Wie ihr vielleicht wisst, werden in nächster Zeit keine neuen amerikanischen Quellenbücher für Unknown Armies herauskommen. Was nicht so schlimm ist: Meiner Meinung braucht es auch keine weiteren.
Das heisst aber nicht, dass das Spiel tot ist - eher in einer Ruhephase. Und nach der Aktivität der Mailing Liste und den Posts of
www.unknown-armies.com sind die Spieler immer noch sehr aktiv.
Hier ist eine Erklärung dazu von John Nephew:
Posts: N/A
Originally posted by Aegypto
It was mentioned in the UA mailing list that there are no more supplements on schedule - it wasn't selling well enough to keep the line going.
At some point Atlas may decide to publish another UA book - as it happened with At your Service for Over the Edge - but at present, the line is effectively on stasis.
This summarizes things pretty well.
It is, unfortunately, a very tough time for RPGs, especially niche RPGs like Unknown Armies. To be honest, the UA core rulebook continues to sell better than my expectations -- but supplement sales are not nearly so strong. A realistic look at the numbers suggests that future supplements would lose money. We need to focus our development/investments elsewhere.
On the bright side, UA continues to have some good things going for it. For one thing, it's pretty darn complete as it stands -- I don't feel like we're abandoning the line with any big holes of must-have books that haven't been written. Heck, the comprehensiveness of the core rulebook is probably something that hinders supplement sales, since we've never been much in the "gotta buy 'em all" approach to RPG line planning.
For another, fans of the game are *devoted*, as you can tell from all the threads on this website, the mailing list, and unknown-armies.com. If anyone is worried about inspirational material, there's a LOT out there, and I see no reason to expect that creative output of the game's active players to diminish.
I expect that when the core rulebook sells out, we will reprint it. Existing supplements are generally in good supply, but are not likely to be reprinted; instead, they'll be offered as pay-per-download when we've sold out of printed copies (as we've already done with Postmodern Magick).
I'm intensely proud of Unknown Armies, and honored to be its publisher. I hope it will continue to delight players and blow peoples' minds for a long time to come.
-John Nephew
President, Atlas Games