Autor Thema: [LoA] Interview with the Burgomaster (Englisch)  (Gelesen 1072 mal)

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Offline Orok

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Ein kurzes Interview mit dem Bürgermeister von Mordavias Hauptstadt über die touristischen Vorzüge und vielen falschen Vorurteile bezüglich seines malerischen Landes.
Okay, zugegeben ist das eigentlich wieder Werbung für den laufenden Kickstarter zu TAGs Transylvanien-Abklatsch, aber ich fand es ziemlich amüsant, und es hat bei mir reichlich Kopfkino gestartet. Ich dachte der ein oder andere findet es vielleicht auch kurzweilig.
Zitat von: While Wiggy
Posted by Triple Ace Games Ltd (Creator)

While Wiggy was touring Mordavia he managed to find time to interview the burgomaster (mayor) of the capital. The chancellor, the de facto ruler of the small nation, was unavailable at the time, as he is on mos nights of the new moon.

Wiggy (W): You have a wonderful country, Mr Mayor.
Mayor (M): Yes, yes, we have much wonderful scenery! Tall mountains, many with castles. Dark forests sloping down toward the valley floor. Wide, clear rivers. It is a paradise for those who enjoy the outdoors.

W: What about the monsters? Do they cause any problems?
M: Monsters? Ah, you have been listening to peasant superstition! We have no monsters here, only wolves and bears. Nothing else.
[The mayor was rubbing a silver crucifix hanging around his neck at this point]

W: What about Countess Mircalla Karnstein? Wasn't she a vampire?
M: That was a work of fiction by Sheridan Le Fanu. He stayed here in 1867 and heard folk tales, which he turned into a story. It is true that we had a countess named Mircalla and that she lived in the castle of Karnstein,the seat of our beloved duke, but she was not a vampire. No vampires in Mordavia!
[At this point the mayor glanced out of his window at the foreboding castle overlooking the capital and visible shuddered]

W: But there is a lot of weirdness in Mordavia.
M: Only in the eyes of superstitious peasants. They talk of a spring that flows with blood during the full moon, but that is just nonsense. Talk of werewolves is used to frighten children to stay away from the forest, where real wolves live. They speak of ghosts but are afraid to enter the old castles, so how would they know about ghosts? Men of science and reason, like yourself, need not listen to such talk.

W: Despite being surrounded by Romania and Hungary, Mordavians are of Germanic stock. Is that right?
M: That is correct. Our ancestors settled here many centuries ago at the invitation of the King of Hungary. Because of the secluded nature of our valley home, we have suffered no mass migrations or invasions. You will find the names of people and places are very much German in origin. That said, we speak Mordavian, which is similar to German.

W: Your country seems to be a nation of two halves.
M: In Karnstein, we embrace the modern world. True, we lag behind the great powers of Europe, but we have gas lighting in the streets now, a fine university, and adopt new ideas. We even have several club houses for the Leagues of Adventure. Have you been to the spa? It has many medicinal weird science devices.
Alas, the peasants are rather backward. Outside the capital there are few decent roads, they light their homes by lanterns or candles, and shun attempts at modernization. They are a stubborn people.

W: Well, thank you for your time, Mr Mayor.
M: You are very welcome! Now hurry back to your hotel before the sun sets. It is not wise to be outside after dark. In case you trip on a cobble, you understand. Nothing to do with monsters!

Offline Grummelstein

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Re: [LoA] Interview with the Burgomaster (Englisch)
« Antwort #1 am: 7.04.2017 | 17:22 »
 :D Danke.
Aber ein Mensch kann niemals ein Tier werden.
Er stürzt am Tier vorüber in einen Abgrund."

Offline LushWoods

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Re: [LoA] Interview with the Burgomaster (Englisch)
« Antwort #2 am: 10.04.2017 | 07:28 »
Cool, danke.  ;D