Does anybody know this great CCG game? I have played with this game and collected it for 4-5 years.
Here is some link, which I uploaded to Yahoo! Groups of the Guardians CCG.
To tell more about this game:
in English,
in German or
in French Here is my wanted list:
from Basic set:
Roving Force Inferno (Wanderndes Machtinferno)
Lawyer (Anwalt)
Earth Mother (Mutter der Erde)
Eternal Witch Lord (Ewiger Hexenfürst)
Flame Cannon (Feuerkanone)
9 Ploog's Chicken's Shield (Schild Huhn)
from Drifter's Nexus:
Brom's Dem Bones [19] Standard Bearer
Little Voodoo Hat
Randy Creek Regulars
Gateway To Mystfall
Arnath, Lord of the Skies
Captain South America
Oscar the Wonder Chimp
Rosetta Stone
Shin Chios, Third Disciple
from Necropolis Park:
40,000 Useless Warhammers
Vestibule of Kabod
Gehrund, Field Marshal
Snake Pit
Please reply, if somebody is interested in this game.
Best Regards,