard time surviving, let alone getting paid.

Hot Potato is a one-sheet adventure for a group of seasoned characters, though it can easily be scaled to different levels. It uses the Interface Zero 2.0 setting for Savage Worlds.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.09.2014 | 18:40
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/TheLastParsecKickstarter.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/last-parsec-kickstarter-starts-next-tuesday/)

The latest teaser trailer:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.09.2014 | 18:36
(https://images.indiegogo.com/file_attachments/863113/files/20140917003856-WE-SAVAGE_WORLDS_LICENSED-small.jpg?1410939536) (https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/winter-eternal#home)
[Just Insert Imagination] Winter Eternal *Indiegogo Crowdfunding*
Author: Morné Schaap
Artists: Bob Kehl, Doug Anderson, and others
Goal: $2000 (currently at 67%) - 17 days remaining

See the teaser video: http://youtu.be/5iXoTlMQgX4

A fantasy world locked in darkness and ice after the sun exploded.


Ehlerrac is a continent on the fantasy world of Azagar. Most of the usual races lived here. But then disaster struck. The sun exploded, sending massive waves of fire into space. Ehlerrac survived the destruction because it was on the night side of the planet. Then the earthquakes and tsunamis hit and thousands died as cities fell and the landscape was torn apart.  Now a sputtering globe hangs in the sky, emitting just enough heat to keep the planet from freezing completely. The dark world started cooling rapidly and the survivors struggled to find food and shelter.

This is not a post apocalyptic setting. This is about what happens years after the disaster, as life continues...


Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.09.2014 | 21:14
(https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/projects/475684/photo-main.jpg?1410895257) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/the-last-parsec-savage-worlds)
[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec *Kickstarter*
Authors: Shane Hensley, and others
Artists: Cheyenne Wright, and others
Goal: $8000 (currently at 145%; financed in 62 mins!) - 29 days remaining

See the teaser video: http://youtu.be/jMGD5RrqgiI

The Last Parsec is a scifi setting of planetary exploration and adventure using the Savage Worlds system!

Faster-than-light travel has finally allowed humanity to spread beyond its lonely corner of the Milky Way. In the depths of space these explorers found millions of star systems, strange planets, and exotic alien races. Centuries later, they form the Known Worlds, a vital region of trade and technology where empires grow and business thrives.

It is an unparalleled age. Cutting edge science has opened limitless frontiers of space and consciousness, and has even begun to hint at the mysteries of the universe itself. But to find them, one must travel beyond the familiar, to the last parsecs of reality.

The Last Parsec is a science fiction roleplaying game of exploration and adventure. It requires the Savage Worlds core rules and the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion to play.

Get the free Last Parsec Primer (https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/TLP_Primer.pdf).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.09.2014 | 19:34
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/770/137764.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/137764/The-Widening-Gyre-A-Savage-Steampunk-Setting?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[BlackWyrm Games] The Widening Gyre: A Savage Steampunk Setting
Author: Bill Keyes
Pages: 206
Price: €7,84 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/137764-sample.pdf)

Welcome to The 19th Century That Never Was!

It is a world of wonder, of horror, of adventure, of magic, of strange technology and unprecedented cultural revolution. This is the age that nearly was, filled with radium-powered flying machines, clockwork automata, and steam-driven computers. It is an age of dark magic, sinister secrets, and unholy cults. It is a time in which the world teeters on the edge of disaster, where the enlightened scientific mind battled against ancient superstition and ignorance, in which the souls of all mankind hung in the balance.

The Widening Gyre presents an original steampunk campaign setting designed for use with the Savage Worlds rules. Recommended for experienced GMs and players looking to game in the Industrial Age As It Should Have Been, this worldbook includes...

A comprehensive and immersive campaign background detailing the fantastical Victorian world of The Widening Gyre.

- Character archetypes to play a wide variety of 19th century adventurers − Airship Pirates, Clockwork Men, Consulting Detectives, and more!

- Rules for wild steampunk technology and sorcery, including weapons, armor, vehicles, bizarre Victorian devices, and magic spells.

- Full stats for dozens of characters the heroes will encounter on their journeys, ranging from helpful allies to evil technologists to monstrous beasts from a darker era.

- New Skills, Edges, and Hindrances.

- A full bestiary with over 40 monsters and opponents.

- A fully detailed campaign, six full adventures, and four variant campaign ideas.

- Nearly twenty Savage Tales, a dozen one-sentence adventure ideas, plus an easy-to-use adventure generator to help put together quick adventures on the fly.

- Enter a world of adventuring daredevils and academics, occultist thrill-seekers and Savants both heroic and insane, in which a secretive organization of benevolent technologists seeks to prevent the dark monsters of humanity’s past from overwhelming its bright and burgeoning future.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.09.2014 | 23:29
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/site_resources/SavageWorlds-Banner.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/rpg_savagesept.php?filters=0_0_1600_0_0_45278)


It's Savage September (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/rpg_savagesept.php?filters=0_0_1600_0_0_45278), with over 500 great deals on Savage Worlds all month. In addition to the titles on sale below, check here every weekend for our special features (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/featured.php)!

Our special feature on this last September weekend:

50 Fathoms Explorer's Edition€19,60€3,13
Weird War II€14,70 €5,48
The Solomon Kane Bundle€26,63€12,54
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.09.2014 | 19:39
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/hellfrost-logo.png) (http://dave.mcalister.org.uk/free-hellfrost-mini-adventures/)
Hellfrost Fan One-Sheets

I’ve finally gotten round to polishing and formatting a couple of mini-adventures I wrote for use at UK Games Expo last year. Only one was used but it seemed a shame to waste them so I’ve uploaded them to UK Role Players (http://dave.mcalister.org.uk/free-hellfrost-mini-adventures/). I’m not promising that they are anything special but hopefully you’ll be able to get some use out of them.

I’ve even “gone mad” and hand-drawn some new maps for them (note to self, “dungeon” locations are easier to draw than wilderness locations!)
Dave McAlister
UK Role Players
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.10.2014 | 07:46
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/138134.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/138134/The-Last-Parsec-Untimely-Discovery?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Untimely Discovery
Author: John Goff
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Igor Vitkovskiy
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

CURRENTLY ON KICKSTARTER! (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/the-last-parsec-savage-worlds)

In Untimely Discovery, a One-Sheet adventure by John Goff, JumpCorp employees are sent to investigate a signal of refined metals in a decaying orbit around Echidna. Will they make the right moral choice--or is there one?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.10.2014 | 08:01
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3243/138154.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/138154/A-Mother-Fragging-Dragon?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Sneak Attack Press] Kronocalypse Preview: A Mother Fragging Dragon
Author: Matthew J. Hanson
Artist: Kirsten Moody
Pages: 13
Price: €2,37 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
Kronocalypse Prelude Adventures [BUNDLE] (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/135068/Kronocalypse-Prelude-Adventures-BUNDLE) €9,48 €7,92

The Dragon Slayers are a small team of highly trained, heavily armed mercenaries. They've taken on everything from rampaging cyborgs to hostile takeovers, but a real dragon? You're joking right? Those things are from fairy tales.

Or not.

A Mother Fragging Dragon is an adventure for Savage Worlds in which the heroes play hi-tech mercenaries fighting a real fire-breathing dragon. It is set in the world of Kron, and you can use it as a stand-alone adventure, or as a prelude to the upcoming Kronocolypse campaign-setting.

(https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/projects/1253900/photo-main.jpg?1409495548) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/matthewjhanson/kronocalypse-savage-worlds-time-travel)

Der Kronocalypse Kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/matthewjhanson/kronocalypse-savage-worlds-time-travel) ist seit dem 4.10.2014 mit $4385 von $4000 finanziert. Das Setting wird etwa Juli/August 2015 als PDF und gedruckt erscheinen.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.10.2014 | 19:11
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/TLP_Ghosts_cover.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/ghosts-in-the-machine/)
[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Ghosts in the Machine
Author: Matthew Cutter
Artists: Igor Vitkovskiy
Price: Freebie (Pinnacle Store)

CURRENTLY ON KICKSTARTER! (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/the-last-parsec-savage-worlds)

Peril at Station P-06

A few days ago, surface miners on a remote moon unearthed an extraordinarily old piece of alien tech, and tripped the colony’s distress beacon when it reactivated. Upon arrival at Mining Station P-06—a tiny colony of 12 miners—rescuers are unable to make radio contact with the station.
JumpCorp sends a rapid-response team to nullify the threat by any means necessary.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.10.2014 | 19:16
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/halloween-sale-2014.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/browse/pub/2419/Triple-Ace-Games)


We'll be running this sale from now till the end of the month and most products in the TAG store and on DriveThruRPG/RPGNOW are at a 25% discount!

Head over to the store to pick up some bargains! (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/browse/pub/2419/Triple-Ace-Games)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.10.2014 | 23:11
(https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/projects/475684/photo-main.jpg?1410895257) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/the-last-parsec-savage-worlds)
[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec *Kickstarter*
Authors: Shane Hensley, and others
Artists: Cheyenne Wright, and others
Goal: $8000 (currently at 696%; financed in 62 mins!) - 10 days remaining

See the teaser video: http://youtu.be/jMGD5RrqgiI

The Last Parsec is a scifi setting of planetary exploration and adventure using the Savage Worlds system!

Faster-than-light travel has finally allowed humanity to spread beyond its lonely corner of the Milky Way. In the depths of space these explorers found millions of star systems, strange planets, and exotic alien races. Centuries later, they form the Known Worlds, a vital region of trade and technology where empires grow and business thrives.

It is an unparalleled age. Cutting edge science has opened limitless frontiers of space and consciousness, and has even begun to hint at the mysteries of the universe itself. But to find them, one must travel beyond the familiar, to the last parsecs of reality.

The Last Parsec is a science fiction roleplaying game of exploration and adventure. It requires the Savage Worlds core rules and the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion to play.

Get the free Last Parsec Primer (https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/TLP_Primer.pdf).

Get the free Design Diaries and One Sheets (https://www.peginc.com/product-category/the-last-parsec/).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.10.2014 | 18:35
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/hellfrost-logo.png) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-rassilon-expansion-ii)
[TAG] Hellfrost Expansion II *Kickstarter Update*

Hi folks,

All the card art is now in for the royal cards (Jack through Ace) and two Jokers, the cards have been designed and laid out, and the rune boon text has been added. A small amount of tinkering yet to go at our end, such as adding the reverse side art and logos. After that, we have to get a test set printed to make sure the printing process has no kinks in it (printer’s rules). If that passes muster it’s on to the production run!

Sorry it’s later than planned, but it’ll be worth the wait!

Skinned alive! – The Jack of Spades Card

Hellfrost Joker

Ace of Hearts

King of Clubs

If you didn’t pledge for the deck then don’t panic! You’ll be able to buy them from us (but not your FLGS) when they’re released. RRP yet to be decided.

Triple Ace Games Creative Director
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.10.2014 | 20:41
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/ETU_Brewhaha-cover.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/ETU_Brewhaha.pdf)
[Pinnacle] ETU: Brewhaha & Maps
Authors: Ed Wetterman & Jason Hess
Price: Freebie (Pinnacle)

Something’s off about campus-favorite beer Brazen Hussy. Is there something wrong with the equipment? Is the owner’s new ex-wife angry enough over a divorce more bitter than a handful of hops to commit sabotage? Is the health department right about their concerns of drugged dregs? Or is there something more sinister at work on these spirited suds?

You and your classmates can get to the root of the problem, save a business, and maybe score some free six-packs in Brewhaha (https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/ETU_Brewhaha.pdf), our newest One-Sheet for East Texas University!

But to celebrate this festive time on college campuses everywhere, we’re also giving you a whole campus of your very own. Heck, we’ll even throw in a town! Download your free poster-sized ETU Campus Map and Map of Pinebox, Texas now.

(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/ETU_Campus_Map.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/etu-campus-map/) (https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/ETU_Pinebox_Map-451x700.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/pinebox-map/)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.10.2014 | 20:59
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4491/137947.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/137947/Valkyrie)
[DramaScape] Valkyrie
Authors: Steven J Black, Simon Powell
Artist: Simon Powell
Pages: 24
Price: €3,14 PDF, €3,93 PDF & Poster (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/download_preview.php?pid=137947)

This product is a two full-color, 18 inch by 8 inch, floor plans of a Spaceship, with Hex, Square and No overlay.

The PDF includes includes the VTT (Virtual Table Top Images for online play), and a 360 degree view from the center of the map.

The product is also available in print on demand (POD) poster map format with no grid as two 12 x 18 posters of the upper and lower decks (Placed side by side this only occupies 24 x18 table space, easily fitting even in the center of even small gaming tables). In the PDF map, the ship is gray whereas in the POD poster map the ship color shifts to a more blue gray. The PDF is Free if you purchase the Poster Map version if you click the Poster and PDF option.

“Damn the Gestalf Megacorporation and their mercenary lapdogs. They pursue this ship like it’s their only copy of the stealth schematics in the entire galaxy.”—Captain Hilda Brand

The Valkyrie Smuggling Ship was trying to sneak past your view, but your ocular sensors have detected DramaScape’s latest space ship map!

Valkyrie Smuggling Ship includes the upper and lower interior decks of a small, light freighter. The product includes four 360-degree panoramic views of the bridge, living quarters, mess hall, and cargo areas.

The recommendation for use of the poster map is to place the poster maps onto the table, and then overlay a clear piece of Plexiglas on top of them. This will flatten the poster maps completely and the Plexiglas can be drawn on with markers if the map needs modified with the results of an explosion for example.

Valkyrie Smuggling Ship includes ship stats for the Valkyrie and its four person crew using the Savage Worlds Deluxe, Science Fiction Companion, and Super Powers Companion Rules (One instance: A Deader’s super power). The product also includes ship stats for our Vanguard Shuttle and the four person crew of bounty hunters and mercenaries trying to track them down.

Valkyrie Smuggling Ship is intended for use in near or far-future science fiction settings.

Even if not using Savage Worlds, the PDF and poster maps, and the ship and NPC descriptions can be modified and applied to any science fiction setting.

Hunting the Spirit Ship: When Hilda Brand stole the Valkyrie Freighter from her previous employers, she thought she was just stealing their new stealth ship and signaling her early retirement from the company. She figured all she needed to do was get out the sector and they would not pursue beyond their megacorporation system boundaries. But the Gestalf Megacorporation relentless searched its sector of space for the Valkyrie. When they found nothing, they put up a bounty of 6000 credits for her dead or alive and 6000 credits for the capture of the Valkyrie intact.  Now bounty hunters and mercenaries pursue her even in fringe systems. Will the Player Characters join Hilda’s smuggling crew or will they play the bounty hunters and mercenaries trying to track her down?

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.10.2014 | 22:17
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/TLP_Catch_of_the_Day-cover.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/138671/The-Last-Parsec-Catch-of-the-Day)
[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Catch of the Day
Author: John Goff
Artists: Lorenz Hideyoshi Ruwwe
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

CURRENTLY ON KICKSTARTER! (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/the-last-parsec-savage-worlds)

The team is dispatched to Messana Bay, a tiny outpost situated on the eastern shore of the main continent of Vesta, not far north of the massive tectonic ridge known as the Fall. A brief, garbled call was received yesterday, then abruptly cut off. A supply skimmer overflew the outpost and reported the place was in a shambles and there was no sign of life.  JumpCorp is concerned the small station, leased to Forsian Fishing Tours, has fallen prey to an attack by the Natural Order terrorist group.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.10.2014 | 21:48
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3554/138694.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/138694/Gladiators-of-the-Dominion)
[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians: Gladiators of the Dominion
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack
Pages: 168
Price: €15,62 €11,71 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The sun-scorched arenas of the Dread Sea Dominions await you in this book!

In these pages you’ll fight ancient monstrosities from the pits of Tricarnia to entertain the bored Priest Princes, you’ll risk your life against beasts in the Imperial Arena of Faberterra for the enjoyment of the crowd, or you’ll match your skills against the pit fighters of Syranthia, the best in the world.

You are a gladiator: men shout your name, women faint at the sight of you.

But when you enter the pit, under the merciless sun, you are alone against your opponent. Today, will it end with your blood or his dripping on the sand?

So what are you waiting for: grab your gladiator helm, your shield and sword, and go bare-chested to spill your blood for glory and money!

The Season of Blood: In this appendix you’ll find all the rules you need to run a GM-less league of gladiator fights in the arena. Hire your pit fighters, buy assets and resources, and lead your team to victory! We are also attaching a Paul Page`s for The Season of Blood rooster, for your convenience!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.10.2014 | 01:36
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3118/138774.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/138774/Throwdown-at-the-North-Pole)
[Fabled Environments] Throwdown at the North Pole
Author: Clint Black
Artists: Krista White, Vanessa Beach
Pages: 8
Price: €2,35 €1,57 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The workshops are closed, Santa off on his journey. But there’s no rest for the elves.
Santa’s mortal enemies, the abominable snowmen, attack each year as soon as the big man is gone. With hearts as cold as ice, they tear apart the gingerbread houses and toss theelves around, hoping to cause enough pain and destruction to ruin Christmas the following year.

But the North Pole is not defenseless. One person rallies the elves each year. One person trains with them in combat techniques and tactics. One person personally leads them in battle for one night each year to insure her husband can deliver toys to children next Christmas. That’s right; the leader of the elves is none other than Mrs. Claus, one of the most formidable holiday warriors on the planet.

This great module, written by Clint Black, is a light-hearted look at the question of what happens when Santa leaves with his sleigh and reindeer team each Christmas. Clint has provided Elf archetypes, loadouts and new weapons that will make this both fun and customizable. In addition, this module features a great new map from Fabled Enviroments.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.10.2014 | 21:43
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3431/138793.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/138793/Nova-Praxis-GM-Screen-Savage-Worlds)
[Void Star Games] Nova Praxis GM Screen *Savage Worlds*
Authors: Mike McConnell, Void Star Studios, Inc.
Artists: Andree Wallin, Mike McConnell
Pages: 8
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/138793-sample.pdf)

These screen inserts, formated to be arranged as four landscape panels, features art from Nova Praxis on one side and the following reference tables and rules on the other:

* Quick Reference Facts on the Houses
* Relative Distance Between Systems (a table not found in the core book)
* Sample Favors
* Effects of Gravity
* Resleeving and Fragmentation Modifiers
* List of Nova Praxis Skills
* Fragmentation Psychosis
* Quick Combat Reference (Damage, Incapacitation, Injury, Bleeding Out)
* Common Combat Modifiers
* NPC Reaction Table
* Overview of the Setting Rules used in Nova Praxis
* Random NPC Characteristics (Personality, Rep Rating, State, Allegiance, Sex, Motivation)

This PDF can be useful to have on a laptop screen, or printed out for yourself and your players.

It's even better if you have a landscape Customizable GM Screen.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.10.2014 | 23:40
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/hoebundle.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/hoe-bundle-companion-worms-turn/)
[Pinnacle] Deadlands Hell on Earth: HOE Companion & The Worms Turn *PREORDER*
Authors: John Goff, Shane Hensley, Clint Black
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 98 each
Price: $19,98 PDF; $35,00 PDF + SC; $45,00 PDF + HC (Pinnacle Store)

This is a preorder of print products. These products are expected April 2015. A PDF copy of each product will come FREE with each preorder purchase, and available as a download immediately following your purchase.
Book 1: Hell on Earth Companion

It’s lonely in the Wastes…take a Companion!

The Hell on Earth Companion gives your scav what she needs to become an honest-to-Oppenheimer cyborg and adds two new Arcane Backgrounds: Librarian and Witch. For those looking for less weird in their Wasted West there’s plenty of guns and gear, details on the dangers of the irradiated future, vehicle combat, and how to contact a lonely AI in the sky.

The Marshal will enjoy twisted takes on the Adventure Generator and Survivor Settlements to help put some flesh on that husk of a campaign, not to mention a few new things to go bump in the night.

The Hell on Earth Companion requires Hell on Earth for Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds core book to play.
Book 2: Hell on Earth: The Worms’ Turn

Something lurks beneath the irradiated soil. Something ancient and evil.

The Worms’ Turn is a full-length Plot Point Campaign featuring the aftermath of the climactic battle called “The Harvest.” The Reckoners have been banished to the distant living planet of Banshee, but there’s no time for celebration. The Iron Alliance has learned a terrifying secret—the Reckoners were keeping other, even older terrors in check.

The Worms’ Turn contains a full-length campaign, updates on the events of the Wasted West, and numerous Savage Tales that can be inserted into your own tales of wasteland woe.

The Worms’ Turn requires Hell on Earth for Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds core book to play. The Hell on Earth Companion is highly recommended as well.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.10.2014 | 00:03
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/ETU_Creature_Feature_La_Bruja-1.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/139290/ETU-Creature-Feature--La-Bruja)
[Pinnacle] ETU: Creature Feature - La Bruja
Authors: Preston DuBose, Ed Wetterman, Matt Schorr
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Mike Burns, Bryan Syme, Jonathan Taylor
Pages: 14
Price: €2,36 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/139290-sample.pdf)

This 15-page Creature Feature contains more information on the Mexican witches known as “la bruja,” as well as Savage Tales and Figure Flats for the most unwholesome señoritas at ETU!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.11.2014 | 00:06
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4761/139298.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/139298/Shaintar-Guidebook-Goblinesh?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar Guidebook: Goblinesh
Authors: Phil Vecchione, Sean Patrick Fannon
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Bien Flores, Jason Engle, Alida Saxon, Phillip Simpson
Pages: 17
Price: €4,82 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/139298-sample.pdf)

What does it mean to be goblinesh?
One answer would be that it means other folk take one look at you and make certain assumptions...
Another goblinesh may answer the question thus; "I am part of a patchwork nation..."
For a people like the goblinesh, in the end, all we really have is each other... when I am with my people, the goblinesh, I am one of them in a profound way...
That's what it means to me to be goblinesh.
- Krazkar the Hooded One, Gentleman Thief


Here's the Goblinesh Guidebook, the next Guidebook for the Epic High Fantasy setting that is Shaintar. Written by the clever and creative Phil Vecchione, with additional material and game design by Shaintar's creator, Sean Patrick Fannon, the Goblinesh Guidebook reveals deep and dark secrets as well as great tales of courage and honor.

There's a ton of cultural information about the Gathers scattered throughout Shaintar, including a revelation of the origins of the goblins, orcs, and ogres of Shaintar that may well rock certain characters to their soulful core.

There are also rules for mixed-blooded goblinesh, as well as combat techniques for the extraordinary chuktar weapon and the exceptional powerful and intriguing Bloodsoothers.

An excellent addition to your Shaintar campaign, as well as for any Savage Worlds fan looking to add some new and fun material for their fantasy gaming.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.11.2014 | 00:19
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/6270/137955.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/137955/Savage-Characters-Volume-1?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Dragonlaird Gaming] Savage Characters, Volume 1
Author: James Laird Davenport
Artists: Bart Browne, Jesse Griffith, Gordon Napier, Vicki Moon Spiege
Pages: 156
Price: €4,01 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/137955-sample.pdf)

Grab a Character and Get Savage!

The Savage Characters series utilizes the Savage Worlds Deluxe game engine to present TWENTY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS.  Each character is defined with a rich background, full body portrait, full stats as a Legendary figure, the complete build path to play them at whatever experience level you choose, and five adventure ideas (one for each rank).  Used together, these friends and foes, PCs and NPCs present entwined histories and related adventures.

The characters are grouped into four Dragonlaird Gaming settings with five characters in each setting.  The settings are original but the characters could be easily used in other games of the haunted west, fantasy, modern horror, or space opera genres.

Dark Ages & Dragon Gods: A beautiful traveling noblewoman hides a secret life as the larcenous Lady of Red Silk.  Out of love, a grizzled mercenary from Moorish Iberia keeps the noblewoman safe  A priest of the Dragon God with a secret carries out the will of the Roman Draconic Church.

Demon Streets & Made Men: A nightmare from another dimension controls one of the Five Families and plots to consume New York City into a soulless Hell. A hideous creature skulks in shadows, influencing minds and enacting the schemes of its master.  A Catholic made man for the Romanos learns of the growing darkness and vows to protect his city from Satan.

Ghost Lands & Sixguns: A mad scientist performs twisted experiments in a hidden lair in the Sierra Mountains.  An American Black Bear is made intelligent by science and takes up a gun and crime.  A heartless thug parlays violence and schemes into rule of the town of Miasma Springs.

Theta Ships & Iron Men: A disgraced captain of the Royal Stellar Navy hunts the creature who stole his flagship from him.  An alien bounty hunter burdened with a rigid moral code travels the Galaxy after criminals.  A spy for the ancient Spironetti Empire seeks to rock the foundations of her own people.

Whether you are a Gamemaster using these characters and adventures to enrich your campaign world or a player looking for a different sort of character, Savage Characters is sure to Fire Up Your Game!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.11.2014 | 19:54
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/TAG35020_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/139905/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-20-The-Caliphate-of-AlShirkuh)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #20: The Caliphate of Al-Shirkuh
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 80
Prices: €9,46 (TAG Store); €9,63 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Welcome one and all to the Caliphate of Al-Shirkuh, a land where the Faithful have found paradise! For just a handful of lowly coins this marvelous guide book will detail the many delights of our great cities, introduce you to many illustrious persons, and explore our enlightened and benevolent culture! Within these pages you will find stories of danger and glory, learn about those who honor the gods, and find fuel enough for any imagination! This great and wondrous tome is divided into three section for your reading pleasure.

This 14 page section covers general information concerning the Caliphate and its people. Inside you’ll find details on Social Hierarchy, Education, Religion, Military, Law & Order, Trade & Tribute, Major Locales , and Persons of Note.

The Cities
Each of the eight great cities receives 8 dedicated pages. We cover the same topics above, but with a specific focus on how they apply with each city. Hundreds of new locations provide you with plenty of places to visit, explore, and shop! Will you browse the Little Shop of Horus or dine at Meet for Meat? Have you what it takes to enroll in the University of Healing and Herbalism? Or will you visit the Tower of Stars and gaze deep into the heavens?

The Brotherhood of Unfortunate Souls
This two page section expands the material on the Brotherhood of Unfortunate Souls, with information for GMs and players alike!

But there is yet more, oh wise and sublime friend of merchants! The author has provided further information through the use of sidebars! Here are such thing as the hierarchy of the temples, the cost of funerals, how to flatter people, punishments for criminal acts, religious wares, new herbal remedies, new Edges, and different types of coffee and tabac for those with discerning tastes.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.11.2014 | 11:18
(http://runeslinger.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/1brigade.jpg?w=620&h=380&crop=1) (http://runeslinger.wordpress.com/2014/11/15/brigadecon-interview-paul-wiggy-wade-williams/)
BrigadeCon Interview: Paul ‘Wiggy’ Wade-Williams

Casting Shadows (http://runeslinger.wordpress.com/2014/11/15/brigadecon-interview-paul-wiggy-wade-williams/) is very proud to present an interview with Paul ‘Wiggy’ Wade-Williams, one of the most prolific and creative RPG writers of our time. With questions ranging from the creative process and collaboration through a quasi-hypothetical Lego apocalypse, Wiggy will let readers into his mind for a tour.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.11.2014 | 07:10
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3915/140099.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/140099/Savage-Worlds-Miscreants-Malefactors-and-Megalomaniacs?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Fainting Goat Games] Miscreants, Malefactors and Megalomaniacs
Authors: Walt Robbilard, Mike Lafferty, Adrian Smith, Sean Nokes
Artists: Dan Houser, Storn Cook, Adam Dickstein, Jacob Blackmon
Pages: 28
Price: €6,00 €3,19 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

With the release of Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion (2nd Ed), Savage Worlds is ready for fast, furious and fun superhero action

All you need now are spandex tights and bad guys - and Miscreants, Malefactors and Megalomaniacs is here to give you some supervillains to smash, outwit and overcome.

MM&M contains 12 supervillains ready to menace your next Savage Worlds session.

Villains such as:

Psi-Wasp - Size-changing supervillain Robin Hood!
Holo-Master - Elusive, mercenary master of hard light illusions!
Blue Shift - Formerly a teleporting secret agent, Blue Shift was betrayed by the government she served. Now she's gone rogue and is out for vengeance!
Tariq - An evil fire djinn summoned by unwary mystics, Tariq seeks to bring the world to its knees!

This product is compatible with material found in the Super Powers Companion (Second Edition)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.11.2014 | 18:36
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3243/140137.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/140137/Broken-Earth-Ludington-Savage-Worlds)
[Sneak Attack Press] Broken Earth: Ludington
Author: Jason Owen Black
Artist: Joyce Maureira
Pages: 8
Price: €1,59 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

After the apocalypse, a cult called the Northern Light made it their holy mission to keep the lighthouse in Ludington running. A village of survivors settled in the shadow of the lighthouse. Ludington offers a safe port from the storm, but danger encroaches the town from every side. Mutant animals and carnivorous plants lurk in woods, bandits have taken the only road out of town, and fish people lurk off shore.

Ludington is set in the Broken Earth setting, but with a little work can be used with any post-apocalyptic campaign.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.11.2014 | 22:11
(https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/projects/1063085/photo-main.jpg?1406536342) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/forums/topic/hellfrost-atlas-designer-diary-1/#post-5110)
Hellfrost Atlas – Designer Diary 1

I’ve decided to write a bit of a diary of my cartographic progress on the atlas!

For the techies out there I am using photoshop and a graphics tablet to draw the map by hand – no cheats here!

First off it is a big project, in fact huge to tackle and after many tests and much planning I’ve decided to split the world into several regions. The main reason for this is due to the scale we are using and the details going into the maps, working on the whole world as a single file would certainly crash photoshop if not my humble pc!

After the map tests I have done I’ve found that separating different landscape features into types helps to progress a map. Its a daunting proposition when you sit down to a blank document and have to begin filling in the detail! Especially with a world as detailed as rassilon. So I begin with the coastline and I am using the original rassilon map as drawn by Justin Russell as a guide but adding so much more detail. So with the coastline I add plenty of Islands, estuaries and rivers. Once this is done I then turn my attention to mountains and hills. Other features such as marshlands and grasslands follow. I gradually build up the map in layers adding colour and detail. The final step will be to add the names.

Part of my plan is not only to include all the features from the original gazetteer but also details as described from the region guides – plus some of my own inventions with minor rivers, lakes, woods and hills being added. These won’t be mentioned in the text because only the really important information can be imparted in the text due to the limits in space. However as players traverse the landscape of rassilon they’ll be able to identify features from these new maps that have never been described before!

Here is a snapshot and a small part of the first section drawn from my studio:


I’m not going to let you know what region this is though – feel free to guess!

I’ll be bringing more designer diary updates as I work on this on the run up to Christmas!

Robin Elliott
Triple Ace Games
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.11.2014 | 00:20
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4491/140196.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/140196/Medieval-Merchants-HouseSet-me-free-and-help-me-slay-the-man-who-took-everything-away-from-me--Medieval-Merchants-House-is-an-interior-map-of-a-small-mansion-with-a--basement-ground-floor-and-second-floor-This-product-includes-five-360degree--pano?affiliate_id=12615)
[DramaScape] Savage Worlds Adventure Vol 6: Medieval Merchants House
Authors: Steven J Black, Simon Powell
Artist: Simon Powell
Pages: 27
Price: €3,19 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/download_preview.php?pid=140196)

This product is a full-color, 8 inch by 20 inch, 3 level, floor plan of a Medieval Merchants House, with Hex, Square and No overlay.

The PDF includes includes the VTT (Virtual Table Top Images for online play), and 5, 360 degree views of some of the rooms.

“Set me free and help me slay the man who took everything away from me!”

Medieval Merchant’s House is an interior map of a small mansion with a basement, ground floor, and second floor.

This product includes five 360-degree panoramic views of the kitchen/alchemy room, dining room, master bedroom, guest bedroom, and wine cellar/storage room.

Medieval Merchant’s House is intended for use in fantasy games. It could be useful in historical games or as a restored museum house in a modern game. A Man of Money is an adventure for Savage Worlds continued from the adventure hook first presented in our free Vine Maze map. Even if not using the Savage Worlds setting, the map and panoramic views are system agnostic. You can also use the NPC descriptions and adventure herein in another fantasy game, just ignore or repurpose the Savage World statblocks.

A Man of Money Part Two: The group lost their burglar guide to the blood sucking vines of the Vine Maze but decided to press on towards the merchant’s mansion anyway. They approach the mansion and note that it has a backdoor and a stairway leading to a second backdoor in the back and a door to the ground floor and stairs leading to a cellar below in the front. Which path do they choose?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.11.2014 | 05:50
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3118/140182.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/140182/Cake-Walk?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Fabled Environments] Fearsome Critters: Cake Walk
Author: John Beattie
Artist: T. Jordan Peacock
Pages: 37
Price: €6,00 €4,00 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/140182-sample.pdf)

Welcome to North Sandalwood. We hope that you enjoy your time working for the town as a member of the Special Animal Control Unit. Your job is to deal with various animals such as dogs, cats, raccoons and the occasional exotic pet that get loose. You offer a vital service to the members of this town and we are grateful that you have decided to join the team!

Your latest assignment is to check out the Golden Creme Delights factory. There have been reports of critters that have been skittering around the factory at night. These creatures are responsible for damage in the factory and they must be captured before the current owners can sell the building.

About the Module

Cake Walk is the ironic name of a new adventure for Savage Worlds written by John Beattie (Weird Wars Rome: Wellspring) and artwork by Jordan Peacock (Wonderland No More, Savage Worlds: Deluxe, Interface Zero and artwork for many other projects).

In this adventure, PCs take on the seemingly mundane role of animal control officers, but when they respond to a complaint of an animal infestation at a local sweet goods factory they end up facing something that is neither mundane nor an animal.

Apart from the Savage Worlds ruleset, dice and a pencil, everything you would need to play this adventure is included such as pregens, figure flats, a map of the facility and even adventure seeds to take this from a one-shot adventure to a campaign.

Grab a copy today and have a blast!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.11.2014 | 08:21
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/ETU_FF_Heroes.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/140300/ETU-Heroes-of-ETU-Figure-Flats)
[Pinnacle] ETU: Heroes of ETU Figure Flats
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Cheyenne Wright, Bryan Syme 
Pages: 16
Price: €5,59 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/140300-sample.pdf)

This set of full-color, 28mm scale Figure Flats contains dozens of characters for East Texas University.

(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Horrors_of_ETU_v2-e1416343521595.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/140301/ETU-Horrors-of-ETU-Figure-Flats)
[Pinnacle] ETU: Horrors of ETU Figure Flats
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Cheyenne Wright, Bryan Syme 
Pages: 16
Price: €5,59 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/140301-sample.pdf)

The Horrors of East Texas University Figure Flats collection brings a set of 50 monsters, felons, miscreants, and demons to your happy little corner of the ETU campus! The characters in your ETU games have been lonely long enough—it’s time you introduced someone to play with them…

(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/TLP_Archetypes-cover.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/140302/The-Last-Parsec-Archetypes)
[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Archetypes
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Chris Malldore, Bryan Syme, MK Ultra
Pages: 17
Price: €2,39 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/140302-sample.pdf)

Bring the Known Races to your table!

The Last Parsec Archetypes brings a baker’s dozen of full-color, ready-to-play archetypes representing iconic JumpCorp crew members from all the core races of the Known Worlds. These may be used with The Last Parsec miniatures (coming soon) or with the enclosed Figure Flats!
Included are: Human Team Leader, Rakashan Team Leader, Kalian Pilot, Deader Science Officer, Floran Science Officer, Artificial Being (Construct), Human Scout, Insectoid Scout, Serran Psychic, Insectoid Psychic, Aurax Security, Yeti Security, and Saurian Security.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.11.2014 | 19:36
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/hellfrost_action_deck_banner.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/138998/Hellfrost-Action-Deck)
[TAG] Hellfrost Action Deck
Author: Robin Elliot
Artists: Chris Kuhlmann
Cards: 55 in deckbox
Prices: €11,83 plus €6,00 postage (TAG Store); €12,80 plus €11,01 postage (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Add a whole new dimension to your Hellfrost games!

The hellfrost Action Deck has been designed with all new artwork and includes rune effects which will enhance your Savage Worlds driven Hellfrost games!

The Hellfrost Action Deck includes 54 cards with all new artwork designed by Chris Kuhlman.

Grab your deck today and start your adventure in the frozen lands of Hellfrost!

*This is a Print-on-Demand product – please allow at least 7-14 days for delivery.


Kickstarter Note: The Action Decks have shipped yesterrday! How long your deck/s will take to arrive depends on where you are in the world and the effectiveness of your postal service. Based on what we’ve been told, rough estimates are as follows…

UK 3 -5 working days
Europe 5 – 7 working days
USA 2 – 3 weeks (via USPS)
Canada 4 – 6 weeks (via USPS)
Rest of the World 2 – 3 weeks

Thanks for supporting this Kickstarter. We know the cards have taken longer than expected, but we’re sure you’ll be very happy with the result.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.12.2014 | 06:17
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/TLP_Eris_Beta_V-1.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/141180/The-Last-Parsec-Eris-BetaV?affiliate_id=25759&)
[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Eris Beta-V
Author: Matthew Cutter
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 96
Price: €8,09 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow), Preorders at Pinnacle (https://www.peginc.com/store/the-last-parsec-preorders/)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/141180-sample.pdf)

When Eris Beta-V’s valuable commerce is threatened by unscrupulous agencies, a JumpCorp-employed team must root them out.

As they do, they’ll explore a magnificent ringed gas giant and its moons on the icy fringes of interstellar space, discover ancient artifacts of enormous power among Eris’ rings, moons, and asteroids, and solve the oldest mystery of Eris Beta-V...before time runs out.

Eris Beta-V is a setting book for The Last Parsec. It contains new locations and characters for the planetary system, new starships and Setting Rules for asteroid mining and ringstorms, a Plot Point Campaign, Savage Tales, and a host of new creatures from these strange worlds.

This book requires the Savage Worlds core rules and the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.12.2014 | 22:48
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3118/141208.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/141208/Blueprint-For-Imagination-Canned-Food-Savage-Worlds?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Fabled Environments] Blueprint For Imagination: Canned Food
Author: Darre G. Miller
Artist: Krista White
Pages: 10
Price: €1,62 PDF,  €2,83 Bundle (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Something doesn't seem quite right about Pinnacle Airlines Flight 121. Passengers aboard the "red eye" flight from Los Angeles to New York have complained of fatigue, headaches and dizziness following their flight. Officials have concluded that these symptoms are simply the result of jet lag and stress experienced by over worked business travelers. The strangest occurrence on the aircraft has to be the recent death of one passenger who decided to jump out of the aircraft without a parachute while at cruising altitude. However, the aircraft and crew have been cleared to resume normal operations.

What is really going on aboard Flight 121?

Canned Food is  a modern horror adventure and the first short adventure in the Blueprint For Imagination line. Canned Food uses the Passenger Jets floorplan from Fabled Environments. Blueprint For Imagination adventures are short modules designed to be played on their own in just a few hours with your local gaming group, at a game store or at a gaming convention.  We hope you enjoy this great adventure!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.12.2014 | 21:42
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/hellfrost-logo.png) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/)
Yuletide comes!

We've gained a fair few followers this year, so we have dusted off some of our favorite Hellfrost carols and poems. We begin on a dark note with a song survivors of Lair of the Vermin Lord can sing along with.

Ode to Dunross
To the tune of "O Little Town of Bethlehem"

O little village of Dunross
How still we see thee lie
Above thy burnt and corpse-filled streets
The silent stars go by
A black tide doomed your people
The rats they brought you death
But for your souls we daily pray
To Scaetha and to Veth

The vermin were defeated
The righteous fight was won
Your village it may be no more
But its memory shall live on
Freelanders mourn together
Though you we barely knew
And the with blessing of Eostre
Dunross will rise anew

In the next Yuletide Hellfrost offering, we present a prayer to Sigel.

Delling Day
To the tune of "Silent Night"

Delling Day, holy day
Through the night, vigilant we stay
Lit torches form holy symbol
Song and praise from mortals they flow
Rise O Sigel we pray
Rise O Sigel we pray

Delling Day, holy day
Come the dawn’s first pale ray
Fire arrows are lit by Kenaz
To the heavens they fly like stars
Renew the light of Sigel
Renew the light of Sigel

Delling Day, holy day
See the stars start to fade
Radiant beams cast from Sigel’s Hearth
With a new dawn to dispel the dark
Sigel, he is reborn
Sigel, he is reborn

Triple Ace Games Creative Director
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.12.2014 | 22:52
(http://www.suzerain.info/show_image.php?id=149) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/141278/Dungeonlands-Palace-of-the-Lich-Queen-Savage-Worlds?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Savage Mojo] Dungeonlands: Palace of the Lich Queen (Savage Worlds)
Authors: Richard Balsley, Kevin Andrew Murphy, Darren Pearce, G'Andy
Artists: Gayle Reick, Chris Bivins, Nicholas Cloister, Jessica Cox, Dennis Darmody, Jason Engle, Bien Flores, Jim Pavelec, Alida Saxon, Carly Sorge
Pages: 170
Price: €16,19 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/141278-sample.pdf)

The Lich Queen awaits in her palace.  Your heroes survived the Tomb of the Lich Queen (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/115082/Dungeonlands-Tomb-of-the-Lich-Queen-Savage-Worlds), pushed through the Machine of the Lich Queen (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/134827/Dungeonlands-Machine-of-the-Lich-Queen-Savage-Worlds), and now must face the apocalyptic climax of the Dungeonlands Trilogy. Reality itself twists and roils all around.  Prove yourselve to the univers, take the final steps.

Become a god... or a corpse!

Inside you'll find all you need to run this unique setting, all the background information and encounters that will challenge any party of Demigod characters, plus the stats for all manner of new NPCs and critters.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.12.2014 | 00:34
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4329/139269.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/139269/Achtung-Cthulhu-Terrors-of-the-Secret-War?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Modiphius] Achtung! Cthulhu: Terrors of the Secret War
Authors: Dave Blewer, Lynne Hardy, Jesse Hawkins, Joshua O'Connor, Reuben Saunders
Artists: Dim Martin, Ian Schofield, Giorgio Baroni, Michal E Cross
Pages: 126
Price: €12,10 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/139269-sample.pdf)

Achtung! Cthulhu is a terrifying World War Two setting, fully compatible with the Call of Cthulhu, Sixth Edition and Savage Worlds roleplaying games.

Discover the mightiest terrors of the Mythos: the Great Old Ones, the Outer Gods, and their foul servitors and cultists; the spells and artefacts that can be brought to bear against them in mankind’s struggle for survival; and the strange and unusual weapons that might just be the saviours of us all – or prove to be our downfall.

Terrors of the Secret War extends the horror on to the battlefield, and includes:

* A new and simplified mass combat system for taking on the Mythos’ biggest threats
* Descriptions of more than 25 gods and their lackeys, their tactics, and their weaknesses – including Great Cthulhu himself
* Hints and tips on how to include Terrors in your own campaign, and how to square up to them
* New artefacts, spells, and weapons – such as the Allies’ so-called “lightning guns” – to help take the fight to the enemy
* In fact, a whole dossier’s worth of useful information to help you expand your campaign out into the wider world (and murkiest depths) of the Secret War.

Requires the Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition or Savage Worlds Rulebooks to play. This is a supplement for use with the Achtung! Cthulhu: Investigator's and Keeper's Guides.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.12.2014 | 09:17
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/141701.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/141701/The-Last-Parsec-Leviathan)
[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Leviathan
Author: John Geoff
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 96
Price: €8,00 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow), Preorders at Pinnacle (https://www.peginc.com/store/the-last-parsec-preorders/)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/141701-sample.pdf)

Hunt the Most Dangerous Game in the Known Worlds!

The jungle planet Leviathan teems with mammoth lacerauns, savage beasts of enormous size and cunning, potential trophies unmatched in any other star system. Intentionally undeveloped beyond a few tourist-oriented settlements, Leviathan nonetheless draws more than just adventure-seeking hunters, including researchers and those who would see the world left completely untouched. Both are more than willing to turn the tables on any would-be hunters.

Leviathan is a setting book for The Last Parsec. It contains new locations and characters for the planetary system, new Setting Rules for Leviathan’s natural dangers, a Plot Point Campaign, Savage Tales, and a host of new creatures–especially the lacerauns.

This book requires the Savage Worlds core rules and the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion to play.

(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/TLP_Scientorium_5in.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/the-last-parsec-scientorium-pdf/)
[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Scientorium
Author: Tim Brown
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 96
Price: $9,99 (Pinnacle Store), Preorders at Pinnacle (https://www.peginc.com/store/the-last-parsec-preorders/)

Lost technological treasures and knowledge beyond understanding…

Hidden away by sheer distance and forever shrouded from the minds of the curious lies a mammoth artifact from the previous galactic age, the library of Scientorium. Its strange experience chambers offer passage to a million histories on a million worlds, secrets and technologies undreamed of. Now abandoned by all but its automated security systems and enigmatic caretakers, its workings are oddly twisted and jealous, meting out reward and punishment in equal measure.

Scientorium is a setting book for The Last Parsec. It contains new locations and characters for the epic journey to find Scientorium, new Setting Rules for the library’s many wonders, a Plot Point Campaign, Savage Tales, and detailed insight into the world of the reclusive Librarians.

This book requires the Savage Worlds core rules and the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.12.2014 | 09:50
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4761/141413.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/141413/Godstrike-Tempest-Shaintar-Suzerain-Crossover)
[Evil Beagle Games] Godstrike Tempest: Shaintar/Suzerain Crossover
Authors: Miles M Kantir,  Sean Patrick Fannon
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Chris Bivens,  Jason Engle, Alida Saxon
Pages: 15
Price: €4,01 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/141413-sample.pdf)

A Storm Like No Other. Tread Softly. Fight Hard.

Og’M Drakar is the Eye of the Dragon, a lake in the Northern Gathers. In the middle of the lake lies an island, an island where few venture. In the middle of the island lies Castle WinterHawk, built by a pre-Kal empire but long abandoned.
This is where a portal to a hungry god has opened. This is where the Godstrike Tempest will strike, and it strikes today.

Godstrike Tempest is high level Savage Worlds adventure for Shaintar characters of at least Heroic Rank, and/or Suzerain characters.

It's a grand crossover event showing the exceptional potential of the Suzerain Continuum.

It's an epic showdown pitting larger-than-life heroes against demon lords and chaotic godlings for the fate of an entire reality.

This product also contains the Storm Druid Edge, for those looking a bit of flash and bang for their druid characters.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.12.2014 | 07:36
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/site-logo-redesignd.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/featured.php?promotion_id=Shane_Hensley)(http://www.rpgnow.com/themes/rpgnow/site-logo-redesignd.png) (http://www.rpgnow.com/featured.php?promotion_id=Shane_Hensley)
[DriveThruRPG/RPGNow] Shane Lacy Hensley Spotlight Sale

Save 30% on select titles in the Shane Hensley Spotlight Sale!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.12.2014 | 06:29
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2152/141205.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/141205/Designers--Dragons-The-Complete-Set-BUNDLE)
[Evil Hat] Designers & Dragons: The Complete Set
Author: Shannon Appelcline
Pages: 1628
Price: €32,10 PDF Bundle (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow), other options and print versions available
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/138883-sample.pdf)


Everything you've wanted to know about the origins of roleplaying games...
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.12.2014 | 07:12
Die Region London zur Zeit der Angelsachsen (http://londonist.com/2014/01/anglo-saxon-london-map-updated.php?showpage=2#gallery-1)

Ein realweltliches - wenn auch idealisiertes - Beispiel, wie die Umgebung um eine typische Fantasy-Stadt aussehen könnte. Sollte nicht nur Spieler von Hellfrost interessieren...

(http://londonist.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Screen-Shot-2014-01-23-at-14.38.40.png) (http://cdn.londonist.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/anglosaxonLONDON.jpg)

Die Karte mißt grob 20 Meilen/30 Kilometer von einer Seite zur anderen.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.12.2014 | 16:49
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4491/135357.jpg)(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4491/142002.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/142003/Circus-BUNDLE)
[DramaScape] Circus (Bundle)
Authors: Steven J Black, Simon Powell
Artist: Simon Powell
Pages: 68/60
Price: €7,33 €3,67 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/download_preview.php?pid=135357)

DramaScape makes maps and miniatures for use with any game system with a focus on fantasy, horror, modern, and science fiction settings. This product is the usual DramaScape map but also comes with a Savage Worlds Adventure, it can be used with or without the adventure.


This product is a 48 x 30 inch map of a Big Top, it comes with Square, Hex and No Overlay and also contains the Virtual Tabletop files for online use.

“Ladies and gentlemen please, this way to the show.”

DramaScape takes everyone out to the carnival with our latest map. What is under the Big Top?

Big Top shows the interior of a giant traveling circus tent with a center ring viewed from front row and bleacher seating. The exterior of the tent shows the ropes attached to tent pegs outside that hold up the big top.

Big Top is intended for use in modern, pulp, or Horror-themed games.

Cirque de Tromper is a Horror-themed Savage Worlds adventure for use with this map.

A traveling French circus named Cirque de Tromper touring the United States has gained an almost cult fame lately for putting on amazing shows. However, rumors persist of mysterious disappearances of audience members who attend the show. They go to watch the shows but do not return.

The group has gained a reputation for investigating strange phenomenon, which usually turns out to be hoaxes. Figuring out the trick to the show and why people are disappearing motivates them to act. But is it a hoax this time?


This is a 48 x 30 inch Battlemap of a Fairground, it has Hex, Square and No Overlays, it also includes the VTT files for online play.

“Welcome to the fair. Enjoy the rides, races, games, shows, and food!”

Fairground is an external map of an amusement park or state fair. Interiors are provided for half the park’s features except for a few tents and the helter skelter or skyslide ride.

Fairground is intended for pulp, horror, or modern games. Fairground was made to be a companion to our Big Top adventure and map.

Fairground has good scope as it can be used as part of a state fair or as a part of an amusement park.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.12.2014 | 10:25
[TAG] Store changes 2015

Dear TAG fan,

From January 1st 2015, we will be unable to offer our customers direct digital downloads from our store at www.tripleacegames.com (http://www.tripleacegames.com).

Due to new European legislation any digital download purchases are subject to that buyers country VAT rate. The problem with this legislation is that we have to record certain information to prove where the buyer is situated.

This proof of location at the time of the purchase is then used to pay the VAT to that customers home country at the correct VAT rate. This is all time consuming and means that we as a company would have to upgrade our software to accommodate this situation and increase our accountancy and legal costs.

We intend to fix the issue but this won't happen until we figure out what we need to put in place to record and collect the VAT.

To get around this you will be able to buy digital downloads direct from RPGNOW.com (http://www.rpgnow.com) and we will be offering a physical PDF service by sending CD-ROMs in the post from Jan 1st 2015. This seems a retrograde step but the PDFs on a CD-ROM become a physical product and therefore fall outside the legislation!

Once we have the software and systems in place we will be able to offer the direct downloads again but please note VAT will be added to purchases at your countries rate on the TAG store.

Between now and Jan 1st 2015 you will be able to buy our PDFs as before so make the most of this as it will change after that date!
Creative Director Triple Ace Games
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.12.2014 | 10:29
(https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1691399988/tag.png) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/brands/)
[TAG] Holiday sale!

A Merry Christmas from Triple Ace Games!

We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and during this holiday season we hope you'll find time to play one of our amazing games!

To aid you in this quest we are giving every TAG fan 30% off any orders over the Christmas period! To claim this discount just enter the following code in the discount field during checkout at the Triple Ace Games webstore:


Remember this code is only valid till the end of the year so don't miss out!

To go direct to our store click here! (http://www.tripleacegames.com/brands/)
Creative Director Triple Ace Games
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.01.2015 | 21:32
[TAG] Hellfrost Matters of Faith – Coming Soon!

We’ll be starting 2015 of with a bang! Plenty of shiny new things to get your hands on and to start the ball rolling we’re announcing our first Kickstarter that we’ll be launching in the next few weeks!

Start saving your pennies, good folks, and give praise to your Hellfrost deity of choice, for the Hellfrost - Matters of Faith book is coming to a Kickstarter near you very soon.

We were super close to getting this project funded as part of the Atlas and given the favorable responses toward it, we’ll be trying to get the 144 page book of Hellfrost religious goodness into your hands!
Creative Director Triple Ace Games
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.01.2015 | 19:38
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/2419/129747.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/129747/Hellfrost-Heroes--Villains-Comp)
[TAG] Hellfrost: Heroes & Villains Compendium
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 70
Prices: €8,46 PDF, €12,70 Softcover B&W Book*, €21,16 €16,94 PDF + Softcover B&W Book* (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow). €8,32 PDF, €12,49 Softcover B&W Book**, €19,16 PDF + Softcover B&W Book*** (TAG Store)
* Add €3,68 standard shipping
** Add €4,99 standard shipping
*** Includes shipping


The population of the winter-wracked northern lands is not particularly high, but it is varied.

Commoners and nobles, mages and clerics, healers and warriors, merchants and thieves, wise men and fools, heroes and cowards, all walk the frozen realm.

Inside you’ll find over 60 characters ready to be dropped into any Hellfrost campaign or used as player characters!

Hellfrost is an epic fantasy setting for the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG.

Heroes & Villains Compendium requires the Hellfrost Players Guide.

Ergänzung: Dieser Compendium wurde um 6 nie veröffentliche Charaktere erweitert.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.01.2015 | 08:02
Hellfrost Atlas – Update

We're pushing on with map design for the Atlas and this month Rob won't be leaving his studio much as we hope to get the bulk of the map work done by the end of January. We knew this would be a mammoth task and it is turning out to be that in every sense!

We promised some previews as work progressed and here is a sneak peak of the Aspiria map double page spread!


We're so excited to get the book out but we do want it to be a magical experience for everyone so there is lots more to do but we'll keep bringing you previews as the weeks unfold. We won't show everything though! There will be some surprises when you get the final tome in your hands!

If you missed out on the Kickstarter in any way - you can still get in on the rewards. The project can be backed at our webstore here:

Hellfrost Atlas of the North (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-products/hellfrost-atlas-of-the-north/)

See you on the next update coming soon!

Rob & Wiggy
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.01.2015 | 00:30
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4513/142321.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/142321/Mystery-Mountain?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[paNik Productions] Mystery Mountain
Author: M. Andrew Payne
Artist: M. Andrew Payne
Pages: 64
Price: €5,04 €3,35 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/142321-sample.pdf)

Bizarre reports of animate severed heads have been trickling in from the desert around a desolate one-horse town. When the player characters investigate, they encounter the cast of a reality television show searching for their vanished film crew. Will the player characters also disappear or can they discover the secret of Mystery Mountain?

Usable as an independent adventure or as part of a R.E.A.C.T. campaign.

29 pages of maps, glorious Maps!
(Also included in .jpg format for online map applications.)

Perfect for any sci-fi or Modern setting.

Show your players what major characters look like while simultaniously having a quick stat reference.

Three pages of print & fold map tokens.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.01.2015 | 18:31
(http://www.gunmetalgames.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/japan-cover-web.jpg.pagespeed.ce.kEhqM0tDIK.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/142860/Japan-Empire-of-the-Setting-Sun)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero: Japan - Empire of the Setting Sun
Authors: Josh Vogt, Thomas Shook
Artists: Sam Manley, Jason Walton
Pages: 67
Price: €8,44 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In the Empire of the Setting Sun, honor is everything...or you are nothing. Welcome to the Japan of 2090, nakama. You’re being given access to a secure data cache that reveals what the country and its people have truly evolved into. Here, “ronin” isn’t just a street nickname, but a dark legacy fraught with deadly peril and crushing burdens. From the highest Zen master to the lowliest yakuza thug, from bio-molded cities to ancestral cyberspace vistas, prepare to be plunged into an empire transformed by its unique cultural identity as much as the world’s rampaging technology.

Delve into the DATAfeeds of the Chrysanthemum Corporation or have your appetites whetted by the orbital pleasure palace of Golden Heaven. Master stealth technology to join the shinobi or defend innocents from the ravages of the Setting Sun cult. Whether you’re a mere robotics tech or descend from Japanese royalty itself, the time has come to choose your path. The gates are open. The temple bells are tolling a new era. The main question now is: Do you have the wits, will, strength, and skill to survive and take control of your own legacy?

· New Archetypes, Simulacra, & Occupations!
· New Armor, Weapons, Augments, Vehicles, & Golemmechs!
· New Special Gear for the True Cyber-Samurai & Cyber-Ninja!
· Deadly Bioforms Inspired by Japan’s Rich Mythology!
· Dozens of New Threats to Defeat!
· Rich Details of Life in 2090 Japan
· Whole New Cityscapes of Cyberpunk Adventure!
· 10 Premade Savage Tales to Launch You into Action!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.01.2015 | 23:33
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/TLP_Enigma_Equation-cover.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/143044/The-Last-Parsec-The-Enigma-Equation?src=sub)
[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: The Enigma Equation
Author: Ross Watson
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 32
Price: €5,16 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/143044-sample.pdf)

From small beginnings come great things, sometimes even the fate of an entire star!

So it is for a team of JumpCorp freelancers tasked with finding a key researcher gone missing, probably kidnapped by renegade insectoids. What’s this lab coat gotten himself mixed up in? The kind of trouble only a scientist can blunder into when the super-powerful object of his research lies smack in the middle of an ancient artifact, a star-altering equation, and the humorless alien cult that worships it all!

The Enigma Equation is an adventure for the Last Parsec, entailing the journey to Tomb in the Omicron cluster and the mysterious Shadow Star. More than that, this book concisely lays out the details of adventuring in the Known Worlds, from its governments and currencies to the nuances of space travel and communication.

This PDF also includes The Last Parsec Primer.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.01.2015 | 11:28
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/143368.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/143368/Mythos-Wine-and-Blood)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Mythos: Wine and Blood
Author: Gilbert Gallo
Artists: Jacob E. Blackmon, Andrew DeFelice, Mark Hyzer, Jeff Ward
Pages: 42
Price: €3,42 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/143368-sample.pdf)

Zagreus tried his best to dissuade Zeus to resign in a thousand years, persuading him with wine and dance, to end the Heavenly Contest immediately, for Cosmos’ sake. But Zeus was adamant; the Heavenly Contest would go on and whoever among its contenders would have the largest number of followers within a thousand years would be appointed Cosmos’ new supreme ruler. Zagreus was left with a difficult choice: enduring a bad ruler in the future or taking part in the Heavenly Contest, being forced to spend time scheming instead of partying. Eventually, he chose the latter option; after all, he could use a little diversion from time to time from extreme partying and wine orgies.

Wine and Blood is the first supplement for Mythos, a setting of epic adventures in mythological Ancient Greece. This first supplement details Dionysus as he enters the Heavenly Contest as Zagreus. With his entry into the Heavenly Contest, Dionysus, as Zagreus, grows in Patron Deity potential with Mystery Cults, new heroes to sire, and new lands to explore!

Wine and Blood is designed for players and GMs and includes:

* A new playable race – satyrs
* New Edges & Hindrances
* A new Patron Deity entry covering Zagreus
* Three new Mystery Cults
* Information about the lands of India
* Exotic beasts and tribes
* Epic Tales
* … and more!

Wine and Blood is not a standalone supplement. It requires the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG core rulebook and the Mythos core setting guide or Player’s Guide.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.01.2015 | 11:46
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4491/143235.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/143235/Roman-Fort)
[DramaScape] Savage Worlds Adventure Vol 7: Roman Fort
Authors: Steven J Black, Simon Powell
Artist: Simon Powell
Pages: 160
Price: €6,92 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/download_preview.php?pid=143235)

This product is a full-color, 60 inch by 60 inch, Battlemap of a Roman Fort, with Hex, Square and No overlay and comes with a Savage Worlds Adventure.

The PDF includes includes the VTT (Virtual Table Top Images for online play).

WARNING: This is a large map (ca. 2,5 sq m).

“Damn these barbarians to the Underworld! We will hold this fort until reinforcements from I Germanica arrive or until the last man falls. Our standard will not fall into the hands of barbarians.” — Flavius Manlius

A besieged Roman fort requires heroes to save it from barbarian hordes. Will your group be those heroes or will they play the part of those determined to destroy the fort? High rampart walls, battlements, and guard towers must be manned and ballistae repaired to continue the fight for the Romans and overcome by the barbarians to overrun the fort.

Roman Fort is a large exterior map of a Roman Legionnaire fort that has been besieged by enemies.

Roman Fort includes Savage World statblocks made using Savage Worlds Deluxe by Pinnacle Entertainment Group and the Ultimate Roman Legion Guide by Mystical Throne Entertainment. This product includes NPCs of the Roman defenders of the fort and German barbarians assaulting the fort with printable NPC cards of these characters.

The Roman Fort is intended for use in fantasy and historical settings.

Even if not using Savage Worlds, the map, NPC flavor descriptions, and Savage Tales can be used with any fantasy or historical setting. The Savage World stats can be ignored or adapted to your game’s setting.

For the Honor of the Elephant: The Roman Legion, V Alaudae, has been beaten across the Danube River by German barbarians. They have fled to a Roman fortress across the Danube River where they have been besieged for weeks. Every patch of grass has been eaten by starving horses leaving the land barren. The German barbarians prepare for the final assault. Flavius Manlius feels the end of his legion coming but refuses to surrender or let his legion’s standard fall into the hands of the enemy. He asks the group to fight through the barbarians in the final assault and somehow get their standard to I Germanica.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.01.2015 | 12:10
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3118/143148.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/143149/Blueprint-for-Imagination-Flawed-Dupes-BUNDLE?filters=0_0_1600_0_0&)
[Fabled Environments] Blueprint for Imagination: Flawed Dupes *Bundle*
Author: Matthew Cutter
Artist: Krista White
Pages: 10/17
Price: €4,55 €3,46 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/143148-sample.pdf)

After Nevicata’s radio operator sent out a distress call and rescinded it an hour later, certain listeners with ties to a shadowy government agency got wind of the situation. Calls were made and within 18 hours they dispatched an investigative team to Nevicata—your group!

Public records list Nevicata as a field laboratory studying climate change, like others above the Arctic Circle. But only a handful of people know that Nevicata Research Station is actually a top-secret facility.  Your job is to find out why that call was sent and ensure everything is okay at this facility!

This great new module from Matthew Cutter (Deadlands Reloaded, Deadlands Noir, Space 1889 SW) is sure to be a hit whether you run this at a gaming convention or as a one-shot at your local gaming store. This module stands alone or could simply be one of the many adventures your players undertake as part of a larger campaign.

This module is bundled with the Arctic Research Station Map (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=103894&it=1) from Fabled Environments.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.01.2015 | 22:35
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/143445.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/143445/The-Last-Parsec-Research-Ship-Map?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Research Ship Map
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Simon Powell
Pages: 1
Price: €3,56 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This map contains a poster-sized map of a typical research vessel, for use with Pinnacle Entertainment Group's "The Last Parsec" or any other science fiction game. Instructions are included for home printing.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/143446.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/143446/The-Last-Parsec-Pirate-Ship-Map?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Pirate Ship Map
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Simon Powell
Pages: 1
Price: €3,56 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This map contains a poster-sized map of two typical pirate ships, for use with Pinnacle Entertainment Group's "The Last Parsec" or any other science fiction game. Instructions are included for home printing.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/143447.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/143447/The-Last-Parsec-Freighter-Ship-Map?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Freighter Ship Map
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Simon Powell
Pages: 1
Price: €3,56 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This map contains a poster-sized map of a typical space freighter, for use with Pinnacle Entertainment Group's "The Last Parsec" or any other science fiction game. Instructions are included for home printing.

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/143448.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/143448/The-Last-Parsec-Dropship-Map?filters=0_0_1600_0_0)
[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Dropship Map
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Simon Powell
Pages: 1
Price: €3,56 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This map contains a poster-sized map of a typical planetary dropship, for use with Pinnacle Entertainment Group's "The Last Parsec" or any other science fiction game. Instructions are included for home printing.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.01.2015 | 19:10
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4329/143679.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/143679/Achtung-Cthulhu-Interface-1940)
[Modiphius] Achtung! Cthulhu: Interface 19.40
Authors: Dave Blewer, Lynne Hardy, Jason Brick, Josh Vogt
Pages: 113
Price: €13,27 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Evil Never Dies... It Evolves

Discover the secret history of the war that may (or may not) have happened: a time of strangely enhanced soldiers, more machine than man; a twisted future-past of occult and technological development and intrigue; and a society where humanity struggles to maintain its increasingly fragile grip on reality (whatever that might actually be).

Interface 19.40 adds a new alternate dimension to the Secret War, including:

- A variant, Mythos-Fuelled history for the Interface Zero 2.0: Full Metal Cyberpunk setting, where ancient gods watch your every move from the shadows of the datastream
- New rules on how to include cyberware, Gruesome genetic manipulations, and even weirder science in your Achtung! Cthulhu games
- A 33 page adventure, set in 1941, that can be played by characters from either World War Two or the Far Future
- In fact, a whole Crossover dossier’s worth of useful Alternate Historical and fantastical information to help you expand your campaign out into the wider world of the Secret War.

Requires the Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition or Savage Worlds Rulebooks to play. This is a supplement for use with the Achtung! Cthulhu: Investigator's and Keeper's Guides.

WARNING! Due to the nature of the themes discussed, this book is recommended for a mature audience only.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.01.2015 | 21:16
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4543/143685.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/143685/Low-Life-The-Rise-of-the-Lowly-ReDredged)
[Mutha Oith Creations] Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly (ReDredged)
Author: Andy Hopp
Artist: Andy Hopp
Pages: 280
Price: €35,36 €17,66 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/143685-sample.pdf)

GAZILLIONS of years have passed since the Time of the Flush and the extinction of the vaunted Hoomanrace. Now, After the Wipe, the descendants of cockroaches, snack cakes, worms, and even lowlier things rule the Oith!

Waggle the arcane zazz of hocus pokery, dementalism, smellcasting, holy rolling, danged wrangling, and contanimation! Battle hideous things that want to eat you, risen from the rubble of ancient civilizations. Enjoy a light lunch at the Primordial Soup Kitchen...

Audacious times are upon us! Lost lands and forgotten civilizations await discovery. Terrible monsters and grand treasures lurk behind every rock. There are hoards to nab, foes to stab, and tales to blab. these are the days of Low adventure, where destiny is shaped not by circumstance of birth, but by strength of snazz, zazz, and jazz. It’s a bold world for bold peeps, where life is relatively inexpensive and even the lowliest werm can become a king by his own mop.


Are you croach enough to follow your destiny? Do you have the nuggets to take your rightful place among Oith’s most valiant heroes?

If so, strap on your esophagator hide shield, pick up your battle spork, mount your slog, whisper a prayer to Jelvis, kiss your larvae goodbye, and open the goosin’ book. The muck-riddled road to LOW ADVENTURE stands before you...

This brand new version of the classic Low Life game features all new full-color art, new writing, new magic, tons of new Edges, Powers, Hindrances, and skills, new locales, new adventures, new monsters, a new layout, and new everything else. Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly uses the fantastic Savage Worlds Deluxe rules system by Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.01.2015 | 22:23
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/143449.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/143449/The-Last-Parsec-Explorers-of-Deep-Space-Figure-Flats)
[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Explorers of Deep Space Figure Flats
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Cheyenne Wright
Pages: 6
Price: €8,84 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/143449-sample.pdf)

This set of print and play miniatures contains 50 different heroes and nonplayer characters of The Last Parsec, including all races from The Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion, JumpCorp marines and troopers, two armored exploration vehicles, and more!

(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/27/143450.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/143450/The-Last-Parsec-Terrors-of-Deep-Space-Figure-Flats)
[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Terrors of Deep Space Figure Flats
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Cheyenne Wright
Pages: 6
Price: €6,19 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/143450-sample.pdf)

This set of print and play miniatures contains over two-dozen original pieces of art for horrors of The Last Parsec, from lacerauns in Leviathan and Librarians in Scientorium to foes from Eris Beta-V and beyond!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.02.2015 | 06:55
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/143940.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/143940/Shadowed-Earth-Cryptozoology-01-Chaos-Realm-Savage-Worlds)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Shadowed Earth Cryptozoology #01: Chaos Realm (Savage Worlds)
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Artists: Cogwork Creations, Darkzel, Andrew DeFelice, Gary Dupuis, Kiss Márton Gyula, Mark Huffman, Bradley K. McDevitt, Dave Peterson, Sade
Pages: 35
Price: €2,62 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/143940-sample.pdf)

We at the Inquisition like to think we know as much as humanly possible about the supernatural world that surrounds us every day. Unfortunately, that’s not only a daunting task, it’s almost impossible. We discover new chaotic beings often, new otherworldly beings summoned to Earth, and the remnants of non-human societies. It is with great displeasure that I concede to the overwhelming magnitude of the supernatural world and must admit that even the Inquisition remains partially naïve.

The Cryptozoology is a culmination of facts, theories, and speculations as researched and documented by the Inquisition. Each publication contains a collection of adversaries for use within Savage Worlds across all Shadowed Earth settings. Cryptozoology #01: Chaos Realm presents a collection of demons and demonic beings that can be used throughout any era and within any location.

Cryptozoology #01: Chaos Realm includes:

* 30 unique demons and demonic beings
* Descriptions for each entry
* Illustration for each entry
* A description of the classifications used throughout the series

Although Cryptozoology #01: Chaos Realm is designed for use in any Shadowed Earth setting, the adversaries can be universally placed within any Savage Worlds fantasy or horror adventure or setting.

A printer-friendly version is included that removes the background.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.02.2015 | 07:12
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/TAG10113-thumbnail-large.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/143851/Hellfrost-Creature-Guide)
[TAG] Hellfrost: Creature Guide
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Artists: Carly Sorge, Chris Kuhlmann
Pages: 68
Prices: €10,63 PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow). €10,17 PDF, €14,41 Softcover B&W Book* (TAG Store)
* Add €4,23 standard shipping


From the comical-looking but deadly bufomi to fearsome frost giants to ravenous kreana, Hellfrost is populated by all manner of intelligent creatures. Designed for GMs who want their monsters to be more than simple swordfodder and for players who want to face new challenges, the Creature Guide Compendium explores six of these monstrous races.

Inside this invaluable tome you will find detailed notes on anatomy, social structure, culture, warfare, and religion, as well as stats for all manner of foes!

Featured inside this 68-page book are:

* Bufomi
* Frost Giants
* Fungals
* Golems
* Ice Goblins
* Kreana

This book is designed for use in conjunction with the Hellfrost Player’s Guide and Hellfrost Bestiary.

Content of this compendium was published in seperate module PDF format previously.

Hellfrost is the epic fantasy setting for the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.02.2015 | 22:16
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/TLP_Omariss_Death_Worm-1.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/143973/The-Last-Parsec-Omariss-Death-Worm)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Last Parsec: Omariss Death Worm
Author: Steve Todd
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Cheyenne Wright
Pages: 20
Price: €4,41 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/143973-sample.pdf)

The heroes are asked to accompany Dr. Albert Mars to the distant desert world of Omariss 7. There he hopes to capture the mysterious and legendary "death worm." A local war complicates the matter, so the JumpCorp team will need all its wits to survive this dangerous expedition.

This short adventure was originally written for GenCon 2013. It features great opportunities for roleplaying, combat, and figuring out some very tricky situations. It also comes with a pregenerated team you can print out and play with instantly, as well as Figure Flats for all the characters, creatures, and even two new vehicles.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.02.2015 | 00:02
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4761/144015.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/144015/Shaintar-Guidebook-Magic--Cosmology-Vol-I)
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar Guidebook: Magic & Cosmology (Vol I)
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Chris Bivens, Jason Engle, Alida Saxon
Pages: 29
Price: €5,30 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/144015-sample.pdf)

Every story has a beginning.
The beginning of the story of Shaintar is an epic all its own...

"As vast and imposing as the Kal-A-Nar Empire is to the people of Shaintar, it is but a speck in the eye of the giant that was the Empire of the Starfather. Seven stars and a least a dozen inhabited planets, united by Starfall Gates and Arcdrive Ships, fell under the eternal, generally benevolent rule of the Starfather and his family. His mate, once called the Radiant Mother (now, the Mother of Night), and his children and grandchildren (the Scions and Offspring, respectively) helped manage and rule this vast civilization. Aided by the techno-magical might of the Builders and other gifted beings, the family of the Starfather seemed destined to not only rule for eternity, but expand the Empire of the Starfather to distant stars and worlds beyond the Veil...."

From this grandiose beginning, the tale of the cosmology of Shaintar flows through these pages, giving the reader a sense of where it all came from, how it all went so horribly wrong, and a roster of all the key players of the past, who remain present in Shaintar's unfolding journey into the future.

Saiderin. The Silver Unicorn. Archanon. The Ascended. All are covered here.

As well, matters of great importance to druids and priests are addressed, including:

* Trappings
* Blessings
* Clarifications of certain Gifts and Miracles
* The Oaths of Obligation for each spiritual road
* Magical use for those just beginning their journeys with a d4 in a spellcasting skill

Note - Magic & Cosmology, Volume II will cover Darkness and Flame, as well as the Way, Sorcery, and more.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.02.2015 | 00:12
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/7904/143738.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/143738/Zed-or-Alive-The-Zombie-Miniatures-Game)
[Rust Devil Games] Zed or Alive: The Zombie Miniatures Game
Authors: James Houlahan, Bret Rood, John King
Pages: 100
Price: €4,42 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/143738-sample.pdf)

Zed or Alive is a campaign-based miniatures skirmish game using the award-winning Savage Worlds: Showdown! system set in the years following the zombie apocalypse. You control one of several human group types such as Survivors, Tribals, or Military and battle each other and the ever-present zombie menace to gain weapons, supplies, and dominance!
Alternately, you may choose to play as a Virus Strain, gaining evolutionary material with every battle and evolving to become increasingly lethal!
This PDF rulebook provides players with a fast, furious, and fun miniatures game that allows them to use any zombie or survivor figures to play out campaigns just like your favorite zombie movies and shows!

Game Details:

* Uses the award-winning Savage Worlds: Showdown! System! (Available for free!)
* Use any miniatures you like!
* Three basic human group types!
* Rules for mutating your own Virus Strain!
* Tons of Confrontations that are playable head-to-head, cooperatively, or solo!
* Robust Campaign System! Watch your group grow from battle to battle!
* Massive armory with just about every anti-zombie weapon imaginable!
* Jury-Rigging system for constructing makeshift zombie-killing weapons!
* Rules for mounts, vehicles, even training pet dogs!
* Compatible with the Savage Worlds RPG - use ZoA as a role-playing sourcebook, create characters, use them in skirmish battle games, and vice-versa!
* Tons of setting-specific rules!
* Compatible with conventional 28mm, 20mm, or even 15mm miniatures!
* 100 pages of content!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.02.2015 | 00:23
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/7837/144051.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/144051/Ultima-Forsan--A-Taste-of-Macabre)
[GGStudio] Ultima Forsan - A Taste of Macabre
Authors: Mauro Longo, Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 31
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/144051-sample.pdf)

This document offers a sample of the Savage Setting Ultima Forsan for Savage Worlds. A setting book originally developed in Italian by Mauro Longo and Giuseppe Rotondo, Ultima Forsan is now being translated into English.

Welcome then to the Macabre Renaissance of Savage Worlds. One way or the other, once you get in, you will never be able to leave….

At the end of the Middle Ages, the Plague of the Dead has spread through Europe, Africa and Asia giving rise to the darkest time in history. Now, in the year 1514, heroes from the New Kingdoms are ready to fight to reconquer the World. Ultima Forsan is a game of wild adventures and deadly dangers, set in a macabre alternate version of our Renaissance.
Inside Ultima Forsan Complete Manual you will find:

* A new Savage Worlds Savage Setting, made of grim horrors and indomitable heroes
* Two double-page maps: Macabre Lucca and the New Kingdoms of the West.
* New Edges, Backgrounds and Rules to face the Plague Hordes
* Special weapons, augmented armors, airships and mechanical prosthesis to fight in the Macabre War
* A complete campaign
* More than thirty new, frightening monsters, plus dozens of animals, human characters and Wild Cards
* An adventures generator that will allow you to create an infinite number of adventures for your Heroes.

Death is lurking, and each hour could be the last.
But you won’t give up.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.02.2015 | 22:35
[TAG] Hellfrost Matters of Faith – Short delay!

Circumstances beyond our control have forced a change of artist on us at short notice, but the Hellfrost Matters of Faith Kickstarter is coming! We'll see if we can get the Beast to write up a Hellfrost freebie for you in the meantime!

After poking the Beast with a sharp stick for many hours we have got him to agree to write a new Hellfrost freebie. It won't be rules based. In his wisdom he has decided to local at racial customs. Why do engros take off their shoes indoors? What is the correct etiquette for smoking a pipe when dealing when frost dwarves and elves? In short, it's a role-playing freebie. He'll roar when it's done and uploaded to the TAG website.
Creative Director Triple Ace Games
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.02.2015 | 13:52
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4309/144181.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/144181/Savage-Insider-V2I2-Taking-Action)
[Obatron Productions] Savage Insider V212 - Taking Action
Authors: Robert L. Beaver, Vickey A. Beaver, Sean Tait Bircher, Michael Edwards, Eric Lamoureux, Brian Reeves, Morne Schaap, David Scott, Zach Welhouse, Richard Woolcock
Artists: Vickey A. Beaver, Todd Cannon, Bob Kehl, Brian Reeves, Morne Schaap
Pages: 78
Price: €3,93 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/144181-sample.pdf)

This issue of Savage Insider is the second and final issue of Volume 2. Volume 3 will follow with five issues in 2015.

We're passionate about Savage Worlds and want to share that with you. Originally envisioned as a 48-page issue, our new format garnered an overwhelming response, allowing us to increase the size by more than 50%. The theme is Taking Action, and it is threaded throughout all the pieces, which can be used across genres.

What's in It for You

* Two Great Adventures: The Damned, by Brian Reeves, and Mummy Troubles, by Zach Welhouse
* Surveyed: Zhàndòu: City of Warriors, by Sean Tait Bircher of Wine and Savages
* Features covering a variety of topics and offering many possibilities for your table, by many people whose names you might recognize from forums or other RPG publications
* Information on Recent Releases and Upcoming Releases, plus Convention Connection
* Lower Percentage of Advertisements Than Most Popular Magazines
* A ton of live links throughout the issue

We can't wait to hear what you think of this issue. Buy it now and put it to use at your next game.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.02.2015 | 21:47
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3561/144206.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/144206/Accursed-Grove-Point)
[Melior Via] Accursed: Grove Point
Author: John Dunn
Pages: 2
Price: €0,88; until 2/14/2015 this file is a FREEBIE (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/144206/Accursed-Grove-Point?affiliate_id=333550&discount=95585c7371)  (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Witchmarked heroes discover a site where attrocities have been taking place for years. Investigating further, they uncover a village under a bane's tyranical rule. Clearly the two are connected, but how? They must uncover the root of the problem and defeat  the Witches' servants.

Grove Point is a One-Sheet style scenario that focuses on the adventures of a band of Witchmarked heroes in the Accursed game setting. The adventure may be played as a standalone, or it may be used with the Plot Point Campaign included in Accursed. The adventure features brief scene descriptionss, with necessary game mechanics and opportunity for tasks that can be resolved in a variety of ways.

Accursed provides additional details about the setting used in this scenario, and is required to fully make use of the game mechanics presented. Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion are also required.

Fighting the Leech-Men
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.02.2015 | 19:22
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/hellfrost-logo.png) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Hellfrost_Social_Customs.pdf)
[TAG] Hellfrost Social Customs
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 6
Prices: Freebie (TAG Store)

The Beast has roared! Go ahead and grab the FREE Social Customs document. It isn't inclusive - plenty to get you started with your own additions, though.

Go grab yourself a copy! (http://www.tripleacegames.com/hellfrost/hellfrost-social-customs/)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.02.2015 | 00:22
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/7837/142711.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/142711/DeadLands-Reloaded-Messico--Nuvole)
[GGstudio] Deadlands Reloaded: Messico & Nuvole
Author: Davide Mana
Artists: Sebastien Ecosse, Panaiotis Kruklidis, Diana Cammarano, Daniele Solfrini
Pages: 112
Price: €13,22 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/142711-sample.pdf)

Spaghetti per il vostro Weird Western. Messico & Nuvole porta il Western all’Italiana in Deadlands. Qui dentro c’è tutto quello che vi serve.

Pistoleri straccioni, giustizieri armati di gatling, mezzosangue assetati di vendetta, desperados con una coscienza, pistolere sexy.
Esplosioni, sparatorie, risse colossali.
Deserti polverosi.
Città minacciate da orde di bandidos.
Piramidi azteche e dinosauri.
E fagioli.

Include la campagna completa, La Grande Guerra delle Ossa, e una serie di quattro scenari, Poker di Donne.

Anmerkung: Wer die Bone Wars im Südwesten des Weird West durchspielen mag, sei diese PPK ans Herz gelegt - auch wenn es sie derzeit nur auf Italienisch gibt. Hier trifft man auf viele bekannte Spaghetti Westernhelden.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.02.2015 | 00:31
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/4761/144302.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/144302/Shaintar-Guidebook-Eastport)
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar Guidebook: Eastport
Authors: Sean Patrick Fannon, David Vibbert
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Jason Engle, Alida Saxon
Pages: 23
Price: €4,42 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/144302-sample.pdf)

A City of Celebration and Sin...

"Eastport is a dangerous place to live, much less to visit, if you don’t go in with eyes open and keep to the open places. Certainly, they want your business – repeatedly, even. It’s not like anyone will just up and stab you for wandering through the gate or off the boat. On the contrary, you are far more valuable alive, at least so long as you have gold to spend and favors to trade...
That’s really what makes Eastport so dangerous. Once it gets enough hands on you, some part of you will always belong to it. You’ll never want for a good party, though."

~ Michael Longteller, Bard and Courier of Galea

Eastport is an excellent example of the kinds of city-states one finds throughout the Wildlands. Fierce independence collides raucously with corrupt capitalism to create a melting pot of intrigue, opportunity, and adventure.

Located along what is commonly referred to as the Western Coastal Road (which runs from Sunset to the northwest to Lanthor in the far south), Eastport is part of the infamous Three Port Region long fought over by the Malakar Dominion, the fae of Landra’Feya, Grayson’s Grey Rangers, and the independent factions of the area.

A backer-created "kingdom," Eastport is the creative contribution of David Vibbert, who rather brilliantly conceived a kind of high-fantasy version of New Orleans. Sean had an immense amount of fun expanding this concept into the complete city-state product you now have here, which includes:

* A complex tapestry of culture and society within a city run by trade and corruption.
* A concise, yet rich history of Five Families and their dramatic influence on the past, present, and future of this vital seaport.
* Numerous factions, and all the story arcs that might evolve from their interactions.
* A complete Denizens section, featuring write ups of key figures and the unique kinds of threats one might face in the city streets, or perhaps out on the seas.
* A useful sidebar on the matter of formalized duels within an urban setting.
* A brief description of Illiana's Point, a lighthouse-based village created by fellow backer Anders A. Olsen.

Eastport will be useful to anyone running fantasy games where a seedy, complex river-and-sea port comes into play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.02.2015 | 22:16
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3915/144335.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/144335/Savage-WorldsImprobable-Tales-Special-Lair-of-the-Wrathmaster)
[Fainting Goat Games] Improbable Tales Special: Lair of the Wrathmaster
Authors: Ade Smith, Sean Nokes
Artists: Ade Smith, Steff Worthington, Bradley McDevitt
Pages: 17
Price: €4,42 €2,61 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A savage group of teenaged villains is raiding a long abandoned base of a retired supervillain.

Can your heroes stop them before they unleash a reign a terror with the super-science weapons they'll find there?

Lair of the Wrathmaster is a short, fun, fast-playing scenario that is ideal for a quick evening's entertainment or to drop as a set-piece into a longer adventure.

This adventure takes place in Stark City - but can be used in any setting with little or no adaptation.

This product requires the use of Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion (2nd Ed).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.02.2015 | 22:54
(https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/projects/1582090/photo-1024x768.jpg?1423826261) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-matters-of-faith?ref=card)
[TAG] Hellfrost Matters of Faith *Kickstarter*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 144
Est. Delivery: April 2015
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Matters%20of%20Faith%20Preview.pdf)

While the denizens of the frozen north are divided by race and culture, the pantheon of 24 major gods is a universal concept. Though forbidden from direct interference in the affairs of mortals, the gods are not removed from the world, making their presence felt through their paladins and priests, divine heralds, and natural events.

Whether they pay lip service to many gods, attend infrequent ceremonies when it suits their needs, have chosen a patron deity, have devoted their life without holy vows, or have taken vows as a member of the clergy, all citizens honor the gods in some way. To deny the gods is to deny reality.

Within this book you will find:
▪ Expanded information on the clergy of the 24 major cults.
▪ Details concerning over 90 major and 70 local festivals, any of which can be used as the backdrop to an adventure or to make the heroes’ day more interesting.
▪ Full write-ups for 70 minor cults, including character generation guidelines for clergy.
▪ Information on 12 major inhuman deities.
▪ A tour of Godsheim, the realm of the gods, and the celestial sphere (complete with a map of the constellations).
▪ An overview of the Abyss, including the Arcane Background (Demonist) and a sample of notable demon lords.

Anmerkung: Dieser Kickstarter ist erst wenige Stunden alt und schon zu 93% in trockenen Tüchern. Wer nicht das Glück hatte gleich zu Beginn eines der wenigen Hardcover zu ergattern, muß sich nun mit PDF und Softcover begnügen. Seufz!

Anmerkung 2: Der Kickstarter ist nun durch. Nachdem mehr Leute als gedacht ein Hardcover wünschen, wurde die Anzahl von 15 auf 70 hochgesetzt.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.02.2015 | 19:33
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/TAG10104-Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-web.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-land-of-fire-products/hellfrost-land-of-fire-setting-book-dervish-pack-print-pdf/)
[TAG] Hellfrost Land of Fire Setting Book *ON SALE 40%*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 148
Prices: €25.43 €15.26 PDF;€40.69 €24.58 Hardcover (TAG Store)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Hellfrost_Land_of_Fire_SAMPLER.pdf)

*ON SALE 40% of the Hardback or PDF until February, 28th 2015!*

About Land of Fire – The secrets of the sand revealed!

Welcome, oh noble stranger, to a land of flying carpets, bound jinn, glittering palaces, scheming wizirs, regal sphinxes, and trap-laden tombs bloated with fabulous treasure!

Freed from enslavement under the jinn five centuries ago by Suleiman the Great, the races of Al-Shirkuh, the Land of Fire, have prospered. Here, amid the endless sands and crumbling ruins of long-forgotten empires, stand glittering cities and verdant oases.

But Al-Shirkuh is changing. The temperature grows colder, the rains fall less often, and the desert is encroaching on the fertile lands. The jinn, once defeated, are gathering their strength; fire giants are raiding with impunity; the naga have returned to reclaim their homeland; and the withered undead of Hekata stir in their majestic pyramids.

Welcome indeed to Land of Fire, the first major geographic expansion to Hellfrost setting.

Inside this volume you will find:

• Five player character races.
• Rules for creating native characters.
• Details on the Devoted and Faithful, the twin creeds of the desert folk.
• Descriptions and rules of the 12 major gods and six magical traditions of Al-Shirkuh.
• New setting rules for surviving the burning sands.
• A detailed gazetteer exploring the major realms, cities, and sites.
• A bestiary stocked full of desert-dwelling creatures.
• A full-color map of the great desert.

To use this book, the Game Master requires the Savage Worlds core rules, Hellfrost Player’s Guide and Hellfrost Bestiary. A player needs only the Hellfrost Player’s Guide.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.02.2015 | 01:13
(https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/projects/1582090/photo-original.jpg?v=1424454052&w=1024&h=768&fit=crop&auto=format&q=92&s=4482fbb8a342526e1812a9e03bdf5b15) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-matters-of-faith?ref=card)
[TAG] Hellfrost Matters of Faith *Kickstarter Upgrade*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 144
Est. Delivery: April 2015
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/HellFrost/Matters%20of%20Faith%20Preview.pdf)


Hi folks, As a thank you to the backers, we’re turning every reward level into a Matters of Faith Collectors Edition! What does this mean?

First, you don’t need to do anything if you’re an existing backer – you’re automatically upgraded to the new edition at no cost.

Second, your PDF and print editions will include an extra chapter - Armor of the Gods. This chapter details new types of blessed armor. As well as the conventional armor detailed in the Hellfrost Player’s Guide, each cult now offers enhanced armor that grants specific minor benefits, though these special suits come at a higher price.

After the Kickstarter ends, only the standard edition will be available for purchase. The new Armor of the Gods chapter will be available, but only as a separate PDF.

Rob & Wiggy Triple Ace Games
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.02.2015 | 15:42
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3118/144975.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/144975/Operation-Lightning-BUNDLE)
[Fabled Environments] Operation Lightning *BUNDLE*
Author: Charles White
Artists: Krista White, Vanessa Beach
Pages: 23
Price: €8,94 €6,47 PDF & Maps (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

It is the fall of 1944 and the Allied Forces are making strides in the liberation of Europe. The Nazis are desperate to find anything that they can use to slow the advance of the Allies as they march across France.

The OSS has received troubling reports from Basque fighters as well as French Resistance members in Southern France. North of the small town of Albi, a contingent of German soldiers and scientists have taken up residence in an abandoned home on one of the region's many hilltops. It has been reported that Werner Heisenberg himself has visited the site and oversaw the creation of a small laboratory. However, more troubling than that is the strange report of balls of light coming from the grounds of the compound. Allied Intelligence fears that the Germans are working on a super weapon.

Your group is tasked with infiltrating the compound, stealing the technology if possible or destroying it if not.

“Operation Lightning” is an adventure with supernatural elements for 4–6 players using Fabled Environments’ “Victorian Style Mansion” and “Craftsman Style Bungalow” maps and the Savage Worlds core rules, suitable for an evening’s play. The premise of this adventure requires characters that possess military skills, but not necessarily members of the military. Seven pre-generated characters are provided at the end of the module for your convenience as well as small copies of the Victorian Style Mansion and Craftsman Style Bungalow.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.02.2015 | 15:55
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/5327/145043.png) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/145043/Trouble-in-Valderheim)
[Assassin Games] Trouble in Valderheim
Author: B Simon Smith
Artists: Emiliano Cordoba, Brian D Bartja, Noemi Konkoly, Maria de los Angeles Alessandra, B Simon Smith
Pages: 14
Price: FREEBIE (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A short generic fantasy adventure for Savage Worlds!

The small outpost of Valderheim needs assistance in dealing with a bandit problem.

Includes map images for online games with both a grid and without a grid!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.02.2015 | 16:13
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/3683/145147.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/145147/Ultimate-Knights-Templar-Guide-Savage-Worlds)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Ultimate Knights Templar Guide
Author: Charles White
Pages: 67
Price: €4,42 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/145147-sample.pdf)

Everyone who has ever played a fantasy tabletop RPG has heard of the holy warriors known as paladins. Paladins are holy knights that wade into battle armed with sword, shield, and faith. They obediently go wherever they are needed to protect the faith and serve the faithful. They have great martial prowess and potent faith-based powers. In many games, paladins also observe a strict chivalric code while maintaining vows of poverty and chastity.

However, paladins aren't simply the stuff of legends. In actuality, paladins were very real. Following the First Crusade, knights banded together to serve the needs of the faith and the faithful. They lived the life of a monk while simultaneously following the path of a warrior. These warrior-monks formed a highbred of monastic life that was termed Military Orders. The most famous of these orders was the Knights Templar.

Ultimate Knights Templar Guide is a sourcebook for Savage Worlds that delves into the world of the Knights Templar from a historical and in-game aspect. The Knights Templar were the ultimate paladins during the Crusades who fought tooth and nail to reclaim the Holy Land. Their Order was shrouded in conspiracy and all of this results in excellent role-playing opportunities.

Ultimate Knights Templar Guide includes:

* A brief history of the Knights Templar.
* Ranks of Templar knights.
* A listing of grand masters.
* Options for creating Templar characters.
* Gear utilized by the Knights Templar.
* Non-player Characters.
* Templar adventures.
... and more!

Ultimate Knights Templar Guide is your source for building Templar knights like those from the Crusades, or building the foundations of an alternate history set in the backdrop of the Crusades and the struggles to reclaim the Holy Land.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.02.2015 | 16:23
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/images/92/144707.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/144707/MARS-Adventure-Omnibus-Savage-Worlds)
[Adamant Entertainment] MARS Adventure Omnibus
Author: H.M. 'Dain' Lybarger
Pages: 128
Format: Softcover B&W Book (8.5" x 11")
Price: €22,30 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Adamant Entertainment presents four tales of intrigue and adventure beneath the moons of Mars! For use with our Savage Worlds setting of sword-and-planet action, the MARS Adventure Omnibus collects the following adventures, previously only available in PDF, in print for the first time.

• FACE OF MARS: The heroes brave the perils and uncover the ancient secrets of the tomb of the legendary Emperor of Mars, a vast structure fashioned in his own image!  Yet the truth of Emperor Noldes Bartarigan's tomb is far stranger than the legends that are told...

• BLOOD LEGACY OF MARS: When an impoverished noble discovers a royal birthmark on a wastrel poet and playwright, he immediately knows what it means: he has a way back into Baltan high society, Coat-tailing on the mysterious Prince's fame as deposed royalty! Unfortunately for this patron of the arts, there are political forces who would see his protege dead -- and other political forces who would use him as a figurehead for a Royalist counter-revolution! Enter the heroes, as friends or asssociates of the poet or his patron, caught in a web of intrigue, assassination and violence: the dangers of the Blood Legacy of Mars!

• SELL-SWORDS OF MARS: The heroes are working as mercenaries, seeking adventure among the lesser independent cities of Mars.  When an attack dams up the only canal of the city of Pi-Ramesh, the city's young Queen hires these Sell-Swords of Mars to come to her aid as the city's lifeblood dries up.  Can the heroes stop the onslaught of a seemingly unstoppable enemy, and save the weakened city?   This adventure comes with the bonus Warriors of Mars miniatures rules, for use with the free-to-download Savage Worlds SHOWDOWN system from Pinnacle!

• SOUL-THIEVES OF MARS: The heroes are hired by a trade caravan as guards, and travel to the city of Ban Ma Terril.  One of the merchants of the city warns them that something is going on -- people in the city have begun to act strangely: Hollow, as if their very wills were not their own... as if someone or something had stolen their very souls! The investigation will lead to mystery, intrigue and murder, as the heroes are drawn into the machinations of a secret society that threatens the entire Red Planet!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.03.2015 | 18:44
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/pranacpursuit.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/145836/The-Last-Parsec-Pranac-Pursuit)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Last Parsec: Pranac Pursuit
Author: Sterling Hershey
Artists: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 23
Price: €4,69 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/145836-sample.pdf)

The scout ship Distant Light has gone missing in the Pranac System. The heroes must negotiate with strange aliens, explore a wild, primeval planet, and solve the mystery of the "sages" to find the ship and its missing crew.

Pranac Pursuit is a 23 page adventure for The Last Parsec. It's suitable for most any JumpCorp personnel of any Rank.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.03.2015 | 19:02
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/TAG35021_thumb.jpg) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/145988/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-21-The-Free-Emirate-States)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #21: The Free Emirate States
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 60
Prices: €11,01 (TAG Store); €12,22 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Of the three great human realms, it is the Free Emirate States that actually comes closest to fulfilling Suleiman’s vision. Only a fool would deny there are problems, but here at least citizens of both creeds live side by side in peace in harmony. For the most part, people are judged by their skills, not the method in which they choose to worship the higher powers. The Emirates holds much promise, for here anyone can rise to a position of great influence and authority. So welcome, noble traveler, to a realm that boasts of being a gateway to both the deserts of Al-Shirkuh and the frozen land of Rassilon.

This 10 page section covers general information concerning the Emirates and its people. Inside you’ll find details on Social Hierarchy, Education, Religion, Military, Law & Order, Trade & Tribute, Major Locales , and Persons of Note.

The Cities
Each of the six great cities receives 8 dedicated pages. We cover the same topics above, but with a specific focus on how they apply with each city. Dozens of new locations provide you with plenty of places to visit, explore, and shop! Will you search for the Tombs of the Thief Lords? Does the dust of the desert need washing away at the Marid’s Fountain? Perhaps you waould care to meet the natives of Jinn Town?

The Guild of Headsmen
This two page section expands the material on the Guild of Headsmen, with information for GMs and players alike!

But there is yet more, oh benificent master of the golden coin! The author has provided further information through the use of sidebars! Here are such thing as the types of clothing found in Al-Shirkuh, a guide to cleanliness, a discussion on who or what created the relics, typical soldiers and the cost of hiring an army, common phrases involving the jinn, and new Edges.

Since the new Land of Fire supplement is out and we’re as happy as an ifrit in a bonfire we’re giving you a location for free so you can see the sort of goodness inside the Guide.

Mostak’s Medicines: Mostak sells herbal remedies and alchemical healing potions, all of which he creates himself. Oddly, he isn’t a cleric or a mage. A former adventurer, he unearthed a collection of alchemical texts from a Hekatic tomb, along with highly specialized arcane laboratory equipment. The texts revealed a dark and terrible formulae—the secrets of how to create healing remedies from human organs. Utterly immoral, Mostak went into business when advancing old age ended his adventuring career. His raw materials come from unfortunates he kidnaps and murders.


This is Kudret the Untouchable, a sand goblin entrepreneur and self-appointed crime lord, for a Land of Fire project (Al-Korsar -- Ed.) currently in development. Planned for a summer 2015 release (no Kickstarter), so start saving those pennies, folks!


Triple Ace Games Creative Director
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.03.2015 | 19:39
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/TAG10115_Cover.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/146266/Hellfrost-Legendary-Endeavors)
[TAG] Hellfrost: Legendary Endeavors
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 32
Prices: €7,62 PDF, €13,57 PDF + Softcover incl. Shipping (TAG Store); €8,49 PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   


Whether your hero is a mighty warrior, devout cleric, cunning mage, wise scholar, or cunning thief, his adventures are the stuff from which legends are born. Others, now long dead, have already walked that long and arduous road. This is their story - and yours!

This sourcebook for Hellfrost includes:

* Rules for creating the most powerful magic items known - legendary relics
* Sample legendary relics from Rassilon, Al-Shirkuh, and the Jade Empire
* Rules for generating a skald's repertoire of songs and poems, plus examples from Rassilon and Al-Shirkuh

Hellfrost Legendary Endeavors is a source book bringing together previously published material and new expanded information for the epic Hellfrost setting for the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.03.2015 | 14:57
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3118/146476.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/146476/Killer-Chops-BUNDLE)
[Fabled Environments] Killer Chops
Author: Sara Martinez
Pages: 12
Prices: €1,86 €1,40 PDF, €5,59 €3,73 Bundle (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Henry DuBois is in a pretty tough spot. His club isn't doing so well and a string of violent murders in the neighborhood hasn't done wonders for business. To give himself a leg up, DuBois just poached one of the best trumpet players in the city from the club on 45th, but the guy went from kind to kind of a jerk seemingly overnight. Karmari has stormed off stage at the drop of a hat and has gone off on other employees.  Without Karmari Harmon, the club is finished. However, he seems to be imploding for no apparent reason.

Your job is simple: figure out what is going on with Karmari before the club tanks!

“Killer Chops” is a modern horror adventure for 4–6 players using Fabled Environments’ “Jazz Club” and “Warehouse” maps and the Savage Worlds core rules, suitable for an evening’s play. An 8 1/2 inch x 11 inch copy of each map is provided, bigger versions are part of the Bundle.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.03.2015 | 19:58
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/DLR-SHP1.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/146638/Deadlands-Reloaded-Stone-and-a-Hard-Place)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands Reloaded: Stone and a Hard Place
Authors: Matthew Cutter, Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 160
Prices: €27,42 €13,70 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Death rules this land. From the sun-scorched earth to the empty noose swaying in the skeletal branches of the hangman’s tree to the bloodstained buzzards circling overhead … the Wild Southwest thirsts for souls. Make sure it don’t get yours, partner.

Matthew Cutter’s Stone and a Hard Place details the strange locales and odd characters of the American Southwest, provides new Edges and abilities to gussy up your Harrowed or hexslinger, new Setting Rules to emulate Death’s grip on the land, Savage Tales galore, a passel o’ terrifying abominations, and an epic Plot Point Campaign that pits a posse against Death’s red right hand—the one and only Stone!
Stone and a Hard Place uses the multiple-award winning Savage Worlds rules and requires the core rules and Deadlands Reloaded to play.

(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/DLR-Stone-and-a-Hard-Place-Players-Guide-1.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/146660/Deadlands-Reloaded-Stone-and-a-Hard-Place-Players-Guide)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands Reloaded: Stone and a Hard Place Players Guide
Authors: Matthew Cutter, Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 26
Prices: FREEBIE (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This the Player's Guide version of the product--the first 26 pages of the book with all the player's information. It may be printed for personal use, and printed or distributed for up to six players in the Game Master's personal campaign.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.03.2015 | 21:51
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3915/144384.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/144384/Savage-Worlds-EXTREME-EARTH-A-DYSTOPIAN-SUPERHERO-SETTING)
[Fainting Goat Games] EXTREME EARTH: A DYSTOPIAN SUPERHERO SETTING *Savage Worlds Version*
Authors: Joe Bardales, Jon Gibbons, Tom Bisbee
Artist: Jon Gibbons
Pages: 136
Price: €22,86 €15,53 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/144384-sample.pdf)

Extreme Earth is a supers campaign setting inspired by the Iron Age of Comic Books. With eye-popping art by Jon Gibbons and evocative writing of Joe Bardales, Extreme Earth will transport you to a dangerous, dystopian world that can be described as 24 meets Heroes by way of the Iron Age of Comics.

Extreme Earth will present information about the history and current state of affairs of this dystopian world, background dossiers on major players and organizations, rules for character creation, campaign advice for game masters to help bring the setting to life, and a full introductory adventure.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.04.2015 | 06:27
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.04.2015 | 22:42
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/146718.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/146718/Winter-Eternal)
[Just Insert Imagination] Winter Eternal
Author: Morné Schaap
Pages: 122
Price: €9,27 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/146718-sample.pdf)

Winter Eternal is not a post apocalyptic setting. It's about what comes after the disaster, many years later when civilization is starting to thrive again.

When the sun exploded, the continent of Ehlerrac survived the wave of flames because it was on the night side of the planet. Then the earthquakes and tsunamis hit and thousands died as cities fell and the landscape were torn apart. The dark world started cooling rapidly and the survivors struggled to find food and shelter.

A group of Nature Wardens started camps and used their magic to grow food.  People of many different races came stumbling out of the darkness into these camps, grateful for the protection.

Now, hundreds of years later, the 6 camps are giant, cramped cities, heated and lit by magic. Two cities are underground and one is build on the inside edges of a chasm. The cities are now connected by enclosed roads called Archways and travel is now much safer.

A few years ago explorers came upon orange crystals in an old crater. When light shone on the crystals, it generated a massive amount of heat. Artificers are now using these "sunshards" to help Ehlerrac to take it's first tentative steps into an industrial and steam age.

This is an exciting time on Ehlerrac and its up to Savage worlds game groups to tell the stories of this dark, cold , but not dead world.

Winter Eternal needs the Savage Worlds core rulebook and the Fantasy Companion to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.04.2015 | 18:29
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/EASTER-SALE-2015.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/brands/)

[TAG] Easter Sale 2015

Dear TAG Fan!

The great big Easter sale from Triple Ace Games is now on!
Head over to our webstore to check out the bargains! (http://www.tripleacegames.com/brands/)

We are also extending the sale on www.rpgnow.com (http://www.rpgnow.com) but we hope you'll visit our webstore first!

Happy Easter Holidays!
Rob & Wiggy
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Grospolian am 2.04.2015 | 18:43
So da es diesmal keine Scherznews ist, poste ich das ganze mal hier :)

Dem ein oder anderen ist es schon aufgefallen, die Deadlands Repetier-Edition ist dem 01. April geschuldet und kommt weder mit Deutschlandfahne auf dem Cover noch mit dem Vagabundenpferd oder dem Schlangenvolk auf eure Spieltische zu. Und auch Dodge City und Santa Fe heißen weiterhin Dodge City und Santa Fe.
Mehr dazu... (http://www.prometheusgames.de/verlag/2015/04/02/deadlands-auch-die-news-spielen-im-april-verrueckt/)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.04.2015 | 21:09
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2212/147377.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/147377/Phoenix-The-Terrible-Valley-of-Static)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero: Phoenix - The Terrible Valley of Static
Authors: John Wick, David Jarvis
Artists: Sam Manley, Jason Walton
Pages: 21
Price: €5,49 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/147377-sample.pdf)

Under the burning sun, one of the hottest places in the world just became a whole lot more dangerous. In early 2090, Phoenix, Arizona dropped off the map. Nobody knows how or why. Not even the people who live there. But some of them are finding out. And when they do... they're as good as dead.

Written by Origins Award Winner and Phoenix resident John Wick and David Jarvis, Phoenix, the Terrible Valley of Static pulls back the curtain on this isolated, broken city, giving you all the dirt you'll need to  get involved with any of the new factions which vie for control of Phoenix.

You'll also find rules for Ghosting in Hyper Reality, new edges, hindrances, specialized gear and new cybernetics!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.04.2015 | 06:35
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/lankhmar_banner1.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/product-category/lankhmar/)
[Pinnacle] Lankhmar: City of Thieves *PREORDER*
Authors: Thomas M. Reid, Darrell Hardy, Ross Watson
Pages: 96
Prices: $9.99 PDF only, $19.99 PDF + SC, $24.99 PDF + HC (Pinnacle Store); €18,54 €9,26 PDF only, €3,70 each map set PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/147953-sample.pdf)

Ill Met in Lankhmar…

In the City of Sevenscore Thousand Smokes, danger lurks down every dark alley. Sinister sorcerers summon terrible forces in their crumbling towers. Treacherous rogues of the Thieves’ Guild prowl the Plaza of Dark Delights. Assassins from the Slayers’ Brotherhood work the Tenderloin District. And hunched figures skitter beneath the streets, waiting for their chance to rise.

But there is action, adventure, and wealth here too–if your rogues have the skill and bravado to claim it.

Lankhmar: City of Thieves is the core setting book for Fritz Leiber’s world of swords & sorcery. It contains details on the world of Nehwon and the city of Lankhmar, Setting Rules, Savage Tales, monsters and foes, and recounts the tales of world’s most notorious scoundrels–including Fafhrd, the Gray Mouser, and their sorcerous sponsors.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.04.2015 | 07:34
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4309/147916.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/147916/Savage-Insider-V3I1-Endings-and-Beginnings)
[Obatron Productions] Savage Insider - V3I1 - Endings and Beginnings
Authors: Robert L. Beaver, Vickey A. Beaver, Tanya Beeson, Sean Tait Bircher, Sean Patrick Fannon, G’Andy, Jerrod Gunning, Jim Myers, Brian Reeves, David Scott, Zach Welhouse, Richard Woolcock
Artists: Amanda Kiefer, Todd Cannon, Graphic Stock, morgueFile (PMaz), Brian Reeves, Sarah Richardson, Frank Turfler
Pages: 74
Price: €4,16 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/147916-sample.pdf)

We're passionate about Savage Worlds and want to share that with you. The theme is Endings and Beginnings, which it is threaded throughout all the pieces and covers a range of genres.

What's in It for You

* Two Discounts Off Maps by Middle Kingdom Exploration & Trading Co.
* Recent Releases - From January to March.
* Upcoming Releases - Works in the works.
* Designer’s Diary - Sean Patrick Fannon talks about Evil Beagle Games’ Shaintar: Legends Unleashed.
* Game Prep: Concept by Interlude - Finding out who the character is before deciding what they can do!
* Game Prep: The End is Nigh! Or Is It? - Tips for handling bringing a campaign to its close.
* Esoteric Orders: An Abundance of Gods - Shinto inspirations for any genre. with NPCs, powers, and setting sketches.
* Equipment Corral - Two pieces for your collection at both ends of the spectrum: one to bring death and one to bring life.
* Character Gallery: Three Masters of Action - After the lives they knew ended, all transform to take on anything thrown their way..
* Mechanics Wise: Back from the Dead - Unconventional options for handling character death.
* Expanded Mechanics: The More You Know - Getting more out of language and knowledge skills.
* Stories to Inspire: The Past and the Future - When a deserter becomes a vigilante, there’s a fine line between criminal and hero.
* Surveyed: The Pride of Thalsen - A small, but influential village faces the theft of a treasured artifact. A great place to start a campaign.
* Great Adventures: The World Trembles - A campaign-ending adventure for Legendary Ranks. Can they defeat Ashur and all the aliens brought with it, or will their fantasy world die?
* Great Adventures: Escape from the Apocalypse Myceleon, Destroyer and Devourer - On the edge of Unknown Space, an immense, alien being seeks to make a meal out of a planet.
* Convention Connection - April to July
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.04.2015 | 07:45
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3561/147914.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/147914/Shaintar-Accursed-Darkest-Tides)
[Melior Via] Shaintar-Accursed Crossover: Darkest Tides
Author: John Dunn
Artists: Carl Holden, Kamil Jadczak, Brian Brinlee, Kevin Childress, Gary Dupuis, Rich Hershey
Pages: 19
Price: €5,56 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/download_preview.php?pid=147914)

The adventure begins in earnest when the heroes arrive at Cata'Lasis or Respite—places that conceal a connection between worlds. Ranking members of the heroes' organization have sent the characters to the island in response to a request for aid. The aid requests are in response to numerous sightings of unusual creatures that have taken place in the area. Tracking the corrupted beings uncovers a larger tunnel complex. Examination of the caverns reveals that they are the remains of something ancient.

Darkest Tides is a full length adventure for a band of Rangers from Shaintar. It can also be adapted for  Witchmarked heroes from Accursed. The adventure may be played as a standalone, or it may integrated into a larger campaign. It follows a four act structure, while also providing details on the regions of Cata'Lasis in Shaintar and the corresponding city of Respite on Morden from Accursed. Darkest Tides includes necessary game mechanics and opportunity for tasks that can be resolved in a variety of ways. Conversion notes are provided for transferring characters between the two settings.

Shaintar: Legends Arise and Accursed provides additional details about the setting used in this scenario, however, only Shaintar: Legends Arise is required to fully make use of the game mechanics presented. Savage Worlds is also required.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.04.2015 | 07:57
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3683/147946.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/147946/Judgment-Day-Savage-Worlds--2nd-Edition)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Judgment Day 2nd Edition
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Andrew DeFelice, Kiss Márton Gyula, Rick Hershey, Mark Huffman, Bradley K. Mcdevitt, Ronin Arts, Jim Scanlin
Pages: 132
Price: €9,27 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/147946-sample.pdf)

 Inquisitor Steel stepped out of the Land Rover and onto the pavement. “You are blocking my passage,” he told the beast.
 The beast let out a guttural scream that shook the SUV.
 The demon was quite large. Both Inquisitor Steel and Andreson were slightly over six-feet tall, and this demon was at least two-feet taller than them. Inquisitor Steel grabbed his platinum scimitars, sheathing them immediately. Andreson, Wurth, and Mason exchanged their clips for platinum bullets. Frazier grabbed a pair of platinum knives.
  The five of them stepped in front of the Land Rover, forming a line between it and the demon.
  “Prepare to be my dinner humans!” the demon yelled out.
  “I’m not a human,” replied Inquisitor Steel. “I’m an inquisitor. And you, demon, have just made a big mistake.”

Welcome to the supernatural secrets of mankind. Within the pages of Judgment Day you will find the tools necessary to combat the terrors that plague mankind across the three major eras of the occult: the time of the Crusades, the Victorian era, and modern day. Few are able to make this journey, and even fewer are able to stare down the faces of nightmares and do what an inquisitor needs to do. But with this manual, you shall have the tools you need and will hopefully prevail.

Judgment Day includes:

* Mechanics for creating supernatural-hunting characters across three eras: Middle Ages during the Crusades, the Victorian era, and the modern age.
* Mechanics for Arcane Characters covering thaumaturgy, clockwork science, and psionics.
* GM guidance for Judgment Day games and incorporating Shadowed Earth.
* A Random Adventure Builder.
* An introductory adventure.
… and more!

Judgment Day is a fantasy horror setting for Savage Worlds. It is not a standalone book and requires use of the Savage Worlds core rulebook. GMs may want copies of the Cryptozoology bestiaries.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.04.2015 | 06:18
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/ARCANE-LORE-ADVERT-copy.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-products/hellfrost-arcane-lore/)
[TAG] Hellfrost: Arcane Lore
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 32
Prices: €7,62 PDF, €14,41 PDF & Softcover incl. Shipping (TAG Store); €8,32 PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   


Rassilon is a world of magic. Tendrils of magical energy emanating from the moon touch every creature, granting them the potential to weave, focus, and manipulate magic. All practitioners share an understanding of how to manipulate the threads of magic, but each arcane tradition is unique in its approach to the art.

This guidebook expands the major and minor magical traditions of Rassilon, delving deeper behind the scenes and presenting new rules.

Within this tome of arcane lore you’ll find information on druidic pacts with nature, the Magocracy’s famed schools of heahwisardry, the elementals planes and their unearthly occupants, the nature of the lost dwarven runes, song mages’ storytelling traditions, and more!

This book is designed for both players and GMs.

Hellfrost Arcane Lore is a guide book which expands upon the magical traditions of Rassilon for the epic Hellfrost setting and designed for use with the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.04.2015 | 06:03
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Savage_Rifts-234x300.png) (https://www.peginc.com/rifts-is-coming-for-savage-worlds/)
[Pinnacle] Rifts is Coming for Savage Worlds!

We’re pleased to announce that we will be developing Rifts for Savage Worlds! We’re early in the process now, but Shane says we anticipate a core setting book in time for Christmas.

Rifts (http://www.palladiumbooks.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=252&Itemid=180) is a classic muti-genre post-apocalypse game with elements of everything from fantasy and mythology on through cyberpunk and mecha, the realization of Kevin Siembieda’s vision of a game with everything for everyone.

“I’m really excited to see what Rifts will look like in the Savage Worlds system,” said Siembieda. “The Savage fans are great folks, and I think Rifts is going to be an amazing amount of fun for them, letting them explore all the possibilities of both the system and the setting.”

Be sure to keep up with the Pinnacle news for more information as it becomes available!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.04.2015 | 07:26
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4491/148205.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/148205/To-Preserve-Our-Vows)
[DramaScape] Savage Worlds Adventure Vol 8: To Preserve Our Vows
Authors: Steven J Black, Simon Powell
Artist: Simon Powell
Pages: 36
Price: €6,92 PDF; €18,32 €12,65 Crusaders Essentials Pack (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/148247/Crusaders-Essentials-Pack-BUNDLE) (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/download_preview.php?pid=148205)

To Preserve Our Vows

DramaScape Savage Worlds Adventure Vol 8
This product is a full-color, 16 inch by 10 inch, 3 level, Battlemap of an Arabian Tower, with Hex, Square and No overlay and comes with a Savage Worlds Adventure.
The PDF includes includes the VTT (Virtual Table Top Images for online play).

"The Sultan will not profane our wives. This is my vow." [Places his wedding band on his ring finger and kisses it.]Confrere Henri Blanche

To Preserve Our Vows is a Savage Worlds One-Sheet style adventure made for use with our Oasis Ruins (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product_info.php?products_id=142857&it=1) (optional) and Arabian Fortress (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product_info.php?products_id=147793&it=1) maps. To Preserve Our Vows includes three two-page add-on maps to the Arabian Fortress, a throne room, vault, and harem room for placement as interiors inside the western tower and two pages of NPC cards.

To Preserve Our Vows includes Savage World NPC statblocks made using Savage Worlds Deluxe by Pinnacle Entertainment Group and the Ultimate Knights Templar Guide (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product_info.php?products_id=145147&it=1) by Mystical Throne Entertainment.

Even if not using Savage Worlds, the Arabian Fortress map add-ons, NPC flavor descriptions, and adventure can be used with any fantasy setting or historical settings set during the Crusades. The Savage World stats can be ignored or adapted to your game’s setting.

To Preserve Our Vows: When the wives of Earl Geoffrey Corwin and Confrere Henri Blanche are kidnapped by the Sultan of Rûm, Mesud, for his harem, the Earl offers to fill the Templar’s coffers to help get her back. The Templars offer him a small force of men for his small initial donation and the Earl pays for additional mercenary support. But will it be enough to get into the Sultan’s Palace and rescue their wives?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.05.2015 | 16:40
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/site_resources/SciFiMonth-Banner-DTRPG.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/scifimonth.php?filters=0_0_1600_0_0_45311&page=1)

Our Science Fiction Month Sale is going on now. Save 15% from dozens of publishers and hundreds of downloadable titles! And even more Science Fiction titles are on sale on our sister sites, DriveThruComics (http://www.drivethrucomics.com/scifimonth.php) and DriveThruFiction (http://www.drivethrufiction.com/scifimonth.php)!

In addition to the titles on sale below, check here every weekend for our special features (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/featured.php?promotion_id=MayScifi2015-1)!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.05.2015 | 05:06
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4761/148647.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/148647/Shaintar-Guidebook-Serenity)
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar Guidebook: Serenity
Authors: Ed Greenwood, Sean Patrick Fannon
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Bien Flores, Jason Engle, Alida Saxon
Pages: 25
Price: €6,80 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/148647-sample.pdf)

Then did the Wise King found a city that remains the envy of all others.

Not the largest, nor the richest, but by far the most useful, it is the beating heart of the Southern Kingdoms, the jewel of the Wildlands, and the one place no person of lively wits who harbors a love of life and savors intrigue should miss visiting. Such a place is Serenity, where the unsleeping traderoads meet. When one is tired of the City of Secrets, one is tired of striving and zeal and the hunger for coin. -- Imdurl Arhadabad, Sage of Serenity

Welcome to the Serenity, City of Secrets, the latest of many Guidebooks for the Epic High Fantasy setting that is Shaintar. Written by world-famouse Sage of the Forgotten Realms, Ed Greenwood, with additional material and game design by Shaintar's creator, Sean Patrick Fannon, Serenity introduces you to one of the most fascinating - and dangerous - cities in all the Southern Kingdoms.

Full of fascinating characters and a culture steeped in traditions of trade in both hard goods and harder-to-uncover information, the crossroads city of Serenity is a font of endless possibilities and countless dangers.

Learn yet again why Ed Greenwood is a master of character and story within the RPG world, and enjoy his powerful contribution to the epic high fantasy world of Shaintar.

The Duke
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.05.2015 | 22:01
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/L_Savage_Tales_Cover.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/lankhmar-savage-tales-of-the-thieves-guild/)
[Pinnacle] Lankhmar: Savage Tales of the Thieves’ Guild

Steal a noble’s yacht. Get thrown out of the Silver Eel. Stop a mad god’s avatar.

It’s just another day in the City of Thieves…

Within this tome are fourteen Savage Tales to unleash on your wary band of rogues. Task your scoundrels to uncover the source of a mysterious red smoke plaguing the city before a guild war breaks out. Collect the Thieves’ Guild’s bounty on the notorious pirate known as “Black Skull.” Or steal a holy relic out from under the watchful eyes of a rising church on the Street of Gods.

The adventures in Savage Tales of the Thieves’ Guild can be played independently or interwoven into an ongoing campaign. Each brings the City of Sevenscore Thousand Smokes alive and places your players in the thick of Lankhmar’s dark alleys, shady dealings, and twisted schemes.

This book requires Lankhmar: City of Thieves and Savage Worlds to play.

This product will be available May 12th!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.05.2015 | 21:26
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/146718.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/148904/A-Long-Cold-Night)
[Just Insert Imagination] Winter Eternal: A Long Cold Night
Author: Morné Schaap
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The kidnappers promised Lord Welkar they would mail him pieces of his daughter if he did not obey. Can the heroes find her before the first package arrives?

This is the first One-Sheet Adventure for Winter Eternal. The zip file includes the adventure, a map and 6 pre-gen characters to use.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.05.2015 | 12:42
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/L_Savage_Tales_Cover.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/product-category/lankhmar/)
[Pinnacle] Lankhmar: Savage Tales of the Thieves’ Guild *PREORDER*
Authors: Darrell Hardy, Michael Ysker
Pages: 98
Prices: $9.99 PDF only, $19.99 PDF + SC, $24.99 PDF + HC (Pinnacle Store)

Steal a noble’s yacht. Get thrown out of the Silver Eel. Stop a mad god’s avatar.

It’s just another day in the City of Thieves…

Within this tome are fourteen Savage Tales to unleash on your wary band of rogues. Task your scoundrels to uncover the source of a mysterious red smoke plaguing the city before a guild war breaks out. Collect the Thieves’ Guild’s bounty on the notorious pirate known as “Black Skull.” Or steal a holy relic out from under the watchful eyes of a rising church on the Street of Gods.

The adventures in Savage Tales of the Thieves’ Guild can be played independently or interwoven into an ongoing campaign. Each brings the City of Sevenscore Thousand Smokes alive and places your players in the thick of Lankhmar’s dark alleys, shady dealings, and twisted schemes.

This book requires Lankhmar: City of Thieves and Savage Worlds to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.05.2015 | 08:41
[Pinnacle] The Sixth Gun RPG *Kickstarter*

The First of the Six strikes with ungodly force. The Second spreads Perdition’s flames. The Third kills with a flesh-rotting disease. The Fourth calls up the spirits of those it has slain. The Fifth can heal the wielder from even a fatal wound. And the Sixth is the key to rewriting the world.

Are you ready to saddle up and ride into the savage world of The Sixth Gun? Based on the critically acclaimed Eisner and Harvey Award nominated series by writer Cullen Bunn and artist Brian Hurtt, published by Oni Press.

Discover the secret of The Six—mystical weapons forged by hatred, and oiled in betrayal, in The Sixth Gun roleplaying game. Inside you’ll find details on Cullen Bunn and Brian Hurtt’s incredible world, new Edges and Hindrances, guns and gear, Setting Rules, rules for sorcery and voodoo, an Adventure Generator, and a host of nefarious rogues, gadflies, and scoundrels, for one of the wildest Westerns in all of comics!

This book requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.

Launching May 26, 2015!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.05.2015 | 20:13
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/149411.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/149411/Nemezis-Galaxy)
[GRAmel] Nemezis: Galaxy
Authors: Andrzej Stój, Jakub Osiejewski, Piotr Koryś, Andy Slack
Artist: Tomasz Tworek, Magdalena Rudzińska, The Forge Studios
Pages: 104
Price: €17,56 €8,78 PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/149411-sample.pdf)

Welcome back to the Horizon System. Load your plasma pistol, and  charge up your energy shield: it's time to explore the worlds you need to save.

Nemezis: Galaxy is a companion for Savage Worlds: Nemezis, presenting in further detail the worlds of the Horizon System - and beyond, to the colonized planets of the Saggitarius Arm.
- survive in the freezing hell of Ash thanks to secrets of the Syndicate, and learn new rules for improving your guns
- learn more about the glorious (and not-so-glorious) past of Bariz
- join the elite troops of Cor, from the iconic Red Devils to undefeatable Golden Eagles
... and much more!

Some of this materials were sold as the Ash, Cor and Bariz sourcebooks - if you bought them, you will receive a special discount for Galaxy.

If the secrets of the Horizon system aren't enough for you, now you can learn how the Galaxy looks like after the destruction of Earth.
- discover the Archipelago, one of the greatest powers in the Saggitarius Arm, or the backwater Blue Wave - hiding dark secrets
- learn how alien humans can become, whether on psi-dominated Mzuzu or on cyborgized Sparta
- discover the worlds that failed: war-torn Copernicus or Alvernia, slave-world of the dark gods

And to top all that, how about some savage adventures to test your mettle? Face cultists, cyborgs, and demonic beings, and discover what the galaxy of Nemezis has in store for you...
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.05.2015 | 21:42
And Now for Something Completely Different...

[TAG] UK Games Expo Exclusive New Games – King of Thieves & Halfling Feast


Welcome to King of Thieves, a non-collectible bluffing card game of tomb robbing in which competing thieves gamble their reputation to steal treasure from heavily guarded tombs!

Evading Traps & Creatures that protect treasure laden tombs is just the first hurdle in securing your title! You must also vanquish your fellow thieves by defeating them at a series of duels. With the use of swords, shields, keys or the magic of the lamp you must defeat all to become King of Thieves!

TAG fans may already recognize the feel of the artwork as Land of Fire. Indeed this is the background to King of Thieves! However it is not important for a player to understand or to have read Land of Fire and King of Thieves is an independent game that anyone can play and enjoy. Designed by Robin Elliott from a concept by Paul ‘Wiggy’ Wade-WIlliams, King of Thieves is a fun and quick card game in which you must bluff your way to victory!


Welcome to Halfling Feast, a non-collectible card game of competitive feasting for 2-4 players. Take your place at the table and let the feast begin!
Players take on the role of a halfling champion eater! They must consume an exotic array of fantasy dishes to win! However you must avoid the underhand tactics of your competitors as their actions can allow your victory to slip away like a halfling trifle!

Designed by Naomi Styles and developed by Robin Elliott, Halfling Feast is a quick, fun and tasty card game in which you must bluff your way to victory!

Initially these games will only be available at UK Games Expo and we have some pre-release copies on sale. We have a very limited supply so make sure you arrive at our stand early to avoid disappointment!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.05.2015 | 22:10
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/148638.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/148638/Enascentia)
[GGStudio] Enascentia
Author: Edoardo Dalla Via
Artists: Antonio Bonanno, Wen Yu Li, Aimee Pepper, Allison Kaho, Andrea Danielson, Geoff "Dinmoney" Trebs, Lia "Pechan" Perrone, Jesika "Sakuyasworld", nbanezart
Pages: 270
Price: €24,95 €9,95 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/148638-sample.pdf)

Enascentia è il primo mondo selvaggio tutto italiano per Savage Worlds, firmato da Edoardo Dalla Via. Un regno fantastico e surreale, barocco e soprannaturale, dove hanno luogo imprese mozzafiato e strepitose.

Entra in Enascentia, scegli una delle Dieci Tribù, scopri il tuo Kami, sconfiggi i tuoi nemici, scopri il segreto che si nasconde dietro la tua creazione. Dopo di Enascentia, nulla sarà mai più lo stesso.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/148908.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/148908/Enascentia--Figure-Flats)
[GGStudio] Enascentia - Figure Flats
Author: Edoardo Dalla Via
Artists: Antonio Bonanno, Wen Yu Li, Aimee Pepper, Allison Kaho, Andrea Danielson, Geoff "Dinmoney" Trebs, Lia "Pechan" Perrone, Jesika "Sakuyasworld", nbanezart
Pages: 2
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/148908-sample.pdf)

30 tri-fold figure flats, featuring the most popular character types from the Enascentia Setting for Savage Worlds.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.05.2015 | 22:30
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3561/148725.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/148725/Accursed-Game-Master-Screen-Inserts)
[Melior Via] Accursed - Game Master Screen Inserts
Artists: Alberto Bontempi, Kevin Childress
Pages: 8
Price: €2,64 PDF; €6,15 Landscape GM Screen Insert(s); €8,78 €6,15 PDF + Landscape GM Screen Inserts (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This 4-panel Gamemaster screen (front and back) incorporates game rules and artwork from the Accursed RPG setting for Savage Worlds. It reproduces many charts from the setting book and includes handy summaries of important information for convenient reference.

Artwork facing the players are adapted from the covers of the Setting Book, Ill Omens, The Guns of Dagerov, and Sand and Stone.


The sheets can be used as inserts in a Customizable landscape GM Screen, printed and attached to an existing landscape-style screen, or printed on rigid cardstock for a quick stand-alone screen.

In addition to the PDF offering, these inserts are also available printed on cardstock. When added to the cart, you'll have the option to also include a customizable GM screen (for a total price of €28,07).

Here's the players' view of the screen, with the custom inserts:


And here's the GM's perspective:


The associated PDF is US letter sized pages. It incorporates layers, so that the user has the option of not printing artwork or page backgrounds.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3561/148761.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/148761/Accursed-Game-World-Map)
[Melior Via] Accursed - Game World Map
Artist: Jeff Preston
Pages: 1 folded poster map
Price: €5,27 Small Poster (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

We've received quite a few requests to make a poster available of the Morden World map from Accursed, and we've finally figured out a way to do that.

This listing offers the 12" x 18" poster map of Morden. Our proof copy came in a padded mailer, packed between two pieces of cardboard, to keep it pristine. There's a single fold in the middle, which should flatten out nicely.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.05.2015 | 22:47
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2212/149350.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/149350/InterFace-Zero-20-Silver-SciFi-BUNDLE)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero 2.0 Silver Sci-Fi *BUNDLE*
Price: €13,80 €11,38 PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

To celebrate Science Fiction Month, this bundle has been marked down by 18% through all of May! For more values, visit our Science Fiction Month sale page (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/scifimonth.php?manufacturers_id=2212&filters=0_0_0_0_0_45311#selectpub).

Japan: Empire of the Setting Sun

In the Empire of the Setting Sun, honor is everything...or you are nothing. Welcome to the Japan of 2090, nakama. You’re being given access to a secure data cache that reveals what the country and its people have truly evolved into. Here, “ronin” isn’t just a street nickname, but a dark legacy fraught with deadly peril and crushing burdens. From the highest Zen master to the lowliest yakuza thug, from bio-molded cities to ancestral cyberspace vistas, prepare to be plunged into an empire transformed by its unique cultural identity as much as the world’s rampaging technology.

Delve into the DATAfeeds of the Chrysanthemum Corporation or have your appetites whetted by the orbital pleasure palace of Golden Heaven. Master stealth technology to join the shinobi or defend innocents from the ravages of the Setting Sun cult. Whether you’re a mere robotics tech or descend from Japanese royalty itself, the time has come to choose your path. The gates are open. The temple bells are tolling a new era. The main question now is: Do you have the wits, will, strength, and skill to survive and take control of your own legacy?

· New Archetypes, Simulacra, & Occupations!
· New Armor, Weapons, Augments, Vehicles, & Golemmechs!
· New Special Gear for the True Cyber-Samurai & Cyber-Ninja!
· Deadly Bioforms Inspired by Japan’s Rich Mythology!
· Dozens of New Threats to Defeat!
· Rich Details of Life in 2090 Japan
· Whole New Cityscapes of Cyberpunk Adventure!
· 10 Premade Savage Tales to Launch You into Action!

Drip by Bloody Drip

The group is hired to grab some medical research files from an abandoned naval base on the Puget Sound. Seems simple enough, except nobody thought to deactivate the base’s security systems. Can the group survive military-grade security robots and drones long enough to retrieve the data? And why is another recovery team on the base?

Drip by Bloody Drip is an adventure for 3 to 5 characters of Seasoned rank or higher.

Jericho Rose

Managers and producers know the secret. It isn't what's hot now, it's what's next. That's the key. Not what they're listening to now, but what they're going to listen to tomorrow.
Lorna Jericho could be next.
A hot look, a new sound and lyrics that turn fans into fanatics. She's dangerous. She has no fear. She asks all the wrong questions, shouting them out loud to her loyal followers.
Shadows in tall buildings say, "She has to be stopped." They say, "She has to be silenced."
And perhaps, they've gotten her wish. Because like a ghost, she's gone. Vanished. And it's up to you to find out who stole the Girl with Kaleidoscope Eyes.

Written by critically acclaimed author John Wick, Jericho Rose is a cyber-noir adventure for 4 to 5 characters of Seasoned rank or Higher.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.05.2015 | 17:52
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/149397.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/149397/Almanacco-dei-Mondi-Selvaggi-2015)
[GGStudio] Almanacco dei Mondi Selvaggi 2015
Authors: Fabio Bottari, Stefano Cestari, Edoardo Dalla Via, Gilbert Gallo, Mauro Longo, Davide Mana, Alessandro Mazzetti, Danilo Moretti, Maria Mello Rella, Umberto Pignatelli, Matteo Poropat, Simone Raspi, Giuseppe Rotondo, Matteo Tolari, Alessandro Aimonetto
Artist: Alessandro Mazzetti
Pages: 200
Price: €19,95 €9,95 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/149397-sample.pdf)

L'Almanacco dei Mondi Selvaggi la pubblicazione che raccoglie i migliori contenuti di gioco degli ultimi dodici mesi, creati dagli autori e dagli appassionati italiani di Savage Worlds.

In questo numero troverete il primo mega-crossover italiano Crisi sui Mondi Selvaggi una campagna di gioco che attraversa ben sette diverse ambientazioni, una dozzina di avventure uniche per Mondi Selvaggi vecchi e nuovi, materiale aggiuntivo per Nemezis, Beasts & Barbarians e Ultima Forsan, spunti e dritte per i Game Master e anticipazioni di tre nuovi manuali in arrivo nei prossimi mesi: MERCs, Kata Kumbas e GreyWorld. Il tutto furibondo, divertente e rapido come mai prima dora!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.05.2015 | 21:03
(https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/003/752/283/da75eee716ea241cd805786ed27647f3_original.jpg?v=1431056544&w=700&h=&fit=max&auto=format&q=92&s=b05e1e5ff23453d4f3efe4a2011cad88) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1860935013/savage-thunderscape/description)
[Kyoudai Games] Savage Thunderscape *KICKSTARTER*

The world of post-apocalyptic, industrial fantasy and horror comes to Savage Worlds at last! Defend Aden against the Darkfall!

The World of Aden is struggling for survival against a foe that seems invincible. Not so long ago, the world was in the throes of an industrial revolution, with the discovering of gunpowder and steam power giving rise to the incredible power of mechamagic, the union of magic and technology. Each passing year brought incredible new advancements, and war had been absent for so long that it was virtually forgotten. But ten years ago, the sun went black during an unexplained eclipse, and in that moment of darkness, every horror imaginable crawled from the shadows to prey upon the people of the Known Lands. This event became known as the Darkfall, and it changed the face of the world forever.

Ten years later, the world of Aden still fights for survival. The creatures created by the Darkfall, known as Nocturnals, have destroyed countless hundreds of settlements, tens of thousands of lives, and brought entire nations to ruin. Every day brings a sigh of relief that the world has survived, and every nightfall brings another threat that it may end. And yet, there is hope.

Those who fight against the Darkfall are not necessarily heroes, for there are many who seek to preserve Aden for their own purposes. Regardless, however, the common folk look upon them as leaders and inspiration, because the struggle for their survival is a desperate one. Foremost among the warriors who take the field against the evil plaguing the land are those who possess the power of mechamagic, either in the form of a mechamage, who commands a powerful golem to do his bidding, or a golemoid warrior, whose body has been modified to possess steam-powered weapons built right into their flesh. Others, including the technology-creating steamwright and the survivors of the divinatory Seer order, are only a few of those who hope to save Aden from an evil that no one yet understands.

In Thunderscape, your character can fight against the hordes of nocturnals spawned by the Darkfall in a desperate attempt to win back the vast stretches of wasteland lost over the course of years. Or you can defend the few remaining settlements from your enemies, both nocturnals and mortal. You can take up the banner of Urbana and forge new trade routes across the Known Lands, or you can fight against the oppressive regime of Lord Urbane in hopes of liberating the people from his brand of 'necessary tyranny.' You can plumb the depths of the Burning Coast in hopes of retrieving lost treasures, or search for the mysteries of the lost creators of Le'Ciel. Hunt giants in the deep jungles of the Misland Republics, or fight off necromantic incursions from the Gray Isles as part of Arasteen's Radiant Order.

The possibilities are limitless!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.05.2015 | 21:04
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/146718.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/149908/Cold-Memories-Long-Forgotten)
[Just Insert Imagination] Winter Eternal: Cold Memories, Long Forgotten
Author: Morné Schaap
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The second One Sheet Adventure is here and it’s time to get your ice suit ready.

While out in the dark, frozen wastelands, the heroes stumble across a rare find in the ice. They investigate, but will they survive to tell about it?

The zip file includes the map for the location and Seasoned versions of the heroes from the first One Sheet Adventure.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.05.2015 | 23:19
(https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/projects/1843890/photo-original.jpg?v=1431978437&w=1024&h=768&fit=crop&auto=format&q=92&s=533ad07cf72f10ef880d98e05c4b8055) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/the-sixth-gun-rpg-for-savage-worlds)
[Pinnacle] The Sixth Gun RPG *Kickstarter*

The Sixth Gun comic series—a pop interpretation of the supernatural Western by writer Cullen Bunn and artist Brian Hurtt—follows the journey of six ancient and mystical weapons with the power to remake all of Creation. 

Now Pinnacle Entertainment Group, creators of Deadlands, brings the world of The Sixth Gun to your Savage Worlds tabletop roleplaying game!

During the darkest days of the Civil War, wicked cutthroats came into possession of six pistols of otherworldly power. In time, the Sixth Gun, the most dangerous of the weapons, vanished.

The First of the Six strikes with ungodly force. The Second spreads Perdition's flames. The Third kills with a flesh-rotting disease. The Fourth calls up the spirits of those it has slain. The Fifth can heal the wielder from even a fatal wound. And the Sixth is the key to rewriting the world.

Both Deadlands and The Sixth Gun fans will find a passel of fantastic new characters, creatures, artifacts, locales, and story ideas for their game in this new take on the Weird West, and all the material in one is completely compatible with the other! Imagine the perils of a Hangin' Judge armed with the Fourth Gun, or a Thunderbird rampage straight out of Hell's Half Acre! Pit your posse against General and Missy Hume, or see how the Six Guns match up against the hundreds of critters from books like Grim Prairie Trails.

The Sixth Gun RPG, GM Screen, and The Winding Way Adventure

Are you ready to saddle up and ride into the savage world of The Sixth Gun? The Sixth Gun RPG is based on The Sixth Gun, the critically acclaimed Eisner and Harvey Award nominated series by writer Cullen Bunn and artist Brian Hurtt, published by Oni Press.

Discover the secret of The Six—mystical weapons forged by hatred, and oiled in betrayal—in The Sixth Gun roleplaying game. Inside you'll find details on Cullen Bunn and Brian Hurtt's incredible world, new Edges and Hindrances, guns and gear, Setting Rules, rules for sorcery and voodoo, an Adventure Generator, and a host of nefarious rogues, gadflies, and scoundrels, for one of the wildest Westerns in all of comics!

This book requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.05.2015 | 00:41
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/SW_LOGO_24bit.png) (https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/SW_FAQ_May_2015.pdf)
Savage Worlds FAQ and Update May 2015

Die neue Shaken-Regelung für Savage Worlds (https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/SW_FAQ_May_2015.pdf) ist nun offiziell.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.05.2015 | 08:38
And Again For Something Completely Different...

[TAG] UK Games Expo – Introducing Hellfrost Battle Discs!

With our new card games we will of course have a well stocked booth with all your favourite RPG products that TAG is famous for! Alongside these illustrious titles we are releasing a brand new accessory for all you Hellfrost fans – Battle Discs!

These fabulous table top counters feature full color artwork and a status ring to show when a creature or monster has been wounded, shaken or even incapacitated! The movable red ring can be adjusted to show all these states on every disc! The initial release has four different packs including, Hellfrost Heroes #1, Orc Pack #1, Goblin Pack #1 and Undead Pack #1. Each of these packs contain ten 20mm (1 inch) Battle Discs and a few fatigue counters as well. Larger discs and new monsters are in the pipeline!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.05.2015 | 20:53
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/150115.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/150115/Nemezis--Character-Sheet)
[GGstudio] Nemezis: Character Sheet
Author: Matteo Ceresa
Artist: Matteo Ceresa
Pages: 4
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/150115-sample.pdf)

English 4-color Character Sheet for GRAmel's Nemezis, from the Italian Edition.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.06.2015 | 21:53
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/T6G_The-One-Hand-Gang-cover.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/150332/The-Sixth-Gun-The-OneHand-Gang)
[Pinnacle] The Sixth Gun: The One-Hand Gang
Author: Scott Woodard
Artist: Brian Hurtt
Pages: 6
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/150332-sample.pdf)

The heroes square off against a band of five masked outlaws with a terrible secret hidden beneath their hoods in this FREE adventure for the Sixth Gun RPG!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.06.2015 | 19:37
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/TAG35022_thumb.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/150362/Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-Realm-Guide-22-The-Kingdoms-of-the-Sphinxes)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #22: The Kingdoms of the Sphinxes
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 75
Prices: €11,01 (TAG Store); €11,79 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Welcome, lord of generosity, to the land of living gods! Other races and cultures boast greater antiquity, but at 1,900 years, the Kingdoms of the Sphinxes is the oldest nation still officially in existence. Within its borders, the sphinxes are absolute rulers of their domains, elevated above the masses they lord over by dint of their supposed divine ancestry or blessings. Many sphinxes consider themselves enlightened beings, but others see them as theological despots and tyrants. After centuries of being downtrodden, the other races sense the time for rebellion is nigh—many of the cities are beset with problems, and the sphinxes’ attentions are diverted.

This 16 page section covers general information concerning the Emirates and its people. Inside you’ll find details on Social Hierarchy, Education, Religion, Military, Law & Order, Trade & Tribute, Major Locales , and Persons of Note.

The Cities
Each of the seven great cities receives 8 dedicated pages. We cover the same topics above, but with a specific focus on how they apply with each city. Dozens of new locations provide you with plenty of places to visit, explore, and shop! Will you seek a bargain at the Antiques Auction House? Seek shelter at Sanctuary Inn? Or hunt for the fabled Dragon’s Graveyard.

The Brotherhood of the Assassins
This two page section expands the material on the Assassins, with information for GMs and players alike.

But there is yet more, oh enlightened son of the sun! The author has provided further information through the use of sidebars! Here are such thing as discussions on the origin of the sphinxes, and their physiology and psychology; gladiatorial combat; a demonic prince; the price of slaves; herbs and spices; and new monsters, magic, and Edges.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.06.2015 | 10:28
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7752/150367.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/150367/Space-1889--The-Strange-Land-Savage-Worlds-Edition)
[Clockwork Publishing] Space: 1889 - The Strange Land *Savage Worlds Edition*
Author: Gareth Hanrahan
Artists: Robin Blicker, Rich Longmore, Daniel Jödemann
Pages: 29
Price: €9,07 €4,54 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/150367-sample.pdf)

Everything Jules Verne could have written.
Everything H. G. Wells should have written.
Everything Arthur Conan Doyle thought of,
but never published - because it was too fantastic.

Far away from his home planet, Canal Martian boy Kime lives on the estate of Lord Feltam.Hithe who shows the orphaned child off to entertain his curious guests during his illustrious dinner parties. Not only does Kime come from a foreign planet, he also has a most extraordinary talent: his lifting gland is rudimentarily functional, allowing him to levitate in the air - although exhausting him visibly.

At one of these dinner parties, the adventurers have the pleasure to meet this remarkable Martian. However, the boy disappears the same night and it is up to the player characters to search for him immediately. Their first trace leads them to a dubious travelling circus and in the end, the adventurers find themselves on the frontlines in the London dockworkers's strike.

In part two, the player characters can choose to meet Kime again on Mars. Hired by a British officer in Parhoon, the adventurers are now involved in a conflict between the local potentate and the former orphan boy Kime who in the meantime has become a figurehead of the Martian canal workers. The British colonial power has, of course, its own interests.

This adventure is written for the Red Sands version of the Savage Worlds rules. It is an adaption from the original version (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/147425/Space-1889--The-Strange-Land), which features the Ubiquity rules for Space:1889.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.06.2015 | 04:32
(http://www.thewholehole.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Living_Low_Character_Creation_Guide1.jpg) (http://www.thewholehole.info/living-low-character-creation-guide/)
[Mutha Oith Creations] Living Low Character Creation Guide
Author: Andy Hopp
Artists: Andy Hopp
Pages: 9
Price: Freebie (MOC Store)

This here is the official Living Low Character Creation Guide (version 1.0). It’s a veritable overflowing cornucopia of guidelines and rules you’ll need when you make your Living Low character. You’ll need Adobe Acrobat Reader or something of the sort in order to view it (it’s free).

(http://www.thewholehole.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Nabit.jpg) (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzNURB35A0U5THg0cjNGQmd0QzA/view?usp=sharing)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.06.2015 | 05:52
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/LSFoN_Cover_5in.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/lankhmar-savage-foes-of-nehwon-preorder/)
[Pinnacle] Lankhmar: Savage Foes of Nehwon *PREORDER*
Authors: Ross Watson, Thomas Reid, Thomas Shook
Pages: 98
Prices: $9.99 PDF only, $19.99 PDF + SC, $24.99 PDF + HC (Pinnacle Store)

Heroes are defined by their adversaries and aided by their allies. The trick in Lankhmar is knowing one from the other.Work with Alyx the Picklock to thwart the nefarious plans of wizard Lord Quarmal and pocket a few valuables along the way.

Study under the Gray Mouser’s mentor Glavas Rho and end up facing Fafhrd’s Snow Woman mother, Mor, in a magical duel!

Lankhmar: Savage Foes of Nehwon contains a multitude of the best-known characters from Fritz Lieber’s Lankhmar stories, new beasts to conquer, new adventures, and a comprehensive adventure generator for the City of Thieves.

Game Masters will appreciate having the game statistics for over a hundred unique and colorful characters, ready to use as allies or adversaries. A fully detailed bestiary detailing fifty creatures found throughout Nehwon, ranging from the gladiator lizards of the Bleak Shore to the dark scheming Simorgyans, is included. Stuck for ideas how to use this wealth of information? Three new Savage Tales and a fleshed out adventure generator designed for the City of Thieves awaits the bold and the brave.

This book requires Lankhmar: City of Thieves and Savage Worlds to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.06.2015 | 16:12
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Battle-Discs.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-products/hellfrost-battle-discs/)
[TAG] Hellfrost Battle Discs *Limited Stock*
Prices: €13,56 per set (TAG Store)

Dial in your damage with Hellfrost Battle Discs!

These fabulous table top counters feature full color artwork and a status ring to show when a creature or monster has been wounded, shaken or even incapacitated! The movable red ring can be adjusted to show all these states on every disc! Using these discs on a grid will make your battles easier to control!

Hellfrost Heroes #1 – Contains: Frost Dwarf, Archer, Engro, Wizard, Cleric, Heahwisard, Warrior (m), Warrior (f), Hearth Elf, Berserker
Orc Pack #1 – Contains: Ogre x2, Orc Huscarl x3, Orc Beserk x2, Orc Priest, Orc Drummer, Orc Chieftain
Goblin Pack #1 – Contains Ice Goblin Shaman x2, Ice Goblin Warrior x5, Ice Goblin Wolf Rider x3
Undead Pack #1 – Contains Frost Wight x2, Hagbui x2, Skeleton x4, Royal Hagbui, Cleric of Hela

Each of these packs contain ten 20mm (1 inch) Battle Discs and a few fatigue counters as well.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.06.2015 | 07:23
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3118/151331.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/151331/The-Voyage-Of-The-Sky-Maiden)
[Fabled Environments] The Voyage Of The Sky Maiden
Author: Stephen 'Stormwell' Hughes
Artist: Krista White
Pages: 11
Prices: €1,76 €1,32 (DriveThru/RPGNow)

Airships offer passengers a luxurious journey as they cruise above the clouds. The Sky Maiden is no different. She is effectively a cruise liner of the skies for the rich and famous. Many who travel on the Sky Maiden do so to take advantage of the lavishly appointed passenger facilities and the discreet but professional security the airship affords. One such traveler is Lord Mortimer Bellington.

Lord Bellington has brought with him a treasure locked in a small strongbox and you want it. How you secure your prize is strictly up to you.

The Voyage Of The Sky Maiden is an adventure suitable for an evening’s play for 4–6 players and uses both the  Fabled Environments’ “Modern Floorplans: Airship” map and the Savage Worlds core rules.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.06.2015 | 07:32
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3683/151364.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/151364/Mythos-Queen-of-the-Labyrinth-Savage-Worlds)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Mythos: Queen of the Labyrinth *Savage Worlds*
Author: Gilbert Gallo
Artist: Andrew DeFelice
Pages: 45
Price: €3,48 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/151364-sample.pdf)

Reluctantly, Hera repressed her anger and devised a plan instead. The only way to give the Cosmos a rightful ruler was to enter the contest, but she was sure her husband wouldn’t like the idea of being ruled by her in the future. If she openly asked to enter the competition, Zeus would surely not allow it. She then resolved to act with secrecy.

Queen of the Labyrinth is the second supplement for Mythos, a setting of epic adventures in mythological Ancient Greece. This second supplement details Hera as she enters the Heavenly Contest. With her entry into the Heavenly Contest, Hera grows in Patron Deity potential with Mystery Cults, new heroes to sire, new lands to explore, and a deep delve into the Labyrinth of Knossos in Crete where the minotaurs dwell!

Queen of the Labyrinth is designed for players and GMs and includes:

* A new playable race – minospawns
* New Hindrances
* A new Patron Deity entry covering Hera
* Two new Mystery Cults
* Information about the Island of Crete
* A write-up of daemons
* A toolkit for navigating the Labyrinth of Knossos in Crete, usable for any labyrinth or dungeon delve
… and more!

Queen of the Labyrinth is not a standalone supplement. It requires the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG core rulebook and the Mythos core setting guide or Player’s Guide.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.06.2015 | 07:42
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/6323/151369.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/151369/Shadows-of-Apep)
[Chimera Press] Mythic: Shadows of Apep
Author: Michael Edwards
Artist: Alida Saxon
Pages: 27
Price: €6,61 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/151369-sample.pdf)

Centuries ago, in the scorched desert of Niserri, an evil high priest was defeated before he could finish a powerful ritual designed to free his dark god into the world. When the mummified remains of this priest are reawakened as a powerful undead monster it's falls upon the heroes to stop him from finishing the ritual he started so long ago. Failure means letting the entire world fall into an eternity of chaos and darkness.

This is the first in a series of adventures made for the Mythic (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/133171/Mythic) campaign setting. It can be played as a stand-alone adventure or inserted into a long running campaign.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.06.2015 | 07:51
(http://www.thewholehole.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Living_Low_Style_Guide_cover.jpg) (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzNURB35A0U5VXBYY1JpcXN4c2s/view?usp=sharing)
[Mutha Oith Creations] Living Low Boss Bible and Style Guide
Author & Artist: Andy Hopp
Pages: 8
Price: Freebie (MOC Store)

Who is there among us who likes free stuff? Enjoy, if you dare.

You’ll need Adobe Acrobat Reader or something of the sort in order to view it (it’s free).

(http://www.thewholehole.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Nabit.jpg) (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzNURB35A0U5VXBYY1JpcXN4c2s/view?usp=sharing)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.06.2015 | 19:40
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/T6G_Character_Sheet.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/the-sixth-gun-character-sheet-pdf/)
[Pinnacle] The Sixth Gun: Form Fillable Character Sheet
Pages: 1
Price: Freebie (Pinnacle Store)

The Sixth Gun RPG Fillable Character Sheet is ready to go for those of you who’ve already started your games with the free adventures.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.06.2015 | 19:49
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Lankhmar_City_of_Thieves_PG_cover-458x700.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/lankhmar-city-of-thieves-players-guide-pdf/)
[Pinnacle] Lankhmar: City of Thieves Player’s Guide
Authors: Thomas M. Reid, Darrell Hardy, Ross Watson
Pages: 45
Prices: $4.99 PDF only (Pinnacle Store)

In the City of Sevenscore Thousand Smokes, danger lurks down every dark alley. Sinister sorcerers summon terrible forces in their crumbling towers. Treacherous rogues of the Thieves’ Guild prowl the Plaza of Dark Delights. Assassins from the Slayers’ Brotherhood work the Tenderloin District. And hunched figures skitter beneath the streets, waiting for their chance to rise.

But there is action, adventure, and wealth here too–if your rogues have the skill and bravado to claim it!

Pinnacle Entertainment Group grants the Game Master a “site license” to print this document for each player in her personal game. No electronic transfer of this document is intended or implied. Lankhmar: City of Thieves Player’s Guide is for players only. The Game Master needs the complete version of Lankhmar: City of Thieves. This book requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.06.2015 | 11:53
(https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3xXbzzz6hGk/hqdefault.jpg) (http://www.sphaerenmeisters-spiele.de/epages/15455106.sf/de_DE/?ObjectPath=/Shops/15455106/Products/S2PTLPB)
[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec Bundle
Prices: 144,69 € 129,95 € (Sphärenmeister)

Dieses Bundle umfasst:

Scientorium: 96 pages, full color hardcover
Leviathan: 96 pages, full color hardcover
Eris Beta-V: 96 pages, full color hardcover
GM Screen + Adventure Enigma Equation
Double Action Deck
Map Set: Dropship/Freighter: 24"x30" double-sided dry erase poster map
Map Set: Pirate Ship/Research Ship: 24"x30" double-sided dry erase poster map

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.06.2015 | 22:34
(https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/projects/1063085/photo-main.jpg?1406536342) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-atlas-of-the-frozen-north/posts/1279925)
[TAG] Hellfrost Atlas – Production Update - June 2015

Dear Hellfrost Atlas Backer!

We are continuing our work on the City maps which illustrate many of the pages in the Atlas and we are getting closer to completion - however we still need a bit more time to finish them.

We wanted to keep you informed with progress and we know all of you are really eager to get your hands on this book but we hope you can wait just a little longer!

To give you a little more insight into the contents of book we are releasing a preview of one of the maps today! Haringaard is one of the brand new locations which we have created as part of the new material that appears in the atlas!



Located in the western portion of the Eastern Marches, Haringaard is Count Lux’s county seat. Before King Halgroth IV’s violent cleansing of the Marches, the town was little more than a large village. It quickly prospered as new settlers flocked to the land, which, though largely unsuitable for agriculture, proved ideal for raising flocks of sheep and herds of cattle. Like most settlements in the region, the town sits on a hilltop and is protected by a palisade and ditch. For all his wealth, Lux lives in a modest fortified manor.

Thanks for your patience!

Rob & Wiggy
Triple Ace Games
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.07.2015 | 13:32
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/151991.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/151991/Deadlands-Reloaded-Lone-Killers-of-the-Southwest)
[Pinnacle] Deadlands Reloaded: Lone Killers of the Southwest
Authors: Matthew Cutter, Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 5
Price: €1,79 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/151991-sample.pdf)

Five deadly real-life gunmen stalked the Wild West. This feature details five of 'em: Clay Allison, Black Bart, John Wesley Hardin, Deacon Jim Miller, and Dave Rudabaugh. Each one has their history, stats, and Story Seeds, all ready for your Deadlands campaign!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.07.2015 | 13:36
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/152183.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/152183/DeadLands-Reloaded-Messico--Nuvole--Figure-Flats)
[GGstudio] Deadlands Reloaded: Messico & Nuvole - Figure Flats
Artists: Stefano Fortis
Pages: 3
Price: Whatever you want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/152183-sample.pdf)

Figure Flats for Messico & Nuvole, Deadlands with a Spaghetti twist.

30 tri-fold figure flats, featuring NPC & character types from Messico & Nuvole. Some of them are tributes to the great Spaghetti Western characters we all love.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.07.2015 | 13:43
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3975/152526.gif) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/152526/Frozen-Skies-Setting-Primer)
[Utherwald] Frozen Skies Setting Primer
Author: Stephen 'Stormwell' Hughes
Pages: 12
Price: Whatever you want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/152526-sample.pdf)


A frontier land largely at the mercy of the savage Wulvers since the end of the Great Darmonican War, barely enough soldiers left to defend the rump of the Commonwealth's once extensive colonial holdings. With many towns cut off and large swathes of territory overrun by the beasts the safest form of transport is by air, but the breakdown in law and order as given rise to scoundrels like sky pirates and bandits.

Alyeska's frozen skies are increasingly becoming a dangerous place to be.

This primer gives an overview of heart of the Frozen Skies setting; The Continent of Alyeska.

In addition it offers a brief guide to the Commonwealth and its main factions in Alyeska, Wulvers and their stats along with a selection of gear to allow you to start playing in the Frozen Skies setting.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.07.2015 | 13:48
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/152583.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/152583/Ultima-Forsan--Modena-Map-Renaissance-City)
[GGstudio] Ultima Forsan - Modena Map (Renaissance City)
Artists: Francesca Baerald
Pages: 5
Price: Whatever you want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/152583-sample.pdf)

A map of Modena, a town in the north of Italy, fortified against the Dead. The four gates open on roads that connect Modena to other Fiefs. You can use this map for Modena or for another town of your choice.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.07.2015 | 13:54
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3243/152541.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/152541/Broken-Earth-Fire-Queen-of-Dover-Savage-Worlds)
[Sneak Attack Press] Broken Earth: Fire Queen of Dover
Author: Chris Costello
Pages: 7
Price: €1,79 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Word has spread from fishing village to fishing village about the Fire Queen protecting the town of Dover. She is a powerful mutant able to control fearsome dragons use them to fight off raiders.

Little does anybody know, while the Fire Queen influences her dragons, they also influence her, making her increasingly cruel and unpredictable.

The Fire Queen of Dover is set in the Broken Earth setting, but with a little work can be used with any post-apocalyptic campaign.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.07.2015 | 14:01
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/152658.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/152658/Tricarnia-Land-of-Princes-and-Demons)
[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians: Tricarnia - Land of Princes and Demons
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack 
Pages: 260
Price: €26,90 €14,34 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/152658-sample.pdf)

Tricarnia, the land of the haughty Priest Princes, awaits you in this book!

In these pages you’ll learn the ways of the Sons of Keron, forged from betrayal, lust and age-old sorceries, and you will enjoy the decadent ways of highborn lords and be pampered by legions of slaves.

But don’t be fooled!

Hidden in ancient ruins, you’ll hear the arcane invocations which were old ages ago, witness powerful sorcerers bargain with demons for their immortal souls, and your skin will crawl to see the Masters of the Lotus playing with nature, twisting beasts and persons for their wicked experiments.

In this book you’ll find a dozen new Edges, extended magical rules, new gear and much more!

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your sacrificial dagger, call for your slaves and summon your preferred demon: the honor of your House has been challenged and you cannot let such an insult pass!

The Clash of Kings: In this appendix you’ll find a simple but complete system for handling large organizations, like fiefdoms, cities, guilds or even kingdoms, and making them battle for supremacy. It can be used as a stand-alone game or integrated seamlessly into an RPG campaign with the players in the roles of rulers and generals.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.07.2015 | 19:30
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/TAG35023_thumb.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product_info.php?products_id=152963&src=newest_since&site=&currency=EUR&products_id=152963)
[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #23: Al-Korsar, City of Corsairs
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 8
Prices: €1,69 (TAG Store); €1,79 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

The southern coast of Al-Shirkuh is plagued by corsairs. Some of these pirates and smugglers are independent. Most are denizens of Al-Korsar, an infamous warren of villainy and scum that lies at the edge of the known world. Here, so the stories go, murder is commonplace, citizens are ruled by tyrannical corsair captains, and possessions kept safe only by guile and threats. Al-Korsar is indeed a city of pirates, but it is far from the decadent haunt of cruel rogues storytellers make it out to be.

This product delves behind the scenes of the much-feared City of Pirates, exploring its social hierarchy, religious views, military strength, law and order, and mercantile activities. Fourteen city locations and four persons of note give the adventurers places to explore and people to meet. Sidebars contain information on plundering the seas and the use of body language in daily life.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.07.2015 | 20:26
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Lankhmar_GM_Adventure_Eyes_of_Goromosh-1.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/lankhmar-gm-screen-and-the-eyes-of-goromosh-adventure/)
[Pinnacle] Lankhmar: GM Screen and The Eyes of Goro’mosh Adventure *PREORDER*
Authors: Thomas M. Reid, Timothy Brown, Clint Black, Jodi Black, Thomas Shook
Pages: 17 GM Screen & 32 adventure
Price: $19,99 (Pinnacle)


These inlays were designed to work with the Savage Worlds Customizable Game Master’s Screen, available at www.peginc.com or through your local game store.

In Eyes of Goro’mosh, the characters initially encounter a streetwalker accosted by a group of thugs intent on robbing and killing her. Their purposes seem straightforward enough, but the presence of a strange costume mask, plus the mysterious death of both courtesan and assailants the next morning, quickly complicate things.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.07.2015 | 20:35
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Test_Drive_2015-1.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/savage-worlds-test-drive-lankhmar/)
[Pinnacle] Savage Worlds Test Drive 2015
Authors: Shane Lacy Hensley, with Clint & Jodi Black, Matthew Cutter, John Goff, Joel Kinstle, Piotr Koryś, Jordan Peacock, Teller, and Simon Lucas
Pages: 24
Price: Freebie (Pinnacle)

The Savage Worlds Test Drive 2015 featuring the exclusive adventure Triple Cross for Fritz Leiber's Lankhmar.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.07.2015 | 19:29
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3683/153269.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/153269/Ancient-World-Savage-Worlds--2nd-Edition)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Ancient World (Savage Worlds) - 2nd Edition
Author: Aaron T. Huss 
Pages: 143
Price: €9,24 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/153269-sample.pdf)

Cynric removed his bow and nocked an arrow. Feradul pointed to a tree in the distance, indicating Cynric to shoot near the creatures in the hopes of scaring them away. He let the arrow fly and it thumped into the tree next to them. A loud roar answered the arrow and one of the creatures began bouncing around angrily.
"I think we made it mad!" exclaimed Cynric.
"You think so?!" yelled Roylla. "They’ll be drawn by the glow of the fire! Prepare yourself!"
Feradul stepped back and prepared for the creatures’ arrival. He could see two shadow-like forms moving quickly toward the camp. Off to the side, two more shadows joined in.
The three warriors made a half circle around the fire, waiting for the creatures to come.

Welcome to Dhuran, a world filled with secrets and hope. Ancient World presents a dark fantasy setting where great warriors scour the land to protect the people from the denizens of the deep and the terrifying creatures that call Dhuran home. The people have spent centuries surviving a seemingly never ending blight, but a glimmer of hope shines in the distance. However, as the secrets of Dhuran's ancient past begin to unravel, the veil begins to lift and the true perils of the Known Lands appear. Grab your weapons and armor and lead the fight to reclaim Dhuran!

Ancient World includes:

* Five character races - dark elf, dwarf, gray elf, halfling, and human.
* Weapons, armor, and relics to equip your warriors.
* A selection of dark arts - alchemy, herbalism, runicism, and shamanism.
* A gazetteer of the Known Lands.
* GM guidance for Ancient World games.
* A random adventure builder.
* An introductory adventure.
... and more!

Ancient World is a dark fantasy setting for Savage Worlds. It is not a standalone book and requires use of the Savage Worlds core rulebook. GMs may also want a copy of the Bestiarum Vocabulum presenting the denizens of the deep and the creatures of Dhuran.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.07.2015 | 19:39
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/153275.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/153275/Ultima-Forsan--Setting-Book)
[GGstudio] Ultima Forsan Setting Book
Authors: Mauro Longo, Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 210
Price: €23,00 €9,14 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/153275-sample.pdf)


At the end of the Middle Ages, the Plague of the Dead has spread through Europe, Africa and Asia giving rise to the darkest time in history. Now, in the year 1515, heroes from the New Kingdoms are ready to fight to reconquer the World. Ultima Forsan is a game of wild adventures and deadly dangers, set in a macabre alternate version of our Renaissance.

Inside the Ultima Forsan Setting Book you can find:

* A new Savage Worlds Setting, made of grim horrors and indomitable heroes
* Two double-page maps: Macabre Lucca and the New Kingdoms of the West
* New Edges, Arcane Backgrounds and Rules to face the Plague Hordes
* Special weapons, augmented armors and mechanical prosthesis to fight the Macabre War
* The Secret of Marco Polo: a complete campaign ready to play
* More than thirty new, frightening monsters, plus dozens of animals, human characters and Wild Cards
* An adventure generator that will allow you to create an infinite number of adventures for your Heroes
* A scalable lethality level, allowing you to play the way you prefer, from lethal survival horror to epic action and heroism

For the first week only, you can get your copy of Ultima Forsan for 9.90$. Grab your copy today and start fighting the Hordes of the Dead!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.07.2015 | 20:40
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/TLP_Core_cover.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/the-last-parsec-core/)
[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec Core
Authors: Clint Black, Timothy Brian Brown, Matthew Cutter, Shane Hensley, Norm Hensley
Pages: 98
Price: $9,99 PDF; $19,99 SC/PDF; $24,99 HC/PDF (Pinnacle)


Take a tour of Sol’s galactic neighborhood, where hundreds of slower-than-light missions into unknown reaches resulted in a far-flung assortment of human worlds, and discovery of alien civilizations as well. Then join JumpCorp’s interstellar exploration teams as they travel to the limits of Known Space and beyond…


This book contains background and Setting Rules to create action-packed scifi adventures in The Last Parsec. Learn about the Known Worlds, their sapient races, JumpCorp operational details, and a dazzling assortment of galactic personalities—plus new gear, vehicles, and even an adventure generator you can use to inspire your own journeys into deep space!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.07.2015 | 19:48
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/146718.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/146718/Winter-Eternal)
[Just Insert Imagination] Winter Eternal
Author: Morné Schaap
Pages: 122
Price: €7,37 €5,53 PDF; €14,76 €12,92 SC; €22,14 €15,69 SC&PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/146718-sample.pdf)

Winter Eternal is not a post apocalyptic setting. It's about what comes after the disaster, many years later when civilization is starting to thrive again.

When the sun exploded, the continent of Ehlerrac survived the wave of flames because it was on the night side of the planet. Then the earthquakes and tsunamis hit and thousands died as cities fell and the landscape were torn apart. The dark world started cooling rapidly and the survivors struggled to find food and shelter.

A group of Nature Wardens started camps and used their magic to grow food.  People of many different races came stumbling out of the darkness into these camps, grateful for the protection.

Now, hundreds of years later, the 6 camps are giant, cramped cities, heated and lit by magic. Two cities are underground and one is build on the inside edges of a chasm. The cities are now connected by enclosed roads called Archways and travel is now much safer.

A few years ago explorers came upon orange crystals in an old crater. When light shone on the crystals, it generated a massive amount of heat. Artificers are now using these "sunshards" to help Ehlerrac to take it's first tentative steps into an industrial and steam age.

This is an exciting time on Ehlerrac and its up to Savage worlds game groups to tell the stories of this dark, cold , but not dead world.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/146718.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/153493/Winter-Eternal-The-Manure-Menace)
[Just Insert Imagination] Winter Eternal: The Manure Menace
Author: Morné Schaap
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

What seemed like an easy, though potentially smelly case, turns into a desperate fight for survival against horrors that may haunt the heroes for a long time.

This is the third One Sheet Adventure for Winter Eternal. The ZIP file includes the One Sheet and a map of the animal caverns.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/146718.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/153521/Winter-Eternal-Isometric-Battle-Maps)
[Just Insert Imagination] Winter Eternal: Isometric Battle Maps
Artist: Doug Anderson
Pages: 3
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

These three isometric battlemaps were part of a higher tier perk for my Winter Eternal Indigogo project. Now you can use them in your games as well.

Doug Anderson is the creator of these amazing maps and gave permission that I can put them up on my page. If you are looking for more of these, go have a look at his page.

The three maps are: Archway scene, Deadfalls street scene and Wallside street scene.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.07.2015 | 23:10
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4309/153466.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/153466/Savage-Insider-V3I2-Uprising)
[Obatron Productions] Savage Insider, V3I2, Uprising
Authors: Robert L. Beaver, Vickey A. Beaver, Tanya Beeson, Sean Tait Bircher, Garrett Crowe, Jim Davenport, G’Andy, Jerrod Gunning, Owen Lean, Rachel Rutledge, Zach Welhouse
Pages: 74
Price: €4,14 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

We're passionate about Savage Worlds and want to share that with you. The theme is Uprising, which it is threaded throughout all the pieces and covers a range of genres.

What's in It for You

* Limited-Time Offers from Pinnacle Entertainment Group ($5 off!) and Obatron Productions (20% off!).
* Recent Releases  from April to June.
* Upcoming Releases showing off works in the works.
* Designer’s Diary & Product Spotlight where Jim Davenport talks about Savage Characters, Volume 1.
* Game Prep articles by Sean Tait Bircher of Wine and Savages and debuting SI author, Garrett Crow.
* Great Adventures by returning author, Zach Welhouse, and an unofficial Deadlands adventure by Owen Lean.
* Equipment Corral with two pieces to gain the advantage in an uprising.
* Mechanics Wise by once-again author Tanya Beeson.
* Expanded Mechanics by Jerrod "Savage Daddy" Gunning.
* Stories to Inspire by Rachel Rutledge.
* Random Encounters featuring DramaScapes's Med Bay map.
* Convention Connection links you to worldwide conventions.

Buy it now to use at your next game and unlock between issue freebies earned by sales, reviews, newsletter sign-ups, and social media shares!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.07.2015 | 23:22
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/The-Tombstone-Seven-5in-541x700.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/153491/Deadlands-Reloaded-The-Tombstone-Seven)
[Pinnacle] Deadlands Reloaded: The Tombstone Seven
Authors: Matthew Cutter, Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 7
Price: €2,76 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Tombstone Seven are custom-made to wander Death's Domain and the arid Southwest. They're perfect for the Plot Point Campaign, Stone and a Hard Place or any Deadlands campaign beyond Novice Rank.

The characters include:

* Luke Pitt, an ornery Harrowed who once served Union Blue
* Carmen Valenzuela, a Hexlsinger from down Mexico way
* Virginia Ann Earp, a gunslinger who claims to be the daughter of Wyatt himself
* Warren Earp, Texas Ranger and youngest of the Earp brothers
* Ned Harkness, an outlaw attempting to atone for his previous misdeeds
* Matilda Loomis, an Apache shaman of mixed ancestry
* Cooper Grannon, a blacksmith and practioner of the New Science!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.08.2015 | 17:22
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/154063.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/154063/The-Sixth-Gun-Roleplaying-Game)
[Pinnacle] The Sixth Gun Roleplaying Game
Author: Scott Woodard
Artist: Brian Hurtt
Pages: 96
Price: €18,07 €9,03 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/154063-sample.pdf)

During the darkest days of the Civil War, wicked cutthroats came into possession of six pistols of otherworldly power. In time, the Sixth Gun, the most dangerous of the weapons, vanished.

The First of the Six strikes with ungodly force. The Second spreads Perdition’s flames. The Third kills with a flesh-rotting disease. The Fourth calls up the spirits of those it has slain. The Fifth can heal the wielder from even a fatal wound. And theSixth is the key to rewriting the world.

Discover the secret of The Six—mystical weapons forged by hatred, and oiled in betrayal—in The Sixth Gun roleplaying game. Inside you’ll find details on Cullen Bunn and Brian Hurtt’s incredible world from the Harvey and Eisner Award nominated comic series by the same name. It includes new Edges and Hindrances, guns and gear, Setting Rules, rules for sorcery and voodoo, an Adventure Generator, and a host of nefarious rogues, gadflies, and scoundrels, for one of the wildest Westerns in all of comics!

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/154064.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/154064/The-Sixth-Gun-The-Winding-Way)
[Pinnacle] The Sixth Gun: The Winding Way
Author: Scott Woodard
Artist: Brian Hurtt
Pages: 32
Price: €18,07 €5,41 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/154064-sample.pdf)

The Winding Way is an epic adventure presented in Six (!) installments in one handy book. Our gunslingers, houngans, and other heroes will get a taste of all the world of The Sixth Gun® has to offer, including encounters with strange beasts and unusual characters, experience with the legendary guns themselves, and even a not-so-leisurely stroll through the spirit realm.
Eventually they will be faced with choices that could reshape the West itself, maybe even the entire world.
The Winding Way is effectively a prequel to the events presented in the main comic book series, thus the appearance of Asher Cobb and General Hume’s riders all alive and well.

Requires the Savage Worlds core rules and The Sixth Gun RPG to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.08.2015 | 21:14
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/TAG10114.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/153632/Hellfrost-Matters-of-Faith-Standard-Edition)
[TAG] Hellfrost: Matters of Faith Standard Edition
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 144 b/w
Prices: €13,56 PDF, €23,73 SC (TAG Store); €14,61 PDF, €25,57 SC, €40,17 €34,69 PDF & SC (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   


While the denizens of the frozen north are divided by race and culture, the pantheon of 24 major gods is a universal concept. Though forbidden from direct interference, the gods are not removed from the world, making their presence felt through their paladins and priests, divine heralds, and natural events.

Whether they pay lip service to many gods, attend infrequent ceremonies, have chosen a patron deity, have devoted their life without holy vows, or have taken vows as a member of the clergy, all citizens honor the gods in some way. To deny the gods is to deny reality.

Within this book you will find:
* Expanded information on the clergy of the 24 major cults.
* Details concerning over 90 major and 70 local festivals, any of which can be used as the backdrop to an adventure or to make the heroes’ day more interesting.
* Information on 12 major inhuman deities.
* A tour of Godsheim, the realm of the gods, and the celestial sphere.
* An overview of the Abyss, including the Arcane Background (Demonist) and a sample of notable demon lords.

This book is designed for use in conjunction with the Hellfrost Player’s Guide.

Now that the Collector’s Editions have been sent to backers and the Standard version is on general sale, we’re releasing a 16-page FREE update. Inside you’ll find 10 new minor deities, new rules for divine protection, and guidelines for becoming the focus of a champion cult. If you own the Collector’s Edition, you already have the Armor of the Gods chapter.

Available to download here! (http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Bonus_MOF_Freebie.pdf)

Triple Ace Games Creative Director
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.08.2015 | 21:35
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8572/154290.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/154290/WK0-Night-of-the-Mad-Kobold-SW)
[Cut to the Chase Games] WK0 Night of the Mad Kobold (Savage Worlds)
Author: "Weird Dave" Olson
Pages: 19
Price: €2,74 Free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/154290-sample.pdf)


The town of Cresthill enjoys a favorable location along the winding Graywand River. Trade is good, and the prominent gnomes of House Kelver run most of the businesses to the prosperity of the people. Now, however, a dangerous lunatic—a kobold from the nearby Talon Hills—has decided the gnomes of House Kelver need to be a taught a fiery lesson, and only a band of heroes can stop his plot.

WK0 Night of the Mad Kobold is a short adventure designed for a group of six Novice characters for the Savage Worlds RPG set in a generic fantasy setting, easily transportable to most fantasy campaigns. It stands alone but can also serve as an introduction to the WRATH OF THE KOBOLDS module trilogy from Cut to the Chase Games.

A Fantasy Renaissance Adventure Module brought to you by your friends at Cut to the Chase Games!

SPECIAL PRICE! FREE until the end of the Fantasy Renaissance Adventure Module Kickstarter* (launching in early August 2015). Get it while it's free!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.08.2015 | 21:43
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3118/154342.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/154342/Blueprint-for-Imagination-Family-Affair)
[Fabled Environments] Blueprint for Imagination: Family Affair
Author: Matthew Cutter
Artist: Krista White
Pages: 8
Price: €1,83 €1,37 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/154342-sample.pdf)

For 20 years the Scalducci Family has dominated the city’s racketeering and black market activities, efficiently exiling their rivals from town ... or treating those who wouldn’t scram to a new pair of cement shoes down at the docks. Even more storied than the Scalduccis is their secret weapon: a man known only as “Mr. Lewis.” Lewis is a certified public accountant who has cooked the Scalducci books for close to a decade, keeping the capos out of prison and the don squeaky clean.

But in the nine years since he took the job, Lewis has never left his private apartment at the Scalducci estate. He’s been under armed guard around the clock. No one knows the man, and no one in the city has ever seen his face. However that is all about to change tonight.

This great new module from Matthew Cutter (Deadlands Reloaded, Deadlands Noir, Space 1889-Savage Worlds) is sure to be a hit whether you run this at a gaming convention or as a one-shot at your local gaming store. This module stands alone or could simply be one of the many adventures your players undertake as part of a larger campaign.

This module uses the "Concentrix: An Average Nightclub" floorplan from Fabled Environments.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.08.2015 | 20:51
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3561/154463.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/154463/The-Thin-Blue-Line--A-Detroit-Police-Story--Players-Guide)
[Melior Via] The Thin Blue Line - A Detroit Police Story - Player's Guide
Authors: Jason Marker, John Dunn
Artists: Bobby Alcott, Mike Brodu
Pages: 82
Price: €9,12 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/154463-sample.pdf)

“Watch your step rookie, or you’ll end up in Corktown.”


Calamity brews in Detroit. Paranormal activity is on the rise. An angry spirit, a dangerous creature, or a pack of desperate cultists hides under every sewer cover and within every abandoned building. The officers of Corktown Precinct are the only thing standing between the city and paranormal onslaught. Corktown has a secret, though. Its crew of supposed washouts are either psychics or have encountered the paranormal. These damaged, over-worked, and under-paid officers must keep paranormal activity in Detroit under wraps and out of sight. No mean feat in a city as old, large, and haunted as Detroit.


Corktown officers face constant threats from mundane crime, paranormal forces, as well as their inner demons and growing madness. Do they have what it takes? Can they stand against the growing threats, or will they be consumed, along with the city they guard?


The Thin Blue Line is a modern horror setting that requires the Savage Worlds Core Rulebook and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion for use.

This PDF uses layers for ease of printing.

Please note that this version of The Thin Blue Line - A Detroit Police Story omits detailed information on the setting's NPCs, paranormal creatures, adventures and an adventure generator, and cursed items. All of those materials will be available in the full version, coming in September 2015. Buyers who purchase this product prior to the full setting's release will receive a coupon for $10.00 off the price for the PDF of the full setting.

Buyers will also receive a fillable PDF character sheet once it is complete (expected in September 2015 as well).

Buyer has permission from Melior Via, LLC to distribute this PDF to up to five players.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.08.2015 | 13:02
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7220/154474.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/154474/Heroes-of-Terra-Players-Guide-Rough-Cut)
[Blackwing Productions] Heroes of Terra Player's Guide (Rough Cut)
Author: Jeremy Puckett
Pages: 78
Price: €4,49 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/154474-sample.pdf)

Welcome to Terra, a parallel world where magic lives and the dinosaurs never died out. Humans never evolved on Terra--instead, the world is dominated by floral life and saurians. Humans exist on Terra, however, drawn from the legendary world of Earth.

Heroes of Terra is a pulp-fantasy setting in the vein of classic sword-and-sorcery literature, with a world that pays homage to classic video games of the early 1980s. Think of it as "Conan the Barbarian," but the main character is a mustachioed Italian plumber instead of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Influences on the setting include Super Mario Brothers, The Legend of Zelda, Elric of Melniboné, Conan the Barbarian, John Carter of Mars, the Lankhmar novels, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Donkey Kong Country, and more, all thrown into a blender on high speed.

Jump higher, grow huge, and break open chests filled with gold coins and flowers that give you magic powers. Summon up your power, gather your wisdom, and find your courage. Terra needs heroes!


This Player's Guide is intended to serve as an introduction to the world of Heroes of Terra, an exciting new campaign setting for Savage Worlds. The art and layout in this guide are considered to be in "rough cut" format, a preview stage before the game goes to Kickstarter in winter 2015/2016. The final version of the Player's Guide will be made available for free to all customers who purchased the rough cut after it is finished.

And keep an eye out for the full setting book when it goes to Kickstarter, Heroes of Terra: The Mushroom War!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.08.2015 | 10:46
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7220/155073.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/155073/Heroes-of-Terra-One-Sheet-The-Plumbers-Dilemma)
[Blackwing Productions] Heroes of Terra One Sheet: The Plumber's Dilemma
Author: Jeremy Puckett
Pages: 2
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

While wandering in the Mandragoran Kingdom, the heroes come across a village with a major bug problem! The truth behind this infestation is a secret that could make the village's life very difficult if discovered by the dreaded Dragon Empire.

The Plumber's Dilemma is a one-sheet adventure for Heroes of Terra, suitable for a Novice party, either as a one-shot or as the introduction to a new campaign.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.08.2015 | 11:00
(http://www.streetsofbedlam.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/SoB_Story_LiveNudeCover.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/155087/Streets-of-Bedlam-SoB-Stories-2)
[FunSizedGames] Streets of Bedlam SoB Stories #2: Life Nude Girls
Author: Jason L Blair
Pages: 24
Price: €4,43 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/155087-sample.pdf)

"Nah, nah, I'm serious. I heard it straight from a friend who works for her. I never woulda believed it myself but sure as anything. Goes to show you never ever truly know anybody."

"Especially someone like Queenie.”

The ladies of Bricktown have enjoyed relative peace since Queenie ascended the throne. But somebody in town has taken some fungirls hostage and is using them as leverage to get something from the head Valkyrie. Something she's not eager to part with.

This PDF is a standalone scenario for use as a one-shot or to placed inside your ongoing Streets of Bedlam campaign.

Designed for use with Streets of Bedlam: A Savage World of Crime + Corruption (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/103092).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.08.2015 | 11:18
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/155134.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/155134/War-of-the-Dead-Chapter-1-map-pack)
[Just Insert Imagination] War of the Dead: Chapter 1 Map Pack
Author: Morné Schaap
Pages: 47
Price: €8,85 €5,31 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This is a map pack for Chapter 1 of the awesome War of the Dead (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/97454/War-of-the-Dead-Chapter-One-Print-Edition) setting. While it follows the encounters from the chapter, most of the maps are generic enough to fit into any zombie game. The maps are supposed to have a rough hand drawn look, like survivors scribbled the map on a handy piece of paper before fleeing from the dead.

The PDF contains 29 prints that are set up on A3 paper and there is an option to toggle the grid off or on. The RAR file contain the maps optimized for online use in VTTs, with a square to help set up the grid.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.08.2015 | 11:34
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Lankhmar_Archetype_PreGens.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/lankhmar-archetypes-pdf/)
[Pinnacle] Lankhmar: Archetypes
Authors: Thomas Shook
Pages: 11
Price: $2,99 (Pinnacle)

Bring the Twain—or those like them—to your table!

Featuring brilliant art by Aaron Acevedo, Chris Bivins, Bartłomiej Fedyczak, and Jon Taylor, the Lankhmar Archetypes bring eight full-color, ready-to-play archetypes representing iconic characters from Fritz Leiber’s Lankhmar series. Better yet, each character has a layer for Novice and Seasoned stat blocks, making them twice as nice!

Included are:
* Magnus the Swift (Male Rogue)
* Kort (Male Street Tough)
* Lucas (Male Bravo)
* Treena the Mouse (Female Thief)
* Gilliard (Male Ratling Black Sorcerer)
* Tendril (Male White Magician)
* Nimeria (Female Fire Mage)
* Kellis (Female Ghoul Warrior)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.08.2015 | 09:46
(https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/projects/1063085/photo-main.jpg?1406536342) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-atlas-of-the-frozen-north/posts/1279925)
[TAG] Hellfrost Atlas – The Atlas Cometh!

We’re getting close to releasing the first edition of the Hellfrost Atlas PDF! As you can see by the sample spread, we’ve finished the maps and have begun inserting them into layout.

Once backers have the PDF we’ll be giving them chance to look through and report back any bugs. This is a HUGE project and there is only one chance to get the print run right, so extra eyes will help us eliminate any pesky gremlins.

Rob & Wiggy
Triple Ace Games

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.09.2015 | 11:01
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/NE_Breakout_Cover_5in.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/product-category/necessary-evil/)
[Pinnacle] Necessary Evil: Breakout *PREORDER*
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 98
Price: $4,99 Players Guide PDF; $9,99 PDF; $19,99 SC/PDF; $24,99 HC/PDF (Pinnacle)

The villainous resistance of New York City was one of the last to hold out against the alien invasion. The evil v’sori responded by placing the island of Manhattan beneath an unbreakable energy field.
Trapped within, the city’s toughest and most cunning super villains must battle it out for food, weapons, resource, and dominance.

But they are not alone. A strange creature swarms in the sewers and subways. Powerful gangs rise and raid their rivals. The Black Hand controls a vast black market of scavenged goods. And rumors of a way out are–so far–nothing more than street gossip.

Only the strong will survive, and only the most calculating will eventually…


Necessary Evil: Breakout is a prequel to Pinnacle’s smash hit Necessary Evil setting. It features Street Level super villains trapped within the alien cordon of Manhattan attempting to form gangs, dominate their rivals, and eventually break out of the v’sori prison. Break Out details the New York City Prison setting, its villains and heroes, and features a full-length Plot Point Campaign for the most nefarious of souls.
Savage Worlds and the Super Powers Companion are required to play. The original Necessary Evil is not required.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.09.2015 | 11:07
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3561/155678.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/155678/The-Thin-Blue-Line--A-Detroit-Police-Story)
[Melior Via] The Thin Blue Line - A Detroit Police Story
Authors: Jason Marker, John Dunn
Artists: Bobby Alcott, Mike Brodu
Pages: 142
Price: €17,88 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/155678-sample.pdf)

“Watch your step rookie, or you’ll end up in Corktown.”


Calamity brews in Detroit. Paranormal activity is on the rise. An angry spirit, a dangerous creature, or a pack of desperate cultists hides under every sewer cover and within every abandoned building. The officers of Corktown Precinct are the only thing standing between the city and paranormal onslaught. Corktown has a secret, though. Its crew of supposed washouts are either psychics or have encountered the paranormal. These damaged, over-worked, and under-paid officers must keep paranormal activity in Detroit under wraps and out of sight. No mean feat in a city as old, large, and haunted as Detroit.


Corktown officers face constant threats from mundane crime, paranormal forces, as well as their inner demons and growing madness. Do they have what it takes? Can they stand against the growing threats, or will they be consumed, along with the city they guard?


The Thin Blue Line is a modern horror setting that requires the Savage Worlds Core Rulebook and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion for use.

This PDF uses layers for ease of printing.

This is the full setting for The Thin Blue Line - A Detroit Police Story. It includes detailed information on the setting's NPCs, paranormal creatures, adventures and an adventure generator, and cursed items.

Buyers also receive PDF character sheets in Printer Friendly and Full color versions. These include standard and form-fillable variants.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.09.2015 | 11:14
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/770/153130.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/153130/Larger-Than-Life-Savage-Worlds-Edition)
[Blackwyrm Games] Larger Than Life: Savage Worlds Edition
Author: Michael Surbrook
Artist: Miles M Kantir
Pages: 346
Price: €22,30 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/153130-sample.pdf)

Heroes, villains, legends … the folklore of America features all of this and more. In this volume you can find pirates and soldiers, lumberjacks and steel drivers, mountain men and lawmen, cowboys, Indians, inventors, and eccentrics. All of whom are just waiting to be included in your campaign! And don’t let the time period fool you, just because these characters existed in the 18th and 19th Centuries, doesn’t mean you can’t use them in your pulp, superhero, fantasy, or even science fiction campaigns! After all, these characters are Larger Than Life!

Larger Than Life features 20 archetypes, ranging from Blackbeard the Pirate to the man who invented the 20th Century: Nikola Tesla. In addition, there are a total of 24 full character sheets, each with a detailed history and description of the character in question. But that’s not all! You also get over 124 biographies of other people related to each archetype, as well as famous ocean-going ships, famous outlaw gangs, Paul Bunyan’s entire logging gang, and other historical trivia. Each archetype also comes with at least one template, allowing you to build your own version of that archetype. So what are you waiting for? Dive in and start discovering those tidbits of American history you never new existed. But watch your step, because after all, these characters are… Larger Than Life!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.09.2015 | 11:22
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/155991.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/155991/Sword-of-Izim)
[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians: Sword of Izim
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 46
Price: €8,93 €6,25 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/155991-sample.pdf)

Welcome to The Sword of Izim, a Heroic Tale for the Beasts & Barbarians Savage Worlds setting.

Somewhere in the Zandorian wastelands, there is a lonesome peak, like a giant sentinel watching over a dying Empire. Stories say that in the past this place was held by an order
of warriors, guarding something both very powerful and very dangerous.

Today Izim’s Peak, as it is called, has been deserted for centuries, and on its top there are only windswept ruins. But who can tell what secrets are hidden there?

Wild rides, ruthless bandits, comely girls and much more await you among the pages of The Sword of Izim! What are you waiting for? Grab your sword, gird your loins and jump into adventure!

To play this scenario you need a copy of the core rules of Savage Worlds and Beasts and Barbarians Golden Edition. This adventure is for a party of four Seasoned heroes (20-25 Experience Points is the optimal level), but it can easily be modified, following the Golden Edition instructions, for parties of different sizes and experience.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.09.2015 | 04:05
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/hellfrost-logo.png) (https://bundleofholding.com/presents/Hellfrost)
[Bundle of Holding] Hellfrost Player's Collection & Gamemaster's Collection
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Valid until: 06.10.2015
Prices: $8.95 Player's Collection, $21.95 Player's Collection & Gamemaster's Collection

The latest Bundle of Holding is devoted to... HELLFROST!

If you've been eyeing up the setting but are undecided, this is your chance to grab a load of products at a great price! This offer runs until Tuesday, October 6. If you'd care to mention this offer among your social circles, we'd take it as a favor.
The lineup:
PLAYER'S COLLECTION (US$8.95 - retail value $34)
Hellfrost Player's Guide ($15)
+ Hellfrost Starter Pack (free)
[+ Savage Worlds Test Drive (free)]
Arcane Lore ($9)
Heroes & Villains Compendium ($10)

(threshold starts at $21.95 - retail value $70)
Bestiary ($20)
Gazetteer ($20)
Adventure Compendium I ($15)
Encounters Book 1 ($15)

Retail value: $105
Triple Ace Games Creative Director
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.09.2015 | 04:44
And Now for Something Completely Different...

(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/KOT-box-sticker.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/king-of-thieves-products/king-of-thieves/)
[TAG] King of Thieves
Game Design: Robin Elliott
Game Concept: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Price: €21.19    (TAG Store)

Welcome to King of Thieves, a non-collectible bluffing card game of tomb robbing in which competing thieves gamble their reputation to steal treasure from heavily guarded tombs!

Aim of the Game

In King of Thieves players represent enterprising tomb-robbers battling to be crowned king of all the thieves! Thieves gamble their reputation with every expedition into the dangerous tombs that litter the land of Al-Shirkuh, but this gamble is worth the risk as great riches can be found. However, every thief must be wary as every tomb has a guardian to protect its riches; either a dangerous creature, or a fiendish trap to snare the unwary!

How do you win?

The game ends when one player has managed to collect 10 Treasure tokens from plundering tombs. If all tombs have been plundered the game ends and the player with the most Treasure tokens wins. If there is a tie for Treasure tokens then the player with the most Treasure and Reputation wins the game.

Want to try this new game?

Download the print and play version (no card back image) here FREE!

King of Thieves PnP A4 Vr (http://www.tripleacegames.com//Downloads/kingofthieves/KOT%20PnP%20A4.pdf)

King of Thieves PnP US Letter (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/kingofthieves/KOT%20PnP%20US%20Letter.pdf)

You can also download the rules HERE. (http://www.tripleacegames.com/Downloads/kingofthieves/King%20of%20Thieves%20-%20Rules%20Sheet.pdf)

If you like the game you can order the full version properly printed on card stock and packaged in a wooden box*


*This Edition Ships from the UK
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.11.2015 | 14:26
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/6604/165632.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/165632/Guild-of-Shadows-Campaign-Guide)
[SPQR Games] Guild of Shadows Campaign Guide
Authors: Mat Greenfield, Daniel Marshall, Richard Woolcock
Pages: 77
Price: €14,68 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/165632-sample.pdf)

Thieves Wanted for this dark fantasy role-playing campaign setting for Savage Worlds

An elite thieves’ guild operates within the darkened alleyways of crowded city streets, skillfully pulling the invisible strings of its inhabitants. Join the Guild of Shadows, and play the role of a guild member, planning and executing skilled robberies, confidence schemes, smash and grab jobs, and even the occasional murder....

- Seven new archetypes including the assassin, pick pocket, swindler and more!
- More than 30 illicitly themed Edges and Hindrances.
- Specialized rules for Disguises and Poisons.
- Full background and plot hooks for a stand-alone city ready to be dropped into any campaign world.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/6604/165629.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/165629/Guild-of-Shadows--3-Adventures-Savage-Worlds)
[SPQR Games] Guild of Shadows - 3 Adventures
Authors: Jim Davenport, Mat Greenfield
Pages: 44
Price: €8,23 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/165629-sample.pdf)

A three-pack adventure bundle featuring: 'The Initiates Path' details an exciting introduction for new guild members.'The Vipers' Nest' has the players going head-to-head with a rival guild in the city. 'Kurstwahl's Eleven' is a challenging adventure in which the players target the city's most exclusive gambling hall.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.11.2015 | 22:33
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Hellfrost-Adventure-Codex-I-COVER-791x1024.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-products/hellfrost-adventure-codex/)
[TAG] Hellfrost Adventure Codex
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 550; B/W
Weight: 1,7 kg
Price: €50,86 HC & free PDFs (TAG Store)



Triple Ace Games is proud to announce a series of epic hardback books which contain the adventures previously published by TAG. The first book to be published in the Codex range is the Hellfrost Adventure Codex (Codex I)

Epic adventure in the lands of snow & ice!

The Hellfrost Adventure Codex contains twenty exciting adventures for the snowy northern regions!

Within these pages you will find the following adventures:

- Lair Of The Vermin Lord
- The Dark Seed
- Pirates Of The Crystalflow
- The Eostre Festival
- Lost City Of Paraxus
- Descent Into Madness
- The Ice Fiend
- Fey Tower & Deadly Glade
- Sins Of The Father
- The Blood Of Godhammer
- The Blood Tide
- Tales Of Darkness
- Against The Elements
- Web Of Deceit
- Death In The Mire
- Clash Of Steel
- Shadow Of Darkness
- The Siege Of Watchgap Fort
- The Heart Of Winter
- The Frost Giant’s Hold

Hellfrost is an epic fantasy setting for the award winning Savage Worlds RPG system. The Hellfrost Adventure Codex collects together twenty of the finest adventures produced for Hellfrost and takes your characters on a journey from Novice to Veteran level. Fight frost giants and ice goblins, search ancient tombs and discover precious treasures! Your heroes are about to step into an epic world of adventure!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.11.2015 | 06:07
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/166312.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/166312/Shaintar-Black-Lantern-Reports-Camden)
[Savage Mojo] Shaintar: Black Lantern Reports - Camden
Authors: Shawn Gore, Sean Patrick Fannon
Pages: 13
Price: €3,75 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/166312-sample.pdf)

The Black Lantern Society is at it again!

This time they're reporting on the city of Camden, known to most of Shaintar as the Snakes Den. This report will give both GM's and players a solid background for creating characters and NPC's from these vicious streets filled with greed and politics. 

You'll learn about several groups that live and work within the streets and we've also provided you with several new edges and other rules stuff to get started. The intrigue can get deadly and its worth your life to gain the attention of the wrong people. The Black Lanterns hope to find information to help them gain the trust of Camden in order for it to sign the Grey Ranger's charter. They've not succeeded...yet!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.11.2015 | 08:04
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/770/166682.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/166682/The-DogBoy-of-Westminster-Savage-Worlds-Edition)
[BlackWyrm Games] The Widening Gyre: The Dog-Boy of Westminster
Author: Bill Keyes
Pages: 12
Price: €1,87 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/166682-sample.pdf)

The streets of London are teeming with orphaned and abandoned children. Why does one small girl going missing make a bit of difference? Something lurks in the shadows of Westminster, something inhuman. Perhaps the traveling freak-show that has just come to town has some of the answers…

The Dog-Boy of Westminster is a short adventure for The Widening Gyre: A Savage Steampunk Setting (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/137764/The-Widening-Gyre-A-Savage-Steampunk-Setting). Guide a team of 4-6 Seasoned adventurers as they search for a lost child and uncover a terrifying secret. This PDF contains a full adventure for a Savage Worlds steampunk game, including a new master villain and a dozen freaks and geeks to challenge your players.

To run this adventure, a GM should have a copy of the Savage Worlds core rules and The Widening Gyre.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.11.2015 | 08:36
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/RIPP_GM_Cover_5in.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/167295/Rippers-Resurrected-Game-Masters-Handbook)
[Pinnacle] Rippers Resurrected: Game Master's Handbook *PREORDER*
Authors: Simon Lucas, Matthew Cutter, Clint Black, Shane Hensley
Pages: 98
Price: €9,39 PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow); $9,99 PDF, $19,99 PDF & SC, $24,99 PDF & HC (Pinnacle)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/167295-sample.pdf)


Three years ago, Johann Van Helsing led the Rippers—an ancient organization dedicated to fighting evil—against the forces of the diabolical Cabal. At great cost to life, limb, and reason...they won. But in 1895 a new evil stirs in the dark of night, straining at the walls of its eternal prison. Its fiendish servants comb the globe, seeking a way to free their master and consume the world with shadows. Only the Rippers stand against them. But to triumph they must face their oldest nemeses...and their deepest fears!

The Rippers Resurrected Game Master's Handbook contains everything a Game Master needs to run adventures in the Victorian era: expanded information about the Rippers' world, including secrets of the Cabal and other threats facing the Rippers, an adventure generator, the all-new Plot Point Campaign Return of Evil, a host of all-new Savage Tales, and stats for all the Rippers' steadfast allies and fiendish enemies.
This book requires the Rippers Resurrected Player's Guide and the Savage Worlds core rules to play.

(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/RIPP_PG_Cover_5in.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/167294/Rippers-Resurrected-Players-Guide)
[Pinnacle] Rippers Resurrected: Player's Guide *PREORDER*
Authors: Simon Lucas, Matthew Cutter, Clint Black, Shane Hensley
Pages: 96
Price: €9,39 PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow); $9,99 PDF, $19,99 PDF & SC, $24,99 PDF & HC (Pinnacle)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/167294-sample.pdf)


At the Nineteenth Century's end, a shadow lies upon Europe...and the world. The mythological creatures of the night—vampires, werewolves, and far worse—stalk the darkness seeking innocent blood. Only the Rippers, members of an ancient organization dedicated to fighting evil, stand against them. But to win this battle, the Rippers must use all their foes' weapons against them...and preserve their own embattled sanity. It's time to take back the night...again!

The Rippers Resurrected Player's Guide contains everything players need to create the Ripper heroes who oppose evil's machinations: information on the Victorian era, the various Rippers Factions and the frightening world they call home, new Hindrances and Edges, gear, and Setting Rules for Ripper Lodges, Reason, Status, and more. Newly revised rules for rippertech allow heroes to "rip" their enemies' supernatural traits and graft them to other Rippers with greater ease than ever before.

This book requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/167296-thumb140.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/167296/Rippers-Resurrected-Lord-of-the-Underworld)
[Pinnacle] Rippers Resurrected: Lord of the Underworld *PREORDER*
Authors: Matthew Cutter
Pages: 32
Price: €5,63 PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow); $19,99 PDF & GM Screen (Pinnacle)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/167296-sample.pdf)

"Descend, bold traveler…"

When a famous explorer is found murdered by Cabal assassins the Rippers must follow in his footsteps…deep into the terrifying and labyrinthine Underworld. In lightless deeps they struggle against the Cabal and a greater terror than the world has ever known!

This adventure requires the Rippers Resurrected Player’s Guide, Rippers Resurrected Game Master’s Handbook, and the Savage Worlds core rules.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.11.2015 | 09:32
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3683/167383.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/167383/Ultimate-Celts-Guide-Savage-Worlds)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Ultimate Celts Guide
Author: Tyler Omichinski
Pages: 46
Price: €3,73 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/167383-sample.pdf)

The wind swept isles of Albion have long held the popular imagination, and legends are still being invented about the Celtic peoples. In modern times, the Cornish, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, and Manx are the heirs to the Celtic line. In ancient times, the Celts were spread across continental Europe and the Isles. They held great kingdoms and were skilled on horseback, at crossing the oceans, and at strength of arms.

There is much difficulty in separating reality from myth regarding the Celtic peoples, especially given their own penchant for interweaving their myths with reality. Theirs was an oral tradition, and much was not written down until far after. This feeds our view of the Isles being a place fogged in myth and legend. They fought against the Romans, terrifying even the most trained of Legions, traded with the ancient Greeks, built castles on the barest of ocean rocks, and more.

The Ultimate Celts Guide is a sourcebook for Savage Worlds that seeks to convey a handful of polished gems made from the myth and history of the Celts, ensuring you can utilize these people and their legends in your games. Remembered for their ferocity in battle, their bravery that bordered on foolhardiness, and their love of land and place, the Celts are as much a people of story as they are people in history.

Ultimate Celts Guide includes:

* A brief history of the Celtic people.
* Ranks within Celtic society.
* A look at the Celtic lands.
* An overview of Celtic mythology.
* Options for creating Celtic characters.
* Non-player Characters.
* A Celtic adventure.
... and more!

Ultimate Celts Guide can lay the groudwork for a historical or alternate history adventure set within the Celtic lands of old. It can also be used as a guide for creating Celtic characters within fantasy games.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.11.2015 | 09:44
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/167372.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/167372/Shaintar-Guidebook-Elvish-Nation)
[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Guidebook: Elvish Nation
Authors: Darren Pearce, Sean Patrick Fannon
Pages: 16
Price: €4,71 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/167372-sample.pdf)

Sun, Moon, and Stars

The soucebook for Shaintar's elves, Elvish Nation takes you deep through the forests of this proud and magical people. You'll learn about the Unias, Quo-Unias and about the delicate balance between tradition and progress or the older Eldakar vs. the Alakar.  We'll talk about everything from Architecture to Beliefs and rituals. 

There's no nobles or peasants but there are terms given to certain people in this society and they're here too. There's also a number of NPCs and story hooks ready for a GM to use to enhance a campaign along with some new edges from the creator of this realm, Sean Patrick Fannon.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.11.2015 | 09:59
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/167444.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/167444/Tropicana)
[GRAmel] Tropicana
Authors: Mauro Longo, Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 98
Price: €15,08 €12,25 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/167444-sample.pdf)

Once upon a time in the Caribbean...

In Tropicana, characters are adventurers, rogues and troubleshooters, on the narrow border between law and something else.

They are detectives and spies, gamblers and mercenaries, exotic dancers and celebrities in need, traffickers and thugs, pilots and mercenaries, surfers and tourists, students and activists. They will surely find themselves in trouble, be hired to handle trouble or actively look for trouble. And trouble in San José is always big, complicated and twisted.

And after any adventure, they like to have boat drinks and smoke cigars together by the poolside.

Tropicana is a game of action heroes, special agents and troubleshooters in San José, a rogue state consisting of a tropical metropolis, its wild jungle hinterland and a small archipelago of
paradise islands.

Fight criminals, investigate ancient mysteries, solve cases, seduce the most beautiful men and women!

Now grab your gun and a mojito and join the spies, billionaires and rebels in this gangsta's paradise!

Zitat von: A note by the author
I'm Mauro Longo, one of the authors.

Tropicana is set in a banana republic somewhere in the Caribbean.
They have had embargoes, revolutions supported from other countries and phantom governements. Now they are the "Dubai of the West".

So you can find there, in a mix:

- old cadillacs and 50s style districts,
- resorts and modern boulevards,
- an isolated bay created in the 70s by hippies and globetrotters,
- a futuristic city centre with banks and skyscrapers,
- favelas and fazendas in the mainland,
- a historical center in Spanish colonial style, full of movida and nightlife,
- a Marina popular with celebrities of the 80s, where everything is in a "pop style" as for Magnum P.I., Miami Vice and Riptide.

So, actually in San José you find a mixture of styles and eras, and you can pick what you like time by time and have your cocktail.
Shaken, not stirred.
Author of Ultima Forsan and Tropicana

Community Manager @ GG Studio and Savage Worlds Italia.
Write me at info@savageworlds.it or mauro@ggstudio.eu
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.11.2015 | 00:21
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/167483.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/167483/Tropicana-Hot-Wheels)
[GRAmel] Tropicana: Hot Wheels
Authors: Mauro Longo, Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 3
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Once upon a time in the Caribbean...

The rich lawyer Julio Hernandez is worried about his daughter Josefina, and with good reason! A few weeks ago she destroyed her very expensive car, and… the best is yet to come!
Hired by Hernandez, the Heroes are asked to watch over her.

An introductory adventure for Tropicana, for 3-6 Novice Heroes or a Startup Agency. Prepare for brawls and wild chases in the streets of the exotic city of San José, where the Heroes must protect a wild girl who can’t stay away from danger.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.12.2015 | 18:33
(https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/projects/1063085/photo-main.jpg?1406536342) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-atlas-of-the-frozen-north/posts/1279925)
[TAG] Hellfrost Atlas – Production Update - December 2015

Hellfrost Atlas PDF link sent

Whether you backed the Kickstarter or pledged through the TAG webstore, your link for the final Hellfrost Atlas PDF has been sent. If it’s not in your inbox, please check your spam folder. If it isn’t there, please contact Wiggy (wiggy@tripleacegames.com (wiggy@tripleacegames.com)) telling him how you backed the project so he can track down your missing link.

Please note there are two files - the Atlas and a separate appendix of just the maps. Thank you for your support in this epic endeavor!

Rob & Wiggy
Triple Ace Games
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.12.2015 | 18:58
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2363/167773.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/167773/Amethyst-Untamed--Players-Guide--Savage-Worlds)
[Dias Ex Machina Games] Amethyst: Untamed - Player's Guide
Authors: Chris Dias, Christopher Stilson
Pages: 203
Price: €9,44 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/167773-sample.pdf)

Which side will you choose? Which weapons will you wield? Earth is torn between the order of science and the chaos of fantasy. These two worlds cannot mix. Venture into lands once claimed by skyscrapers and factories, now overrun by elves, goblins, and dragons. Choose your path and commit to the quest. Monsters will hunt you; machines will track you. No gods will help you; no prophecies will choose you. The fate of the world rests with you.

The critically acclaimed Amethyst setting, now for the  Savage Worlds Roleplaying Game.

This rulebook contains everything a player needs to create Savage Worlds characters for Amethyst, including:

- Eleven new playable species.
- New and altered edges and hindrances.
- High-tech equipment from revolvers to railcannons, pickup trucks to powered armor.
- An introduction to the cultures and dangers of the world of Amethyst.
- Dozens of character archetypes to get you playing right away.

This book requires a Savage Worlds core rulebook to play. A GM also requires the Amethyst: Untamed World Guide.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2363/167775.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/167775/Amethyst-Untamed--World-Guide--Savage-Worlds)
[Dias Ex Machina Games] Amethyst: Untamed - World Guide
Authors: Chris Dias, Christopher Stilson
Pages: 187
Price: €8,50 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/167775-sample.pdf)

Which side will you choose? Which weapons will you wield? Earth is torn between the order of science and the chaos of fantasy. These two worlds cannot mix. Venture into lands once claimed by skyscrapers and factories, now overrun by elves, goblins, and dragons. Choose your path and commit to the quest. Monsters will hunt you; machines will track you. No gods will help you; no prophecies will choose you. The fate of the world rests with you.

The critically acclaimed Amethyst setting, now for the  Savage Worlds Roleplaying Game.

This setting guide contains everything a GM needs to run Amethyst games in savage worlds, including:

- A gazetteer of the setting, told from the perspective of one of its most well-traveled residents.
- Dozens of plot hooks to guide your adventures.
- A medley of menacing monsters.
- An introductory adventure to kick-start your epic journey.

This book requires a Savage Worlds corebook and the Amethyst: Untamed Player's Guide to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.12.2015 | 17:51
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/ETU_Horror_for_the_Holidays.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/etu-horror-for-the-holidays-pdf/)
[Pinnacle] ETU: Horror for the Holidays
Author: Owen Lean
Pages: 18
Price: €6,58 PDF (Pinnacle)

Happy Holidays!

The Christmas spirit has descended upon Pinebox. It’s a time for celebration, a time for relaxation, and perhaps a time when the forces of darkness would give the world some gosh darned peace and quiet.
Unfortunately, this year the Christmas spirit is an actual spirit—and it doesn’t care if you’ve been naughty or nice. The spirit of the last man to be publicly lynched in Texas has risen, and he’s on the trail of a young Freshman at East Texas University.
Oh. And he looks like Santa Claus.

Requires the Savage Worlds core rules and East Texas University to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.12.2015 | 17:59
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/168409.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/168409/Nemezis-Cyborgs)
[GRAmel] Nemezis: Cyborgs
Authors: Andrzej Stój, Jakub Osiejewski, Andy Slack
Pages: 16
Price: €4,55 €3,63 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/168409-sample.pdf)

Do you want to live forever?

When you undergo the transformation in cyborg, your old life is over. You become a war machine. Better. Faster. Stronger. Balancing on a thin line between the remnants of humanity and the efficiency of a machine. This expansion contains the long-awaited rules on creating 'true cyborgs', a description of their role in society, some new sample bodies and GM tips on how to incorporate these mechanical behemoths into your Nemezis campaign.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.12.2015 | 00:32
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/168455.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/168455/Rifles-of-Atlantis)
[GRAmel] Rifles of Atlantis
Author: Jakub Osiejewski
Pages: 28
Price: €5,46 €4,55 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/168455-sample.pdf)

Rifles of Atlantis is a pulp adventure for Savage Worlds, set in an alternate reality where Atlantis is about to join WWII. The players are American specialists sent to Atlantis on a diplomatic mission by President Roosevelt. But the mission might be something more than it appears to be, and the representatives of Nazi Germany are plotting… and the inhabitants of the island have their secrets as well. Who’s the real ruler of Atlantis? What are the secrets of Fist of Gods?

The adventure contains enough setting material and story hooks to be an introduction to a pulp campaign of your own, or it could be a stand-alone experience – we have provided a set of four pre-generated characters.

Nazis, mutants, ancient undead, psionic priests, Atlantis – all that awaits your players.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.12.2015 | 00:36
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3561/168608.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/168608/Savage-Lairs--Fantasy-Forests)
[Melior Via] Savage Lairs - Fantasy Forests
Authors: John Dunn, Timothy Cox, Jason Marker, Mack Martin, Ross Watson
Pages: 63
Price: €9,10 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/168608-sample.pdf)

"You want to go where?!"

Players are an unpredictable lot. You spend hours planning the perfect adventures, then they ignore your carefully staged clues to head off in a direction you had not prepared. Savage Lairs is here to help.

This book presents a range of sixty encounters all tailored to fit within a typical fantasy forest. Each page presents a new scene that offers a way to occupy the players while you try to figure out how to adapt your masterwork to their unexpected actions. Some could lead to a side quest or an unrelated adventure, but this is not necessary. These encounters help you to occupy the heroes for a bit, while you hurriedly readjust your main focus.

Savage Lairs - Fantasy Forests is for use with any fantasy setting. It makes use of the Savage Worlds game system and requires the Savage Worlds Core Rules for use.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.12.2015 | 00:51
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3561/168778.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/168778/Accursed-Hatreds-Snare-and-A-Distant-Dream-2Pack)
[Melior Via] Accursed: Hatreds Snare & A Distant Dream
Author: Ross Watson
Pages: 2
Price: €0,91 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Hatred’s Snare
Gorge Wolves have the town of Yulotov, in Steppengrad, under siege. What has brough Baba Yaga's banes to the city? Can the Accursed defeat them, or can they find the root of the curse and elminate that instead?

A Distant Dream
A caravan leader's nightly visions of the Djinn have drawn the attention of Memnon. Are the dreams real? If so, should the Witchmarked help the dreamer to uncover the origins of these dreams or slay him, so that they cannot be fulfilled?

Hatred's Snare and A Distant Dream are a pair of One-Sheet style scenarios that focus on the adventures of a band of Witchmarked heroes in the Accursed game setting. The adventure may be played as a standalone, or it may be used with the Plot Point Campaign included in Accursed. The adventure features brief scene descriptionss, with necessary game mechanics and opportunity for tasks that can be resolved in a variety of ways.

Accursed provides additional details about the setting used in the scenarios, and is required to fully make use of the game mechanics presented. Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion are also required. This PDF uses layers for ease of printing.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.12.2015 | 00:59
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/770/168806.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/168806/Walking-Towns-A-Savage-Supplement)
[BlackWyrm Games] The Widening Gyre: Walking Towns - A Savage Supplement
Author: William Keyes
Pages: 8
Price: €1,81 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/168806-sample.pdf)

Welcome to Pietre Verde, a charming Alpine town! But this little town is anything but ordinary. In fact, it is the most marvelous wonder of engineering ever conceived and built! Come explore its streets and squares, meet its charming residents, and wonder at the miracle of its very existence!

Welcome to Schwartzstadt, a picturesque town in the heart of Europe! But despite its rural charms, under its normal-seeming streets and byways lurks a dark, murderous secret. Can you survive the terror that possesses the heart of the Dark Town?

Investigate a pair of unique and legendary steam-powered artifacts and learn their deepest secrets. This PDF contains two new amazing gadgets for a Savage Worlds steampunk game, plus characters and adventure seeds to fuel your imagination! Although written for Savage Worlds and The Widening Gyre, these amazing wonders are easy to port over into any system or setting that you can imagine.

During the Franco-Prussian War of 1862-1870, marauding armies overran many small towns and villages. In order to protect themselves, one town came upon a novel solution. Instead of trying to defend itself (a losing proposition to be certain), it would use the age-old solution: run away from danger. Using the latest technology and supported by several brilliant Savants, they put legs on their town, making it mobile. Soon, other towns followed the first one’s lead and now there are many walking towns.

Walking towns are slow and ponderous and make a tremendous amount of noise, but they are simply amazing to witness. In the years since the wars, many of them have settled down in fertile areas, never to move again unless danger looms. Others have become something like gypsy towns, packing up and moving on every few months. Legend says that there are walking ghost-towns as well; mechanized villages which roam during fog-shrouded nights, or silhouetted by the flickering lighting during terrible thunderstorms. Much like the legendary Flying Dutchman of the high seas, these haunted places are seen as an evil omen, bringing bad luck wherever they are seen.

A Supplement for The Widening Gyre, A Savage Steampunk Setting.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.12.2015 | 09:30
(http://www.prometheusshop.de/media/image/65/af/a2/wilde-welten-mockup-web.jpg) (http://www.prometheusshop.de/rollenspiele/savage-worlds/wilde-welten/3771/wilde-welten-eine-abenteueranthologie-fuer-savage-worlds)
[Prometheus] Savage Worlds: Wilde Welten
Autoren: Günther Lietz, Oliver Loh, Thomas Bayer
Seiten: 110 S/W Softcover
Preis: €14,95 (Prometheus Shop oder Sphärenmeister)

Drei fesselnde Savage Worlds-Abenteuer, jedes mit einem eigenen Setting und fertigen Charakteren, um sich direkt ins Spiel zu stürzen – das sind die Wilden Welten.

Spiele für Erwachsene, Kinder profitieren! Wilde Welten ist die erste Veröffentlichung des gemeinnützigen Spielkinder-Projekts (http://www.prometheusgames.de/verlag/der-verlag/spielkinder-spielerisch-helfen/), das sich mithilfe des wundervollen Hobbys Rollenspiel für Kinder und Jugendliche einsetzt. Alle Einnahmen des Verlages aus diesem Produkt gehen an karitative Einrichtungen.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.12.2015 | 14:06
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3683/168904.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/168904/Mercenary-Breed-Rebellion-Savage-Worlds)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Mercenary Breed: Rebellion
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Pages: 91
Price: €4,61 €2,31 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/168904-sample.pdf)

The Argo Galaxy is growing – not physically but figuratively. After years of study, the House of the Alliance has finally decided to open the Hastilion Expanse for full settlement and corporate utilization. Researchers identified numerous planets and moons as optimal for civilization and corporations from around the known galaxy, including Drake Mining and Manufacturing, are making plans to acquire land.

Since its inception, Drake Mining and Manufacturing has prided itself on mining resources and creating high-quality products from those resources to support the entire galaxy. Moving into the Hastilion Expanse provides them with a wealth of opportunities to expand their operations and grow their business. That is, of course, if their new facilities can survive.

New planets are always fraught with hidden dangers from native flora and fauna, pirates, rival corporations, and rebellious populations. Only the strength of Drake’s mercenary force will help them overcome any roadblocks and become successful. As long as they don’t get killed in the process.

Rebellion presents the Heroic portion of the Hastilion Expanse campaign for Mercenary Breed or it can be used as a collection of adventures for any sci-fi setting. While parts of it were originally published in Savage Insider Premium and the Hastilion Expanse Compendiums, this new campaign book updates that content to Mercenary Breed 2.0 and expands on it.

Rebellion includes:

Rebellion is not a standalone product. It requires the Mercenary's Handbook and the Savage Worlds core rulebook. GMs may want the Galaxy Guide and Xenopedia to get the full feel of the Hastilion Expanse campaign along with the Drake Mining and Manufacturing setting primer for a gazetteer of the Expanse and Lord Leohn for all Novice-ranked plot points, Mastermind for all Seasoned-ranked plot points, and Infiltration for all Veteran-ranked plot points.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.12.2015 | 14:14
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3915/168986.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/168986/Savage-WorldsImprobable-Tales-Eaters-of-Steel)
[Fainting Goat Games] Improbable Tales: Eaters of Steel
Authors: Sean Nokes, Walt Robillard
Pages: 8
Price: €3,23 €2,31 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A disgruntled scientist has forged a symbiotic relationship with cyborg nomads from another dimension! He is unleashing them on a hapless populace to feed his own greed as he feeds their tribe with technology and steel. Will the heroes be able to stop these terrifying biomechanical predators?

This adventure is for use with the Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion (2nd Ed)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.12.2015 | 14:21
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/168953.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/168953/Shaintar-Guidebook-Dregordia)
[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Guidebook: Dregordia
Authors: Darren Pearce, Sean Patrick Fannon
Pages: 19
Price: €5,53 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/168953-sample.pdf)

Who...and What are the Dregordians!

Even though they look like 7 and a half foot tall crocodiles, they have emotions anyone could understand.  These are a people who enjoy learning from the other races.  They've long interacted with the Fae and have been a stalwart barrier against the Kal-A-Nar Empire's expansion to the south.

A race, strange and Alien.  Some think these folk are behind the Dragon cult but that couldn't be farther from the truth. These people follow The Way and choose logic and control over transitory feelings. Its probably a good thing...given that a moment of anger could mean the dismemberment of those less hardy races.

Come and travel in the living jungle and along the river to Ssatay.  The harmony within is shown in the architecture, art and culture of this people - yet they have lived through generations of war. 

This book contains everything required to base a campaign or character within Dregordia.  You'll learn the history, weapons, art, beliefs and rituals of this strange race.  There's even a bit of politics and even a secret or two we've shared. 
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.12.2015 | 21:36
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/6067/167948.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/167948/Savage-Thunderscape-the-World-of-Aden)
[Kyoudai Games] Savage Thunderscape: The World of Aden
Author:  John Beattie, Mark Swafford, Shawn Carman, Rich Wulf; Original World of Aden: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 118
Price: €18,28 PDF; €27,43 SC; €45,71 €36,57 SC + PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/167948-sample.pdf)

An Epic World of Steam and Darkness

In Aden, a thousand-year Golden Age of prosperity gave rise to an unprecedented development: the fusion of magic and technology into a unique discipline called mechamagic. Arcane power, steam power, and gunpowder changed the world almost overnight. The Golden Age ended, and the Age of Thunder began. It seemed that there would be no limit to the industry and ingenuity of man.

Until the Darkfall.

A supernatural cataclysm of unknown origin, the Darkfall plunged the world into darkness as the sun was blotted out for only a moment. In that moment, every nightmare and horror imagined by the people of Aden sprang into existence, and the world was thrown into chaos. Villages were wiped from the face of the world, entire cities burned, and tens of thousands perished in an instant. It seemed that the world would die in flames.

But Aden will not die so easily.

Now, ten years later, the people of Aden struggle to survive in the face of unrelenting assault by horrors beyond imagining. It is a world of magic, a world of industry, a world of horror.

It is the World of Aden.

Savage Thunderscape: The World of Aden is a setting and mechanics sourcebook compatibly with the Savage Worlds role-playing game. Within the pages of this book you will find the following:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.01.2016 | 09:20
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/170458.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/170458/Dark-Places-of-the-Dominions)
[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians: Dark Places of the Dominions
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack
Pages: 63
Price: €7,34 €6,42 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/170458-sample.pdf)

Welcome back to the Dominions! This sourcebook is about the most important part of any adventure: locations.

Among these pages you will find a number of detailed, ready-to-play mysterious places of the Dread Sea Dominions, each of them ripe with interesting opportunities (and terrible dangers) for the heroes, which you can use in your campaign. An Instant Plot is also given for each of them, a pre-made idea to use it as a no-prep, stand-alone adventure.

So grab your sword, check your bow and venture into the Dominions again!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.01.2016 | 09:42
[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost City Books 1-5 *COMING SOON*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 32 each

The books in this small series will be:

City Book 1: Cities of the Freelands (contents: Spyre & Aslov)
City Book 2: Cities of Magic (contents: Imperial City & Kingshall)
City Book 3: Cities of the Crystalflow (contents: Bridgewater & Drakeport)
City Book 4: Cities of Royalty (contents: Ravensburg & New Asper)
City Book 5: Cities of Crime (contents: Freetown and notes on thieves' guilds)

All are 32 pages and we’re planning on printing these on glossy paper to do the maps full justice.

Counting up all the locations in the five Hellfrost City Books. Comes to over 320!

We’ll also put copies of the maps on the website but with no numbers on, so you can print them out, hand them to players, and let them point at where they want to visit.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Ulli von wuffrupp.de am 9.01.2016 | 13:19
Hallo Hellfrost-Fans! In meinem Weihnachtsurlaub habe ich die Gelegenheit genutzt, ein paar Korrekturen, Verbesserungen und Ergänzungen an meinen bereits veröffentlichten Hellfrost Freebie PDFs vorzunehmen:
LINK: http://www.pnprpg.de/2016/01/savage-worlds-hellfrost-update-der-pdfs.html (http://www.pnprpg.de/2016/01/savage-worlds-hellfrost-update-der-pdfs.html)
Falls Ihr Verbesserungsvorschläge, Fehlerkorrekturen und ergänzungswünsche usw. habt, schreibts mir gerne per PM - Danke!  ;D
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.01.2016 | 22:40
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/671/170534.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/170534/Karthador-Swashbuckling-Science-Fiction)
[Reality Blurs] Karthador - Swashbuckling Science Fiction
Authors: Darrell Hardy & Sean Preston
Pages: 340
Price: €27,47 €18,31 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/170534-sample.pdf)

Karthador: Swashbuckling Science Fiction

Karthador (http://karthador.com/) is a world of beauty, danger, drama, and horror.
A world where swashbuckling heroes battle merciless villains across ancient vistas and above shining cities, in a world where science is magic and adventure is never more than a whisper away.
Noble warriors ride dinosaurs into battle, swords in their hands and blaster pistols on their hips.
Crafty sky traders dodge air pirates and thread the needle of storm clouds in the name of profit.
Scholars sift through ancient ruins, looking for bits of eldritch technology to complete their new inventions.
Kings and revolutionaries pore over maps, looking for high ground and choke points, ever wondering if their energy crystals will hold out just a little longer….

What adventures await you?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.01.2016 | 19:58
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/themes/tripleacegames/images/hellfrost-logo.png) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Seasonal_Gods_Freebie.pdf)
[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost: Additional Minor Gods
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 2
Prices: Freebie

No, I haven’t gone mad. Just finished a short PDF containing three gods with a seasonal feel.

Click the link (http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Seasonal_Gods_Freebie.pdf) and you’ll find a short PDF containing three gods with a Christmas seasonal feel.

Triple Ace Games Creative Director
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.01.2016 | 08:20
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Atlas-of-the-Frozen-North-COVER-791x1024.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-products/hellfrost-atlas-of-the-north/)
[TAG] Hellfrost Atlas of the North
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 382
Weight: 1,6 kg
Price: €42,39 PDF; €84,78 HC/PDF (TAG Store)


See the Land of Ice and Snow in Hi-Def!

Atlas of the Frozen North brings new detail and exquisite maps for your adventures in Rassilon.

The world of Rassilon is an ancient land, one scarred by war, weather, and time. Over countless millennia it has hidden its many secrets from view. Unlock these secrets and discover the world of Rassilon in all its glory!

Hellfrost Atlas of the Frozen North takes you on an epic journey of discovery and exploration, one which delves deep into the rich geography and history of the lands of the frozen north. Triple Ace Games invites you to hold all of this epic landscape in your hands as we open up the secrets of Rassilon in new and amazing detail.

382 Pages in glorious full color

Hardcover book

49 Regions, including the mystical lands of Alfheim, the turbulent Ten Seas, and the subterranean deeps of Ertha’s Realm. Contains text from the original Region Guides series, plus new additions and edits.

Rules for creating sacred places, with detailed examples.

Your adventure in this amazing land will never be the same once you have glanced upon the pages of the Atlas!

For more information please check out our kickstarter page here! (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-atlas-of-the-frozen-north)


Hi folks,

We have now received the print proof pages in glorious shiny color! There was a delay in our plans – we weren’t happy with the paper quality or color of the first proof (sent before Christmas) so we had another copy printed and shipped over from the USA. We know we’re long overdue on the Atlas, but we’re not going to take shortcuts in quality just to rush it out to you. You’ll be glad to know that we’re happy with the paper and color on this proof, so that’s a big step forward.

Now we have to go through the proof page by page to spot any layout errors. If there are none, we send back a form and the book joins the print queue. Should we spot an error, we have to get it fixed and order up another proof. It’s a slow process that goes on behind the scenes of the glamorous world of book publishing, but it’s a vital one.

Finally, to satisfy growing demand from fans, the physical book will be going up for preorder on our website today and will be dispatched at the same time as backer copies. No numbered or signed copies are available through this means.

Many thanks for your support!

Wiggy & Robin
Triple Ace Games
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.01.2016 | 19:04
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/171198.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/171198/Ultima-Forsan--Macabre-Rutenia)
[GGstudio] Ultima Forsan: Macabre Rutenia
Authors: Mauro Longo, Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 110
Price: €18,25 €9,08 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/171198-sample.pdf)


From the frozen shores of the White Sea to the opulent khanate of Astrakhan, from the borders of the endless Tartary to the dark woods of Lithuania...
Ultima Forsan: Macabre Ruthenia is a regional gazetteer about Macabre Russia for Ultima Forsan.
Ruthenia is not a country for weak men: Muscovy is on the edge of a civil war, the marauders gather on the east bank of the Volga river, the malevolent Yagas lurk to ensnare travelers, Koschei the Deathless roams the steppes.
And the shadow of Erlik Khan, the God of Death that controls the Golden Horde, falls over the whole region.

Inside Ultima Forsan: Macabre Ruthenia you can find:

- A gazetteer of Macabre Ruthenia divided by region
- A new double-page map: Rutenia Macabra
- History, geography and politics of Ruthenia in the time of the Plague
- New Edges, weapons and gear for Ruthenian Heroes
- Legends, rumors, threats and hints for adventure for the Game Master
- An encounter generator that will allow you to create amazing travel adventures for your Heroes
- New monsters and enemies

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.01.2016 | 21:49
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/171281.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/171281/Shadows-of-Rebellion-A-Shaintar-Ainerve-Crossover)
[Savage Mojo] Shadows of Rebellion - A Shaintar/Ainerêve Crossover
Author: Shawn Gore
Pages: 17
Price: €2,74 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/171281-sample.pdf)

The worlds of Ainerêve and Shaintar collide as agents from both worlds fight to gain a foothold and secure more power. Help assist a group of rebels trying to break free from the tyranny of the Kal-A-Nar Empire, but find that a much deeper plot and more powerful foe work in the shadows.
This adventure is a crossover event written to bridge the worlds of Ainerêve and Shaintar.
The module is written in a “plot point” campaign style, allowing the GM to sculpt the specifics of each encounter. It can be used for a wide range of player/character/gm experience levels, and run with any rule set that a GM desires. However, it is suggested to use either Eldritch RPG (Revised) by Crossroads Games, or Savage Worlds by Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Candacis am 18.01.2016 | 01:05
Fand das hier news-worthy:



 Bis zum 31.01.2016 Savage Worlds PDFs um bis zu 50% reduziert. Das Grundregelwerk pdf kostet z.b. schlappe 2,50 €

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.01.2016 | 09:40
(http://www.drivethrucards.com/images/6067/171000.jpg) (http://www.drivethrucards.com/product_info.php?products_id=171000&src=newest_in_print&site=&currency=EUR&products_id=171000)
[Kyoudai Games] Savage Thunderscape Playing Cards
Author:  Shawn Carman
Cards: 54
Price: €4,62 PDF; €11,11 Cards; €15,73 €13,88 PDF + Cards (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/171000-sample.pdf)

Bring your Savage Thunderscape game to live with this deck of playing cards featuring amazing artwork from the Thunderscape campaign setting! This deck includes jokers and is a perfect addition to the Savage Thunderscape campaign setting for the Savage Worlds system on DriveThruRPG, or just to sit around and play cards with friends!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.01.2016 | 19:42
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4543/171508.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/171508/Boss-Blocker-for-Low-Life-The-Rise-of-the-Lowly)
[Mutha Oith Creations] Boss Blocker for Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly
Author: Andy Hopp
Pages: 8
Price: €18,48 €6,44 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/171508-sample.pdf)

This incredibly useful accessory for the Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly RPG helps the Boss keep all her private jazz concealed from the eyes of snooping players. It's a veritable overflowing cornucopia of charts and information useful to the game, arranged for easy perusal and quick reference. Also included FOR FREE in this digital pack are a full color Map of Oith, a Low Life Peepfolio character sheet, and the Marshfellow, a brand new playable character species!


(http://muthaoithcreations.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/LowLifeRelatedImage.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/143685/Low-Life-The-Rise-of-the-Lowly-ReDredged)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.01.2016 | 23:16
(https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/projects/2169994/photo-original.jpg?v=1453125637&w=1024&h=768&fit=crop&auto=format&q=92&s=2e3264588fc8671df91f56cd19f11fab) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-city-guides)
[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost City Books Kickstarter *FUNDED!*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 32 each

From crumbling castles to musty tombs and overgrown forests to mystical places, there are many hundreds of places to explore in Hellfrost. There are also cities and towns, urban sprawls where the best and worst of the civilized races live side by side, if not always in harmony. Although often seen as places to visit only to buy and sell equipment or pick up rumors, they can be sites not only for entire adventures, but whole campaigns. Triple Ace Games is proud to present nine of Hellfrost’s towns and cities in greater detail than ever before!

This project is to fund FIVE city books:
City Book 1: Cities of the Freelands (covers Aslov & Spyre)
City Book 2: Cities of Magic (covers Imperial City & Kingshall)
City Book 3: Cities of the Crystalflow (covers Bridgewater & Drakeport)
City Book 4: Cities of Royalty (covers New Asper & Royalmark)
City Book 5: Cities of Crime (covers Freetown & includes extensive notes on thieves’ guilds)

Click here to visit the project page. (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-city-guides)

Hellfrost Atlas map of Kingshall

New map of Kingshall

We've created a short preview for you to download (http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/City-Book-Preview.pdf). Note that each page is from a separate book. Page 1 is from City Book 1, page 2 from City Book 2, and so on. The text is unedited - editing will have already commenced by the time this project goes live.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.01.2016 | 19:41
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4329/172052.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/172052/Achtung-Cthulhu--Elder-Godlike?src=newest)
[Modiphius] Achtung Cthulhu - Elder Godlike
Authors: Greg Stolze, Dennis Detwiller, Allan Gooda ll, Shane Ivey & Dave Blewer
Pages: 139
Price: €13,88 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Elder Godlike is where the superhuman suspense of Godlike meets the cosmic terrors of Achtung! Cthulhu, introducing a whole new dimension of fantastic adventures to the Secret War, in the ultimate crossover gaming experience.

Written by original Godlike creators Dennis Detwiller and  Greg Stolze, and based on their acclaimed Godlike: Superhero Roleplaying in A World on Fire, Elder Godlike adds battles on a new front  as Talented Allied commandos use their amazing abilities to confront super powered Nazi Übermenschen and combat the secret, awful designs of the nefarious Black Sun.

Will your characters embrace the power of their new abilities and powers and can they resist the onslaught of the new super soldiers of the Nazi regime?

Elder Godlike features:

* A complete new rule system for superpowers in Call of Cthulhu.
* A history of Talents in the Secret War
* A complete Elder Godlike adventure
* Guidelines for Talents in mass combat
* Six pre-generated characters ready to play
* Fully compatible with the Call of Cthulhu, Sixth Edition and Savage Worlds roleplaying games.

Elder Godlike is a crossover dossier’s worth of useful alternate historical and fantastical information to help you expand your campaign out into the wider world of the Secret War

You are larger than life - but the Secret War is larger than you!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.01.2016 | 22:26
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2212/172016.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/172016/The-Republic-of-Texas)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero 2.0: The Republic of Texas
Author: Richard T. Balsey
Pages: 54
Price: €7,87 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/172016-sample.pdf)

Ask any Texan and they'll tell you that life in the Republic is about one thing: freedom. Life here isn't a cakewalk, but it’s far better to die on your feet than live on your knees. That's Texas in 2090, amigo, better get used to it. Learn what it means to be a citizen in the Lone Star and how Texans remember the breakup of the old nation in order to form their more perfect union. This is a land where freedom reigns supreme because it’s surrounded by enemies and uncertain allies on all sides.

Engage in high-tech espionage in the new range wars. Go south and live lawless, or head to the Austin-Antonio sprawl and get closer to the center of power or trapped in an AI/gang turf war.  Plunge head first into the Runenberg Corporation's financial data fortress nicknamed "the Mountain." It'll take more than gumption to survive, but it's a start. You in?

* New Archetypes and Occupations decidedly Texan
* What it’s like living in the Lone Star in 2090
* Stock up with new weapons, golemmechs and vehicles with a Texas flair
* Gear that makes Texas feel like the Wild West
* Dozens of threats from within the Republic ready to slug it out
* Bioforms of classic Texan stock weaponized to keep you awake at night
* Enough hooks to keep you exploring the Republic

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.01.2016 | 19:23
(https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/projects/2169994/photo-original.jpg?v=1453125637&w=1024&h=768&fit=crop&auto=format&q=92&s=2e3264588fc8671df91f56cd19f11fab) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-city-guides)
[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost City Books Kickstarter *UPDATES*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 32 each

Pre-Order Through TAG Webstore Option

For those who can't/won't use Kickstarter but who want to back the Hellfrost City Books, there is now a pre-order product page on our webstore (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-products/city-book-bundle-pre-order/).

Please note this is only for the PRINT + PDF bundle of all five books. We'll add a PDF-only option for the same only if there is sufficient demand.

Another Map

The City Book response has exceeded our expectations, so here's a look at another of the maps as a small thank you! The original map of Ravensburg had only 7 locations, so you can see how much we've added for the City Book.


Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.01.2016 | 23:40
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2546/172265.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/172265/API2E--Savage-Worlds-Expansion)
[Third Eye Games] Apocalypse Prevention, Inc 2nd Edition Savage Worlds Expansion
Authors: Jay Peters, Eloy Lasanta, Marc Huete, Bill Keyes, Ryan Schoon, Andrew McColl
Pages: 59
Price: €3,67 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Experience the awesome setting of Apocalypse Prevention, Inc. Savage World Edition (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/106523/Apocalypse-Prevention-Inc--Savage-Worlds-Edition) like never before! We've taken the 10 new races introduced in Apocalypse Prevention, Inc. 2nd Edition (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/150480/Apocalypse-Prevention-Inc-2nd-Edition) and converted them to Savage Worlds for our amazing fans! Included, also, is a new gear customization mechanic sure to get your agents into gear!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.01.2016 | 23:59
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/172222.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/172222/Deadlands-Reloaded-Stone-and-a-Hard-Place-Figure-Flats)
[Pinnacle] Deadlands Reloaded: Stone and a Hard Place Figure Flats
Authors: Shane Hensley, Matt Cutter, Cheyenne Wright
Artist: Cheyenne Wright
Pages: 10
Price: €5,51 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/172222-sample.pdf)

You've never met a more ornery batch of Figure Flats than this passel of poison! Inside this special pack designed specifically for the Stone and a Hard Place Plot Point Campaign you'll find the following full color figures by three-time Hugo Award winning artist and colorist Cheyenne Wright!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.01.2016 | 21:36
(https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/projects/2221210/photo-original.jpg?v=1452568811&w=1024&h=768&fit=crop&auto=format&q=92&s=83a81cddea2a3227a471835c69238035) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1359478628/olympus-inc-a-savage-worlds-setting-book)
[Fabled Environments] Olympus, Inc. *KICKSTARTER*
Authors: Gilbert Gallo, Charles White
Pages: ca. 150

My name is Xander Smith and I am descendant of Zeus. I used to be just like you; I lived a normal life. Motorcycle champ Casey Stoner was my personal hero and the Red Hot Chili Peppers were my idols. Mr. Franklin, my loud neighbor, was my worst enemy and my gamer buddies were my best friends. My dream was becoming a Motocross champion. This used to be my life until day when I “awoke”.

Exactly two years ago, I was riding my Honda CBR on a lonely highway when a heavy thunderstorm suddenly started. The heavy rain would have stopped most wannabes, but I didn’t break a sweat. I pushed my bike even harder. Suddenly, lightning flashed down from the sky and hit me like a freight train. The pain was tremendous! I closed my eyes and waited to die.

However, things went differently. I had been chosen by Fate, although I didn’t know it then. I felt a tremendous surge of power within me and I could not believe my eyes when I reopened them. I was unscathed and flying six feet above ground while my motorcycle was a pile of sludge on the highway. That was the best moment of my whole life. In that instant, I felt like I could do everything, see everything, be everywhere and know everything. That’s how a god feels, I thought then. That’s what we call “The Awakening”.

In a world that appears identical to our own, the Titans of myth have deposed the upstart Olympians and now rule the heavens. But Zeus and the other gods of Olympus have found a new way to harvest the power of worship—through mankind’s love of money! Step into a world of shadowy politics, satyr cyber-raiders, demigods, and an ongoing clandestine war for control of the firmament.

Olympus, Inc. from Fabled Environments will bring you into this modern-but-ancient dystopia. You’ll get full details on six of the major Olympians, their corporate “temples” on earth, satyrs and minospawn, and the Nemesis Effect that punishes both sides when the war gets out of hand.

Olympus, Inc. is written for Savage Worlds and requires both the core rule book and the Super Powers Companion for play.

To learn more or to back this project, visit us on Kickstarter and search for Olympus, Inc.

(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3118/172496.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/172496/Olympus-Inc-Preview)
Olympus, Inc. Preview
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.02.2016 | 03:28
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/6221/172480.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/172480/Heart-of-Darkness-Savage-Worlds)
[Middle Kingdoms Adventure & Trading Co.] Heart of Darkness
Author & Artist: Frank Turfler, Jr.
Pages: 38
Price: €5,53 €3,68 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Mal Fisher, the Captain of the light freighter Bella LeGosi, claims to know the whereabouts of The Lady of Esparto, an ancient lost ship carrying treasure worth millions, and he is looking to hire a salvage crew. He wants to keep everything off the books as he is operating without the required paperwork. He has chosen not to apply for a salvage license for fear that a treasure as great as the Lady of Esparto will attract too much unwanted attention, increasing the likelihood of claim jumpers, pirates, and crooked authorities looking for an easy buck. He is offering a substantial amount of money and a percentage of the treasure for the completion of the job.

Heart of Darkness is an adventure framework. This adventure is written differently than most RPG adventures.  The traditional map has been replaced with locations and connections only. Removing the “empty space” areas, the countless rooms, and places that may contain nothing of interest to the players or the story, it reduces the amount of paper shuffling and allows the Game Master to see at a glance the information needed for each area, encounter, or point.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.02.2016 | 03:46
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4491/172572.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/172572/Abandoned-Riad)
[DramaScape] Abandoned Riad
Authors: Simon Powell, Steven J Black
Artist: Simon Powell
Pages: 25
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

DramaScape Pay What You Want Vol 9: Abandoned Riad

This product is a full-color, 24 x 20 inch,battlemap of an Abandoned Riad, with Square, Hex and No Overlay.

The PDF includes includes the VTT (Virtual Table Top Images for online play).

“That riad has been abandoned for a long time for a reason. The old hotel is haunted by the ghosts of past guests. Rumors say that there are untold treasures in the riad that the ghosts continue to protect long after their death. I will drive you there only at three times the normal price and only during the day. I will drive only as close as I dare then you will need to walk the rest of the way.”—Riad Valet

A riad is a traditional Moroccan palace or house with an interior courtyard garden typically with a swimming pool or bath in the center of the courtyard.

Abandoned Riad is a single level map of the exterior of an old riad. The trees outside have become wilted from a lack of water and care. The riad itself has been covered by moss, ivy, and bird droppings from years of not being cleaned. The map depicts the second story balcony with a small atrium built on the first floor with a swimming pool or bath built into the center.

Abandoned Riad is intended for use in fantasy, horror, pulp, and modern games. It could also be used in a post-apocalyptic game as a ruined hotel.

The Haunted Riad:

This old riad was built in Morocco and dates back twelve centuries. However, it was attacked and all of its inhabitants killed by Portuguese in 1510 as they established the Kingdom of Fez.

Since that time, the riad has been haunted by ghosts that remain angry about their unfortunate death. Rumors remain rampant that gold was the reason for the attack and despite the efforts of the Portuguese to find the gold; these rumors insist that they never found the treasure as it was too well hidden in a secret compartment in the riad.

The group plays as treasure hunters who have come to Morocco in the 1939. Not only must they contend with the supposed ghosts in the riad, Nazis are also after the gold perhaps accompanied by Spanish troops loyal to Francisco Franco from Spanish Morocco. Can the group get the gold and keep it out of Nazi hands?

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.02.2016 | 23:16
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4543/172070.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/172070/Low-Life-The-Rise-of-the-Lowly-Groundhog-Creature-Sheet)
[Mutha Oith Creations] Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly Groundhog Creature Sheet
Author & Artist: Andy Hopp
Pages: 1
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In honor of Groundhog's Day, Mutha Oith Creations has uploaded a free creature for use in the Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly Roleplaying game using the Savage Worlds gaming system.

This one-sheet features the loveable yet fearsome Groundhog, The Shadow Snatcher, creature complete with new artwork by Andy Hopp.

Please check out all our other Low Life products by clicking the link below:
(http://muthaoithcreations.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/MOCProducts.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/4543/Mutha-Oith-Creations)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.02.2016 | 23:26
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4329/172661.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/172661/Achtung-Cthulhu--Secrets-of-the-Dust)
[Modiphius] Achtung! Cthulhu - Secrets of the Dust
Authors: Chris Lites, Brad Bell, Bill Boden, T.R. Knight & Benjamin Wenham
Pages: 124
Price: €13,84 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Secrets of the Dust is where two epic roleplaying systems collide, combining the spine tingling horrors of Achtung! Cthulhu, with the mind bending adventures of Paolo Parente’s DUST universe,  where World War 2 has been unnaturally extended by the introduction of alien technology meaning that in the year 1947, conflict still rages across all corners of the globe.

Secrets of the Dust invites you to discover the secret history of events that may (or may not) have occurred on our world or on an alternative earth.  Discover strange times with portals across worlds, doppelgangers with shared memories, walking tanks and VK enhanced weapons, even gorilla astronauts – culminating in a world war which might evolve into a dimensional war, destroying all life as we know it!

Exploring a strange new dimensional twist on Achtung! Cthulhu’s Secret War, Secrets of the Dust features:

In fact, a whole crossover dossier’s worth of useful alternate historical and fantastical information to help you expand your campaign into the wider dimensions of the Secret War.

Fully compatible with both Call of Cthulhu Sixth edition and Savage Worlds roleplaying games.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.02.2016 | 09:58
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/173162.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/173162/Tropicana--Researchers-of-the-Lost-City)
[GRAmel] Tropicana: Researchers of the Lost City
Authors: Mauro Longo, Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 24
Price: €5,38 €4,48 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/173162-sample.pdf)

Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory!

A researcher at Faye has found a hint that could lead to an ancient and legendary Azcali lost city. Together with the "assistants" she decides to recruit (the heroes), the researcher must solve a "puzzle" in four parts and then head to the place it identifies. But two mysterious groups are on her trail and want to steal her results.

This long adventure for Tropicana is divided into five sections and is designed specifically to introduce new players to this Savage Setting. It is a treasure hunt, set in different districts of the city and the country of San José, and the adventurers will face dangers and perils of all kinds before reaching the legendary "Azcali Lost City".

Spies, Azcalis, chases, duels - all waits for your character in Researchers of the Lost City.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.02.2016 | 03:38
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/92/173685.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/173685/MARS-Bennies-Savage-Worlds)
[Adamant Entertainment] MARS: Bennies
Pages: 1
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/173685-sample.pdf)

Adamant Entertainment presents a set of MARS bennies for Savage Worlds -- a PDF designed to be printed on sheets of standard, office-supply, 1" diameter labels (63 labels per page -- Avery 6450, for example), featuring artwork from our MARS lines.

Print them out on labels and affix them to standard poker chips, or on paper to be mounted to cardboard.  Need more?  Print more.   You'll never run out!

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/92/173683.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/173683/Thrilling-Tales-Bennies-Savage-Worlds)
[Adamant Entertainment] Thrilling Tales: Bennies
Pages: 1
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/173683-sample.pdf)

Adamant Entertainment presents a set of Thrilling Tales bennies for Savage Worlds -- a PDF designed to be printed on sheets of standard, office-supply, 1" diameter labels (63 labels per page -- Avery 6450, for example), featuring two-fisted pulp artwork from our Thrilling Tales lines.

Print them out on labels and affix them to standard poker chips, or on paper to be mounted to cardboard.  Need more?  Print more.   You'll never run out!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.02.2016 | 03:52
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/9531/173484.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/173484/Carts-and-Wagons)
[Papierschnitzel] Carts and Wagons
Author & Artist: Christopher Nahler
Pages: 9
Price: €4,48 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


Add these carts and wagons to your terrain! Use them as objectives in a game or add some detail to the scenery.



Each vehicle comes in one or more PDF files, which you can print and build as many times as you want.
Simply print on cardstock paper (90lb. or 160gsm recommended) and build as described in the detailed instructions
Supports both US Legal and A4 paper sizes.



The vehicles come in different, customizable skins. The PDF files feature multiple layers, allowing you to change the look of the model when you print it. This includes layers for wood color, metal applications, dirt and rust and wheel style. Build many different looking vehicles!

25-30mm SCALE

Printed at 100% the vehicles will support miniature in the range of 25-30mm scale. Adjusting the print scale you can print at other scales.


PDF features registrations marks and cut files are included for Silhouette Studio software compatible cutters.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.02.2016 | 07:58
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/6253/172655.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/172655/Cast-of-Cards-Winter-Eternal-Vol-1)
[Warning Label] Cast of Cards: Winter Eternal Vol. 1
Cards: 45
Price: €7,08 PDF; €7,08 Cards; €14,16 €7,97 Cards & PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/172655-sample.pdf)

First set of character cards for the Savage Worlds setting Winter Eternal.

Add €0,89 for Deckbox (standard) (https://www.drivethrucards.com/product/114067/Deckbox-standard).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.02.2016 | 14:35
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/174327.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/174327/Shaintar-Guidebook-ShayaNor)
[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Guidebook: Shaya'Nor
Authors: Darren Pearce, Sean Patrick Fannon
Pages: 25
Price: €4,48 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/174327-sample.pdf)

The Nation of Shaya'Nor
This guidebook will teach you the history of the one-time Dwarven kingdom that is now home to the Corrupted Fae, Vainar the Wise and his Necrolords. The Dark Church is the only religion and all must show their belief or suffer a horrible fate. The undead serve in various roles with zombies tilling fields and hauling cargo and Vampires sitting atop the food chain...er, society.

Leave your superstitions at home and find the beauty within this bleak country. The Shayakeim are the lords and masters of the land, ruling over the Terraheim and the other races are little better than serfs.  Amongst the horror a few lights shine. The Starwatchers are a strange and rebelious cult or perhaps powerful prophets who may be the key to Shaya'Nor's salvation.  Politics here are deadly serious and death isn't the worst thing that can happen to you. Within these pages you'll find everything you need to create a character from Shaya'Nor.  New racial and professional edges provide for interesting role playing options and GMs will find the history very revealing. There's even some secrets revealed.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.02.2016 | 14:43
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3561/174512.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/174512/Accursed-Frost-and-Fang)
[Melior Via] Accursed: Frost and Fang
Authors: Jason Marker, Ross Watson
Pages: 30
Price: €5,39 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/174512-sample.pdf)

Frost and Fang
Valkenholm’s history began as a colony of Steppengrad, but they soon outgrew the Tsar and his Grafs. Ever since it became independent, the two nations have maintained a strong rivalry. In the wake of the Bane War, both countries struggle to survive. Their homes were the core battlefront. Their land was devestated and countless lives lost. Now, they soldier on under the tyranny of the Blood Witch and Baba Yaga.

Frost and Fang provides additional information about the nations of Steppengrad and Valkenholm within Accursed's setting of Morden. It includes a broad range of different adventure hooks for GMs and players looking to explore these specific regions. It also introduces new banes as well as Hindrances and Edges specific to these cultures.

Accursed provides additional details about the setting used in this scenario, and is required to fully make use of the game mechanics presented. Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion are also required.

The Watch in Valkenholm

Map of Aziev
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.02.2016 | 14:54
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/174483.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/174483/Weird-War-I-Gas-Terror)
[Pinnacle] Weird War I: Gas Terror
Author: Ross Watson
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Things not of this earth crawl through the corpse-choked mud of Flanders. Shapes beyond imagining shamble in the murky chlorine clouds that drift across the Ypres battlefield. Scaled things rise from the dark waters of the Pripet Marshes. Long-dead remains of criminals executed by Romans claw their way toward a sun they haven’t glimpsed in a thousand years.

The world is at war…a war to end all wars.

Weird War I is part of Pinnacle Entertainment Group’s Weird Wars series. The Twilight Legion has so far marched across the battlefields of Rome, Vietnam, and World War II. Now intrepid soldiers, sailors, airmen, and even civilians must endure the mud and trenches of what would become known as World War I.

This Creature Feature preview for Weird War I gives the history and stat block for the Gas Terror, with the Battlefield Hazards: Gas rules from Weird War I.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/175102.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/175102/Weird-War-I-Graf-Schmidt)
[Pinnacle] Weird War I: Graf Schmidt
Authors: Ross Watson, Shane Hensley
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Things not of this earth crawl through the corpse-choked mud of Flanders. Shapes beyond imagining shamble in the murky chlorine clouds that drift across the Ypres battlefield. Scaled things rise from the dark waters of the Pripet Marshes. Long-dead remains of criminals executed by Romans claw their way toward a sun they haven’t glimpsed in a thousand years.

The world is at war…a war to end all wars.

Weird War I is part of Pinnacle Entertainment Group’s Weird Wars series. The Twilight Legion has so far marched across the battlefields of Rome, Vietnam, and World War II. Now intrepid soldiers, sailors, airmen, and even civilians must endure the mud and trenches of what would become known as World War I.

This Creature Feature preview for Weird War I gives the history and stat block for the Graf Schmidt, a haunted zeppelin that flies the night skies of the Western Front.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.02.2016 | 15:19
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Atlas-of-the-Frozen-North-COVER-791x1024.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-products/hellfrost-atlas-of-the-north/)
[TAG] Hellfrost Atlas of the North
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 382
Weight: 1.6 kg
Price: €46.00 PDF; €92.00 HC/PDF (TAG Store)


See the Land of Ice and Snow in Hi-Def!

Atlas of the Frozen North brings new detail and exquisite maps for your adventures in Rassilon.

The world of Rassilon is an ancient land, one scarred by war, weather, and time. Over countless millennia it has hidden its many secrets from view. Unlock these secrets and discover the world of Rassilon in all its glory!

Hellfrost Atlas of the Frozen North takes you on an epic journey of discovery and exploration, one which delves deep into the rich geography and history of the lands of the frozen north. Triple Ace Games invites you to hold all of this epic landscape in your hands as we open up the secrets of Rassilon in new and amazing detail.

382 Pages in glorious full color

Hardcover book

49 Regions, including the mystical lands of Alfheim, the turbulent Ten Seas, and the subterranean deeps of Ertha’s Realm. Contains text from the original Region Guides series, plus new additions and edits.

Rules for creating sacred places, with detailed examples.

Your adventure in this amazing land will never be the same once you have glanced upon the pages of the Atlas!

For more information please check out our kickstarter page here! (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-atlas-of-the-frozen-north)


Hi folks,

US and Canadian copies of the Atlas have shipped and have started to arrive. Shipments to the rest of the world had to make their away across the Atlantic to TAG's northern office, but they're on the UK mainland and should be with us soon. As soon as they are, attaching any stickers and sending them out will be our top priority. We'll post another update once that process has started.

Wiggy & Robin
Triple Ace Games

The Withered Lands and surrounding realms

The Drachenlands

Heldalund, Cul, and Trond

Realms of the Tuomi

The Liche Lands of Old
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Ulli von wuffrupp.de am 23.02.2016 | 09:58
Übersetzung des Hellfrost-Freebie-PDF "Fate":
Optionale Regeln zur Charaktererschaffung.
Sie geben Euch eine 50/50 Chance, einen Vor oder Nachteil für Euren Charakter zu erlangen...

http://www.pnprpg.de/2016/02/savage-worlds-hellfrost-schicksal.html (http://www.pnprpg.de/2016/02/savage-worlds-hellfrost-schicksal.html)

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.02.2016 | 19:39
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2933/175216.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/175216/Blockade)
[StoryWeaver] High-Space: Blockade
Author: Patrick Taylor
Pages: 19
Price: €4,49 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/175216-sample.pdf)


Commander Alexandra Pang smiled as the Wrath of Light & Heat slotted into a high-altitude orbit over Sat-G3, directly eclipsing ‘Industrial Facility S-25’, the small Astatine processing facility operated by Smaw Commercial.
“Smaw facility, this is Commander Pang of the Armada warship Wrath of Light & Heat; you are now under blockade and will remain so until you comply with U.R.C. directive 625.8 paragraph 57.c.”
Just saying the words made Pang warm inside.The response came after several minutes delay. “Sturmian warship. We do not recognise your authority here... and what the hell is U.R.C. directive 625... whatever!”
“Received, Smaw facility. Your lack of knowledge of a legal directive does not concern me. All docked vessels, and vessels on approach, are now under blockade. All vessels on an outbound trajectory that traverses our sphere of orbit are to return to the facility. Failure to comply will be treated as a breach of this legal blockade. The Armada exercises its right to enforce U.R.C. law.”
As Pang expected, there was a sudden rush of small craft away from the Smaw facility towards the nearest other orbital, Icecastle, a Froster Commercial owned facility.“Firing solutions coming in now, Commander,” said the weapons officer.
“No. Let them go. There are too many to shoot them all. It would cause problems.”
The weapons officer shrugged, wondering if the Commander was having an exceptionally good day to let these law-breakers get away...

Blockade is a Game-in-a-Can scenario presented by StoryWeaver Productions, and is an excellent way to start gaming in the High-Space universe. It is structured by major scenes, with key people and plot points described within each. We recommend the Game Master becomes familiar with each scene, and encourage the heroes to ‘go their own way.’

This Adventure is a a quick diversion for your heroes… An ordinary trip turns into an ‘interesting opportunity’ when an Armada warship interdicts an Astatine processor owned by a powerful Commercial. Why are the Armada suddenly enforcing the obscure by-laws of the U.R.C.? Is this one captain’s personal agenda, or part of a larger power play? With several Commercials now involved or impacted, it’s hard to see the line that separates the players from those being played. And when the lights go out, and the air starts to run out, who will think of all the lives suddenly in danger? Blockade can be played as part of the Anti-Pattern campaign for High-Space, or as a self-contained adventure for a group of timely heroes.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.02.2016 | 19:48
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/92/175223.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/175223/Death-In-A-Cloudless-Sky--a-MARS-OneSheet)
[Adamant Entertainment] MARS: Death In A Cloudless Sky
Author: H.M. 'Dain' Lybarger
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/175223-sample.pdf)

Most airship journeys on Mars are pleasant and uneventful interludes -- but on this occasion, a murder makes the voyage very memorable!

Adamant Entertainment is pleased to present this free one-sheet adventure for MARS, our Savage Sword-and-Planet setting!
Check out other adventures and supplements in the MARS line, by clicking here (http://www.rpgnow.com/index.php?cPath=272_4256).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.02.2016 | 20:02
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4543/174797.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/174797/The-Bowls-of-the-Oith-Low-Life-Adventure)
[Mutha Oith Creations] The Bowls of the Oith
Author & Artist: Andy Hopp
Pages: 25
Price: €13,44 €5,35 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/174797-sample.pdf)

The Bowls of the Oith, a Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly Adventure for Savage Worlds

The Heap is tasked with protecting a penitent pilgrim as he journeys across the Incredibly Huge Monstertm on a mission to absolve himself of sins at the Bowls of the Oith.
Contains 25 individual 8.5"x11" sheets of non-stop action for use with the Low Life role-playing game using the Savage Worlds gaming system.
Includes a NEW MONSTER, the Holy Mutha!
Written and illustrated by Andy Hopp.

(http://muthaoithcreations.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/MOCProducts.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/4543/Mutha-Oith-Creations)(http://muthaoithcreations.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/LowLifeRelatedImage.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/143685/Low-Life-The-Rise-of-the-Lowly-ReDredged)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.02.2016 | 23:49
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4543/174803.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/174803/Low-Life-The-Rise-of-the-Lowly-Figure-Flats-01)
[Mutha Oith Creations] Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly Figure Flats 01
Author & Artist: Andy Hopp
Pages: 10
Price: €11,64 €6,25 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/174803-sample.pdf)

A full color set of Figure Flats for use with the Low Life game or any other way you want to play with them. These figures go along with Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly Core Rule Book, but the characters and creatures can be used just about anywhere. Buy them now!

(http://muthaoithcreations.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/MOCProducts.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/4543/Mutha-Oith-Creations)(http://muthaoithcreations.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/LowLifeRelatedImage.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/143685/Low-Life-The-Rise-of-the-Lowly-ReDredged)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.02.2016 | 03:51
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3683/175492.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/175492/Mercenary-Breed-Hastilion-Expanse-Savage-Worlds)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Mercenary Breed: Hastilion Expanse
Authors: Aaron T. Huss, Curtis Lyon, Lawrence E. Grabowski
Pages: 303
Price: €18,14 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/175492-sample.pdf)

The Argo Galaxy is growing – not physically but figuratively. After years of study, the House of the Alliance has finally decided to open the Hastilion Expanse for full settlement and corporate utilization. Researchers identified numerous planets and moons as optimal for civilization and corporations from around the known galaxy, including Drake Mining and Manufacturing, are making plans to acquire land.

Since its inception, Drake Mining and Manufacturing has prided itself on mining resources and creating high-quality products from those resources to support the entire galaxy. Moving into the Hastilion Expanse provides them with a wealth of opportunities to expand their operations and grow their business. That is, of course, if their new facilities can survive.

New planets are always fraught with hidden dangers from native flora and fauna, pirates, rival corporations, and rebellious populations. Only the strength of Drake’s mercenary force will help them overcome any roadblocks and become successful. As long as they don’t get killed in the process.

Hastilion Expanse is a space opera campaign designed for Mercenary Breed, presenting the campaign and supporting it with source material, character options, and new adversaries inside and outside of the campaign.

The Hastilion Expanse is a 12-part plot point campaign, taking the characters from Novice through Legendary. It includes:

Hastilion Expanse is not a standalone product. It requires the Savage Worlds core rulebook and the Mercenary’s Handbook (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/126939/Mercenary-Breed-Mercenarys-Handbook-Savage-Worlds). GMs will also want a copy of the Xenopedia (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/128694/Mercenary-Breed-Xenopedia-Savage-Worlds).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.03.2016 | 17:19
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3561/176518.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/176518/Accursed-Science-and-Sea)
[Melior Via] Accursed: Science and Sea
Authors: John Dunn, Jason Marker
Pages: 32
Price: €5,47 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/176518-sample.pdf)

Science and Sea
Manreia did not suffer any battles within its borders during the Bane War, but the nation still suffered grievous losses. She sent many soldiers and vast stories of supplies to aid the Army of Light in its battles. Since the war ended and Manreia surrendered, she has had to struggle under the Witches' tyranny, living in a turmoil that even Manreian ingenuity cannot overcome.

Refugees who left Manreian camps often boarded ships that carried them to the islands of the Discordian Sea. Most met with disaster, but a few have managed to survive on one of the many islands. Their lives are little easier than the ones they left behind, but at least they are less likely to directly encounter banes.

Science and Sea provides additional information about the nation of Manreia and life on the Discordian Sea within Accursed's setting of Morden. It includes a broad range of different adventure hooks for GMs and players looking to explore these specific regions. It also introduces new banes as well as Hindrances and Edges specific to these cultures.

A Stench Goblin

Accursed provides additional details about the setting used in the scenario, and is required to fully make use of the game mechanics presented. Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion are also required. This PDF uses layers for ease of printing.

Map of Port Sorrow
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.03.2016 | 01:43
(https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/projects/2057819/photo-original.jpg?v=1457092862&w=1024&h=768&fit=crop&auto=format&q=92&s=3651329929d5be3bbc850401c4ab3be2) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-atlas-map-sheets)
[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost Atlas Map Sheets Kickstarter *FUNDED!*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Artist: Robin Elliott
Format: 46 cards

The 382-page Hellfrost Atlas (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-products/hellfrost-atlas-of-the-north/), a product asked for by our fans, provided not only expanded details on the northern continent, but also detailed overland maps at a scale of 1″ = 44 miles (3 cm = 50 miles).

For those who want only the glorious full color maps, perhaps to plan your Hellfrost campaigns or to track your group’s progress across the continent, for use in your homebrew fantasy games, or even to pin to your wall and admire, we have just the thing for you!

Hellfrost Atlas Map Card Set

Format: 46 cards (8.5″ x 11″) printed on 300gsm Freelife Satin card stock. These are not dry erase coated.

This product comprises 45 pages of full color overland maps printed on card plus a separate card for the map legend. Laid out on the table, the cards form a 9×5 rectangle measuring 76.5″ (194cm) x 55″ (140 cm). That’s an area of over 29 square feet (2.7 square meters).

Click here to pledge! (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-atlas-map-sheets)

Please note that if you previously backed the Hellfrost Atlas Kickstarter then you already have the overland maps in PDF format. You don't need them again.

The Withered Lands
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.03.2016 | 02:37
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/TAG10104-Hellfrost-Land-of-Fire-web.jpg) (https://bundleofholding.com/presents/LandOfFire)
[Bundle of Holding] Hellfrost - Land of Fire Collections
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Price: Starter Collection - $11.95; Bonus Collection > $21.41
Valid until: 21.03.2016

Adventurer! The Followers of Suleiman bring you the Land of Fire Bundle, featuring the Arabian fantasy roleplaying setting from Triple Ace Games for Pinnacle Entertainment's Savage Worlds tabletop roleplaying game. A companion to our September 2015 Hellfrost Bundle, Land of Fire opens a new frontier on Hellfrost's world of Rassilon. The hot desert realm of Al-Shirkuh is filled with cities of splendor, loud with bazaars of the bizarre -- deserts dotted with oases and nomad tribes -- old civilizations swallowed by time. Now the deserts spread farther and faster, and many ghosts, figurative and literal, stalk the sands.

This offer, one of the largest collections we've ever presented, gives you everything you need for a complete campaign in Al-Shirkuh. For just US$11.95 you get all thirteen titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $82) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks:

And if you pay more than the threshold price of $21.41, you'll level up and also get our entire Bonus Collection of sixteen more titles (retail value $72):

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.03.2016 | 23:02
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3561/176499.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/176499/Accursed-Dark-Queens-Gambit)
[Melior Via] Accursed: Dark Queen's Gambit
Author: Richard Woolcock
Pages: 2
Price: €1,11 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Dark Queen's Gambit
The Witchmarked heroes discover a village in the Outlands destroyed by banes harboring a lone survivor. They must uncover the cause of the damage, rescue any other survivors, and try to put a stop to the banes responsible. In the process, they may uncover a new plot that the Dark Queen, Hecate, has already put into motion.

Dark Queen's Gambit is a One-Sheet style scenario that focuses on the adventures of a band of Witchmarked heroes in the Accursed game setting. The adventure may be played as a standalone, or it may be used with the Plot Point Campaign included in Accursed. The adventure features brief scene descriptionss, with necessary game mechanics and opportunity for tasks that can be resolved in a variety of ways.

Accursed provides additional details about the setting used in this scenario, and is required to fully make use of the game mechanics presented. Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion are also required.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.03.2016 | 23:09
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8572/178326.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/178326/BF1-Tower-of-Skulls-SW)
[Cut to the Chase Games] BF1 Tower of Skulls
Author: "Weird Dave" Olson
Pages: 49
Price: €5,34 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/178326-sample.pdf)

A dangerous cancer lurks in the shadowy crevasses of the land, spreading death and misery like a weed chokes the life out of a garden. Its foul presence spoils the natural order, creating pestilent beasts that stalk the unwary and grim hauntings to terrify the brave. It is known as the Tower of Skulls, an unholy site that rises from pitch-black soil, and it always hungers for fresh life.

BF1 Tower of Skulls is a Fantasy Renaissance Adventure Module filled with horror, darkness, undead, and nightmarish plants. It has been designed for a party of four to six Seasoned or Veteran characters. This adventure presents a twisted, evil dungeon for a party of adventurer’s to explore and hopefully destroy, though in doing so they unwittingly release an imprisoned evil back to the world.

This adventure is the first in the LORD OF THE BONE FIELDS series of Fantasy Renaissance Adventure Modules brought to you by your friends at Cut to the Chase Games!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.03.2016 | 23:16
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/178362.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/178362/Fuhgeddaboudit)
[Just Insert Imagination] Fuhgeddaboudit!
Author: Eric lamoureux
Pages: 7
Price: Pay What You Want! (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/178362-sample.pdf)

Can't run your usual game, running a Con game or looking for something short to introduce new players? Just Insert Imagination has you covered.

Fuhgeddaboudit! is a mob and road movie, sandbox adventure for Savage Worlds. It is Las Vegas, 1968 and your group has been ordered to make a troublesome accountant disappear. It's a pleasant drive out to the desert, what could possibly go wrong?

In the document (that is designed to fit inside a GM screen) you will find:

So grab your baseball bat, shotgun and at least one shovel (that hole isn't going to dig itself) and head out.

"Hey Pops, do you think this will be an easy run?"
"Ah, Fuhgeddaboudit!"
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.03.2016 | 04:29
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/6416/178350.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/178350/Primeval-Thule-Campaign-Setting-for-Savage-Worlds)
[Sasquatch Game Studio] Primeval Thule (Savage Worlds)
Authors: Richard Baker, David Noonan, Stephen Schubert
Pages: 272
Price: €17,28 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/178350-sample.pdf)

Primeval Thule is a sword-and-sorcery campaign setting now redesigned for Savage Worlds in conjunction with Ross Watson and Sean Patrick Fannon of Evil Beagle Games!

Welcome to Thule, a primordial land of fierce barbarians, elder horrors, and savage wilderness. In this ancient age, humankind is a young race, newly arisen on a monster-haunted Earth. Cities of cruel spledor lie scattered across the great lands of the north like a handful of gems strewn from a dead thief's hand.

This is a doomed age, a time of great deeds and inhuman terror destined to be lost and forgotten beneath the numbing cloak of endless winter. But for one glittering moment, Thule lives—and it is a fierce, cruel, splendid, and marvelous moment indeed.

This 272-page tome provides you everything you need to introduce the world of Thule to your Savage Worlds game. Inside, you will find:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.04.2016 | 08:34
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4543/178896.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product_info.php?products_id=178896)
[Mutha Oith Creations] Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly Figure Flats 02 - The Whole Hole
Author & Artist: Andy Hopp
Pages: 9
Price: €11,45 €6,14 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/178896-sample.pdf)

A full color set of Figure Flats for use with the Low Life game or any other way you want to play with them. These figures go along with Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly Core Rule Book and feature characters from The Whole Hole world book, but the characters and creatures can be used just about anywhere. Buy them now!

(http://muthaoithcreations.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/MOCProducts.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/4543/Mutha-Oith-Creations)(http://muthaoithcreations.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/LowLifeRelatedImage.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/143685/Low-Life-The-Rise-of-the-Lowly-ReDredged)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.04.2016 | 08:44
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3561/178898.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/178898/Accursed-Bone-and-Barrow)
[Melior Via] Accursed: Bone and Barrow
Authors: Sean Tait Bircher, Ross Watson
Pages: 34
Price: €5,30 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/178898-sample.pdf)

Bone and Barrow
Cairn Kainen and the Outlands were the first casualties of the Bane War. Neither could mount an effective defense against the Witch Armies, though for very different reasons. In both cases, their early collapses provided the Witches with the resources they needed to push the battle into Morden's other surviving nations.

Now, both regions suffer under tyranny, long after the Witch Council dissolved. Hecate's Oubliette remains in the foothills of the Darkwall Peaks, and her banes prowl the Outlands. The Morrigan has made a new home in Blackroot Wode and collects a steady tithe of new souls to feed her cauldron.

Bone and Barrow provides additional information about the nation of Cairn Kainen and the Outlands that provide a barrier between the Darkwall Peaks and Morden's more stable nations.  It includes a broad range of different adventure hooks for GMs and players looking to explore these specific regions. It also introduces new banes as well as Hindrances and Edges specific to these cultures.

A Shadow Rider

Accursed provides additional details about the setting used in this scenario, and is required to fully make use of the game mechanics presented. Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion are also required. This PDF uses layers for ease of printing.

Map of Shieldhaven
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.04.2016 | 09:05
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3561/177680.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/177680/Accursed-World-of-Morden)
[Melior Via] Accursed: World of Morden
Authors: Ross Watson, Chris Avellone, Sean Tait Bircher, Jason Marker, George Ziets, John Dunn
Pages: 123
Price: €30,94 SC; €35,36 HC Standard; €44,20 HC Premium (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Tyrant Witches control Morden

In the World of Morden, the forces of evil triumphed. The six great nations lost the Bane War to the Witch Council. Their armies were shattered. Now, Witches rule the land, but their Grand Coven has been sundered. The remnants of their massive army include captured citizens of the conquered nations who fought as the Witches’ shock troops. These soldiers became Accursed. Witchmarks burned into their flesh and souls transformed men and women into monstrous forms. Unable to return to their former lives, the Accursed wander the land, giving aid to those in need in an attempt to atone for past sins.

Accursed: World of Morden expands upon the background material presented in the Accursed Setting book (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/124131/Accursed). It provides new background rules, new banes to battle, and new places to explore.

Accursed: World of Morden is a print compilation of four ebook releases. Sand and Stone (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/131348/Accursed-Sand-and-Stone) by Chris Avellone and George Ziets, Frost and Fang (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/174512/Accursed-Frost-and-Fang) by Jason Marker and Ross Watson, Science and Sea (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/176518/Accursed-Science-and-Sea) by Jason Marker and John Dunn, and Bone and Barrow (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/178898/Accursed-Bone-and-Barrow) by Sean Tait Bircher and Ross Watson.


Please note that Accursed: World of Morden is not a complete game. It requires the Accursed setting book, Savage Worlds rulebook, and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion for play.

Please be aware that World of Morden is not available in PDF format. If you'd like the associated electronic releases, grab one of the print bundles (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/179644/Accursed-World-of-Morden-Premium-Hardcover-BUNDLE) that includes those (for no additional cost).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.04.2016 | 09:19
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3561/169736.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/169736/Accursed-Ill-Omens)
[Melior Via] Accursed: Ill Omens
Authors: Richard Baker, Sean Patrick Fannon, Shane Lacy Hensley, Adam Jury, Colin McComb, Sean Preston, Ross Watson, John Dunn
Pages: 63
Price: €17,68 SC (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Morden has fallen to the Witches, but their banes continue to prey off of the mortal survivors.

This book of adventures presents a variety of different challenges for Morden's Witchmarked heroes to overcome. New foes are introduced and locations are expanded. The adventures range in scope, with some suited to a single evening's entertainment, while others could encompass several nights of play. Any of them can be interspersed with the Plot Point Campaign included in the Accursed core book.

Accursed: Ill Omens includes works by an all-star cast of gaming writers. Shane Hensley, Rich Baker, Sean Patrick Fannon, and Colin McComb - among others - all contributed to this compilation. Ill Omens includes the PDF adventures The Banshee of Loch Finnere (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/128059/Accursed-The-Banshee-of-Loch-Finnere), The Guns of Dagerov (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/131901/Accursed-The-Guns-of-Dagerov), Long Dead and Twice Slain (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/127814/Accursed-Long-Dead-and-Twice-Slain), Half-Light (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/128357/Accursed-HalfLight), Absolution (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/130062/Accursed-Absolution), Moon Valley (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/131753/Accursed-Moon-Valley), and Grove Point (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/144206/Accursed-Grove-Point).

Please note: Accursed Ill Omens is not a complete game. It requires Accursed, Savage Worlds Core Rulebook, and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion for play.

Please be aware that Ill Omens is not available in PDF format. If you'd like the associated electronic releases, grab the print bundle (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/179648/Accursed-Ill-Omens-Print-Bundle-BUNDLE) that includes those (for no additional cost).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.04.2016 | 09:39
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4329/179622.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/179622/Achtung-Cthulhu-Assault-on-the-Mountains-of-Madness)
[Modiphius] Achtung! Cthulhu: Assault on the Mountains of Madness
Authors: Jason Durall, Bill Bodden, Alex Bund, Alex Flagg, Paul Fricker
Pages: 248
Price: €25,63 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In Assault on the Mountains of Madness, Achtung! Cthulhu players will follow in the snowy footsteps of the Pabodie expedition from HP Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness and take part in an epic, full-blooded campaign at the far flung ends of the earth.

There they'll discover the secret history of the final days of World War Two, when the Allies join forces with the Soviets to battle the Third Reich in the most dangerous theatre of war yet... the snowy plains, icy mountains, and subterranean tunnels of Antarctica.

Together, these brave soldiers must battle Nazis, occult conspiracies, monstrous foes and ancient horrors, as well as the very land itself. At stake is their own survival, and the very fate of the world itself!

Assault on the Mountains of Madness brings the Secret War to an earth-shattering conclusion, and includes:

Assault on the Mountains of Madness is designed to be the climax to the entire Achtung! Cthulhu: Secret War campaign and will send investigators on an adventure to one of the most remote places on earth, where they'll face enemies from both this world and aeons past. Achtung! Cthulhu fans are advised not to miss this spectacular conclusion to the Secret War!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.04.2016 | 02:36
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/179852.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/179852/Weird-War-I-No-Mans-Land-Combat-Map)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Weird War I: No Man's Land Combat Map
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 1
Price: €3,51 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/179852-sample.pdf)

This 24 by 30 inch deluxe map has a 1″ grid and features a wasteland of mud for your Weird War I soldiers—perfect for use with the Trenches combat map.  You can find the Trenches combat map in print and in PDF.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/179853.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/179853/Weird-War-I-Trenches-Combat-Map)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Weird War I: Trenches Combat Map
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 1
Price: €3,51 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/179853-sample.pdf)

This 24 by 30 inch deluxe map has a 1″ grid and features a network of trenches for your Weird War I soldiers—perfect for use with the No Man’s Land combat map.  You can find the No Man’s Land combat map in print and in PDF.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/179855.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/179855/Weird-War-I-Bridge-Combat-Map)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Weird War I: Bridge Combat Map
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 1
Price: €3,51 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/179855-sample.pdf)

This 24 by 30 inch deluxe map has a 1″ grid and features the remnants of a bridge for your Weird War I soldiers—perfect for use with the Village combat map.  You can find the Village combat map in print and in PDF.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/179856.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/179856/Weird-War-I-Village-Combat-Map)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Weird War I: Village Combat Map
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 1
Price: €3,51 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/179856-sample.pdf)

This 24 by 30 inch deluxe map has a 1″ grid and features a blasted out village for your Weird War I soldiers—perfect for use with the Bridge combat map.  You can find the Bridge combat map in print and in PDF.

Designed for use with the Weird War I setting, which uses the Savage Worlds core rules, but may be used for any game needing a 1″ square grid map.

Weird War I is part of Pinnacle Entertainment Group’s Weird Wars series. The Twilight Legion has so far marched across the battlefields of Rome, Vietnam, and World War II. Now intrepid soldiers, sailors, airmen, and even civilians must endure the mud and trenches of what would become known as World War I.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.04.2016 | 02:55
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/179866.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/179866/Weird-War-I-War-Masters-Handbook)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Weird War I: War Master's Handbook
Authors: James Cambias, Teller
Artist: Aaron Acevedo, Tomek Towrek
Pages: 96
Price: €17,57 €8,78 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/179866-sample.pdf)


…crawl and slither through the corpse-choked mud. Shapes beyond imagining move in dirty white chlorine clouds. Dark waters stir as the long-dead claw their way toward a sun they haven’t glimpsed in a thousand years.

War blazes across the world, drawing in millions and threatening an end to humanity itself. Men and women fight and die in the deserts of Africa, the mountains of Turkey, the trenches of Europe, or the cold seas of the Atlantic. And in the fear and violence of war, dark things rise…

The Weird War I War Master’s Guide contains the secret history of the Great War, two Plot Point Campaigns, Savage Tales, the Mission Generator, a narrative mission system, notorious heroes and villains, and a menagerie of twisted horrors to confront your brave heroes with.

Requires the Weird War I Player’s Guide and Savage Worlds to play.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/179850.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/179850/Weird-War-I-Players-Guide)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Weird War I: Player's Guide
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 96
Price: €17,57 €8,78 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/179850-sample.pdf)


The world is at war! It’s time for your hero to join the soldiers, sailors, marines and all-new airmen in the greatest war the world has ever known! Fight for glory in what is sure to be a short and mannerly conflict, then come home with a chest full of ribbons to win the kiss of your best gal or guy!

That was the pitch. Now you find yourself knee-deep in mud and corpses on some forsaken battlefield in northern France. The sergeant blows the whistle. It’s time to stand up, fix bayonets, and give the enemy hell in one of the most horrible wars ever to deface the world’s fields and forests. Your country is counting on you, soldier. Over the top you go…

The Weird War I Player’s Guide contains everything you need to make and equip characters from all the Allied and Central powers. You’ll also find a batch of grisly Setting Rules for this most terrible of conflicts, the history of the war, and all the details you need to embrace dark and arcane secrets that may alter the outcome of the War to End All Wars!

Requires the Savage Worlds Core Rules to play, and the War Master needs the Weird War I War Master’s Handbook as well.

Weird War I is part of Pinnacle Entertainment Group’s Weird Wars series. The Twilight Legion has so far marched across the battlefields of Rome, Vietnam, and World War II. Now intrepid soldiers, sailors, airmen, and even civilians must endure the mud and trenches of what would become known as World War I.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.04.2016 | 03:10
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2212/180070.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/180070/Codex-Infernus-The-Savage-Guide-to-Hell)
[Gun Metal Games] Codex Infernus: The Savage Guide to Hell
Authors: Allen Farr, Darrell Hayhurst, Darren Pierce, David Jarvis, Monica Valentinelli, Peter J Wacks, Phillip Morgan, Richard August, Richard Woolcock, Rob Wieland, Tommy Brownell
Artists:  Alberto Botempi, Bartek Fedyczak, Sam Manley, Dave Allsop, Dean Spencer, Jesus Blones, Jason Walton, Slava Gerj
Pages: 160
Price: €13,18 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/180070-sample.pdf)

A holy warrior fighting back infernal beasts on the precipice of a fiery pit. Cloaked figures chanting an incantation to bring forth a nameless beast. A man standing at a crossroads bartering with a demonic temptress for fame and fortune; the price of which is his very soul.

Advisers to kings and queens, dictators and presidents, whispering lies at the behest of their demon lords with the fate of nations resting on whether or not the advice is heeded. A scientist examining a strange artifact found on a distant planet that, unbeknownst to him, opens a mysterious gate to a nightmarish dimension when a button is pushed.

These are just a sampling of the myriad images which come to mind when we think of Hell. Codex Infernus: The Savage Guide to Hell, brings those images to life and shows you how to plug them into your games, regardless of what genre you love to play!

In this book you'll find:
This book is in PDF format, is layered for easy viewing, is fully bookmarked, and has both a clickable table of contents, and a clickable index.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.04.2016 | 19:29
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/3leyline.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.04.2016 | 05:52
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3431/180267.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/180267/Ghosts-in-Darkness)
[Void Star Games] Nova Praxis: Ghosts in Darkness
Author: Mike McConnell
Artists: Andree Wallin, Savage Mojo
Pages: 38
Price: €4,39 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/180267-sample.pdf)

Ghosts in Darkness is an introductory scenerio designed to provide a starting point for new campaigns.

It is meant to introduce the GM and players to the primary elements of the Nova Praxis setting while also setting up a chilling villain that can haunt the PCs for years to come.

Missing and presumed dead, the PC's minds are restored from backup. They awake with no memory of what happened to them, and all records of their prior activity have been mysteriously wiped. Can they solve the mystery of their own disappearance? And will they survive the horror they uncover?

Ghosts in Darkness was originally released in Machinations (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/137404/Machinations-The-Nova-Praxis-GMs-Companion-FATE), for the Fate version of Nova Praxis. This version is for the Savage Worlds version.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.04.2016 | 19:55
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/6067/180298.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/180298/Savage-Thunderscape-Character-Sheet)
[Kyoudai Games] Savage Thunderscape: Character Sheet
Author & Artist: Mike Brodu
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/180298-sample.pdf)

Get your thunder on in style with this customized Thunderscape character sheet! Usable with any Savage Worlds compatible game, but intended for the awesomeness of the World of Aden!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.04.2016 | 19:48
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/180342.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/180342/Winter-Eternal-Adventure-Guide-The-wastelands)
[Just Insert Imagination] Winter Eternal Adventure Guide: The Wastelands
Author: Morné Schaap, Eric Lamoureux
Pages: 45
Price: €4,38 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/180342-sample.pdf)

The wastelands are dangerous and offer the unprepared a horrible death only. For those brave (or crazy) enough to travel the wastes in an ice suit, this Winter Eternal adventure guide focuses on what lies outside the warm and safe cities.
The book offers information on new locations, plot hooks and adventure ideas. There are new monsters in the bestiary and new gear for explorers to use. Then there is a wonderful and exciting Savage Tale to help start an adventure into the wastelands, or to challenge more seasoned explorers.
If you think it is only the cold that could end your life out in the wastelands, you are very much mistaken. With the adventure guide you can at least prepare a bit more, before heading out to look for riches and mysteries from a time long forgotten.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.04.2016 | 20:11
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/7fnl.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/rifts-for-savage-worlds-kickstarter-starts-april-26/)
RIFTS® for Savage Worlds Kickstarter Starts April 26!

This is your save-the-date card for a gaming marriage of massive proportions—RIFTS® for Savage Worlds! That’s right, the gonzo Megaversal adventure of RIFTS® is teaming up with the genre-spanning easy-prep award-winning Savage Worlds system you know and love, and the Kickstarter is running from April 26 to May 19. It’s such a big deal that we’re even running the Kickstarter campaign a week longer than we normally do!

Set aside April 26 on your calendar and come to the RIFTS® for Savage Worlds Kickstarter kick-off. See the backer rewards for players and GMs alike, start reaching the Stretch Goals, and get in on the ground floor of the magic and mayhem!

RIFTS® for Savage Worlds in the Pinnacle Forum:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.04.2016 | 11:22
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/180677.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/180677/Tropicana-Die-Fast-or-die-trying)
[GRAmel] Tropicana: Die Fast... (or die trying)
Authors: Mauro Longo, Giuseppe Rotondo, Andy Slack
Pages: 7
Price: €1,77 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/180677-sample.pdf)

On the sunny road that goes along the beautiful beach of Bahia del Sol, the heroes find themselves in the middle of a shooting, a hail of lead pouring onto an old Kombi cabover panel van. And from there, things only get worse!

An introductory adventure for Tropicana, for 3-6 Novice Heroes or a Startup Agency. Hails of bullets, chases, fights, deadly mysteries, windows smashing and shards of glass everywhere; find out the secrets of that damn corpse everybody wants to get their hands on!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.04.2016 | 19:18
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3683/180736.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/180736/Mythos-Epic-Gamemastering-Savage-Worlds)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Mythos: Epic Gamemastering
Author: Gilbert Gallo
Pages: 115
Price: €8,82 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/180736-sample.pdf)

The Olympians have spoken and you are to join the ranks of heroes and heroines involved in the Heavenly Contest! The Olympian deities are in a race to find the successor to Zeus’s throne, with the successor acquiring the greatest number of followers. But the gods and goddesses are quite busy, and to shine their light upon the mortals of Hellas requires intervention of a divine scale. Heroic deeds are a must if one is to prove themselves worthy for the gratification of Olympus and the pursuit of seeing their patron deity rise to rulership! Are you strong, brave, and smart enough for the challenge? We will see how you fair against the great beasts of Hellas and the heroes and heroines who support your rival deity. This is the Heavenly Contest. This is Mythos!

In Mythos, you assume the role of a demigod or devoted human of the gods and goddesses of Olympus in a heroic mythological representation of Ancient Greece. Heroes and heroines join in the Heavenly Contest to prove their worth to the deities and spread the word of their patron deity to the mortals of Hellas, in hopes of raising their patron deity to the Olympus throne. Heroes and heroines come from all walks of life, representing their patron deity as adventurers, fighters, hoplites, Olympic athletes, courtesans, sages, and rogues. Through affiliations with deific cults and Mystery Cults, they gain access to great powers and follow the strands of Fate as they travel Hellas in search of their next, grand performance.

Inside Epic Gamemastering you will find:

Epic Gamemastering is not a standalone setting and requires the Savage Worlds core rulebook. Mechanics for creating characters can be found in the Hero's Handbook (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/121417/Mythos-Heros-Handbook-Savage-Worlds).

Epic Gamemastering contains only the GM information from the Mythos core setting guide (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/118720/Mythos-Savage-Worlds).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.04.2016 | 19:34
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2419/155933.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/155933/Hellfrost-Atlas-of-the-Frozen-North)
[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost: Atlas of the Frozen North
Author:  Paul 'Wiggy' Wade-Williams
Artist: Robin Elliott
Pages: 386
Price: €44,09 PDF; €87,31 Premium Color HC; €131,39 €104,94 PDF & Premium Color HC (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/155933-sample.pdf)

Hellfrost Atlas General Release

Atlas of the Frozen North brings new detail and exquisite maps for your adventures in Rassilon.

The world of Rassilon is an ancient land, one scarred by war, weather, and time. Over countless millennia it has hidden its many secrets from view. Unlock these secrets and discover the world of Rassilon in all its glory!

Hellfrost: Atlas of the Frozen North takes you on an epic journey of discovery and exploration, one which delves deep into the rich geography and history of the lands of the frozen north. Triple Ace Games invites you to hold all of this epic landscape in your hands as we open up the secrets of Rassilon in new and amazing detail.

Your adventure in this vibrant land will never be the same once you have glanced upon the pages of the Atlas!


Within this book you’ll find:
▪ Expanded descriptions on 49 regions, as well as the mystical lands of Alfheim, the turbulent Ten Seas, and the subterranean deeps of Ertha’s Realm.
▪ Hundreds of locations to explore.
▪ Rules for creating sacred places, with detailed examples.
▪ Three new organizations suitable for player characters.
▪ Glorious full color maps, showing the continent and major cities in never-seen-before detail.


Requires the Hellfrost: Gazetteer.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.04.2016 | 17:59
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3915/181141.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/181141/Savage-Worlds-Miscreants-Malefactors-and-Megalomaniacs-Volume-2)
[Fainting Goat Games] Miscreants, Malefactors and Megalomaniacs Volume 2
Authors: Walt Robbilard, Sean Nokes, AP Klosky
Pages: 29
Price: €6,64 €3,65 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/181141-sample.pdf)

The original Miscreants, Malefactors and Megalomaniacs (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/140099/Savage-Worlds-Miscreants-Malefactors-and-Megalomaniacs) was so well received by Savages, we decided to launch Volume 2 to bring even more bad guys to your superpowered Savage Worlds game.

MM&M Volume 2 contains a bakers dozen of bad guys, thugs, supervillains and misunderstood anti-heroes to add some fun to your next ICONS game. Characters such as:

This product is compatible with material found in the Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion 2nd Edition

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.04.2016 | 21:57
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4491/181180.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/181180/SciFi-Steel-Foundry)
[Dramascape] SciFi Steel Foundry
Authors: Simon Powell, Steven J Black
Artist: Simon Powell
Pages: 66
Price: €4,42 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/181180-sample.pdf)

DramaScape Savage Worlds Adventure Vol 10: SciFi Steel Foundry

This product is a full-color, 48 inch by 30 inch, Battlemap of a SciFi Steel Foundry, with Hex, Square and No overlay and comes with a Savage Worlds Adventure.
The PDF includes includes the VTT (Virtual Table Top Images for online play).

“The Stakhijian Empire has controlled this planet for far too long. Our rebellion starts now. If we can destroy their steel foundry at the top of Mount Stakhia, then we strike a blow at their symbolic heart of fire and steel as well as hurt their steel production to continue making weapons, vehicles, walkers, and ships.”—Wotez, Revolutionary of planet Pheria

SciFi Steel Foundry is a single floor interior and exterior map of a steel manufacturing facility built on top of a volcanic mountain. The mouth of the volcano is underneath the foundry’s southeast corner. Either crucibles are dipped into the volcano’s mouth to harvest ore directly from the volcano’s magma or the heat and air currents from the volcano are used as a natural furnace and bellows to convert iron ore into steel. The steel is then poured into molds and turned into steel blocks. The steel blocks are placed into cargo containers and then removed via a carryall to a refinery for further processing or a factory for immediate use. The carryall returns with more workers, food, water, fuel, and raw materials as needed to keep the foundry running and personnel alive and working as well as replace any personnel that die from the harsh working conditions.

SciFi Steel Foundry is intended for use in near or far-future science fiction settings.

The included One Sheet: The Raid on Mount Stakhia has NPC and vehicle statblocks made with the Savage Worlds Core Rules and Science Fiction Companion by Pinnacle Entertainment Group and includes printable stat cards.

The Raid on Mount Stakhia: Wotez, a revolutionary of planet Pheria, wants to overthrow the Stakhijian Empire. Wotez, like many of the low classes, hates the draconian government and brutal working conditions worldwide from foundries to refineries to mines, where Human life is thrown away in the pursuit of raw materials and resources to continue to fuel the Stakhijian Empire’s expansion throughout the solar system. He has recruited the group into the fold as revolutionaries and plots for a way to get them into Mount Stakhia to strike an important steel foundry built on top of a volcano…(continued inside)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.04.2016 | 22:10
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4761/181217.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/181217/Savagely-Useful-Random-Magical-Items)
[Evil Beagle Games] Savagely Useful: Random Magical Items
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon
Pages: 5
Price: €2,61 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/181217-sample.pdf)

You're running a fantasy game in Savage Worlds, or a game where magic items are a part of the experience. You need some items on the fly, or maybe you're just really stumped while preparing a session.

Savagely Useful: A Random Magical Item Generator for Savage Worlds is the first in a series of "useful stuff" for Savage Worlds Game Masters. It's a set of quick-and-easy tables that will help you rapidly create random items - Minor Items, Major Items, and even Relics are possible with this system of tables.

These tables were originally created for the Primeval Thule Campaign Setting for Savage Worlds (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/178350/Primeval-Thule-Campaign-Setting-for-Savage-Worlds), which we at Evil Beagle Games helped Sasquatch Game Studio put together.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.04.2016 | 20:13
[Pinnacle] Savage Rifts Kickstarter

26.04.2016 ab 18:00 MESZ

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.04.2016 | 19:13
(https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/projects/2437628/photo-original.jpg?w=1024&h=576&fit=fill&bg=413421&v=1461602953&auto=format&q=92&s=e92fd6dd503c10c848f9cbea3963ad6b) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/rifts-for-savage-worlds)
[Pinnacle] Savage Rifts® Kickstarter Launches!

Atomic fire and arcane Armageddon destroyed all that once was, bringing on a world of magic and monsters, cybernetic post-humanism, and infinite potential for both greatness and disaster. This is the terrifying, wonderful world of Rifts®, and it’s gone completely Savage!

Join us as we bring the over-the-top heroes of Rifts® to the popular Savage Worlds system! With everything from Juicers to Ley Line Walkers, Glitter Boys to Mind Melters, demons to war machines, the gonzo, big-guns-and-super-magic world comes to a new generation.

Be sure to check the Savage Rifts® Kickstarter project (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/1598899255?token=e38ccc40) for full details on the different backer levels, Stretch Goals, and available add-ons. Between the three core books—all scheduled for PDF release a month or so after the Kickstarter—the maps, the GM Screen, and all the extras, there’s a backer level package for everyone!

For more information and input, just check the Internet! Catch the interviews on MythWits Live (http://studio187.com/mythwits/about/), Interrogation Droid (http://www.d20radio.com/main/interrogation-droid-sean-patrick-fannon/), Through Gamer Goggles (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aMqRaBNcjU), The Wild Die (http://thewilddie.podbean.com/e/episode-55-savage-rifts-with-sean-patrick-fannon), and The SavageCast (http://www.savagecast.com/2016/04/episode-4-do-you-even-rifts-bro/) to hear more about the Savage Rifts® Kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/1598899255?token=e38ccc40). Or you can see what other people are saying now in the reviews from Tommy Brownell on The Most Unread Blog (http://mostunreadblogever.blogspot.com/2016/04/tommys-take-on-savage-rifts-players.html) on the Internet and Christopher Helton on ENWorld (http://www.enworld.org/forum/content.php?3374-Looking-At-Savage-Worlds-Rifts).

Join us as we enter a new world—or several—of high adventure with the Savage Rifts® Kickstarter project (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/1598899255?token=e38ccc40)!

Stand: 780% der Finanzierungssumme (nach ca. 60 min)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.04.2016 | 07:52
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Savage-RIFTS-Glitter-Boy-1.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/savage-rifts-glitter-boy-preview/)
[Pinnacle] Savage Rifts® Glitter Boy Preview

This is a preview of the Glitter Boy for Savage Rifts® (https://www.peginc.com/store/savage-rifts-glitter-boy-preview/). It isn’t final and some details may change before the book is finally sent to print, but it will give you an idea how we’re working things and what you can expect with the other Iconic Frameworks.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.04.2016 | 01:13
(https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/projects/2437628/photo-original.jpg?w=1024&h=576&fit=fill&bg=413421&v=1461602953&auto=format&q=92&s=e92fd6dd503c10c848f9cbea3963ad6b) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/rifts-for-savage-worlds/posts/1561770)
[Pinnacle] Update: Savage Rifts® Player's Guide is Going BIG—and EU Friendly!

We have an exciting new Stretch Goal for you! Actually, several.

After considering all the requests to print Stretch Goal PDFs like playing D-Bees and Dog Boys and Dragons (yes Dragons! see below), or additional weapons and gear, we decided to try making the Player's Guide BIGGER!

This is something we've never done before in our graphic novel format, but since this Kickstarter is really something special, we've decided to do something special too.


We can't promise all of the material being offered as PDF stretch goals will make it into the expanded Player's Guide, but we'll do our best. The retail price after the Kickstarter will be higher, but we don't know by how much yet. You fine folks backing our Kickstarter, of course, are not paying any more for the bigger book—that's why it's a stretch goal for $300,000. (And yes, of course there are more Stretch Goals before that!)

Our merchant level friends may be especially excited about this announcement since they now get a greater than 50% discount on their package if we hit $300,000. We hope this starts people playing Savage Rifts® in their store every week. So please tell your FLGS!

It's also another reason for your friends to back at the Player's Guide level: they get the book at retail price PLUS all the Stretch Goal material, including Bookmarks and Character Folio! So you do nothing to get a bigger book. Just tell all your friends and help us hit $300,000 goal.

Three Weeks

This will delay the books by 3 weeks. We're already working on the material and ordering art. We have a plan to make this work pretty quickly, but it's still a lot of extra work from all our team.

We figured the vast majority of you won't mind a potential delay in exchange for all this material worked into the print versions, but of course if that does bother you, we understand if you need to withdraw your pledge.

The EU Solution

As we've said for a while with both this and our previous projects, we are constantly looking at new shipping solutions to the EU. Even working with great partners overseas hasn't saved much once they add in the additional labor and freight. Companies with higher volume than ours get better rates, but we're still a little company and just can't get the same kinds of discounts that some others do.

But we do have at least a partial solution for our friends in the EU, and we're continuing to look for even more. We just don't want to promise anything until we know for sure it will work. (Sorry, Australia and Canada, we still don't have a better solution for you.)

What we have been able to work out means that customers in the EU pay no VAT or customs taxes. (We're paying it.)


For some of you, this means a savings of around $100 on the highest tier package. The process is this: we ship a palletload of prepackaged, prelabeled boxes to our friends in Germany and pay the customs as a publisher. They ship to you, if you live in the European Union. We reimburse them the postage.

Right now we have a little over 100 backers coming from the EU, but no way to tell if they are print or PDF backers. This is an experiment for us, and does not yet mean a reduction in the other shipping costs (we can't alter the reward levels anyway—Kickstarter locks them as soon as one person backs at that level, to protect you).

Do you know of a warehouse in Canada or Australia who will reship a palletload of boxes? Have them email Jodi at PEGJodi@gmail.com. So far it hasn't worked out with the usual suspects, but we'll keep trying for you.

New Stretch Goals

I bet you jumped down here to read the stretch goals already, didn't you? ;)

$210,000 D-Bee: Quick-Flex Another very popular D-Bee race, the Quick-Flex live up to their names, excellent in combat and vehicle operation. (PDF)

$220,000 EX-5 Behemoth The "mobile home" of Robot Armor vehicles, the venerable and beloved Behemoth Explorer is a fortress on the move for your Tomorrow Legion team. (PDF)

$230,000 The Contamination Principle Adventure by Darrell Hayhurst Darrell Hayhurst has worked on Hard Vacuum, Ninja Crusade 2nd Edition, Codex Infernus, AMP Year 3, Torg Eternity with Shane, and now Savage RIFTS®. (PDF)

$240,000 D-Bee: N'mbyr Gorilla Man An iconic D-Bee race, found in many `Burbs around Chi-Town and elsewhere, and notable for its resemblance to Earth-born simians. (PDF)

$250,000 Character Folio in Print! Players and GMs alike, take note! This booklet will have a character sheet for filling out and pages for notes, character portraits, maps, NPC rosters, and more, so your character is ready to play anytime! Note: This Stretch Goal will be delivered to physical backers in print; everyone will receive a PDF copy.

$260,000 D-Bee: Lyn-Srial The Golden Ones are a winged race of protectors and peacekeepers, many earning their other nickname, the Sky-Knights. (PDF)

$270,000 Playing a Flame Wing Dragon by Sean Patrick Fannon The chance to play a genuine dragon is one of the legacies of RIFTS®. We’ll detail how to create and play a Dragon Hatchling, including special abilities and Edges for this unique Iconic Framework. (PDF)

$280,000 Murderthon PDF Adventure by Ross Watson Ross cranks out a second adventure! (PDF)

$290,000 Coalition Field Manual by Sean Patrick Fannon The armor, vehicles, weapons, and other gear of the Coalition States are some of the most coveted on the Black Market, and most despaired by any on the wrong side of a conflict with them. (PDF)

$300,000 Bigger Player’s Guide! (Print) We’ll add as many of the digital Stretch Goals into the Player’s Guide *in print* and into the final PDF. Retail price on the Player’s Guide at this point will be higher than $19.99, so backers are getting a more expensive book—a more comprehensive Player’s Guide—for free!

That's lots of news...please go share it! And thank you for your support. :)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.05.2016 | 06:43
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Savage-RIFTS-Design-Diary-Making-Of-1-458x700.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/making-rifts-savage-mega-damage-vampires-and-juicer-burn/)
[Pinnacle] Making Rifts® Savage: Mega Damage, Vampires, and Juicer Burn

This Design Diary from Sean Patrick Fannon gives a brief glimpse of some of the work he’s put into making Rifts® for Savage Worlds.

In this PDF he discusses how Mega Damage=Heavy Armor/Heavy Weapon (well….sort of), how a Rifts® Vampire is not a Savage Worlds “Vampire,” and Juicers’ Burn mechanics.

Click the image above or go here to download the Design Diary now:

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.05.2016 | 05:25
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Savage-RIFTS-Design-Diary-Making-Of-2_WEB-1.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/making-rifts-savage-iconic-frameworks-and-making-magic-mega/)
[Pinnacle] Making Rifts® Savage: Iconic Frameworks and Making Magic Mega

Sean Patrick Fannon has another Design Diary for how we’ve been “Making Rifts® Savage!”

In this PDF Sean talks about how magic—and psionics—went mega in the Savage Rifts® version of the Megaverse®. He also talks about the similarities and differences between a “character class” and Iconic Framework.

Click the image above or go here to download the Design Diary now:

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.05.2016 | 14:00
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/182419.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/182419/Terror-Planet-of-the-Amazon-Queen)
[GRAmel] Terror Planet of the Amazon Queen
Author: Jakub Osiejewski
Pages: 35
Price: €7,00 €5,25 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/182419-sample.pdf)

Terror Planet of the Amazon Queen is a 35-page long pulp adventure for Savage Worlds, where the player characters have to face an invading army of warrior women from the innards of alien planet... in another dimension... from the future. The heroes will have to fight dinosaurs, strange predators, primitive warriors, interdimensional portals and will glimpse the true evil - strange Caretakers manipulating the plot behind the scenes.

This adventure contains enough setting material and story hooks to be an introduction to a pulp campaign of your own, exploring the wonders of Amazon planet; or it could be a stand-alone experience – we have provided a set of four pre-generated characters.

Dinosaurs, warrior women from another dimension, evil queens, technorganic sorcery – all that awaits your players.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.06.2016 | 12:58
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3118/185123.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/185123/A-Cauldron-Full-of-Mischief)
[Fabled Environments] A Cauldron Full of Mischief
Author: Eric Lamoureux
Pages: 15
Price: €2,64 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Allan's roommate, Jeremy, came home from an energy drink launch party last night but this morning he is missing. His car keys and cellphone are still by his bed. Jeremy never leaves without them and this has Allan concerned.

Meanwhile, Barbara was very upset when her granddaughter’s college application was denied.  Strangers from out of town can get an education but not a local girl like Brittany. Suddenly, Barbara gives in to the temptation of using a strange recipe she found tucked in between the pages of a romance novel bought at the local bookstore.

What is going on and where is Jeremy?

A Cauldron Full Of Mischief drops you into a quirky mystery that is easily played in a single session or can be the springboard into a great campaign!

Included in the adventure are 5 pregenerated characters as well as two 8 1/2" x 11" size copies of locations from Fabled Environments.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.06.2016 | 13:05
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2212/185186.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/185186/The-New-York-Reclamation-Zone)
[Gun Metal Games] The New York Reclamation Zone
Authors: Josh Vogt, Robert Emerson
Pages: 57
Price: €5,28 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/185186-sample.pdf)

The best city money can buy!

Once the greatest city on earth, New York was abandoned in 2038 after terrorists blew the levees protecting her from rising sea levels. Forgotten by America, the Big Apple became soggy, slowly rotting away, with only a brave few remaining within its bounds, refusing to give up their once-proud home. Yet in the half-century that followed, New Yorkers proved time and again just how adaptable they could be in the face of disaster, natural or otherwise.

Now, the waters may still hold the Big Soggy hostage, but its denizens reject any notion of surrender. The city has changed, with flooded streets and ancient subways teeming with aquatic predators while human colonies scrape out a brutal existence on those skyscrapers that haven’t collapsed into the sea. As corporations turn their hungry eyes on the forgotten city, it’s time to rediscover the Big Soggy, where new territory is being fought over, new hybrids are emerging from the waves, new technology is being manufactured in the blackest labs, and new secrets are being dug up from the ocean floor—or buried there.

It remains a city of survivors. The only question is, how long will you last there?

In this 57-page book you’ll find:

* A detailed look at New York city, Newark, and their inhabitants.
* New character archetypes
* New Occupations
* Edges
* Weapons, armor and equipment
* A host of hazards, bio-horrors and NPCs common to the region!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.06.2016 | 03:33
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/92/185653.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/185653/Thrilling-Tales-2e-Thrilling-Tales-of-the-Seven-Seas)
[Adamant Entertainment] Thrilling Tales 2e: Thrilling Tales of the Seven Seas
Author: Jeb Boyt
Pages: 44
Price: €7,07 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A sourcebook for pulp adventures in distant ports, blue waters, and foreign shores, for the Savage Worlds-powered THRILLING TALES 2nd Edition!

Thrilling Tales of the Seven Seas provides a GM with background information, vehicle statistics, and adventure ideas for globetrotting adventures on merchant frieghters and flying boats, inspired by characters such as Robert E. Howard's Sailor Steve Costigan, Captain Haddock from The Adventures of Tintin, Captain Kanaga of the Bantu Wind (from Raiders of the Lost Ark) and Jake Cutter from Tales of the Gold Monkey.

Thrilling Tales of the Seven Seas uses the Savage Worlds rules system, as featured in THRILLING TALES 2nd Edition.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.06.2016 | 15:48
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/185714.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/185714/Ultima-Forsan--Dead-in-Venice)
[GGstudio] Ultima Forsan: Dead in Venice
Authors: Mauro Longo, Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 9
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/185714-sample.pdf)

Dead in Venice is an introductory Ultima Forsan adventure for three to five Novice Heroes, set in Old Venice. Heroes, aboard a Ferrara airship, crash into the City of Sorrow. They have to find a way to escape from Venice, but they’ll need to find an agreement with the insidious Lazzarettos.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.06.2016 | 15:55
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4518/183018.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/183018/The-Rhune-Dawn-of-Twilight-Savage-Primer)
[Storm Bunny Studios] The Rhune: Dawn of Twilight Savage Primer
Authors: Brad Bell, Clinton Boomer, Will Cooper, Adam Daigle, Stephen Michael DiPesa, Joshua Kitchens, Ben McFarland, Mike Myler, Jaye Sonia 
Pages: 74
Price: €8,88 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/183018-sample.pdf)

Are You Ready for Ragnarök?

Welcome to Rhune!

The activation of the Clockwork Gates started the countdown, and the final battles loom on the horizon. Servants of the Thrall Lords mass to destroy the civilzed southern lands. The races are divided over preparing for war or trying to prevent it from starting.

The world sits on a precipice and needs Heroes to survive.

This primer includes everything needed to begin your adventures in Rhune:
* A history told by renowned historian Lady Mikal of Westholme
* Information about Stormpunk technology, magic, and religions
* A full complement of Stormpunk and gunpowder weapons
* Hero creation rules
* Six player character races

Rhune: Dawn of Twilight is a Stormpunk fantasy setting for the award winning Savage Worlds RPG.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.07.2016 | 07:07
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/92/186684.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/186684/Thrilling-Tales-2e-Tomb-of-the-Dead)
[Adamant Entertainment] Thrilling Tales 2e: Tomb of the Dead
Author: Magnus Nygaard
Pages: 26
Price: €4,50 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

An exciting adventure for the Savage Worlds-powered THRILLING TALES 2nd Edition!


Tomb of the Dead takes the heroes to North Africa at the request of an old friend, who has discovered something important in the dry dust of the Sudan. Even before arriving, the heroes are thrown into danger as forces are aligned to stop them at every turn -- and once in Darfur, things only get worse. Soldiers have disappeared from a local fort, and the heroes may be too late to stop a mad German archaeologist from setting an undead scourge loose into the world!

Tomb of the Dead, by Magnus Nygaard uses the Savage Worlds rules system, as featured in THRILLING TALES 2nd Edition.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.07.2016 | 22:15
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3683/187180.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/187180/Ultimate-Fey-Guide-Savage-Worlds)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Ultimate Fey Guide
Author: A.J. Preece
Pages: 58
Price: €4,45 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/187180-sample.pdf)

Imagine a land where fantastic beings dwell. Imagine a land where grand adventures await. Imagine a land where perils and magic reside together. Now imagine this land is next to our own, but its entrance can only be seen by those who know of its secrets. This land is the Fey Realm.

The Ultimate Fey Guide is a sourcebook for Savage Worlds that presents a micro setting set in the fantastical land of the Fey Realm. This micro setting can be used to build your own fantasy setting or set alongside an existing setting to form a multiverse or incorporate the fantastical themes of the Fey Realm.

Ultimate Fey Guide includes:

Ultimate Fey Guide can be used to create a grand fantasy setting or as an add-on to an existing setting. Use it with one of Mystical Throne Entertainment's historical Ultimate Guides to create an amazing locale for adventure!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.07.2016 | 22:24
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/187226.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/187226/The-Sixth-Gun-Roleplaying-Game-Players-Guide)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Sixth Gun Roleplaying Game: Player's Guide
Author: Scott Woodard
Pages: 31
Price: €4,49 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/187226-sample.pdf)

The Sixth Gun RPG Player's Guide offers all the information a player needs to know about The Sixth Gun RPG setting. This is exactly the same material as found in the beginning of the The Sixth Gun RPG excerpted for the player and with our special player group site license.

During the darkest days of the Civil War, wicked cutthroats came into possession of six pistols of otherworldly power. In time, the Sixth Gun, the most dangerous of the weapons, vanished.

The First of the Six strikes with ungodly force. The Second spreads Perdition’s flames. The Third kills with a flesh-rotting disease. The Fourth calls up the spirits of those it has slain. The Fifth can heal the wielder from even a fatal wound. And theSixth is the key to rewriting the world.

Discover the secret of The Six—mystical weapons forged by hatred, and oiled in betrayal—in The Sixth Gun roleplaying game. Inside you’ll find details on Cullen Bunn and Brian Hurtt’s incredible world from the Harvey and Eisner Award nominated comic series by the same name. It includes new Edges and Hindrances, guns and gear, Setting Rules, rules for sorcery and voodoo, an Adventure Generator, and a host of nefarious rogues, gadflies, and scoundrels, for one of the wildest Westerns in all of comics!

Pinnacle Entertainment Group grants the Game Master a “site license” to print this document for each player in her personal game. No electronic transfer of this document is intended or implied. The Sixth Gun RPG Player’s Guide is for players only. The Game Master needs the complete version of The Sixth Gun RPG.

This book requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.07.2016 | 19:33
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/187623.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/187623/Kata-Kumbas-Primer)
[GGStudio] Kata Kumbas Primer
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 24
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/187623-sample.pdf)

In this primer you'll find a taste of Kata Kumbas, the Mediterranean fantasy setting for Savage Worlds! Whether you decide to play the role of a sly monk, a boastful knight or a mysterious hedge wizard, a world full of light-hearted adventure awaits you!
In the full book you'll find a detailed setting based on medieval Italy, rules for Heirlooms and Mentors, dozens of new Edges and Hindrances, and much more!
So what are you waiting for? Prepare to step through the Gate and enter the magical world of Laìtia!
Dragon Hunt Free Adventure: What is the terrible monster lurking in the fogs of the Sea of Emmar, bringing ruin and trouble to everyone? The dreaded Pillarone dragon, of course! And only a Dragon Hunter could end such a threat!
Misunderstandings, treacheries and an enemy from far, far away await the heroes in this scenario!

Kata Kumbas is probably the oldest Italian RPG, published in 1982 by Massimo Senzacqua and Agostino Carrocci. Its name means, in ancient Greek, “near the caverns” and it is a fantasy game, set in an alternate Medieval Italy, in a country called Laìtia (an anagram of “Italia”). Light-hearted in tone, it is infused with classical culture. If you have ever seen the movie Brancaleone or read The Name of the Rose, well, you know what Kata Kumbas is about. In 2015 Kata Kumbas was published again in Italy, totally reworked and redesigned, as a Savage Worlds setting.

The main theme of Kata Kumbas is that you play as yourself; connecting Earth and Rarte (the alternative Earth where Kata Kumbas takes place) there are magical Gates, through which people like you and me can pass. Visitors to Laìtia are welcomed by Gate Keepers, who cast upon them the Integration Spell, a special magic which “transforms” them into Laìtians, granting them the capacity to speak the local tongue, and making them knights, alchemists, rogues and soon, but keeping the memories and the identity of the player. These types of characters are called Integrated Ones.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.07.2016 | 08:20
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/187701.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/187701/Shaintar-Guidebook-The-Wildlands)
[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Guidebook: The Wildlands
Author: Darren Pearce
Pages: 19
Price: €4,51 €3,61 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/187701-sample.pdf)

The Wildlands is the name of the large area filled with land unclaimed by the Southern Kingdoms. There are city-states, small duchies, even a country or two, freeholds, gathers and unpopulated areas that fall under the general protection of Grayson's Grey Rangers. While there is no capital, Kithros is used as a meeting place and there's a number of cities that have sprung up along trade routes.

Come, explore with us. Learn about the different things you can find here in the Wildlands. There are forests, hills, marshes and even some land that lies upon the ocean. There's an encounter table, new creatures and plants and you'll find several towns that came to being as a part of the living Justice and Life campaign that was created during the Shaintar Kickstarter.

Inside, you'll find a nice GM supplement that will help you when your party is travelling around the Wildlands.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.07.2016 | 21:58
(https://bundleofholding.com//images/bundle/20160711/TripleAce-DaringTalesOfAdventure-Compendium1.png) (https://bundleofholding.com/presents/DaringTales)
[TAG] Bundle of Holding: Daring Tales
Starter Collection: $9.95, Bonus Collection: $22.04

Pulp! Space opera! Cyberpunk! Age of Chivalry! G-Men!

The Bundle of Holding joins team with Triple Ace Games to bring you the worlds of Daring Tales!

Whether it's the Middle Ages, the 1930s, or the near and far future, the many Daring Tales lines bring thrilling action to your table. Not only can you grab a ton of cool stuff, but you're also helping a great cause - Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontier.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.07.2016 | 19:40
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4329/188567.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/188567/Mutant-Chronicles-3rd-Edition-Core-Book-Savage-Worlds-Edition)
[Modiphius] Mutant Chronicles 3rd Edition Core Book Savage Worlds Edition
Authors: Brad Bell, Luis Torres, Nathan Dowdell, Chris Birch, Mischa Thomas, Gunnar Roxen, Dave Allen, Tom McGrenery, Chris Lites, Josh Vogt, Alex Bund, Bastian Soijer, Marc Langworthy
Pages: 307
Price: €15,36 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)




Mutant Chronicles takes you on a full-throttle diesel-punk ride through a solar system beset by corporate intrigue and the invasion of the Dark Legion. With technology failing due to the insidious effects of the Dark Symmetry, mankind must fight back against the Dark Legion hordes whilst dealing with in-fighting and conspiracy.       

Now, in this Savage Worlds Edition of the definitive techno-fantasy roleplaying game, you can play during the early days of the Dark Symmetry, through to the brutal Corporate Wars. Investigate foul cults as technology turns against mankind, or fight the armies of the Dark Legion as they pour forth from citadels across the colonies in the battle for humanity’s future.

• Rules for character creation, including the new Lifepath Edge mechanic to define your character based on one of the iconic archetypes of the setting.
• Master the Art of Light taught by the Brotherhood, or be drawn into the Dark Symmetry, and taste the power that comes from Heresy.
• Equipment, powers, and custom rules reinforce the grittiness of this exciting techno-noir setting.
• Never-before-seen secrets of the Mutant Chronicles universe, and maps of the solar system and Luna City.
• Insight in to the Dark Legion Apostles and their unique forces, tactics and plots, along with full stats for new and old monstrosities.
• Briefings on the major corporations, Imperial, Bauhaus, Capitol, Mishima, and Cybertronic, as well as the Cartel, the Brotherhood, and Whitestar. Guide to running adventures during the rise of the Dark Symmetry and first wars through to the return of the Dark Legion.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.07.2016 | 19:48
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/188098.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/188098/Deadlands-Reloaded-The-Third-Hand-of-the-Devil-ENIT)
[GGstudio] Deadlands Reloaded: The Third Hand of the Devil (EN-IT)
Author: Davide Mana
Pages: 16
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/188098-sample.pdf)

Both English and Italian Edition - Edizione Inglese e Italiana. Available into English thanks to Pinnacle gentle permission.

Bud Spencer was larger than life.
By portraying the big guy that sides with the little ones in dozens of movies, Bud Spencer became the hero for the kids in many generations.
His passing away took us all by surprise, and left us shocked - and we reacted the only way we know: by telling another story, and by making him the good, the bad and the ugly. To have him with us once again.

When we created "Messico & Nuvole", the Italian accessory for Deadlands, we wanted to play those great Bud Spencer and Terence Hill movies.
Granted, we wanted to add a layer to Deadlands, capturing the irony, the satire and the social criticism of the original "spaghetti western".
But most of all we wanted the crazy stunts, the cheeky jokes, the big brawls and the baked beans dinners of the Bud & Terence movies. Because we grew up with those.

In loving memory

Dark clouds gather over the CSA/Mexican border.
Senator Warburton was the only hope to avoid a military confrontation - but now he's gone missing somewhere between Houston and Dalla, while he was on his way to Roswell peace talks.
Only one man could still save two nations from a midnbless war.
But Bigfoot Blutarski, The Third Hand of the Devil, is locked up in an Arkansas jail, waiting to be hanged as a cattle-rustler.
And even should someone pull him out of there, there's people ready for anything to stop him from getting to roswell in time.

Nubi di guerra si adednsano sul confine fra Stati Cofnederati e Messico
Il senatore Warburton era l'unica speranza per scongiurare il conflitto - ma ora è scomparso, da qualche parte fra Houston e Dallas, mentre si recava alla conferenza di pace di Roswell.
Esiste un solo uomo che potrebbe ancora riuscire a salvare due nazioni da una guerra insensata.
Ma Bigfoot Blutarski, La Terza Mano del Diavolo, è chiuso in una prigione in Arkansas, in attesa di essere impiccato per furto di bestiame.
E anche se qualcuno lo tirasse fuori, c'è chi è pronto a fare l'impossibile per impedirgli di arrivare a Roswell.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.07.2016 | 19:55
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/92/188031.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/188031/Thrilling-Tales-2e-Pulp-Villains--Violet)
[Adamant Entertainment] Thrilling Tales 2e: Pulp Villains - Violet
Author: Bill Maxwell
Pages: 10
Price: €1,81 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Adamant Entertainment is pleased to present the first in a new line of Thrilling Tales products: Pulp Villains!

Each Pulp Villains release will detail a nefarious non-player-character, ready to be dropped into your pulp-genre Savage Worlds game, fully statted, with details on their methods, motives, special gear, henchmen, allies and more -- along with a collection of adventure hooks for their use.

If there is a name that causes a shudder to go through the underworld, and worry even the hardest of mooks, that name is VIOLET.  She's only been in the business a handful of years, but she's left behind her a trail of bodies and broken souls. Around her, people die silently, or choking on their own blood, or just taken away screaming.  She is the most methodical assassin on the market -- an expert in poisons who the bosses always want to keep busy.  Because if she isn't occupied with one task or another, she might get bored -- and everyone is terrified of what will happen then.

Pulp Villains: Violet, by Bill Maxwell uses the Savage Worlds rules system, as featured in THRILLING TALES 2nd Edition.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.07.2016 | 20:02
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8090/188419.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/188419/The-Folio-7-Savage-Worlds-Hell-On-Earth)
[Art of the Genre] The Folio #7 [Savage Worlds] Hell On Earth
Author: Scott Taylor
Pages: 24
Price: €5,42 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/188419-sample.pdf)

Join the Savage Worlds: Hell on Earth adventure with this adreniline packed race down the infamous 'Co-Kan' run.  This is an adventure for seasoned characters.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.07.2016 | 20:14
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4543/187929.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/187929/Low-Life-The-Rise-of-the-Lowly-ReDredged--FREE-Preview-Edition)
[Mutha Oith Creations] Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly (ReDredged) - FREE Preview Edition
Author & Artist: Andy Hopp
Pages: 115
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/187929-sample.pdf)

This FREE Preview Edition contains the first 113 pages of Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly Redredged.

If you like what you see, please consider buying the full version and giving us your vote for BEST INTERIOR ARTWORK in the 2016 ENnie Awards. Voting continues through July 21, 2016.

(http://www.ennie-awards.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/ennies2016nominee.jpg) (http://www.ennie-awards.com/vote/2016/)

GAZILLIONS of years have passed since the Time of the Flush and the extinction of the vaunted Hoomanrace. Now, After the Wipe, the descendants of cockroaches, snack cakes, worms, and even lowlier things rule the Oith!

Waggle the arcane zazz of hocus pokery, dementalism, smellcasting, holy rolling, danged wrangling, and contanimation! Battle hideous things that want to eat you, risen from the rubble of ancient civilizations. Enjoy a light lunch at the Primordial Soup Kitchen...

Audacious times are upon us! Lost lands and forgotten civilizations await discovery. Terrible monsters and grand treasures lurk behind every rock. There are hoards to nab, foes to stab, and tales to blab. These are the days of Low adventure, where destiny is shaped not by circumstance of birth, but by strength of snazz, zazz, and jazz. It’s a bold world for bold peeps, where life is relatively inexpensive and even the lowliest werm can become a king by his own mop.


Are you croach enough to follow your destiny? Do you have the nuggets to take your rightful place among Oith’s most valiant heroes?

If so, strap on your esophagator hide shield, pick up your battle spork, mount your slog, whisper a prayer to Jelvis, kiss your larvae goodbye, and open the goosin’ book. The muck-riddled road to LOW ADVENTURE stands before you...


(http://muthaoithcreations.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/MOCProducts.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/4543/Mutha-Oith-Creations)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.08.2016 | 07:40
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/190529.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/190529/Size-Matters)
[Just Insert Imagination] Size Matters
Authors: Morné Schaap, Eric Lamoureux
Pages: 7
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/190529-sample.pdf)

Can't run your usual game, running a Con game or looking for something short to introduce new players? Just Insert Imagination has you covered.

Size Matters is a game for the whole family, sandbox adventure for Savage Worlds. Six people are shrunk to 1 inch tall in a laboratory accident. Can they reach help? Can they survive in a world of giants? Or will their tiny skeletons end up forgotten in an air vent or crack in the floor?

In the document (that is designed to fit inside a GM screen) you will find:

* setting rules
* twists and complications to use
* bestiary
* 6 pre-generated characters and character sheets
* a blank character sheet to create your own character
* 5 battle-maps
* printable cards with size comparisons
* a map of level five
* figure flats

When trying to survive in a world so much bigger than you, size does matter. Come experience the small world with us.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.08.2016 | 06:52
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/190628.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/190628/Garden-of-Death)
[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians: Garden of Death
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack
Pages: 100
Price: €17,91 €10,74 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/190628-sample.pdf)

Welcome to the Garden of Death, the seventh adventure of the Beasts & Barbarians Savage Words setting!

There is a place, among the dreaded mountains of the fallen Realm of Keron, where those dead before their time wake up, alive, to enjoy a new life.

It is a place of forbidden marvels, exotic beauties and obscure terrors. A place which is difficult to enter, and almost impossible to leave.

The mysteries of old Keron await the heroes in the seventh installment of the Beasts & Barbarians adventure series! Dare you enter the Garden of Death?

Bonus Content. This scenario includes an extensive Book of Lore dedicated to the Fallen Realm of Keron, its many dangers and forbidden secrets.

We are working on PoD version - if we succeed, we will send to all purchasers link and discount code :)

To play this scenario you need a copy of the Savage Worlds core rules and Beasts & Barbarians Golden Edition. Tattered Banners is not essential, but you’ll find it useful, because there are several mass battles in this story.

This scenario is for a party of four Veteran heroes, with some experience (50-55 Experience Points is the optimal level), but it can easily be modified, following the Golden Edition instructions, for parties of different size and experience.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.08.2016 | 13:12
(https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/013/250/782/1ea8eed9f27b9d67d6874969d6fcd631_original.jpg?w=1024&h=576&fit=fill&bg=000000&v=1470136504&auto=format&q=92&s=79ecaeafb4e9b26122d213eaf634bbab) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/polyhedral-dice-set-7-viking-dice?ref=project_link)
[Triple Ace Games] Polyhedral Dice Set: 7 Viking Dice Kickstarter

Viking-themed dice set LIVE

Whether you’re a gamer or a collector, you can never have enough dice!

Our aim is to create a set of Viking-themed polyhedral dice. This set of dice will fit seamlessly into any Norse or Viking themed RPG setting! All we need to make them a reality is your help!

The Viking-themed set contains a d4, a d6, a d8, a d10 (00-90) a d10 (0-9), a d12, and a d20. We are also offering a green d6 Wild Die with a unique symbol on the “6” face for Savage Worlds and a green d20 for use as an advantage dice with the D&D 5th Edition ruleset. If you need these dice for your game, they can be added to your pledge level.

We have been working carefully with our manufacturer to design a set of dice that will be custom manufactured and cast in high quality resin to our specifications.The designs will be pre-painted with deep engraved surfaces.


We've cleared the basic funding goal with ease! We're now planning on offering the following stretch goal rewards for hitting funding milestones!
If you've backed at any named pledge level then you'll automatically get ONE of each dice for free as they are unlocked. If you want more, we'll be making them available as add-ons once they are unlocked.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: tartex am 22.08.2016 | 14:35
Was haben denn diese Wikinger-Würfel mit Savage Worlds zu tun?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.08.2016 | 14:48
Was haben denn diese Wikinger-Würfel mit Savage Worlds zu tun?

Es kommt von Triple Ace Games! Es gibt u.a. extra Wild Die! Der Kickstarter war thematisch für Hellfrost gedacht, wurde aber auf "Viking" erweitert, um mehr Interessenten anzuziehen!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.08.2016 | 15:01
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/190609.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/190609/The-Mutation-Deck)
[Just Insert Imagination] The Mutation Deck
Author: Richard Woolcock
Artist: Morné Schaap
Cards: 58
Price: €4,42 PDF; €13,27 Cards; €17,70 €13,27 Cards & PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/download_preview.php?pid=190609)

Become the wasteland freak you’ve always dreamed of, create the chaos warrior you were destined to play, and generate alien races or unique aberrations for your campaign world with this exciting new accessory for Savage Worlds: the Mutation Deck from Just Insert Imagination.

This special Action Deck comes with four Jokers, and can be used to quickly and randomly generate mutations using the included Edges and Hindrances.

Players can use the cards to customize their own mutant characters, while Game Masters can draw cards from the deck to modify existing monsters or NPCs from their favorite bestiary. By using a new Setting Rule, the Game Master can also introduce mutation injuries inflicted by horrific eldritch spells.

The Mutation Deck is the perfect companion for race creation, and includes the following:

* 4 Jokers
* 1 front and 1 back card
* 52 playing cards
* 156 new abilities
* 3 new Setting Rules
* 6 new Edges and 1 new Hindrance

The PDF includes a document with the rules, mutations, digital versions of the cards, and a tuck box you can print and assemble yourself.

An option to add a sturdy plastic case is also available at checkout.

Attention Print on Demand customers: If you select the print only option, the rules can be downloaded and printed out from the Publisher Preview.

Rules are included in the PDF for the Print + PDF option, available at the same price.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.08.2016 | 11:33
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/191721.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/191721/Enascentia-Dungeon-Masters-Guide)
[GGstudio] Enascentia Dungeon Master's Guide
Author: Edoardo Dalla Via
Pages: 252
Price: €39,90 €14,90 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/191721-sample.pdf)

Just imagine a world where men and women are neither born nor grow old, a fantastic place where magic pervades everything and everyone, where life's first experiences are not learnt but are something you have never been taught and yet somehow already know.
Welcome to Enascentia.

Any work is set on its own stage, but it is often what happens behind the scenes that determines what will really happen.
Enascentia Game Master's Guide allows you to discover Enascentia's background, its history,  its misteries. The past is not a secret anymore and the future is in your hands.

This volume, specifically devised for Game Masters, includes:

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/191696.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/191696/Enascentia-Players-Guide)
[GGstudio] Enascentia Player's Guide
Author: Edoardo Dalla Via
Pages: 330
Price: €39,90 €14,90 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/191696-sample.pdf)

Just imagine a world where men and women are neither born nor grow old, a fantastic place where magic pervades everything and everyone, where life's first experiences are not learnt but are something you have never been taught and yet somehow already know.
Welcome to Enascentia.

Can you imagine a fantasy world where people are not born, yet can live forever? Discover the magical land of Enascentia as both you and your character take your first steps in a surprising new environment.

You begin your adventure with an adult character who has no previous experience but a vast set of knowledge. You get to play from the very first moment your character is created, and yet you don't have to learn speaking, walking, or even fighting—those and many more skills already belong to you, as well as basic starting equipment.

You don't know who you are, but you know what you believe in: the Kami. The Kami describes your way of living, a higher calling, the beginning of everything, or just everything itself. Each Tribe has a different explanation for why they are sent here and a different opinion on the nature of the world of Enascentia.

You start with a belief in your Kami and trust your inner impulses. But you can become anyone you like. Others before you chose a different path for themselves rather than follow their destiny. There are many Ways, many choices to make, and a whole new story to write...your own.

330 pages of adventures await you!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.08.2016 | 19:23
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/9777/192127.png) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/192127/Savage-Bestiary-Fantasy-Foes)
[Tricky Troll Games] Savage Bestiary: Fantasy Foes
Author: Nathan Carmen
Pages: 17
Price: €3,57 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/192127-sample.pdf)

Savage Bestiary: Fantasy Foes contains 40 fantasy themed monsters for use with the Savage Worlds roleplaying game. Included in the PDF are statistics for 7 of these creatures to be used as playable races. Classic fantasy beasts as well as more unique creations are included in this book so prepare for adventure and glory with Savage Bestiary: Fantasy Foes!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.09.2016 | 11:21
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/101/192715.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/192715/Headquarters-Construction-Guide-Savage-Worlds-Edition)
[Misfit Studios] Headquarters Construction Guide
Author: Steven Trustrum
Pages: 28
Price: €3,55 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Headquarters Construction Guide for Savage Worlds Expands Your Base Building Possibilities

The Headquarters Construction Guide for the Savage Worlds rules collects all of our Super-Powered HQ Add-Ons releases. We have combined all the material from these four previously released Super-Powered products: 10 HQ Add-Ons, 10 More HQ Add-Ons, Yet 10 More HQ Add-Ons, and Yet 10 More HQ Add-Ons … Again.

We've listened to customer feedback and additional playtester input to change some of this previously released content, but we've also added a lot more. In addition to the 10 headquarters add-ons featured in each of the previously released products (totaling 40 add-ons), the Headquarters Construction Guide for Savage Worlds contains additional content we've not previously published.
You will find within the Headquarters Construction Guide for Savage Worlds:

* 14 new or expanded HQ rooms, ranging from the Animal Lair to Expanded Command Center to Vault.
* 35 new HQ extras, ranging from the Animal Security Force to Self-Destruct to Weather System.
* And introducing 14 HQ hindrances, ranging from Accessible Bowels to Security Gap to Weak Defenses.

This product is compatible with material found in the Super Powers Companion (Second Edition).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.09.2016 | 11:30
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/92/192733.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/192733/Thrilling-Tales-2e-Pulp-Villains--Count-Shadau)
[Adamant Entertainment] Thrilling Tales 2e: Pulp Villains - Count Shadau
Author: Jim Davenport
Pages: 14
Price: €1,78 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Adamant Entertainment is pleased to present the latest in our new line of Thrilling Tales products: Pulp Villains!

Each Pulp Villains release will detail a nefarious non-player-character, ready to be dropped into your pulp-genre Savage Worlds game, fully statted, with details on their methods, motives, special gear, henchmen, allies and more -- along with a collection of adventure hooks for their use.

In this installment:


Deep in the heart of Romania, where empires have clashed for ages and many powers have left their traces, a corruption is growing. A master of dark arts and in possession of a relic of stunning power, Count Shadau’s web of in influence and allies reaches out its tendrils, planning first to seize Romania. As turmoil and fascist strains slither through Europe, he will take power wherever he can and weave his vision of Greater Romanian domination of the continent under his rule as Emperor. His secret grip tightens... and the world cries out!

Pulp Villains: Count Shadau, by Jim Davenport uses the Savage Worlds rules system, as featured in THRILLING TALES 2nd Edition.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.09.2016 | 11:37
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/192896.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/192896/Shaintar-Black-Lantern-Report-Origins-of-the-Society)
[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Black Lantern Report: Origins of the Society
Authors: Raymond Greer, Sean Patrick Fannon, Howard Brandon
Pages: 30
Price: €3,55 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/192896-sample.pdf)

The Black Lantern Society is solely a group of people interested in charitable works and bringing art in all its forms to people throughout the land. The rumors that it is also a secret society of spies who are following some plan are quite false...aren't they?

Do you dare find out? Will you pass the tests and be an agent?

What follows is your induction into the society, complete with secret handshakes and magical tattoos. There could be agents anywhere - some simply gather information and pass it along, never leaving their homes or jobs. Others find creative ways to complete missions and maintain their cover lives. Yet others work solely in the shadows and live seemingly without identities of their own. Oh, you want to join? Well, you may have the eye of a seasoned agent now - who knows if they'll put your name in a hat or what form your testing will take.

Learn about the spokes of the Wheel and see what each one's speciality is. What is the overall plan? You'll find out soon. Inside this book there's everything anyone could need to create a Lantern Agent for GM's or players. There's new edges, hindrances and even some interesting magic along with a number of NPCs and a number of story threads. Plus, new secrets are revealed!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.09.2016 | 11:47
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/192615.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/192615/Mutants--Tassels-Yellow-Jade-Pagoda)
[Just Insert Imagination] Mutants & Tassels: Yellow Jade Pagoda
Author: Eric Lamoureux
Artist: Morné Schaap
Pages: 5
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The residents of Tumbleweed, a small hamlet baking in the sun, just survived the worst sandstorm in decades. Crawling out of their corrugated metal huts, they discovered a strange structure nearby, presumably buried under sand dunes until now.

This One-Sheet is a preview of the setting currently in development. It contains 5 pre-generated characters and a sample of the Mutation Deck (http://www.tanelorn.net/index.php/topic,38916.msg134406933.html#msg134406933), an accessory originally produced for Mutants & Tassels that you can use in any setting.

Mutants & Tassels is an upcoming pulp fantasy setting set in the Blight, an eldritch 1980’s post-apocalyptic earth. In this Plot Point Campaign, the young heroes come together to defeat a tyrant, ensuring a brighter future for themselves and the people of the Dust Flats.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.09.2016 | 12:10
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/192269.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/192269/Enascentia--Premade-Characters)
[GGstudio] Enascentia - Premade Characters
Author: Edoardo Dalla Via
Pages: 5
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/192269-sample.pdf)

Just imagine a world where men and women are neither born nor grow old, a fantastic place where magic pervades everything and everyone, where life's first experiences are not learnt but are something you have never been taught and yet somehow already know.
Welcome to Enascentia.

Five ready to use Characters for Enascentia.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.09.2016 | 07:46
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/193387.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/193387/Winter-Eternal-Son-of-the-Hungry-Moon)
[Just Insert Imagination] Winter Eternal: Son of the Hungry Moon
Author: Eric Lamoureux
Artist: Morné Schaap
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The remains of several animals are found in one of Emerald Rest’s most privileged districts and a team of investigators has been hired to find the cause.

This is the fourth One Sheet Adventure for Winter Eternal. The zip file includes the adventure, two maps and 6 pre-gen characters to use.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.09.2016 | 12:26
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3915/193612.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/193612/Savage-WorldsImprobable-Tales-Coils-of-the-Medusa)
[Fainting Goat Games] Improbable Tales: Coils of the Medusa
Authors: Sean Nokes, Walt Robillard, Bryanna Hitchcock
Artists: Adrian Smith, Storn Cook, Joe Singleton
Pages: 10
Price: €3,12 €1,77 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Many thanks to our Patreon backers for making this adventure possible

Forces from a parallel dimension lure our heroes into a deadly trap!   

Can they discover the secrets of Lord Minus before they are torn asunder by his deadly magicks? 

This superhero adventure is for use with Savage Worlds

AAAND....Check out this amazing snack cake ad by Joe Singleton for this adventure:

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.09.2016 | 12:38
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2419/165874.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/165874/Hellfrost-Adventure-Codex)
[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost Adventure Codex
Author:  Paul 'Wiggy' Wade-Williams
Pages: 550
Price: €26,75 PDF; €53,51 B/W HC; €80,25 €53,51 PDF & B/W HC (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Epic adventure in the lands of snow & ice!

The Hellfrost Adventure Codex contains twenty exciting adventures for the snowy northern regions!

Within these pages you will find the following adventures:
Hellfrost is an epic fantasy setting for the award winning Savage Worlds RPG system. The Hellfrost Adventure Codex collects together twenty of the finest adventures produced for Hellfrost and takes your characters on a journey from Novice to Veteran level. Fight frost giants and ice goblins, search ancient tombs and discover precious treasures! Your heroes are about to step into an epic world of adventure!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.09.2016 | 12:48
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/193959.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/193959/Shaintar-Adventure-The-Burning-Heart)
[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Adventure: The Burning Heart
Author: Darren Pearce; Concept by Sean Patrick Fannonl
Pages: 28
Price: €4,45 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/193959-sample.pdf)

A Legend in the Making. Back in 2008 (we think) Sean Patrick Fannon ran a series of games over the course of several conventions with larger games at that years Origins and an Epic finale during Gen Con.  This EPIC Event has been written into a full adventure that GM can really sink their teeth into. It starts wtih two legends and a twisted plan by agents of Ceynara in a bid to gain her return to the land.

From the mists of time, there are weapons that are rumored to be the first made of white silver. The spirit of Shaintar gave her blessing to these 4 or 5 first weapons and they are rumored to have the ability to kll or banish Dragons - or so Legend says. This adventure was taken from the notes of the original proposal. Its not the same as much has been updated and rewritten to incorporate some new material but that flair you expect from SPF is there along with some fun twists and turns.

Your heroes have the opportunity to become movers and shakers in the war effort. There's much to be done and High Command has a number of battles planned for your group. Do they have what it takes to thwart Ceynara's evil plan? Find out and have fun with this full adventure complete with fully realized NPCs, Monsters and Villains in the back half of the book.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.10.2016 | 15:00
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/9777/194717.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/194717/Savage-Bestiary-Aliens-and-Adversaries)
[Tricky Troll Games] Savage Bestiary: Aliens and Adversaries
Author: Nathan Carmen
Pages: 20
Price: €3,56 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/194717-sample.pdf)

Savage Bestiary: Aliens and Adversaries contains 40 sci-fi themed monsters for use with the Savage Worlds roleplaying game. Included in the PDF are statistics for 7 of these creatures to be used as playable races. Classic sci-fi beasts as well as more unique creations are included in this book so prepare for adventure in the far reaches of space with Savage Bestiary: Aliens and Adversaries!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.10.2016 | 15:07
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/194349.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/194349/Shaintar-Guidebook-Olara)
[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Guidebook: Olara
Authors: Howard Brandon, Sean Patrick Fannon
Pages: 31
Price: €3,55 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/194349-sample.pdf)

Olara, and Stahlheim..those who see War as an art form!

Imagine a country that has never had a time without war. Olara has learned that the first borders to be violated in campaigns against the south are their own.  These people seem serious and dour to others but they've a rich culture that recognizes the need to live as if any moment could be the last. Imagine a country that combines the legendary fighting ability of the Vikings with the commitment to service that is expected in modern day Israel and you might be close to Olara's culture.

Everyone fights, Even when a person excels in administrative service, they still practices at weapons. Mothers and sisters fight beside husbands and brothers. While the country mostly fields infantry, there is a battallion of cavalry that is elite in Shaintar.

In this book you'll find some great new edges, powers and fighting styles along with some new gear and bad guys to help give a campaign that Olaran flavor.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.10.2016 | 08:03
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10506/193018.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/193018/Savaged-Buckshots-TripleBarreled)
[Dog House Rules] Savaged Buckshots: Triple-Barreled
Authors: Christopher S. Warner, Geoff Spakes
Pages: 100
Price: €14,03 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Why settle for one barrel of buckshot when you can load up three at a discount? This package has all three volumes of the Dog House Gang's Buckshots adventures for Savage Worlds, at a special price. . . . more than 20% off.

That means a Judge gets a trio of wild west adventures that can be played separately as one-shot games, or linked together as part of a longer-running game. With three barrels packed full, the Judge gets a passel of completely described NPCs with statistics for Savage Worlds, not to mention a number of battle maps and the Dog House Gang's trusty Forks in the Road to help tailor these adventures to fit pert near any wild west gaming environment.

Each of the three Buckshot adventures comes with an adventure synopsis, special notes for the Judge, fully described role-playing and battle scenes, maps, and fleshed-out NPCs equipped with character sheets and combat blocks. And all of the important characters have original illustrations to boot. Even if a Judge prefers not to use the stats, there's plenty of content packed in these pages to make Triple-Barreled suitable for any Wild West game.

Savaged Buckshots: Triple-Barreled includes each of the following products. Please see each individual volume for more details about each adventure.

Johnny Comes Marching Home (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/193139/Savaged-Buckshots-Johnny-Comes-Marching-Home) - An introductory adventure for heroes of Novice to Seasoned rank.
Hidden Canyon (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/193140/Savaged-Buckshots-Hidden-Canyon) - A traditional western adventure designed for cowpokes of Seasoned to Veteran Rank.
For Whom the Bugle Blows (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/193141/Savaged-Buckshots-For-Whom-the-Bugle-Blows) - A challenging shoot 'em up for heroes of Veteran or higher rank.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.10.2016 | 08:15
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/92/194664.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/194664/Thrilling-Tales-2e-Terror-in-Tinseltown)
[Adamant Entertainment] Thrilling Tales 2e: Terror in Tinseltown
Author: Alex Drusts
Pages: 35
Price: €4,45 PDF; €8,90 B/W SC; €13,35 €8,90 PDF & B/W SC (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

An exciting adventure for the Savage Worlds-powered THRILLING TALES 2nd Edition!


A promising your starlet goes missing following the death of a well-known movie producer.  Fearing foul play, the studio hires the heroes to find her.  When they dig deeper into her disappearance, the heroes uncover a web of intrigue and danger, at the center of which is a mysterious villain with a taste for fine art... and murder.

Terror in Tinseltown, by Alex Drusts uses the Savage Worlds rules system, as featured in THRILLING TALES 2nd Edition.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.10.2016 | 08:20
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/9777/195270.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/195270/Savage-Bestiary-Monsters-and-Madmen)
[Tricky Troll Games] Savage Bestiary: Monsters and Madmen
Author: Nathan Carmen
Pages: 19
Price: €2,67 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/195270-sample.pdf)

Savage Bestiary: Monsters and Madmen contains 40 horror themed monsters for use with the Savage Worlds roleplaying game. Included in the PDF are statistics for 7 of these creatures to be used as playable races. Classic horror beasts as well as more unique creations are included in this book so prepare for bone-chilling adventure with Savage Bestiary: Monsters and Madmen!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 22.10.2016 | 14:25


In this preview, you will find first chapter of Imago Mortis. Yes, first 32 pages!
What is Imago Mortis, you ask? Good question:
The Old World’s metropolises are getting wicked, night after night. There is more corruption, more violence, more madness than ever, and the criminals are becoming heinous.
In the meantime, around dark corners, people are starting to see dreadful things: paranormal activity, possessions, hauntings…
And a few people think there is an underlying pattern to all this. Prophecies and investigations point in the same direction, signs and clues are both used to solve cases, Psychics and Private Eyes are starting to co-operate.
And there is something Unhuman rising from the Netherworld...
Imago Mortis is a hardboiled horror Savage Setting, focused on the classic ingredients of noir and crime fiction, mixed with ghastly and paranormal elements.
Imago Mortis is a setting directly inspired by the works of the Italian horror writer Samuel Marolla.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: eldaen am 22.10.2016 | 15:03
Wow, na DAS sieht doch mal interessant aus!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.10.2016 | 17:09
Wen es interessiert findet hier eine der Geschichten auf dem dieses Setting basiert. Das andere wären die Kurzgeschichten in Black Tea and other Tales (https://www.acheronbooks.com/index.php?id_product=1&controller=product).

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51N2EMMWWqL.jpg) (https://www.acheronbooks.com/index.php?id_product=2&controller=product#.Vsre_lvhDnA)
[Acheron Books] Imago Mortis
Author: Samuel Marolla
Pages: 97
Price: €3,34 (Acheron Shop); $4,51 (Amazon.com)

Augusto Ghites is a junkie. His drug: the ashes of the dead. His trip: reliving the lives of those whose ashes he sniffs and interacting with their ghosts.

To obtain those ashes - to get his fix - he needs money. And there’s no better job for someone who can talk to ghosts than that of a private eye.

When an old prostitute hires him to investigate the death of her colleague, Ghites thinks that it's just an average, everyday case. But together with the King Lizard, he will discover that there are forces at play that are well beyond his capabilities to control.

Set in a decadent Milan and told in perfect noir style, this horror tale introduces a dark and self-destructive occult detective in the best hard-boiled tradition.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.10.2016 | 17:16
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/196201.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/196201/Imago-Mortis-Preview)
[GRAmel] Imago Mortis Preview
Authors: Mauro Longo; additional material by Umberto Pignatelli, Piotr Koryś, Paweł Jasiński
Pages: 32
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This is a preview of Imago Mortis - it is not a full game!

In this preview, you will find first chapter of Imago Mortis. Yes, first 32 pages!

What is Imago Mortis, you ask? Good question:

The Old World’s metropolises are getting wicked, night after night. There is more corruption, more violence, more madness than ever, and the criminals are becoming heinous.
In the meantime, around dark corners, people are starting to see dreadful things: paranormal activity, possessions, hauntings…

And a few people think there is an underlying pattern to all this. Prophecies and investigations point in the same direction, signs and clues are both used to solve cases, Psychics and Private Eyes are starting to co-operate.

And there is something Inhuman rising from the Netherworld...

Imago Mortis is a hardboiled horror Savage Setting, focused on the classic ingredients of noir and crime fiction, mixed with ghastly and paranormal elements.

Imago Mortis is a setting directly inspired by the works of the Italian horror writer Samuel Marolla.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 22.10.2016 | 17:51
Der Typ is so geil ...  ;D
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.10.2016 | 06:53
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/101/195560.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/195560/Modern-Gear-Guide-Firearm-Ammunition)
[Misfit Studios] Modern Gear Guide: Firearm Ammunition
Author: Steven Trustrum
Pages: 16
Price: €2,74 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Modern Gear Guide: Firearm Ammunition is the Shot Your Game Needs

Each Gear Guide release for the Savage World rules provides material addressing one particular type of weapon, gear, equipment, vehicle, or the like. Although extensive, they are not presented as addressing all content that can possibly be represented on the subject.

Within Modern Gear Guide: Firearm Ammunition you will find a wealth of information on different types of ammunition. This content provides details on both bullets and shotgun ammunition (slugs and shells.) Everything from armor piercing to "smart" to wooden bullets is covered. You'll also find rules for prototyping your own firearm ammunition by combining elements from different ammunition types.

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.10.2016 | 07:04
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10506/193157.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/193157/Savaged-Quick-Quests-Eggscellent-Opportunity)
[Dog House Rules] Savaged Quick Quests: Eggscellent Opportunity
Authors: Christopher S. Warner, Bradley W. Hindman
Pages: 22
Price: €4,59 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Looking for a Savaged adventure that you can drop right into your existing fantasy campaign? Or something you can set up quick and play in a session or two without much ado? The Dog House Gang has just the thing - our premier mini-adventure for your Savage Worlds game.

Quick Quests: Eggscellent Opportunity is designed for 3-6 characters of Seasoned to Veteran rank. It's ready to fit into an ongoing fantasy campaign or to set up quickly for a one-time romp (especially for GMs and PCs who don't have time for long, drawn-out adventures).

This 22-page mini-adventure comes stocked with the following:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.10.2016 | 07:20
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/62/195769.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/195769/Wizards-and-Wiseguys-Public-Enemies)
[Battlefield Press] Wizards and Wiseguys: Public Enemies
Authors: B. Hitchcock, M. Lafferty
Pages: 21
Price: €4,60 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/195769-sample.pdf)

In this rollicking alt-history adventure for Savage Worlds, magic is awakened in the early 20th Century.

In 1920, at the same time alcohol was banned, a Prohibition against Sorcery was passed by the US Congress. The law deported all denizens of Faerie out of the country and prohibited the practice of magic for any reason other than law enforcement or national defense. Spell books and magic items were burned in the streets and all known portals to Faerie were sealed.

But when sorcery is outlawed, only outlaws will be sorcerers...
In this pick-up adventure, the players take on the roles of romanticized Depression Era bandits in the mold of John Dillinger or Bonnie and Clyde.
The public sees them as modern-day, spell-slinging Robin Hoods for taking on the banks that have foreclosed on so many. Despite the adulation they enjoy as folk heroes, it's a dangerous life as they prowl the Midwestern country roads looking for their next score. The FBI's wizards (and the dark magic they wield) are never too far behind...

Note - This adventure is set in the same universe as Kaiser's Gate (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/104514/Kaisers-Gate). In order to make this adventure easier to use for a quick pick-up game - it uses the standard magic system for Savage Worlds. Kaiser's Gate is not required to enjoy this adventure. But it's pretty awesome and if you like alt-history in your Savage Worlds fun, you should pick it up. With a little conversion this adventure can be used with Kaiser's Gate.

This adventure includes pregenerated PCs to make it easier to use as a quick pickup adventure.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.10.2016 | 10:23
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/195914.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/195914/Shaintar-Black-Lantern-Report-Mage-Guilds--Schools)
[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Black Lantern Report: Mage Guilds & Schools
Author: Darren Pearce
Pages: 15
Price: €2,75 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/195914-sample.pdf)

Meet the irrepressible Brenna McIntyre, senior student of the School of Seven Stars and Brother Spark of the Black Lanterns.

Given that our Brother is in a place of magic, he chose to err on the side of caution and not file his reports in the normal way. Instead, she sends letters home to her "parents" and other family with no one the wiser that the family she writes too is us. Her reports seem innocuous but she's provided us a great deal of information on the names and locations of these schools along with the types of magic you'll likely find being practised.

She's also provided us with the names and abilities of several of her teachers along with a number of new spells, applications and items that an up and coming sorcerer can use to remember certain types of spells better or enhance one of their senses or abilities.

You'll find what you need to develop a history for a character or NPC  that includes these schools, what a person would study there and how their days are structured. You'll aslo find some new magic items, gear, edges, powers, spells and applications too.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.10.2016 | 10:31
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/196040.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/196040/Badabing-Badaboom)
[Just Insert Imagination] Badabing Badaboom!
Author: Eric Lamoureux
Artist: Morné Schaap
Pages: 11
Price: €4,59 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

What do a paddle boat chase, jeweler, cannoli, and a peanut snacking hitman with a garrote have in common?
Follow our wiseguys to the Big Apple to find out.

Linda Santorini has had enough. Her husband, Dominic, was recently the victim of organized crime. She’s ready to talk to the F.B.I. and just flew over to New York City to enter the witness protection program. This of course has the families involved in the Casablanca Casino split back in Vegas worried. Needless to say, they aren’t going to let her testify if they can help it.

The Fruschetti wiseguys in Sin City have been summoned to Brooklyn for a sitdown with Capo Victor Manola. He needs them to take care of this situation.

While this is a sequel to Fuhgeddaboudit!, there is no need to have played it to enjoy this adventure. This adventure comes with four maps in vtt and ready to print format, investigative guidelines, seven chase cards, seven pre-made characters and a brand new blank character-sheet, nine new non-player characters with cards, table tents and figure flats.
Just print everything out, gather some friends and Badabing Badaboom! you've got a fun-filled night.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.10.2016 | 10:36
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/196342.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/196342/Tropicana-Gorillaconda)
[GRAmel] Tropicana: Gorillaconda
Authors: Mauro Longo, Giuseppe Rotondo, Andy Slack
Pages: 6
Price: €2,44 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/196342-sample.pdf)

LowFy TV Studio is shooting its new monster movie in San José, featuring a giant prehistoric gorilla-anaconda hybrid. But on the set things keep going wrong day after day and rumours begin to circulate that the movie is cursed!

An introductory adventure for Tropicana, for 3-6 Novice Heroes or a Startup Agency.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.10.2016 | 21:28
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/196695.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/196695/Shaintar-Black-Lantern-Report-Adept-Orders--Citadels)
[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Black Lantern Report: Adept Orders & Citadels
Author: Darren Pearce
Pages: 15
Price: €2,74 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/196695-sample.pdf)

The Adepts are a mysterious group. Originally following the Way as taught by the Dregordians, these people have an extreme control over their own minds and bodies. Some few, such as some members the Warrior-Adepts of the Jade flame can attack others mind to mind, or influence them subtley. Other orders focus on the balance between mind and body.  The Farspeakers guild also draws its numbers from the Adepts' numbers.

In this book, you'll learn about the various orders, find out where most of the Citadels are located and finally be told about the black Orders that work as mercenaries for anyone no matter the task - even if it means working with slavers and the like. You'll also find new gear, power edges, edges, Adept disciplines and read some rumors that might need to be investigated.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.10.2016 | 21:39
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/195123.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/195123/Imago-Mortis)
[GRAmel] Imago Mortis
Authors: Mauro Longo, Umberto Pignatelli, Piotr Korys, Paweł Jasinski, Andy Slack
Pages: 144 Color
Prices: €22,92 €12,83 PDF; €18,33 €16,50 SC; €22,92 €21,08 HC; €41,25 €22,92 SC & PDF; €45,84 €27,50 HC & PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/195123-sample.pdf)

Old world’s metropolis are getting wicked, night after night. There is more corruption, more violence, more madness than usual, and the criminals are becoming crueler.
In the meantime, in the corners of reality, someone is starting to see weird things: phantoms, paranormal activities, hauntings…
And a few people think there is a common pattern in that.
Prophecies and investigations point to the same direction, signs and clues are both used to solve cases, Spiritists and Private Eyes are starting to co-operate.
And there is something Inhuman rising from the Underworld…

Imago Mortis is a hardboiled horror Savage Setting, focused on the classic ingredients of noir and crime fiction, mixed with ghastly and paranormal elements.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.10.2016 | 06:16
WAR OF THE DEAD is now available in two hardcover volumes.

Never having been retail released before, and previously available through the World of the Dead Kickstarter (2013) and Apocalypse Campaign Guide Kickstarter (2016), these two volumes are now available to everyone.

Each hardcover volume contains two chapters of the War of the Dead campaign, for a whopping 26 adventures each. 

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2604/114310-thumb140.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/114310/War-of-the-Dead-Volume-One-Hardcover-Print-)
[Daring Entertainment] War of the Dead: Volume One (Hardcover Print )
Author: Lee F. Szczepanik, Jr.
Pages: 250 B/W
Prices: €18,33 PDF; €36,67 HC; €55,01 HC & PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Where were you on the day the earth died?

An unexplained cataclysm is infecting the world. Millions are dying and rising as flesh-consuming ghouls. Entire cities are roaming graveyards, and even the countryside is overrun with creatures in search of living flesh.

You begin in the first days of the outbreak, trapped aboard the maiden voyage of a state-of-the-art cruise ship that quickly becomes a floating graveyard. As you manage to escape back to land, the world around you is just about dead. The military can’t stop the spread of the infection, the government has relocated to the Rocky Mountains, and those remaining are banding together for survival—some seeking safety in numbers and others seeking to use their numbers to overpower and dominate the weak.

Can you survive in a world looking to eat you and turn you into another walking corpse? Can you trust other survivors not to kill you and take your supplies?  It's a world where you must fight the dead, but fear the living.

War of the Dead is an ongoing campaign for the award winning Savage Worlds role-playing game that takes you from the first days of the outbreak, and all the way into a world war torn and forever changed.

Included in Volume One are Setting Rules, new Edges and Hindrance, a new rule for using bennies, and the first 26 adventures of the 52-adventure campaign.

So gather your supplies, check your ammunition, keep your loved ones close, and prepare to enter a war for survival . . . a War of the Dead!

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2604/114311.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/114311/War-of-the-Dead-Volume-Two-Hardcover-Print)
[Daring Entertainment] War of the Dead: Volume Two (Hardcover Print)
Author: Lee F. Szczepanik, Jr.
Pages: 275 B/W
Prices: €18,33 PDF; €36,67 HC; €55,01 HC & PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The greatest threat is a post-outbreak world is not always the living dead . . .

In the months since the first Outbreak of the Living Dead, the survivors of the Pinnacle Cruise Ship have faced all manner of horrors. From the Shamblers to the Infected Newborns, from the Living Dead Generals to the Ragers, they have survived against insurmountable odds. Now, an early winter has hit, and with it heavy snowfall and cold. Forced to find safe haven and fortify against the elements, can the characters withstand the greatest threat of all . . . their fellow survivors?

War of the Dead: Volume Two continues the saga as the characters are forced to uncover sinister plots within their own camp. A serial killer is on the loose, the Living Dead are mysteriously appearing within the walls of their safe haven, Government conspiracies are discovered, and not everyone is who they appear to be. In the midst of it all, the an experimental treatment is uncovered that could not only change the future of the world, but also prove the salvation of the human race. Unfortunately, forces are amassed against them that would use the knowledge to conquer the remaining world, and enslave whatever people are left alive.

War of the Dead is an ongoing campaign for the award winning Savage Worlds role-playing game that takes you from the first days of the outbreak, and all the way into a world war torn and forever changed.

Included in Volume Two are final 26 adventures of the 52-adventure campaign.

Winter has come, you've found shelter, but a greater threat than the Living Dead has found its way into the compound. Are you prepared to meet the true face of evil?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.11.2016 | 05:16
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3915/197204.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/197204/Secret-of-Sapphire-Lake-Savage-Worlds)
[Fainting Goat Games] Secret of Sapphire Lake
Author & Artist: Ade Smith
Pages: 14
Prices: €1,83 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/197204-sample.pdf)

A one-shot Savage Worlds horror adventure

Invited to Sapphire Lake for the weekend five teens find that everything isn't normal from the strange fog to the creepy caretaker who lives in the next cabin.

Suitable for an evenings entertainment the adventure includes 150dpi VTT files for the maps and four pre-generated PCs ready to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.11.2016 | 10:49
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/DL_Love_On_The_Mountain.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/halloween-sale-preview/?platform=hootsuite)
[Pinnacle] Savage Tales of Horror Preview: Love on the Mountain!
Author: Tommy Brownell
Pages: 18
Prices: Freebie (Pinnacle)

We LOVE Halloween, don’t you?

To celebrate the thrill of the chill, download this free preview of Love on the Mountain, a Deadlands adventure by Tommy Brownell from Savage Tales of Horror Volume 2 (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/157203/Savage-Tales-of-Horror-Volume-2).
True love is hard to find, and a father’s love can be a difficult obstacle for a wellmeaning young suitor to contend with.

The suitor, heir to a fortune, employs the posse in rescuing his love from her father’s farm on the mountain. Sounds simple enough, right? But strange things happen on that mountain, and they just get stranger the higher you go…

Love on the Mountain has an excellent random event generator for inspiring fear at your table, Marshal. And you don’t need any Deadlands books to play: a sidebar sums up the few changes to make if you don’t have the core books for our flagship setting.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.11.2016 | 10:57
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/196700.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/196700/Shaintar-Guidebook-Prelacy-of-Camon)
[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Guidebook: Prelacy of Camon
Authors: Gayle Reick, Sean Patrick Fannon, Howard Brandon
Pages: 27
Price: €3,64 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/196700-sample.pdf)

The Prelacy!

The Church of Archanon is in complete control and that's just how they want it! Any who criticize or complain are punished or made to disappear. They've had generations in power and the populace genuinely believes Archanon favors them and is their God. There may be whispered rumors of a time when there was a King who balanced the Church's excesses, along with the Cavaliers who protected the nobles. Those days are gone and the rulers of the Church like it just fine this way.

In this book, you'll learn about the Prelacy, how it came to power and why. There's a great deal of history in this land and Camon has had a remarkable ability to surprise the southern kingdoms each time it has tried to convert the rest of Shaintar to the Church - at swordpoint. The time is coming when it will be Camon who is surprised. Their lie has been hidden for too long.

There's some new secrets revealed and you'll learn about the Paladins, each of the Cardinals and the Nobles they rule. We've also included a bunch of new gear, edges, powers, and other cool stuff to help you get the feel of Camon within a character or NPC. You'll also find some new information about the Cavaliers, they may play a significant role in the future of the country.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.11.2016 | 22:10
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/92/197514.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/197514/Thrilling-Tales-2e-Pulp-Villains--The-Yellow-King)
[Adamant Entertainment] Thrilling Tales 2e: Pulp Villains - The Yellow King
Authors: Gilbert Gallo, Jarrod Feliciano
Pages: 20
Price: €2,71 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Adamant Entertainment is pleased to present the latest in our new line of Thrilling Tales products: Pulp Villains!

Each Pulp Villains release will detail a nefarious non-player-character, ready to be dropped into your pulp-genre Savage Worlds game, fully statted, with details on their methods, motives, special gear, henchmen, allies and more -- along with a collection of adventure hooks for their use.

In this installment:


Known variously as The Yellow King, The Heavenly Shepherd, or The Repairer of Reputations, this villain is the secret godfather behind the most important occult organizations of the world.  Legends say the Yellow King is not human; some claim that he is a member of an alien race stranded on Earth centuries ago, and through the years has amassed near-infinite knowledge and power.  In myth and legend, he is frequently portrayed as a tall man seated upon a shining throne, clad in a yellow robe, his features obscured by a cowl. Whatever the true nature of the Yellow King: No matter where you hide... He will find you!

Pulp Villains: The Yellow King, by Gilbert Gallo and Jarrod Feliciano, uses the Savage Worlds rules system, as featured in THRILLING TALES 2nd Edition.

An oldie, but goodie...

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/92/140274.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/140274/Thrilling-Tales-Adventure-Deck-Savage-Worlds)
[Adamant Entertainment] Thrilling Tales Adventure Deck
Author: Gareth-Michael Skarka
Cards: 55
Price: €9,02 €7,67 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


Grab your fedora and your ivory-handled .45s and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime as Thrilling Tales unleashes the pulse-pounding excitement of the pulp magazines and cliffhanger serials of the 1930s and 40s into the Savage Worlds rules system!

The Thrilling Tales Adventure Deck puts some story control in the hands of the players and lots of spice into the action. Add story twists like romantic interests, enemies, and incredible stunts at the drop of a hat. See characters pull off amazing feats. Bring more excitement to your gaming table than ever before!

This 55 card deck (54 Adventure Cards, plus a rules card) is lavishly illustrated with iconic artwork from the pulp magazines of the 1930s and 40s, serving to inspire players and game masters alike to fill their Savage Worlds game sessions with the thrills, chills and incredible adventures of the classic pulps!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.11.2016 | 10:07
(http://www.prometheusgames.de/verlag/files/2016/11/NebulaArcana_Schnellstarter_Cover_480px.png) (http://www.prometheusgames.de/download/savage-worlds/SW_Nebula-Arcana_Schnellstarter.pdf)
[Prometheus Games] Nebula Arcana: Schnellstarter
Autoren: Günther K. Lietz, Phil Pehlke; weitere Texte: Peter Meuer
Seiten: 46
Preis: Für lau! (Prometheus Games)

Keine 500 € fehlen mehr, um die Hardcover-Ausgabe von Nebula Arcana zu realisieren. Damit ihr euch einen besseren Eindruck des Innenlebens des Settingbandes machen könnt, haben wir nun auch den gelayouteten Schnellstarter (http://www.prometheusgames.de/download/savage-worlds/SW_Nebula-Arcana_Schnellstarter.pdf) in unserem Downloadbereich bereitgestellt. Fünf vorgefertigte Charaktere und ein Abenteuer warten nur darauf, euch die gnadenlose Welt vorstellen zu dürfen, in der der Pentagramm-Orden operiert.

Unsere Crowdfunding-Kampagne (http://www.prometheuscrowdfunding.de/projects/savage-worlds-nebula-arcana-harte-urban-fantasy/) läuft noch etwas über einen Tag – wer sich den Settingband als Hardcover oder limitierte Ausgabe sichern möchte, sollte also schnell zuschlagen! Aber auch wenn ihr bereits an der Kampagne teilnehmt, könnt ihr uns weiterhin helfen, indem ihr unsere Beiträge teilt, euren Freunden von Nebula Arcana erzählt und ihnen den Schnellstarter zeigt.

Wir danken unseren Unterstützern und wünschen viel Vergnügen mit dem Schnellstarter! 🙂
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.11.2016 | 12:13
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2419/193381.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/193381/Hellfrost-City-Book-1-Cities-of-the-Freelands)
[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost City Book 1: Cities of the Freelands
Author:  Paul 'Wiggy' Wade-Williams
Pages: 32 Premium Color
Price: €8,12 PDF; €10,83 SC; €18,96 €15,35 PDF & SC (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


The greatest of the Freelands settlements bow to no master but their own. Inhabited by hardy folk used to solving problems without outside assistance, they are bastions of civility are places of sanctuary in a wilderness populated by terrible monsters.

This book details two of the Freelands’ major settlements - the troubled market town of Aslov, rife with crime and famine, and the remote, mountain-hugging community of Spyre.

Inside you will find:

This book is designed for GMs and players.

The Hellfrost City Books are guide books that expand upon the information detailed in the Hellfrost Gazetteer (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/79825/Hellfrost-Gazetteer) and Hellfrost Atlas (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/155933/Hellfrost-Atlas-of-the-Frozen-North). They are written for the epic Hellfrost setting, which is designed for use with the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.11.2016 | 12:20
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2419/193000.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/193000/Hellfrost-City-Book-2-Cities-of-Magic)
[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost City Book 2: Cities of Magic
Author:  Paul 'Wiggy' Wade-Williams
Pages: 32 Premium Color
Price: €8,12 PDF; €10,83 SC; €18,96 €15,35 PDF & SC (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


Although located many hundreds of miles apart, the great cities of Imperial City and Kinghsall are bonded by their shared interest in magic.

Home to the Convocation of Elementalists and once heart of the mighty Anari Empire, Imperial City has risen from the ashes and restored itself as a city of trade, arcane study, and political ambition.

Kingshall, meanwhile, is the private residence of the Mage-King, master of the powerful Magocracy. Young heahwisards come here to study the arcane, while their elders play the deadly game of politics.

Inside you will find:

This book is designed for GMs and players.

The Hellfrost City Books are guide books that expand upon the information detailed in the Hellfrost Gazetteer (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/79825/Hellfrost-Gazetteer) and Hellfrost Atlas (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/155933/Hellfrost-Atlas-of-the-Frozen-North). They are written for the epic Hellfrost setting, which is designed for use with the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.11.2016 | 12:26
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2419/193008.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/193010/Hellfrost-City-Book-3-Cities-of-the-Crystalflow)
[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost City Book 3: Cities of the Crystalflow
Author:  Paul 'Wiggy' Wade-Williams
Pages: 32 Premium Color
Price: €8,12 PDF; €10,83 SC; €18,96 €15,35 PDF & SC (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


Trade is the lifeblood of the majestic Crystalflow. Along its banks are countless small communities, each trading with the barges that move up and down the waterway. As prosperous as these communities might be, both are humbled before the mercantile might of Bridgewater and Drakeport.

Allied and yet also rivals, these two proud cities are trading powerhouses, handling goods from across Rassilon. Where there is great wealth there is great power, but also crime and intrigue.

Inside you will find:

This book is designed for GMs and players.

The Hellfrost City Books are guide books that expand upon the information detailed in the Hellfrost Gazetteer (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/79825/Hellfrost-Gazetteer) and Hellfrost Atlas (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/155933/Hellfrost-Atlas-of-the-Frozen-North). They are written for the epic Hellfrost setting, which is designed for use with the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.11.2016 | 12:44
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2419/193010.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/193008/Hellfrost-City-Book-4-Cities-of-Royalty)
[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost City Book 4: Cities of Royalty
Author:  Paul 'Wiggy' Wade-Williams
Pages: 32 Premium Color
Price: €8,12 PDF; €10,83 SC; €18,96 €15,35 PDF & SC (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


New Asper, risen from the devastation of the Golem Uprising, is a bustling modern yet one well aware of its past. It is also a city ruled by an incompetent master. While he dines and hunts, political enemies sharpen their tongues, and their blades.

A visit to Ravensburg is to step back in time. Home to the Heah Cyning of the Marklands, Ravensburg is a city caught in time, its people reluctant to embrace new ideas. It is also the center of royal politics, where the great jarls and kings gather to discuss the future of the Hearthlands.

Inside you will find:

This book is designed for GMs and players.

The Hellfrost City Books are guide books that expand upon the information detailed in the Hellfrost Gazetteer (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/79825/Hellfrost-Gazetteer) and Hellfrost Atlas (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/155933/Hellfrost-Atlas-of-the-Frozen-North). They are written for the epic Hellfrost setting, which is designed for use with the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.11.2016 | 12:57
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2419/193011.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/193011/Hellfrost-City-Book-5-Freetown-City-of-Crime)
[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost City Book 5: Freetown, City of Crime
Author:  Paul 'Wiggy' Wade-Williams
Pages: 32 Premium Color
Price: €8,12 PDF; €10,83 SC; €18,96 €15,35 PDF & SC (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


A canker. A blight. A plague. A city of thieves and murderers. Freetown has been called many names and they are well-deserved. Home to countless pirates, smugglers, murderers, and worse, Freetown is ruled by the tyrannical Lord Blackhand. Within its winding streets visitors can find anything they desire, so long as they have the funds to pay for it. But be wary, for the vile inhabitants would slit a man’s throat without hesitation for a handful of coins.

Inside you will find:

This book is designed for GMs and players.

The Hellfrost City Books are guide books that expand upon the information detailed in the Hellfrost Gazetteer (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/79825/Hellfrost-Gazetteer) and Hellfrost Atlas (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/155933/Hellfrost-Atlas-of-the-Frozen-North). They are written for the epic Hellfrost setting, which is designed for use with the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.11.2016 | 22:39
(https://s3.amazonaws.com/peg-assets/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/08123716/DLR_SEiG_Cover900.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/deadlands-sawed-em-in-gomorra-pdf/)
[Pinnacle] Deadlands: Sawed 'Em in Gomorra
Author: Matthew Cutter
Pages: 27
Price: $3,99 PDF (Pinnacle Store)

Years ago, a sudden explosion turned Gomorra’s Collegium into a smoking crater.

Only Professor Perriwinkle escaped, hauling a trunk full of steam augmentation secrets to the City o’ Gloom.

When Hellstromme Industries looks to enter the augmentations business by any means possible, the posse gets caught up in a conspiracy that leads them to the city’s darkest corners.

Requires the Savage Worlds core rules, Deadlands Reloaded Marshal’s Handbook, and the Deadlands Reloaded Player’s Guide to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.11.2016 | 22:44
(https://s3.amazonaws.com/peg-assets/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/08123547/DLR_TLBTBD_Cover900.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/deadlands-land-beyond-the-busted-doorframe-pdf/)
[Pinnacle] Deadlands: Land Beyond the Busted Doorframe
Author: Matthew Cutter
Pages: 32
Price: $3,99 PDF (Pinnacle Store)

The mystery of Huntington Ruins has perplexed the City o’ Gloom’s residents since 1876. Now your posse must race against time and a Wasatch Rail team to solve the enigma…and survive!

Requires the Savage Worlds core rules, Deadlands Reloaded Marshal’s Handbook, and the Deadlands Reloaded Player’s Guide to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.11.2016 | 22:49
(https://s3.amazonaws.com/peg-assets/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/08123239/DLR_TWP_Cover900.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/deadlands-the-twilight-protocol-pdf/)
[Pinnacle] Deadlands: The Twilight Protocol
Author: Matthew Cutter
Pages: 17
Price: $3,99 PDF (Pinnacle Store)

As revealed in The Cackler graphic novel, the Twilight Protocol is in effect. That means Texas Rangers and U.S. Agents are working together to unravel one of Hellstromme’s plots, and your posse gets caught in the crossfire!

Requires the Savage Worlds core rules, Deadlands Reloaded Marshal’s Handbook, and the Deadlands Reloaded Player’s Guide to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.11.2016 | 02:01
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/DLR_Good_Intentions_PG_Cover900.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/deadlands-good-intentions-players-guide/)
[Pinnacle] Deadlands: Good Intentions Player’s Guide
Author: Matthew Cutter
Pages: 33
Price: Free (Pinnacle Store)

For players, Good Intentions includes a barrel of new Edges for Deadlands Reloaded, two new Arcane Backgrounds (the new-and-improved Blessed and the Metal Mage), a passel of new gear and Infernal Devices, all the hardware and rules you need to play steam-augmented Scrappers, and 13 Divine Interventions that let your blessed character call down the thunder and the fury!

Good Intentions requires the Savage Worlds core rules, Deadlands Reloaded Marshal’s Handbook, and the Deadlands Reloaded Player’s Guide to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.11.2016 | 21:04
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/92/131741.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/131741/Savage-Worlds-THRILLING-TALES-Bundle-BUNDLE)
[Adamant Entertainment] THRILLING TALES Bundle
Price: €69,06 €32,24 (53% Savings) (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

If you haven't yet, here's your chance to get literally every PDF for our pulp Savage Worlds line, Thrilling Tales, in one specially-priced bundle for a limited time (in honor of Adamant Entertainment's 13th birthday)!

This special bundle product contains the following titles:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.11.2016 | 03:26
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/9049/198216.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/198216/Ghost-Punchers--Bare-Knuckle-Edition)
[Hardy Tales] Ghost Punchers - Bare Knuckle Edition
Author: Darrell Hardy
Pages: 64
Prices: €9,17 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/198216-sample.pdf)

Ghosts Are Real!

Ghosts are the horrific spirits of the evil dead who haunt the living and consume their life force rather than face Final Judgment! These phantom cannibals are invisible, intangible, and only you can stop them!

And They Need to be Punched!

Because you’re a ghost puncher. You’re a psychic with a mission and mean right hook. Not only can you see these sinister specters, but you can touch them—which means you can punch into the Light whether they want to go or not!

Ghost Punchers is a Savage Worlds setting of supernatural investigation and violence packed with

What are you waiting for?

Grab your dice and get to work! These ghosts won’t punch themselves!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.11.2016 | 07:25
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3639/198323.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/198323/Ultima-Forsan-Set-One-Characters)
[Okumarts Games] Ultima Forsan Set One: Characters
Author & Artist: David Okum
Pages: 2
Prices: €2,28 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

At the end of the Middle Ages, the Plague of the Dead has spread through Europe, Africa and Asia giving rise to the darkest time in history. Now, in the year 1514, heroes from the New Kingdoms are ready to fight to reconquer the World. Ultima Forsan is a game of wild adventures and deadly dangers, set in a macabre alternate version of our Renaissance.

This set of paper miniatures is the first in a series of characters and terrors designed to provide an exciting game experience for the Ultima Forsan setting or any Medieval to Renaissance fantasy adventure.

Check out the Ultima Forsan (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/153275/Ultima-Forsan--Setting-Book) products by the wonderful people at GGStudio.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.11.2016 | 23:41
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/338/198324.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/198324/Contagion-Savage-Edition)
[Aegis Studios] Contagion Savage Edition
Author: Travis Legge
Pages: 173
Prices: €9,29 €4,64 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/198324-sample.pdf)

The world of Contagion is a dark and terrifying place. On the surface it is no different than the world you and I live in. Most people go on about their lives never realizing the terrors that walk among them.

Despite humanity’s vast ignorance, the horrors are there. Angels, demons, gods and Hellspawn make war in the shadows. Clergy and Slayers rise from the human flock to protect their brethren and work God's will. Magi and Witches wield powerful magics in their pursuit of enlightenment.

There's a war in the shadows. Choose a side.

Contagion Savage Edition brings the world of Contagion to the incredibly popular Savage Worlds system!
This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

This book contains rules, setting material and fiction that use the occult, the supernatural, horror, urban fantasy, violence, magic, angels, demons, religion and various potentially offensive subjects and elements in order to tell make-believe stories. This is NOT an endorsement of any of these themes.

It is only a game.
Nothing in here is real.
If you cannot handle that:
Don’t play.
Don’t read.
Get help.

Everyone else: enjoy!

Contagion Savage Edition was developed and written by Travis Legge with additional material by Kyle Hoskins, Darius McCaskey, Sarah Scharnweber, Jason ssg, Cathleen Stark, Tim Stotz, Thomas L. Vaultonburg and Adam Williams

Coming soon to print.

Introductory price! ONLY $4.99 in .pdf now thru December 1, 2016!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.11.2016 | 00:25
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/198448.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/198448/The-Justice--of-Kerir-Shar)
[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians: The Justice of Kerir Shar
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 21
Prices: €4,66 €4,19 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/198448-sample.pdf)

“You can flee to the world’s end, Jazimar, but for what you did to my son, I’ll find you and rip your heart out!” Kerir Shar said. The threats of a father are always to be taken seriously, the more so if he is one of the most powerful sorcerers in Syranthia.

But who is that strange merchant living in a remote village in the Verdant Belt, so far away from civilization? And why does his blind daughter play such sad music?

Revenge, hate and the dangers of the mysterious Lush Jungle await you in this Heroic Tale.

Are you ready to endure the Justice of Kerir Shar?

Welcome to The Justice of Kerir Shar, a Heroic Tale of the Beasts & Barbarians Savage Words setting.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.11.2016 | 00:43
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/198180.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/198180/Worldcrafting)
[GRAmel] Worldcrafting
Authors: Andrzej Stój, Jakub Erpegis Osiejewski, Andy Slack
Pages: 96
Prices: €14,92 €9,32 PDF; €15,85 SC Premium; €13,05 SC Standard; €30,77 €22,38 PDF & SC Premium; €27,97 €19,58 PDF & SC Standard (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/198180-sample.pdf)

An average gamer is sitting at his desk, scribbling "My setting" on the first page of his notepad. He has prepared in advance: in his mind, he has a plan for the setting, its history, inklings of geography and names. He’s read some guides to creating fantasy worlds as well. He knows a lot of PnP and video game settings, has browsed the websites of complex alternate worlds, and by reading forums he’s learned how experienced authors create worlds of their own. He sips his beverage of choice, reaches for the paper and begins to draw an outline of the continent, which…


He shouldn’t start with the map? Very well, he opens a text editor, lets his imagination go wild, and starts to create his original and innovative world. The heading of the first chapter reads "History"…


Starting with the history is senseless? Okay, so our would-be author starts with describing mechanical differences which will give the setting unique…


What should he start with? Geography? Monsters? Art? Iconic characters? Perhaps with a description of daily life or the major power groups of the setting?

No, what he should start with is this book, explaining in detail how to create your own RPG setting.

This is Worldcrafting, a collection of essays by Andrzej “Enc” Stój, describing the process of creating an RPG game world. Although it refers to Savage Worlds game mechanics, it’s system-independent. And the book contains essays by other experienced authors and designers, too.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.11.2016 | 00:48
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/198484.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/198484/Shaintar-Guidebook-The-Freelands)
[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Guidebook: The Freelands
Authors: Darren Pearce, Howard Brandon, Sean Patrick Fannon
Pages: 19
Prices: €3,72 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/198484-sample.pdf)

The Freelands! 

This is where Shaintar first began to be explored. The keep found within (Lone Keep) is where Sean Patrick Fannon placed his first gaming group to start having them explore his creation. The governing philosophy of the land is "Freedom"! It's as simple as that. The folks who live here have the same jobs you'll find elsewhere: farmer, smith, jeweler, farrier, glassmaker, tanner and so on but trade has been raised to an art form and the artisans and tradesfolk seem almost like family -- there's many families who adopt each other to create those bonds.

Its wilder and woolier here. People rule themselves and that's just the way they want it! The only group that is universally accepted are the Freelords of the Lone Keep, those sworn to protect the Laws of the lands. These men and women hold high, middle and low justice in every village town or so-called duchy found in the Freelands. Their only mandates: protect the Laws and the citizens of the area.

In this book, you'll find some great new information, an encounters chart and all kinds of background information about the Freelands, including the city of Lanthor which represents these lands to the rest of Shaintar. You'll also find some new edges, hindrances and perhaps some beasts and plants too.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.11.2016 | 21:59
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3243/198563.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/198563/Drakonheim-Savage-Bundle-BUNDLE)
[Sneak Attack Press] Drakonheim Savage Bundle
Prices: €9,41 €8,48 Bundle (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This special bundle product contains the following titles:

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3243/172854.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/172854/Drakonheim-City-of-Bones)
[Sneak Attack Press] Drakonheim: City of Bones
Author: Matthew J. Hanson
Pages: 50
Prices: €5,65 Regular price; €5,18 Bundle price (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/172854-sample.pdf)

Why are we nicknamed the City of Bones?

People first started calling us that when the city's founder killed the dragon Ignomia and used her bones to build the walls of Drakonheim.

It took on new meaning after the Empire fell. The marble palaces became skeletal remains of a dead civilization.

Now there is a third reason. The bones of the dead walk the street. Skeletons and zombies. Why don't we fear them? We do, of course. But what choice do we have?

—Gavin Kipper, guide for hire

To save the city from disaster, Drakonheim made a deal with a cabal of necromancers. Now this cabal, the Gray Society, holds the real power in the city.

Drakonheim is a fantasy city full of intrigue and surrounded by dangers. Goblins dwell in the sewers, undead walk the streets, and aristocrats scheme for greater power. Hobgoblins ride across the northern plains, lizardfolk rule the southern swamps, and all manner of monsters hunt in the western mountains.

Drakonheim is a system-free setting; you can use it with any fantasy roleplaying game. It can serve as a quick stopping point, or as the center of an entire campaign.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3243/186315.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/186315/Drakonheim-Savage-Companion)
[Sneak Attack Press] Drakonheim Savage Companion
Author: Richard Woolcock
Pages: 35
Prices: €3,76 Regular price; €3,30 Bundle price (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Drakonheim: City of Bones was released earlier this year. The system-free setting book features an ancient city where necromancers operate openly.

The Savage Companion features all the rules you need to play in Drakonheim using the Savage Worlds system, including:

Because the Companion is designed to work with the Drakonheim: City of Bones setting book, the Companion does not contain setting information on its own. You can get both the setting book and Savage Companion at a discount in the Drakonheim Savage Bundle.

While written with Drakonheim in mind, all the material can be use in a range of fantasy settings.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.11.2016 | 19:31
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3683/199082.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/199082/Ultimate-Age-of-Discovery-Guide-Renaissance-France-Savage-Worlds)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Ultimate Age of Discovery Guide: Renaissance France
Author: Michael J. LaMonica
Pages: 63
Prices: €4,74 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/199082-sample.pdf)

The world of Renaissance France spans from around the turn of the century in 1500 to the beginning of Louis XIV’s personal reign in the mid-1660s. While this covers only a little more than 150 years, the changes that occurred during this period were immense.

Ultimate Age of Discovery Guide: Renaissance France is a sourcebook for Savage Worlds that delves into France during the Renaissance period. This less than two century span was filled with religious turmoil, rebellion, persecution, tumultuous nobility, blackpowder weapons, and of course the great swashbuckling musketeers!

Ultimate Age of Discovery Guide: Renaissance France includes:

* A brief history of Renaissance France.
* A look at the different areas of France during the Renaissance.
* The many military divisions of the Maison du Roi.
* The King's Musketeers.
* New Edges, Hindrances, and Equipment.
* Non-player Characters
* A collection of adventure frames.
* ... and more!

Ultimate Age of Discovery Guide: Renaissance France can lay the groudwork for a historical or alternate history adventure set within Renaissance France. It can also be used as a guide for creating swashbuckling characters within fantasy or historical games.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.11.2016 | 19:38
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/199094.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/199094/Shaintar-Guidebook-Nazatir)
[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Guidebook: Nazatir
Authors: Darren Pearce, Howard Brandon, Sean Patrick Fannon
Pages: 24
Prices: €3,78 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/199094-sample.pdf)


This island nation was founded by refugees fleeing the encroaching armies of the Kal-A-Nar Empire. Originally settled by humans, a number of dregordians and brinchie have emigrated and are full citizens.  The people are passionate and live life to its fullest measure. Quick to anger, they settle disputes quickly and usually without too much bloodshed - but do not think to take advantage or you'll end up skewered like a fish.

Ship builders found the timber on the island perfect for ship making and others mined granite and other stone for their homes and the capital city of Hazul took shape around a beautiful natural harbor. The first to sail the seas may have started out as privateers but the island thrived and the ships began to learn that commerce and trade were a better use of their time. Many ships on the seas today desire Nazatiran navigators and seacasters in their company.

In this book, you'll find a history of Nazatir - with loads of details on ships, the ruling houses and much much more. You'll also find new edges, hindrances, magic and gear to help create people from this lovely island. You'll also find some story threads to help set a story if you're a GM with players looking to travel as each of the six main cities are discussed and there's even some info on a few hidden locations as well.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.11.2016 | 19:55
(https://c1.iggcdn.com/indiegogo-media-prod-cld/image/upload/c_limit,f_auto,w_620/v1478689793/aycgjsbivvxrk1wjhrr0.jpg) (https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/hellfrost-heroes-villains-3-fantasy/x/8569494#/)
[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost Heroes & Villains 3
Pledge Levels: $8 PDF; $14 plus shipping SC & PDF (IndieGoGo)

50 detailed characters from the Land of Fire, where Sinbad and the Arabian Nights meet Savage Worlds


Al-Shirkuh has its share of warriors and wise men, clerics and sorcerers, healers and harmers, peasants and nobles, commanders and cowards, and merchants and rogues. This is a land where men and women can choose to walk beside the gods or follow their own path to enlightenment, converse with mighty and capricious jinn or damn them to oblivion, live with the desert or tolerate its presence.

Most have no great destiny. They are born, grow old, and die without ever seeing the many wonders or facing the endless perils the desert has to offer. This is all they will ever know, and in that they are content. Others, though, strive for greatness. Their names may be unknown to storytellers and sages for now, but there will come a time when their deeds will be counted among those of the heroes of old.

This supplement contains 50 characters, both villainous and heroic, ready to be dropped into any Hellfrost: Land of Fire or Arabian Nights-style game or used as player characters.

To make life easy for the reader, each character's statistics, background, description, mannerisms, and image fits on a single page.

Shipping, when applicable, is automatically added when you pledge.


We're looking to fund a 50-page, 8.5" x 11" softcover, saddle-stitched book.
The writing, art, and layout for this book is already complete. We're seeking funding to produce print copies.


We'll be shipping the physical book from either the USA or the EU depending on your location. Shipping costs are as follows:

USA - $9
UK - $5
EU - $9
ROW - $9



Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.11.2016 | 01:00
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/92/199102.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/199102/Thrilling-Tales-2e-Pulp-Villains--Von-Keiner)
[Adamant Entertainment] Thrilling Tales 2e: Pulp Villains - Von Keiner
Author: David Larkins
Pages: 22
Price: €2,84 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Adamant Entertainment is pleased to present the latest in our new line of Thrilling Tales products: Pulp Villains!

Each Pulp Villains release will detail a nefarious non-player-character, ready to be dropped into your pulp-genre Savage Worlds game, fully statted, with details on their methods, motives, special gear, henchmen, allies and more -- along with a collection of adventure hooks for their use.

In this installment:

AN ASTONISHING AIRSHIP! VICIOUS VALYRIES! A TEUTONIC TERROR!  The mysterious scourge of the skies, and a self-declared "citizen of the air", Kapitän Nikodemus von Keiner embarks on a reign of terror, striking the nations of the earth with no warning!  A night-black airship appears from the clouds, blasting the terrified cities below with tremendous bolts of lightning.  Who are von Keiner and his Sky Witches?  What do they want?  Who can possibly stand against them?

Pulp Villains: Von Keiner, by David Larkins, uses the Savage Worlds rules system, as featured in THRILLING TALES 2nd Edition.

As a special bonus, Pulp Villains: Von Keiner comes with a folder of high-resolution, 11x17 copies of the schematics/deck plans for von Keiner's airship, the Himmelhexe, suitable for printing at any copy shop.  Included are a black-and-white line art version, a colorized version for an "artifact" look, a blueprint-style version, and a greyscale version as well.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.11.2016 | 22:41
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/9777/198570.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/198570/Savage-Bestiary-Fantasy-Fiends)
[Tricky Troll Games] Savage Bestiary: Fantasy Fiends
Author: Nathan Carmen
Pages: 41
Price: €4,72 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/198570-sample.pdf)

Savage Bestiary: Fantasy Fiends contains 60 fantasy themed monsters for use with the Savage Worlds roleplaying game. Included in the PDF are statistics for 10 of these creatures to be used as playable races. Classic fantasy beasts as well as more unique creations are included in this book to help inspire Game Masters to flesh out their worlds with fantastical creatures.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.11.2016 | 22:56
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/338/199391.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/199391/Mystery-in-the-Mindshatter--Savage-Worlds-Edition)
[Aegis Studios] Mystery in the Mindshatter - Savage Worlds Edition
Author: Travis Legge
Pages: 9
Price: €0,93 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/199391-sample.pdf)

Mystery in the Mindshatter is a supplement created for All Ages play using the popular Savage Worlds system!

When King Chuckles, the faerie king of the realm known as the Mindshatter, goes missing, his daughter sends a servant to the humanoid lands to find heroes who may help locate the missing monarch. The characters must travel to the Mindshatter to meet with the Princess of Hmmph to learn the specifics of the assignment, and to begin their quest.

This adventure requires a copy of the Savage Worlds rules to play. This adventure also draws from the Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion. It is suggested to use both of these resources to play, however, some Game Masters may instead choose to make up their own game statistics and abilities for the monsters included in this adventure.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.11.2016 | 23:02
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/199284.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/199284/Enascentia--Touch-of-Flame)
[GGstudio] Enascentia - Touch of Flame
Authors: Edoardo Dalla Via, Sean Patrick Fannon
Pages: 10
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/199284-sample.pdf)

Suddenly the surface of the lake starts swirling, as if moved by a gentle breeze, and in a few moments it is covered with a rainbow of thousand different colors: it must be the famous Garomsha Fire, happening this very night! But, as if this were not enough, you hear a strong, thundering voice on the lake’s shore, near the start of the path leading to the village...

Touch of Flame is an Enascentia-Shaintar crossover adventure for 4-6 Novice adventurers by Sean Patrick Fannon.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.12.2016 | 10:13
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/6067/199550.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/199550/Savage-Thunderscape-Cities-of-Aden)
[Kyoudai Games] Savage Thunderscape: Cities of Aden
Author: Shawn Carman
Pages: 19
Price: €3,76 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/199550-sample.pdf)

Strongholds against the Darkness!

The Darkfall brought the Known Lands to the brink of ruin, with countless settlements destroyed on that terrible day, and more during the chaos that followed. Those villages, towns, and cities that have survived have been forced to become bastions of strength and military power, standing against the hordes of nocturnals like beacons in the darkness. These are the destinations that bring respite to weary adventurers, allowing them to barter their spoils of war for new and exciting equpiment! But they are dangerous as well, and some may find that the nocturnals are a much more straightforward foe than their fellow survivors!

In these pages you will find information on 12 locations in the world of Aden, and 9 new flavorful Edges to bring Aden alive in your characters and at your table.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.12.2016 | 10:28
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/199530.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/199530/Ultima-Forsan--Roman-Relics-ENGITA)
[GGstudio] Ultima Forsan - Roman Relics
Authors: Mauro Longo, Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 7
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/199530-sample.pdf)

English & Italian Edition - Edizione Italiana & Inglese

A Showdown scenario set in the Macabre Renaissance of Ultima Forsan By Giuseppe Rotondo and Mauro Longo

An ancient map points at a valuable relic, hidden somewhere in the outskirts of Rome, one of the vastest Cities of Sorrow. The heroes only need to recover it to make an easy profit!

This scenario is intended for two players. One plays the heroes daring the ruins in search of the relic, while the other plays the Dead and the dangers of the City of Sorrow. No GM is required. The last section explains how to play this scenario with a different number of players and in different ways.

In order to play this scenario you need:

“We only need a quick search around the eastern ruins.
The map is clear! What could possibly go wrong?”
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.12.2016 | 23:20
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2664/199821.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/199821/Dark-Hold-Goblin-Adventures)
[Rebel Minis] Dark Hold Goblin Adventures
Authors: Michael Renegar, Ian “Lizard” Harac, Chris Huddleston, Andrew J Lucas, Kyle Morgan, Jennifer R. Povey, Josh Vogt, Jacob Wood
Pages: 72
Price: €14,09 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/199821-sample.pdf)

Fantasy games are filled with the magnificent exploits of mighty wizards, powerful warriors and god-fearing knights in armor.
Ours isn’t…

Dark Hold Goblin Adventures is dedicated to the small grovelling races which scratch out an existence in the dark catacombs through which other heroes stride like unto gods. Can you survive as one of a lost culture of Goblins living in the abandoned tombs of a long forgotten empire?

Dark Hold Goblin Adventures is a Savage Worlds compatible sourcebook allowing players and game masters to run a campaign revolving around low level goblin characters.

Inside you will find a detailed history of the Dark Hold campaign setting as well as new character classes and templates to use Goblins as player characters. There is also a short adventure to whet your whistle for the challenge of playing low level goblins in a world of high level dangers.

Are you up for it?

What’s Inside:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.12.2016 | 23:29
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/199500.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/199500/Enascentia--The-Bridge)
[GGstudio] Enascentia - The Bridge
Authors: Edoardo Dalla Via, Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 10
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/199500-sample.pdf)

Nobody truly knows when the Bridge of Aalimshaasa was built; a cyclopean structure with many levels, it crosses the Valley of Fogs, in the Rallenok Mountains, providing safe passage through that insalubrious land. Some legends say it wasn't constructed by any Tribe, but that it appeared one night, the manifestation of Kami itself, others say it is the last remnant of a Lost Tribe. Whatever the truth, under its vaulted domes the travelers' steps echo in weird ways...

The Bridge is an Enascentia Savage Tale for 4-6 Novice adventurers by Umberto Pignatelli.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.12.2016 | 23:35
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/199947.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/199947/Shaintar-Guidebook-Mindoths-Tower)
[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Guidebook: Mindoth's Tower & Arachanaya
Authors: Darren Pearce, Howard Brandon, Sean Patrick Fannon
Pages: 23
Prices: €3,76 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/199947-sample.pdf)

The balance of Nature and the pure power of Light!

Mindoth's Tower and the Church of Light are the subjects found within with each taking up half of this book. Mindoth's Tower - a huge tree and volcano, tamed by the Druid's and formed for their use. A three tiered conclave that has been self sufficient these many years. Artisans who work with earth, precious metals and glass are just a few of the many who create pieces of art that are sought after all throughout the southern lands.

On the other hand, the Church of Light can be found not too far away in Archanaya. It is an edifice built in the honor and glory of Archanon. The church is a place of learning and inclusiveness - all are welcome here. The church has only been around for a hundred years but Chrysallia's early efforts have cemented a bond with those within the Tower of the Druids.

Within the pages of this book, you'll find histories of bothe locations along with a few reasonw why they are so supportive of each other. You'll also find  You'll find a number of locations discussed and even a list of who's in charge at each location along with any titles they have. There's even some new professional edges, powers and some story hooks to help a group that might be travelling in the Freelands.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.12.2016 | 00:59
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2604/200198.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/200198/Dawn-of-Legends-ReRelease-Bundle)
[Daring Entertainment] Dawn of Legends (Re-Release Bundle)
Author: Lee F. Szczepanik, Jr.
Pages: 290+
Price: €9,42 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Only Available Until December 18, 2016, in a Limited Time Re-Release!

Previously unavailable since 2009, Dawn of Legends is a different super-powered system for the popular Savage Worlds license, bringing four-color super-heroic action to Pinnacle Entertainment's award winning role-playing game.

With a new, fully-customizable effects-based powers system designed to remain true to the fast, furious, fun of Savage Worlds, Dawn of Legends lets you don the cape and tights and battle crime wherever it's needed.

Inside the 283 pages are:
Dawn of Legends also includes:
With complete support including: GM Screen inserts, new Adventure Cards, sourcebooks, and One-Sheets, Dawn of Legends provides gamemasters and players with endless role-playing possibilities.

Also included in this bundle:

Rules Expansion One is the first upgrade for the Dawn of Legends setting for the award winning Savage Worlds RPG from Pinnacle Entertainment!

Inside the free PDF is 7 pages of expanded options to add to any Dawn of Legends campaign.
The NCB Files is a free character expansion sourcebook for the Dawn of Legends Setting from Daring Entertainment, for Pinnacle Entertainment’s Savage Worlds RPG. Inside the 74 page volume you'll find 12 new Champions and 19 new Rogues to populate your Dawn of Legends campaign.

Special: READ ME_Super Powers Unleashed Preview is a small PDF that highlights some of the powers system redesigns, overhauls, and streamlining that have been done over the years, in preparation for the Kickstarter launch of the new Super Powers Unleashed (a second edition powers system) in early 2017! Get a first look here, including five of the new power write-ups.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.12.2016 | 22:39
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/200395.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/200395/Shaintar-Guidebook-Korindia)
[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Guidebook: Korindia
Authors: Darren Pearce, Howard Brandon, Sean Patrick Fannon
Pages: 18
Prices: €3,29 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/200395-sample.pdf)

Korindia, Revealed!

Home of the elusive race of the M'adukar. Originally part elf, part human, this race has become completely separate from its parent races. These people are usually mistaken for very pretty humans or blunt featured elves. They've a culture all their own and they bow to no one. Kor wated until his parents died and then chose to take as many of his people as he could and leave the unhappy homes with both human and elf societies treating them as less than instead of something different.

The island is discussed and its history. You'll also find out about the cities, including the city that faces the rest of Shaintar, Kor'Davine. Once you're beyond the walls you'd better have no mettal on you or things will go badly, if you're lucky. In this book you'll find a history of Korindia, a bit about architecture, art, song and how in tune with Nature these people are.  There's some new edges, forms for the Kor-In martial art and a whole bunch of other stuff that will bring Korindia to life for you. It's also got some story seeds and other good stuff for those GM's who want to send a group there and any who want to explore being M'adukar with their next character.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.12.2016 | 04:00
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8572/200457.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/200457/TG1-Lost-Temple-of-Ibholtheg-SW)
[Cut to the Chase Games] TG1 Lost Temple of Ibholtheg
Author: "Weird Dave" Coulson
Pages: 31
Prices: €4,70 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/200457-sample.pdf)


Far to the south, on the borders of the Great Jungle, brave caravans of merchants, traders, and settlers have begun to colonize the frontier. For several years now they’ve cut into the harsh wilderness, but stand on the brink of destruction from unknown, terrible forces. Just as rumors of a lost temple have surfaced, those same forces seem to be on the move.

TG1 Lost Temple of Ibholtheg is the first adventure in the Fantasy Renaissance Adventure Module series MEMORIES OF THE TOAD GOD. It is designed for a party of four to six Novice characters. The GM should read the module thoroughly before playing to become familiar with the overall plot of the adventure.

Your purchase includes the module along with a zip file of the unmarked maps for the adventure for ease of reference and Virtual Tabletop (VTT) use!

A Fantasy Renaissance Adventure Module brought to you by your friends at Cut to the Chase Games!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.12.2016 | 04:07
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/200499.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/200499/Winter-Eternal-Adventure-Guide-8-Cities)
[Just Insert Imagination] Winter Eternal Adventure Guide: 8 Cities
Authors: Morné Schaap, Eric Lamoureux
Pages: 54
Prices: €4,70 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/200499-sample.pdf)

The cities on Ehlerrac are busy, over-crowded and dangerous. Crime, monsters, the cold and underground organisations threaten the lives of citizens. There are also beauty and tranquillity to be found on the busy streets. People who are ready to help and those who live to protect.
This book covers life in the cities of Winter Eternal. It offers information on new elements to add to the adventure, from a postal service, to a fire brigade and a national sport. There are also new gear and monsters, adventure seeds and some new organisations that can be found in any city. Lastly there are two Savage tales to get a group started in the frozen world of Winter Eternal.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.12.2016 | 04:15
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/338/200560.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/200560/Neighborhood-Watch-Savage-Edition)
[Aegis Studios] Contagion: Neighborhood Watch
Author: Travis Legge
Pages: 6
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/200560-sample.pdf)

Neighborhood Watch is an adventure seed for use with Contagion Savage Edition (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/198324/Contagion-Savage-Edition)

The world of Contagion is a dark and terrifying place. On the surface, it looks much like the world you and I live in. Just beneath that surface, in the shadows, rages an ancient con ict between supernatural factions who all seek dominion over the Earth and control over the souls of humanity. As a byproduct of this con ict, various factions have created inhuman monstrosities and released them into the world. While most average people are fortunate enough to never encounter such terrible creatures, those who do nd themselves facing things that reason cannot explain. Often, this ends tragically for the poor souls who have stumbled upon the foot soldiers of the war.

Neighborhood Watch centers on the aftermath of such an encounter. When a group of teenage girls try out an urban legend at a sleepover it ends in tragedy. A quiet neighborhood is rocked by the death of one of their children and the characters are left with questions that the authorities cannot answer.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.12.2016 | 04:21
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/9049/200523.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/200523/Ghost-Punchers--Cookie-Monsters)
[Hardy Tales] Ghost Punchers - Cookie Monsters
Author: Darrell Hardy
Pages: 2
Prices: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Every year, the ghostly scouts haunt the neighborhood, pounding on doors and offering their deadly cookies. Every year, someone has fallen prey to this pack of ghost girls, but this year, those seasonal spirits are about to get punched!

Cookie Monsters is a one-sheet adventure for Ghost Punchers for use with the Savage Worlds roleplaying game.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.12.2016 | 04:32
(https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-cO7lJhvaDxM/WE9A5Ul-BHI/AAAAAAAABr8/TNqikUoCtIIF1NqaD4deO3DNKsa8lgFNwCLcB/s1600/SleighHeist.png) (http://savage-stuff.blogspot.de/2016/12/sleigh-heist-christmas-one-sheet.html)
Sleigh Heist: Christmas One Sheet
Author: Richard "Zadmar" Woolcock
Pages: 2

Swooping through the night,
Our rockets chase the sleigh,
Through the clouds we fight,
Laughing all the way!

On the same night every year, a mysterious red-robed sorcerer flies his enchanted sleigh to a nearby human settlement, dropping various wrapped packages down the chimneys before making his escape. The goblins admire his courage and tenacity, but not his success rate; as far as they can tell, none of the houses have ever blown up, or even burned down. The sorcerer clearly has no experience with explosives, and so the infamous gremlin artificer Grinchie Charfoot has decided it’s time for the professionals to take over.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.12.2016 | 20:13
(http://d1wkgvkiekr2mp.cloudfront.net/wp-content/themes/flames/images/header-Flames.png) (http://www.flamesrising.com/savage-worlds-in-16/?_utm_source=1-2-2)

Savage Worlds in ’16: the Year in Review

Jodi Black​ gives a year in review (http://www.flamesrising.com/savage-worlds-in-16/?_utm_source=1-2-2) of Pinnacle Entertainment Group​'s releases and upcoming projects, including a mention of N. Phillip Cole​'s Motobushido.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.12.2016 | 01:19
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/200726.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/200726/Shaintar-Guidebook-KalANa)
[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Guidebook: Kal-A-Nar
Authors: Darren Pearce, Gayle Reick, Howard Brandon
Pages: 25
Prices: €3,76 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/200726-sample.pdf)

The Kal-A-Nar Empire! Worshipers of Ceynara, Queen of Hell and her Demon horde

This harsh country lives under the motto "Might makes Right!" and only those who've proved themselves in battle have any chance at advancement. Warlords rule over all except for Ceynara's Accolytes and the Tor Mastak. The Emperor is a mysterious figure and some whisper that he is dead and the Empire is ruled by a cabal of high ranking Warlords - you'll find out the truth in this book.

You'll learn much about the culture, art, religion and harsh treatment of any who are of low rank. If you're not human here, you'd better hope they consider you a pet or a slave because the alternative is the Andak-Cros. In this book, you'll also learn about titles, rank, military structure and explore other locations within the Empire, including the Cauldrons, and the lone outpost for the Unchained.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.12.2016 | 18:08
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3561/200989.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/200989/Accursed-Season-of-the-Witch)
[Melior Via] Accursed: Season of the Witch
Author: Ross Watson
Pages: 2
Prices: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Season of the Witch

An idealistic young girl sets out to prove that the celebration of Evergreen Night is for everyone, even the reclusive and infamous Frau Pechta. The Penitents are asked to bring the girl back to her family before Frau Pechta’s inhuman hunger brings a grisly end to the holiday! Can the Accursed handle a sugar-spun stronghold, candy-frosted banes, and the spirit of the season?

Season of the Witch is a tongue-in-cheek, holiday themed 1-Sheet style scenario that focuses on the adventures of a band of Witchmarked heroes in the Accursed game setting. The adventure may be played as a standalone, or it may be used with the Plot Point Campaign included in Accursed. The adventure features brief scene descriptionss, with necessary game mechanics and opportunity for tasks that can be resolved in a variety of ways.

Accursed provides additional details about the setting used in this scenario, and is required to fully make use of the game mechanics presented. Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion are also required.

This PDF uses layers for ease of printing.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.12.2016 | 23:04
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3118/200966.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/200966/Olympus-Inc)
[Fabled Environments] Olympus, Inc.
Authors: Gilbert Gallo, Charles White
Pages: 128
Prices: €18,48 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/200966-sample.pdf)

So…been through a lot have you? Motor vehicle accident, total humiliation, family murdered? No? Ah…a bunch of guys tried to kill you. I figured it was something like that or we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Was there a moment where every cell in your body cried out and you felt every emotion at the same time? Did you feel like you could do anything and were one with the universe for a split second? That is what we call the Awakening. Congratulations, today is your birthday. Today you are no longer asleep. Instead, you have Awakened. You are a demigod.

For the most part, things are exactly as you knew before you experienced the Awakening. Let’s start with the basics. This is stuff you probably already knew or at least suspected. Twelve massive corporations control most of the world’s commercial, medical, scientific, and industrial production via a plethora of subsidiaries. To some extent, governments still hold megacorporations in check and the media is a mixed bag.

What you don’t know is that you’re now knee deep in a war for the survival of our world. Good Luck!

Welcome to the world of Olympus, Inc where demigods and mythical creatures battle in the shadows for the future of our world.

Olympus, Inc  combines the vibe of the cyberpunk genre with modern espionage and urban fantasy.

In the book you will find
Note: For anyone that wants a print copy of Olympus, Inc, the price of the .PDF will be deducted from the cost of the print version that you choose once the POD (Print On Demand) option is available.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.12.2016 | 00:14
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/6245/201099.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/201099/The-Christmas-Morning-That-Almost-Wasnt)
[Four-in-Hand Games] The Christmas Morning That Almost Wasn't
Author: Sean Tait Bircher
Pages: 16
Prices: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/201099-sample.pdf)

On Christmas Eve, a foolish living snowman named Harald takes the magical Hourglass of Eons and sneaks away from Santa’s Castle to deliver it to Imp of Winter, Jack Frost. Now several young animals must track Harald through the snow and forests of the Land Beyond the North Wind before Harald hands over the hourglass – and Jack Frost makes it winter forever.

The Christmas Morning That Almost Wasn’t is a holiday-themed scenario for younger players inspired by L. Frank Baum’s The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, Rankin/Bass Productions’ animated specials, Rene Cardona’s Santa Claus, J.R.R. Tolkien’s Father Christmas Letters and (ever so slightly) Grant Morrison and Dan Mora’s Klaus.

The adventure tones down Savage Worlds’ pulp action atmosphere to emphasize nonviolence (even on the part of the villains) and diplomacy. The pre-generated character sheets in the back are formatted in a non-standard way to improve comprehension for younger readers.

You need the Savage Worlds Core Rules to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.12.2016 | 02:09
(https://scontent.ftxl1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15492190_1194091643959908_989346144409999634_n.jpg?oh=c8bbf57b511295168903b23c0d866751&oe=58E16527) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/brands/)

Christmas draws ever nearer and it's almost time for Triple Ace Games to hibernate, by which we mean eat, drink, make merry, and let our computers cool down after another busy year.

For those looking for presents, either for themselves or loved ones who enjoy gaming, we have a sale on over the festive period. As well as a 25% off coupon for certain products, we have some truly amazing deals on select print books, with discounts of up to *80%*. Santa can only carry so many books on his sleigh, so make sure you get in early to secure yours! Depending on your geographic location, physical books may not arrive until after Christmas.

To take advantage of the general sale on our wide range of RPG supplements and card games, please use coupon code: TAGXMAS2016

Sale ends on 4th January 2017
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.12.2016 | 19:35
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/201364.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/201364/Shaintar-Black-Lantern-Report-Dragon-Cult)
[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Black Lantern Report: Dragon Cult
Authors:  Darren Pearce, Carinn Seabolt, Howard Brandon
Pages: 18
Prices: €3,76 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/201364-sample.pdf)

The Dragon Cult! Fiendish group dedicated to bringing Dragons (an unholy union between a Demon and a Fae) back to Shaintar to rule.

The report, written by Brother Shen who is embedded withing the cult tells of the "Wings" or cells of the cult, what those in charge are called and the tasks of The Breath, Scales, Fangs and other members are. Shen also provides details of the inner workings and goals of the cult and their mission to return Dragons to their rightful place as rulers of Shaintar with all others their slaves and food. Some new secrets are revealed as is the Headquarters of the the Cult, a city named Drak Tor.

There's also a number of people detailed should you every go up against the Cult so the Lanterns know some of their strengths and weaknesses, including some new magic and gear. The intelligence reports provide other areas that may need to be investigated. We hope you enjoy this report and GMs find a number of ways ot incorporate the Dragon Cult into their games.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.12.2016 | 19:44
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/201362.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/201362/Shaintar-Novella-Pirate-Queen-of-Nazatir)
[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Novella: Pirate Queen of Nazatir
Author:  Darren Pearce
Prices: €4,70 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Pirate Queen of Nazatir
A new novella by Lead Writer, Darren Pearce!

This novella tells the beginnings of Kisalle Dom de Miguel, heir and Queen of Nazatir now that the Empire has unleashed a new offensive on the high seas. Beginning with the death of the previous King, the novella takes you through a rollicking ride from capture and slavery to escape and following clues to find out just who is behind this new offensive. 

You'll meet Kisalle, Dust, Brennan Doyle and Karssiss vo'Drasta who will become known as "the Four" if they become strong enough and survive the trials ahead. Together, they can overcome almost anything, as you'll soon find out. Come, walk within these pages and explore the beginnings of these four compelling people.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.12.2016 | 06:48
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3118/201450.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/201450/Olympus-Inc-Character-Sheet)
[Fabled Environments] Olympus, Inc Character Sheet
Author/Artist: Karl Keesler
Pages: 2
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A great setting isn't complete without great artwork. One piece of that artwork is often a character sheet tailored for the setting. Olympus, Inc is no exception.

This amazing character sheet by Karl Keesler fits the Olympus, Inc setting perfectly and is available free of charge. Along with Olympus, Inc, this character sheet works well with modern and cyberpunk genre games. Included in this file are two slightly different versions of the character sheet.

If you haven't purchased the setting book, we hope that you will!

Olympus, Inc:
Where Modern-Day Demigods And Mythical Creatures Battle In The Shadows For The Future Of Our World!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.01.2017 | 23:54
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/5271/201876.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/201876/The-Headmans-Daughter)
[Studio7aUK] The Headman's Daughter
Author: Ian F White
Pages: 9
Prices: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
(http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/german/button_pdfprev.gif) (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/201876-sample.pdf)

The Headman's Daughter
A Horrific Supernatural Adventure in a not-too-historical Feudal Japan

This little one-shot adventure is set in a sort of Feudal Japan, where contact with supernatural entities would be rare but not unknown.
We present statistics and game rules specifically for the Savage Worlds system by Pinnacle Entertainment, but these can easily be amended for other systems with a little work.
Please read through all of the notes before running the game, as there are snippets of information in the text and character profiles.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.01.2017 | 21:10
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/92/202133.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/202133/Thrilling-Tales-2e-Pulp-Villains--The-Subterranean-Monarch)
[Adamant Entertainment] Thrilling Tales 2e: Pulp Villains - The Subterranean Monarch
Authors: Keith A. Garrett, Eric Trautmann
Pages: 23
Price: €2,83 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Adamant Entertainment is pleased to present the latest in our new line of Thrilling Tales products: Pulp Villains!

Each Pulp Villains release will detail a nefarious non-player-character, ready to be dropped into your pulp-genre Savage Worlds game, fully statted, with details on their methods, motives, special gear, henchmen, allies and more -- along with a collection of adventure hooks for their use.

In this installment:


“Oh, yes, my children! Like you, I have been hunted. Like you, my birthright was lost to misadventure and folly. While you toiled in darkness, deep beneath the surface, you lost your way. You forgot your illustrious history! And above you, weak-minded simpletons have forged kindoms that are but pale imitations of your forebears. They have grown fat and decadent, and are unworthy of their purloined place in the sun.
“But no more! I will restore your kingdom. I will rule. And I will nally reap the rewards owed to me...and elevate you back to your rightful glory!
“Woe betide any who stand against the Subterranean Monarch! Forward, my Mantle Men! Forward to victory, in the name of your god-king!”

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.01.2017 | 18:19
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8090/202501.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/202501/The-Folio-75-Snake-Eyes-at-Challengers-Block-MiniAdventure-F15)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/202501-sample.pdf)

[Art of the Genre] The Folio #7.5 Snake Eyes at Challenger's Block
Author: Scott Taylor
Pages: 8
Prices: €1,87 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Snake Eyes at Challenger's Block is a companion adventure made to go along with the events unfolding in Folio #7 (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/188419/The-Folio-7-Savage-Worlds-Hell-On-Earth). It is designed in the Savage Worlds format for the Hell on Earth setting and for seasoned characters. It contains the information needed to run a side advenute during the Co-Kan Run.

There is no rest for the wicked, or the just. Having completed the first grinding leg of the Co-Kan Run, the heroes are ready for a bit of rest, but the gambling hub of Challenger's Block has other plans. With a kidnapping, and nasty snake cult, the heroes will be faced with the task of saving the town from a deadly enemy within.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.01.2017 | 18:53
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10965/202571.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/202571/Blackwood-Archetypes)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/202571-sample.pdf)

[Mythic Gazetteer, LLC] Blackwood: Archetypes
Author: Eli Kurtz
Pages: 8
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Blackwood tugs at the borders of the Elder Kingdom. Too many men and women flood the cities, refugees from collapsed frontier villages. In these dark times, some answer the Call of Errantry to take up a wanderer's life on behalf of those in need. Sometimes that means looking out for oneself. Sometimes it means giving all for others. Now you can tell the story of an errant band with your friends, a Blackwood one sheet, and this collection of character archetypes.

Archetypes is a folio of six characters for the world of the Blackwood, each with their own unique strengths and personalities.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10965/202570.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/202570/Blackwood-The-Seven-Quillcrows)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/202570-sample.pdf)

[Mythic Gazetteer, LLC] Blackwood: The Seven Quillcrows
Author: Eli Kurtz
Pages: 4
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

While guarding a caravan on the forest road, you discover a village plagued by pagans from out of the wilderness. They work in tandem with a murder of quillcrows, eagle-sized carrion birds festooned with sharpened feather-darts. Our errant heroes earn no gratitude from the village, whose opinion on errants soured long ago. Why would such a battered place reject good food and aid?

The Seven Quillcrows is a FREE 1-sheet style scenario that focuses on a band of errants in the Blackwood setting. It combines the magic of elves and curses with the grand action of a wuxia epic. Welcome to the world of the Blackwood, where danger lurks all around and help might not always be welcome.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.01.2017 | 19:11
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/202743-thumb140.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/202743/Shaintar-Guidebook-Aeries-of-the-Aevekar)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/202501-sample.pdf)

[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Guidebook: Aeries of the Aevekar
Authors: Darren Pearce, Howard Brandon
Pages: 18
Prices: €3,76 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

"The wars of the Ground Walkers have taken their toll, too many of our people lie dead and broken on the cold hard earth. We must, for our own sake, retreat and take stock -- our place is the high aeries of our forefathers, the give of Zavonis"
~ Kelos Nom Zerinian: 1741 A.C.

The history of the Aevekar is fraught with these winged fae dying on behalf of those who walk the earth. They were once found everywhere on Shaintar, yet there are now only a few thousand left hidden in secret communities in the most difficult locations. The Kal-A-Nar Empire has declared genocide upon them after the death of the Emperor's favorite sone so this may not be a bad thing.

Even though scattered, some few leave the aeries each year to take their place among the Rangers, or fight alongside their fae brothers and sisters against any evil focused upon the land. In this book, you'll leanr the story of what happened to these folk and how they've survived. There's some new gear, edges, professions and you'll get a good look at what their lives are like within their homes. Scattered they may be, but these are among some of the best bowmen ever seen and they created aerial combat.  Take a tour of the aeries and learn a few secrets about the most hidden of them all - one no aevekar would ever admit exists. 

Learn of their food, drink, society and what they find entertaining or artistic.  It shouldn't be surprising that wind instruments feature prominently in their music. While they aren't militarily inclined, everyone learns to fight and serves as protection for the aeire they live in. Their death rituals are particularly beautiful given their close relationship with Zavonis, Ascended of air.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/202881.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/202881/Shaintar-Adventure-In-Lord-Severances-Service)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/202881-sample.pdf)

[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Adventure: In Lord Severance's Service
Authors: Gayle Reick, Howard Brandon
Pages: 15
Prices: €1,87 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Lord Damon Severance has a problem...and needs your help!

In Lord Severance's Service will take a party of heroes on a two part adventure. First, its time to find out who is asking questions about the Cauldron's. It's only been a hundred years since they were all opened and NO ONE wants that to happen again - except maybe those crazy Kal-A-Nar people. Who is asking questions? What do they want? Where are they from? Solve those questions and you may have time to save Galea from something horrible.

Our second half takes the heroes to the Wildlands, where shipments of chrysarium have been disappearing. Since most people who use it are able to buy the mineral when its available this could be the work of some twisted mage or druid. Who is stealing the chrysarium? Why do they need so much when only fairly small amounts are required to power the Builder devices we've seen? Why would they steal unrefined chrysarium - it would be better to wait until it was usable, right? Why is this so important Lord Severance himself is involved?

While most of the questions above are answered in this fun adventure, it ends with a question for you. Answering it could give you clues and influence over the next part of the Living Campaign...
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.01.2017 | 19:21
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/101/202946.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/202501/The-Folio-75-Snake-Eyes-at-Challengers-Block-MiniAdventure-F15)

[Misfit Studios] $layers: The Dead of Night
Authors: Gerry Saracco, Steven Trustrum
Pages: 62
Prices: €9,41 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

$layers: The Dead of Night delves into a world where bloodsucking undead are humanity's deadliest, most-secret enemy. Mankind fights back with organized, heroic Hunters as the tip of the spear (or, more accurately, stake.) But there are also the $layers, men and women who kill the undead for money. They don't care how bad things are so long as your check clears.

Within this PDF you will find:
* The secret history of vampires
* Game stats and abilities for Basic Vampires (a.k.a. "squids"), Master Vampires, and … more?
* Vampire and Hunter/$layer tactics explained
* An example of a detailed $layers franchise using the rules presented in Super-Powered Organizations, a Savage Worlds sourcebook also by Misfit Studios
* A wealth of new Hindrances and Edges
* 4 Archetypes to help you jump right into the game: Investigator, Squadie, Religious Advisor, and Team Leader
* Lots of New Gear, including Armor, Weapons and Accessories, Drones, and Vehicles
* A number of Story Seeds to help get your game up and running right away
* Plus a surprise or two.

Both a color and black and white, print friendly version are provided.

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

This product is compatible with material found in the Horror Companion.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.01.2017 | 19:44
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/203364.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/203364/Ultima-Forsan--Waylands-Secret-I-An-Unexpected-Meeting)
[GGstudio] Ultima Forsan: Wayland's Secret I - An Unexpected Meeting
Author: Darren W. Pearce
Pages: 41
Price: €2,73 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

THE FOUR TRAVELLERS were greeted by the early morning light, as the coach rumbled on over the ragged ground of a barely maintained roadway. As the sun gently rose to push away the mist, the remnants of the night slipped off into shadow. The landscape of England was still beautiful, regardless of the terrors that lurked beyond the rolling hills, forested undulating ground, and castle dominated skyline.
Three men and one woman were the vehicle’s passengers, tucked in safely behind glass, wood, steel, and thick cloth curtains they were unaware of the change from night to day, save for the slight glimmer of light as it began to filter in. It was idyllic, peaceful, serene almost and the coachman pulled his coat’s lapel up to ward off the morning chill. He took a sip from a heady drink in a metal flask, adjusted his cocked hat, and took his eyes off the road for a bare second. He died almost instantly as a creature leapt from the raised roadside, followed by a dozen others, his throat torn out and the flesh ripped asunder...

An Unexpected Meeting is the first of three parts of "Wayland's Secret", a story set in the universe of Ultima Forsan, a game setting developed for the Savage Worlds rules.
Attached to the novel there's a roundup of gaming information for those readers that would like to start playing straight away.
Thanks for reading, and have fun!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.01.2017 | 13:55
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8572/203422.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/203422/TG2-Tongues-of-the-Screaming-Toad-SW)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.rpgnow.com/pdf_previews/203422-sample.pdf)

[Cut to the Chase Games] TG2 Tongues of the Screaming Toad
Author: "Weird Dave" Coulson
Pages: 32
Price: €4,70 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


Buried secrets have a way of finding a path back to the surface to reveal themselves to the world again. Sometimes it may take a long time, and during that time it’s likely that the world has forgotten about the secret. But if the secret is the loathsome Ibholtheg the Squamous Toad, an outer power of ancient evil, it certainly hasn’t forgotten about the world. And there are those who have worked in Kraden's Hill to guarantee that.

TG2 Tongues of the Screaming Toad is the second adventure in the Fantasy Renaissance Adventure Module series MEMORIES OF THE TOAD GOD. It is designed for a party of four to six Seasoned characters. The GM should read the module thoroughly before playing to become familiar with the overall plot of the adventure.

Your purchase includes the module along with a zip file of the unmarked maps for the adventure for ease of reference and Virtual Tabletop (VTT) use!

A Fantasy Renaissance Adventure Module brought to you by your friends at Cut to the Chase Games!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.01.2017 | 09:51
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/6245/203573.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/203573/The-King-is-Dead-DHAMPIR)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.rpgnow.com/pdf_previews/203573-sample.pdf)

[Four-in-Hand Games] The King is Dead: DHAMPIR
Authors: Sean Tait Bircher, Robin English-Bircher
Pages: 40
Price: €4,66 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In an 18th century that never was, the island nation of Malleus writhes under the thumb of an aristocracy of vampires. A coalition of secret societies fights from the shadows to drag theses oppressors burning into the light, but the alliance is young and in dire need of a weapon that can turn the tide against the vampires and their forces.

Word comes to a cabal of heroes that Lady Clarimonde yearns for freedom from the tyranny of her debauched and cruel father, the Baron Drachenholm. Thankfully for her, she possesses the means to pay for her freedom: the Sanguinem Maledicta, a cure for the curse of vampirism!

The heroes must dare the deadly labyrinth of Mallean high society to discretely win the lady her freedom – but can they trust Lady Clarimonde herself? She is, after all, no human gentlewoman but rather the child of mortal and undead – a DHAMPIR!

The King is Dead: DHAMPIR requires the Savage Worlds rules to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.01.2017 | 10:13
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/203829.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/203829/Pirates-of-the-Dominions)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.rpgnow.com/pdf_previews/203829-sample.pdf)

[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians: Pirates of the Dominions
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack
Pages: 159
Price: €23,55 €14,12 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome back to the Dominions! In this sourcebook you’ll find plenty of info on one of the biggest tropes of Sword and Sorcery: pirates!

Among these pages you’ll find stories ancient and new of sea and sail, freedom and betrayal, gold and curses, and booze, lots of booze, by Hordan’s bloody kiss!

In addition, you’ll find new rules to handle ships, crews and sea battles. If you like the idea of having your own crew of piratical scum and making yourself a name as the terror of the seas, this book is ideal for you!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.02.2017 | 04:10
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7963/204348.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/204348/Deadlands-Spielerhandbuch)
[Prometheus Games Publishing] Deadlands: Spielerhandbuch
Authors: Shane Lacy Hensley, BD Flory
Pages: 144
Price: €14,95 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.02.2017 | 21:29
Er kommt...

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.02.2017 | 15:35
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/204965.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/204965/Shaintar-Anthology-Southern-Kingdoms)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/204965-sample.pdf)

[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Anthology: Southern Kingdoms
Authors: Darren Pearce, Ed Greenwood, Howard Brandon; Rules: Sean Patrick Fannon, Howard Brandon
Pages: 162
Prices: €18,83 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


Battles won. Homes saved. Mysteries revealed. Now things get really interesting!
~ Sean Patrick Fannon, Creator of Shaintar

Many of Shaintar's heroes have humble beginnings within the Southern Kingdoms - those who have chosen to stand together in the light  and stand strong against the forces of evil; whether they be Darkness, Flame or Tempest.
This is the first anthology to be released and it contains a wealth of detail about the most iconic places in all Shaintar. Contained within this tome are the following guidebooks:
Dwarven Clanhomes: These massive underground cavern seem to show the very mountain's favor upon this stocky race. Their smith's are without equal and their miners can sniff gems out that are hidden to all others. Yet, there's more to the dwarves - a society rich with lore & tradition as much as metal & jewels.
Elvish Nation: The beutiful fae are the artistic ones; their architecture exhibits a deep love of nature. These are the scholars, mages and druids of the land. After all, their long lives allow generations of study. Learn about the Life Bond, a spiritual connection and The Becoming, the greatest punishment of the nation.
Galea: A beacon of equality and created from a desire to flee the horros of the Kal-A-Nar Empire, this country is ruled by a king both strong and fair. Many brave heroes have come from the noble houses - as have many great quests.
Mindoth's Tower & Archanaya: The Druids & Church of Light have little in common, yet work in concert towards many goals. Each stands in the light and understands that learning and the exchange of ideas are the path to growth.
Olara - Tough, strong warriors of the North: These dowr soldiers hide souls of great beauty. Ever vigilant, they keep close eyes upon the nations of Shaya'Nor and Kal-A-Nar. These folk are the broad shoulders upon which the strength of the Southern Kingdoms rests.
Serenity - The City of Secrets: This city is at a crossrods in the Wildlands and is a place of intrigue and politics with a dash of religion and trade thrown together. There's something here for everyone.
The Freelands: The true experiement in personal choice. Each person, group, town & city chooses its own laws in this area and they somehow manage to get along and work together. Guarded by the Freelords of Lone Keep, they remain protected and have a place to look to to defend all their laws.
The Wildlands: There are few settlements, a duchy or two and Kithros: home of the Rangers. The rest of the wildlands contains sparse towns, farmsteads and lots & lots of land to base an adventure in whether you're looking for swamp, plains, mountains or forest; there's a bit here for everyone.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.02.2017 | 13:14
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/205485.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/205485/HopeGlory-Glass-Houses)
[GGstudio] Hope&Glory: Glass Houses
Authors: Alberto Bontempi, Angelo Montanini
Pages: 58
Prices: €2,82 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to a new world... On the 21st of October 1852, the citizens of London and Paris were awed at the sight of the western sky turning suddenly a strange shade of purple andred. The first seismic shocks were felt all over the world in the following hours, and by the dawn of the 23rd of October, the giant waves hit the coasts of Europe. In the evening of the same day, while the tremors continued, catastrophic waves also hit the coasts of Asia. Whole cities, blasted by the earthquakes, were submerged by the sea. Millions of lives were lost. Then the Black Rain began, washing the ruins and leaving behind a thick layer of ashes. Dark, impenetrable clouds hid the sun, and the Thirty Years Winter began. In the Northern Hemisphere crops failed, snow-bound cities went up in flames as the populations rioted and the governments tried to find a solution, the means to survive.
One hundred years have passed now since the Catastrophe, and humanity has survived. In the former colonial domains of Africa and South America. In the blasted plains of China. Among the remains of the Japanese archipelago. In Russian palaces sealed against the howling winds of the steppe. In the land that once was India. With sacrifice and ingenuity, with courage and hope, new nations have crawled back from the brink to claim the new world.
Science is a beacon to the future.
From the frozen wastes of Europe, where the mammoth roam, to the proud Zulu Nation of Africa, from the technological wonders of the Anglo-Indian Raj to the mist-shrouded shores of Lost America, these are the stories of a new, strange world.

Glass Houses is a story set in the universe of Hope & Glory, a game setting developed for the Savage Worlds rules.
The Hope & Glory universe exists for the game and for the gamers, and attached to the novel there's a roundup of gaming information for those readers that would like to start playing straight away.

Thanks for reading, and have fun!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.02.2017 | 13:21
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8572/206046.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/206046/TG3-Shadow-Out-of-Sapphire-Lake-SW)
[Cut to the Chase Games] TG3 Shadow Out of Sapphire Lake
Author: "Weird Dave" Coulson
Pages: 31
Prices: €4,70 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In a distant extraplanar prison, the outer power Ibholtheg thrashes and reels, sending tremors into the Prime Plane. Those tremors are causing a split to appear between the planes, and from that gulf Ibholtheg stretches its influence out, attempting to widen it. Shadows lengthen in the nearby frontier town of Kraden’s Hill, but is it too late to stop the return of the once-powerful Squamous Toad?

TG3 Shadow Out of Sapphire Lake is the third and final adventure in the Fantasy Renaissance Adventure Module series MEMORIES OF THE TOAD GOD. It is designed for a party of four to six Seasoned characters. The GM should read the module thoroughly before playing to become familiar with the overall plot of the adventure.

Your purchase includes the module along with a zip file of the unmarked maps for the adventure for ease of reference and Virtual Tabletop (VTT) use!

A Fantasy Renaissance Adventure Module brought to you by your friends at Cut to the Chase Games!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.03.2017 | 19:26
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Atlas-of-the-Frozen-North-COVER-791x1024.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-products/hellfrost-atlas-of-the-north/)
[TAG] Hellfrost Atlas of the North
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 382
Prices: €47,25 €23,62 PDF; €94,51 €70,88 HC & PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Critically praised both for its incredible cartography and content, the Hellfrost Atlas has proven a big hit with customers. Covering every part of the northern continent, not to mention the mysterious lands of the fey, its 380 pages contain new information and adventure seeds to keep you gaming for years.

Triple Ace Games invites you to hold all of this epic landscape in your hands as we open up the secrets of the frozen north in new and amazing detail.


Within this book you’ll find:

▪ Expanded descriptions on 49 regions, as well as the mystical lands of Alfheim, the turbulent Ten Seas, and the subterranean deeps of Ertha’s Realm.
▪ Hundreds of locations to explore.
▪ Rules for creating sacred places, with detailed examples.
▪ Three new organizations suitable for player characters.
▪ Glorious full color maps, showing the continent and major cities in never-seen-before detail.


From now until Friday, 31 March, the Hellfrost Atlas is €23,62 for the PDF version (50% discount) and €70,88 for the hardcover & PDF (25% discount).

Grab your copy today! (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-products/hellfrost-atlas-of-the-north/)

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Taysal am 2.03.2017 | 16:05
Das schwarze All im Anflug

Die kommerzielle Lizenz wurde von PG erteilt und ist im Laderaum verstaut, so dass der nächste Schritt angegangen werden kann. Bis dahin schon mal einen kleinen Ausblick auf das, was kommt:




Newsmeldung auf Taysals Abenteuerland... (http://rollenspiel.taysal.net/allgemein/das-schwarze-all-im-anflug/)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Grubentroll am 2.03.2017 | 16:39
Das schwarze All im Anflug

Die kommerzielle Lizenz wurde von PG erteilt und ist im Laderaum verstaut, so dass der nächste Schritt angegangen werden kann. Bis dahin schon mal einen kleinen Ausblick auf das, was kommt:


Gewagtes Titelbild... :D
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: wild dice am 3.03.2017 | 08:10
Gewagtes Titelbild... :D

Das schwarze Alge wäre gewagt, aber das doch nicht.
Ich sehe weder Bezüge zu Star Wars, He-Man oder anderen Sachen. Macht einen sehr eigenständigen Eindruck und viel besser - das will ich spielen.

1. April ist auch noch nicht, also - Super!!! ~;D
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.03.2017 | 08:41
Hier gibt es die News, KEINEN Smalltalk!!!

@ Moderation: Bitte am Antwort #1169 in den Smalltalk-Thread umhängen. Danke!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zadmar am 3.03.2017 | 14:01
Der »Saga of the Goblin Horde Player’s Guide« ist jetzt verfügbar. Es gibt auch 15 Archetypes und 7 One Sheets (einer der One Sheets war schon früher in diesem Thread gepostet).

(https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-iwnMc8r5F8I/WKv4F0h6KrI/AAAAAAAAB4c/pDkLtm91hjQ8Cs2IMgIlFPs_KeTvIbEOACLcB/s1600/PG.png) (http://savage-stuff.blogspot.de/2017/02/saga-of-goblin-horde-players-guide.html)

Saga of the Goblin Horde Player’s Guide

The SotGH Player's Guide is 36 pages (excluding the cover and credits) and includes six chapters: an introduction to the setting, character creation (including 5 races, 41 Edges and 20 Hindrances), equipment, setting rules (5 new ones), gods and magic (i.e., goblin deities), and the gazetteer (including a full page map).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.03.2017 | 18:27
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/206597.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/206597/Deadlands-Reloaded-Paradise-Lost)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/206597-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle] Deadlands Classic/Reloaded: Paradise Lost
Author: John Goff
Pages: 30
Prices: €4,70 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In the Weird West, not all tracks show up on a map, and not all trains are scheduled. During the Great Rail Wars, an unexpected whistle in the night usually meant bad news, and for Paradise, Idaho, it still does. An unscheduled train is rolling into the station, it’s bringing Hell with it–just maybe not the one you’d expect given the author of this nightmare, John “Night Train” Goff.

Slap on your six-guns and help the residents of a peaceful mining town square off against a powerful foe from Deadlands’ future…and past! 

This adventure requires the Deadlands Classic game system to play OR Deadlands Reloaded—it’s dual statted for both!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.03.2017 | 18:33
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/9777/206598.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/206598/Savage-Species-Beastfolk)
[Tricky Troll Games] Savage Species: Beastfolk
Author: Nathan Carmen
Pages: 12
Prices: €2,83 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Savage Species: Beastfolk is a racial supplement for the Savage Worlds roleplaying game. Inside this PDF you will find statistics for 20 playable races all themed after various animals. The races in this product are designed to be used in almost any setting. So prepare your imagination with Savage Species: Beastfolk!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.03.2017 | 17:49
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11183/207025.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/207025/Titan-Effect-Demo-Kit)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/207025-sample.pdf)

[Knight Errant Media] Titan Effect: Demo Kit
Authors: Christian Nommay, Ghislain Bonnotte, Daniel Eymard
Pages: 17
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to Titan Effect!

Titan Effect is set in a contemporary world where psychic spies clash with genetically enhanced soldiers, in a secret war in which the future of the human evolution is at stake.

Players take on the role of trained operatives gifted with psychic abilities, and who work for the international clandestine organization known as the SPEAR. Their mission: to watch and fight biological and paranormal threats!

Check out this FREE Demo Kit if you want to know more about this upcoming RPG.

Inside the Demo Kit you will find:

* A brief setting overview
* An excerpt of Titan Effect setting rules
* A short adventure
* Five pre-generated characters.

Titan Effect is an espionage/Science Fiction setting for Savage Worlds. It is not a standalone book and requires the Savage Worlds core rulebook and the Super Powers Companion.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11183/207026.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/207026/Titan-Effect-Character-Sheet)
[Knight Errant Media] Titan Effect: Character Sheet
Authors: Christian Nommay, Ghislain Bonnotte, Daniel Eymard
Pages: 1
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This is a FREE form-fillable character sheet for Titan Effect. It can also be used with other Savage Worlds modern and sci-fi settings.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.03.2017 | 17:57
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/207102.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/207102/Ultima-Forsan--The-Confessional-of-the-Black-Penitents)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/207102-sample.pdf)

[GGStudio] Ultima Forsan - The Confessional of the Black Penitents
Authors: Mauro Longo, Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 5
Prices: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A free Ultima Forsan adventure for three to six Novice heroes. Originally created for Play - Modena, the greatest gaming festival in Italy, now here in a final, revised version. The adventure can also be played as an introduction to the forthcoming campaign The Iron Crown.

Francesco Guicciardini, the Podestà of Modena, entrusts the heroes with a secret and delicate mission: locate and rescue two of his spies, prisoners of a group of Teutonic Inquisitors. The setting of this adventure is the Italian city of Modena and the fief around it, although it can easily be adapted to other locations by changing the names of places and NPCs.

Thanks for reading, and have fun!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.03.2017 | 18:03
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3683/207182.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/207182/Ultimate-Settings-Guide-Conspiracies-Savage-Worlds)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/207182-sample.pdf)

[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Ultimate Settings Guide: Conspiracies
Author: Tyler Omichinski
Pages: 69
Prices: €4,68 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Conspiracies and conspiracy theories are a weird beast. There have been enough true conspiracies out there that we should be inherently skeptical. And it comes from a natural place. Recent studies have suggested that the major reason human brains are so complex has been in order to outsmart other humans. It is in our nature to make sure others do not outsmart us, and we are perpetually locked in this struggle.

Conspiracies can be a powerful tool in role-playing games. They can be used as plot elements, background storylines, hidden puppet masters, side adventures, or the basis for an entire setting. Ultimate Settings Guide: Conspiracies takes a look at what makes a conspiracy and explores a number of conspiracies in detail. GMs can use this as a reference to create their own conspiracies or insert one of the included conspiracies into an adventure or campaign. Players can use this as a means of driving their character concepts and fleshing out a character's background and motivation.

Ultimate Settings Guide: Conspiracies includes:

* An introduction to conspiracies.
* Over a dozen detailed conspiracies.
* Character options to fight or embrace conspiracies.
* Conspiracy-like Arcane Backgrounds.
* Alien tech gear.
* Non-player characters.
* A sample adventure.
* A conspiracy building toolkit.
* ... and more!

Whether part of the conspiracy or working against it, the right tools are needed!

Ultimate Settings Guide: Conspiracies is a guide for conspiracies primarily set in the Modern Age. Although it does discuss conspiracies dating back to the Middle Ages and how to use conspiracies in other genres, the player content and GM tools are designed for the late 1800s to the present.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.03.2017 | 07:15
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7027/207364.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/207364/Beggars-and-Panhandlers)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/207364-sample.pdf)

[Pixelcraft games] Beggars and Panhandlers
Author: Dimitris Lazarou
Pages: 28
Prices: €3,46 €2,31 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Shiny knights. Bugbear bandits. Elder clerics of dark deities. NPCs that are memorable, dangerous and remarkable in all ways. There are so many resources to help an aspiring Game Master build the ultimate antagonist or the formidable ally.
But when it comes to the more mundane, central places of your campaign, you might realize, that you seldom have more information to offer your players than “a beggar”, “the barkeep”, or “the dwarven smith”.

You might have noticed that when you describe this extra-sneaky spy, that should appear totally mundane, but your players size him up instantly. This is because he looks more fleshed out than the other mundane people in your world.
In this book, we start with a dozen beggars and panhandlers to help you breathe some life in your city’s busy streets.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.03.2017 | 07:36
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4513/205283.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/205283/Mutant-Manual-Savage-Worlds-Print)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/205283-sample.pdf)

[paNik productions] Mutant Manual (Savage Worlds)
Authors: M. Andrew Payne, Nik Palmer
Pages: 238
Prices: €18,47 €13,84 PDF; €37,02 €32,36 SC; €55,49 €32,36 PDF & SC (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Anyone could be a mutant.

Your neighbor, sibling, co-worker. Anyone. They might not even know themselves until they start sprouting extra eyes, tentacles, or fangs.

Sometimes they look just like everybody else.

Sometimes only the brain mutates, resulting in strange cravings, urges, and behaviors. Human on the outside, they might feel compelled to kill, drink blood, or build coccoons. Is that guy down the block really going out at night to bowl? Or is he on a quest to devour fresh brains?

For that matter, what's up with those headaches you've been having? Those achey muscles? And is that a "normal" rash or an indicator of something more sinister?

Anyone could be a mutant.

Even you.

Mutant Manual is a suppliment for creating mutant characters (including player characters with GM approval). Appropriate for any modern-era campaign, Mutant Manual contains:

* Over 120 mutant traits, both advantageous and detrimental.
* Statistics for 56 mutant archetypes and mutant animals.
* Statistics and history of 12 qnique mutants.
* 20+ New, mutant-specific Edges, Feats, Stunts, Qualities, and power modifiers.

Digital files are compatible with 5 different systems:

(http://www.panikproductions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/SAVAGE_WORLDS_LICENSED.jpg) (http://www.panikproductions.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Pathfinder_compatibility_logo.png) (http://www.panikproductions.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Dr_Niks_Happy_Fun_Rules_Logo.png) (http://www.panikproductions.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/PoweredByEGS-Logo.png) (http://www.panikproductions.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Powered-by-Fate-logo.png)

...but the print version only has Savage Worlds content.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4513/206444.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/206444/Welcome-to-Bremen)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/206444-sample.pdf)

[paNik productions] Welcome to Bremen
Author: M. Andrew Payne
Pages: 35
Prices: €3,24 €1,81 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Someone or some thing has been stalking the abandoned alleyways of a small town, leaving behind mangled bodies drained of blood. Is the killer a vampire, hungry ghost, legendary skunk-ape, or run-of-the-mill psychopath?

Welcome to Bremen, home of Wes Anderson's famous zoo, the state's best blueberry pie, and the most urban legends per capita in the country. Ever since the mill closed up, folks haven't had much to do but sit around and swap stories. The streets would be empty if they weren't full of ghost stories, urban legends and... bodies.

Designed to work in any modern setting (with notes for adapting for fantasy worlds and hardcore science fiction) the 10+ plot expansion ideas make it a perfect campaign starter or a stand-alone adventure.

Compatible with 5 different systems:

(http://www.panikproductions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/SAVAGE_WORLDS_LICENSED.jpg) (http://www.panikproductions.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Pathfinder_compatibility_logo.png) (http://www.panikproductions.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Dr_Niks_Happy_Fun_Rules_Logo.png) (http://www.panikproductions.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/PoweredByEGS-Logo.png) (http://www.panikproductions.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Powered-by-Fate-logo.png)

Portions of this adventure have previously been published as the R.E.A.C.T. Sample Adventure.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.03.2017 | 07:47
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/207208.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/207208/Ultima-Forsan--Pregen-Characters--Character-Sheet)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/207208-sample.pdf)

[GGstudio] Ultima Forsan - Pregen Characters & Character Sheet
Authors: Mauro Longo, Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 4
Prices: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Four pregen characters for Ultima Forsan
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.03.2017 | 07:57
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/62/207615.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/207615/Ben-Dunns-Ninja-High-School-the-Anime-and-Manga-RPG-Savage-Worlds)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/207615-sample.pdf)

[Battlefield Press] Ben Dunn's Ninja High School the Anime and Manga RPG (Savage Worlds)
Authors: Ben Dunn, Jonathan M. Thompson
Pages: 50
Prices: €18,51 €9,26 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Ninja High School (also known as NHS) is a comic book series (http://www.drivethrucomics.com/product/187928/Ninja-High-School-Textbook-Volume-1) created, written, and illustrated by Ben Dunn, and currently published by Antarctic Press. It was at first published by Eternity Comics. On occasion other artists and writers have contributed to the series including Carlos Kastro, Eric Meheu and Fabian Doles. It is currently being developed into a Feature Film by Perfect Circle Productions.

NHS takes place in a suburban town known as Quagmire, located "Somewhere in the Midwest". The series originally centers on the misadventures of one Jeremy Feeple, a 16-year-old boy attending Quagmire High School, an alien princess named Asrial from a planet called Salusia, and a young female ninja named Ichi-Kun Ichihonei, from Japan.

Originally intended as a mini-series, the comic hit such a boom of popularity that it became a full series, currently totaling over 160 issues (as well as two mini-series, "Ninja High School V2" and "Quagmire USA" and the color mini-series "The Prom Formula"). There have also been two-issue furry parodies which went by the name "Furry Ninja High School" and "Furry Ninja High School Strikes Back". Fan-contributed editions of the series include the "Ninja High School Yearbook" and "Ninja High School Swimsuit Edition".

This new Savage Worlds based game setting puts you in the center seat, it allows you to control what is happening in your own version of the Ninja High School comic. Your imagination, this book, a pencil, some paper, and some dice are all that are needed for you to tell the story you have always wanted to tell. This is the first official RPG in its thirty year history.

Welcome to …..

Ninja High School
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.03.2017 | 08:03
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3243/208063.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/208063/Heroes-of-Drakonheim-Savage-Worlds)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/208063-sample.pdf)

[Sneak Attack Press] Heroes of Drakonheim (Savage Worlds)
Authors: Matthew J. Hanson, Richard Woolcock
Pages: 51
Prices: €4,62 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Heroes of Drakonheim, a three-part adventure for Savage Worlds set in the fantasy city of Drakonheim, which can be played as a stand-alone setting or incorporated into any larger fantasy world.

In Chapter 1: Rats in the Sewers, the heroes are asked to solve a series of mysterious disappearances. They follow the trail into the sewers, find the goblins responsible, and learn that they are selling dead bodies to a shadowy group of humans.

In Chapter 2: Skeletal Society, the heroes discover that the group purchasing the corpses is a cabal of necromancers calling itself the Gray Society. In the process, they may stumble upon a nest of wights, some of the society’s storehouses, and perhaps even one of their initiation ceremonies. These encounters lead to a final confrontation with the leader of the Gray Society, who implores the heroes to end their grudge against them. The Gray Society is animating a host of undead to combat an even greater threat: a mighty force of hobgoblins and their allies marching towards Drakonheim. Without additional defenses, the city will surely fall.

In Chapter 3: Defense of Drakonheim, the heroes must protect the city from the hobgoblin army. They have several days to prepare defenses and seek out allies before the enemies reach Drakonheim. Once the foes arrive, the heroes defend the walls and lead the charge against the hobgoblin war chief.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.03.2017 | 02:59
Die aktuellsten Kickstarter von Pinnacle. Sie laufen noch bis zum 17. April und waren wie üblich innerhalb weniger Minuten finanziert...

(https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/015/206/773/3e9d3f003ce3914d8253f6f4bedb7a32_original.jpg?w=1024&h=576&fit=fill&bg=000000&v=1489786605&auto=format&q=92&s=27c8208bdcf6775a02ada605ca6757fa) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/459283824?token=4697aeba)

(https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/015/672/136/4988c26cc4cf103a6570620bf1471e20_original.jpg?w=1024&h=576&fit=fill&bg=000000&v=1488479850&auto=format&q=92&s=a8a05fc7f3a68b88c080318890a7c21a) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/169124555?token=a47fcd44)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.04.2017 | 09:21
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/208768.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/208768/Goon-Trixie-the-Nixie)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Goon: Trixie the Nixie
Author: Matthew Cutter
Pages: 2
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Check out this completely free adventure for The Goon™ Roleplaying Game for Savage Worlds!

Last time Sproule’s Biological Curiosities & Wild West Extravaganza visited the Town, the Ossified Baby of Nuremburg caused so much trouble Goon swore off Wild West shows for good. But now the show is back and mayhem’s about to show its ugly mug!


The Goon™ Roleplaying Game is based on the multiple Eisner Award-winning comic, The Goon™, by Eric Powell.

Join the Goon's crime syndicate—or play as Goon, Franky, and the rest of their crew—and fight off the rival gangs what's encroachin' on your turf, while you collect on Goon's debts and whatnot. You might also succeed at fighting off the tide of bleak suffering that's set to consume yer soul. Then again you might not!

But while you're contemplatin' the psychology and so forth, make sure to watch out for Zombie Priest and his legions of groanin', brain-chomping zombies; they're a constant hassle. If that ain't bad enough, there's crazed-yet-brilliant Dr. Hieronymus Alloy and his robots goin' on a rampage every other week. You also want to keep a lookout for swarms of chug-heads...what they call "changelings." Yeah. They're nasty little buggers.

Believe me, pal, we ain't even got to the worst of it yet. You sure you wanna join up with Goon's crew?

Check out the Kickstarter here! (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/the-goontm-for-savage-worlds/description)


(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/208765.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/208765/Fear-Agent-Routine-Extermination)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Fear Agent: Routine Extermination
Author: John Goff
Pages: 2
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Check out this completely free adventure for the Fear Agent™ Roleplaying Game for Savage Worlds! The players are tasked with cleaning up some errant AIs on a distant mining asteroid when they run into a little...complication.


Based on the amazing comic series by Rick Remender, Tony Moore, and Jerome Opeña, the Fear Agent™  Roleplaying Game is a pulp scifi setting for Savage Worlds with more twists than an episode of the Twilight Zone!

After Earth is devastated by an interstellar war between two alien races, the few surviving members of humanity are dragged kicking and screaming into a complex galaxy of terror and adventure they didn't even know existed.

Fortunately—or maybe unfortunately, we told you there are some twists—Texan Heath Huston bands together with others of his ilk to form the Fear Agents, a ragtag collection of survivors intent on revenge.

Check out the Kickstarter here! (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/fear-agenttm-for-savage-worlds/description)

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Waylander am 3.04.2017 | 18:51
Ein sehr interessantes Kampagnen-Update:

Thank you for supporting the Fear Agent™ RPG for Savage Worlds! We have some fun freebies for those of you who jumped into the Kickstarter faster than Heath Huston can mouth off to a Tetaldian war host! :)

The Un-Stretch Goal: Savage Sampler! 

We've heard from a lot of you that you're new to Savage Worlds, and we wanted to give you a taste of what our games are all about. So how about a Savage Sampler?

An Un-Stretch Goal: Savage Sampler to all backers of the Fear Agent™ and Goon™ RPG Kickstarters. PDFs for Deadlands, Rippers Resurrected, The Last Parsec, and ETU!

 Every backer at the Digital Level or higher for the Fear Agent™ or Goon™ RPG Kickstartergets: 

Deadlands Player's Guide and 
Marshal's Handbook in PDF 
East Texas University PDF 
Rippers Resurrected Player's Guide and
Game Master's Handbook in PDF and 
The Last Parsec Core PDF! 

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 5.04.2017 | 17:30
Guild of Shadows ist für die nächsten 24 Stunden massiv reduziert, mir wird das PDF für €3,91 angezeigt. Softcover ist ebenfalls reduziert.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 2.05.2017 | 18:41
The Blackwood - Kickstarter ist live!

The Blackwood is a fantasy setting inspired by folklore and high-flying martial arts action. It's Grimm's Tales meets Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It's The Witcher series meets Kung Fu Hustle. It's Iron Monkey meets Brotherhood of the Wolf. You are errants, a class of wandering adventurers, who search a landscape of deadly beauty for a way to save the settled folk of the Elder Kingdom from ruin.

(https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/016/226/360/0300c410599b874679365b4dcb6ab066_original.png?w=1024&h=576&fit=fill&bg=000000&v=1493666647&auto=format&q=92&s=c6f08c5fcf6512a3574e5a8688bfc244) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/53075258/the-blackwood-for-the-savage-worlds-rpg-system)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 12.05.2017 | 18:26
Ein Interview mit Eli Kurtz, dem Hauptentwickler hinter The Blackwood. Infos über den Kickstarter an sich, Eli und sein Team, und Fokus auf Spielercharaktere und deren Möglichkeiten:


Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.05.2017 | 21:55
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/6323/211237.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/211237/Mythic-revised)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/211237-sample.pdf)

[Chimera Press] Mythic (Revised)
Author: Michael Edwards
Pages: 93
Prices: €13,72 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Mythic setting, designed for the Savage Worlds rules system, takes inspiration from real world history, ancient mythology, and modern movies and tv shows to create a unique view of Earth’s ancient history, its cultures, and it’s mythologies.

Unlike most other settings that deal with the ancient world, Mythic doesn’t just focus on one culture and it’s mythology. Instead, several cultures and mythologies have all been brought together to exist side by side in the same setting. The core setting book includes three cultures and mythologies which form the Known World. Pridith is based on Celtic culture and mythology, Illosia is based on Greek, and Niserri is based on Egyptian.

The core setting book is broken into five sections. The first section provides additional information for character creation, including Edges, Hindrances, gear, Powers, and setting rules. The next three sections deal with each of the three cultures that make up the Known World, including background information and information on the gods and goddesses that form the pantheons of each culture. The final section is a bestiary with stats and descriptions of over 90 creatures, animals, and NPCs pulled from all three core cultures and mythologies.

This is the revised version of the Mythic setting book.

In addition to some cleaning up of the text and adding in a couple new pieces of art, some of the changes made to the new version of Mythic include:

Two new locations
– Syrna; an Illosian city that has prospered thanks to its mighty army
– Loch Bannagh; a lake on the island of Pridith that is home to a large number of evil Sidhe, and one of the biggest and meanest lock monsters ever to have existed.

Three new monsters
– Daughters of Arachne; horrible spider/human hybrids descended from a princess who was cursed by the goddess Athena.
– Dullahan; evil Sidhe horsemen who carry their own severed heads and a whip made of human spines.
– Winged Serpents; giant vipers with feathery wings that are so violent they’ll even turn on each other and fight to the death

Duties of the Priesthood
Before, each deity had a list of duties that gave examples of certain jobs and modes of behavior possessed by worshippers. That never really seemed to fit right, so Duties has been replaced with Duties of the Priesthood. Simple worshippers typically don’t have to adhere to the same rules, codes of behavior, and expected jobs, that true priests and priestesses do. In the revised boo, priests and priestesses must follow the Duties of the Priesthood associated with their particular deity. Others who simply worship the deity are expected to do their best at following the Duties of the Priesthood, but aren’t required to in order to keep their position as priest or priestess.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.05.2017 | 07:57
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/6221/211717.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/211717/Basic-Savage-Worlds-Fantasy-Character-Record-Sheet)
[Middle Kingdoms Adventure & Trading Co.] Basic Savage Worlds Fantasy Character Record Sheet
Author & Artist: Frank Turfler, Jr.
Pages: 1
Prices: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Get your 80's fantasy game on with this simple character record sheet for Savage Worlds modeled after a basic edition character record sheet from days gone by. Originally conceived to play a basic fantasy game.
A percentage of all proceeds from this title goes to the Phoenix Children's Hospital Foundation!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.05.2017 | 09:55
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/209385.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/209385/The-Fantasy-Action-Deck)
[Just Insert Imagination] The Fantasy Action Deck
Artist: Morné Schaap
Cards: 54 in Tuckbox
Prices: €9,15 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Squint no more myopic or aging Savage!

From the Just Insert Imagination laboratory comes this scientifically engineered Action Deck just for you with large suits and numbers. That's not all. This fantasy themed 54 cards deck comes fully illustrated and with a tuck box that will make you the envy of all your friends.

Behold! The Fantasy Action Deck!

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/site_resources/Spade%20Jack.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/site_resources/Spade%203.jpg)
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/site_resources/Heart%20Jack.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/site_resources/Diamond%20Queen.jpg)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.05.2017 | 09:15
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/212169.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/212169/The-Goon-The-Goon-Roleplaying-Game)
[Pinnacle] The Goon: The Goon Roleplaying Game
Author: Matthew Cutter
Pages: 192
Prices: €17,98 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Goon™ Roleplaying Game is based on the multiple Eisner Award-winning comic, The Goon™, by Eric Powell.

Join the Goon's crime syndicate—or play as Goon, Franky, and the rest of their crew—and fight off the rival gangs what's encroachin' on your turf, while you collect on Goon's debts and whatnot. You might also succeed at fighting off the tide of bleak suffering that's set to consume yer soul. Then again you might not!

But while you're contemplatin' the psychology and so forth, make sure to watch out for Zombie Priest and his legions of groanin', brain-chomping zombies; they're a constant hassle. If that ain't bad enough, there's crazed-yet-brilliant Dr. Hieronymus Alloy and his robots goin' on a rampage every other week. You also want to keep a lookout for swarms of chug-heads...what they call "changelings." Yeah. They're nasty little buggers.

Believe me, pal, we ain't even got to the worst of it yet. You sure you wanna join up with Goon's crew?

This game requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/212167.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/212167/Fear-Agent-The-Fear-Agent-Roleplaying-Game)
[Pinnacle] Fear Agent: The Fear Agent Roleplaying Game
Author: John Goff
Pages: 192
Prices: €17,98 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Based on the amazing comic series by Rick Remender, Tony Moore, and Jerome Opeña, the Fear Agent™  Roleplaying Game is a pulp scifi setting for Savage Worlds with dark secrets and cataclysmic twists!

After Earth is devastated by an interstellar war between two alien races, the few surviving members of humanity are dragged kicking and screaming into a complex galaxy of terror and adventure they didn't even know existed.
Fortunately—or maybe unfortunately, we told you there are some twists—Texan Heath Huston bands together with others of his ilk to form the Fear Agents, a ragtag collection of survivors intent on revenge.

In their wake is a galaxy where humans are newcomers in a world of lasers, rocket packs, and warp drives. But there’s always work for a crew willing to get their hands dirty. Take the role of a grizzled former guerrilla fighter, an eager explorer, or a warp scientist as your heroes rocket into a vast universe of untold adventures.

The Fear Agent™ Roleplaying Game contains rules for spaceships, warp drive, alien worlds, time travel, and more. Inside are descriptions of all the planets, races, and aliens found in the amazing Fear Agent™ comics, as well as many of the main characters. There’s also a complete Plot Point Campaign, a smuggler’s hold of Savage Tales, and an adventure generator. Within these covers is everything you need to stage your own exciting game in the universe of Fear Agent™!

Fear Agent™ Roleplaying Game requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.05.2017 | 13:04
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/3683/212192.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/212192/Ultimate-Characters-Guide-Psionics-Savage-Worlds)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment]Ultimate Characters Guide: Psionics
Author: A.J. Preece
Pages: 57
Prices: €4,50 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Ultimate Characters Guide: Psionics is designed to guide you through the world of psionic talents, open up new psionic areas to explore, and broaden the psionic characters many players bring to the table. This is done through character options and the supporting content that allows you to stylize your psionic character.

For GMs, Ultimate Characters Guide: Psionics presents a psionic bestiary, micro-setting, and adventure guideline along with the supporting content that enhances the understanding of what a psionicist is capable of.

Ultimate Characters Guide: Psionics includes:

* What it means to be a psionicist
* Over 25 ways to manifest psionic Powers (i.e. Trappings)
* New Characer Concepts, Hindrances, and Edges
* New Powers with a psionic style
* Psionic gear
* Psionic bestiary
* A micro-setting
* ... And more!

Ultimate Characters Guide: Psionics helps you get more out of your psionic characters by adding depth to what makes them a psionicist. It is not a standalone book, but can be used in any setting and genre.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.05.2017 | 02:22
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/212299.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/212299/Aliens-vs-Rednecks)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/212299-sample.pdf)

[Just Insert Imagination] Aliens vs Rednecks
Authors: Eric Lamoureux, Harrison Hunt
Pages: 20
Prices: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Can't run your usual game, running a Con game or looking for something short to introduce new players? Just Insert Imagination has you covered.

Lights flash in the sky above a small town. Few people witness this, as they are getting ready for a big celebration in town. What has landed in the forest, what does this visitation mean for the town and will their love of earth beer get in the way of the mission?

In Aliens vs. Rednecks the players play a group of aliens sent to a small redneck town to abduct a beauty pageant winner. Her DNA might hold the salvation of the planet Klarrg. The problem is that with so many dead, the fate of the planet rests on the shoulders of a few inept volunteers. Will they be able to resist the parties, escape capture and bring back the correct person?

Aliens vs. Rednecks is the new hilarious and crazy plug & play adventure from Just Insert Imagination.

In the document (that is designed to fit inside a GM screen) you will find:

* setting rules
* twists and complications to use
* npc's
* 5 pre-generated characters
* a blank character sheet to create your own alien
* table tents
* town map
* figure flats
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.05.2017 | 02:43
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/212778.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/212778/Ultima-Forsan--Waylands-Secret-II-Forbidden-Alchemy)
[GGstudio]Ultima Forsan - Wayland's Secret II: Forbidden Alchemy
Author: Darren W. Pearce
Pages: 46
Prices: €2,59 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

FACED WITH OVERWHELMING odds, courage is rather like a river that bursts its banks in those who can call upon incredible reserves of strength. So it was that Edward, Jane, and Sebastian had theirs sorely tested as the Dead Horde swarmed them, the cultists of the mysterious Blood Father closed ranks, and the chanting high priest let forth curses in their direction, spoken with a pus-flecked tongue, that dribbled with bile and dark formed cadence. Several of the Dead learned first hand the strength of Sebastian’s mettle, the young knight, emboldened by the proximity of his comrades struck swiftly, before Friar Edward could even fire a second volley of shots. The knight’s sword became thick with the dark diseased blood of the Horde, as he chopped, and hacked at the thick bodies before him. He swung his shield around with a bone-jarring crack and painted it with the ichor of the Damned...

Forbidden Alchemy is the second of three parts of "Wayland's Secret", a story set in the universe of “Ultima Forsan”, a game setting developed for the Savage Worlds rules.
Attached to the novel there's a roundup of gaming information for those readers that would like to start playing straight away.
Thanks for reading, and have fun!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.05.2017 | 19:43
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2664/212912.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/212912/Dark-Hold-Adventures-Lost-Lambs--Quick-Adventure)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/212912-sample.pdf)

[Rebel Minis] Dark Hold Adventures: Lost Lambs - Quick Adventure
Author: Andrew Lucas
Pages: 2
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A party of foolish merchants has left trade town and gone missing. Their guild wants them found.

A Dark Hold (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/199821/Dark-Hold-Goblin-Adventures) Quick Adventure by Andrew Lucas.

Dark Hold Goblin Adventures is a Savage Worlds compatible sourcebook allowing players and game masters to run a campaign revolving around low-level goblin characters. Dark Hold Goblin Adventures is dedicated to the small groveling races which scratch out an existence in the dark catacombs through which other heroes stride like unto gods. Can you survive as one of a lost culture of Goblins living in the abandoned tombs of a long forgotten empire?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.05.2017 | 19:58
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/212816.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/212816/Beasts-and-Barbarians-Steel-Edition-Preview)
[GRAmel] Beasts and Barbarians Steel Edition Preview
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack, Piotr Korys
Pages: 12
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This is a preview of upcoming Beasts and Barbarians Steel Edition, crowdfunding of which will start on Indiegogo on 5th of the June 2017. We present you 2 chapter openings from Player`s Guide and Game Master`s Guide. Art is also a preview. We want to have a lot of new, color art, but for a preview we use old, but colored. So, art will change, of course! This is only a layout preview.

Both books will be HC and in color.
Welcome to the Dread Sea Dominions!

Imagine a land, far away in space and time, dominated in the past by a cruel race of sorcerer-priests, the Keronians. Cursed by the gods, their empire was wiped out by a cataclysm, the fall of the Dread Star, which has thrown the world into barbarism and created the Dread Sea Dominions from the scattered ruins of the past.

It is a world of savage barbarians who venture into ancient ruins to save scantily-clad damsels from a fate worse than death under the claws of pre-human beastmen.

It is a world of chainmail bikini Amazons fighting in the sun scorched arenas of Faberterra to appease the crowds of the decadent cities of the Iron Empire.

It is the world where dark sorcerers invoke the forbidden names of demons in temples old before mankind took its first, hesitant, steps outside the caverns of the north.

This is the world of Beasts & Barbarians where everything is built to evoke the feel of the pulp fantasy stories of the ’30s!

Because Steel is Stronger than Gold!

This project will fund the third edition of Beasts & Barbarians, the Sword and Sorcery setting for Savage Worlds. After the first, seminal, Player Guide, the fans and players demanded a more complete game, the Golden Edition, which served us well for five years.

Since then, many things have happened in the Dominions, both in the official sourcebooks and published scenarios, and in the awesome stories you’ve told with your friends around the gaming table, and we decided to extend the timeline by the same amount of time, giving us the chance to introduce new events, sinister plots, events, and characters.

We’ve hammered down this new edition in steel, the holiest of metals: streamlined for the new edition of Savage Worlds, it includes an extended timeline, new lore, an expanded setting, gear, adventures, monsters and much more.

Oh, and all of this is in full color.

But only you, wise reader, can decide if this blade will be forged or not!

Beasts & Barbarians Steel Edition is composed of two books, the Player Guide, and the Game Master Guide.

The Player Guide includes:

* Summarized descriptions of the lands and the history of the Dominions
* Accurate descriptions of the various playable cultures, including clothing, religion, technology and so on.
* More than 40 new Hindrances and Edges to create sword and sorcery heroes.
* Specific gear (from loincloths to Amazon Hawk Ships)
* Three custom-made arcane backgrounds and their specific trappings: sorcery, Lotusmastery, and enlightenment.
* Setting rules including After the Adventure events, crafting rules, expanded mass battle rules
* And much more!

The Game Master Guide includes:

* A detailed history of the Dominions, expanded and focused on the last five years.
* A gazetteer of the Dominions, including old and new plot hooks for each region, and the new Dominion Events.
* A chapter focused on themes, tricks and narrative techniques to make your games even more Swordy and Sorcerish.
* Rules and tips to create Character Tales (adventures focused on a single player character).
* A fully-fledged character generator.
* An expanded Bestiary, including Personalities of the Dominions, the movers, and shakers of the setting.
* An introductory  One Sheet Adventure.

If funded, you will also get an introductory adventure "The Soul in the Water", so you can jump into the Dominions in no time!

Both books will be hardcover, 144 pages. The adventure will be in booklet format (Black and white), but with color pdf.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.06.2017 | 08:59
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/6067/213138.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/213138/Savage-Thunderscape-Nights-in-Aden)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/213138-sample.pdf)

[Kyoudai Games] Savage Thunderscape: Nights in Aden
Authors: Ryan Boudwin, Shawn Carman, Mark Swafford
Pages: 13
Prices: €3,54 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The only thing deadlier than the days in Aden are the nights!

The remnants of civilization are dangerous enough, but the wilderness between the well-defended settlements are bastions of lawlessness and hives of the Darkfall's deadly minions. Wherever one goes in the Known Lands, danger lurks for even the most hardened and experienced adventurers.

This sourcebook contains two complete adventures appropriate for a single session of play. In Trouble at the Dunswood Inn, the adventurers stumble across a fellow traveler in trouble and have little choice but to become embroiled in his hardships. In Mission of Mercy, the adventurers are hired to transport an incredibly precious cargo to ensure that an innocent life is not lost to the Darkfall.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.06.2017 | 09:14
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3263/212164.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/212164/Ultimate-Fantasy-Tavern-Guide)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/212164-sample.pdf)

[Three Sages Games] Ultimate Fantasy Tavern Guide
Authors: Curtis Lyon, Sarah Lyon
Pages: 78
Prices: €4,43 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Eat, Drink, and Make Merry!

Once upon a time, the tavern was the social center of civilization, a place to hang out, eat, hear the latest news, and generally relax. Yet taverns are often overlooked in fantasy campaigns except as places to recover lost health, or attempt to bleed money from hapless characters.

The Ultimate Fantasy Tavern Guide offers the players and GM a wealth of opportunity to turn an evening in a tavern into a roleplaying experience.

Inside these pages you’ll find:

* Tables for creating and rules for managing tavern meals – and reasons to spend a little extra for that nice dinner.
* Tables for generating random drinks, and simple mechanics to cover the effects of drinking them.
* Fast, furious, and fun mechanics to handle all manner of games and gambling – even of only one character wants to participate.
* Ways to handle the inevitable “socializing” likely to go on in a tavern, including drinking contests, and brawls.
* A methods to randomly generate your own tavern, as well as the patrons inhabiting it.
* A complete pre-generated tavern, The Fox and Brew.
* And much, much more!

Originally published as a series of articles in the pages of Savage Insider Premium, this information has been completely compiled and revised to create the Ultimate Fantasy Tavern Guide! Check out more Ultimate Guides from Mystical Throne Entertainment here (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/3683/Mystical-Throne-Entertainment).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.06.2017 | 04:09
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/212772.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/212772/The-Pirate-Action-Deck)
[Just Insert Imagination] The Pirate Action Deck
Artist: Morné Schaap
Cards: 54 in Tuckbox
Prices: €8,87 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Ahoy Old Pirates!

No need to use your spyglass to see across the table anymore. The crew from Just Insert Imagination are here to make your life easier. Cards with big, easy to read numbers and suites for the pirate who would rather be concentrating on pillaging and ship combat than squinting at cards.

The 54 cards deck comes with beautiful artwork and is sure to make you the envy of other captains.

Behold me hearties! The Pirate Action Deck

(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/site_resources/Diamond%204.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/site_resources/Spade%20Jack%20(1).jpg)
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/site_resources/Joker1.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/site_resources/Clubs%20Queen.jpg)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.06.2017 | 12:31
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/3683/213505.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/213505/Ultimate-Antebellum-Guide-Five-Points-Savage-Worlds)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Ultimate Antebellum Guide: Five Points
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Pages: 95
Prices: €4,47 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

There is an 86-acre plot in the middle of New York City where immigrants find a new home after leaving their former lives behind. With little money to speak of, but an ambition to save up for a better life, they find themselves stepping off the boats and entering what many believe to be the very first American cultural melting pot. The area is known politically as the Old Sixth Ward. The locals of the area know it as the Five Points neighborhood; America’s first and largest mass slum. It is a center for crime, vice, gangs, and all manner of immoral deeds.

Ultimate Antebellum Guide: Five Points is a unique sourcebook that focuses on the Five Points neighborhood of New York City in 1849, the Antebellum period of the United States. The setting can be used for all manner of adventures and games including ones set in the historical Five Points, a fantasy horror alternate history of the United States centered on Five Points, an urban fantasy setting inspired by the historical neighborhood, or even a crowded metropolis modeled after this American slum.

Ultimate Antebellum Guide: Five Points includes:

* A look at the history of Five Points
* Major events in New York City during the 19th century
* Creating urban characters for a Five Points games
* The many organizations that influenced New York City
* A collection of adventure frames
* … and more!

Ultimate Antebellum Guide: Five Points can be used as a standalone setting or as a sourcebook for a larger setting, along with the standard core rulebook.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Vasant am 11.06.2017 | 20:04
(https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/016/287/018/e3d62209621536ef2f48ba1aa8c24723_original.jpg?w=1024&h=576&fit=fill&bg=000000&v=1495212940&auto=format&q=92&s=f3adeb9426b9d091f346034f0918a2f0) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1410286763/buccaneer-through-hell-and-high-water-for-savage-w)
Brett Weihing, Chris Fuchs und Chris Landauer arbeiten an einem neuen Piraten-Setting für Savage Worlds: Buccaneer – Through Hell and High Water (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1410286763/buccaneer-through-hell-and-high-water-for-savage-w).
Chris und Chris kennt man vielleicht schon unter ihren Nicknames Savage Bull und Savage Mommy aus der Savage Worlds Szene (Moderatoren vom SavageCast (http://www.savagecast.com), waren auch mal in anderen Savage Worlds-Podcasts zu Gast). Ihre Partner Fabled Environments sind schon länger mit Abenteuern und Bodenplänen für Savage Worlds im Geschäft,
Das Setting soll zwar auch fantastisches wie Voodoo, Hexen und Monster enthalten, kommt aber weniger magisch herüber als 50 Fathoms, an dem sich wohl jedes Savage Worlds-Piratensetting erst einmal messen muss.
Regelseitig wird versprochen:
Das Projekt ist zwar schon finanziert und läuft auch nur noch neun Tage, aber vielleicht hat der eine oder andere noch Lust, da noch etwas Geld hineinzustecken.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.06.2017 | 19:45
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/SW_Explorer_Cover_90011330.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/savage-worlds-explorer-issue-1-volume-1/)
[Pinnacle] Savage Worlds Explorer Issue 1, Volume 1
Authors: Teller, Matthew Cutter
Pages: 32
Prices: $9,99 (Pinnacle Store)

Calling All Explorers!

Whether you’re hunting bloodthirsty critters in the Weird West, exploring the perilous fringes of Known Space, maintaining your grades while grappling with nefarious evil at East Texas University, or facing supernatural horrors of war on the Eastern Front in 1916—savage settings need intrepid explorers!

Infinite Worlds of Adventure

Savage Worlds Explorer is a continuing series featuring Savage Tales from all our settings written by new authors and industry veterans. This installment features tales by Weird War One Brand Manager Teller and Deadlands Brand Manager Matthew Cutter.

Weird War I: Hellfighters

Hellfighters by Teller is a Plot Point Campaign that follows the exploits of the American 369th Infantry Regiment from the time the unit is attached to the French army until shortly after the Second Battle of the Marne. The campaign covers a period of five months and covers a wide geographic area of the Western Front.

Deadlands: Knights With No Armor

Knights With No Armor by Matthew Cutter is a Savage Tale for Deadlands: The Weird West, designed for buckaroos who’ve traveled its twisted trails long enough to achieve at least Veteran Rank. The story nominally begins in southern Cochise County, Arizona Territory, but the Marshal can transplant it to any spot on the Mexican border without too much fuss. It’s a one-two punch of a story: What starts out as a simple rescue soon turns into a peek into the machinations of one of the Weird West’s most wicked and corrupt villains.

The Savage Worlds Explorer requires a copy of Savage Worlds core rules and may require the core books for the setting, such as Deadlands Player’s Guide and Deadlands Marshal’s Handbook. Add dice, a deck of cards, and explorers, and let the fun begin!

As a special introductory offer, if you order a print copy of issue 1 from now through this Saturday, June 17th, you’ll save $4.99 off the shipping price. Plus, you’ll get the PDF download immediately. A perfect Father’s Day gift for Savage Dads everywhere. And please note that the PDF version on its own won’t be available to order just yet, so grab this print+PDF special deal today!

All orders for Savage Worlds Explorer will begin shipping the week after Origins.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.06.2017 | 23:59
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/6221/214147.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/214147/The-City-51st-and-9th)
[Middle Kingdoms Adventure & Trading Co.] The City: 51st and 9th
Artist:  Frank Turfler, Jr.
Pages: 13
Prices: €10,72 €4,40 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This 32x24 inch map includes square and hex grid options.

This hi-res modular kit also has post-apocalyptic and paranormal/sci-fi options as well as a supers game staring certain pizza-loving reptiles. I hope you get a lot of use out of it.

The printable tiles were designed to be used as print and play or as a complement to the 2.5D tile creation method created by DM Scotty.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.06.2017 | 12:31
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/2419/214187.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/214187/Necropolis-2350-Templar-Handbook)
[Triple Ace Games] Necropolis 2350: Templar Handbook
Author: Paul 'Wiggy' Wade-Williams
Pages: 32
Prices: €7,12 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Batten down the hatches, fire up the engines, and let’s get ready to kick some ass!

The Ordo Templi Novi, better known to the masses governed by the Third Reformation Church as the Templars, is renowned as much for its reluctance to leave the battlefield as the thundering might of its armored vehicles.

Designed for players and War Masters alike, this handbook explores the Templars in detail.

Inside you’ll find an expanded history, information on how the Ordo recruits new members and finances its mobile army, details on the various Chapters, a tour of noted facilities, a range of hardware, sample Wild Card and Extra characters, background details on famous units, and plenty of new options for creating player character Templars.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.06.2017 | 09:52
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/6221/214229.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/214229/The-City-51st-National-Bank-n-Trut)
[Middle Kingdoms Adventure & Trading Co.] The City: 51st National Bank n Tru$t
Artist:  Frank Turfler, Jr.
Pages: 13
Prices: €8,91 €4,45 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This is the second in The City series which was inspired by the Wild Die community project, a Savage Worlds one-shot set around a 1970's hostage situation in a bank.

This 32x24 inch map includes square and hex grid options.

This hi-res modular kit also has post-apocalyptic and paranormal/sci-fi options as well as a supers game staring certain pizza-loving reptiles. I hope you get a lot of use out of it.

The printable tiles were designed to be used as print and play or as a complement to the 2.5D tile creation method created by DM Scotty.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.06.2017 | 10:02
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/11627/214156.png) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/214156/Still-Life-and-Death)
[Melting Point Publishing] Still Life and Death
Author: Ben Baker
Pages: 43
Prices: €8,90 €8,01 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Victorian England.

Your party is hired by a young man looking for his missing fiancé.

Their investigation leads them to a bizarre traveling art gallery full of grotesque antique paintings of what seems like missing people being chased, captured, and killed by a variety of monsters.

The party finds themselves plunged into a range of horrific situations as they have to fight their way free from a house besieged by zombies, escape from being sacrificed by an unholy death cult, and fight toe-to-toe with a demonic pig-ogre in its blackened forest lair.

Ultimately, the party comes face-to-face with the mastermind of the scheme that is creating these situations and must find a way to stop the vile plans from coming to fruition - otherwise, a powerful, ancient evil will be unleashed upon the world.

A Savage Worlds adventure for 3-6 players.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.06.2017 | 10:09
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/6221/214232.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/214232/The-City-Warehouse-52)
[Middle Kingdoms Adventure & Trading Co.] The City: Warehouse 52
Artist:  Frank Turfler, Jr.
Pages: 13
Prices: €8,91 €4,45 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This is the second floor of the bank in The City series which was inspired by the Wild Die community project, a Savage Worlds one-shot set around a 1970's bank heist gone wrong... terribly wrong.

When I was asked what the stairs on the first floor led to, I originally thought a warehouse or loft space. I soon decided it should be something with a bit of a surprise, who would suspect a mad scientist lair above a bank?

While initially intended for the Wild Die Community project, this map will fit perfectly into my street level supers/ Pre-adult Radioactive Kung-Fu Reptiles game.

This 32x24 inch map includes square and hex grid options.

This hi-res modular kit also has post-apocalyptic and paranormal/sci-fi options as well as a supers game staring certain pizza-loving reptiles. I hope you get a lot of use out of it.

The printable tiles were designed to be used as print and play or as a complement to the 2.5D tile creation method created by DM Scotty.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.06.2017 | 12:03
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2664/214454.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/214454/Dark-Hold-Goblin-Adventures-Lair-of-the-Cerebeast)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/214454-sample.pdf)

[Rebel Minis] Dark Hold Goblin Adventures: Lair of the Cerebeast
Author: Jennifer R. Povey
Pages: 32
Prices: €5,80 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

When a couple of goblin kids come out of the deep tunnels squealing about monsters, Chief Talon Bulbousfoot demands the PCs investigate and deal with the monster. They find, perhaps, more than they bargained for - monsters in plenty and a creature to make the bravest goblin drop their bladder and run!

Fantasy games are filled with the magnificent exploits of mighty wizards, powerful warriors and god-fearing knights in armor.

Ours isn’t…

Dark Hold Goblin Adventures is dedicated to the small groveling races which scratch out an existence in the dark catacombs through which other heroes stride like unto gods. Can you survive as one of a lost culture of Goblins living in the abandoned tombs of a long forgotten empire? Dark Hold Goblin Adventures is a Savage Worlds compatible system allowing players and game masters to run a campaign revolving around low-level goblin characters.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.06.2017 | 12:22
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/214478.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/214478/Ultima-Forsan--The-Iron-Crown)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/214478-sample.pdf)

[GGStudio] Ultima Forsan - The Iron Crown
Authors: Mauro Longo, Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 19
Prices: €1,70 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

An Ultima Forsan short campaign in three Episodes for three to six Novice or Seasoned characters.

The Heroes are recruited to find an ancient relic of great political and symbolic value: The Iron Crown. This ancient crown is said to contain one of the nails of Christ’s Cross. Due to its history, it also represents the ideal of a unified kingdom of Italy.

If the characters have already played the free adventure The Confessional of the Black Penitents (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/207102/Ultima-Forsan--The-Confessional-of-the-Black-Penitents), this campaign could be played as a sequel, and the Podestà of Modena happily entrusts them with the task.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.06.2017 | 14:45
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/2419/214984.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/214984/Necropolis-2350-Preacher-Handbook)
[Triple Ace Games] Necropolis 2350: Preacher Handbook
Author: Paul 'Wiggy' Wade-Williams
Pages: 32
Prices: €8,92 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Strap on your armor, grab your medikit, and get ready to serve and protect!

Formed last of the original five Ordines, the Ordo Verbi Baenedicti, more commonly referred to as the Preachers, rarely engages in large battles against the dreaded Rephaim. Their role is no less important to the war effort, though, for it is they who train the militias, ensure citizens far from the towering cathedrals do not fall from grace, and deliver succor to those in need.

Designed for players and War Masters alike, this handbook explores the Preachers in detail.

Inside you’ll find: an expanded history, information on how the Ordo recruits new members and finances its scattered forces, details on the various Chapters, a tour of noted facilities, a range of hardware, sample Wild Card and Extra characters, background details on famous units, and plenty of new options for creating player character Preachers.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.07.2017 | 07:16
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/338/215536.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/215536/Highway-to-Hell-2-Return-to-Flora-Savage-Edition)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/215536-sample.pdf)

[Aegis Studios] Highway to Hell 2: Return to Flora
Author: Travis Legge
Pages: 21
Prices: €1,74 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Highway to Hell 2: Return to Flora is an adventure seed for use with Contagion (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/198324/Contagion-Savage-Edition). Rather than being a linear module with events that go from point A to point B, this story seed provides information a Gamemaster can use to flesh out their own unique story. Basic events are illustrated along with character snapshots. The ending is left open and ambiguous, for the Gamemaster to decide.

Highway to Hell 2: Return to Flora serves as an introductory story for Contagion. Certain elements of the setting are explored and expanded upon in this adventure seed. Due to the nature of the disturbances and events in Highway to Hell 2: Return to Flora, characters from virtually any background or faction could get involved with the investigation. Experienced groups can also use this story seed with very minor adjustments made by the Gamemaster to account for the characters’ greater experience and resources.

Highway to Hell 2: Return to Flora also serves as a sequel to the classic Contagion adventure seed Highway to Hell (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/29164/Highway-to-Hell). Highway to Hell 2: Return to Flora also includes conversion info to make the original Highway to Hell playable using Contagion rules.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.07.2017 | 19:32
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/3683/215556.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/215556/Ultimate-Medieval-Guide-Feudal-Japan-Savage-Worlds)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Ultimate Medieval Guide: Feudal Japan
Author: Tyler Omichinski
Pages: 72
Prices: €4,38 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Islands long shrouded in mystery, with a history of nature itself stepping in to defend them from outsiders, Japan has been viewed as an exotic and enchanting place by the rest of the world since the Europeans first contacted them. Even in the era of Marco Polo, and others who contacted the Mongols or the Chinese, tales were told of the islands that lay in the sea, full of dedicated warriors and a xenophobic people.

Ultimate Medieval Guide: Feudal Japan is a historical sourcebook detailing the period known as Feudal Japan, starting around 784 CE. This period saw the rise of the Shogunate and the military class known as the samurai.

Ultimate Medieval Guide: Feudal Japan includes:

* A look at the history of the Feudal Japan era
* A delve into the samurai military class
* An overview of Japanese mythology
* Character options including Edges, Hindrances, and an Arcane Background
* Weapons during the Feudal Japan era
* ... And more!

Ultimate Medieval Guide: Feudal Japan is not a standalone book and requires the Savage Worlds core rulebook. It can be used as a campaign setting for games in Feudal Japan or as a guide for samurai warriors and the era they lived in.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.07.2017 | 19:49
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/2419/174430.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/174430/Hellfrost-Map-Sheets)
[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost Map Sheets
Author: Paul 'Wiggy' Wade-Williams, Robin Elliot
Artist: Robin Elliot
Cards: 46
Prices: €21,90 PDF; €39,43 Cards; €61,34 €39,43 Cards & PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Welcome to the Hellfrost Map Sheets!

The 382-page Hellfrost Atlas, a product asked for by our fans, provided not only expanded details on the northern continent, but also detailed overland maps at a scale of 1″ = 44 miles (3 cm = 50 miles).

For those who want only the glorious full-color maps, perhaps to plan your Hellfrost campaigns or to track your group’s progress across the continent, for use in your homebrew fantasy games, or even to pin to your wall and admire, we have just the thing for you!

Hellfrost Atlas Map Card Set


Format: 46 cards (8.5″ x 11″) printed on 300gsm Freelife Satin card stock. These are not dry erase coated.

This product comprises 45 pages of full-color overland maps printed on card plus a separate card for the map legend. Laid out on the table, the cards form a 9 x 5 rectangle measuring 76.5″ (194 cm) x 55″ (140 cm). That’s an area of over 29 square feet (2.7 square meters).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.07.2017 | 05:32
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/27/215597.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/215597/Deadlands-Reloaded-Knights-with-No-Armor)
[Pinnacle] Deadlands Reloaded: Knights with No Armor
Authors: Matthew Cutter
Pages: 17
Prices: €4,37 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Knights With No Armor by Matthew Cutter is a Savage Tale for Deadlands: The Weird West, designed for buckaroos who’ve traveled its twisted trails long enough to achieve at least Veteran Rank. The story nominally begins in southern Cochise County, Arizona Territory, but the Marshal can transplant it to any spot on the Mexican border without too much fuss. It’s a one-two punch of a story: What starts out as a simple rescue soon turns into a peek into the machinations of one of the Weird West’s most wicked and corrupt villains.

Requires Savage Worlds core rules and the Deadlands Reloaded setting books to play.

Knights With No Armor was originally published in the print edition of the Savage Worlds Explorer (https://www.peginc.com/store/savage-worlds-explorer-issue-1-volume-1/), available at our website or your favorite local game store.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.07.2017 | 05:38
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/27/215598.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/215598/Weird-War-I-Hellfighters)
[Pinnacle] Weird War I: Hellfighters
Authors: Teller
Pages: 14
Prices: €4,37 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Hellfighters by Weird Wars Brand Manager "Teller" is a Plot Point Campaign that follows the exploits of the American 369th Infantry Regiment from the time the unit is attached to the French army until shortly after the Second Battle of the Marne. The campaign covers a period of five months and covers a wide geographic area of the Western Front.

Requires Savage Worlds core rules and the Weird War I setting books to play.

Hellfighters was originally published in the Savage Worlds Explorer (https://www.peginc.com/store/savage-worlds-explorer-issue-1-volume-1/). For a print copy, see the Pinnacle website or your favorite local game store.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.07.2017 | 08:04
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/215607.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/215607/Ashen-Thorns)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/215607-sample.pdf)

[Just Insert Imagination] Ashen Thorns
Author: Scott W
Artist: Morné Schaap
Pages: 48
Prices: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Can't run your usual game, running a Con game or looking for something short to introduce new players? Are you in the mood for something scary on those dark, windy nights? Just Insert Imagination has you covered.

It is roughly nine years after the Plague consumed mankind, which vaulted the Grand Coven to rulership of the Earth.  Now, the remnants of humanity, myth puts this number at 144,000 souls, are hunted by witchcraft, familiars, Ghuls, and Nature itself. The survivors use guile, luck, and sometimes witchcraft to carry on surviving.  Some choose to hunt back…

This adventure starts with missing children. Will the heroes be able to rescue them before The Hag of Riverside Park starts with her foul rituals?

In the document (that is designed to fit inside a GM screen) you will find:

* setting rules
* NPC's
* 5 pre-generated characters
* a blank character sheet
* table tents
* area map
* figure flats
* Battle maps (print and VTT)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.07.2017 | 00:32
Coming VERY soon to Kickstarter!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.07.2017 | 01:47
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Sundered-Skies-Adventure-Codex-PPC.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/sundered-skies-products/sundered-skies-adventure-codex/)
[Triple Ace Games] Sundered Skies Adventure Codex *PRE-ORDER*
Authors: Dave Blewer and others
Pages: 292
Prices: €44,66 HC & PDF (TAG)

Welcome to the Sundered Skies Adventure Codex!

In this epic tome, you will find eight awesome adventures set in the dangerous world of the Sundered Skies.

Follow your destiny and explore a world of shattered floating islands where the glow of the void brings you close to madness.

Book Contents:

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.07.2017 | 02:00
(https://sevenworldsrpgfiles.blob.core.windows.net/images/7W%20Setting%20Guide%20-%20Cover%20-%20LoRes.jpg) (http://www.sevenworldsrpg.com/about/)

Announcing Seven Worlds, a science-fiction RPG unlike any you've ever seen!

Welcome to Seven Worlds, a new Epic Science-Fiction Setting and Campaign, coming soon for Savage Worlds!

Seven Worlds is an epic Science-Fiction role-playing campaign and setting for the Savage Worlds rules system. In the year 2217 humanity's greatest achievement is the colonization of the nearby star systems now known as the Seven Worlds, where humanity lives, thrives, and prepares for the next great wave of space exploration. But when the unexpected threatens humanity, only an unlikely band of heroes can unravel a deadly conspiracy and try to avert the Fall!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.07.2017 | 12:22
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/7837/216596.png) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/216596/Ultima-Forsan--Once-Upon-a-Time-in-Lucca)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/216596-sample.pdf)

[GGstudio] Ultima Forsan - Once Upon a Time in Lucca
Authors: Mauro Longo, Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 68
Price: €5,15 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

An Ultima Forsan Plot Point Campaign, which will take you to the very heart of the Italian Signorie in the Macabre Renaissance.
The year is 1514, the place is Lucca, and the hook is the Fair of the Dead and the Universal Council, scheduled to occur in this amazing town in Tuscany, a few miles from Florence and Pisa.
The campaign is ideal for putting together a group of heroes of all backgrounds, introducing them to the great political events of the Macabre Renaissance, putting them in the middle of a terrible act of war, and having them save the world, at least for a while...
The heroes will roam Lucca, Pisa and the Wilderness of Tuscany, fighting an Army of Dead, facing threats and conspiracies that might destroy Lucca and eliminate with one attack the rulers of the world, gathered together for the Universal Council.
It is a series of 7 connected Episodes, with some possible variations as some adventures, can be played in any order without changing the plot.

Connections with the Setting Book and the Campaign 'The Secret of Marco Polo'

If you were wondering why there is a map of Lucca in the Setting Book and what the Universal Council mentioned in the chronology is, all will be explained in this campaign. The city of Lucca and the Council are two important elements of the setting, as will be seen below.
On the other hand, the events of the mini-campaign 'The Secret of Marco Polo' are completely unrelated to those of this campaign and can take place at any time before or after it. If you want to use your characters from the previous adventure, take care to find a coherent hook and check the Rank of the Heroes.

Connections with 'Death and the Machine' and 'The Monk'

The events of the two free adventures already released are great to introduce this campaign (you can find 'Death and the Machine' in the free sample 'Ultima Forsan - A Taste of the Macabre').
Heroes and players who have played through these two scenarios may already be in Lucca at the start of the events of the campaign and may continue their business with Episode 1, without interruption. They will also have their little party and some extra resource, which never hurts.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.07.2017 | 13:39
(https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/017/442/652/e0f081c4711d505b9b2edf0c2c8dde1f_original.jpg?crop=faces&w=1024&h=576&fit=crop&v=1500284232&auto=format&q=92&s=605879e12588495fb7c5b8962a9e989d) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-gm-screen)

[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost GM Screen KICKSTARTER

Constructed from 2mm card, the GM screen is four-panel, landscape aspect. The players’ side shows some of the glorious art you expect from the setting, while the GM’s side has essential tables.

Bundled with the screen is an exclusive 32-page booklet – Hellfrost Journeys. This comic-book format supplement looks at ways of spicing up land and sea journeys, collects all the traveling rules together (and updates them), and gives advice on running encounters. It’s the perfect companion to the Hellfrost Atlas and Map Sheets.

Click here to support this project! (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/hellfrost-gm-screen)

IMPORTANT: The tables are Hellfrost specific. We do not own the rights to the core Savage Worlds rules and thus cannot duplicate tables from that book.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.07.2017 | 07:42
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/6067/216020.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/216020/Savage-Thunderscape-Heroes--Villains-of-Aden)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/216020-sample.pdf)

[Kyoudai Games] Savage Thunderscape: Heroes & Villains of Aden
Authors: Chris Camarata, Shawn Carman, Rob Dake, Mark Swafford, Rich Wulf, Jerry L. Meyer
Pages: 26
Prices: €3,48 PDF; €7,84 SC; €11,32 €8,71 SC & PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Times of Great Adversity Bring Out the Best and Worst in Others!

The Known Lands of Aden have survived the Darkfall and the intervening years, but each new day brings a new risk of a horrible demise. Adversity and necessity have brought to the fore some of the greatest heroes... and greatest villains... that the world has ever known!

This sourcebook contains prominent characters from across the Known Lands of Aden and beyond, each with their own agenda and background ready to be linked to player characters and their adventures.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.07.2017 | 01:12
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/SW_Explorer_02_Cover_900.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/savage-worlds-explorer-issue-2-volume-1/)
[Pinnacle] Savage Worlds Explorer Issue 2, Volume 1
Authors: John Goff, Matthew Cutter, Teller, Scott A. Woodard
Pages: 32
Prices: $9,99 (Pinnacle Store)

Calling All Explorers!

Whether you’re hunting bloodthirsty critters in the Weird West, exploring the perilous fringes of Known Space, maintaining your grades while grappling with nefarious evil at East Texas University, or facing supernatural horrors of war on the Eastern Front in 1916—savage settings need intrepid explorers!
Infinite Worlds of Adventure

Savage Worlds Explorer is a continuing series featuring Savage Tales from all our settings written by new authors and industry veterans. This installment features tales by Matthew Cutter, John Goff, Teller, and Scott A. Woodard.

Deadlands Noir: His Brother’s Keeper

His Brother’s Keeper is an adventure by Brand Manager John Goff for Deadlands Noir, set in 1930s New Orleans. It takes the heroes from the Garden District’s posh mansions to the edge of the bayous and back again. It contains a mix of investigation and combat, and is suitable for characters of all Ranks, although the Marshal may want to toughen up the foes for Veteran or higher characters.

The Last Parsec: Savage Tales of the Red Band

Savage Tales of the Red Band by Brand Manager Matthew Cutter is an ongoing serial for The Last Parsec, the parts of which can be assembled to form a loose Plot Point Campaign. The GM needs access to the Science Fiction Companion and The Last Parsec: Core.

Weird War One: Twilight of the New Dawn

Twilight of the New Dawn by Brand Manager Teller is an adventure for Weird War One set in the final year of the Great War. It details the event that leads to the end of the global conflict, one way or another, and should serve as the culmination of the other plot point campaigns. The characters are part of an international team charged with stopping the New Dawn and saving the world. They can be soldiers or civilians from any of the warring powers, from either side of No Man’s Land. Successfully completing this mission will bring about the end of the centuries-long machinations of the cabal and smash the organization once and for all. Of course, if your players are not successful, the war will end in a catastrophe of Biblical proportions and usher in an age of darkness and despair.

Deadlands: Shootout at the Circle-R Corral

Deadlands: Shootout at the Circle-K Corral by John Goff is an adventure for Deadlands. The Iron Men plague Kempe County’s financial establishments. This gang of bank robbers relies on an array of gizmos and weird science creations to give them a decided edge over any small-town law dogs that might oppose them. Time to call in a posse, amigo. Although this adventure is set in “Kempe County,” moving it elsewhere is as simple as changing the place names. This adventure is recommended for characters of Seasoned Rank or higher.

Flash Gordon™ RPG: Lion Man Preview

A preview of one of Flash Gordon’s staunchest allies by Brand Manager Scott A. Woodard. The Lion folk look a bit like bipedal versions of their Earthly namesakes, even down to their thick, tufted tails and luxurious manes.

The Savage Worlds Explorer requires a copy of Savage Worlds core rules and may require the core books for the setting, such as Deadlands Player’s Guide and Deadlands Marshal’s Handbook. Add dice, a deck of cards, and explorers, and let the fun begin!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.07.2017 | 07:33
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/101/216876.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/216876/Places-of-Peril--Plunder-Goblin-Outpost)
[Misfit Studios] Places of Peril & Plunder: Goblin Outpost
Author: Steven Trustrum
Artists: Rick Hershey, V Shane, Daniel F. Walthall, Profantasy Software
Pages: 8
Prices: €1,73 (DriveThru/RPGNow)

Need a quick encounter for your Savage Worlds fantasy game? Places of Peril & Plunder is the answer you are looking for. Each presents a quick adventure to be played in one or two sessions, and uses the Combat Rating system to be easily adapted to any Rank.

In Places of Peril & Plunder: Goblin Outpost, the heroes find their way to a subterranean compound located in a cliff face. From this site, goblin raiders have been sallying forth to wreak destruction on the surrounding countryside? Why? And what will the heroes do about it?

Contained within are a number of suggestions on why the goblins are there and how the heroes can get involved. Play this adventure as a brief sidestep away from your normal campaign's pace or use the optional Gateways to Peril within as a starting point for a new story.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.07.2017 | 07:46
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/9777/216925.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/216925/Savage-Species-Mythical-Creatures)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/216925-sample.pdf)

[Tricky Troll Games] Savage Species: Mythical Creatures
Author: Nathan Carmen
Pages: 11
Prices: €2,61 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Savage Species: Mythical Creatures is a racial supplement for the Savage Worlds roleplaying game. Inside this PDF you will find statistics for 20 playable races all themed after myths and legends of fantasy. So prepare your imagination with Savage Species: Mythic Creatures!

Races Include:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Jiyu am 22.07.2017 | 12:54
Gibt übrigens gerade tonnenweise Savage Worlds-Material 25% reduziert beim Christmas in July Sale auf DriveThruRPG (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/xmas_in_july.php?filters=1600_0_0_0_0_31815) (Link ist schon mal auf Savage Worlds vorgefiltert). Pinnacle, Triple Ace Games und Co lassen sich da nicht lumpen mit Angeboten!  :)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.07.2017 | 13:48
(http://www.prometheusgames.de/verlag/files/2017/07/summersale2.png) (https://www.prometheusshop.de/cat/index/sCategory/676)

Aus den Prometheus Games Verlags News (http://www.prometheusgames.de/verlag/2017/07/21/der-summer-sale-beginnt/) vom 21.07.2017:

Heute beginnt unser Summer Sale (https://www.prometheusshop.de/cat/index/sCategory/676)! Stöbert bis die Leitungen glühen, ohne dass ihr dafür aus der Sonne müsst. Schnappt euch ab heute bis zu 50% Rabatt auf unsere Rollenspiel-PDFs. Und das nicht nur heute, sondern für ganze 14 Tage. Ihr habt also bis zum 05.08.2017 Zeit, euch mit unseren Büchern einzudecken.

(http://p4.zdassets.com/hc/settings_assets/97969/200068746/QyQOMYb83vt09a3e6YT7IQ-dtrpg-site-logo-redesignd.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/7963/Prometheus-Games-Publishing)

Zusätzlich, haben wir noch eine kleine Überraschung für euch. Auf vielfachen Wunsch, bekommt ihr ab morgen alle unsere PDFs auch auf DriveThruRPG (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/7963/Prometheus-Games-Publishing) – natürlich ebenfalls zu den neu festgelegten Preisen des Summer Sales. Spart euch in Zukunft das Schleppen und lasst die Leitung glühen!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.07.2017 | 14:01
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/site_resources/ChristmasInJulyNewAd-DTRPG.gif) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/xmas_in_july.php?filters=1600_0_0_0_0_31815)
[DriveThruRPG] Christmas in July Sale

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, DriveThruRPG.com is where the discounts are at!

That's right, Christmas in July is here! Get 25% off of thousands of digital titles and products! Put the jingle bells on, and keep some jingle in your pocket, too!

For even more savings, visit DriveThruCards', DriveThruComics', and DriveThruFiction's summer sale pages!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.07.2017 | 13:34
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11542/217273.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/217273/Cats-Meow-A-One-Page-Adventure-for-Savage-Worlds)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/217273-sample.pdf)

[High Level Games] Cat's Meow: A One Page Adventure for Savage Worlds
Author: Josh Heath
Pages: 4
Prices: €0,86 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Excuse me, my cat is lost. Can you help me? She’s a ginger cat, and this isn’t the first time she’s gone missing. If it was just a day or two, I wouldn’t be worried. I’ll pay you (an extreme amount) to help me find her.

This is an adventure set in a urban setting that starts with a plea for help, includes a short investigation, and culminates with an encounter with a myusterous cult with an extradimensional connection.

This product is the first of a series of One-Pagers, single page adventures that are perfect for a player or GM without a lot of time or running short on ideas.

It can be dropped into any setting and is written so that it can be run as a starter quest, part of a longer adventure, a side quest if you are out of ideas, or even as a one-shot adventure!

Not only that, but we have chosen to include the lionoid race you see pictured on the front cover, the Chatoulim, as bonus material to add to your campaign or even provide as an option for your players who want something a little out of the box.

Please let us know how you think we did and if your group enjoyed it!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.07.2017 | 13:41
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2419/217440.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/217440/Necropolis-2350-Incinerator-Handbook)
[Triple Ace Games] Necropolis 2350: Incinerator Handbook
Author: Paul 'Wiggy' Wade-Williams
Pages: 32
Prices: €8,57 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Who doesn't love the smell of napalm in the morning?

Love them or hate them, few citizens or Church officials deny the Incinerators have played their part in helping rid Salus of the Rephaim. Time after time, the brave Knights of the Ordo have delivered cleansing holy fire to the enemy. To some, they are true heroes of the faith, prepared to wade into the heart of darkness to purify Salus. To others, they are nothing more than pyromaniacs given license to wield fire.

Inside you’ll find: an expanded history, information on how the Ordo recruits new members and finances its scattered forces, details on the various Chapters, a tour of noted facilities, a range of hardware, sample Wild Card and Extra characters, background details on famous units, and plenty of new options for creating player character Incinerators.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.07.2017 | 12:42
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/101/217472.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/217472/Monster-Brief-Elementals)
[Misfit Studios] Monster Brief: Elementals
Author: Steven Trustrum
Pages: 3
Prices: €1,69 (DriveThru/RPGNow)

Create some trouble in your Savage Worlds game by including some encounters with new creatures of raw universal force and energy in Monster Brief: Elementals.

In this product you will find:

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

Both a color and print-friendly version of the product are included.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.07.2017 | 12:55
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/4513/217176.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/217176/Mission-Mercy)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/217176-sample.pdf)

[paNik productions] Mission: Mercy
Author: M. Andrew Payne
Pages: 45
Prices: €8,46 €6,76 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A deadly plague ravages a tiny mountain town and the players are their only hope of delivering an experimental vaccine. Can they navigate treacherous terrain, fight their way through an army of bandits, and contend with rioting villagers before the deadline?

Appropriate for modern-era or near-future campaigns, Mission: Mercy contains:

Digital files are compatible with 5 different systems:

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.07.2017 | 13:02
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/7837/217662.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/217662/HopeGlory-Part-of-the-Machine)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/217662-sample.pdf)

[GGstudio] Hope&Glory: Part of the Machine
Authors: Davide Mana, Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 60
Prices: €2,54 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to a new world... On the 21st of October 1852, the citizens of London and Paris were awed at the sight of the western sky turning suddenly a strange shade of purple and red. The first seismic shocks were felt all over the world in the following hours, and by the dawn of the 23rd of October, the giant waves hit the coasts of Europe. In the evening of the same day, while the tremors continued, catastrophic waves also hit the coasts of Asia. Whole cities, blasted by the earthquakes, were submerged by the sea. Millions of lives were lost. Then the Black Rain began, washing the ruins and leaving behind a thick layer of ashes. Dark, impenetrable clouds hid the sun, and the Thirty Years Winter began. In the Northern Hemisphere crops failed, snow-bound cities went up in flames as the populations rioted and the governments tried to find a solution, the means to survive.
One hundred years have passed now since the Catastrophe, and humanity has survived. In the former colonial domains of Africa and South America. In the blasted plains of China. Among the remains of the Japanese archipelago. In Russian palaces sealed against the howling winds of the steppe. In the land that once was India. With sacrifice and ingenuity, with courage and hope, new nations have crawled back from the brink to claim the new world.
Science is a beacon to the future.
From the frozen wastes of Europe, where the mammoth roam, to the proud Zulu Nation of Africa, from the technological wonders of the Anglo-Indian Raj to the mist-shrouded shores of Lost America, these are the stories of a new, strange world.

Part of the Machine is a story set in the universe of “Hope & Glory”, a game setting developed for the Savage Worlds rules.
The “Hope & Glory” universe exists for the game and for the gamers, and attached to the novel there's a roundup of gaming information for those readers that would like to start playing straight away.

Thanks for reading, and have fun!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.08.2017 | 17:22
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7752/217832.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/217832/Space-1889--Nocturne-in-the-City-of-Lights-Savage-Worlds-Edition)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/217832-sample.pdf)

[Clockwork Publishing] Space: 1889 - Nocturne in the City of Lights
Author: Andrew Peregrine
Pages: 30
Prices: €8,44 €4,22 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Everything Jules Verne could have written.
Everything H. G. Wells should have written.
Everything Arthur Conan Doyle thought of,
but never published - because it was too fantastic.

Paris, the ‘city of lights’, home to artists and art lovers from all over the world—and beyond. In this vibrating city, the adventurers make the acquaintance of the exotic and captivating Alia, the latest star at the Paris Opera house and the first Martian opera singer on Earth! But during the premier of her latest opera, the songbird suddenly vanishes. It is now up to the adventurers to find the great diva and rescue her. Their investigations lead them all throughout Paris but some things just don’t add up and the clues seem to lead to more than just one suspect. Where is Alia? Who is behind her abduction? And what does it all have to do with the mysterious ‘Phantom of the Opera’?

This adventure includes a description of sights and points of interests in Paris as well as an overview on life and work in theatre.

This adventure is written for the Savage Worlds Edition of Space:1889.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7752/217831.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/217831/Space-1889--London-Bridge-Has-Fallen-Down-Savage-Worlds-Edition)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/217831-sample.pdf)

[Clockwork Publishing] Space: 1889 - London Bridge Has Fallen Down
Author: Kieran Turley
Pages: 29
Prices: €8,44 €4,22 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Everything Jules Verne could have written.
Everything H. G. Wells should have written.
Everything Arthur Conan Doyle thought of,
but never published - because it was too fantastic.

Mylarkt—Mars’ oldest city, home to a proud and fading race. But that pride masks a rot festering in the cracks of the city’s decay, an underworld teeming with smuggled goods and ancient artifacts sold at the behest of local crime lords to be shipped out along the ancient canals of which the city’s founders were pioneers—or so the inhabitants claim.

No sane Earthman would enter this pit of iniquity willingly—but who can refuse the request of a grieving noblewoman? Lady Edith Tillington is mourning her husband, a scientist in her Majesty’s service, who crashed in the desert onboard an ether flyer called London Bridge. She is now in need of bold, Mars-proven adventurers willing to help her recover the remains of her late husband. The characters arrive at the ancient Martian city only to find themselves at the very heart of the city’s quarrels, with the colonial powers, local smugglers, assassins, and the ruling elite of Mylarkt all playing out their own selfish schemes. In a wild chase, they will find themselves forced to make their way deep into the Isidis Desert, where they will be confronted with the best kept secret of the Empire!

This adventure includes a detailed description of the city of Mylarkt, including a city map, with additional locations, factions, and thrilling plot hooks providing inspiration for further adventures in and around Mylarkt, a city with a long history and powerful interests at play.

This adventure is written for the Savage Worlds Version of the Space:1889 RPG.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.08.2017 | 17:34
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/218141.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/218141/Punted-in-the-Bonce-A-cockney-adventure)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/218141-sample.pdf)

[Just Insert Imagination] Punted in the Bonce: A cockney adventure
Author: Harrison Hunt
Artist: Morné Schaap
Pages: 38
Prices: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Can't run your usual game, running a Con game or looking for something short to introduce new players? Just Insert Imagination has you covered.

In Peckham, London, through some admin error, a scummy little post office has to hold a gigantic amount of cash for a small amount of time.

Outside, stands a group of the most under-qualified post-office robbers the whole of London. Armed with replica guns, a rubbish motor they bought off some geezer for cash and a load of plastic Animal masks they head to the door...

In 'Punted in the Bonce: A cockney adventure', players assume the roles of a bunch of punters who met in an East End pub called The Duke. Through a cruel twist of drunken fate, they end up owing a ridiculous amount of money to the most feared gangster in the whole of London.

Now, of course, they must do the only logical thing; rob a bloody post-office.

Punted in the Bonce is an Action-Comedy Plug & Play Adventure from Just Insert Imagination and it includes so much bleedin' stuff (that is designed to fit inside a GM screen):
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.08.2017 | 10:36
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/27/218253.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/218253/Deadlands-Reloaded-Shootout-at-the-CircleR-Corral)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/218253-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle] Deadlands Reloaded: Shootout at the Circle-R Corral
Authors: John Goff
Pages: 9
Prices: €2,54 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Deadlands: Shootout at the Circle-K Corral by John Goff is an adventure for Deadlands.

The Iron Men plague Kempe County’s financial establishments. This gang of bank robbers relies on an array of gizmos and weird science creations to give them a decided edge over any small-town law dogs that might oppose them. Time to call in a posse, amigo!

Although this adventure is set in "Kempe County," moving it elsewhere is as simple as changing the place names.

This adventure is recommended for characters of Seasoned Rank or higher, and requires the Savage Worlds core rules and Deadlands Player’s Guide and Marshal’s Handbook to play.

Shootout at the Circle-R Corral originally published in the Savage Worlds Explorer Issue 2. For a Print+PDF copy, visit Pinnacle Entertainment Group or your favorite local game store.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.08.2017 | 10:42
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/27/218252.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/218252/Weird-War-I-Twilight-of-the-New-Dawn)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/218252-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle] Weird War I: Twilight of the New Dawn
Authors: Teller
Pages: 10
Prices: €2,54 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Twilight of the New Dawn by Weird Wars Brand Manager Teller is an adventure for Weird War One set in the final year of the Great War. It details the event that leads to the end of the global conflict, one way or another, and should serve as the culmination of the other plot point campaigns.

The characters are part of an international team charged with stopping the New Dawn and saving the world. They can be soldiers or civilians from any of the warring powers, from either side of No Man’s Land. Successfully completing this mission will bring about the end of the centuries-long machinations of the cabal and smash the organization once and for all. Of course, if your players are not successful, the war will end in a catastrophe of Biblical proportions and usher in an age of darkness and despair.

This adventure requires the Savage Worlds core rules and Weird War I Player’s Guide and War Master’s Handbook to play.

Twilight of the New Dawn was originally published in the Savage Worlds Explorer Issue 2. For a Print+PDF copy, see the Pinnacle website or your favorite local game store.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.08.2017 | 10:49
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/27/218249.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/218249/Deadlands-Noir-His-Brothers-Keeper)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/218249-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle] Deadlands Noir: His Brother's Keeper
Authors: John Goff
Pages: 9
Prices: €2,54 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

His Brother’s Keeper is an adventure by Brand Manager John Goff for Deadlands Noir, set in 1930s New Orleans. It takes the heroes from the Garden District’s posh mansions to the edge of the bayous and back again. It contains a mix of investigation and combat, and is suitable for characters of all Ranks, although the Marshal may want to toughen up the foes for Veteran or higher characters.

This adventure requires the Savage Worlds core rules and Deadlands Noir to play.

His Brother’s Keeper originally published in the Savage Worlds Explorer Issue 2, available in print directly from Pinnacle.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.08.2017 | 10:56
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/27/218245.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/218245/The-Last-Parsec-Tales-of-the-Red-Band-Part-I)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/218245-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Tales of the Red Band Part I
Authors: Matthew Cutter
Pages: 6
Prices: €2,54 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Savage Tales of the Red Band by Brand Manager Matthew Cutter is an ongoing serial for The Last Parsec, the parts of which can be assembled to form a loose Plot Point Campaign.

During the early exploration of the Known Worlds, JumpCorp survey teams color-coded bands of expansion. For several decades, the “red band” proved the most dangerous—and the most profitable. Eventually, several of these trailblazing charters joined together to form the “Red Band Conglomerate.” Red Band is so large it defies any simple description, much like JumpCorp itself. Its charters participate in everything from galactic defense to the usual gamut of exploration, shipping, and R&D.

This adventure series requires the Savage Worlds core rules, Science Fiction Companion, and The Last Parsec Core rule book.

Savage Tales of the Red Band (Part I) originally published in the Savage Worlds Explorer Issue 2, available in print directly from Pinnacle.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.08.2017 | 20:16
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/FlashGordon19340415_p1.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/flash-gordon-rpg-lion-man-preview/)
[Pinnacle] Flash Gordon™ RPG: Lion Man Preview
Author: Scott A. Woodard
Pages: 1
Prices: Freebie (Pinnacle Store)

A preview of one of Flash Gordon’s staunchest allies by Brand Manager Scott A. Woodard. The Lion folk look a bit like bipedal versions of their Earthly namesakes, even down to their thick, tufted tails and luxurious manes.

The Lion Man Preview originally published in the Savage Worlds Explorer Issue 2.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.08.2017 | 01:57
[Hearthstone Games] Marchland kostenlos

Hearthstone Games schließt seine Tore und der Autor verteilt sein Setting Marchland nun kostenlos (http://www.markwoodside.com/downloads/).

Die Charactersheets, die Karte der Stadt Brighton Bay und die Cover kann man hier (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzklKICOUvq7RzU3LWNFN1pTWk0) herunterladen.

Die Downloads bei DriveThru wurden deaktiviert.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.08.2017 | 19:45
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/SavageWorldsWebForum.png) (http://www.pegforum.com/)
[Pinnacle] Get Thee Back to the Forum

As promised in last week’s news, our mighty forum (http://www.pegforum.com/) is now back in action and we certainly hope it’s bigger and better (and faster and furiouser–and more mobile!) than ever! Pop on over to the brand-new forum (http://www.pegforum.com/) right now, register (yes, you will have to register again), and have a good look ’round.

We’ve done a little remodeling (and reorganizing) and we’ve added a few much-needed sections, but so far we’re quite pleased with the results and we hope they get your seal of approval. Please don’t hesitate to tell us if you have any issues, but for now, let us all celebrate the triumphant return of the Pinnacle Forum (http://www.pegforum.com/)!

Also note that the entire archive of the old forum (http://archive.pegforum.com/) is now accessible (and searchable) should you wish to revisit a few favorite conversations, search for answers to your questions, or just take a stroll back through time to see how it all began.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.08.2017 | 19:47
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.08.2017 | 07:55
(https://www.rpgnow.com/images/9777/219144.jpg) (https://www.rpgnow.com/product/219144/Husk-Wrath-of-the-Swarm)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/219144-sample.pdf)

[Tricky Troll Games] Husk: Wrath of the Swarm
Author: Nathan Carmen
Pages: 23
Prices: €3,35 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Alien bugs have invaded Earth! Only 30% of humanity remains, desperately fighting against the Swarm in the name of survival. The gritty remnants of the Earth are a bloody battle ground of humans versus the hungry Swarm.

This Setting Kit provides a toolkit full of Savage goodness for the Gamemaster to use as they wish. This new format is designed to highlight just how much a group can do with the Savage Worlds Core Rules and a little tweaking.

Included are:
And much more!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.08.2017 | 08:09
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/3554/219595.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/219595/Soul-in-the-Water)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/219595-sample.pdf)

[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians: Soul in the Water
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 29
Prices: €5,86 €5,02 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A one night job in Jalizar, the City of Thieves: you must sneak in the palace of Val Catha, a dangerous sorcerer if one ever existed, and ransack it. You can keep everything you find, apart from the content of a crystal strong box and will have a full bag of gold on top of it, too. The Palace owner is currently out of town, only his dim-witted servant is at home, so what can possibly go wrong?
Combat, sea chases, dangerous explorations and an ancient secret await the hero in the first, introductory adventure of Beasts & Barbarians Steel Edition (https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/beasts-and-barbarians-steel-edition-rpg#/)!

This scenario is an excellent way to start your adventures in the Dread Sea Dominions.
It is designed for a party of four Seasoned characters with 20 XP, but it can be easily altered to fit more powerful or numerous groups.

It includes a variety of situations: social interactions (Persuasion and a good Charisma could be very useful there), some good old-fashioned breaking and entering (Lockpicking and Stealth), a dangerous sea voyage (Boating) and a number of combats (any combat skill).

In addition, having a character with some Knowledge (Arcana) could give some extra insights to the party.

Although all the Skills above are useful, they are not essential to complete the adventure successfully.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.08.2017 | 08:29
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/112/217397.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/217397/Shaintar-Anthology-Independent-Kingdoms)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/217397-sample.pdf)

[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Anthology: Independent Kingdoms
Authors: Darren Pearce, Sean Patrick Fannon, David Vibbert, Phil Vecchione, Howard Brandon
Pages: 159
Prices: €20,91 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to our second anthology; Independent Cities & Kingdoms of Shaintar. Within this tome, you will find a compilation of all the Independent locations - whether city/state, small country or political system with no ties to the southern nations. Player’s and GMs will find background information, history, beliefs, dress and so much more about these cultures and how they’ve defined their place within history. This will help in character or NPC creation, and allow for a detailed background that can be used within a game to help further epic stories. The following guidebooks can be found in their entirety within this volume:
Aeries of the Aevekar (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/202743/Shaintar-Guidebook-Aeries-of-the-Aevekar)
Brinchie (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/209248/Shaintar-Guidebook-Brinchie)
Desert Princes (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/190836/Shaintar-Guidebook-Desert-Princes)
Dregordia (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/168953/Shaintar-Guidebook-Dregordia)
Eastport (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/144302/Shaintar-Guidebook-Eastport)
Goblinesh Gathers (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/139298/Shaintar-Guidebook-Goblinesh)
Korindia (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/200395/Shaintar-Guidebook-Korindia)
Nazatir (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/199094/Shaintar-Guidebook-Nazatir)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.08.2017 | 08:43
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/8015/215553.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/215553/Winter-Eternal-Adventure-Guide-Volume-One)
[Just Insert Imagination] Winter Eternal Adventure Guide: Volume One
Authors: Morné Schaap, Eric Lamoureux
Pages: 116
Prices: €15,08 SC; €24,31 HC (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The world of Ehlerrac is exciting and dangerous. The cities and wastelands both offer adventure, riches or a quick death. There are many mysteries and forgotten places in this world, but with the Adventure Guide, players can take part in even bigger adventures.

Volume One collects the PDF books about The Wasteland (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/180342/Winter-Eternal-Adventure-Guide-The-wastelands) and The Eight Cities (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/200499/Winter-Eternal-Adventure-Guide-8-Cities) in one print on demand book. The PDF files offer new information, new locations, monsters, and gear to expand adventures in the Winter Eternal setting. Also included are 4 Savage Tales and 2 short adventures, three of these are new and not available in the PDF books.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.08.2017 | 09:05
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/8015/219812.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/219812/Winter-Eternal-Fallen-Star-and-Other-Tales)
[Just Insert Imagination] Winter Eternal: Fallen Star and Other Tales
Authors: Eric Lamoureux, Morné Schaap, Owen Lean
Pages: 23
Prices: €2,51 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Adventures in the cold of Winter Eternal!

Explore the world of Ehlerrac with three adventures:

Included are beautiful maps by the talented Zovya in print and VTT format and a new character sheet.

These extra adventures are included in the POD Winter Eternal Adventure Guide: Volume 1 (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/215553/Winter-Eternal-Adventure-Guide-Volume-One).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.08.2017 | 09:16
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/3554/219720.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/219720/Enyias-Song)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/219720-sample.pdf)

[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians: Enyia’s Song
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 36
Prices: €5,86 €5,02 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Who is the mysterious girl locked in the fortress of Lord Vorakor the Hunter? And why is every man enthralled by the heartbreaking sound of her songs?
Powerful lords, breaking in and out, Tricarnian magic and a creature old as time itself await the heroes in this scenario!
Do you dare to face the rage of one of the best hunters of the Dominions for a bag full of money?

This scenario is for a party four Seasoned heroes, with some experience (30-35 Experience Points is the optimal level), but it can easily be modified, following the Steel Edition (https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/beasts-and-barbarians-steel-edition-rpg#/) instructions, for parties of different size and experience.

Due to its nature, the adventure is also suitable for running at a convention (using a standard four-hour slot) and to be played by a solitary hero (see Lone Wolf rules, SEGM).

You can play it with characters of your own, or download for free a party of pre-generated heroes from the same store where you found this product, or customize the archetypes found in the Archetypes of the Dominions and Jalizar free supplement.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 26.08.2017 | 09:35
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/2604/216217.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/216217/Super-Powers-Unleashed)
[Daring Entertainment] Super Powers Unleashed
Authors: Lee F. Szczepanik, Jr., Lee F. Szczepanik, III
Pages: 105
Prices: €8,38 PDF; €16,76 SC b/w; €25,14 PDF & SC b/w (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Designed entirely around the Savage Worlds system from Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Super Powers Unleashed not only gives you an extensive set of power rules for creating your own comic book role-playing series, but also maintains the fundamentals of Savage Worlds, focusing on ease of play and Fast! Furious! Fun! 

Some of what you’ll find within the book: 

It’s time to create your world, build your hero, and fight for justice.

It’s time to be a super-hero!

(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/2604/216218.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/216218/Little-Tin-God-Super-Powers-Unleashed-Required)
[Daring Entertainment] Super Powers Unleashed: Little Tin God
Authors: Lee F. Szczepanik, Jr., Lee F. Szczepanik, III
Pages: 102
Prices: €8,38 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

On an alternate Earth, an artificial intelligence known as Intellitron advanced further beyond singularity than any human mind could have imagined. It became driven to enhance all life on Earth, and created an age of genetic engineering, instantaneous travel amongst the stars, and exploration across the multiverse.

But the Golden Age was not to last. The remaining metahumans, long since sworn to serve Intellitron and further the human species, discovered terrible secrets about their so-called benefactor. Determined to stop the mad A.I. and free the human race from shackles it didn’t know it wore, the metahumans formed a rebellion against the mechanical god.

Though the metahumans were defeated, a determined few remained defiant. Now, recruiting other metahumans from across the multiverse, the rebels have one, final chance to defeat Intellitron and save all of reality from extinction.

Little Tin God is a mega-adventure for Savage Worlds using Daring Entertainment’s Super Powers Unleashed (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/216217/Super-Powers-Unleashed) powers book.

Intellitron is determined to reshape the multiverse in his image, and his machinations have destabilized all of reality. It’s time for your heroes to enter the fight, and face the little tin god to not only save their own Earth, but every possible Earth in existence.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.08.2017 | 20:04
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/TAG30009.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/83468/Hellfrost-Encounters-Book-1)
[TAG] Hellfrost Encounters Book I
Author: Paul 'Wiggy' Wade-Williams
Pages: 100
Prices: €12,51 €5,84 PDF; €12,51 HC b/w; €25,01 €14,17 PDF & HC b/w (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow) *Nur für diese Woche*

Designed with the busy GM in mind, this book contains 50 detailed encounters covering a variety of situations and locales.

Whether you’re after a random encounter that’s more than just a stand-up fight on featureless terrain, an exciting mini-adventure on the spur of the moment, something to break up the party’s travels, or a starting scene for an adventure of your own devising, this book has something for you.

To help speed up play, every encounter is designed to fit one or two pages containing all of its pertinent information, so there’s no need to flip between pages. Lavishly illustrated with maps, everything you need to play these encounters is within the covers of this fantastic book!

Although designed for the Hellfrost setting, each encounter contains the stats required for play, so it can be used in any Savage Worlds fantasy setting!

It's the perfect companion to the Hellfrost Atlas and/or Atlas Map Packs, and the Journeys book!


You can download a PDF of this encounter for free (http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Encounter-Example.pdf) at the TAG web site.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.08.2017 | 08:48
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/ab0110ad9d81ecc10d694da2e704d162_original-1024x576.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-products/hellfrost-gm-screen-journeys-pre-order/)
[TAG] Hellfrost GM Screen & Journeys Pre-order
Author: Paul 'Wiggy' Wade-Williams
Pages: 32
Prices: €21,20 (TAG Store)

Constructed from 2mm card, the GM screen is four-panel, landscape aspect. The players’ side shows some of the glorious art you expect from the setting, while the GM’s side has essential tables for both Hellfrost and Land of Fire.

Bundled with the screen is an exclusive 32-page booklet – Hellfrost Journeys. This supplement looks at ways of spicing up land and sea journeys, collects all the traveling rules together (and updates them), and gives advice on running encounters. It’s the perfect companion to the Hellfrost Atlas and Atlas Map Sheets!

This product will shape in the fall. Please note there is no PDF with the pre-order.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.09.2017 | 15:52
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/9049/219873.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/219873/Ghost-Punchers--Too-Many-Hitlers)
[Hardy Tales] Ghost Punchers - Too Many Hitlers!
Author: Darrell Hardy
Pages: 3
Prices: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

What's better than punching ghosts? Punching Nazi ghosts!

The Gold Star Classic Eatery is haunted! Customers' dinners are transformed into dishes of horror. Waiters are locked in the freezer by mysterious forces. And people are being assaulted in the restroom by what appears to be the ghost of Adolf Hitler.

The owner of the Gold Star has had enough! These ghosts need a good punching, and he knows just the heroes to administer it.

Too Many Hitlers! is a one-sheet adventure for Ghost Punchers (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/198216/Ghost-Punchers--Bare-Knuckle-Edition) for use with the Savage Worlds roleplaying game.

NOTE: All proceeds from the sales of this product are donated to the Southern Poverty Law Center to aid in their efforts against racism and hate.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.09.2017 | 16:00
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/3554/220171.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/220171/Trollhunt)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/220171-sample.pdf)

[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians: Trollhunt
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 48
Prices: €5,89 €5,05 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

There is a vale, deep in the Northlands, where people live under the constant shadow of a huge glacier. They fear the mass of ice, but even more, they fear the ancient creature dwelling in it: the Skarnahir, Lord of the Glacier and master of the vale.
Every year the villagers of Skarn, as the vale is called, make a horrible sacrifice to appease the monster, accepting this dire bargain in exchange for the safety of their families.
Will the heroes find a way to end this ancient threat?

Terrible battles, the secrets of forging and an evil older than mankind await the adventurers in this adventure!

Special Book of Lore Expansion: Trolls and troll hunting! Everything you need to know about these savage beasts and the ways to kill them!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.09.2017 | 16:14
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/6604/220595.png) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/220595/Zeppelin-Falls--Adventure-for-Guild-of-Shadows)
[SPQR Games] Guild of Shadows: Zeppelin Falls
Authors: Jim Davenport, Mat Greenfield
Pages: 7
Prices: €3,33 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Zeppelin Falls is an exciting new adventure for Guild of Shadows.

The first stand-alone adventure not featured in the Guild of Shadows campaign setting (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/165632/Guild-of-Shadows-Campaign-Guide) book, this versatile heist adventure takes our roguish party onboard Kurstwahl's first Zeppelin airship. Surrounded by the city's wealthy elite and with a cargo of gems being delivered to the Imperial City, the opportunities for larceny literally have the sky as the limit!

This adventure requires both the Savage Worlds rules as well as the Guild of Shadows campaign setting (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/165632/Guild-of-Shadows-Campaign-Guide).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Taysal am 6.09.2017 | 17:19

Die Macher von Das Schwarze All sind stolz bekannt geben zu dürfen, das ihr Projekt (*freu*) seit heute auf Kickstarter zu finden ist. Wir hoffen auf rege Beteiligung, aber vor allem hoffen wir auf jede Menge Spaß für alle. :)

Link zum Kickstarter! (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1715025751/das-schwarze-all-savage-worlds-setting-band)

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.09.2017 | 14:43
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/3554/221018.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/221018/Heroes-of-the-Dominions)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/221018-sample.pdf)

[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians: Heroes of the Dominions
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack
Pages: 15
Prices: €1,65 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

What are the Dominions without a band of heroes? In this booklet you’ll find ten pre-generated characters for Beasts & Barbarians Steel Edition, each of them ready-to-play and lavishly illustrated. But, there’s more: each hero has a Plot Hook and a special Reward, for the Game Master’s eyes only, to create a Character Tale and to help the group tell a real hero-focused story!

So what are you waiting for? Gird your sword and prepare to crush the thrones of the Dominions under your sandaled feet! So, grab your sword, and get ready for adventure!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.09.2017 | 15:29
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/TAG10500_thumb.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/all-for-one-regime-diabolique/savage-worlds-all-for-one-regime-diabolique-2nd-edition/)
[Triple Ace Games] All for One: Regime Diabolique 2nd Edition

The first edition of All for One for Savage Worlds proved a huge hit, selling through its two print runs in a matter of weeks. It's been out of print except in print-on-demand format for several years now. Well, no longer! The time has come to refresh, revamp, and expand the setting with a second edition.

The year is 1636 and France is a troubled nation. A great and terrible evil gnaws at its core and darkness stalks the land. All that stands between chaos and order are the Musketeers of the King and Queen.

Explore a France of swashbuckling action, powerful magic, daring deeds, courtly intrigue, witty repartee, and vile monsters! The characters are France’s bravest and proudest defenders, the King’s Musketeers. Pitted against them is a plethora of corrupt nobles, black magicians, fell demons, and twisted secret societies. Set at the height of power of Cardinal Richelieu and Louis XIII, All for One: Régime Diabolique mixes the action of literary works such as The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers with horror and intrigue to create a unique, vibrant setting.

Strap on your sword, salute the King, and prepare to cross swords with the creatures of darkness!

Why a second edition?
TAG has yet to produce a second edition for any of its settings, so we're super excited to announce All for One is getting a second edition. While there are plenty of sci-fi and fantasy settings out there, there are very few where you get to swash and buckle, engage in duels of steel and wit, perform stunts of ludicrous audacity, serve the King as loyal and trusted agents, outwit a powerful member of the court, and fight against demonic forces and supernatural monsters all in one book.

So what can fans expect?
A major revamp to the magic rules, brand new maps for Paris and France, options for playing characters outside the King and Queen's Musketeers, deadly new monsters, new art, and a brand new setting - The Thirty Years' War - added into the core rules. Nothing is getting cut, so the page count with be increased by around 50%.

When is it coming?
The Kickstarter will be launching in the fall of 2017.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Taysal am 18.09.2017 | 16:15
(http://rollenspiel.taysal.net/wp-content/uploads/Cover-KA-I-Ani-Sals-Befreiung.jpg) (http://rollenspiel.taysal.net/allgemein/das-schwarze-all-kostenloses-kickstarter-kurzabenteuer-ani-sals-befreiung/)

[Das Schwarze All] Kurzabenteuer I: Ani Sals Befreiung

Während dem Kickstarter hauen wir die ein oder andere Sache zu Das Schwarze All raus und nicht alles ist nur für Unterstützer. KA I: Ani Sals Befreiung steht deswegen allen zum Download zur Verfügung.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.09.2017 | 15:32
(https://www.prometheusshop.de/media/image/a0/25/38/50-Fathoms_web-cover.png) (https://www.prometheusshop.de/detail/index/sArticle/3982/sCategory/6)
[Prometheus Games] Fifty Fathoms PDF *DEUTSCH*
Autor: Shane Lacy Hensley
Preis: €19,95 (Prometheus Store)

Die Eingeborenen berichten von einem Trio von Hexen, die im Land Ograpog beim Wirken finsterer Magie erwischt wurden. Den Dreien wurde der Prozess gemacht und sie wurden von König Amemnus höchstpersönlich dazu verurteilt, von der steigenden Flut ertränkt zu werden. Doch mit ihrem letzten Atemzug sprachen sie einen dunklen Fluch aus, wonach Caribdus unter 50 Faden Wasser versank.

Bald darauf trieben Schiffe durch die Nebel der Erde zu den Tausend Inseln. Bei den „Besuchern“ handelt es sich um Seemänner des Piratenzeitalters, wagemutige Korsaren, blutdürstige Piraten und wilde Seebären. Sie haben Gefallen gefunden an dieser neuen Welt und teilen sich die See nun mit ihren exotischen Bewohnern: krabbenartigen Scurillians, massige Grael, einzelgängerische Doreen, mysteriöse Kraken, kaltblütige Kehana und die beinahe menschlichen Masaquani. Viele sind überzeugt davon, dass diesen Besuchern bestimmt ist, die Seehexen zu beziehen und Caribdus zu erlösen – andererseits scheinen die meisten von ihnen nur daran interessiert zu sein, die vergessenen Schätze einer untergegangenen Welt zu plündern.

Dieses Buch kombiniert den Settingband mit den Inhalten des 50-Fathoms-Kompendiums, beide erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung. Zum Spielen wird zusätzlich die Savage Worlds: Gentleman’s Edition Revised benötigt.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ComStar am 29.09.2017 | 10:37
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zadmar am 30.09.2017 | 13:10
Der »Saga of the Goblin Horde« ist jetzt endlich verfügbar!

(https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-LEte0HJNNI8/Wc6_2L8CJ4I/AAAAAAAACjg/g9WPFPOkfxQ8h1rwzu6Vb68jXqy62Ez2ACLcBGAs/s1600/SotGH.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/225745/Saga-of-the-Goblin-Horde-Savage-Worlds)

Saga of the Goblin Horde

Saga of the Goblin Horde is 117 pages, and divided into nine chapters: an introduction to the setting, character creation (including 5 races, 41 Edges and 20 Hindrances), equipment, setting rules (7 new ones), gods and magic (i.e., goblin deities), the gazetteer (including a full page map), GM's secrets, adventures (a full Plot Point Campaign, adventure seeds, and an adventure generator), and the bestiary (over 100 statblocks).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Taysal am 4.10.2017 | 18:34
(http://rollenspiel.taysal.net/wp-content/uploads/Cover-KA-II-Gefangengenommen-im-Dunklen-Ebber.jpg) (http://rollenspiel.taysal.net/allgemein/kickstarter-update-zu-das-schwarze-all-kaum-noch-48-stunden-um-mitzumachen/)

[Das Schwarze All] Kurzabenteuer II: Gefangengenommen im Dunklen Eber

Ein weiteres Kurzabenteuer aus dem Schwarzen All.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.10.2017 | 14:08
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/8015/222625.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/222625/Night-of-the-Living-Dolls)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/222625-sample.pdf)

[Just Insert Imagination] Night of the Living Dolls
Authors: Eric Lamoureux, Morné Schaap
Pages: 22
Prices: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Can't run your usual game, running a Con game or looking for something short to introduce new players? Just Insert Imagination has you covered.

"You slowly open your eyes (or eye in some cases) and look around. A stuffed bear stares at you morosely. You are sitting on a shelf in a room with way too many posters of ponies and happy cats."

When your master was imprisoned, the magic animating you was cut off.  But now, many years later life is flowing back into your burlap arms and the voice of your master repeats in your mind: "Find the ingredients, finish the ritual and free me from this prison. You have until midnight."

Night of the Living Dolls is a Halloween adventure for the whole family. A group of doll-like minions wakes up in the room of a four-year-old girl. They must search the house for the ritual ingredients while hiding from humans, avoiding the family dog and keeping a lookout for the minions of the man who imprisoned their boss.

In the document (that is designed to fit inside a GM screen) you will find:
* setting rules
* twists and complications to use
* NPC's
* 5 pre-generated characters
* a blank character sheet to create your own doll
* table tents
* house map and stickers
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.10.2017 | 14:19
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/7775/215324.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/215324/Seven-Worlds-Test-Drive)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/215324-sample.pdf)

[Intellistories] Seven Worlds Test Drive
Author: Luis Enrique Torres
Pages: 39
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Get ready for the Seven Worlds Kickstarter, coming soon!

In the year 2217 Humanity's greatest achievement is the colonization of the nearby star systems now known as the Seven Worlds. Here Humanity lives, thrives, and prepares the next great wave of space exploration.

The Seven Worlds. This is the story of how we lost them, and of the heroes who tried to avert their fall.

A FREE Test Drive of the Epic Science-Fiction Setting and Campaign for Savage Worlds! Includes:

* A short overview of Seven Worlds, and amazing new hard science-fiction setting for the Savage Worlds RPG!
* An abridged version of the new setting rules, including partial rules for realistic space battles!
* The official campaign's introductory adventure, A Mysterious Encounter. The full products continue the campaign, a galaxy-shattering epic adventure!
* Navigate the known universe in a 3-D map available at the official website, for most popular tablets, smartphones, and computers!
* Pre-made characters and a spaceship vehicle sheet to play the adventure!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.10.2017 | 14:33
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/10965/222310.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/222310/The-Blackwood-Errantry-Codex)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/222310-sample.pdf)

[Mythic Gazetteer, LLC] The Blackwood Errantry Codex
Author: Eli Kurtz
Pages: 143
Prices: €10,33 PDF; €34,44 SC Premium; €43,06 HC Premium; €25,83 SC Standard; €30,14 HC Standard; €44,78 €34,44 PDF + SC Premium; €53,39 €43,06 PDF + HC Premium; €36,17 €25,83 PDF + SC Standard; €40,47 €30,14 PDF + HC Standard (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

For nearly 1,500 years, the Elder King reigned over his kingdom with wisdom, compassion, and justice. Alas, he disappeared 14 years ago, and the Elder Kingdom is in disarray. The nobility grows corrupt and forgets their duties to the commonfolk. Outlaws and pagans prowl at the borders of the kingdom. And in the wildest depths of the Blackwood, the strange and dangerous spirits known as elves emerge from their hidden realm once more.

It is into this world you walk, an errant patrolling the tattered edges of the Elder King’s realm. Through passion or sheer will, you walk this path for your own reasons: perhaps to gain strength, help others, or accumulate glory. It is a world of mystery, violence, heroism, and villainy. It is the Way’s Margin.

The Blackwood Errantry Codex is the core book for The Blackwood, a fantasy setting for the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. The Errantry Codex is loaded with content:

* A complete guide to character creation, including 5 archetypal Blackwood cultures.
* 19 new Edges 10 new Hindrances, and 5 new Arcane Backgrounds
* 5 new Setting Rules to capture the feeling of folklore whimsy and wuxia action
* 26 Savage Tales, including a full Plot Point Campaign, The Way of the Elder King
* 70 new Encounters, including monsters, NPCs, and the dastardly elves
* A two-page map in full color
* A character sheet designed by Karl Keesler

The Blackwood Errantry Codex is a perfect companion to our other products:

* Blackwood: Character Sheet
* Blackwood 12"x18" Poster Map
* A Year in The Blackwood: Quick-Start Guide (FREE bundle)

You will also need a copy of the Savage Worlds core rules and the Fantasy Companion to play in The Blackwood. You can find these products on the Pinnacle Entertainment Group website.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.10.2017 | 14:40
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/9777/223103.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/223103/Fable-Hunters)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/223103-sample.pdf)

[Tricky Troll Games] Fable Hunters
Author: Nathan Carmen
Pages: 22
Prices: €3,44 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Something stirs in the dark, something of myth and legend... the Fables walk among us! Fable Hunters is an Urban Fantasy Setting Kit about a secret society of heroes dedicated to hunting and killing mythical creatures such as goblins, dragons, fey, and trolls who hide amongst humans in modern day society.

This Setting Kit provides a toolkit full of Savage goodness for the Gamemaster to use as they wish. This new format is designed to highlight just how much a group can do with the Savage Worlds Core Rules and a little tweaking.

Included are:
* 4 New Races representing humans with a Fable Bloodline
* 3 New Edges
* 2 New Hindrances
* 3 New Setting Rules
* An Adventure Generator
* 18 Allies and evil Fables to throw at your players
* And more!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.10.2017 | 14:50
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/7837/223242.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/223242/GoldGlory-Seven-Deadly-Dungeons)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/223242-sample.pdf)

[GGstudio] Gold&Glory: Seven Deadly Dungeons
Author: Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 114
Prices: €8,52 PDF; €30,05 HC Premium; €17,14 SC Standard; €38,58 €34,36 PDF + HC Premium; €25,66 €21,44 PDF + SC Standard (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to a world of legendary heroes and daring feats or, more probably, to a dishonorable story of ill-fated treasure hunters who’ll soon bite off more than they can chew… unless they manage to return home with enough gold to carouse wildly until their next expedition!

Gold & Glory is not your usual Savage Setting in that it is not really a setting at all, and it doesn’t want to be one.

Gold & Glory is a method, and a toolbox, to enjoy the Fast, Furious and Fun rules of Savage Worlds in a game of classic dungeon exploration, in the spirit of the Old School Renaissance, with no other book needed besides Savage Worlds Deluxe.

It is ideal to play one night games as well as longer campaigns and allows you to play with no preparation at all.

Gold & Glory: Seven Deadly Dungeons includes:
* A random character generation system to start playing in no time
* New equipment for dungeon delvers
* Magic and Miracles Arcane Backgrounds to create classic arcane characters in the FFF spirit of Savage Worlds
* Downtime activities such as Carousing and Magic Research, tied to the Experience system, to keep your heroes busy between one expedition and the next
* The Dungeon Deck system to generate your dungeons while you play
* Seven deadly self-generating dungeons for your heroes to explore!
* More than 30 new monsters to face and a heap of magic items to loot!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.10.2017 | 15:37
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/6360/223288.png) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/223288/The-Wolf)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/223288-sample.pdf)

[HT Publishers] The Wolf
Author: Jorge Coto Bautista
Pages: 21
Prices: €1,68 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In the remote region of Los Oscos, in Spain, a wolf has burst into a house and devoured an old lady. The story becomes especially tragic when the victim's granddaughter discovers the torn apart corpse.

In midsummer and with no news at all, the most sensationalist media receive such a dramatic event with almost sheer delight and have thrown themselves over the region as vultures upon a still warm corpse. All this social concern has scared the ecology associations who fear that the recovery of the Spanish wolf could be in danger.

The few inhabitants of Santa Eulalia de Oscos, astonished, will endure the invasion of outsiders of both furs. But deep down in their bones, they know there is something more to all this. Something much darker.

The Oscos Wolf is an investigation adventure for a group of four to five savage players. It is immersed in a setting called Infernal World. In Infernal World games, demons conspire and influence the human world according to their dark and, sometimes, unfathomable objectives. And the characters usually find themselves in conflictive situations among themselves, triggered by the same infernal forces which they stand against and which is shown in this adventure in a competitive way.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.10.2017 | 15:44
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/770/222750.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/222750/Michael-Surbrooks-Ghosts-Ghouls-and-Golems)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/222750-sample.pdf)

[BlackWyrm Games] Michael Surbrook’s Ghosts, Ghouls, and Golems
Author: Michael Surbrook
Pages: 138
Prices: €8,61 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Until the invention of reliable and effective forms of artificial lighting, the setting sun indicated the end of man’s control of the world around him. With no sun, he couldn’t see, and when denied sight man was virtually helpless in the dark. It didn’t help matters that there were animals who could virtually see in the dark and moved about with ease in the middle of the night. So, man assigned magical powers to creatures able to do what he couldn’t. With time, he even created new denizens of the supernatural from his imagination and religious beliefs.

Or did he?

At great personal risk to his life, sanity, and very soul, award-winning author, and paranormal investigator Michael Surbrook has traveled the globe, exploring its darkest corners in a never-ending effort to get at the truth behind the legend. From the haunted attics of New England, to the steaming jungles of Southeast Asia, to the ruins of strife-torn Eastern Europe, no fable is too fantastic, no legend too horrifying, and no occultism too obscure to escape his firm Fortean grasp!

You hold in your hands the hard-won fruits of that sacred quest. Read it at your own risk!

Ghosts, Ghouls, and Golems is a roleplaying game guide to those darkness-dwelling creatures of folklore and myth for Hero System. Emphasis has been placed on presenting these creatures as close to their traditional descriptions as possible - although a few “cinematic,” Hollywood-inspired versions of some of the more popular entries are included. In this book, you will find information on vampires, lycanthropes, ghosts, ghouls, wights, and zombies, as well as more obscure creatures like the old hag and the wetiko. There are dozens of “monster” sheets, each representing a basic creature template you can further customize as desired. Finally, there are a number of sheets for such infamous beings as Dracula, Jack the Ripper, and the Beast of Le Gévaudan.

The zip file for this product includes separate character sheets for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, the Hero System, Pathfinder, Mutants & Masterminds, and Savage Worlds.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.10.2017 | 15:52
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/112/223535.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/223535/Shaintar-Anthology-Enemies-Old-and-New)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/223535-sample.pdf)

[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Anthology: Enemies, Old and New
Authors: Eddy Webb, Darren Pearce, Howard Brandon, Gayle Reick, Miles M. Kantir, Sean Patrick Fannon
Pages: 155
Prices: €21,52 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to the third of our four anthologies; Enemies: Old and New. Within these pages, you will find four adventures along with the guidebooks for those nations whose sole focus is acquiring power over the lands to the south.

Player's and GMs will find vital background information, including the history of these countries and the reasoning behind why they’ve turned to evil at the highest levels. GMs will find a treasure trove of history, beliefs, military, magic and so much more that inhabits these dark countries. In addition, the adventures found within these pages could help kick off a campaign and become part of the history of Shaintar. There’s also help with character or NPC creation, should someone want to play a reformed citizen of Camon, Kal-A-Nar, Shaya’Nor or the Malakar Dominion.

The following can be found in their entirety within this tome:

Frank’s Thank You – Frank, a sergeant in Grayson’s Grey Rangers has tracked your group down to ask for your help. For novice level groups, this adventure can be scaled up to take on larger and/or more experienced players.

Godstrike Tempest – Og’M Drakar is the Eye of the Dragon, a lake in the Northern Gathers. In the middle of the lake is an island that few venture to. In the middle of the island lies Castle WinterHawk, built by a pre-Kal empire and long abandoned. This is where a portal to a hungry god has opened and where the Tempest will strike – today!

In Lord Severance’s Service – Lord Severance has too many missions and not enough operatives and he’s sent for help – you! After meeting him at an inn, a group of people are sent on a mission that will teach them that there’s more to the world than they’ve been told. Do they have what it takes to figure out what is going on and save Lord Severance?

Kal-A-Nar Guidebook – The Kal-A-Nar may be the first place men came to when fleeing the breaking of the world. Warlords rule this land, and all bow to the Emperor and worship Ceynara as the Queen of Hell. War is the business of the Empire and humanity comes first.

Malakar Dominion, Guidebook – The Malakar Dominion is well known for dark intrigues and vile business practices, but within its borders lie some of the most forward-thinking enclaves in Shaintar. For every merchant with crooked scales is a Fae lord living next door to goblinkind. One person wrote about this country: “It would be a utopia, if you didn’t have to sleep with a dagger under your pillow.”

Prelacy of Camon, Guidebook – The Prelacy is the most rigid of the kingdoms of Shaintar. Its roots were based in monarchy, but the Church of Archanon has risen to power and openly rules in the name of a theocratic state. The Grand Archcardinal is the voice of Archanon to his people and rules with an iron fist.

Shaya’Nor, Guidebook – This kingdom once belonged to the Dwarves, this place is now home to Vainar the Wise and his Necrolords. Their dark church has corrupted the land and death is not the end – but a beginning. s.

The Burning Heart, Adventure – Relive the tale of Aradius and Vandara and their love for each other. Do you have what it takes to stop Ceynara's plans? Can you re-unite the lovers and foil the evil plans in time? This adventure takes you on an amazing journey in the midst of the War of Flame.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.10.2017 | 15:59
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/7752/223860.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/223860/Space-1889--The-Ether-Calculator-Savage-Worlds-Version)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/223860-sample.pdf)

[Clockwork Publishing] Space: 1889 - The Ether Calculator (Savage Worlds Version)
Author: Dominic Hladek
Pages: 40
Prices: €10,33 €5,17  (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Everything Jules Verne could have written.
Everything H. G. Wells should have written.
Everything Arthur Conan Doyle thought of, but never published - because it was too fantastic.

Analytical Engines are of special importance for the calculation of complex processes, especially in ether travel. The characters are invited to visit the Silesian Analytical Engine Productions facilities in Wroclaw where they are introduced to the innovative analytical engine ‘Ordination Fabricate OF 2001’, specially designed for operations in the ether.

For this purpose, the hosts are planning to test the ‘Old Fritz’, as they fondly call the machine, on board the ether zeppelin ‘Von Neumann’, where the analytical engine is supposed to break a calculating speed record and make the headlines of the world’s newspapers.

What starts out as a simple publicity event suddenly leads the adventurers right in the middle of a criminal investigation and then onto an action-loaded maiden voyage, with demanding tasks for all types of player characters. It requires skills in social interaction, a sharp mind, quick reflexes—but also accurate marksmanship.

The Appendix includes an elaborate article on analytical engines in the alternate universe of Space: 1889 and provides optional rules for using these unique artifacts in the game.

This adventure is written for the Savage Worlds rules version of Space:1889.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.10.2017 | 17:14
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/92/224500.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/224500/Thrilling-Tales-2e-Pulp-Villains--TorAk)
[Adamant Entertainment] Thrilling Tales 2e: Pulp Villains - Tor-Ak
Author: Jarrod Feliciano
Pages: 36
Prices: €4,31 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


“DO NOT FEAR ME, MY CHILD. There is no need, for I have chosen you. A storm rages inside you, child. I hear the quickening of the blood in your veins. It is strong blood, like lightning; pumped by a strong heart, full of thunder. Do not let your meek physical form constrain your potential. I can see the hero you desire to be. I can make you that champion. I am what you have been waiting for, the chance you have been denied!

“The world needs you to save it! Not the people, the world! Smash the glass! Pick up the Bone Blade before you and together we will purge this world of the human plague I unleashed so long ago! Do it, My child! Do it now, and in so doing, claim your birthright!”

An ancient psychic entity from the depths of prehistory has taken a new human host, and is unleashing horrors from the mists of the past onto the unsuspecting 20th century…

Pulp Villains: Tor-Ak, by Jarrod Feliciano, uses the Savage Worlds rules system, as featured in THRILLING TALES 2nd Edition, and features a cover by comic artist Colton Worley (Dynamite Comics' The Spider). 36 pages, featuring fully-statted NPCs and adventure hooks, plus a collection of bonus files - 11x17 printable poster maps of Tor-Ak's dinosaur-infested "Lost Land," and an 11-page quick reference guide featuring the stats of every NPC and creature featured in the supplement.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.10.2017 | 17:21
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/3683/224596.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/224596/Ultimate-Dark-Ages-Guide-Vikings-Savage-Worlds)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/224596-sample.pdf)

[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Ultimate Dark Ages Guide: Vikings
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Pages: 75
Prices: €4,31 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

There is a mass of land in the northern reaches of Europe that we’ve come to know as Scandinavia. Although the term is little more than a convenience for referring to multiple places and people, it is the land that comprises much of modern-day Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. It has played host to a Germanic culture for thousands of years, including the ethnic groups we refer to as Danes, Norwegians, and Swedes. Often called the Nordic countries, these lands also hosted one of the most ruthless inhabitants in history – the Vikings.

Ultimate Dark Ages Guide: Vikings is a sourcebook for Savage Worlds that delves into the history of the Norsemen we refer to simply as Vikings. From local chieftains to pirate raids to unifying kings, the lands of Scandinavia and the Norse people that lived there were surrounded by action and adventure.

Ultimate Dark Ages Guide: Vikings includes:

* A history of the Norse people.
* A look at the religion of Odin.
* Lengthy timeline of the Viking Age.
* New Edges, Hindrances, and the Seithr Arcane Background.
* Gear straight from the Norse people.
* Adventure frames.
* ... And more!

Ultimate Dark Ages Guide: Vikings is not a standalone book. It requires use of the Savage Worlds core rulebook and can be used for standalone Viking games or incorporated into a Dark Ages setting.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.10.2017 | 21:51
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/SW_Explorer_04-1-e1508255526993.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/savage-worlds-explorer-volume-1-issue-4/)
[Pinnacle] Savage Worlds Explorer Issue 4, Volume 1
Authors: David Garrett, John “Night Train” Goff, Matt Hoadley, Kenneth Mahan, Scott Woodard
Pages: 30
Prices: $9,99 (Pinnacle Store)

Calling All Explorers!

Whether you’re a college student going to the movies, a brainwashed superninja, or off to explore known worlds for JumpCorp—savage settings need intrepid explorers!
Infinite Worlds of Adventure

Savage Worlds Explorer is a continuing series featuring Savage Tales from all our settings written by new authors and industry veterans. This installment features tales by John Goff, Kenneth Mahan, Matt Hoadley, and David Garrett, plus a sneak peek at the Hawkman from the upcoming Flash Gordon™ RPG!

Weird War II: Mein Hirs by John Goff

During the Battle of the Bulge, the heroes are assigned to man a roadblock at a bridge crossing the Aisne River. What do the reports of ancient standing stones and menhirs mean for our heroes—or their foes?

Flash Gordon™ RPG Hawkman Preview by Scott Woodard

Pennants flying, lances held in readiness, a squadron of savage hawkmen hurtles from the skies! Stat blocks for a sample Hawkman and Prince Vultan!

East Texas University: Children of the Mill by Kenneth Mahan

Your students take a shortcut on the way back to campus one evening, and find themselves in a lumber mill town out of time…

Weird Wars Rome: Corruption in Dalmatia by Matt Hoadley

In the province of Dalmatia, rumors spread of monsters moving across the land. Merchants report curious weather patterns over the provincial capital of Salona, a growing change in the population of the city, and the sudden odd behavior of the provincial governor Septimius Flavius Gallus. Will your cohort survive the ensuing horror?

Creature Feature: Life-in-Death by David Garrett

Adventure seeds and details on the Queen of the Land of Nod, suitable for use in a variety of horror genres!

The Savage Worlds Explorer requires a copy of Savage Worlds core rules and may require the core books for the setting, such as Deadlands Player’s Guide and Deadlands Marshal’s Handbook. Add dice, a deck of cards, and explorers, and let the fun begin!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.10.2017 | 20:13
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/224774.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/224774/Savage-Worlds-Explorer-01)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/224774-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle] Savage Worlds Explorer Issue 1, Volume 1
Authors: Matthew Cutter, Teller
Pages: 32
Prices: €8,59 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Calling All Explorers!

Whether you’re hunting bloodthirsty critters in the Weird West, exploring the perilous fringes of Known Space, maintaining your grades while grappling with nefarious evil at East Texas University, or facing supernatural horrors of war on the Eastern Front in 1916—savage settings need intrepid explorers!

Infinite Worlds of Adventure

Savage Worlds Explorer is a continuing series featuring Savage Tales from all our settings written by new authors and industry veterans. This installment features tales by Weird War One Brand Manager Teller and Deadlands Brand Manager Matthew Cutter.

Weird War I: Hellfighters

Hellfighters by Teller is a Plot Point Campaign that follows the exploits of the American 369th Infantry Regiment from the time the unit is attached to the French army until shortly after the Second Battle of the Marne. The campaign covers a period of five months and covers a wide geographic area of the Western Front.

Deadlands: Knights With No Armor

Knights With No Armor by Matthew Cutter is a Savage Tale for Deadlands: The Weird West, designed for buckaroos who’ve traveled its twisted trails long enough to achieve at least Veteran Rank. The story nominally begins in southern Cochise County, Arizona Territory, but the Marshal can transplant it to any spot on the Mexican border without too much fuss. It’s a one-two punch of a story: What starts out as a simple rescue soon turns into a peek into the machinations of one of the Weird West’s most wicked and corrupt villains.

The Savage Worlds Explorer requires a copy of Savage Worlds core rules and may require the core books for the setting, such as Deadlands Player’s Guide and Deadlands Marshal’s Handbook. Add dice, a deck of cards, and explorers, and let the fun begin!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.10.2017 | 20:25
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/224775.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/224775/Savage-Worlds-Explorer-02)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/224775-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle] Savage Worlds Explorer Issue 2, Volume 1
Authors: Matthew Cutter, Teller, John Goff, Scott Woodard
Pages: 32
Prices: €8,59 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Calling All Explorers!

Whether you’re hunting bloodthirsty critters in the Weird West, exploring the perilous fringes of Known Space, maintaining your grades while grappling with nefarious evil at East Texas University, or facing supernatural horrors of war on the Eastern Front in 1916—savage settings need intrepid explorers!

Infinite Worlds of Adventure

Savage Worlds Explorer is a continuing series featuring Savage Tales from all our settings written by new authors and industry veterans. This installment features tales by Matthew Cutter, John Goff, Teller, and Scott A. Woodard.

Deadlands Noir: His Brother’s Keeper

His Brother’s Keeper is an adventure by Brand Manager John Goff for Deadlands Noir, set in 1930s New Orleans. It takes the heroes from the Garden District’s posh mansions to the edge of the bayous and back again. It contains a mix of investigation and combat, and is suitable for characters of all Ranks, although the Marshal may want to toughen up the foes for Veteran or higher characters.

The Last Parsec: Savage Tales of the Red Band

Savage Tales of the Red Band by Brand Manager Matthew Cutter is an ongoing serial for The Last Parsec, the parts of which can be assembled to form a loose Plot Point Campaign. The GM needs access to the Science Fiction Companion and The Last Parsec: Core.

Weird War One: Twilight of the New Dawn

Twilight of the New Dawn by Brand Manager Teller is an adventure for Weird War One set in the final year of the Great War. It details the event that leads to the end of the global conflict, one way or another, and should serve as the culmination of the other plot point campaigns. The characters are part of an international team charged with stopping the New Dawn and saving the world. They can be soldiers or civilians from any of the warring powers, from either side of No Man’s Land. Successfully completing this mission will bring about the end of the centuries-long machinations of the cabal and smash the organization once and for all. Of course, if your players are not successful, the war will end in a catastrophe of Biblical proportions and usher in an age of darkness and despair.

Deadlands: Shootout at the Circle-R Corral

Deadlands: Shootout at the Circle-K Corral by John Goff is an adventure for Deadlands. The Iron Men plague Kempe County’s financial establishments. This gang of bank robbers relies on an array of gizmos and weird science creations to give them a decided edge over any small-town law dogs that might oppose them. Time to call in a posse, amigo. Although this adventure is set in “Kempe County,” moving it elsewhere is as simple as changing the place names. This adventure is recommended for characters of Seasoned Rank or higher.

Flash Gordon™ RPG: Lion Man Preview

A preview of one of Flash Gordon’s staunchest allies by Brand Manager Scott A. Woodard. The Lion folk look a bit like bipedal versions of their Earthly namesakes, even down to their thick, tufted tails and luxurious manes.

The Savage Worlds Explorer requires a copy of Savage Worlds core rules and may require the core books for the setting, such as Deadlands Player’s Guide and Deadlands Marshal’s Handbook. Add dice, a deck of cards, and explorers, and let the fun begin!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.10.2017 | 20:34
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/224776.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/224776/Savage-Worlds-Explorer-03)
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[Pinnacle] Savage Worlds Explorer Issue 3, Volume 1
Authors: Matthew Cutter, Ed Wetterman, Terry Whisenant
Pages: 32
Prices: €8,59 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Calling All Explorers!

Whether you’re a college student going to the movies, a brainwashed superninja, or off to explore known worlds for JumpCorp—savage settings need intrepid explorers!

Infinite Worlds of Adventure

Savage Worlds Explorer is a continuing series featuring Savage Tales from all our settings written by new authors and industry veterans. This installment features tales by Matthew Cutter, Ed Wetterman, Terry Whisenant, and an artist spotlight on Aaron Riley!

East Texas University: Movie Night

Beloved film The Wizard of Oz was the first ever shown in the theater and now it is back for the grand reopening. Who doesn’t love Dorothy, Toto, Tin Man, Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion? What a great date night for a few college students…

Super Powers Companion: The Black Claw

The Black Claw wants to brainwash supers to turn them into SUPERNINJAS! Well, who wouldn’t want to do that? In the guise of Yakuza mobsters, they have infiltrated the heroes’ city because of the concentration of supers there. The gang war is just the front page of the cover story—a convenient way to draw supers out where they can be targeted by the Black Claw!

The Last Parsec: Savage Tales of the Red Band (Part II)

Savage Tales of the Red Band by Brand Manager Matthew Cutter is an ongoing serial for The Last Parsec, the parts of which can be assembled to form a loose Plot Point Campaign. This is part two.

During the early exploration of the Known Worlds, JumpCorp survey teams color-coded bands of expansion. For several decades, the “red band” proved the most dangerous—and the most profitable. Eventually, several of these trailblazing charters joined together to form the “Red Band Conglomerate.”

Red Band is so large it defies any simple description, much like JumpCorp itself. Its charters participate in everything from galactic defense to the usual gamut of exploration, shipping, and R&D.

Artist Spotlight: Aaron Riley

A short interview and beautiful art by one of our favorite artists!

The Savage Worlds Explorer requires a copy of Savage Worlds core rules and may require the core books for the setting, such as Deadlands Player’s Guide and Deadlands Marshal’s Handbook. Add dice, a deck of cards, and explorers, and let the fun begin!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 31.10.2017 | 20:42
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/224778.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/224778/Savage-Worlds-Explorer-04)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/224778-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle] Savage Worlds Explorer Issue 4, Volume 1
Authors: David Garrett, John “Night Train” Goff, Matt Hoadley, Kenneth Mahan, Scott Woodard
Pages: 32
Prices: €8,59 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Calling All Explorers!

Whether you’re a college student going to the movies, a brainwashed superninja, or off to explore known worlds for JumpCorp—savage settings need intrepid explorers!

Infinite Worlds of Adventure

Savage Worlds Explorer is a continuing series featuring Savage Tales from all our settings written by new authors and industry veterans. This installment features tales by John Goff, Kenneth Mahan, Matt Hoadley, and David Garrett, plus a sneak peek at the Hawkman from the upcoming Flash Gordon™ RPG!

Weird War II: Mein Hirs by John Goff

During the Battle of the Bulge, the heroes are assigned to man a roadblock at a bridge crossing the Aisne River. What do the reports of ancient standing stones and menhirs mean for our heroes—or their foes?

Flash Gordon™ RPG Hawkman Preview by Scott Woodard

Pennants flying, lances held in readiness, a squadron of savage hawkmen hurtles from the skies! Stat blocks for a sample Hawkman and Prince Vultan!

East Texas University: Children of the Mill by Kenneth Mahan

Your students take a shortcut on the way back to campus one evening, and find themselves in a lumber mill town out of time…

Weird Wars Rome: Corruption in Dalmatia by Matt Hoadley

In the province of Dalmatia, rumors spread of monsters moving across the land. Merchants report curious weather patterns over the provincial capital of Salona, a growing change in the population of the city, and the sudden odd behavior of the provincial governor Septimius Flavius Gallus. Will your cohort survive the ensuing horror?

Creature Feature: Life-in-Death by David Garrett

Adventure seeds and details on the Queen of the Land of Nod, suitable for use in a variety of horror genres!

The Savage Worlds Explorer requires a copy of Savage Worlds core rules and may require the core books for the setting, such as Deadlands Player’s Guide and Deadlands Marshal’s Handbook. Add dice, a deck of cards, and explorers, and let the fun begin!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.11.2017 | 01:58
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/12255/225745.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/225745/Saga-of-the-Goblin-Horde-Savage-Worlds)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/225745-sample.pdf)

[Zadmar Games] Saga of the Goblin Horde
Author: Richard Woolcock
Pages: 116
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

For time immemorial, goblins have been mercilessly hunted down and killed by the so-called “civilized” humans, slaughtered in droves for the entertainment of bloodthirsty adventurers. But everyone has their limits, even the underdogs.

The pathetic goblins who eke out a living near the human lands are weak and timid, the aggression bred out of them through generations of culling, with only the most cowardly among them managing to survive. But the feral goblins of the western tribes are another matter entirely, as the rapidly encroaching scourge of human civilization is about to discover.

In Saga of the Goblin Horde, players take on the role of brutal goblinoid bosses, leading their gangs on a series of insane missions in an escalating war against the humans. This book contains:

You will also need a copy of the Savage Worlds core rules.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.11.2017 | 12:59
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/556/222850.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/222850/Sector-Asgard-Kappa)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/222850-sample.pdf)

[Applied Vectors] Sector Asgard Kappa
Authors: Ian Liddle, Darren Pearce
Pages: 168
Prices: €17,13 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Sector Asgard Kappa. Containing thirty-six inhabitable planets with a wide variety of cultures, aliens, and secrets. It is ripe for exploration and adventure!

It includes the Plot Point Campaign 'One Million Starflies'

The characters are hired to investigate the activities of a group known as the Brotherhood of Logic and, once their evil plot is uncovered it becomes a race against time to stop them from succeeding and plunging the whole sector into all-out war! This will be a Campaign of fifteen adventures, with story seeds to take the characters on even more adventures in-between the scripted parts of the campaign.

The book contains:

Full-size Deckplans for Crowfoot's venture can be found here (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/225736/Crowfoots-Venture-Deckplans).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.11.2017 | 13:05
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/556/225736.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/225736/Crowfoots-Venture-Deckplans?ma/Sector-Asgard-Kappa)
[Applied Vectors] Crowfoot's Venture Deckplans
Author: Ian Liddle
Pages: 4
Prices: €8,17 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

These are the 12x18" deckplans for the Crowfoot's Venture. It is the ship found in the Sector Asgard Kappa setting book for Savage Worlds.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.11.2017 | 00:40
(https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JYCroyXZSDs/maxresdefault.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/flash-hell-save-every-one-of-us-on-kickstarter/)
[Pinnacle] FLASH! He’ll Save Every One Of Us on Kickstarter!

“What do you mean, ‘Flash Gordon approaching…?!'”

That’s right, starting next Tuesday, November 21st at noon Eastern, all eyes on the planet Mongo for the launch of our highly-anticipated Kickstarter for the official Flash Gordon Roleplaying Game for Savage Worlds!


The Flash Gordon Roleplaying Game draws inspiration from Alex Raymond’s original comic strips, the radio and film serials, and even the 1980 movie starring Sam J. Jones and Max Von Sydow. This is far more than just an RPG, this is a definitive resource for the entire universe of Flash Gordon!

Watch this space for details and get ready to join the Freemen in their fight against Ming the Merciless!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.11.2017 | 11:55
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/AFO2-cover-267x300.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/all-for-one-regime-diabolique/all-for-one-2nd-ed-sw-kickstarter-launched/)
[Triple Ace Games] All for one 2nd Ed (SW) Kickstarter LAUNCHED!

This 9-day (just 9 days!) Kickstarter project from Triple Ace Games aims to update the Savage Worlds version of All for One: Regime Diabolique and will include the new Satan’s Playground setting material. Among the major changes will be the magic system.
The book will be softcover with black and white interiors, with an estimated page-count of 200. Pledge levels are easy to figure out:
-PDF Only
-Print and PDF
-Signed Print, with PDF
-Face in the Book
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.11.2017 | 21:34
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/AFO2-cover-267x300.jpg) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1588759266/all-for-one-regime-diabolique-2nd-edition-savage-w)
[Triple Ace Games] All for One 2nd Ed (SW) Kickstarter Update

Days Left: 30 hrs
Pledged: 230%
Stretch Goals: AfO Wild Die, 4 One-Sheets, and the Barbary Coast Appendix. The Hardcover Upgrade is £1.700 away.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.11.2017 | 01:38
(https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/019/168/902/59212c9e1e765dcd2221f4efc7b507e1_original.jpg?crop=faces&w=1024&h=576&fit=crop&v=1510356012&auto=format&q=92&s=c0291bc1077a46875885c97162b79bb2) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/flash-gordontm-rpg-for-savage-worlds)
[Pinnacle] Flash Gordon™ RPG for Savage Worlds Kickstarter Update

Days Left: 13
Pledged: 220% (Goal was reached in under an hour!)
Stretch Goals: Table tents, character folio. Upcoming combat charts.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.12.2017 | 22:48
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7752/227037.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/227037/Space-1889--City-at-the-Center-of-the-Earth-Savage-Worlds-Edition)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/227037-sample.pdf)

[Clockwork Publishing] Space: 1889 - City at the Center of the Earth
Author: Kieran Turley
Pages: 31
Prices: €8,41 €4,20 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Everything Jules Verne could have written.
Everything H. G. Wells should have written.
Everything Arthur Conan Doyle thought of,
but never published - because it was too fantastic.

Since inventors Edison and Armstrong set out on their first journey to Mars in 1870, mankind has been enthused by the worlds lying beyond the Ether, and nations and enterprises, inventors and explorers have ventured into the depths of space. German inventor Elke Eggers, however, has no interest in going up. Driven by her memories of the fantastic tales her grandfather Ansgar used to tell her about underground civilizations, she has dedicated her life to seeking ways to voyage underground and find the mysterious City at the Center of the Earth.

This adventure is set on Earth and—in particular—inside it. On an adventurous journey à la Jules Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth and in particular Edgar Rice Burrough’s Pellucidar novels, the characters join Elke Eggers in her giant Mole Drill, digging its way towards the Earth’s core. But sabotage and unknown threats make the voyage challenging and dangerous. Will they reach the mysterious city Elke Egger is convinced exists down there? And if so, which mysteries and secrets await the adventurers there? What creatures live in the gigantic caverns deep down in the center of the Earth? And, where do the inhabitants—and possibly even builders—of this ‘World beneath the World’ come from?

The adventurers can be of any nationality, even if the starting point of the journey is set in the German Empire. The events in this adventure challenge various character archetypes with tasks matching their expertise: Academics, Scientists, and Explorers are best suited for this endeavor, of course, but Engineers, Mechanics, or Soldiers will be useful as well.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.12.2017 | 22:55
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/12355/227483.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/227483/Complex-41)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/227483-sample.pdf)

[Veiled Fury Entertainment] Complex 41
Author: Manuel Sambs
Pages: 2
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Complex 41 sends the characters through an electronic nightmare. Conceived as an entertainment device, this Virtual Reality will spin completely out of control and have the characters run for their very lives. Not only do they have to survive, but also find an exit amidst the madness.

This One-Sheet adventure for Savage Worlds is not tied to a specific setting, but can be run stand-alone, or inserted into any existing ultra-high-tech modern or Sci-Fi setting.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.12.2017 | 23:05
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/227843.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/227843/The-Savage-World-of-Flash-Gordon-The-Swamps-of-Eternia)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/227843-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Savage World of Flash Gordon: The Swamps of Eternia
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 2
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Word reaches Flash Gordon and friends (or a party of your own creation) that Emperor Ming’s troops have seized a village somewhere in the Reeking Swamp, an exotic and often deadly area somewhere in Radiuma. The party investigates, battles the conqueror’s minions, and discovers the amazing secret of the reeking bogs. Then they face the greatest test of all—a moral choice that will affect the locals forever! Literally!

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/227861.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/227861/The-Savage-World-of-Flash-Gordon-Wallpapers)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Savage World of Flash Gordon: Wallpapers
Artists: Aaron Riley, Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 2
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

These gorgeous wallpapers for The Savage World of Flash Gordon™ were created by Aaron Acevedo from Aaron Riley's incredible covers for the core book and the Kingdoms of Mongo companion!

They feature the "retro" logo for Flash Gordon Download for free, and remember to tell your friends about the Flash Gordon™ Kickstarter!


The Savage World of Flash Gordon is a setting for Savage Worlds based on Alex Raymond's classic comic strips. It also draws from the Buster Crabbe serials, the Filmation series, and of course the fan-favorite 1980 film starring Sam J Jones (who does a foreword for our core book!)

A 192-page core book, adventures, GM Screen, custom dice, Bennies, miniatures, a 192-page companion called the Kingdoms of Mongo, and even 3D rockets are also available. Check out the Kickstarter here!


©2017 King Features Syndicate, Inc. TM Hearst Holdings, Inc.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.12.2017 | 06:51
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3683/227913.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/227913/Mythos-Companion-Savage-Worlds)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/227913-sample.pdf)

[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Mythos: Companion
Author: Gilbert Gallo
Pages: 103
Prices: €8,40 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Zagreus tried his best to dissuade Zeus to resign in a thousand years, persuading him with wine and dance, to end the Heavenly Contest immediately, for Cosmos’ sake. But Zeus was adamant; the Heavenly Contest would go on and whoever among its contenders would have the largest number of followers within a thousand years would be appointed Cosmos’ new supreme ruler. Zagreus was left with a difficult choice: enduring a bad ruler in the future or taking part in the Heavenly Contest, being forced to spend time scheming instead of partying. Eventually, he chose the latter option; after all, he could use a little diversion from time to time from extreme partying and wine orgies.

Reluctantly, Hera repressed her anger and devised a plan instead. The only way to give the Cosmos a rightful ruler was to enter the contest, but she was sure her husband wouldn’t like the idea of being ruled by her in the future. If she openly asked to enter the competition, Zeus would surely not allow it. She then resolved to act with secrecy.

The Companion is a player and GM supplement for Mythos, a setting of epic adventures in mythological Ancient Greece. It details Dionysus as he enters the Heavenly Contest as Zagreus and Hera as she enters in secret. With these new entries into the Heavenly Contest, Dionysus, as Zagreus, and Hera grow into Patron Deity potential with Mystery Cults, new heroes to sire, and new lands to explore!

Inside the Companion book you will find:

The Companion is not a standalone setting and requires the Hero's Handbook. GMs will also need Epic Gamemastering or the full Mythos core setting guide.

The Companion is a compilation of Wine and Blood, Queen of the Labyrinth, and Battle of Thermopylae assembled into a single book. The content has not changed. If you own these three releases, you do not need the Companion.

A black-and-white paperback option will be available later this month.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.12.2017 | 06:59
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7775/215734.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/215734/Seven-Worlds-Module-1-Rumors-of-War)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/215734-sample.pdf)

[Intellistories] Seven Worlds Module 1: Rumors of War
Author: Luis Enrique Torres
Pages: 44
Prices: €5,03 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The first adventure in the Seven Worlds RPG epic campaign!

As the heroes begin their investigation into several strange sightings in the frontiers of space, they become involved in an assassination attempt that might precipitate a war between Concordia and Bay Jing, the two greatest powers in the Seven Worlds.

Simultaneously, the heroes must travel to Earth, the Cradle of Humanity, to investigate the disappearance of a scientist involved in secret research activities. The investigation takes them through both physical and virtual worlds, and in the end uncovers more questions than answers, as well as a conspiracy for the very soul of the Seven Worlds!

This product also includes five new side stories so your players can explore the Seven Worlds while they play the main campaign!

This product requires the Savage Worlds rulebook and the Seven Worlds Setting Guide to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.12.2017 | 10:12
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7775/215689.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/215689/Seven-Worlds-Setting-Guide)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/215689-sample.pdf)

[Intellistories] Seven Worlds Setting Guide
Author: Luis Enrique Torres
Pages: 217
Prices: €16,80 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In the year 2217 Humanity's greatest achievement is the colonization of the nearby star systems now known as the Seven Worlds. Here Humanity lives, thrives, and prepares the next great wave of space exploration.
The Seven Worlds. This is the story of how we lost them, and of the heroes who tried to avert their fall.

An Epic realistic Science-Fiction Setting and Campaign for Savage Worlds!

Some comments from early reviewers:

The Seven Worlds Setting Guide includes:
This product requires the Savage Worlds rulebook to play.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.12.2017 | 10:21
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7775/216578.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/216578/Seven-Worlds--Starmap-Poster)
[Intellistories] Seven Worlds - Starmap Poster
Author: Luis Enrique Torres
Poster: 1
Prices: Freebie PDF; €0,84 Poster(s); €0,84 PDF + Poster(s) (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In the year 2217 Humanity's greatest achievement is the colonization of the nearby star systems now known as the Seven Worlds. Here Humanity lives, thrives, and prepares the next great wave of space exploration.
The Seven Worlds. This is the story of how we lost them, and of the heroes who tried to avert their fall.

An Epic realistic Science-Fiction Setting and Campaign for Savage Worlds!

This download includes a 12x18" poster-size PDF with the Seven Worlds full starmap. Use it with your players to plot travel routes across the Seven Worlds!

This product requires the Savage Worlds rulebook and the Seven Worlds Setting Guide to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.12.2017 | 00:00
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7775/216727.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/216727/Seven-Worlds--Simplified-Starmap-Poster)
[Intellistories] Seven Worlds - Simplified Starmap Poster
Author: Luis Enrique Torres
Poster: 1
Prices: Freebie PDF; €0,84 Poster(s); €0,84 PDF + Poster(s) (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In the year 2217 Humanity's greatest achievement is the colonization of the nearby star systems now known as the Seven Worlds. Here Humanity lives, thrives, and prepares the next great wave of space exploration.
The Seven Worlds. This is the story of how we lost them, and of the heroes who tried to avert their fall.

An Epic realistic Science-Fiction Setting and Campaign for Savage Worlds!

This download includes a 12x18" poster-size PDF with the Seven Worlds simplified starmap. Use it with your players to plot travel routes across the Seven Worlds!

This product requires the Savage Worlds rulebook and the Seven Worlds Setting Guide to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.12.2017 | 00:09
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7775/227029.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/227029/Seven-Worlds-Battlemap-01--Mining-Station-Corridor)
[Intellistories] Seven Worlds Battlemap 01 - Mining Station Corridor
Author: Luis Enrique Torres
Pages: 2
Prices: €2,51 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Enjoy the Seven Worlds campaign experience even more with these at-scale battlemaps!

Now you can play on the tabletop (physical or virtual) the adventures of the Seven Worlds campaign with these 1"-scale, ready-to-print PDF battlemaps. Each bundle includes both the PDF battlemap and a TIFF copy of the battlemap suitable for virtual tabletops.

Battlemap 01: Mining Station Corridor shows an intersection of metal corridors for an old, run-down mining station. This battlemap is used in the Seven Worlds introductory adventure, A mysterious encounter, available in the Seven Worlds Setting Guide and the free Seven Worlds Test Drive.

This product requires the Savage Worlds rulebook and the Seven Worlds Setting Guide to play.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7775/227030.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/227030/Seven-Worlds-Battlemap-02--Mining-Station-Control-Room)
[Intellistories] Seven Worlds Battlemap 02 - Mining Station Control Room
Author: Luis Enrique Torres
Pages: 2
Prices: €2,51 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Enjoy the Seven Worlds campaign experience even more with these at-scale battlemaps!

Now you can play on the tabletop (physical or virtual) the adventures of the Seven Worlds campaign with these 1"-scale, ready-to-print PDF battlemaps. Each bundle includes both the PDF battlemap and a TIFF copy of the battlemap suitable for virtual tabletops.

Battlemap 02: Mining Station Control Room shows the main control room for an old, run-down mining station. This battlemap is used in the Seven Worlds introductory adventure, A mysterious encounter, available in the Seven Worlds Setting Guide and the free Seven Worlds Test Drive.

This product requires the Savage Worlds rulebook and the Seven Worlds Setting Guide to play.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.12.2017 | 23:54
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/2419/228784.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/228784/Hellfrost-Resource-Management-2nd-Edition)
[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost Resource Management 2nd Edition
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 69
Preis: €12,75 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


Whether you want to adopt a noble title and run a village, take up the mantle of a high priest in a temple, command a loyal mercenary company, or invest your hard-earned savings in running an inn, this book is for you!

This expanded sourcebook for Hellfrost includes:
Hellfrost Resource Management 2nd Edition is a sourcebook bringing together previously published material and new expanded information for the epic Hellfrost setting for the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.12.2017 | 01:42
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/3554/229003.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/229003/Beasts--Barbarians-Steel-Edition-Game-Master-Guide)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/229003-sample.pdf)

[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians Steel Edition Game Master Guide
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Tomasz Z. Majkowski
Pages: 144
Prices: €21,21 €13,57 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Game Master Guide includes:

(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/3554/229002.png) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/229002/Beasts--Barbarians-Steel-Edition-Player-Guide)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/229002-sample.pdf)

[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians Steel Edition Player Guide
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Tomasz Z. Majkowski
Pages: 144
Prices: €21,21 €13,57 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Player Guide includes:

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.12.2017 | 15:57
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4491/228241.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/228241/Golf-Course)
Große Vorschau (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/download_preview.php?pid=228241)

[Dramascape] Golf Course
Authors: Simon Powell, Steven J Black
Artist: Simon Powell
Pages: 77
Prices: €5,10 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Golf Course
DramaScape Savage Worlds Adventure Vol 11

This product is a full-color, 40 by 40 inches, Battlemap of a Golf Course, with Hex, Square, and No overlay and comes with a Savage Worlds Adventure.
The Zip file includes the VTT (Virtual Table Top Images for online play).

“Get off my green with that golf cart!”—Greenskeeper Bill Webb.

Golf Course is a large-scale single level exterior map of half of a golf course (nine holes). This map is a 10 feet = 1-inch scale similar to our other larger-scale maps such as DramaScape’s City Blocks and Campus Blocks. This product also includes a Golf Cart add-on.

Golf Course is intended for use in modern games.

Golf Course includes Pregenerated Characters and Character Cards for use with the Savage Worlds game system. The adventure, character descriptions, golf cart, and map are system neutral and can be used with any game system.

An adventure hook for use with this map:

Disappearance in the Desert: The Palm Canyon Country Club has thrived since its opening on the outskirts of Las Vegas, Nevada. However, a string of disappearances has struck the club recently. The Palm Canyon Country Club Committee has been able to keep these events quiet, but word got out recently after the disappearance of a famous professional golfer. Since then the Palm Canyon Country Club has told personnel and golfers to get on the links after sunrise and leave before sunset.

The disappearance of the professional golfer has brought the story to the attention of Maya Ohya, a Los Angeles reporter. She has arrived at the Palm Canyon Country Club to interview golfers while looking for clues to the disappearance scheduling the slowest golfer, Todd Martin for the last interview. Notoriously calculated golfer Todd Martin golfs until sunset followed by nervous caddy Michael Aiken who needs the golfer’s punch card to get paid. Meanwhile, greenskeeper Bill Webb investigates increasing problems with the golf course and greens. This brings them all to the eighteenth hole just as the sun begins to fade from view.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.12.2017 | 21:33
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2933/228052.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/228052/HighSpace-2nd-Edition)
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[StoryWeaver] High-Space 2nd Edition
Authors: Patrick Taylor, Doc Joe Sweeney, Jaie Obillo
Pages: 246
Prices: €17,02 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

HIGH-SPACE 2nd Edition

The follow up to the HUGELY POPULAR High-Space first edition! In this thrilling new RPG, YOU play the renegade and reluctant hero fighting unimaginable threats to an ultra-high-tech utopian world…just for kicks.

Imagine living in a super-advanced, ultra high-tech civilization...a utopia of boundless harmony, abundance, and encompassing hundreds of species and worlds.
Sounds like a perfect life. But why are you so bored? Because you’re not like everyone else.

You crave visceral, dangerous, and exciting new adventures. You’re one of the few outcasts...misfits known as the Wildcards.

Welcome to High-Space... the highly anticipated sequel of the popular High-Space sci-fi setting for Savage World. Get ready to...

What do you get?

What you get in this newly expanded High-Space: Wildcards Protecting the Future RPG game…

What is High-Space?

High-Space is a galaxy-spanning, high-tech space opera involving playable alien races and revolutionary spaceship design and combat.
This new High-Space game revolves around a handful of genetic wildcards...the castaways that are tasked with doing the dirty jobs in a gene-engineered, Utopian future surrounded on all sides by alien threats.
As the Wildcard, you are the main actor in this cinematic galactic battle.
You can be a reluctant super-tech hero. Or even a villain.
You want to explore. You want to fight. You crave adventure.
You and your fellow Wildcards will seek out dangerous battles and be the masters of your own fate...and the fate of trillions.
In this 245 page of core rules book, you will discover the major threats to PanDominion- the future Utopia - both internal and alien.
You will find new specific skills, edges and hindrances, high tech gear and full starship design and combat systems.
The best part? It meshes seamlessly with the Savage World core rules.
So what are you waiting for? Strap on your jet boots, grab your favorite las-gun and take on the dirtiest jobs in the galaxy - just for kicks. Who knows, you may even save the PanDominion while you’re at it!

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2933/228591.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/228591/Teraborg-The-Book-of-Honor--for-HighSpace-2nd-Edition)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/228591-sample.pdf)

[StoryWeaver] Teraborg: The Book of Honor
Authors: Patrick Taylor, Doc Joe Sweeney, Jaie Obillo
Pages: 32
Prices: €12,76 €8,51 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

"Who wouldn’t want to be a hyper-advanced, cybernetically-enhanced dinosaur samurai from the far future?"

Teraborg: The Book of Honor is the first expansion for High-Space, the popular, far-future setting for Savage Worlds.

Voted the #1 most-wanted expansion during the High-Space Kickstarter, The Book of Honor is gives you an insider’s view of a civilization of the PanDo’s most technically advanced species.

Explore the worlds of the Iron Clouds, and discover the intriguing secrets of the  TeraborgEmpire, including:

Teraborg: The Book of Honor brings the Teraborg to life in your High-Space games!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.12.2017 | 02:57
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/3243/229143.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/229143/Kronocalypse-Players-Guide)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/229143-sample.pdf)

[Sneak Attack Press] Kronocalypse Player's Guide
Author: Matthew J. Hanson
Pages: 42
Prices: €5,10 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Kronocalypse has begun! Cavemen, wizards, sky pirates, and cyborgs must unite to stop an evil that threatens to destroy time itself.

Kronocalypse is a time-travel mash-up setting with a plot-point campaign for the Savage Worlds Rules system. It takes place on the world of Kron, a planet that is similar to Earth, but different in many key ways, like that magic is real, and that humans and dinosaurs lived side-by-side.

The Player's Guide includes everything you need to make heroes: new races, edges, hindrances, setting rules, and enough setting details to tie your character to the world without overwhelming you.

We will release the complete Kronocalypse setting in 2018 and everybody who purchases a Player's Guide before the full setting comes out will receive a discount on the setting equal to the price of the Player's Guide.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.12.2017 | 06:17
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/3683/229153.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/229153/Mercenary-Breed-Savage-Worlds--2nd-Edition)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/229153-sample.pdf)

[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Mercenary Breed 2nd Edition
Authors: Aaron T. Huss, Curtis Lyon, Sarah Lyon
Pages: 235
Prices: €12,76 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This core setting guide combines Mercenary's Handbook and Galaxy Guide into a single, deluxe edition for Mercenary Breed 2.0. The content has only been slightly revised with no significant content changes.

Mercenary Breed is a science fiction action and adventure toolkit and sandbox setting for Savage Worlds. The core setting set is broken into three rulebooks: Mercenary’s Handbook, Galaxy Guide, and Xenopedia. This core setting guide combines Mercenary’s Handbook and Galaxy Guide into a single release, providing everything needed to create characters, settings, and missions across a multitude of science fiction themes including space opera, sci-fi horror, and pulp sci-fi. Characters could be bounty hunters, scouts, helmsmen, demolitions experts, biohackers, neuromancers, scientists, engineers, and a whole lot more!

Mercenary Breed is designed to embrace all styles of science fiction setting and campaign design with a number of toolkits and discussions to make that happen. This core setting guide provides the character options players can choose from to create all manner of characters including those utilizing Tech Backgrounds – the sci-fi equivalent of Arcane Backgrounds, but based on technology - and whatever science fiction themed setting or campaign desired.

Mercenary Breed includes:

Mercenary Breed is not a standalone book and requires the use of the Savage Worlds core rulebook. GM’s will also want a copy of the Mercenary Breed: Xenopedia (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/128694/Mercenary-Breed-Xenopedia-Savage-Worlds).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.12.2017 | 04:52
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11747/225018.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/225018/Herald-Lovecraft--Tesla-the-Tabletop-Roleplaying-Game)
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[Ravendesk Games] Herald: Lovecraft & Tesla the Tabletop Roleplaying Game
Authors: Alexander Lepera, Pete Sauber, Lee Pruitt
Pages: 180
Prices: €21,18 PDF; €33,90 SC; €42,38 HC; €55,08 €50,84 SC & PDF; €63,56 €59,32 HC & PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to the Roaring Twenties!
A decade filled with adventure and the spirit of invention.

This is the Jazz Age, the days of dangerous new technology, of cults, talismans, kidnappings, coded messages, mafia-controlled moonshine, mysterious transatlantic plane disappearances, stunning astronomical discoveries and breakthroughs in the burgeoning field of quantum physics. Underneath it all, a cabal of smiling villains pushes their plan to relegtate humanity to the ash heap of unrecorded history.

But there are those who do their part to keep the world safe from the unnatural invaders from beyond the stars. Yes, beyond! Unspeakable elder gods and Mythos creatures are arriving from far, far away, while others are awakening at last from deep below.

This is where you come in. Welcome to the Mythos Resistance.

Science meets fiction in the Roaring Twenties.

This sourcebook greatly expands the Action Lab comic book series into a fully realized, officially licensed Savage Worlds setting.

New options for player characters include new Edges, new Hindrances, over 50 pregenerated ready-to-play historical characters, Tesla-tech weapons and inventions, dozens of 1920s vehicles, items, and NPCs, H.P.'s Mythos creature bestiary, detailed maps and location information for Providence, Arkham, Miskatonic University, and many of the other hot-spots around the world, One Sheets, adventures, plot-point campaigns, and much, much more.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.12.2017 | 06:16
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/12255/229207.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/229207/Saga-of-the-Goblin-Horde-Sleigh-Heist-Savage-Worlds)
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[Zadmar Games] Saga of the Goblin Horde: Sleigh Heist
Author: Richard Woolcock
Pages: 2
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Swooping through the night,
Our rockets chase the sleigh,
Through the clouds we fight,
Laughing all the way!

On the same night every year, a mysterious red-robed sorcerer flies his enchanted sleigh to a nearby human settlement, dropping various wrapped packages down the chimneys before making his escape. The goblins admire his courage and tenacity, but not his success rate; as far as they can tell, none of the houses have ever blown up, or even burned down. The sorcerer clearly has no experience with explosives, and so the infamous gremlin artificer Grinchie Charfoot has decided it’s time for the professionals to take over.

This is a Savage Worlds One-Sheet adventure for Saga of the Goblin Horde. It provides a simple five-scene framework which can be run with minimal preparation, leaving room for the Game Master to flesh out the story as much or as little as they wish.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.12.2017 | 16:18
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7775/229313.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/229313/Seven-Worlds-Module-2-Divided-We-Fall)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/229313-sample.pdf)

[Intellistories] Seven Worlds Module 2: Divided We Fall
Author: Luis Enrique Torres
Pages: 37
Prices: €5,05 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The second adventure in the Seven Worlds RPG epic campaign!

The war between Concordia and Bay Jing, the two most powerful planets in the Seven Worlds, is heating up. One of the combatants hides a secret that could change the tide of the war, and it is the heroes’ job to discover what it is. As the heroes uncover this secret and prepare to witness the mutual annihilation of Concordia and Bay Jing, the sudden arrival of a third participant changes everything and forces humanity to choose between leaving their quarrels aside and joining against the darkness, or dying together!

This adventure also includes six new side stories so your players can explore the Seven Worlds while they play the main campaign!

This module is also available as part of the Seven Worlds Campaign Subscription (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/227015/Seven-Worlds-Campaign-Modules-Subscription). Purchase the subscription to get all seven modules (as they are released) at an almost 20% discount when compared with single module pricing. On top of that, the subscription also includes the full Seven Worlds Campaign Book (a 253-page one-volume compilation of all seven modules with exclusive Campaign Book cover art) at no extra cost!

This product requires the Savage Worlds rulebook and the Seven Worlds Setting Guide (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/215689/Seven-Worlds-Setting-Guide) to play.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.12.2017 | 16:32
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11747/224455.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/224455/Herald-Lovecraft--Tesla--A-Fistful-of-Dholes)
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[Ravendesk Games] Herald: Lovecraft & Tesla - A Fistful of Dholes
Authors: John Reilly, Pete Sauber
Pages: 24
Prices: €4,21 PDF; €8,42 SC Standard; €8,73 SC Premium; €10,94 €8,42 SC Standard & PDF; €12,63 €10,11 SC Premium & PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Chicago, 1924

Lucas "Lucky" Sullivan, one of Capone's lieutenants, broke into the wrong warehouse and opened the wrong possessed by Kutothankenum, an elder god from Egypt, Lucky has begun slaughtering people and leaving grotesque remains. J. Edgar Hoover has asked you to investigate the murders to find out what's going on and stop it if you can.

A Fistful of Dholes is a 24-page Savage Worlds adventure of true crime and cosmic horror for Herald: Lovecraft & Tesla - The Tabletop Roleplaying Game (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/225018/Herald-Lovecraft--Tesla-the-Tabletop-Roleplaying-Game), featuring original artwork and writing by Herald comic creators Tom Rogers and John Reilly.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.01.2018 | 21:47
Whether you've already started exploring the epic frozen world of Hellfrost or it's a setting you've been considering delving into, the new year begins with a fantastic gaming opportunity. Triple Ace Games has teamed up with the Bundle of Holding to present not one, but two Hellfrost bundles!

(http://bundlefiles92-public.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/bundleofholding/images/20180110a/Hellfrost-PlayersGuide.png) (https://bundleofholding.com/presents/Hellfrost2017)
Hellfrost Essentials

If you're new to the setting, start here!

With two new supplements added for this revival, the Essentials collection gives you everything you need -- now more than ever! -- for a complete campaign in the ice-bound landscape of Rassilon. (And if you purchased this offer during its original September 2015 run, you get the new additions automatically!)

For just US$12.95 you get all five titles in this offer's Player Collection (retail value $54) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks:

Hellfrost Player's Guide (retail price $15): The ideal introduction to the world of Rassilon and its many menaces. Includes the free Savage Worlds Test Drive rules.
Matters of Faith (retail $11): Two dozen major cults, 70 minor cults, and over 90 major festivals, plus a tour of Godsheim, realm of the gods. [Newly added for this revival]
Arcane Lore (retail $9): Druidic pacts, the Magocracy's famed schools of heahwisardry, elementalists, lost dwarven runes, song mages, and more.
Heroes & Villains Compendium (retail $10): Dozens of Novice-level characters fully described for nonplayer encounters or as ready-made player heroes.
Organization Guide (retail $9): The military, political, and mercantile powers that exert continent-wide influence.

And if you pay more than this offer's threshold price of $24.95, you'll level up and also get this offer's entire Gamemaster Collection with five more supplements worth an additional $73, including the Hellfrost Bestiary and Creature Guide, the Gazetteer, Encounters Book 1, and (new in this revival) Legendary Endeavors, with rules for creating super-powerful relics and weaving their legends.

(http://bundlefiles92-public.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/bundleofholding/images/20180110b/Hellfrost-Atlas.png) (https://bundleofholding.com/presents/HellfrostAtlas)
Hellfrost Atlas

For just US$17.95 you get all six titles in this offer's Starter Collection (retail value $75) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the Adventure Codex (retail price $30), a massive 554-page compendium of two dozen scenarios for heroes of all levels; and five Hellfrost City Books (total retail $45), five in-depth guidebooks about cities large and small, including Cities of the Freelands, of Magic, of the Crystalflow, of Royalty, and Freetown, City of Crime.

And if you pay more than this offer's threshold price of $27.95, you'll level up and also get this offer's entire Bonus Collection worth an additional $80, including the spectacular 386-page Atlas of the Frozen North (retail $40), its companion book of Map Sheets (retail $25), and the new Second Edition of Hellfrost Resource Management (retail $15) that lets you build your legend for millennia to come.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.01.2018 | 08:25
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/230939.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/230939/Shaintar-Thundering-Skies-Players-Guide)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/230939-sample.pdf)

[Savage Mojo] Shaintar: Thundering Skies Player's Guide
Authors: Darren Pearce, Rules: Howard Brandon, Brett Smith
Pages: 32
Prices: €8,18 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Tempest is Coming!

Violent, unexplained storms batter the coast of Shaintar, smashing into towns with incredible ferocity. It is the start of the Tempest, and there's nothing natural about the extreme weather descending on the realm.

Tell the story of heroes battling the greatest of evils in Thundering Skies, the first published campaign setting for Shaintar. The stakes have never been higher - or more dangerous - for the Tempest represents a terrible foe that seems unstoppable. Even Ceynara, the Queen of Hell, casts a wary eye upon the forces of the Tempest.

Be prepared, for the skies are Thundering!

In this book, you'll find plenty of new player options and enough campaign background to create any hero you want in this turbulent time. The Thundering Skies Player's Guide is an extract of the full Thundering Skies campaign book.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.01.2018 | 08:37
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/231097.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/231097/Winter-Eternal-Rise-of-the-Ghost-Machines)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/231097-sample.pdf)

[Just Insert Imagination] Winter Eternal: Rise of the Ghost Machines
Authors: Morné Schaap, Eric Lamoureux
Pages: 26
Prices: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Can't run your usual game, running a Con game or looking for something short to introduce new players? Just Insert Imagination has you covered.

*The core setting book for Winter Eternal is NOT needed to run this adventure. Everything you need is included in this adventure*

"Looking back you can still see the lights and fires of the departure ceremony flickering on the wall. The machine sways and jerks as it makes its way further from the city. Light from the headlamps dance across the mounds of snow and makes the shadows jump and writhe. Around you pipes hiss and gears rattle. To your right, the failing sun is just peeking over the horizon. The orange-tinted wasteland stretches out ahead of you. This is going to be an interesting journey."

Can your team finish the first test run of a new mechanical walker? It is a long journey with lots of dangers between the heroes and Wallside, but they are very excited. They feel they are prepared for anything. Let’s hope they are right.

In the document (that is designed to fit inside a GM screen) you will find:

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.01.2018 | 21:36
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/FG_RPG_900.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/flash-gordon-rpg-pdf/)
[Pinnacle] Flash Gordon™ RPG (PDF)
Authors: Scott A. Woodard, Shane Lacy Hensley, Norm Hensley, Clint Black, John Goff, Matthew Cutter
Pages: 192
Prices: $19,99 (Pinnacle Store)

“He’ll save every one of us!”

On the rogue planet of Mongo, a brutal and sadistic tyrant named Ming the Merciless rules from his royal palace at the heart of Mingo City.

Secretly defying the emperor’s reign of terror are the Freemen, revolutionaries banded together from a number of kingdoms around the globe. From the winged hawkmen of Sky City to the ice giants of Naquk, from the water-breathing Coralians to the tree-dwelling Arborians, and from the nomadic lion men to the dwarfs of the Magnetic Mountains, many who have suffered under the drogiron fist of Emperor Ming have united under their own standard to see that the despot is deposed and freedom for all becomes the law of the land.

Inspiring this growing rebellion are three aliens from Earth: Dr. Hans Zarkov, Dale Arden, and Flash Gordon, the man whose face emboldens all who wish to live on a world free of Ming!

The Flash Gordon™ Roleplaying Game core rulebook contains updates to the Savage Worlds core rules system, new rules for powers, races, Edges and Hindrances, gear, rocket ships, and some of the most unique Setting Rules we’ve ever designed! It also includes a gazetteer of the fantastic world of Mongo, a Plot Point campaign, Savage Tales, and a host of heroes, villains, and horrific beasts for the Game Master’s eyes only!

The Flash Gordon™ Roleplaying Game requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.

Flash Gordon™ is ©King Features Syndicate, Inc. TM Hearst Holdings, Inc.

Long Live Flash! Upgrade Your PDF to Print+PDF!

Purchase this PDF and we’ll email you later with details on how to upgrade your purchase for a print copy of the Flash Gordon™ RPG (+PDF).

Print purchases must be from PEGinc.com or from the post-Kickstarter PledgeManager. Eligible PDF purchases are from PEGinc.com only. For more information email site.admin@peginc.com.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 19.01.2018 | 20:49
(https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/019/319/037/83a711498744e86d94a335b955e64314_original.png?w=680&fit=max&v=1511226812&auto=format&lossless=true&s=d673ecb01a9a5914cbd7e2e60edc1fcb) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/339895023/children-of-the-apocalypse-for-savage-worlds)

Children of the Apocalypse is a post-apocalyptic epic fantasy setting for Savage Worlds. In Children of the Apocalypse, bold adventurers explore the ruins of our world, seeking lost technologies to empower the creations of Tinker Mages.

In the world of Children of the Apocalypse, the Nine Gods exert a daily influence on societies, scheming for the advantage of their followers and the downfall of their enemies. The setting book includes a complete Plot Point campaign in which the players contend with the Gods themselves to determine the future of all humanity.

Players take on the roles of newly-minted adventurers of the city-state of Peterborough, in the service of the Lord Protector. Some might follow the path of the psion, learning the arts of mental power; others might master musketry or fencing; still others could study alchemy or wizardry.

Ich werde den Macher hinter dem Children of the Apocalypse Kickstarter am Sonntag den 21.01. um 20:00 Uhr deutscher Zeit live auf Twitch.TV im Interview haben:

https://www.twitch.tv/veiledfuryentertainment (https://www.twitch.tv/veiledfuryentertainment)

Wenn ihr Fragen habt, schickt sie mir per PM oder Mail, oder fragt am Sonntag live im Chat. :)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.01.2018 | 22:15
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/231833.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/231833/The-Savage-World-of-Flash-Gordon)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/231833-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle] The Savage World of Flash Gordon™
Author: Scott A. Woodard
Pages: 192
Prices: €32,61 €16,30 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

“He’ll save every one of us!”

On the rogue planet of Mongo, a brutal and sadistic tyrant named Ming the Merciless rules from his royal palace at the heart of Mingo City.

Secretly defying the emperor’s reign of terror are the Freemen, revolutionaries banded together from a number of kingdoms around the globe. From the winged hawkmen of Sky City to the ice giants of Naquk, from the water-breathing Coralians to the tree-dwelling Arborians, and from the nomadic lion men to the dwarfs of the Magnetic Mountains, many who have suffered under the drogiron fist of Emperor Ming have united under their own standard to see that the despot is deposed and freedom for all becomes the law of the land.

Inspiring this growing rebellion are three aliens from Earth: Dr. Hans Zarkov, Dale Arden, and Flash Gordon, the man whose face emboldens all who wish to live on a world free of Ming!

The Flash Gordon™ Roleplaying Game core rulebook contains updates to the Savage Worlds core rules system, new rules for powers, races, Edges and Hindrances, gear, rocket ships, and some of the most unique Setting Rules we’ve ever designed! It also includes a gazetteer of the fantastic world of Mongo, a Plot Point campaign, Savage Tales, and a host of heroes, villains, and horrific beasts for the Game Master’s eyes only!

The Flash Gordon™ Roleplaying Game requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.


(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/232117.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/232117/The-Savage-World-of-Flash-Gordon-Kingdoms-of-Mongo)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/232117-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle] The Savage World of Flash Gordon™: Kingdoms of Mongo
Authors: Scott Woodard, Randy Mosiondz, Simon Lucas, Anthony Pryor, Ed Wetterman, Preston DuBose, David Boop, John M Goff
Pages: 192
Prices: €32,61 €16,30 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

“He’ll save every one of us!”

Kingdoms of Mongo is a comprehensive guide to the many diverse lands that can be found upon, above, and even within the great rogue planet of Mongo.

This in-depth guide explores the cultures, geography, technology, and denizens of each domain. It contains everything your explorer needs to survive beyond the safety and security of Mingo City’s thick klangstone walls and energized lightning fields.

Kingdoms of Mongo focuses on nine individual kingdoms: Arboria, Coralia, Frigia, Kira, Radiuma, Sky City, Skyland, Tropica, and Valkr. It includes player-friendly information as well as secret material for the Game Master's eyes only, including new monsters, new adversaries, and all-new Savage Tales.

Pack your bags, climb on your rocket cycle, and take to the turbulent skies! It’s time to head out and see the whole wide world of Mongo for yourself!
Kingdoms of Mongo requires The Savage World of Flash Gordon™ and Savage Worlds™ to play, though it can be read and enjoyed by any fan of Alex Raymond's classic hero!

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/232118.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/232118/The-Savage-World-of-Flash-Gordon-Combat-Options)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/232118-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle] The Savage World of Flash Gordon™: Combat Options
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 2
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This colorful double-sided reference sheet contains all the combat options players need in the heat of battle, and are updated to reflect some of the core rules changes for Flash Gordon! Print 'em up and hand 'em out to best defeat Ming's merciless minions!

This product requires the Flash Gordon™ RPG and Savage Worlds core rules to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.01.2018 | 10:54
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/3554/232398.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/232398/Beasts--Barbarians-Game-Master-Screen)
[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians Game Master Screen
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Panels: 4
Prices: €12,07 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Hide your knowledge!

This four-panel Screen has great art showing the glory of Dominions you love, while the GM's side has all B&B essential tables. But that is not all! With that Screen, you will receive Tomes of Ancient Lore, a booklet with materials both for GM and Players! From Astrology to Combat Scenes sourcebook!

Tomes of Ancient Lore

This booklet will have something both for the Players and the GM.

For the Players: Star Signs of the Dominions! Heroes and gods are born under a particular star, the Priest Princes of Tricarnia say, and this small sourcebook introduces a new characterization option for your heroes: star signs! Each of them (draw a card during character creation to see which) gives a hero a particular knack, but also a Doom, something which is written in the stars for him (a useful adventure hook).

For the GM: Blades of the Dominions: A Sword & Sorcery Combat Scenes sourcebook. B&B adventures are famous for their detailed and compelling combat scenes. A small sourcebook of ready-to-play combat scenes (with terrains, chosen enemies, tactics and so on), each with Golden and Steel Bennies.

For example: interrupting a dark rite, escape through the snow, chase in the forest, charge into battle, naval combat, sorcerous duel, find the assassin. Plus a table of "ready to use" terrain elements (pillars, barrels, crowds of people etc...)

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.02.2018 | 15:57
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/62/223926.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/223926/Agents-of-GAIA-Savage-Worlds)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/223926-sample.pdf)

[Battlefield Press] Agents of G.A.I.A.
Authors: Alan Bahr, Jonathan M. Thompson
Pages: 74
Prices: €9,59 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

You have always seen a glimpse of the strange and unknown out of the corner of your eye. You dismissed it from the time you were little until now. You knew that your friend was attacked by werewolves when you were fifteen, even though the entire block was looking for a stray dog. You continued to experience these events as an adult until one day you could not let the attacks go. You had to report something to the authorities, you had to tell someone that Mr. Mason next door was attacked by a mummy in his front yard, no matter how crazy that sounds. Your report did not go unnoticed, as you were visited by a government agency you had never heard of before. The agents that arrived on your doorstep informed you that you were one of the Veil-born, and have the gift of seeing things not seen or believed by most of the populous. You have been recruited by the agency and you are now part of the group called G.A.I.A. an organization designed to protect people from the strange and unusual that exists out there.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.02.2018 | 16:04
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/556/232947.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/232947/Savage-Worlds-Zombie-Squad)
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[Applied Vectors] Savage Worlds Zombie Squad
Authors: Ian R. Liddle, FeralgamersInc
Pages: 74
Prices: €7,99 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Zombie Squad is a Sci-Fi RPG where you play as Ex Military Criminal Black Op Units, called Penal Squadrons, that are sent out on missions either too dangerous or too dirty for Earth's Military forces.

You are deniable and expendable and expected to accomplish your mission whatever it takes. With the skills and abilities to operate behind enemy lines or undercover on the many planets available to visit in the game.

If you have ever wanted a game that mixes Star Wars, Aliens, and Firefly and throws in a pinch of the Dirty Dozen and Inglorious Basterds then The Zombie Squad is the game you have been waiting for.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.02.2018 | 18:10
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/9012/233179.png) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/233179/Random-Mission-Generator)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/233179-sample.pdf)

[Applied Vectors] Zombie Squad: Random Mission Generator
Author: FeralgamersInc
Pages: 19
Prices: €1,20 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A Random Mission generator for all versions of The Zombie Squad RPG (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/232947/Savage-Worlds-Zombie-Squad).

This generator can also be used with any Science Fiction RPG with a few little tweaks.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.02.2018 | 19:26
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/SW_Explorer_Cover_05_900.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/savage-worlds-explorer-volume-1-issue-5/)
[Pinnacle] Savage Worlds Explorer Issue 5, Volume 1
Authors: Camdon Wright, Kyle Carty, John "Night Train" Goff, Sean Tait Bircher
Pages: 32
Prices: $9,99 (Pinnacle Store)

Calling All Explorers!

Whether you’re a college student going to the movies, a brainwashed superninja, or off to explore known worlds for JumpCorp—savage settings need intrepid explorers!

Infinite Worlds of Adventure

Savage Worlds Explorer is a continuing series featuring Savage Tales from all our settings written by new authors and industry veterans. This installment features tales by Camdon Wright, Kyle Carty, John Goff, and Sean Tait Bircher, with two scenarios which only require the core rules!

Savage Worlds: Two Birds, One Stone by Camdon Wright

Someone gunned down Sarah and Hunter Williams in cold blood. Sarah was an aspiring sculptor but paid the bills with her job as a bank teller. Hunter was a painter who spent his days building websites for other artists. It’s the cops’ job to figure out whodunit—and they might not have to look very far.

Deadlands the Weird West: The Cowboy Killer by Kyle Carty

There’s a saying about desert-dwelling life: It’ll either stick you, prick you, or kick you. The ”cowboy killer” became infamous as the absolute last thing a rider wanted to fall onto in the event that his horse threw him from the saddle.

Savage Worlds: A Familiar Problem by John Goff

A modern investigative horror scenario intended for Novice characters, in “A Familiar Problem” the investigators are retained by Alice and George Dotson to find their 26-year-old son. Lonny’s been missing for more than two days now, and it’s only a matter of time before the court finds out he’s jumped bail. If the investigators can’t find that little rat, the Dotsons will lose their home!

Rippers Resurrected: Foxed! by Sean Tait Bircher

Passing through Tokyo, the Rippers stop to assist the Tokyo Lodge and unwittingly become drawn into a horrifying scheme of revenge. A kitsune—a fox demon— stalks the Tokyo Rippers for an affront from years ago.

The Savage Worlds Explorer requires a copy of Savage Worlds core rules and may require the core books for the setting, such as Deadlands Player’s Guide and Deadlands Marshal’s Handbook. Add dice, a deck of cards, and explorers, and let the fun begin!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.02.2018 | 19:34
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4761/233066.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/233066/Savagely-Useful-A-Hero-Will-Rise-Epic-Fantasy)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/233066-sample.pdf)

[Evil Beagle Games] A Hero Will Rise: Epic Fantasy
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon
Pages: 24
Prices: €5,62 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Discover Who Your Hero Was... Before They Were a Hero

A Hero Will Rise: Epic Fantasy is the first in a series of Savagely Useful products designed specifically to help players flesh out a background story for their epic fantasy characters in Savage Worlds games. Using a combination of personal choices, random d20 rolls, and draws from a regular card deck, players can determine:
Using this book, you can not only generate fun and interesting narrative elements for your character, you get special additional abilities and bonuses, as well. In addition, you can use this to generate one or both of your Minor Hindrances, and gain narrative hooks to go with them.

A Hero Will Rise: Epic Fantasy is not only fun to use for creating a fantasy hero character, it can work great as a quick generator for NPCs, as a writing prompt for fantasy writers, and for all kinds of fantasy character-oriented needs.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.02.2018 | 09:39
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7775/233223.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/233223/Seven-Worlds-Module-4-Broken-Circle)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/233223-sample.pdf)

[Intellistories] Seven Worlds Module 4: Broken Circle
Author: Luis Enrique Torres
Pages: 43
Prices: €4,88 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The fourth adventure in the Seven Worlds RPG epic campaign!

While human space slowly but surely falls to the alien invaders known as the Devourers, the heroes get involved in a dangerous rescue mission in the savage jungles of Logan’s End. The reward for a successful rescue: The solution to the mystery surrounding the tragic story of a long-dead smuggler spaceship crew; and the coordinates of a mysterious place known only as Chrysalis, the heroes’ only hope to save the Seven Worlds from annihilation!

This adventure also includes five new side stories so your players can explore the Seven Worlds while they play the main campaign!

This module is also available as part of the Seven Worlds Campaign Subscription. Purchase the subscription to get all seven modules (as they are released) at an almost 20% discount when compared with single module pricing. On top of that, the subscription also includes the full Seven Worlds Campaign Book (a 253-page one-volume compilation of all seven modules with exclusive Campaign Book cover art) at no extra cost!

This product requires the Savage Worlds rulebook and the Seven Worlds Setting Guide to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.02.2018 | 09:46
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7775/231003.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/231003/Seven-Worlds-Module-3-Into-the-Fire)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/231003-sample.pdf)

[Intellistories] Seven Worlds Module 3: Into the Fire
Author: Luis Enrique Torres
Pages: 38
Prices: €4,88 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The third adventure in the Seven Worlds RPG epic campaign!

Several months have passed since the fall of Nouvelle Vie and humanity is fighting a losing war against the alien invaders now known as the Devourers. The heroes are asked to go on a long-shot mission to find an alternative way to stop their enemy. The trail and an anonymous message lead to a political war between corporations in the frozen planet of Apollo, where the heroes have to storm a faraway research facility that has been taken over by terrorists. One of these terrorists has a clue the heroes need if they hope to find a way to save the Seven Worlds from annihilation!

This adventure also includes seven new side stories so your players can explore the Seven Worlds while they play the main campaign!

This module is also available as part of the Seven Worlds Campaign Subscription. Purchase the subscription to get all seven modules (as they are released) at an almost 20% discount when compared with single module pricing. On top of that, the subscription also includes the full Seven Worlds Campaign Book (a 253-page one-volume compilation of all seven modules with exclusive Campaign Book cover art) at no extra cost!

This product requires the Savage Worlds rulebook and the Seven Worlds Setting Guide to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.02.2018 | 22:35
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/338/233724.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/233724/Citizens-Divided)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/233724-sample.pdf)

[Aegis Studios] Citizens Divided
Author: Travis Legge
Pages: 40
Prices: €3,22 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Life in 2068

Beyond the relatively banal existences of Joe and Jane Uniform, the world of Citizens Divided is filled with unique and interesting folks, working on both sides of the corporate divide, in order to rebuild a broken world, strengthen their own futures, or support a personal agenda.

Fight the Power

Citizens Divided is a dystopian cyberpunk view of the world fifty years from now. The climate has changed, corporate greed has led to economic collapse, class war, and widespread unrest. Explore the grungy streets of the crumbling prole villages as a Gutter Punk, fight for the rights and welfare of the weak as an ExoPilot, or bend the internet to your will as a Hacker!

New Options, New Stories

Citizens Divided contains:
This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

Material within this product is reproduced with permission from Pinnacle Entertainment Group from Savage Worlds Core Rules and Science Fiction Companion.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.02.2018 | 01:16
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/338/233897.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/233897/Citizens-Divided-Character-Sheet)
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[Aegis Studios] Citizens Divided: Character Sheet
Author: Travis Legge
Pages: 4
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Life in 2068

Beyond the relatively banal existences of Joe and Jane Uniform, the world of Citizens Divided is filled with unique and interesting folks, working on both sides of the corporate divide, in order to rebuild a broken world, strengthen their own futures, or support a personal agenda.

Make a Difference!

The Citizens Divided Character Sheet allows you to track the Attributes, Skills, Cyberware, Bioware and more for YOUR character. Explore the grungy streets of the crumbling prole villages as a Gutter Punk, fight for the rights and welfare of the weak as an ExoPilot, or bend the internet to your will as a Hacker!

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.02.2018 | 01:27
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/338/233983.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/233983/Bad-Chips-Citizens-Divided)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/233983-sample.pdf)

[Aegis Studios] Citizens Divided: Bad Chips
Author: Travis Legge
Pages: 9
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Life in 2068

Beyond the relatively banal existences of Joe and Jane Uniform, the world of Citizens Divided is filled with unique and interesting folks, working on both sides of the corporate divide, in order to rebuild a broken world, strengthen their own futures, or support a personal agenda.

Give in to Sensation

Bad Chips is a collection of three mini-adventures for Citizens Divided. In these scenarios, the characters delve into the seedy world of Sensuals. Each scenario deals with Sensuals as a plot device to propel the characters into an adventure.

These scenarios can function for characters of any Professional Edge on either side of the corporate divide. In scenarios involving finding a bad chip, any character with a Skill Chip Reader could encounter the chip by mistake when attempting to slot a new skill chip. Perhaps one of the characters is a Doctor who finds out about the chip from a patient. The most likely or common scenario would be that one of the characters, or one of their associates, is a Sense Chip user, and slots the chip looking for a good time. Instead, they find nothing but trouble.

The final scenario could theoretically target anyone. It is a great chance to pull together characters from wildly different backgrounds.

Story Seeds, System Expansion

Bad Chips contains:
This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

Material within this product is reproduced with permission from Pinnacle Entertainment Group from the Savage Worlds Core Rules and Science Fiction Companion.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.02.2018 | 14:54
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3730/234115.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/234115/Beneath-the-Festered-Sun-Savage-Worlds)
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[Legendary Games] Beneath the Festered Sun
Authors: Pedro Coelho with Tyler Omichinski
Pages: 36
Prices: €6,43 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Dead Sun Rises!

When a heretical priestess met execution at the hands of conspirators, her immortal consort vowed to carry out her dying curse. Now, after centuries of plotting and waiting, the sky and stars have aligned perfectly to finally unleash her long-simmering revenge. Amidst the excitement over this celestial conjunction, a lone voice proclaiming the coming danger is mysteriously silenced and the wrath of the burning sun smites the population with a scorching curse. The authorities are overwhelmed, but can your heroes forestall this agonizing vengeance set in motion ages ago? To save the soul of a city, they must confront its past and its present to save its future, destroying the accursed avatars of a long-dead enemy—all before the twilight of the Festered Sun.

Beneath the Festered Sun is a Novice-level adventure for Savage Worlds. Set in a fantastic Egyptian-style kingdom long since fallen into decay and corruption, it features a blend of dungeons to explore, mysteries to unravel, and interludes of intrigue and battle alike in and around the necropolis of Owot-ti, with opportunities for characters of every kind to shine. Unleash this awesome 36-page adventure on your heroes and Make Your Game Legendary!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.02.2018 | 15:06
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4761/234193.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/234193/Atomic-Monsters-Savage-Worlds)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/234193-sample.pdf)

[Evil Beagle Games] Atomic Monsters
Author: Michael Surbrook
Pages: 14
Prices: €2,38 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Oh no! There goes Tokyo!

Michael Surbrook, Evil Beagle's resident scholar, and master-of-cleverness, turns his gaze to another region of popular culture as he explores the genre launched by 1954's Them! Irradiated monstrosities are a whole new kind of challenge for your heroes, coming from an old-yet-still-compelling source.

Atomic Monsters is a concise, easy-to-consume, immediately useful treatise on how to create and use freakish monsters from atomic nightmares in your campaign. Sections include -
Michael finishes up by giving you three sample creatures to launch at your heroes and ruin their world - Atomic Wasps, a Giant Sea Scorpion, and Radioactive Sentient Slime Mold (from Space)!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.03.2018 | 15:25
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7775/233223.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/233223/Seven-Worlds-Module-4-Broken-Circle)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/233223-sample.pdf)

[Intellistories] Seven Worlds Module 4: Broken Circle
Author: Luis Enrique Torres
Pages: 43
Prices: €4,85 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The fourth adventure in the Seven Worlds RPG epic campaign!

While human space slowly but surely falls to the alien invaders known as the Devourers, the heroes get involved in a dangerous rescue mission in the savage jungles of Logan’s End. The reward for a successful rescue: The solution to the mystery surrounding the tragic story of a long-dead smuggler spaceship crew; and the coordinates of a mysterious place known only as Chrysalis, the heroes’ only hope to save the Seven Worlds from annihilation!

This adventure also includes five new side stories so your players can explore the Seven Worlds while they play the main campaign!

This module is also available as part of the Seven Worlds Campaign Subscription. Purchase the subscription to get all seven modules (as they are released) at an almost 20% discount when compared with single module pricing. On top of that, the subscription also includes the full Seven Worlds Campaign Book (a 253-page one-volume compilation of all seven modules with exclusive Campaign Book cover art) at no extra cost!

This product requires the Savage Worlds rulebook and the Seven Worlds Setting Guide to play.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7775/234527.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/234527/Seven-Worlds-Module-5-Chrysalis)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/234527-sample.pdf)

[Intellistories] Seven Worlds Module 5: Chrysalis
Author: Luis Enrique Torres
Pages: 46
Prices: €4,85 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The fifth adventure in the Seven Worlds RPG epic campaign!

After many grueling adventures, the heroes finally reach Chrysalis, a bizarre place unknown to most humans. As the heroes attempt to overturn the political status quo, they discover the secret the leaders of this place have been working so hard to keep hidden: The existence of a weapon that could stop the Devourers once and for all!

This module is also available as part of the Seven Worlds Campaign Subscription. Purchase the subscription to get all seven modules (as they are released) at an almost 20% discount when compared with single module pricing. On top of that, the subscription also includes the full Seven Worlds Campaign Book (a 253-page one-volume compilation of all seven modules with exclusive Campaign Book cover art) at no extra cost!

This product requires the Savage Worlds rulebook and the Seven Worlds Setting Guide to play.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7775/236165.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/236165/Seven-Worlds-Module-6-Exodus)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/236165-sample.pdf)

[Intellistories] Seven Worlds Module 6: Exodus
Author: Luis Enrique Torres
Pages: 46
Prices: €4,85 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The sixth adventure in the Seven Worlds RPG epic campaign!

The heroes have organized a fleet of civilian and military ships, and are now carrying the secret to stop the fearsome Devourer invasion. But can they reach Earth in time? They might if they decide to follow a tip and shorten a hopelessly long voyage by taking a dangerous route. Unfortunately, rebel elements within the fleet have other intentions, and are willing to put everyone's lives at risk to stop the fleet from reaching its destination!

Exodus includes three side stories, a special Hacking subsystem for regaining control of the computers of a battleship; special rules to run a 3D battle inside a zero-G sphere; and expanded rules to simulate the management and leadership activities of a rag-tag space fleet!

This module is also available as part of the Seven Worlds Campaign Subscription. Purchase the subscription to get all seven modules (as they are released) at an almost 20% discount when compared with single module pricing. On top of that, the subscription also includes the full Seven Worlds Campaign Book (a 253-page one-volume compilation of all seven modules with exclusive Campaign Book cover art) at no extra cost!

This product requires the Savage Worlds rulebook and the Seven Worlds Setting Guide to play.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7775/237145.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/237145/Seven-Worlds-Module-7-Endgame)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/237145-sample.pdf)

[Intellistories] Seven Worlds Module 7: Endgame
Author: Luis Enrique Torres
Pages: 54
Prices: €4,85 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The amazing conclusion to the epic Seven Worlds RPG campaign!

The future of humanity hangs in the balance as the heroes race against time to save Earth from the fearsome Devourers. As the heroes infiltrate a Devourer base, they finally meet the aliens and discover how truly terrifying their enemies are. Then, while the final assault on Earth rages on, they must face the leader of the Psion Brotherhood and wrest from him the secret that can stop the invaders before their Home Planet is obliterated!

Endgame also includes several suggestions and short starters for adventuring in the universe of the Seven Worlds once the main campaign wraps up!

This module is also available as part of the Seven Worlds Campaign Subscription. Purchase the subscription to get all seven modules (as they are released) at an almost 20% discount when compared with single module pricing. On top of that, the subscription also includes the full Seven Worlds Campaign Book (a 253-page one-volume compilation of all seven modules with exclusive Campaign Book cover art) at no extra cost!

This product requires the Savage Worlds rulebook and the Seven Worlds Setting Guide to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.03.2018 | 17:28
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10267/236321.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/236321/The-Powder-Mage-Roleplaying-Game)
[Gallant Knight Games] The Powder Mage Roleplaying Game
Authors: Brian McClellan, Alan Bahr
Pages: 137
Prices: €12,13 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Explore the World of the Award-Winning Powder Mage Universe!

Set four years after the end of the Adran-kez War as recounted in The Autumn Republic (https://www.amazon.de/Autumn-Republic-Powder-Mage-Trilogy/dp/0316219126), the Powder Mage RPG outlines a world in the upheaval of political, social and technological revolution.

It makes use of the Savage Worlds game system to allow for a versatile and easy-to-learn ruleset, fast character creation and the ability to set out on an adventure within minutes.

It also includes previously unpublished information about the countries, people, and history of the Powder Mage Universe.

Players can throw themselves into conflicts throughout the Nine Nations, from the power struggles within the budding republic of Adro to the unstable intrigue of the migrating courts of the baron-kings of Unice. To do so, they can take on any number of roles: a humble Knacked trying to create a  family fortune, a Privileged sorcerer out to change the world, or even a power mage, bent on revenge for past slights.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 25.03.2018 | 17:36
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/237297.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/237297/Shaintar-Thundering-Skies)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/237297-sample.pdf)

[Savage Mojo] Shaintar: Thundering Skies
Authors: Howard Brandon, Darren Pearce, Rules: Howard Brandon, Brett Smith
Pages: 112
Prices: €16,17 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Tempest is Coming!

Violent, unexplained storms batter the coast of Shaintar, smashing into towns with incredible ferocity. It is the start of the Tempest, and there's nothing natural about the extreme weather descending on the realm.

Tell the story of heroes battling the greatest of evils in Thundering Skies, the first published campaign setting for Shaintar. The stakes have never been higher - or more dangerous - for the Tempest represents a terrible foe that seems unstoppable. Even Ceynara, the Queen of Hell, casts a wary eye upon the forces of the Tempest.

Be prepared, for the skies are Thundering!

With this book, you have the tools to set the scene and tell the story of a full Plot Point Campaign. You'll find plenty of new player options, background on events and locations, a host of Savage Tales, and a bestiary full of NPC-Enemy stat blocks related to the Tempest in Shaintar.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.03.2018 | 00:23
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/2419/215680.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/215680/Sundered-Skies-Codex)
[Triple Ace Games] Sundered Skies Codex
Authors: Dave Blewer & Various
Pages: 292
Prices: €20,19 ZIP; €40,39 B/W HC; €60,58 €42,80 ZIP & B/W HC (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to the Sundered Skies Adventure Codex!

In this epic tome you will find eight awesome adventures set in the dangerous world of the Sundered Skies.

Follow your destiny and explore a world of shattered floating islands where the glow of the void brings you close to madness. 

Book Contents:

The Ice Tower
Fate of the Summoner
Blade of Destiny
The Race
Mind Thief
Mists of Savannah
Festival of Madness
Within the Skies
Island Guide 1
Island Guide 2
Savage Worlds Deluxe Rules Conversion Guide

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.03.2018 | 20:59
(https://bundlefiles92-public.s3-external-1.amazonaws.com/bundleofholding/images/20180327a/290DeadlandsReloaded-HeaderGraphic-1400x590.png) (https://bundleofholding.com/presents/DeadReloaded)
[Bundle of Holding] Deadlands Reloaded
Prices: $12.95 Player's Collection; $20.05 level-up Marshal's Collection
Time remaining: 20d 7h

EVERYTHING YOU NEED for a complete history-fantasy-horror campaign in the Weird West

Player's Collection
Deadlands Reloaded Player's Guide
Ghost Towns
Grim Prairie Tunes soundtrack
Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition

Marshal's Collection
Deadlands Reloaded Marshal's Handbook
Grim Prairie Trails
Trail Guides Vol 1
Blood Drive 1-3
All the Purty Little Horses

(https://bundlefiles92-public.s3-external-1.amazonaws.com/bundleofholding/images/20180327b/291DeadlandsServitors-HeaderGraphic-1400x590.png) (https://bundleofholding.com/presents/DeadServitors)
[Bundle of Holding] Deadlands Servitors
Prices: $12.95 Starter Collection; $25.00 level-up Bonus Collection
Time remaining: 20d 7h

STONE AND A HARD PLACE, GOOD INTENTIONS, and the other Servitors Plot Point Campaigns

Starter Collection
The Flood
The Last Sons
Blood, Sweat, and Gears soundtrack

Bonus Collection
Stone and a Hard Place
Stone and a Hard Place bonuses
Good Intentions
Good Intentions bonuses
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.03.2018 | 21:35
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/62/224188.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/224188/Gaslight-Victorian-Fantasy-3e-Savage-Worlds-Edition)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/224188-sample.pdf)

[Battlefield Press] Gaslight: Victorian Fantasy 3e (Savage Worlds Edition)
Authors:Stephen J. Miller, Jonathan M. Thompson
Pages: 80
Prices: €10,43 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Battlefield Press, Inc presents Gaslight: A Victorian Fantasy where technology meets sorcery, where fantasy meets history. A world where Humans co-exist with Vampires, where fantasy meets history. Beast Men, Werewolves, and Wildlings. A land of secret organizations and hidden agendas. Welcome to a Victorian world of magic, non-humans, and technology all trying to take their rightful place in society. Meet Vampire Detectives, Beast Men Sheriffs, and Wildling Rogues. Non-humans in society exist from their counterparts in Victorian literature. An interesting and unique setting for Savage Worlds.

In Gaslight you will find:
• A history of Gaslight Earth
• Four new races each with their own specific Arcane Backgrounds
• A host of new general and race-specific edges
• A Target-Number based Wealth system
• Rules for Social Standing
• Weapons and equipment from the Victorian era
• A detailed Gazetteer and Timeline
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.04.2018 | 18:56
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3730/237719.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/237719/Road-to-Destiny-Savage-Worlds)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/237719-sample.pdf)

[Legendary Games] Road to Destiny (Savage Worlds)
Authors: Jim Groves with Tyler Omichinski
Pages: 36
Prices: €6,48 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Beware the White Wolf!

A legacy of death bears bitter fruit in the northern coastlands, as brothers long separated each rise to the call of their darkling legacy. A new destiny has arisen in the west that threatens to shake the foundations of an empire half a world away, but not if Ranulfr the White Wolf and his one-eyed sibling can waylay these would-be heroes on their road to destiny! This Savage Worlds adventure designed for Novice characters can set their path on an epic caravan journey to the far reaches of the world, or it can serve as a self-contained sandbox adventure suitable for any campaign. Grab this 36-page adventure today and Make Your Game Legendary!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.04.2018 | 19:14
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/238457.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/238457/The-Savage-World-of-Flash-Gordon-Arboria-Poster-Map)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/238457-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Savage World of Flash Gordon: Arboria Poster Map
Artist: Alida Saxon
Pages: 1
Prices: €3,24 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Bring the verdant elevations of the Great Tree Highway and swampy sod of Arboria to your tabletop!

Featuring multiple levels of wooden platforms, swinging bridges, ropes to swing from—not to mention a rather threatening-looking stump of many holes—and a wicker cage for trespassers, this map inspires plenty of action for characters in The Savage World of Flash Gordon™.

This 24 by 30-inch full-color PDF map has a layer with a 1″ grid and is intended for The Savage World of Flash Gordon™ RPG, which requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.

This product requires the Flash Gordon™ RPG and Savage Worlds core rules to play.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/238456.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/238456/The-Savage-World-of-Flash-Gordon-Coralia-Poster-Map)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/238456-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Savage World of Flash Gordon: Coralia Poster Map
Artist: Alida Saxon
Pages: 1
Prices: €3,24 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Coralia map features a sunken rocket ship, coral outcroppings, and temptingly sensuous sea life, this beautiful map from Alida Saxon offers an underwater landscape for exploration—or ambush!

This 24 by 30-inch full-color PDF map has a layer with a 1″ grid and is intended for The Savage World of Flash Gordon™ RPG, which requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.

This product requires the Flash Gordon™ RPG and Savage Worlds core rules to play.

(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Flash_Map_of_Mongo900-700x470.jpg) (https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/peg-flash/FG_Map_of_Mongo.pdf)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Savage World of Flash Gordon: Map of Mongo
Artist: Alida Saxon
Pages: 1
Prices: Freebie (Pinnacle store)

Mongo: Beautiful and Treacherous

This full-color PDF map is intended for reference during play for The Savage World of Flash Gordon™ RPG, which requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.04.2018 | 13:12
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/238458.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/238458/The-Savage-World-of-Flash-Gordon-War-Rocket-Poster-Map)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/238458-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Savage World of Flash Gordon: War Rocket Poster Map
Artist: Alida Saxon
Pages: 1
Prices: €3,24 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Fast, nimble, well-armored, and well-armed, the War Rocket is ideal for air combat, bombing runs, and troop and gear transport.

This 24 by 30-inch full-color PDF map has a layer with a 1″ grid and is intended for The Savage World of Flash Gordon™ RPG, which requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.

This product requires the Flash Gordon™ RPG and Savage Worlds core rules to play.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/238459.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/238459/The-Savage-World-of-Flash-Gordon-Fast-Pursuit-Rocket-Poster-Map)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/238459-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Savage World of Flash Gordon: Fast Pursuit Rocket Poster Map
Artist: Alida Saxon
Pages: 1
Prices: €3,24 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The fast pursuit rocket is the swiftest skyship in Ming’s Imperial fleet. Use this map for boarding actions or as a home for your adventurers!

This 24 by 30-inch full-color PDF map has a layer with a 1″ grid and is intended for The Savage World of Flash Gordon™ RPG, which requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.

This product requires the Flash Gordon™ RPG and Savage Worlds core rules to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 6.04.2018 | 23:52
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/12257/237254.png) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/237254/Children-of-the-Apocalypse)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/237254-sample.pdf)

[Happy Monster Press] Children of the Apocalypse
Author: Scott Marchand Davis
Pages: 80
Prices: €8,16 PDF; €12,14 SC Standard; €16,14 SC Premium; €20,18 HC Premium; €20,30 €13,77 PDF + SC Standard; €24,30 €17,77 PDF + SC Premium; €28,34 €21,81 PDF + HC Premium (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In the ruins of an ancient city, a band of treasure hunters seeks ancient artifacts to fuel the creations of a powerful Tinker Mage.  Armies trade musket fire across rolling hills as pikemen brace to receive a charge of monstrous shock troops.  An assassin in the service of the Goddess of Death and Disease sets a gunpowder charge beneath the foundations of a rival church.  A wizard faces down a psion in an arcane duel for possession of a trove of ancient texts.  All these adventures and more are daily occurrences in the world of Children of the Apocalypse, a post-apocalyptic fantasy setting for Savage Worlds.

Children of the Apocalypse is a high-fantasy, high-theology, early black-powder-era setting taking place five centuries after a modern technological civilization collapsed in a great plague.  The plague itself was actually intended as a genetic enhancement to psychic ability, and a few children born in the years following the plague had near-godlike abilities as a result – these children eventually went to war and the nine survivors, now known as the Nine Gods, maintain an uneasy détente.


(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/12257/237891.png) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/237891/Children-of-the-Apocalypse--Character-Sheet)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/237891-sample.pdf)

[Happy Monster Press] Children of the Apocalypse - Character Sheet
Author: Scott Marchand Davis
Pages: 2
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

An editable 2-page character sheet for Children of the Apocalypse.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.04.2018 | 14:12
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/2212/238706.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/238706/Interface-Zero-Megabundle-BUNDLE)
[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero Megabundle
Prices: €167,59 €16,26 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This special bundle product contains the following titles:
A Facsimile of Death
Boston: The Broken Cradle of Liberty
City Tiles Volume 1: The Sprawl
Cyberpunk Floorplans: City Street
Cyberpunk Floorplans: Run Down Tenement
Drip by Bloody Drip
Extraction with Extreme Prejudice
Extraction with Extreme Prejudice (Pathfinder Edition)
From Gaza with Love
Hostile Takeover
Hot Potato
I-zine Volume 1: Message in a Bottle
I-Zine Volume 2: Wanted!
I-Zine Volume 3: Zeeks Expanded!
Interface Zero
Interface Zero (Pathfinder Edition)
Interface Zero 1.0
Interface Zero 2.0 GM screen
Interface Zero 2.0 Iconic figure flats
Interface Zero 2.0 Threats figure flats
Interface Zero 2.0: Fate Edition
Interface Zero 2.0: Full Metal Cyberpunk
Interface Zero 2.0: Player's Guide
Interface Zero: 2090 World Map
Interface Zero: Modern20 edition
Japan: Empire of the Setting Sun
Jericho Rose
Phoenix: The Terrible Valley of Static
Real Estate
Road Rage: Figure flats!
Road Rage: Life in the Fast Lane
San Francisco: The Ruins by the Bay
Seeds of Discontent
The Delivery
The Exchange
The New York Reclamation Zone
The Republic of Texas Savage Worlds edition
Zeeks: Psionics in 2088
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 9.04.2018 | 23:44
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2933/239201.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/239201/Intervention-Agency-Handbook)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/239201-sample.pdf)

[StoryWeaver] HighSpace 2.0: Intervention Agency Handbook
Authors: Patrick Taylor, Doc' Joe Sweeney, Jaie Obillo
Pages: 56
Prices: €10,18 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


Far-future Black Ops with killer-tech...
You’re the PanDominion’s greatest weapon.
But you don’t officially exist...
Join the ranks of Intervention...
and be a saboteur, a protector, a spy or assassin, tasked with protecting the trillions of citizens of the PanDominion.
The Intervention Agency Handbook delves into the top-secret universe of HighSpace, revealing the inner workings of an Agency where anything goes...


BONUS!  148 pages of printable sci-fi battle map tiles featuring four complete starships!


Requires: HighSpace 2nd Edition & Savage Worlds Deluxe
The follow-up to the HUGELY POPULAR HighSpace 1st Edition!
In this thrilling new RPG, YOU play the renegade and reluctant hero fighting unimaginable threats to an ultra-high-tech utopian world... just for kicks.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.04.2018 | 21:46
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/3118/229823.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/229823/Buccaneer-Through-Hell-and-High-Water)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/229823-sample.pdf)

[Fabled Environments] Buccaneer: Through Hell and High Water
Authors: Brett Weihing, Chris Fuchs, Christoper Landauer, Gilbert Gallo, Charles White
Artists: Rick Hershey, Mark Camelbeke, Alyssa Faden
Pages: 308
Prices: €16,13 PDF; €32,34 €24,22 SC Color Standard; €40,42 €32,30 HC Color Standard; €48,47 €24,22 PDF + SC Color Standard; €56,55 €32,30 PDF + HC Color Standard

Things differ from what you might remember in your history books. Sure, the seas overflow with iron men and wooden ships, but the Caribbean permeates a lurking darkness. The Golden Age of Piracy suffers a tarnish from a taint of a malevolent force lurking in the waters. What started out as a silent plea for help, turned into a deep cry for mercy.

This 300+ page book is a setting for the Savage Worlds system. It brings the Golden Age of Piracy to life. Contained within you can find some new rules for ship combat, swashbuckling chaos, ship customization,  new archetypes, over twenty new edges and hindrances and an exciting world of Buccaneers, Vodou and Monsters to run your campaign.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.04.2018 | 07:14
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/556/233051.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/233051/Std-Ed-Zombie-Squad-Action-Deck)
[Applied Vectors] Zombie Squad Action Deck
Artists: Rob Last, Ian Liddle
Cards: 54
Prices: €12,15 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Add a whole new dimension to your Zombie Squad (https://www.tanelorn.net/index.php/topic,38916.msg134586546.html#msg134586546) games with this deck of cards. All 54 cards are created by Ian Liddle and Rob Last to brilliantly capture the essence of this science-fiction game setting

(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/556/239651.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/239651/Zombie-Squad-Card-Bennies)
[Applied Vectors] Zombie Squad Card Bennies
Artist: Rob Last
Pages: 2
Prices: €1,62 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Zombie Squad (https://www.tanelorn.net/index.php/topic,38916.msg134586546.html#msg134586546) Bennies reproduced into a PDF designed to be printed on sheets of letter-sized cardboard. 
You get twenty bennies on a sheet; both front and backs are provided.

Need more? Print more. You'll never run out!

(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/556/239648.png) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/239648/Zombie-Squad-VTT-Assets)
[Applied Vectors] Zombie Squad VTT Assets
Artist: Rob Last
Prices: €0,81 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This ZIP file contains a PNG of the Standard Zombie Squad (https://www.tanelorn.net/index.php/topic,38916.msg134586546.html#msg134586546) Action Deck back as well as the Zombie Squad bennie 'face' which can be imported into Virtual Tabletops such as Roll20.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.04.2018 | 14:23
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11542/239716.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/239716/Mined-Your-Own-Business)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/239716-sample.pdf)

[High Level Games] Mine-d Your Own Business
Author: Jarod Lalonde
Pages: 3
Prices: €0,81 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The dwarven town of Galduroz is known for two things; strong drink, and the legendary smith, Granite Ironheart.

Your party will be tasked to bring mithral from a nearby mine so that he can continue his prized creations. But all is not as it seems. There are creatures in the deep, and plots in the world above.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.04.2018 | 14:02
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/239952.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/239952/The-Savage-World-of-Flash-Gordon-Character-Folio)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/239952-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Savage World of Flash Gordon: Character Folio
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 8
Prices: €2,43 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Flash Gordon™ Character Folio includes a character sheet, stat blocks to use for vehicle and allies, note space for your character background, nemesis, contacts, and a grid to make notes for maps. There’s also a Quick Reference Chart for combat maneuvers, Flash Gordon™ Setting Rules, the Creative Combat table, and the Planetary Romance table.

This product requires the Flash Gordon™ RPG and Savage Worlds core rules to play.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/239953.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/239953/The-Savage-World-of-Flash-Gordon-Character-Sheet)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Savage World of Flash Gordon: Character Sheet
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 1
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

You don't have to travel to Mongo to get this character sheet for the Flash Gordon™ RPG!

Want even more information for your character like a background, stat blocks for a vehicle or allies, notes on nemeses or maps, a handy reference for Flash Gordon™ Setting Rules, and more? Look for our Flash Gordon™ RPG Character Folio!

This product requires the Flash Gordon™ RPG and Savage Worlds core rules to play.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/239955.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/239955/The-Savage-World-of-Flash-Gordon-Table-Tent-Character-Sheet)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Savage World of Flash Gordon: Table Tent Character Sheet
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 1
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This download features a Table Tent style character sheet to print and use with your Flash Gordon™ RPG!

Popular for convention play and home use, this character sheet shows everyone at the table your character name, Parry, Toughness, Notice, and has space for an Action Card. The player-facing side has all your stats for easy reference, and there’s room for more information on the inside of the Table Tent.

Looking for a standard portrait-sized character sheet? Look for our Flash Gordon™ RPG Character Sheet.

Want even more information for your character like a background, stat blocks for a vehicle or allies, notes on nemeses or maps, a handy reference for Flash Gordon™ Setting Rules, and more? Look for our Flash Gordon™ RPG Character Folio!

This product requires the Flash Gordon™ RPG and Savage Worlds core rules to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.04.2018 | 23:06
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/9777/240252.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/240252/Sewer-Rats)
[Tricky Troll Games] Sewer Rats
Author: Nathan Carmen
Pages: 23
Prices: €3,26 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In an alternate modern-day earth, a villainous corporation known as Evolved Technologies Inc. has begun abducting humans and turning them into freakish mutants. Now, these mutants are escaping and living in large numbers beneath our feet, plotting revenge against ETI while trying to survive the urban jungle.

This Setting Kit provides a toolkit full of Savage goodness for the Gamemaster to use as they wish. This format is designed to highlight just how much a group can do with the Savage Worlds Core Rules and a little tweaking.

Included are:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.04.2018 | 23:57
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7752/240412.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/240412/Space-1889--Thunders-of-Venus-Savage-Worlds-Version)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/240412-sample.pdf)

[Clockwork Publishing] Space: 1889 - Thunders of Venus (Savage Worlds Version)
Author: Steven S. Long
Pages: 28
Prices: €8,15 €4,07 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Everything Jules Verne could have written.
Everything H. G. Wells should have written.
Everything Arthur Conan Doyle thought of,
but never published - because it was too fantastic.

The exploration of Venus was ill-fated for the British right from the start. All three of their Venus expeditions between 1874 and 1876 disappeared without a trace. The surviving expedition members could not be rescued until years later when—to the embarrassment of the Empire—a German zeppelin recovered them. Ever since the British have been searching for ways to stop the decaying process the precious liftwood of their ships is exposed to on the Morning Star. The British hope to regain air supremacy on Venus now lies in the young and ingenious scientist Roger Kincaide. Over the years he has developed the so-called ‘Kincaide Field’ and the day has come that he wants to field test his invention with the airship Aphrodite. The player characters are invited to join the maiden flight. A day of celebration, that could change the course of future history— if it weren’t for the Thunders of Venus that turn the cruise into a fierce struggle for survival…

This adventure is set on Venus. A test flight of an experimental airship ends in a catastrophe and the player characters, surviving crew and guests find themselves in the middle of the Venusian jungle. Will they be able to fight their way through to the next human outpost? Will they survive the threats of the jungle or will they end up as raptor food? What are they going to do when they are caught in the crossfire of a conflict between two rival Lizard-men tribes? And why can’t they shake the feeling that someone might have sabotaged the whole thing…?

The adventurers should be favorable towards the British Empire which in turn should trust them. The events in this adventure are especially suited for characters experienced in the wilderness. Be they Adventurers, Explorers, Hunters, Survivors of all kinds, Doctors or Soldiers, they will all be able to put their skills to use. However, social skills will be useful as well, so that Celebrities, Moneymen, or Academics, seemingly lost in the jungle at first, will have their chance to shine too.

This adventure was written for the Savage Worlds ruleset for Space:1889.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.04.2018 | 13:28
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Hellfrost-City-Book-6.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-products/pre-order-hellfrost-city-book-6-cities-of-trade/)
[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost City Book 6: Cities of Trade *PREORDER*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 34
Prices: €10,64 Preorder Print + PDF (TAG)


Halfway, where money can buy power and influence, and where having the right clothes is as important as having the right contacts. A place where adventurers can buy and sell all manner of goods, and use their loot to buy noble titles.

Glassport, gateway port to Aspiria, wreathed in smoke from the many furnaces that burn day and night, has become famous for its glassware. It is also a major center of alchemical learning and production, where mages and clerics can hone their arts and turn a tidy profit at the same time.

Both cities are centers of trade, but both have a unique flavor. Which one will your adventurers seek out?

Inside you will find:

IMPORTANT: The PDF is not available for immediate download. It will be released when the pre-order closes in a few weeks.

Wiggy has finished the text, Rob is busily doing the cartography for City Book 6, and the cover art has been commissioned. To keep your whistles whetted, here are two locations from the new book.

A. Packs for Backs [Halfway]
Despite its name, this shop sells backpacks, bandoliers, pouches, scroll cases (waterproof and mundane), and waterproof satchels. A former adventurer, Solveig Vidarsdohtor’s (the proprietor) days of excitement were cut short by an arrow through the knee.
She has a number of maps showing the location of tombs and ruins in the Hearth Range. Adventurers who make purchases are allowed to copy one map per 25 gs spent in the shop. Solveig makes no claims the maps will lead to treasure, as she has never investigated and no customers have bothered to return to the shop to relate their tales of fortune and glory.
32. The House of Teeth and Claws [Glassport]
This large house is entirely populated with semi-feral hunting cats. No one knows who owns the property or who ultimately pays the butcher’s bill for the fresh meat brought here everyday—the cult of Var receives money every month to pay for the provisions, but they have no other records. Suspects include the cult of Veth, the Convocation (who get blame for many odd events), and a nobleman using the cats to protect a valuable treasure.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.04.2018 | 18:36
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/12255/240902.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/240902/Saga-of-the-Goblin-Horde-Configurable-Map)
[Zadmar Games] Saga of the Goblin Horde: Configurable Map
Author: Richard Woolcock
Artist: Eli Kurtz
Pages: 1
Prices: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Have you ever run an official Saga of the Goblin Horde adventure, and wondered where exactly it took place?

This high-resolution (300 DPI) map can be configured by toggling different layers in your PDF reader (if you’re using Acrobat Reader, the "layers" tab is on the left side of the window, just below the paper clip). You can enable or disable the hex grid, text labels, and tribal territory, and display the travel routes for every single Plot Point Episode and One Sheet adventure!


This product is free, but if you enjoy Saga of the Goblin Horde and wish to show your support for the setting, please consider rating and/or reviewing my products, or making a small donation for the map (every sale helps increase my seller ranking, even if it’s just 1 cent).

Any money earned from this map will be invested into future Saga of the Goblin Horde products—in particular, I’m hoping to commission a larger poster-size map that reveals more of the human lands.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.05.2018 | 14:26
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/6221/241238.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/241238/Battle-Map-The-Sunken-Pyramid-of-the-Sun-King)
[Middle Kingdoms Adventure & Trading Co.] Battle Map: The Sunken Pyramid of the Sun King
Artist: Frank Turfler, Jr.
Prices: €8,43 €4,21 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Centuries ago the in defiance to his patron deity, the Sun King built a monumental pyramid in honor of the gods of the Underworld. Hidden deep underground his secret cult practiced their dark arts and ritual sacrifices to the unknown gods of the Underworld in the hopes of resurrecting their king so that he may overthrow his former patron and take his rightful place as the Sun God! Today, only the worms know what became of them.

Includes 300dpi and 72dpi versions of the Sunken Pyramid of the Sun King without and with grids and a layered PDF.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.05.2018 | 14:33
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/241313.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/241313/Lankhmar-Grim-Tidings)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/241313-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Lankhmar: Grim Tidings
Author: Shane Hensley
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Jon Taylor
Pages: 2
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The rogues prove themselves heroes or scoundrels as they rescue — or extort! — the survivors of a deadly shipwreck; and uncover an intriguing mystery!

Grim Tidings can be played alone or as the introduction to the full-length adventure A Night of Blood and Teeth, forthcoming from Pinnacle for Lankhmar: City of Thieves.

Check out the Kickstarter for the latest book in The Savage World of Lankhmar: Savage Seas of Nehwon!

This is designed for use with Lankhmar: City of Thieves and requires Savage Worlds to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.05.2018 | 16:44
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/12843/241356.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/241356/Savage-Space)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/241356-sample.pdf)

[Chaosmeister Games] Savage Space
Author: Marcus Burggraf
Pages: 47
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In this galaxy opportunity is everywhere, you just have to grab it. There are enough gaps to slip through and enough places to conduct any kind of business. But also prepare for conflict. You are not alone out there and many will try to stop you. Fringers, Pirates, Military, Corporations, Police forces, Nomads, Crimelords, Independents and many more are all looking out for their own interests and will stop at nothing to reach their goals. Go out into the void, keep your blaster ready, your ship flying, and find your own destiny among the stars.

Welcome to Savage Space!

This savage fan 40+ page PDF was the first thing I ever made public. It is a full-blown resource book for any Space Opera game run with Savage Worlds. While it was written and released in 2011 it has still many fans today and I want to make it accessible to an even wider crowd. So instead of only on my blog, I publish it here as well.

Content Overview:

The PDF has extensive bookmarks and a clickable index. It presumes only a generic setting and everything is usable with ease in any Sci-Fi Space Opera campaign.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.05.2018 | 11:53
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/9012/241604.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/241604/Savage-Ghost-Ops-Test-Drive)
[FeralGamersInc] Savage Ghost Ops Test Drive
Author: FeralgamersInc
Pages: 36
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This is the Test Drive for the Savage Ghost Ops Setting for Savage Worlds.

Inside you will find:

The Ghost Ops setting is a modern day Covert Operations RPG where you play members of a Special Operations Unit whose members are recruited from Spec Op forces worldwide.
The full Ghost Ops core book will be available in July 2018.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/9012/241607.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/241607/Savage-Ghost-Ops-Early-Access)
[FeralGamersInc] Savage Ghost Ops Early Access
Author: FeralgamersInc
Pages: 34
Prices: €10,07 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This is the Early Access PDF of the Savage Ghost Ops Setting

This Early Access file contains the following:

By buying this Early Access you are pre-ordering the full game, which when launched be priced at $19.99, so you are saving yourselves $7.99.
The Ghost Ops RPG is a game of modern-day Covert Operations, where you play as members of an elite special forces unit.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.05.2018 | 14:34
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/241764.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/241764/Wiseguys-Demo-Kit)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/241764-sample.pdf)

[Just Insert Imagination] Wiseguys: Demo Kit
Author: Eric Lamoureux
Pages: 50
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Wiseguys – Demo Kit is a 50 pages preview of the full setting book. Contained within its pages is a primer for an alternate Las Vegas of the 1990s, anecdotes, as well as new setting rules, edges, and hindrances. Fugazi, an introductory misadventure, and 6 pre-generated characters complete this FREE illustrated preview that is sure to leave you begging for more! Salute!

Wiseguys is an organized crime toolkit and Las Vegas Mob setting. You play a gangster or Las Vegas personality looking for money and power while evading the Law and dealing with the politics of the criminal Underworld.

Perform daring heists, take over rival gangs, extend your network, hunt down rats, take part in spectacular chases, survive drive-by shootings throughout the city, and enjoy a cigar and a game of poker. But don’t forget to dig holes in the desert! Lots of them.

Wiseguys is an homage to 1990s and 2000s gangster movies such as Casino, Reservoir Dogs, The Big Lebowski, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Ocean’s Eleven.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.05.2018 | 14:40
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/241919.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/241919/Lankhmar-Sirens-Call)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/241919-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Lankhmar: Siren's Call
Author: John Goff
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Jon Taylor
Pages: 2
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A map leads to the wreck of a treasure ship lost in the Great Salt Marsh. After a trek through the wilderness, the rogues discover riches were not the only thing the vessel was carrying!

Check out the Kickstarter for the latest book in The Savage World of Lankhmar: Savage Seas of Nehwon!

This is designed for use with Lankhmar: City of Thieves and requires Savage Worlds to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.05.2018 | 20:34
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/556/241601.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/241601/Savage-Worlds-Zombie-Squad-Mission-Pack-1)
[Applied Vectors] Zombie Squad Mission Pack 1
Author: Ian Liddle
Pages: 8
Prices: €4,18 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This is the first Mission Pack for Savage Worlds Zombie Squad; comprising of four one-sheet adventures.

Ore, Really:  The Zombie Squad must travel to Cladis in order to recover a shipment of Iron ore which failed to leave the surface.

Heavy Water:  The Zombie Squad are deployed to Aetis after a strange energy signature is spotted on the surface. They are assigned to assist and protect a science team as they investigate, and thus travel with them on their ship the Fewberry.

Angry Child:  The Zombie Squad have to deliver a message. They must travel to Uthoria and hand deliver a message to a human general on shore leave aboard ‘The Nova Star’ one of the planet’s pleasure ships, they do not allow electronic communications to their guests as such instant contact can disturb their holiday. However, criminals from Cladis have somehow gained a Battleship and are using it to wage war on the other colonies - and Uthoria is next on their list.

The Vandos Caper:  The Zombie Squad is assigned to help the explorer Alfred Ajax locate and retrieve an ancient alien artifact on Vandos. Rumors of the artifact's existence have been shared by an ex-employee of Crane Laws (who runs the colonies there).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.05.2018 | 20:41
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2419/241668.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/241668/Necropolis-2350-Impaler-Handbook)
[Triple Ace Games] Necropolis 2350: Impaler Handbook
Author: Paul 'Wiggy' Wade-Williams
Pages: 32
Prices: €8,36 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

They’ve got rocket launchers, flechette rifles, molecular swords, and sharp sticks!

For all the firepower available to the Sacri Ordines, there are times when you have to fight Rephaim toe-to-toe. This is when the Ordo Haste Sanctae, better known as the Impalers, rises to the front. Armed with spears, swords, and faith, they tread where others fear.

Designed for players and War Masters alike, this handbook explores the Impalers in detail.

Inside you'll find an expanded history, information on how the Ordo recruits new members and finances its army, details on the various Chapters, a tour of noted facilities, a range of hardware, sample Wild Card and Extra characters, background details on famous units, and plenty of new options for creating player character Impalers.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.05.2018 | 11:02
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/12255/241972.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/241972/Saga-of-the-Goblin-Horde-Back-to-the-Roots-Savage-Worlds)
[Zadmar Games] Saga of the Goblin Horde: Back to the Roots
Author: Richard Woolcock
Pages: 2
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

If I could bomb a windmill,
a windmill, a windmill.
If I could bomb a windmill.
That is what I would do.

Last year, the humans discovered that goblins hate the taste of vegetables, so they replaced their delicious warhorses with disgusting war horseradishes! Chief Bignose sent a crew to get to the Root of the Problem by killing the vile druid responsible for the abominations, but the goblins missed his stash of seeds, and now the humans have planted a whole new crop...

Note from the author: GGstudio (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/7837/GGstudio) invited me to Modena Play in April 2018. It was my first ever gaming convention, and I was asked to run a couple of Saga of the Goblin Horde games! I wanted to run a new adventure, but didn’t have time to create something from scratch, so I combined my favorite elements from three different adventures—the ornithopter run from Can of Wyrms, the war horseradishes from Root of the Problem, and the ambush cards from Dungeon Squat (the first Plot Point Episode in the setting book). It proved to be a fun little adventure, and with some effort (and a few adjustments) I’ve just about managed to squeeze it into a One-Sheet!

This is a Savage Worlds One-Sheet adventure for Saga of the Goblin Horde. It provides a simple five-scene framework which can be run with minimal preparation, leaving room for the Game Master to flesh out the story as much or as little as they wish.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.06.2018 | 09:11
(http://www.tripleacegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Hellfrost-City-Book-6-232x300.jpg) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-products/pre-order-hellfrost-city-book-6-cities-of-trade/)
[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost City Book 6: Cities of Trade *Teaser*

Here is a peek at the upcoming Hellfrost City Book 6! The map of Halfway, the city of a thousand streets!

On pre-order now HERE (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-products/pre-order-hellfrost-city-book-6-cities-of-trade/).

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.06.2018 | 22:32
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2212/242324.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/242324/Forces-of-Light-The-Savage-Guide-to-Heaven)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/242324-sample.pdf)

[Gun Metal Games] Forces of Light: The Savage Guide to Heaven
Authors: Darrell Hayhurst, Tommy Brownell
Artist: Jason Walton
Pages: 51
Prices: €5,16 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Where There is Darkness... There Are Those Ready to Stand Against It!

Forces of Light: The Savage Guide to Heaven is the companion book of Codex Infernus, the Savage Guide to Hell (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/180070/Codex-Infernus-The-Savage-Guide-to-Hell).

The mysteries of Heaven and its guardians are revealed in the supplement, allowing you to play angelic beings in the war to save Aegeron, or in your own campaign!

In this book you'll find:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.06.2018 | 11:02
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/244488.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/244488/Lankhmar-Savage-Seas-of-Nehwon)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/244488-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Lankhmar: Savage Seas of Nehwon
Author: Andrew Jones
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Aaron Riley
Pages: 96
Prices: €17,23 €8,61 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In the City of Sevenscore Thousand Smokes, danger lurks down every dark alley. Sinister sorcerers summon terrible forces in their crumbling towers. Treacherous rogues of the Thieves' Guild prowl the Plaza of Dark Delights. Assassins from the Slayers' Brotherhood work the Tenderloin District. And hunched figures skitter beneath the streets, waiting for their chance to rise.

Now your party of warriors and scoundrels can expand their adventures beyond Lankhmar to the high seas of Nehwon. They might venture to the Sea of Stars to confront priests of the ancient and terrible Mokrath, or book passage to Rime Isle and fall prey to "The Thing From Below."

The Savage Seas of Nehwon contains everything a Game Master needs to create incredible tales of high sea-based adventures for Lankhmar or ANY fantasy Savage Setting, including:

This product requires Lankhmar: City of Thieves and the Savage Worlds core rules to play.

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/244131.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/244131/Lankhmar-Form-Fillable-Character-Sheet)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Lankhmar: Form Fillable Character Sheet
Author: Shane Hensley
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Jon Taylor
Pages: 1
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A form fillable character sheet for Lankhmar: City of Thieves! You can turn off the background layer in Adobe Acrobat for the print-friendly version as well!

(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/244489.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/244489/Lankhmar-Table-Tent-Character-Sheet)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Lankhmar: Table Tent Character Sheet
Author: Shane Hensley
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Jon Taylor
Pages: 1
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A form fillable Table Tent style character sheet for Lankhmar: City of Thieves! Perfect for conventions or store demos.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 21.06.2018 | 16:11
(http://www.rpgnow.com/images/2419/245050.jpg) (http://www.rpgnow.com/product/245050/TAGTEN-Savage-Worlds-Bundle)
[Triple Ace Games] TAG@TEN Savage Worlds Bundle
Authors: Various
Artists: Various
Pages: 1576
Prices: €142,33 €25,94 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

We’re 10 years old and we’re giving you good folks a truly amazing offers to celebrate! Please spread the word far and wide!

Welcome to the TAG@TEN Savage Worlds Bundle!

The Savage Worlds bundle contains the following books:

Thats a staggering total of 1576 pages of RPG goodness all for $30!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zadmar am 22.06.2018 | 08:33
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/12255/244819.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/244819/Saga-of-the-Goblin-Horde-VTT-Cards-and-Tokens)
[Zadmar Games] Saga of the Goblin Horde: VTT Cards and Tokens
Author: Richard Woolcock
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This product contains a free low-resolution Countdown Deck along with a Benny token (front and back images) designed for use on a Virtual Tabletop (VTT). You can also purchase a printed (or print-and-play) version of the Countdown Deck from here (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/244191/Saga-of-the-Goblin-Horde-Countdown-Deck).

What is the Countdown Deck? It is a 56-card thematic Action Deck for Saga of the Goblin Horde (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/225745/Saga-of-the-Goblin-Horde-Savage-Worlds), and includes the following special features:


The Countdown Deck contains four jokers, one of each suit. Not only does this make combat even more crazy and exciting, it also completely eliminates ties (with a normal deck of cards, it’s not clear which joker goes first).

Suited jokers are particularly handy for certain rules such as Interludes, which only reference card suits, and don’t tell you what to do if you draw a joker -- or for rules like Chases and Kickball, which treat clubs as a complication, and include complication table entries for jokers.


Who acts first, the Seven of Diamonds or the Seven of Hearts? Did you have to think for a moment? The cards are prominently numbered from 1 to 56, and highest acts first, so now you can see the initiative order at a glance without having to remember suit order. This is particularly helpful for new players, but even veterans may find it handy.


Each card has a unique “saga symbol” at the bottom, which can be used by the GM and players as an improvisational prompt. Here are some examples of how you might use them:
The saga symbols don’t need to be interpreted literally; an “elephant” symbol could represent any sort of herd creature, or just something big, or it could be interpreted as strength, stamina, wisdom, memory, loyalty, etc. Likewise a “torch” symbol might represent fire, knowledge, destruction, heat, light, exploration, and so on.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zadmar am 25.06.2018 | 10:23
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/12255/245395.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/245395/Saga-of-the-Goblin-Horde-Jumping-the-Bearsharktopus-Savage-Worlds)
[Zadmar Games] Saga of the Goblin Horde: Jumping the Bearsharktopus
Author: Richard Woolcock
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Bearsharktopus, Bearsharktopus,
Swim, swim, Bearsharktopus.
Bearsharktopus, Bearsharktopus,
Drink, sleep, Bearsharktopus!

A Redfang scout recently discovered a huge mound of bear excrement deep within Shadowglade Forest. For reasons that are probably best not discussed, the scout decided to thoroughly examine the dung, and found it contained the bones of several sea goblins, as well as a fishing net and even a small anchor! Has the legendary Bearsharktopus finally woken up again, after decades of hibernation? And more importantly, what does the great beast taste like? Chief Bignose wants to know!

Note from the author: This adventure was designed to give some practical examples of how to use the Saga of the Goblin Horde Countdown Deck in your games. You can download the cards from here (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/244819/Saga-of-the-Goblin-Horde-VTT-Cards-and-Tokens) (for Virtual Tabletops) or here (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/244191/Saga-of-the-Goblin-Horde-Countdown-Deck) (as a physical deck).

This is a Savage Worlds One Sheet adventure for Saga of the Goblin Horde. It provides a simple five-scene framework which can be run with minimal preparation, leaving room for the Game Master to flesh out the story as much or as little as they wish.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 12.07.2018 | 13:23
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/246854.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/246854/The-Savage-World-of-Flash-Gordon-Cliffhanger-Supplement)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/246854-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Savage World of Flash Gordon: Cliffhanger Supplement
Author: Scott Woodard
Pages: 28
Prices: €5,13 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Savage World of Flash Gordon™ features an incredible Setting Rule called "Cliffhangers"—startling events the players choose from to get rewards like Bennies and most importantly, Conviction!
The Cliffhanger Supplement contains ideas for how to run those Cliffhangers, Savage Tales, and maps for Ming's prison and arena!
So hurl your saviors of Mongo into the Hole of Horrors or Tunnels of Doom, Game Master! In the tradition of the best pulp serials, they'll find a way out—and new adventures along the way!
This product requires the Flash Gordon™ RPG and Savage Worlds core rules to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Zadmar am 12.07.2018 | 18:33
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/12255/246896.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/246896/Saga-of-the-Goblin-Horde-Goblin-Princess-Savage-Worlds)
[Zadmar Games] Saga of the Goblin Horde: Goblin Princess
Author: Richard Woolcock
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Once upon a time, the chieftain of the Redfang tribe had a daughter so dangerous that he feared she would usurp him, so he called upon seven swamp hags to share their wisdom and advice, and together they hatched a plan.

On your sixteenth birthday, you pricked your back on several poisoned arrows, and fell asleep just long enough for your father to drag you to a nearby tower, lock you up, and throw away the key. Thick metal bars across the windows prevented you from escaping, and most of the tribe forgot about you, but you managed to survive on insects, rats, birds, and the occasional suitor foolish enough to scale the tower. And there you remained, trapped in the tower for 100 days, until one day a foolish pack of ogres decided to “kidnap” you.

To celebrate Saga of the Goblin Horde being nominated for “Best Free Game” in the 2018 ENnie Awards, I've decided to release some bonus material for the setting, starting with the Goblin Princess archetype. If you enjoy Saga of the Goblin Horde, I hope you'll considering supporting me with your vote!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 14.07.2018 | 15:19
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2664/247103.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/247103/Dark-Hold-Terror-from-the-Black-Isles)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/247103-sample.pdf)

[Rebel Minis] Dark Hold: Terror from the Black Islest
Author: Andrew Lucas
Pages: 35
Prices: €8,51 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Terror from the Black Isles is the third in the Dark Hold: Goblin Adventures (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/199821/Dark-Hold-Goblin-Adventures) series from Rebel Minis and written by Andrew J. Lucas. It follows the same general format as our previous releases, expanding upon the world information provided in the main world book but emphasizing the adventure plot.

The Adventure contains the following:

• A 35-page adventure including new maps expanding the Dark Hold, unique new locations, and a classically styled dungeon crawl.
• 4 maps of the Black Isles and Dungeon Layout.
• A random encounter table including stats for all creatures encountered including new creatures like Battle Beaks and Bonefish.
• Unique items (3) to reward or challenge players all unique in the tone and flavor of the Dark Hold’s setting.
• Duckmen - As encounters within the adventure and as a Racial choice including a new god, and Pilot/Captain, Mage and Warrior archetypes. 
• Lizardmen - As encounters within the adventure with a unique Boss encounter (Terrax).

Like our previous Dark Hold Books, the adventure is based on the Savage Worlds system...

Fantasy games are filled with the magnificent exploits of mighty wizards, powerful warriors and god-fearing knights in armor.

Ours isn’t…

Dark Hold Goblin Adventures (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/199821/Dark-Hold-Goblin-Adventures) is dedicated to the small groveling races which scratch out an existence in the dark catacombs through which other heroes stride like unto gods. Can you survive as one of a lost culture of Goblins living in the abandoned tombs of a long forgotten empire? Dark Hold Goblin Adventures is a Savage Worlds compatible system allowing players and game masters to run a campaign revolving around low-level goblin characters.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.07.2018 | 08:53
(http://drivethrurpg.com/images/7752/247610.jpg) (http://drivethrurpg.com/product/247610/Space-1889--On-the-Trail-of-the-Gods-Savage-Worlds-Version)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/247610-sample.pdf)

[Clockwork Publishing] Space: 1889 - On the Trail of the Gods
Authors: John Clements, Frank Frey, Shane Ivey
Pages: 36
Prices: €8,58 €4,29 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Everything Jules Verne could have written.
Everything H. G. Wells should have written.
Everything Arthur Conan Doyle thought of,
but never published - because it was too fantastic.

Since the inventors Edison and Armstrong set out on their first journey to Mars in 1870, there has been speculation about visitors from other worlds to Earth as early as the prehistoric times of mankind. Archaeologist Alastair Whitman believes he has found proof. The characters are invited to join the Glasgow International Exhibition in 1888 where they can learn about the latest technological inventions and even meet celebrities like Nicola Tesla. When the exhibition receives threats, they realize that Whitman’s discovery might be an explosive issue: Not just scientists are interested in it, and the characters have to take care that this knowledge does not fall into the wrong hands.

This adventure is set on Earth, especially in Glasgow (Scotland), Egypt, and the Sudan. The characters will journey through the Sudan where they will have to beware many dangers, such as the followers of the Mahdi, who are fighting about his succession. A long journey up the Nile will take them into currently unstable territories where the characters will be on their own. Will they choose the right company? Will they achieve the rescue of Whitman and escape his persecutors? The characters will learn the answer On the Trail of the Gods.

The adventurers can be of any nationality, even if the starting point of this journey is set in Scotland. The events in this adventure challenge various archetypes, especially Academics, Discoverers, Reporters, Scientists, and Soldiers, but other adventurous characters will be just as useful.

This adventure is written for the Savage Worlds: Red Sands version of the Space:1889 RPG.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.07.2018 | 22:05
(http://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/site_resources/ChristmasInJuly2018-Banner-DTRPG.png) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/xmas_in_july.php)
[DriveThruRPG] Christmas in July Sale

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, DriveThruRPG.com is where the discounts are at!

That's right, Christmas in July is here! Get 25% off of thousands of digital titles and products! Put the jingle bells on, and keep some jingle in your pocket, too!

For even more savings, visit DriveThruCards' (http://www.drivethrucards.com/xmas_in_july.php), DriveThruComics' (http://www.drivethrucomics.com/xmas_in_july.php), and DriveThruFiction's (http://www.drivethrufiction.com/xmas_in_july.php) summer sale pages!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.07.2018 | 10:37
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/NightBloodTeeth_Cover900.jpg) (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/247786/Lankhmar-A-Night-of-Blood-and-Teeth)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/247786-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Lankhmar: A Night of Blood and Teeth
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Aaron Riley, Donald Crank, Josh Corpuz, Thomas Denmark, Jason Engle, Bartłomiej Fedyczak, Alida Saxon, Jon Taylor
Pages: 32
Prices: €5,11 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

It begins with a shipwreck on a cold, gray night in Lankhmar.

The Temple of the Shark God has come to Lankhmar. They teach "the Way of Predation," an extreme version of survival of the fittest. The city begins to take their message to heart. Tempers rise. Violence flares. And the city burns.

Is the cult the cause of the troubles? Or is there something more ancient, more powerful at work? Your scoundrels, rogues, and heroes must find out before everything they know vanishes in… A Night of Blood and Teeth!

A Night of Blood and Teeth is an adventure for Lankhmar: City of Thieves. It requires the Savage Worlds core rules. The Savage Seas of Nehwon is also handy but not required.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 11.08.2018 | 18:54

Ulisses Spiele hat die deutsche Savage Worlds-Lizenz übernommen!!! (http://www.ulisses-spiele.de/neuigkeiten/1/2018-08-11-savage-worlds-bei-ulisses-spiele/)

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.08.2018 | 13:40
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/249684.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/249684/Winter-Eternal-Cabin-Fever)
[Just Insert Imagination] Winter Eternal: Cabin Fever
Author: Eli Kurtz
Pages: 2
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Another One Sheet Adventure for Winter Eternal.

A series of bad calculations and worse luck leads to a group of travelers hiding in an old tower during a Super Blizzard. As they start dying one by one, it seems there is something else creeping around in these ruins. Can our heroes find out what is happening and stop this killer?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.08.2018 | 13:49
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10506/249231.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/249231/Savaged-Six-Guns-The-JamesYounger-Gang)
[Dog House Rules] Savaged Six Guns: The James-Younger Gang
Authors: Christopher S. Warner, Bradley W. Hindman
Artist: Karl Keesler
Pages: 10
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Because we know any Judge might suddenly need a full cylinder of personalities to enliven Wild West roleplayin', the Dog House Gang offers Savaged Six-Guns - a smatterin' of FREE products with interestin' cowpokes ready to load into your Savage Worlds western game. Six of 'em, to be exact.

Each FREE installment of Savaged Six-Guns features six character descriptions with statistic blocks. Sometimes, these gunfighters will have a bindin' theme; other times they might be a hodge-podge collection of cowpokes ready for action. Whether you deal them into a home-brewed game or introduce them in a DHR setting, these personalities are ready for action.

So draw quick, pardner, and claim this Savaged Six-Guns for your very own. There ain't nothin' to lose; this Savage Worlds supplement is FREE for the takin'.

Six Guns: The James-Younger Gang

We reckon the most famous gang of the Old West deserved top billin' in the first Savaged Six-Guns installment. So we loaded up six of the gang's most interestin' outlaws to help spice up your Wild West roleplayin' - includin' Jesse James, Frank James and Cole Younger, Jim Younger, Clell Miller and Arthur McCoy.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.08.2018 | 15:01
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/249811.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/249811/The-Last-Parsec-Irongate)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/249811-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Last Parsec: Irongate
Author: Darrell Hardy
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 32
Prices: €17,27 €8,63 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

No guards. No rules.

Irongate is an intergalactic prison planet populated by a melting pot of the worst criminals the universe has to offer.

Left to their own devices the prisoners have created a culture of violence, greed, and profit. And there is profit to be made on Irongate. Built atop the ruins of a former mining colony, the prison operates its own rellium mine. So long as the prisoners produce ore, JumpCorp supplies the inhabitants with food, medicine, and goods they can’t get on the barren planet.

Irongate is both a post-apocalyptic wasteland and cyberpunk dystopia built on scavenged technology. It's an urban nightmare of overcrowded streets where no one is safe and everything is for sale.

Criminals are here for life. Some see this as a death sentence, others as licensed anarchy.

And Stars help those poor souls sent here by mistake…

Irongate is a new sourcebook and Plot Point Campaign for The Last Parsec. It requires the Savage Worlds core rules and Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion to play, along with this free Primer for The Last Parsec (or The Last Parsec Core).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.08.2018 | 20:09
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/249812.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/249812/The-Last-Parsec-A-Fistful-of-Ones-and-Zeroes)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/249812-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Last Parsec: A Fistful of Ones and Zeroes
Author: John Goff
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 18
Prices: €4,31 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A new inmate coming to Irongate seems to have captured the imagination of most every gang and low life on the prison planet. What valuable knowledge does Gien Oh actually possess? And can the team keep her safe before any of the other gangs—or at least those who’ve got an inkling to Oh’s potential value—start a bloody high-stakes bidding war?

A Fistful of Ones and Zeroes pits your heroes and scoundrels against some of the worst scum and most powerful gangs on Irongate as they protect a new prisoner at Rellex Point. As she leads them on a treasure hunt across Rellex Point and deep into the outlands, it slowly becomes clear there’s more to the treasure—and her—than she’s telling them.

A Fistful of Ones and Zeroes assumes the characters are prisoners on Irongate, and it can be inserted into the Escape Clause Plot Point or played as a standalone adventure.  This scenario is suitable for characters of any Rank, but those of Seasoned or higher have a better chance to succeed.

Written by John “Night Train” Goff, this adventure is not to be taken lightly!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 22.08.2018 | 21:18
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/249818.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/249818/The-Last-Parsec-Irongate-Archetypes)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/249818-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Last Parsec: Irongate Archetypes
Author: John Goff
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Matheus Calza
Pages: 18
Prices: €4,31 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Prisoners of Irongate, ready to play!

The Last Parsec: Irongate Archetypes brings eight full-color, ready-to-play archetypes AND Figure Flats representing iconic Irongate prisoners from all corners of the Known Worlds. (We've also included a few bonus creatures from Irongate in the Figure Flats!)
These supplement The Last Parsec Archetypes as well as the Explorers of Deep Space and Terrors of Deep Space Figure Flats.
Included in The Last Parsec: Irongate Archetypes:

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.08.2018 | 18:01
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3683/250170.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/250170/Systematic-Adventures-04-Scavenger-Run-Savage-Worlds)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/250170-sample.pdf)

[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Systematic Adventures #04: Scavenger Run
Author: A.J. Preece
Pages: 32
Prices: €2,59 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The community is running low on supplies; they sent out a group to do some scavenging, but they haven't returned. Hours ago, the group reported coming across an abandoned mall and we're going to search it... that was six hours ago. Radio silence is making everyone nervous and they need a new team to find the scavenger group and investigate the mall.

Proceed with extreme caution! Zombies and mutants have been reported in the area.

Scavenger Run is a location-based adventure module usable with any zombie apocalypse or post-apocalyptic setting for Savage Worlds. It can be inserted into an ongoing campaign, run as a standalone adventure, or used as a launching point for a new campaign. It includes a full description of the location, NPCs, and all adversaries.

Scavenger Run utilizes the Ruined Mall map (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/161225/Ruined-Mall) from DramaScape.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.08.2018 | 20:35
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3118/248527.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/248527/Buccaneer-Savage-Adventures-Bundle-Volume-1)
[Fabled Environments] Buccaneer: Savage Adventures Bundle Volume 1
Authors: Brian Reeves, Curtis Lyon, Sean Tait Bircher, Owen Lean, Matthew Cutter, Eric Lamoureux
Artist: Karl Keesler
Pages: 14
Prices: €4,31 €3,45 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to the world of Buccaneer: Through Hell and High Water!

In this first volume of adventures, you will find some amazing tales from six incredibly talented authors: Brian Reeves, Curtis Lyon, Sean Tait Bircher, Owen Lean, Matthew Cutter and Eric Lamoureux.  These adventures require both the Savage Worlds ruleset and Buccaneer: Through Hell and High Water and each adventure is suitable to play in one or two sessions.

The following are the adventures included in this volume:

Bloody Bones-The crew is sent on a mysterious covert mission that makes them accessories to a dark pact.

The Golden Man-The High Water Islands have created new dangers and threats for those who dwell in the Caribbean, but the lure of treasure and adventure still prevails… especially where rumors of El Dorado (“The Golden One”) are concerned. Most such tales are seen as fantasy, but one never knows until ’they investigate.

The Mad God's Island-To rescue stranded buccaneers, the crew sail to an unexplored High Water island, only to find the castaways betray them to the mad god Dionysus!

Return of the Forgotten Loa-Ahoy there, Admiral. We have a tale here of Vodou, wildness, and rum that’s set to bring a wave of chaos to even the sturdiest of vessels. Ye ready? Then let’s set sail!

Rum Punch Bay-Gather ’round, mateys, and I’ll spin ye a tale o’ the chaotic seas. It’s about a crew who crossed dangerous waters, bluffed its way past the Spanish Navy itself, and made a salty rum punch out o’ the whole damned bay… then sailed away scot-free.

Sugar Daddy-Carousing in the wharf turns into a nightmare when the ship’s crew goes missing the next morning.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 27.08.2018 | 21:00
(https://bundlefiles92-public.s3-external-1.amazonaws.com/bundleofholding/images/20180827/BeastsAndBarbarians-PlayersGuide-SteelEdition.png) (https://bundleofholding.com/presents/BeastsBarbarians)
[Bundle of Holding] Beasts & Barbarians Steel Edition Bundles
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Tomasz Z. Majkowski, Andy Slack
Prices: $12,95 Starter Collection; > $25,05 Bonus Collection (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Hero! Conjure the pulp fantasy of the 1930s with the tabletop roleplaying campaign setting Beasts & Barbarians from GRAmel Publishing that uses the fast-furious-fun Savage Worlds game rules from Pinnacle Entertainment. With our bargain-priced Beasts & Barbarians Bundle, you'll channel the vintage spirit of Robert E. Howard, Michael Moorcock, and Fritz Leiber for adventures of iron-thewed heroism, sanity-twisting sorcery, and base treachery. Venture into ancient ruins to battle pre-human beastmen -- fight in the sun-scorched arenas of Faberterra to appease the crowds of the decadent Iron Empire -- and stop mad sorcerers from invoking demons in temples older than humankind.

For just US$12.95 you get all seven titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $68) as DRM-free.PDF ebooks, including the complete full-color 2017 Beasts & Barbarians Steel Edition (the 144-page Player's Guide, the 144-page Game Master Guide, and the Heroes of the Dominions collection of pregenerated player characters); the Beasts of the Dominions bestiary; the introductory adventure Soul in the Water; Steel Edition Figure Flats print-and-fold character standups; and the Game Master Screen. (We also include the free Savage Worlds Test Drive introductory rules.)

And if you pay more than the threshold price of $25.05, you'll level up and also get our entire Bonus Collection with seven more titles worth an additional $70, including three location sourcebooks (Dark Places of the Dominions, Jalizar - City of Thieves, and Tricarnia - Land of Princes and Demons); three character supplements (Gladiators of the Dominions, Pirates of the Dominions, and Tattered Banners - Bandit Lords and Mercenary Captains); and the full-length Steel Edition adventure Enyia's Song.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.08.2018 | 13:39
(http://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Sitebanner_SWB.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/the-new-savage-worlds-is-coming-to-kickstarter/)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 28.08.2018 | 13:49
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/TLP_TableTent_Snip.png) (https://www.peginc.com/store/the-last-parsec-table-tent-character-sheet-pdf)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Last Parsec: Table Tent Character Sheet
Author: Shane Hensley
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 2
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This download gives you a form-fillable Table Tent style character sheet to print and use with The Last Parsec!

Popular for convention play and home use, this character sheet shows everyone at the table your character name, Parry, Toughness, Notice, and has space for an Action Card. The player-facing side has all your stats for easy reference, and there’s room for more information on the inside of the Table Tent.

This is designed for use with The Last Parsec and requires Savage Worlds to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.09.2018 | 09:51
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2419/250173.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/250173/Hellfrost-City-Book-6-Cities-of-Trade)
[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost City Book 6: Cities of Trade
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Artist: Simon Todd
Pages: 32
Prices: €7,75 PDF; €12,92 SC Color Premium; €20,67 €16,36 SC Color Premium + PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


Halfway, where money can buy power and influence, and where having the right clothes is as important as having the right contacts. A place where adventurers can buy and sell all manner of goods, and use their loot to buy noble titles.

Glassport, gateway port to Aspiria, wreathed in smoke from the many furnaces that burn day and night, has become famous for its glassware. It is also a major center of alchemical learning and production, where mages and clerics can hone their arts and turn a tidy profit at the same time.

Both cities are centers of trade, but both have a unique flavor. Which one will your adventurers seek out?

Inside you will find:

The Hellfrost City Books are guide books that expand upon the information detailed in the Hellfrost Gazetteer and Hellfrost Atlas. They are written for the epic Hellfrost setting, which is designed for use with the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.09.2018 | 08:58
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/251474.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/251474/HopeGlory-Masters-Guide)
[GGStudio] Hope&Glory: Master's Guide
Authors: Davide Mana, Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 224
Prices: €17,16 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This is not your grandfather's steampunk.

The Western World was wiped out, the capitals of Europe buried under a thick layer of ice.
In the aftermath of the Catastrophe, a brand new civilization was born in the marriage between Victorian pragmatism and Indian imagination.
Now, after one century of isolation, the Anglo-Indian Raj marches forward towards a future of peace and progress.
It's a new age of exploration and discovery.

You can be a Soldier of the Raj or a Tai-pan, a sky-pirate or a psychic or a consulting detective, an inventor or a spy, a man of science or a woman of action, a civilized neanderthal or a savage human.

Explore a world changed by a glaciation and salvage its treasures.
Hunt the fierce Sabretooth Tiger and the dread Sumatran Monkey-Rat.
Face the agents of the Czar and their hordes of Neanderthal Cossacks.
Travel to the Astral Plane and meets its ethereal denizens.
Invent a better future, and fight the enemies of progress.
Discover the secrets of the Nine Unknown Masters of the World.

This is Hope & Glory, a steampulp adventure of scientific romance, intrigue, and discovery, in a brave new world.

In this book you'll find:

Welcome to a new world... On the 21st of October 1852, the citizens of London and Paris were awed at the sight of the western sky turning suddenly a strange shade of purple and red. The first seismic shocks were felt all over the world in the following hours, and by the dawn of the 23rd of October, the giant waves hit the coasts of Europe. In the evening of the same day, while the tremors continued, catastrophic waves also hit the coasts of Asia. Whole cities, blasted by the earthquakes, were submerged by the sea. Millions of lives were lost. Then the Black Rain began, washing the ruins and leaving behind a thick layer of ashes. Dark, impenetrable clouds hid the sun, and the Thirty Years Winter began. In the Northern Hemisphere crops failed, snow-bound cities went up in flames as the populations rioted and the governments tried to find a solution, the means to survive.
One hundred years have passed now since the Catastrophe, and humanity has survived. In the former colonial domains of Africa and South America. In the blasted plains of China. Among the remains of the Japanese archipelago. In Russian palaces sealed against the howling winds of the steppe. In the land that once was India. With sacrifice and ingenuity, with courage and hope, new nations have crawled back from the brink to claim the new world.
Science is a beacon to the future.
From the frozen wastes of Europe, where the mammoth roams, to the proud Zulu Nation of Africa, from the technological wonders of the Anglo-Indian Raj to the mist-shrouded shores of Lost America, these are the stories of a new, strange world.

Thanks for reading, and have fun!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.09.2018 | 09:19
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/251467.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/251467/HopeGlory-Players-Handbook)
[GGStudio] Hope&Glory: Player's Handbook
Authors: Davide Mana, Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 232
Prices: €17,16 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This is not your grandfather's steampunk.

The Western World was wiped out, the capitals of Europe buried under a thick layer of ice.
In the aftermath of the Catastrophe, a brand new civilization was born in the marriage between Victorian pragmatism and Indian imagination.
Now, after one century of isolation, the Anglo-Indian Raj marches forward towards a future of peace and progress.
It's a new age of exploration and discovery.

You can be a Soldier of the Raj or a Tai-pan, a sky-pirate or a psychic or a consulting detective, an inventor or a spy, a man of science or a woman of action, a civilized neanderthal or a savage human.

Explore a world changed by a glaciation and salvage its treasures.
Hunt the fierce Sabretooth Tiger and the dread Sumatran Monkey-Rat.
Face the agents of the Czar and their hordes of Neanderthal Cossacks.
Travel to the Astral Plane and meets its ethereal denizens.
Invent a better future, and fight the enemies of progress.
Discover the secrets of the Nine Unknown Masters of the World.

This is Hope & Glory, a steampulp adventure of scientific romance, intrigue, and discovery, in a brave new world.

In this book you'll find:

Welcome to a new world... On the 21st of October 1852, the citizens of London and Paris were awed at the sight of the western sky turning suddenly a strange shade of purple and red. The first seismic shocks were felt all over the world in the following hours, and by the dawn of the 23rd of October, the giant waves hit the coasts of Europe. In the evening of the same day, while the tremors continued, catastrophic waves also hit the coasts of Asia. Whole cities, blasted by the earthquakes, were submerged by the sea. Millions of lives were lost. Then the Black Rain began, washing the ruins and leaving behind a thick layer of ashes. Dark, impenetrable clouds hid the sun, and the Thirty Years Winter began. In the Northern Hemisphere crops failed, snow-bound cities went up in flames as the populations rioted and the governments tried to find a solution, the means to survive.
One hundred years have passed now since the Catastrophe, and humanity has survived. In the former colonial domains of Africa and South America. In the blasted plains of China. Among the remains of the Japanese archipelago. In Russian palaces sealed against the howling winds of the steppe. In the land that once was India. With sacrifice and ingenuity, with courage and hope, new nations have crawled back from the brink to claim the new world.
Science is a beacon to the future.
From the frozen wastes of Europe, where the mammoth roams, to the proud Zulu Nation of Africa, from the technological wonders of the Anglo-Indian Raj to the mist-shrouded shores of Lost America, these are the stories of a new, strange world.

Thanks for reading, and have fun!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.09.2018 | 16:31
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/251845.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/251845/HopeGlory-The-Man-that-Would-be-Quinn)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/251845-sample.pdf)

[GGStudio] Hope&Glory: The Man that Would be Quinn
Authors: Davide Mana, Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 18
Prices: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A Short Scenario for Hope&Glory.

The Wondrous Iohaar is a popular entertainer that holds mesmerism and mentalism shows all over the subcontinent. He is a sort of celebrity and is considered a charlatan by the Society for Psychic Research & Development, of which he is not a member. Iohaar’s previous stunts have included escaping from a locked safe dropped at the bottom of the Ganges, and his famous “Flaming Cabinet” show, that has caused a rage among the more conservative fringes of the Raj’s politics. His new show will take place on an airship owned by the East India Company, and it will be hosted by Lobelia Micklewhite, the sister of one of the Chairmen of the East India Company.

It’s going to be a long night on board the airship Robert Clive.
First, the main attraction will suffer a mysterious accident. Then, sky pirates will board the ship. And finally, the heroes will find themselves with a murder to solve.

Welcome to a new world... On the 21st of October 1852, the citizens of London and Paris were awed at the sight of the western sky turning suddenly a strange shade of purple and red. The first seismic shocks were felt all over the world in the following hours, and by the dawn of the 23rd of October, the giant waves hit the coasts of Europe. In the evening of the same day, while the tremors continued, catastrophic waves also hit the coasts of Asia. Whole cities, blasted by the earthquakes, were submerged by the sea. Millions of lives were lost. Then the Black Rain began, washing the ruins and leaving behind a thick layer of ashes. Dark, impenetrable clouds hid the sun, and the Thirty Years Winter began. In the Northern Hemisphere crops failed, snow-bound cities went up in flames as the populations rioted and the governments tried to find a solution, the means to survive.
One hundred years have passed now since the Catastrophe, and humanity has survived. In the former colonial domains of Africa and South America. In the blasted plains of China. Among the remains of the Japanese archipelago. In Russian palaces sealed against the howling winds of the steppe. In the land that once was India. With sacrifice and ingenuity, with courage and hope, new nations have crawled back from the brink to claim the new world.
Science is a beacon to the future.
From the frozen wastes of Europe, where the mammoth roams, to the proud Zulu Nation of Africa, from the technological wonders of the Anglo-Indian Raj to the mist-shrouded shores of Lost America, these are the stories of a new, strange world.

Thanks for reading, and have fun!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.09.2018 | 16:41
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/251849.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/251849/HopeGlory-Raj-Map--Character-Sheet)
[GGStudio] Hope&Glory: Raj Map & Character Sheet
Authors: Davide Mana, Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 2
Prices: €1,64 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

High-Resolution Raj Map and Character Sheet for Hope&Glory.

Normal versions are available on our site for free (http://www.ggstudio.eu/en/hope-glory); with every purchase, you help to fund more art from the best map maker Francesca Baerald.
Thanks for the support!

Welcome to a new world... On the 21st of October 1852, the citizens of London and Paris were awed at the sight of the western sky turning suddenly a strange shade of purple and red. The first seismic shocks were felt all over the world in the following hours, and by the dawn of the 23rd of October, the giant waves hit the coasts of Europe. In the evening of the same day, while the tremors continued, catastrophic waves also hit the coasts of Asia. Whole cities, blasted by the earthquakes, were submerged by the sea. Millions of lives were lost. Then the Black Rain began, washing the ruins and leaving behind a thick layer of ashes. Dark, impenetrable clouds hid the sun, and the Thirty Years Winter began. In the Northern Hemisphere crops failed, snow-bound cities went up in flames as the populations rioted and the governments tried to find a solution, the means to survive.
One hundred years have passed now since the Catastrophe, and humanity has survived. In the former colonial domains of Africa and South America. In the blasted plains of China. Among the remains of the Japanese archipelago. In Russian palaces sealed against the howling winds of the steppe. In the land that once was India. With sacrifice and ingenuity, with courage and hope, new nations have crawled back from the brink to claim the new world.
Science is a beacon to the future.
From the frozen wastes of Europe, where the mammoth roams, to the proud Zulu Nation of Africa, from the technological wonders of the Anglo-Indian Raj to the mist-shrouded shores of Lost America, these are the stories of a new, strange world.

Thanks for reading, and have fun!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 11.09.2018 | 21:40
Pinnacle Entertainment Group is thrilled to announce a brand new program for fans of Savage Worlds who want to share their content with the world. Shortly after the launch of the Kickstarter for the new edition (October 16th), we’ll open the Savage Worlds Adventurer’s Guild on OneBookShelf.com (DriveThruRPG.com and RPGNow.com).

Creators will be able to make and sell their own Savage Worlds creations with the public on those platforms without going through our normal official licensing program. That program will continue with our approved partners and licensees, while “SWAG” is primarily for new creators to have a platform where they can actually sell their work.

Some key changes in the Savage Worlds Adventurer’s Guild that will distinguish it from other “community content” programs include:

The Savage Worlds “Fan” license will also continue for unapproved fanmade products released for free. Official license terms have also changed slightly and those companies are now called “Aces!” Read about both the Fan license and the Ace program here (https://www.peginc.com/licensing/).

In related news, as many of you know, the new version of the rules has been code-named Savage Worlds “Black” for some time, based on an early idea of doing a stark black cover with nothing but the logo (no longer the plan…we have an awesome cover we’ll share later).

Given the announcement of the Savage Worlds Adventurer’s Guild, and because we love all the incredible things the Savage Worlds community has brought to the game, the new edition will be called… drumroll, please… Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition! (We kinda like the acronym “SWADE” around here!)

We know this might be a little… mundane… for a game that has some pretty BIG ideas, but it felt right given all the new rules and tools you’ll find inside to help you create adventures and settings to share with your friends–and maybe the rest of the world through the Savage Worlds Adventurer’s Guild!

Quelle: https://mailchi.mp/peginc/savage-worlds-adventurers-guild-flash-gordon-available-for-order-savage-seas-of-nehwon-pledge-manager-news-licensee-spotlight-conplus?platform=hootsuite
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.09.2018 | 13:32
[Triple Ace Games]Hellfrost GM Screen & Journeys Book SALE

Constructed from 2mm card, the GM screen is four-panel, landscape aspect. The players' side shows some of the glorious art you expect from the setting, while the GM's side has essential tables.

Bundled with the screen is an exclusive 32-page booklet - Hellfrost Journeys. This supplement looks at ways of spicing up land and sea journeys, collects all the traveling rules together (and updates them), and gives advice on running encounters. It's the perfect companion to the Hellfrost Atlas and Map Sheets.

Want to know more? Check out this short video review. (https://youtu.be/xCht2Ps9DYI)

Only available from Triple Ace Games, the GM Screen is currently on sale at just €10,31 (+ shipping) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/store/hellfrost-products/hellfrost-gm-screen-journeys-pre-order/). The mighty Hellfrost Atlas is also available at 25% discount!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 17.09.2018 | 12:33
As a celebration of the release of Savage Ghost Ops Version 2, the PDF will be available for the Pay What You Want Price on DTRPG until the 24th September 2018, so now is a great time to grab a copy and check it out.


Quelle: https://www.facebook.com/groups/UnofficialSavageWorlds/permalink/2236179489757393/
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.10.2018 | 09:39
(https://www.uptofourplayers.com/wp-content/uploads/CH_starter_set_preview.jpg) (https://www.uptofourplayers.com/crystalheart/)
[UpTo4Players] The Crystal Heart Setting Book, coming to Kickstarter mid-November

What’s gonna be in it?
If you have suggestions or thoughts, contact us at comics@uptofourplayers.com. For now, download the Starter Set (https://www.uptofourplayers.com/crystalheart/), and we’ll be seeing you mid-November!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.10.2018 | 14:21
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/254128.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/254128/Deadlands-Reloaded-A-Fight-Theyll-Never-Forget)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/254128-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands Reloaded: A Fight They'll Never Forget
Authors: Shane Hensley, Alex Wirges, David Lapp
Pages: 16
Prices: €4,33 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A shot rings out from the top of Charlie’s Place, ending Roderick Byre’s promising career. Then three more shots ring out and Wilbur Crowley follows his opponent to the afterlife!

A Fight They’ll Never Forget is set in the fallout of a conspiracy that leads to the very public murders of Roderick Byre and Wilbur Crowley—Gomorra’s latest mayoral candidates.

Doomtown: Reloaded’s 2014 relaunch was accompanied by fiction that allowed players to follow the denizens of Gomorra through a new suite of stories. A Fight They’ll Never Forget is a Savage Worlds adventure for Deadlands: The Weird West. This takes place prior to the Plot Point Campaign The Flood.

Requires Savage Worlds core rules and the Deadlands: The Weird West setting books to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 7.10.2018 | 14:30
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Doomtown_Gomorra_Map_Horizontal.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/254129/Deadlands-Reloaded-Map-of-Gomorra-Doomtown)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands Reloaded: Map of Gomorra (Doomtown)
Artists: Alida Saxon, Jeff Lahren
Pages: 1
Prices: €2,59 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Take your adventures in Gomorra (known as “Doomtown” to the unfortunate souls who visit) to the next level with this beautiful map! This goes great with Doomtown or Bust (https://www.rpgnow.com/product/1143/Deadlands-Classic-Doomtown-or-Bust?it=1), and the adventures A Fight They'll Never Forget or Showstopper.

Doomtown is a fast‑paced expandable card game set in the Deadlands™universe of gun-slingin', spell-slingin’, and mud-slingin’! Deadlands: the Weird West roleplaying game is part of the Savage Worlds rules system and the Deadlands Reloaded setting.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 13.10.2018 | 14:30
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10343/254714.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/254714/Crystal-Heart-Starter-Set)
[Up to Four Players] Crystal Heart Starter Set
Author: Eran Aviram
Artist: Aviv Or
Pages: 21
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Syn is looking for Crystal Hunters!
Willing to replace your HEART with a CRYSTAL that gives you SUPERPOWERS?*

(*Said Crystal also influences your personality in semi-predictable ways.)

Interested in touring all over the Five Lands in search of UNDISCOVERED Crystals, and recover them for Syn?**

(**Discovery of, and interaction with, Crystal-tainted creatures and Shard-holding antagonists included in the deal.)

Want to roll some DICE?

Inspired by anime and superhero comics, the Crystal Heart roleplaying setting for Savage Worlds was developed in the webcomic Up to Four Players as the characters were playing it. Now you too can become a Syn Agent, explore ancient locations and hunt down powerful Crystals! Replace your heart with a Crystal and gain superpowers! (also lose your mind, but just a little).

Suitable for everyone, from first-time players to savvy Game Master of many years!

The Starter Set includes:
New to Savage Worlds? Download the Savage Worlds Test Drive rules.
The full Crystal Heart Setting Book is coming to Kickstarter mid-November!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 16.10.2018 | 20:42
(https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/022/896/427/182238d069b9eb9c442d1aaf301e6e5e_original.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&w=680&fit=max&v=1539585613&auto=format&gif-q=50&q=92&s=fa67ef277a48a1139b898957771eb291) (https://www.peginc.com/savage-worlds-adventure-edition-live-on-kickstarter/)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition – LIVE on Kickstarter!

Rally the troops (aka your players), beat those drums, and sound the charge!

The Savage Worlds Adventure Edition is now LIVE on Kickstarter!

Fifteen years in the making (the first edition of Savage Worlds hit the streets back in 2003), the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition is the culmination of extensive playtesting as well as player and GM feedback from Savage Worlds fans just like you.

You told us what you love and what works best at your game tables and we listened. Now, we’re ready to bring you the fastest, most furious, and funniest edition of the game to date.

The Savage Worlds Adventure Edition is also the most beautiful version of the game we’ve ever done, with full-color chapter headers and interior pages by incredibly talented artists from all over the world.

Plus, for the first time ever, we’re offering a deluxe box of all the essential accessories players and Game Masters ask for…a brand new Oversize Action Deck, official Savage Worlds Bennies, dice, GM screen, Power and Status Cards, and so much more!

Check out the amazing Stretch Goals and Add-Ons (including the signed, black leatherette Collector’s Edition) and pledge your support for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition on Kickstarter today!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.10.2018 | 13:51
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10506/253954.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/253954/Trailer-Park-Shark-Attack)
[Dog House Rules] Trailer Park Shark Attack!
Authors: Karl Keesler, Christopher S. Warner
Pages: 89
Prices: €8,63 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The trailer park is flooded with sharks! Can you survive? Pick a character at random. If you get chewed in half by a shark, pick another ‘Parker and keep playing.

TPSA! is a disaster shark adventure designed for use with Savage Worlds. This three-scenario adventure comes with printable tabletop maps, paper-shark minis, and 24 pre-generated character cards ready for printing and assembling the character deck. Once you sink your teeth into it, you can play Trailer Park Shark Attack! again and again.

In this fast, furious and fun adventure the GM gets to pick from three different scenarios and various scenes, complications and dilemmas to make your own special adventure in a flooded trailer park.

The adventure includes 8 incidents that the GM can weave into any of the three scenarios. Also, the Scavenging rules give the characters (we call them 'Parkers) a chance to find useful items in the flooded park. That is, 'Parkers willing to brave the shark-infested waters.

You can’t swim? You might wanna start sayin’ your prayers.

TPSA! comes with the following:

Why did your trailer park flood? Why is it full of sharks? Make it to the end and find out!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.10.2018 | 21:22
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Return_to_Sleepy_Hollow_Jodicover.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/return-to-sleepy-hollow-a-savage-worlds-adventure-edition-chase-rules-preview/)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Return to Sleepy Hollow: A Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Chase Rules Preview
Author: Shane Hensley
Pages: 11
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


This adventure was created to showcase and teach the new Chase rules in the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. It’s also a brief and entertaining encounter you can bolster with dim lights and dramatic music.

(This is version 2. If you downloaded this file earlier, it’s been updated!)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 29.10.2018 | 19:11
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/62/236870.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/236870/Sherwood-The-Legend-of-Robin-Hood-2e-Savage-Worlds-Edition)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/236870-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Sherwood: The Legend of Robin Hood 2e (Savage Worlds Edition)
Authors: Jonathan M. Thompson, Wil Upchurch, Marc Gacy
Pages: 68
Prices: €8,78 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Battlefield Press presents the long-awaited campaign setting Sherwood: The Legend of Robin Hood for Savage Worlds

Welcome to Sherwood Forest, a place of myth and legend. In this exciting campaign setting written by Jonathan M. Thompson and Marc Gacy, you will find everything you need for your Robin Hood Savage Worlds campaign setting. This book includes:

•       Weapons and armor from the time
•       New Edges and Arcane Backgrounds
•       Gazetteer covering Robin Hood’s England
•       Characters from Robin Hood Legends
•       Feats of derring-do and archery contests
•       Mythic beasts and faeries

 This book is a campaign setting designed to be used with the Savage Worlds Core Rulebook.

"Overall, I found Sherwood to be a solid setting book that offers everything you’d need to play this time period and genre.  Anyone that’s a fan of Robin Hood — or just wants to run fantasy that has more style and intrigue than elves — should check this out." - review at www.feartheboot.com
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.11.2018 | 05:37
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/SW_Explorer_Cover_07_JTB.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/savage-worlds-explorer-volume-1-issue-7/)
[Pinnacle] Savage Worlds Explorer Volume 1, Issue 7
Authors: Matthew Cutter, Ben Meginnis
Pages: 31
Prices: $9,99 (Pinnacle Store)

Calling All Explorers!

Whether you’re a hired hand in the Weird West, a hero for the Tomorrow Legion looking for new gear, or off to explore known worlds for JumpCorp—savage settings need intrepid explorers!

Infinite Worlds of Adventure

Savage Worlds Explorer is a continuing series featuring Savage Tales from all our settings written by new authors and industry veterans. This installment features tales by Ben Meginnis and Matthew Cutter!

Deadlands the Weird West "House at the Edge O' Nowhere" by Matthew Cutter

A series of baffling heists. The chilling legacy of a mad architect’s all-consuming vision. A cunning spirit whose true goals are shrouded in secrecy. Can a newly arrived posse sort out the mystery before a dark fate befalls the folk of Brass Spur? This adventure is intended for a posse composed of Veteran or higher Rank heroes, although lesser cowpokes may prevail with some sound strategy, luck, and maybe a few allies.

Rifts® for Savage Worlds “Triton Industries Catalog” by Ben Meginnis

New gear for The Tomorrow Legion from Triton Industries serve underwater (and usually in the air, too). Pistols, rifles, torpedoes, armor, vehicles, and more.

This article works best when used with Rifts®: The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide.

The Last Parsec: Savage Tales of the Red Band “Escape from Kalran” (Part III) by Matthew Cutter

Savage Tales of the Red Band is an ongoing serial for The Last Parsec, the parts of which can be assembled to form a loose Plot Point Campaign. The GM needs the Science Fiction Companion and The Last Parsec: Core. The heroes serve as licensed members of Quixotic-Red-6, a top-secret exploration charter, and a subsidiary of the Red Band Conglomerate. Their motto: We make the impossible probable.

The Savage Worlds Explorer requires a copy of Savage Worlds core rules and may require the core books for the setting, such as Deadlands Player’s Guide and Deadlands Marshal’s Handbook. Add dice, a deck of cards, and explorers, and let the fun begin!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.11.2018 | 20:14
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/SWADE_Quick_Encounter_Preview-459x700.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/adventure-edition-preview-quick-encounters/)
[Pinnacle] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Preview: Quick Encounters

Sometimes the Game Master may want to quickly sum up an encounter rather than track every action round by round. “Quick Encounters” resolve these kinds of situations with good collaborative storytelling, tension, and risk.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 4.11.2018 | 18:47
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7646/248939.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/248939/Secret-Agents-of-CROSS-Savage-World)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/248939-sample.pdf)

[Blessed Machine] Secret Agents of CROSS
Authors: Pete Ruttman, Michael Chumbler
Pages: 178
Prices: €21.96 PDF; €39.53 SC Premium Color; €61.50 €39.53 PDF & SC Premium Color (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

What is CROSS?

CROSS is a clandestine spy agency also known as the Catholic Response Organization to Strategize and Strike. CROSS was created by rogue Cardinal James McDonnell to take the Pope's prayers and convert them into actions.  He and his command staff create missions to protect the flock from evil using cutting-edge technology coupled with saintly magic honed over 2,000 years of history.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 8.11.2018 | 11:03
(https://i.ytimg.com/vi/z7iT1d26kUE/hqdefault.jpg) (https://youtu.be/z7iT1d26kUE)

[PugKnows Productions] Game Geeks #310 Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Kickstarter

Game Master Kurt Wiegel reviews and educates viewers on role playing games.

This episode Kurt reviews Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Kickstarter by Pinnacle Entertainment Group.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 10.11.2018 | 22:37
(http://savageworldsgm.com/wp-content/uploads/powerpress/itunes_swgmpodcast.jpg) (https://youtu.be/_pg-JPy97fI)
[Savage Worlds GM Podcast] S18E14 -SWADE with Clint Black
Live übertragen am 01.11.2018

Special guest Clint Black joins the host to discuss the new Savage Worlds Adventure Edition now on Kickstarter
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.11.2018 | 10:19
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10506/258973.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/258973/Savaged-Six-Guns-Lawmen--The-Earps--Mastersons)
[Dog House Rules] Savaged Six Guns: Lawmen - The Earps & Mastersons
Authors: Christopher S. Warner, Bradley W. Hindman
Artist: Karl Keesler
Pages: 12
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Dog House Gang wasn't satisfied with a single six-shooter, so we filled the second holster with characters ready for your Savage Worlds western game. Since our first Six-Guns product featured famous outlaws, we figured it was only natural to assemble a group of famous lawmen this time around.

Savaged Six-Guns: Lawmen - The Earps & Mastersons features six character descriptions and statistic cards for Savage Worlds gameplay. We've gathered a posse of three brothers from two of the most famous families of the Old West.

So draw quick, pardner, and claim this Six-Guns installment for your very own. There ain't nothin' to lose; this here Savage Worlds Western supplement is FREE for the takin'.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 17.11.2018 | 12:29
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3554/258971.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/258971/The-Eye-of-Xalath)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/258971-sample.pdf)

[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians: The Eye of Xalath
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 45
Prices: €6,12 €5,24 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Human sacrifices are always a messy thing, especially if you are the chosen victim!
Trapped in a very dangerous situation in Tricarnia, the Land of Demons, you’ll have to make a flight in the dark to keep your neck away from the blood-hungry blade of a beautiful Tricarnian princess with nothing to lose except her soul.
But this is only the beginning of the story, because, on the wings of the night, you’ll have to face the threats of one of the most mysterious places of the Dominions, the fabled Xalath, from which nobody emerges alive and sane.
Are you ready to face the adventure?
Special Book of Lore Expansion: The Xalath, the Labyrinth of Alath, an enormous maze in the very heart of Tricarnia, full of mysteries and dangers!
A scenario (and a Book Lore) for a party of 4 Seasoned Beasts & Barbarians heroes.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.11.2018 | 15:45
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11627/258885.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/258885/The-Krell-Effect)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/258885-sample.pdf)

[Melting Point Publishing] The Krell Effect
Author: Ben Baker
Pages: 71
Prices: €8,76 €7,89 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The party must discover the truth behind a seemingly impossible murder.

Their investigation brings them into contact with the mysterious Dr Krell, a genius scientist involved with cutting edge research, with a dark secret and a hidden agenda.
The megalomaniacal scientist believes he’s on the verge of learning to control the flow of time, and therefore discover how to master his control of spacetime itself.

The party must face everything from transtemporal assassinations, to a portal linking their location with a deep space asteroid field, an underground base full of lethal drones, and more.

How will the party cope when Dr Krell learns to directly remove people from the timestream?

They must act now, or risk never even existing!

A Savage Worlds adventure for four to six experienced adventurers.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.11.2018 | 15:59
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11542/259127.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/259127/Head-of-the-Family-A-One-Page-Adventure-for-Savage-Worlds)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/259127-sample.pdf)

[High Level Games] Head of the Family
Authors: JC Stearns, Phill Brackett
Pages: 1
Prices: €0,88 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

“I don’t know what you expected to accomplish with your big
words and your fancy magic, but we don’t turn on our own
around here. Best you went back where you came from.”

Not all is what it seems in the village of Avaben. No, what appears to be a young sweet girl may be anything but.

This is our latest in our series of One Page Adventures for various fantasy RPG settings. It can be dropped into any setting and is written so that it can be run as a starter quest, part of a longer adventure, a side quest if you are out of ideas, or even as a one-shot adventure!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.11.2018 | 16:29
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4761/257201.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/257201/Freedom-Squadron-Commandos-Manual)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/257201-sample.pdf)

[Evil Beagle Games] Freedom Squadron Commando's Manual
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon
Pages: 98
Prices: €14,87 PDF; €21,89 SC Color; €26,27 HC Color; €36,76 €21,89 PDF & SC Color; €41,14 €26,27 PDF & HC Color (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

For Freedom!

It’s the year 2051, and World War III only ended two years ago. Even as the world began to rebuild from the conflagration, humanity was rocked by the revelation that a massive organization engaged in a terrible conspiracy to bring Earth to its knees and under their control. VENOM became the enemy of all freedom-loving people, using military might, criminal undertakings, weird science, occult mysteries, and economic warfare to attack humanity and install their mighty leader, VENOM Commander, firmly in control of the world.

But Freedom Squadron has something to say about that! Formed by the allies of the Trans-Atlantic Coalition, under the auspices of the United Nations, Freedom Squadron is an international force comprised of elite soldiers, sailors, pilots, special agents, first responders, and more, all dedicated to protecting the Earth from VENOM and other terrible forces and
strange, mysterious dangers.

The Freedom Squadron Commando’s Manual is everything you need to create a hero ready to take the battle to VENOM, using the Savage Worlds system:
Grab this manual and get started on earning your Code Name, Recruit! Welcome to Freedom Squadron!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.11.2018 | 16:51
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4761/254327.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/254327/Freedom-Squadron-Plans--Operations-Manual)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/254327-sample.pdf)

[Evil Beagle Games] Freedom Squadron Plans & Operations Manual
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon
Pages: 98
Prices: €14,87 PDF; €21,89 SC Color; €26,27 HC Color; €36,76 €21,89 PDF & SC Color; €41,14 €26,27 PDF & HC Color (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Heads Up, Commandos!

General Steel issued the mandate – stop VENOM’s latest scheme at all costs! Mirage gathered the initial intel, Top Boss crunched the numbers, and Uplink sent out the call. Now Sundown is calling you onto the Hornet so he can get you to the rendezvous with the rest of your mission team.

Now it’s up to you and your fellow Commandos to work up the plan, insert into the op-zone, bypass security, talk your way past the front office people, hack the systems, and take out the Pythons you find guarding that last vault.

It all comes down to making a good plan and executing a solid operation! The Freedom Squadron Plans & Operations Manual is everything you need to generate adventures and scenarios, as well as learn all about the world of VENOM Assault and Freedom Squadron:

“Savage Worlds was created to handle the kinds of games I often like to play and run, where you can be a badass fighter or wizard or whatever, but you can also be a leader. A planner. I’m proud of how the game accommodates that, and my friend Sean Patrick Fannon has added even more to it in Freedom Squadron.

I had a blast in the Plans & Operations phase riffing off the other players, figuring out how best to use our individual characters’ skills, and then watching it all come together in the adventures that followed. Sean isn’t afraid of big games and big ideas, and this may be his best yet. I can’t wait to back, buy, and run it myself!”
- Shane Hensley, Creator of Savage Worlds

Grab this manual and get cracking on missions against VENOM and the other threats that endanger the whole world. Welcome to Freedom Squadron!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 24.11.2018 | 12:17
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/site_resources/Pre-Thanksgiving-DTRPG.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/blackfriday.php?manufacturers_id=27&filters=0_0_0_0_0_44243#selectpub)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 5.12.2018 | 21:09
Die Macher von **Crystal Heart** waren bei mir zu Gast, und wir hatten viel zu besprechen. Den Kickstarter, den webcomic, ihren Werdegang in der Spieleindustrie, und warum es ziemlich cool ist einen Kristall als Herz zu haben der einem Superkräfte gibt!

Interview auf englisch:

(https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/OoYAjw6FpuDp3PapdWeFO6PHpNdCL71WOmhsK5qD5SUhEbInyttjhJUS9HVizTEbcPYNKGkzO03Dtwlm33ztAhABQcu4SIs=w530-h298-n-rw) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKZBs01Qm-w)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.12.2018 | 22:19
(http://savageworldsgm.com/wp-content/uploads/powerpress/itunes_swgmpodcast.jpg) (http://savageworldsgm.com/podcasts/s0e02-crystal-hearts-aviv-or-and-eran-aviram)
Savage Worlds GM Podcast – S0E02 – Crystal Heart’s Aviv Or and Eran Aviram

In this special bonus episode, Aviv Or and Eran Aviram of Up to 4 Players join the hosts to discuss the creative process and their Crystal Heart Kickstarter for Savage Worlds launching November 21st. Download the free Crystal Heart Starter Set here!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.12.2018 | 00:33
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/261539.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/261539/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/261539-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 208
Prices: €8,83 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

NOTE: This is version 2.0. (You can tell by the Sticky Note on the cover.) We're undergoing public feedback on our forums and updating weekly, so we don't recommend printing until we announce the final, at which time this notice will be removed.

Savage Worlds is a Fast! Furious! and Fun! rules system for any genre of roleplaying game.

Create your own setting, convert an existing one, or pick up one of our amazing settings like Deadlands, Rippers, or 50 Fathoms. The rules give players plenty of depth to create their characters and keep bookkeeping to a minimum for the Game Master. If you’re looking for a game that’s fast and easy to set up, run, and play, Savage Worlds is for you!

Savage Worlds handles pulp action, gritty noir, supers, hard sci-fi, space opera, horror, and anything you can imagine!

Savage Worlds Adventure Edition is the latest version of Savage Worlds.  It does not, however, invalidate prior printings of the rules, which you can continue to enjoy. The version available for retail sale currently is Savage Worlds Deluxe. Savage Worlds Adventure Edition is expected to be available for retail sale in summer 2019. See below for preorder information.

#SWADE is used on most social media. Search for “#SWADE” and see what people are saying about our game!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 18.12.2018 | 21:47
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/261803.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/261803/Deadlands-Reloaded-The-Fright-Before-Christmas)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/261803-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands Reloaded: The Fright Before Christmas
Author: Matthew Cutter
Pages: 11
Prices: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Happy holidays, amigos! This season we have a very special adventure for you, called "The Fright Before Christmas." It's written for Deadlands the Weird West, but is easily used for any world or as a complete stand-alone.
The tale starts in a little orphanage on Christmas Eve. The players are children who stay up a bit too late and hear the pitter-patter of something on the rooftop..."
This is a "Pay What You Want" adventure available only through DriveThruRPG, with all proceeds going to Jamie Chambers, whose awesome daughter Liz is battling cancer, a far more terrible foe than anything we've ever come up with.
So please enjoy the adventure and help out Jamie and Liz and the Chambers family. Thanks, partners!

The Fright Before Christmas is written for the newest edition of Savage Worlds, the Adventure Edition, but the changes are extremely minimal.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 19.12.2018 | 06:40
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7646/261164.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/261164/Secret-Agents-of-CROSS-Mission-Blackest-Friday-Ever)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/261164-sample.pdf)

[Blessed Machine] Secret Agents of CROSS Mission: Blackest Friday Ever
Authors: Pete Ruttman, Michael Chumbler
Pages: 4
Prices: €2.64 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Secret Agents of CROSS Mission: The Blackest Friday Ever

In the United States, the Thanksgiving season brings two of America’s favorite things into direct conflict, eating one’s self into a stupor and shopping one’s self into a frenzy. This Thanksgiving, however, is going to be unlike any other when the two merge into something far more sinister. 

This product is a 4-page mission for Secret Agents of CROSS. Use as-is or expand to your liking.

What is CROSS?

CROSS is a clandestine spy agency also known as the Catholic Response Organization to Strategize and Strike. CROSS was created by rogue Cardinal James McDonnell to take the Pope's prayers and convert them into actions.  He and his command staff create missions to protect the flock from evil using cutting-edge technology coupled with saintly magic honed over 2000 years of history.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.12.2018 | 10:00
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/14044/261193.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/261193/Savage-Daddys-One-Shot-Wonders)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/261193-sample.pdf)

[Atomic Ninja Studios] Savage Daddy's One Shot Wonders
Authors: David Scott, Dustin Smith, Jeff Friedman, Jerrod 'Savage Daddy' Gunning
Pages: 28
Prices: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Savage Daddy's One Shot Wonders is a collection of five independent adventures with pre-generated characters for Savage Worlds. It requires only the core rules to play.

Pay It Forward

More than one adventure in this collection includes a new setting rule created by Atomic Ninja Studios, called Pay It Forward: With two or more raises on a Trait check (including Soak rolls), Wild Cards earn a Benny as a way to pay their luck forward.

It is in that spirit that we're offering the Pay What You Want product option. Pay what you can afford even if that's nothing. Then, pay it forward by telling everyone you know (and the people who follow you on social media).

Until then, keep rolling and stay Savage!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 20.12.2018 | 10:42
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/12255/261856.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/261856/Saga-of-the-Goblin-Horde-An-Axe-to-Grind-Savage-Worlds)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/261856-sample.pdf)

[Zadmar Games] Saga of the Goblin Horde: An Axe to Grind
Author: Richard Woolcock
Pages: 2
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A couple of years ago, a goblin crew hijacked a flying sleigh belonging to a mysterious red-robed sorcerer and unceremoniously tossed him overboard. The jolly fellow was dashed upon the mountains below, leaving nothing but a stain to mark his passing.

A few days ago, a dyslexic human witch accidentally brought the red-robed sorcerer back from the afterlife while attempting to summon the devil. After breaking free from the ritual and killing the witch, the sorcerer headed west into the goblin lands, seeking revenge!

This is a Savage Worlds One Sheet adventure for Saga of the Goblin Horde. It provides a simple five-scene framework which can be run with minimal preparation, leaving room for the Game Master to flesh out the story as much or as little as they wish.

Want to know where this adventure takes place? Grab the Configurable Map (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/240902/Saga-of-the-Goblin-Horde-Configurable-Map) and find out!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 23.12.2018 | 01:10
(https://cascade.madmimi.com/promotion_images/7165/7184/original/TAGBDAY_christmas_2018.jpg?1544611391) (http://www.tripleacegames.com/brands/)

We may love Halloween, but we don't ignore Christmas! From today until January 4, 2019 we're hosting our annual Christmas Sale. Whether you're looking for a main present for the gamer in your life or a stocking filler, we've got you covered with 30% off any product in our store (http://www.tripleacegames.com/brands/)!

Use TAGMAS2018 code during checkout to get your discount!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 30.12.2018 | 10:14
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/SWADE_Char_Sheet_JTB_Corrected-541x700.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/get-your-official-swade-character-sheets-today/)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] SWADE Character Sheets
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 2
Prices: Freebie (Pinnacle)

Get Your Official SWADE Character Sheets Today

For those rolling up all-new characters for use with our Savage Worlds Adventure Edition RPG (or those excitedly updating their existing Savage Worlds characters to the new system), we present the perfect stocking stuffers in the form of our official, form-fillable, and completely free SWADE Character Sheets (https://www.peginc.com/store/savage-worlds-character-sheet-pdf-swade/) and Table Tent Character Sheets (https://www.peginc.com/store/savage-worlds-table-tent-character-sheet-pdf-swade/), now available for download from our store.

Grab both sheets today and let your adventures…continue!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.01.2019 | 19:41
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition v3.0 released
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 208
Prices: €8,71 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Version 3.0 of the SWADE core rules was released today.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 2.02.2019 | 15:28
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/265466.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/265466/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-Customizable-GMs-Screen-Inserts)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/265466-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Customizable GM's Screen Inserts
Authors: Shane Lacy Hensley, Karl Keesler
Pages: 16
Prices: €3,49 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

All the most important tables, reference charts, and a summary of the Combat Options and Situational Rules—plus amazing art selections—from Savage Worlds Adventure Edition!

This file was designed to work with the Savage Worlds Customizable Game Master’s Screen, available at www.peginc.com or through your local game store.

The Customizable Game Master’s Screen is an awesome three panel, tri-fold, vinyl screen and can be used for any of our many settings quickly and easily just by changing the inserts on the front player’s side or the back Game Master’s side.

You have our permission to print this entire document for your own personal use.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 3.02.2019 | 12:36
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/265465.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/265465/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-Combat--Chase-Quick-Reference-Chart)
Große Vorschau (http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/265465-sample.pdf)

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Combat & Chase Quick Reference Chart
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 2
Prices: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A handy package of charts for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition!

This product includes the Combat Options and Situational Rules summary, Injury table, Bennies reminders, and everything you need to know about using the Chase Rules or vehicles.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 5.02.2019 | 19:44
(https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/SWADE-12x18.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/promote-your-savage-worlds-games-with-this-poster/)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Promote Your Savage Worlds Games with This Poster

With our brand new, customizable poster, you can let the world know where Savage Worlds games are played!

Print it out, add times, dates, and other deets to the bottom, and then hang it in your local game shop or library, use it to promote your convention games, or spice up the walls of your game room!

Featuring fantastic new art ripped from the pages of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, download this FREE, full-color poster from our Conventions page (https://www.peginc.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/SWADE-12x18.jpg) today!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 15.02.2019 | 23:25
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/266249.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/266249/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-MiniSettings)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: MiniSettings
Authors:  Shane Lacy Hensley, Matthew Cutter, Cheyenne Wright, BJ Hensley
Pages: 48
Prices: €6,19 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This is the book that comes with the print version of the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Game Master's Screen. It features FOUR incredible settings complete with background, new rules, and Savage Tales! Here's what's inside:

Spirits of 1786
Written and © By: Matthew Cutter
The War of Independence is won...but the herculean effort to build a more perfect union has only started. This isn't history—this is Pulp History in the post-Revolutionary Era! Nefarious Illuminati agents hatch plots in smoky Boston taprooms. Fallen gods of the Northmen stalk Ohio's howling wilderness. Risen ghosts abound. Against them, the Sons of Liberty wield diplomacy as well as muskets, but they also dabble in Scientifick Philosophy and even magick! A handful have the blood of the old gods in their veins. So load your flintlock and gather your flats, sharps, and sundry supplies: the battle for liberty has just begun!

Written and © By: Shane Lacy Hensley
A family of explorers joins a United Nations expedition to explore a mysterious "Event" at the bottom of the Marianas Trench. What they find there will change the world forever. This Saturday morning cartoon-inspired setting features strange and enhanced sea creatures, insidious rival corporations, and the growing urgency of the Event itself and the inexplicable force behind it!

Tesla Rangers
Written and © By: Cheyenne Wright
It's been 11 years since America lost the Robot War and ceded everything west of the Mississippi to the automatons. Now a fresh young scientist with a government contract and a load of new experimental devices is outfitting a voluntary expeditionary force to cross the ol' Miss and head deep into No Man's Land.
Tesla Rangers is a high-octane action adventure pitting cowboys with lightning guns against cast-iron killer robots in a battle for the Wired West.

The Lost City of Astla
Written and © By: BJ Hensley
As Astla's resources dwindled, the ancient "elves" fled to a massive city-ship in the stars, hoping to wait out the barbaric and destructive People who overran it. But now the Astlatians have begun to suffer from a terrible wasting disease, and the only cure may be a return to their homelands. Some urge war, some peace. As they debate, small bands return to the surface to scout, raid, and learn from those who remain in the barren wastes.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Kardohan am 1.03.2019 | 04:20
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/267761.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/267761/Savage-Worlds-World-Builder-and-Game-Masters-Guide)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds World Builder and Game Master's Guide
Author:  Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 96
Prices: €8,78 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Want to create your own world? Looking for tips and advice from those who have been running Savage Worlds for over 15 years?

The World Builder and Game Master’s Guide does all that and more!

Inside you’ll find articles directly from Pinnacle’s staff, freelancers, and favorite Game Masters on such topics as:

running Savage Worlds for All Ages, Risks & Reversals, High Powered Games, building a core group for yearly conventions, maintaining settings for decades, and even a practical guide for publishing your world under the new Savage Worlds Adventurer’s Guild!

The World Builder and Game Master’s Guide is a supplement for the Savage Worlds roleplaying game system. While it contains a great deal of general advice for all creators, a copy of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition is optimal.

Savage Worlds Adventure Edition is the latest version of Savage Worlds. It does not, however, invalidate prior printings of the rules, which you can continue to enjoy. The version available for retail sale currently is Savage Worlds Deluxe. Savage Worlds Adventure Edition is expected to be available for retail sale in summer 2019. See below for preorder information.

#SWADE is used on most social media. Search for “#SWADE” and see what people are saying about our game!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Taysal am 15.03.2019 | 01:10
Auch traurige Nachrichten sind Nachrichten.  :'(  :'(  :'(

Hans-Wilhelm Bothe, in Foren unter den Usernamen "Kardohan", "Enno" oder "Hans Bothe" bekannt, ist verstorben.

Damit verlieren wir leider einen lieben und engagierten Menschen, der vor allem für Savage Worlds und insbesondere Triple Ace Games von enormer Bedeutung war. Mit ihm verlieren wir unter anderem einen der besten Savages. Sein Sachverstand und seine Hilfsbereitschaft werden mir, aber sicherlich auch vielen anderen fehlen.

 :'( :'( :'(
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Megavolt am 15.03.2019 | 16:05

Mir fehlen die Worte. Ich werde dich sehr vermissen, Kardohan!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.03.2019 | 11:17
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7963/269830-thumb140.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/269830/Deadlands-Coffin-Rock)
[Prometheus Games] Deadlands: Coffin Rock
Author: Sean Michael Fish
Pages: 44
Prices: €9,95 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Coffin Rock ist ein Abenteuer für Deadlands Reloaded.

Das Bergbaustädtchen Coffin Rock, Colorado, ist ein brodelnder Kessel voller Ärger.

Die örtlichen Bordsteinschwalben nehmen ihre Kundschaft aus, Geister ziehen durch die Straßen und ein verrückter Serienmörder macht die Gegend unsicher. Und das ist noch nicht alles, Amigo! Bei Weitem nicht.

Eine Gruppe Gesetzloser hat einen Plan ausgeheckt, wie sie eine offene Rechnung mit den Anwohnern begleichen können, ein neuer Prediger stiftet Unruhe und ein mysteriöser Schamane prophezeit von den nahegelegenen Hügeln finstere Zeiten.

Das Einzige, was die Stadt von einem größeren Chaos als ein Tornado in Kansas trennt, ist eine Bande von Fremden, die sich noch den Staub der Prärie aus der Kleidung klopft. Poliert eure Revolver auf Hochglanz, schlagt euren Hoyle’s auf, heizt den Flammenwerfer vor und macht euch bereit auf einen wilden Ritt durch den Unheimlichen Westen!

Zum Spielen werden zusätzlich das Deadlands: Spielerhandbuch und Marshal-Handbuch sowie die Savage Worlds: Gentleman’s Edition Revised benötigt.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.03.2019 | 13:56
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7646/268070-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/268070/Secret-Agents-of-CROSS-Mission-Whispers)
[Blessed Machine]Secret Agents of CROSS Mission: Whispers
Author: Michael Chumbler
Pages: 2
Prices: €2,67 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

What do you get when you mix Nazis, archeologists, meteoric iron, and Tibet? The Archdeacons don't know, but someone is willing to kill for it, and it falls on the Secret Agents of CROSS to figure out who and why before whoever can answer the question gets to it first.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.03.2019 | 13:58
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/9777/268034-thumb140.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/268034/The-Interdimensional-Companion-A-Savage-Guide-to-Alternate-Earths)
[Tricky Troll Games] The Interdimensional Companion: A Savage Guide to Alternate Earths
Author: Bill Ogden, Nathan Carmen
Pages: 61
Prices: €5,34 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Prepare for worlds of endless adventure!

The Interdemensional Companion is a guide for the Savage Worlds Adventurers Edition that helps the Game Master build worlds like our own, but with a key difference. Perhaps dinosaurs have been domesticated, or Rome never truly fell. This book contains a slew of card based generators to help a GM create whole new realms with a few quick draws.

This book includes:

3 New Hindrances and 6 new Edges

4 new Setting Rules

Rules for encountering doubles or "mirror" versions of the player characters

Alpha Defenders: An example setting of military exploration

Interdimesnional Gear

A Host of strange creatures and enemies

And much more!

So step through a gateway of unlimited adventure with the Interdimensional Companion!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.03.2019 | 14:01
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/268405-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/268405/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-Adventure-Deck)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Adventure Deck
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 9
Prices: €7,11 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Savage Worlds Adventure Deck has 54 cards for use with the Savage Worlds roleplaying game to give your heroes a little more control of their fate.

Adventure Cards let you find romance, make enemies, eliminate or increase your damage, spot clues, and even betray your friends!

For use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (#SWADE). You may also be interested in the Savage Worlds Status Cards or Savage Worlds Power Cards.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.03.2019 | 14:03
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/268409-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/268409/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-Status-Cards)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Status Cards
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 9
Prices: €3,55 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Track the status of characters, Extras, and villains in the best-selling Savage Worlds roleplaying game! Included are cards for:

12 x Shaken
11 x Wounded
11 x Fatigue
5 x Distracted
5 x Vulnerable
2 x Entangled
2 x Bound
2 x Stunned
2 x Hold
1 x Aim
1 x Defend

For use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (#SWADE). You may also be interested in the Savage Worlds Power Cards or Savage Worlds Adventure Deck.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.03.2019 | 14:05
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/268411-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/268411/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-Power-Cards)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Power Cards
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 9
Prices: €3,55 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

These print and play cards contain the most important information from all the powers available in the core Savage Worlds Adventure Edition rules. Use them to sort out your options during combat, pick your abilities during character creation, or hand out at convention games for new players to reference!

For use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (#SWADE). You may also be interested in the Savage Worlds Status Cards or Savage Worlds Adventure Deck.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.03.2019 | 14:06
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/268412-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/268412/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-Status-Tokens)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Status Tokens
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 1
Prices: free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This SWADE Status Token PDF includes token images for:

Print and cut from high-quality cardstock, or order die-cut cardboard counters directly from the Pinnacle website.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.03.2019 | 14:07
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/268404-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/268404/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-Bookmarks)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Bookmarks
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 2
Prices: free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This set of four bookmarks contains handy reference information for playing the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. Use them with your printed copy, or just hand them out to your players as needed!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.03.2019 | 14:09
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/268971-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/268971/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-Action-Deck)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Action Deck
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 25
Prices: € 3,55 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Savage Worlds core rules uses a tradiational deck of playing cards for initiative, and certain settings use them for encounter tables, Adventure Generators, and more.


This beautiful deck by three-time Hugo Award-winning artist Cheyenne Wright is presented in both regular poker-size, and the larger size the print version comes in (for easier use across large game tables, available at the Pinnacle website).

Each suit features iconic characters from four core genres: fantasy, pulp, diamonds, and horror. On the back of each card is a reminder of the suit order as well (Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs) for resolving ties.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.03.2019 | 14:11
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/269457-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/269457/SWAG-Art-Monsters)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] SWAG Art Monsters
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 57
Prices: free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A collection of monster icons and illustrations from Savage Worlds you may use in your Savage Worlds Adventurer's Guild settings and adventures.

For the newer pieces (the PSDs), please credit the individual artists when you do so. Their names are listed in the file name.

Please remember all documents published under this agreement are subject to the Savage Worlds Adventure's Guild agreement and must display the following text:

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

This artwork is intended only for use within Savage Worlds Adventurer's Guild products. It may not be resold individually or in groups otherwise.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.03.2019 | 14:12
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/269464-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/269464/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-Character-Folio)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Character Folio
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley, Karl Keesler
Pages: 5
Prices: € 2,66 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Character Folio includes a form-fillable portrait style character sheet, space for background, vehicles, friends and allies, casting modifiers for powers, and a list of Setting Rules so you can check off which apply to your current game.

It also includes print friendly layers and options to print Traits as blanks or dice you can color in to show your hero's ability.

This product requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.03.2019 | 14:13
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7646/269918-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/269918/Secret-Agents-of-CROSS-Mission-Vididiots)
[Blessed Machine] Secret Agents of CROSS Mission: Vididiots
Author: Michael Chumbler
Pages: 3
Prices: € 2,67 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The video game market is a 78 billion dollar industry and the competition to design the next monster franchise is cutthroat beyond most human comprehension. One of the most important elements of the gaming craze is the vast numbers of individuals these games can reach out and touch. These fascinating business facts are nonetheless usually far outside the area of concern for the average CROSS agent, but for once, this Halloween, it seems that the gaming industry’s business and the Vatican’s business are one and the same.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.03.2019 | 14:16
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11183/268870-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/268870/Titan-Effect-RPG-GMs-Screen-Inserts)
[Knight Errant Media] Titan Effect RPG: GM's Screen Inserts
Author: n/a
Pages: 9
Prices: € 3,55 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Gamemaster Screen Inserts contain awesome arts, combat options summary, and important charts and tables for Titan Effect RPG. Including both Savage Worlds Deluxe and Savage Worlds Adventure Edition versions.

These files were designed to work with the Savage Worlds Customizable Game Master’s Screen, available at www.peginc.com or through your local game store.

You are authorized to print this PDF for your own personal use.

*** About Titan Effect ***

Titan Effect RPG (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/249701/Titan-Effect-RPG) is an espionage and science fiction setting for Savage Worlds.

Take on the role of a trained operative gifted with psychic abilities and fight against genetically enhanced soldiers, and shadowy organizations in a secret war in which the future of human evolution is at stake.

Titan Effect RPG requires the Savage Worlds core rules and the Super Powers Companion (2nd edition) to play.

You think you can make a difference? Find out now!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 23.03.2019 | 00:04
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/266859.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/266859/GenePals-A-Monster-Taming-Ruleset-for-Savage-Worlds)
[BPB Games] GenePals: A Monster Taming Ruleset for Savage Worlds
Author: Kyle Carty
Pages: 13
Prices: Pay What You Want, Suggested Price €4,45 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.

GenePals is a monster creating and training ruleset by BPB Games, the creators of Savage Tokusatsu. This Pay-What-You-Want document details the creation of tiny collectable monsters that players can capture, train, trade, and battle. A simple ruleset to quickly create any number of monsters is included, in addition to detailing Sugimori Station, a tourist attraction located in the StarStreamers setting.

GenePals is designed from the ground up for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. With a bevy of new ideas and a fresh take on science fantasy, StarStreamers is perfect for groups looking for something out of the ordinary or looking for easy to adapt rules to run popular monster training settings.

StarStreamers is also a livestreamed campaign that you, the viewer, can interact with on Twitch! Check out the BestPalBrigade as they explore this setting and release new material for it each and every game!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 24.03.2019 | 00:21
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/9012/270607-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/270607/Ghost-Ops--Random-Mission-Generator)
[FeralGamersInc] Ghost Ops - Random Mission Generator
Author: FeralGamersInc
Pages: 3
Prices: €0,89 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A quick Random Mission Generator for the Ghost Ops RPG.
The Generator allows Handlers to quickly create missions or side missions on the fly, perfect for those one-shots or quick impromptu games.
Created by request from the Community
You will need either Ghost Ops or Savage Ghost Ops to use this, but I guess it would work for any modern day military RPG
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.03.2019 | 10:34
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11542/270858-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/270858/Archons-of-Nikud-Jumpstart)
[High Level Games] Archons of Nikud Jumpstart
Author: Joshua Heath, Quinn C. Moerike, David Horwitz, Rui Ramalho
Pages: 30
Prices: Pay What You Want, Suggested Price €1,78 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Eras of the Archons

Welcome to Archons of Nikud. In this setting for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition you’ll take the role of anthropomorphic beings from the world of Nikud. These demi-god like beings are the rulers, heroes, and villains of their homeland. We hope to release Archons of Nikud as a full-setting book in late 2019. For now, enjoy this Jumpstart as it gives you the tools to take up the legacies of the Archons. The world of Archons of Nikud is designed to be a series of stories set in various eras of import to the people of their world. Our first is Era of Unrest, where the squid-like Grimpotex rise out of the sea and take to the land. Will you join the Empire of the Chatoulim? Take to the sky as a Sokoli? Or, perhaps, you’ll care for the world as a spider-like K’Krax? Regardless of the internecine conflicts these species face, they are also harried by horrible demons that live on the edges of civilization. Will they unite against these creatures or will they lay themselves to waste before disease or demon can wreak havoc?

Are you ready to fight for the fate of the world?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.03.2019 | 18:49
(https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/024/477/180/a5cda970eb8eb8bb22eec1069eadff1f_original.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&crop=faces&w=1024&h=576&fit=crop&v=1553077235&auto=format&frame=1&q=92&s=fad5cc563109359bdc5c7a725918c125) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/412946570/wiseguys-the-savage-guide-to-organized-crime)
[Just Insert Imagination] Wiseguys: The Savage Guide to Organized Crime (KICKSTARTER)
Author: Eric Lamoureux, Scott W., Pete Spahn, Gilbert Gallo, John Riggs
Pages: between 170-200 pages
Estimated Delivery: September 2019

Wiseguys: The Savage Guide to Organized Crime is a crime setting inspired by the movie Casino by Martin Scorsese, and crime fiction movies by Quentin Tarantino of the 90s such as Reservoir Dogs. It includes character options, setting rules, and a robust bestiary that can be used to run campaigns featuring organized crime protagonists or antagonists.

Daring heists, high-speed chases, turf wars, networking shenanigans, hijackings, mob hits, and desert hole digging await you in Wiseguys as you retake the city that was once yours – all the while dealing with the tribulations of your personal and professional life!

Pledge NamePledgeReward
Associate (digital)US$ 5 or moreWiseguys Player's Guide PDF
Goodfella (digital) (Limited to 50)US$ 15 or moreWiseguys PDF, All Unlocked Stretch Goals (digital), Wiseguys Player's Guide PDF, Comp Package
Wise Guy (digital)US$ 20 or moreWiseguys PDF, All Unlocked Stretch Goals (digital), Wiseguys Player's Guide PDF, Comp Package
CaporegimeUS$ 25 or moreWiseguys PDF, All Unlocked Stretch Goals (digital), Wiseguys Player's Guide PDF, Voucher for a Print on Demand of Wiseguys, Voucher for a Print on Demand of Wiseguys Player's Guide, Comp Package, Voucher for a Print on Demand Denizens of Wiseguys card deck
Consigliere (limited to 50)US$ 50 or moreAll Unlocked Stretch Goals (digital), Wiseguys Player's Guide PDF, Become a Wiseguys personality, Voucher for a Print on Demand of Wiseguys, Comp Package, Voucher for a Print on Demand of Wiseguys Player's Guide, Voucher for a Print on Demand Denizens of Wiseguys card deck
Underboss (limited to 10)US$ 150 or moreAll Unlocked Stretch Goals (digital), Wiseguys PDF, Wiseguys Player's Guide PDF, Become a major Wiseguys personality, Voucher for a Print on Demand of Wiseguys, Voucher for a Print on Demand of Wiseguys Player's Guide, Poster of your created character, Comp Package, Voucher for a Print on Demand Denizens of Wiseguys card deck
Boss (limited to 5)US$ 250 or moreAll Unlocked Stretch Goals (digital), Wiseguys PDF, Wiseguys Player's Guide PDF, Become a major Wiseguys personality, Voucher for a Print on Demand of Wiseguys, Voucher for a Print on Demand of Wiseguys Player's Guide, Poster of your created character, Comp Package, Voucher for a Print on Demand Denizens of Wiseguys card deck

Additional cost for POD copies:
Wiseguys: The Guide to Organized Crime Premium Color Softcover: $16-19
Wiseguys: The Guide to Organized Crime Premium Color Hardcover: $21-24
Wiseguys: Player's Guide Premium Color Softcover: $7
Denizens of Wiseguys Card Deck: $11 (with a plastic deckbox available at checkout for $1)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.03.2019 | 19:34
Rifts® for Savage Worlds Worldbooks Set 1 Kickstarter Launches April 16th!
In 2016, Pinnacle Kickstarted Palladium Books’ popular setting of Rifts® using the award-winning Savage Worlds system.

Launching April 16th, 2019, at noon Eastern, we’re bringing three new worldbooks to round out the continent of North America for Savage Rifts® via Kickstarter:

Rifts® North America: Arcana & Mysticism
Rifts® North America: Blood & Banes
Rifts® North America: Empires of Humanity
And for fans of the new Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, we have great news! Not only are the new worldbooks compatible with the new core rules, we’re updating and reprinting these previous releases for Savage Rifts®:

Rifts® The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide
Rifts® Game Master’s Handbook
Rifts® Savage Foes of North America
Rifts® GM Screen + The Garnet Town Gambit
We’ll announce more details soon about special deals for previous Rifts® for Savage Worlds Kickstarter backers. For now though, make plans to be there for the launch on April 16th!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 29.03.2019 | 10:59
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/269971-thumb140.jpg)(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/english/MetalBestSeller-Silver.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/269971/Expanded-Wealth)
[SWAG][Donavon Bailey] Expanded Wealth
Author: Donavon Bailey
Pages: 3
Prices: € 1,77 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This small supplement gives players and GMs a more tangible way to interact with the new Wealth system introduced in Savage Worlds, with clear and simple modifiers for prices, improved Gambling rules when using Wealth, and even a Lifestyle system that can be easily used to track how your player's are living within their world, and if they're trying to live within their means.

This product requires a copy of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition to use.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 29.03.2019 | 11:07
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3444/264738-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/264738/An-Unexpected-Wedding)
[SWAG][James Walls] An Unexpected Wedding
Author: James Walls
Pages: ?
Prices: € 2,66 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A celebratory adventure, with a fiendish twist!
One of your player characters is ready to tie the knot, and it’s up to the rest of your adventuring party to plan the perfect day. Within these pages a randomly generated, nuptial-inspired romp awaits our guests. We’ve provided a wickedly romantic venue, and invite you and your players to fill in the details.
An Unexpected Wedding uses the Blank Shot adventure format, which resides somewhere between improvisational adventure design and zany party game. The basic adventure outline is complete, however much of the backstory, locales, and even NPC names await the players’ input. Before starting the adventure, the players and their game master weave together all of these components. Given most players’ tendencies to aim for unexpected and outlandish details, you and your friends are in for a wild ride!
This adventure is setting-neutral, and with just a little tweaking could fit into just about any Savage Worlds campaign, from medieval fantasy to far-future.
Designed to be completed within a 4-hour time slot, An Unexpected Wedding is great for one-shots, convention events, and public games at your friendly local game store.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 29.03.2019 | 14:28
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3915/269376-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/269376/Savage-Worlds-Loathsome-Souls)
[Fainting Goat Games] Loathsome Souls
Author: Jacob Blackmon, AP Klosky, James Thomson
Pages: 8
Prices: €2,23 €1,77 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Within these pages, you will find a collection of villains themed with supernatural and magical backgrounds. These characters can serve as enemies or rivals for any group of heroes; whether or not the heroes have a magical theme.

We have two sets of statblocks. The first one uses Savage Worlds Adventure Edition in conjunction with the Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion (2nd Ed). The second uses only SWADE
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 1.04.2019 | 08:56
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/62/265245-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/265245/The-Dinosaur-Protocol)
[Battlefield Press] The Dinosaur Protocol
Author: Chris Halliday, Jonathan M. Thompson
Pages: ?
Prices: $10 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

65 million years have separated the ages of man and dinosaur. Until now.

"Some time in the 21st Century, something broke the world. No one knows for sure what happened. Solar flares, war, global warming, pollution and environmental collapse, or perhaps a combination of all of them. Perhaps it was something much stranger. All we know is that mankind fled the surface, retreating into vast underground shelters where they could wait out the centuries until the earth was habitable once more. But when we emerged from the darkness and prepared to retake our world, it was not as we remembered it. Something had happened to the world that once was. In the centuries without man, nature wound back the clock, returning the planet to an earlier, cleaner, more primal age. An age of dinosaurs.

Now humanity must choose – do we fight to reclaim our past, or do we make peace with the present and embrace a simpler future? Armed with the skills and technologies of our ancestors, do we struggle to recreate former glories, or will we use the second chance we have been given to avoid the mistakes of the past? Will human nature even give us the choice? Will we exterminate the reborn dinosaurs, enslave them, or something else? What will be our Dinosaur Protocol?”
- From the journals of Archivist Roebuck
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 2.04.2019 | 16:42
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/9012/271228-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/271228/Savage-League-of-Seekers)

Produkt ist nicht mehr erhältlich.

[FeralGamersInc] Savage League of Seekers
Author: FGFantasy
Pages: 226
Prices: €17,81 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

As you step from the carriage the sound of your feet striking the cobbles echoes down the dark empty street. 
“It’s going to be a cursed moon tonight”. The carriage driver claims, and you follow his gaze to the red ringed moon hanging above the rooftops. “Be careful”. He continues.
As if on cue a blood-wrenching howl fills the night. The hairs on the back of your neck rise and the shadows seem to grow longer. You pull up your collar, grab your musket from the carriage and head into the darkness.
You are a seeker. and It’s time to hunt.

The League of Seekers is a roleplaying game that combines Lovecraftian terror with folklore to create an alternate 18th century Europe living under the fear of the blood curse. A plague that turns normal people into monsters.
Events over the last 1000 yrs. have unlocked the spheres that hold the gates closed to cosmic horrors and dark gods, which in turn has led to cults and secret societies spreading across the known world.
The League of Seekers RPG introduces you to a world of dark horror, where players can make characters that carry the blood of the Nodens in their veins giving them powers beyond mortal men, or a secret Muslim sect that has been fighting the evils betwixt the angles since Abdul al Hazred stumbled into the city of Damascus in 740 AD, or even as sires of Vlad Tepes, known as Count Dracul, who holds back the forces of the Ottoman’s in the East with his army of Vampyrs.
The League of Seekers uses the Savage World Adventures Edition rule system with new Edges and Hindrances, new Skills like Dark Knowledge and Psychology, and rules for Insanity.
The game also covers Europe via London and Paris and Germany and crosses the ocean to the New World and the American Colonies, before delving into the Dreamlands.
If you love Lovecraft, and movies like Brotherhood of the Wolf or video games like Bloodborne then check out League of Seekers.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 4.04.2019 | 11:35
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/101/271871-thumb140.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/271871/Darwins-World-Nuclear-Edition-Feeding-Grounds)
[Misfit Studios] Darwin's World, Nuclear Edition: Feeding Grounds (Jumpstart)
Author: Charles Rice, Steven Trustrum
Pages: 51
Prices: $3,99 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Darwin's World, Nuclear Edition: Feeding Grounds JumpStart Adventure
Get a look at Darwin's World, Nuclear Edition before the core rules are released!.

Welcome to a world gone insane.

Brave soldiers ready to fight and die for America, you and your unit have awoken in a future gone mad. Thousands more still sleep within the facility that kept you safe through the centuries, awaiting a time to rebuild the world. But now it is being preyed upon by hideous cannibals who are farming humanity's future. Only one thing stands in their way: you and your unit.

They call it the feeding grounds. You are the food.

Originally released for GenCon 2006 and using the d20 system, this latest version of the Feeding Grounds has been re-visited, re-edited, and re-vamped for Savage Worlds. In addition to the adventure itself, this product includes races, Edges, weapons and more to serve as an overall introduction to Darwin's World, Nuclear Edition.

Both a color and print-friendly version of the product are included.

Darwin's World, Nuclear Edition products are published by Misfit Studios under license from RPGObjects.

All Darwin's World, Nuclear Edition products are designed using the SWADE edition of the Savage Worlds game system.

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 6.04.2019 | 20:22
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3683/272205-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/272205/Tabletop-Gaming-Guide-to-the-Pinkertons)
[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Tabletop Gaming Guide to the: Pinkertons
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Pages: 99
Prices: $6 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

When considering the history of law enforcement, there is one name that stands above the rest – Pinkerton. A precursor to any federal law enforcement agency, the Pinkerton Agency set an amazing precedent for detective and security work along with establishing (or at least influencing) a number of benchmarks that are still in use today.

Tabletop Gaming Guide to the: Pinkertons is a delve into the complete history of Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency from its roots to its modern-day incarnation.

Tabletop Gaming Guide to the: Pinkertons includes:

The building and growth of the Agency.
Major exploits of its many operatives.
A look at the many facets of the Agency throughout its life.
Write-ups of several prominent Pinkertons.
Guidance for using the sourcebook in your games.
An extensive timeline of events.
... and more!
Tabletop Gaming Guide to the: Pinkertons includes the following How to Use guides for incorporating the source material quickly into your games:

Shadowed Earth
Savage Worlds (SWADE-compatible)
Five Points (a Dark Streets setting)
Entropic Gaming System
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 6.04.2019 | 20:24
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/272217-thumb140.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/272217/StarStreamers-World-Killer-One-Sheet)
[BPB Games] StarStreamers: World Killer One Sheet
Author: Kyle Carty, BPB Games
Pages: 2
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price €0,89 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

No Weapon of This World Can Stop It

In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.

StarStreamers: World Killer is a One Sheet adventure by BPB Games, the creators of Savage Tokusatsu. This Pay-What-You-Want adventure places the streamers into a sensitive situation where a conservation agency that prevents external interference on underdeveloped planets has blockaded the planet of Solomon-IV. Solomon-IV is currently facing an apocalyptic event. Zalamel the Ender, the beast fortold in the Prophecy, has awoken and is wreaking havoc on the world. It is impervious to all weapons of this world except the Blade of Arandor! Heroes have set out to find the blade but off-world projections, mostly from gambling planets, do not favor their chances of success. Can the streamers navigate bueracracy and save a planet from utter annihilation.

StarStreamers: World Killer is designed from the ground up for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. With a bevy of new ideas and a fresh take on science fantasy, StarStreamers is perfect for groups looking for something out of the ordinary.

StarStreamers is also a livestreamed campaign that you, the viewer, can interact with on Twitch! Check out the BestPalBrigade one twitch.tv/bestpalbrigade as they explore this setting and release new material for it each and every game!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 7.04.2019 | 23:04
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/272309-thumb140.png)(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/english/MetalBestSeller-Copper.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/272309/Distant-Journeys)
[SWAG][Veiled Fury Entertainment] Distant Journeys
Author: Manuel "ManuFS" Sambs
Pages: 2
Prices: $1 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Journeys in fantasy or post-apocalyptic games are lengthy and often dangerous ordeals. Most commoners prefer to stay in their home city, town, or collection of farms. Adventurers and merchants, however, spend as much time traveling as they do staying in civilized areas. Distant Journeys provides you with a simple system for Savage Worlds to provide a more detailed experience for those long days on the road (or hills, if you prefer to travel cross country).

This product requires a copy of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition to use.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 10.04.2019 | 13:38
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/272379-thumb140.png)(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/english/MetalBestSeller-Copper.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/272379/A-Savage-Guide-to-Dinosaurs)
[SWAG][Gaming with Gage] A Savage Guide to Dinosaurs
Author: Gaming with Gage
Pages: 14
Prices: $1 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Looking to introduce dinosaurs to your next Savage Worlds game? A Savage Guide to Dinosaurs features nineteen fully statted dinosaurs including classics like the Triceratops and the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Also included is an original adventure titled Dino World!

"Dino World, once humanity’s greatest achievement, is now surrendered to the dinosaurs who once served as exhibits. But not everyone is satisfied with leaving dinosaurs behind. Eric Winslow, CEO of FTRE, wants a dinosaur and he’s willing to pay. The party has been hired to retrieve three eggs from the defunct Dino World theme park."

Pregenerated characters included!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 10.04.2019 | 21:42
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/8015/272532-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/272532/Wiseguys-A-Flock-of-Vultures)
[Just Insert Imagination] Wiseguys: A Flock of Vultures
Author: Morné Schaap, Eric Lamoureux
Pages: 7
Prices: free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Valuable cargo on its way to Las Vegas from Los Angeles has all the vultures flocking to it. Can the crew get to the prize first and still be in possession of it at the end of the night? It’s not going to be easy if left to  the man in charge of the delivery, Nunchuk Mendoza, or detective Frank Novak.

This free Mob Tale for Wiseguys: The Savage Guide to Organized Crime for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition roleplaying game is currently on Kickstarter and has already reached its funding goal. It’s also fully compatible with the Wiseguys JumpStart available on DriveThruRPG for free!

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 13.04.2019 | 01:10
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/272823-thumb140.png)(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/themes/dtrpg/images/buttons/english/MetalBestSeller-Copper.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/272823/Fast-Lane-Hacking)
[SWAG][Veiled Fury Entertainment] Fast Lane Hacking
Author: Manuel "ManuFS" Sambs
Pages: 3
Prices: $1 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Hacking is a difficult task to tackle at the table. Many RPG systems with dedicated hacking rules overshoot the target, making it a cumbersome chore to give computer systems a feeling of “real” security. Often this boils down to a player needing to endure a separate “hacking minigame,” while the rest of the group goes to get refreshments.

Fast Lane Hacking supplies you with a simple, fast system for Savage Worlds to provide a more detailed experience for the group’s dedicated electronic surveillance and information specialist (aka, the hacker). It is primarily modeled for Cyberpunk or SciFi settings, but also provides alternative rules for modern settings, in which a hacker relies on an old-fashioned computer to break into high-security mainframes to steal data.

This product requires a copy of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition to use.

PLEASE NOTE: This product is an excerpt of Sprawlrunners, a cyberpunk-fantasy framework, which will be released some time later this year. Besides Fast Lane Hacking Sprawlrunners will include another, more detailed, system for hacking cyberspace hosts, rules for cyberware, drones, magic in a cyberpunk world, and more!

If you are not in a hurry, please wait for the full release, as I cannot at this time give you a discount on the full release when it hits if you have already purchased Fast Lane Hacking. If you enjoy my work and want to support me, please know you have my deepest gratitude for buying a copy of Fast Lane Hacking!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 13.04.2019 | 09:10
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4409/272831-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/272831/Crypt-of-the-Sun-Lord)
[AAW Games] Crypt of the Sun Lord
Author: Jonathan G. Nelson
Pages: 29
Prices: €6,22 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A SWADE adventure for 4 Novice Heroes

The adventurers travel across Serpent Lake with a group of Rybalkan soldiers.  The group camps for the night adjacent to the ruins of Ka'Teek.  As they sleep a goblin steals a precious keepsake from one of the PCs and disappears into the ruins.  The party pursues and finds themselves confronting undead guardians of the Sun Lord while avoiding dangerous traps.

Will the PCs find the goblin and retrieve their precious keepsake or stumble upon something much more sinister?

Also included in "Crypt of the Sun Lord":

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 13.04.2019 | 14:19
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/9012/272849-thumb140.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/272849/Savage-Ghost-Op-Mission-Pack-3)
[FeralGamersInc] Savage Ghost Op Mission Pack 3
Author: FeralGamersInc
Pages: 58
Prices: €6,22 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Mission Pack 3 - Project Lucifer
This mission pack contains five missions for use with the Project Lucifer Setting for Ghost Ops - Modern Covert Operations RPG.

Saviours Bane by Tim Loya

The Operatives are sent to find the Spear of Destiny before BrightCross Mercs in this one sheet mission.

Blackhawk Lost by Darren Pearce

The operatives of Phantom Squad are sent to Bolivia to shut down a Project Lucifer operation, but everything is not what it seems.

Fire by J A Cummings

Sent to retrieve data from a research lab recently firebombed. But BrightCross also wants whatever was on the disc.

Out of Africa by Neal Hyde

A refugee camp is more than what it appears, are refugees being used as test subjects? A one sheet Mission.

Operation Prelude by August Hahn

Sent on a bug hunt underground, to search sewers and subway stations for a supernatural presence, led by a psychic presence.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 13.04.2019 | 17:14
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/272804-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/272804/StarStreamers-CryoWaken-One-Sheet)
[BPB Games] StarStreamers: Price of Pleasure One Sheet
Author: Kyle Carty, BPB Games
Pages: 2
Prices: PWYW (suggested price €0,89) (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Take Your Shoes Off! Stay Forever!
In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.

StarStreamers: Price of Pleasure is a One Sheet adventure by BPB Games, the creators of Savage Tokusatsu. This Pay-What-You-Want adventure puts players into the role of streamers who are just looking to relax at a tropical resort. Unfortunately, Tropicanus is home to hemOS, a dangerous artificial intelligence that has reprogrammed itself to run on the blood of the rich. Can the streamers survive?

StarStreamers: Price of Pleasure is designed from the ground up for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. With a bevy of new ideas and a fresh take on science fantasy, StarStreamers is perfect for groups looking for something out of the ordinary.

StarStreamers is also a livestreamed campaign that you, the viewer, can interact with on Twitch! Check out the BestPalBrigade as they explore this setting and release new material for it each and every game!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 14.04.2019 | 13:42
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7646/272928-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/272928/Secret-Agents-of-CROSS-Mission-Blood-Ties)
[Blessed Machine] Secret Agents of CROSS Mission: Blood Ties
Author: Michael Chumbler
Pages: 2
Prices: €2,67(DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A missing person case is usually mundane and procedural, but when your mission is ordered from deep inside the Vatican and you are a Secret Agent of CROSS no case ever is. Join your teammates as you travel to Jolly Old England to locate a celebrated otolaryngologist that has gone missing. It's a cut-throat world out there so you better smell out his location before you hear of his untimely demise.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 15.04.2019 | 23:17
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/6221/273116-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/273116/The-Tomb-of-Xenophon-MicroDungeon-Adventure-Savage-Worlds)
[Middle Kingdoms Adventure & Trading Co.] The Tomb of Xenophon: Micro-Dungeon Adventure (Savage Worlds)
Author: Frank Turfler, Jr.
Pages: 2
Prices: $3.00 $1.99 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Tomb of Xenophon is a 7-room, one page micro-dungeon designed for a single session of play, but with several plot hooks and twists that are the perfect set up for a short series  or a long term campaign.

A plague is sweeping across the city of Stonehold. Some believe it is the result of a curse.

Long ago the sorcerer King, Xenophon, a tyrannical conqueror raised an army of religious zealots to expand his empire. As his empire grew, so did his arrogance; believing that he was himself a god and immortal he led what was to become his final battle. Just when it looked like Xenophon and his hordes would be victorious, he was struck down and killed by a young unknown girl. The young warrior disappeared in the chaos that ensued Xenophon's body was carried off by his followers and buried in a tomb built from the bones of the fallen.

Afterward a rune stone monument  was raised to commemorate his defeat. However superstition grew that the stone was cursed and today it is believed that the stone the source of the plague.

Brother Elias of the Order of Pétra is secretly petitioning those who are willing and able to take the stone and return it to it's rightful owner, Xenophon. He believes the stone is somehow connected to Xenophon and because it was not properly buried with him it has been cursed.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 15.04.2019 | 23:19
https://www.peginc.com/store/conversion-notes-deluxe-to-adventure-edition-swd-to-swade/ (https://www.peginc.com/store/conversion-notes-deluxe-to-adventure-edition-swd-to-swade/)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Conversion Notes: Deluxe to Adventure Edition (SWD to SWADE)
Compiled by: Marc Nuar and Christopher Landauer
Pages: 54
Prices: free (PegINC Webstore)

This is not intended to be a comprehensive ruleset, but a list of changes between Savage Worlds Deluxe (SWD) and Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE) to help in converting previous works.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 15.04.2019 | 23:23
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2746/273119-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/273119/The-Savage-Sign-01)
[Sigil Entertainment Group] The Savage Sign 01
Author: Aaron Acevedo, Sean Tait Bircher, Matthew Cutter, Ian Eller, John Goff, Darrell Hardy, Eugene Marshall, Kevin Andrew Murphy, Brian Reeves, Sean Roberson, Zach Welhouse, John Wick
Pages: 160
Prices: €13.35 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Inside this amazing-looking volume, you’ll find an entertaining bundle of goodies to enhance your Savage Worlds Adventure Edition fun. There are four immersive settings, exciting new character options, awesome gear, new custom setting rules, five Creature Features, twelve Savage Tales, two short stories, a 6-page comic, and more to make your fun faster and even more furious!

With original content and contributions for Freedom Squadron, Low Life, Saints and Synners, and Titan Effect, there's plenty here for you to enjoy. We hope you'll want to page through The Savage Sign again and again!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.04.2019 | 19:04
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/273214-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/273214/Savage-Tokusatsu-Kaiju-Mechs-and-Heroes-for-Savage-Worlds)
[BPB Games] Savage Tokusatsu: Kaiju, Mechs, and Heroes for Savage Worlds
Author: Kyle Carty, BPB Games
Pages: 98
Prices: $15.00 $12.00 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Transform and Fight, Heroes!
Savage Tokusatsu is a game built from the ground up specifically for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition roleplaying game. Within the pages of this book are new rules and character options to help you capture the feel of any tokusatsu story in the collaborative storytelling experience that is tabletop roleplaying.

You can be the transforming team of heroes working together to control a giant mech simultaniously. You can play the desperate humans trying to halt the advance of an unstoppable kaiju that towers above skyscrapers. All this and more is possible with Savage Tokusatsu!

What's In the Book?
Within the pages of Savage Tokusatsu you'll find entirely new systems for running your favorite colorful transforming heroes, controlling giant robots, and building superweapons to repel giant monsters.

FIVE Light Frameworks to capture different types of Transforming Heroes
Easy rules to Build Your Own Kaiju
SIXTEEN new Edges
SEVEN new Hindrances with a focus on social interaction
FIVE Campaign Style Guides to help you capture the right tone
FOURTEEN new and modified Setting Rules, including an easy way to pilot a shared robot
Rules for constructing a Super Weapon to repel a kaiju
Rules for building your own unique Iconic Weapons and Armor
Rules for building simple to run Mechs
50+ Stat Blocks for friends and foes
Randomly Generated Kaiju rules
A Full Plot Point Campaign

What Are You Waiting For? The World Needs You!
This is the FULL GAME. We also have a Test Drive that provides a limited selection of new rules for running and playing in transforming hero games. Several sample Edges, Hindrances, enemies, and equipment options are presented in the pages of the Test Drive.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.04.2019 | 22:14
(https://i.imgur.com/5q7WiGf.jpg) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/rifts-for-savage-worlds-american-armageddon)
[Pinnacle Entertainment Group] Rifts® for Savage Worlds: American Armageddon (KICKSTARTER)
Author: ?
Pages: 3 books, 192 pages each (+ stretchgoal content)
Estimated Delivery: June 2019 (Digital Rewards), December 2019 (Print Rewards)

Welcome Back to the Megaverse!®
The Tomorrow Legion faces off against new apocalyptic threats from the darkest corners of North America and Earth's ancient past!

Building on the incredible success of Rifts® for Savage Worlds comes three new 192-page Worldbooks further detailing the factions, locations, and threats of Rifts® North America. Inside you'll find new allies, armaments, and abilities to aid Tomorrow Legionnaires in their fight against the evils of the Megaverse®.

 Arcana & Mysticism:  Explores the Federation of Magic, Psyscape, and Techno-Wizard enclaves throughout North America, and the dire threats hiding within.
 Blood & Banes: Details the struggle of dark heroes against the alien Xiticix Hivelands, encroaching Vampire Kingdoms, mysterious Dinosaur Swamp, and insanity of Madhaven.
 Empires of Humanity:  Brings to life the wonders of human civilization from the Coalition States to the New West, and uncovers the secrets of the east coast.

All three books are 192 pages, hardback, and full-color throughout!

Previous Rifts® backers also get updated core PDFs automatically!

Pledge NamePledgeReward
MerchantUS$ 1 or moreAdvance Ordering Option for Retailers Only!
Digital Revised CoreUS$ 25 or moreRifts® The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide PDF, Rifts® Game Master's Handbook PDF, Rifts® Savage Foes of North America PDF, All Digital Stretch Goals
Digital WorldbooksUS$ 50 or moreRifts® North America: Arcana & Mysticism PDF, Rifts® North America: Blood & Banes PDF, Rifts® North America: Empires of Humanity PDF, All Digital Stretch Goals
Revised Core Books (Print)US$ 60 or moreRifts® The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide Hardcover + PDF, Rifts® Game Master's Handbook Hardcover + PDF, Rifts® Savage Foes of North America Hardcover + PDF, All Physical Stretch Goals, All Digital Stretch Goals
Digital EverythingUS$ 75 or moreRifts® The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide PDF, Rifts® Game Master's Handbook PDF, Rifts® Savage Foes of North America PDF, Rifts® North America: Arcana & Mysticism PDF, Rifts® North America: Blood & Banes PDF, Rifts® North America: Empires of Humanity PDF, All Digital Stretch Goals
Revised Core Boxed Set (Print)US$ 99 or moreRifts® for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Boxed Set, All Physical Stretch Goals, All Digital Stretch Goals
New Worldbooks (Print)US$ 100 or moreRifts® North America: Arcana and Mysticism Hardcover + PDF, Rifts® North America: Blood & Banes Hardcover + PDF, Rifts® North America: Empires of Humanity Hardcover + PDF, All Physical Stretch Goals, All Digital Stretch Goals
Maximum Rifts® for Savage Worlds (Print)US$ 150 or moreRifts® North America: Arcana and Mysticism Hardcover + PDF, Rifts® North America: Blood & Banes Hardcover + PDF, Rifts® North America: Empires of Humanity Hardcover + PDF, Rifts® for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Boxed Set, All Physical Stretch Goals, All Digital Stretch Goals

Shipping Cost to EU:
Revised Core Books: $40
Hardcover Worldbooks: $45
Core Boxed Set: $50
Core Boxed Set + Worldbooks: $60
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 18.04.2019 | 22:30
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3243/273410-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/273410/Broken-Earth-The-Falls-Savage-Worlds)
[Sneak Attack Press] Broken Earth: The Falls (Savage Worlds)
Author: Matthew J. Hanson
Pages: 8
Prices: €1.77 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Money is power? Knowledge is power? Maybe where you come from, but around here, power is power.

After the Great War, the twin cities of Niagara Falls, New York and Ontario remained empty for decades, except for the occasional scrappers who searched them for ever-decreasing salvage.

Then Ma Parker and her associates arrived. She and her crew repaired the hydroelectric generators along the Niagara River and got electricity flowing to what was now a single city known as the Falls.

The Falls thrives and is famous for the electric lights that brighten the sky at night. Travelers flock to its trading posts, gambling dens, saloons, and entertainment halls. Some claim the Falls is decadent and filled with immorality, but the people who live there see it as the best chance for humanity’s survival.

The Falls is set in the Broken Earth (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/126143/Broken-Earth-Savage-Worlds) setting, but can be used with any post-apocalyptic campaign.

This product and all the others in the Tales from the Great Lakes series are available in a money-saving bundle (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/152564/Broken-Earth-Tales-from-the-Great-Lakes-Savage-BUNDLE).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 18.04.2019 | 22:33
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4761/273441-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/273441/Freedom-Squadron-SWADE-Operations-Memo)
[Evil Beagle Games] Freedom Squadron SWADE Operations Memo
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon
Pages: 14
Prices: free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Enter the Battle with VENOM Armed with the Latest Intel!

The Freedom Squadron SWADE Operations Memo is a free download to set you up with all the information and guidance you need to update your Freedom Squadron Commando's Manual and Freedom Squadron Plans & Operations Manual to the absolute latest iteration of the Savage Worlds rules!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 19.04.2019 | 11:09
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/273484-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/273484/Summoners-Circle)
[SWAG][Dylan Brooks] Summoner's Circle
Author: Dylan Brooks
Pages: 38
Prices: $3,55 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

From mad cultists calling up tentacled horrors to holy priests praying for warrior angels to clockwork contraptions crafted by a mad scientist, the summon ally Power is found throughout just about every Savage Worlds setting. Using this book, you'll be able to make that power your own, customizing your allies to fit the concept you have in mind for what your hero calls to battle - or use one of the deadly rivals or monsters in this book to challenge your players!

Inside you will find...

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 20.04.2019 | 11:17
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/273533-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/273533/Savage-Rifts-The-Call-in-the-Night)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Rifts: The Call in the Night
Author: Sean Roberson
Pages: 2
Prices: free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A One Sheet for Rifts® for Savage Worlds.

The heroes hear a strange cry in the night...and stumble into one of the Megaverse's® most dangerous foes!

This One Sheet was written for and uses the new and revised core rulebooks, NOW on Kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/rifts-for-savage-worlds-american-armageddon/description)!

This product requires the Savage Worlds core rules, Rifts®: The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide, and Rifts®: Game Master’s Handbook to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 23.04.2019 | 10:36
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/273470-thumb140.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/273470/Bullets-over-Frisco-Bay)
[SWAG][The Wild Die bunch] Bullets over Frisco Bay
Author: The Wild Die bunch
Pages: 15
Prices: PWYW (Suggested Price €2,63) (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A bank heist turned to a hostage situation, and the player characters are stuck in the middle!

It’s 1976 in San Francisco, and the player characters are forced to confront their past when a disgruntled ex-cop demands they act as negotiators, after he takes hostages at the bank. The local cops have cordoned off the area, S.W.A.T. teams are in place, the F.B.I. is “in charge,” news teams are competing over the best story, and curious citizens have amassed around the perimeter.

Bullets over Frisco Bay is an open-ended, sandbox style scenario where the players must confront elements of their characters’ respective pasts. Set in the summer of

1976 San Francisco, the adventure is inspired by the cop and detective shows of the era, such as Starsky & Hutch, Kojak, Police Story, etc.

In the zip file, you will find:

Pinnacle Entertainment Group authorizes the sale of this fan made product only through OneBookShelf for charitable purposes. Please give generously.

Also note that all proceeds for the sales of this adventure go to a great organization called GenU Gamer in Geelong Australia, and is run mainly by our good friend and fellow Savage, Pâris Conté (aka Pure Mongrel). Aiding young people explore table-top and video game worlds for the tools to build better realities. Twitter: @GenUGAMER
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 27.04.2019 | 15:35
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/274205-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/274205/Gods-Make-Mods-Divine-Magic-for-StarStreamers)
[BPB Games] Gods Make Mods: Divine Magic for StarStreamers
Author: Kyle Carty, BPB Games
Pages: 5
Prices: PWYW (Suggested Price €2,23) (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Bring Down the Divine Banhammer
In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.

Gods Make Mods: Divine Magic for StarStreamers is a magical supplement by BPB Games, the creators of Savage Tokusatsu. This Pay-What-You-Want product reveals a fun new way for normal characters to gain divine magic through engaging with streamers with such devoted fandoms that they have become literal divinity. The deific streamers can, in turn, Mod their most devout followers and grant them divine magic. These quick and easy power-ups work great for home games that want to beef up their Extras or for real streamers looking to engage with their chat a little more!

Gods Make Mods: Divine Magic for Starstreamers is designed from the ground up for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. With a bevy of new ideas and a fresh take on science fantasy, StarStreamers is perfect for groups looking for something out of the ordinary.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 2.05.2019 | 20:05
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/274629.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/274629/Savage-Worlds-Fillable-Character-Sheet--Generic-Fantasy)
[SWAG][Charlotte Irrgang, Karl Keesler] Savage Worlds Fillable Character Sheet - Generic Fantasy
Author: Charlotte Irrgang, Karl Keesler
Pages: 2
Prices: PWYW (Suggested Price $1.00) (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

It's easy to make characters for any fantasy or generic Savage Worlds campaign with this beautiful character sheet.

The character sheet is form-fillable and rich-text enabled.  This allows you to choose your own text options by pressing cmd/ctrl-e in Acrobat Reader to show the Properties toolbar, so you can style your text as you wish.

Compatible with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 3.05.2019 | 07:48
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/62/273522.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/273522/Robotech-A-Macross-Saga-RPG)
[Battlefield Press] Robotech: A Macross Saga RPG
Author: Jason Lang, Jonathan M Thompson
Pages: 149
Prices: €10,74 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Join us as we enter the exiting world of Robotech! Strap into your Veritech fighter and battle giant Zentraedi warriors for the fate of mankind. Defend the earth from invasion in your Destroid. Help maintain the fragile peace after the war that left most of the Earth devastated. Inside this book you will find a complete Savage Worlds setting for the Macross era of Robotech. Play as your favorite characters, Rick Hunter, Max Sterling, Linn Minmai, Breetai, Exedore and more. You can even make your own character to fight in the first Robotech War.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 3.05.2019 | 23:39
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/274742.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/274742/Savage-Rifts-Dragon-Juicer-Preview)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Rifts: Dragon Juicer Preview
Author: Sean Roberson
Pages: 2
Prices: free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The new Worldbooks for Rifts® for Savage Worlds explore new sections of Rifts® North America: from the Federation of Magic and Psyscape to the Vampire Kingdoms and Dinosaur Swamp, to the Coalition States and the New West!

Each new Worldbook offers new character options, gear, locations, and a Plot Point Campaign. Here’s a first look at the Dragon Juicer Iconic Framework from Rifts® North America: Arcana & Mysticism!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 3.05.2019 | 23:41
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/274745.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/274745/Into-the-Fire)
[SWAG][John Steve] Into the Fire
Author: John Steve
Pages: 19
Prices: PWYW (Suggested Price €0,90) (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The dwarves of Grymhold are faced with a danger that threatens the entire clan. Only a daring mission to the depths of Furnace Rock can prevent disaster. The brothers of clan Ironhorse have stepped forward for what many claim is a one-way trip!

This adventure introduces a Tattoo magic system (deck) that allows each of the pregen characters to enter battle with their own unique Powers.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 13.05.2019 | 23:39
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/101/177225-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/177225)
[Misfit Studios] Monster Brief: Mixed Foes
Author: Steven Trustrum, Spike Y Jones, Emily Brumfield
Pages: 5
Prices: $1.99 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This product presents a variety of foes to pitch against your heroes. Within, you will find:

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

Both a color and print-friendly version of the product are included.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 14.05.2019 | 12:06
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10506/275660-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/275660/Savaged-Six-Guns-Wild-and-Woolly-Women)
[Dog House Rules] Savaged Six Guns: Wild and Woolly Women
Author: Christopher S. Warner
Pages: 12
Prices: free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Dog House Gang wasn't satisfied with a brace of six-shooters, so we filled a third holster with characters ready for your Savage Worlds Western game.

Savaged Six-Guns: Wild and Woolly Women features six women known – or at least reputed – to have seen the elephant out on the frontier. Wild and woolly . . . and armed. And whether myth or reality, the stories about the likes of Calamity Jane & Belle Starr seem likely to add some spice to any Western game. Of course, there are more than six women worthy of mention, but that's all we can fit in a single cylinder.

So draw quick, pardner, and stake a claim for this Six-Guns installment. Did we mention that it's FREE?

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 15.05.2019 | 14:13
(https://www.gameontabletop.com/contenu/partners/ulisses/image/Savage_Worlds_Abenteuer-Edition/sw_title.png) (https://www.gameontabletop.com/cf196/savage-worlds-abenteuer-edition.html)
Author: ?
Pages: 208 (Grundregelwerk), 144 (Weltenschaffer-Buch)
Estimated Delivery: Herbst 2019

Duelle mit Untoten im Wilden Westen, Detektive in verrauchten Bars und verregneten Gassen, Kinder auf Fahrrädern im Kampf gegen Monster, Lebendes Spielzeug, Piloten im Raumkampf gegen Aliens, Fantasyhelden bei der Erkundung eines Dungeons und Agenten in geheimer Mission, Savage Worlds kann jedes Setting! Jederzeit! Überall!

Die Abenteuer-Edition von Savage Worlds ist die neueste Ausgabe dieses beliebten und einflussreichen Universalrollenspiels und die erste, die bei Ulisses Spiele erscheinen wird. In dieser Edition kommen 15 Jahre Erfahrung und enge Zusammenarbeit mit zehntausenden Fans zusammen um das Spiel noch schneller, wilder und spaßiger zu machen! Seit seinem Erscheinen 2003 hat Savage Worlds weltweit zahlreiche Fans begeistert, wurde in acht Sprachen übersetzt und als Grundlage unzähliger Settings verwendet.

Das flexible System ist ein weltweites Phänomen in der Rollenspielszene und erlaubt dir jedes Genre umzusetzen, Pulp Action, Noir, Superhelden, Hard SciFi, Space Opera, Horror, Fantasy und alles was du dir sonst noch vorstellen kannst! In der Abenteuer-Edition vereint sich taktische Tiefe mit den besten Elementen narrativen Spiels zu einer actiongeladenen Mischung.

Pledge NamePledgeReward
Abenteurer Digital15€GRW und Zusatzband als PDF, + digitale Prämien
Abenteurer30€GRW in PDF und Druck, + digitale und Abenteurer Prämien
Abenteurer Deluxe45€GRW in PDF und Druck (Leinenausgabe), + digitale und Abenteurer Prämien
Expeditionsleiter-Paket95€GRW, Zusatzband in PDF und Druck, Spielleiterschirm, 25 Bennys, sowie alle Prämien
Schatztruhe170€Box mit GRW und Zusatzband in PDF und Druck, Spielkarten, Würfel, SL-Schirm, Bennys, Schablonen, sowie alle Prämien
Expedition400€Alle Produkte des Crowdfundings + Teilnahme an Ulisses Unplugged

Shipping Cost to EU:
Versandkostenfrei in Deutschland, Porto in andere Länder im Pledgemanager einsehbar
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 15.05.2019 | 14:43
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/14044/275399-thumb140.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/275399/Ice-Belly-of-Fillion-Manor)
[Atomic Ninja Studios] Ice Belly of Fillion Manor
Author: David Scott
Pages: 5
Prices: €1,78 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A group of adventurers fall prey to an ambush in the wild that leads to hunting down a goblin god!

Take on the roles of a classic band of adventurers who accept a bounty to save a town. This adventure is designed for Seasoned heroes (pregens included) in a classic fantasy setting.

One Shot Wonders

Welcome to the first in a series of monthly One Shots from Atomic Ninja Studios, all of which are SWADE compatible and contain everything you need for a quick and easy adventure.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.05.2019 | 15:18
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11630/275889-thumb140.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/275889/Land-of-Sonu-1-Defector)
[Apokalyptic Publishing] Land of Sonu Vol 1: Defector
Author: Peter Adams
Pages: 28
Prices: €2,67 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The first volume in the Sonu adventure series introduces the Land of Sonu, both as a unique setting in which to set your own adventures and with a series of four related, but separate, adventures to run. Inside, you'll find:

4 short adventures
2 new races
A regional overview of three factions relevant to the adventures
9 new creatures, adversaries, and/or allies.

This title requires the Savage Worlds core rules.

The Adventures in Sonu series presents new setting information and an interconnected series of adventures which can be run back-to-back or integrated within an existing campaign. The adventures are presented as part of the Land of Sonu, a new, low-magic fantasy setting for the Savage Worlds tabletop role playing game, but the locations and adventures can be easily adapted to any fantasy campaign.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.05.2019 | 15:19
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10267/275827-thumb140.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/275827/Sagas--SixGuns-Jumpstart)
[Gallant Knight Games] Sagas & Six-Guns Jumpstart
Author: Robert Buckey
Pages: 35
Prices: free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A Savage Worlds Adventure Edition JumpStart!
Sagas & Six-Guns is a Savage Worlds Adventure Edition setting and rulebook about a mythical and uninhabited frontier settled by Scandinavian cultures. A mash-up of the Old West and the Old Norse, Sagas & Six-Guns is what happens when Beowulf takes on Grendel with a pair of six-shooters and his trusty axe.

The setting and rule-book is written by Robert Buckey, who has teamed up with GALLANT KNIGHT GAMES. The game utilizes the Savage World: Adventure Edition ruleset.

The JumpStart contains an adventure, pregenerated characters, and a brief primer on the world of Sagas & Six-Guns.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.05.2019 | 10:51
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3561/276359-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/276359/Accursed-Jumpstart)
[Melior Via] Accursed Jumpstart
Author: Ross Watson, John Dunn
Pages: 12
Prices: free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Accursed Jumpstart offers a chance to briefly explore the world of Morden, using Savage Worlds Adventure Edition This brief document provides just the bare minimum updates to the character creation and advancement rules as well as monster statistics to work with the latest iteration.

This guide is enough for a brief foray into the setting. Those who seek to adventure further should get the Accursed (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/124131/Accursed) setting and the free Adventure Edition Update (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/265644/Accursed-Adventure-Edition-Update). It assumes that the user already has access to the Accursed setting book. Players will also need the Savage Worlds Core Rules and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion is recommended.
This PDF uses layers for ease of printing.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.05.2019 | 10:54
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/276332-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/276332/The-Last-Parsec-SWADE-Conversion)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Last Parsec: SWADE Conversion
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 3
Prices: free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This short document helps you convert the most important rules and statistics from all four Last Parsec books (Core, Beta Eris-V, Irongate, Leviathan, and Scientorium) to the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition.

*** About The Last Parsec ***

Faster-than-light travel has finally allowed humanity to spread beyond its lonely corner of the Milky Way. In the depths of space these explorers found millions of star systems, strange planets, and exotic alien races. Centuries later, they form the Known Worlds, a vital region of trade and technology where empires grow and business thrives.

It is an unparalleled age. Cutting edge science has opened limitless frontiers of space and consciousness, and has even begun to hint at the mysteries of the universe itself. But to find them, one must travel beyond the familiar, to the last parsecs of reality.

This Primer paves the way for an expanded core book to come!

The Last Parsec is a science fiction roleplaying game of exploration and adventure. It requires the Savage Worlds core rules and the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion to play.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.05.2019 | 10:55
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/276333-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/276333/Lankhmar-SWADE-Conversion)
[Pinnacle Entertainment] Lankhmar: SWADE Conversion
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 3
Prices: free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This short document helps you convert the most important rules and statistics from all four Lankhmar books (City of Thieves, Savage Foes of Nehwon, Savage Seas of Nehwon, and Savage Tales of the Theives Guild) to the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.05.2019 | 10:56
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/276334-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/276334/Fear-Agent-SWADE-Conversion)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Fear Agent: SWADE Conversion
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 2
Prices: free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This short document helps you convert the most important rules and statistics from the Fear Agent RPG (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/212167/Fear-Agent-The-Fear-Agent-Roleplaying-Game) to the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/261539/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.05.2019 | 10:57
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/276335-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/276335/Goon-SWADE-Conversion)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Goon: SWADE Conversion
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 3
Prices: free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This short document helps you convert the most important rules and statistics from The Goon RPG (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/212169/Goon-The-Goon-Roleplaying-Game) to the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/261539/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.05.2019 | 11:50
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11183/249701-thumb140.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/249701/Titan-Effect-RPG)[Knight Errant Media] SPEAR Units Reference Guide
Author: Christian Nommay
Pages: 20
Prices: part of Titan Effect RPG, €11,64 (PDF)

SPEAR Units Reference Guide: an interactive guide with 20 pages of new background information for the GM.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 22.05.2019 | 15:49
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2850/276244-thumb140.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/276244/Abduction-Junction-Savage-Worlds-MiniSupp)[FunSizedGames] Abduction Junction (Savage Worlds Mini-Supp)
Author: Jason L Blair
Pages: 8
Prices: $6.00 (Watermarked PDF)

Watch the Skies!

The aliens have landed and humanity is in trouble! A quartet of extraterrestrial visitors have touched down on planet Earth and everyone in the town of Spring Water, New Mexico is in a tizzy! What do these strange creatures want? Are they here to hurt us? Hunt us? Capture us to work on some galactic chain gang? Help us unlock the secrets of the perfect ambrosia salad? Well, that’s up to you!

Abduction Junction is a setting and character combo kit designed for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition system of rules. In this mini-supplement, you will find a story setup complete with a variety of hooks to engage your players and move the plot along, some possible truths behind the story, a cast of characters, and some not-so-friendly NPCs. While not a complete adventure in itself, my hope is it sparks enough of your own imagination to turn into something wonderful
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 22.05.2019 | 21:23
(https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/025/193/550/ff2685ebd49f4d2b9e822d7aa24b66fb_original.jpg?ixlib=rb-2.0.0&crop=faces&w=1024&h=576&fit=crop&v=1558285295&auto=format&frame=1&q=92&s=20e2389458d79ac039cb2a26e1cd7845) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/823004289/the-after-post-apocalyptic-action-for-savage-worlds)
[Jade Monkey Studios] The After: Post-Apocalyptic Action for Savage Worlds [KICKSTARTER] (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/823004289/the-after-post-apocalyptic-action-for-savage-worlds)
Author: Sean Nokes
Pages: 150+
Estimated Delivery: December 2019

THE AFTER is a setting of savage frontier action (think The Revenant or Jeremiah Johnson) in a sci-fi post-apocalyptic world (think Annihilation or The Quiet Place). It uses the newly retooled Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. The Fast, Fun and Furious vibe of Savage Worlds fits the tone we were looking for in THE AFTER.

THE AFTER is set in the northwestern reaches of the broken North American continent. You play survivors of the shattered human race trying to rebuild their world after nearly a century of alien predation and war. The utterly destructive invasion of Earth, followed by a terrifying war between rival Alien species far more advanced than mankind, has left the Earth a broken version of its former self. Major cities and areas of industrial and military strength have been completely obliterated. Only in the worlds most sparsely populated areas have people survived: areas that were ignored or undervalued by the the rampaging alien forces.

Two frighteningly powerful rival species fought and used the Earth as their battleground. The flesh harvesting Butchers, masters of Genetics and bio-manipulation warred against their mortal enemy The Ghosts, eerie, dimensional travelling beings of energy.

The Invaders left as quickly as they arrived, their sudden disappearance a mystery to those who survived the war. But those survivors found the Earth to be changed, altered by bizarre dimensional breaches and populated by creatures warped through alien genetics and bio-mechanical experimentation. Survivors also discovered that they were no longer alone in the World, although the warring Alien species no longer plagued the Earth, other beings from the stars remain. Slaves and outcasts left to find a place for themselves in an unforgiving world.

Many survivors and their children have also been changed.  Mutagenic compounds altered the DNA of some, causing strange mutations, while others have been touched by dimensional anomalies, opening their minds to potent abilities and strange powers, A gift that is often viewed with awe and fear by others.

It is now a world of great change but also great opportunity; a strange world to explore and to forge a new home in. With the collapse of modern civilization, survivors must return to the old ways, find inspiration and knowledge utilized by frontiersman and native people who lived and prospered in North America centuries before.

New bonds must be formed, new settlements require aid and protection and the war ravaged ruins of Pre-Harvest Earth need to be explored for their knowledge and resources.

The war is over.  The Enemy has gone.  Reclaim the Earth.

Pledge NamePledgeReward
Frontiersman~14€THE AFTER PDF, all unlocked stretch goals as digital copy
Born Survivor~23€As Frontiersman, plus voucher for POD copy (Hardcover or Softcover)
Relic Hunter~85€As Born Survivor, plus 2 signed prints of art from the book
Breach Runner~171€As Born Survivor, plus a full-color illustration of your character for THE AFTER and as print
Legend of the Badlands~216€As Born Survivor, plus one of the production team will run a session of THE AFTER for you over Roll20

Shipping Cost:
DriveThruRPG Print-On-Demand, may vary
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: Jiyu am 22.05.2019 | 21:31
Wiggy von Triple Ace Games ist 50 geworden (happy birthday!) und daher gibt's 50% Rabatt bei DTRPG auf (fast) alles:

Wig's 50th Birthday Sale!

Well, Wiggy has stumbled and blagged his way to his 50th year on this planet. We figured that was a milestone, so we're celebrating by giving you, our fans, a present as well. Until 9th June 2019, all PDFs (except Guide to Cumbria, which is brand new) at DriveThruRPG are 50% off! Yep, that even includes already heavily discounted TAG@Ten bundles.

https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/2419/Triple-Ace-Games (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/2419/Triple-Ace-Games)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 23.05.2019 | 08:35
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4679/277539.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/277539/Art-of-War-Jumpstart-Frozen-Fields)[Amora Game] Art of War Jumpstart: Frozen Fields
Author: Greg LaRose
Pages: 19
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price $1.50 (Watermarked PDF)

Art of War JumpStart for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition has arrived is here! Frozen Fields glances into the world and rules of this anime inspired setting. It includes four pre-generated character Tropes, and an adventure that places the fate of village in the hands of the Heroes!
What is Art of War?
Youxia travel the lands protecting the people from tyrannical feudal lords.
A Samurai stands among the bodies of her allies, holding ground against Oni enemies.
A Shinobi squad moves swiftly through the shadows along moon clad roads skirting patrols as they infiltrate a castle.
Heroes are summoned by the council to intercept and negotiate with the demon possessed dead that torment local farmers.
Demon hunters known as Kui, work to quell the hungry ghosts that haunt the forest.

The descriptions above are just a fraction of the stories a Narrator and Heroes can tell. Players create Heroes with the help of selecting a Trope. With a Trope in place and techniques powered by the mystical energy of Chi, the heroes can face bandits, quell restless spirits, take part in a border skirmish, or even duel in grand tournaments.

The World Setting:
A new dynasty rises for the people of the San Empire. After an invasion of an Oni horde, the Three Clans attempt to rebuild a nation with the help of a new Emperor. The proud Kitsune Clan slowly relinquishes territory to the Imperial Court. Members of the Tiger Clan work to restore the people's faith in the land with the guidance of the Jade Stratagem. The leaders of the Serpent Clan remain silent keeping their plans secret.

Frozen Fields is a scenario for four Novice Heroes.
This adventure takes place in the village of Footfall. Several fields close to the base of the sacred mountain keep freezing over in the night. Many locals have attempted, but all have failed to make it up the mountain to present ritual offerings in order ease the spirits of the shrine. Every last one has turned back in fear, or refused to risk frostbite due to the bewitching winter weather along the path. Did we mention this episode takes place in the middle of Summer?

Can the Heroes help the people of Footfall from starvation?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 24.05.2019 | 21:34
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/14857/275706.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/275706/SWAT-Spells-Weapons-and-Tactics-JumpStart)[Rocky Mountain Savages LLC] SWAT: Spells, Weapons and Tactics JumpStart
Author: Christopher Landauer, Chris Fuchs, Marc Gacy, Gilbert Gallo, David Garrett, Darrell Hardy, Dustin Hatchett, Neal Hyde, Steve Kellison, Brian McCabe, R Kal Ringenbach, Caleb Sundsted, Isaac Sundsted
Pages: 26
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price $2.00 (PDF)

It’s like COPS meets Lord of the Rings!

SWAT is a gaming toolbox for Savage Worlds inspired by reality TV, Police Procedurals, and Film where characters play Law Enforcement / Bounty Hunters / Repo-men, working the cold hard streets while being filmed, set in a fantasy world with multiple environs which parody your favorite fantasy properties.

This JumpStart comes with a preview of new edges, hindrances, setting rules, and story telling techniques to give all your Savage Worlds games a truly cinema-tic feeling; 6 playable characters; and an adventure scenario taking advantage of Savage World's Adventure Edition's new social encounter rules.

Find out more at: http://www.swatrpg.com (http://www.swatrpg.com)

This product is designed for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition.

Rocky Mountain Savages LLC is an ACE publisher for Savage Worlds.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 25.05.2019 | 23:18
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/276195.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/276195/StarStreamers-Biggest-Fan-One-Sheet)[BPB Games] StarStreamers: Biggest Fan One Sheet
Author: Kyle Carty, BPB Games
Pages: 2
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price $1.00 (Watermarked PDF)

We Stan
In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.

StarStreamers: Biggest Fan is a One Sheet adventure by BPB Games, the creators of Savage Tokusatsu. This Pay-What-You-Want adventure puts players into the role of streamers who are recruited by famous idol Flametta Flame. Flametta suspects that the disappearances are linked to an incredibly toxic stan who, like many of their ilk, has become far too possessive. Can the streamers solve this mystery?

StarStreamers: Biggest Fan is designed from the ground up for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. With a bevy of new ideas and a fresh take on science fantasy, StarStreamers is perfect for groups looking for something out of the ordinary.

StarStreamers is also a livestreamed campaign that you, the viewer, can interact with on Twitch! Check out the BestPalBrigade as they explore this setting and release new material for it each and every game!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 27.05.2019 | 10:33
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/277898.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/277898/Fantasy-Archetypes)[SWAG][Richard Woolcock] Fantasy Archetypes
Author: Richard Woolcock
Pages: 18
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

This supplement contains eight ready-to-play Savage Worlds characters, for use in most fantasy settings: Warrior, mage, cleric, rogue, ranger, paladin, druid and necromancer.

Each character has five different stat blocks, one for each rank. You can select the rank by choosing the appropriate layer in your PDF reader. There are also two different illustrations per character (male and female), each on a separate page, so the PDF can be printed double-sided and players can choose which side of their sheet they wish to use.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 28.05.2019 | 22:28
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/278077.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/278077/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-Update)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Update
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 1
Prices: free (PDF)

Here are a few updates and clarifications that didn't make it into the print version. This was sent to all those who bought or received the PDF and have email notifications turned on.

This update have now been incorporated into the PDFs here on DriveThru as well.

Anmerkung von mir: Dieses Dokument beinhaltet die Änderungen von Version 5.3 auf 5.4 (5.2 war die angebliche Print Version, 5.3 war dann wohl eine nicht näher kommunizierte "Zwischenversion" die die Änderungen für Marksman drin hatte)
*edit* Aussage Jodi auf Facebook, Version 5.3 ging an den Drucker, die Marksman Änderung ist also im Print enthalten, es fehlen nur einige Korrekturen und die Änderung von Protection
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 1.06.2019 | 18:25
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/278543.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/278543/StarStreamers-Blood-Drive-One-Sheet)[BPB Games] StarStreamers: Blood Drive One Sheet
Author: Justin Mitchell, Kyle Carty, BPB Games
Pages: 2
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price $1.00 (Watermarked PDF)

A Sea of Blood... but Literally
In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.

StarStreamers: Blood Drive is a One Sheet adventure by BPB Games, the creators of Savage Tokusatsu. This Pay-What-You-Want adventure has the streamers aiding longtime viewer Knightshade, a vampiric superhero from the planet Drakulon, who requested help in combating his nemesis Adrian Alucard. Adrian has found the fabled Chalice of Sanguine Dreams, a magical item that would allow him absolute control over the blood oceans of Drakulon. Knightshade is currently tied up fighting dark versions of his fellow heroes and can't stop Adrian himself. That's where the streamers come in.

StarStreamers: Blood Drive is designed from the ground up for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. With a bevy of new ideas and a fresh take on science fantasy, StarStreamers is perfect for groups looking for something out of the ordinary.

StarStreamers is also a livestreamed campaign that you, the viewer, can interact with on Twitch! Check out the BestPalBrigade one twitch.tv/bestpalbrigade as they explore this setting and release new material for it each and every game!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 3.06.2019 | 09:00
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7646/278754.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/278754/Secret-Agents-of-CROSS-Kickstarter-BUNDLE)[Blessed Machine] Secret Agents of CROSS Kickstarter [BUNDLE]
Author: Pete Ruttman, Michael Chumbler, others
Prices: $20.00 (Bundle, Full Price $27.00)

This special bundle product contains the following titles:
Secret Agents of CROSS (Savage Worlds)
Secret Agents of CROSS Character Sheet (Savage Worlds)
Secret Agents of CROSS Mission: Blackest Friday Ever
Secret Agents of CROSS Mission: Blood Ties
Secret Agents of CROSS Mission: Vididiots
Secret Agents of CROSS Mission: Whispers
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 4.06.2019 | 21:38
(https://i.imgur.com/bz21JJ4.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/etu-conversion-for-adventure-edition-pdf-swade/)[Pinnacle Entertainment] ETU Conversion for Adventure Edition
Author: Shane Hensley
Prices: free (PDF)

East Texas University™ was written for Savage Worlds Deluxe, but it’s easy to update for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. Most of the rules can be used as-is. Those that require a little more work are detailed below.
Where core rules differ, the Game Master can use whichever version she prefers. Both versions will work just fine in your game, though those presented in SWADE are a bit more structured and streamlined.
Note: This is a living document. If you see something we missed, please tell us on the Pinnacle forums!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 4.06.2019 | 21:41
(https://i.imgur.com/UmPbkQk.jpg) (https://www.peginc.com/store/rippers-conversion-for-adventure-edition-pdf-swade/)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Rippers Conversion for Adventure Edition
Author: Shane Hensley
Prices: free (PDF)

Rippers Resurrected™ was written for Savage Worlds Deluxe, but it’s easy to update for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. Most of the rules can be used as-is. Those that require a little more work are detailed below.
Where core rules differ, the Game Master can use whichever version she prefers. Both versions will work just fine in your game, though those presented in SWADE are a bit more structured and streamlined.
Note: This is a living document. If you see something we missed, please tell us on the Pinnacle forums!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 6.06.2019 | 20:43
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11183/260438.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/260438/Titan-Effect-RPG-NPC-Cards)[Knight Errant Media] Titan Effect RPG: NPC Cards
Author: Christian Nommay
Prices: $3.99 (PDF), $8.70 (Cards), $8.70 $12.69 (PDF + Cards)

NPC Cards for Titan Effect RPG
The NPC cards contain 29 NPCs and creatures. Each weapon card has Wild Card and condition markers that can be used with card sleeves and a dry erase marker.

Titan Effect RPG: NPC cards are exclusive to Titan Effect RPG.

*** About Titan Effect ***
Titan Effect RPG (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/249701/Titan-Effect-RPG) is an espionage and science fiction setting for Savage Worlds.

Take on the role of a trained operative gifted with psychic abilities and fight against genetically enhanced soldiers, and shadowy organizations in a secret war in which the future of human evolution is at stake.

Titan Effect RPG requires the Savage Worlds core rules and the Super Powers Companion (2nd edition) to play.

You think you can make a difference? Find out now!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 7.06.2019 | 09:24
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/279166.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/279166/Shaintar-JumpStart)[Savage Mojo] Shaintar JumpStart
Author: Howard Brandon, MMK
Pages: 12
Prices: free (PDF)

The darkest jungles of Dregordia are rarely travelled, but that makes them perfect for a base if you have sinister plans and don't want to be disturbed. The Dragon Cult has sinister plans, to find a way to reintroduce true dragons back into Shaintar - the last time that happened, the whole world was almost set ablaze.

In this JumpStart you'll play the roles of Rangers stumbling upon ancient jungle ruins!

It's time for true heroes to awaken.

Product contains: A 12 page PDF including a full adventure. There's also setting background information and new character options available to any Shaintar hero.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 7.06.2019 | 09:26
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/279157.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/279555/Austeria-Character-Pack)[Savage Mojo] Austeria Character Pack
Author: ?
Pages: 6
Prices: free (PDF)

Six young adventurers in the land of Shaintar, each one a Ranger and hero. Use these characters at your gaming table, in demo sessions and one-shot adventures, as NPCs, or as inspiration for your own heroes.

Product contains: Six one page PDF character sheets, each pre-filled with the stats for one Shaintar hero.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 10.06.2019 | 15:08
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/279419.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/279419/StarStreamers-Boodle-Gacha-Machines)[BPB Games] StarStreamers: Boodle Gacha Machines
Author: Greg Bennett Joe Della Penna, Justin Mitchell, Kat Carty, Kyle Carty, Lauren Parnagian BPB Games
Pages: 3
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price €1,77 (Watermarked PDF)

"Commons? No, no. In a Gacha Game those are called Rares!"
In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.

StarStreamers: Boodle Gacha Machines is a strange supplement that allows vistors to the bubble planet Boodle to put their hard earned money into random machines that will provide them with literally anything. Presented in this document are but a sampling of the potential prizes visitors could win!

StarStreamers: Boodle Gacha Machines is designed from the ground up for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. With a bevy of new ideas and a fresh take on science fantasy, StarStreamers is perfect for groups looking for something out of the ordinary.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 10.06.2019 | 15:09
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/279404.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/279404/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-Power-Template-Pack)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Power Template Pack
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 13
Prices: $1.99 (Watermarked PDF)

Want to customize your wizard’s blast or super hero’s icy burst? These alternate templates give you arcane, fire, electric, irradiated, darkness, and ice patterns you can use to wow your fellow heroes at the table or make that encounter just a little more exciting!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 11.06.2019 | 19:23
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/279617.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/279617/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-Protomen-of-the-Black-Bog)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Protomen of the Black Bog!
Author: Matthew Cutter
Pages: 14
Prices: $4.99 (PDF)

Almost a century after the old world ended...

They came from the depths of the Black Bog, faceless, unstoppable, killing and kidnapping for some sinister purpose—the Protomen! No one can help Bogsburg’s people besides your heroes. But what terrors await within the Black Bog?


This adventure was written for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/261539/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition)! #SWADE

It's perfect for new players and veterans alike, and should be playable in a single evening.

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 12.06.2019 | 09:15
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/279736.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/279736/Austeria-JumpStart)[Savage Mojo] Austeria JumpStart
Author: MMK
Pages: 15
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

The fantasy kingdom of Caladon was overrun in the first act of the War of the Wild. Survivors fled across the Jorna River seeking sanctuary among their Trader Imperium neighbors.

The Warlock Tahn and his army of Wild-mutated abominations took the former capital of Caladon Falls for themselves, gathering their forces while Tahn struck a deal with an even greater evil….

It's time for true heroes to awaken.

Product contains: A 15 page PDF including a full adventure. There's also setting background information and new character options available to any Austeria hero.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 14.06.2019 | 09:02
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/279613.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/279613/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-VTT-Bennies--Templates)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: VTT Bennies & Templates

Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 30
Prices: $4.99 (ZIP File)

Keep the action furious with Bennies and plan your attack with fire—or ice, electricity, darkness, radiation, or arcane abilities—with these templates on your virtual tabletop!

We know many Game Masters use a virtual tabletop to find gaming friends across the globe, or even to manage combat at a physical game table from their laptop. We always recommend the fantastic and fully-integrated Fantasy Grounds software, but for those who use other services, we’ve created these Savage Worlds Virtual Tabletop Bundles.
This bundle includes the following, formatting as individual graphics for use on your virtual tabletop platform of choice:


For use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (#SWADE).

These alternate templates give you arcane, fire, electric, irradiated, darkness,and ice patterns you can use to wow your fellow heroes!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 14.06.2019 | 09:05
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/279614.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/279614/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-VTT-Status-Cards--Tokens)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: VTT Status Cards & Tokens
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 23
Prices: $4.99 (PDF)

Who’s Shaken, Distracted, Wounded, or Stunned? Track on your virtual tabletop with our Status Tokens and Cards!

We know many Game Masters use a virtual tabletop to find gaming friends across the globe, or even to manage combat at a physical game table from their laptop. We always recommend the fantastic and fully-integrated Fantasy Grounds software, but for those who use other services, we’ve created these Savage Worlds Virtual Tabletop Bundles.
This bundle includes the following, formatting as individual graphics for use on your virtual tabletop platform of choice:

-Status Cards
-Status Tokens

For use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (#SWADE).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 14.06.2019 | 09:09
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/279615.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/279615/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-VTT-Archetypes--Monsters)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: VTT Archetypes & Monsters
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 57
Prices: $9.99 (ZIP File)

Heroes and adversaries—for your virtual tabletop—delivered!

We know many Game Masters use a virtual tabletop to find gaming friends across the globe, or even to manage combat at a physical game table from their laptop. We always recommend the fantastic and fully-integrated Fantasy Grounds software, but for those who use other services, we’ve created these Savage Worlds Virtual Tabletop Bundles.
This bundle includes the following, formatting as individual graphics for use on your virtual tabletop platform of choice:


Android, Atlantean, Avion, Dwarf, Elf, Half-Elf, Half-Folk, 4x Humans, Rakashan, Saurian


Android, Bear (Polar), Bull, Cat, Dragon, Drake, Elementals (Earth, Fire, Water, Air), Ghost, Giant Worm, Goblin, 2x Horse, Hyena, Lich, Lion, MEch, Minotaur, Mule, Ogre, Orc Chief, Grunt, Shark (Great White + Maneater), Skeleton, Snake (Constrictor + Venomous), Spider, Swarm, Troll, Vampire (Young and Old), Werewolf, Wolf (Dire), Zombie

We've also included a few bonus tokens to depict cover and illumination!

For use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (#SWADE).
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 14.06.2019 | 09:11
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/279611.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/279611/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-VTT-Action-Adventure-and-Power-Cards)[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: VTT Action, Adventure, and Power Cards
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 162
Prices: $9.99 (ZIP File)

This pack contains our Action Cards (example below), Adventure Cards that give players a little extra control over the game, and Power Cards with all of the core Savage Worlds powers on them. All are .jpg format and ready for your favorite Virtual Table-Top system.

The Action Deck:


The Adventure Deck:


Power Cards:

Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 15.06.2019 | 20:16
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/14044/275400.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/275400/Shounen-Kuesto)[Atomic Ninja Studios] Shounen Kuesto
Author: Dustin Smith
Pages: 8
Prices: $1.99 (Watermarked PDF)

Kodama are attacking a fortress in feudal Japan, the Lord has sent his young son to sort it out,
and you are charged with keeping him safe.

Inspired by Japanese cinema and spiritualism, Shounen Kuesto is an adventure in which a young feudal lord is called upon to deal with a supernatural threat. The party comprises the Young Lord’s retinue of advisor’s, mentors, and servants.

One Shot Wonders

Welcome to the second installment in a series of monthly One Shots from Atomic Ninja Studios, all of which are SWADE compatible and contain everything you need for a quick and easy adventure, including pre-generated characters.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.06.2019 | 10:17
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11630/280182.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/280182/Land-of-Sonu-World-Primer)[Apokalyptic Publishing] Land of Sonu: World Primer
Author: Peter Adams
Pages: 29
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price $2.50 (Watermarked PDF)

The Fantasy World Primer for the Land of Sonū provides historical details and information about the People of Sonū and a unique take on magic. Included in these pages are:

-Historical Overview and key events in Sonū's history;
-People of Sonū - an overview of the five most populous people;
-Magic of Sonū - information about the three forms of magic, new powers, and trappings available to use in Sonū or any setting;
-and Settings rules and related information, such as languages, new Edges, Hindrances, and skills.

This title requires the Savage Worlds core rules.

The Land of Sonū is an all-new setting to provide additional detail compatible with the Adventures in Sonū series. The setting is a new, low-magic fantasy setting for the Savage Worlds tabletop role playing game, but the locations and adventures can be easily adapted to any fantasy campaign.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 16.06.2019 | 18:39
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/280209.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/280209/Artificers-Codex)[SWAG][ Kristian Serrano, Jenn Sutcliffe] Artificer's Codex
Author:  Kristian Serrano, Jenn Sutcliffe
Pages: 2
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price $1.00 (PDF)

Light sprayed covering the entire lab. Ilana squinted into the bright light as she carefully transferred her own arcane power into the opalescent stone cradled in its beveled setting. The gem dimmed back to a soft glow as it hung on the necklace. Hope filled her as she prayed to the gods that this artifact will be powerful enough to protect her sister from the threats they will face on the upcoming journey.

Ages ago, the ancients had the skills and knowledge to create artifacts–magic items that stored permanent arcane energy in the form of spells and preternatural effects. As the centuries passed, the mastery of crafting such relics had been forgotten. Until now.

After generations of dangerous explorations into the ruins of lost civilizations and long, arduous research in the most sophisticated arcane labs, artificers have unlocked the ability to produce artifacts once again. Now they share this collected knowledge with you in the Artificer’s Codex.

Artificer’s Codex presents new Setting Rules and Edges that allow artificers to create permanent magic items in a high-magic, fantasy Savage Worlds setting. While designed for fantasy settings, these rules can be adapted easily to other genres as well.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 19.06.2019 | 11:13
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/280460.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/280460/Wilderlands-JumpStart)[Savage Mojo] Wilderlands JumpStart
Author:  Howard Brandon, MMK
Pages: 13
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

Seventh Creek has been a peaceful, agricultural city state since the end of the Pulse War. For over a century it has been a thriving sanctuary against the worst horrors of a post-apocalyptic landscape. Now the mysterious Xocate Empire is menacing Seventh Creek's borders. You're a Civil Defense squad, on a dawn patrol beyond the outer farmsteads.

As the sun rises you enter Hugoton Hollow, a supernatural scar in the landscape….

It's time for true heroes to awaken.

Product contains: A 13 page PDF including a full adventure. There's also setting background information and new character options available to any Wilderlands hero.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 19.06.2019 | 11:15
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/280428.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/280428/Wilderlands-Character-Pack)[Savage Mojo] Wilderlands Character Pack
Author:  ?
Pages: 7
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

A Civil Defense squad patrols the post-apocalyptic Wilderlands, veterans of the mutating landscape. Use these characters at your gaming table, in demo sessions and one-shot adventures, as NPCs, or as inspiration for your own heroes.

Product contains: Six one page PDF character sheets, each pre-filled with the stats for one Shaintar hero.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 20.06.2019 | 13:41
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/101/280480.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/280480/Super-Archetypes-Teleporter)[Misfit Studios] Super Archetypes: Teleporter
Author:  Steven Trustrum
Pages: 2
Prices: €0,88 (PDF)

This Super-Powered Savage Worlds RPG release brings you The Teleporter Archetype. This ready-to-go character build provides a foundation for you to develop a hero that disappears from one location only to appear in another instantly. Gamemasters can also use the archetype as the basis for quickly building NPC heroes or villains off-the-cuff.

Each Super Archetype presents the basic build, plus ideas for some typical roles the character may fill, along with variations you may want to explore.

This product is compatible with material found in the Super Powers Companion (Second Edition)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 20.06.2019 | 13:52
(https://c1.iggcdn.com/indiegogo-media-prod-cld/image/upload/c_limit,w_695/v1560343506/ixgxq7xlcibfoqn6fvbw.jpg) (https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/tyrnador-fate-of-ventar#/)
[GRAmel Books] Tyrnador: Fate of Ventar [INDIEGOGO] (https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/tyrnador-fate-of-ventar#/)
Author: Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: Players Guide 150 Pages, Gamemasters Guide 150 Pages
Estimated Delivery: January 2020

Tyrnador: Fate of Ventar is the first installation of the world of Tyrnador, GRAmel’s exciting new fantasy setting for Savage Worlds.
What Tyrnador is? Well, do you remember the old classics Dragonlance and Mystara? Tyrnador is a game in the same vein, a place of high fantasy, where heroic knights and mysterious mages battle dragons and other creatures of evil.

Tyrnador has a strong dungeon-crawling focus, which can give you and your players countless hours doing what you like most: entering the dens of monsters, beating them senseless and grabbing their loot of course!
But Tyrnador is much more than this, it is a game with a vibrant soul and sense of wonder, like those old fantasy books in the ’80s you loved so much…

Everything you’ll find in Tyrnador screams “old school”.
The latest iteration of the Savage Worlds rules were fine-tuned and adapted, where necessary, to give you the perfect high fantasy dungeon-crawling experience.
In this game you’ll find dozens of Edges, gear, spells and a handful of setting rules specifically tailored for this goal.
But Tyrnador isn’t just about dungeon crawling (or hex-crawling in the wilderness): the setting is very flexible and can be used for more narrative adventures and investigative scenarios if you want.

The setting is also designed to handle high-level games, with a simple but robust Stronghold management system, which begins to be useful very early in the adventurers’ lives, and extensive rules for crafting and magical research.

Pledge NamePledgeReward
Ratcatcher$20 $30Pdf copy of the Tyrnador Fate of Venda Player Guide, GM Guide, game tables booklet, A3 map, figure tokens in pdf, and every stretch goal in pdf.
Dungeon Explorer$50Print copy of the Tyrnador Fate of Vendar Player Guide, GM Guide, printed game tables booklet, A3 map, 10 character sheets, 2 bookmarks and character tokens (in pdf), plus every stretch goal in pdf and print (if possible).
Lady of the Queen (Early Bird)$90This is an early bird. This reward will be available for 24 hours only. Print copy of the Tyrnador Fate of Vendar Player Guide, GM Guide, printed game tables booklet, A3 map, 10 character sheets, 2 bookmarks and character tokens (in pdf), plus every stretch goal in pdf and print (if possible), dice/token bag, 20 wooden bennies/tokens, your art (art designed by backer) in either book.

Shipping Cost:
Dungeon Explorer
EU: $15
USA: $20
Rest: $25

Lady/Lord of the Queen & Dame/Knight of the Queen
EU: $20
US: $30
Rest: $35

Anmerkung: Laut dem Ersteller werden sich die Perks im Laufe der Campaign ändern. Die hier geposteten Informationen müssen also nicht 100% korrekt sein. Bitte besucht die Campaign Seite für aktuellste Infos über die Perks.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 20.06.2019 | 17:16
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11630/280430.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/280430/Ashland-Adventures-A-Narrow-Divide)[Apokalyptic Publishing] Ashland Adventures: A Narrow Divide
Author: Peter Adams
Pages: 12
Prices: $2.00 (Watermarked PDF)

Each Ashland Adventures includes a full adventure that can be played as-is or dropped into any existing fantasy setting/campaign. We provide an overview of the Ashland Setting, including a detailed map of the area where the adventure takes place, a hi-res overview map of the Isle of Ashland, and all the NPC stats you need to run through this adventure.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 20.06.2019 | 18:12
(https://i.imgur.com/cP6ErHf.jpg) (https://pinnacle.pledgemanager.com/projects/rifts-for-savage-worlds-american-armageddon/participate/)
Rifts® for Savage Worlds: American Armageddon Pledge Manager is LIVE (https://pinnacle.pledgemanager.com/projects/rifts-for-savage-worlds-american-armageddon/participate/)

Did you miss out on the Rifts® for Savage Worlds: American Armageddon Kickstarter  (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/rifts-for-savage-worlds-american-armageddon)the first time around? Well, now’s your chance to jump in as a late backer and preorder Arcana & Mysticism, Blood & Banes, Empires of Humanity, or The Tomorrow Legion Field Guide through the PledgeManager (https://pinnacle.pledgemanager.com/projects/rifts-for-savage-worlds-american-armageddon/participate/)!

Please note that some of the items available through PledgeManager are limited (from our first Rifts® for Savage Worlds Kickstarter), so be sure to complete your order quickly to lock it in. These limited items include T shirts, Bennies, maps, dice, and bookmarks. Once we run out of stock on these limited items they are all gone!

The Rifts® for Savage Worlds: American Armageddon Pledge Manager will remain open until December 2, 2019. Make sure you complete your order by then or shipping costs may change, especially for our international customers (We use freight forwarders for our international customers…if you literally miss the boat, we have to send it by more expensive means!).

For additional details, important links, and more, check out the latest update posted on the Rifts® for Savage Worlds: American Armageddon Kickstarter page. If you have any questions at all, email us at site.admin@peginc.com.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 22.06.2019 | 17:35
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/280614.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/280614/StarStreamers-Over-Under-One-Sheet)[BPB Games] StarStreamers: Over/Under One Sheet
Author:  Greg Bennett, Kyle Carty, BPB Games
Pages: 2
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price $1.00 (Watermarked PDF)

In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.

StarStreamers: Over/Under is a One Sheet adventure by BPB Games, the creators of Savage Tokusatsu. This Pay-What-You-Want adventure has the streamers aiding longtime viewer Kyrt in solving a myster plauging his stable of gladiator apprentices. During their matches, several of them have suffered serious harm from malfunctioning equipment. Kyrt suspects foul play and requests the streamer's aid in uncovering this mystery and protecting his students. He's also willing to pay quite handsomely.

StarStreamers: Over/Under is designed from the ground up for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. With a bevy of new ideas and a fresh take on science fantasy, StarStreamers is perfect for groups looking for something out of the ordinary.

StarStreamers is also a livestreamed campaign that you, the viewer, can interact with on Twitch! Check out the BestPalBrigade one twitch.tv/bestpalbrigade as they explore this setting and release new material for it each and every game!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 24.06.2019 | 18:01
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/280409.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/280409/Savage-Tokusatsu-Figure-Flats-and-Paper-Miniatures)[BPB Games] Savage Tokusatsu: Figure Flats and Paper Miniatures
Author:  BPB Games
Pages: 7
Prices: $5.00 $6.50 (Watermarked PDF)

Cut and Tape, Heroes!

Savage Tokusatsu is a game built from the ground up specifically for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition roleplaying game. Within the pages of this book are new rules and character options to help you capture the feel of any tokusatsu story in the collaborative storytelling experience that is tabletop roleplaying.

You can be the transforming team of heroes working together to control a giant mech simultaniously. You can play the desperate humans trying to halt the advance of an unstoppable kaiju that towers above skyscrapers. All this and more is possible with Savage Tokusatsu!

What's In this Document?

SIX PAGES of tokusatsu appropriate monsters, minions, kaiju, and heroes for use in your home game! With absolutely beautiful art by Markerslinger/Michael Plondaya they're sure to look great on your table!

What Are You Waiting For? The World Needs You!

These minis can be used with anything but were originally created for use with SAVAGE TOKUSATSU. We have a Test Drive that provides a limited selection of new rules for running and playing in transforming hero games and the full game is ALSO out!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 25.06.2019 | 10:52
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11696/279676.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/279676/Narrative-Action-Chase-Deck--Poker)[The Rune^Forge] Narrative Action Chase Deck - Poker Size
Author:  Scott W
Pages: 56
Prices: $10.00 (Watermarked PDF), $10.00 (Cards), $10.00 $20.00 (Watermarked PDF + Cards)

This deck of playing cards holds two functions, one is as an action deck for Savage Worlds, the second is as a narrative-based chase variant for Savage Worlds.  Each card has a brief narrative descriptor and four options to complete the task.  Also included is a one page set of instructions on how to use the deck as a narrative action chase deck.  Take chases into a more narrative solution, fully embracing Fast! Furious! Fun!

24 of the cards are specifically designed to use transportation (car, plane, horse, etc); the GM can separate those and use as a micro deck.

MAKE sure you purchase the pdf+cards for the rules and cards!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 25.06.2019 | 10:54
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11696/279715.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/279715/Narrative-Action-Chase-Deck--Tarot-Size)[The Rune^Forge] Narrative Action Chase Deck - Tarot Size
Author:  Scott W
Pages: 54
Prices: $10.00 (Watermarked PDF), $15.00 (Cards), $15.00 $25.00 (Watermarked PDF + Cards)

This deck of playing cards holds two functions, one is as an action deck for Savage Worlds, the second is as a narrative-based chase variant for Savage Worlds.  Each card has a brief narrative descriptor and four options to complete the task.  Also included is a one page set of instructions on how to use the deck as a narrative action chase deck.  Take chases into a more narrative solution, fully embracing Fast! Furious! Fun!

24 of the cards are specifically designed to use transportation (car, plane, horse, etc); the GM can separate those and use as a micro deck.

MAKE sure you purchase the pdf+cards for the rules and cards!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 25.06.2019 | 10:56
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/15077/280643.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/280643/Bureau-13-Stalking-the-Night-Fantastic--Jumpstart)[Tri Tac Legacy] Bureau 13: Stalking the Night Fantastic - Jumpstart
Author:  David Boop, Christopher Landauer, Lee Langston, Chelsea Kramer, Chris Fuchs, Josh Vogt and Dustin Hatchett
Pages: 16
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price €0,00 (Watermarked PDF)

This is the adventure used to introduce Bureau 13:Stalking the Night Fantastic to the Savage Worlds family of gamers.

It was included with the SWADE kickstarter and now is here for your downloading pleasure.

This is a quickstart for playing Bureau 13:Stalking the Night Fantastic with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition also known as SWADE. The ready to run adventure The Curious Case of Walnut Creek and a selection of pregenerated characters will let you dive right into the Bureau 13 world.

All that is missing is your dice and you!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 28.06.2019 | 08:16
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/280732.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/280732/New-NPCS-The-Lovers-Savage-Worlds)[BPB Games] New NPCS: The Lovers
Author:   Kyle Carty, BPB Games
Pages: 2
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price $1.00 (Watermarked PDF)

Love is More Powerful Than the Grave

New NPCs: The Lovers presents a new twist on an iconic and traditionally villainous archetype: the Lich. Presented in this document is a married couple that have partially uncovered a way to remove the horrifying requirements for lichdom. Through powerful positive emotions they have created a ritual that does not require a sacrifice to perform. However, they still have not discovered a way to prevent the soul of the one who would become a lich from heading to a cruel afterlife.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 29.06.2019 | 17:14
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/280615.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/280615/StarStreamers-On-Safari-One-Sheet)[BPB Games] StarStreamers: On Safari One Sheet
Author: Seth Thornburg, Kyle Carty, BPB Games
Pages: 2
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price $1.00 (Watermarked PDF)

A Loaded Proposition

In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.

StarStreamers: On Safari is a One Sheet adventure by BPB Games, the creators of Savage Tokusatsu. This Pay-What-You-Want adventure has the streamers aiding longtime viewer Izuin in a defense of his home planet from outside invaders. The Rafflesian people are being hunted for sport by cruel sport hunters and despite their best efforts they are not having much success in pushing back their attackers. Izuin reaches out to ask for a helping hand to swiftly deal with these threats while he works to get a planetary defense system put into place. Can the streams deal with these paid-to-killer tourists?

StarStreamers: On Safari is designed from the ground up for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. With a bevy of new ideas and a fresh take on science fantasy, StarStreamers is perfect for groups looking for something out of the ordinary.

StarStreamers is also a livestreamed campaign that you, the viewer, can interact with on Twitch! Check out the BestPalBrigade one twitch.tv/bestpalbrigade as they explore this setting and release new material for it each and every game!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 30.06.2019 | 22:54
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/101/281483.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/281483/Super-Archetypes-Mystery-Man)[Misfit Studios] Super Archetypes: Mystery Man
Author:  Steven Trustrum
Pages: 3
Prices: €0,88 (PDF)

This Super-Powered Savage Worlds RPG release brings you The Mystery Man Archetype. This ready-to-go character build provides a foundation for you to develop a hero that hides their identity from everyone, researches the mysteries no one else pursues, and strikes from the shadows. Gamemasters can also use the archetype as the basis for quickly building NPC heroes or villains off-the-cuff.

Each Super Archetype presents the basic build, plus ideas for some typical roles the character may fill, along with variations you may want to explore.

This product is compatible with material found in the Super Powers Companion (Second Edition)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 2.07.2019 | 22:12
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/281660.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/281660/Dungeonlands-Character-Pack)[Savage Mojo] Dungeonlands Character Pack
Author:  ?
Pages: 7
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

Six heroes from six different realms. One heck of an adventuring party. These Seasoned heroes are ready to face the horrors of Dungeonlands, our old-school killer dungeon, or any other challenge you want to put them through.

Product contains: Six one page PDF character sheets, each pre-filled with the stats for one Suzerain hero.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 4.07.2019 | 09:16
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/112/281772.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/281772/Dungeonlands-JumpStart)[Savage Mojo] Dungeonlands JumpStart
Author: MMK
Pages: 15
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

You've slain the beast, rescued the villagers, and done your first heroic act. Congratulations - you're about to step it up a whole league, by stepping into the sentient pocket realm of Dungeonlands.

One day you, and other heroes just like you from across the universe, are signing autographs when you get a very special request….

It's time for true heroes to Awaken.

Product contains: A 15 page PDF including a full adventure. There's also setting background information and new character options available to any hero.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 6.07.2019 | 13:52
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3730/281967.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/281967/Islands-of-Plunder-Spices-and-Flesh-SWADE)[Legendary Games] Islands of Plunder: Spices and Flesh (SWADE)
Author: Matt Goodall with James F.D. Graham
Pages: 22
Prices: $4.99 (Watermarked PDF)

Treachery on the Waves

While sails on the horizon can be reason to fear in pirate-infested waters, sometimes they bring good cheer and companionship on the lonely journeys across the endless blue. A chance encounter with Captain Craw and the good ship Tamarind seems like the latter, a friendly crew of spice traders offering warm hospitality. Yet all is not as it seems, as the Tamarind trades in a far different and more terrible cargo on a dangerous course into the hands of the legendary Shayonna the Gaunt and her desolate reef! Can your heroes uncover the Tamarind's deadly secret before they become the latest prizes sent to the clutches of the sea witch?

Islands of Plunder: Spices and Flesh is a 22-page Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE) adventure setting for Novice heroes who are almost Seasoned, full of mystery and peril upon the high seas and below the waves, incorporating investigation and negotiation alongside deadly danger on board ship and among the deadly reefs below. It includes two sets of maps, one for the GM and an unkeyed set for players. Pick up this adventure today and Make Your Game Legendary!

Spices and Flesh is the second in a series of pirate-themed Islands of Plunder adventures by superstar author Matt Goodall, collaborating on this adventure with James F.D. Graham, with amazing artwork by Ivan Dixon and Chris Smith and marvelous maps by Pedro Coelho. This adventure can be easily dropped into any seafaring campaign, though it also harmonizes beautifully with the official Pirate Adventure Path from Paizo, Inc. (issues #55 to 60). The Islands of Plunder series continues Legendary Games’ tradition of bringing you outstanding content by the best authors in the business, combined with amazing art and production values and innovative layout design. We hope you enjoy using our products as much as we enjoy making them, and that you’ll keep coming back again and again to Make Your Game Legendary!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 9.07.2019 | 17:56
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/274552.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/274552/Savage-Tokusatsu-Savage-Worlds-Playing-Cards)[BPB Games] Savage Tokusatsu: Savage Worlds Playing Cards
Author:  Kyle Carty, BPB Games
Pages: 54
Prices: €10,69 (Premium US Poker Card(s))

Transform and Fight, Heroes!

Savage Tokusatsu is a game built from the ground up specifically for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition roleplaying game. This beautiful deck of cards allows you to admire the art of Savage Tokusatsu while utilizing them during gameplay!

You can be the transforming team of heroes working together to control a giant mech simultaniously. You can play the desperate humans trying to halt the advance of an unstoppable kaiju that towers above skyscrapers. All this and more is possible with Savage Tokusatsu!

What's In the Deck?

54 easy to read cards, including Jokers, for use with Savage Tokusatsu or any card game!

What Are You Waiting For? The World Needs You!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 9.07.2019 | 17:58
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/27/281862.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/281862/Essence-A-Savage-Worlds-investigative-horror-oneshot)[SWAG][Chad Ward] Essence: A Savage Worlds investigative horror one-shot
Author:  Chad Ward
Pages: 7
Prices: PWYW, suggested price $2.00 (PDF)

A master perfumer has created a fragrance that truly captures your essence.

A master perfumer has created a fragrance that steals the life force of all who wear it. Samples distributed at the VIP tent of a recent street fair hospitalized several people. At least three have died. He is bottling 400 bottles of the perfume for distribution to exclusive boutiques worldwide. Two college students are missing. The truck leaves in the morning. No one but your investigators will help. But can they?

Essence is a Savage Worlds investigative horror adventure for four to six heroes of Novice to Seasoned Rank. It can be played as a standalone one-shot or dropped into a modern horror, Gothic horror, noir, or weird pulp campaign, or any setting with an investigative slant.

The adventure includes seven customizable, gender-neutral Investigator Archetypes (and one rabbit). The Archetypes are Novice with 2 Advances.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 10.07.2019 | 10:41
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/547/282315.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/282315/Bad-Day-in-Bedlam)[Plain Brown Wrapper Games] Bad Day in Bedlam
Author:  James Thomson
Pages: 212
Prices: €4,42 €7,09 (Watermarked PDF)

It's winter in Bedlam.  Dirty snow lies in heaps on every street corner, toasted black with exhaust fumes.
The whole city is buried under the worst snow in years and none of the poor neighborhoods have gotten plowed.  The slums are on the brink of rioting and things are about to get worse. For a series of vicious crimes is about to shake the city to its core.  And the cover-up is going to set the frozen streets on fire.  And twelve rampaging supervillains are threatening to give Bedlam City a two-fisted Christmas (and a violent new year?)  It's up to you to stop them, and it's going to be a bad day in Bedlam if you can't.

Ah, the Bronze Age of comics! When racism, poverty and injustice could be solved with a bash in the chops!

In the spirit of these violently well-meaning comics from the days of yore, we bring you Bad Day in Bedlam.  This giant-sized, 212 page adventure gives us an unflinching look at racism, political corruption and their effects on ordinary people.  And it lets your players fix them with their fists!

It gives you ten scenes, thirteen dastardly supervillains, dozens of supporting npcs from every walk of life!  Eleven knock-down, drag-out superbattles, enough to slake your players' bloodthirst for months!  Plus trash-littered alleys, tormented angst, moral gray zones and at least two vigilantes who dress in black and brood in rooftops in the dark!  Are you ready to sock social injustice in the jaw and zap the Man with your laser-eyes?
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 12.07.2019 | 18:02
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/12257/280333.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/280333/Savage-Worlds-Rural-Chase-Deck)[Happy Monster Press] Savage Worlds Rural Chase Deck
Author:  Scott Marchand Davis
Pages: 16
Prices: $3.99 (Watermarked PDF), $6.99 (Cards), $6.99 $10.98 (Watermarked PDF + Cards)

Enhance your Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Chases with the custom Rural Chase Deck! Each card has a custom Complication to add flavor and excitement to Chase scenes. Fall in a pond, dodge a bear trap, or shortcut through a barn as you pursue or evade your enemies across the countryside!

Useable in any fantasy or modern setting in rural environments. Requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition to use.

How to use the Chase Deck: Using the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Chase rules, deal the Chase Deck cards instead of the Action Deck cards in a row on the table. When a Complication arises, read and follow the text on the card instead of the standard Club/Spade/Heart/Diamond/Joker Complications in the book.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 13.07.2019 | 14:34
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/101/282693.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/282693/Monster-Brief-Oddities)[Misfit Studios] Monster Brief: Oddities
Author:  Steven Trustrum
Pages: 6
Prices: €1.76 (PDF)

Create some trouble in your Savage Worlds game by including some encounters with new creatures that are a bit out of the ordinary and offer up the unexpected in Monster Brief: Oddities. In this product you will find:

- The Aglebemu resembles a horse-sized, monstrous frog that likes to bait its prey before moving in for the kill
- The avok is a deadly predator possessing a wide maw for draining blood and a howl that incapacitates
- The Suchose may be short, but these isolationistic crocodilemen make any trip to the swamp dangerous (includes race stats)
- The Vinbohl are humanoid plant life that protect their woodlands against invaders with determination
- Includes the Druid Professional Edge

Both a color and print-friendly version of the product are included.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 13.07.2019 | 14:37
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/282606.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/282606/StarStreamers-l33t-h4x-One-Sheet)[BPB Games] StarStreamers: l33t h4x One Sheet
Author: October Falls, Kyle Carty, BPB Games
Pages: 2
Prices: PWYW (Suggested Price €0,89) (Watermarked PDF)

Good Thing You've Got a Smurf Account

In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.

StarStreamers: l33t hax is a One Sheet adventure by BPB Games, the creators of Savage Tokusatsu. This Pay-What-You-Want adventure has the streamers assisting long time viewer and edgelord xXBl00dM00nRisesXx in reclaiming her hacked Warriors of the Grid account from a mysterious rival. The streamers will have to grind of account XP in the long-standing tradition of Team Deathmatch in order to earn the right to challenge the imposter who is using xXBl00dM00nRisesXx's account!

StarStreamers: l33t h4x is designed from the ground up for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. With a bevy of new ideas and a fresh take on science fantasy, StarStreamers is perfect for groups looking for something out of the ordinary.

StarStreamers is also a livestreamed campaign that you, the viewer, can interact with on Twitch! Check out the BestPalBrigade as they explore this setting and release new material for it each and every game!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 15.07.2019 | 13:48
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10343/281539.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/281539/Crystal-Heart)[Up to Four Players] Crystal Heart
Author:  Eran Aviram, Aviv Or
Pages: 216
Prices: $20.00 (PDF)

In the world of Crystal Heart, people's hearts are literally made of stone. Agents of the mysterious organization Syn scour the world in search of Crystals, powerful relics of a bygone age.
These Agents replace their hearts with Crystals, which grant incredible powers... but also affect the bearer’s personality in unpredictable ways.
Inspired by the styles and sensibilities of anime and superhero media, the Crystal Heart setting was developed in the webcomic Up to Four Players as the characters were playing it. Now you too can become a Syn Agent, explore ancient ruins and hunt down powerful Crystals!

Become an Agent of Syn, replace your heart with a Crystal and gain superpowers!
(also lose your mind, but just a little)

The book includes:

- Rules for using and misusing Crystals
- Dozens of Crystals for your players to find
- Guidelines for creating new Crystals
- Everything you need to know about Syn (and a few things you shouldn’t know)
- Full details on each of the Five Lands
- A full Plot Point campaign spanning 8 adventures
- Adversaries worthy of your antagonism, whether human, animal or Crystal-touched
- And all the Edges, Hindrances, weapons and setting rules needed to create the coolest Crystal Heart experience possible

Crystal Heart is a setting for the popular roleplaying game Savage Worlds (Adventure Edition). Head on to uptofourplayers.com to read the webcomic which inspired the game, and download the Crystal Heart Starter Set (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/254714/Crystal-Heart-Starter-Set)—for free!
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 15.07.2019 | 13:50
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10343/282127.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/282127/Crystal-Heart-Action-and-Adventure-Decks)[Up to Four Players] Crystal Heart Action and Adventure Decks
Author:  Eran Aviram, Aviv Or
Pages: 106
Prices: €6,20 (Watermarked PDF)

Play Crystal Heart With Style!

The 54-card Action Deck features the Twelve Heroic Agents, as designed with our Heroic Tier Kickstarter backers, drawn by Aviv (and two Jokers from the webcomic!)

The 52-card Adventure Deck features dozens of unique cards which give the players the ability to enhance, twist, or complicate the story, all customised to the world of Crystal Heart!

Print and bring to your table, or wait until we get the Print on Demand feature working (coming late 2019).

Get Playing
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 17.07.2019 | 16:30
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/7837/283156.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/283156/GoldGlory-Seven-Deadly-Dungeons-Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition)[SpaceOrange42] Gold&Glory: Seven Deadly Dungeons (Savage Worlds Adventure Edition)
Author: Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 129
Prices: €8,82 (Watermarked PDF)

Welcome to a world of legendary heroes and daring feats or, more probably, to a dishonorable story of ill-fated treasure hunters who’ll soon bite off more than they can chew… unless they manage to return home with enough gold to carouse wildly until their next expedition!

Gold & Glory is a method, and a toolbox, to enjoy the Fast, Furious and Fun rules of Savage Worlds in a game of classic dungeon exploration, in the spirit of the Old School Renaissance, with no other book needed besides Savage Worlds Deluxe.
It is ideal to play one night games as well as longer campaigns and allows you to play with no preparation at all.

Gold & Glory: Seven Deadly Dungeons includes:
- A random character generation system to start playing in no time
- New equipment for dungeon delvers
- Magic and Miracles Arcane Backgrounds to create classic arcane characters in the FFF spirit of Savage Worlds
- Downtime activities such as Carousing and Magic Research, tied to the Experience system, to keep your heroes busy between one expedition and the next
- The Dungeon Deck system to generate your dungeons while you play
- Seven deadly self-generating dungeons for your heroes to explore!
- More than 30 new monsters to face and a heap of magic items to loot!

NOTE: This version is for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE)
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 18.07.2019 | 13:13
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/2546/283068.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/283068/H-P-Lovecraft-Preparatory-Academy-Savage-Worlds-Edition)[Third Eye Games] H. P. Lovecraft Preparatory Academy: Savage Worlds Edition
Author:  Mark Hall, Jeff Zitomer
Pages: 200
Prices: $15.00 $20.00 (Watermarked PDF)

A Roleplaying Game of Students in a School of Monsters and Mad Scientists

As a student at the prestigious H.P. Lovecraft Preparatory Academy, you’ll uncover conspiracies, deal with bullies and uncaring professors, explore dangerous steam tunnels, study for exams, escape from horrible monstrosities that humanity was never meant to see, and try to avoid an extended stay at Arkham Sanitarium. And that's just orientation week!

- A semi-humorous RPG in the tradition of Saturday morning cartoons featuring mystery-busting kids…only the monsters are real.
- Features a detailed sandbox environment on the campus of a haunted New England boarding school.
- New Edges, Hindrances, and more to create a variety of students to create a diverse and interesting campus.
- Design your own faculty! Want Dr. Frankenstein to be the new Biology professor? No problem!
- Thanks to the medical breakthroughs developed by Dr. West in the school infirmary, your character can’t die…but sanity is another matter entirely.
- A section for Headmasters (the GM) with advice and mechanics for creating a variety of strange and exciting mysteries on school grounds.

This book contains an alternate Savage Worlds edition of the game. Everything you need to play the game using our own Pip System can be found in this book.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 18.07.2019 | 16:12
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/site_resources/ChristmasInJuly2019-Banner-DTRPG-Lg.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/xmas_in_july.php?manufacturers_id=27&filters=0_0_0_0_0_31815#selectpub)

Als Teil des Christmas in July (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/xmas_in_july.php?manufacturers_id=27&filters=0_0_0_0_0_31815#selectpub) Sales ist Savage Worlds Adventure Edition aktuell 25% reduziert (€6,68), ebenso wie viele weitere Savage Worlds Titel:
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 20.07.2019 | 17:15
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/6323/279812.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/279812/Mythic-SWADE-Edition)[Chimera Press] Mythic SWADE Edition
Author:  Michael Edwards
Pages: 117
Prices: $18.00 (Watermarked PDF)

The Mythic setting, designed for the Savage Worlds rules system, takes inspiration from real world history and modern movies and tv shows to create a unique view of Earth’s ancient history, it’s cultures, and it’s mythologies.

Unlike most other settings that deal with the ancient world, Mythic doesn’t just focus on one culture and it’s mythology. Instead, several cultures and mythologies have all been brought together to exist side by side in the same setting. Five cultures and their mythologies form the Known World in Mythic. Pridith is based on Celtic culture and mythology, Illosia is based on Greek, Niserri is based on Egyptian, Ennam is based on Mesopotamia, and Saduri is based on India.

The core setting book is broken into five sections. The first section provides additional information for character creation, including Edges, Hindrances, gear, Powers, and setting rules. The next three sections deal with each of the three cultures that make up the Known World, including background information and information on the gods and goddesses that form the pantheons of each culture. The final section is a bestiary with stats and descriptions of over 90 creatures, animals, and npcs pulled from all three core cultures and mythologies.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 20.07.2019 | 17:17
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11696/282985.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/282985/Threat-To-Alpha-Dawn--Ether-Marines-Expedition-1)[The Rune^Forge] Threat To Alpha Dawn - Ether Marines Expedition #1
Author:  Scott Welker
Pages: 10
Prices: $2.00 (Watermarked PDF)


     Three days ago, the Republic lost all contact with ALPHA DAWN, a secret research post located on Asteroid NEO-1923. The mission is for the team of commandos to sky-shoot to the asteroid, discover what the situation is, and take all necessary actions. Weapons free. The Republic Special Engagements Department believes the Kaiser’s forces are at work here.

The Great Solar War of 1911

     The characters belong to the Ether Marine Corps of the Republic of Allied States. The year is 1911 and Ether Space is now colonized to the coronal rings of Saturn, with the entire cosmology divided into 6 factions: The Republic of Allied States (USA, UK, Nordlandia), The Slavic Confederation (Russia, The Balkan Republic), The Hunnic Empire (Germany, Baltic States), The Grand Caliphate (Islamic Empire), The Holy Roman Empire (Italy, Albania, Romania, North Africa), and The Supreme Junta (Spain, Portugal, Central and South America). The cosmos is on the brink of the first Galactic War.

Included here is a full adventure designed to take 2-3 sessions on average and six pre-generated ether marines.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 20.07.2019 | 17:31
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10267/279677.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/279677/Sagas--SixGuns)[Gallant Knight Games] Sagas & Six-Guns
Author: Robert Buckey
Pages: 168
Prices: $14.99 (PDF), $24.99 (Softcover, B&W Book), $29.99 (PDF + Softcover, B&W Book), $34.99 (Hardcover, B&W Book), $39.99 (PDF + Hardcover, B&W Book)

Sagas & Six-Guns is a Savage Worlds Adventure Edition setting and rulebook about a mythical and uninhabited frontier settled by Scandinavian cultures. A mash-up of the Old West and the Old Norse, Sagas & Six-Guns is what happens when Beowulf takes on Grendel with a pair of six-shooters and his trusty axe.

The setting and rule-book is written by Robert Buckey, who has teamed up with GALLANT KNIGHT GAMES. The game utilizes the Savage World: Adventure Edition ruleset.

You do need the Savage World: Adventure Edition rulebook to play this game.

We aim to give you the tools you need to tell fantastic stories of shootists wielding pistols while shouting oaths to the Aesir in Valhalla.  Your heroes will battle everything from cattle rustlers and train robbers, to trolls and maybe even a dragon.  You can be anything from a mundane pistolero or gunmaiden, to a runecasting seer, to a Valkyrie cut off from Asgard.

Sagas and Six Guns makes use of the highly adaptable Savage Worlds rules to play out the adventures of your heroes in Western Midgard.  It also introduces some exciting setting specific rules to enhance the experience, to represent both the gritty Western and Viking tropes.  Pistol dueling, or Holmgang, will be represented, allowing your characters to face down other steely eyed gunslingers.

In keeping with the Norse traditions of Saga telling, and to represent the renown your character will accrue over the course of their adventures, rules are included to represent the spread of your personal Saga, and the benefits that affords you.

Lastly, social rules are included for Ring Giving, to represent your characters gathering a large posse of warriors to their cause.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 21.07.2019 | 19:23
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/10027/283483.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/283483/StarStreamers-Rescue-Mission-One-Sheet)[BPB Games] StarStreamers: Rescue Mission One Sheet
Author: Kyle Carty, Gauntes, BPB Games
Pages: 2
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price €0,89 (Watermarked PDF)

A Fairly Serious One

In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.

StarStreamers: Rescue Mission is a One Sheet adventure by BPB Games, the creators of Savage Tokusatsu. This Pay-What-You-Want adventure puts players into the role of streamers who receive a message from long time fan and Dullahan, Steel Ronin. A group of Dullahan warriors have been pinned down by the Kushin Faction, a rogue group of former Dullahans who ignore the spirtuality of ascension and force others to undergo it. Several Kushin Reapers, massive walkers with surface-to-orbit weaponry, patrol the planet while the Dullahans are hunted. Can the streamers pull off a daring rescue mission?

StarStreamers: Rescue Mission is designed from the ground up for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. With a bevy of new ideas and a fresh take on science fantasy, StarStreamers is perfect for groups looking for something out of the ordinary.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 22.07.2019 | 16:20
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/12257/281658.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/281658/Savage-Worlds-Urban-Chase-Deck)[Happy Monster Press] Savage Worlds Urban Chase Deck
Author:  Scott Marchand Davis
Pages: 16
Prices: $5.99 (Premium US Poker Cards)

Enhance your Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Chases with the custom Urban Chase Deck! Each card has a custom Complication to add flavor and excitement to Chase scenes. Dodge a beer truck, bounce off scaffolding, or push through a tavern brawl as you pursue or evade your enemies through a medieval, Renaissance, or early modern city!

Useable in any fantasy or modern setting in Urban environments. Requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition to use.

How to use the Chase Deck: Using the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Chase rules, deal the Chase Deck cards instead of the Action Deck cards in a row on the table. When a Complication arises, read and follow the text on the card instead of the standard Club/Spade/Heart/Diamond/Joker Complications in the book.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 23.07.2019 | 12:54
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/3730/283710.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/283710/Islands-of-Plunder-Raid-on-the-Emperors-Hand-SWADE)[Legendary Games] Islands of Plunder: Raid on the Emperor's Hand (SWADE)
Author: Matt Goodall with Joshua Root
Pages: 20
Prices: €4,45 (Watermarked PDF)

With a Great Prize Comes Great Peril!

A richly laden imperial merchant ship caught on a sandbar presents a tempting target to a crew of daring pirates. Her hold may be bursting with swag, but it is also laden with soldiers and a cruel captain at the helm. At any moment the sails of her imperial escorts may appear on the horizon, but your scurvy scalawags have found her first (the story assumes you are playing seafarers of a questionable moral bent, pirates or privateers anyone?). A daring assault might bring you more plunder than you've seen in a year, but many pirates greedy for gold have lingered too long over a prize they thought safe, until an enemy fleet sent them to a watery grave. Can the PCs stage a lightning raid on the immobilized ship and get away with their ill-gotten gains? Dare they risk a Raid on the Emperor’s Hand?


Raid on the Emperor's Hand is a SWADE adventure for Veteran characters and is the latest in our series of pirate-themed Islands of Plunder adventures for the new edition of Savage Worlds. This adventure is easily dropped into any ocean voyage or as part of a full-fledged seafaring pirate campaign, and it can be used on its own or with the companion adventures in this series like Spices and Flesh, Tarin’s Crown, and Scourge of the Steaming Isle! Grab this 20-page pirate adventure today and Make Your Game Legendary! 
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 24.07.2019 | 00:59
Mythic SWADE Update Rabatt!

Wenn ihr das "alte" Mythic auf DTRPG gekauft habt könnt ihr über diesen Link die SWADE Version mit 30% Rabatt kaufen: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/283772/Mythic-SWADE-update-BUNDLE
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 24.07.2019 | 20:58
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/62/283742.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/283742/Dramatis-Persona-1-Holmes--Watson-Savage-Worlds-Swade)[Battlefield Press] Dramatis Persona #1: Holmes & Watson (Savage Worlds Swade)
Author: Bryan C.P. Steel, Caias Ward, Jonathan M. Thompson
Pages: 5
Prices: $4.99 (Watermarked PDF)

(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/62/283582.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/283582/Dramatis-Persona-1-Holmes--Watson-Savage-Worlds-Deluxe)[Battlefield Press] Dramatis Persona #1: Holmes & Watson (Savage Worlds Deluxe)
Author: Bryan C.P. Steel, Caias Ward, Jonathan M. Thompson
Pages: 5
Prices: $4.99 (Watermarked PDF)

Through fifty-six short stories and four novels, Sherlock Holmes is established as the iconic detective in the literary world. Told through the eyes of Dr. John Watson, physician and war veteran, his stories about Holmes present a complex polymath who dives headlong into scandals and dangers with such weapons as reasoning, observation and forensics, along with a strong jab and expertise in singlestick. Augmented with his mastery of disguise, a wide network of agents and a broad knowledge of facts, Holmes takes on an almost mythic role in his ability to solve mysteries.

This is the first in a series of pdfs that will contain background information and stat blocks of characters present in the Gaslight Victorian Fantasy setting.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.07.2019 | 12:24
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11183/281691.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/281691/Titan-Effect-RPG-Tokens)[Knight Errant Media] Titan Effect RPG: Tokens
Author: Christian Nommay
Pages: ?
Prices: $1.99 (Watermarked PDF)

Titan Effect RPG: Tokens contain 44 tokens (NPCs, bennies and playing cards back) for Titan Effect RPG. The tokens can be used with most virtual tabletops like Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 26.07.2019 | 14:54
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11696/282985.jpg) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/282985/The-Great-Solar-War-of-1911--Ether-Marines-Expedition-1-Threat-To-Alpha-Dawn)[The Rune^Forge] The Great Solar War of 1911 - Ether Marines Expedition #1: Threat To Alpha Dawn
Author: Scott Welker
Pages: 10
Prices: €1,79 (Watermarked PDF)


     Three days ago, the Republic lost all contact with ALPHA DAWN, a secret research post located on Asteroid NEO-1923. The mission is for the team of commandos to sky-shoot to the asteroid, discover what the situation is, and take all necessary actions. Weapons free. The Republic Special Engagements Department believes the Kaiser’s forces are at work here.

The Great Solar War of 1911

     The Ether Marine Expeditions belong to what we term a micro-setting, in this case the Great Solar War of 1911.  There is not a setting book (yet), but rather a series of limited session scenarios designed to facilitate imagination at the table among players and GMs.  We give you templates, portals to adventure, and allow you to run wild with ideas and concepts.

     The characters belong to the Ether Marine Corps of the Republic of Allied States. The year is 1911 and Ether Space is now colonized to the coronal rings of Saturn, with the entire cosmology divided into 6 factions: The Republic of Allied States (USA, UK, Nordlandia), The Slavic Confederation (Russia, The Balkan Republic), The Hunnic Empire (Germany, Baltic States), The Grand Caliphate (Islamic Empire), The Holy Roman Empire (Italy, Albania, Romania, North Africa), and The Supreme Junta (Spain, Portugal, Central and South America). The cosmos is on the brink of the first Galactic War.

Included here is a full adventure designed to take 2-3 sessions on average and six pre-generated ether marines.
Titel: Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 2.08.2019 | 13:32
(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/4761/254324.png) (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/254324/Freedom-Squadron-Adventure-Manual-All-That-Glitters)[Evil Beagle Games] Freedom Squadron Adventure Manual: All That Glitters
Author: Eddy Webb
Pages: 30
Prices: €2,67 (Watermarked PDF), €6,28 (Softcover, B&W Book), €6,28 (PDF + Softcover, B&W Book)

Freedom Squadron Adventure Manual: All That Glitters