Autor Thema: [SPIEL 2011] Arkenstone Publishing / Forge-like Stand 6-205  (Gelesen 1855 mal)

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Offline PiHalbe

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Hier nur ein paar Informationen von Eero Tuovinen, der alle 4 Tage mit Arkenstone Publishing auf der SPIEL sein wird (Halle/Stand 6-205)und einen ganzen Haufen Alternativer Rollenspiele und Old-School-Spiele mitbringen wird. Er wird sehr viel verschiedenes da haben, aber nur in wenigen Exemplaren – also schnell zugreifen, wenn Ihr etwas bestimmtes sucht!

Eine Liste der Produkte gibt es hier (das Finnische gerne überscrollen und JavaScript für erlauben!).

Ich versuche derzeit noch, die Stand-Nummer heraus zu bekommen.

Der Beitrag auf Story Games:

yes, the indie train is indeed going to Essen, last stop Essen Messen, showings from Thursday to Sunday next week. I blame the fact that I'm really a poet and not a businessman.

Anyway, it is my understanding that the booth will involve inordinate amounts of work from yours truly, Matt Machell and Gregor Hutton. If anybody wants to come help (with the understanding that being hip to the merchandize would make you actually useful for the project) let me know, we could stand to have a few more hands on board. Not that this relative lack of headcount worsens the experience for the cognizant few who'll know to look for us, but I fear that we won't have the strength to push our stuff at strangers as hard as we could if we had, say, double this number of people participating.

Regarding the booth inventory, it is truly massive due to how I packed just about everything from our webstore bookshelves onto the Spiel freight pallet. The selection is wide yet shallow, so make a point to visit early if you know you want something specific; I'll have just a couple or three copies of most games. The selection ranges from indie classics like My Life with Master to the newest esoteric sweetness that's too hip to even discuss at a plebeian place like Story Games, such as Dreaming Crucible and Mars Colony, to pick a few arbitrary titles. I've managed to read through everything in our inventory personally, so we'll be able to have many an entertaining moment discussing my Opinions on why the first edition of Little Fears was superior compared to the recent one, or whatever. For a relatively complete list of the "Forgean small press" section, one may consult our Finnish webstore page that lists everything I've managed to input into the database so far.

Also, I will bring the Old School Renaissance collection Jim Raggi's been manganimously helping me to build up, so we well might have one of the best selections in that area, too. (One may assume that we'll have 98% of everything Jim features in his extensive webstore.) Because last year's experience with the OSR segment at the Spiel was somewhat lukewarm, this selection will be even more shallow, yet extremely wide: especially, if you've been thinking of buing a core rules system and want to make sure I'll have one for you, do let me know in advance. Adventure modules I'll be having by the dozen, so I'm certain that we'll have something for anybody wanting some of this sweet stuff. I will certainly personally use my hard-won experience in playing and reading the adventure flow to ensure that we'll sell the good stuff first and leave the cheap shit for the late-comers. (Incidentally, if anybody happens to know that there's enormous heat for Vornheim in Germany, do let me know so I can pick up a few extra copies from Jim; my own estimate is that interested people have probably mostly gotten their fix directly by mail, but I'm no expert on the German scene.)

In the flagship section we'll be focusing on the new games from the UK: Gregor has Remember Tomorrow, which beats Misspent Youth as the best cyberpunk game I know. Matt's republishing a revised edition of The Agency, the Austin Powers roleplaying game the old-timers might remember from the sadly under-performing No Press Anthology. I did read a late draft of the game, and it's one of those British lite adventure games they all seem to be making; fine work from an established creator. We'll also be featuring Hell 4 Leather from Joe Prince, as Gregor specifically requested that we flagship that one - I've no complaints, I personally found it an enticing read and will be playing the game as soon as I find my Tarot deck and have a session free from OSR D&D; definitely, absolutely worth the sweet price-point.

I won't have new games myself; I've spent the last year wasting time with OSR D&D for the most part, as well as doing complex convention appearances like our Ropecon Grill and this one. I'm planning to demo Zombie Cinema, of course, being as how that game sells in demonstrations, and I'm also considering doing something TSoY-related; the latter is a bit tricky, as I often don't feel good about pushing an arbitrary fantasy game at disinterested people just because I myself happen to think that it's the greatest fantasy game since Earthdawn. I enjoy gabbing about TSoY, but it's just nasty to push it at people blindly, without knowing whether they have the deep background required to appreciate a big fantasy adventure game. Hmm... it would truly make the most sense for me to run some demos of my D&D homebrew, if we were solely looking at where my personal creative emphasis has been lately, and what I've been working on as a designer.

Regardless, we'll be running a booth worthy of the Forge name, if I have anything to say about it. Do bring along your own games and introduce them to me, odds are I'll be retailing it in the not too distant future anyway. And if you've been wondering about the bevy of small press games that comes out every year, I'd hazard that I just might be the most informed sounding-board out there when it comes to sheer reading; ours will be a booth capable of informing and educating the roleplayer on current trends in small press gaming like no other. Come one, come all, bring your wallets and help me cover the considerable outlay involved in doing the booth.

Offline Horatio

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Re: [SPIEL 2011] Arkenstone Publishing / Forge-like Stand
« Antwort #1 am: 15.10.2011 | 16:17 »
Ok, dass erinnert mich gerade noch mal meine Mitfahrgelegenheit zu checken ;D. Der Forge Stand war auf der letzten RPC mein absolutes Highlight :).

EDIT: Öh.. Spiel mit RPC verwechselt :P

Nebenbei, mein Tipp: Legt euch Zombie Cinema zu! Nicht ganz einfach zu bekommen und unglaublich großartig!
Ein anderes Spiel auf der List dass mich interessiert ist auch nicht ganz einfach zu bekommen, aber das verrat ich nicht, sonst kauft man mir es noch weg ;D.
« Letzte Änderung: 11.11.2011 | 22:30 von Horatio »
You see, it did not matter that setting canon and expected style was being broken,
as long as the characters in the story believed in their roles, the Story Guide believed in the consequences of any actions taken,
and the players believed in the story more than mere setting facts. Whatever the story would be in genre and message,
that would be revealed after the fact, not before.
- Eero Tuovinen: A Loveletter to a Story Gamer

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Re: [SPIEL 2011] Arkenstone Publishing / Forge-like Stand
« Antwort #2 am: 15.10.2011 | 16:18 »
Ich finde ja besonders gut, dass er seine Zeit mit Old-School-D&D verbracht hat. Aus den Forgelern wird noch richtig was. ;-)

Tut mir leid, "The Agency" kaufe ich mir schon!
Visionär: "Geht weg ihr Rabauken mit eurer Rockmusik und den Rauschgifthaschischspritzen!"

Coldwyn: "Hach, was haben die Franzosen für schöne Produkte, wir haben irgendwie nur Glgnfz. Wie unfair."

Offline PiHalbe

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Re: [SPIEL 2011] Arkenstone Publishing / Forge-like Stand 6-205
« Antwort #3 am: 16.10.2011 | 11:30 »
Habe oben und im Titel mal ergänzt, dass man Arkenstone / Eero an Stand 6-205 findet.

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Re: [SPIEL 2011] Arkenstone Publishing / Forge-like Stand
« Antwort #4 am: 16.10.2011 | 13:05 »
Tut mir leid, "The Agency" kaufe ich mir schon!

Alter Indy-Gamer.

Offline Glgnfz

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    • Von der Seifenkiste herab...
Visionär: "Geht weg ihr Rabauken mit eurer Rockmusik und den Rauschgifthaschischspritzen!"

Coldwyn: "Hach, was haben die Franzosen für schöne Produkte, wir haben irgendwie nur Glgnfz. Wie unfair."

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Re: [SPIEL 2011] Arkenstone Publishing / Forge-like Stand 6-205
« Antwort #6 am: 11.11.2011 | 22:07 »
Der Stand war wirklich der Höhepunkt. Mit den Jungs konnte man nett plaudern. Hoffentlich sind sie auf der RPC wieder da.
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