Explorer's Edition Errata (1st printing)
(Thanks to Tomahawk for organizing this!)
Chapter 1: Character Creation
p. 18: Pacifist hindrance - The second sentence should read "...and never allows the killing of prisoners and other defenseless victims."
p. 21: Berserk edge - The first sentence of the second paragraph should read, "While berserk, his Parry is reduced by 2, but he adds +2 to all Fighting and Strength rolls (including melee damage) and his Toughness."
p. 25: Sweep edge - Replace the last sentence with "A character may not use Sweep in the same round she uses Frenzy."
p. 39: Hindrances Summary - Hindrances after Ugly not listed (Vengeful, Vow, Wanted, Yellow, Young)
p. 41: Edges Summary - the requirment for the MacGyver Edge should have "Notice d8" (not d6).
Chapter 2: Gear
p. 46: Canister Shot does 2d6 to every target under the template (not 3d6).
p. 49: Pike - The cost of a pike is $400 (not $40).
p. 49: Bayonet - Notes should read Str+d6 (instead of Str+2) when affixed to a rifle.
p. 49: Brass Knuckles - change "See notes" to "A hero wearing brass knuckles is considered to be an Unarmed Attacker"
p. 49: Chainsaw - The damage of a chainsaw is 2d6+6 (not "2f6+4").
p. 51: Shotguns - The cost of a Sawed-Off DB shotgun is $150 (not $350).
Chapter 3: Game Rules
p. 57: Opposed Rolls - The winner of an Opposed roll considers his opponent's total as his TN for purposes of determining any raises.
p. 63: Readying Weapons - The last sentence of the example should read, "If he managed to do so, he'd suffer a -4 penalty to both his Fighting and Shooting." In this example, Buck incurred the -4 penalty for performing three actions - drawing his weapons, Fighting, and Shooting.
p. 74: Damage Effects - The first sentence of the third pargraph should begin, "With a raise or better, Extras suffer a Wound, and wounded Extras are Incapacitated..."
Chapter 4: Arcane Backgrounds
p.82: Arcane Background (Psionics) - Add this sentence to the end of the Brainburn effects, "On a critical failure, the character lets out a psychic scream that causes him to be Shaken along with all allies in a Large Burst Template who fail a Spirit roll. This can cause a wound."
p. 91: Greater Healing - The descriptive text for Greater Healing should read:
Greater healing restores wounds more than one hour old. This use of the power requires 10 Power Points, and otherwise works exactly like the Healing power. It can also be used to neutralize poison and disease after the first 10 minutes has passed.
Greater Healing can also heal Permanent Crippling Injuries. This requires an arcane skill roll at –4, 1d6 hours of time, and 20 Power Points. Only one casting is permitted per injury—if it fails, the injury really is permanent.
p. 91: Obscure - The last sentence should read, "Attacks into, out of, or through the area of effect suffer the standard penalty for absolute blindness of -6".
p. 94: Telekinesis - The third sentence under Telekinetic Weapons should read, "A sword that does Strength+d6 damage, for example, does Spirit+d6 when wielded by telekinesis." Similarly, the last sentence under Dropping Things should read, "Victims who are bashed into walls or other solid objects suffer the caster’s Spirit+d6 as damage. If a caster with a d12 Spirit smashes an orc into a wall, for example, the orc suffers d12+d6 damage.
Chapter 5: Situational Rules
p. 97: Horse, War - A war horse's kick does Str+d4 damage (not Str+1).
p. 117: Push and Steady - Push and Steady are Maneuvers, not Stunts as implied by their formatting. They are not subject to the rules on Stunts.
Chapter 7: Villains & Monsters
p. 150: Lion - Add Low Light Vision.
p. 153: Snake, Constrictor - Constrict damage should be Str+d6 (not Str+3)
Clint Black
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