
Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme => Apocalypse World System (PbtA) => Thema gestartet von: achlys am 29.02.2016 | 16:49

Titel: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 29.02.2016 | 16:49
Hallo zusammen!
Ich poste hier die News zum Kult: Divinity Lost Kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1037361623/kult-divinity-lost-horror-roleplaying-game-rpg/). Keine Diskussion!

Hier der Vollständigkeit halber auch der Link zum Gesichtsbuch (https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/). (Die Neuigkeiten dort werde ich aber nicht posten, dafür schaue ich da nicht oft genug rein.)


(https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/12795276_1531150383851416_4618630295075825695_n.jpg?oh=497771b7e10968761c3bf91a718db010&oe=574E63AA&__gda__=1466082818_00e99a2463a65d582a900f5807f0925b) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1037361623/kult-divinity-lost-horror-roleplaying-game-rpg/)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 29.02.2016 | 16:51
Update Nr. 1

25. Feb 2016
Wow! The Illusion is cracking!

Thank you everyone! We reached our funding goal in about 12 minutes, and doubled it in less than 30 minutes. We are all humbled and super-excited by your commitment and dedication to the coolest and most terrifying Horror RPG ever created!

The team is currently busy with adding Stretch Goals, and preparing Add-Ons.

Astaroth, be afraid! 

-The KDL Team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 29.02.2016 | 16:52
Update Nr. 2

25. Feb 2016
Love and Add-ons

Our trapped souls in Inferno are busy working on updates for the campaign. New Stretch Goals unlocked, and the first batch of Add-Ons is live.

We are also very happy and proud to have be selected as one of Kickstarter's "Project We Love". A true testament on the force and momentum all you guys have contributed to.

Again, thanks, for making this one of the best days in our lives.


-The KDL Design team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 29.02.2016 | 16:53

Update Nr. 3

25. Feb 2016
8 hours of blood, sweat, and ecstacy

Dear Kultists!

It has been an intense first 8 hours of the campaign, with broken records, scrambling for stretch goals, and bringing updates. As midnight approaches, local time, we are looking through your suggestions, cheers, and feedback.

We are looking at adding an INFERNO + METROPOLIS bundle, as this is something many has asked about. It will be a limited package if it comes. If you already have pledged for either of the Editions, you can easily switch.

We will announce any such new pledge at least a day before, when it concerns a limited edition, to give everyone around the globe the chance to act. Normally we will try to make additions to the pledges around 15.00/3pm Swedish (CET) time (same timeframe as when the campaigned started).

Please spread the word on social media. If you haven't yet, please Join/Like the official KULT: Divinity Lost Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/ for news and updates.

If we continue at this pace, I wouldn't be surprised if a certain dark lady would appear on the Stretch Goal list. ;-)


Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 29.02.2016 | 16:54
Update Nr. 4

26. Feb 2016
A legendary day closes to an end

The first 24 hours cycle since launch is complete. Thanks everyone again for this fantastic start! A special thanks goes to Godfather Punk who compiled a big list of questions, and to all who asked in the first place. We will bring a lot of answers within the next few days.

We are also looking at ways to presenting more of the rules crunch, for those interested.

During next week (probably Wednesday) we will add two new Pledge levels:

  • One bundle with INFERNO + METROPOLIS EDITION. This will be a limited pledge.
  • A version of the DIGITAL EDITION, with the ENLIGHTENED Cover art.

Speaking more soon!


-The KDL Team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 29.02.2016 | 16:59
Update Nr. 5

27. Feb 2016
The World of KULT: Divinity Lost

Dear Kultists,

As most of you know, this is a game first released in 1991 and it have had several different iterations throughout the years since. The version that has been my primary source for inspiration, my dark bible so to speak, is the first (Swedish) edition of Kult. I wanted to go back to the source and the original ideas of authors Michael Petersén, Gunilla Jonsson, and project lead and graphic designer Nils Gulliksson.

The question that I have had in mind when I designed the setting is: “What would Kult had been like if it was released in 2016 instead of 1991?”

(Below is obviously SPOILERS for the mythology in KULT: Divinity Lost)

The premise of the game is the same: Mankind was once gods but our divinity was stolen from us by the Demiurge. He put a veil over our eyes and trapped us in an Illusion - which is the world we see around us everyday. But something happened, the Demiurge has vanished, and the Illusion has started to crumble. The Archons and Death Angels are fighting to control our prison while their servants (Lictors, Seraphs, Nepharites, Razides etc) are plotting and scheming.

Anyone that knows the mythos of Kult will instantly recognize the plot.

  • About 98% of the setting text is new, but has the same themes, sense, and feeling of the first edition of Kult.
  • Contradictions in older versions have been fixed.
  • The Illusion is upheld by religion, laws, and governments, but also our need for entertainment, pleasure, confirmation, and material gain. Desperately we chase Likes on Facebook. We struggle to find the perfect picture for Instagram so that we can prove to others that our lives are awesome. We are slaves to the latest trends, and are kept blind with useless trivia, silly clips of cute kittens, and streamed hardcore porn, all while the Illusion slowly falls apart around us. Tiphareth’s grip has never been stronger.
  • Astaroth’s influence over our world is gained through a slow transformation. The principles of the Death Angels seep in and gains a stronger hold over the Illusion, not by strength of arms or huge armies.
  • The Archons and Death Angels, and the principles they represent, have been expanded and explained so that you can understand their conflicts, common interests, and where they have their strongest influence. This helps the Narrator designing longer campaigns.
  • Information about the different worlds (Elysium, Metropolis, Inferno, Limbo, Gaia, and the Underworld) has been expanded. Each world give the Narrator handy tools, explaining how to use them, as well as describing followers, cults, and creatures connected to these realms.
  • When it comes to creatures, demons, and monsters, there is more focus on them as beings that you can interact with, rather than as monster-of-the-week cannon fodder. The creatures exists in a context, with power struggles, desires, fears, needs, and ambition. The perfect monster in KULT: Divinity Lost is something you fear or respect but is still drawn to, you make deals and pacts with, you want to be like, or want to have sex with. Well… perhaps not the Cairath but… who am I to judge.
  • The world as a whole will be horrifically dark and grotesque. Not turning away from gore, abuse, violence, and sexual themes. But there is also a sublime beauty. The rarest miracle in an ocean of blood. It is a world of fantastic wonders, hidden secrets in the back alleys of the cities, and a place you want to experience and explore. If you know where to look, you may find doorways to other worlds.

- Petter, Mythos Author and Creative Director.

Some Trivia:
  • The chapter about Gaia is written in solitude in a cabin in the cold north of Sweden and influenced by long forest walks at night, meditation, storms, and the movie “Antichrist” by Lars von Trier..
  • The chapter about Passion is influenced by red wine, EBM-music, the writings of Michel Houllebecq, and hardcore pornography..
  • The chapter about Inferno is inspired black metal, occult teachings and rituals, the writings of Clive Barker, visits to abandoned industrial areas, and a summer I worked at an old sanatorium.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 29.02.2016 | 17:06
Update Nr. 6

27. Feb 2016
Q&A – The first portal

Below are answers to questions brought up from the "Comment" section of the site.

What's the page count going to be for the core book?

We don’t know yet, the game is 9 months away from release. The Swedish manuscript is being translated right now, the final layout hasn’t been decided yet (but you will see an example during the coming week), and all art isn’t delivered yet. If we were to make an educated guess, we would estimate the final page count to land at somewhere between 250 - 325 pages. Again, this is just a guess.

Could we see a sample character sheet please? And maybe some rule excerpts?

Yes, it will arrive some time during the campaign.

Is there any chance you'll release the text of the game, or a part of it, prior to the end of the campaign?

Hopefully, yes.

The brief mention sounds great basically like Powered by Apocalypse but with d10s.

Yes, the rules are in the “Powered by the Apocalypse” family (rules that share certain elements from the RPG “Apocalypse World”. The general way “moves” work, for instance, will be recognizable. We have made extensive redesign on many of the things that didn’t work well with the KULT setting, and for horror in general.
 For instance, in the original AW, the player characters are very much driving the scenario, having a lot of player induced influence on the story. This is changed in KULT: DIVINITY LOST, where the GM/Narrator has much firmer grip on the overall story structure and details, in order to enforce the sense of being “hunted”, “underpowered”, and “fearful” – key elements in creating tension and horror and dread.
Other areas that are redone, and newly designed, are the ways the GM/Narrator interact with the story, how the campaign is set up, how monsters are handled, equipment, combat, mental fatigue, injuries, advantages and disadvantages, dark secrets/pasts – among other things.

What is the Player's Guide, exactly?

Exactly, we don’t know yet. We have a general idea, and it will be easy-to-access info that the players need at character generation and during actual play. Also, equipment stats, condensed versions of basic rules, etc.

Is there a way to figure out just how much I have to add to my pledge for the adds ons since the currency isn't in USD?

The main currency in this Kickstarter campaign is the Swedish “Kr”, as the campaign is started from Sweden. At each Add-On, the equivalent value in other currencies (EURO, USD, GBP) are shown as well, for an approximate reference.

How do we add the 'add-ons' to our orders? There's a couple listed that I want!

During the campaign you add the Add-On funds to your main pledge value. Some time after the campaign, you will be invited to a Pledge Manager (often referred to as a “Backerkit”), where your account will be shown, with your total amount pledged.
Here you will actively be able to select the Add-On items you already paid for, which will be added to you order.

Is it possible to take the supporter pledge and only the bible edition for add-on?

You need to have pledged for a physical Core book to add physical add-ons to your order.

Will the postage cost for add-ons be covered by the original postage paid or will it be extra?

Shipping charges are based on bulk and weight of your final order. The shipping added when a pledge is made covers only the contents of that pledge. Add-Ons may increase the shipping charges. The final shipping charge will be calculated in the Pledge Manager, available after the campaign is finished.

Sweden is outside the EU zone. Will there be a EU friendly solution to avoid extra customs, import and adminstrative charges?

Sweden is part of the EU, and this campaign is EU Friendly.

Regarding the unlocked physical items. Which packages will have these included? I pledged for Death Angel and I'm wondering if I need to Add the unlocked physical items to my package at some point? Or are they included? And if included, which packages get them?

The items listed in a single pledge is part of the package of that pledge. For example, the Death Angel pledge includes the following items:
  • 1x KULT: Divinity Lost Core Book with unique individual Death Angel name embossed.
  • 1x KULT: Divinity Lost Core Book Elysium Edition.
  • Printed Player’s Guide
  • All free stretch goals
  • A PDF version of the game.
  • Player’s Guide in PDF
  • (and some other stuff, not important for this example.)
So with that pledge, you will receive two Core books (one DA, one Elysium), a printed Player’s Guide, a Player’s Guide in PDF, a PDF version of the Core book, and you will get all Stretch goals listed as “Free”.
So, as long as you don’t want to add any additional core book, or any additional Player’s Guide, you don’t need to.

Will the KULT Bible, KULT Screen and similar add-ons be available once the Kickstarter concludes?

At this moment in time, the only confirmed items in this Kickstarter campaign that will be available after it is finished is the ILLUSION EDITION, the ENLIGHTENED EDITION, and the ELYSIUM EDITION.

How do you plan to get people to actually play the new game? It can be a very intimidating cosmology and the original rule system was actually pretty bad. What are you doing to make this version more inviting to actually play? What is different that gets the book off the bookshelf and onto the gaming table more readily?

KULT: DIVINITY LOST has many focused approaches to the game and the game world. During playtests we have found complete newcomers grasping the concepts of the rules, as well as “enough” knowledge of the world, to feel comfortable. We try to avoid “front-loading” players with too much info.
We instead introduce concepts through-out the actual game experience. The way the archetypes are designed gives each player a sense of control and insight to the game world.
And if the GM/Narrator are playing with newcomers that have no idea what KULT: DIVINITY LOST, they can use the option of using “Sleeping” archetypes, that will discover the world of Kult step by step – together with the players themselves.

Will the Archon and Death Angel editions have internal art showing the covers for the others in the sets?

Yes, we intend to have Bastien’s marvelous cover art present in the core rules as well. 

Can we get an explanation for the change of rules? Was there something wrong with the second ed rules, is it a licensing issue or something else?

We felt the original rules did nothing to actually support the fantastic and mind-blowing game world Kult had. It was a decent generic ruleset, typical of an RPG of the time.
The ruleset in KULT: DIVINITY LOST is designed to reinforce, steer, and enhance the Kult game world and the Kult experience. To create a synergy that makes the rules “just work”, and place the story in the center spotlight.

Will there still be a mental balance score?

Not in the sense of a scale from -500 to +500. The way KULT: DIVNINTY LOST approaches the God-origins of mankind requires a more fluid, dynamic way of presenting the Illusion, and the power of see past it.

I'm sure you have some good proofreaders on the project but, as you're promising "early playtest access" for those who have pledged for the higher levels, can you tell us how much time you have in your plan for us to properly read it, nitpick over it and play a few games before sending feedback. I'd prefer a few months of delays than a book with typos or other errors.

At least 3 months. We will hire professional proof readers and editors as well. We envision KULT: DIVINITY LOST to be a premium, luxury item of highest quality, and that includes the text quality.

How do you create your character? I know Kult from previous editions but what's different in this one? Is this a simple reprint?

More previews of the game will be up shortly. No reprint – 99% of the game is newly written.

I presume this has been asked a few times, but I presume add ons are managed in the backerkit as normal?

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 29.02.2016 | 17:12
Update Nr. 7

28. Feb 2016
Rules of the Game - The moves

The most defining rules concept in KULT: Divinity Lost are the moves.

So what is a move? Mechanically it is a contained rule-description, with "trigger-die roll-outcome". The idea is to present the rules as these contained "boxes" which will give the player or Narrator everything she or he needs, at a quick glance. This also means that a player, especially a newcomer, can easily understand and pick up the rules by having the available moves presented in a quick-sheet, pre-printed on a character sheet, or on easy-to-access cards on the playing table, without the need to try to find the specifics in a big rulebook, in mid-play.

In actual play, a move is something a character do, or perform, in the game world. First, before explaining each mechanic, here is an example of a basic move in KULT: Divinity Lost.


When you investigate something, roll +Intellect. On a success, you get all open clues.
  • (15+) Also ask 2 questions from the list below.
  • (10-14) Ask 1 question, but information comes at a cost. The narrator decides: You need someone or something to get all answers, you have put yourself in danger, or have sacrificed time or resources.
  • (-9) You get to ask 1 question anyway, but you expose yourself to dangers or costs. The narrator make a soft or hard move.
  • How can I find more information about the object of the investigation?
  • What do my gut say about the object of the investigation?
  • What am I not seeing here, that should be here?

The basic moves includes skills and abilities that the characters in KULT: Divinity Lost use when confronted by the world, and to defeat obstacles in their way. All are built in the same way with an activation phrase, roll, and effects.
The activation phrase tell the players what actions in the story that can activate the move. For example, “When you investigate something” means that the player can roll for the move when the character investigates something, and if the narrator agrees that a roll is needed.
Perhaps there is nothing to be found or that clues are so obvious that it isn’t necessary to roll dice, or that the situation does not lend itself for investigation—such as in the middle of a fight. In KULT: Divinity Lost, it is always the Narrator that decides if dice are rolled or not.

In KULT: Divinity Lost you always roll two ten-sided dices and add the results (2D10+X). The roll tell the player what attribute will modify the outcome of the roll. For example Roll +Intellect means that you will modify the outcome of the roll with your modification in Intellect.
The effects explain the possible outcomes of the move if the player roll a success (sum of 15 or higher), a success with a complication (sum between 10 to 14), or fails the roll (sum of or below 9).
Based on the effects the player and narrator get to make choices, and the narrator eventually describes the end results of the move in the story context and how it affects the characters.
There are 11 basic moves that all players can use, which covers most common situations – like persuasion and seduction, to stealth, and combat.

Each player character also have unique moves for Advantages and Disadvantages that the players choose for their characters during character creation, and when the characters realize new abilities in between game sessions.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 29.02.2016 | 17:13
Update Nr. 8

28. Feb 2016
One thousand souls backing!

Thanks everyone for making the campaign reach this big milestone - 1000 backers is huge! :-)

Here is a denizen from a strange place, ready to give you all hugs!

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 29.02.2016 | 17:15
Update Nr. 9

29. Feb 2016
A million is only the beginning!

Wow. Wow! WOW! One million in funding… Thanks everyone for making this dream come true for real! Reaching a milestone like this in just four days is amazing! Astaroth himself will take notice, for sure.

We are busy with spreading the word – with your great help – and also on preparing more materials from the actual game to show you all. How an archetype looks like. More artwork. A peek on the proposed layout. Some other stuff as well. Please let us know what kind of previews you would like to see during the campaign.

With this milestone, we also have the great privilege to announce new Stretch Goals. Among adding new “Enlightened” level archetypes and new Quick-Play scenarios, we can also proudly present the next major Goal at 1.5mkr – The Black Madonna! Translated to English, and the rules updated to fit KULT: DIVINITY LOST. How cool is that?!

Until next time,

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 29.02.2016 | 22:28
Der Trailer (von YouTube in HD)
Update Nr. 10

1. März 2016
Horrors in 1080p

Fellow Kultists,

Brief update today - the KULT: DIVINITY LOST trailer is available on Youtube, in beautiful HD 1080p. Please check it out.



Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 2.03.2016 | 21:25
Update Nr. 11

2. März 2016
Interview with Obskures online

Hello Kultists,

Obskures released an interview with us, about KULT: Divinity Lost - please check it out.


Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 2.03.2016 | 21:26
Update Nr. 12

2. März 2016
Two new Pledges coming

Hello Kultists!

As mentioned in Update #4 we will add two new Pledges tomorrow THURSDAY March 3rd.

    One bundle with INFERNO + METROPOLIS EDITION. This will be a limited pledge of 50 copies available.
    A version of the DIGITAL EDITION, with the ENLIGHTENED Cover art. This is an unlimited pledge.

They will be added at the same time as the Kickstarter campaign launched, which was:

    15.00 / 3PM CET (Stockholm, Sweden)

Which is the equivalent to the following example time zones around the globe.

    14.00 / 2PM GMT (London, UK)
    09.00 / 9AM EST (New York, USA)
    06.00 / 6AM PST (Los Angeles, USA)
    21.00 / 9PM ICT (Bangkok, Thailand)
    22.00 / 10PM HKT (Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
    23.00 / 11PM JST (Tokyo, Japan)


Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 3.03.2016 | 18:19
Update #13

Mar 3 2016
Playtest Weekend

Hello Kultists!

While the translation from Swedish to English is going on for previews for you guys and gals, we are having continued playtests for select Swedish teams. This weekend, the KULT: DIVINITY LOST team will at a local gaming convention in Stockholm, showing the game, and having drop-in sessions. Our Playtest Kit is shown below.

The playtest kit setup - with archetypes/char sheets, rules, weapons, etc. Note: All layout/art is Work-In-Progress and does not represent final products.


Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 5.03.2016 | 17:17
Update #14

Mar 4 2016
The Child of the Night Unlocked

Fellow Kultists,

By reaching 1,2M SEK a new stretch goal is unlocked. The bonus archetype The Child of the Night. It is a new Enlightened-level archetype. They are not entirely human. Warped by a nightmares, madness, or passion, they are creatures that dwell among mankind, but are no longer one of them.

The Enlightened level archetypes are powerful and strange indeed. :-)



Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 6.03.2016 | 13:31
Night Rant bei YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPgz96iKRSs
Update Nr. 15

5. März 2016
The first Nightly Rant

Our Creative Director Petter ventured into the Swedish night, with distorted thoughts racing through his disturbed mind. A night rant was born!

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 7.03.2016 | 16:50
Update Nr. 16

7. März 2016
The Flesh of Fallen Angels - The Archetypes
My Dear Kultists,

Let’s talk about the archetypes. When I started developing the rules for this game, it was natural for me to use the archetypes from the first edition as inspiration. I didn’t just want the archetypes to provide simplified character generation.

My intention was to use the archetypes as a part of the mechanics to create stories. Instead of viewing the archetypes as just tools for the players, I wanted them to also be tools for the narrator.

For example:

  • If the players choose the criminal, the fixer, and the veteran, you can instantly come up with themes as violence, greed, betrayal, poverty, and survival.
  • If the players choose the careerist, the detective, and the scientist, themes like evil corporations, ambition, conspiracies, unethical experiments and solving mysteries come up.

The archetypes include suggestions for dark secrets and disadvantages for the character the player creates. In KULT: Divinity Lost, the narrator use the dark secrets and disadvantages to create personal horror stories which evolve from the characters.

The characters are haunted by their past and the foul things that are befalling them are often connected to these unsolved events. Each archetype has unique advantages that during character generation only can be chosen for characters of that archetype.

The detective can have superior skills in investigating crime scenes, the seeker can use The Dark Web to find forbidden knowledge, or the avenger can channel her anger to withstand and inflict deadly damage.

I like the simplicity of just having the players look and choose one archetype each and create their character on their own. We will release every archetype as an individual character sheet to download and print out. All rules that the player needs to create a character is printed on every archetype’s sheet. This speeds things up dramatically and makes it easier to introduce new players to the game.

If you are an advanced KULT: Divinity Lost player, you can easily design your own archetype, and use that instead, so you are never “locked in” with the pre-designed archetypes.

Here is a list of the archetypes we include in KULT: Divinity Lost. More will be created to specific official scenarios, supplements and (hopefully) by you, our Kultists, when the game are released.

In the corebook we have three categories of archetypes: the sleepers, the aware, and the enlightened.


These characters have not seen the Truth. They have closed their eyes and hide in a kind of illusion within the Illusion. In their stories, they are often forced to wake up by experiencing terrible events.

The Sleepers

Your past is a hazy fog. The future doesn’t worry you. You live here and now, through the digital box’ infinite supply, the Internet forums, and the apps on your smartphone. Your job is barely okay, but you are careful to post the best pictures to make it seem awesome to others. Everyone else have such nice homes, beautiful partners and children, and fantastic careers, and you don’t want to appear inferior.

After work you tend to watch TV, play a game, or spend time online, until bedtime. You have a workout in the morning, on the lunch break, or on your way home. Everyone else are so perfect, so you endure on the treadmill while you listen to the latest podcast, drink low-carb drinks, and eat prepacked salads.

In one of the life-style blogs you follow daily, they wrote that troublesome things are best to not think about. “Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn’t know you left open”, is painted over your bed, and it makes you happy to think about.

You live your life through a filtered glass where all shadows and shades of grey have disappeared.

You are one of the sleepers. In actual play, choosing a campaign with Sleeper player character is really an easy way introducing newcomers to the world of KULT: Divinity Lost. With the players oblivious to the mythos and the Illusion, they, and their characters, are in for a treat! Sleeper characters that endure the hardship they experience will naturally evolve into becoming Aware.


These character sense something is wrong with the world. They just don’t know what yet. In stories the aware archetypes explore their dark secrets and reveal clues of the true reality. Most campaigns will probably consist of Aware player characters.

The Artist

The Artist lives to create—to give her soul to the art. A hypnotizing painting, music that captures the audience in ecstasy, books that entrance their readers, a models naked flesh. The artists have the ability to appeal to others’ souls and let them see into the artist’s essence. Such a rare gift always comes at a price: the artist herself…

The Criminal

Gangsters, gang members, thieves, dealers, and hitmen. They are all driven by two things: money and a bottomless hole filled with all the misery they have endured in their lives. For a few, crime leads to a life of luxury and respect. But most of them will never get more than a glimpse of fortune before some meaner bastard snatches it.

The Detective

Disillusioned private-eyes in smoky offices still exist. Hardened cops whose hunt for perverted killers consume their lives, crush their families, and throw them into a spiral of darkness and addiction. The detective is driven by a desperate need to find the answers to the mysteries she faces. A search for truth that leads them to lonely and dangerous paths, to secrets best left alone.

The Fixer

The fixer has the contacts and use them to earn easy cash. Drugs, weapons, illegal fights, antiquities, cars, apartments—the fixer can get you anything you want. But everything the fixer sells you comes with strings attached. The fixer makes money regardless of the stakes and the more successful she is the more enemies she gets. In the shadows there are always someone hungry watching you, and who is ready to take your place.

The Prophet

Religion gives power. Priests, ministers, imams, rabbis and sect leaders, they all have power. The prophet can have chosen her God, or she could have been forced in on her path by her family or community as a child. The religious unions offer communion and a sense of a higher purpose. The shadow of the divine often hides power abuse, occultism, twisted traditions, forced marriages, and the worship of false Gods.

The Avenger

The Avenger has been stripped of the things that mattered to her. It could be the avenger’s lover, job, family, humanity, honor, memories, or life goals crushed. No matter what, it can only be repaid with blood. The only thing that remains now is revenge, and the avenger will not let anything stop her, no matter the cost.

The Careerist

Shit runs downwards. The careerist smooches her superiors, and make sure those below her doesn’t stand a chance of advancing. Most of them get stuck in anonymous open-plan cubicle offices, with the same assignments everyday. A few unscrupulous careerists climb the ladder to higher positions, using skill, coercion, seduction, threats, and networking. The careerist can also be an owner of a small company that compete against giants. In a world where nothing stops you from advancing your own career, survival demands that you are willing to do anything.

The Seeker

The seeker is an explorer of the cities; modern, ancient and forgotten myths. They are bloggers, hackers, modern crusaders, and contemporary storytellers. The Internet whispers with hidden voices of lies and conspiracies. In apparently meaningless graffiti in an abandoned subway station, someone has left a cryptic message. If you search deep enough, there is truth buried there, but most of us can’t see through the clouds of useless information. We get lost into the abyss of propaganda, porn, and meaningless entertainment. The seeker knows to use the web, to find the secrets that should have been better left untouched. For the seeker no price is too high to pay to uncover the truth and put it to public view—even if the enemies will come after you.

The Scientist

The scientist explores the unknown, in hope of answers to the universe and life’s mysteries. The research often results in dangerous experiments, where the veil between our and other dimensions temporary tear apart. In psychology, medicine, physics, chemistry, and different pseudoscientific experiments result in horrible outcomes. They call you insane, but you know it is they who refuse to acknowledge the Truth.

The Veteran

The veteran has seen more death than anyone else. She has spent most of her life fighting with weapons in hand, and adrenaline pumping in her veins. Maybe she was an infantry soldier in Afghanistan. Or a SWAT operator in the war against armed drug lords. Or maybe she is one of the unfortunate people whose country have been destroyed by war, and now is a foreigner in a new country, while carrying a broken mind occupied by the dead.


These characters are experienced with the supernatural and have been gifted and cursed by their insight in the Truth. There is one enlightened archetype in the corebook but more will be released in future expansions (and unlocked as Stretch Goals, like the Child of the Night).

The Death Magician

These magicians try to understand and tame the powers of death. Quimbanda and voodoo derive ancient knowledge from African religion. Indian tantrics devote their lives to vamachara as ashen guardians on enormous cremation sites. Traditional magicians study manuscripts in hope of understanding the mystery of life and death. Curious teenagers find websites with simple instructions to get in contact with the dead.

The motives of Death magicians span from altruism to cruel egoism, but regardless of the reasons they always walk on the edge of an invisible abyss. On wrong step and she falls screaming, into the darkness, where the creatures are waiting.
Will it be possible to create characters without archetypes?

Yes. We have rules for free creation of characters, but in my experience, players usually create something that could fit into an archetype anyway. The character creation just takes some more time for the player and the narrator and the end result is the same.


Kind regards,

Robin, Head Writer & Designer
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 9.03.2016 | 18:36
Update Nr. 17

9. März 2016
The Disciple Unlocked

Ding - new Stretch Goal unlocked.

A new Enlightened-level archetype added to the mix. The Disciple has submitted to a greater power (for instance, an Archon) in return for knowledge, insight, and power. Or maybe for using the illusion against itself.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 9.03.2016 | 21:40
Update Nr. 18

9. März 2016
The Flow of a Conflict

(Below is a non-edited non-proofed excerpt from KULT: DIVINITY LOST)


The Flow of a Conflict

The story usually determines which of the characters and non-player characters who should act and in what order. During discussions and threats the order doesn’t need to be considered, as events usually occur naturally, while violent conflicts need to be judged by the gamemaster. If a player character initiates a conflict by attacking another person, she is also the one starting the conflict. If the conflict starts with the GM describing how a non-player character is acting, it is the non-player character initiating the conflict.

When the player characters activate rounds, the rounds will create a natural flow during the conflict, with the action swinging back and forth between player characters and non-player characters. There are two primary methods the gamemaster can choose when deciding which player character should be acting.

Fixed order: If it doesn’t matter for the sake of the story the gamemaster may let the players describe the actions of their characters in a fixed order, going around the table.

Letting the story decide: This is often a more flexible and dramatic method. The gamemaster will ask the players what their characters are doing, and then executes the actions depending on what the characters actually do within the story. Someone might fire a gun, which happens immediately. Someone else wants to run away and dive for cover. A third wants to Observe a situation. The gamemaster decides that the shooter will act first, as that action should happen first. Then the character may Observe a situation. Finally she lets the character running for cover roll the dice to find out what happens.

Sometimes the gamemaster wants to create drama by jumping between the various dramatic conflicts within the scene, creating small cliff hangers where the players have to wait for each dramatic turn. A character misses her attack. The gamemaster then describes how her opponent is swinging an axe, before switching to a friend of the character, fighting in the distance, before turning back to the person with the axe. This can be done in order to create tension or by letting the other character influence the situation, giving her a chance to save her friend.


Three player characters, Ashley, Hadi, and John, are inside a deserted bazaar in Istanbul, where they are searching for the basement workshop of Bahadin the clockmaker, while following a lead.

The gamemaster to the players: You are walking slowly through vaulted passages, dimly lit by the moonlight coming through the skylights. The passages are filled with stalls selling spices, clothes and various craft items. Ashley, you discover stairs going down, with a wall clock above. At the same time John and Hadi catch a glimpse of three shapes closing in, further away in the passage. A quick glance behind you reveals two other shapes closing in from the other direction. [The game master announces future problems.]

Played in Fixed order, from player 1 to 3:

The gamemaster asks player 1: “John, what will you do?” [Notice that the gamemaster always talks to the character, not the player.]

Player 1: “I pull out my gun, trying to figure out if they’re a threat or not.”

Gamemaster: “You’re Observing a situation. Roll and add Perception.”

Player 1: “I roll a 12, which means I can ask 1 question from the list. I want to know if there is anything strange going on.”

Gamemaster: “When you focus you can see that the shapes are bent and muscular. They seem to be naked and move in a crouch, almost as if they are running on all four. Take +1 against them.”

Gamemaster to player 2: “You see the shapes closing in. Ashley, what will you do?”

Player 2: “I run down the stairs.”

Gamemaster: “Ok. It is dark downstairs; you’ll have to use your cellphone to light your way.”

Player 2: “Sure.”

Gamemaster: “At the end of the stairs you reach a closed door.”

Player 2: “I’ll check if it’s locked.”

Gamemaster: “Yes, it is locked.”

Player 2: “Ok, I bring out my lockpick and try to unlock it.”

Gamemaster: “You are Acting under pressure, and the threat is that the shapes will reach you before you unlock the door.”

Player 2: “15.”

Gamemaster: “You work the lock for a couple of seconds, before the door opens with a click.”

Gamemaster to player 3: “The shapes are closing in. John is looking at them, Ashley is down the stairs. Hadi, what are you doing?”

Player 3: “I pull out my shotgun from my bag and shout in English and Arabic, ‘Stop, or I’ll shoot!’”

Gamemaster: “They continue as if they didn’t understand you or care about your threat. Will you shoot at them?”

Player 3: “Yes, I’ll fire multiple shots at the two shapes closing in from the direction we came from.”

Gamemaster: “You fire the gun with loud bangs and see how both shapes go down. Piercing, inhuman screams echo from them while they’re lying down, twisting on the floor. At the same time the shapes from the other direction are rushing at you.” [The gamemaster knows that the attack did more than enough damage to eliminate them, and choses to let Hadi deal damage as the shapes are not trying to avoid the attack.]

Gamemaster to player 1: “Well, John, what are you doing now?”


Changing to Letting the story decide:

The gamemaster to player 2: “You open the door. Inside is a shop filled with all sorts of clocks, and next to a workbench at the further end you can see a semi-recumbent man, face forward, in a chair, surrounded by clock parts and tools. Where the face of the man should have been, there is only a huge, fleshy wound. Suddenly a gun goes off upstairs.” [The gamemaster describes the environment and emphasizes that Ashley can hear the gunfight on the upper floor.]

Player 2: “I ignore the sounds from the upper floor and examine the man.”

Gamemaster: “Ok. It will take a while. Roll for Investigate something and add Reason.”

Player 2: “17. I find hidden clues and I’d like to know if there’s anything odd about the murder.”

Gamemaster: “Ok. I’ll tell you what you will find in a moment.”

Gamemaster to player 1: “John! When Hadi fired his shotgun the three shapes in front of you are rushing towards you fast. Their movements are bestial and they are growling and screaming in a twisted way. What will you do?” [The gamemaster places John in a tough situation.]

Player 1: “I pull out my pistol and shoot the first one and at the same time I back up towards the stairs.”

Gamemaster: “Ok. You are Acting under pressure. The threat is that the beast will reach you before you can stop it.”

Player 1: “Damn! I only rolled a 9.”

Gamemaster: “You fire several shots against the creature, but the shots don’t seem to stop it. It jumps at you forcefully and knocks you to the ground.” [The gamemaster traps John.]

Player 1: “Ok, I...”

Gamemaster: “John, you’ll have to wait a moment, I’m cutting to Hadi now.”

Player 1: “Ok.”

Gamemaster to player 3: “Hadi, you see how John is knocked down with one of the creatures on top. The other two are rushing towards you, but the creature on top of John is about to bite him. What will you do?” [The gamemaster gives Hadi an opportunity to help John.]

Player 3: “I am almost out of ammo. My last shot is fired against the creature attacking John.”

Gamemaster: “Rolls to help with Coolness.”

Player 3: “12, John gets +2.”

Gamemaster: “Your shot throws the creature off John. The other two hurl themselves at you with loud yelps, mouths open and their fingers are bent, claw-like. What will you do?” [Once again the gamemaster knows that the shotgun will do enough damage to neutralize the creature.]

Player 3: “I roll aside, down the stairs.”

Gamemaster: “Roll to Avoid harm.”

Player 3: “11.”

Gamemaster: “When you roll aside one the beasts grabs your shotgun. You lose your grip as you fall down the stairs. You land dazed next to the door to the clock shop.” [The gamemaster takes Hadi’s shotgun and also separates Hadi and Ashley from John.]

The gamemaster to player 1: “John, the beast that was on top of you is lying motionless some distance away. It’s a woman with a large hole in her back from Hadi’s shotgun. Behind you, you can see how two twisted, naked humans are biting each other and trying to tear Hadi’s shotgun from each other, as if it were a piece of flesh. They don’t seem to notice you. What will you do?” [The gamemaster offers an opportunity with or without a cost.]
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: ManuFS am 10.03.2016 | 08:06
Also... ein PbtA-Style Moves System, aber mit realistischen Chancen auch mal konsistent was zu schaffen...?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Grummelstein am 10.03.2016 | 15:25
Also... ein PbtA-Style Moves System, aber mit realistischen Chancen auch mal konsistent was zu schaffen...?
Könntest Du das bei Gelegenheit mal genauer erklären? Würde mich echt interessieren, da ich immernoch keine praktischen PbtA Erfahrungen sammeln konnte  :-\
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 11.03.2016 | 22:03
Dickes Update zur Szenario Erstellung.
@ManuFS und Grummelstein: Ich zitiere Eure Fragen mal in den Kult Diksussionfaden (http://www.tanelorn.net/index.php/topic,94238.msg134358825.html#msg134358825), dann können wir da weitere Fragen stellen.

Update Nr. 19

11. März 2016
The Art of Telling Stories

Dear Kultists!


Earlier we have told you that there are tools in KULT: Divinity Lost for helping the gamemaster to tell stories. Today I want to tell you a little more about these tools and how I use them in my stories.

KULT: Divinity Lost have two story modes: the campaign mode and the scenario mode. The campaign mode uses the system of gamemaster tools to play with little or no prepared material, while the scenario mode is stories with some degree of preparation by the gamemaster.


A campaign is built by the characters’ dark secrets and disadvantages. By letting the players be an important part of the creative process, the gamemaster can use their ideas for their characters to create the foundation of the story they will play.

The campaign is created in these steps (you don’t necessarily need to do the steps in this order, but some steps can’t be done if other steps aren’t finished):

  • Choosing the setting for the story.
  • Choosing archetypes for the characters.
  • Choosing dark secrets for the characters.
  • Choosing disadvantages.
  • Creating a plot map.
  • Choosing advantages.
  • Distribute modifications on attributes.
  • Write down important equipment.
  • Present the characters.
  • Establish relations.

Choosing a setting for the story consists of two things: a place and a date. The setting will have big impact on the mood, themes and possible characters in the story. In KULT: Divinity Lost, you can play in a lot of different settings. The default setting is present day, but KULT: Divinity Lost isn’t fixed to this. You can choose any date and place you like.

Some examples of settings in old campaigns I have narrated are:

  • A favela (slum) in Rio de Janeiro, 2014
  • The Arctic science station Revelation, 1982
  • Storsjön campsite, Sweden, summer in 1976
  • London, 1895
  • Detroit, 2015
  • New York, December, 1991

Choosing archetypes for the characters have a heavy impact on the story.

First, it makes a big difference if the characters are sleepers, aware, or enlightened.

Sleepers don’t know anything about the big lie and have suppressed their dark secrets. A campaign with sleepers is going to let the characters understand that there is something wrong with the world at a slow pace, while the characters progress to being aware.

In a campaign with Aware archetypes, the characters know that something is wrong. They will probably be in conflict with the Illusion they live in.

Enlightened archetypes creates characters that are fully aware of the existence of the Illusion. They may not fully understand the Truth, but they have enough insight begin the Awakening. This means that enlightened characters are in conflict with the big dangerous players in the KULT universe, and will bring supernatural events and creatures to the stories. These characters play a dangerous game where one mistake could mean the end. Enlightened characters also struggle with their own humanity and their strings to their former lives. To walk the path of awakening means abandoning the false reality of the humans.

The players’ insight in the Truth of the KULT universe is also a good guideline when you decide which type of archetypes the players should choose from.

- Beginners of KULT could profit of playing sleepers that gain insight as their players do while the story advances. When the characters progress to aware archetypes, their players also know that there something is seriously wrong about the world. If and when they progress to enlightened archetypes, the players have also gained a greater knowledge about the Truth. You could of course let beginners play aware or enlightened archetypes, but that would probably require some explanation about the universe.

- Experienced players that have some knowledge about the Truth in KULT can start playing aware archetypes. They can of course play Sleepers anyway, because it creates a great prologue for the story.

- Players with full insight in the KULT universe can choose enlightened archetypes directly and jump straight into the intrigues of higher powers. We have decided to focus KULT: Divinity Lost mainly on the sleepers and aware characters. A few enlightened archetypes are present and enables an experienced KULT gamemaster to start here right at once. I usually demand greater knowledge about the universe for everyone involved. It may require the gamemaster to create some enlightened archetypes of her own, but that shouldn’t be a problem.

The second thing about archetypes is their impact on the story. In KULT: Divinity Lost, the archetypes influence the story. Even playing the same prepared scenario with two different archetypes will probably create two different stories. The reason is the advantages and themes that every archetypes brings to the game. A story with The Detective will have scenes with investigations, stake-outs and interrogations. A story with The Artist will have art, visions and madness.

Every archetype brings something unique to the table and, instead of ignoring that, KULT: Divinity Lost use it to influence stories.

Choosing dark secrets is the tool the players use to tell the gamemaster what they want the story to be about. In the campaign mode, there are three ways to choose dark secrets for the players: they could choose one dark secret that every character share, choose a theme that they center their characters’ dark secrets around, or choose dark secrets freely and let the gamemaster connect the dots.

If the characters share a dark secret, you get shorter stories with unified characters. An example could be my own first story with an early version of this system, where three childhood friends were haunted by a gruesome crime in their past. They had gone to an abandoned house to steal copper with their grim leader Bobby and one of the characters’ little brother, but something caused Bobby and the little brother to never come back from the house. When the story started, the characters had been out of touch for about ten years, and had more or less suppressed the memories of their dark secret. Then supernatural events and people from the past started to remind them of the dark secret and forced them to investigate what really had happened.

Choosing dark secrets with one common theme means that the players and the gamemaster discuss until they come up with a theme they like. Examples for themes could be:

  • An experiment that went terribly wrong.
  • A trafficking network.
  • A sinister cult.
  • The War in Afghanistan.
  • An mysterious artefact.
  • Demonic possession.

Choosing dark secrets freely doesn’t require any discussion. Every player just choose what she want and then tell what the character knows to the gamemaster. Later, the gamemaster try to flesh out the dark secrets and connect dark secrets on the plot map.

Choosing disadvantages - Every character have two disadvantages at the beginning of a story. Disadvantages are generators of drama and horror in the story. They work as moves but are different in two big ways:

- If a disadvantage is activated, it results in consequences for the character (and usually good story twists for the player).

- It is the gamemaster that gets moves or holds from disadvantages. These are used by the gamemaster to activate the disadvantage in the story. It could be a schizophrenic character that starts to experience hallucinations, a persecuted character that get trapped by her followers or a character with suppressed memories that get flashbacks that creates scenes from her forgotten past.

The disadvantages are great tools for the gamemaster to create horror and suspense and have great impact on a story.

When creating a plot map, the gamemaster writes down the characters and important people, creatures, places, objects, and events connected to the characters. The plot map is used as a tool for the gamemaster to keep track of important things in the story, and connect the characters’ dark secrets and disadvantages with each other and other NPC’s, things or events. As the story unfold the gamemaster expand the plot map as she add new things of interest to the story.



Advantages, attributes, and equipment influence the way the characters handles problems. Advantages are more powerful moves that are unique to each archetype. These moves can have great impact on scenes and will always influence the story when they come into play. Advantages can also be connected to dark secrets and disadvantages. When you roll for an advantage connected to the Soul attribute, it usually have supernatural effects which will bring more supernatural elements into the story. Characters with high Coolness will probably try to sneak, lie, and avoid direct confrontations, while characters with high Charisma try to talk their way out of problems.

The characters’ equipment choices tell the gamemaster about what type of story they want to play. If the players want weapons, armors or other weird or dangerous things, the gamemaster should ask for an explanation and use the answers for her story. If the players say that she bought a gun from a shady guy in the docks, you write the shady guy on your plot map and connect him to something else. When the guy shows up in the story, he already has a connection to the character.

When the players present their characters
, the gamemaster asks question about dark secrets, disadvantages, advantages and important things in the character’s life, in order for the gamemaster to to understand the characters better and get information that the gamemaster could use later on in the story. The other players can also ask each other questions to get to know each other better.

Some questions I usually like to ask are:
  • Who or what do you love most of all?
  • Where do you live? Do you live with someone else? How does your home look like?
  • Where do you like to hang around when you have nothing else to do?
  • Who are your best friends? Don’t you have any? Why not?
  • Have you ever hurt somebody? Do you feel guilty over it?
  • Who do you have sex with? No one? Ok, what do you do when you feel the urge?
  • Who or what do you dislike most of all? Why?

In the establish relations step, the players establish potential relations between the characters and come up with three NPC relations in their character’s life.

Every archetype has different suggestions for relations between characters. For instance, someone have been involved in The Detective’s case, or someone owes the Criminal money. The players are free to make up their own stories about why and how their characters know each other. If they want to be strangers from the start, that’s also OK.

The three NPC relations are of three different types: one neutral, one important, and one vital relation. To hang around a vital and important relation restore Stability to the characters. Is something bad happens to a vital or important relation, the character lose Stability and get stressed.

This mechanic ensure that relations remain important throughout a story, rather than just being names written on the character sheet and forgotten as soon as the play begins. The gamemaster will use the vital and important NPCs in the story to create conflict and drama. Vital and important relations can be friends, lovers, siblings, mentors and children to the characters. Neutral relations are contacts, co-workers, neighbors and other people the character are acquainted to.

When these steps are finished
, the gamemaster have a setting, background story, a plot map, threats that threatens the characters, important NPCs and a good hunch about what the players want for the story. The gamemaster could start playing the story with the players and make preparations between sessions, or she could take some time thinking about the story and preparing before the first meeting. Either way, she has some great tools for her KULT: Divinity Lost campaign.


Scenarios are great when the gamemaster want to play shorter stories or introduce KULT: Divinity Lost to new players. The disadvantage of scenarios is that they require more work from the gamemaster before play can begin.

In the scenario mode, the gamemaster makes preparations of her own and takes more control over the setting, backstory and choices of archetypes. The degree of preparations differs. Sometimes the gamemaster wants to create everything from NPC’s to characters before the story starts. At other times, she just has a great idea for setting and background for a story and give the players some guidelines when they create characters. For example, the gamemaster could tell the player that the story will take place in New York 1991, all the characters will be cops and that she has dark secrets and disadvantages prepared that she will give to the players.


These are the steps for creating a scenario (and most of these are optional for the gamemaster):

  • Come up with an idea for the story.
  • Choose a setting.
  • Come up with a backstory for the scenario.
  • Choose archetypes for the scenario.
  • Choose dark secrets and disadvantages and connect them to the backstory.
  • Flesh out the characters with details and stats.
  • Create threats connected to the backstory and the characters.
  • Create goals and steps to reach them for the threats.
  • Prepare important places and NPCs in the story.
  • Think about when the scenario should end.

After these steps are completed (or any subset of them), the gamemaster should have story prepared.


Dear regards,

Robin Liljenberg, head writer and designer


Trivia of The Week

When Robin finished his first KULT campaign in the late 90s, the players were so attached to their characters that they couldn’t bear to just put them in a box somewhere. Instead they put the character sheets on fire and spread the ashes one night over the black waters of Svartån (which roughly translates to “The Black River” in English).   
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 16.03.2016 | 21:44
Night Rant II über die 'Principles' (Archonten und Todesengel), die unsere Illusion aufrecht erhalten.

Update Nr. 20

16. März 2016
Nightly Rant, part II

Our Creative Director Petter ventured into the Swedish night, battling snow and cold, with distorted thoughts racing through his disturbed mind. A new nightly rant has arrived!

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 19.03.2016 | 21:40
Update Nr. 21

19. März 2016
Nightly Rant, part III

Our Creative Director Petter wandered into the Swedish night, climbing the lower levels of an abandoned citadel, contemplating dark secrets. A new nightly rant has arrived, which ties in with this update: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1037361623/kult-divinity-lost-horror-roleplaying-game-rpg/posts/1516521
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 21.03.2016 | 01:18

Diskussion hier (http://www.tanelorn.net/index.php/topic,94238.msg134358893.html#new)!
Update Nr. 22

20. März 2016
First Look - The Detective (Aware archetype)


Dear Kultists!

Here follows a preview on one of KULT: DIVINITY LOST's Aware archetypes - The Detective. Some of the info will be quite easy to follow, other parts will need understanding of the basic rules. Those of you familiar with PbtA type games will probably recognize parts.

Without further ado - directly from the mouth and mind of our Graphics Designer Dan Algstrand:

"The archetype design borrows a lot, naturally, from AW’s playbooks.

I wanted to fit everything onto one double-sided sheet, to make it easy to print yourself, and easy to reference at the table. The format is 280 x 210 mm, the common area of the US Letter and the A4 formats. This makes it possible to print the archetype at 100% scale regardless of whether you print on US Letter or A4.

The design is simple, and mostly black-and-white. Again to make it easier to print at home, and easier to read in a dimly lit gaming room. The typeface is the same I’m going to use in the book, chosen for legibility while at the same time being a bit quirky and odd.

Also: Keep in mind that this is an early preview. The design may, and probably will, change.

Link to The Detective:

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 24.03.2016 | 08:40
Black Madonna!  :d

Update Nr. 23

23. März 2016
Black Madonna Rising!

YEAH! You guys and gals did it! The Black Madonna unlocked! The Legendary campaign will return! For the first time in English ever!

The Black Madonna is the first major Kult campaign ever released. It originally spanned six chapters, including Berlin in the aftermath of the Berlin Wall tear-down, the breakdown of the Soviet Union, travel back in time to Stalingrad during WWII, and venture into the realm of Dreaming, for an epic journey that will change the characters forever.

The campaign will be adapted for play with the KULT: DIVINITY LOST rule set, and some changes to the flow of the story will be made.

Thanks everyone for this opportunity to bring back to life this pillar of horror, decay, insanity, and death.

Please share the news with your friends and gamers, on Facebook, Forums, and through other venues. Roughly one week to go!



-The KULT: DIVINITY LOST design team


PS. We have also added special Dice and a PDF version of the Narrator Screen, please check it out.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 24.03.2016 | 21:42
Und noch ein update: Seitendesign

Update Nr. 24

24. März 2016
The Interior Design preview

I had a lot of weird ideas when I started sketching on the interior design of KULT: DIVINITY LOST. Thankfully, I killed a lot of darlings.

I had to keep the red and black from the original Swedish game—but I also wanted a modern, contemporary horror look. One darling I didn’t kill is the use of metallic gold as a fifth print color. The tan border and text will be actually be printed in gold color.

As for the typography, I knew I wanted something odd but still legible as the main text typeface. Cue Alverata Irregular PE with its lovely quirks. For headers I simply had to use Infidel. I have waited for more than twelve years for a project where I could use Infidel. And Kult fits the bill perfectly. When choosing which variant to use, I went with the one where the tagline “Divinity Lost” looked best. For large drop caps I threw legibility overboard and picked the very weird Sokol. Quotes, flavor text, and captions will use FS Grandpas Script.

I went through dozens upon dozens of typefaces before I decided upon the above four. One important criteria was that every typeface I use must have complete language support for every language using the latin alphabet. If KULT: DIVINITY LOST is ever translated into different languages, those versions can use the same typefaces, however many weird diacritic marks, å’s, ä’s or ø’s that particular language may use. I also set the type to allow for diacritic marks so thatthe same type size and line height may be used without parts of characters colliding.

The overall design should be clear and legible, while simultaneously conveying the mode and tone of the Kult setting. But I wanted to make sure that there is something odd, something not quite right on every spread. Take a look and see for yourselves.

This is an early preview, made with placeholder text in Swedish (or gibberish). The final design may, and most probably will, change.

Thanks for your time,

- Dan Algstrand, Graphics Designer KULT: DIVINITY LOST

Chapter intro page - "Beyond Madness". Something is off...

Large fullpage images will break the text flow.

Image censored for this preview. It will be shown in full glory in the book
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 24.03.2016 | 21:47
Nachdem 'Black Madonna' jetzt freigeschaltet wurde, gibt es neue Stretchgoals.
Guckst Du: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1037361623/kult-divinity-lost-horror-roleplaying-game-rpg/description
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 27.03.2016 | 20:38
Update Nr. 26

27. März 2016
Tarot will influence the world!


You guys and gals said you wanted a Tarot deck. Now, with breaking through the 1,7M SEK barrier and shortly crossing 3000 Likes on Facebook, we reshuffled the remaining Stretch Goals, and made the Tarot deck available as an Add-On early! The rest of the Stretch Goals were also adjusted in the process.

Please spread the word of the campaign and if not, please visit the KULT: DIVINITY LOST Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/ and "Like" it to get general KULT updates.



 -The K:DL Design Team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 28.03.2016 | 18:12
Update Nr. 27

28. März 2016
Tarot PDF added

A quick update - we have included a PDF only version of the Tarot deck as an Add-On, and also clarified that the physical Tarot deck also includes the PDF-version.


Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 28.03.2016 | 18:14
Noch 3 (DREI) Tage!
Do it! Do it now!

Update Nr. 28

28. März 2016
Taroticum returns in the Scenario Collection book!

Kultists! My dearest of humans.

Things move quickly! New record and stretch goal reached.

A printed book containing all unlocked Quick-Play Scenarios as a collection, plus the classic Kult adventure "Taroticum"! The book will be in hardcover, full color, and share same premium quality targets as the core rule book. Expected page count 250+.

Please note that the Kult Tarot cards deck is not required to play the Taroticum adventure.

Please share the news and updates.



Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 29.03.2016 | 18:53
Heute gleich drei Updates.
Update Nr. 29

29. März 2016
Let me carry your burden...

Kultists! Oh my, you rock the Illusion at its foundation!

New stretch goal unlocked - again!

This time something different - maybe less hardcore - a custom metal pin with the Sephirot symbol, that you can attach to your lapel or other parts of your clothing, to show your allegiance with the Archons of Metropolis. Make sure you will identify other Kultists easily.

Also, a practical bag, in which you can carry your KULT: DIVINITY LOST books and accessories.  One side shows the Sephirot of the Archons, the other the Qliphoth of the Death Angels. Which side will you expose?



Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 29.03.2016 | 18:56
Update Nr. 30

29. März 2016
Interview with Twisted Tales online

Interview with the KULT: DIVINITY LOST design team, about the upcoming game. Check it out and learn new secrets and insights!

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 29.03.2016 | 18:59
2000: Poster für alle!
Update Nr. 31

29. März 2016
2,000 Backers reached!

Your numbers will be Legendary!

To celebrate the great milestone of reaching 2,000 backers, we will give each and every backer who have backed on a Pledge level including a Core rule book (PDF or Print), all unlocked Posters, in digital PDF format!

Onwards! Two days left! Spread the word, and share the news! :-)



Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 29.03.2016 | 19:03
Ich teile hier mal die Antwort auf meine Anfrage über FB, ob es eventuell alternative Wege zur Teilnahme am Crowdfunding zu Kickstarter gibt (Stichwort: keine Kreditkarte):

Hello. Thanks for your message. Right now the only way is to use the Kickstarter infrastructure which is payment by credit cards.

However, you are not the first to ask this, and we are looking into finding a way after the campaign. Please check the KULT Facebook page for any such updates.

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 29.03.2016 | 19:15
Update Nr. 32

29. März 2016
When the last Death Angel cries!

Kultists! Mankinds finest!

The final seal has been broken, the Illusion trembles with anticipation! The last stretch goal has been fulfilled. With the 2M SEK level reached, the official KULT: DIVINITY LOST soundtrack becomes available.

Various artists will provide music and sounds to your Kult experiences. The music will be made to suit for actual play, adding mood, tension, and emotion to a scenario.



Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 29.03.2016 | 20:31
@ camouflage: Danke für die Info!

Jetzt gleich zum nächsten Update: neue Stretchgoals.
Update Nr. 33

29. März 2016
Two days to go - new Stretch Goal announced

Our dearest Kultists,

Once we reached 2M SEK we were pretty much sure that no more Stretch Goals would be presented. We have made sure throughout the campaign to minimize risks and focus on unlocks that could sustain themselves both financially and time-wise.

On the other hand, we kind-of like Stretch Goals. :-)

So we will add a new one every 100k SEK, up to the end in roughly 48 hours.

Each will be a new archetype (in the same vein as The Ronin, or The Deceiver, before). One other aspect we wanted to have was that these Stretch Goals all would be "free" (as in, not an "Add-On"). Given the success you guys and gals made possible with your support and faith, this is something we feel is right at this final stage of the campaign.

First out is The Drifter, a quite interesting, and different, archetype, whose survival skills and anonymity will work miracles in the highly surveillanced world of today.



-Marco, Petter & Robin
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 30.03.2016 | 16:36
Update Nr. 35

30. März 2016
The Occultist unlocked - The Agent stands ready!


The Occultist will be added to the range of archetypes. Nice one!

Next up is The Agent, an operative who has planned, seen, and executed some of the most covert operations in the world. Who probably know too much. So They are out to get you. Fighting both an external and internal battle to stay alive. Use your superior combat skills to quickly take down enemies, and your wits to outsmart everyone else.



Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 31.03.2016 | 10:52
Update Nr. 36

30. März 2016
The Agent unlocked - The Broken is sighted
My, my, my.

With almost a full day left of the campaign, The Agent arrives.

Next in line is The Broken - someone who has stared into the Abyss, escaped, but with his/her mind shattered. Sometimes an eccentric, sometimes a bum, sometimes a patient of a mental hospital, sometimes on the run. Regardless, The Broken sees things, and sense the Illusion in ways no other does.



Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 31.03.2016 | 10:54
Update Nr. 37

30. März 2016
Add-On Calculator and Bundles


We have added a Add-On Calculator here:


It is a downloadable Excel sheet. Please use it to make calculations. Please note that you can add multiple instances of a single Add-On (for instance 5x "Dice Add-On", for a total of 10 dice).

We have also added two "Everything" bundles, for Physical and for Digital. They can be found by the Add-On section on the main page. Copies are added to this Update for convenience.



-Marco & Petter
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 31.03.2016 | 10:55
Update Nr. 38

30. März 2016
Note about limited numbered editions.

Information - please note that limited numbered core rule book editions (METROPOLIS, INFERNO, DEATH ANGEL, ARCHON, ASTAROTH) will not be available once the Kickstarter campaign ends.

So if you want one, you have app. 24 hours to make your choice.



Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 31.03.2016 | 10:57

Update Nr. 39

31. März 2016
The Broken unlocked - The Cursed screams

Lovely humans,

The Broken runs off into the group of assembled archetypes.

The Cursed steps in from the darkness. An archetype who is doomed. Who will die. Or become lost in oblivion. Maybe The Cursed will doom friends and family as well. In knowing you cannot escape your fate, only avoid or try to prolong it, you gain powers great for the here-and-now.


Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 31.03.2016 | 17:13
Update Nr. 40

31. März 2016
The Cursed unlocked - The Doll stands obedient

The archetype The Cursed is here!

In the corner The Doll stands ready. The Doll strives to break free, to be human again, and to assume control of its own life while others strive to possess it. It has lived a life in submission, as an outcast, a prisoner, a freak, or a trophy. Feelings of emptiness and tragedy resides within, as well as dreams of hope, love and happiness, that over and over again is shattered.



The KDL Design Team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 31.03.2016 | 17:15

Update Nr. 41

31. März 2016
Guide to end-of-campaign credit card charges

Information about the process of Kickstarter Credit Card charges

Kickstarter usually starts charging your cards within a day after campaign ending. It's likely that some banks in the USA might refuse the payment. Kickstarter uses Stripe to process payments and sometimes US banks see this as a strange foreign transaction.

Please also verify you have funds available on your designated credit card, and that your card information (like expiry date) is up to date, in your Kickstarter Account.

You can prevent this by contacting your bank early and let them know to expect a Stripe payment request.

If there is a problem with the payment Kickstarter will email you and let you know. Make sure you check your spam filter/inbox so the email isn't lost.

You just need to tell your bank that it's a legitimate payment and then hopefully it should go through. We will also see failed transactions at our end and will email to see how we can help.

If your payment isn’t authorized within a week, Kickstarter will cancel your Pledge. We will try to help you as much as possible to make sure this doesn’t happen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 31.03.2016 | 23:38
Update Nr. 42

31. März 2016
The Doll unlocked - The Descendant makes an appearance.

With only 4 hours to go, The Doll is unlocked.

The tormented The Descendant makes an appearance.

It is the blood, soul and, heritage that weighs heavy on the shoulders of The Descendant. The archetype is an offspring of some mythic ancestor, a now dead family, a lost God, chosen by a dark cult, or maybe the heir of some unknown power. It is the past that haunts The Descendant - the Sins of the Fathers. It may be dark pacts, servitude to demons, or an upbringing filled with abuse and violence that still lingers on.



Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 31.03.2016 | 23:39
Update Nr. 43

31. März 2016
Modiphius to distribute KULT: Divinity Lost!
9 Kommentare
22 Personen gefällt das

We have the great news to announce that Modiphius will act as distributor for KULT: Divinity Lost world-wide! Modiphius, known for games like Achtung! Cthulhu, Mutant Chronicles, Infinity, and the record breaking Conan Kickstarter, will help Helmgast with the promise of delivering KULT: Divinity Lost to Kultists around the globe.

Modiphius: https://www.modiphius.net/
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 31.03.2016 | 23:41
Update Nr. 44

31. März 2016
The Descendant unlocked - The Nephilim arise

Close to the finish line, The Descendant is unlocked!

And The Nephilim arise!

The Nephilim is an enlightened archetype. An unholy merge between one of the Angels that once served the Demiurge, and a human. Torn between two worlds, twisted by not belonging in either.

Beset with suffering and bouts of madness from the angelic essence as well as glimpses of divinity from the human soul. A wanderer between worlds, a half breed, an outcast, hated and despised by most of the followers of the Archons and the Death Angels.



-Marco, Petter & Robin
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 31.03.2016 | 23:46
Update Nr. 45

31. März 2016
Thank you all!

For believing and making this dream come true. We had never dreamt of such a great turn-out for a niche, edgy, controversial, horror RPG from 1991. It is amazing! Thanks everyone, from the bottom of our hearts!

We are really eager to finish the game in English so you all can play it, tell us your terrifying epic stories, and help us expand on the captivating KULT world, setting, and mythos.

Helmgast has a product line-up planned for years to come, with over a dozen products. Flesh, gore, blood, and beauty. The poetic grotesque. The sublime violence.


Kickstarter usually starts charging your cards within a day after campaign ending. It's likely that some banks in the USA might refuse the payment. Kickstarter uses Stripe to process payments and sometimes US banks see this as a strange foreign transaction.

You can prevent this by contacting your bank early and let them know to expect a Stripe payment request.

If there is a problem with the payment Kickstarter will email you and let you know. You just need to tell your bank that it's a legitimate payment and then hopefully it should go through. We will also see failed transactions at our end and will email to see how we can help.

If your payment isn’t authorized within a week, Kickstarter will cancel your Pledge. We will try to help you as much as possible to make sure this doesn’t happen.


In a couple of weeks we'll invite you to a Pledge Manager website. This will have the pledge you chose and the total spent. You then go through and select all the Add-On's you wanted. You can change your mind on what you picked, change your Pledge, upgrade it, and pay for Shipping. You'll be able to pay by Credit Card or PayPal for any extra's.


A very humbled KDL Design Team,

-Marco, Petter & Robin
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 3.05.2016 | 22:42
Update Nr. 46

3. Mai 2016
A month of hidden pain

Dear Kultists! A month has passed since the closing of the Kickstarter campaign, and while we have been somewhat silent, plenty has happened behind the Illusion.

After careful evaluation we have decided to go with PledgeManager (https://www.pledgemanager.com/) as our, well, Pledge Manager. We are in the process of setting it up, and will get back to you all with invites as soon as it is ready. Expect this to take about two-three weeks.

The KULT: Divinity Lost Forum is expected to arrive in August. We want to be able to have translated materials finished for you guys to devour and review at the same time.

The translation process is ongoing but has hit a few bumps (with one departure and one illness), and we are currently reviewing candidates to add additional people to the pool.

We have had more playtests in Sweden, with great and scary success. Mental note is that Zug Island in Detroit is a very … special place.

We will get back to you all shortly, with updates and invites. Stay true and fear Inferno! .


-Marco, Petter & Robin

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 30.05.2016 | 21:41
Tongues in motion, flesh consumed

Dear Kultists and other lost Gods,


An update to where we stand with KULT: Divinity Lost.


  • Overall, the project is progressing nicely. We have had further play tests, for balancing and tweaks.
  • We have recruited two new translators, which will replace the ones lost in space and time (for reference, please see our earlier update). We have lost some time during this extensive process, but it was important for us to get the right people on this, rather than use the first available resource. Even with the Editor coming online to massage the texts it is always a great help to have the original manuscript in as good state as possible, which we believe we will have with the new guys. We will analyze the impact the delay will have during the summer as to the final product’s release date.
  • Pledge Manager will open in June – this is associated with our quest for translator replacements, which we put focus on first. We apologize for the shift in expected launch date.
  • As a sample, we have added a snippet from the “Beyond Passion” chapter of the core rule book. It is an un-edited non-final text, but we are happy to show it to you, the fans, as an early preview. It is available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jx9zxbw0uddk7jk/KULT_Divinity_Lost-Beyond_passion_preview.pdf?dl=0 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/jx9zxbw0uddk7jk/KULT_Divinity_Lost-Beyond_passion_preview.pdf?dl=0)


With humble regards,

-Marco, Petter & Robin
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 2.07.2016 | 11:39
Update Nr. 48

1. Jul 2016
The Midnight Sun

Dear Kultists,

This is Petter speaking. I hope that the summer is treating you well. I am myself isolated in the north of Sweden and my days and nights are devoted to Kult. It seems all but fair to give you a short update.

The translation of the rulebook is going nicely and we are very impressed with the work from both our translators.

Some excellent news is that we have in our hands both a translated version of The Black Madonna as well as Taroticum. We are now editing these classic adventures to fit the rules and visions of KULT: Divinity Lost. We are making sure to keep the mood as well as structure of these classic adventures but are adding material that will better connect the player characters to the story and getting them more involved.

We are also working with the the Quick Play scenarios that will be free to download online as well as be included in the Scenario book. Some of them are penned by Petter and Robin, but we have also sought the talent from established RPG-writers from around the globe, as well as some of the writers from previous versions of Kult. From what I have so far read you are all in for something horrendous, beautiful, erotic, and twisted. Each scenario glimpses behind the veil and reveals a piece of the grand puzzle of the Kult mythos.

As to the Pledge Manager. We had originally planned for setting it up with a base in the UK, to handle world wide shipping. However, the “Brexit” outcome has created questions for us whether it is sound for us to pursue our original plan, or if we are to relocate base to another country. This evaluation and talking to experts in the field will take some time, and right now we cannot really say when it comes online - our new target is late summer. We understand that this causes frustration, for which we apologize. As a small token of appreciation for your patience, we have decided to add a new Quick Play Scenario to the mix, bringing up the total to 7 QPS.

So, we are up to speed on the production side of things. Stay tuned for we have some more announcements to make in the near future.

Ps. I was planning to make another Nightly Rant video but I don't know if the midnight sun and rural landscape will be too disturbing and un-kultish. We will see.


Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Ahab am 8.08.2016 | 08:55
Fellow Kultists!

New month, new update! The core team has been away on a short vacation, but the project soldiers on.

The translation of KULT: Divinity Lost is progressing. Several chapters are ready for final editing. The bulk of the core rules has been transformed into English and are currently being reviewed. New images are coming at a steady pace. We are in discussion with candidates for the role of Editor for the entire project - a very important position as that person will make sure all materials sounds, tastes, and breathes the same throughout.

Robin, the projects head writer, is busy with playtests and producing the Quick Play Rules. As it looks right now, they will be quite meaty and contain the basic rules, four archetypes, the system for creating KDL scenarios, and some other things. The ideas is to allow for actual KDL sessions using these Quick Play Rules.

A full draft translation of The Black Madonna is done! It is a balancing act getting tone and pacing right for this massive campaign, in conjunction with the framework KDL offers. Some areas within the campaign will be edited, or redone, but the overall plot will remain largely intact.

We have decided to continue with our plans of having a central distribution hub for the game located in the UK, despite the Brexit outcome. This has also allowed us to continue with the Pledge Manager work, which will come online as soon as possible. Some of you have asked for how long the PM will be online, once launched. We will have to come back on that - our intention is to have it online for as long as possible, to allow for order changes or shipping address updates.

Still a lot of work ahead of us, and we really want to show you more stuff. I expect as we progress, more and more near-final previews will be presented.

Until next time, and may you never step through the Illusion!
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 8.08.2016 | 12:10
Danke für das Update. Bin gerade im Urlaub und hatte keine Muse dazu.  😉

Gesendet mit nem Smartphone. Tippfehler dürfen behalten werden.

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 6.09.2016 | 08:01
Moments of Ecstasy and Regret

Fellow Kultists, welcome to the symphony of flesh! 

This monthly update will contain a lot of info, so strap in and don’t be lured by the echos of Metropolis beckoning you to enter the dark places!   

Covers for The Black Madonna and the Quick Play Scenarios books 

We are very pleased to announce the new covers for the first two major books for KULT: Divinity Lost. Both made by the magnificent Bastien Lecouffe Deharme, who made the cover for the Core rule book (Illusion and Enlightened editions). It is great to get a coherent look and feel to the products, that is distinct and beautiful. Please enjoy the images presented.   




We regretfully need to announce that our expected shipping date will slip into spring 2017. When doing calculations and going through the project we realize we will not realistically ship in the original timeframe, while maintaining the quality and supreme standard we aim for. We want all texts to have ample time with our editors, to make sure they are top notch, for example, and are not willing to compromise with this stage, just to shave off some time. We fully understand that some of you will be disappointed with the news, but hope you understand our reasoning behind this tough decision.   

Pledge Manager 

The Pledge Manager will launch this week! The final touches have been made, the delicate machinery tuned, and the gateways are prepared for the onslaught of willing souls. It is great to see it all coming together, finally. An email will be sent out to all backers once the Pledge Manager opens, and updates will be made on Kickstarter and on Facebook.   

Some notes: 

-- The shipping fee that was automatically allocated in the Kickstarter when you selected a physical reward (80/95/150 SEK, based on destination) will be available to you as a non-allocated credit, which is to be confirmed the final stage of the Pledge Manager process. This means you can technically use your shipping fee for acquiring add-ons (thus having to pay shipping for your base reward again).   

-- Shipping for your selected physical reward was set at a fixed rate during the Kickstarter campaign, and was drawn from your credit card at that time, back in March/April, together with your chosen Pledge reward. However, as stated during the Kickstarter, any shipping fees for add-ons is to be paid in the Pledge Manager, and this is based on total weight of the add-ons (not including the base reward, as it has the fixed shipping fee of 80/95/150 SEK). We still intend to ship all the stuff in a single shipment though, so base reward and add-ons will come in a single package.. 

-- You can now allocate the additional funds you added during the Kickstarter campaign, for add-ons, to the actual products you wish to get. If you have changed your mind since the Kickstarter campaign, you can select other add-ons instead, as you will have the credits available to choose whatever items you wish. If you wish to get more add-ons than you paid for during the campaign, you can do this using the Pledge Manager as well. 

-- For backers of the ARCHON or DEATH ANGEL COLLECTOR’S EDITION rewards - you will get the choice of ranking your preferred specific book, from 1-10, where 1 is your first choice, and 10 is your last choice. Your original backer number will determine which actual book you will get, based on previous backer choices. (Please note that the cover art is just a place holder showing the names.) It will work like this:

Each backer needs to list all 10 Archons (or Death Angels) in preferred order. That would mean that even backer #5 has the chance of getting his/her preferred first choice (if not backer 1-4 had that as their choice). So the first entry that hadn't been selected by anyone would become "my" selection.

For example: 


1 - Kether 
2 - Chokmah 
3 - Binah 
4 - Chesed 
5 - Geburah 
6 - Tiphareth 
7 - Netzach 
8 - Hod 
9 - Yesod 
10 - Malkuth           
Say I am backer #3 to choose, and the above is my list of preferred order (my most wanted book is Kether, least wanted is Malkuth). If Backer #1 choose Binah as First Choice and Backer #2 choose Hod, then I would get my first choice - Kether. If backer #1, #2 and #3 (me) had the exact same preferred list (the above), the backer #1 would get Kether, backer #2 Chokmah and I would get Binah. 

(Btw - The corresponding list of the DEATH ANGELS are: 

-- Unclaimed copies of ARCHON or DEATH ANGEL COLLECTOR’S EDITION will be available as add-ons a few weeks after the Pledge Manager launches, for an opportunity to grab one (or more) of these select collectibles (5x Archon and 2x Death Angel). We will give ample warning when the last few books will be available. 

Digital Editions 

We expect to start releasing digital materials about one month prior to shipping the physical books.   

Quick Play Rules 

The Quick Play Rules are being translated and finalized. It will be a meaty document of about 20,000 words, giving you the ability to start experimenting, exploring, and playing KULT: Divinity Lost scenarios. There are a couple of weeks away before publication, but Robin has made great job in condensing the core essence needed to dig into the horrendous and fascinating world of KULT: Divinity Lost.   

Until next time! 


Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 8.09.2016 | 23:09
Update #51

Sep 8 2016

Pledge Manager to go live Friday!

Hello Kultists!

A quick update - the Pledge Manager will go live around 14.00 (2 PM) local Swedish Time tomorrow Friday 9th of September. We will post a new update when the invitation emails starts rolling out.

Thank you,

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 9.09.2016 | 07:10
Gibt es eigentlich ein konkretes Datum ab dem man das regulär kaufen kann?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 9.09.2016 | 15:45
Nein, die Crowdfunder sollen wohl ab Frühling 2017 ihre Pledges bekommen. Ich nehme an, dass es dann kurze Zeit später im Handel sein wird. Bei Modiphus kann man aber vorbestellen. Suche später den Link raus.

Gesendet mit nem Smartphone. Tippfehler dürfen behalten werden.

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 9.09.2016 | 19:04
@ Lushwoods. Den Link zu Modiphius findest Du im Diskussionsthread (http://www.tanelorn.net/index.php/topic,94238.msg134413920.html#msg134413920).
Und weiter mit den News:
Update #52

Sep 9 2016
Pledge Manager is live!


The KULT: Divinity Lost Pledge Manager is now live. Emails with invitation links are being sent out to all backers. The emails are sent in batches during the next 2-3 hours, so please don't panic if you haven't received one right away.


What if I don't see the invitation email yet?

Make sure you give the system time to send out the email to you - it will take a couple of hours to send them all. But if you don't have an email in your inbox in a couple of hours time, you can do the following.

Check your spam folder.
If you use Gmail, sometimes your invite will go to your "Promotions" tab. If you still can't find it, search your inbox for "PledgeManager"

If that doesn't work:

  • Click - https://helmgast.pledgemanager.com/projects/kult-divinity-lost
  • Click "Request New Invite"
  • Enter your email address (must be the one you pledged with) 
  • Wait at least 10 minutes - then go to your email, open the invite, and click the giant button to confirm all your goodies 
And if that doesn't work, check the FAQ page @ https://helmgast.pledgemanager.com/projects/kult-divinity-lost and submit a support request.


There's something wrong with my pledge!

That's not impossible. If you notice something is awry, you can submit a support request at https://helmgast.pledgemanager.com/projects/kult-divinity-lost or send us a message directly to info@helmgast.se and we'll look at it for you. Please note that the Support is located in Sweden, so responses may take a while if a request is sent during the off hours.


What if I need to change my address?

 As long as your items have not been shipped, you can always change your address. Just simply log back in to PledgeManager at https://helmgast.pledgemanager.com/projects/kult-divinity-lost and make the appropriate change. You can change this as many times you want, as long as the items haven't been shipped.

However, if you change your country, additional shipping costs may apply.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 3.11.2016 | 22:31

Update Nr. 53

3. Nov 2016
The Roaring Silence in the Abyss

Dear Humans,

As the gilded prison of Elysium grows colder, with longer nights, more shadows, and people scurrying about, facing down into the pavement, we continue our mission to develop KULT: Divinity Lost - both short- and long-term! 

First, let me start by apologizing for the long downtime with radio silence. We have been focusing on development and had our minds stuck in pushing the project forward as quickly as possible. And while that is good for the project as such, it isn't fair to you guys, as you want to know what is going on, and silence often feeds uncertainty. We will step it up to the monthly update routine we had before, and be quicker on emails and messages online.


The KULT: Divinity Lost - Quick Start Rules ("QSR") are moving towards translation completion. Our target deadline for having the full QSR text in English is November 14th! It will then be put into layout and prepared for you guys to dig into. We aim to have the QSR launch late November or early December.

Please note that we have chosen not to have the texts put through final proofing or editing, as we expect the QSR to be updated several times as we expect to get a lot of feedback from you guys! The first launch is our “Beta 1”, so to speak.

The QSR is a condensed version of KULT: Divinity Lost, but will be fully playable. It will contain four Archetype player characters, the core mechanics, some brief lore (the QSR is aimed to people who have prior insight into the overall Kult Mythos as such), tools for the GM how to play, and example creatures from Elysium, Metropolis, and from Inferno.


Around the same time as the QSR is released, we will open up the KULT: Divinity Lost backer forums, to allow for a place and environment that caters to discussions, Q&A’s, feedback, and social interactions between backers, and backers and Helmgast.


All backers of the ARCHON COLLECTOR'S EDITION and the DEATH ANGEL COLLECTOR'S EDITION pledge levels have claimed their unique copies of these very limited edition core books. We will now offer those books remaining to the backers - as add-ons in the Pledge Manager.

If you already have finalized your order, you can always get back in the Pledge Manager and re-open it.

The unique books remaining are:


  • Netzach
  • Chesed
  • Chokmah
  • Hod
  • Yesod


  • Chagidiel
  • Golab
They will be available on Friday, November 4th, from noon (12.00 PM) EDT (“New York time”) in the Pledge Manager. (For reference - the time corresponds to 17.00 Swedish time.)


The full campaign The Black Madonna has been translated and is currently being adjusted to ft with the KULT: Divinity Lost rules framework, and stats. We are also adding some introductions to the world the campaign takes place in - Germany and the Soviet Union anno 1991.

We were debating updating the whole thing to fit into a 2017 setting, but realized we would not longer have the true version of The Black Madonna anymore, so the adventure will be more or less as it was when it came almost 25 years ago (with the updates mentioned earlier). So welcome to a world without the Internet or cell phones, and PC computers with powerful 386 CPU’s.


We in the KULT: Divinity Lost development team all know how important it is to keep momentum up post-launch of the promises made in the Kickstarter campaign. Many campaigns suffer post-launch due to “creator fatigue” or people just getting burnt out due to sheer amount of work to finalize and launch. (And we have lost so many to the furnaces in Inferno already!)

We have already set up a roadmap for development of products for the next five years. And not only a roadmap- we have also allocated talented writers to these projects already, to make sure we don’t end up in a one-year-plus slump post launch. We intend to fully explore the world of KULT: Divinity Lost for a long time - with settings, campaigns, quick-play scenarios, and rule expansions. We want this to be a very alive and vibrant product line, for years to come.



-Marco, Petter & Robin   
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 18.11.2016 | 20:01
Update Nr. 54

18. Nov 2016
The sacred scriptures have been delivered

Fellow Kultists - 

A quick update to confirm we have received the translated texts for the KULT: Divinity Lost - Quick Start Rules

The texts will enter layout and be ready for release in about two weeks, give or take. 

It is both scary and exciting to finally be able to invite you more hands on into the world of KULT: Divinity Lost! 


Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 8.12.2016 | 23:45
Update #55

Dec 7 2016
The arrival is near
Hello Kultists!

The KULT: Divinity Lost team has this evening received the first draft of the KDL: Quick Start Rules from our graphics designer. Current form is about 50 pages long. Still need a little time to polish stuff before release - but it is close now!



Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 20.12.2016 | 07:45
Update Nr. 56

20. Dez 2016

The Artist sees with a Thousand Eyes


Update - The KULT: Divinity Lost - Quick Start Rules (which will launch under another name) will be released on Wednesday. We just received it, and want a day to check it out, before launch. 

A preview page here:



Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 21.12.2016 | 20:27
Update Nr. 57

21. Dez 2016


Dear Kultist!

*** Please read this! ***

We are happy to announce that the KULT: Divinity Lost - Quick Start Rules will be available for download in an hour or two. Before that, we would like the chance to set some expectation management as to what they actually are.

The QSR is a condensed summary of the rules from the KULT: Divinity Lost Core Rule book, due in 2017. The PDF is 56 pages long.

With this PDF we wanted you - the curious, the longtime fans, the twisted minds, and the lost souls, to be able to pre-play, try the rules, create scenarios, and experience horrifying stories with your friends.

Due to the condensed nature of this summary, almost no world information is present - so it will be easier for old-timers to pick up and play quicker. For the rest of you who are new to the world of Kult, please check out the web for a general overview.

Also, most rules are shown matter-of-factly, with fewer examples or motivations into why they are as they are, compared to the full Core Rules.

And in order to reduce file size, the number of images are kept to a minimum.

Please note that we list this version of the Quick Start Rules (“QSR”) as “Alpha version 0.1” - so a Work-in-Progress document.

That means the following:
  • The texts has gone through the first pass of translation from Swedish to English, but no further proofing has been done as of right now. 
  • Our highly experienced native-English speaker Editor hasn’t edited the texts yet. 
  • We prioritized releasing the QSR early, and before Christmas, meaning we had to put a hold on proofing and editing. 
  • The QSR does not show actual final pages from the Core Rules book - this is a unique summary, specially made for being the QSR booklet. So the final Core Rule books may look completely different.

With that said, there will be typos, “swenglish” phrasing, strange formatting, some rules may need clearer descriptions, etc. So please expect that! This is a Work-in-Progress document, and you are invited right into this process - for better or for worse!

Coming to feedback - We very much would appreciate feedback from you on matters focusing on rules and mechanics - if the Moves make sense or not, or if they are written in a confusing way.

Pure typos or strange phrasing will be picked up at a later stage when our proofing and editing passes are done early next year.

If you are new to the KULT: Divinity Lost game line, and want to get a copy for yourself, you can Pre-Order KULT: Divinity Lost in the Modiphius web store: https://www.modiphius.net/collections/kult  (https://www.modiphius.net/collections/kult)

Let the torment commence!

Humble Regards,

-The KDL Design Team

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 21.12.2016 | 21:44
Update Nr. 58

21. Dez 2016

Quick Start Rules Arrival


Please read previous update (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1037361623/kult-divinity-lost-horror-roleplaying-game-rpg/posts/1769519 (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1037361623/kult-divinity-lost-horror-roleplaying-game-rpg/posts/1769519)) for more info about the Quick Start Rules, and what to expect.

Link to PDF: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ekz7nm6tdk2ivlr/KDL%20QSR%20Alpha%200_1.pdf?dl=1 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/ekz7nm6tdk2ivlr/KDL%20QSR%20Alpha%200_1.pdf?dl=1)

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 9.01.2017 | 21:06
Update #59

Jan 9 2017

Most Anticipated RPG of 2017!

Dear Kultists!

KULT: Divinity Lost
is on the Most Anticipated RPG of 2017 list, over at En World, which we are very excited about!

If you feel you want to support us, please cast a vote.

http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?514852-Most-Anticipated-RPG-of-2017-The-Official-Poll! (http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?514852-Most-Anticipated-RPG-of-2017-The-Official-Poll!)

Thank you! 

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Urias am 11.01.2017 | 13:07
Sag... kann man die ganzen Add-ons später auch regulär kaufen? Hab gestern das erste mal so richtig durchgeschaut was es so alles gibt und bereue es ein wenig nicht gebackt zu haben.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 12.01.2017 | 10:31
Sag... kann man die ganzen Add-ons später auch regulär kaufen? Hab gestern das erste mal so richtig durchgeschaut was es so alles gibt und bereue es ein wenig nicht gebackt zu haben.

Die Frage würde ich gerne wiederholen.
Ich weiß auch nicht warum das so an mir vorbei gegangen ist.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Viral am 12.01.2017 | 10:40

das kennt ihr oder ...
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 12.01.2017 | 13:08
Kannte ich, aber irgendwie fehlt mir der Überblick über die Add-Ons und Versionen.
Und ob alles aus dem Kickstarter später regulär erhältlich sein wird.
Kann's kaum erwarten das jetzt endlich mal in meine Hände zu bekommen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Urias am 12.01.2017 | 18:26
Ne kannte ich noch nicht. Dankeschön!
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 14.01.2017 | 17:12
Und wer ist auf Platz 3  der "Official 10 Most Anticipated RPGs of 2017"?  ~;D

http://www.enworld.org/forum/content.php?3781-And-Here-Are-The-Official-10-Most-Anticipated-RPGs-of-2017%21#.WHotvT2cbUI (http://www.enworld.org/forum/content.php?3781-And-Here-Are-The-Official-10-Most-Anticipated-RPGs-of-2017%21#.WHotvT2cbUI)

Weitere Diskussion bitte hier: http://www.tanelorn.net/index.php/topic,94238.msg134452106.html#new
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 6.02.2017 | 16:23
Update Nr. 60

6. Feb 2017

The Screams Within

Darkest Kultists!

Thanks everyone who have played and discussed the KULT: Divinity Lost Quick Start Rules! It has been great to hear about your experiences and listen to your discussions.

While we took a break during the Holidays, we are back in full force with finalizing the core rules, the Black Madonna campaign, the Quick Play Scenarios, and the rest of the stuff that was unlocked during the Kickstarter. Our translators are busy churning out new chapters, and our editor is creating word magic with the texts. If we can continue at this pace, we aim for a printing date in late spring.

We have had delays with the launch of the web page and forums, and have decided to outsource the work to an external party, in order to “get shit done”. We apologize for this. Our goal is to present you guys - the fans - with materials and texts, up until we start printing the game, using the site.

Development of materials that will come after the massive haul from the Kickstarter is also ongoing. We don’t want to create a vacuum after release when nothing happens or is being created, so we have enlisted several prominent freelancers (in order to have minimum impact on the KDL core team’s time). We are looking into expanding the core rules further with such expansions, and also supply you with campaign materials, including ready-to-play scenarios.

What kind of materials would you most like to see after the initial launch of the Kickstarter items? Please let us know!



Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 21.03.2017 | 22:05
Update Nr. 61

21. Mär 2017

The Cursed Ones


Let’s jump right into the fire, with a status update. 

This is the first document, the current complete list of Advantages in the game, we release publicly to you guys. It is some 35 pages in PDF format. The document will be open for comments, so anyone with access can comment on anything. The material is in the first pass of translation, but hasn’t been through editing by our editor, so expect some strangeness. Any kind of feedback is appreciated - from wording, or poorly explained rules, to names, and mechanics. Also, please feel free to use the list together with the Quick Start Rules, to spice up the player character choices for picking Advantages.

Link is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o88m5s87pjfsuds/KULT%20Divinity%20Lost%20-%20Advantages%20PUBLIC%20FEEDBACK.pdf?dl=0

Originally, our intent to have the forums up and running before opening the gates to material for you guys to proof, analyze, and comment upon. With that not being the case, we have to improvise, and will add the first document for review online now and see how this goes. Feedback on this process is much appreciated. 

As for the rest, the Core Rules are mostly translated. Several Kickstarter add-ons are also being finished - like The Black Madonna, and Taroticum, and the Quick-Play Scenarios. What is lagging is the website and the KDL Forums. I dare not give an ETA on that at this time, but it is being worked on (sickness has been rampant during the winter, which push the timeline, to everyone's frustration).

For our Swedish backers, we also want to let you know that Helmgast will be present at Sweden’s largest RPG convention Gothcon (during the Easter, in Gothenburg), where we will run a KULT: Divinity Lost scenario, called Oakwood Heights.

It takes place in Detroit, Michigan, during the cold, snowy winter of 2015, where a group of Law Enforcement Officers and member from the DA’s office revisits a horrific murder crime scene together with the murderer, in order to reconstruct the chain of events. 

Link to the scenario: http://www.gothcon.se/xli/innehall/arrangemang#/id/276

After the convention is over, we aim to release an English version of Oakwood Heights as a Quick Play Scenario free online, for you to use together with the KULT: Divinity Lost Quick Start Rules


-Marco, Petter, and Robin

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 26.03.2017 | 21:51
Von der KS Diskussionsseite:
Helmgast AB -- Projektgründer -- vor 2 Tagen
Thank you for this feedback. We will discuss internally and see what we can do - it helps us knowing there is support for having feedback rounds on actual game texts out there with you guys, even if the logistics probably means the products will be finished somewhat later.
Then again, after the books are released, all that matters is the quality they are in, so...

shawn hanson -- vor 2 Tagen
"then again, after the books are released, all that matters is the quality they are in, so..."
Very very wrong. The tone used to communicate with your fan base, the open communication vs the radio silence, the honoring what you say or being shifty and obscuring what went on for delays, all these things will follow even after the books are in our hands. Especially on a platform like Kickstarter, where we've "paid in advance" to help fund the release of the product, the vibe you give as creators will very much affect future successes.
The previously mentioned Onyx Path has lost (and looses more with each silent delay...Years overdue sometimes) huge amounts of purchasing gamers due to "we only tell you stuff when we deem it needed" mentality and openly hostile moderating of their forums and unfiltered comments to backers...They need a better PR presence for sure, but many gamers won't touch their products again after one or several Kickstarter projects. Amazing quality books, but they're loosing their backers.
Another project just wrapping up here on Kickstarter, a lunch box and containers, lied to it's backers, missed every deadline for product and for news releases, refuses to answer emails from backers and deleted any negatives from their Facebook page.....But they've shipped the pledged items finally...I doubt since they've shipped they've kept much client base, not due to product quality but due to them as creators.
No, I don't think that ALL that matters is the quality of the books.

Helmgast AB -- Projektgründer -- vor 1 Tag
@shawn - I agree completely and I apologize for the poorly phrased sentence. My reference was supposed to be about the actual books _only_, that once they are released, the actual quality of the books matters, and not the date they were released on. I wasn't referring to the whole campaign or the future of KULT: Divinity Lost beyond the campaign, but I see my phrasing could be read that way.
I am the first one to own the fact that we have been poor lately with having regular updates, and understand the suspicion it creates. I have talked to the team about it and we have some ideas to elevate the level of communications, and also adding people to the KDL support team, to free up precious time for the core KDL team (me, Petter, and Robin). /Marco
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 12.04.2017 | 18:33
Update Nr. 62

8. Apr 2017

From Hell and Back - Mr. Fryer

Fellow Kultists!
I wish to introduce an important cog in the development of KULT: Divinity Lost. Our editor. 

Since we who have written KDL are swedes it was important for us to get an editor that could get the texts to the highest possible standard. But to find a professional editor that understands role playing games and especially the complex horror and mythology of the Kult setting was no simple task. 

Many tried… and well… at least one died (but let’s not talk about that sad incident). 

And then, after a conversation with one of our scenario writers everything fell to place. Not only did we find a professional editor, we also found a person who has written for the 2nd of Kult.

Enter Jason Fryer


A freelance writer for over twenty years, he has been an avid RPG player since 1979. Since that time, he’s written/designed for several table-top RPGs, including Kult 2nd edition, The Dying Earth, and – most recently – AMP: Year Three. He’s playtested for Atlas Games’ Ars Magica system, as well as served as line-reviewer for White Wolf’s Inphobia magazine. In addition, he's published short stories in semi-pro magazines, and received a Pushcart nomination in 2003. Currently, Jason is working on projects for Cyphercaster Magazine and Pelgrane Press. 

However, his true dark love has always been the Kult RPG. After an open-call, he wrote and designed for Kult 2nd edition, including Purgatory and an unreleased supplement.

And now he is our editor and it’s a true pleasure to have him on the team. 

PS. The scenario he has written for KDL: The Atrocity Exhibition, draws the players into an artist’s depraved world where nothing is certain, not even death. It is something truly unique, weird, artsy and horrifying. 

PPS If you want to say hello to him he can be found at: https://plus.google.com/111375144842154759246 

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 12.04.2017 | 18:36
Update Nr. 63

11. Apr 2017

Easter Rituals

Fellow Kultist. 
Here are three of the archetypes that were unlocked in the final phases of the Kickstarter. The Agent, The Cursed, and The Doll

The core KULT: Divinity Lost team, Robin, Petter, and Marco, will spend this Easter at GothCon - Sweden's biggest role playing convention, in Gothenburg. So if you are in the neighbourhood, stop by our store and say hello! At GothCon, we are also hosting one of the most popular official scenaro - Oakwood Heights.

In other news I have just gotten several tracks from the Dark Ambient project (The KDL Soundtrack) and it sounds truly foreboding and chilling. Hope to share more of that with you soon. 

/Petter, mythos writer and creative director.


Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 19.04.2017 | 23:29
Update Nr. 64

19. Apr 2017

That what Drives You to Your Doom


We are back after being submerged at GothCon, with previews of KULT: Divinity Lost, as well as organizing the official KDL scenario Oakwood Heights. Many were called, few survived! Oakwood Heights will now go into translation and will after that be released as a free Quick Play Scenario online, for everyone to use and abuse.

We wish to thank you all for the over 100 feedback comments received on the Advantages document. We really appreciate it, and our master text documents have been updated based on the feedback given, and are now going to our editor. Your suggestions have made the descriptions better, more clear, and given us a fresh view on some rules that we hadn't seen before (mostly due to tunnel vision). Again, thanks for that.

We intend to have all of the core rulebook shown, with a new feedback round, once the texts reach beta stage (which will be when they are edited and put into layout).

The next text ready for feedback, comments, and scrutiny is the Disadvantages. Same caveats as before - the material is in the first pass of translation, but hasn’t been through editing by our editor, so expect some strangeness. Any kind of feedback is appreciated - from wording, or poorly explained rules, to names, and mechanics.

Link is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/arxt15mgbgz6k9p/KULT%20Divinity%20Lost%20-%20Disadvantages%20PUBLIC%20FEEDBACK.pdf?dl=0

Until the next time!



Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 29.04.2017 | 14:08
Update Nr. 65

29. Apr 2017

The Man Behind it All - An interview with Nils Gulliksson

There would never have been a Kult if it wasn’t for Nils Gulliksson. As the lead artist at Target Games, he was the one that pitched the dark, modern, horror game to the studio. Michael Petersen and Gunilla Jonsson wrote the game and added their own ideas but Nils stayed on board as project lead, together with Johan Anglemark. He is also the man behind Kults distinct visual style.

Nils "Nisse" Gulliksson


In Sweden he is well known for his illustrations for RPG's like "Drakar och Demoner" (Dragons and Demons), "Mutant", "Kult", and "Mutant Chronicles". He is now on a book-signing tour for his new artbook with his collected fantasy illustrations.

We did catch up with him on GothCon to squeeze out some Kult-lore.




When I was working with the horror RPG "Chock" (a Swedish translation of the RPG Chill) I felt frustrated with the classic concept where the players were a group of investigators working for a secret organization fighting evil. It felt so predictable. So, when we had a pitch meeting for new games I dug up one of my ideas. I wanted something modern and gritty. Where the players weren’t fighting for “goodness” or to “save the world” and where you could stop a creature with pure violence and not just obscure magic rituals. No more Lovecraftian horrors with tentacles and giant monsters, neither castles in the countryside with a vampire in a coffin. This game should be something more up close and personal. It should be in our world. In our big cities.


Many sources. Both Stephen King and Dean Koontz, James Herbert and of course Clive Barker – but when it comes to Barker I am more into his ideas rather than his stories. I also took a lot of inspiration from comics such as Neil Gaimans Sandman albums which had great stories and magnificent covers by Dave McKean. I was also very much inspired by artists like Bill Sienkiewicz and Duncan Fegredos comic Kid Eternity. There is actually one specific cover artwork by Manuel Sanjulian that inspired me a lot. It is the cover for The Great and Secret Show by Clive Barker. It was a lot of characters, they were twisting and taking different shapes. The whole image was vague and unsettling. I drew a lot from that artwork when I pictured Kult in my mind.


It should fit the theme of the game. Very urban, hints of sexuality, symbols and hidden meanings. So, I went with collages as the general art style. Images should blend into one another and sort of drown in darkness. The goal was to create a feeling and mood rather than a specific scene.


It feels great! From what I have seen it seems very interesting and fresh and the new cover artwork is absolutely amazing. I am looking forward to see what you have done with it. …

If you want to check out Nils art book you can find a link for it here (http://frialigan.se/product/nils-gulliksson-illustrationer-och-skisser/).


Art by Manuel Sanjulian


Art by Dave McKean from Sandman


Art by David Grove


Art by Duncan Fegredo [Kid Eternity]


Art by Duncan Fegredo [Kid Eternity]
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 8.05.2017 | 17:27
Update Nr. 66

8. Mai 2017

Never forget our Guardians fear us!

Dear Kultists!

The last couple of weeks have been busy with logistics and planning. As with any massive Kickstarter campaign, with many different items and different tiers, and with a worldwide audience, it is very important for us to make sure the right things gets delivered to the right person. We believe we are in a good place for this now. 

We will start manufacturing of add-on items before the end of this month. When it comes to “The Big Three”, as we call it (“The Core rulebook”, “The Black Madonna”, and “Taroticum and other Tales”) we are now looking at starting printing in August. 

The individual status of these are that translation of the Core Rulebook is finished in nine days time. Our editor will then do a first editing pass, and after that we will present the materials to the community for additional proofing and feedback, and then it will be finalized. So expect to see a lot more materials like the Advantages and Disadvantages coming online in June. 

The Black Madonna is fully translated and with first pass editing done. Based on playtest feedback we will enhance some parts of the original campaign, to streamline the experience. We are also finishing up NPC stats, to follow the KULT: Divinity Lost standard, rather than the original ruleset from ‘91. A new chapter is added to present the world of 1991 (which is when the campaign takes place) as what was current affairs back when the campaign was released is now 25 years ago, is now considered “ancient history” accoriding to some playtesters, for easy access into this grand adventure.

Taroticum and other Tales is finished and is being polished. The various scenarios are quite different from each other but they all catch the unique KULT feeling and mood. It will be very interesting to hearing your feedback on the scenarios, once released, as our future plans include doing more books like this, with the focus on mostly shorter quick play scenario style adventures.

One question for you guys - during the original Kickstarter campaign, the digital PDF version of the Quick play scenarios, we didn’t include the Taroticum adventure - it was only present in the printed book. We are considering changing this approach, and add it to the PDF version also, but are interested in your feedback, as this is a change from what was previously communicated. 

The web forums are also being finalized. We are missing some texts and moving the development base to our live site. More info to follow. 

We get questions about the when the Pledge Manager will close. We don’t have an exact date set yet, but a general target range is late June to July.



Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: tartex am 8.05.2017 | 17:36
Süß, dass man 1991 erklären muss. :)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 13.05.2017 | 23:15
Süß, dass man 1991 erklären muss. :)
Meine Gedanken. Auf Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/posts/1694595910840195) kam eben dieser Auszug. Einige Fehler sind noch drin, besonders das wiedervereinigte Deutschland wird mMn zu oberflächlich dargestellt, aber grundsätzlich finde ich das gar nicht schlecht.
Dear Kultists.
We are just about to send The Black Madonna on its final round of editing on Monday evening (the 15th of May).

We have polished and streamlined the campaign and updated some aspects of it but we realized that we need an introduction to the world of 1991. Something that sets the tone of the era.

So here is the general introduction for the GM. This has not been edited yet and are in many ways "raw". But it would be great to have some insights from you and if you think that some things are lacking that defines the era.

If you have any comments, please write them in the document.



https://www.dropbox.com/s/o7nw7a1iyluak0n/The%20world%20of%201991.pdf?dl=0 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/o7nw7a1iyluak0n/The%20world%20of%201991.pdf?dl=0)
Trotzdem: Wer sich berufen fühlt, kann da gerne noch etwas hinzufügen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Ahab am 23.05.2017 | 23:03
Falls es jemanden interessiert: Ich habe den Charakterbogen und die Spieler-Moves für meine Runde übersetzt. Ich poste einfach mal die Links hier. Falls das gegen die Forenregeln verstößt, einfach löschen, dann müsst Ihr mir halt ne PN schicken.

Moves (https://www.dropbox.com/s/ztrwym71qnf24xj/KDL%20Moves%20DE.pdf?dl=0)
Charakterbogen (https://www.dropbox.com/s/09x7w208mbmx9sd/KDL_QSR_character_sheet_DE.pdf?dl=0)

Den Move "Sieh' durch den Schleier" habe ich extra nicht in das Dokument aufgenommen, weil meine Spieler noch unbeleckt sind und ich sie im Dunkeln über die Natur des Settings lassen möchte.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 23.05.2017 | 23:28
Großartig! :d
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Grummelstein am 24.05.2017 | 16:20
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 13.06.2017 | 23:25

Update Nr. 68

13. Jun 2017

The Rusty Locks Crumble With Each Strike

Dear Kultists, 

It is time for a status update! First, thanks for your feedback on whether to include Taroticum in the PDF version of Quick Play Scenario book. Our take is that an overwhelming majority felt this is a good idea, so that will happen. 

The forum is ready to launch - the thing currently holding us back is how to administrate the Collector’s Forums part, and is something we need a few more days on. I have set next Monday as the final deadline, but it may be launched earlier (me being an eternally damned optimist!). 

The Black Madonna is delivered from editing and we intend to present you guys with materials from the book, to have a “community proofing” round for those interested, before final proofing and layout. 

The Core Rules are currently in editing. We intend to also have the Core Rules publicly presented as with The Black Madonna above. 

The free to download Quick Play Scenario Oakwood Heights are moving into layout, and then be publicly available. 

So many things are progressing nicely, but still plenty of details left. Thank you all for your patience. 


Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 1.08.2017 | 20:02
Oh ha, das letzte Update habe ich vergessen aufzuführen.
Update Nr. 69

3. Jul 2017
Gather around in the Halls of Echoes

Dear Kultists!

The KULT: Divinity Lost Forums are online. We made a soft launch about a week ago, to make sure any kinks were fixed before "official announcement". If you are interested in discussions with your fellow KDL fans or with us, the developers of the game, please join us at http://forum.kultdivinitylost.com/ (http://forum.kultdivinitylost.com/)
Please note that the Collector's Forum section will go online next week, as it requires us to do manual authorizations. More info about this will be shared at the same time.

In the Beta section of the forums, you can find the first batch of backer preview materials for public feedback - from The Black Madonna.

Also, we wish to confirm that announcements and news update will come online as Kickstarter updates as before, and we see the Forum and Facebook pages as mirrors of the Kickstarter news. Kickstarter should be the primary place for backer updates.


-The KDL Team

Update Nr. 70

31. Jul 2017

First, we are truly sorry for the delay on this project. We are gamers too and have waited for many games ourselves. We know how frustrating it is to be kept waiting for something one has been looking forward to. We thank you for your great patience and support.

The project has taken longer than anticipated and we wished for. There are multiple factors to this delay, and many of them have been highlighted here on Kickstarter before. The most significant factor is that the team underestimated the overwhelming response to the Kickstarter and the overhead and time it consumed.

Nevertheless, this project is moving forward. Critical parts are now completed: translations for Core Rule Book and the Black Madonna are now done and we have also secured almost all artwork (Tarot Deck illustrations are still to be delivered by the artist).

Reinforcing the team and improving communications

We are now reinforcing the KDL team with dedicated capabilities from Helmgast’s other product lines. Paul, from Helmgast’s management team, will assist with project management and communication as well as parts of the production. Shirley, who handles logistics and customer relations for some other product lines within Helmgast, will also help out with communication and production of some of the add-ons. Anton, who has vast experience of printing and production of “gadgets” (such as dices and card decks) will also dedicate time to KDL to assist the team. Other people from Helmgast will also assist with their respective expertise, such as graphic design, print production etc.  Marco will transition back to the core production team, and focus less on communication and customer support, and work together with Petter and Robin to fine-tune the final bits of KULT.

Apart from being able to ramp up the completion of KDL with these added resources, our communication efforts will be significantly improved, with weekly updates and better details on progress from now on.

Our Art Director completed the basic design and layout templates for KDL prior to the summer. You have already seen a preview of this in the Quick-Start Rules. From mid-August, he will start final layout of the texts and artworks that are done. First up is Oakwood Heights. Priority thereafter is of course the Core Rule Book, and making a first beta pdf available to backers.

We know you want to see more stuff. As soon as we have material to display, you’ll be the first to get to know about and see it! The coming days we will update you on the status of the KDL products in greater detail. More chapters of The Black Madonna will be added for public review on our forum page later this week.


It’s apparent that we are unfortunately not in a mode where we are able to release KULT: Divinity Lost late summer. With the new personnel resources dedicated to this project, we are now looking at a release in December 2017 at the latest (we are of course doing what we can to achieve speedier release). PDFs (both beta and final) will of course be distributed prior to that. With more detailed updates, we hope to restore confidence and also make it possible for you to more closely follow progress.

Again, we are truly sorry for what may be up to a 12 months delay in the end – but we will always prioritize quality to give you the KDL you’ll all been waiting too long for now.


the reinforced KDL team (Petter, Robin, Marco, Paul, Shirley, Anton)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 4.08.2017 | 00:42
Und das nächste Update:
Update Nr. 71

3. Aug 2017
Kultists - prepare to be enlightened!

Maybe not enlightened in the KULT: Divinity Lost mythos sense unfortunately, but at least by getting some more information on where we are with this project. Presenting you with the first draft of our "Tracker": https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9Yw6zTS7mOpSGxPbWRvRFQtTzQ

From now on we will update this weekly and post on Kickstarter. Sometimes as regular comments with brief information and the latest updated Tracker and in between, the Tracker will be included in updates like these with more information on progress of a certain piece, samples or other stuff that have progressed sufficiently to be presented.

Next week's Tracker update will present you with details on the planned release of the much anticipated beta material to the Core Rule Book, the Black Madonna and Taroticum and Other Tales.

Thanks for all your love, patience and support!
/the KDL team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 19.08.2017 | 19:03
Kaum ist man mal im Urlaub, kommen gleich drei Updates:

Das erste Update (Nr 72) Der Update-Tracker wurde aktualisiert und Infos über die anstehende Arbeit (Core Rulebook, Black Madonna Scenario und die anderen Scenarios (Taroticum and other Tales). Eine Rückmeldung, dass Feddback angenommen werde, man aber nicht auf alle antworten könne. Das Quickplay Sceanrio Oakwoods Heights soll bald erscheinen.
Update #72

Aug 12 2017


Dear Kultists,

It’s time for another update from the KDL team. Since the latest update things have moved along. Updated Tracker available here: Tracker (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9Yw6zTS7mOpcDc5TklJWXdpSk0) (we have not changed status for layout from “pending” since it has just commenced as per below - let us get back on that in following updates).

Our Art Director is back from vacation and has commenced layout production. Our artist for the Tarot Deck, Axel Torvenius, has started production and we will show some of the art in a later update. Further editing and translations have been made during the week.

The Core Rulebook is next priority. The plan is to release material to you as follows:

  • Core Rule Book - will be published at the KDL Forum as beta releases (text files without any layout). We will publish them in small batches so that there is time to read and comment on them - starting later in August. The Mythos chapters will be published in the Collector's forum only, which will be opened shortly.
  • Black Madonna - we will continue to release the remaining chapters for public feedback. Once your comments and feedback have been evaluated, layout of the Black Madonna will be completed.
  • Taroticum and Other Tales - when the layout is completed, each Quickplay Scenario will be published. The scenario Oakwood Heights will be the first to be released.

What about backer’s feed-back and comments?

We are eternally thankful to you who take time to care-take for KULT: Divinity Lost by commenting and giving us feedback - making this a truly awesome experience and game in the end!

Comments and feedback are to be made in the documents that are published on the forum. These are then being collected in a structured manner and processed. All will be read, but unfortunately we will not be able to get back to you on all specific questions and ideas.

Oakwood Heights

Finally, presenting you with a short introduction to Oakwood Heights - the Quickplay Scenario first in line for release: "It is a grey and cold winter’s day in Detroit, as members of the public prosecutor’s office and police force shepherd the accused Franklin Mills around his crime scenes, located throughout the city. The objective is to attain clarity of what happened on that fateful day back in August, the motive behind the cruel murders, the child who disappeared, and whether Franklin Mills really lost his memory."
Zug Island

Die Autorin Jaqueline Jax Bryk und ihre zwei Quick Play Scenarios, die sie für Kult schreibt, werden vorgestellt.
Update #73

Aug 15 2017

Meet Jax!

Greetings Kultists.

Meet yet one more of our writers for the Quick Play Scenarios.
Jacqueline "Jax" Bryk is a freelance writer and game designer from Delaware. Though she's only 24, she's no stranger to the industry, having won the Golden Cobra Award for Most Convention-Ready Design and being a featured guest at BreakoutCon 2017. Apart from Helmgast AB, Jacqueline has written for Onyx Path Publishing, Growling Door Games, Galileo Games, and Damocles Thread Development. In her spare time, she likes to yell at games like Civilization V and Crusader Kings II, model for photographers and visual artists, avoid arguments about politics, and attempt recipes she saw on Iron Chef America once.

You can see her love of cooking on display in her scenario, "La Cena", a family tragedy of dreams, expectations, and rage, set in Cold War era Miami. Her second scenario, "And The Rockets Red Glare", examines the plight of political interns, and asks how far one would go to to get what they want. Both will be available with KULT: Divinity Lost.

Update 74: Das Kult Collectors Forum wurde eingerichtet. (Mal sehen, was da so toll dran sein wird... Ich werde berichten.) Infos über die letzte Redaktionssitzung: Insgesamt sei alles im grünen Bereich, zentrales Ziel sei es, die Core Rules als Beta im Collectors Forum zu veröffentlichen.
Update #74

Aug 18 2017

Behold the Kult Collector's Forum and sneak peek of Oakwood Heights

Collector's Forum now open

The Kult Collector's Forum is now open! The forum is exclusive to backers on any of the Collector’s Edition levels. The Kult Collector’s Forum will get access to exclusive items and some material and previews will be published there earlier than in the open forums.

The Kult Collector’s Forum is part of the KULT:Divinity Lost Forum. If you are a backer on a Collector’s Edition level and want access to the forum, follow these steps:

  • Log in to the KDL Forum (forum.kultdivinitylost.com) - if you have not created a user, please do so first
  • Once you are logged in, click on your username in the top right hand corner of the KDL Forum
  • Click “User Control Panel” in the drop down menu
  • Click tab “Usergroups”
  • Select user group “Collectors” and click “Submit”
  • Once verified that you are a backer on a Collector’s Edition level, you will be granted access to the Kult Collector’s Forum.


The core team met up end of last week and over the weekend and made some good progress. Our Art Director have commenced work and Oakwood Heights will soon be released - giving you a taste of the KDL design. Other items are also progressing nicely - text writing, editing, proofing etc. We have also moved forward on some admin points (such as the important part of arranging for the massive packing and shipping upon release of the game). More details on this and an updated Tracker to follow in our next update.

Our main focus now is releasing the Core Rule Book as beta text. We will also present you with more of the beautiful (and sometimes horrific...) artwork coming weeks, as well as introducing some of our core artists throughout the fall. 

Oakwood Heights
Finally, we are happy to announce that Oakwood Heights will soon be released as pdf to backers! Here's a sneak peek of the layout and illustrations for you.
Oakwood Heights - coming quickplay scenario for KULT:Divinity Lost

Wishing you all a nice week-end and we'll catch up next week for yet another update and of course - more material from KDL!

/the KDL team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 26.08.2017 | 00:52
Das One Shot Szenario "Oakwood Heights" steht bereit. Es lässt sich mit den Quickstart Rules spielen.
Wer keine Zeit zum selber spielen hat, kann dem Podcast Red Moon folgen, die derzeit das Szenario "The Black Madonna" spielen.

Update #75

Aug 25 2017

Oakwood Heights now available for download!

Greetings Kultists 

Hope you have a nice weekend, and if you don’t have any plans, why not play Oakwood Heights? This is the first quick play scenario for KULT: Divinity Lost, written by one of the lead writers, Petter Nallo. It is a scenario for up to five people (one game master and four players) that takes place in Detroit. The four player characters are all Sleepers, which makes it easy for newcomers of KULT: Divinity Lost to pick up and play. The scenario is meant to be experienced during a single evening. Please, try it out and let us know what you think.

Link for the scenario: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwReOs1sJB1FXzZFeC1DRmNuNW8

If you don’t have the Quick Start Rules you can find them here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ekz7nm6tdk2ivlr/KDL%20QSR%20Alpha%200_1.pdf?dl=1

If you don’t have time to play this weekend but still hungers for some Kult, we again really recommend Red Moon Roleplaying and their ongoing high-production podcast. Right now they are playing The Black Madonna - the upcoming grand KULT: Divinity Lost Campaign. Warning! It includes lots of spoilers of course. Here is the link to their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RedMoonRoleplaying/ 

You'll get a new update on where we are mid-next week. We'll also start posting material for review on the KDL forum (forum.kultdivinitylost.com) in a few day's time. Some material will be exclusive for you who are in the Collector's Forum - see latest update if you haven't registered for that yet!

/The KDL Team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 3.09.2017 | 17:52
Im Update wird zum einen über den Fortschritt der Bücher gesrieben und zum anderen über die Veröffentlichung der Mythos Kapitel im Collectors Forum. (Letztere gefallen mir persönlich ausgesprochen gut. Sie bringen das Feeling der Welt in Kult sehr gut rüber. Ansonsten gibt es in dem Forum nicht so viel zu lesen.) Schließlich wurden die Player Moves aus den Core Rules veröffentlicht. Das ist besonders nützlich für die Quickstart Rules.

Update Nr. 76

3. Sep 2017
Weekly update and Player Moves for download!

Fellow Kultists,

It’s time for an update on status. The updated Tracker is found here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9Yw6zTS7mOpQjBoX3VTV1kxaUE

Last week saw the release of quickplay scenario Oakwood Heights. Our Creative Director Petter Nallo began the release of some chapters from the Mythos section of the Core Rule Book. These were released exclusively for backers with access to the Collector’s Forum section of the KDL Forum (see previous update for information on the Collector’s Forum and who has access). Petter is wrapping up some further Mythos chapters and our Head Writer Robin Liljenberg is wrapping other chapters from the Core Rule Book, so expect to see more of these being released coming weeks - both in the KDL forum as well as in the Collector’s Forum section.

As you’ve seen from the Tracker, the Black Madonna texts are well-progressed. The plan is to release those chapters which have not been released once we’ve published the above-mentioned Core Rule Book chapters.

For those of you who are, or about to be, using the Quick start rules, we’ve pulled out the Player Moves from the Core Rule Book into this pdf: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9Yw6zTS7mOpa0h3ZFk2V2VmRHc Enjoy!

We’ll be back next week with another update and of course, new material for release!

the KDL team

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 3.09.2017 | 17:53
Erwähnte ich schon, dass ich das Artwork saugeil finde?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 12.09.2017 | 18:52
Neues Update:

Update Nr. 77

10. Sep 2017
Metropolis - the dark, eternal city just beyond the veil


Another week has pasted with several items progressing nicely.

Core Rule Book
- more of the final outstanding items in the rules have been concluded on. From next week we'll focus our efforts on finalising these chapters so we can release them to you at the KDL forum as beta text. Meanwhile, a much anticipated chapter from the Mythos & Lore section of the Core Rule Book was released earlier this week - Metropolis - the dark, eternal city just beyond the veil of the illusion. The chapter is available for backers with access to the Collector's Forum on the KDL forum. Some of the artwork Metropolis artwork is seen below.

Black Madonna
- the chapters which have not been released at the KDL Forum have entered into the stage of final editing. One step closer to release - we'll update you on when these are available for your review.

All the best,
the KDL team

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 17.09.2017 | 22:09
Und ein weiteres Wochenupdate:
Im (Collectors-)Forum wurde die Kapitel "Beyond Passion" veröffentlich, das aber nur für bestimmte Backer lesbar ist. Allerdings wurde die Einleitung angehängt.
Weiterhin wurde noch ein Kapitel zum Szenario "Black Madonna" und das erste Regel Kapitel "Setting up a story" veröffentlicht.


Update Nr. 78

17. Sep 2017
Moving towards inferno!



As announced in the previous update, we have during the week released a new chapter from the mythos section of the Core Rule Book. The chapter, called "Beyond Passion" is mainly written by KDL's Creative Director Petter, with some help from a social worker who has worked with victims of sex trafficking. As reality is often worse than you first imagine it, the social worker's input added another layer to this chapter. As with all chapters from the mythos section of the Core Rule Book, this has been released for those with access to the Collector's Forum section of the KDL forum (forum.kultdivinitylost.com). An extract from the chapter's intro is found at the end of this update.

KDL's Head Writer Robin published the chapter "Setting up a story" from the GM chapters of the Core Rule Book. The chapter is available at the KDL forum and is the first of several GM chapters that give the GM the tools to play KDL with the approach of play to find out instead of prepared scenarios. This chapter gives tips on how the GM can utilize the players imagination in the character creation process to create fantastic KULT stories.

Furthermore, Marco who is part of the core KDL team, released another two chapters from the scenario the Black Madonna. As previously, both these chapters were released at the KDL forum.

What's next?

Robin is currently wrapping up the final outstanding items in the rules section of the Core Rule Book - so you can anticipate to see these chapters being published through out the rest of September. First chapter up is called "Character Traits" - dealing with the characters' dark secrets, disadvantages and advantages. Simultaneously we will also present KDL's archetypes and the artwork that goes with them.

Until next time!
/the KDL team


Intro to the mythos chapter "Beyond Passion":

"We all hunger to conquer and be conquered, to yield to our desires, lose control, and be transported to a place which exclusively revolves around pleasure. Passion is not love, but rather the selfish craving for satisfaction, which is the origin of our very existence. It controls everything we do and everything we are. Our self-serving nature was no secret until we were jailed into reality. When we were gods, our desires knew no limits. We devoured everything we came across and tossed the leftovers aside. Pain and pleasure were one and the same. We were each other's rulers, and we were each other's slaves. We allowed ourselves to be skinned alive in ecstasy, only to be reborn into a new body to continue our pleasures anew. We were beautiful and complete–not burdened with feelings of guilt, hesitation, or sympathy. Now, our diminished and captive senses cause us to fear the drives once embodied within us, and find it hard to accept and understand them. In contrast to death, which is a lie, madness, which is an attempt to escape, and our dreams, which are an expression of our soul, sexuality is greater than us. Passion is the safest and also the most dangerous escape into true reality. It can return a shard of our lost divinity and remind us of what we once were, but requires major sacrifices."
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 25.09.2017 | 00:16
Update: Einige Regeln wurden im Kultforum veröffentlicht. Im Collectors Forum weitere Mythos Kapitel.
Kommende Woche soll ein neues Statusupdate folgen. Weiterhin werden einige Interviews mit Autoren, Zeichnern usw. veröffentlicht.

Update #79

Sep 24 2017

Gates to Metropolis are opening


The past week have seen a number of chapters from the Core Rule Book being published at the KDL forum (forum.kultdivinitylost.com (http://forum.kultdivinitylost.com)). Chapters with the aware and sleeping archetypes as well as a chapter called character traits with all dark secrets, advantages and disadvantages were published. Another chapter from the Mythos section, the Underworld, was published in the Collector's Forum together with the Archons and Death Angels, providing an overview of the powers that control our world and the principles that ensnare us. Log on to the forum today to get a sneak peek of the material and don't miss out on the opportunity to influence the game by directly adding comments to the beta material. We're reading all of your comments and suggestions! A big thank you to those who have contributed and given us feedback, love and suggestions for improvements. We're eternally grateful for your contribution - turning KDL into an even better experience!

Next week we will update the Tracker and give you some more details on where we are and how well progressed the various products are. We are also completing a series of interviews with our artists, writers and other contributors. The interviews will be published together with our regular updates to give you some more flavor and insights into KULT: Divinity Lost.

Until next time!

/the KDL team

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 3.10.2017 | 17:38
Update: Ich hatte ja letztens das Artwork so gelobt. Jetzt ist eine kurze Selbstvorstellung des Künstlers (Martin Tomalak) zu lesen. Er arbeitet wohl u.a. für CD Projekt Red (Witcher PC Serie). Ansonsten wurden im Kult Forum das letzte Kapitel zu Black Madonna sowie zwei weitere Regelkapitel veröffentlicht.


Update #80

Oct 1 2017
Meet Marcin Tomalak - KDL's lead artist

Dear Kultists,

Let us peek behind the veil on some of the art for KULT: Divinity Lost. Below is an interview with our lead artist, Marcin Tomalak, and some of his beautiful artwork! However, first, an update on progress.

The past week

This week the last chapters of the Black Madonna were published at the KDL forum (forum.kultdivinitylost.com). As we are progressing on the final pieces of text (translations and editing) for the Core Rule Book, our Art Director is meanwhile working hard on the Black Madonna. The layout just looks great, and we will present you with some sneak peeks in due course.

As regards the Core Rule Book, two further chapters were presented at the KDL Collector's Forum this week - the Illusion and Elysium.

Too come

With these chapters published, we just have a few chapters from the mythos section of the Core Rule Book left. The Tracker is being updated and we will publish it the coming days. More interviews with the various artists will also be released - like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/) to get notified when these interviews are published (they will be published in these weekly Kickstarter updates too of course).

Until the next update - enjoy the interview with Marcin below!

/the KDL team

Interview with Marcin Tomalak

Hello Kultists. I’m Marcin, concept artist and illustrator currently working in the video games industry.

Since I can remember I’ve been in love with all kind of classic movies, especially legendary sci-fi/fantasy ones like Alien, Blade Runner, Terminator and Star Wars. Gritty visions of used, rusty and industrial worlds always resonate with me in terms of how believable they seem. Feeling that particular imaginary universe exists beyond the realms of what we see on the screen moves my imagination and inspires me to create and explore my own ideas. I always come back to works of artists and designers responsible for those classic movies - Syd Mead, HR Giger and Ron Cobb just to name a few. Before KULT I’ve been working in Atomic Jelly indie game studio on an interesting and crazy original game inspired by “Once Upon a Time... Life”. Right now I’m working as a concept artist in CD Projekt RED.

I had heard about KULT here and there on some fantasy conventions and from my friends, but before I’ve met Petter and Robin on Polcon in Poland I’ve never had a chance to know it better. When they introduced the world of KULT on the stage I was totally excited by it. The grotesque and horror, the deep lore, the history. It was like getting the best inspirations from Hellraiser and Matrix and mixing it with an unique flavour.

When working for KULT I was mostly aiming for realistic and moody style. Sometimes it proved to be quite challenging considering the fact that a lot of the paintings were grotesque and unsettling. One of my big inspirations for illustrating KULT was polish surrealist master painter Zdzisław Beksiński - few of the artworks I’ve created are direct homages to his masterpieces. I hope that my KULT artworks serve as a alluring invitation for both the GM and the players to explore the dark world of Metropolis.







Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 5.10.2017 | 23:22
Und zack, kommt das nächste Update: Der Tracker hat ein Update zum aktuellen Stand des Fortschrittes.
Black Madonna scheint nun fertig geschrieben und so gut wie fertig lektoriert und gelayoutet zu sein, auch das Core Rule Book steht kurz vor Abschluss. Dann stehen jetzt die Scenarios an. Ansonsten warten sie gerade auf die Bilder für's Taroticum und für einige Archetypen. Auch andere Dinge, wie SL-Schirm, Poster wurden wohl an andere Mitarbeiter ausgelagert und gedeihen gut.

Update Nr. 81

5. Okt 2017
News from the other side

Citizens of Elysium,

The team has taken inspiration from the chapter on madness and is working with bestial frenzy. During the coming two weeks, Head Writer Robin will publish at least another five chapters from the Core Rule Book at the KDL Forum and Creative Director Petter, aka Mr Night Rant (see the three Night Rant clips at Youtube if you’ve missed them: https://youtu.be/SPgz96iKRSs), will release the final four chapters of the mythos section at the Collector’s Forum in the same time frame.

With the release of the above chapters and all chapters of the Black Madonna having been released, the core writers will turn their focus to Taroticum & Other Tales and give the six scenarios (in addition to already released Oakwood Heights) to complete this book, the rusty love and treatment they deserve.

We are expecting delivery of some artwork in the near future. Mainly for the Tarot Deck, but also some new updated archetype artwork (a few of the draft artwork for archetypes we had in mind will be replaced).

We’ll continue with our series of presenting the artists to you together with some samples of their artwork.

What about layout then? Our Art Director has been working in the shadows. As material have been finalised for the Core Rule Book, his focus has been on the Black Madonna. That will now shift towards the Core Rule Book as almost all chapters are more or less done in terms of writing, translations and editing. Below is a sample of some of the layout completed for the Black Madonna.


Other ancillary items are also progressing (posters, Narrator Screen etc). Many of these are handled by others than the core team members to free up as much time as possible for completion of the main books. The updated Tracker (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XXd4WYXLjs0dib3OZZdRhkJWpccGmRtP0oFhDV3rhH6wVzDDsK5puVgHCtNvN6gAZTyrVpfXm77TApwr) gives you more details on progress.

In our next update you’ll be able to read more about Italian illustrator Daniel Comerci, on of our artists whose stunning art we quickly embraced. He will present himself together with some of his artwork.

Until next time,
Petter, Robin & Marco
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 15.10.2017 | 21:04
Neuigkeiten: Weitere Seiten des Core Rulebook wurden veröffentlicht. (Welche genau kann ich jetzt nicht sagen.) Weiterhin noch eine Selbstdarstellung des Zeichners Daniel Comerci.

Update Nr. 82

15. Okt 2017
Time to meet Daniel Comerci!

Dear kultists,

More chapters from the Core Rulebook have been released at the KDL Forum the past week - and more are to come. While the writers, art director, translators and editors complete there work, below are a few lines from amazing Italian artist Daniel Comerci together with some samples of his artwork produced for KULT: Divinity Lost.

Daniel Comerci

 Hi, my name is Daniel Comerci and I'm an italian freelance illustrator/designer. I'm working in rpg, miniature and videogame industry for years now, and worked in the past on both mainstream and indie projects.

I'm also an rpg author in a creative duo (blackbox-games.com) and a long time rpg player.As an artist I'm very interested and oriented toward everything obscure, twisted and deep, so I knew of the Kult universe many years before this new edition. I've loved the setting and his sense of loss, sin and despair, so It's needless to say how I was truly amazed to be part of that, and how the realization of each artwork was a really satisfying process for me.

Petter (KDL*s Creative Director) has been a great art director on this job, he always gave me maximum freedom and always allowed me to put my personal view on the images. During my collaboration I painted several creatures and entities of the Kult universe, and I would say you can expect "a magnificent decay" from them, as well as body fluids, sex, and rage of course.

I always tried to keep each artwork on the line between pure gory evil and a sense of beauty, of desire, and the biggest hope I have is that you'll enjoy them as much as me, that they can inspire you and your friends during play arousing your deepest corners.





Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 23.10.2017 | 00:09
Und wieder ein Update:
Update Nr. 83

22. Okt 2017
The man behind the archetypes!


It's time for another presentation of one of our illustrators. Ander Plana who made the archetypes and some creatures have written a few words below and some of his stunning character design is also presented.

On the production side things are progressing. More chapters have been released at the KDL forum, leaving us with only a handful non-published chapters. Ancillary items such as dices, postcards and posters have been ordered so we have it ready for you when books arrive to our storage. Next week a more detailed update will be published together with an updated Tracker.
Say hello to Ander Plana!

My name is Ander Plana and I live and work in Bilbao, Northern Spain. I'm an Art School graduate and work in a local newspaper as a graphic designer and lay-out artist. I love drawing and try to do it whenever I had the chance. I've been doing commissions for a while now, mainly for RPGs and boardgames but also some book covers and videogame concept art.

I remember Kult from back in 1994 when it was published in Spain. I recall looking at the art and reading through the setting at the local games shop but I never had the chance to play it. It's so cool to take part in the reboot of such a classic.

I've been doing illustrations for the archetypes and creatures and I'm really glad for that as I think character design is my strong point (sadly, the art of scene composition is lost for me) and I love adding little details on the characters that tell a story. It's been surprisingly easy to work on this project mostly thanks to the wonderful initial briefings and posterior feedback I've received. I just only had to retouch some monsters that weren't disgusting enough... and I assure you they were hideous from the start!


The Broken

The Occultist

The Seeker

The Avenger

The Artist
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 30.10.2017 | 22:01
Ein Update, dass das Update noch dauert.

Update #84

Oct 30 2017
Voices trapped in Gaia

Dear Humans,

Quick update from me, as resident Updater Paul is currently lost in the Swedish woods with no Internet connection - Helmgast and the KDL team has been away for a conference weekend, discussing and planning the last stretch before launch and also looking beyond. Once Paul has found his way back in a couple of days, a much fuller update and news will be presented.


Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 31.10.2017 | 09:08
Irgendwie habe ich mittlerweile das Interesse und die Begeisterung für das Game fast komplett verloren. Schade eigentlich.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: tartex am 31.10.2017 | 09:38
Irgendwie habe ich mittlerweile das Interesse und die Begeisterung für das Game fast komplett verloren. Schade eigentlich.

Also wenn ich zwanzig Jahre warte, kann ich auch fünfundzwanzig Jahre warten - oder fünfzig.  ;D Und irgendwann sieht man ja dann auch IRL, ob unser Kosmos nur ein Vorhang ist.  :o

Gefällt dir nicht, was du bis jetzt zu sehen bekommen hast, oder dauert es einfach zu lange?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 31.10.2017 | 09:46
Die lange Verzögerung hat ihnen leider schon einiges an Fanzuneigung gekostet. Auf der anderen Seite gibt es einige Hartgesottene, die weiterhin aushalten. Im Forum (http://forum.kultdivinitylost.com) gibt es ja jetzt einige Regelkapitel zur SC- und Kampangenerschaffung usw. und im Collectorsforum auch einiges an Background. Das ist geiler Scheiß, der mich auch ziemlich auf Trapp hält.  :headbang:
Ich denke, dass es bei Veröffentlichung noch zu einem weiteren kleinen Hype kommt, der ihnen weiteren Vorlauf gibt.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 1.11.2017 | 21:22
So neues Update:
Am WE gab es ein Projekttreffen des Kuklt:DL Teams. Mit dabei waren auch Gunilla und Michael, die Autoren der ersten Edition von Kult. Neben einer kleinen K:DL Testrunde wurden zukünftige Kult Projekte besprochen.
Weiterhin ein Update zum Stand der Dinge: Die Core Rules sollen Mitte bis Ende Dezember als PDF rauskommen, Black Madonna Ende November und alles andere Anfang Januar. Die gedruckte Version Anfang 2018.
Alle Kapitel, die bisher nicht im Forum veröffentlicht wurden, werden im Laufe dieser Woche dort eingestellt werden.

Update #85

Oct 31 2017

A weekend of meetings and greetings


It’s time for a project update with some more details and an updated Tracker.
Meeting in Metropolis
The KDL team had a project meeting over the weekend. Apart from the core team participating together with other members from Helmgast, we had some visitors coming by. There was even time to play some KULT: Divinity Lost, in the late hours of Saturday night. You might recognize two faces here.

Then and now - original Kult authors Gunilla and Michael together with Robin and Petter
Petter deciding to take that definitive roll. A roll turning out to end not only his own character's life, but also taking Gunilla's character with him whilst plunging down the cliff side into the unforgiving sea off the Scottish coast.

Gunilla and Michael (original authors of Kult first edition) stepped by and played a short impro scenario (using the KULT: Divinity Lost scenario creation system). In addition to participating in the gaming, Gunilla and Michael were there to discuss some secret, but very exciting, KULT-related things. They too have plans involving KULT, and as nothing is official yet, we encourage all fans to keep an eye open for what they’re cooking in the undergrounds of old town Stockholm.

Team members in intense discussions during the weekend. Occasional breaks were allowed - to boost creativity.

One main item discussed was obviously launch date. Our goal was to have the books out by Christmas, and it looks like we will have the digital version ready. However, the print versions will arrive early 2018, based on the estimates from our print partners, and also the time needed to make sure all materials have been presented to backers for the chance of reading and supplying feedback. We intend to have all chapters (only a handful non-published to date) from the Core Rules online at the KDL Forum during this week. We really appreciate the feedback the already released chapters have received from you. You are helping in making the final product even better. To further mitigate potential bottlenecks, we have allocated even more staff resources to the project. It's been a long wait, but we are very close to the finish line.

Progress details

More explicit details below. The updated Tracker can be download here (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9Yw6zTS7mOpaVFqcC1iYnlwNUk).

Core Rule Book

All chapters are written and translated. The final chapters which have not been published at the KDL forum will be so during this week. The core authors, Robin and Petter, are in the meantime updating those chapters which have been published at the KDL forum, incorporating backer comments. Artwork is available (with the exception for minor adjustments to some archetypes). As Robin and Petter have incorporated backer comments and the chapters have been finally proof-read, they will, one by one as soon as finalised, be sent to Dan “Dante” Algstrand (our Art Director) for layout. A pdf of the Core Rule Book will be available for download by all backers ahead of Christmas.

Black Madonna

Text and translations are done. A few illustrations need tweaks and so the artist responsible for these have been asked to update. 50% is finalised also in terms of layout. The rest will follow and a pdf of the Black Madonna will be available for download by end of November.

Taroticum and Other Tales

The second largest scenario (Oakwood Heights) is published and completed. For Taroticum all text has been written and translated, currently undergoing editing. The other tales are also written (and translated where written by non-native English speakers), currently undergoing edit and proof-reading. These will be sent for layout. We are in contact with an additional art director with the same excellent skillset that Dante (our Head Art Director) possesses, and are hopefully he will have time to do layout of these scenarios. Artwork is finalised except for one tale where additional illustrations are ordered and will be included. Expected delivery of pdf is January latest.

Player’s Handbook, Archetype Bundle, Deck of Cards, and Narrator’s Screen

Artwork available and what to be included decided on. Layout to start once Core Rule Book is completed.

Other items

Poster, Postcards and Dice ordered from supplier. We are still waiting on the final art for the Tarot Deck.

Kind regards,
the KDL team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 12.11.2017 | 23:44
Nach einiger Verzögerung (kein Update letztes WE) hier die neusten Neuigkeiten: Die Kapitel der Core Rules sind im Lektorat oder bereits im Layout. Sie bedanken sich für das Feedback im Forum. Das Tarotdeck wird mit mehr Künstlern bestückt, da es sonst zum Produktionsflaschenhals werden könnte. Die PDFs zu Black Madonna sollen Ende November erscheinen, kurz danach die Core Rules. Als Dienstleister für den Versand wurde GamesQuest  gewählt.

Update Nr. 86

12. Nov 2017
Your voices have pierced the veil of the illusion


Dear Kultist,

The Core Rule Book chapters are now either with the editors (for final editing) or with our AD for layout, so we'll be able to get the PDFs to you as per our latest time schedule. Our eternal gratitude goes out to those many backers which have commented on the chapters published at the KDL Forum. We have considered all of them and with your help the final product will be even better! For instance, following feedback on the the mythos chapter "Gaia", a whole new segment have been added to that chapter.

We have also progressed on the Tarot Deck cards with all cards in the Major Arcana having been finalised. We've also added AD resources to this project to ramp up layout as that is otherwise in the risk zone of becoming a bottleneck. We are looking forward to presenting you with PDFs of the Black Madonna before end of November, followed by the Core Rule Book shortly thereafter.

On the administration side we have decided to go with GamesQuest as fulfilment center. They have the right resources, experience and personnel for ensuring a quick turnaround of the KDL products you've ordered once they reach their storage directly from the printers. PledgeManager is still open, and will remain open at least until Christmas. In the next update we will communicate an exact date for closure of PledgeManager so we can pass on your individual order information to GamesQuest in order for them to be as prepared as possible. If you know you have changed your address since filling in the information in PledgeManager, please revisit your order information and update your address accordingly.

All the best,
the KDL team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 19.11.2017 | 22:21
Neues Update:
Nicht viel neues. Die bald kommenden pdfs werden erst mal als beta rauskommen, da der Drucktermin ja in den Januar verschoben wurde. Find ich persönlich ok. Der Pledgemanager schließt am 16.01.2018

Update #87

Nov 19 2017
Getting closer to enlightenment


A shorter update this week; things are moving along as per our latest schedule. The Black Madonna is soon ready to be published as beta. Considering we have postponed printing to the new year, we will release beta PDFs (rather than final versions). This will give us the opportunity to catch any last spelling errors, references or other things which despite all editing and the backers eminent assistance in reviewing the material, have slipped through. Final versions will be released in connection with the material being sent for printing early 2018. The same procedure will apply for the Core Rule Book, which is on track for release pre-Christmas.

We have also decided that PledgeManager will close on 16 January 2018 at CET 23.00 / EST 5.00 pm / GMT 10.00 pm / HKT (17 January) 6.00 am. Before such time you must have updated your address and closed your order for dispatch in the first round of send outs from our fulfillment partner GamesQuest. Check out this update for more information on how to log on to PledgeManager: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1037361623/kult-divinity-lost-horror-roleplaying-game-rpg/posts/1677033 (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1037361623/kult-divinity-lost-horror-roleplaying-game-rpg/posts/1677033)

Next update will be when the Black Madonna is available for PDF download with instructions on how to get it.

the KDL team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 10.12.2017 | 21:59
Im vorletzten Update kam die Beta zu "The Black Madonna" raus. Das ging leider nur an die Backer selbst. Im neuen Update gibt es ein Treackerupdate und die Prognose, dass die Core Rules bis zum 18.12. ebenfalls als Beta erscheinen.

Update Nr. 89

10. Dez 2017
Getting closer!


Work is progressing as planned. You will find the updated tracker here (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1d_88Ttygtq5wUeq3WnZSF0a4ae-U8NEc).

Our Art Director is working on finalising the Core Rule Book. Many chapters are complete, but still a number of them to go. As it looks we will hold the deadline and deliver pre-Christmas - we are expecting to be releasing the Core Rule Book Beta PDF Christmas week (i.e. week commencing 18 Dec). Dice and other items are due to arrive to our storage any day - the long wait for KULT: Divinity Lost is starting to come to an end!

As soon as the Core Rule Book is available, we will send out an update to all backers together with a link for download.

the KDL team

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 11.12.2017 | 17:31
Und zack, das nächste Update. Diesmal geht es um die Nominierung für den Enworld Award Most Anticipated RPG of 2018.

Update Nr. 90

11. Dez 2017
Vote for KULT: Divinity Lost!

Are you excited about the soon to be released horror RPG KULT: Divinity Lost? Make this known and tell the world over on Enworld’s vote for the Most Anticipated RPG of 2018.

The vote closes in just a few days time so make sure you don’t get lost in the Illusion before that. 

http://www.enworld.org/forum/content.php?4740-Voting-Is-Open-For-Most-Anticipated-RPG-of-2018!#.Wi5Rd0riYkk (http://www.enworld.org/forum/content.php?4740-Voting-Is-Open-For-Most-Anticipated-RPG-of-2018!#.Wi5Rd0riYkk)

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 18.12.2017 | 21:31
3. Platz bei den ENAwards für das am heißesten ersehnte Rollenspiel 2018!  :headbang:

Update Nr. 91

18. Dez 2017

KULT: Divinity Lost is one of the most anticipated RPG's of 2018!

We are humbled and grateful for your praise and excitement! We are very happy for our "medal position" (and bronze is very much a colour made for Kult!) and look forward to relaunching this beautiful and deep horror game early 2018. Again thanks to all our fans and voters!



Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 22.12.2017 | 21:31
Wieder ein Doppelupdate:
Nr 92 enthält die Ankündigung, dass sie ihre Deadline zur Beta nicht halten können und das pdf nur "Book I: The Lie" enthalten wird. Dieser Teil beinhaltet die Charaktererschaffung und die Basisregeln. “Book II: The Madness” und “Book III: The Truth”. Book II wird  der Teil für den Spielleiter und Book III für die Settingbeschreibungen. (Das Endprodukt wird aber alle drei Teile in einem Band enthalten.)


Update Nr. 92

20. Dez 2017

The Lie


We expect to release the first part of the BETA of the KULT: Divinity Lost Core Rules later this week (target date is Friday the 22nd). The complete Core Rules will consist of three distinct sections (or "books"), one for the Player, one for the GM, and one describing the world and mythos of the KULT: Divinity Lost universe. These three sections are called “Book I: The Lie”, “Book II: The Madness”, and “Book III: The Truth”, respectively.

(And to make it super clear - these three sections all will come in the form of a single physical book when printed.)

We had hoped to be able to release all three books at the same time, however Book II and Book III will not ready for BETA before Christmas, and are expected to arrive after the new year. Instead of waiting with Book I, which is in BETA, until the rest are ready, we split the Core Rules BETA release, and Book I arrives this week.

Book I: The Lie is the Player section, and will include Character generation, all aware level archetypes (the enlightened archetypes are included in Book II and III), the sleeper level player character, rules for how to create a new archetype, the full list of Advantages and Disadvantages and Dark Secrets, detailed Basic Moves, and Equipment and Gear (and weapons). In total 80 pages of information.

What BETA means is that the book is “content complete”, meaning no major additions or changes will be made. The BETA is missing some artwork and minor texts

We would very much appreciate feedback during the upcoming weeks, before we start printing the physical books. The feedback we would like to be pointed out is, for example, grammar mistakes, typos, formatting errors, and things that need to be tweaked or better explained. Major rewrites or structural changes will not happen at this stage. 

We have made the raw texts available during ALPHA stage, and really appreciated the feedback we got. If you made a comment during ALPHA and notice the error remains, please note it in the BETA for final catch-up. 


-The KDL Design Team

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 22.12.2017 | 22:46
Nr 93 ging heute nur an die Backer und enthält wie angekündigt Book I: The Lie.

Insgesamt 83 Seiten mit Charaktererschaffung (Archetypes, Advantages und Disadvantages, Dark Secrets, Erstellung eigener Archetypes), "Dramatic Hooks and Advancement" und den Basic Moves. Insgesamt gibt es 21 Archetypen, darunter auch den "Sleeper", der ahnungslos ist und sich für blutige Anfänger, die von dem Setting noch keine Ahnung haben, eignet. Alle anderen Archetypen sind "aware", d.h. sich darüber bewusst, dass etwas in der Welt nicht stimmt. Die Archetypen geben mehr den Grundton des SCs an. Sie sind nicht mit den pbtA typischen Playbooks gleichzusetzen.
Advantages und Disadvantages sind als Moves gelöst worden und geben dem SC die eigentliche Farbe, mehr als die Archetypen. Dark Secrets geben dem Charakter einen 'personal drive' und dem SL somit Möglichkeiten und Hinwesie, welche Themen er im Spiel einbauen kann.
Advancement bekommt man, wenn man bestimmte Dramatic Hooks erfüllt hat. Diese können zu Beginn einer Session festgelegt werden, zunächst vom Spielerdes SCs selbst, später von den Mitspielern und dem SL. Das kann z.B. sein: "Du solltest,  deiner Frau erzählen, dass Du fremd gehst." oder "Du solltest dort hin gehen, wo der Kidnapper dich geschnappt hat." Jedes Mal, wenn ein Hook erfüllt wurde, bekommt der SC einen Punkt Experience. Nach 5 Exp bekommt er ein Advancement. Diese sind typisch pbtA gelöst: Erhöhe ein Attribut, ein neues Advantage usw.
Nur der Archetyp Sleeper hat nur eine Möglichkeit: nach 6 Exp wechselt er zu einem anderen Archetyp. Er ist dann "aware".

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 13.01.2018 | 22:07
Oh, hab Euch vergessen!  :o
Update 94 ging nur an die Backer, allerdings sind keine Infos enthalten, die besonders geheim wären: Die Beta pdfs zu Book II und III der Core Rules kommen die nächsten Tage raus. Book II- The Madness soll spätestens im Laufe der kommenden Woche erscheinen.
Der Fortschrittstracker bekam ein Update und am 24.01. schließt der Pledge Manager.


Update Nr. 94 (Nur für Unterstützer.)

10. Jan 2018
The Madness and closing of Pledge Manager

We hope you've enjoyed the first book of the Core Rule Book which was released just before Christmas. We are now close to BETA release of "Book II: the Madness". This will include chapters aiming to assist the game master (setting up a story, creating a scenario etc), as well as chapters on influences and downtime. The texts for these chapters have previously been released at the KDL forum during the ALPHA phase. Again a big thank you to all that provided comments back then.

The BETA version of "Book II: the Madness" will be released as pdf through Dropbox during next week at the latest. That will then be followed by the last part, "Book III: The Truth" shortly thereafter - more details on that to follow.

The team have also progressed on other items and so the update Tracker is found [ur=https://drive.google.com/file/d/16kq2PXq1Ij6UGbiQ_nhrwrRKYjpZzu5c/view?usp=sharingl]here[/url]. We are nearly there now with all outstanding items and so more detailed information on printing, shipping and delivery will be published once all parts of the Core Rule Book is released as BETA.

Due to requests relating to the Pledge Manager from many backers, we have decided to leave it open until and including 24 January (CET). Thereafter PledgeManager will be closed. Please make sure to order any additional items and update your address if applicable prior to that date. No additional items can be added post 24 January as we will lock your orders and prepare shipping to ensure there is a minimum of time between delivery to our storage and send out.

As always, keep posting your comments in the BETA material and any questions or comments here at Kickstarter or the KDL Forum.

All the best,
the KDL team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 14.01.2018 | 15:59
Und das nächste Update: Es gibt eine kleine Vorschau auf das Tarotdeck. Weiterhin noch eine Erinnerung an den am 24.01. schließenden Pledgemanager.

Update Nr. 95

14. Jan 2018
The stars are aligned - a sneak peek of the tarot deck art

Worshipers of the Death Angels,

Upon your request, and in anticipation of the release of the BETA pdf of "Book II: the Madness", here's a preview of the art for the tarot deck. These wonderful illustrations, with many more in the same style, will decorate the tarot cards. All illustrations have been delivered, and post layout of the Core Rule Book and Taroticum & Other Tales, the tarot deck is up for final layout.


This is also a reminder that the Pledge Manager will close at midnight 24 January (CET). Place your final orders and lock down your orders by then, to make sure your order is processed swiftly by our handling and shipping agent as soon as the physical products arrive to the storage. Instructions on how to use Pledge Manager and log on is found here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1037361623/kult-divinity-lost-horror-roleplaying-game-rpg/posts/1677033
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 22.01.2018 | 22:20
So, zwei neue Updates:

Update 96 ging nur an die Backer mit dem Book II: The Madness, dem Spielleiterkapitel der Core Rules.

Update 97:
Update Nr. 97

22. Jan 2018

Pledge Manager closing on Wednesday


A reminder that you only have 3 more days (including today Monday) to close your orders in Pledge Manager. Your order needs to be closed and your address up to date. Shipping will process as soon as the products have arrived to our storage at our handling agent in England, UK. Pledge Manager will close at midnight (CET) 24 January.

To see how to log on to Pledge Manager and for further instructions, please see this link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1037361623/kult-divinity-lost-horror-roleplaying-game-rpg/posts/1677033

We will the coming days update you on release of the BETA PDF of the last part of the Core Rule Book, called "Book III: The Truth" as well as the other material.

Best, the KDL team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 3.02.2018 | 22:02
Oh my fucking gods!

Book III: The Truth beta pdf kam gerade an.

Ich hab ja schon die Alphaversion durchgeschaut und war hin und weg. Jetzt ist alles mit Artwork und Layout ausgestattet, einige Inhalte kamen noch hinzu. 160 Seiten Göttlichkeit. Und zu den Artwork: Nun ja, für den amerikanischen Markt wäre das ein wenig viel explizite Gewalt und Sexualität. Gut zu sehen, dass Kult hier seinen Splatterwurzeln treu geblieben ist.

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 12.02.2018 | 14:30
Ein kurzes Update für Backer: Der Pledge Manager wurde noch mal für eine Woche geöffnet.

Update Nr. 99

9. Feb 2018
KULT DIVINITY LOST: Pledge Manager re-opened for final changes!

For those of you who have not completed your order in Pledge Manager - here's a final opportunity to complete and lock. Pledge Manager is re-opened, and will remain open throughout Sunday 18 Feb.

For any changes following 18 Feb, your order will need to be handled manually - which means your order is put last in line among backers and shipping will be subject to delay. Locked and completed orders will have priority with our shipping and distribution agent.

To complete your order (including updating your address), please visit Pledge Manager's website: https://helmgast.pledgemanager.com/projects/kult-divinity-lost. Log in with the email address you used for the Kickstarter campaign.

As always, reach out with any questions.

the KDL team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: DNDepp am 13.02.2018 | 22:02

Sorry, wenn ich mich da ganz dreißt in den trhead einzecken muss, aber ich bin
neu auf dem gebiet Kickstarter und co.

Ich mach's kurz: Ein Trödelmarktfund (das Grundregelwerk) hat mich kürzlich mit
dem Hintergrund angefixt und seitdem suche ich mehr. Da bietet sich also der Erwerb von DL an. Ist, wenn ich das nicht  falsch verstanden habe, über Mödiphiüs vorbestellbar.

Jetzt macht mich der Absatz "Shippin will be charged in the pledge manager" etas stützig. Wie gesagt: Erst kürzlich drauf gestoßen, daher nichts vom Kickstarter gewusst und nicht unterstützt

Kann ich das bei Mödiphiüs nun regulär vorbestellen oder nur, wenn ich das Projekt unterstützt habe?

Wäre nett, wenn mir als NachwuchsKULTisten jemand was dazu sagen kann. Würde
mich da wirklich gerne einlesen (unabhängig davon, dsass das in meiner Gruppe wohl kaum einer spielen wollen wird ;) ).

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

der DNDepp.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 13.02.2018 | 22:41
Meines Wissens kannst Du da regulär vorbestellen. Die betreffende Zeile scheint aus dem Kickstartertext übernommen worden zu sein.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 15.02.2018 | 19:48
Heute hat Fria Ligan einen neuen KS gestartet, den ich Euch nicht vorenthalten möchte:

„Death is Only the Beginning - New Novel in the KULT Universe“


Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Marduk am 22.02.2018 | 09:08
Weiß jemand inzwischen, wann die PDF an die Vorbesteller rausgehen?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 22.02.2018 | 13:05
Keine Ahnung. Die Backer haben Ende Dez / Anfang Jan die beta PDF bekommen.
Ich vermute mal, wenn die Drucksachen da sind.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 16.03.2018 | 18:56
So, mir ist wieder ein Update durch die Lappen gegangen, daher fasse ich mal wieder die letzten zwei Updates in ein Post.

Update 100: Ein kurzer Einblick, was seit dem Betamaterial geschehen ist: Black Madonna ist wohl so gut wie fertig; am Core Rulebook wird noch gearbeitet; ebenso am 'Taroticum and other Tales'; die Layouttemplates der anderen Produkte sind fertig. Der Pledgemanager ist geschlossen. Änderungen müssen über Helmgast direkt abgewickelt werden.

Update 101: Die Redaktion ist (weiterhin) dabei, die Korrekturen der Betas einzuarbeiten, was wohl zeitaufwändig ist, da man über mehrere Zeitzonen hinweg zusammen arbeiten muss. Es stellt sich wohl heraus, dass Kult wohl für mache Leser und Länder 'zu viel' ist. In Amerika z.B. muss "Adult Content" wohl auf eine bestimmte Art und Weise vermarktet werden. Daher muss das Artwork in 'Black Madonna' und 'Taroticum' überarbeitet werden. Für die Core Rules wird es ein zum einen die unzensierte Kickstarter Version geben und eine überarbeitete, zensierte Version für die (Einzel-)Händler.  :o
Daher können sie uns kein genaues Datum für den Druck nennen, da diese Änderungen noch eingearbeitet werden.
Zwischenzeitlich sind aber die Poster, Würfel und Postkarten eingetroffen. Die finalen PDFs werden, sobald fertig, über DriveThru an die Backer gehen.

Update Nr. 100

25. Feb 2018
KULT: Divinity Lost - Moving forward!


Below is an update on what has happened since the release of the BETA PDFs of the Core Rule Book and the Black Madonna.

Black Madonna’s editing is final whilst final editing of the Core Rule Books is ongoing. We’re expecting that to take another two weeks. Following that final edit both these products are ready for print. We have made a test print of the layout and so been able to fine-tune print and colour settings as well as decided on paper quality etc.

‘Taroticum and Other Tales’ is well progressed. We’re aiming to have it ready for PDF release within weeks (this product will not be released as BETA).

PDFs of all products will be released to all backers as soon as they are ready for print. We are working intensely on the PDF release solution at the moment - to which you will receive individual log in. It’s quite a puzzle to make sure everyone gets access to the right products, but it will be there in time for the PDFs being available in final format.

Layout templates are complete for Narrator’s Screen, Bible Edition and other items - so once the books are ready for print, these items will be completed. A more exact timeline for when shipping will start and when you can expect delivery will be published once the books are with the printer.

Pledge Manager is now definitely closed. Those who still have not updated or completed your orders now need to email us at info@helmgast.se with your change requests. Note that any update to your order from now on is made manually and that the order consequently will be placed last in line for items to be shipped in the Kickstarter fulfillment. Those who have completed their orders in time are prioritized.

the KDL team

Update Nr. 101

16. Mär 2018
KULT: Divinity Lost - The Game that was Too Much


It’s time for a new update! Some of you have been asking why we don’t post these as frequently as we’ve done in the past. The reason for that is that we are now in the phase of wrapping up your comments together with the final edit that was made simultaneously and at the back of it. That is quite time-consuming, to make sure we keep consistency through out the material as well as making sure that any follow up amendments needed are also captured.

It has also turned out that, just as in the 90’s, Kult is “too much” for certain audience and certain countries. For instance the US impose quite strict requirements on what can be released and not, and when an item is deemed to be “adult content” - restrictions as to how it may be marketed.

This means that we will need to tweak a few illustrations in the Black Madonna and Taroticum & Other Tales. These tweaks are to be made at once. We need to find the right balance with all involved parties around the world (distributors, retailers, shipping agents etc) to make sure that the products end up in your hands and not be caught by some “censoring” governmental authority along the way. It’s not a lot of work as such, but working with people in vastly different time zones makes the process slower than we would like.

The Core Rule Book that was available in the Kickstarter (all the editions) for backers will be printed as a limited “uncensored” version. We intend to develop a new Core Rule Book that is “retail friendly”, with adjustments to artwork and other content deemed “too much”. The Retail Friendly version will be finalized post-delivery of all backers’ orders, to not consume time from finalizing the backer rewards. Thus, retailers will only sell the Retail Friendly version, meaning that the Backer and Pre-order print run of the Core Rule Books will be more limited, or rare, than we expected.

We wish we could tell you the exact date for sending the books for print, but today we can’t give an exact date. We will get back to you once we get closer.

In the meantime, other material than the books are stacking up at our storage, waiting for printed books to arrive and shipping to start. Things like postcards, posters and dices have arrived (pic included here). Pins and bags are to arrive within short. Deck of Card, Tarot Cards and Narrator’s Screen are procured and so once we have final print files they will be printed in a rather short time period. For the books, test print have been made allowing us to fine tune color, contrast, paper quality and layout templates.


Furthermore, we are now ready to launch final PDFs when they are completed. PDFs will be released through DriveThruRPG.com. All backers will need to register with DriveThruRPG.com (it’s free of charge) to gain access to the PDFs when released. More information on this will follow in a separate update as we get closer.

All the best,
the KDL team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Matterich am 18.03.2018 | 05:30
Boah, das mit den Änderungen wegen drohender Zensur kotzt mich gerade ziemlich an. Ich hab noch niemals bei kickstarter oder sowas ähnlichem mitgemacht. Hab ich jetzt Pech und bin zu spät dran, oder könnte ich das jetzt noch dort oder über eine email bestellen?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: schneeland am 18.03.2018 | 07:24
Der Pledge-Manager ist mittlerweile zu - dürfte also leider schwierig werden. Wie gravierend die Änderungen sind; ist aber auch noch nicht klar. Ich denke mal, ein paar unzensierte Ausgaben dürfte es dann auch auf eBay&Co geben (mir ist selber auch die Lust auf das Spiel größtenteils vergangenen durch die ewigen Verzögerungen).
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Matterich am 18.03.2018 | 08:23

Danke für die schnelle Antwort.
(mir ist selber auch die Lust auf das Spiel größtenteils vergangenen durch die ewigen Verzögerungen).
diese Verzögerungen könnten dann also mein Glück sein. Habe jetzt erst mit dem alten Kult-RPG angefangen und weiß auch erst seit kurzem, dass es diese Neuauflage geben wird.

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 18.03.2018 | 14:30
Ich hab nicht bei Kickstarter mitgemacht (mangels Kreditkarte) sondern direkt nach Abschluss der Kampagne über den Modipheus Online-Shop ein von den KS-Paketen vorbestellt (das hatten die extra für Leute wie mich eingerichtet, weil ich nicht der einzige war, der nachgefragt hatte, ob man auch anders als über KS mitmachen kann). Ich weiß aber nicht, ob sie die noch im Sortiment sind.

So wie ich die Meldung lese, scheinen ja auch die Vorbesteller die unzensierten Versionen zu bekommen, aber ich überlege grad, ob ich da noch mal explizit nachfrage.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 18.03.2018 | 14:49
Mach das doch mal. Ich würde mich sonst anbieten, noch mal als Backer einige GRWs nachzubestellen, wenn das noch gehen sollte.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Matterich am 19.03.2018 | 02:05
Oh danke, ihr seid toll! :)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 5.04.2018 | 00:53
Hatte leider bis Ostern gedauert, bis ich mal dazu gekommen bin (oder sein wir ehrlich, dran gedacht habe), aber ich hab die Antwort von Modiphius bekommen, daß die Preorders auch die Kickstarter-Version bekommen.

Und die Preorder-Pakete stehen bei denen noch im Shop, vor allem:

Das ist die Enlightened-Version, bei der auch das Cover unzensiert ist.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 5.04.2018 | 08:30
Cool. Ich hatte Helmgast über KS angeschrieben, aber bisher keine Antwort erhalten.
Sind das denn die unzensierten Bände?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Matterich am 5.04.2018 | 10:07
@Camouflage: Nochmal Danke! :)

@achlys: So wie ich das verstanden habe, sind die "retailer-friendly" Bücher jene, die nach den Kickstarterbüchern kommen. Somit müssten die bei Modiphius unzensiert sein.
Ich habe Helmgast direkt per Email angeschrieben, ohne Antwort. Bei der Facebookseite gab es leider auch keine Antwort auf meine Frage, ob es nach der Kickstarterphase noch irgendeine Chance gibt, unzensierte Versionen zu bekommen. Auf eine andere Frage zuvor haben die sich ziemlich schnell gemeldet. :/

Ich höre mir diese Woche mal das Fazit der Black Madonna Kampagne an und entscheide dann, wieviel Geld ich dafür ausgebe. System Matters hat ja den finstren Plan, mir all mein für das Hobby zur Verfügung stehende Geld abzuluchsen und dieser Plan scheint aufzugehen. :O
Da ich die alten deutschen KULT-Bücher habe, ist die neue Version vielleicht gar nicht notwendig. Die Konvertierung des Systems auf pbtA wird ja kein großes Problem darstellen. Aber zusätzlicher Fluff wäre schon sehr genial.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 5.04.2018 | 13:00
Sind das denn die unzensierten Bände?

Also die Kickstarter-Version ist die unzensierte. Laut Modiphius bekommen auch die Vorbesteller die Kickstarter-Version. Und im Webshop sind die Preorder-Pakete noch gelistet. Mehr kann ich jetzt nicht dazu sagen.

Gerade bei der Enlightened-Version (deren einziger Unterschied zur "retailer-firendly" Illusion-Edition sich mit "Nippel auf dem Cover" zusammenfassen lässt") würde es auch gar keinen Sinn machen, dann den Inhalt zu zensieren (Sollte man den Jungs mal vorschlagen, die Enlightened Edition sollte ja sowieso exklusiv über den Webshop erhältlich sein, weil die Händler das nicht ins Programm nehmen würden, dann kann die ja auch im nachhinein unzensiert bleiben - dürfte die direkten Verkäufe ankurbeln).
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 8.04.2018 | 22:29
Es gibt ein Update:

Update #102

Apr 7 2018
KULT Divinity Lost: The Truth will prevail


We are happy to see that all forms of restrictions in freedom of art steers up emotions and that so many backers have expressed strong feelings about our previous update where we announced that we will have to amend some items in the Black Madonna and the scenario collection Taroticum & Other Tales.

Whilst we always prefer to stand true to our vision, unfortunately not everything is within our control. There are many parties involved in getting the books from us to you. It’s not only a question about what we can and want to produce, it’s also a question of what our partners are willing to release. We have prioritized standing through to our vision in the Core Rule Book, but tweaking the Black Madonna and Taroticum & Other Tales. Whilst obviously an intrusion in the freedom of art, it’s the only commercially viable way forward whilst not compromising to much with what we wanted in the outset. In practice it’s not too many items that will change in Black Madonna and Taroticum & Other Tales.

We have received a lot of questions on this over the past weeks, so here's a summary.

Core Rule Book

All backers will receive the “uncensored” Kickstarter Edition of the Core Rule Book (in the version you have ordered; Elysium, Enlightened, Illusion, Inferno, Metropolis etc). The Kickstarter Edition of the Core Rule Book will not be available in retail. This applies for both physical copies as well as digital copies.

Following fulfillment to our Kickstarter backers (which is our only priority), the Core Rule Book in a censored version called “the 4th Edition of KULT” will be released for retail sale. A pdf of the “4th Edition of KULT” Core Rule Book will also be released for retail sale.

Customers who have pre-order KULT: Divinity Lost through Modiphius will get information from Modiphius shortly.

Black Madonna & Taroticum and Other Tales

The Black Madonna as well as Taroticum & Other Tales will be released in physical copies only in a “censored version”. Same applies for PDFs.

However, we hear what our backers are saying and will in some way release the uncensored final version of these items to Kickstarter backers only. Exactly how this uncensored PDF is to be distributed needs to be explored further, and so these will come at the back of fulfillment.

Print plan

Speaking about fulfillment, final touch here and there have been made during the previous weeks and we are getting very close to print. We estimate we need 4 weeks to finalize all items for print, then we are ready to go. It's been a long and bumpy road to get here, and we are of course truly thankful to all backers and others who are supporting us to get this over the finish line.

Below are some further pictures of the dice (currently in our storage), as requested. We are expecting more items to start piling up at our storage shortly and will keep you updated on progress.


As always, keep on posting any questions or comments to us. We know it's been a long wait and we genuinely appreciate the feedback.

All the best,
the KDL team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: schneeland am 8.04.2018 | 22:47
Wäre ja schön, wenn's dann mal klappt. Ich muss sagen, bei dieser ganze zensiert-unzensiert-Debatte machte Helmgast mal wieder den Eindruck ziemlich unorganisierten Haufens auf mich. Die Verschiebungen haben vielleicht noch nicht Prometheus Games-Niveau erreicht, aber unter all den RPG-Kickstartern, die ich unterstützt habe, ist das definitiv derjenige, mit den meisten merkwürdigen Verzögerungen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 18.04.2018 | 19:37
Naja, zum PG Niveau ist es dann doch noch was hin. Es tut sich ja offensichtlich was.

Neues Update:
- Helmgast auf der GothCon: Sie haben Das Szenario "Night in Berlin", das Gunilla Johnsson und Michael Peterson geschrieben wurde, gespielt. Von den beiden wird es wohl noch mehr zu Kult geben, sobald K:DL erschienen ist. Es gab eine beta preview der Core Regeln.
- Diese Woche soll noch ein weiteres Update kommen. Es sind wohl schon einige 'nicht Druck' Sachen geliefert worden.
Update #103

Apr 18 2018

Gothcon Rising

Helmgast was present at Sweden’s largest analogue gaming convention, Gothcon, with some 2000 players attending. We had a store where fans could check out our various product lines, new releases, and hang out and chat with the Helmgast team.   


We had an official RPG scenario present during the three days of the convention. It was the KULT: Divinity Lost scenario “Night in Berlin”, written by Gunilla Jonsson and Michael Petersen (of original Kult fame!). We hope to reveal more cool stuff coming from the minds of Gunilla and Michael once KULT: Divinity Lost is launched. 

We also got the chance to meet the participants behind the excellent Podcast Red Moon Roleplaying, who have produced a top quality dramatic actual play of “The Black Madonna” campaign, with 35 episodes of about one hour each. If you haven’t heard it, we highly recommend it - Huge Spoilers though!

Red Moon Roleplaying: https://www.redmoonroleplaying.com/podcast/?offset=1504231155591 (https://www.redmoonroleplaying.com/podcast/?offset=1504231155591)

Also present was a beta preview of the Core Rules, which old fans and curious newcomers eagerly checked out. 


All in all, Gothcon was great and exciting experience and we will be back! 



PS. Paul will be back with a Kickstarter status update before the end of the week. DS.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 22.04.2018 | 21:57
Und tatsächlich noch ein Update:
- Mitte Mai gehen die Dateien zum Drucker

Bis dahin ist trotzdem einiges zu tun:
- Core Rules: ein letzter Durchgang beim Korrekturlesen sowie einige Backer Kommentare, die eingerabeitet werden müssen
- Black Madonna: Sobald die Core Rules beim Drucker sind, gilt das gleiche für BM, weiterhin müssen, wie letztens angekündigt, einige Bilder ausgetauscht werden
- Taroticum & Other Tales: die Beta erscheint jetzt jeden Tag, finale Korrektur und Lektorat sollen bis Mitte May abgeschlossen sein
- sobald etwas beim Drucker ist, werden die Dateien auf Drivethru gestellt
- es wird noch ein Update geben, in dem noch mal ggf Adressen geändert werden können

Update Nr. 104

22. Apr 2018

KULT: DIvinity Lost - update


We are now not far from being able to send material for printing! We met up with our main AD last week and laid out a detailed plan up to printing. The latest estimate we communicated, still stands, meaning we should be able to send to print by mid-May.

The Core Rule Book will be edited by our AD next week to include final proof-reading and some backer comments we've received. Thereafter items such as registers and other finishing touches will be completed the week after that. Thereafter this item is complete and ready for print.

Black Madonna also needs to be edited for final proof-reading and some new art be included to replace those illustrations which we can't print. This will take place as soon as the Core Rule Book is final and ready for print.

Taroticum & Other Tales will be finalised as BETA any day. That will then undergo final proof reading and thereafter a final round of edits before being able to be sent to print. We are expecting this too to be final by mid-May.

We will send another update before going to print, allowing you to update your addresses in anticipation of shipping. As material have been sent for print, we will also upload PDFs to DrivethruRPG/RPGnow so you can download the final digital versions.

the KDL team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 23.04.2018 | 18:13
Und zack, das nächste:
- Der Pledgemanager wird bis zum 11. Mai wiedereröffnet. Zum einen sind so Nachbestellungen möglich, zum anderen kann man Adressen ändern.

(Wie bereits vorher angekündigt, biete ich gerne an, ggf Bestellungen entgegenzunehmen. Schreibt mich bei Interesse per PM an.)

Update Nr. 105

23. Apr 2018

KULT: Divinity Lost - Pledge Manager re-opened until 11 May



As per our update from yesterday we are planning to start printing within a few weeks. We will get back to you with a detailed shipping plan once material is with our printers and they have given us exact delivery dates.

As you know we closed Pledge Manager to prepare for send out. Taking into consideration the last months development with us having to alter some items in Black Madonna and Taroticum & Other Tales, but also making the Core Rule Book uncensored version limited, we are now re-opening Pledge Manager to give you one last chance to alter your orders. For information on what will be altered compared to BETA PDFs in the respective books, please check out the KULT: Divnity Lost forum (forum.kultdivinitylost.com).

Pledge Manager will close on 11 May. Following that date you will not be able to make any adjustments to your order, except that your address of course always can be updated (please PM us here at Kickstarter or email info@helmgast.se to update your address when Pledge Manager is closed).

For information on how to access Pledge Manager, check out this update: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1037361623/kult-divinity-lost-horror-roleplaying-game-rpg/posts/1677033

the KDL team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 23.04.2018 | 21:28
Customers who have pre-order KULT: Divinity Lost through Modiphius will get information from Modiphius shortly.

Nur zur Info, außer der Antwort auf meine direkte Nachfrage zu Ostern ist zumindest bei mir bisher noch nichts von Modiphius angekommen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 28.04.2018 | 00:31
@ Camouflage: Danke für die Info. So wie ich die Kommentare auf KS verstanden habe, sind bei die Modiphius-Vorbestellungen ebenfalls unzensierte Versionen. Möchte das aber nicht garantieren.

Es gibt folgende  unzensierte Versionen der Kult Core Rules über KS:
[Digital Edition] (PDF)PDF23,-
Illusion EditionHardcover, Standard Cover mit bedeckten Brüsten54,-
Enlighted EditionHardcover, Standard Cover mit nackten Brüsten54,-
Elysium Special EditionHardcover, weißer Kunstledereinband mit minimalistischem Cover81,-
Bible EditionHardcover, schmucklose Variante ohne Bilder und mit einfachem Layout, kleineres Format, Regeln pur32,-
Metropolis Collector's EditionHardcover, Kunstledereinband mit Metropolis-Symbol-Prägung, limitiert (derzeit 34 Stck übrig)159,-
Inferno Collector's EditionHardcover, Kunstledereinband mit Inferno-Symbol-Prägung, limitiert (derzeit 105 Stck übrig)159,-
Death Angel Collector's Edition-GolabHardcover, einmalig designtes Buch mit Symbol des Deathangels, Einzelstück, Zertifikat 720,-
Archon Collector's Edition - Chokmah / Hob / YesodHardcover, einmalig designtes Buch mit Symbol des jreweiligen Archons, Einzelstück, Zertifikat720,-
*in EUR (geschätzt von KS, da in SKR angegeben); ohne Versandkosten

Weiterhin gibt es da noch:
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: schneeland am 8.06.2018 | 23:46
Man glaubt es kaum, aber gerade schneite tatsächlich das PDF des Regelwerks per Kickstarter-Nachricht/RPGNow herein. Erstaunlich umfangreich ist es am Ende geworden (392 Seiten).
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Tigerbunny am 9.06.2018 | 06:09
Man glaubt es kaum, aber gerade schneite tatsächlich das PDF des Regelwerks per Kickstarter-Nachricht/RPGNow herein. Erstaunlich umfangreich ist es am Ende geworden (392 Seiten).

 :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Was lange währt... Vor allem heißt das, es ist beim Drucker...
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 9.06.2018 | 07:24
Hach. Und ich habe heute so gar keine Zeit... Aber ick freu mir trotzdem.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 10.06.2018 | 19:06
So, dann mal das Update.

- Das GRW wurde per rpgnow.com an die Backer versendet.
- Die anderen Bücher kommen, sobald sie druckfertig sind, auch als pdf an die Backer.
- Sobald sie Gewissheit von den Druckereien haben, werden sie uns einen Druck-& Auslieferungsplan vorlegen.


Update Nr. 107
8. Jun 2018

KULT: Divinity Lost - the gates to Metropolis are open! Release of the Core Rules PDF


We are happy to announce that the final PDF of the KULT: Divinity Lost Kickstarter Edition Core Rule Book has now been released.

As a backer, you have or will during the next couple of hours receive an email from RPGnow.com, from where you can download your copy of the PDF. If you don't have an account with RPGnow.com yet, you will need to create one (it's free and simple).

Your email address registered with Pledgemanager has been used for the send out.

We will during coming weeks release the other books and other material/stretchgoals as PDF. Priority is though to make sure we have each item ready for print. We have received the final test print of the Core Rule Book and are with that ready for print.

We will let you know as we release material on RPGnow.com and get back with a detailed print and delivery plan for all physical items when everything is good to go with the printers.

What if I have not received the email from RPGnow.com?

1) The PDF is only sent to those backer who have pledged on a level which includes the Core Rule Books PDF. If you have pledged as a "supporter" or "participant" and not added the Core Rule Book PDF in Pledge Manager (generally pledging less than SEK 215), you will consequently not receive any email at all.

2) Please allow until Saturday noon to receive the email (it will take time for servers to process all requests)

3) Check that your order is marked as "Complete" in Pledge Manager. Incomplete orders have not been processed. Please contact us here at Kickstarter if you have not already completed your order by now.

4) Check your spam folder for emails from RPGnow.com / DrivethruRPG

5) If all of the above has been checked and you still have not received the email from RPGnow.com, please contact us here at Kickstarter and we will assist.

the KDL team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 10.06.2018 | 19:25
Ich habe das Buch jetzt mal überflogen und es macht insgesamt einen guten, runden Eindruck auf mich.
384 Seiten Düsternis.
Das pdf ist übrigens vorbildlich mit Inhaltsverzeichnis und Sprungmarken versehen und durchsuchbar.  :headbang:
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 26.06.2018 | 17:57
Ok, zwischen Helmgast und Modiphius ist "shortly" als "in zwei Monaten" zu verstehen...

Zitat von: Mail von Modiphius
Dear Customer,

You are receiving this email because you pre-ordered the Core Rule Book of KULT: Divinity Lost.

As you might have seen at the KULT: Divinity Lost Kickstarter campaign site (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1037361623/kult-divinity-lost-horror-roleplaying-game-rpg) the Core Rule Book to be received by Kickstarter backers will be released with images and text of a mature nature (including nudity, violence and other material which may be considered offensive).

Since you pre-ordered KULT: Divinity Lost via Modiphius on or before 28 March you will get to choose from the following two options. Please complete this by 9am Monday 2nd July. After this date, you will receive PDF's as soon as they are released to us by Helmgast.

1) I confirm that I am 18 years of age or over and would like to receive the mature Kickstarter Edition of the Core Rule Book. This option means your order will be transferred from Modiphius to Helmgast (the company behind KULT: Divinity Lost) for fulfilment during Q2 2018.


2) I would like to to receive the "4th Edition of KULT" Core Rule Book. This is the revised edition of the Kickstarter edition mentioned above, to be released during Q3 2018. The 4th edition of KULT Core Rule Book will not contain contents of an explicit sexual nature or nudity.

Please let us know which of these editions you want by filling out this survey: https://www.modiphius.com/surveys.html
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 26.06.2018 | 18:11
Danke für die Info! Bei Helmgast dauert halt alles was länger. Aber gut, dass sie Euch die Wahl lassen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 19.07.2018 | 17:04
Und endlich das neue Update:

- Man hofft, alles (bis auf die Bible-Edition) ab Ende August versenden zu können.
- Die folgenden pdfs gibt es ab ca. 25 July: Core Rules (kleine Änderungen), Taroticum, Black Madonna, Player's Guide, Postcards, Reference Deck (ehemals "Deck of Cards")
- Die pdfs zum Sichtschirm und dem Tarot Deck werden erst im Spätsommer fertig sein.
- Die Regeln für das Tarot Deck werden im Laufe des SOmmers auf kultdivinitylost.com (http://kultdivinitylost.com) veröffentlicht
- Vorbesteller über Modiphius bekommen die pdfs mit den Backern zusammen. Wie Camouflage oben schrieb (https://www.tanelorn.net/index.php/topic,97373.msg134642017.html#msg134642017), dürfen sie sich ihre Version aussuchen.
- Die Ladenversion "KULT: Divinity Lost - 4th Edition", die sich leicht von der Kickstarter Edition unterscheiden wird und wohl keine Sondereditionen haben wird, soll ab November erwerbbar sein. Der Vorverkauf beginnt im Herbst.
- Die Webseite kultdivinitylost.com (http://kultdivinitylost.com) bekommt im Spätsommer eine komplette Überarbeitung.

Update #108

Jul 19 2018
KULT:Divinity Lost – PDFs are here, print is in progress!



We are happy to announce that (almost) all print files are complete and with our printers. Below is a more detailed status update, item by item. Dates are for expected delivery to our fulfillment center in England. From receiving the goods, our fulfillment center (GamesQuest) will need another 2-3 weeks to process all orders and then freight companies will take their time (anything from 1-2 weeks within EU, up to 4 weeks for some countries like Brazil and Russia).

In short, we are expecting everything to start shipping to you by end of August, with delivery ongoing during August up to and including October.

NOTE: Please make sure YOUR ADDRESS IS CORRECT in Pledge Manager ASAP. You can still update your address. From 30 July, you will not be able to update your address in Pledge Manager as we need to lock it for shipping. Please PM us here at Kickstarter in case of any changes after 30 July. We will then handle this manually.


Following PDFs will be released to backers who have LOCKED AND COMPLETED their orders in Pledge Manager (see previous updates for information on how to manage this, if you have not done this by now).

The distribution of PDFs may take some time, so please bear with us until Wednesday 25 July prior to reporting any delivery issues.

  • Core Rule Book PDF: A new PDF will be distributed, as we noted some issues with the previous version (minor, but as we anyway have updated it, we might as well share it)
  • Taroticum & Other Tales PDF: Will be distributed to all backers who have ordered the Core Rule Book.
  • Player's Guide PDF: Will be distributed to those who have ordered this item.
  • Black Madonna PDF: Will be distributed to those who have ordered this item.
  • Postcards PDF: Will be distributed to all backers who have ordered the Core Rule Book.
  • Reference Deck PDF: Will be distributed to those who have ordered this item.
Narrator's Screen PDF and Tarot Deck PDF will not be released until later this summer, as we need to re-work the layout of the screen to be fit for PDF/screen view and the rules for the Tarot Deck needs to be published at kultdivinitylost.com (which is to be updated later this summer). Once done, these items will also be released as PDFs.

Production/print details

  • Core Rule Book: With printer. Estimated delivery to fulfilment center: 20-24 August. (Backers on Archon, Death Angel, Demiurge and Astaroth levels will have custom-made covers which will take some longer time to produce. We will reach out to you separately)
  • Black Madonna: With printer. Estimated delivery to fulfilment center: 20-24 August
  • Taroticum and Other Tales: With printer. Estimated delivery to fulfilment center: 20-24 August
  • Tarot Deck: With printer. Expected delivery to fulfilment center: 6-10 August
  • Reference Deck (previously known as "Deck of Cards"): With printer. Expected delivery to fulfilment center: 6-10 August
  • Archetype Bundle: Print to start first week of August. Expected delivery to fulfilment center 20-24 August
  • Narrator's Screen: Printing to start end of July. Expected delivery to fulfilment center 20-24 August
  • Bible Edition of the Core Rule Book: Will be printed in September and shipped separately, to not delay shipment of other items
  • Soundtrack: Music is ready, but some final finetuning needs to be made. The soundtrack will be released in September/October
  • Posters, Dice, Postcards, Bags and Pins: Already in storage

Information to Modiphius customers who have pre-ordered the Original Kickstarter Editions

NOTE: This information is only for those who have already pre-ordered items from Modiphius. The Original Kickstarter Editions are not available for sale anymore, see below information to non-backers.

Those who have pre-ordered the Original Kickstarter Editions of Kult: Divinity Lost from Modiphius, will have received an email from Modiphius requesting you to pick what edition of the Core Rule Book you want.

Modiphius will distribute PDFs to pre-order customers at the same time as Helmgast distributes PDFs to Kickstarter backers (i.e. from now and coming week). Modiphius will receive books to deliver to those who have pre-ordered the Original Kickstarter Editions early September.

Information to non-backers/potential purchasers of Kult: Divinity Lost

Kult: Divinity Lost's retail edition, “KULT: Divinity Lost - 4th Edition” is targeted to be released globally in November 2018. We will open for pre-orders in the beginning of the fall. More information will follow on kultdivinitylost.com (which will be re-launched with new design later this summer). KULT: Divinity Lost - 4th Edition will be slightly different to the Original Kickstarter Editions (Enlightened, Illusion, Elysium etc) of KULT: Divinity Lost. The Original Kickstarter Editions are printed in limited numbers and backers (and those who previously pre-ordered) have preference to these books. The Original Kickstarter Editions, as they are limited, will not be made available for retail/wholesale.


As always, reach out to us via PM at Kickstarter or info@helmgast.se.

All the best,
the KDL team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 19.07.2018 | 21:42
Auf Nachfrage, warum es keine 'unzensierte' pdf Version von Black Madonna und Taroticum gäbe, antwortete Helmgast, dass es bei Taroticum tatsächlich keine Änderungen gegeben habe und bei Black Madonna nur die Swastika auf einigen Bildern weggelassen wurde. Ich kann damit leben.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 20.07.2018 | 00:56
Was mich grade ein wenig irritiert, ist dass ich von Modiphius nen Download-Link für die "uncensored digital edition" zugeschickt bekommen habe. Mir war nicht bewußt, dass bei dem Preorder-Paket für das gedruckte Buch die PDF-Version mit dabei sein sollte...
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 20.07.2018 | 10:17
Nicht meckern, wundern und nehmen. Sie werden es im nachhinein nicht verbieten.
Habe heute meine pdf Postkarten bekommen. Sehr schick.

Das ganze ist etwas verwirrend, weil auch direkt Links zu allen anderen Sachen kamen, diese aber scheinbar noch nicht verlinkt sind. In der Mail stand auch, dass es bis zum 25. Juni dauern kann, bis man alles hat.

Etwas was ich beim Update vergessen habe: Der Soundtrack ist wohl in der Mache und benötigt noch ein Feintuning. Er soll September/Oktober erschienen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: tartex am 20.07.2018 | 10:32
Ja, diese Links on Download verschicken ist wirklich verwirrend.

Vor allem, weil die Links aus dem ursprünglichen Mail wohl nicht mehr funktionieren, wenn man sie mal geklickt hat.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 20.07.2018 | 10:44
Ja, das bin ich aber von anderen KS auch so gewohnt.
Nur sind in der Regel alle PDF auch drin, die drauf standen. Ich mecker aber erst, wenn ich die am 25. immer noch nicht habe.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 20.07.2018 | 10:53
Ja, das bin ich aber von anderen KS auch so gewohnt.

Bin ja kein KS-Backer, sondern Modiphius-Vorbesteller. Von daher frag ich lieber nach, eh die auf die Idee kommen, daß ich NUR die PDF haben wollte... (und da ich eine der Sondereditionen geordert habe, verlasse ich mich da nicht aufs "ich beschwere mich dann, wenn sie mir kein Buch geschickt haben")
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 20.07.2018 | 15:42
Da hast du recht.

Ich bezog mich mit meiner Antwort oben aber auf Tartexs Kommentar, dem es um die Links über Drivethru ging, die nach einem Klick verfallen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 20.07.2018 | 16:18
Da hast du recht.

Ich bezog mich mit meiner Antwort oben aber auf Tartexs Kommentar, dem es um die Links über Drivethru ging, die nach einem Klick verfallen.

Modiphius verschickt Dropbox-Links. kA. ob da ähnliche Mechanismen implementiert sind.

Find grad den Unterschied zwischen den Degenesis und Eclipse Phase PDFs (sind die, die ich aktuell zum unterwegs lesen auf dem Telefon hab) auf der einen und dem KULT-GRW auf der anderen krass, was das "mal eben auf dem Mobiltelefon durchblättern" angeht. beim KDL-GRW braucht es erheblich länger, um die Seiten darzustellen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 21.07.2018 | 02:43
Ich habe jetzt die zuvor 'leeren' Links auch endlich. Damit habe ich jetzt als pdf:

- Postcards (6 Seiten)
- Taroticum and Other Tales (228)
- Player's Guide (114)
- Core Rules (Original Kickstarter Edition) (388)
- The Black Madonna (176)
- Reference Deck (55 Karten; doppelseitig)

Besonders gespannt war ich ja auf Taroticum and Other Tales und tatsächlich finden sich einige interessante One-Shots darin. Ich werde dazu beizeiten etwas mehr schreiben.
Der Player's Guide ist ziemlich genau das, was ich erwartet habe: Alle Infos an Regeln, Charaktererschaffung und Hintergrund, die man als Spieler benötigt. Zum Hintergrund gibt es mMn fast schon zu viel; so wird beispielsweise der Demiurge erwähnt. Für erfahrene Spieler ist das nicht so wild; für unerfahrene, die mit dem Setting noch nicht viel anfangen können aber schon. Andererseits kann man diesen ohne viel Federlesens auch einfach einen 'Sleeper' Archetyp als SC geben, den sie später frei gestalten können.

Ein wenig enttäuscht bin ich vom 'Reference Deck'. Hier werden vor allem Waffen, Ausrüstung und die Basic Moves auf Karten in jeweils mehreren Kopien (zwischen 3 und 4) geliefert. Dabei gibt es keine einheitliche Aufteilung. So Sind manche Basic Moves 3x vertreten, während andere 4x auftauchen. Bei machen Waffen macht das ja insofern Sinn, als dass z.B. jeder SC auch Waffenlos kämpfen kann. Diese Karte (Unarmed) ist 6x vorhanden. Aber brauch man wirklich 5x Assault Rifel / Rifle?
Ich hätte mir gewünscht, dass neben den Basic Moves auch die Advantages und Disadvantages je eine Karte bekommen würden. Wäre dann natürlich etwas mehr geworden...

Digital fehlt jetzt nur noch:
- Spielleiterschirm
- Tarot Deck
- Soundtrack

Hach, ich hab Pipi in den Augen vor Freude...  ^-^
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 25.07.2018 | 10:33
Update #109

Jul 24 2018

KULT: Divinity Lost - PDFs delivered, print on track

Chapter head for scenario the Laraine Estate, from Taroticum and Other Tales


All PDFs that were to be distributed as per our previous update, have now have been sent and should be with you. As announced, Narrator's Screen and Tarot Card PDFs will not be distributed until later.

There were some PDF download issues for a group of backers during a short period end of last week. If you received an email and the PDFs were not available for download then - please re-use that link to access and download the PDFs.

Regardless of whether you have received emails or not (they could have been caught in spam filters etc), check out the "Account" and "My Library" tabs in DriveThruRPG, to find all PDFs that have been delivered to you, for complimentary download.

If you are still missing anything that should have been delivered, please let us know by PM here at Kickstarter or  email info@helmgast.se. We can not answer requests in the general campaign comment field here at Kickstarter, since we need to exchange personal information with you (email, unique links etc).

What about print?

Print of all items is on track as per our previous update (#108). Narrator's screen to go to print in a few days and will thereby "catch up" with the other items, as it has a shorter delivery time than the core rule books.

Remember, you need to have inserted your up to date shipping address as well as locked and completed your order in Pledge Manager by 30 July. Log on to pledge manager now, if not already done: https://www.pledgemanager.com/ (more information on how to use pledge manager here)

All the best,

the KDL team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 7.08.2018 | 15:58
Update Nr. 110

31. Jul 2018

KULT: Divinity Lost - Narrator's Screen PDF is here! Pledge Manager now locked.

Chapter Heading from the Core Rules - Chapter 8 "Influences"


Pledge Manager has now been locked. We are preparing everything with our fulfillment center, and so no further changes can be made in Pledge Manager. If your address is NOT correct or you have NOT locked and completed your order, please contact us immediately by private message here at Kickstarter or by email info@helmgast.se.

On track for delivery

We are still on track as per our latest print and shipping estimate - meaning we will start fulfillment by end of August. Note that it takes anywhere from 1-8 weeks (depending on shipping times etc to your specific location) from that point to receive your order. More details to follow once shipping starts.

As some of you probably have seen, the Narrator's Screen PDF has been completed and is now being distributed through DriveThruRPG/RPGnow.com to those who have ordered it. Print of this product is also on track, why we expect the screens to arrive at the same time as the Core Rules to our fulfillment center.

All the best,
the KDL team
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 13.08.2018 | 23:54
Hier eine lesenswerte Review zu Kult - Divinity Lost:

https://www.geeknative.com/62413/uncommonly-adult-rpg-kult-divinity-lost/ (https://www.geeknative.com/62413/uncommonly-adult-rpg-kult-divinity-lost/)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 21.08.2018 | 23:03
Ein Update über den Stand der Dinge in den Kommentaren von Helmgast:
- es gibt kleinere Verzögerungen
- Start des Versands beginnt daher wahrscheinlich ca 1 Woche später (Anfang September)
- ein neues Update kommt, sobald sie die Versandbestätigungen der Druckereien haben

von: Helmgast AB -- Projektgründer -- vor 6 Tagen (15.08.2018)

Hi all,

A short update on progress. Some items are in storage, others are now printed and on their way, whilst some are still in print. Everything seems to be more or less on track as per estimates in our previous updates. The Tarot Deck is suffering a delay (we were expecting that in our warehouse already, but have now learnt it's not printed until next week). We are chasing for this. The delivery estimate for the Core Rule Books has also been moved forward 2-3 days due to longer estimated delivery times with the freight company than expected, so we are now expecting this to arrive week of 27 August (20-24 August was originally estimated).

These slight delays are not expected to cause any major changes to our original plan in general- albeit delivery might not start until first week of September, instead of last week August. We had some head room in the delivery schedule already, so still on track to send out by September, with the last backers receiving their orders by end of October (due to long freight times to some countries).

Once we see all items on route to our storage via tracker services, we will give you more details as we then have the complete overview.

We've seen some pictures of the already printed products and must say that they look as gorgeous as we had hoped! Our artists and our main art director Dan Algstrand are truly magicians!

We'll be back next week with further details on progress.

The PDFs for Black Madonna, Taroticum and Other Tales, Postcards, Narrator's Screen and Reference Deck are or will within two weeks be available for sale at DriveThruRPG and Modiphius.net/collections/kult.

INFO TO NON-BACKERS: KULT: Divinity Lost - 4th Edition of Kult, Core Rules (the retail edition of the Core Rules) will be ready for shipping in November 2018. Pre-order for the 4th Edition of Kult Core Rules will open early September. Check out our webpage kultdivinitylost.com then for more details (webpage to be updated with new layout and full information end of August/early September).
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 1.09.2018 | 00:56
Und noch ein Update:
- bis auf das Archtype Bundle ist jetzt alles im Lager. Sie gehen davon aus, kommende Woche mit dem Versand zu beginnen.

Hi all,

Books and GM Screen have arrived. We will send an update with some pictures etc next week. The Tarot Deck is expected to arrive today. That just leaves us with the Archetype Bundle outstanding (the freight company is taking there time on that one, we and our supplier are chasing).

Final touches now being made, meaning shipment will start next week!
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 2.09.2018 | 14:10
Jetzt geht's ab:

- Der Druck ist fertig und der Versandpartner (GameQuest) beginnt mit dem Sortieren und anschließend mit dem Versand.
- Man kann, jenachdem wo man wohnt, in 2-6 Wochen mit seinem Zeug rechnen.
- Archon / Deathangel Edition und  Bible Edition werden seperart versendet.
- Tarot Card pdf kommt, wenn die neue Website fertig ist.
- Wer schauen möchte, ob seine Adresse noch korekt ist, kann dies über den Pledgemanager prüfen. Änderungen müssen aber an Helmgast per Mail gesendet werden.
- Offiziell wird Kult ab dem 28. November in den Läden erhältlich sein.
- Helmgast bedankt sich bei allen Beteiligten.
- Produktilder...

Update Nr. 111

2. Sep 2018

KULT: Divinity Lost Kickstarter – the end is only the beginning - shipping starts now!


We have endured the Lie and the Madness - but now the Truth is finally revealed to us. We are ready to commence shipping to backers!

What happens now?

Our fulfilment partner, GamesQuest, will during next week start packing your orders and ship them to you. The packing will take 2-3 weeks to complete, and as previously announced, shipping may take anywhere from 1-6 weeks depending on where in Elysium you are living. The first backers should see their orders being delivered in about 2 weeks time.

Information about certain products:

  • Archetype Bundle - is printed and on route to England, but delivery is taking longer than expected. Both we and the printer are chasing for this. We hope it will be in storage on Tuesday, and should nonetheless be much later anyway. If you have ordered this item, your orders will be packed as soon as this arrives.
  • Bible Edition Core Rules will be printed together with the retail edition of the Core Rules. If you have ordered the Bible Edition during the Kickstarter/in Pledge Manager, it will be delivered separately.
  • Archon/Death Angels Core Rules are currently being printed. We are expecting these to arrive to our storage in 10-15 days. These will be sent separately, due to them being unique and in need of special packaging. Hence, you will receive two packages, one with the Archon/Death Angel cover, and one with your other items.
  • Tarot Card PDF - will be distributed as soon as our new web page at kultdivinitylost.com is live, and the rules are available. This is scheduled for next week.

How do I know my address is correct?

Log on to Pledge Manager and check (pledgemanager.com). You cannot update your address yourself anymore, as these are locked. Any change in address needs to be reported to us by email info@helmgast.se or as private message here at Kickstarter (if not already done).

Where can I buy KULT: Divinity Lost?

KULT: Divinity Lost will officially be released on 21 November 2018. You can pre-order it and other items at webshop.helmgast.se or https://www.modiphius.net/collections/kult. In a few weeks time you will also see other retailers opening up for pre-orders.

PDFs of some products are already available at DriveThruRPG.com. The remaining PDFs will be made available on 21 November 2018.


A big thank you to our backers and fans who have supported us through out this project - we could not have done it without you. We hope you will enjoy the high quality result which is very much the product of your input and comments.

Helmgast would also like to extend a thank you and big round of virtual applause to our amazing artists - your illustrations are really mind-blowing! - and our main Art Director Dan Algstrand who has made an incredible job, not only on the magnificent layout, but also in inspiring and raising the bar in general. Our translators and editors who have worked late hours and coped with a constantly moving target, and finally, our mastermind authors and rule creators, who have made Gaia, Metropolis, Elysium, Inferno and so many more unpleasant places and creatures in the KULT mythos come alive and haunt us in our dreams and nightmares!

Some pictures of books and accessories in our storage below. Enjoy!

Cover variants (Illusion Edition is not on this picture, but in storage)

Taroticum and Other Tales, The Black Madonna & Player's Guide

Elysium Edition Core Rules

Reference Deck, Tarot Cards and Gamemaster Screen

Gamemaster Screen

Reference Deck

Tarot Cards
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 2.09.2018 | 17:11
Ich habe mal auf der Modiphusseite geguckt. Da gibt es tatsächlich für 89EUR eine 'Balck Edition, die es nicht  im KS gab....
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 2.09.2018 | 18:16
Die werden mir ja immer sympathischer.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 2.09.2018 | 19:03
Die werden mir ja immer sympathischer.
Waren sie mir ja von Beginn an. Sie haben immer klar gemacht, dass sie ein qualitativ hochwertiges Produkt auf den Markt schmeißen wollen. Und da haben sie keine Kompromisse gemacht.

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Grummelstein am 2.09.2018 | 20:58
Ich habe mal auf der Modiphusseite geguckt. Da gibt es tatsächlich für 89EUR eine 'Balck Edition, die es nicht  im KS gab....
Hast Du da einen link? Ich habe die leider nur auf der Helmgast Seite gefunden & ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich da bestellen möchte. Warum war die Edition eigentlich nicht Teil des Kickstarters!?  >:(
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 2.09.2018 | 21:16
Oh, ja. Da hab ich mich vertan. Der Link auf der KS Seite führt zum Helmgastshop (http://webshop.helmgast.se/en/kult/). Bei Modiphius (https://www.modiphius.net/collections/kult) gibt es diese Version nicht.

Danke für den Hinweis.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 8.09.2018 | 16:05
Auf FB hat Dan Algstrand, der federführende Designer der K:DL Bücher, ein paar Bilder seiner Vorabdrucke gepostet:


Also: Note how flat the book is when opened, the ribbon, and the sheen of the metallic gold ink.

Quelle: in den Kommentaren zu diesem Post (https://www.facebook.com/groups/2342087889/?multi_permalinks=10155541332762890)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 18.09.2018 | 23:39
Die Kult: Divinity Lost Website wurde überabeitet und enthält jetzt neue Inhalte: http://kultdivinitylost.com/ (http://kultdivinitylost.com/)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Grummelstein am 19.09.2018 | 18:45
KULT: Divinity Lost Black Edition - 4th Edition Core Rules gibt es jetzt auch bei Modiphius: https://www.modiphius.net/collections/kult (https://www.modiphius.net/collections/kult)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 27.09.2018 | 23:51
Und ein neues Update:
- Versand verschiebt sich um 1-2 Wochen
- am 19 Oktober sollten alle Lieferungen in Europa angekommen sein.
- Regeln für die Tarotkarten sind auf www.kultdivinitylost.com/resources (http://www.kultdivinitylost.com/resources) verfügbar
- Bibel-Edition wird Anfang November vom Drucker kommen
- der Soundtrack in den nächsten Wochen

Update Nr. 112

26. Sep 2018

KULT: Divinity Lost - update on final outstanding items

https://www.youtube.com/embed/kPM4g1zGFv8 (https://www.youtube.com/embed/kPM4g1zGFv8)


A short update on progress of delivery and the final outstanding items for the Kickstarter.

Status of delivery

Delivery is on-going and some of you have already received your orders. Unfortunately packing is taking somewhat longer than expected, due to our fulfillment center being very busy. The estimates for final deliveries are 1-2 weeks later than originally expected. Our fulfillment center is doing everything they can to add resources. As we stand now, you should expect delivery at the latest as per below:

Europe: 19 October
US/Canada: 2 November
Australia/New Zeeland/East Asia: 7 November
Other countries: this will vary by country, but by mid-November (again, at the latest) you should have your orders. Notifications about the order being in transit should be with you by 19 October.

Items still to be delivered

The Tarot Card rules have just been released! You can download them in the resource section of the KULT: Divinity Lost official homepage (www.kultdivinitylost.com/resources (http://www.kultdivinitylost.com/resources)). There you can also find other free resources to download.

This means the Tarot Card PDFs will be distributed through DriveThruRPG. Those who have ordered the Tarot Cards or the Tarot Card PDF should expect to have the PDF within 48 hours.

Print of the Bible Edition Core Rules is scheduled, with books expected to arrive to our warehouse early November. They will then be shipped to Kickstarter backers who have ordered this product.

We have also been able to pick up on the Soundtrack for KULT: Divinity Lost. It is close to final, and we hope to be able to release it within the next few weeks. Those who have pre-ordered it will be informed and receive download links.

Follow KULT: Divinity Lost on social media!

KULT: Divinity Lost is now open for pre-order - for the official global release on 21 November 2018: https://webshop.helmgast.se/en/kult/ and through Modiphius' webshop.

Tell your friends and fellow players - spread the word on the comeback of KULT! Follow us on social media for latest news:

https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/ (https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/)
https://www.instagram.com/helmgast/ (https://www.instagram.com/helmgast/)
https://twitter.com/Helmgast (https://twitter.com/Helmgast)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3J37X-oFRvd0_NbF1d0w6Q (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3J37X-oFRvd0_NbF1d0w6Q)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Infernal Teddy am 4.10.2018 | 13:21
So, von euch die dieses Projekt gebackt haben - wie spielt es sich denn? Ist es ein würdiger nachfolger?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 4.10.2018 | 23:28
Ich kann imm er noch nur vom letzten :t:-Wintertreffen berichten. Da spielte es sich schon gut, wir hatten ein mMn sehr spannendes Szenario. An manchen Stellen hat's etwas geknarzt, da die Moves nach 3of9 nicht sauber waren. (Mir fehlte da noch etwas die Erfahrung mit pbtA Spielen) Aber ich werde am 2. November eine weitere Runde spielen und dann berichten. Ich erwarte meine Drucksachen quasi täglich.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 8.10.2018 | 10:47
Ich erwarte meine Drucksachen quasi täglich.

Ich warte erst mal noch auf ne Ansage von Modiphius, wann die Preorders rausgehen. Vermutlich, wenn die mit den KS-Backern durch sind.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 8.10.2018 | 11:35
Ich meine, so hätte ich es gelesen.

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: schneeland am 8.10.2018 | 11:53
Ich erwarte meine Drucksachen quasi täglich.

Hast Du schon eine Versandbenachrichtigung bekommen? Bei mir tat sich nämlich in der Hinsicht bisher nichts.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 8.10.2018 | 12:29
Ich meine, es gibt auch keine Benachrichtigung. Jedenfalls warte OVG ich immer noch sehnsüchtig auf meine Lieferung. :. -(

Edit: Korrektur der Autokorrektur.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 11.10.2018 | 19:18
Zwei Neuigkeiten, da ich immer noch auf meine Lieferung warte und daher Zeit habe sie Euch mitzuteilen.

1. GamesQuest hinkt hinterher (Überaschung!  wtf? )

(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)

2. Helmgast gab gerade auf FB bekannt (https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/posts/1935092670123850), dass sie die vier verbleibenden der 20 Archont- und Death Angel Editionen am 18. Oktober in ihren Webshop zum Verkauf stellen werden. Preis: SEK 6 995 (ca. 700 EUR)... Ansonsten werden keine KS Exemplare öffentlich erwerbbar sein. Die Retailer Variante ist eine zensierte Fassung mit weniger expliziter Gewalt- und Sexualdarstellung.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 11.10.2018 | 19:21
Noch eine dritte Neuigkeit:

Helmgast startet auf Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/helmgast/) eine Bilderreihe über Kreaturen in Kult.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 11.10.2018 | 20:47
vorhin auf Facebook:
As many are asking if it’s possible to purchase the Kickstarter Edition of the Core Rules, here’s some info on that topic. We’re also announcing release of some unique items from the Kickstarter!

The Kickstarter backers will receive a limited Kickstarter Edition. The content of the Kickstarter Editions is generally the same as in the KULT: Divinity Lost 4th Edition Core Rules (released on 21 Nov 2018), however, illustrations are more explicit and extreme in terms of nudity and body horror in the Kickstarter Editions.

The idea has not been to release the Kickstarter Edition for general retail – it’s printed to cover the Kickstarter orders. However, we expect some copies to be left after fulfillment to Kickstarter backers. If sufficient numbers to be released and if so, where and how to release it, we will likely not know until a couple of months into 2019 when the smoke clears after fulfillment and official release of the game late November.

One exception to this though; four exclusive copies of the Kickstarter Edition –from the Archon and Death Angel Collector’s Editions in the Kickstarter – will be released now. Each book of the Archon and Death Angel Editions has a unique cover – dedicated to one of the ten Archons or ten Death Angels.

The four out of 20 cover variants that were not pledged for in the Kickstarter, will be released for sale on Thursday 18 October at CET 10.00 through Helmgast’s webshop https://webshop.helmgast.se/en/kult.

Shipping of these items is not possible to certain countries. Unlike the Kickstarter, no other items are included with the book. They are priced at SEK 6 995 per book (equivalent to the pricing in the Kickstarter for this book only).
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Galotta am 13.10.2018 | 10:24
hat jemand schon playbooks übersetzt?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 13.10.2018 | 11:07
Nein, das Problem ist, dass es keine PB wie z.B. bei DW gibt,  sondern sog.  Archetypen und Vorteile/Nachteile, die individuell kombiniert werden. Erstere sind den PBs ähnlich aber ohne Klassenmoves, letztere die eigentlichen speziellen Moves, die sonst in den PBs aufgeführt werden. Und es gibt wirklich viele Vorteile und Nachteile.

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Galotta am 13.10.2018 | 11:43
danke für die info.
keine Playbooks... verdammt... wenigstens pregens?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 13.10.2018 | 12:23
Ja, guck mal weiter oben im Thread (Januar oder Februar 2018), da habe ich die PreGens und Handouts zu dem Szenario Oakwood Heights komplett übersetzt. Auch die Basic Moves sind dabei.

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 13.10.2018 | 21:03
Ha, da kannst Du lange suchen..  :o Ich hatte das in einem separaten Thread abgelegt...
Guckst Du hier. (https://www.tanelorn.net/index.php/topic,105978.msg134599601.html#msg134599601)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Galotta am 14.10.2018 | 15:03
perfekt. danke!
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 14.10.2018 | 15:50
Bezüglich Deutscher Übersetzung: Ich habe vor ein paar Tagen mit dem Truant Verlag geschrieben. Sie sind an einer Übersetzung der 4. Edition interessiert.  :headbang: Mehr Infos gab es aber nicht, ist alles geheim.  :-X Sobald es mehr zu erfahren gibt, werden wir informiert werden.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 17.10.2018 | 19:38

Einige Neuigkeiten über FB:

1. Um Halloween zu versüßen hat Helmgast das Szenario 'La Cena' von Jaqueline Bryk als pdf auf seiner Webseite (http://kultdivinitylost.com/resources/) veröffentlicht. Der One-Shot handelt von der Wiedervereinigung einer kubanischen Familie im Amerika der 70er Jahre. Dabei spielt das "Stück" größtenteils während des namensgebenden familiären Abendessen und ist deutlich mehr auf soziale Interaktion der SCs untereinander, Dialoge und Rollenspiel ausgelegt. Eine Fanreview (https://kultrpg428229752.wordpress.com/2018/09/25/la-cena-playthrough-and-review/) hab ich auch noch. FB Link. (http://FB Link.)

2. Eine Vorschau (https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/posts/1936859446613839) der Bibel Version, also der reinen Textausgabe des GRWs. Sie kann im Helmgast Shop (https://webshop.helmgast.se/en/kult/kult-divinity-lost-bible-edition-4th-edition-core-rules-pre-orde.html) vorbestellt werden.

Hast Du schon eine Versandbenachrichtigung bekommen? Bei mir tat sich nämlich in der Hinsicht bisher nichts.
Da hattest Du wohl doch recht. Gamesquest schickt zuerst eine Benachrichtigung raus. Bei mir ist noch nix angekommen...
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Tigerbunny am 18.10.2018 | 08:21
Mein Paket ist gestern eingetroffen, fehlt nur noch die Bibelausgabe.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 18.10.2018 | 09:46
Das freut mich total für dich.
Ich geh jetzt in mein Kämmerlein und Weine ein bisschen.

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Grummelstein am 18.10.2018 | 14:51
Das freut mich total für dich.
Ich geh jetzt in mein Kämmerlein und Weine ein bisschen.
+1 Andererseits habe ich eh keinen Platz für die Bücher.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 18.10.2018 | 16:13
Keine Überaschung: GamesQuest gibt als neuen spätesten Auslieferungstermin den 26.10. bekannt.  :q
Hi all patient backers!

We just received word that GamesQuest will not be able to send all orders by tomorrow, as per their latest estimates. The new estimated date for sending out the final outstanding items is 26 October.

As per yesterday, 2/3 of all packages have been sent out. Today and tomorrow a couple of hundred orders will go out, leaving us with about 1/4 to be packed and sent next week (which is absolutely doable if they keep up the current pace).

GamesQuest are experiencing issues with orders to Brazil in particular. It's being looked into and hopefully it's resolved quickly.
Quelle: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1037361623/kult-divinity-lost-horror-roleplaying-game-rpg/comments?comment=UHJvamVjdENvbW1lbnQtMjE5NDg3NTM%3D
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 18.10.2018 | 16:15
Samstag fahre ich in Urlaub; hatte auf eine angenehme Lektüre gehofft...
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Grummelstein am 18.10.2018 | 18:30
Keine Überaschung: GamesQuest gibt als neuen spätesten Auslieferungstermin den 26.10. bekannt.
Ich hatte nicht mit einer Lieferung vor November gerechnet. Mal sehen.
Eine PDF Variante mit einheitlichem Textformat wäre schön (Bible Edition PDF?), damit ich am tablet / smartphone nicht ständig wishen, zoomen, scrollen muss. Naja.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 18.10.2018 | 18:43
Wird's wohl werden...

Eine reine Textvariante als pdf ist wohl nicht geplant. Aber ich hab das mal vorschlagen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 26.10.2018 | 00:37
Wollt ihr mal lachen?

Die Preorders über Modiphius wurden ja angeboten, damit Leute wie ich, die keine Kreditkarte haben, auch die CF-Pakete kaufen konnten.

Jetzt krieg ich ne Mail von Helmgast, dass die Sachen zum Versand bereit sind, Modiphius aber nur die Kosten für die Bücher, nicht aber die Versandkosten in Rechnung gestellt hat. Die möge ich doch bitte bei Helmgast direkt in deren Webshop begleichen (die haben da die einzelnen Shipping-Pauschalen als Artikel angelegt). Und der wickelt die Zahlungen über einen schwedischen Dienstleister ab...

... der als Zahlungsmethoden Direkteinzug von diversen skandinavischen Banken und Kreditkarte anbietet.

Naja, schreib ich dem guten Paul mal ne Mail zurück...
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Grummelstein am 26.10.2018 | 23:34
Wollt ihr mal lachen?
Grundsätzlich schon.
Aber das klingt auch schon wieder ganz toll. Ich hoffe für Dich, das sich das unkompliziert regeln lässt.
Ich wollte in dem Helmgast Shop auch nichts bestellen. Zum Glück hat Modiphius die Black Edition ebenfalls im Shop, da war ich bereits Kunde.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 27.10.2018 | 18:25
@Camouflage: Oh, man. Nicht lustig. Hast Du eine Antwort bekommen?

Ich bin heute aus meinem Italienurlaub zurück. Eigentlich hatte ich gehofft, dass ich mein Päckchen als Urlaubslektüre haben würde, aber auch die vergangene Woche kam nichts an. Daher habe ich mal eine Nachricht an HG geschickt.

Auf KS hat Helmgast aber in dieser Woche tägliche Updates über den Versandverlauf geschrieben. Ich beschränke mich hier auf das Update von gestern, das  alle relevanten Infos aufführt:

Today's (26 Oct) update on fulfillment progress, which is also the final daily update:

Shipping: All packages are out, except for:

- Brazil: Shipping still not made. We will let you know once GamesQuest have solved the issues they have with deliveries to Brazil. We are chasing for this now.

- 5 orders where we had some address issues. These now seem to be solved, and these packages will be dispatched on Monday.

Notification may take a few days to receive, but the packages are on their way.

Bible Edition and Soundtrack to be delivered separately at a later stage (soundtrack as soon as possible, almost ready there, and Bible edition currently being printed)

Modiphius pre-orders of the "uncensored version": Fulfillment is on-going. Those who have not paid shipping have been requested to do so.

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 27.10.2018 | 19:09
@Camouflage: Oh, man. Nicht lustig. Hast Du eine Antwort bekommen?

Bisher noch nicht.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: tannjew am 27.10.2018 | 20:22
Meine Kickstarter Ausgabe ist eben eingetroffen. Meine Güte, ist das ein schönes Buch geworden!
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 29.10.2018 | 15:53
Helmgast hat sich grad bei mir mit einer "normalerweise machen wir sowas nicht, aber wir machen mal ne Ausnahme"-Lösung gemeldet und das Geld ist auf dem Weg. Dann kann mein Paket ja demnächst auch auf die Reise gehen...
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: schneeland am 29.10.2018 | 16:06
Meine Kickstarter Ausgabe ist eben eingetroffen. Meine Güte, ist das ein schönes Buch geworden!

Bei mir immer noch nichts. Nicht mal eine Versandbenachrichtigung. Irgendwie mag mich dieser Kickstarter nicht :-|
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Keuner am 29.10.2018 | 16:22
Bei mir immer noch nichts. Nicht mal eine Versandbenachrichtigung. Irgendwie mag mich dieser Kickstarter nicht :-|

Dito. Wobei ich später aufgesprungen bin bzw. mein Minimal-Pledge aufgestockt habe. Keine Ahnung, ob das einen Einfluss hat...
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: schneeland am 29.10.2018 | 16:27
Glaube nicht - ich habe einen regulären Pledge, den ich später (bis auf eine Adressänderung wegen der Verzögerungen) nicht mehr geändert habe.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 29.10.2018 | 17:10
Sehr schön.  :d

Ich habe am WE meine kleine Anfrage nach meiner Lieferung gestellt und heute die Antwort von Helmgast bekommen, dass das Paket unterwegs sei. Gerade (17:02) kam dann die Benachrichtigung von GamesQuest. Jetzt muss ich nur noch 5-10 Tage warten... Keine Ahnung, wie ich die überstehen soll.  :o

Unterm Strich kann man sagen, dass das zwar ein chaotischer Haufen ist, aber sie schon bemüht sind.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: schneeland am 29.10.2018 | 17:52
Ja, bei mir auch. Mit etwas Glück kommen die Bücher dann ja vielleicht doch noch diese Woche an.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Keuner am 29.10.2018 | 17:53
Sehr schön.  :d

Ich habe am WE meine kleine Anfrage nach meiner Lieferung gestellt und heute die Antwort von Helmgast bekommen, dass das Paket unterwegs sei. Gerade (17:02) kam dann die Benachrichtigung von GamesQuest. Jetzt muss ich nur noch 5-10 Tage warten... Keine Ahnung, wie ich die überstehen soll.  :o

Unterm Strich kann man sagen, dass das zwar ein chaotischer Haufen ist, aber sie schon bemüht sind.

Ich habe ebenfalls um 17:02 Uhr so eine Mail erhalten :D
Wobei die Bible Edition nicht dabei zu sein scheint...  :think:
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Grummelstein am 29.10.2018 | 18:14
Unterm Strich kann man sagen, dass das zwar ein chaotischer Haufen ist, aber sie schon bemüht sind.
Oder sie haben noch nicht viel Erfahrung, aber ja, die Beschreibung passt vermutlich.  :)
Ich habe ebenfalls eine Versandbestätigung von Gamesquest erhalten. Dann muss ich jetzt wohl mal Platz schaffen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Tigerbunny am 29.10.2018 | 18:24
Wobei die Bible Edition nicht dabei zu sein scheint...  :think:

Soundtrack steht demnächst zur Verfügung, Bible Edition befindet sich gerade im Druck.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Keuner am 29.10.2018 | 19:07
Soundtrack steht demnächst zur Verfügung, Bible Edition befindet sich gerade im Druck.
Okay, danke für die Info.

Nett, dass sie mir dann offensichtlich zwei Pakete zu senden.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Tigerbunny am 30.10.2018 | 15:21
Geht mir doch genauso, hatte Soundtrack und Bible auch mitgebacken.  ;D
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Grummelstein am 31.10.2018 | 13:04
Mein Paket ist gerade angekommen.  :headbang:
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: schneeland am 31.10.2018 | 15:36
Meins auch. Hätte nicht gedacht, dass das so ein Brocken wird. Andererseits passt das zum Ersteindruck, den ich beim Blättern im PDF hatte: KULT scheint mir ein Stück regellastiger als "normales" PbtA.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Keuner am 31.10.2018 | 15:52
Bei mir war auch der Paketbote.

Schönes Buch.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 2.11.2018 | 17:52

Pünktlich zu meinem Horror Special heute Abend sind die Bücher da!  :d
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 5.11.2018 | 18:29
Hat noch jemand bei Modiphius vorbestellt und statt dem PDF des Core-Book nur ein Bild des Core-Book bekommen?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Grummelstein am 6.11.2018 | 11:07
Hat noch jemand bei Modiphius vorbestellt und statt dem PDF des Core-Book nur ein Bild des Core-Book bekommen?
Oh wow, ich hoffe für Dich, das sich das alles schnell klärt. Ich habe die Black Edition über Modiphius bestellt, zusätzlich zu meiner Kickstarterbeteiligung.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 6.11.2018 | 11:10
Bis jetzt noch keine Antwort. Weder über das Kontaktformular, noch FB.
Bin ich von Modiphius eigentlich nicht gewohnt bzw. eigentlich müssten noch andere Vorbesteller bzw. PDF-Besteller das Problem haben, denke ich.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Grummelstein am 6.11.2018 | 11:27
Zu Modiphius selbst kann ich nichts sagen, hatte noch nicht direkt mit ihnen zu tun. Evtl. ist noch niemand "im Büro"? Gestern war ja Guy Fawkes Day. Ist zwar kein Feiertag an dem Geschäfte schließen, aber vielleicht haben die gefeiert & fangen heute später an? Aber ich kann mir auch nicht vorstellen, das es sich bei Deinem Problem um einen Einzelfall handelt.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 6.11.2018 | 13:13
Hat noch jemand bei Modiphius vorbestellt und statt dem PDF des Core-Book nur ein Bild des Core-Book bekommen?

War das eine von den "Alternative zu Kickstarter"-Vorbestellungen oder eine für die Verkaufsvariante?

Weil für ersteres kamen die PDFs im Juli. Und das waren auch alles PDF-Dateien.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Marduk am 6.11.2018 | 13:17
Hat noch jemand bei Modiphius vorbestellt und statt dem PDF des Core-Book nur ein Bild des Core-Book bekommen?

Also bei mir kam ganz regulär das pdf
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 7.11.2018 | 07:38
War das eine von den "Alternative zu Kickstarter"-Vorbestellungen oder eine für die Verkaufsvariante?

Weil für ersteres kamen die PDFs im Juli. Und das waren auch alles PDF-Dateien.

Ich weiß nicht genau was du damit meinst, da ich mich mit dem Kickstarter nicht wirklich befasst hatte.
Das ganz normale (zensierte?) Core-Book halt.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 7.11.2018 | 07:58
Wann hattest du denn vorbestellt? Während des KS oder wissentlich später?

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 7.11.2018 | 09:05
Das war erst Ende letzte Woche.

Edit: Heute Antwort bekommen: Das PDF wäre noch nicht fertig. Sehr seltsam irgendwie. Sollte das so sein, wäre es cool wenn sie die Leute informieren und nicht einfach ein Bildchen verschicken würden.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 7.11.2018 | 18:21
Ja… das wäre nett.
Die Aussage wundert mich aber trotzdem, schließlich ist die Retailer-Version schon im Druck. Sind das so große Unterschiede zwischen dem PDF für die Drucker und das im Shop?

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Grummelstein am 8.11.2018 | 00:51
Klingt wirklich etwas seltsam. Vielleicht liegt es daran, das der offizielle Veröffentlichungstermin der 21.11.18 ist?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 8.11.2018 | 06:52
Aber von den anderen Sachen hab ich die PDF ja bekommen, nur vom Core nicht?!
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Grummelstein am 8.11.2018 | 07:56
Also wenn Du bereits andere Bücher PDFs bekommen hast ist das wirklich seltsam. Bei DriveThruRPG, als Beispiel, gibt es bisher nur den GM Screen & die Tarotkarten.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 8.11.2018 | 09:03
Ja, hab ich auch gesehen. Macht das ganze irgendwie noch komischer.
Naja, mal abwarten bis Ende des Monats. Wird schon noch kommen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 8.11.2018 | 22:50
Ja, die anderen pdfs sind schon länger raus. Die Retailer-Version unterscheidet sich ja von der KS Version. Ich nehme an, dass das Kauf-PDF noch angepasst werden muss.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Tigerbunny am 9.11.2018 | 07:46
Gerade auf Facebook gesehen, die Bible Edition ist fertig und unterwegs. Der Soundtrack soll innerhalb einer Woche als DL folgen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 9.11.2018 | 18:32
Und hier das offizielle Update dazu:

Update Nr. 113

9. Nov 2018
KULT: Divinity Lost - Final Fulfillment!


Our Kickstarter journey is coming to an end. Most of you have now received your orders. Some items still to be delivered and some packages are still in transit. More information below.

Thank you so much for supporting us throughout the Kickstarter and the production! This is only the beginning though. Much is in the making for KULT: Divinity Lost! We are now set for the official release of the game on 21 November. We will announce what plans we have for the future early 2019.

For more information going forward, join us on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter. Share your game moments with us - we love hearing from you!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/ (https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/helmgast/ (https://www.instagram.com/helmgast/)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/helmgast (https://twitter.com/helmgast)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/helmgast (https://www.youtube.com/c/helmgast)

Buy KULT: Divinity Lost!

To buy KULT: Divinity Lost, visit webshop.helmgast.se/en/kult (http://webshop.helmgast.se/en/kult). More information about the game at kultdivinitylost.com (http://kultdivinitylost.com)

Bible Edition

Behold the Demiurge's word! Despite the lictors' attempts to keep this book out of market, we've now finalised the production of the Bible Edition and have commenced shipping. It may take up to six weeks to receive this.

https://ksr-video.imgix.net/assets/023/195/557/4fffecffeac4d1b97868a15266ade0e7_h264_high.mp4 (https://ksr-video.imgix.net/assets/023/195/557/4fffecffeac4d1b97868a15266ade0e7_h264_high.mp4)

Didn't get a copy in the Kickstarter? Buy it here now (https://webshop.helmgast.se/en/kult/kult-divinity-lost-bible-edition-4th-edition-core-rules-pre-orde.html)!

Official Soundtrack

The soundtrack is complete! We are preparing for launch. All Kickstarter backers will receive an email with invite to download the files within a week. For more information on the soundtrack and artists, take a look here (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qjIVakTpgVZAVP31Z_IsRa0Z-oewwT-4)! You can also buy your copy with delivery on 21 November, here (https://webshop.helmgast.se/en/kult/soundtrack-digital-for-kult-divinity-lost.html)!


A special thanks to Ryan Northcott! We are so very grateful for the great work you've done on this masterpiece.

Status of fulfillment

Most orders are with backers. We have a few issues and/or outstanding matter we are working on at the moment. About 10% of orders are still in transit, so don't be alarmed if you have not received your package yet. It should be with you shortly.

Posters - Posters are still in transit globally. A few poster orders are still to be fulfilled as well, might take another 3-4 weeks to finalise delivery for those who have not received yet.

Brazil - shipping to Brazil is ongoing. This is progressing in a slow pace though due to the customs/import challenges our fulfillment provider GamesQuest are facing. If you have not provided your CPF as requested via email, please do so at your earlies convenience.

Sweden - about 25 orders to Sweden are taking longer than expected to deliver. We are investigating this with GamesQuest at the moment.

Poland - a number of packages for backers in Poland should have been delivered by now, but are missing. We are investigating this with GamesQuest. If you have reported your items as missing and they anyway turn up, please let us know at info@helmgast.se (http://info@helmgast.se)

I have not locked my pledge manager / completed my order

Please contact us at info@helmgast.se with the following information:

  • Backer id
  • Full name
  • Full shipping address
  • Email address
  • Mobile phone number in international format
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Ikarus am 9.11.2018 | 18:44
Hi, weiß jemand ob es auch eine reine PDF-Version der Core Rules geben wird?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 9.11.2018 | 18:51
@Ikarus: Ab dem 11. 21. November beginnt der offizielle Verkauf. Ich denke, ab dann kannst Du die pdfs der Core Rules entweder bei Helmgast (https://webshop.helmgast.se/en/kult/) selbst, Mödiphius (https://www.modiphius.net/collections/kult/) oder DriveThru (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.php?keywords=kult&x=0&y=0&author=&artist=&pfrom=&pto=) bekommen. Bis dahin gibt es nur die Supplements oder Vorbestellungen des Hardcovers.

Zum Soundtrack:
Im 'Inlay' für den Soundtrack sind die Links der einzelnen Künstler.
Wer mal reinhören möchte:

Atrium Carceri: Codex (https://cryochamber.bandcamp.com/album/codex) (gefällt mir sehr!)
Chaos Excursion (https://mechanoreceptor.bandcamp.com/album/chaos-excursions-2)
Mind.Divided (https://minddivided.bandcamp.com/)
Warfield (https://warfield2.bandcamp.com/releases)
Howler (https://www.sirn.se/howler)
Second Escape (https://second-escape.bandcamp.com/releases)
Precision Field (https://precisionfield.bandcamp.com/)
Roland Zwaga von Krate (https://www.facebook.com/KrateBand/) (FB)
Occult Cow Demise (https://www.facebook.com/OccultCowDemise) (FB)

[edit: Tippfehler]
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Grummelstein am 9.11.2018 | 19:11
Nachdem ich jetzt das Video zur Bible Edition gesehen habe möchte ich unbedingt eine PDF Version davon.
Klarer Text in simplen zwei Spalten, für den Gebrauch am Spieltisch bestimmt genial.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 9.11.2018 | 19:15
Ja, die als pdf fänd ich auch gut.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 10.11.2018 | 16:40
Gerade habe ich mir den Kult Soundtrack runtergeladen.

27 Titel - 2,7 GB als wav Dateien. Find ich gut. Wenn ich da ein mp3 haben will, mach ich mir das schnell selber.  :headbang:

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 22.11.2018 | 11:59
Schon interessant das man das PDF vom Core jetzt kaufen kann, ich als Vorbesteller meins aber immer noch nicht hab.
So wie viele andere scheinbar auch. aber ehrlich gesagt, hab ich nach dem Kickstarter auch nicht so viel anderes erwartet. Die phasischen Sachen sind auch noch nicht verschickt.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: tartex am 22.11.2018 | 13:49
Also ich habe die Kickstarter-PDFs schon monatelang.

Oder fehlt mir was wichtiges?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 28.11.2018 | 15:23
Dammi bietet sein Kult PDF für 15 € an
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 29.11.2018 | 21:14
So langsam werd ich ungeduldig. Ist bei mir jetzt genau einen Monat her, dass das mit den Versandkosten geregelt war und Paul bei GamesQuest die Sendung freigegeben hat und immer noch nichts angekommen...
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Tigerbunny am 1.12.2018 | 09:18
So langsam werd ich ungeduldig. Ist bei mir jetzt genau einen Monat her, dass das mit den Versandkosten geregelt war und Paul bei GamesQuest die Sendung freigegeben hat und immer noch nichts angekommen...

Aus den Kommentaren auf KS ist zu entnehmen, dass Gamesquest wohl total überfordert ist und aktuell auch Helmghasts MAils nicht beantwortet. Die Bible Edition ist auch noch lange nicht an alle Backer raus, obwohl seit Wochen auf Lager.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Rhylthar am 1.12.2018 | 09:21
Aus den Kommentaren auf KS ist zu entnehmen, dass Gamesquest wohl total überfordert ist und aktuell auch Helmghasts MAils nicht beantwortet. Die Bible Edition ist auch noch lange nicht an alle Backer raus, obwohl seit Wochen auf Lager.
Kurz Off-Topic:

GamesQuest steht nicht nur da in der Kritik. Bei "Forbidden Lands" sind auch nicht alle glücklich mit denen. Ich habe meins auch noch nicht...bin gespannt.  :-\
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Viral am 1.12.2018 | 09:29
ich bekam heute ne Mitteilung dass GQ was verschickt hat. es könnte Kult oder forbidden Lands sein. solange der Kickstarter heil und vollständig ankommt kann ich mit Verzögerungen leben. ... Delta Green kam ja selten zerstört bei mir an ....

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Grummelstein am 1.12.2018 | 09:44
So langsam werd ich ungeduldig. Ist bei mir jetzt genau einen Monat her, dass das mit den Versandkosten geregelt war und Paul bei GamesQuest die Sendung freigegeben hat und immer noch nichts angekommen...
Verständlich. Ich hoffe das klärt sich alles schnell.
...Die Bible Edition ist auch noch lange nicht an alle Backer raus, obwohl seit Wochen auf Lager.
Ist sie? Verdammt. Dann hoffe ich auch mal für mich auf eine baldige Lösung. ;)

Da scheint echt einiges schief gelaufen zu sein.

@LushWoods: Ich habe ja die Black Edition bei Modiphius vorbestellt und bekam letztens eine Mail bzgl. des dazugehörigen PDF. Fand ich schon seltsam, da in der Beschreibung keine PDF erwähnt wurde, aber Ok. Für den Download gibt es dann einen einzeiligen Satz. Wenn ich da links klicke, erhalte ich auch nur ein Bild. Klicke ich aber weiter rechts, kann ich die bearbeitete Retail Version von K:DL laden. Besser kann ich es gerade nicht beschreiben, habe momentan keinen PC zur Verfügung.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 1.12.2018 | 09:58
Aus den Kommentaren auf KS ist zu entnehmen, dass Gamesquest wohl total überfordert ist und aktuell auch Helmghasts MAils nicht beantwortet. Die Bible Edition ist auch noch lange nicht an alle Backer raus, obwohl seit Wochen auf Lager.
Helmgast hingegen antwortet tatsächlich recht zügig. Hatte innerhalb einer Stunde eine Antwort von denen (in der im Prinzip das selbe stand, was Du geschrieben hast). Und das am späten Abend.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Clawdeen am 7.12.2018 | 16:12
Nachdem ich dasselbe Problem mit der Zahlung des Versands hatte als Vorbestellerin (keine Kreditkarte) und das Ganze auch "ausnahmsweise" via Paypal regeln konnte, hab ich nichts mehr gehört, gelesen und nix bekommen. Das letzte (alles angekommen, super, geht dann raus) war am 29.10.
Hatte vorgestern ne Mail an Paul geschickt, aber auch da bislang keine Antwort.
Die PDF hab ich schon lange, aber so langsam wären die Printsachen mal toll. Ich meine: Bezahlt sind die seit September 2016.  ::)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 7.12.2018 | 17:46
Nachdem ich dasselbe Problem mit der Zahlung des Versands hatte als Vorbestellerin (keine Kreditkarte) und das Ganze auch "ausnahmsweise" via Paypal regeln konnte, hab ich nichts mehr gehört, gelesen und nix bekommen. Das letzte (alles angekommen, super, geht dann raus) war am 29.10.
Hatte vorgestern ne Mail an Paul geschickt, aber auch da bislang keine Antwort.
Die PDF hab ich schon lange, aber so langsam wären die Printsachen mal toll. Ich meine: Bezahlt sind die seit September 2016.  ::)
Ich habe heute die Versandbestätigung von GamesQuest bekommen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 7.12.2018 | 19:39
Ja, GamesQuest hat wohl erhebliche Probleme ihren Aufträgen nachzukommen.
Ich warte auch noch auf meine Bible Edition.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 7.12.2018 | 19:49
Ja, das PDF hab ich mittlerweile auch, aber kein Anzeichen der Print-Sachen.
Ende November war ja mal die letzte Ansage.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Grummelstein am 7.12.2018 | 20:55
Habe eine Mail von GameQuest erhalten, meine Bible Edition wurde jetzt auch verschickt.
Damit hätte ich dann alles aus dem Kickstarter. Dann fehlt nur noch die Lieferung von Modiphius.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 8.12.2018 | 09:01
Scheinbar gehen jetzt die KS Sendungen nach Deutschland raus. Ich habe Meine Mail auch  gerade bekommen.
Allerdings fehlt in der Adresse die Stadt...
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 8.12.2018 | 09:14
Das hatte ich auch schon mal. Im Lieferzettel war der Ort aber wieder dabei komischerweise.
Das hat irgendwie mit der digitalen Ausgabe der Mail zu tun.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 8.12.2018 | 10:59
Scheint so. Das waren die Angaben vom Zulieferer (OCS Worldwirde). Wenn ich da auf den Trackinglink klicke, zeigt er mir die fehlenden Infos (Stadt und Land), nicht jedoch die in der E-Mail (Adresse PLZ).
In der Mail von GamesQuest sind alle Daten vorhanden.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 11.12.2018 | 20:45
Bible Edition kam heute an. Auf der Plastikumantelung war ein Aufkleber von Modiphius, der Zettel kam aber von GameQuest.
Für Euch zum Staunen:

(https://wodanaz.uber.space/photo/uploads/big/392788045e617075c84af7f1add8fcb4.jpg) (https://wodanaz.uber.space/photo/uploads/big/7008760d15a8b94e963385ab293b725d.jpg)
(https://wodanaz.uber.space/photo/uploads/big/fe9f6b10e083493029a1eca05516f693.jpg) (https://wodanaz.uber.space/photo/uploads/big/44fe8184563044638b558625b6d3e1dd.jpg)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Bildpunkt am 11.12.2018 | 21:25
Scheint so. Das waren die Angaben vom Zulieferer (OCS Worldwirde). Wenn ich da auf den Trackinglink klicke, zeigt er mir die fehlenden Infos (Stadt und Land), nicht jedoch die in der E-Mail (Adresse PLZ).
In der Mail von GamesQuest sind alle Daten vorhanden.

OT Gut zu wissen, bei mir ist das gerade bei der Lieferung von Forbidden Lands der Fall, das Ding haengt seit Anfang Dez in der nationalen Sortierstation von Hermes. Die Übergabe von OCS an GLS bei Symbaroum hat aber hingegen geklappt aber da wurde in der Emailauch beide male die Adresse vollständig  :-\ <seufz>
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 12.12.2018 | 07:18
Bei mir als Vorbesteller noch kein Versand am Horizont erkennbar.
Vermutlich werden erstmal alle Backer vollständig bedient (was ja auch nur anständig ist).
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 12.12.2018 | 07:51
Es ist halt für Euch ärgerlich, dass die normalen Bestellungen über Modiphius schon laufen. Hast Du Dein PDF schon bekommen?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 12.12.2018 | 08:06
Ich hab ja bei Modiphius vorbestellt.
Ja, das fehlende PDF hab ich bekommen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Grummelstein am 12.12.2018 | 15:52
Meine Bible Edition ist auch vor Kurzem angekommen. Echt hübsch, tolles Format. Jetzt möchte ich erst recht eine PDF/EPub Version.
Und Modiphius hat meine Black Edition verschickt, die sollte spätestens Anfang nächster Woche hier eintreffen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 13.12.2018 | 07:18
Meine Bible Edition ist auch vor Kurzem angekommen. Echt hübsch, tolles Format. Jetzt möchte ich erst recht eine PDF/EPub Version.
Und Modiphius hat meine Black Edition verschickt, die sollte spätestens Anfang nächster Woche hier eintreffen.

Bist du Vorbesteller oder Backer?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Grummelstein am 13.12.2018 | 15:30
Meine Bible Edition ist auch vor Kurzem angekommen. Echt hübsch, tolles Format. Jetzt möchte ich erst recht eine PDF/EPub Version.
Und Modiphius hat meine Black Edition verschickt, die sollte spätestens Anfang nächster Woche hier eintreffen.

Bist du Vorbesteller oder Backer?
Backer. Die Black Edition gab es aber erst nach dem Kickstarter. Diese ist dann auch gerade eingetroffen. Inhaltlich entspricht sie, glaube ich, der regulären (nicht KS) Ausgabe, aber das schlichte  schwarze Stoff Äußere ist schon hübsch.
Witziger Weise habe ich auf der Rückseite gerade "Printed In Germany" entdeckt. Wird hier gedruckt & dann nach England verfrachtet, nur um dann wieder zurück geschickt zu werden.  ::) Ist schon klar das so etwas bestimmt öfters vorkommt, ist mir hier nur gerade aufgefallen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 13.12.2018 | 17:22
Da war heute was in der Post... endlich... nach 2 Jahren und 8 Monaten... ;)


[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Grummelstein am 13.12.2018 | 18:11
Nice. Meine Bücher ect lagern immernoch in Kartons, hatte noch keine Zeit meine Bücherregale neu zu ordnen.  :-[
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: tartex am 26.12.2018 | 10:03
Habe endlich Zeit und Hardware mir das Regelwerk genauer anzusehen.

Ist schon krass, dass die ersten 40 Seiten quasi nur Vorspann fast ohne Text sind. Da passen ganze andere Regelwerke rein.  :o

Hat eigentlich schon wer gespielt? Bzw. mag irgendwer mal online leiten? Runde werde ich dafür wohl selbst keine aufstellen versuchen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Marduk am 26.12.2018 | 10:17
Habe endy Zeit und Hardware mir das Regelwerk genauer anzusehen.

Ist schon krass, dass die ersten 40 Seiten quasi nur Vorspann fast ohne Text sind. Da passen ganze andere Regelwerke rein.  :o

Hat eigentlich schon wer gespielt? Bzw. mag irgendwer mal online leiten? Runde werde ich dafür wohl selbst keine aufstellen versuchen.

Ich hab vor einigen Wochen eine kurze Minikampagne geleitet und war eigentlich sehr zufrieden mit den Regeln. Der Vorbereitungsaufwand war minimal und der Spielfluss war sehr organisch und flüssig.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 27.12.2018 | 11:29
Habe zwei One Shots geleitet (beide Male Oakwood Heights), die auch beide Male sehr interessant waren. Aufwand war recht hoch, weil ich alle SCs,  Handouts usw ins Deutsche übersetzt hatte, sonst aber lief es recht flüssig. Regelseitig gibt es mMn zuviele Moves. Bei 4 SCs hat man mit allen Dis- Advantages und Basicmoves locker 35 Stück als SL zu beachten. 3of9 wies beim letzten Wintertreffen darauf hin,  dass die Passung der Badicmoves nicht immer gegeben sei.
Auf ein pbF hätte ich schon mal Lust.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 27.12.2018 | 11:52
Ist schon krass, dass die ersten 40 Seiten quasi nur Vorspann fast ohne Text sind. Da passen ganze andere Regelwerke rein.  :o
Ja, das war mir auch aufgefallen.
Hat eigentlich schon wer gespielt? Bzw. mag irgendwer mal online leiten? Runde werde ich dafür wohl selbst keine aufstellen versuchen.
Scheitert bei mir an Mangel von Spielrunden und dem bei mir mittlerweile echt extrem ausgeprägten Effekt, dass ich bei jedem System, das ich in die Finger kriege, zuerst daran denke, wie man das abwandeln kann um damit was anderes zu spielen (bei Kult tendiere ich grad stark in die Richtung damit mein "Übernatürliche Ermittler im 19. Jh."-Szenario spielen zu wollen).
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Clawdeen am 2.01.2019 | 17:25
Mein letzter Kontakt war, dass die letzten Sachen in der Woche vom 10.12. rausgehen würden.
Ich hab immer noch nix.  ::)
Hab gestern noch mal ne Mail geschrieben ...
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 16.01.2019 | 07:26
Bin, wie erwartet, vom fertigen Produkt bisher restlos begeistert.
Ob ein erweitertes pbtA rockt, bleibt abzuwarten, bin da aber relativ zuversichtlich. pbtA bleibt hier pbtA und wird nicht bis fast zur Unkenntlichkeit verzerrt, wie z.B. bei Blades in the Dark.

Gibt's eigentlich eine Möglichkeit an die unzensierte Version zu kommen bzw. auf was bezieht sich eigentlich die Zensur? Nur das Cover des GRW oder auch andere Illus?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 16.01.2019 | 08:15
Gibt's eigentlich eine Möglichkeit an die unzensierte Version zu kommen bzw. auf was bezieht sich eigentlich die Zensur? Nur das Cover des GRW oder auch andere Illus?

Regulär hat Helmgast einige der limitierten Versionen, die im Kickstarter nicht weg gingen in ihren Webshop gestellt, aber da reden wir von den richtig teuren Teilen.

Was die Zensur angeht, gibt es zwei Aspekte:
Zum einen gibt es die Kickstarter-Version und die Händler-Version. Letztere wurde aufgelegt, weil gerade die amerikanischen Händler angedeutet hatten, dass sie das Buch in der ursprünglichen Version nicht ins Sortiment nehmen würden, weil sie wegen einiger der Illus Ärger kriegen könnten (ich kann mir auch denken, um welche es geht). D.h. die jetzt erhältliche Version hat zum Teil andere Illustrationen als die KS-Version.

Zum anderen gibt es bei der KS-Version noch den Unterschied zwischen der Illusion- und der Enlightened-Edition. Der bezieht sich meines Wissen nur auf das Cover, wo auf der Enlightened-Version halt Brüste zu sehen sind.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 16.01.2019 | 08:59
Ok, danke.
Und was ist dann die im Shop erhältliche "Black Edition"?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 16.01.2019 | 09:09
Ok, danke.
Und was ist dann die im Shop erhältliche "Black Edition"?
Inhaltlich die Händler-Version, aber halt in stylischem Schwarz.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 18.01.2019 | 08:01
Achso. Ok, danke für die Info.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 18.01.2019 | 10:17
Ich habe hier noch eine KS-Version (enlighted - mit Brüsten)liegen, die ich zum Verkauf anböte.
(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 20.01.2019 | 16:54
Teilzeithelden hat einen Ersteindruck des Spiels veröffentlicht, den ich durchaus teile.
https://www.teilzeithelden.de/2019/01/20/ersteindruck-kult-divinity-lost-powered-by-the-apokalypse/ (https://www.teilzeithelden.de/2019/01/20/ersteindruck-kult-divinity-lost-powered-by-the-apokalypse/)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Camouflage am 31.01.2019 | 21:34
Ankündigung von Helmgast auf Facebook:
We have a small quantity of Kickstarter Edition’ core rule books left, following the now completed Kickstarter fulfilment. These are being rerouted from the distribution center in the UK to our storage in Sweden. We intend to put them up in our webshop later this year and will of course give a shout out here when we do so. This will be the chance to complete your collection, or if you did miss the original Kickstarter - lay your hands on the uncensored rulebook.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 3.03.2019 | 19:35
Sorry, war in letzter Zeit nicht so aktiv. Es gibt zwar keine Updates auf KS mehr, dafür aber bei Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/posts/1992336777732772). Camouflage hat daraus zitiert, ich zitiere aber trotzdem die vollständige Nachricht:
- Sublinzensierung für Übersetzungen von K:DL sind in der finalen Verhandlungsphase
- Die verbliebenen K:DL Kickstarter Editionen werden bald über den Helmgast Shop (https://webshop.helmgast.se/en/kult/) verkauft.
- Im 2. Quartal soll ein neuer Kickstarter für verschiedene Supplements kommen. Geplant sind:
  + ein unveröffentlichtes Quickplay Scenario, für umme zum Runterladen
  + ‘Beyond Darkness and Madness’ (Arbeitstitel) - ein GM Supplement, um Szenarios und Kampagnen zu gestalten, wie man das Thema Horror in der Kampagne einbinden kann usw.
  + ein weiterer Szenarioband
  + ein Buch über Magie und wie sie in Kult funktioniert
  + ein 'Player's Companion' mit Regeln und Tipps für Dunkle Geheimnisse usw., ggf. mit neuen Archetypen
  + ab 2020: zwei 'City Sourcebook', das jeweils eine (amerikanische) Großstadt beschreibt und als Szenariogrundlage dienen soll
  + ein Sourcebook für Enlightened Characters
  + ein Buch für einen neuen 'Spielmodus', in dem die Charaktere in oder gegen eine Organisation arbeiten und so weg vom persönlichen Horror hin zu einem missionsbasierten Spiel (a la 'Delta Green'?)

Dear Kultists

We are moving out of the Initial Launch phase of KULT: Divinity Lost, and it is time to look ahead, into the future. So here is an update about what’s going on in the studio.

We are in the process of finishing negotiations with several publishers for translations of KULT: Divinity Lost and sourcebooks to their local language. What publishers and languages will be announced as final arrangements are made.

We have a small quantity of Kickstarter Edition’ core rule books left, following the now completed Kickstarter fulfilment. These are being rerouted from the distribution center in the UK to our storage in Sweden. We intend to put them up in our webshop later this year and will of course give a shout out here when we do so. This will be the chance to complete your collection, or if you did miss the original Kickstarter - lay your hands on the uncensored rulebook.

We are working on a number of books for KULT: Divinity Lost. We will not announce any release dates just yet, but we are currently aiming to have our first new product on Kickstarter during Q2 2019.

So, what are the books that we are working on?

The first book has the working title ‘Beyond Darkness and Madness’ and is a grand toolbox for the Gamemaster when creating scenarios and campaigns. It is meant to be a resource that you can use during the downtime phase and is an asset both for world building in creating Places, Characters, Objects and building Atmosphere. The book also has several chapters devoted to Horror and how to explore disturbing themes, trauma and body horror in a safe and responsible way. This is a book that will push the boundaries for those that wish to explore what horror can be in a Role-playing Game. From the uttermost grotesque to the vulnerable and very personal.

The second book will be a companion to ‘Beyond Darkness and Madness’ and will be a collection of short scenarios that are tightly tied to the different themes of horror presented in the book. Just like in Taroticum & Other Tales, the scenarios will be very different from each other, exploring different aspects of the Kult mythos.

The third book we are working on will be a collection of rituals and a description of magic and how it works in the mythos of KULT: Divinity Lost. This book is primarily aimed for Aware and Sleeper characters that explores the occult. It will contain a large number of rituals for the five different magic arts.

The fourth book is a Player’s Companion that introduce the world of Kult from the player’ perspective and is a guide to deepen characters, explore dark secrets and, there might also be a few new archetypes. The book will contain all information needed for a player to create characters so that they will not need flip through the core rulebook.

Beyond these books (looking into 2020 and beyond) there will be a ‘City X Sourcebook’ that will detail a city in the US and make it available as a stage for campaigns, stories, and exploration. It has a dark history and is locked in a struggle between the Archons and the Death Angels. We are also developing a book about playing Enlightened characters. Another ‘City Y sourcebook’ with a whole different theme and set in a very different location and an accompanying grand campaign, is being prepared as well.

And finally we are creating a book that may add a new “game mode” to KULT: Divinity Lost. It will focus on an organization that the players may either serve or have as their enemies (or maybe both!). Using this book adds the option of to exploring the mythos from more of a classical Mission Based horror where investigators and problems solvers encounters the horror that exist beyond the veil, rather than the personal horror exploration that is the main angle in the Core Rulebook.

So, a lot of different things are being developed in the grand machinery!

Note that everything above is subject to change. The production plan may change in respect of in which order books are published, new items might appear, others might be removed. But we will keep you updated from time to time and are of course keen to hear what you’d like to see.

Also, in February we aim to have a digital release of a previously unreleased Quick Play Scenario that deals with high level politics and manipulation, backstabbing and unholy alliances tied to lictors of Yesod and Netzach.

Take care, and may your game scenarios be dark and wonderful.

/Petter Nallo - Creative Director

ps. Do you want a copy of KULT: Divinity Lost or some of the other books. You can find it here: https://kultdivinitylost.com/products/#buy-box

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 3.03.2019 | 21:09
So, hier gleich noch einige Updates von FB Seite (https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/):
- Preview zu einem Szenario, das bald veröffentlich werden soll.
- Das Kult Core Rulebook wurde nach USA  versandt und dort beim Zoll als "Bibeln, Testamente und Gebetsbücher" klassifiziert.
- Interview von Modiphius mit Robin Liljenberg (K:DL Lead Game Designer), die Quickplay Scenarios können jetzt auch bei DriveThru heruntergeladen werden.
- We Hate Bards spielt eine K:DL Kampange in ihrem Podcast
- Helmgast wird auf der GothCon ein neues Szenario präsentieren (The 26th Hour)
- Für das Spielleiterbuch fragt Helmgast nach Vorschlägen, welche Inhalte bedient werden sollen.

4. Februar   (https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/photos/a.1473495262950262/2008127429487040/?type=3&permPage=1)
Later this month we will release a Quick Play Scenario for digital download. The scenario is previously unreleased and is written by Jacqueline Bryk and illustrated by Marcin Tomalak.

As a preview I give to you a glimpse of one of the main antagonists in the story.

/Petter Nallo - Creative Director


7. Februar (https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/photos/a.1473495262950262/1996693937297056/?type=3&permPage=1)

We sent a big shipments of KULT: Divinity Lost books to the US and they were inspected by the customs office. They classified the material as: “Bibles, Testaments and Prayer Books.”

For some reason it feels very fitting.

13. Februar (https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/posts/2000188710280912?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAbAAlC5gEKCnaVrEyILbHUq_2uFPoTNbWflwgvLyPKkwAJpILvLbxAGmKMaHHiKRQPulS_jBpghTqR5QMHzL7t2ysJK9LVYVi97tlzU5iJmz9Z8ra-e952fWRulIyWVUk3WVL7g_sNVIOrH8WvJtJ3UmMSSed-SG0ErrNfjDEgfUnszpL_ET0AXmt-CKu8abGRF9_fWoxVKyZn-KStCunTaRDgq-2QUJ8H7MBEcp317shgDt6WVtrJPT8riM-K9d4qp6oD8u-QErr7IfcuORin9gzi2VzMyKHGubT0Hsh7RBBtbBCOdm8EdlagS8uUu7bc6x53gejbktcu1SWAvJKxdUjB&__tn__=-R)
Fellow Kultists!
Here is an interview with Robin Liljenberg, Lead Game Designer, for KULT: Divinity Lost.

Also, now you can get hold of the Quick Play Scenarios via RPG-Drivethrough. Feel free to drop by, download them and give them a review! (And the core book as well of course)


You can also download the scenarios from our homepage of course: https://kultdivinitylost.com/resources/

Otherwise things are moving along in quite a good pace. We have ordered some covers to the upcoming books from Bastien Lecouffe Deharme. There is an internal deadline on the 17/2 for a first draft of the book Beyond Darkness and Madness.

We have also received artworks for the Quick Play Scenario that we are planning to release this month so Dan Algstrand is doing the final parts of the layout.

Here is the Interview with Robin:

/Petter, Creative Director

17. Februar  (https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/photos/a.1473495262950262/2002341606732289/?type=3&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARDAg6hk7wcYa_tLVi5f7K5M4GR6B8L_oaZWuu_BNi__0hUqrhlTFyPKNSTToCGnQ_tK9QDeypGV8xedKt0nlnG7NfcekcOE1ltIww7f3QKGip2_A8COBYKanJp63eYqRl0qTPknHwkenRaY3BvhOd7_Y8ca1cDjySi4cGZl_-rj3HNe1FpTBZHrvDxQus3-oNArzrAiv24Wz_yj1bdkNUT50KO-16JxJJuTaDKJxX4bNhuFx4FTg8ytN0f8Lscxf0pmZek2OA04az13cYg3S6CoMO_MguZ5CPOG3E4u3I4Fituk8qqpuIaBXGyIEBkfkQMiKk6DMtDpLABb6i2hh9sIt87p&__tn__=-R)

Do you need more Kult in your life? Well, if you can't play it or read it right now perhaps you might be interested in a podcast where they play KULT: Divinity Lost.

We Hate Bards has a game of KULT that has been running since November 2018 and also some early play tests episodes.

So, give it a listen!

Bild könnte enthalten: Text

23. Februar (https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/photos/a.1473495262950262/2005676076398842/?type=3&permPage=1)

Helmgast is back on Sweden's biggest roleplaying convention GothCon 19-21 April.

This year, the game designers Robin Liljenberg and Petter Nallo are leading you down in the dark depths of Stockholm’s underground system in the scenario “The 26th Hour” (Tjugosjätte Timmen).

Explore the forgotten subway tunnels, dugout shelters and service tunnels beneath Stockholm, as one of four subway technicians. We welcome you on a journey into the depths of your minds and the border between Elysium and the Underworld.

We are in need of gamemasters with a familiarity of KULT: Divinity Lost. A group of chosen ones which will receive the scenario a month before the convention and prepare themself in order to spread fear to those few brave enough to wander the tunnels and stairwells of the underground at the 26th hour. As most groups will be Swedish it’s good if you can speak Swedish, however if any English speaking Kultist is visiting Gothenburg for the convention we could probably find some group willing to play in English too. A reward will be given to the gamemasters that help us spread KULT’s gospel at GothCon and you will also have the opportunity to have interesting and weird discussions with Robin Liljenberg and Petter Nallo before and after the scenario.

We have planned the following play sessions:
Friday 22:00 - 03:00
Saturday 16:00 - 21:00 / 22:00 - 03:00

You can find information about GothCon here: http://www.gothcon.se/xliii/information?lang=en

And apply to be a gamemaster for the scenario Tjugosjätte Timmen here: https://secure.gothcon.se/webbanmalning/

Here is a link to the description of the scenario at GothCons webpage: http://www.gothcon.se/xliii/innehall/arrangemang…

28. Februar (https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/photos/a.1473495262950262/2008127429487040/?type=3&permPage=1)

Fellow Kultists

We in the KULT-team seeks your advice and suggestions.

We are right now working with Beyond Darkness & Madness. A book aiming to be a grand toolbox for the Gamemaster when creating scenarios and campaigns. Both when giving life to characters and locations but also in crafting stories that explore disturbing themes, trauma and body horror in a safe and responsible way. This is a book that will push the boundaries for those that wish to explore what horror can be in a Role-playing Game.

So, now we want to know from you: What do you want to see in a book that should be a tool for a Gamemaster in crafting stories and give advice how to explore different kinds of horror and sublime experiences?

Please, share your thoughts and insights with us.

/Petter, Creative Director

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 16.03.2019 | 08:49
Nachdem ich jetzt ganz in Ruhe durch alle Bücher durch bin, muss ich sagen das das Internetz Recht hat:
Ich bin auch sehr für ein Sourcebook oder Spin-Off RPG über die Children of the Underworld. Da steckt so viel Potenzial in diesem Setting im Setting, das mich sehr (positiv) an Clive Barker's Nightbreed erinnert hat. Scheint aber wohl nichts in Planung zu sein.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: tartex am 16.03.2019 | 09:20
Frosty hat übrigens ein 12teiliges, deutschsprachiges Kult-Audio-Let's-Play (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJdf5CrImXUlcMhGwG1lUaHgLlrCMmcW-) bei YouTube online. Zumindest die ersten vier Teile mit jeweils so 30 Minuten Länge sind schon verfügbar. Der Rest wird wohl erst im Laufe der Zeit freigeschalten.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 17.03.2019 | 15:26
Oh, cool!
Danke für den Hinweis!
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 15.04.2019 | 00:07
Neues FB Update:

Helmgast verkauft die übrig gebliebenen Regelwerke (also die nicht zensierte Version) einschließlich der Sonderdrucke aus ihrem Kickstarter.
Los geht es am 17. April.

Missed out on the KULT: Divinity Lost Kickstarter? Or didn't get that special edition cover you've come to desire?

The remaining copies of the KULT: Divinity Lost Original Kickstarter Version Core Rules, which were not used for backer fulfillment, have finally arrived to our storage in Sweden. These unique “Director’s Cut” limited editions of the Core Rules will be released for sale in Helmgast’s webstore from 17 April CET 11.00

KULT: Divinity Lost Original Kickstarter Version Core Rules have the same text contents as the KULT: Divinity Lost 4th Edition Core Rules. However, several illustrations had to be removed, adopted or altered in the 4th Edition Core Rules (compared to the Original Kickstarter Version Core Rules), as a requirement from our distributors and other business partners. The Original Kickstarter Version Core Rules includes all the original illustrations, unaltered. The various editions now released for sale all comes with limited edition covers. The Original Kickstarter Versions will not be re-printed, we will only sell the copies we have left from the Kickstarter.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 23.04.2019 | 22:30
Red Moon Roleplaying (https://www.redmoonroleplaying.com/podcast/2019/4/23/kult-and-the-rockets-red-glare-with-rollspelsklubben) haben zusammen mit Rollspelsklubben ein brandneues Szenario durchgespielt:
KULT: And the Rocket's Red Glare, with Rollspelsklubben (https://www.redmoonroleplaying.com/podcast/2019/4/23/kult-and-the-rockets-red-glare-with-rollspelsklubben)
Die Spieler schlüpfen dabei in die Rolle von Wahlkampfhelfern im Wahlkampf für Donald Trump mitten in der heißen Phase.

Das Szenario kann man bei Helmgast für 4 EUR erwerben (https://webshop.helmgast.se/en/kult/and-the-rockets-red-glare-digital-pdf.html).

(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 24.04.2019 | 06:53
Hart aber gut.  :)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 13.05.2019 | 21:52
Mal wieder seit langem eine offizielle News vom Kickstarter.

Kult wurde zum Fenix Award nominiert, u.a. als bestes Rollenspiel.


Update Nr. 114

13. Mai 2019
KULT: Divinity Lost nominated for award!
Geposted von Helmgast AB (Projektgründer)

KULT: DIVINITY LOST nominated for Fenix Award

We are very thrilled with the fact that the Core Rules as well as other KULT: Divinity Lost products have been nominated for the Fenix Award - the number one Swedish award any RPG can receive.

We hope you will help us secure a win! Please cast your vote here:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1jjtx9reOb3UqSy813ZxsgQ6fk9MMl8Y-VqRBGr5dIh4/viewform?edit_requested=true&fbclid=IwAR13V8Y8aikOZAWAwMsz0HYyAIJoaHaOcGQgziJl0cL31lPnYT3bcxyXo4E (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1jjtx9reOb3UqSy813ZxsgQ6fk9MMl8Y-VqRBGr5dIh4/viewform?edit_requested=true&fbclid=IwAR13V8Y8aikOZAWAwMsz0HYyAIJoaHaOcGQgziJl0cL31lPnYT3bcxyXo4E)

The site is in Swedish (if you are using Google Chrome, it can automatically translate the page to your preferred language), but the first page only asks for your email address, first and last name. Your votes are cast on page 2. (Page 3 is mainly for the Fenix magazine votes, but there is also the place for the “Submit” button).

You can skip any subsection not deemed as relevant - no need to fill everything out if you don’t have any interest in voting in a particular category. You can scan for the KULT: Divinity Lost images for easily finding the correct selections for voting.

Please note that the vote period close on the 15th of May, so in just two days time. So please hurry.

Thank you very much for considering helping us out in trying to win the 2018 Fenix Awards!

New scenario and KULT t-shirts available, together with the limited Kickstarter Editions

Buy from: HELMGAST WEBSHOP (https://webshop.helmgast.se/en/kult/)

AND THE ROCKETS RED GLARE - It is early November 2016. A group of interns are working for the Trump campaign. They soon discover that there is something more at stake than just the US presidential election. Higher powers, beyond our perceived reality, are pulling the strings and no one is who they seem. It is all a part of a ritualistic pact. A pact that must be sealed with blood. And the rockets red glareis a PDF scenario containing 13 pages and is suitable for 3-5 players. Pregenerated characters are included.

KULT: DIVINITY LOST T-SHIRTS - the official t-shirts are now released! The logo printed on the front, and the Sephirot on the back.

KULT: DIVINITY LOST LIMITED EDITIONS - Are you missing any of the uncensored Kickstarter Core Rule Editions for your collection? Or know a friend in need of getting a glimpse beyond the illusion? As fulfillment to backers is completed, the copies of the limited Kickstarter Editions that were not sold in the Kickstarter are now up for grabs!
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 17.05.2019 | 19:10
Der erste Übersetzungslizenz von Kult: Divinity Lost wurde gerade bekanntgegeben: K:DL wird von Nosolorol auf Spanisch veröffentlicht:

via FB (https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/posts/2048799522086497?__tn__=K-R):
KULT: DIVINITY LOST to be released in Spanish

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN (May 16, 2019) – Acclaimed RPG Publisher Helmgast AB today announces that Nosolorol has acquired the licensing rights to manage the worldwide translation, production, and distribution of the critically acclaimed horror pen-and-paper role-playing game KULT: DIVINITY LOST, 4th Edition, in Spanish. This includes all current and upcoming official products for the game line in said language.

“Helmgast is ecstatic to be able to show KULT: DIVINITY LOST to the myriad of Spanish-speaking KULT-fans around the globe. We believe that Nosolorol is a perfect partner for us in this endeavour, with their experience and commitment”, Marco Behrmann, KULT: Divinity Lost Brand Manager, said. “They will surely bring in old and new role-players into the gory, fantastic, grotesque, and horrific experience that only KULT can give.”

Nosolorol commented: “We are excited to be part of Kult history, working together with Helmgast to make the Spanish Kult edition possible. As Marco and the team know well, we have been looking persistently through the Illusion to achieve what we announce today: the translation of the excellent new edition of our beloved game.”

KULT: DIVINITY LOST was released in 2018 and is the 4th edition of the classic Kult. The game was developed using crowdfunding and broke the funding record for a Swedish developed RPG at the time, with the game funded within 20 minutes and reaching 27x its original goal.

The new game, KULT: DIVINITY LOST, features a completely new rule-set, and setting updated to present day. Escape your nightmares, strike bargains with demons, and try to stay alive in a world full of pain, torture, and death.

In KULT: DIVINITY LOST, the world around us is a lie. Mankind is trapped in an Illusion. We do not see the great citadels of Metropolis towering over our highest skyscrapers. We do not hear the screams from the forgotten cellar where hidden stairs take us to Inferno. We do not smell the blood and burnt flesh from those sacrificed to long forgotten Gods. But some of us see glimpses from beyond the veil. We have this strange feeling that something is not right—the ramblings of a madman in the subway seems to carry a hidden message, and, when thinking about it, our reclusive neighbor doesn’t appear to be completely human when we pass in the hallway. By slowly discovering the truth about our prison, our captors, and our hidden pasts, we can finally awaken from our induced sleep and take control of our destiny.


Helmgast AB is a renowned Swedish publisher and developer of award-winning roleplaying games, such as KULT: DIVINITY LOST, Eon, Hjältarnas Tid, Järn, Neotech, and Noir.

Nosolorol is a Spanish publisher and developer of first-rate roleplaying games like Aquelarre, Blacksad, Cultos Innombrables and Adventure Time RPG, and the Spanish licensor for world-famous Vampire: The Masquerade, Fate, Symbaroum, Mutant: Year Zero, and many others.




www.kultdivinitylost.com (http://www.kultdivinitylost.com)
www.helmgast.se (http://www.helmgast.se)


www.nosolorol.com/kult (http://www.nosolorol.com/kult)
www.nosolorol.com/en (http://www.nosolorol.com/en)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Crimson King am 30.05.2019 | 09:25
Kann jemand etwas zum Mehrwert der Bücher und addons jenseits des Core Rulebooks sagen?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 30.05.2019 | 13:19
(https://shopcdn.textalk.se/shop/ws51/49251/art51/h2325/161162325-origpic-9f9a0b.png?max-width=2048) Taroticum aber Other Tales- Verschiedene Szenarios mit unterschiedlichen Gewichtungen, sehr empfehlenswert. Taroticum ist eine Neuauflage des bereits 1990 erschienenen Szenarios gleichen Namens, mit den Regeln der 4. Edition. Es ist für seine Zeit typisch eher Railroadig, aber durchaus spaßig. Es spielt größtenteils in London. Die anderen Szenarios sind alle deutlich kürzer, jedes nimmt eine ganz eigene Herangehensweise zum Thema Horror. Vom Kammerspiel über Geisterhaus, Lost Island bis hin zu Battle Royal ist alles drin. Einige der Szenarios kann man kostenlos bei Helmgast auf der Kult: Divinity lost Seite (https://kultdivinitylost.com/resources/) herunterladen.

(https://shopcdn.textalk.se/shop/ws51/49251/art51/h2177/161162177-origpic-b9ece2.png?max-width=2048) Black Madonna - Eine Kampagne, die schon zur ersten Edition auf schwedisch veröffentlicht wurde, jetzt zum ersten mal auf Englisch. Old School, aber sehr interessant. Sie beginnt in Deutschland in den 90ern, bringt die SCs nach Leningrad während des 2. WKs und endet schließlich in Moskau.

(https://shopcdn.textalk.se/shop/ws51/49251/art51/h2745/161162745-origpic-a4d490.png?max-width=2048) SL-Schirm - hier findet man die Agenda für den SL, sowie SL Moves für die verschiedenen 'Welten', NSCs usw. Meiner Meinung nach einer der besten Schirme, und besonders für das improvisierte Spiel von Nutzen.  - Schnell mal eine Begegnung mit einem NSC im Inferno aus den Hut zaubern? Kein Problem! Besonders in Verbindung mit dem ...

(https://shopcdn.textalk.se/shop/ws51/49251/art51/h4753/161184753-origpic-ea6e41.png?max-width=2048) Tarot Deck - sehr brauchbar für die Erstellung von Szenarios und Kampagnen, schneller Ideengeber im Spiel usw. Die Anleitung (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vydDsYUAin7mJYzFIgzeNrQi--sgfZRd) gibt es frei zum Download, sowie ein praktisches Beispiel (https://kultrpg428229752.wordpress.com/2018/12/02/exploring-the-tarot/).

(https://shopcdn.textalk.se/shop/ws51/49251/art51/h4861/161184861-origpic-6525cd.png?max-width=2048) Reference Deck - Das Kartenset mit Regeln: Basismoves und Ausrüstung (Waffen) auf Karten. Nett, aber nicht notwendig. (Ich war davon etwas enttäuscht, hatte ich mir mehr von erhofft.)

(https://shopcdn.textalk.se/shop/ws51/49251/art51/h9879/165619879-origpic-876a6d.png?max-width=2048) Player's Guide Compamion: Buch I der Core Rules, gut um den Spielern die Regeln vorzulegen.

(https://shopcdn.textalk.se/shop/ws51/49251/art51/h2681/161162681-origpic-3ae030.png?max-width=2048) Archetype Bundle - Umfasst alle Archetypen zum schnellen Erstellen der SCs. Die für den Archetyp vorgeschlagenen Advantages und Disadvantages werden mit aufgeführt. Ähnlich wie die Playbooks, aber nicht so vollständig wie diese. Praktisch.

(https://shopcdn.textalk.se/shop/ws51/49251/art51/h5347/161185347-origpic-ff6e53.png?max-width=2048) Würfel - genau das, mit schicken Sephiroth-Baum anstelle der 10

(https://shopcdn.textalk.se/shop/ws51/49251/art51/h5031/161185031-origpic-64044f.png?max-width=2048) Gamer Fan Pack - Tasche und Pin sind zum Strunzen hervorragend geeignet.

(https://shopcdn.textalk.se/shop/ws51/49251/art51/h5347/162925347-origpic-ab8252.jpg?max-width=4096&quality=70) The Original Game Soundtrack -  sehr stimmungsvolle Ambient Music, auf die verschiedenen 'Welten' abgestimmt. Zwei Stücke sind aber dabei, die ich nicht im Hintergrund laufen lassen kann, da sie zu hektisch bzw verstörend sind. (Zahnarztbohrer!) Den Rest kann ich empfehlen. Für 10 EUR kann man da nicht viel falsch machen.

Hab ich was vergessen?

Ja, das T-Shirt:
(https://shopcdn.textalk.se/shop/ws51/49251/art51/h4453/166434453-origpic-8936e8.jpg?max-width=653&max-height=522&quality=85) - Merchandising, Merchandising!

[Edit:]Post überarbeitet, Bilder eingepflegt.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 30.05.2019 | 19:16
Vorherigen Post stark überarbeitet.

Es läuft übrigens der Spanische Kickstarter (https://www.nosolorol.com/kult). Hier mal die geplanten Editionen:
(https://www.nosolorol.com/img/cms/kult/presentacion-libros-edestandar.jpg) (https://www.nosolorol.com/img/cms/kult/presentacion-libros-ednegra.jpg) (https://www.nosolorol.com/img/cms/kult/presentacion-libros-edcoleccionista.jpg) (https://www.nosolorol.com/img/cms/kult/presentacion-libros-edunica.jpg)

Die Edition Unica (mit Metall Sephiroth Baum und Metall Verschluss und anderem Schnickschnack) für 1000 EUR ist schon weg.  :o

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Crimson King am 30.05.2019 | 22:34
Danke! Black Madonna werde ich im Original sicher niemals spielen. Taugt die Kampagne was als Ideensteinbruch, wenn man in der Postmoderne bleiben will, oder fokussiert sie doch zu stark auf das WK 2-Thema?

Taroticum und das Tarot Deck werde ich mir wohl mittelfristig zulegen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: CiNeMaNcEr am 30.05.2019 | 22:54
Danke! Black Madonna werde ich im Original sicher niemals spielen. Taugt die Kampagne was als Ideensteinbruch, wenn man in der Postmoderne bleiben will, oder fokussiert sie doch zu stark auf das WK 2-Thema?

Den Eindruck von achlys zu Black Madonna und Taroticum  and other Tales kann ich nur bestätigen.
Und ja die Kampange taugt als Ideensteinbruch für die Postmoderne (wobei sie eher 90er Fokusiert ist). WW2 Thema kommt nur wenig vor und kann noch mehr reduziert werden, kenne 2 Gruppen die das Chapter entfallen lassen haben, nicht unbedingt wegen der Thematik sondern weil sie es weder für nötig hielten noch dieses Kapitel besonders gut ausgearbeitet wurde.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Frosty am 3.08.2019 | 22:37
Red Moon Roleplaying (https://www.redmoonroleplaying.com/podcast/2019/4/23/kult-and-the-rockets-red-glare-with-rollspelsklubben) haben zusammen mit Rollspelsklubben ein brandneues Szenario durchgespielt:
KULT: And the Rocket's Red Glare, with Rollspelsklubben (https://www.redmoonroleplaying.com/podcast/2019/4/23/kult-and-the-rockets-red-glare-with-rollspelsklubben)
Die Spieler schlüpfen dabei in die Rolle von Wahlkampfhelfern im Wahlkampf für Donald Trump mitten in der heißen Phase.

Das Szenario kann man bei Helmgast für 4 EUR erwerben (https://webshop.helmgast.se/en/kult/and-the-rockets-red-glare-digital-pdf.html).

(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)

Wir haben uns mal an das Szenario gewagt und in ~4 Stunden durchgespielt.
Spoiler: Trump kommt dabei nicht gut weg

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 9.09.2019 | 07:56
Von den Machern des OST:
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 16.09.2019 | 23:11
So, nach der Sommerpause, komme ich endlich dazu die letzten News mal hier reinzuschreiben.
Alle Infos über https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/ (https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/)

1. Kult hat zwei silberne Ennies gewonnen. Einen für das beste Cover, einen für die beste Schreibe. http://www.ennie-awards.com/blog/2019-ennie-winners/ (http://www.ennie-awards.com/blog/2019-ennie-winners/) (Nebenbemerkung: Ich frage mich echt, wie Mothership als bestes RPG gewinnen konnte. Scheinbar hat keiner dieses bugverseuchte System je gespielt; das bin ich sonst nur von Computerspielen gewöhnt... Auch Black Hack auf dem zweiten Platz für bestes Layout lässt mich bas erstaunt zurück.)

2. Eine nette Einführung zu Kult: The Beginner's Guide to Kult: Divinity Lost I Introduction and Setting (https://youtu.be/Feju9sbeSWs)

3. Ein Podcast von Sweden Rolls (https://swedenrolls.simplecast.com/episodes/f79f2f85)

4. Ein Interview mit Peter Nallo bei +1Forward (https://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/1-forward/kult-divinity-lost) über Kult einschließlich eines kleinen Spielausschnittes.

5. Helmgast wird ein neues Crowdfunding für eine Reihe Bücher starten. Dabei soll u.a. ein Kampangen und SL-band entstehen. Da sie diesmal nicht wieder über ein Jahr brauchen wollen, möchten Sie die Bücher in trockenen Tüchern haben. Ich bin gespannt...
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: LushWoods am 17.09.2019 | 07:03
Bei den Ennies, wie auch bei vermutlich fast allen anderen Preisen auch, stehen da Agendas und Verbindungen dahinter die wir nicht mitbekommen. Is halt so.
Das muß nicht unbedingt mit der Qualität der Teilnehmer in Zusammenhang stehen.
Ein neuer Kickstarter mit vernünftigem Zeitrahmen? Count me in.  :)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 21.11.2019 | 11:23
Es ist jetzt offiziell (https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost/photos/a.1473495262950262/2175099436123171/?type=3&theater):
KULT: Divinity Lost

KULT: DIVINITY LOST to be released in Germany

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN (November 21, 2019) – Acclaimed RPG Publisher Helmgast AB today announces that German publisher Truant Spiele has acquired the licensing rights to manage the worldwide translation, production, and distribution of the critically acclaimed, ENnies Award winning horror pen-and-paper role-playing game KULT: DIVINITY LOST, 4th Edition, in German. This includes all current and upcoming official products for the game line in said language.

“KULT has been available in German since the first edition launched almost 30 years ago. To see it in Truant’s capable and knowledgeable hands is great, and brings the game full circle. Truant is an amazing partner for us to bring KULT: Divinity Lost to old and new fans of gruesome gnostic horror” Marco Behrmann, KULT: Divinity Lost Brand Manager, said. “We are really looking forward to see how the German fans will react to the new edition.”

Mario Truant, Publisher: “Me and my team, we are really looking forward to work on a German edition of this beautiful game and to make it available to the German players.

Mario Truant, Verleger: “Mein Team und ich freuen uns sehr darauf, an einer deutschen Version dieser wunderschönen Ausgabe von KULT zu arbeiten und sie den Spielern zu präsentieren.”

KULT: DIVINITY LOST was released in 2018 and is the 4th edition of the classic Kult, under a license from Cabinet Licensing. The game was developed using crowdfunding and broke the funding record for a Swedish developed RPG at the time, with the game funded within 20 minutes and reaching 27x its original goal.

The new game, KULT: DIVINITY LOST, features a completely new rule-set, and setting updated to present day. Escape your nightmares, strike bargains with demons, and try to stay alive in a world full of pain, torture, and death.

In KULT: DIVINITY LOST, the world around us is a lie. Mankind is trapped in an Illusion. We do not see the great citadels of Metropolis towering over our highest skyscrapers. We do not hear the screams from the forgotten cellar where hidden stairs take us to Inferno. We do not smell the blood and burnt flesh from those sacrificed to long forgotten Gods. But some of us see glimpses from beyond the veil. We have this strange feeling that something is not right—the ramblings of a madman in the subway seems to carry a hidden message, and, when thinking about it, our reclusive neighbor doesn’t appear to be completely human when we pass in the hallway. By slowly discovering the truth about our prison, our captors, and our hidden pasts, we can finally awaken from our induced sleep and take control of our destiny.


Helmgast AB is a renowned Swedish publisher and developer of award-winning roleplaying games, such as KULT: DIVINITY LOST, Eon, Hjältarnas Tid, Järn, Neotech, and Noir.

Die Truant Spiele gehen 2020 in ihr Dreißigstes Jahr! Waren es zu Beginn noch Fantasy-Universal-Abenteuer, so erschien dann 1992 mit der deutschen Erstausgabe von KULT ein eigenständiges Rollenspielsystem.

Truant Games has 2020 its thirties anniversary. In the beginning we published generic fantasy role-playing adventures. In 1992 we published the German edition of Kult which became our first full RPG.

The Cabinet group consists of Cabinet Entertainment, a tv/film financing and production company, as well as Cabinet Licensing, a consumer products division which manages and develops global entertainment franchises in all forms of media, including motion picture, television, and the gaming, publishing and toy/collectibles industries. Our portfolio consists of well-known brands such as Conan the Barbarian, Kull of Atlantis, Solomon Kane, Mutant Chronicles, Mutant: Year Zero, and Kult.





Truant UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Frauenlobstr. 95
55118 MAINZ


[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Frosty am 21.11.2019 | 14:08
ich hoffe auf eine gute Übersetzung,
von Witcher hab ich leider bisher nicht so viel gutes gehört
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 15.03.2020 | 21:33
Schon ein paar Tage her, trotzdem hier die Infos von Helmgast über Facebook:

KULT: Divinity Lost
2. März um 13:22 ·

RPG Publisher Helmgast AB announces NILS HINTZE as the author of an upcoming campaign book for KULT: DIVINITY LOST.

Nils is the designer and primary author of Free League's Tales from the Loop, Things from the Flood, and most recently Vaesen: Nordic Horror Roleplaying. He is also a prolific scenario writer and playwright with over a decade of experience and is a big fan of KULT.

"I played the Swedish first edition of the game as a teenager and what fascinated me was that it was about real life people", says Nils. "My kind-of hopeless Swedish painter Ralf had been pulled into his own nightmares. It was so scary, after that first session of Kult I had a hard time walking home in the dark. That wasn't something that happened with other roleplaying games. I have always felt that the core of Kult is ordinary people not knowing what is going on, but experiencing a world as scary as real life would be if we made the choice to see all of the pains, worries, and horrors that people all around the world face every day. What monster could be as scary as oceans filled with plastic? This is not about hobbits — this is the real shit."

"I drew inspiration from three things when I wrote this campaign: from my work as a psychologist trying to help people who have experienced war and torture, my interest in history, and my own and others' experiences with the sadness, anxiety, and crippling feelings of meaninglessness that I think most people struggle with. These are themes that I think can be handled well by Kult, without having to censor it or turn it into fairy tales. Statistically most people - even those with jobs and a decent place to live - will experience episodes of mental illness during their lifetime, like depression and anxiety. Almost all of us have episodes where life feels so meaningless or frightening that we cannot even function in our ordinary life. We don’t know what is going on, who we are, or what the point of it all is. These are central questions in Kult, and this campaign tackles them head-on."

Petter Nallo is KULT: DIVINITY LOST's Creative Director: "Nils have proved himself again and again with an assortment of games that he is a great writer. But I think that his personal experiences, his job and his insights into the depths of the human psyche makes him an ideal person to write for KULT. What he has created is something that I would call unique. The campaign will explore a new decade, portray a new setting seldom used in game worlds, and ask profound questions. This is not an easy campaign. It is daring and brave and goes to the edge - and that is the heart of what a great KULT campaign should be."

The campaign book is slated for a Kickstarter crowdfunder release in Q2 2020.

More details to follow.


[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: August der Schäfer am 12.05.2020 | 10:22
Kult war schon früher eines meiner absoluten Lieblingsrollenspiele  >;D

Gibt es eigentlich schon was neues zur deutschen Übersetzung?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Ahab am 12.05.2020 | 10:41
Kult war schon früher eines meiner absoluten Lieblingsrollenspiele  >;D

Gibt es eigentlich schon was neues zur deutschen Übersetzung?

Die Übersetzung an sich ist fertig. :) Wann das Buch gelayoutet sein und in den Druck gehen wird, kann ich Dir leider nicht sagen. Wahrscheinlich zur Spiel, würde ich vermuten. Ist ja ein ziemlicher Brocken.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 20.05.2020 | 23:35
Großartig! Ich freue mich!   :d
Ich hoffe, auch wenn die Spiel jetzt ausfällt, dass Kult trotzdem bis dahin erscheint.
Derweil können wir unser Geld auf den kommenden Kult-Supplement KS werfen:

Update #116
KULT - upcoming Kickstarter, translations and a new game from Helmgast

19. Mai 2020


It’s time to wake up from the slumbering environment in Elysium and open your eyes and impressions for some KULT news.

Upcoming KULT Kickstarter

We will in the coming weeks open a preview of our new Kickstarter campaign for KULT! It will feature several different items, all at once. We do this in order to limit the number of actual campaigns, focusing on a bigger one instead of splitting each item into its own separate Kickstarter campaign. It is a test for us to see if this is the way we go forward with future releases or if we go back to having single item campaigns. Please let us know your point of view on this. Our main information channel is our Facebook page, please subscribe if you haven’t already and let us have your comments https://www.facebook.com/kultdivinitylost

KULT translations

KULT: Divinity Lost is now confirmed to be released in Polish! Our KULT family thereby includes the following publishers, apart from Helmgast and Modiphius who did the original English 4th edition of KULT release:

    French - https://arkhane-asylum.fr/
    Spanish - https://www.nosolorol.com/
    German - https://truant.com/
    Italian - https://www.raven-distribution.com/
    Portuguese - https://www.burogames.com/
    Polish - https://alis.games/

Troubleshooters - new game from Helmgast on Kickstarter now!

Helmgast, together with our friends at Arkhane Asylum and Modiphius, are currently crowdfunding a new game on Kickstarter - the Troubleshooters. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/helmgast/the-troubleshooters-action-adventure-tabletop-rpg

This is an action-adventure tabletop roleplaying game of international mystery. Inspired by European comics (such as Tintin and Spirou), The Troubleshooters will take you all across the world for exciting adventures! The Troubleshooters will be released in an English and a French edition. Try out the quick play scenario, which includes a basic set of rules, with your friends now: https://helmgast.se/troubleshooters/the-troubleshooters-archive
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 11.06.2020 | 10:01
Ups, fast vergessen:

Update #117
NEW KULT Kickstarter | Launch 11 June | PREVIEW AVAILABLE

Helmgast ABProjektgründer
8. Juni 2020


A date has been set! The upcoming KULT: Divinity Lost Kickstarter will launch on Thursday 11 June at CET 11.00 (GMT 10 am/EST 5 am). A preview page is now available: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/helmgast/1313878870?ref=4xj2mi&token=8bef8c32

With this Kickstarter, Helmgast is excited to present two new source books along with two new gaming aids, all to support the Gamemaster before and during play.


Beyond Darkness and Madness is a book that serves as a tool for the Gamemaster in creating scenarios, locations, characters and building a horror atmosphere.

Screams and Whispers is a scenario collection featuring six scenarios, which a Gamemaster can pick up and play with minimum preparation.

Labyrinths and Secret Chambers is a set with maps and floor plans that a Gamemaster can use to quickly set scenes in play or prepare interesting locations during the downtime phase.

Weapon Deck is a deck with 55 reference cards for weapons and gear that can be given to the players for easy reference.

Note the time and date in your calendar, and sign up on the preview page to be notified once the Kickstarter campaign goes live!

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Ahab am 11.06.2020 | 10:09
Yeeha... Und wieder wandert ein Hunni dahin.  ;D
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Skeptomai am 11.06.2020 | 10:47
Interessant.  :d
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Rabe am 11.06.2020 | 11:25
Und Ziel erreicht ...  ;D

..und es geht weiter und weiter
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Skeptomai am 11.06.2020 | 11:25
Und Ziel erreicht ...  ;D

..und es geht weiter und weiter

Sehr cool.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: tartex am 11.06.2020 | 16:34
Obwohl ich großer Kult-DL-Fan bin, sind da anscheinend leider sind kaum Sachen dabei, mit denen ich was anfangen könnte. Vorgefertigte Szenarien spiele ich nicht, Artikel zum Thema "atmosphärischer Spielleiten" haben ich schon dutzenfach und Karten und Bodenpläne, brauche ich wohl keine.

Übersehe ich was?

Ich alter Cruncher war besonders and den versprochenen Enlightened Archetypen interessiert.

Future supplements will contain
further Enlightened Archetypes along with rules
and suggestions for how to play stories featuring
Enlightened characters. One Enlightened Archetype
will be available for each school of magic, allowing
players to portray magicians of Dream, Time and
Space, Passion, and Madness.

Die sind aber hier nicht dabei, oder?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 13.06.2020 | 09:55
Nein, leider nicht. Da hatte ich auch mehr Inhalte erschaffen. Ich habe aber über die Kult Fan-Gemeinde Enlgithened Archetypes zu den anderen Lores of Magic in Anlehnung an den Death Magican in den Core Rules. Findest Du hier: https://mimir.owncube.com/index.php/s/kult-share

Wie auch zum vorherigen KS werde ich hier die aktuellen Updates posten:

Update #1
The Original Seal is broken!

11. Juni 2020


You are the greatest! The funding goal was hit in 20 minutes. Thank you all for your support of KULT: Divinity Lost, and our quest to exist in eternity!

The hunt for the Stretch Goals is on!

Update #2
First Stretch Goal unlocked
11. Juni 2020


You will have more locations to explore, as ten more maps will be added to Labyrinths and Secret Chambers. Will we be able to visit even more places in the future?

Update #3
More Screams and Whispers!

11. Juni 2020


With the speed of a raging Cairath the next Stretch Goal is reached. An additional scenario will be added to Screams and Whispers. We hope you will enjoy it.

Update #4

11. Juni 2020


Thank you all for your support! You have unlocked the secret project!

In time for the 30th anniversary of KULT, we are very proud to announce a collaboration with our good friends at Fandrake.

THE ART OF KULT will be a massive book of the highest production quality, detailing the visual evolution of our favorite game. From the early brainstorming sketches of 1989-1990 to the nightmare inducing artworks of KULT: DIVINITY LOST.

Featuring artists like Peter Andrew Jones, Nils Gulliksson, Peter Bergting and Bastien Lecouffe-Deharme as well as a chapter on the origins of KULT with the original design team.

The Kickstarter campaign will launch in September 2020 with a release in 2021. More details to follow.

Fandrake is an award winning Swedish publishing house focused on exclusive coffee table books about games and fan culture. They have previously produced several books touching on the subject of KULT including ÄVENTYRSSPEL - BLAND MUTANTER, DRAKAR OCH DEMONER about the company that first published the game in 1991.



Update #5
More places to get lost in
11. Juni 2020


Another stretch goal reached. We will add 10 more locations to Labyrinths and Secret Chambers, for a total of 70 locations! Thanks you all for making this possible!

Update #6
A Guide into the Light

11. Juni 2020


This is amazing. Another Stretch Goal down. Now both Screams and Whispers and Beyond Darkness and Madness will have ribbons fixed, to allow you to easier find the information you need quick access to.

Update #7
Embrace the Pain and come hither
11. Juni 2020


You guys are shattering stretch goals so fast the Illusion is having a hard time maintaining itself! Another scenario will be added to Screams and Whispers, written by legendary KULT writer Magnus Seter. It will be... special.

Update #8
How did we end up here, honey?
11. Juni 2020


We are very humbled and amazed by your dedication to KULT: Divinity Lost. We are very thankful for your glorious support. 500,000 SEK reached about 10 hours after launch is a feat worthy of an Archon. With this, another stretch goal is shattered and Labyrinths and Secret Chambers is expanded with 10 more maps, for a total of 80!

Again, thank you all, enlightened beings!

Ok, das waren nur die vom 11. Juni....
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 13.06.2020 | 09:59
Update #9
Oh, all the pretty colors! Wait, it seems to move...?

12. Juni 2020


A pleasant experience waking up to the sound of a crushed stretch goal! You have managed to get even more lush, dark, and disturbing art for Screams and Whispers. Congratulations to us all!

Update #10
Will the record hold or shatter?

12. Juni 2020


We are app. 21 hours into the campaign and you guys have raised almost as much as the original KULT: Divinity Lost Kickstarter did in its first 24 hours (638k SEK). That is mindbogglingly cool and unexpected. We are so humbled by your commitment and support.

Thank you all!

Update #11
Let's see what the future holds for you, my dear

12. Juni 2020


Thank you for making us reach a new stretch goal! The rules for how to use the KULT: Divinity Lost Tarot Card deck as a tool to create stories, characters, and plot lines, will be added to Beyond Darkness and Madness. Three new stretch goals have been presented as well, and we will take this opportunity to think hard about what the stretch goals beyond should be. Suggestions are appreciated! The boundaries are that stretch goals should not risk delaying or derailing the promised products in the Kickstarter. We really want to hit the proposed delivery date.

Again thank you all for your support and love. And please, if you like, share, and talk about this Kickstarter with friends or groups you hang with. You are our ambassadors for KULT: Divinity Lost out there in Elysium.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 13.06.2020 | 15:23
Update #12
Plenty of space for my wondrous creations!

13. Juni 2020


Another stretch goal reached! With Labyrinths and Secret Chambers there will now be basic templates available for you to make your own custom locations. It will be very cool to see what kind of creations you guys will conjure up later on!

We appreciate the suggestions on future stretch goals. They will be collected and discussed internally early next week, when the KDL Team is gathered. Keep 'em coming, please!

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 14.06.2020 | 21:11
Update #13
Cut those ribbons, and watch 'em bleed!

14. Juni 2020


Next stretch goal crushed. The books will get two ribbons each, for easy reference while reading!

We are eagerly reading your suggestions for stretch goals (please continue!). Some are more suitable as stand alone Kickstarter projects than stretch goals in this one, but we will bring those ideas with us to the future. Your creativity is contagious.

Please share, like, and spread the word, so we can attack the next stretch goal and the next batch can be revealed!
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 17.06.2020 | 20:36
Update #14
Is this the end? No, it is only the beginning!

17. Juni 2020


Thank you all for us reaching the last of the announced Stretch Goals. The unique 1-on-1 scenario The Driver will now be part of Screams and Whispers.

The next batch of Stretch Goals will be announced tomorrow, Thursday June 18th. We are working feverishly behind the scenes to produce art assets for the Kickstarter page, and nailing down the details of these new Stretch Goals. As stated previously, it is very important to us to not over-promise stuff and thus risk delaying the four core products in this campaign. Your plentiful suggestions have helped us defining and pursuing certain paths forward.

Stay tuned and please check in tomorrow!

Update #15
Seven Sisters Actual Play

17. Juni 2020


Tonight, Victory Condition Gaming plays Seven Sisters at 9pm EDT (03:00 CET)!

Set in 1945, the second World War is soon at its end. The player characters are sent into Berlin to find a secret agent. In this time of extreme chaos and suffering the borders to Inferno are thin and servants of the Death Angel Thaumiel have their own agendas.

This scenario is written by the legendary first edition KULT writers, Gunilla Jonsson and Michael Petersen, and tonight’s game will be run by Mitchell Wallace.

Seven Sisters
is part of the book Screams and Whispers, which is available in the ongoing Kickstarter campaign.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Oh Gott sie sind Überall am 18.06.2020 | 12:09
So sehr ich mich auch über den aktuellen KS freue, finde ich es schade, dass viele Stretch Goals einfach den Abdruck alter PDF's enthalten. Naja mal sehen was jetzt noch alles kommt.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Tigerbunny am 18.06.2020 | 12:32
So sehr ich mich auch über den aktuellen KS freue, finde ich es schade, dass viele Stretch Goals einfach den Abdruck alter PDF's enthalten. Naja mal sehen was jetzt noch alles kommt.

Man kann allerdings einigen Kommentaren im KS entnehmen, dass es sich um eine bewusste Entscheidung handelt, da man zusätzliche Verzögerungen vermeiden und tatsächlich schon im Februar 2021 liefern will.

Die neuen drei Stretch Goals sollen auch die letzten sein. Nachdem der erste KS etwas unglücklich verlaufen ist, weil die Macher den Arbeitsaufwand einzelner Schritte krass unterschätzt haben, begrüße ich diese Entscheidung eigentlich, obwohl ich mir natürlich insgeheim auch viel neuen fancy stuff wünsche.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Oh Gott sie sind Überall am 18.06.2020 | 20:19
Natürlich finde ich realistische Stretch Goals und eine schnelle Auslieferung erstrebenswerte als eine ewig verzögerte Auslieferung.

Aber fast nur bekannte Inhalte ist etwas fad. Naja aber den exklusiven Abenteuerband als add on finde ich nice!
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 18.06.2020 | 21:24
Update #16
The Forbidden - The Banned Collection revealed

18. Juni 2020


The Forbidden - The Banned Collection is a new potential unlock. When this Stretch Goal is reached, a new Add-on book will become available for purchase.

KULT: Divinity Lost is a game that touches on the forbidden, both in text and art. Some of our materials are considered too controversial to ever reach retail. Some of these have either been released only as a digital PDF or not released at all. This book changes that.

It contains three scenarios - An Echo from the Past, And the Rockets Red Glare, and The Tapestry of Suburbia.

An Echo from the Past is the classic KULT scenario where the players might end up skinning the Pope alive, depending on some really tough old and new choices.

And The Rockets Red Glare takes place in the midst of the US Presidential Elections 2016, where the player characters are trapped in a power struggle where nobody is what they seem to be.

The Tapestry of Suburbia is a scenario set in a suffocating suburbia environment with white picket fences and well kept gardens. Inspired by movies such as Blue Velvet and A Nightmare on Elm Street, something is hidden behind the perfect facade.

The Forbidden also contains a gallery appendix with the uncensored art from Screams and Whispers and Beyond Darkness and Madness, together with the original uncensored art from the KULT: Divinity Lost Core Rules Book.

This will be a hardcover book. Page count TBD.

It will never be available in retail.

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 21.06.2020 | 12:11
Ryan Northcott starb am Freitag. Er war einer der aktivsten Mitglieder der Kult Fanbase. Persönlich hatte ich im alten Last Cycle Kult Forum mit ihm Kontakt und durfte an seinem Defector System und dem dazugehörigen Hive Setting mitarbeiten. Sein stets unruhiger Geist suchte immer nach neuen Ideen und er hatte ein Gespür für die Schattenseiten der menschlichen Seele. Andererseits trat er vehement für seine Mitmenschen ein. In Diskussionen vertrat er seinen Standpunkt vehement, trat trotzdem seinen Mitdiskutierern mit Respekt und Toleranz seinen Gegenüber und versuchte  immer sie zu verstehen.
Er hinterlässt seine Frau und zwei gemeinsame Töchter. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Ihr Euch auch am Crowdfunding seiner Schwägerin (https://gf.me/u/x9zb52) beteiligt, die versucht, die prekäre Situation seiner Familie aufzufangen, in der diese nun steckt.

Dear Kultists,
This is a day of sad news.
Ryan Northcott, a beloved and respected member of the KULT family and a pillar in the KULT community has passed away.
He was a passionate fan of the game since the early days. A writer, creator and musician that was, like many of us, seduced by KULT and its dark worlds. He always strived to keep the game alive, to introduce it to new players, and sought to build an active fan base.
He contacted me early on when KULT: Divinity Lost was announced and said he wished to help. Since he was a musician he came to be in charge of producing the official KULT: Divinity Lost Dark Ambient Soundtrack. He did all of the heavy lifting - talked with the artists, put together the music, mixed it, named it, and just made it feel aligned with the true KULT experience. He also created some beautiful, and horrific, pieces with his one man band Mechanoreceptor.
As a person Ryan was passionate and very direct. If he did not understand or if he disliked something, he always was clear about that. He could be stubborn and fought against ideas that he believed to be wrong or not true to the soul of KULT. But he also praised the things he found to be great and could always change his mind. And he had a wonderful and raw humor and many discussions we had online erupted in laughter and bad jokes. With him in the projects everything just became better.
Ryan was not just a musician. He partook in the development of future books that touch on the Underworld and Limbo and his writing in these will now have to be finished by other members of the KULT family. It will live on and become dark and beautiful creations for you others to indulge in.
Ryan has now entered another existence, and I hope there are mysteries for him to solve and wonders for him to experience wherever he is.
/Petter Nallo and the KULT team.
Ps. The video presents my favorite track of his, from on the Official Soundtrack. Ds.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 25.06.2020 | 22:31
Update #17
Trust me, I know where we are heading

19. Juni 2020


One more stretch goal obliterated! The number of maps in Labyrinths and Secret Chambers is increased to a total of 90 maps! A lot of places to get lost in.

Also - for you Black Edition fans, expect some cool news in the next few days.

Happy Midsommer to you all!

Update #18
Embrace The Forbidden

23. Juni 2020


You did it! The Forbidden - The Banned Collection is now unlocked as an Add-on. The Forbidden is a special book that is not part of the ordinary KULT: Divinity Lost product library.

As most of you all know, KULT: Divinity Lost is a game that touches on the forbidden, both in text and art. Some of our materials are considered too controversial to ever reach retail. Some of these have either been released only as a digital PDF or not released at all. This book changes that.

It contains three scenarios - An Echo from the Past, And the Rockets Red Glare, and The Tapestry of Suburbia.

An Echo from the Past is the classic KULT scenario where the players might end up skinning the Pope alive, depending on some really tough old and new choices.

And The Rockets Red Glare
takes place in the midst of the US Presidential Elections 2016, where the player characters are trapped in a power struggle where nobody is what they seem to be.

The Tapestry of Suburbia is a scenario set in a suffocating suburbia environment with white picket fences and well kept gardens. Inspired by movies such as Blue Velvet and A Nightmare on Elm Street, something is hidden behind the perfect facade.

The Forbidden also contains a gallery appendix with the uncensored art from Screams and Whispers and Beyond Darkness and Madness, together with the original uncensored art from the KULT: Divinity Lost Core Rules Book.

This will be a hardcover book. Page count TBD. This book will not be available as a digital version (PDF).

It will never be available in retail.


Update #19
Delve Deeper into the Eyes


Next stretch goal unlocked! We will add more art (5 additional full color artworks) for Beyond Darkness and Madness, to further set the mood and themes.

We intend to reveal the next set of stretch goals shortly (Thursday or Friday) as we are awaiting some external confirmations.

We also hope to announce some new Black Edition news tomorrow.

Please share, like, and spread the word to people around you. About a week until the campaign finishes!

Update #20
Updates to shipping locations and shipping rates


We have made a new inquiry in an effort to add new locations we can ship to. We are happy to announce that we now also can ship to Israel and Iceland.

During this process we also acquired updated shipping rates. Unfortunately the example shipping rates for Canada and Mexico have gone up. Slightly up for Canada, and unfortunately for our friends in Mexico, shipping rates have jumped quite a bit due to the last couple of months of unstable circumstances in the world.

We will continue to monitor shipping rates and will let you know if there are any changes going forward.

Update #21
The Darkness Grows - New Black Editions unveiled!

25. Juni 2020


We have some Add-On news for our collectors who like the Black Edition line of our main books in the KULT: Divinity Lost library. Previously we had the Core Rules in Black Edition and when we started the current Kickstarter we also offered Screams and Whispers and Beyond Darkness and Madness in Black Edition versions.

We are now happy to announce that we will also be offering the previously released books The Black Madonna and Taroticum and Other Tales in Black Edition - so every main book currently available will be in both Standard as well as in Black Edition! The numbers available will be quite limited.

The Add-On section on the main Kickstarter page has been updated with these two new books.

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 25.06.2020 | 22:33
Argh, mein Geldbeutel....
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 26.06.2020 | 16:26
Update #22
Ask, and You Shall Receive!

26. Juni 2020


New stretch goals have been revealed. We are very happy to announce something many of you have requested - a deck of cards with advantages and disadvantages!

So at stretch level 1,400,000 kr the Deck of Traits - Advantages and Disadvantages will be unlocked as an Add-on and become available for purchase. A massive deck of cards for easy reference describing all advantages, disadvantages, and dark secrets available for the aware archetypes, totaling about 170 cards (TBC).

The Kickstarter price will be 250 kr (~€23 /~$26).


Image is a mockup and final design is to be confirmed.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 28.06.2020 | 11:57
Update #23
Easy Access to your Soul

27. Juni 2020


You guys unlocked the Deck of Traits - Advantages and Disadvantages! Thank you very much for your support! Main page has been updated to reflect this. Will we unlock the next stretch goal?

Please share, like, and talk about KULT: Divinity Lost and this campaign, as we go into the final phase before the end. The glorious end!
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 2.07.2020 | 01:15
Update #24
The Final End

30. Juni 2020


We have reached the final stretch goal on this quest. With it, ten more maps are added to Labyrinths and Secret Chambers for a total of 100 maps. Thank you all for your support.

After heavy deliberation, the KULT: Divinity Lost team has decided that this was the last stretch goal for this campaign. We had some ideas for more, but each and every one would've increased the risk of delays in production and delivery - something we really want to avoid. So we chose the mature and safe path forward this time.

The quest is over, the soul may find its rest, in the depth of Metropolis, after a fruitful hunt, knowing all was achieved. 


Update #25
Path to Enlightenment, Path to Oblivion

2. Juli 2020


We are almost to the end of the Kickstarter campaign and for those who have been keeping up on social media we have been talking a lot about KULT: Divinity Lost.

We have been able to discuss much about how to create scenarios to interviews with the creators, writers, and artists behind the veil. If you missed it, feel free to watch and let us know what you think in the comments. If you like it, more will be made.

The KULT: Divinity Lost Interview (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzIc6l3Y1yLTV2y8qc9d_5cb6vC0iUTiE) Playlist on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzIc6l3Y1yLTV2y8qc9d_5cb6vC0iUTiE)

Please share, like, and talk about this Kickstarter to anyone who could be interested in a real horror RPG. They have less than 24h to commit. The Forbidden is unlocked. Time is running out.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 3.07.2020 | 20:17
Update #26
Lay Down Little One, It Is Time To Sleep
2. Juli 2020


On behalf of the KULT: Divinity Lost Team at Helmgast, we want to say thank you. Thank you for a great campaign, great constructive discussions, great enthusiasm, great helpfulness, and generally a great and positive atmosphere throughout the campaign.

It is a time for celebration, as the end result came in beyond our wildest expectations! We were a bit wary as it was several years since the original KDL Kickstarter happened. Was anyone still interested in a very dark niche horror game? I think the response is a resounding HELL YES!

This campaign has energized the KDL Team. The success has sparked many good ideas, and the next Kickstarter will not take years before it launches. We hope you will stand by us as we will explore the depth of the worlds of Kult.

More of flesh, gore, blood, and beauty. Lost places and lost souls. The poetic grotesque. The sublime violence. More of all!

Again, thank you.


Kickstarter will process payments from now and ongoing for about one week, so please make sure your credit card works. We will get in touch with you if there is a problem.

Our experience is that some banks in the USA might refuse the payment at first. Kickstarter uses the company Stripe to process payments and sometimes US banks see this as a strange foreign transaction.

You can prevent this by contacting your bank early and let them know to expect a Stripe payment request.

If there is a problem with the payment Kickstarter will email you and let you know. You just need to tell your bank that it's a legitimate payment and then hopefully it should go through. We will also see failed transactions at our end and will email to see how we can help.

If your payment isn’t authorized within a week, Kickstarter will cancel your Pledge. We will try to help you as much as possible to make sure this doesn’t happen.


The target is to open the Pledgemanager in August. You will get an invite when this happens. Pledgemanager will have your Pledge Reward that you chose, and the total amount allocated. You can also change your Pledge Reward. After this you will be able to select all the Add-On's you desired. And lastly, you will specify your shipping location and address, and pay for shipping. You'll be able to pay by Credit Card or PayPal for any extras.

A very humbled KDL Design Team,

-Marco, Petter & Paul

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: JAW6 am 24.02.2021 | 12:12
Gibt es bzgl der pledgekampagne schon neues? Ende Januar sollte das Festgeld abgebucht werden aber bei mir wurde nichts abgebucht.

Gruß, paddy
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 24.02.2021 | 17:39
Ja, ich habe mich auch gewundert, aber bei mir kam auch nix. Im Dezemberupdate (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/helmgast/kult-divinity-lost-horror-guide-and-scenario-collection/posts/3054941) (Nr 30) wurde aber gesagt, dass sich die Auslieferung bis Mai verzögern würde.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Grummelstein am 24.02.2021 | 17:54
Ja, gerade sehr ruhig. Abwarten.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 27.02.2021 | 21:35
So, ich war viel zu nachlässig. Ich poste hier mal die letzten Updates.

Update #27
The Anticipation is Killing us Now and Forever

18. August 2020


The KULT: Divinity Lost Pledgemanager landing page is online, for pre-orders and for future finalization of backer rewards. Full site launch in 2-3 weeks. You should sign-up if you are a late backer, to receive notifications when it opens.

The landing page is located here: https://kult.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders (https://kult.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders)

Please share and inform your friends who missed the Kickstarter campaign to sign up.

Stand ready when the gates do open!

Update #28
The Weave is Contracting

20. September 2020


This is a quick update on the status of the launch of Backerkit. We are awaiting final confirmation on shipping rates to some territories, which takes longer than anticipated, and we can't launch without. Our new estimates is about one more week before it is all set.

This delay has not affected the production of the items in the Kickstarter itself.

Update #29
The Floodgates have opened

19. November 2020


After being lost on a longwinded, confusing, and contagious quest in Metropolis, we are happy to announce that the pledge manager page, using the BackerKit platform, for this Kickstarter is now online for everyone! All backers should have received an email with an invite to their pledge to manage and finalize.

The BackerKit page will be open to at least the end of January 2021. Please note that even if you finalized and closed your order before this time, the money spent in BackerKit will not be charged on your credit card until Helmgast elect to end the BackerKit page access, early next year. This gives you ample time to reflect on your chosen items and any add-ons you wish to add to your main order.

If you are a backer and experience any problems, please email us at info@helmgast.se. Please include your Kickstarter Backer ID and your Kickstarter email address.

For those who missed the Kickstarter, they can also join the BackerKit page, for pre-orders. The BackerKit page is located here: https://kult.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders (https://kult.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders)

Please spread the word and tell your friends that pre-orders are now available!

Hier ein Update mit einem Memoriam an Ryan Northcott, der vergangenes Jahr überraschend verstarb. Das Material wurde von Ryans Freunden aus der Kult Szene erstellt bzw auf Grundlage seiner Ideen erweitert. Sehr empfehlenswert.
Wer möchte, kann Ryans Witwe und Töchtern mit einer Spende unter die Arme greifen (https://gofund.me/edc55b0c), ich würde mich freuen.

Update #30
Memories and the Future
user avatar
19. Dezember 2020


Here is a general status update, in the year of the pandemic and darkness.

Screams and Whispers

This collection of gruesome stories and human drama is all but done. The scenarios that were added as stretch goals are finished and all except one of them are sent to the proofreader while we are making some final tweaks on the last scenario. The expanded scope means we are waiting for five pieces of art to be delivered. Then we are ready to layout it. Many of the scenarios have been tweaked, polished and reworked after feedback to make them even better!

Beyond Darkness and Madness

This impressive book will be a massive tome of horror and we are waiting for external feedback on the last section of the book (“Reflections”) and during this time the main writer, Jason Fryer, is adding final polish to the other chapters. When this is finished (by the end of December) it will be sent to the proofreader. The art is completely done for this book.

Labyrinths and Secret Chambers

The amount of maps and floor plans exploded from 50 to 100. But, the main map designer Andreas Ruu Viklund, with help from Fredrik Toreblad and Anita Siastra, has finished all of the maps. Andreas is now giving them the last touches of grit and mood, and writers are finishing up the texts. We have a good feeling of this product. It feels really solid and like a core item for any modern TTRPG.

The Weapon Cards and Deck of Traits

Both the art and the rules for this are finished and are awaiting layout.

The Forbidden

This limited Scenario Collection is near completion. After playtesting the main scenario: "Tapestry of Suburbia", it was decided to expand on it and change some parts after feedback so that it can be branched out and run in other settings/contexts. This rewrite is yet to take place but is expected to be finished in early January. Due to the expansion, the scenario also lacks two pieces of art.

New estimated delivery month

With all this said and done, we are sad to say that we expect a delay from the original estimated delivery in February to later in the spring - our new target delivery month is May. We are very sorry about this bad news but the extra time will make sure the quality is at the high level that you can expect from a KULT: Divinity Lost product, and dare promise you will get something really special in the end.


In memory of Ryan Northcott

Ryan Northcott, also known as Mechanoreceptor, was one of the pillars of the KULT community. He was a passionate fan of the game since the early days. A writer, creator, and musician that was, like many of us, seduced by KULT and its dark worlds.

He always strived to keep the game alive, to introduce it to new players, and sought to build an active fan base. Ryan has now passed to another existence, and we hope there are mysteries for him to solve and wonders for him to experience.

Based on his works and inspired by him as a person, his friends have created a memorial collection of scenarios, sourcebooks and inspirational NPCs for KULT: Divinity Lost.

This is a massive amount of free KULT material. So please share this link to anyone that has a passion for dark horror in general and KULT: Divinity Lost in particular.

There is also a link on the webpage where you can donate money (using GoFundMe) to his family. Link:  https://kult.tools/Memorial (https://kult.tools/Memorial)

Update #31
Catching a Break in this God-forgotten Town!

24. Dezember 2020

Greetings Kultists and a Merry Kultmas to you all!

Hope you are well in these strange times. Since it’s the time of the year when it’s appropriate to give gifts, Helmgast AB and Red Moon Roleplaying has something very special for you - Gallery of Souls. The classic KULT adventure has been translated and updated to KULT: Divinity Lost, refitted, and brought to new unholy life for you to take pleasure in.

Gallery of Souls was originally written by the RPG veteran Magnus Seter for the 2nd Swedish Edition of KULT. To our knowledge it has never been released in English. Mattiaz Fredriksson of Red Moon Roleplaying has translated it to English, and Petter Nallo has updated it to the era of Divinity Lost.

We decided to expand the adventure into a proper quick play scenario, offer pre-made characters, add new scenes and new dangers, and change the setting from an anonymous city in the 1990s to Los Angeles in 1951. So be prepared to explore a grim and treacherous noir setting with smoky bars, and nights filled with shadows, rain and fog.

You may download the scenario here: Gallery of Souls (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AUvsImSqK1aty-3Os0antuwddq_13uKo/view)

Red Moon Roleplaying has made an Actual Play of the scenario that you can listen to here (https://youtu.be/EjBK1i4UkxQ) (as well as on alternative podcast platforms).

If you play the scenario, let us know how it went. Who survived? Who died? And who ended up in a state worse than death?


Und schließlich das aktuelle Update von gestern. Leider nichts über den Pldegemanager, aber sie sind frohgemut, im Zeitplan (Mai) zu bleiben. Ich nehme an, dass der PM dann Ende März schließt.

Update #32
The Courier Navigates the Plague before Dawn

27. Februar 2021


Things are moving forward according to plan. The release date in May looks like it will hold. We have added two layout staffers to help with our many products. Our editors are tweaking the texts and we are adding more art to really create a set of impressive and dark books for you to enjoy. The biggest risks to this date are external, for instance if the expected third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic hits harder and causes logistical shutdowns or illness to key personnel.

Some specific product updates as follows:

Screams and Whispers

This Scenario Collection will have something for everyone. All scenarios in this book, even if they touch upon the supernatural, are close to the human and personal drama. It contains the whole span from extremely close and Bergman-esque to pure Slasher and Cronenberg Body Horror. We have used the extra time polishing the scenarios and we are still tweaking some after external feedback.

We are also adding extra art so many scenarios will have their own look and feel. His Last Hope with the flashback scenes will have the vibe of old polaroid photos. Downfall, where we follow a deranged writer, will give the sense of blood spattered pages with his passionate writing. Seven Sisters, set in Berlin and the end of World War II, will have illustrated weapon cards that are matched with the time period, etc.


Beyond Darkness and Madness

This book will be a massive toolbox for horror roleplaying in the KULT universe. We believe it feels new and fresh when comparing it to other books about Horror in RPGs.

The author Jason Fryer has done a great job lifting up a multitude of elements that a Gamemaster can add to her stories. It is also this book where we are lagging a bit behind. The text is almost completely done, but some things have been changed after feedback and it still needs proofreading, edits and layout.

The positive thing is that we are continuing producing visual content for it so it will be filled with grotesque and beautiful art that ties to each chapter.


Labyrinths and Secret Chambers

This book is a real treat. Seven different writers have been involved in writing 300 location descriptions that can be tied to the maps. The idea is that the gamemaster should be able to flip through the descriptions and be inspired to use it either as a set-piece in an ongoing campaign or when improvising a location.

Since we have had more time with this one we have expanded the book even further with mood texts and advice for the Gamemaster.


Fun fact - we realized that we had created 99 maps instead of 100 so now an extra map is being created by the main designer and map maker Andreas Ruu Viklund.

We also have gotten a new cover by the Swedish artist Moa Frithiofsson.

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 27.02.2021 | 22:02
Im Kommentar zum letzten Update schrieb Helmgast, dass sie selbst noch nicht wüssten, wann sie den PM schließen würden, aber dies 14 Tage vorher ankündigen würden.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 6.05.2021 | 21:58
Und das April Update:

Update #33
The Frozen Soul thaws in the bleak Sunrise

29. April 2021


This is our April update on the status of the progress of our Kickstarter.

We have good and bad news. The good news is that after some internal delays (mainly getting layout up to speed) the production of the items is completed or next to completed. Our goal as of now is to deliver the PDFs for Screams and Whispers, Labyrinths and Secret Chambers as well as the two sets of Cards by the second half of May. The PDF for Beyond Darkness and Madness will be delivered in June.

The bad news is that some of our fears from the last update have become a reality. Our printers cannot today confirm a printing date, and on top of this, logistics (the transport from the printers to our distribution hubs in the US, UK and EU) is also unconfirmed at the moment. The global pandemic has put strain on the transport sector world wide as e-commerce has increased a lot this last year, and securing delivery slots takes a lot longer nowadays.

What we do know is that we will start printing sometime during the summer and our target is to have the books delivered in August or September. We will continue to work towards getting this resolved as quickly as possible though, and have continuous talks with our partners.

Individual status on the items in the Kickstarter

Screams and Whispers

The last two scenarios are awaiting final layout, one image is to be updated (since it was subpar in quality), otherwise all the texts are finished and proofread.

Beyond Darkness and Madness

All texts finished and delivered. Is being proofread and has some final tweaks and edits. All artwork finished.

The Forbidden

The scenario Tapestry of Suburbia is out for rewrites in the final act. Materials delivered and awaiting layout.

Labyrinths and Secret Chambers

All maps finished, all descriptions finished and since this part is locked down we are adding some extra goodies that we feel will be usable for the GM.

The Weapon Cards and Deck of Traits

Both are completed, and are going through final proof.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 10.06.2021 | 19:13
- Pledgemanager schließt Sonntag, den 13.06.
- Die Beta von Screams and Whispers kam am 31.05. raus. (Tolle Szenarios!)
- Die Betas der restlichen Bücher und Karten erscheinen Montag, den 14.06.

Update #34
The Portal is Closing

30. Mai 2021

Hello Kultists!

This update presents our roll-out roadmap and the closing of BackerKit for backers and pre-orders.

BackerKit closing and charging credit cards

Your orders/pledge in BackerKit will be locked on Sunday the 13th of June. This affects both backers and pre-orders. Please make sure your orders are complete and credit card info is up to date. Credit cards will be charged the week commencing 14th of June. Once your orders are locked, you can’t make any changes other than your shipping address (which will be locked at a later stage a few weeks ahead of shipping).

Beta PDF and preparing for printing

We will make available a beta PDF of Screams and Whispers on Monday the 31st of May via Backerkit. We would appreciate feedback (instructions how are in the PDF) when it comes to proofing, factual errors, layout strangeness or similar. please note that we will disregard suggestions that would constitute major rewrites at this stage.

Beta versions of the rest of the digital material, Beyond Darkness and Madness, Labyrinths and Secret Chambers, Deck of Traits and Weapon Cards, will be released Monday the 14th of June.

The Beta version will be open to feedback until the end of June (exact date TBD), after which we will make final updates and edits, and then send everything to the printers.

Once the digital materials have been confirmed for print, final version PDF’s will be made available to backers and pre-orders.

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: tannjew am 16.07.2021 | 17:05
Seltsam, dass bisher noch niemand auf das Crowdfunding für die deutsche Übersetzung von KULT durch TRUANT (https://www.gameontabletop.com/cf550/kult-die-verlorene-gottlichkeit.html) hingewiesen hat.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: AndreJarosch am 16.07.2021 | 17:11
Ich habe gebacked!

Ich finde es zwar immer noch schade, dass es nicht mehr das selbe Spielsystem wie das von 1991 ist, aber ich kann das neue Material ja mit den alten Sstem spielen.
Bei KULT kommt es auf den Hintergrund an!
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 16.07.2021 | 19:05
Seltsam, dass bisher noch niemand auf das Crowdfunding für die deutsche Übersetzung von KULT durch TRUANT (https://www.gameontabletop.com/cf550/kult-die-verlorene-gottlichkeit.html) hingewiesen hat.
Ja, Asche auf mein Haupt. Bin unter den ersten 10 Backern, habe aber keine Zeit gefunden, das hier mal zu thematisieren.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: achlys am 16.07.2021 | 19:09
Ich habe gebacked!

Ich finde es zwar immer noch schade, dass es nicht mehr das selbe Spielsystem wie das von 1991 ist, aber ich kann das neue Material ja mit den alten Sstem spielen.
Bei KULT kommt es auf den Hintergrund an!
Da muss ich sagen, dass sie nicht mehr das altbackene System aus den 90ern genommen haben. Wir spielen gerade sehr erfolgreich eine charakterzentrierte Kampagne und die Regeln helfen dabei sehr!
Meiner Meinung nach ist das die beste Edition überhaupt.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: AndreJarosch am 16.07.2021 | 19:19
Da muss ich sagen, dass sie nicht mehr das altbackene System aus den 90ern genommen haben. Wir spielen gerade sehr erfolgreich eine charakterzentrierte Kampagne und die Regeln helfen dabei sehr!
Meiner Meinung nach ist das die beste Edition überhaupt.

Ich werde mir die neuen Regeln natürlich anlesen, aber ich war mit denen der alten Edition völlig zufrieden.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Infernal Teddy am 16.07.2021 | 19:24
Ich finde die neuen regeln um kiloparsec besser
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: AndreJarosch am 16.07.2021 | 19:46
Ich finde die neuen regeln um kiloparsec besser

Werde ich dann sehen, ob sie mir gefallen.

"Mein" System ist BRP... und davon ist das alte Kult nicht weit entfernt gewesen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Infernal Teddy am 16.07.2021 | 20:26
Ist quasi ein BRP auf w20 hack, ja
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Marduk am 16.07.2021 | 21:47
Werde ich dann sehen, ob sie mir gefallen.

"Mein" System ist BRP... und davon ist das alte Kult nicht weit entfernt gewesen.
Das neue ist halt auf PbtA - Basis... muss man halt mögen (mir gefällt es sehr gut)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: AndreJarosch am 16.07.2021 | 23:29
Das neue ist halt auf PbtA - Basis... muss man halt mögen (mir gefällt es sehr gut)

Kenne ich bisher nicht, werde ich dann sehen (habe ja schon € 127,95 investiert).
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: August der Schäfer am 17.07.2021 | 00:41
oha, danke für die Erinnerung. Habe auch direkt gebacked eben  :d
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Nme3005 am 17.07.2021 | 14:00
Hier mal eine Meinung, warum diese Edition die Beste sein könnte.

https://www.rollenspiel-almanach.de/kult-die-verlorene-goettlichkeit-erscheint-bei-truant-spiele/?fbclid=IwAR1Jx4STm1nX_ClMvJMm74ttkHfcUgJJMZ7ZN07i2Wyedjk8D8_btApngxk (https://www.rollenspiel-almanach.de/kult-die-verlorene-goettlichkeit-erscheint-bei-truant-spiele/?fbclid=IwAR1Jx4STm1nX_ClMvJMm74ttkHfcUgJJMZ7ZN07i2Wyedjk8D8_btApngxk)
Warum ist die neue Edition besser als alle anderen zuvor? Die vorherigen drei Editionen waren sehr kampflastig und sind einfach nicht gut gealtert. Dazu kommt, dass sie sehr simulationistisch waren, denn um des Erfolges Willen flanschte man seinerzeit einen Klon des W%-Systems drauf (ich schätze, die einzige andere wirtschaftliche Alternative wäre D20 gewesen), was dem dramaturgischen Potenzial ziemlich abträglich war. Die neue Edition jedoch hebt zum einen die Kosmologie und die Spielwelt in das 21. Jahrhundert, und – wie bereits oben ausführlich beschrieben – kommt mit einem Regelkern, der das krasse Gegenteil von den alten Regeln darstellt: ein narratives System, welches den Namen auch verdient und all das fördert, was eine SL benötigt, um sich mit minimalem Aufwand maximal um die Charaktere, die Spielwelt und die Story zu kümmern.

Edit: Zitat geändert, falschen Absatz kopiert.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: AndreJarosch am 30.07.2021 | 14:01
Kenne ich bisher nicht, werde ich dann sehen (habe ja schon € 127,95 investiert).

Habe gestern von "Dämon" (127,95) auf "Astharoth" (197,95) upgegrated.

Jetzt da durch Stretchgoals mit "Taroticum und andere Geschichten" ein weiterer € 39,95 Hardcoverband freigeschaltet wurde, den ein "Dämon" dazukaufen müsste, aber der beim "Astaroth" mit drin ist, ist das gar keine Frage.

Beim Unterstützungslevel "Dämon" erhält man für 127,95 einen (gedruckten) Gegenwert von 134,85.
Beim Unterstützungslevel "Astraroth" erhält man seit erreichen des Taroticum-Strechgoals für 197,95 einen (gedruckten) Gegenwert von 244,65.

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: AndreJarosch am 3.08.2021 | 20:06
Die letzten 24 Stunden des Crowdfundings sind angebrochen.
Eigentlich waren mit dem Erreichen des € 40.000 Ziels alle Stretchgoals freigeschaltet, aber jetzt gibt es doch noch was neues:

Bei € 42.500 gibt es ein weiteres Abenteuer als PDF (ist schon freigeschaltet)
Bei € 45.000 kommt ein weiteres PDF-Abenteuer
Bei € 47.500 erscheinen diese beiden Abenteuer auch in gedruckter Form!

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Matterich am 3.08.2021 | 21:44
Das letzte Szenario wird hoffentlich auch noch freigeschaltet. :)
Die Druckversion der letzten beiden Szenarien brauche ich jetzt nicht unbedingt. Dass Taroticum gedruckt wird und gedruckte Handouts für die schwarze Madonna kommen sind schon wirklich das Nonplusultra für mich.

Ich bin jedenfalls total begeistert von diesem Crowdfunding. :)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Frosty am 4.08.2021 | 09:57
Mehr Geld drauf werfen kann ich leider nicht. Doppelt brauche ich das Zeug nicht, vor allem weil ich es schon zusätzlich auf Engl habe
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: AndreJarosch am 4.08.2021 | 10:05
Mehr Geld drauf werfen kann ich leider nicht. Doppelt brauche ich das Zeug nicht, vor allem weil ich es schon zusätzlich auf Engl habe

Dann lehn dich zurück und hoffe, dass andere ihren Unterstützungslevel anheben, oder weitere KULT-Freunde noch auf das Crowdfunding aufspringen.

Wenn diese beiden letzten Strechgoals erreicht werden liegt auf deutsch ALLES vor was derzeit auf englisch verfügbar ist.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: tartex am 4.08.2021 | 10:08
Wenn diese beiden letzten Strechgoals erreicht werden liegt auf deutsch ALLES vor was derzeit auf englisch verfügbar ist.

Von beiden englischen Kickstartern?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: AndreJarosch am 4.08.2021 | 10:12
Von beiden englischen Kickstartern?

Die vier Neuheiten des 2. Kickstarters sind (meines Wissens) noch nicht erschienen. Daher: Alles was im ersten englischen Kickstarter erschienen ist + die beiden Zusatzabenteuer (so die letzten Stretchgoals denn erreicht werden).
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Frosty am 4.08.2021 | 10:37
Ich liebe Mario ein bisschen dafür,
Aber ich hasse ihn auch ein bisschen, dass ich 3 Jahre warten musste
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: AndreJarosch am 4.08.2021 | 10:42
Ich liebe Mario ein bisschen dafür,
Aber ich hasse ihn auch ein bisschen, dass ich 3 Jahre warten musste

Du kannst dir aber sicher sein, dass nach DIESEM ERFOLG die Nachfolgeprodukte nicht sooo lange auf sich warten lassen werden.

Und da Helmgast nicht besonders viel rausbringt ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit hoch, dass in Zukunft die deutsche Linie immer nur kurz hinter der englischen hinterherhinken wird.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Unspeakable am 4.08.2021 | 10:51
Ich liebe Mario ein bisschen dafür,
Aber ich hasse ihn auch ein bisschen, dass ich 3 Jahre warten musste

Dem schliesse ich mich uneingeschränkt an.

Habe alles auf Englisch hier im Schrank.

Hab dennoch auf "Todesengel" gebacked und habe immernoch Bauchschmerzen damit, weil die ganzen ALL-IN Sachen, trotz des hohen Pledgepreises nicht mit drin sind.

(Hab Todesengel genommen und mir damit eingeredet, dass ich ja nun wenigstens andere Buchcover kaufe und es somit nicht eins zu eins doppelt gekauft ist *hust* )
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: tartex am 4.08.2021 | 11:01
Die entscheidende Frage wird halt sein, wie gut die Texte auf Deutsch sind. Gibt es da schon irgendwelche Indizien?

Wie hat der Verlag sich bisher bei Übersetzungen geschlagen?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: AndreJarosch am 4.08.2021 | 11:32
Dem schliesse ich mich uneingeschränkt an.

Habe alles auf Englisch hier im Schrank.

Hab dennoch auf "Todesengel" gebacked und habe immernoch Bauchschmerzen damit, weil die ganzen ALL-IN Sachen, trotz des hohen Pledgepreises nicht mit drin sind.

(Hab Todesengel genommen und mir damit eingeredet, dass ich ja nun wenigstens andere Buchcover kaufe und es somit nicht eins zu eins doppelt gekauft ist *hust* )

Ich habe aus "Astaroth" gebacked.
Ich finde die Bücher mit Coverbildern einfach stimmiger als schwarze Bücher mit roter Schrift, aber das ist Geschmackssache, UND so bin ich ein All-In-Backer und somit ist "Taroticum" im meiner Unterstützung automatisch mit drin... und die letzten beiden Abenteuer in gedruckter Form auch... wenn wir sie denn erreichen.

Ich habe mich von 1992 bis 1996 sehr intensiv mit KULT beschäftigt und eine sehr schöne Kampagne geleitet.
Ich freue mich wieder in diesen Hintergrund eintauchen zu können.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Metamind am 4.08.2021 | 11:47
Mich würde ja interessieren, ob es sich um die zensierte oder die unzensierte (Kickstarter) Version handelt. Wisst ihr da etwas?

Und: Habt ihr für das Spiel leicht Spieler gefunden? Es ist thematisch nun schon sehr anders, als Gute-Laune-Fantasy. 😉
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Galiban Uthmatar am 4.08.2021 | 11:50
Mich würde ja interessieren, ob es sich um die zensierte oder die unzensierte (Kickstarter) Version handelt. Wisst ihr da etwas?

Ist die zensierte, internationale Version. Steht auch irgendwo bei den Kommentaren auf Gameontabletop.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: AndreJarosch am 4.08.2021 | 11:55
Ist die zensierte, internationale Version. Steht auch irgendwo bei den Kommentaren auf Gameontabletop.

Wobei "zensiert" eine Übertreibung ist.
Es ist ja nicht so, dass das "unzensierte" Bild des englisch Kickstarters mit schwarzen Banken verschandelt wurde. Es sind einfach etwas zahmere düstere Illustrationen, aber immer noch sehr gute.
Das Coverbild z.B. zeigt die gleiche Illustration, nur einmal mit freien Brüsten und sichtbaren Brustwarzen und andermal das gleiche Bild, bloss dass die Bekleidung die Hälfte der Brüste, einschliesslich der Brustwarzen, bedeckt.

Es ist nicht so, als würden wir bei der "unzensierten" Version Kinderbilderchen vorgesetzt bekommen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: tartex am 4.08.2021 | 11:58
Und: Habt ihr für das Spiel leicht Spieler gefunden? Es ist thematisch nun schon sehr anders, als Gute-Laune-Fantasy. 😉

Also online gibt es sehr viele Spieler dafür. Tischrunde fehlt mir im Moment leider die richtige.

(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Galotta am 4.08.2021 | 12:19
Wie hat der Verlag sich bisher bei Übersetzungen geschlagen?
City of Mist hatte einige Ausrutscher, ebenso Trudvang. Ich hoffe, dass es die PDFs zur Durchsieht für Backer gibt.. damit man sowas vor dem Druck anmerken kann. Mit Mittelerde war ich zufrieden.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: August der Schäfer am 4.08.2021 | 16:59
es fehlen noch 680€, um in den verbleibenden drei Stunden die letzten Goals für alle Backer freizuschalten  :headbang:

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Galotta am 4.08.2021 | 17:22
    300 Backers
    47,580 € (952%) Amount raised

letztes Bonusziel  erreicht... Gut gemacht! (noch 2h Zeit)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Matterich am 25.08.2021 | 20:38
Hier gibt es bis bis zum 08.09. die Möglichkeit beim Late Pledge mitzumachen. (https://www.gameontabletop.com/cf550/kult-die-verlorene-gottlichkeit.html)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Mr. Ohnesorge am 11.04.2022 | 18:43
Ich bin ja neugierig geworden und habe mir das neue GRW zugelegt.

Wo finde ich dort eine knackige Sammlung zur Session- und Kampagnenplanung? Also was ist die Core Story des Ganzen? KULT ist mir bekannt, aber ich würde gerne wissen, wo mich das neue GRW konkret an die Hand nimmt.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: tartex am 11.04.2022 | 18:53
Ich bin ja neugierig geworden und habe mir das neue GRW zugelegt.

Wo finde ich dort eine knackige Sammlung zur Session- und Kampagnenplanung? Also was ist die Core Story des Ganzen? KULT ist mir bekannt, aber ich würde gerne wissen, wo mich das neue GRW konkret an die Hand nimmt.

Du blätterst auf Seite 164 des Regelwerks? Bzw. Seite 144, wenn du ein wenig länger Zeit hast?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Mr. Ohnesorge am 11.04.2022 | 19:34
Da finde ich was zum Vorgehen als pbta-GM und zur Konfliktlösung. Aber sowas wie "101 Gründe, aus denen die SC zusammen unterwegs sind" und/ oder "101 mögliche Plots" finde ich da nicht. Ist ähnlich wie bei Vampire, die haben das auch nie klar geregelt. D&D macht das griffiger.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: tartex am 11.04.2022 | 19:44
Da finde ich was zum Vorgehen als pbta-GM und zur Konfliktlösung. Aber sowas wie "101 Gründe, aus denen die SC zusammen unterwegs sind" und/ oder "101 mögliche Plots" finde ich da nicht. Ist ähnlich wie bei Vampire, die haben das auch nie klar geregelt. D&D macht das griffiger.

Also ich finde die neue Kult-Edition hat genau da die entscheidenden Verbesserungen eingebaut. Es wird doch ziemlich klar dargestellt, wie man die dunklen Geheimnisse der Spieler-Charakter bündelt, um daraus dann die Story der Kampagne zu basteln, oder?

When players have chosen their Dark Secrets, it is the GM’s job to ask questions in order to help the players develop their secrets.

You should avoid yes or no questions, as open-ended questions will reveal more details. Players should know only what their PC knows about the Dark Secret. They will discover the rest over the course of the story.

The players should also choose a personal drive for their Dark Secret. The personal drive gives the PC a goal in the story, serving as an inspiration for story events. Several personal drives are suggested with each Dark Secret.

The Intrigue Map is a tool for the GM to use during the course of the story. It takes the form of a web of people and places which are connected to the characters. Prior to the story’s beginning, the GM can use the Intrigue Map to come up with conspiracies based on the Dark Secrets selected by the players.

The Intrigue Map consists of Hubs and Links.

Abgesehen davon gibt es ja sehr viele vorgefertigte Abenteuer (die mir persönlich gar nichts nützen), wenn man sich nicht auf die individuellen Dark Secrets der SCs einlassen will.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Mr. Ohnesorge am 11.04.2022 | 20:09
Hmhmhm. Ich lese mich weiter ein - danke für deine Hinweise. :d
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Marduk am 11.04.2022 | 20:26
Hmhmhm. Ich lese mich weiter ein - danke für deine Hinweise. :d

Der Trick ist: Play to find out. Du brauchst nur eine vage Idee, was du machen willst und dann stellst du Fragen und benutzt die Dunklen Geheimnisse und Nachteile um zusammen mit den Spielern eine Geschichte zu erschaffen.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Mr. Ohnesorge am 11.04.2022 | 20:30
Klassisch pbta ;D Klingt ja sinnig, ich war da noch im Althergebrachten verhaftet.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: tartex am 11.04.2022 | 22:28
Klassisch pbta ;D Klingt ja sinnig, ich war da noch im Althergebrachten verhaftet.

Ich muss zugeben, ich habe es ziemlich altmodisch gemacht. Die Spieler hatten die Oberfläche ihre Geheimnisse bekanntgegeben und ich habe die Verknüpfungen als Mystery(s) hinter dem Vorhang gestaltet. Klar, ein paar Fragen über die Details zum Kennenlernen habe ich schon noch angefragt.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Frage zu Taroticum
Beitrag von: Matterich am 31.05.2022 | 18:02
Ich habe mal eine Frage an alle die Taroticum auf englisch haben.
In der deutschen Version endet auf Seite 22 die Beschreibung des Obergeschosses von Sandburn und damit endet auch das Kapitel. Es gibt aber Karten zum oberen und unteren Keller und die Räume des oberen Kellers sind auch schön mit Zahlen versehen, so als ob dafür dann auch noch eine Beschreibung kommen würde...
Falls das in der englischen Version anders ist, würde ich mich sehr über die Beschreibung des Kellers als PN freuen. Am besten zeitnah, denn morgen werde ich ab 16Uhr den Prolog von Taroticum leiten. :)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Galotta am 31.05.2022 | 18:17
text kommt.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Matterich am 1.06.2022 | 08:28
text kommt.
Vielen Dank! :)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Galotta am 1.06.2022 | 09:07
Fehlt der gesamte Kellertext in der dt. (PDF/Druck) Version? ja

Obergeschoss (FIRST FLOOR) 13-25 fehlen
Oberer Keller (UPPER BASEMENT) 1-7 fehlen
Unterer Keller (LOWER BASEMENT) 1 fehlt
Dann fehlen ja fast 1 1/2 Seiten Text... krass. :embarassed:
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: tannjew am 21.08.2022 | 11:49
Ich blättere gerade durch das deutsche „Taroticum und andere Erzählungen“. Hier gibt es laut Inhaltsverzeichnis auf der Seite 29 die Kapitel „Das Ende“ und „Die Spielercharaktere“, allerdings fehlen diese auf Seite 29.
Wurde hier eventuell etwas bei der Übersetzung vergessen, kann das eventuell jemand mit dem Original abgleichen?   
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: schneeland am 21.08.2022 | 11:52
Ja, in der englischen Version gibt's zwei kurze Absätze.

Hier im Spoiler der Inhalt:
(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: tannjew am 21.08.2022 | 12:09
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: GornOfDagon am 14.10.2022 | 13:53
Das deutsche KULT Crowdfunding von Truant war echt klasse und ich bin begeistert von der Qualität, sowohl physisch als auch deutsche Übersetzung.

Jetzt gibt es ja noch weitere Produkte, die der Übersetzung harren, wie z.B. "Beyond Darkness and Madness" oder "Screams and Whispers". Gibt es dazu schon Überlegungen, diese Produkte ebenfalls ins Deutsche zu übersetzen und als weiteres Crowdfunding herauszubringen? Hat da jemand was gehört?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Galotta am 14.10.2022 | 14:04
bei der "Qualität" stören mich nur sehr die fehlenden Teile...

 1 1/2 Seiten Text, die einfach "übersehen" wurden. Bisher hab ich nicht gehört, wie und ob das gelöst wird.
hoffentlich fehlt nicht noch irgendwo etwas...
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: GornOfDagon am 10.11.2022 | 07:39
Sieht so aus, als würde Truant Games nächstes Jahr SCHREIE UND FLÜSTERN (SCREAMS AND WHISPERS) übersetzen und herausbringen. Das freut mich schon mal...

https://truant.com/werkstattbericht-verlagsupdate-herbst-2022 (https://truant.com/werkstattbericht-verlagsupdate-herbst-2022)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: GornOfDagon am 10.11.2022 | 07:41
1 1/2 Seiten Text, die einfach "übersehen" wurden. Bisher hab ich nicht gehört, wie und ob das gelöst wird.
hoffentlich fehlt nicht noch irgendwo etwas...

Ja, da hast du leider recht. Ein solcher Schnitzer darf definitiv nicht passieren.  >:(
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: RPG-Fan am 23.11.2022 | 19:24
Ich möchte auch mal meine Meinung da lassen. Ich habe gestern das Regelbuch erhalten und bin teilweise wirklich enttäuscht. Einerseits fand ich die Druckqualität wirklich fantastisch, andererseits muss ich leider sagen, dass vieles in meinen Augen VIEL zu dunkel geraten ist. Gerade auf den ersten Seiten, die einen ja atmosphärisch hineinziehen sollen, ist teilweise kaum etwas zu erkennen. Das meiste säuft im Schwarz einfach gnadenlos ab. Die Zahnräder auf Seite 11, die Person mit der Taschenlampe auf S. 13 oder die Leiche, die auf auf S. 19 ins Wasser geworfen wird. Das hätte man deutlich heller drucken müssen.
RICHTIG übel fand ich allerdings die wirklich auschweifende Zensur. Ich habe mir mal die Mühe gemacht, die Fassung mit der unzensierten Version zu vergleichen und bin dabei auf satte 26! Änderungen gekommen:

18 mal wurde retuschiert um Geschlechtsteile unkenntlich zu machen (Seiten: 121, 136, 144, 187, 253, 257, 270, 302, 308, 309, 312, 318, 322, 325, 326, 330, 339 und 340).
4 Bilder wurden durch gänzlich andere, abgeschwächteren Inhalts ersetzt (Seiten: 164, 175, 254 und 345).
4 Illustrationen wurden einfach komplett weggelassen (Seiten: 250, 256, 259 und 329). Namentlich ein nackter weiblicher Oberkörper, die Oralsex-Darstellung, die Illustration der Mancipia und die der Pilger des Leids.

Mir geht es gar nicht darum, dass ich die zensierten Inhalte jetzt unbedingt sehen müsste, aber genau darum geht es ja bei Kult. Den Leser (und Spieler) mit unangenehmen Dingen und Szenarien zu konfrontieren. Das ist wesentlicher Bestandteil des Ganzen. Weshalb man sich für die deutsche Version der zensierten Version bedient hat, ist mir ein absolutes Rätsel. Aber es ist vor allem sehr ärgerlich, da es sich hier um ein Buch handelt, das sich ausdrücklich an Erwachsene richtet.

Und nun muss ich hier lesen, dass im Taroticum, das ich mir ja auch noch kaufen wollte, offenbar Inhalte fehlen. Gibt es diesbezüglich irgendwelche Neuigkeiten? Ist denn das Ebook wenigstens korrigiert?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: tartex am 23.11.2022 | 21:37
Na, zum Glück hast du wohl eh die englische Kickstarter-Fassung. (So wie ich. Meine ist allerdings noch eingeschweißt.)
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Galotta am 24.11.2022 | 07:50
Und nun muss ich hier lesen, dass im Taroticum, das ich mir ja auch noch kaufen wollte, offenbar Inhalte fehlen. Gibt es diesbezüglich irgendwelche Neuigkeiten? Ist denn das Ebook wenigstens korrigiert?
bisher wohl nicht.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: GornOfDagon am 24.11.2022 | 08:16
Weshalb man sich für die deutsche Version der zensierten Version bedient hat, ist mir ein absolutes Rätsel. Aber es ist vor allem sehr ärgerlich, da es sich hier um ein Buch handelt, das sich ausdrücklich an Erwachsene richtet.

Ist das so? Ich hatte gedacht, dass auch die englische Version jetzt nur noch in der zensierten Form verlegt wird. Ist die entschärfte Variante tatsächlich nur in der deutschen Version umgesetzt?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: tartex am 24.11.2022 | 08:49
Ist das so? Ich hatte gedacht, dass auch die englische Version jetzt nur noch in der zensierten Form verlegt wird. Ist die entschärfte Variante tatsächlich nur in der deutschen Version umgesetzt?

Ach, die gibt es beim Helmgast noch ab Lager und wird für Black Friday im Moment sogar verramscht: Link zum Shop (https://webshop.helmgast.se/kult/rare-editions/)

Okay, "verramscht" ist vielleicht eine übertriebene Wortwahl, aber zumindest um 25% verbilligt.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: RPG-Fan am 24.11.2022 | 16:04
Na, zum Glück hast du wohl eh die englische Kickstarter-Fassung. (So wie ich. Meine ist allerdings noch eingeschweißt.)
Obwohl ich fließend Englisch spreche, empfinde ich es als deutlich angenehmer, den Text in Deutsch vor mir zu haben. Insofern bringt es irgendwie nichts, die Bilder in einem anderen Buch zu haben. Zumal es ja Illustrationen sind, die den Text untermalen und zur Atmosphäre beitragen sollen. Ganz besonders gilt das natürlich für die Darstellungen von im Text beschriebener Figuren.

bisher wohl nicht.
Na, super. Ich kann ja verstehen, dass ein kleiner Verlag jetzt nicht wegen eines Fehldrucks die bisherige Auflage einstampfen wird (obwohl es schon irgendwie hart ist, wissentlich ein fehlerhaftes Produkt zu verkaufen). Aber das PDF zeitnah zu aktualisieren, sollte ja wohl drin sein. Eigentlich müsste man den Käufern des Buchs hier auch einen entsprechenden Download-Code zukommen lassen.

Ist das so? Ich hatte gedacht, dass auch die englische Version jetzt nur noch in der zensierten Form verlegt wird. Ist die entschärfte Variante tatsächlich nur in der deutschen Version umgesetzt?
Wie in anderen Ländern im Detail veröffentlich wurde, weiß ich leider nicht genau. Die Zensuren sind allerdings auf den amerikanischen Markt zugeschnitten. Außer der Oralsex-Darstellung vielleicht, wäre nichts davon für den europäischen Markt notwendig gewesen. Ich musste gerade lachen, als ich auf der spanischen Amazon-Produktseite lesen musste: 3 años y más (ab 3 Jahren) für die zensierte Fassung (in Frankreich ab 9). Ich glaube, das sagt einiges über das europäische Kunstverständnis aus.
Dass man sich bei uns einfach blind der amerikanischen Zensur bedient hat, hat ironischer Weise auch zur Folge, dass eine Swastika übersehen wurde, wo ich eher mit einer Retusche gerechnet hätte...

Ach, die gibt es beim Helmgast noch ab Lager und wird für Black Friday im Moment sogar verramscht: Link zum Shop (https://webshop.helmgast.se/kult/rare-editions/)

Okay, "verramscht" ist vielleicht eine übertriebene Wortwahl, aber zumindest um 25% verbilligt.
Danke für den Hinweis  ^-^ :d
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: JAW6 am 24.11.2022 | 17:54
War es nicht sogar so, dass die unzensierte Version ausschließlich und einmalig über Kickstarter erscheinen durfte und alle anderen Ausgaben inkl. Übersetzungen die normale Handelsausgabe als Grundlage haben mussten?
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Expacis am 24.11.2022 | 18:07
War es nicht sogar so, dass die unzensierte Version ausschließlich und einmalig über Kickstarter erscheinen durfte und alle anderen Ausgaben inkl. Übersetzungen die normale Handelsausgabe als Grundlage haben mussten?

Die Kickstarter-Editionen, die es noch als Restposten bei Helmgast gibt (Enlightened Edition, Elysium Edition) enthalten das unzensierte Artwork, die regulären Editionen (Corebook und Black Edition), die auf dem Buchrücken die Aufschrift 4th Edition Core Rules tragen, enthalten das zensierte Artwork im Englischen, richtig - auf die zensierten Editionen beziehen sich meines Wissens nach auch die Übersetzungen.

Das ursprüngliche Cover (Enlightened Edition) wurde bereits für den freien Handel zensiert, da Händler in den USA & Co. sich das Buch nicht mit einem barbusigen Engel auf dem Cover und diverse anderen Abbildungen ins Sortiment holen wollten. Teilweise fiel das Artwork weg oder wurde gänzlich ersetzt (betrifft vornehmlich sexuelle Handlungen, die Darstellung von Phalli oder Verstümmelungen von Personen), in The Forbidden aus dem Kickstarter zu Screams and Whispers / Beyond Darkness and Madness findet es sich auch (neben Artwork aus den vorherigen Editionen), allerdings auch wieder Kickstarter exklusiv.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: JAW6 am 24.11.2022 | 18:15
Ui, dann muss ich da gleich nochmal reingucken.
Hab das damals mitgebackt.
Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: Expacis am 24.11.2022 | 18:24
Ui, dann muss ich da gleich nochmal reingucken.
Hab das damals mitgebackt.

Links die Enlightened Edition (Core Rules) und rechts die normale Edition (4th Edition Core Rules):

Titel: Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
Beitrag von: RPG-Fan am 8.12.2022 | 11:22
Endlich angekommen  ^-^  Knapp 50 Euro mit Versand, aber jeden Cent wert  ;D
Allein wegen "Tapestry of Suburbia". Die Artwork-Sektion hat ebenfalls etliche Bilder, die es sonst nirgendwo gibt. Ich bin begeistert  ^-^
