Hat jemand schon mal das CypherCast Magazine gekauft und gelesen?
Lohnt sich das? Wenn man sich die Inhalte so durchliesst klingt das nach viel Produktpräsentation und vorallem "The Strange". Auf der anderen Seite aber auch wirklich interessante Themen.
(Okay, MechaWorld in Ausgabe #7 klingt schon cool. )
Ausgabe 1
MCG Spring/Summer product preview
Shotguns & Sorcery interview with Matt Forbeck & Robert Schwalb by Andrew Cady
Exploring Cypher Space by James Walls
“Shapes in the Salt”, Numenera short fiction by Jim Ryan
“Hunting for Krofwarten”, a Numenera adventure by Chris Fitzgerald
“Estate Files” covering a Norse Mythology recursion cluster for The Strange by Marc Plourde
“Holstenwall — A Recursion of Gothic Fear” by Scott Robinson
MCG Fan Relations News
Ausgabe 2
MCG Summer product preview - Interview with Monte Cook about the new Cypher System Rulebook
Creating a Space Opera Setting with the Cypher System Rulebook
An excerpt from Michael Diamond's new licensed Numenera novel Agents from the Beyond
Oodles of Oddities
Peril in Ismonnig, a show’em letter for a Numenera adventure seed
Broken Fractals, a Strange adventure
Part one of Panacea Box, a Numenera story by Michael Fienen
Part two of our Holstenwall series, an adventure "Into the Galvanic Labs, Experiments in Dark Energies"
MCG Fan Relations News
Ausgabe 3
MCG Fall product preview - Into the Night & Strange Revelations
Interview with Lone Shark Games about their new Numenera Card game
A list of some Ninth World colloquialisms
Part two of Panacea Box, a Numenera story by Michael Fienen
An article about creating Dramatic GM Intrusions by Andrew Marlowe
A new series called Streets of Qi, where we explore different areas of the city of Qi. By Chris Fitzgerald
Some new descriptors
Muulis: The Wayward Hamlet, a Numenera adventure by Marc Plourde
The final part of our Holstenwall series, a Holstenwall toolkit byScott Robinson
MCG Fan Relations News
Ausgabe 4
MCG Product Preview of No Thank You, Evil! with Shanna Germain By David Wilson Brown & Andrew Cady
Torment: Tides of Numenera, An Interview with Colin McComb and Adam Heine of InXile Entertainment By Andrew Cady
Leaning on Influences, an article about a strong influence on Numenera Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun By Jim Ryan
Breaking Glass: A Numenera Short Story By Chris Fitzgerald
Setting the Table: Adapting Settings to the Cypher System by Ryan Chaddock
Horizon 770: Prologue, A Cypher System Adventure by Jeremy Land
Using Skills in the Cypher System, Understanding the Role of Skills by Scott Robinson
Races in a Cypher System Game By Jeremy Land
MCG Fan Relations News
Ausgabe 5
MCG Product Preview - Spring 2016 with The Encyclopedia of Impossible Things & Into the Deep
Worlds of the Cypher System, MCG’s latest Kickstarter Campaign - Interview with creators Bruce R. Cordell, Shanna Germain, & Dennis Detwiller
Cypher System Licensed Products Overview, comprehensive list of third party licensed products
Putting Cypher Limits into Context, article by Marc Plourde
Metal Myk’s Mercs, a Numenera Adventure by James Walls
Kiss of Death, an Instant Numenera Adventure by John WS Marvin
Across the Seas of Zuòmèng, a Swashbuckling Strange Recursion by Rustin Coones & Scott Robinson
MCG Fan Relations News & Events, including the reveal of MCG adventures for Gen Con 2016
Ausgabe 6
MCG Product Preview - Summer 2016, Focus on the upcoming Gods of the Fall with an excerpt of fiction by Bruce R. Cordell and our review of the new Divine Dominion mechanic.
The latest Streets of Qi, by Chris Fitzgerald, looks at Miranda's House, a boarding house in Qi full of interesting NPCs.
Sector Agents, a pulpy space setting featuring law agents of the Galactic Union. Many contributors present this twenty page section with setting information, alien species, a location, and two complete missions!
Hacking the Cypher System: Vehicles with Character by Marc Plourde. An article how to build ships that reflect the type of character building that the Cypher System usually reserves for player characters. (A great companion piece to the Sector Agents material).
Field Mission, a short Strange fiction by Andrew Cady about the Estate seeking to stop a cult from opening a dangerous portal.
Across the Seas of Zuòmèng: To Climates Unknown, part 2 of our Zuòmèng Strange recursion. This part is a full adventure set in the world of Zuòmèng, by Rustin Coones, Scott Robinson, & Jennifer Ross.
An interview with MCG's new Community Relations Coordinator, Sean K. Reynolds
Ausgabe 7
MCG Product Preview - Summer 2016, Check out the Torment Tides of Numenera Explorer's Guide
An in-depth interview with Monte Cook about the exciting new RPG project, Invisible Sun
The latest Streets of Qi, by Chris Fitzgerald, shares what's in Ezkros Tower
An addition to Andrew Montgomery-Hurrell's third party Numenera sourcebook, Rusthaven- The Ridden
A Numenera adventure from CypherCaster first-timer Skjalg Kreutzer of Norway called Dawn of the Black City
A short Sector Agents article that talks more about the Sector Agents themselves and shares some notable NPCs.
The Estate Dossier: Mecha World is a new batch of show 'ems for The Strange by Marc Plourde.
Tanshen’s Guide to Zuomeng: The Southeast Region in the Realm of Lan is setting material for Zuomeng, by Rustin Coones, Scott Robinson, & Jennifer Ross.
Some photos from the recent Gen Con, highlighting some of the CypherCaster crew and MCG booth and game room!
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