[TAG] Hellfrost Organization Guide *Announcement*April sees the release of the
HF Organization Guide, which weighs in at 54 pages. Designed for players and GMs, it expands on the existing information for the many organizations in Hellfrost that characters can join. It's arranged so every organization starts on a new page, allowing you to print out just the relevant parts.
Every section includes History, Structure, Emblem, Playing a Member, Combat Advice, Advances, and NPC Reactions.
It repeats related for the organizations for those not using Hellfrost, but includes plenty of new Edges, as well. The included Edges are shown below.
Note that page counts do include sidebars, not just raw text.
* Arcane HandPages: 2
Edges: Arcane Hand, Share Spell
* BludgeonersPages: 3
Edges: Bludgeoner, Double the Load, Master Bludgeoner, Not Just a Sling
* Convocation of ElementalistsPages: 4
Edges: Delay Spell, Potent Magic
* DeathdealersPages: 2
Edges: Deathdealer, Gravetouched
* Dragon GuardPages: 2
Edges: Dragon Guard, Veteran Dragon Guard
* Gray LegionPages: 3
Edges: Gray Legionary
* Hearth KnightsPages: 4
Edges: Hearth Knight, Hellfrost Hardened, Hellfrost Hardy
* Hrosmark HuscarlsPages: 2
Edges: Hrosmark Huscarl, Horse Lord, Speed Rider
* Huscarls of HammerhandPages: 2
Edges: Huscarl of Hammerhand, Elite Huscarl of Hammerhand
* The Iron GuildPages: 4 + 2 generator
Edges: Iron Guild Mercenary, Brothers-in-Arms, Protect the Cargo
Note: This section also has a random caravan generator
* Knights HrafnPages: 4
Edges: Knight Hrafn, Take Aim
* LorekeepersPages: 2
Edges: Lorekeeper
* Order of JotundauðrPages: 2
Edges: <No Edges>
* ReliquaryPages: 4
Edges: Arcanologist, Reliqus, Guardians of the Arcane, Reflect Spell
* RoadwardensPages: 2
Edges: Roadwarden
* Sisterhood of MercyPages: 2
Edges: Sister of Mercy, Sister Superior
* Thirteen WarriorsPages: 2
Edges: One of Thirteen
* Watchers of the Black GatePages: 3
Edges: Watcher of the Black Gate, Bastion of Strength, Censure Demons, Righteous Miracles
* Wood WardensPages: 2
Edges: Wood Warden
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