Was'n des?
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9506 mit Tapatalk
"A collaborative storytelling game. Take on the role of a washed-up, past-their-best crew and tackle one last job that'll set you up for life.
An innovative character generation system means that you don't define anything about your character - the other players do, through a system of insults and an improvised, shared history that spurs you on to greater things.
Written to be played in a single-session, One Last Job is flexible enough to support all kinds of settings - from professional criminals, to superheroes, paranormal investigators, to a desperate Battle of the Bands competition.
There are six settings detailed in the book, and the rules make it easy to create your own on the fly." (Quelle DriveThru)
Klingt auf jeden Fall schon mal spannend, was anderes hätte ich aber bei System Matters auch nicht erwartet