The Old Crystols Mountains have longenjoyed a reputation of potential wealth as well as of certain danger, though the latter has had little effect in deterring adventurous souls. Populated largely by
dwarves who mine for gems and valuable ores, the Old Crystols are crossed by trade routes that thread their way through the passes and into the lands beyond. In the cities that flourish on
either side of the range, the dwarves trade gold and jewels for spices, expensive clothing, and certain other civilized comforts they do not choose to produce themselves.
Elves are found in the valleys of the range itself, hunting the plentiful game and fishing its streams. Though considered an unspoiled wilderness, the mountains are prowled by dangerous foes,
and it is not unknown for small caravans to disappear in its forests victims of roving bands of orcs and bandits. Outside the range, the two most important trade centers are the citystates of Untala and Strafferburg. About 50 years ago, each tried to lay claim to the mountain trade routes and their wealth. War followed and disrupted all travel through the mountains, depopulating the region: The dwarves shut themselves away in their mines, refusing to produce gold for any conqueror and preferring to disappear from sight. The elves suffered to a lesser degree, but they were still forced to
defend their lands against wandering freebooters, adding to the loss of life.
All was in chaos until a force of druids united and, with the aid of their combined magical powers, put a stop to the fighting. Treaties were drawn up and signed, and for the last fifty years there has been peace. Even now it is still unlawful to draw a weapon along the trade routes except for food or defense. At the same time, a brotherhood of rangers was formed, sworn to watch the trails, keep them open, and generally guard the peace.
One of the ways peace is preserved is through communication. Realizing this, the two city governments agreed that they should have some reliable system of keeping in touch despite their great separation. The most successful of the methods tried was the establishment of a series of signal towers built upon mountain peaks, each about eight miles apart. Though the cities are separated by fifty-five miles of rough country, each can now know the latest news in as little as an hour, the time it takes transmit on a clear day. Truly a miracle of modern technology!
Through the use of a flashing mirror and a signal code, each city keeps the other informed on current events, especially the price of gold and other precious metals. The prices are now competitive but fair, and each city has an equal chance of attracting the dwarven trade. As expected, official observers and spies ensure that all the information transmitted is the truth.
The eight mountain towers are maintained by the druids’ Grand Council and by local dwarves and townspeople along the trails. Money for the towers’ upkeep is provided by the city-states of Untala and Strafferburg. Business has been good in the last few years - so good that the two cities decided to extend the signal system beyond the daylight hours. After some negotiations, it was decided to modify the system with the addition of a shuttered box with a continual light spell placed inside it. When the shutters open and close, the brilliant light can be seen for miles in the clear night air.