Autor Thema: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)  (Gelesen 449664 mal)

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Offline Kardohan

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #150 am: 21.04.2011 | 16:28 »

Old School Fantasy #4: Slave Pens of Moss Stone (Savage Worlds Edition)
Author: Dave Olson
Page Count: 46 page PDF
Price: 2,08 € (DriveThruRPG), 2,20 € (RB Store)

On the gentle, rolling slopes of the Emerald Hills, in a picturesque landscape of natural beauty, one of the vilest forms of tyranny has taken root. Gnoll slavers, operating out of the nearby Moss Stone Keep, work their "cattle" to their deaths tilling away at the unyielding soil. These poor souls, men and women, humans and elves, all live and die under the yoke of their treacherous masters — all to cultivate a difficult weed for the gnolls to sell on the black market. Who dares stand against these terrible creatures? Who dares to free the captives from their bleak fate? Hopefully your heroes!

"Slave Pens of Moss Stone" is the next installment in Reality Blurs' Old School Fantasy line of adventure modules. Hearken back to the days of legend and lore, when your spells, swords, and smarts alone kept the forces of evil at bay.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #151 am: 24.04.2011 | 07:29 »

Iron Dynasty: Corners of Konoyo - Guidebook #2
Author: Sean Preston
Page Count: 36 page PDF
Price: 2,06 € (DriveThruRPG)

Corners of Konoyo, the Iron Dynasty Guidebook Series, provides even more information about your favorite Heavy Metal Oriental Fantasy!   

Guidebook #2 focuses on Sorimizu and takes you into this sprawling land of lazy waters. Exciting details and adventure hooks are on every page. You'll find expanded information on Sorimizan history, military structure and  settlements, as well as new places of interest and more. Random encounter tables keyed specifically for the province, with all new people and creatures, fully immerse you into the setting more than ever before!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

Offline Kardohan

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #152 am: 26.04.2011 | 22:05 »
[Pinnacle] Savage Tuesday

Fill the Fields of War!

Reinforcements: Vehicles is now available from our Downloads page for all you Weird War Two fans. It's chock-full of additional vehicles to flesh out your Weird War Two engagements and bring a little more danger to your land, seas, and skies.

Reinforcements: Vehicles features vehicles for the Americans, British, Germans, Japanese, and Soviets, including more cars and trucks, planes and gliders, self-propelled guns and artillery, and even amphibious vehicles! There are also two additional vehicle qualities to apply to your new equipment as well as to the machinery already available in Weird War Two!

And, like everything else on our Downloads page, Reinforcements: Vehicles is absolutely free. What are you waiting for?

Why Do Math Yourself?

If you—or some of your players—could use a little help making sure your character creation is correct, try the Savage Worlds Character Assistant. Change your Attributes and Skills with a few button clicks—or enter numbers if you like that sort of thing—and it tracks the points you've spent on each, including adjustments for Skills higher than their linked Attributes. You can thank Asmor, one of your fellow Savage Worlds fans, for this handy tool.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #154 am: 27.04.2011 | 18:43 »
[RunePunk] Jobbers Tales #2: BlackWake Spiral
Model: REB10004JT2
Author: Dave Olson
Page Count: 49 page PDF
Price: 2,04 € (DriveThruRPG), 2,20 € (RB Store)

Madness and corruption stalk the shadowed alleys of ScatterPoint's prison district, BlackShackle, and a group of jobbers are called in to get to the bottom of it. What they find leads them on a whirlwind tour of a district filled with powerful Sequitors, dangerous cultists, scheming politicians, and into the wild Barrens beyond. Will your jobbers survive the ordeal, or will they fall victim to the Spiral and its warm embrace?

Jobbers Tales #2: BlackWake Spiral is ideal for four to six Seasoned jobbers, but can be easily scaled up or down for any party.

It features our signature, streamlined digest format for easy reading and printing!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #156 am: 4.05.2011 | 01:25 »
Hellfrost Region Guide #41 - SEITHRBY
Model: TAG31241
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 6
Price: €1.39 (TAG), €1.34 (DriveThruRPG)

A realm of scattered Saxa tribes and their Anari slaves, Seithrby sits at the crossroads between the High and Low Winterlands. Conquered a generation ago, Seithrby appears tranquil and stable, yet beneath the surface is a land of competing nobles, raiding undead, and outmoded attitudes. And lurking deep beneath its rolling hills and fertile plains are dark secrets, terrible secrets of yesteryear that refuse to die.

TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #157 am: 4.05.2011 | 01:41 »
[Pinnacle] Savage Tuesday

Low Life Meets One Sheets!

Well, sort of. A Hello to Arms, the first One Sheet adventure for Low Life, is actually three full pages (one and a half sheets) of gooey gamin' goodness written by Andy Hopp himself. Can your heap o' characters bust into the Museum of Random Stuff and swipe a pair of arms for Dregzie the Schnoz? Oh, and maybe make it out alive while they're at it?

The extra pages include pregenerated characters, including a werm, a croach, an oofo, and a horc! If you're not familiar with the races of Mutha Oith, you should fix that glaring personality defect by pickin' up a copy of Low Life today!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

Offline Kardohan

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #158 am: 5.05.2011 | 17:44 »
Hellfrost Adventure Compendium One *PRE-ORDER*
Model: TAG10100
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Format: 80+ pages Softcover
Price: €12.59 (TAG) (inkl. 10% Rabatt)

PRE-ORDER - we will send you the book as soon as it is available.

This book contains a collection of four Novice fantasy adventures designed for the popular Hellfrost setting. Each adventure gives detailed information for the GM and includes all the story background, maps and full creature stats for easy play.

Adventures contained in this book are:
  • N1 - Lair of the Vermin Lord
  • N2 - The Dark Seed
  • N4 - Pirates of the Crystalflow
  • N5 - The Eostre Festival
Hellfrost™ is an epic fantasy setting for the award winning Savage Worlds™ roleplaying game.

Ergänzung: Die in den offiziellen Abenteuern enthaltenen Figure Flats werden als PDF-Bundles angeboten werden, sobald die restlichen 4 Abenteuer erschienen sind.

TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #159 am: 5.05.2011 | 17:48 »
Die in den offiziellen Abenteuern enthaltenen Figure Flats werden als PDF-Bundles angeboten werden, sobald die restlichen 4 Abenteuer erschienen sind.
Ich, der ich mir die ersten Abenteuer nur wegen der Figure Flats gekauft habe, finde, das ist einen eigenen Post wert, damit es nicht als kleiner Nachsatz im vorangegangenen Post untergeht. :)
Der Weg zum Herzen eines Menschen führt durch den Brustkorb!

I`m just a soul whose intentions are good.
Oh Lord, please dont`let me be misunderstood!

Offline Kardohan

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #160 am: 5.05.2011 | 19:48 »
Hätte nicht sein müssen, denn zu gegebener Zeit hätte es dann eh eine Ankündigung meinerseits gegeben.

Ich kläre noch mit Wiggy ab, ob es mehrere (thematische) Figurensätze mit oder ohne Figure Factory geben wird.

Nebenbei wird ein gedrucktes Region Guide Compendium auch so langsam spruchreif. Finale Entscheidung, wie, wann und in welcher Form dieses knapp 490 Seiten dicke Buch (ohne Kreaturen, Götter uä) erscheinen wird, folgt nachdem die Serie mit RG #51 - Taiga Elfhomes beendet ist. Das wird wohl so in 6-12 Monaten sein...

Auch ein Religion Guide, der die (dann erweiterten) Infos aus den ersten 26 RGs, plus Men & Gods, Sacred Places, The Abyss und Godshome, sowie einigen Freebies, enthält, ist angedacht. Aber auch hier: Frühestens in einem Jahr!

Und bevor jemand meckert, es gäbe nur Aufgewärmtes: Es sind auch ein paar komplett neue Projekte in der Mache. o:)

So, genug Orakel gespielt...
« Letzte Änderung: 5.05.2011 | 20:05 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

Offline Kardohan

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #161 am: 7.05.2011 | 12:50 »

Iron Dynasty: Corners of Konoyo - Guidebook #3
Author: Sean Preston
Page Count: 37 page PDF
Price: 2,10 € (DriveThruRPG)

Corners of Konoyo, the Iron Dynasty Guidebook Series, provides even more information about your favorite Heavy Metal Oriental setting!   

Guidebook #3 takes you into Uma-Ko Ryoudo. Explore the grassy fields and crumbling cities. You'll find expanded information on Ryoudan history, military structure and  settlements, as well as new places of interest and more. Random encounter tables keyed specifically for the province, with all new people and creatures, fully immerse you into the setting more than ever before!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon


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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #162 am: 7.05.2011 | 16:19 »
Das Kampangenbuch für Darwins World ist raus:

Für ungefähr ~11€ bei RPGnow zu erhalten.

Ebenso die Suscription für War of the Dead Chapter 3.

Ebenfalls für ~11€. Leute die Vorbestellen bekommen 3D-Fahrzeug-"Flats" als Bouns hinzu.

Offline Kardohan

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #163 am: 10.05.2011 | 17:38 »

Hellfrost Creature Guide: KREANA
Model: TAG31302
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 12
Price: €2.09 (TAG), €2.09 (DriveThruRPG)

Many are the terrors of the deep ocean. While fishermen and sailors fear sudden squalls and colossal whales, nothing strikes dread into their hearts as much as talk of the dreaded "shark-men." Remorseless killers, they stalk the waters of Rassilon, attacking ships and raiding coastal communities for treasure and food. This supplement takes a look inside the culture of the kreana.

Although designed for the Hellfrost setting, this produce can be used in most any Savage Worlds setting.

Origin of the Species
- Life Cycle
Social Structure
Shark Callers
Law & Order
- Names
- Numbers
- Written Language
Trade & Tribute
Weapons & Armor
Stratergy & Tactics
- Raids, Boat
- Raids, Coastal
Carchars, Scourge of the Oceans
Avatar of Carcharas
- Blood Rager
- Paladin
- Priest
- Shark Caller
- Warrior

Time & Tide
Other Legends

« Letzte Änderung: 11.05.2011 | 05:37 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #164 am: 11.05.2011 | 06:01 »
[Pinnacle] The Path of Kane *Preorder*

Walk the Path of Kane—Now, Soon, Forever

You have seen the path to redemption, a road paved in the blood and bones of the evil you must defeat to save the world from its unholy taint. Face that which prey on men's dreams, their fears, and their very souls. Walk The Path of Kane.

Your enemies span the globe, reaching out from every shadowy corner of all four continents. Men, magick, and monsters of the darkest hearts and basest desires threaten the very world you tread. Humanity is lost without the will and steel of good folk like you.

The Path of Kane—the third tome in The Savage World of Solomon Kane series bringing Robert E. Howard's dark tales of the avenging puritan to the award-winning Savage Worlds roleplaying system—details the decadent and decaying Old World, the unknown and untamed New World, mysterious and exotic Cathay to the East, and the savagery of the Dark Continent. Wanderers can scale new heights of peril spanning the globe with over fifty new Savage Tales to play alone, weave into an existing Wanderers' journey, or (often) link to one another, all as you see fit.

Preorder The Path of Kane for delivery expected in September, buy the PDF immediately, or—for a limited time—do both with our fabulous Path of Kane Preorder Bundle. Take your pick, and start walking the Path of Kane today—for all our sakes!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon


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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #165 am: 12.05.2011 | 07:34 »
Das erste Guidebook (als pdf) ist für Runepunk erschienen:

The RunePunk Guidebook series details out the various districts and barrens comprising ScatterPoint.

In Guidebook #1, we turn our attention to GreyMesa. Learn the secret history of the City. Explore the ten boroughs. Learn what makes the citizens proud and what brings countless jobbers to the District of Dark Hope looking to improve their lot in life.

Full of adventure hooks, new factions, and more for the Dark Steampunk Fantasy like no other!

Für 3$ bei RPGnow zu haben.


  • Gast
Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #166 am: 18.05.2011 | 08:55 »

Kesshi Tales #3: Fresh Blood
Even as our heroes enter the rugged lands of Uma-Ko Ryoudo they discover unrest among the people What seems to be a simple role to promote peace soon draws them into the  politics of Shibata, one of the Shadow Cities. Will the kesshi be pawns in a larger plot or shall they shape destiny and save the city from itself?

For use with Iron Dynasty: Way of the Ronin from Reality Blurs.

Iron Dynasty: Way of the Ronin is a setting for the award-winning Savage Worlds system.

Für 3$ bei Rpgnow/Drivetroughrpg zu haben.

Offline Kardohan

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #167 am: 19.05.2011 | 00:22 »

Hellfrost Adventure #18: V4 - Death In The Mire
Model: TAG31071
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 30
Price: €5.95 (TAG), €5.96 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Death is only the beginning...

The village of Drayton is beset by plague. Seemingly abandoned by their healer, the villagers now turn to strangers for help. But there is more to the illness than appears, for the hand of the Norns is at work.

Three centuries ago their laid down a prophecy to the lord of Drayton, a prophecy that spelled disaster for his descendants. That time has come, and death now stalks the mire around Drayton.

The adventure is designed for Veteran characters. It contains all the monster stats, maps, and Figure Flats required for play.

« Letzte Änderung: 19.05.2011 | 07:09 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #168 am: 24.05.2011 | 10:58 »
Nekropolis 2350 in deutsch als PDF erhältlich!

Das Jahr 2350.

Der Planet Salus – besser bekannt als Nekropolis – ist die einzige bewohnbare Welt, die der Menschheit noch geblieben ist. Die Ritter der militanten Heiligen Orden der Kirche der Dritten
Reformation befinden sich in einem erbitterten Kreuzzug gegen die Rephaim („die Toten“), eine Rasse bösartiger Wesen, die nekromantische Kräfte besitzen und einzig von dem brennenden Wunsch beseelt sind, sämtliches Leben auszurotten.
Doch obwohl die Menschheit von der Ausrottung bedroht ist, gelingt es ihr nicht, zusammenzuarbeiten. Während die Rephaim an den Türen der Menschen rütteln, setzen die Kirche und die Konzern-Union ihren kalten Krieg um die Herrschaft über das Leben von Millionen fort.

Necropolis 2350™ ist ein dunkles Zukunftssetting für das preisgekrönte Rollenspiel Savage Worlds™.

Die Hintergrundebene des PDFs ist druckerschonend ausblendbar. Zum Öffnen und Lesen der Datei wird ein PDF-Reader bspw. der kostenlose Acrobat Reader benötigt.

Seiten: 282
Format: PDF


Preis: € 14,95 (unverbindlich!)
« Letzte Änderung: 24.05.2011 | 11:01 von Boba Fett [away] »
Kopfgeldjäger? Diesen Abschaum brauchen wir hier nicht!


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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #169 am: 25.05.2011 | 10:37 »
   Old School Fantasy #5: Call of the Crow

Autor(en): Dave Olson
Seiten: 45
Größe der Datei: 2.58 MB
Preis: 3$ (bei rpgnow und drivethroughrpg)

In the harbor city of Steelport, many secrets lurk down darkened alleys and behind shadowy storefronts. It is a city known for its seedy inhabitants and shady dealings, but rarely do the affairs of the underworld spill out onto the streets. Recently, however, an upstart gang of thieves calling themselves the Blades of the Crow have begun making a name for themselves, killing off their competition, and peddling dangerous drugs to the poorest of the poor. A bedraggled innkeeper, his wife recently kidnapped, needs a group of stalwart heroes to stem this deadly new tide of corruption.

Call of the Crow is the next installment in Reality Blurs' Old School Fantasy line of adventure modules. Hearken back to the days of legend and lore, when your spells, swords, and smarts alone kept the forces of evil at bay.

Offline Kardohan

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #170 am: 25.05.2011 | 11:03 »
(Dank an Thunderforge aus dem Pinnacle Forum)

Savage Worlds Core
  • Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition
    • Type: Hardbound, full-sized core rulebook
    • Description: A new full-sized, hardback edition of the award-winning Savage Worlds system. This beautiful book features all-new design notes from the authors, beautiful new art from the industry's best talent, updates, adventures, and new Setting and situational rules such as Interludes and Dramatic Tasks.
    • Estimated Release Date: "this August" (Piotor Korys)
50 Fathoms
  • 50 Fathoms: Explorer's Edition
    • Type: Soft-bound, Explorer's Edition Core Setting & Plot Point Campaign
    • Description: A re-edited version of the original 50 Fathoms Plot Point campaign including errata, the 50 Fathoms Companion, and some new items. All the art has been colored by Cheyenne, the original artist.
    • Estimated Release Date: "It's darn close to done. The problem really is that we print all this full-color stuff overseas and it takes 4 months for it to get back even after WE'RE done with our interminably long process." (Shane)
  • Legend of Kyla Kidd
    • Type: Fiction, in PDF, iBook, Nook, and Kindle formats
    • Description: Kyla Kidd searches for her legendary father, Capatain Kidd. Is she out to clear his name, or find his long-lost treaure? Kyla's journey will take her across blood-stained oceans, into battle with horrors from the depths, and through the Mists to the fantastic, drowning world of Caribdus! Join the story from the beginning with Through the Mists by Tony Lee.
    • Estimated Release Date: Part 1, Through the Mists is already released. Others will be released "every other week" (Shane). Hardbound is "many months away" (Shane).
  • Horror Companion
    • Type: Rules supplement
    • Description: "A generalized, non-period-specific horror book." (Joel)
    • Estimated Release Date: "this year but late this year" (Shane)
Deadlands Reloaded
  • Player's Guide & Marshal's Handbook Explorer's Editions
    • Type: Soft-bound, Explorer's Edition core setting books
    • Description: "The content is the same [as the hardbound books currently in print] (except for minor typo-style errata), it's only a difference in the format of the book" (Joel)
    • Estimated Release Date: "Targeted for availability at GenCon. Wide availability in stores may be later." (Joel)
  • Dime Novels
    • Type: Fiction, in PDF, iBook, Nook, and Kindle formats
    • Description: "The original fiction from the Deadlands Dime Novels, featuring all new full-color illustrations of Ronan Lynch, Bad Luck Betty, and Velvet Van Helter." (Main page)
    • Estimated Release Date: No information
  • Last Sons
    • Type: Plot Point Campaign
    • Description: Deals with Raven and the Disputed Territories
    • Estimated Release Date: "Comes out in the summer, I imagine Gencon" (Cutter)
  • Stone and a Hard Place (Working Title)
    • Type: Plot Point Campaign
    • Description: Deals with Stone and covers the Southwest. Goal is to bring out the Spaghetti Western feel of the setting and each section header will hopefully be named after a Spaghetti Western
    • Estimated Release Date: "Farther along than the fourth one" (Cutter)
  • Trail Guide: The Great Weird North
    • Type: PDF setting supplement
    • Description: The third Trail Guide exploring Alaska and British Columbia
    • Estimated Release Date: "Out for editing, and should be in layout soon." (Cutter)
  • Trail Guide Compilation
    • Type: Explorer's Edition Compilation of individually published supplement PDFs
    • Description: "The intent for the Trail Guides is to collect the first three (the third, Alaska and British Colombia, I believe, is due out soon) books and print them as an Explorer's Edition compilation." (Joel).
    • Estimated Release Date: "It's in the works. I'm hoping to see something along the lines of a cover image... soon!" (Cutter)
  • Trail Guide: Back East
    • Type: Explorer's Edition Compilation of individually published supplement PDFs
    • Description: "Volume 2 is slated to be Trail Guide: Back East, compiling the forthcoming North and South Trail Guides." (Cutter).
    • Estimated Release Date: No information
  • Untitled Deadlands Relics Book
    • Type: Supplement book
    • Description: A book of Relics for a Deadlands campaign, featuring submissions from Deadlands fans.
    • Estimated Release Date: Not as many submissions as expected, so "it won't be written by me in the short term" (Cutter). A cryptic message was posted in thread about the book (Cutter).
  • Untitled Hellstrome Plot Point Campaign
    • Type: Plot Point Campaign
    • Description: Focusing on Hellstrome, takes place in Deseret, includes stats for the power first the Hellstrome miniature has (Cutter)
    • Estimated Release Date: "In the outline phase" (Cutter)
  • Evernight: Explorer's Edition
    • Type: Explorer's Edition Setting & Scripted Campaign
    • Description: An updated version of the Evernight campaign and setting, which has already been released in Polish by another company.
    • Estimated Release Date: Because much of the work has been done, sooner than most updated books (an annoucnement to that extent were on the Pinnacle main page, but isn't any more and Wayback Machine doesn't have a snapshort near that point).
Hell on Earth Reloaded
  • Hell on Earth Reloaded
    • Type: Hardbound, full-sized setting and Plot Point campaign
    • Description: An updated and Savaged version of the original Hell on Earth setting. "Plot Point is set post-Unity" (Cutter)
    • Estimated Release Date: When asked if it would be in 2011, "The Magic 8-Ball says, Signs point to yes." (Cutter) and "It's not going to make GenCon this year" (Shane)
Lost Colony Reloaded
  • Lost Colony Reloaded
    • Type: "likely to be a traditional setting + Plot Point." (Cutter)
    • Description: An updated and Savaged version of the original Lost Colony setting.
    • Estimated Release Date: "Don't get too excited; it's still years away. :)" (Cutter)
  • Rippers: Explorer's Edition
    • Type: Explorer's Edition Setting and Plot Point Campaign
    • Description: An updated version of the original Rippers book.
    • Estimated Release Date: No information
« Letzte Änderung: 25.05.2011 | 11:04 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon


  • Gast
Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #171 am: 29.05.2011 | 14:49 »

Kith'takharos prospers by monopolizing the harvesting and sale of valuable swamp plants. Recently, a harvesting team explored an island containing the greatest concentration of swamp plants discovered in a generation. Two Harvesters entered a cave and disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The survivors returned home, shaken by events they could not explain. The small Kith'takharos community was stunned.

Were the Harvesters killed by lethal denizens of the swamp? Does the cave hold dangerous new Harlass Orn ruins? The Order of the Jade Leaf needs discreet adventurers to learn the fate of the Harvesters and ensure the safety of future expeditions.

The swamp guards its secrets well, and punishes those who covet hidden treasures. Still, the lure of riches draws explorers into the unknown. Join the search for forgotten knowledge and unravel the first thread in the mystery of the lost reptilian race of Harlass Orn. The Missing Harvesters is a Savage Worlds adventure for 4-6 Novice and Seasoned characters.

This product contains a 50 page PDF for an estimated 15 hours of playing time.

The basic Kith'takharos Setting is available for free in a rules agnostic format at

Für 2,99$ bei rpgnow und drivethroughrpg

Almus Rundarig has gone missing and the Transit Guild wants to learn his fate. Why did Meryl Dunestal send Almus into the swamp and what did the explorer find? Was the mission as innocent as Meryl claims? And would the Order of the Jade Leaf oppose the Transit Guild if they knew the truth?

Discover exotic adventure and political machinations in the swamp village of Kith'takharos, a hub of bustling enterprise in the midst of an inhospitable environment. Well Met in Kith'takharos is a Savage Worlds adventure for 4-6 Novice Characters.

This product contains a 46 page PDF and provides an estimated 10-15 hours of playing time.

The basic Kith'takharos Setting is available for free in a rules agnostic format at

Für 2,99$ bei rpgnow und drivethroughrpg


  • Gast
Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #172 am: 3.06.2011 | 09:52 »

Iron Dynasty: Guidebook #4

Corners of Konoyo, the Iron Dynasty Guidebook Series, provides even more information about your favorite Heavy Metal Oriental setting!

Guidebook #4 takes you into the treacherous lands of Tahata Gaki, considered the most dangerous province in the Iron Dynasty. Explore the ancient, half-sunken ruins of cobwebbed swamps. Beware dangerous baku and dream eaters as you wend your way in search of lost treasures and, perhaps, a way to save this subjugated people. You'll find expanded information on Tahatan history, military structure and settlements, as well as new places of interest and more. Random encounter tables keyed specifically for the province, with all new people and creatures, fully immerse you into the setting more than ever before!

Autor(en): Sean Preston
Seiten: 38
Größe der Datei: 1.35 MB
File Last Updated: 2011-06-02

3$ bei onebookshelf (rpgnow/drivethroughrpg)

The Nine Towers

Nine ancient Teleportation Towers link the swamps surrounding Kith'takharos. Abandoned by the lost reptilian race of Harlass Orn, the towers remained undiscovered by outsiders...until now.

The Harlass Orn vanished over a thousand years ago. The survival of Kith'takharos depends on the fading magic and strange plants scavenged from Harlass Orn ruins. One man now threatens the tenuous prosperity wrested from the swamp by three generations of settlers.

 The ruthless archaeologist-mage Lenar Hoyt has stolen the most holy artifact of the Bright Water Swamp Men. The tribe holds Kith'takharos responsible, and will destroy the village unless the Order of the Jade Leaf retrieves Tarshal'din's Shining Spear. As the Swamp Man warriors gather for the assault, Hoyt activates the first Teleportation Tower.

 The Nine Towers is a Savage Worlds adventure for 4-6 Seasoned characters, with an estimated 25 hours of playing time. Immerse the characters in an environment of sticky heat, dense fog, and sudden danger as they pursue Lenar Hoyt across the swamp in great leaps of teleportation. Hoyt desperately searches for the origins of Tarshal'din's Shining Spear, driven by impulses he does not fully understand. Will the characters reach him and recover the Swamp Man artifact before the Bright Water carry out their threat?

 The Nine Towers also brings the characters one step closer to learning the true fate of the Harlass Orn, which will be revealed in the next Kith'takharos adventure: The Dreamers Awaken.

The 88 page PDF contains all the information necessary to run the adventure, as well as 6 Quick-Play PCs.

The basic Kith'takharos Setting is available for free in a rules agnostic format at

2.99$ bei onebookshelf (rpgnow/drivethroughrpg)


  • Gast
Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #173 am: 6.06.2011 | 07:23 »

The Dreamers Awaken

In your dreams, endless rows of reptilian humanoids lay upon couches. Each body writhes in pain, but you know with the unerring assurance of the dream that all are sleeping. A wavering voice swirls throughout the room, rising and falling in intensity, finally resolving into words: "When will the dreamers awaken?"

More than a thousand years ago, the reptilian race of Harlass Orn inhabited the swamps surrounding Kith'takharos. Their greatest architectural triumph was the construction of nine Teleportation Towers. These towers also precipitated the Harlass Orn downfall, for the magic employed in large-scale teleportation allowed malicious extra-dimensional creatures called Veilwalkers to enter normal space.

The Harlass Orn sought shelter in a magically protected refuge called Tarass Shar Orn. Here they planned to hibernate until the Veilwalkers left normal space. But the Veilwalker named Dreamseeker infiltrated Tarass Shar Orn and transformed the dreams of the sleeping Harlass Orn into perpetual nightmares. Now the Dreamseeker slowly consumes their minds.

The Dreamers Awaken is a Savage Worlds adventure for 4-6 Veteran characters, with an estimated 25 hours of playing time. The characters must enter Tarass Shar Orn to free the sleeping Harlass Orn, battling the Dreamseeker's constructs before confronting the Veilwalker in its place of power: the Dream Realm, where the laws of physics do not apply and thought becomes reality.

The 64 page PDF contains all the information necessary to run the adventure.

The Dreamers Awaken naturally follows The Nine Towers Kith'takharos adventure. The basic Kith'takharos Setting is available for free in a rules agnostic format at

2.99$ bei onebookshelf (rpgnow/drivethroughrpg)

Offline Master Li

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #174 am: 8.06.2011 | 06:36 »

Fantasy Kompendium

Jetzt auch als PDF.

Zitat von: Spielekram
Das Fantasy-Kompendium ist randvoll mit klassischen und neu gestalteten Elementen, die du wahlweise in deine laufende Fantasy-Runde einbauen oder als Sprungbrett für eine neue Kampagne jenseits deiner kühnsten Vorstellungen nutzen kannst.

In diesem praktischen Werk findest du neue Fantasy-Rassen, einen Leitfaden für die Entwicklung eigener Rassen, Regeln für Kampfschulen und Duelle, detaillierte Regeln für Belagerungen und Befestigungen, neue Talente und arkane Hintergründe (unter anderem Ritualmagie), Regeln für Zauberausprägungen, eine komplette Liste aller Mächte (inklusive mehr als zwei Dutzend neuer), eine riesige Sammlung von magischen Gegenständen, zusätzliche Ausrüstung, mehr Rüstungen, Waffen und Materialien für selbige, sowie ein umfangreiches Bestiarium an Kreaturen und Schurken. Das Material der englischen Originalausgabe wurde dabei noch einmal überarbeitet und mit zusätzlichen Inhalten versehen.

Rüste deinen Zwergenkrieger mit brandneuen Talenten und einer legendären Axt aus, auf dass er schrecklichen Drachen, abscheulichen Dämonen und selbst den gefürchteten Riesenbienen gewachsen ist! Die Kompendien-Reihe beinhaltet neues genre-spezifisches Material, das bereits spielfertig aufbereitet ist – es kann sofort losgehen. Erweitere deine Möglichkeiten und steigere deinen Spaß: Hol dir noch heute ein Kompendium!

Bei dem PDF handelt es sich um die erratierte Fassung 1.1 des Fantasy Kompendiums. Zum Öffnen und Lesen der Datei wird der kostenlose Acrobat Reader benötigt.
Viel Spaß.
Master Li und der Hamster des Todes