Autor Thema: [Cthulhu Dark] nicht nur für Cthulhu  (Gelesen 1501 mal)

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[Cthulhu Dark] nicht nur für Cthulhu
« am: 28.09.2012 | 10:02 »
Heya, vielleicht habt ihr schon von Cthulhu Dark gehört, Graham Walmsleys minimalistischem Cthulhu System.

Die Spielmechanik lässt sich überraschend leicht auf andere Themen (bei Cthulhu: Wahnsinn durch Kontakt mit Cthuloidem) übertragen, wie dieser Thread bei Story Games demonstriert:

Hey, so Cthulhu Dark is a great little game. I especially like how tightly it focuses on Insanity and the emergent play (and attendant complications) that comes out of the investigators' need to try to keep a lid on Insanity.

Let's think up some cool ways to hack Insanity for other games. You have to have three things: first, what will replace Insanity and what triggers a check; second, what characters may do to try to reduce the thematic stat (note: reducing the thematic stat should force the players to complicate things-- you get a chance to reduce Insanity, but only if you hinder the investigation by destroying evidence, burying leads, actively misdirecting or even attacking the other investigators, etc.); and third, what it means fictionally when you risk the thematic stat (sometimes this will be obvious, sometimes not).

Use Rage (or the Beast, or whatever) for a game which highlights monstrous fury (e.g. Werewolf).
* Roll to increase Rage when you are insulted, harmed, or suffer a setback or loss (literally or metaphorically).
* Reduce Rage by acting out violently, especially when it is out of proportion to the circumstances (e.g. by beating someone for “looking the wrong way” at your girlfriend, by killing a useful NPC for a minor failure, or by unnecessarily making enemies with rash words and threats).
* Risk Rage when you are willing to accept violent collateral damage to get your way.

Use Infection for a zombie survival kind of game.
* Roll to increase Infection when you are harmed by a zombie or are otherwise exposed to the source of the disease.
* Reduce Infection by selfishly (and perhaps irrationally and unnecessarily) abandoning others to their fate in order to try to keep yourself safe and healthy.
* Risk Infection when your own health and safety is less important than accomplishing your goal (e.g. to rescue a loved one).

Use Treason for a game of Paranoia.
* Roll to increase Treason when you engage in Treasonous activities (e.g. interacting with cultists, plotting to overthrow the Friend Computer) or when you are accused of Treason.
* Reduce Treason by implicating, framing, and accusing others of treasonous and banned activities.
* Risk Treason when you are willing to do anything, even if illegal, to succeed.


Use Heat for a heist-gone-wrong game inspired by Michael Mann's Heat (1995).
* Roll to increase Heat when you engage in criminal activities (e.g. robbing banks, killing cops) or when you are accused of crimes.
* Reduce Heat by going to ground and laying low, or shacking up with someone you're close to.
* Risk Heat when you take the money and run, come face-to-face with the police, or come out guns blazing.


Use a separate Love die for each lover whom you really shouldn't be in love with.

* Roll to increase Love when your lover interacts with you, either positively or negatively.
* Reduce Love by actively avoiding your lover. (The GM should take this as a cue to pursue you with entreaties or place an even less suitable lover in your path).
* Risk Love when you call on the lover's aid.
* When Love reaches 6, you are hopelessly in love. Run to your lover and throw yourself on their mercy.


Was meint ihr? Habt ihr Ideen für andere Themen?

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Re: [Cthulhu Dark] nicht nur für Cthulhu
« Antwort #1 am: 23.01.2015 | 12:14 »
Darf ich mal kapern? Ich möchte nämlcih erstmal feststellen, dass mir Cthulhu Dark extrem gut gefällt. So eine einfache Idee! Und doch so zwingend. Würd ich voll gern mal ausprobieren. Hast du schon? Wie war´s? Und ja: die Insanity-Mechanik kann man prima übernehmen. Und: Man kann mit dem System hervorragend Unknown Armies spielen, denke ich. Insanity halt für Magie und Avatarkräfte hernehmen. Kämpfe spielen bei UA eine etwas größere Rolle, vielleicht nimmt man da einfach nach deinem Muster einen "Fight Die"?


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Re: [Cthulhu Dark] nicht nur für Cthulhu
« Antwort #2 am: 23.01.2015 | 12:31 »
Ich hab's noch nicht ausprobiert, aber die Idee, das System nötigenfalls einfach um einen oder mehrere Würfel zu erweitern, ist gar nicht schlecht, finde ich. Für UA wäre es sonst vielleicht doch etwas zu minimalistisch, da liegt der Reiz ja auch ein bisschen in den verschiedenen magischen Schulen und deren Funktionsweise.


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Re: [Cthulhu Dark] nicht nur für Cthulhu
« Antwort #3 am: 31.10.2016 | 14:20 »

Cthulhu Dark is a roleplaying game (RPG) of Lovecraftian horror. The main rulebook launches in 2017.

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Re: [Cthulhu Dark] nicht nur für Cthulhu
« Antwort #4 am: 31.10.2016 | 15:33 »
Sehr schön. Ich werde es heute in einer Halloweenrunde anbieten.
It almost seems like the old spirit of the night, from my childhood has gone missing.

"Play the spirit of the game, not the rules"  
-Robin D. Laws