Hier ein Spielbericht eines Users der Fate yahoo gruppe. Wenn ich mal ein rpg für Kinder leiten würde, würde ichs wohl so ähnlich machen....
Re: I played FATE with my 10-year-old!
Here is my synopsis again but with some more mechanics notes:
This is the first recorded adventure of this campaign, as I posted to my
Obsidian Portal site for the game (called Bartholomew Presents the Kingdom of
Nid [Bartholomew is my daughter's stuffed Bear]).
Since it was on-the-fly I made things up as I went, allowing Fate Point spending
to influence the events and create new Aspects or Skills as they went. I made
notes of what seemed like Aspects of the characters as they emerged, and noted
skills as seemed fitting to what my daughter seemed to think they should be able
to do. It was all very fast and loose, with die rolls being used more for
declarations and assessments than dealing composure stress. It was simple but
The Kingdom of Nid was in trouble. Their Giant Magical Egg has hatched and the
Giant Bird has flown off to the Incredibly High Mountains to the east. The King
of Nid called for Brave folks to come forward to help. Elf, Little Girl, Die,
and Bunny volunteered, and there was much rejoicing. They were told to travel to
the Incredibly High Mountains to retrieve another Giant Magical Egg to save the
Kingdom. And so they set off, with much fanfare. They travelled east into the
mountains where they encountered the terrifyingly large Rock-Eating Monster!!!
It was large enough to eat a house, and it was noisily munching on boulders. Not
realizing that these beasts are frightened of little girls (and Little Girl)
they proceeded forward (their fear of little girls was due to Fate Point
spending). When it spotted Little Girl it paniced and (like many herd animals)
it charged right towards them! Eeeeek!!! Luckily, Die/Dice kept his cool, banged
into the monster. This stopped its charge, but also drew its attention (FP
spend). It bent down and attempted to eat Die! Luckily (FP spend) he was too
rubbery and tough to eat, and so, having forgotten what it was scared off (not
too smart these beasts) it dropped Die and went back to munching rocks. The
group travelled on and at dusk found a warm and cozy hut (due to FP spending) to
stay the night in. It belonged to Glinda the Good Witch (no relation) who likes
to live in the wilderness, but is kindly to strangers. She fed them soup, gave
them beds, and advice. Also a potion to help them to get past the Dark Castle.
The next day they travelled on into the Dark Forest. Near lunch time they were
attacked by a mass of members of the Goblin Tribe who were trying to overwhelm
our Heroes with their huge numbers and ferocity. Things didn't look good, until
Bunny revealed her ability to make a Terrifying Roar (FP spend to gain the Power
Aspect and a roll of +4 to easily Intimidate the whole bunch)! This so
frightened them that the entire horde fled back to their caves. Later that day,
they reached the Dark Castle. It was creepy and forboding, and they were a
little nervous. Then a Scary Voice came from the Castle questioning them. When
they went inside and confronted the voice it turned out to be a tiny mouse (FP
spend), named Miniscule Mouse. He explained about his role as the King of Nid's
loyal warrior in the battle to keep this area free of evil-doers. They all made
friends and spent a pleasant night in the Dark Castle. In the morning they set
out again for the last leg of their journey. They travelled up into the very
steep Incredibly High Mountains and came to the nest of the Giant Bird. They
managed to get to the nest while the Giant Bird was away (great rolls), using
the Little Girls extraordinarily long rope she had in her Backpack of Holding
(FP spend to acquire the Aspect: Backpack of Holding [she has listened into our
D&D games and who doesn't want a Bag of Holding?]). They used all their team
work to secure and egg, float it down on Dice (Dice can Float as and Aspect due
to FP spending), all before the Giant Bird returned. They fled with their prize
and made it back to the Dark Castle before the Giant Bird caught up with them (I
declared that the menace came and offered FPs if she agreed to let it happen and
she did! A compel?). It landed on the roof and when spoken to told them that it
was upset about the egg theft. They explained what it was for and the Giant Bird
agreed to let them keep the Giant Magical Egg for the good of the Kingdom IF
they found a "guardian" for her nest to help protect the eggs within one year.
They agreed. Eventually, without much trouble, they made their way back to the
City of Nid and were greated as Heroes. The King of Nid was greatful and made
them all Knights of Nid (and they each got 3 FPs for their next adventure). Now
they are having a rest, but soon they will embark on their next Adventure! THE
Does that make any sense?